1 unit filter;
3 {
4     Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Olaf Klein, o.b.klein@gpsbabel.org
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
19 }
21 interface
23 uses
24   gnugettext, gnugettextDx,
25   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
26   StdCtrls, ComCtrls, Buttons, Mask, ExtCtrls, Registry,
27   common, utils;
29 type
30   TfrmFilter = class(TForm)
31     gbTracks: TGroupBox;
32     cbTrackTitle: TCheckBox;
33     edTrackTitleValue: TEdit;
34     cbTrackSplit: TCheckBox;
35     cbTrackTime: TCheckBox;
36     udTimeHours: TUpDown;
37     edTrackTimeHours: TEdit;
38     udTimeMinutes: TUpDown;
39     edTrackTimeMinutes: TEdit;
40     edTrackTimeDays: TEdit;
41     udTimeDays: TUpDown;
42     edTrackTimeSeconds: TEdit;
43     udTimeSeconds: TUpDown;
44     lbTimePlusMinus: TLabel;
45     lbTimeDays: TLabel;
46     lbTimeHours: TLabel;
47     lbTimeMinutes: TLabel;
48     lbTimeSeconds: TLabel;
49     cbTrackStart: TCheckBox;
50     dtpTrackStartDate: TDateTimePicker;
51     dtpTrackStartTime: TDateTimePicker;
52     cbTrackStop: TCheckBox;
53     dtpTrackStopDate: TDateTimePicker;
54     dtpTrackStopTime: TDateTimePicker;
55     gbRoutes: TGroupBox;
56     cbRouteSimplify: TCheckBox;
57     lbRouteSimplifyCount: TLabel;
58     edRoutesSimplifyMaxPoints: TMaskEdit;
59     udRouteSompifyMaxPoints: TUpDown;
60     lbRouteSimplifyText: TLabel;
61     pnBottom: TPanel;
62     btnOK: TBitBtn;
63     gbWaypoints: TGroupBox;
64     cbWayptMergeDupLoc: TCheckBox;
65     cbReverse: TCheckBox;
66     cbWayptMergeDupNames: TCheckBox;
67     cbWayptMergeDistance: TCheckBox;
68     cobWayptMergeDistUnit: TComboBox;
69     edWayptMergeDist: TEdit;
70     cbWayptSort: TCheckBox;
71     cbWayptMergeDups: TCheckBox;
72     btnCancel: TBitBtn;
73     cbTrackPack: TCheckBox;
74     cbTrackMerge: TCheckBox;
75     BitBtn1: TBitBtn;
76     cbWayptRadius: TCheckBox;
77     edWayptRadius: TEdit;
78     cobWayptRadiusUnit: TComboBox;
79     lbWayptRadiusLat: TLabel;
80     lbWayptRadiusLon: TLabel;
81     edWayptRadiusLat: TEdit;
82     edWayptRadiusLon: TEdit;
83     cbTrackRangeTimeZone: TCheckBox;
84     btnHelp: TBitBtn;
85     cbGPSfix: TCheckBox;
86     cbTrackCourse: TCheckBox;
87     cbTrackSpeed: TCheckBox;
88     gbTransform: TGroupBox;
89     cobTransformType: TComboBox;
90     cbTransform: TCheckBox;
91     cbTransformDelete: TCheckBox;
92     cobGPSfixes: TComboBox;
93     Panel1: TPanel;
94     gbMisc: TGroupBox;
95     cbSwapData: TCheckBox;
96     procedure cbTrackTimeClick(Sender: TObject);
97     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
98     procedure cbTrackTitleClick(Sender: TObject);
99     procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
100     procedure cbTrackStartClick(Sender: TObject);
101     procedure cbTrackStopClick(Sender: TObject);
102     procedure cbRouteSimplifyClick(Sender: TObject);
103     procedure cbTrackPackClick(Sender: TObject);
104     procedure cbTrackMergeClick(Sender: TObject);
105     procedure cbWayptMergeDistanceClick(Sender: TObject);
106     procedure cbWayptMergeDupsClick(Sender: TObject);
107     procedure cbWayptRadiusClick(Sender: TObject);
108     procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
109     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
110     procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
111       Shift: TShiftState);
112     procedure btnHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
