1 unit gnugettext;
2 (**************************************************************)
3 (*                                                            *)
4 (*  (C) Copyright by Lars B. Dybdahl and others               *)
5 (*  E-mail: Lars@dybdahl.dk, phone +45 70201241               *)
6 (*  File version: $Date: 2005-12-06 00:25:47 $                *)
7 (*  Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $                          *)
8 (*                                                            *)
9 (*  Contributors: Peter Thornqvist, Troy Wolbrink,            *)
10 (*                Frank Andreas de Groot, Igor Siticov,       *)
11 (*                Jacques Garcia Vazquez                      *)
12 (*                                                            *)
13 (*  See http://dybdahl.dk/dxgettext/ for more information     *)
14 (*                                                            *)
15 (**************************************************************)
17 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
18 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
19 //
20 // The names of any contributor may not be used to endorse or promote
21 // products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
22 //
34 interface
36 // If the conditional define DXGETTEXTDEBUG is defined, debugging log is activated.
37 // Use DefaultInstance.DebugLogToFile() to write the log to a file.
38 { $define DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
40 {$ifdef VER100}
41   // Delphi 3
44 {$endif}
45 {$ifdef VER110}
46   // C++ Builder 3
49 {$endif}
50 {$ifdef VER120}
51   // Delphi 4
55 {$endif}
56 {$ifdef VER125}
57   // C++ Builder 4
60 {$endif}
61 {$ifdef VER130}
62   // Delphi 5
65   {$ifdef WIN32}
67   {$endif}
68 {$endif}
69 {$ifdef VER135}
70   // C++ Builder 5
73   {$ifdef WIN32}
75   {$endif}
76 {$endif}
77 {$ifdef VER140}
78   // Delphi 6
79 {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
81 {$endif}
82 {$endif}
83 {$ifdef VER150}
84   // Delphi 7
85 {$endif}
87 uses
88   TypInfo,
89 {$ifdef DELPHI4OROLDER}
90   gnugettextD4,
91 {$else}
92   {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
93     gnugettextD5,
94   {$endif}
95 {$endif}
97 {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
98   Windows,
99   Delphi,
100 {$else}
101   Libc,
102 {$endif}
103   Classes, SysUtils;
105 (*****************************************************************************)
106 (*                                                                           *)
107 (*  MAIN API                                                                 *)
108 (*                                                                           *)
109 (*****************************************************************************)
111 // Main GNU gettext functions. See documentation for instructions on how to use them.
_null112 function _(const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
gettextnull113 function gettext(const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
dgettextnull114 function dgettext(const szDomain: string; const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
dngettextnull115 function dngettext(const szDomain: string; const singular,plural: widestring; Number:longint): widestring;
ngettextnull116 function ngettext(const singular,plural: widestring; Number:longint): widestring;
117 procedure textdomain(const szDomain: string);
getcurrenttextdomainnull118 function getcurrenttextdomain: string;
119 procedure bindtextdomain(const szDomain: string; const szDirectory: string);
121 // Set language to use
122 procedure UseLanguage(LanguageCode: string);
GetCurrentLanguagenull123 function GetCurrentLanguage:string;
125 // Translates a component (form, frame etc.) to the currently selected language.
126 // Put TranslateComponent(self) in the OnCreate event of all your forms.
127 // See the manual for documentation on these functions
128 type
129   TTranslator=procedure (obj:TObject) of object;
131 procedure TP_Ignore(AnObject:TObject; const name:string);
132 procedure TP_IgnoreClass (IgnClass:TClass);
133 procedure TP_IgnoreClassProperty (IgnClass:TClass;const propertyname:string);
134 procedure TP_GlobalIgnoreClass (IgnClass:TClass);
135 procedure TP_GlobalIgnoreClassProperty (IgnClass:TClass;const propertyname:string);
136 procedure TP_GlobalHandleClass (HClass:TClass;Handler:TTranslator);
137 procedure TranslateComponent(AnObject: TComponent; const TextDomain:string='');
138 procedure RetranslateComponent(AnObject: TComponent; const TextDomain:string='');
140 // Add more domains that resourcestrings can be extracted from. If a translation
141 // is not found in the default domain, this domain will be searched, too.
142 // This is useful for adding mo files for certain runtime libraries and 3rd
143 // party component libraries
144 procedure AddDomainForResourceString (const domain:string);
145 procedure RemoveDomainForResourceString (const domain:string);
147 // Unicode-enabled way to get resourcestrings, automatically translated
148 // Use like this: ws:=LoadResStringW(@NameOfResourceString);
LoadResStringnull149 function LoadResString(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): widestring;
LoadResStringAnull150 function LoadResStringA(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): ansistring;
LoadResStringWnull151 function LoadResStringW(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): widestring;
153 // This returns an empty string if not translated or translator name is not specified.
GetTranslatorNameAndEmailnull154 function GetTranslatorNameAndEmail:widestring;
157 (*****************************************************************************)
158 (*                                                                           *)
159 (*  ADVANCED FUNCTIONALITY                                                   *)
160 (*                                                                           *)
161 (*****************************************************************************)
163 const
164   DefaultTextDomain = 'default';
166 var
167   ExecutableFilename:string;    // This is set to paramstr(0) or the name of the DLL you are creating.
169 type
170   EGnuGettext=class(Exception);
171   EGGProgrammingError=class(EGnuGettext);
172   EGGComponentError=class(EGnuGettext);
173   EGGIOError=class(EGnuGettext);
174   EGGAnsi2WideConvError=class(EGnuGettext);
willnull176 // This function will turn resourcestring hooks on or off, eventually with BPL file support.
177 // Please do not activate BPL file support when the package is in design mode.
178 const AutoCreateHooks=true;
179 procedure HookIntoResourceStrings (enabled:boolean=true; SupportPackages:boolean=false);
184 (*****************************************************************************)
185 (*                                                                           *)
186 (*  CLASS based implementation.                                              *)
187 (*  Use TGnuGettextInstance to have more than one language                   *)
188 (*  in your application at the same time                                     *)
189 (*                                                                           *)
190 (*****************************************************************************)
192 {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
193 {$ifndef DELPHI6OROLDER}
197 {$endif}
198 {$endif}
200 type
201   TOnDebugLine = Procedure (Sender: TObject; const Line: String; var Discard: Boolean) of Object;  // Set Discard to false if output should still go to ordinary debug log
202   TGetPluralForm=function (Number:Longint):Integer;
203   TDebugLogger=procedure (line: ansistring) of object;
204   TMoFile= // Don't use this class. It's for internal use.
205     class // Threadsafe. Only constructor and destructor are writing to memory
206     private
207       doswap: boolean;
208     public
209       Users:Integer; // Reference count. If it reaches zero, this object should be destroyed.
210       constructor Create (filename:string;Offset,Size:int64);
211       destructor Destroy; override;
gettextnull212       function gettext(const msgid: ansistring;var found:boolean): ansistring; // uses mo file
213       property isSwappedArchitecture:boolean read doswap;
214     private
215       N, O, T: Cardinal; // Values defined at http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/gettext/html_chapter/gettext_6.html
216       startindex,startstep:integer;
217       {$ifdef mswindows}
218       mo: THandle;
219       momapping: THandle;
220       {$endif}
221       momemoryHandle:PChar;
222       momemory: PChar;
autoswap32null223       function autoswap32(i: cardinal): cardinal;
CardinalInMemnull224       function CardinalInMem(baseptr: PChar; Offset: Cardinal): Cardinal;
225     end;
226   TDomain= // Don't use this class. It's for internal use.
227     class
228     private
229       Enabled:boolean;
230       vDirectory: string;
231       procedure setDirectory(const dir: string);
232     public
233       DebugLogger:TDebugLogger;
234       Domain: string;
235       property Directory: string read vDirectory write setDirectory;
236       constructor Create;
237       destructor Destroy; override;
238       // Set parameters
239       procedure SetLanguageCode (const langcode:string);
240       procedure SetFilename (const filename:string); // Bind this domain to a specific file
241       // Get information
242       procedure GetListOfLanguages(list:TStrings);
GetTranslationPropertynull243       function GetTranslationProperty(Propertyname: string): WideString;
gettextnull244       function gettext(const msgid: ansistring): ansistring; // uses mo file
245     private
246       mofile:TMoFile;
247       SpecificFilename:string;
248       curlang: string;
249       OpenHasFailedBefore: boolean;
250       procedure OpenMoFile;
251       procedure CloseMoFile;
252     end;
253   TExecutable=
254     class
255       procedure Execute; virtual; abstract;
256     end;
257   TGnuGettextInstance=
258     class
259     private
260       fOnDebugLine:TOnDebugLine;
261       CreatorThread:Cardinal;  // Only this thread can use LoadResString
262     public
263       Enabled:Boolean;      // Set this to false to disable translations
264       DesignTimeCodePage:Integer;  // See MultiByteToWideChar() in Win32 API for documentation
265       constructor Create;
266       destructor Destroy; override;
267       procedure UseLanguage(LanguageCode: string);
268       procedure GetListOfLanguages (const domain:string; list:TStrings); // Puts list of language codes, for which there are translations in the specified domain, into list
269       {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
gettextnull270       function gettext(const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
ngettextnull271       function ngettext(const singular,plural:widestring;Number:longint):widestring;
272       {$endif}
273       {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
gettextnull274       function gettext(const szMsgId: ansistring): widestring; overload;
gettextnull275       function gettext(const szMsgId: widestring): widestring; overload;
ngettextnull276       function ngettext(const singular,plural:ansistring;Number:longint):widestring; overload;
ngettextnull277       function ngettext(const singular,plural:widestring;Number:longint):widestring; overload;
278       {$endif}
GetCurrentLanguagenull279       function GetCurrentLanguage:string;
GetTranslationPropertynull280       function GetTranslationProperty (const Propertyname:string):WideString;
GetTranslatorNameAndEmailnull281       function GetTranslatorNameAndEmail:widestring;
283       // Form translation tools, these are not threadsafe. All TP_ procs must be called just before TranslateProperites()
284       procedure TP_Ignore(AnObject:TObject; const name:string);
285       procedure TP_IgnoreClass (IgnClass:TClass);
286       procedure TP_IgnoreClassProperty (IgnClass:TClass;propertyname:string);
287       procedure TP_GlobalIgnoreClass (IgnClass:TClass);
288       procedure TP_GlobalIgnoreClassProperty (IgnClass:TClass;propertyname:string);
289       procedure TP_GlobalHandleClass (HClass:TClass;Handler:TTranslator);
290       procedure TranslateProperties(AnObject: TObject; textdomain:string='');
291       procedure TranslateComponent(AnObject: TComponent; const TextDomain:string='');
292       procedure RetranslateComponent(AnObject: TComponent; const TextDomain:string='');
294       // Multi-domain functions
295       {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
dgettextnull296       function dgettext(const szDomain: string; const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
dngettextnull297       function dngettext(const szDomain: string; const singular,plural:widestring;Number:longint):widestring;
298       {$endif}
299       {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
dgettextnull300       function dgettext(const szDomain: string; const szMsgId: ansistring): widestring; overload;
dgettextnull301       function dgettext(const szDomain: string; const szMsgId: widestring): widestring; overload;
dngettextnull302       function dngettext(const szDomain: string; const singular,plural:ansistring;Number:longint):widestring; overload;
dngettextnull303       function dngettext(const szDomain: string; const singular,plural:widestring;Number:longint):widestring; overload;
304       {$endif}
305       procedure textdomain(const szDomain: string);
getcurrenttextdomainnull306       function getcurrenttextdomain: string;
307       procedure bindtextdomain(const szDomain: string; const szDirectory: string);
308       procedure bindtextdomainToFile (const szDomain: string; const filename: string); // Also works with files embedded in exe file
310       // Windows API functions
LoadResStringnull311       function LoadResString(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): widestring;
313       // Output all log info to this file. This may only be called once.
314       procedure DebugLogToFile (const filename:string; append:boolean=false);
315       procedure DebugLogPause (PauseEnabled:boolean);
316       property  OnDebugLine: TOnDebugLine read fOnDebugLine write fOnDebugLine; // If set, all debug output goes here
318       // Conversion according to design-time character set
ansi2widenull319       function ansi2wide (const s:ansistring):widestring;
320     protected
321       procedure TranslateStrings (sl:TStrings;const TextDomain:string);
323       // Override these three, if you want to inherited from this class
324       // to create a new class that handles other domain and language dependent
325       // issues
326       procedure WhenNewLanguage (const LanguageID:string); virtual;         // Override to know when language changes
327       procedure WhenNewDomain (const TextDomain:string); virtual; // Override to know when text domain changes. Directory is purely informational
328       procedure WhenNewDomainDirectory (const TextDomain,Directory:string); virtual; // Override to know when any text domain's directory changes. It won't be called if a domain is fixed to a specific file.
329     private
330       curlang: string;
331       curGetPluralForm:TGetPluralForm;
332       curmsgdomain: string;
333       savefileCS: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
334       savefile: TextFile;
335       savememory: TStringList;
336       DefaultDomainDirectory:string;
337       domainlist: TStringList;     // List of domain names. Objects are TDomain.
338       TP_IgnoreList:TStringList;   // Temporary list, reset each time TranslateProperties is called
339       TP_ClassHandling:TList;      // Items are TClassMode. If a is derived from b, a comes first
340       TP_GlobalClassHandling:TList;      // Items are TClassMode. If a is derived from b, a comes first
341       TP_Retranslator:TExecutable; // Cast this to TTP_Retranslator
342       DebugLogCS:TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
343       DebugLog:TStream;
344       DebugLogOutputPaused:Boolean;
TP_CreateRetranslatornull345       function TP_CreateRetranslator:TExecutable;  // Must be freed by caller!
