1# This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project
2# BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details.
4gpsfake.py -- classes for creating a controlled test environment around gpsd.
6The gpsfake(1) regression tester shipped with GPSD is a trivial wrapper
7around this code.  For a more interesting usage example, see the
8valgrind-audit script shipped with the GPSD code.
10To use this code, start by instantiating a TestSession class.  Use the
11prefix argument if you want to run the daemon under some kind of run-time
12monitor like valgrind or gdb.  Here are some particularly useful possibilities:
14valgrind --tool=memcheck --gen-suppressions=yes --leak-check=yes
15    Run under Valgrind, checking for malloc errors and memory leaks.
17xterm -e gdb -tui --args
18    Run under gdb, controlled from a new xterm.
20You can use the options argument to pass in daemon options; normally you will
21use this to set the debug-logging level.
23On initialization, the test object spawns an instance of gpsd with no
24devices or clients attached, connected to a control socket.
26TestSession has methods to attach and detch fake GPSes. The
27TestSession class simulates GPS devices for you with objects composed
28from a pty and a class instance that cycles sentences into the master side
29from some specified logfile; gpsd reads the slave side.  A fake GPS is
30identified by the string naming its slave device.
32TestSession also has methods to start and end client sessions.  Daemon
33responses to a client are fed to a hook function which, by default,
34discards them.  Note that this data is 'bytes' to accommodate possible
35binary data in Python 3; use polystr() if you need a str.  You can
36change the hook to misc.get_bytes_stream(sys.stdout).write to dump
37responses to standard output (this is what the gpsfake executable does)
38or do something more exotic. A client session is identified by a small
39integer that counts the number of client session starts.
41There are a couple of convenience methods.  TestSession.wait() does nothing,
42allowing a specified number of seconds to elapse.  TestSession.send()
43ships commands to an open client session.
45TestSession does not currently capture the daemon's log output.  It is
46run with -N, so the output will go to stderr (along with, for example,
47Valgrind notifications).
49Each FakeGPS instance tries to packetize the data from the logfile it
50is initialized with. It uses the same packet-getter as the daemon.
51Exception: if there is a Delay-Cookie line in a header comment, that
52delimiter is used to split up the test load.
54The TestSession code maintains a run queue of FakeGPS and gps.gs
55(client- session) objects. It repeatedly cycles through the run queue.
56For each client session object in the queue, it tries to read data
57from gpsd.  For each fake GPS, it sends one line or packet of stored
58data.  When a fake-GPS's go predicate becomes false, the fake GPS is
59removed from the run queue.
61There are two ways to use this code.  The more deterministic is
62non-threaded mode: set up your client sessions and fake GPS devices,
63then call the run() method.  The run() method will terminate when
64there are no more objects in the run queue.  Note, you must have
65created at least one fake client or fake GPS before calling run(),
66otherwise it will terminate immediately.
68To allow for adding and removing clients while the test is running,
69run in threaded mode by calling the start() method.  This simply calls
70the run method in a subthread, with locking of critical regions.
72# This code runs compatibly under Python 2 and 3.x for x >= 2.
73# Preserve this property!
74from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
76import os
77import pty
78import select
79import signal
80import socket
81import stat
82import subprocess
83import sys
84import termios  # fcntl, array, struct
85import threading
86import time
88import gps
89from . import packet as sniffer
91# The magic number below has to be derived from observation.  If
92# it's too high you'll slow the tests down a lot.  If it's too low
93# you'll get regression tests timing out.
95# WRITE_PAD: Define a per-line delay on writes so we won't spam the
96# buffers in the pty layer or gpsd itself. Values smaller than the
97# system timer tick don't make any difference here. Can be set from
98# WRITE_PAD in the environment.
100if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
101    WRITE_PAD = 0.0
102elif sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"):
103    WRITE_PAD = 0.01
104elif sys.platform.startswith("netbsd5"):
105    WRITE_PAD = 0.200
106elif sys.platform.startswith("netbsd"):
107    WRITE_PAD = 0.01
108elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
109    # darwin Darwin-13.4.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
110    WRITE_PAD = 0.005
112    WRITE_PAD = 0.004
114# Additional delays in slow mode
117# If a test takes longer than this, we deem it to have timed out
121def GetDelay(slow=False):
122    "Get appropriate per-line delay."
123    delay = float(os.getenv("WRITE_PAD", WRITE_PAD))
124    if slow:
125        delay += WRITE_PAD_SLOWDOWN
126    return delay
129class TestError(BaseException):
130    "Class TestError"
131    def __init__(self, msg):
132        super(TestError, self).__init__()
133        self.msg = msg
136class TestLoadError(TestError):
137    "Class TestLoadError, empty"
140class TestLoad(object):
141    "Digest a logfile into a list of sentences we can cycle through."