113     procedure cbTransformClick(Sender: TObject);
114     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
115     procedure cbGPSfixClick(Sender: TObject);
116   private
117     { Private-Deklarationen }
118     lTrackTimeList: TList;
119     FTracksEnabled: Boolean;
120     FInitialValues: string;
AnyCheckednull121     function AnyChecked(Control: TWinControl): Boolean;
122     procedure EnableList(List: TList; Enable: Boolean = True);
123     procedure SetTracksEnabled(const Value: Boolean);
AllValidnull124     function AllValid: Boolean;
ValidateNumericalnull125     function ValidateNumerical(AEdit: TCustomEdit; AMin, AMax: Extended): Boolean;
126     procedure ChangeCheckBoxesChecked(AComponent: TComponent; Restore: Boolean = False);
127     procedure LoadSettingsFromInifile();
128     procedure LoadSettingsFromRegistry();
129     procedure StoreSettingsToInifile();
130     procedure StoreSettingsToRegistry();
131   public
132     { Public-Deklarationen }
CmdLinenull133     function CmdLine: string;
134     property TracksEnabled: Boolean read FTracksEnabled write SetTracksEnabled;
135   end;
137 type
138   eOutOfRange = class(Exception);
140 var
141   frmFilter: TfrmFilter = nil;
143 implementation
145 {$R *.DFM}
147 procedure FixPosition(AControl, LeftFromMe: TControl; IsText: Boolean);
148 begin
149   AControl.Left := LeftFromMe.Left + LeftFromMe.Width;
150   if (IsText) then
151     AControl.Left := AControl.Left + 4;
152 end;
154 procedure EnableAll(Parent: TWinControl; Enable: Boolean);
155 var
156   i: Integer;
157   c: TComponent;
158   master: TComponent;
159   ctrl: TControl;
160 begin
161   if (Parent = nil) then Exit;
162   master := Parent.Owner;
163   if (master = nil) then Exit;
164   for i := 0 to master.ComponentCount - 1 do
165   begin
166     c := master.Components[i];
167     if not(c.InheritsFrom(TControl)) then Continue;
168     ctrl := Pointer(c);
169     if not(ctrl.Parent = Parent) then Continue;
170     ctrl.Enabled := Enable;
171   end;
172 end;
174 { TfrmFilter }
176 procedure TfrmFilter.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
177 var
178   CurrentTime: TDateTime;
180 begin
181   TranslateComponent(SELF);
182   RestoreBounds('filter_form', Self);
184   cobTransformType.Items.Clear;
185   cobTransformType.Items.Add(_('Waypoints') + ' -> ' + _('Routes'));
186   cobTransformType.Items.Add(_('Routes') + ' -> ' + _('Waypoints'));
187   cobTransformType.Items.Add(_('Routes') + ' -> ' + _('Tracks'));
188   cobTransformType.Items.Add(_('Tracks') + ' -> ' + _('Routes'));
189   cobTransformType.Items.Add(_('Waypoints') + ' -> ' + _('Tracks'));
190   cobTransformType.Items.Add(_('Tracks') + ' -> ' + _('Waypoints'));
191   cobTransformType.ItemIndex := 0;
193   CurrentTime := SysUtils.Now;
194   dtpTrackStartDate.DateTime := Int(CurrentTime);
195   dtpTrackStopDate.DateTime := Int(CurrentTime);
197   lTrackTimeList := TList.Create;
199   lTrackTimeList.Add(edTrackTimeDays);
200   lTrackTimeList.Add(edTrackTimeHours);
201   lTrackTimeList.Add(edTrackTimeMinutes);
202   lTrackTimeList.Add(edTrackTimeSeconds);
204   EnableList(lTrackTimeList, False);
206   FixPosition(edTrackTimeDays, lbTimePlusMinus, True);
207   FixPosition(udTimeDays, edTrackTimeDays, False);
208   FixPosition(lbTimeDays, udTimeDays, True);
210   FixPosition(edTrackTimeHours, lbTimeDays, True);
211   FixPosition(udTimeHours, edTrackTimeHours, False);
212   FixPosition(lbTimeHours, udTimeHours, True);