346       procedure FreeTP_ClassHandlingItems;
347       procedure DebugWriteln(line: ansistring);
348       procedure TranslateProperty(AnObject: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo;
349         TodoList: TStrings; const TextDomain:string);
Getdomainnull350       function Getdomain(const domain, DefaultDomainDirectory, CurLang: string): TDomain;  // Translates a single property of an object
351     end;
353 var
354   DefaultInstance:TGnuGettextInstance;
356 implementation
358 (**************************************************************************)
359 // Some comments on the implementation:
360 // This unit should be independent of other units where possible.
361 // It should have a small footprint in any way.
362 (**************************************************************************)
363 // TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer is used instead of TCriticalSection
364 // because it makes this unit independent of the SyncObjs unit
365 (**************************************************************************)
367 {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
368 uses
369   FileCtrl;
370 {$endif}
372 type
373   TTP_RetranslatorItem=
374     class
375       obj:TObject;
376       Propname:string;
377       OldValue:WideString;
378     end;
379   TTP_Retranslator=
380     class (TExecutable)
381       TextDomain:string;
382       Instance:TGnuGettextInstance;
383       constructor Create;
384       destructor Destroy; override;
385       procedure Remember (obj:TObject; PropName:String; OldValue:WideString);
386       procedure Execute; override;
387     private
388       list:TList;
389     end;
390   TEmbeddedFileInfo=
391     class
392       offset,size:int64;
393     end;
394   TFileLocator=
395     class // This class finds files even when embedded inside executable
396       constructor Create;
397       destructor Destroy; override;
398       procedure Analyze;  // List files embedded inside executable
FileExistsnull399       function FileExists (filename:string):boolean;
GetMoFilenull400       function GetMoFile (filename:string;DebugLogger:TDebugLogger):TMoFile;
401       procedure ReleaseMoFile (mofile:TMoFile);
402     private
403       basedirectory:string;
404       filelist:TStringList; //Objects are TEmbeddedFileInfo. Filenames are relative to .exe file
405       MoFilesCS:TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
406       MoFiles:TStringList; // Objects are filenames+offset, objects are TMoFile
ReadInt64null407       function ReadInt64 (str:TStream):int64;
408     end;
409   TGnuGettextComponentMarker=
410     class (TComponent)
411     public
412       LastLanguage:string;
413       Retranslator:TExecutable;
414       destructor Destroy; override;
415     end;
416   TClassMode=
417     class
418       HClass:TClass;
419       SpecialHandler:TTranslator;
420       PropertiesToIgnore:TStringList; // This is ignored if Handler is set
421       constructor Create;
422       destructor Destroy; override;
423     end;
424   TRStrinfo = record
425     strlength, stroffset: cardinal;
426   end;
427   TStrInfoArr = array[0..10000000] of TRStrinfo;
428   PStrInfoArr = ^TStrInfoArr;
429   TCharArray5=array[0..4] of ansichar;
430   THook=  // Replaces a runtime library procedure with a custom procedure
431     class
432     public
433       constructor Create (OldProcedure, NewProcedure: pointer; FollowJump:boolean=false);
434       destructor Destroy; override;  // Restores unhooked state
435       procedure Reset (FollowJump:boolean=false); // Disables and picks up patch points again
436       procedure Disable;
437       procedure Enable;
438     private
439       oldproc,newproc:Pointer;
440       Patch:TCharArray5;
441       Original:TCharArray5;
442       PatchPosition:PChar;
443       procedure Shutdown; // Same as destroy, except that object is not destroyed
444     end;
446 var
447   // System information
448   Win32PlatformIsUnicode:boolean=False;
450   // Information about files embedded inside .exe file
451   FileLocator:TFileLocator;
453   // Hooks into runtime library functions
454   ResourceStringDomainListCS:TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
455   ResourceStringDomainList:TStringList;
456   HookLoadResString:THook;
457   HookLoadStr:THook;
458   HookFmtLoadStr:THook;
GGGetEnvironmentVariablenull460 function GGGetEnvironmentVariable(const Name:string):string;
461 var
462   Len: integer;
463   W : String;
464 begin
465   Result := '';
466   SetLength(W,1);
467   Len := Windows.GetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(Name), PChar(W), 1);
468   if Len > 0 then begin
469     SetLength(Result, Len - 1);
470     Windows.GetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(Name), PChar(Result), Len);
471   end;
472 end;
StripCRnull474 function StripCR (s:string):string;
475 var
476   i:integer;
477 begin
478   i:=1;
479   while i<=length(s) do begin
480     if s[i]=#13 then delete (s,i,1) else inc (i);
481   end;
482   Result:=s;
483 end;
LF2LineBreakAnull485 function LF2LineBreakA (s:string):string;
486 {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
487 var
488   i:integer;
489 {$endif}
490 begin
491   {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
492   Assert (sLinebreak=#13#10);
493   i:=1;
494   while i<=length(s) do begin
495     if (s[i]=#10) and (copy(s,i-1,1)<>#13) then begin
496       insert (#13,s,i);
497       inc (i,2);
498     end else
499       inc (i);
500   end;
501   {$endif}
502   Result:=s;
503 end;
IsWritePropnull505 function IsWriteProp(Info: PPropInfo): Boolean;
506 begin
507   Result := Assigned(Info) and (Info^.SetProc <> nil);
508 end;
string2csyntaxnull510 function string2csyntax(s: string): string;
511 // Converts a string to the syntax that is used in .po files
512 var
513   i: integer;
514   c: char;
515 begin
516   Result := '';
517   for i := 1 to length(s) do begin
518     c := s[i];
519     case c of
520       #32..#33, #35..#255: Result := Result + c;
521       #13: Result := Result + '\r';
522       #10: Result := Result + '\n"'#13#10'"';
523       #34: Result := Result + '\"';
524     else
525       Result := Result + '\0x' + IntToHex(ord(c), 2);
526     end;
527   end;
528   Result := '"' + Result + '"';
529 end;
ResourceStringGettextnull531 function ResourceStringGettext(MsgId: widestring): widestring;
532 var
533   i:integer;
534 begin
535   if (MsgID='') or (ResourceStringDomainListCS=nil) then begin
536     // This only happens during very complicated program startups that fail,
537     // or when Msgid=''
538     Result:=MsgId;
539     exit;
540   end;
541   ResourceStringDomainListCS.BeginRead;
542   try
543     for i:=0 to ResourceStringDomainList.Count-1 do begin
544       Result:=dgettext(ResourceStringDomainList.Strings[i], MsgId);
545       if Result<>MsgId then
546         break;
547     end;
548   finally
549     ResourceStringDomainListCS.EndRead;
550   end;
551 end;
gettextnull553 function gettext(const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
554 begin
555   Result:=DefaultInstance.gettext(szMsgId);
556 end;
_null558 function _(const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
559 begin
560   Result:=DefaultInstance.gettext(szMsgId);
561 end;
dgettextnull563 function dgettext(const szDomain: string; const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
564 begin
565   Result:=DefaultInstance.dgettext(szDomain, szMsgId);
566 end;
dngettextnull568 function dngettext(const szDomain: string; const singular,plural: widestring; Number:longint): widestring;
569 begin
570   Result:=DefaultInstance.dngettext(szDomain,singular,plural,Number);
571 end;
ngettextnull573 function ngettext(const singular,plural: widestring; Number:longint): widestring;
574 begin
575   Result:=DefaultInstance.ngettext(singular,plural,Number);
576 end;
578 procedure textdomain(const szDomain: string);
579 begin
580   DefaultInstance.textdomain(szDomain);
581 end;
583 procedure SetGettextEnabled (enabled:boolean);
584 begin
585   DefaultInstance.Enabled:=enabled;
586 end;
getcurrenttextdomainnull588 function getcurrenttextdomain: string;
589 begin
590   Result:=DefaultInstance.getcurrenttextdomain;
591 end;
593 procedure bindtextdomain(const szDomain: string; const szDirectory: string);
594 begin
595   DefaultInstance.bindtextdomain(szDomain, szDirectory);
596 end;
598 procedure TP_Ignore(AnObject:TObject; const name:string);
599 begin
600   DefaultInstance.TP_Ignore(AnObject, name);
601 end;
603 procedure TP_GlobalIgnoreClass (IgnClass:TClass);
604 begin
605   DefaultInstance.TP_GlobalIgnoreClass(IgnClass);
606 end;
608 procedure TP_IgnoreClass (IgnClass:TClass);
609 begin
610   DefaultInstance.TP_IgnoreClass(IgnClass);
611 end;
613 procedure TP_IgnoreClassProperty (IgnClass:TClass;const propertyname:string);
614 begin
615   DefaultInstance.TP_IgnoreClassProperty(IgnClass,propertyname);
616 end;
618 procedure TP_GlobalIgnoreClassProperty (IgnClass:TClass;const propertyname:string);
619 begin
620   DefaultInstance.TP_GlobalIgnoreClassProperty(IgnClass,propertyname);
621 end;
623 procedure TP_GlobalHandleClass (HClass:TClass;Handler:TTranslator);
624 begin
625   DefaultInstance.TP_GlobalHandleClass (HClass, Handler);
626 end;
628 procedure TranslateComponent(AnObject: TComponent; const TextDomain:string='');
629 begin
630   DefaultInstance.TranslateComponent(AnObject, TextDomain);
631 end;
633 procedure RetranslateComponent(AnObject: TComponent; const TextDomain:string='');
634 begin
635   DefaultInstance.RetranslateComponent(AnObject, TextDomain);
636 end;
638 {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
640 // These constants are only used in Windows 95
641 // Thanks to Frank Andreas de Groot for this table
642 const
643   IDAfrikaans                 = $0436;  IDAlbanian                  = $041C;
644   IDArabicAlgeria             = $1401;  IDArabicBahrain             = $3C01;
645   IDArabicEgypt               = $0C01;  IDArabicIraq                = $0801;
646   IDArabicJordan              = $2C01;  IDArabicKuwait              = $3401;
647   IDArabicLebanon             = $3001;  IDArabicLibya               = $1001;
648   IDArabicMorocco             = $1801;  IDArabicOman                = $2001;
649   IDArabicQatar               = $4001;  IDArabic                    = $0401;
650   IDArabicSyria               = $2801;  IDArabicTunisia             = $1C01;
651   IDArabicUAE                 = $3801;  IDArabicYemen               = $2401;
652   IDArmenian                  = $042B;  IDAssamese                  = $044D;
653   IDAzeriCyrillic             = $082C;  IDAzeriLatin                = $042C;
654   IDBasque                    = $042D;  IDByelorussian              = $0423;
655   IDBengali                   = $0445;  IDBulgarian                 = $0402;
656   IDBurmese                   = $0455;  IDCatalan                   = $0403;
657   IDChineseHongKong           = $0C04;  IDChineseMacao              = $1404;
658   IDSimplifiedChinese         = $0804;  IDChineseSingapore          = $1004;
659   IDTraditionalChinese        = $0404;  IDCroatian                  = $041A;
660   IDCzech                     = $0405;  IDDanish                    = $0406;
661   IDBelgianDutch              = $0813;  IDDutch                     = $0413;
662   IDEnglishAUS                = $0C09;  IDEnglishBelize             = $2809;
663   IDEnglishCanadian           = $1009;  IDEnglishCaribbean          = $2409;
664   IDEnglishIreland            = $1809;  IDEnglishJamaica            = $2009;
665   IDEnglishNewZealand         = $1409;  IDEnglishPhilippines        = $3409;
666   IDEnglishSouthAfrica        = $1C09;  IDEnglishTrinidad           = $2C09;
667   IDEnglishUK                 = $0809;  IDEnglishUS                 = $0409;
668   IDEnglishZimbabwe           = $3009;  IDEstonian                  = $0425;
669   IDFaeroese                  = $0438;  IDFarsi                     = $0429;
670   IDFinnish                   = $040B;  IDBelgianFrench             = $080C;
671   IDFrenchCameroon            = $2C0C;  IDFrenchCanadian            = $0C0C;
672   IDFrenchCotedIvoire         = $300C;  IDFrench                    = $040C;
673   IDFrenchLuxembourg          = $140C;  IDFrenchMali                = $340C;
674   IDFrenchMonaco              = $180C;  IDFrenchReunion             = $200C;
675   IDFrenchSenegal             = $280C;  IDSwissFrench               = $100C;
676   IDFrenchWestIndies          = $1C0C;  IDFrenchZaire               = $240C;
677   IDFrisianNetherlands        = $0462;  IDGaelicIreland             = $083C;
678   IDGaelicScotland            = $043C;  IDGalician                  = $0456;
679   IDGeorgian                  = $0437;  IDGermanAustria             = $0C07;
680   IDGerman                    = $0407;  IDGermanLiechtenstein       = $1407;
681   IDGermanLuxembourg          = $1007;  IDSwissGerman               = $0807;
682   IDGreek                     = $0408;  IDGujarati                  = $0447;
683   IDHebrew                    = $040D;  IDHindi                     = $0439;
684   IDHungarian                 = $040E;  IDIcelandic                 = $040F;
685   IDIndonesian                = $0421;  IDItalian                   = $0410;
686   IDSwissItalian              = $0810;  IDJapanese                  = $0411;
687   IDKannada                   = $044B;  IDKashmiri                  = $0460;
688   IDKazakh                    = $043F;  IDKhmer                     = $0453;
689   IDKirghiz                   = $0440;  IDKonkani                   = $0457;
690   IDKorean                    = $0412;  IDLao                       = $0454;
691   IDLatvian                   = $0426;  IDLithuanian                = $0427;
692   IDMacedonian                = $042F;  IDMalaysian                 = $043E;
693   IDMalayBruneiDarussalam     = $083E;  IDMalayalam                 = $044C;
694   IDMaltese                   = $043A;  IDManipuri                  = $0458;
695   IDMarathi                   = $044E;  IDMongolian                 = $0450;
696   IDNepali                    = $0461;  IDNorwegianBokmol           = $0414;
697   IDNorwegianNynorsk          = $0814;  IDOriya                     = $0448;
698   IDPolish                    = $0415;  IDBrazilianPortuguese       = $0416;
699   IDPortuguese                = $0816;  IDPunjabi                   = $0446;
700   IDRhaetoRomanic             = $0417;  IDRomanianMoldova           = $0818;
701   IDRomanian                  = $0418;  IDRussianMoldova            = $0819;
702   IDRussian                   = $0419;  IDSamiLappish               = $043B;
703   IDSanskrit                  = $044F;  IDSerbianCyrillic           = $0C1A;
704   IDSerbianLatin              = $081A;  IDSesotho                   = $0430;
705   IDSindhi                    = $0459;  IDSlovak                    = $041B;
706   IDSlovenian                 = $0424;  IDSorbian                   = $042E;
707   IDSpanishArgentina          = $2C0A;  IDSpanishBolivia            = $400A;
708   IDSpanishChile              = $340A;  IDSpanishColombia           = $240A;
709   IDSpanishCostaRica          = $140A;  IDSpanishDominicanRepublic  = $1C0A;
710   IDSpanishEcuador            = $300A;  IDSpanishElSalvador         = $440A;
711   IDSpanishGuatemala          = $100A;  IDSpanishHonduras           = $480A;
712   IDMexicanSpanish            = $080A;  IDSpanishNicaragua          = $4C0A;
713   IDSpanishPanama             = $180A;  IDSpanishParaguay           = $3C0A;
714   IDSpanishPeru               = $280A;  IDSpanishPuertoRico         = $500A;
715   IDSpanishModernSort         = $0C0A;  IDSpanish                   = $040A;
716   IDSpanishUruguay            = $380A;  IDSpanishVenezuela          = $200A;
717   IDSutu                      = $0430;  IDSwahili                   = $0441;
718   IDSwedishFinland            = $081D;  IDSwedish                   = $041D;
719   IDTajik                     = $0428;  IDTamil                     = $0449;
720   IDTatar                     = $0444;  IDTelugu                    = $044A;
721   IDThai                      = $041E;  IDTibetan                   = $0451;
722   IDTsonga                    = $0431;  IDTswana                    = $0432;
723   IDTurkish                   = $041F;  IDTurkmen                   = $0442;
724   IDUkrainian                 = $0422;  IDUrdu                      = $0420;
725   IDUzbekCyrillic             = $0843;  IDUzbekLatin                = $0443;
726   IDVenda                     = $0433;  IDVietnamese                = $042A;
727   IDWelsh                     = $0452;  IDXhosa                     = $0434;
728   IDZulu                      = $0435;
GetWindowsLanguagenull730 function GetWindowsLanguage: string;
731 var
732   langid: Cardinal;
733   langcode: string;
734   CountryName: array[0..4] of char;
735   LanguageName: array[0..4] of char;
736   works: boolean;
737 begin
738   // The return value of GetLocaleInfo is compared with 3 = 2 characters and a zero
739   works := 3 = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, LanguageName, SizeOf(LanguageName));
740   works := works and (3 = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, CountryName,
741     SizeOf(CountryName)));
742   if works then begin
743     // Windows 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP and newer
744     LangCode := PChar(@LanguageName[0]);
745     if lowercase(LangCode)='no' then LangCode:='nb';
746     LangCode:=LangCode + '_' + PChar(@CountryName[0]);
747   end else begin
748     // This part should only happen on Windows 95.