143    def __init__(self, logfp, predump=False, slow=False, oneshot=False):
144        self.sentences = []  # This is the interesting part
145        if isinstance(logfp, str):
146            logfp = open(logfp, "rb")
147        self.name = logfp.name
148        self.logfp = logfp
149        self.predump = predump
150        self.type = None
151        self.sourcetype = "pty"
152        self.serial = None
153        self.delay = GetDelay(slow)
154        self.delimiter = None
155        # Stash away a copy in case we need to resplit
156        text = logfp.read()
157        logfp = open(logfp.name, 'rb')
158        # Grab the packets in the normal way
159        getter = sniffer.new()
160        # gps.packet.register_report(reporter)
161        type_latch = None
162        commentlen = 0
163        while True:
164            # Note that packet data is bytes rather than str
165            (plen, ptype, packet, _counter) = getter.get(logfp.fileno())
166            if plen <= 0:
167                break
168            elif ptype == sniffer.COMMENT_PACKET:
169                commentlen += len(packet)
170                # Some comments are magic
171                if b"Serial:" in packet:
172                    # Change serial parameters
173                    packet = packet[1:].strip()
174                    try:
175                        (_xx, baud, params) = packet.split()
176                        baud = int(baud)
177                        if params[0] in (b'7', b'8'):
178                            databits = int(params[0])
179                        else:
180                            raise ValueError
181                        if params[1] in (b'N', b'O', b'E'):
182                            parity = params[1]
183                        else:
184                            raise ValueError
185                        if params[2] in (b'1', b'2'):
186                            stopbits = int(params[2])
187                        else:
188                            raise ValueError
189                    except (ValueError, IndexError):
190                        raise TestLoadError("bad serial-parameter spec in %s" %
191                                            self.name)
192                    self.serial = (baud, databits, parity, stopbits)
193                elif b"Transport: UDP" in packet:
194                    self.sourcetype = "UDP"
195                elif b"Transport: TCP" in packet:
196                    self.sourcetype = "TCP"
197                elif b"Delay-Cookie:" in packet:
198                    if packet.startswith(b"#"):
199                        packet = packet[1:]
200                    try:
201                        (_dummy, self.delimiter, delay) = \
202                            packet.strip().split()
203                        self.delay = float(delay)
204                    except ValueError:
205                        raise TestLoadError("bad Delay-Cookie line in %s" %
206                                            self.name)
207                    self.resplit = True
208            else:
209                if type_latch is None:
210                    type_latch = ptype
211                if self.predump:
212                    print(repr(packet))
213                if not packet:
214                    raise TestLoadError("zero-length packet from %s" %
215                                        self.name)
216                self.sentences.append(packet)
217        # Look at the first packet to grok the GPS type
218        self.textual = (type_latch == sniffer.NMEA_PACKET)
219        if self.textual:
220            self.legend = "gpsfake: line %d: "
221        else:
222            self.legend = "gpsfake: packet %d"
223        # Maybe this needs to be split on different delimiters?
224        if self.delimiter is not None:
225            self.sentences = text[commentlen:].split(self.delimiter)
226        # Do we want single-shot operation?
227        if oneshot:
228            self.sentences.append(b"# EOF\n")
231class PacketError(TestError):
232    "Class PacketError, empty"
235class FakeGPS(object):
236    "Class FakeGPS"
237    def __init__(self, testload, progress=lambda x: None):
238        self.exhausted = 0
239        self.go_predicate = lambda: True
240        self.index = 0
241        self.progress = progress
242        self.readers = 0
243        self.testload = testload
244        self.progress("gpsfake: %s provides %d sentences\n"
245                      % (self.testload.name, len(self.testload.sentences)))
247    def write(self, line):
248        "Throw an error if this superclass is ever instantiated."
249        raise ValueError(line)
251    def feed(self):
252        "Feed a line from the contents of the GPS log to the daemon."
253        line = self.testload.sentences[self.index
254                                       % len(self.testload.sentences)]
255        if b"%Delay:" in line:
256            # Delay specified number of seconds
257            delay = line.split()[1]
258            time.sleep(int(delay))
259        # self.write has to be set by the derived class
260        self.write(line)
261        time.sleep(self.testload.delay)
262        self.index += 1
265class FakePTY(FakeGPS):
266    "A FakePTY is a pty with a test log ready to be cycled to it."
268    def __init__(self, testload,
269                 speed=4800, databits=8, parity='N', stopbits=1,
270                 progress=lambda x: None):
271        super(FakePTY, self).__init__(testload, progress)
272        # Allow Serial: header to be overridden by explicit speed.