214   FixPosition(edTrackTimeMinutes, lbTimeHours, True);
215   FixPosition(udTimeMinutes, edTrackTimeMinutes, False);
216   FixPosition(lbTimeMinutes, udTimeMinutes, True);
218   FixPosition(edTrackTimeSeconds, lbTimeMinutes, True);
219   FixPosition(udTimeSeconds, edTrackTimeSeconds, False);
220   FixPosition(lbTimeSeconds, udTimeSeconds, True);
222   FixPosition(lbWayptRadiusLat, cobWayptRadiusUnit, True);
223   FixPosition(edWayptRadiusLat, lbWayptRadiusLat, True);
224   FixPosition(lbWayptRadiusLon, edWayptRadiusLat, True);
225   FixPosition(edWayptRadiusLon, lbWayptRadiusLon, True);
227   // will not be translated, fill by hand
229   cobWayptMergeDistUnit.Items.Add(_('Feet'));
230   cobWayptMergeDistUnit.Items.Add(_('Meter'));
231   cobWayptMergeDistUnit.ItemIndex := 0;
233   cobWayptRadiusUnit.Items.Add(_('Miles'));
234   cobWayptRadiusUnit.Items.Add(_('Kilometer'));
235   cobWayptRadiusUnit.ItemIndex := 0;
237   dtpTrackStopTime.Time := 1 - (1.0 / (24*60*60));
239   // Enable/Disable depending on gpsbabel.exe version
241   if (common.gpsbabel_vfmt < '001.002.007') then
242   begin
243     EnableAll(gbTracks, False);
244     gbTracks.Hint := Format(_('Not supported by gpsbabel.exe, release %s!'), [
245       gpsbabel_version]);
246     gbTracks.ShowHint := True;
247   end;
249   if not(gpsbabel_knows_inifile) then
250   begin
251     cbGPSfix.Enabled := False;
252     cbTrackCourse.Enabled := False;
253     cbTrackSpeed.Enabled := False;
254     cobGPSfixes.Enabled := False;
255   end;
257   LoadSettingsFromRegistry();
259   gbTransform.Enabled := (common.gpsbabel_vfmt >= '001.003.002');
260   EnableAll(gbTransform, gbTransform.Enabled);
262   cobTransformType.Enabled := cbTransform.Checked;
263   cbTransformDelete.Enabled := cbTransform.Checked;
265   cbSwapData.Enabled := gpsbabel_knows_swap_filter;
266   gbMisc.Enabled := (cbSwapData.Enabled { or ... });
267 end;
ValidateNumericalnull269 function TfrmFilter.ValidateNumerical(AEdit: TCustomEdit; AMin, AMax: Extended): Boolean;
270 var
271   s: string;
272   v: Extended;
273 begin
274   Result := True;
275   if not(AEdit.Enabled) then Exit;
276   if (ModalResult <> mrOK)  then Exit;
278   Result := False;
279   s := Trim(AEdit.Text);
280   if (s = '') then s := '0';
281   while (Pos(',', s) <> 0) do
282     s[Pos(',', s)] := '.';
284   AEdit.Text := s;
286   try
287     v := SysUtils.StrToFloat(s);
288   except
289     on E: EConvertError do
290     begin
291       AEdit.SetFocus;
292       raise;
293     end;
294   end;
296   if (v < AMin) or (v > AMax) then
297   begin
298     AEdit.SetFocus;
299     raise eOutOfRange.CreateFmt(_('Value (%s) out of range (%g to %g)!'),
300       [s, AMin, AMax]);
301   end;
302   Result := True;
303 end;
305 procedure TfrmFilter.cbTrackTimeClick(Sender: TObject);
306 begin
307   EnableList(lTrackTimeList, cbTrackTime.Checked);
308 end;
310 procedure TfrmFilter.EnableList(List: TList; Enable: Boolean);
311 var
312   i: Integer;
313   o: TObject;
314 begin
315   for i := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
316   begin
317     o := Pointer(List.Items[i]);
318     if (o is TControl) then
319       with o as TControl do
320         Enabled := Enable;
321   end;
322 end;
324 procedure TfrmFilter.cbTrackTitleClick(Sender: TObject);
325 begin
326   edTrackTitleValue.Enabled := cbTrackTitle.Checked;
327 end;
TfrmFilter.CmdLinenull329 function TfrmFilter.CmdLine: string;