749     langid := GetThreadLocale;
750     case langid of
751       IDBelgianDutch: langcode := 'nl_BE';
752       IDBelgianFrench: langcode := 'fr_BE';
753       IDBrazilianPortuguese: langcode := 'pt_BR';
754       IDDanish: langcode := 'da_DK';
755       IDDutch: langcode := 'nl_NL';
756       IDEnglishUK: langcode := 'en_GB';
757       IDEnglishUS: langcode := 'en_US';
758       IDFinnish: langcode := 'fi_FI';
759       IDFrench: langcode := 'fr_FR';
760       IDFrenchCanadian: langcode := 'fr_CA';
761       IDGerman: langcode := 'de_DE';
762       IDGermanLuxembourg: langcode := 'de_LU';
763       IDGreek: langcode := 'el_GR';
764       IDIcelandic: langcode := 'is_IS';
765       IDItalian: langcode := 'it_IT';
766       IDKorean: langcode := 'ko_KO';
767       IDNorwegianBokmol: langcode := 'nb_NO';
768       IDNorwegianNynorsk: langcode := 'nn_NO';
769       IDPolish: langcode := 'pl_PL';
770       IDPortuguese: langcode := 'pt_PT';
771       IDRussian: langcode := 'ru_RU';
772       IDSpanish, IDSpanishModernSort: langcode := 'es_ES';
773       IDSwedish: langcode := 'sv_SE';
774       IDSwedishFinland: langcode := 'sv_FI';
775     else
776       langcode := 'C';
777     end;
778   end;
779   Result := langcode;
780 end;
781 {$endif}
LoadResStringAnull783 function LoadResStringA(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): string;
784 begin
785   Result:=DefaultInstance.LoadResString(ResStringRec);
786 end;
GetTranslatorNameAndEmailnull788 function GetTranslatorNameAndEmail:widestring;
789 begin
790   Result:=DefaultInstance.GetTranslatorNameAndEmail;
791 end;
793 procedure UseLanguage(LanguageCode: string);
794 begin
795   DefaultInstance.UseLanguage(LanguageCode);
796 end;
798 type
799   PStrData = ^TStrData;
800   TStrData = record
801     Ident: Integer;
802     Str: string;
803   end;
SysUtilsEnumStringModulesnull805 function SysUtilsEnumStringModules(Instance: Longint; Data: Pointer): Boolean;
807 var
808   Buffer: array [0..1023] of char;
809 begin
810   with PStrData(Data)^ do begin
811     SetString(Str, Buffer,
812       LoadString(Instance, Ident, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)));
813     Result := Str = '';
814   end;
815 end;
816 {$ENDIF}
818 var
819   rs:TResStringRec;
820   Module:HModule;
821 begin
822   Module:=Instance;
823   rs.Module:=@Module;
824   with PStrData(Data)^ do begin
825     rs.Identifier:=Ident;
826     Str:=System.LoadResString(@rs);
827     Result:=Str='';
828   end;
829 end;
830 {$ENDIF}
SysUtilsFindStringResourcenull832 function SysUtilsFindStringResource(Ident: Integer): string;
833 var
834   StrData: TStrData;
835 begin
836   StrData.Ident := Ident;
837   StrData.Str := '';
838   EnumResourceModules(SysUtilsEnumStringModules, @StrData);
839   Result := StrData.Str;
840 end;
SysUtilsLoadStrnull842 function SysUtilsLoadStr(Ident: Integer): string;
843 begin
844   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
845   DefaultInstance.DebugWriteln ('Sysutils.LoadRes('+IntToStr(ident)+') called');
846   {$endif}
847   Result := ResourceStringGettext(SysUtilsFindStringResource(Ident));
848 end;
SysUtilsFmtLoadStrnull850 function SysUtilsFmtLoadStr(Ident: Integer; const Args: array of const): string;
851 begin
852   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
853   DefaultInstance.DebugWriteln ('Sysutils.FmtLoadRes('+IntToStr(ident)+',Args) called');
854   {$endif}
855   FmtStr(Result, SysUtilsFindStringResource(Ident), Args);
856   Result:=ResourceStringGettext(Result);
857 end;
LoadResStringnull859 function LoadResString(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): widestring;
860 begin
861   Result:=DefaultInstance.LoadResString(ResStringRec);
862 end;
LoadResStringWnull864 function LoadResStringW(ResStringRec: PResStringRec): widestring;
865 begin
866   Result:=DefaultInstance.LoadResString(ResStringRec);
867 end;
GetCurrentLanguagenull871 function GetCurrentLanguage:string;
872 begin
873   Result:=DefaultInstance.GetCurrentLanguage;
874 end;
876 { TDomain }
878 procedure TDomain.CloseMoFile;
879 begin
880   if mofile<>nil then begin
881     FileLocator.ReleaseMoFile(mofile);
882     mofile:=nil;
883   end;
884   OpenHasFailedBefore:=False;
885 end;
887 destructor TDomain.Destroy;
888 begin
889   CloseMoFile;
890   inherited;
891 end;
893 {$ifdef mswindows}
GetLastWinErrornull894 function GetLastWinError:string;
895 var
896   errcode:Cardinal;
897 begin
898   SetLength (Result,2000);
899   errcode:=GetLastError();
900   Windows.FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,nil,errcode,0,PChar(Result),2000,nil);
901   Result:=StrPas(PChar(Result));
902 end;
903 {$endif}
905 procedure TDomain.OpenMoFile;
906 var
907   filename: string;
908 begin
909   // Check if it is already open
910   if mofile<>nil then
911     exit;
913   // Check if it has been attempted to open the file before
914   if OpenHasFailedBefore then
915     exit;
917   if SpecificFilename<>'' then
918     filename:=SpecificFilename
919   else begin
920     filename := Directory + curlang + PathDelim + 'LC_MESSAGES' + PathDelim + domain + '.mo';
921     if (not FileLocator.FileExists(filename)) and (not fileexists(filename)) then
922       filename := Directory + copy(curlang, 1, 2) + PathDelim + 'LC_MESSAGES' + PathDelim + domain + '.mo';
923   end;
924   if (not FileLocator.FileExists(filename)) and (not fileexists(filename)) then begin
925     OpenHasFailedBefore:=True;
926     exit;
927   end;
928   mofile:=FileLocator.GetMoFile(filename, DebugLogger);
930   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
931   if mofile.isSwappedArchitecture then
932     DebugLogger ('.mo file is swapped (comes from another CPU architecture)');
933   {$endif}
935   // Check, that the contents of the file is utf-8
936   if pos('CHARSET=UTF-8',uppercase(GetTranslationProperty('Content-Type')))=0 then begin
937     CloseMoFile;
938     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
939     DebugLogger ('The translation for the language code '+curlang+' (in '+filename+') does not have charset=utf-8 in its Content-Type. Translations are turned off.');
940     {$endif}
941     {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
942     MessageBox(0,PChar('The translation for the language code '+curlang+' (in '+filename+') does not have charset=utf-8 in its Content-Type. Translations are turned off.'),'Localization problem',MB_OK);
943     {$else}
944     writeln (stderr,'The translation for the language code '+curlang+' (in '+filename+') does not have charset=utf-8 in its Content-Type. Translations are turned off.');
945     {$endif}
946     Enabled:=False;
947   end;
948 end;
GetTranslationPropertynull950 function TDomain.GetTranslationProperty(
951   Propertyname: string): WideString;
952 var
953   sl:TStringList;
954   i:integer;
955   s:string;
956 begin
957   Propertyname:=uppercase(Propertyname)+': ';
958   sl:=TStringList.Create;
959   try
960     sl.Text:=utf8encode(gettext(''));
961     for i:=0 to sl.Count-1 do begin
962       s:=sl.Strings[i];
963       if uppercase(copy(s,1,length(Propertyname)))=Propertyname then begin
964         Result:=utf8decode(trim(copy(s,length(PropertyName)+1,maxint)));
965         {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
966         DebugLogger ('GetTranslationProperty('+PropertyName+') returns '''+Result+'''.');
967         {$endif}
968         exit;
969       end;
970     end;
971   finally
972     FreeAndNil (sl);
973   end;
974   Result:='';
975   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
976   DebugLogger ('GetTranslationProperty('+PropertyName+') did not find any value. An empty string is returned.');
977   {$endif}
978 end;
980 procedure TDomain.setDirectory(const dir: string);
981 begin
982   vDirectory := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(dir);
983   SpecificFilename:='';
984   CloseMoFile;
985 end;
987 procedure AddDomainForResourceString (const domain:string);
988 begin
989   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
990   DefaultInstance.DebugWriteln ('Extra domain for resourcestring: '+domain);
991   {$endif}
992   ResourceStringDomainListCS.BeginWrite;
993   try
994     if ResourceStringDomainList.IndexOf(domain)=-1 then
995       ResourceStringDomainList.Add (domain);
996   finally
997     ResourceStringDomainListCS.EndWrite;
998   end;
999 end;
1001 procedure RemoveDomainForResourceString (const domain:string);
1002 var
1003   i:integer;
1004 begin
1005   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1006   DefaultInstance.DebugWriteln ('Remove domain for resourcestring: '+domain);
1007   {$endif}
1008   ResourceStringDomainListCS.BeginWrite;
1009   try
1010     i:=ResourceStringDomainList.IndexOf(domain);
1011     if i<>-1 then
1012       ResourceStringDomainList.Delete (i);
1013   finally
1014     ResourceStringDomainListCS.EndWrite;
1015   end;
1016 end;
1018 procedure TDomain.SetLanguageCode(const langcode: string);
1019 begin
1020   CloseMoFile;
1021   curlang:=langcode;
1022 end;
GetPluralForm2ENnull1024 function GetPluralForm2EN(Number: Integer): Integer;
1025 begin
1026   Number:=abs(Number);
1027   if Number=1 then Result:=0 else Result:=1;
1028 end;
GetPluralForm1null1030 function GetPluralForm1(Number: Integer): Integer;
1031 begin
1032   Result:=0;
1033 end;
GetPluralForm2FRnull1035 function GetPluralForm2FR(Number: Integer): Integer;
1036 begin
1037   Number:=abs(Number);
1038   if (Number=1) or (Number=0) then Result:=0 else Result:=1;
1039 end;
GetPluralForm3LVnull1041 function GetPluralForm3LV(Number: Integer): Integer;
1042 begin
1043   Number:=abs(Number);
1044   if (Number mod 10=1) and (Number mod 100<>11) then
1045     Result:=0
1046   else
1047     if Number<>0 then Result:=1
1048                  else Result:=2;
1049 end;
GetPluralForm3GAnull1051 function GetPluralForm3GA(Number: Integer): Integer;
1052 begin
1053   Number:=abs(Number);
1054   if Number=1 then Result:=0
1055   else if Number=2 then Result:=1
1056   else Result:=2;
1057 end;
GetPluralForm3LTnull1059 function GetPluralForm3LT(Number: Integer): Integer;
1060 var
1061   n1,n2:byte;
1062 begin
1063   Number:=abs(Number);
1064   n1:=Number mod 10;
1065   n2:=Number mod 100;
1066   if (n1=1) and (n2<>11) then
1067     Result:=0
1068   else
1069     if (n1>=2) and ((n2<10) or (n2>=20)) then Result:=1
1070     else Result:=2;
1071 end;
GetPluralForm3PLnull1073 function GetPluralForm3PL(Number: Integer): Integer;
1074 var
1075   n1,n2:byte;
1076 begin
1077   Number:=abs(Number);
1078   n1:=Number mod 10;
1079   n2:=Number mod 100;
1080   if n1=1 then Result:=0
1081   else if (n1>=2) and (n1<=4) and ((n2<10) or (n2>=20)) then Result:=1
1082   else Result:=2;
1083 end;
GetPluralForm3RUnull1085 function GetPluralForm3RU(Number: Integer): Integer;
1086 var
1087   n1,n2:byte;
1088 begin
1089   Number:=abs(Number);
1090   n1:=Number mod 10;
1091   n2:=Number mod 100;
1092   if (n1=1) and (n2<>11) then
1093     Result:=0
1094   else
1095     if (n1>=2) and (n1<=4) and ((n2<10) or (n2>=20)) then Result:=1
1096     else Result:=2;
1097 end;
GetPluralForm4SLnull1099 function GetPluralForm4SL(Number: Integer): Integer;
1100 var
1101   n2:byte;
1102 begin
1103   Number:=abs(Number);
1104   n2:=Number mod 100;
1105   if n2=1 then Result:=0
1106   else
1107   if n2=2 then Result:=1
1108   else
1109   if (n2=3) or (n2=4) then Result:=2
1110   else
1111     Result:=3;
1112 end;
1114 procedure TDomain.GetListOfLanguages(list: TStrings);
1115 var
1116   sr:TSearchRec;
1117   more:boolean;
1118   filename, path, langcode:string;
1119   i, j:integer;
1120 begin
1121   list.Clear;
1123   // Iterate through filesystem
1124   more:=FindFirst (Directory+'*',faAnyFile,sr)=0;
1125   while more do begin
1126     if (sr.Attr and faDirectory<>0) and (sr.name<>'.') and (sr.name<>'..') then begin
1127       filename := Directory + sr.Name + PathDelim + 'LC_MESSAGES' + PathDelim + domain + '.mo';
1128       if fileexists(filename) then begin
1129         langcode:=lowercase(sr.name);
1130         if list.IndexOf(langcode)=-1 then
1131           list.Add(langcode);
1132       end;
1133     end;
1134     more:=FindNext (sr)=0;
1135   end;
1137   // Iterate through embedded files
1138   for i:=0 to FileLocator.filelist.Count-1 do begin
1139     filename:=FileLocator.basedirectory+FileLocator.filelist.Strings[i];
1140     path:=Directory;
1141     {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
1142     path:=uppercase(path);
1143     filename:=uppercase(filename);
1144     {$endif}
1145     j:=length(path);
1146     if copy(filename,1,j)=path then begin
1147       path:=PathDelim + 'LC_MESSAGES' + PathDelim + domain + '.mo';
1148       {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
1149       path:=uppercase(path);
1150       {$endif}
1151       if copy(filename,length(filename)-length(path)+1,length(path))=path then begin
1152         langcode:=lowercase(copy(filename,j+1,length(filename)-length(path)-j));
1153         if list.IndexOf(langcode)=-1 then
1154           list.Add(langcode);
1155       end;
1156     end;
1157   end;
1158 end;
1160 procedure TDomain.SetFilename(const filename: string);
1161 begin
1162   CloseMoFile;
1163   vDirectory := '';
1164   SpecificFilename:=filename;
1165 end;
gettextnull1167 function TDomain.gettext(const msgid: ansistring): ansistring;
1168 var
1169   found:boolean;
1170 begin
1171   if not Enabled then begin
1172     Result:=msgid;
1173     exit;
1174   end;
1175   if (mofile=nil) and (not OpenHasFailedBefore) then
1176     OpenMoFile;
1177   if mofile=nil then begin
1178     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1179     DebugLogger('.mo file is not open. Not translating "'+msgid+'"');
1180     {$endif}
1181     Result := msgid;
1182   end else begin
1183     Result:=mofile.gettext(msgid,found);
1184     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1185     if found then
1186       DebugLogger ('Found in .mo ('+Domain+'): "'+utf8encode(msgid)+'"->"'+utf8encode(Result)+'"')
1187     else
1188       DebugLogger ('Translation not found in .mo file ('+Domain+') : "'+utf8encode(msgid)+'"');
1189     {$endif}
1190   end;
1191 end;
1193 constructor TDomain.Create;
1194 begin
1195   inherited Create;
1196   Enabled:=True;
1197 end;
1199 { TGnuGettextInstance }
1201 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.bindtextdomain(const szDomain,
1202   szDirectory: string);
1203 var
1204   dir:string;
1205 begin
1206   dir:=IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(szDirectory);
1207   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1208   DebugWriteln ('Text domain "'+szDomain+'" is now located at "'+dir+'"');
1209   {$endif}
1210   getdomain(szDomain,DefaultDomainDirectory,CurLang).Directory := dir;
1211   WhenNewDomainDirectory (szDomain, szDirectory);
1212 end;
1214 constructor TGnuGettextInstance.Create;
1215 begin
1216   CreatorThread:=GetCurrentThreadId;
1217   {$ifdef MSWindows}
1218   DesignTimeCodePage:=CP_ACP;
1219   {$endif}
1220   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1221   DebugLogCS:=TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
1222   DebugLog:=TMemoryStream.Create;
1223   DebugWriteln('Debug log started '+DateTimeToStr(Now));
1224   DebugWriteln('');
1225   {$endif}
1226   curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm2EN;
1227   Enabled:=True;
1228   curmsgdomain:=DefaultTextDomain;
1229   savefileCS := TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
1230   domainlist := TStringList.Create;
1231   TP_IgnoreList:=TStringList.Create;
1232   TP_IgnoreList.Sorted:=True;
1233   TP_GlobalClassHandling:=TList.Create;
1234   TP_ClassHandling:=TList.Create;
1236   // Set some settings
1237   DefaultDomainDirectory := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(extractfilepath(ExecutableFilename))+'locale';
1239   UseLanguage('');
1241   bindtextdomain(DefaultTextDomain, DefaultDomainDirectory);
1242   textdomain(DefaultTextDomain);
1244   // Add default properties to ignore
1245   TP_GlobalIgnoreClassProperty(TComponent,'Name');
1246   TP_GlobalIgnoreClassProperty(TCollection,'PropName');
1247 end;
1249 destructor TGnuGettextInstance.Destroy;
1250 begin
1251   if savememory <> nil then begin
1252     savefileCS.BeginWrite;
1253     try
1254       CloseFile(savefile);
1255     finally
1256       savefileCS.EndWrite;
1257     end;
1258     FreeAndNil(savememory);
1259   end;
1260   FreeAndNil (savefileCS);
1261   FreeAndNil (TP_IgnoreList);
1262   while TP_GlobalClassHandling.Count<>0 do begin
1263     TObject(TP_GlobalClassHandling.Items[0]).Free;
1264     TP_GlobalClassHandling.Delete(0);
1265   end;
1266   FreeAndNil (TP_GlobalClassHandling);
1267   FreeTP_ClassHandlingItems;
1268   FreeAndNil (TP_ClassHandling);
1269   while domainlist.Count <> 0 do begin
1270     domainlist.Objects[0].Free;
1271     domainlist.Delete(0);
1272   end;
1273   FreeAndNil(domainlist);
1274   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1275   FreeAndNil (DebugLog);
1276   FreeAndNil (DebugLogCS);
1277   {$endif}
1278   inherited;
1279 end;
1281 {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
dgettextnull1282 function TGnuGettextInstance.dgettext(const szDomain: string; const szMsgId: ansistring): widestring;
1283 begin
1284   Result:=dgettext(szDomain, ansi2wide(szMsgId));
1285 end;
1286 {$endif}
dgettextnull1288 function TGnuGettextInstance.dgettext(const szDomain: string;
1289   const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
1290 begin
1291   if not Enabled then begin
1292     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1293     DebugWriteln ('Translation has been disabled. Text is not being translated: '+szMsgid);
1294     {$endif}
1295     Result:=szMsgId;
1296   end else begin
1297     Result:=UTF8Decode(LF2LineBreakA(getdomain(szDomain,DefaultDomainDirectory,CurLang).gettext(StripCR(utf8encode(szMsgId)))));
1298     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1299     if (szMsgId<>'') and (Result='') then
1300       DebugWriteln (Format('Error: Translation of %s was an empty string. This may never occur.',[szMsgId]));
1301     {$endif}
1302   end;
1303 end;
GetCurrentLanguagenull1305 function TGnuGettextInstance.GetCurrentLanguage: string;
1306 begin
1307   Result:=curlang;
1308 end;
getcurrenttextdomainnull1310 function TGnuGettextInstance.getcurrenttextdomain: string;
1311 begin
1312   Result := curmsgdomain;
1313 end;
1315 {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
gettextnull1316 function TGnuGettextInstance.gettext(
1317   const szMsgId: ansistring): widestring;
1318 begin
1319   Result := dgettext(curmsgdomain, szMsgId);
1320 end;
1321 {$endif}
gettextnull1323 function TGnuGettextInstance.gettext(
1324   const szMsgId: widestring): widestring;
1325 begin
1326   Result := dgettext(curmsgdomain, szMsgId);
1327 end;
1329 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.textdomain(const szDomain: string);
1330 begin
1331   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1332   DebugWriteln ('Changed text domain to "'+szDomain+'"');
1333   {$endif}
1334   curmsgdomain := szDomain;
1335   WhenNewDomain (szDomain);
1336 end;
TGnuGettextInstance.TP_CreateRetranslatornull1338 function TGnuGettextInstance.TP_CreateRetranslator : TExecutable;
1339 var
1340   ttpr:TTP_Retranslator;
1341 begin
1342   ttpr:=TTP_Retranslator.Create;
1343   ttpr.Instance:=self;
1344   TP_Retranslator:=ttpr;
1345   Result:=ttpr;
1346   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1347   DebugWriteln ('A retranslator was created.');
1348   {$endif}
1349 end;
1351 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TP_GlobalHandleClass(HClass: TClass;
1352   Handler: TTranslator);
1353 var
1354   cm:TClassMode;
1355   i:integer;
1356 begin
1357   for i:=0 to TP_GlobalClassHandling.Count-1 do begin
1358     cm:=TObject(TP_GlobalClassHandling.Items[i]) as TClassMode;
1359     if cm.HClass=HClass then
1360       raise EGGProgrammingError.Create ('You cannot set a handler for a class that has already been assigned otherwise.');
1361     if HClass.InheritsFrom(cm.HClass) then begin
1362       // This is the place to insert this class
1363       cm:=TClassMode.Create;
1364       cm.HClass:=HClass;
1365       cm.SpecialHandler:=Handler;
1366       TP_GlobalClassHandling.Insert(i,cm);
1367       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1368       DebugWriteln ('A handler was set for class '+HClass.ClassName+'.');
1369       {$endif}
1370       exit;
1371     end;
1372   end;
1373   cm:=TClassMode.Create;
1374   cm.HClass:=HClass;
1375   cm.SpecialHandler:=Handler;
1376   TP_GlobalClassHandling.Add(cm);
1377   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1378   DebugWriteln ('A handler was set for class '+HClass.ClassName+'.');
1379   {$endif}
1380 end;
1382 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TP_GlobalIgnoreClass(IgnClass: TClass);
1383 var
1384   cm:TClassMode;
1385   i:integer;
1386 begin
1387   for i:=0 to TP_GlobalClassHandling.Count-1 do begin
1388     cm:=TObject(TP_GlobalClassHandling.Items[i]) as TClassMode;
1389     if cm.HClass=IgnClass then
1390       raise EGGProgrammingError.Create ('You cannot add a class to the ignore list that is already on that list: '+IgnClass.ClassName+'. You should keep all TP_Global functions in one place in your source code.');
1391     if IgnClass.InheritsFrom(cm.HClass) then begin
1392       // This is the place to insert this class
1393       cm:=TClassMode.Create;
1394       cm.HClass:=IgnClass;
1395       TP_GlobalClassHandling.Insert(i,cm);
1396       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1397       DebugWriteln ('Globally, class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
1398       {$endif}
1399       exit;
1400     end;
1401   end;
1402   cm:=TClassMode.Create;
1403   cm.HClass:=IgnClass;
1404   TP_GlobalClassHandling.Add(cm);
1405   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1406   DebugWriteln ('Globally, class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
1407   {$endif}
1408 end;
1410 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TP_GlobalIgnoreClassProperty(
1411   IgnClass: TClass; propertyname: string);
1412 var
1413   cm:TClassMode;
1414   i,idx:integer;
1415 begin
1416   propertyname:=uppercase(propertyname);
1417   for i:=0 to TP_GlobalClassHandling.Count-1 do begin
1418     cm:=TObject(TP_GlobalClassHandling.Items[i]) as TClassMode;
1419     if cm.HClass=IgnClass then begin
1420       if Assigned(cm.SpecialHandler) then
1421         raise EGGProgrammingError.Create ('You cannot ignore a class property for a class that has a handler set.');
1422       if not cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Find(propertyname,idx) then
1423         cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Add(propertyname);
1424       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1425       DebugWriteln ('Globally, the '+propertyname+' property of class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
1426       {$endif}
1427       exit;
1428     end;
1429     if IgnClass.InheritsFrom(cm.HClass) then begin
1430       // This is the place to insert this class
1431       cm:=TClassMode.Create;
1432       cm.HClass:=IgnClass;
1433       cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Add(propertyname);
1434       TP_GlobalClassHandling.Insert(i,cm);
1435       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1436       DebugWriteln ('Globally, the '+propertyname+' property of class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
1437       {$endif}
1438       exit;
1439     end;
1440   end;
1441   cm:=TClassMode.Create;
1442   cm.HClass:=IgnClass;
1443   cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Add(propertyname);
1444   TP_GlobalClassHandling.Add(cm);
1445   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1446   DebugWriteln ('Globally, the '+propertyname+' property of class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