331   procedure SimpleOption(var CmdLine: string; CheckBox: TCheckBox; const Option: string);
332   begin
333     if (CheckBox.Checked) then
334       CmdLine := Format('%s -x %s', [CmdLine, Option]);
335   end;
337 var
338   s: string;
339   tz_Info: TTimeZoneInformation;
340   dt: TDateTime;
341   dt_bias: TDateTime;
342 begin
343   Result := '';
344   if not AnyChecked(Self) then Exit;
346   Result := '';
348   if cbSwapData.Checked then
349   begin
350     Result := Format('%s -x %s', [Result, 'swap']);
351   end;
353   if gbTransform.Enabled and cbTransform.Checked then
354   begin
355     Result := Format('%s -x %s', [Result, 'transform,']);
356     case cobTransformType.ItemIndex of
357       0: Result := Result + 'rte=wpt';
358       1: Result := Result + 'wpt=rte';
359       2: Result := Result + 'trk=rte';
360       3: Result := Result + 'rte=trk';
361       4: Result := Result + 'trk=wpt';
362       5: Result := Result + 'wpt=trk';
363     end;
364     if cbTransformDelete.Checked then
365       Result := Result + ',del=y' else
366       Result := Result + ',del=n';
367   end;
368   if AnyChecked(gbWaypoints) then
369   begin
370     if cbWayptMergeDups.Checked and
371        (cbWayptMergeDupNames.Checked or cbWayptMergeDupLoc.Checked) then
372     begin
373       Result := Format('%s -x %s', [Result, 'duplicate']);
374       if cbWayptMergeDupNames.Checked then
375         Result := Format('%s,%s', [Result, 'shortname']);
376       if cbWayptMergeDupLoc.Checked then
377         Result := Format('%s,%s', [Result, 'location']);
378     end;
379     if cbWayptMergeDistance.Checked then
380     begin
381       Result := Format('%s -x position,distance=%s', [Result, edWayptMergeDist.Text]);
382       if (cobWayptMergeDistUnit.ItemIndex = 0) then
383         Result := Result + 'f' else
384         Result := Result + 'm';
385     end;
386     if cbWayptRadius.Checked then
387     begin
388       Result := Format('%s -x radius,distance=%s', [Result, edWayptRadius.Text]);
389       if (cobWayptRadiusUnit.ItemIndex = 0) then
390         Result := Result + 'M' else
391         Result := Result + 'K';
392       Result := Format('%s,lat=%s,lon=%s', [Result, edWayptRadiusLat.Text, edWayptRadiusLon.Text]);
393     end;
394     SimpleOption(Result, cbWayptSort, 'sort');
395   end;
397   if AnyChecked(gbTracks) then
398   begin
399     Result := Format('%s -x %s', [Result, 'track']);
400     if cbTrackTitle.Checked then
401       Result := Format('%s,title="%s"', [Result, edTrackTitleValue.Text]);
403     if cbTrackTime.Checked then
404     begin
405       s := Format('%sd%sh%sm%ss',
406         [edTrackTimeDays.Text, edTrackTimeHours.Text,
407          edTrackTimeMinutes.Text, edTrackTimeSeconds.Text]);
408       if (s <> '0d0h0m0s') then
409         Result := Format('%s,move=%s', [Result, s]);
410     end;
412     if cbTrackPack.Checked then
413       Result := Format('%s,pack', [Result])
414     else if cbTrackMerge.Checked then
415       Result := Format('%s,merge', [Result]);
417     if cbTrackSplit.Checked then
418       Result := Format('%s,split', [Result]);
420     if (cbTrackRangeTimeZone.Enabled and cbTrackRangeTimeZone.Checked) then
421     begin
422       Windows.GetTimeZoneInformation(tz_Info);
423       tz_Info.Bias := tz_Info.Bias + tz_Info.DaylightBias;
424       dt_bias := tz_Info.Bias / (24*60);
425     end
426     else
427       dt_bias := 0.0;
429     if cbTrackStart.Checked then
430     begin