1447   {$endif}
1448 end;
1450 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TP_Ignore(AnObject: TObject;
1451   const name: string);
1452 begin
1453   TP_IgnoreList.Add(uppercase(name));
1454   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1455   DebugWriteln ('On object with class name '+AnObject.ClassName+', ignore is set on '+name);
1456   {$endif}
1457 end;
1459 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TranslateComponent(AnObject: TComponent;
1460   const TextDomain: string);
1461 var
1462   comp:TGnuGettextComponentMarker;
1463 begin
1464   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1465   DebugWriteln ('======================================================================');
1466   DebugWriteln ('TranslateComponent() was called for a component with name '+AnObject.Name+'.');
1467   {$endif}
1468   comp:=AnObject.FindComponent('GNUgettextMarker') as TGnuGettextComponentMarker;
1469   if comp=nil then begin
1470     comp:=TGnuGettextComponentMarker.Create (nil);
1471     comp.Name:='GNUgettextMarker';
1472     comp.Retranslator:=TP_CreateRetranslator;
1473     TranslateProperties (AnObject, TextDomain);
1474     AnObject.InsertComponent(comp);
1475     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1476     DebugWriteln ('This is the first time, that this component has been translated. A retranslator component has been created for this component.');
1477     {$endif}
1478   end else begin
1479     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1480     DebugWriteln ('This is not the first time, that this component has been translated.');
1481     {$endif}
1482     if comp.LastLanguage<>curlang then begin
1483       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1484       DebugWriteln ('ERROR: TranslateComponent() was called twice with different languages. This indicates an attempt to switch language at runtime, but by using TranslateComponent every time. This API has changed - please use RetranslateComponent() instead.');
1485       {$endif}
1486       {$ifdef mswindows}
1487       MessageBox (0,'This application tried to switch the language, but in an incorrect way. The programmer needs to replace a call to TranslateComponent with a call to RetranslateComponent(). The programmer should see the changelog of gnugettext.pas for more information.','Error',MB_OK);
1488       {$else}
1489       writeln (stderr,'This application tried to switch the language, but in an incorrect way. The programmer needs to replace a call to TranslateComponent with a call to RetranslateComponent(). The programmer should see the changelog of gnugettext.pas for more information.');
1490       {$endif}
1491     end else begin
1492       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1493       DebugWriteln ('ERROR: TranslateComponent has been called twice, but with the same language chosen. This is a mistake, but in order to prevent that the application breaks, no exception is raised.');
1494       {$endif}
1495     end;
1496   end;
1497   comp.LastLanguage:=curlang;
1498   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1499   DebugWriteln ('======================================================================');
1500   {$endif}
1501 end;
1503 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TranslateProperty (AnObject:TObject; PropInfo:PPropInfo; TodoList:TStrings; const TextDomain:string);
1504 var
1505   {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1506   ws: string;
1507   old: string;
1508   {$endif}
1509   {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1510   ppi:PPropInfo;
1511   ws: WideString;
1512   old: WideString;
1513   {$endif}
1514   obj:TObject;
1515   Propname:string;
1516 begin
1517   PropName:=PropInfo^.Name;
1518   try
1519     // Translate certain types of properties
1520     case PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind of
1521       tkString, tkLString, tkWString:
1522         begin
1523           {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1524           DebugWriteln ('Translating '+AnObject.ClassName+'.'+PropName);
1525           {$endif}
1526           {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1527           old := GetStrProp(AnObject, PropName);
1528           {$endif}
1529           {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1530           if PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind<>tkWString then
1531             old := ansi2wide(GetStrProp(AnObject, PropName))
1532           else
1533             old := GetWideStrProp(AnObject, PropName);
1534           {$endif}
1535           {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1536           if old='' then
1537             DebugWriteln ('(Empty, not translated)')
1538           else
1539             DebugWriteln ('Old value: "'+old+'"');
1540           {$endif}
1541           if (old <> '') and (IsWriteProp(PropInfo)) then begin
1542             if TP_Retranslator<>nil then
1543               (TP_Retranslator as TTP_Retranslator).Remember(AnObject, PropName, old);
1544             ws := dgettext(textdomain,old);
1545             if ws <> old then begin
1546               {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1547               SetStrProp(AnObject, PropName, ws);
1548               {$endif}
1549               {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1550               ppi:=GetPropInfo(AnObject, Propname);
1551               if ppi<>nil then begin
1552                 SetWideStrProp(AnObject, ppi, ws);
1553               end else begin
1554                 {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1555                 DebugWriteln ('ERROR: Property disappeared: '+Propname+' for object of type '+AnObject.ClassName);
1556                 {$endif}
1557               end;
1558               {$endif}
1559             end;
1560           end;
1561         end { case item };
1562       tkClass:
1563         begin
1564 //          obj:=GetObjectProp(AnObject, PropName);
1565 //          if obj<>nil then
1566 //            TodoList.AddObject ('',obj);
1567         end { case item };
1568       end { case };
1569   except
1570     on E:Exception do
1571       raise EGGComponentError.Create ('Property cannot be translated.'+sLineBreak+
1572         'Add TP_GlobalIgnoreClassProperty('+AnObject.ClassName+','''+PropName+''') to your source code or use'+sLineBreak+
1573         'TP_Ignore (self,''.'+PropName+''') to prevent this message.'+sLineBreak+
1574         'Reason: '+e.Message);
1575   end;
1576 end;
1578 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TranslateProperties(AnObject: TObject; textdomain:string='');
1579 var
1580   TodoList:TStringList; // List of Name/TObject's that is to be processed
1581   DoneList:TStringList; // List of hex codes representing pointers to objects that have been done
1582   i, j, Count: integer;
1583   PropList: PPropList;
1584   UPropName: string;
1585   PropInfo: PPropInfo;
1586   comp:TComponent;
1587   cm,currentcm:TClassMode;
1588   ObjectPropertyIgnoreList:TStringList;
1589   objid, Name:string;
1590   {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1591   Data:PTypeData;
1592   {$endif}
1593 begin
1594   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1595   DebugWriteln ('----------------------------------------------------------------------');
1596   DebugWriteln ('TranslateProperties() was called for an object of class '+AnObject.ClassName+' with domain "'+textdomain+'".');
1597   {$endif}
1598   if textdomain='' then
1599     textdomain:=curmsgdomain;
1600   if TP_Retranslator<>nil then
1601     (TP_Retranslator as TTP_Retranslator).TextDomain:=textdomain;
1602   DoneList:=TStringList.Create;
1603   TodoList:=TStringList.Create;
1604   ObjectPropertyIgnoreList:=TStringList.Create;
1605   try
1606     TodoList.AddObject('', AnObject);
1607     DoneList.Sorted:=True;
1608     ObjectPropertyIgnoreList.Sorted:=True;
1609     {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1610     ObjectPropertyIgnoreList.Duplicates:=dupIgnore;
1611     ObjectPropertyIgnoreList.CaseSensitive:=False;
1612     DoneList.Duplicates:=dupError;
1613     DoneList.CaseSensitive:=True;
1614     {$endif}
1616     while TodoList.Count<>0 do begin
1617       AnObject:=TodoList.Objects[0];
1618       Name:=TodoList.Strings[0];
1619       TodoList.Delete(0);
1620       if (AnObject<>nil) and (AnObject is TPersistent) then begin
1621         // Make sure each object is only translated once
1622         Assert (sizeof(integer)=sizeof(TObject));
1623         objid:=IntToHex(integer(AnObject),8);
1624         if DoneList.Find(objid,i) then begin
1625           continue;
1626         end else begin
1627           DoneList.Add(objid);
1628         end;
1630         ObjectPropertyIgnoreList.Clear;
1632         // Find out if there is special handling of this object
1633         currentcm:=nil;
1634         // First check the local handling instructions
1635         for j:=0 to TP_ClassHandling.Count-1 do begin
1636           cm:=TObject(TP_ClassHandling.Items[j]) as TClassMode;
1637           if AnObject.InheritsFrom(cm.HClass) then begin
1638             if cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Count<>0 then begin
1639               ObjectPropertyIgnoreList.AddStrings(cm.PropertiesToIgnore);
1640             end else begin
1641               // Ignore the entire class
1642               currentcm:=cm;
1643               break;
1644             end;
1645           end;
1646         end;
1647         // Then check the global handling instructions
1648         if currentcm=nil then
1649         for j:=0 to TP_GlobalClassHandling.Count-1 do begin
1650           cm:=TObject(TP_GlobalClassHandling.Items[j]) as TClassMode;
1651           if AnObject.InheritsFrom(cm.HClass) then begin
1652             if cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Count<>0 then begin
1653               ObjectPropertyIgnoreList.AddStrings(cm.PropertiesToIgnore);
1654             end else begin
1655               // Ignore the entire class
1656               currentcm:=cm;
1657               break;
1658             end;
1659           end;
1660         end;
1661         if currentcm<>nil then begin
1662           ObjectPropertyIgnoreList.Clear;
1663           // Ignore or use special handler
1664           if Assigned(currentcm.SpecialHandler) then begin
1665             currentcm.SpecialHandler (AnObject);
1666             {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1667             DebugWriteln ('Special handler activated for '+AnObject.ClassName);
1668             {$endif}
1669           end else begin
1670             {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1671             DebugWriteln ('Ignoring object '+AnObject.ClassName);
1672             {$endif}
1673           end;
1674           continue;
1675         end;
1677         {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1678         if AnObject.ClassInfo=nil then begin
1679           {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1680           DebugWriteln ('ClassInfo=nil encountered for class '+AnObject.ClassName+'. Translation of that component has stopped. You should ignore this object.');
1681           {$endif}
1682           continue;
1683         end;
1684         Data := GetTypeData(AnObject.Classinfo);
1685         Count := Data^.PropCount;
1686         GetMem(PropList, Count * Sizeof(PPropInfo));
1687         {$endif}
1688         {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1689         Count := GetPropList(AnObject, PropList);
1690         {$endif}
1691         try
1692           {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1693           GetPropInfos(AnObject.ClassInfo, PropList);
1694           {$endif}
1695           for j := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
1696             PropInfo := PropList[j];
1697             UPropName:=uppercase(PropInfo^.Name);
1698             // Ignore properties that are meant to be ignored
1699             if ((currentcm=nil) or (not currentcm.PropertiesToIgnore.Find(UPropName,i))) and
1700                (not TP_IgnoreList.Find(Name+'.'+UPropName,i)) and
1701                (not ObjectPropertyIgnoreList.Find(UPropName,i)) then begin
1702               TranslateProperty (AnObject,PropInfo,TodoList,TextDomain);
1703             end;  // if
1704           end;  // for
1705         finally
1706           {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1707           FreeMem(PropList, Data^.PropCount * Sizeof(PPropInfo));
1708           {$endif}
1709           {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
1710           if Count<>0 then
1711             FreeMem (PropList);
1712           {$endif}
1713         end;
1714         if AnObject is TStrings then begin
1715           if ((AnObject as TStrings).Text<>'') and (TP_Retranslator<>nil) then
1716             (TP_Retranslator as TTP_Retranslator).Remember(AnObject, 'Text', (AnObject as TStrings).Text);
1717           TranslateStrings (AnObject as TStrings,TextDomain);
1718         end;
1719         // Check for TCollection
1720         if AnObject is TCollection then begin
1721           for i := 0 to (AnObject as TCollection).Count - 1 do
1722             TodoList.AddObject('',(AnObject as TCollection).Items[i]);
1723         end;
1724         if AnObject is TComponent then begin
1725           for i := 0 to TComponent(AnObject).ComponentCount - 1 do begin
1726             comp:=TComponent(AnObject).Components[i];
1727             if (not TP_IgnoreList.Find(uppercase(comp.Name),j)) then begin
1728               TodoList.AddObject(uppercase(comp.Name),comp);
1729             end;
1730           end;
1731         end;
1732       end { if AnObject<>nil };
1733     end { while todolist.count<>0 };
1734   finally
1735     FreeAndNil (todolist);
1736     FreeAndNil (ObjectPropertyIgnoreList);
1737     FreeAndNil (DoneList);
1738   end;
1739   FreeTP_ClassHandlingItems;
1740   TP_IgnoreList.Clear;
1741   TP_Retranslator:=nil;
1742   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1743   DebugWriteln ('----------------------------------------------------------------------');
1744   {$endif}
1745 end;
1747 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.UseLanguage(LanguageCode: string);
1748 var
1749   i,p:integer;
1750   dom:TDomain;
1751   l2:string[2];
1752 begin
1753   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1754   DebugWriteln('UseLanguage('''+LanguageCode+'''); called');
1755   {$endif}
1757   if LanguageCode='' then begin
1758     LanguageCode:=GGGetEnvironmentVariable('LANG');
1759     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1760     DebugWriteln ('LANG env variable is '''+LanguageCode+'''.');
1761     {$endif}
1762     {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
1763     if LanguageCode='' then begin
1764       LanguageCode:=GetWindowsLanguage;
1765       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1766       DebugWriteln ('Found Windows language code to be '''+LanguageCode+'''.');
1767       {$endif}
1768     end;
1769     {$endif}
1770     p:=pos('.',LanguageCode);
1771     if p<>0 then
1772       LanguageCode:=copy(LanguageCode,1,p-1);
1773     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1774     DebugWriteln ('Language code that will be set is '''+LanguageCode+'''.');
1775     {$endif}
1776   end;
1778   curlang := LanguageCode;
1779   for i:=0 to domainlist.Count-1 do begin
1780     dom:=domainlist.Objects[i] as TDomain;
1781     dom.SetLanguageCode (curlang);
1782   end;
1784   l2:=lowercase(copy(curlang,1,2));
1785   if (l2='en') or (l2='de') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm2EN else
1786   if (l2='hu') or (l2='ko') or (l2='zh') or (l2='ja') or (l2='tr') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm1 else
1787   if (l2='fr') or (l2='fa') or (lowercase(curlang)='pt_br') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm2FR else
1788   if (l2='lv') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm3LV else
1789   if (l2='ga') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm3GA else
1790   if (l2='lt') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm3LT else
1791   if (l2='ru') or (l2='cs') or (l2='sk') or (l2='uk') or (l2='hr') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm3RU else
1792   if (l2='pl') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm3PL else
1793   if (l2='sl') then curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm4SL else begin
1794     curGetPluralForm:=GetPluralForm2EN;
1795     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1796     DebugWriteln ('Plural form for the language was not found. English plurality system assumed.');
1797     {$endif}
1798   end;
1800   WhenNewLanguage (curlang);
1802   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1803   DebugWriteln('');
1804   {$endif}
1805 end;
1807 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TranslateStrings(sl: TStrings;const TextDomain:string);
1808 var
1809   line: string;
1810   i: integer;
1811   s:TStringList;
1812 begin
1813   if sl.Count > 0 then begin
1814     sl.BeginUpdate;
1815     try
1816       s:=TStringList.Create;
1817       try
1818         s.Assign (sl);
1819         for i:=0 to s.Count-1 do begin
1820           line:=s.Strings[i];
1821           if line<>'' then
1822             s.Strings[i]:=dgettext(TextDomain,line);
1823         end;
1824         sl.Assign(s);
1825       finally
1826         FreeAndNil (s);
1827       end;
1828     finally
1829       sl.EndUpdate;
1830     end;
1831   end;
1832 end;
GetTranslatorNameAndEmailnull1834 function TGnuGettextInstance.GetTranslatorNameAndEmail: widestring;
1835 begin
1836   Result:=GetTranslationProperty('LAST-TRANSLATOR');
1837 end;
GetTranslationPropertynull1839 function TGnuGettextInstance.GetTranslationProperty(
1840   const Propertyname: string): WideString;
1841 begin
1842   Result:=getdomain(curmsgdomain,DefaultDomainDirectory,CurLang).GetTranslationProperty (Propertyname);
1843 end;
dngettextnull1845 function TGnuGettextInstance.dngettext(const szDomain: string; const singular, plural: widestring;
1846   Number: Integer): widestring;
1847 var
1848   org,trans:widestring;
1849   idx:integer;
1850   p:integer;
1851 begin
1852   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1853   DebugWriteln ('dngettext translation (domain '+szDomain+', number is '+IntTostr(Number)+') of '+singular+'/'+plural);
1854   {$endif}
1855   org:=singular+#0+plural;
1856   trans:=dgettext(szDomain,org);
1857   if org=trans then begin
1858     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1859     DebugWriteln ('Translation was equal to english version. English plural forms assumed.');
1860     {$endif}
1861     idx:=GetPluralForm2EN(Number)
1862   end else
1863     idx:=curGetPluralForm(Number);
1864   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1865   DebugWriteln ('Index '+IntToStr(idx)+' will be used');
1866   {$endif}
1867   while true do begin
1868     p:=pos(#0,trans);
1869     if p=0 then begin
1870       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1871       DebugWriteln ('Last translation used: '+utf8encode(trans));
1872       {$endif}
1873       Result:=trans;
1874       exit;
1875     end;
1876     if idx=0 then begin
1877       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1878       DebugWriteln ('Translation found: '+utf8encode(trans));
1879       {$endif}
1880       Result:=copy(trans,1,p-1);
1881       exit;
1882     end;
1883     delete (trans,1,p);
1884     dec (idx);
1885   end;
1886 end;
1888 {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
ngettextnull1889 function TGnuGettextInstance.ngettext(const singular, plural: ansistring;
1890   Number: Integer): widestring;
1891 begin
1892   Result := dngettext(curmsgdomain, singular, plural, Number);
1893 end;
1894 {$endif}
ngettextnull1896 function TGnuGettextInstance.ngettext(const singular, plural: widestring;
1897   Number: Integer): widestring;
1898 begin
1899   Result := dngettext(curmsgdomain, singular, plural, Number);
1900 end;
1902 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.WhenNewDomain(const TextDomain: string);
1903 begin
1904   // This is meant to be empty.
1905 end;
1907 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.WhenNewLanguage(const LanguageID: string);
1908 begin
1909   // This is meant to be empty.
1910 end;
1912 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.WhenNewDomainDirectory(const TextDomain,
1913   Directory: string);
1914 begin
1915   // This is meant to be empty.
1916 end;
1918 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.GetListOfLanguages(const domain: string;
1919   list: TStrings);
1920 begin
1921   getdomain(Domain,DefaultDomainDirectory,CurLang).GetListOfLanguages(list);
1922 end;
1924 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.bindtextdomainToFile(const szDomain,
1925   filename: string);
1926 begin
1927   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1928   DebugWriteln ('Text domain "'+szDomain+'" is now bound to file named "'+filename+'"');
1929   {$endif}
1930   getdomain(szDomain,DefaultDomainDirectory,CurLang).SetFilename (filename);
1931 end;
1933 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.DebugLogPause(PauseEnabled: boolean);
1934 begin
1935   DebugLogOutputPaused:=PauseEnabled;
1936 end;
1938 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.DebugLogToFile(const filename: string; append:boolean=false);
1939 {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1940 var
1941   fs:TFileStream;
1942   marker:string;
1943 {$endif}
1944 begin
1945   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
1946   // Create the file if needed
1947   if (not fileexists(filename)) or (not append) then
1948     fileclose (filecreate (filename));
1950   // Open file
1951   fs:=TFileStream.Create (filename,fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
1952   if append then
1953     fs.Seek(0,soFromEnd);
1955   // Write header if appending
1956   if fs.Position<>0 then begin
1957     marker:=sLineBreak+'==========================================================================='+sLineBreak;
1958     fs.WriteBuffer(marker[1],length(marker));
1959   end;
1961   // Copy the memorystream contents to the file
1962   DebugLog.Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
1963   fs.CopyFrom(DebugLog,0);
1965   // Make DebugLog point to the filestream
1966   FreeAndNil (DebugLog);
1967   DebugLog:=fs;
1968 {$endif}
1969 end;
1971 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.DebugWriteln(line: ansistring);
1972 Var
1973   Discard: Boolean;
1974 begin
1975   Assert (DebugLogCS<>nil);
1976   Assert (DebugLog<>nil);
1978   DebugLogCS.BeginWrite;
1979   try
1980     if DebugLogOutputPaused then
1981       exit;
1983     if Assigned (fOnDebugLine) then begin
1984       Discard := True;
1985       fOnDebugLine (Self, Line, Discard);
1986       If Discard then Exit;
1987     end;
1989     line:=line+sLineBreak;
1991     // Ensure that memory usage doesn't get too big.
1992     if (DebugLog is TMemoryStream) and (DebugLog.Position>1000000) then begin
1993       line:=sLineBreak+sLineBreak+sLineBreak+sLineBreak+sLineBreak+
1994             'Debug log halted because memory usage grew too much.'+sLineBreak+
1995             'Specify a filename to store the debug log in or disable debug loggin in gnugettext.pas.'+
1996             sLineBreak+sLineBreak+sLineBreak+sLineBreak+sLineBreak;
1997       DebugLogOutputPaused:=True;
1998     end;
1999     DebugLog.WriteBuffer(line[1],length(line));
2000   finally
2001     DebugLogCS.EndWrite;
2002   end;
2003 end;
Getdomainnull2005 function TGnuGettextInstance.Getdomain(const domain, DefaultDomainDirectory, CurLang: string): TDomain;
2006 // Retrieves the TDomain object for the specified domain.
2007 // Creates one, if none there, yet.