431       dt := Int(dtpTrackStartDate.DateTime) + Frac(dtpTrackStartTime.DateTime) + dt_bias;
432       Result := Format('%s,start=%s', [
433         Result,
434         FormatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnss', dt)]);
435     end;
436     if cbTrackStop.Checked then
437     begin
438       dt := Int(dtpTrackStopDate.DateTime) + Frac(dtpTrackStopTime.DateTime) + dt_bias;
439       Result := Format('%s,stop=%s', [
440         Result,
441         FormatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnss', dt)]);
442     end;
443     if cbGPSfix.Checked then
444       Result := Format('%s,fix=%s', [Result, cobGPSfixes.Text]);
445     if cbTrackCourse.Checked then
446       Result := Format('%s,course', [Result]);
447     if cbTrackSpeed.Checked then
448       Result := Format('%s,speed', [Result]);
449   end;
451   if AnyChecked(gbRoutes) then
452   begin
453     if cbRouteSimplify.Checked then
454       Result := Format('%s -x simplify,count=%s',
455         [Result, Trim(edRoutesSimplifyMaxPoints.Text)]);
457     SimpleOption(Result, cbReverse, 'reverse');
458   end;
459 end;
AnyCheckednull461 function TfrmFilter.AnyChecked(Control: TWinControl): Boolean;
462 var
463   i: Integer;
464   c: TWinControl;
465 begin
466   Result := False;
467   for i := 0 to Self.ComponentCount - 1 do
468   begin
469     c := Pointer(Self.Components[i]);
470     if not(c.InheritsFrom(TWinControl)) then Continue;
471     if (c.parent <> Control) then Continue;
473     if ((c is TCheckBox) and TCheckBox(c).Enabled) then
474       Result := TCheckBox(c).Checked else
475     if ((c is TGroupBox) and c.Enabled) then
476       Result := AnyChecked(c) else
477     if (c is TPanel) then
478       Result := AnyChecked(c);
480     if (Result) then Exit;
481   end;
482 end;
484 procedure TfrmFilter.SetTracksEnabled(const Value: Boolean);
485 begin
486   FTracksEnabled := Value;
487   gbTracks.Enabled := Value;
488 end;
TfrmFilter.AllValidnull490 function TfrmFilter.AllValid: Boolean;
491 begin
492   Result := True;
493 end;
495 procedure TfrmFilter.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
496 begin
497   if AllValid then
498   begin
499 //  StoreSettingsToInifile();
500     StoreSettingsToRegistry();
501     ModalResult := mrOK;
502   end;
503 end;
505 procedure TfrmFilter.cbTrackStartClick(Sender: TObject);
506 begin
507   dtpTrackStartDate.Enabled := cbTrackStart.Checked;
508   dtpTrackStartTime.Enabled := cbTrackStart.Checked;
509   cbTrackRangeTimeZone.Enabled :=
510     cbTrackStart.Checked or cbTrackStop.Checked;
511 end;
513 procedure TfrmFilter.cbTrackStopClick(Sender: TObject);
514 begin
515   dtpTrackStopDate.Enabled := cbTrackStop.Checked;
516   dtpTrackStopTime.Enabled := cbTrackStop.Checked;
517   cbTrackRangeTimeZone.Enabled :=
518     cbTrackStart.Checked or cbTrackStop.Checked;
519 end;
521 procedure TfrmFilter.cbRouteSimplifyClick(Sender: TObject);
522 begin
523   edRoutesSimplifyMaxPoints.Enabled := cbRouteSimplify.Checked;
524 end;
526 procedure TfrmFilter.cbTrackPackClick(Sender: TObject);
527 begin
528   if cbTrackPack.Checked then
529     cbTrackMerge.Checked := False;
530 end;
532 procedure TfrmFilter.cbTrackMergeClick(Sender: TObject);
533 begin
534   if cbTrackMerge.Checked then
535     cbTrackPack.Checked := False;
536 end;
538 procedure TfrmFilter.cbWayptMergeDistanceClick(Sender: TObject);
539 begin
540   edWayptMergeDist.Enabled := cbWayptMergeDistance.Checked;
541   cobWayptMergeDistUnit.Enabled := cbWayptMergeDistance.Checked;