2008 var
2009   idx: integer;
2010 begin
2011   idx := domainlist.IndexOf(Domain);
2012   if idx = -1 then begin
2013     Result := TDomain.Create;
2014     Result.DebugLogger:=DebugWriteln;
2015     Result.Domain := Domain;
2016     Result.Directory := DefaultDomainDirectory;
2017     Result.SetLanguageCode(curlang);
2018     domainlist.AddObject(Domain, Result);
2019   end else begin
2020     Result := domainlist.Objects[idx] as TDomain;
2021   end;
2022 end;
LoadResStringnull2024 function TGnuGettextInstance.LoadResString(
2025   ResStringRec: PResStringRec): widestring;
2026 {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
2027 var
2028   Len: Integer;
2029   Buffer: array [0..1023] of char;
2030 {$endif}
2031 {$ifdef LINUX }
2032 const
2033   ResStringTableLen = 16;
2034 type
2035   ResStringTable = array [0..ResStringTableLen-1] of LongWord;
2036 var
2037   Handle: TResourceHandle;
2038   Tab: ^ResStringTable;
2039   ResMod: HMODULE;
2040 {$endif }
2041 begin
2042   if ResStringRec=nil then
2043     exit;
2044   if ResStringRec.Identifier>=64*1024 then begin
2045     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2046     DebugWriteln ('LoadResString was given an invalid ResStringRec.Identifier');
2047     {$endif}
2048     Result:='ERROR';
2049     exit;
2050   end else begin
2051     {$ifdef LINUX}
2052     // This works with Unicode if the Linux has utf-8 character set
2053     // Result:=System.LoadResString(ResStringRec);
2054     ResMod:=FindResourceHInstance(ResStringRec^.Module^);
2055     Handle:=FindResource(ResMod,
2056       PChar(ResStringRec^.Identifier div ResStringTableLen), PChar(6));   // RT_STRING
2057     Tab:=Pointer(LoadResource(ResMod, Handle));
2058     if Tab=nil then
2059       Result:=''
2060     else
2061       Result:=PWideChar(PChar(Tab)+Tab[ResStringRec^.Identifier mod ResStringTableLen]);
2062     {$endif}
2063     {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
2064     if not Win32PlatformIsUnicode then begin
2065       SetString(Result, Buffer,
2066         LoadString(FindResourceHInstance(ResStringRec.Module^),
2067           ResStringRec.Identifier, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)))
2068     end else begin
2069       Result := '';
2070       Len := 0;
2071       While Len = Length(Result) do begin
2072         if Length(Result) = 0 then
2073           SetLength(Result, 1024)
2074         else
2075           SetLength(Result, Length(Result) * 2);
2076         Len := LoadStringW(FindResourceHInstance(ResStringRec.Module^),
2077           ResStringRec.Identifier, PWideChar(Result), Length(Result));
2078       end;
2079       SetLength(Result, Len);
2080     end;
2081     {$endif}
2082   end;
2083   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2084   DebugWriteln ('Loaded resourcestring: '+utf8encode(Result));
2085   {$endif}
2086   if CreatorThread<>GetCurrentThreadId then begin
2087     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2088     DebugWriteln ('LoadResString was called from an invalid thread. Resourcestring was not translated.');
2089     {$endif}
2090   end else
2091     Result:=ResourceStringGettext(Result);
2092 end;
2094 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.RetranslateComponent(AnObject: TComponent;
2095   const TextDomain: string);
2096 var
2097   comp:TGnuGettextComponentMarker;
2098 begin
2099   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2100   DebugWriteln ('======================================================================');
2101   DebugWriteln ('RetranslateComponent() was called for a component with name '+AnObject.Name+'.');
2102   {$endif}
2103   comp:=AnObject.FindComponent('GNUgettextMarker') as TGnuGettextComponentMarker;
2104   if comp=nil then begin
2105     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2106     DebugWriteln ('Retranslate was called on an object that has not been translated before. An Exception is being raised.');
2107     {$endif}
2108     raise EGGProgrammingError.Create ('Retranslate was called on an object that has not been translated before. Please use TranslateComponent() before RetranslateComponent().');
2109   end else begin
2110     if comp.LastLanguage<>curlang then begin
2111       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2112       DebugWriteln ('The retranslator is being executed.');
2113       {$endif}
2114       comp.Retranslator.Execute;
2115     end else begin
2116       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2117       DebugWriteln ('The language has not changed. The retranslator is not executed.');
2118       {$endif}
2119     end;
2120   end;
2121   comp.LastLanguage:=curlang;
2122   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2123   DebugWriteln ('======================================================================');
2124   {$endif}
2125 end;
2127 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TP_IgnoreClass(IgnClass: TClass);
2128 var
2129   cm:TClassMode;
2130   i:integer;
2131 begin
2132   for i:=0 to TP_ClassHandling.Count-1 do begin
2133     cm:=TObject(TP_ClassHandling.Items[i]) as TClassMode;
2134     if cm.HClass=IgnClass then
2135       raise EGGProgrammingError.Create ('You cannot add a class to the ignore list that is already on that list: '+IgnClass.ClassName+'.');
2136     if IgnClass.InheritsFrom(cm.HClass) then begin
2137       // This is the place to insert this class
2138       cm:=TClassMode.Create;
2139       cm.HClass:=IgnClass;
2140       TP_ClassHandling.Insert(i,cm);
2141       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2142       DebugWriteln ('Locally, class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
2143       {$endif}
2144       exit;
2145     end;
2146   end;
2147   cm:=TClassMode.Create;
2148   cm.HClass:=IgnClass;
2149   TP_ClassHandling.Add(cm);
2150   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2151   DebugWriteln ('Locally, class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
2152   {$endif}
2153 end;
2155 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.TP_IgnoreClassProperty(IgnClass: TClass;
2156   propertyname: string);
2157 var
2158   cm:TClassMode;
2159   i:integer;
2160 begin
2161   propertyname:=uppercase(propertyname);
2162   for i:=0 to TP_ClassHandling.Count-1 do begin
2163     cm:=TObject(TP_ClassHandling.Items[i]) as TClassMode;
2164     if cm.HClass=IgnClass then begin
2165       if Assigned(cm.SpecialHandler) then
2166         raise EGGProgrammingError.Create ('You cannot ignore a class property for a class that has a handler set.');
2167       cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Add(propertyname);
2168       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2169       DebugWriteln ('Globally, the '+propertyname+' property of class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
2170       {$endif}
2171       exit;
2172     end;
2173     if IgnClass.InheritsFrom(cm.HClass) then begin
2174       // This is the place to insert this class
2175       cm:=TClassMode.Create;
2176       cm.HClass:=IgnClass;
2177       cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Add(propertyname);
2178       TP_ClassHandling.Insert(i,cm);
2179       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2180       DebugWriteln ('Locally, the '+propertyname+' property of class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
2181       {$endif}
2182       exit;
2183     end;
2184   end;
2185   cm:=TClassMode.Create;
2186   cm.HClass:=IgnClass;
2187   cm.PropertiesToIgnore.Add(propertyname);
2188   TP_GlobalClassHandling.Add(cm);
2189   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2190   DebugWriteln ('Locally, the '+propertyname+' property of class '+IgnClass.ClassName+' is being ignored.');
2191   {$endif}
2192 end;
2194 procedure TGnuGettextInstance.FreeTP_ClassHandlingItems;
2195 begin
2196   while TP_ClassHandling.Count<>0 do begin
2197     TObject(TP_ClassHandling.Items[0]).Free;
2198     TP_ClassHandling.Delete(0);
2199   end;
2200 end;
ansi2widenull2202 function TGnuGettextInstance.ansi2wide(const s: ansistring): widestring;
2203 {$ifdef MSWindows}
2204 var
2205   len:integer;
2206 {$endif}
2207 begin
2208 {$ifdef MSWindows}
2209   if DesignTimeCodePage=CP_ACP then begin
2210     // No design-time codepage specified. Using runtime codepage instead.
2211 {$endif}
2212     Result:=s;
2213 {$ifdef MSWindows}
2214   end else begin
2215     len:=length(s);
2216     if len=0 then
2217       Result:=''
2218     else begin
2219       SetLength (Result,len);
2220       len:=MultiByteToWideChar(DesignTimeCodePage,0,pchar(s),len,pwidechar(Result),len);
2221       if len=0 then
2222         raise EGGAnsi2WideConvError.Create ('Cannot convert string to widestring:'+sLineBreak+s);
2223       SetLength (Result,len);
2224     end;
2225   end;
2226 {$endif}
2227 end;
2229 {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
dngettextnull2230 function TGnuGettextInstance.dngettext(const szDomain: string; const singular,
2231   plural: ansistring; Number: Integer): widestring;
2232 begin
2233   Result:=dngettext (szDomain, ansi2wide(singular), ansi2wide(plural), Number);
2234 end;
2235 {$endif}
2237 { TClassMode }
2239 constructor TClassMode.Create;
2240 begin
2241   PropertiesToIgnore:=TStringList.Create;
2242   PropertiesToIgnore.Sorted:=True;
2243   PropertiesToIgnore.Duplicates:=dupError;
2244   {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
2245   PropertiesToIgnore.CaseSensitive:=False;
2246   {$endif}
2247 end;
2249 destructor TClassMode.Destroy;
2250 begin
2251   FreeAndNil (PropertiesToIgnore);
2252   inherited;
2253 end;
2255 { TFileLocator }
2257 procedure TFileLocator.Analyze;
2258 var
2259   s:ansistring;
2260   i:integer;
2261   offset:int64;
2262   fs:TFileStream;
2263   fi:TEmbeddedFileInfo;
2264   filename:string;
2265 begin
2266   s:='6637DB2E-62E1-4A60-AC19-C23867046A89'#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0;
2267   s:=copy(s,length(s)-7,8);
2268   offset:=0;
2269   for i:=8 downto 1 do
2270     offset:=offset shl 8+ord(s[i]);
2271   if offset=0 then
2272     exit;
2273   BaseDirectory:=ExtractFilePath(ExecutableFilename);
2274   try
2275     fs:=TFileStream.Create(ExecutableFilename,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
2276     try
2277       while true do begin
2278         fs.Seek(offset,soFromBeginning);
2279         offset:=ReadInt64(fs);
2280         if offset=0 then
2281           exit;
2282         fi:=TEmbeddedFileInfo.Create;
2283         try
2284           fi.Offset:=ReadInt64(fs);
2285           fi.Size:=ReadInt64(fs);
2286           SetLength (filename, offset-fs.position);
2287           fs.ReadBuffer (filename[1],offset-fs.position);
2288           filename:=trim(filename);
2289           filelist.AddObject(filename,fi);
2290         except
2291           FreeAndNil (fi);
2292           raise;
2293         end;
2294       end;
2295     finally
2296       FreeAndNil (fs);
2297     end;
2298   except
2299     {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2300     raise;
2301     {$endif}
2302   end;
2303 end;
2305 constructor TFileLocator.Create;
2306 begin
2307   MoFilesCS:=TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
2308   MoFiles:=TStringList.Create;
2309   filelist:=TStringList.Create;
2310   {$ifdef LINUX}
2311   filelist.Duplicates:=dupError;
2312   filelist.CaseSensitive:=True;
2313   {$endif}
2314   MoFiles.Sorted:=True;
2315   {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
2316   MoFiles.Duplicates:=dupError;
2317   MoFiles.CaseSensitive:=False;
2318   {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
2319   filelist.Duplicates:=dupError;
2320   filelist.CaseSensitive:=False;
2321   {$endif}
2322   {$endif}
2323   filelist.Sorted:=True;
2324 end;
2326 destructor TFileLocator.Destroy;
2327 begin
2328   while filelist.count<>0 do begin
2329     filelist.Objects[0].Free;
2330     filelist.Delete (0);
2331   end;
2332   FreeAndNil (filelist);
2333   FreeAndNil (MoFiles);
2334   FreeAndNil (MoFilesCS);
2335   inherited;
2336 end;
FileExistsnull2338 function TFileLocator.FileExists(filename: string): boolean;
2339 var
2340   idx:integer;
2341 begin
2342   if copy(filename,1,length(basedirectory))=basedirectory then
2343     filename:=copy(filename,length(basedirectory)+1,maxint);
2344   Result:=filelist.Find(filename,idx);
2345 end;
TFileLocator.GetMoFilenull2347 function TFileLocator.GetMoFile(filename: string; DebugLogger:TDebugLogger): TMoFile;
2348 var
2349   fi:TEmbeddedFileInfo;
2350   idx:integer;
2351   idxname:string;
2352   Offset, Size: Int64;
2353   realfilename:string;
2354 begin
2355   // Find real filename
2356   offset:=0;
2357   size:=0;
2358   realfilename:=filename;
2359   if copy(filename,1,length(basedirectory))=basedirectory then begin
2360     filename:=copy(filename,length(basedirectory)+1,maxint);
2361     idx:=filelist.IndexOf(filename);
2362     if idx<>-1 then begin
2363       fi:=filelist.Objects[idx] as TEmbeddedFileInfo;
2364       realfilename:=ExecutableFilename;
2365       offset:=fi.offset;
2366       size:=fi.size;
2367       {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2368       DebugLogger ('Instead of '+filename+', using '+realfilename+' from offset '+IntTostr(offset)+', size '+IntToStr(size));
2369       {$endif}
2370     end;
2371   end;
2374   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2375   DebugLogger ('Reading .mo data from file '''+filename+'''');
2376   {$endif}
2378   // Find TMoFile object
2379   MoFilesCS.BeginWrite;
2380   try
2381     idxname:=realfilename+#1+IntToStr(offset);
2382     if MoFiles.Find(idxname, idx) then begin
2383       Result:=MoFiles.Objects[idx] as TMoFile;
2384     end else begin
2385       Result:=TMoFile.Create (realfilename, Offset, Size);
2386       MoFiles.AddObject(idxname, Result);
2387     end;
2388     Inc (Result.Users);
2389   finally
2390     MoFilesCS.EndWrite;
2391   end;
2392 end;
ReadInt64null2394 function TFileLocator.ReadInt64(str: TStream): int64;
2395 begin
2396   Assert (sizeof(Result)=8);
2397   str.ReadBuffer(Result,8);
2398 end;
2400 procedure TFileLocator.ReleaseMoFile(mofile: TMoFile);
2401 var
2402   i:integer;
2403 begin
2404   Assert (mofile<>nil);
2406   MoFilesCS.BeginWrite;
2407   try
2408     dec (mofile.Users);
2409     if mofile.Users<=0 then begin
2410       i:=MoFiles.Count-1;
2411       while i>=0 do begin
2412         if MoFiles.Objects[i]=mofile then begin
2413           MoFiles.Delete(i);
2414           FreeAndNil (mofile);
2415           break;
2416         end;
2417         dec (i);
2418       end;
2419     end;
2420   finally
2421     MoFilesCS.EndWrite;
2422   end;
2423 end;
2425 { TTP_Retranslator }
2427 constructor TTP_Retranslator.Create;
2428 begin
2429   list:=TList.Create;
2430 end;
2432 destructor TTP_Retranslator.Destroy;
2433 var
2434   i:integer;
2435 begin
2436   for i:=0 to list.Count-1 do
2437     TObject(list.Items[i]).Free;
2438   FreeAndNil (list);
2439   inherited;
2440 end;
2442 procedure TTP_Retranslator.Execute;
2443 var
2444   i:integer;
2445   sl:TStrings;
2446   item:TTP_RetranslatorItem;
2447   newvalue:WideString;
2448   {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
2449   ppi:PPropInfo;
2450   {$endif}
2451 begin
2452   for i:=0 to list.Count-1 do begin
2453     item:=TObject(list.items[i]) as TTP_RetranslatorItem;
2454     if item.obj is TStrings then begin
2455       // Since we don't know the order of items in sl, and don't have
2456       // the original .Objects[] anywhere, we cannot anticipate anything
2457       // about the current sl.Strings[] and sl.Objects[] values. We therefore
2458       // have to discard both values. We can, however, set the original .Strings[]
2459       // value into the list and retranslate that.