542 end;
544 procedure TfrmFilter.cbWayptMergeDupsClick(Sender: TObject);
545 begin
546   cbWayptMergeDupLoc.Enabled := cbWayptMergeDups.Checked;
547   cbWayptMergeDupNames.Enabled := cbWayptMergeDups.Checked;
548 end;
550 procedure TfrmFilter.cbWayptRadiusClick(Sender: TObject);
551 begin
552   edWayptRadius.Enabled := cbWayptRadius.Checked;
553   cobWayptRadiusUnit.Enabled := cbWayptRadius.Checked;
554   edWayptRadiusLat.Enabled := cbWayptRadius.Checked;
555   edWayptRadiusLon.Enabled := cbWayptRadius.Checked;
556 end;
558 procedure TfrmFilter.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject;
559   var CanClose: Boolean);
560 begin
561   if (ModalResult <> mrOK) then
562   begin
563     ChangeCheckBoxesChecked(Self, True);
564     CanClose := True;
565     Exit;
566   end;
567   CanClose :=
568     ValidateNumerical(edWayptRadius, 0, 99999) and
569     ValidateNumerical(edWayptRadiusLat, -90, 90) and
570     ValidateNumerical(edWayptRadiusLon, -180, 180) and
571     ValidateNumerical(edWayptMergeDist, 0, 99999999) and
572     ValidateNumerical(edRoutesSimplifyMaxPoints, 1, 9999);
573   ChangeCheckBoxesChecked(Self, False);
574 end;
576 procedure TfrmFilter.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
577 begin
578   ChangeCheckBoxesChecked(Self);
579   FInitialValues := CmdLine;
580 end;
582 procedure TfrmFilter.ChangeCheckBoxesChecked(AComponent: TComponent; Restore: Boolean = False);
583 var
584   i, j: Integer;
585   c: TComponent;
586 begin
587   j := AComponent.ComponentCount;
588   for i := 0 to j - 1 do
589   begin
590     c := AComponent.Components[i];
591     if (c is TCheckBox) then
592     begin
593       if (Restore) then
594         TCheckBox(c).Checked := (c.Tag <> 0) else
595         c.Tag := Integer(TCheckBox(c).Checked);
596     end
597     else if (c.ComponentCount > 0) then
598       ChangeCheckBoxesChecked(c);
599   end;
600 end;
602 procedure TfrmFilter.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
603   Shift: TShiftState);
604 var
605   str: string;
606 begin
607   if (Key <> 27) then Exit;
610   str := Self.CmdLine;
611   if (str <> FInitialValues) then
612   begin
613     if not(MessageDlg(_('Discard changes?'), mtWarning, mbOKCancel, 0) = mrOK) then
614       Exit;
615   end;
616   ModalResult := mrCancel;
617 end;
619 procedure TfrmFilter.btnHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
620 begin
621   WinOpenURL(readme_html_path + '#Data_Filters');
622 end;
624 procedure TfrmFilter.LoadSettingsFromInifile();
625 var
626   c: TComponent;
627   i: Integer;
628   l: TStrings;
629   s: string;
630 begin
631 (*
632   l := TStringList.Create;
633   try
634     gpsbabel_ini.ReadSection('GPSBabelGUI', l);
635     for i := 0 to l.Count - 1 do
636     begin
637       s := l.Strings[i];
638       c := SELF.FindComponent('cb' + s);
639       if (c <> nil) and (c is TCheckbox) then
640         TCheckbox(c).Checked := (gpsbabel_ini.ReadString('GPSBabelGUI', s, '0') <> '0');
641     end;
642     edTrackTitleValue.Text := gpsbabel_ini.ReadString('track', 'title',
643       edTrackTitleValue.Text);
644     edRoutesSimplifyMaxPoints.Text := gpsbabel_ini.ReadString('simplify', 'count',
645       edRoutesSimplifyMaxPoints.Text);
646   finally
647     l.Free;
648   end;
649 *)
650 end;
652 procedure TfrmFilter.StoreSettingsToInifile();
653 var
654   i: Integer;
655   c: TComponent;
656 begin
657 (*
658   for i := 0 to SELF.ComponentCount - 1 do
659   begin
660     c := SELF.Components[i];
661     if (c is TCheckBox) then
662     begin
663       if TCheckBox(c).Checked then
664         gpsbabel_ini.WriteString('GPSBabelGUI', Copy(TCheckbox(c).Name, 3, 256), '1')
665       else
666         gpsbabel_ini.DeleteKey('GPSBabelGUI', Copy(TCheckbox(c).Name, 3, 256));
667     end;
668   end;
670   if cbTrackTitle.Checked then
671     gpsbabel_ini.WriteString('track', 'title', edTrackTitleValue.Text)
672   else
673     gpsbabel_ini.DeleteKey('track', 'title');
675   if cbRouteSimplify.Checked then
676     gpsbabel_ini.WriteString('simplify', 'count', edRoutesSimplifyMaxPoints.Text)
677   else
678     gpsbabel_ini.DeleteKey('simplify', 'count');
679 *)
680 end;
682 procedure TfrmFilter.StoreSettingsToRegistry();
683 var
684   i: Integer;
685   c: TComponent;
686   r: TRegistry;
687 begin
688   r := TRegistry.Create;
689   try
690     r.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
691     if not(r.OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\GPSBabel', True)) then Exit;
693     for i := 0 to SELF.ComponentCount - 1 do
694     begin
695       c := SELF.Components[i];
696       if (c is TCheckbox) then
697         r.WriteBool('filter:' + Copy(c.Name, 3, 256), TCheckBox(c).Checked)
698       else if (c is TEdit) then
699         r.WriteString('filter:' + Copy(c.Name, 3, 256), TEdit(c).Text)
700       else if (c is TCombobox) then
701         r.WriteString('filter:' + Copy(c.Name, 4, 256), IntToStr(TCombobox(c).ItemIndex));
702     end;
703   finally
704     r.Free;
705   end;
706 end;
708 procedure TfrmFilter.LoadSettingsFromRegistry();
709 var
710   i: Integer;
711   c: TComponent;
712   r: TRegistry;
713   s: string;
714   u: TUpDown;
ReadStringnull716   function ReadString(R: TRegistry; const Key, Def: string): string;
717   begin
718     if R.ValueExists(Key) then
719       Result := R.ReadString(Key)
720     else
721       Result := Def;
722   end;
724 begin
725   r := TRegistry.Create;
726   try
727     r.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
728     if not(r.OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\GPSBabel', True)) then Exit;
730     for i := 0 to SELF.ComponentCount - 1 do
731     begin
732       c := SELF.Components[i];
733       try
734         if (c is TCheckbox) then
735           TCheckBox(c).Checked := r.ReadBool('filter:' + Copy(c.Name, 3, 256))
736         else if (c is TEdit) then
737         begin
738           s := ReadString(r, 'filter:' + Copy(c.Name, 3, 256), TEdit(c).Text);
739           if HasUpDown(TEdit(c), u) then
740             u.Position := StrToInt(s)
741           else
742             TEdit(c).Text := s;
743         end
744         else if (c is TCombobox) then
745         begin
746           s := ReadString(r, 'filter:' + Copy(c.Name, 4, 256), '0');
747           TCombobox(c).ItemIndex := StrToIntDef(s, 0);
748         end;
749       except
750         on E: Exception do ;
751       end;
752     end;
753   finally
754     r.Free;
755   end;
756 end;
758 procedure TfrmFilter.cbTransformClick(Sender: TObject);
759 begin
760   cobTransformType.Enabled := cbTransform.Checked;
761   cbTransformDelete.Enabled := cbTransform.Checked;
762 end;
764 procedure TfrmFilter.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
765 begin
766   StoreBounds('filter_form', Self);
767 end;
769 procedure TfrmFilter.cbGPSfixClick(Sender: TObject);
770 begin
771   cobGPSfixes.Enabled := TCheckBox(Sender).Checked;
772 end;
774 end.