2460       sl:=TStringList.Create;
2461       try
2462         sl.Text:=item.OldValue;
2463         Instance.TranslateStrings(sl,textdomain);
2464         (item.obj as TStrings).BeginUpdate;
2465         try
2466           (item.obj as TStrings).Text:=sl.Text;
2467         finally
2468           (item.obj as TStrings).EndUpdate;
2469         end;
2470       finally
2471         FreeAndNil (sl);
2472       end;
2473     end else begin
2474       newValue:=instance.dgettext(textdomain,item.OldValue);
2475       {$ifdef DELPHI5OROLDER}
2476       SetStrProp(item.obj, item.PropName, newValue);
2477       {$endif}
2478       {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER}
2479       ppi:=GetPropInfo(item.obj, item.Propname);
2480       if ppi<>nil then begin
2481         SetWideStrProp(item.obj, ppi, newValue);
2482       end else begin
2483         {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2484         Instance.DebugWriteln ('ERROR: On retranslation, property disappeared: '+item.Propname+' for object of type '+item.obj.ClassName);
2485         {$endif}
2486       end;
2487       {$endif}
2488     end;
2489   end;
2490 end;
2492 procedure TTP_Retranslator.Remember(obj: TObject; PropName: String;
2493   OldValue: WideString);
2494 var
2495   item:TTP_RetranslatorItem;
2496 begin
2497   item:=TTP_RetranslatorItem.Create;
2498   item.obj:=obj;
2499   item.Propname:=Propname;
2500   item.OldValue:=OldValue;
2501   list.Add(item);
2502 end;
2504 { TGnuGettextComponentMarker }
2506 destructor TGnuGettextComponentMarker.Destroy;
2507 begin
2508   FreeAndNil (Retranslator);
2509   inherited;
2510 end;
2512 { THook }
2514 constructor THook.Create(OldProcedure, NewProcedure: pointer; FollowJump:boolean=false);
2515 { Idea and original code from Igor Siticov }
2516 { Modified by Jacques Garcia Vazquez and Lars Dybdahl }
2517 begin
2518   {$ifndef CPU386}
2519   'This procedure only works on Intel i386 compatible processors.'
2520   {$endif}
2522   oldproc:=OldProcedure;
2523   newproc:=NewProcedure;
2525   Reset (FollowJump);
2526 end;
2528 destructor THook.Destroy;
2529 begin
2530   Shutdown;
2531   inherited;
2532 end;
2534 procedure THook.Disable;
2535 begin
2536   Assert (PatchPosition<>nil,'Patch position in THook was nil when Disable was called');
2537   PatchPosition[0]:=Original[0];
2538   PatchPosition[1]:=Original[1];
2539   PatchPosition[2]:=Original[2];
2540   PatchPosition[3]:=Original[3];
2541   PatchPosition[4]:=Original[4];
2542 end;
2544 procedure THook.Enable;
2545 begin
2546   Assert (PatchPosition<>nil,'Patch position in THook was nil when Enable was called');
2547   PatchPosition[0]:=Patch[0];
2548   PatchPosition[1]:=Patch[1];
2549   PatchPosition[2]:=Patch[2];
2550   PatchPosition[3]:=Patch[3];
2551   PatchPosition[4]:=Patch[4];
2552 end;
2554 procedure THook.Reset(FollowJump: boolean);
2555 var
2556   offset:integer;
2557   {$ifdef LINUX}
2558   p:pointer;
2559   pagesize:integer;
2560   {$endif}
2561   {$ifdef MSWindows}
2562   ov: cardinal;
2563   {$endif}
2564 begin
2565   if PatchPosition<>nil then
2566     Shutdown;
2568   patchPosition := OldProc;
2569   if FollowJump and (Word(OldProc^) = $25FF) then begin
2570     // This finds the correct procedure if a virtual jump has been inserted
2571     // at the procedure address
2572     Inc(Integer(patchPosition), 2); // skip the jump
2573     patchPosition := pChar(Pointer(pointer(patchPosition)^)^);
2574   end;
2575   offset:=integer(NewProc)-integer(pointer(patchPosition))-5;
2577   Patch[0] := char($E9);
2578   Patch[1] := char(offset and 255);
2579   Patch[2] := char((offset shr 8) and 255);
2580   Patch[3] := char((offset shr 16) and 255);
2581   Patch[4] := char((offset shr 24) and 255);
2583   Original[0]:=PatchPosition[0];
2584   Original[1]:=PatchPosition[1];
2585   Original[2]:=PatchPosition[2];
2586   Original[3]:=PatchPosition[3];
2587   Original[4]:=PatchPosition[4];
2589   {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
2590   if not VirtualProtect(Pointer(PatchPosition), 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, @ov) then
2591     RaiseLastOSError;
2592   {$endif}
2593   {$ifdef LINUX}
2594   pageSize:=sysconf (_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
2595   p:=pointer(PatchPosition);
2596   p:=pointer((integer(p) + PAGESIZE-1) and not (PAGESIZE-1) - pageSize);
2597   if mprotect (p, pageSize, PROT_READ + PROT_WRITE + PROT_EXEC) <> 0 then
2598     RaiseLastOSError;
2599   {$endif}
2600 end;
2602 procedure THook.Shutdown;
2603 begin
2604   Disable;
2605   PatchPosition:=nil;
2606 end;
2608 procedure HookIntoResourceStrings (enabled:boolean=true; SupportPackages:boolean=false);
2609 begin
2610   HookLoadResString.Reset (SupportPackages);
2611   HookLoadStr.Reset (SupportPackages);
2612   HookFmtLoadStr.Reset (SupportPackages);
2613   if enabled then begin
2614     HookLoadResString.Enable;
2615     HookLoadStr.Enable;
2616     HookFmtLoadStr.Enable;
2617   end;
2618 end;
2620 { TMoFile }
TMoFile.autoswap32null2622 function TMoFile.autoswap32(i: cardinal): cardinal;
2623 var
2624   cnv1, cnv2:
2625     record
2626       case integer of
2627         0: (arr: array[0..3] of byte);
2628         1: (int: cardinal);
2629     end;
2630 begin
2631   if doswap then begin
2632     cnv1.int := i;
2633     cnv2.arr[0] := cnv1.arr[3];
2634     cnv2.arr[1] := cnv1.arr[2];
2635     cnv2.arr[2] := cnv1.arr[1];
2636     cnv2.arr[3] := cnv1.arr[0];
2637     Result := cnv2.int;
2638   end else
2639     Result := i;
2640 end;
TMoFile.CardinalInMemnull2642 function TMoFile.CardinalInMem(baseptr: PChar; Offset: Cardinal): Cardinal;
2643 var pc:^Cardinal;
2644 begin
2645   inc (baseptr,offset);
2646   pc:=Pointer(baseptr);
2647   Result:=pc^;
2648   if doswap then
2649     autoswap32(Result);
2650 end;
2652 constructor TMoFile.Create(filename: string; Offset,Size:int64);
2653 var
2654   i:cardinal;
2655   nn:integer;
2656   {$ifdef linux}
2657   mofile:TFileStream;
2658   {$endif}
2659 begin
2660   if sizeof(i) <> 4 then
2661     raise EGGProgrammingError.Create('TDomain in gnugettext is written for an architecture that has 32 bit integers.');
2663   {$ifdef mswindows}
2664   // Map the mo file into memory and let the operating system decide how to cache
2665   mo:=createfile (PChar(filename),GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,nil,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0);
2666   if mo=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
2667     raise EGGIOError.Create ('Cannot open file '+filename);
2668   momapping:=CreateFileMapping (mo, nil, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nil);
2669   if momapping=0 then
2670     raise EGGIOError.Create ('Cannot create memory map on file '+filename);
2671   momemoryHandle:=MapViewOfFile (momapping,FILE_MAP_READ,0,0,0);
2672   if momemoryHandle=nil then begin
2673     raise EGGIOError.Create ('Cannot map file '+filename+' into memory. Reason: '+GetLastWinError);
2674   end;
2675   momemory:=momemoryHandle+offset;
2676   {$endif}
2677   {$ifdef linux}
2678   // Read the whole file into memory
2679   mofile:=TFileStream.Create (filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
2680   try
2681     if size=0 then
2682       size:=mofile.Size;
2683     Getmem (momemoryHandle,size);
2684     momemory:=momemoryHandle;
2685     mofile.Seek(offset,soFromBeginning);
2686     mofile.ReadBuffer(momemory^,size);
2687   finally
2688     FreeAndNil (mofile);
2689   end;
2690   {$endif}
2692   // Check the magic number
2693   doswap:=False;
2694   i:=CardinalInMem(momemory,0);
2695   if (i <> $950412DE) and (i <> $DE120495) then
2696     EGGIOError.Create('This file is not a valid GNU gettext mo file: ' + filename);
2697   doswap := (i = $DE120495);
2700   // Find the positions in the file according to the file format spec
2701   CardinalInMem(momemory,4);       // Read the version number, but don't use it for anything.
2702   N:=CardinalInMem(momemory,8);    // Get string count
2703   O:=CardinalInMem(momemory,12);   // Get offset of original strings
2704   T:=CardinalInMem(momemory,16);   // Get offset of translated strings
2706   // Calculate start conditions for a binary search
2707   nn := N;
2708   startindex := 1;
2709   while nn <> 0 do begin
2710     nn := nn shr 1;
2711     startindex := startindex shl 1;
2712   end;
2713   startindex := startindex shr 1;
2714   startstep := startindex shr 1;
2715 end;
2717 destructor TMoFile.Destroy;
2718 begin
2719   {$ifdef mswindows}
2720   UnMapViewOfFile (momemoryHandle);
2721   CloseHandle (momapping);
2722   CloseHandle (mo);
2723   {$endif}
2724   {$ifdef linux}
2725   FreeMem (momemoryHandle);
2726   {$endif}
2727   inherited;
2728 end;
gettextnull2730 function TMoFile.gettext(const msgid: ansistring;var found:boolean): ansistring;
2731 var
2732   i, step: cardinal;
2733   offset, pos: cardinal;
2734   CompareResult:integer;
2735   msgidptr,a,b:PChar;
2736   abidx:integer;
2737   size, msgidsize:integer;
2738 begin
2739   found:=false;
2740   msgidptr:=PChar(msgid);
2741   msgidsize:=length(msgid);
2743   // Do binary search
2744   i:=startindex;
2745   step:=startstep;
2746   while true do begin
2747     // Get string for index i
2748     pos:=O+8*(i-1);
2749     offset:=CardinalInMem (momemory,pos+4);
2750     size:=CardinalInMem (momemory,pos);
2751     a:=msgidptr;
2752     b:=momemory+offset;
2753     abidx:=size;
2754     if msgidsize<abidx then
2755       abidx:=msgidsize;
2756     CompareResult:=0;
2757     while abidx<>0 do begin
2758       CompareResult:=integer(byte(a^))-integer(byte(b^));
2759       if CompareResult<>0 then
2760         break;
2761       dec (abidx);
2762       inc (a);
2763       inc (b);
2764     end;
2765     if CompareResult=0 then
2766       CompareResult:=msgidsize-size;
2767     if CompareResult=0 then begin  // msgid=s
2768       // Found the msgid
2769       pos:=T+8*(i-1);
2770       offset:=CardinalInMem (momemory,pos+4);
2771       size:=CardinalInMem (momemory,pos);
2772       SetString (Result,momemory+offset,size);
2773       found:=True;
2774       break;
2775     end;
2776     if step=0 then begin
2777       // Not found
2778       Result:=msgid;
2779       break;
2780     end;
2781     if CompareResult<0 then begin  // msgid<s
2782       if i < 1+step then
2783         i := 1
2784       else
2785         i := i - step;
2786       step := step shr 1;
2787     end else begin  // msgid>s
2788       i := i + step;
2789       if i > N then
2790         i := N;
2791       step := step shr 1;
2792     end;
2793   end;
2794 end;
2796 initialization
2797   {$ifdef DXGETTEXTDEBUG}
2798   {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
2799   MessageBox (0,'gnugettext.pas debugging is enabled. Turn it off before releasing this piece of software.','Information',MB_OK);
2800   {$endif}
2801   {$ifdef LINUX}
2802   writeln (stderr,'gnugettext.pas debugging is enabled. Turn it off before releasing this piece of software.');
2803   {$endif}
2804   {$endif}
2805   if IsLibrary then begin
2806     // Get DLL/shared object filename
2807     SetLength (ExecutableFilename,300);
2808     {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
2809     SetLength (ExecutableFilename,GetModuleFileName(HInstance, PChar(ExecutableFilename), length(ExecutableFilename)));
2810     {$else}
2811     // This line has not been tested on Linux, yet, but should work.
2812     SetLength (ExecutableFilename,GetModuleFileName(0, PChar(ExecutableFilename), length(ExecutableFilename)));
2813     {$endif}
2814   end else
2815     ExecutableFilename:=Paramstr(0);
2816   FileLocator:=TFileLocator.Create;
2817   FileLocator.Analyze;
2818   ResourceStringDomainList:=TStringList.Create;
2819   ResourceStringDomainList.Add(DefaultTextDomain);
2820   ResourceStringDomainListCS:=TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
2821   DefaultInstance:=TGnuGettextInstance.Create;
2822   {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
2823   Win32PlatformIsUnicode := (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT);
2824   {$endif}
2826   // replace Borlands LoadResString with gettext enabled version:
2827   HookLoadResString:=THook.Create (@system.LoadResString, @LoadResStringA);
2828   HookLoadStr:=THook.Create (@sysutils.LoadStr, @SysUtilsLoadStr);
2829   HookFmtLoadStr:=THook.Create (@sysutils.FmtLoadStr, @SysUtilsFmtLoadStr);
2830   HookIntoResourceStrings (AutoCreateHooks,false);
2832 finalization
2833   FreeAndNil (DefaultInstance);
2834   FreeAndNil (ResourceStringDomainListCS);
2835   FreeAndNil (ResourceStringDomainList);
2836   FreeAndNil (HookFmtLoadStr);
2837   FreeAndNil (HookLoadStr);
2838   FreeAndNil (HookLoadResString);
2839   FreeAndNil (FileLocator);
2841 end.