273        if self.testload.serial:
274            (speed, databits, parity, stopbits) = self.testload.serial
275        self.speed = speed
276        baudrates = {
277            0: termios.B0,
278            50: termios.B50,
279            75: termios.B75,
280            110: termios.B110,
281            134: termios.B134,
282            150: termios.B150,
283            200: termios.B200,
284            300: termios.B300,
285            600: termios.B600,
286            1200: termios.B1200,
287            1800: termios.B1800,
288            2400: termios.B2400,
289            4800: termios.B4800,
290            9600: termios.B9600,
291            19200: termios.B19200,
292            38400: termios.B38400,
293            57600: termios.B57600,
294            115200: termios.B115200,
295            230400: termios.B230400,
296        }
297        (self.fd, self.slave_fd) = pty.openpty()
298        self.byname = os.ttyname(self.slave_fd)
299        os.chmod(self.byname, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP |
300                 stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH)
301        (iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc) = termios.tcgetattr(
302            self.slave_fd)
303        cc[termios.VMIN] = 1
304        cflag &= ~(termios.PARENB | termios.PARODD | termios.CRTSCTS)
305        cflag |= termios.CREAD | termios.CLOCAL
306        iflag = oflag = lflag = 0
307        iflag &= ~ (termios.PARMRK | termios.INPCK)
308        cflag &= ~ (termios.CSIZE | termios.CSTOPB | termios.PARENB |
309                    termios.PARODD)
310        if databits == 7:
311            cflag |= termios.CS7
312        else:
313            cflag |= termios.CS8
314        if stopbits == 2:
315            cflag |= termios.CSTOPB
316        # Warning: attempting to set parity makes Fedora lose its cookies
317        if parity == 'E':
318            iflag |= termios.INPCK
319            cflag |= termios.PARENB
320        elif parity == 'O':
321            iflag |= termios.INPCK
322            cflag |= termios.PARENB | termios.PARODD
323        ispeed = ospeed = baudrates[speed]
324        try:
325            termios.tcsetattr(self.slave_fd, termios.TCSANOW,
326                              [iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc])
327        except termios.error:
328            raise TestLoadError("error attempting to set serial mode to %s "
329                                " %s%s%s"
330                                % (speed, databits, parity, stopbits))
332    def read(self):
333        "Discard control strings written by gpsd."
334        # A tcflush implementation works on Linux but fails on OpenBSD 4.
335        termios.tcflush(self.fd, termios.TCIFLUSH)
336        # Alas, the FIONREAD version also works on Linux and fails on OpenBSD.
337        # try:
338        #    buf = array.array('i', [0])
339        #    fcntl.ioctl(self.master_fd, termios.FIONREAD, buf, True)
340        #    n = struct.unpack('i', buf)[0]
341        #    os.read(self.master_fd, n)
342        # except IOError:
343        #    pass
345    def write(self, line):
346        self.progress("gpsfake: %s writes %d=%s\n"
347                      % (self.testload.name, len(line), repr(line)))
348        os.write(self.fd, line)
350    def drain(self):
351        "Wait for the associated device to drain (e.g. before closing)."
352        termios.tcdrain(self.fd)
355def cleansocket(host, port, socktype=socket.SOCK_STREAM):
356    "Get a socket that we can re-use cleanly after it's closed."
357    cs = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socktype)
358    # This magic prevents "Address already in use" errors after
359    # we release the socket.
360    cs.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
361    cs.bind((host, port))
362    return cs
365def freeport(socktype=socket.SOCK_STREAM):
366    """Get a free port number for the given connection type.
368    This lets the OS assign a unique port, and then assumes
369    that it will become available for reuse once the socket
370    is closed, and remain so long enough for the real use.
371    """
372    s = cleansocket("", 0, socktype)
373    port = s.getsockname()[1]
374    s.close()
375    return port
378class FakeTCP(FakeGPS):
379    "A TCP serverlet with a test log ready to be cycled to it."
381    def __init__(self, testload,
382                 host, port,
383                 progress=lambda x: None):
384        super(FakeTCP, self).__init__(testload, progress)
385        self.host = host
386        self.dispatcher = cleansocket(self.host, int(port))
387        # Get actual assigned port
388        self.port = self.dispatcher.getsockname()[1]
389        self.byname = "tcp://" + host + ":" + str(self.port)
390        self.dispatcher.listen(5)
391        self.readables = [self.dispatcher]
393    def read(self):
394        "Handle connection requests and data."
395        readable, _writable, _errored = select.select(self.readables, [], [],
396                                                      0)
397        for s in readable:
398            if s == self.dispatcher:  # Connection request
399                client_socket, _address = s.accept()
400                self.readables = [client_socket]
401                # Depending on timing, gpsd may try to reconnect between the
402                # end of the log data and the remove_device.  With no listener,
403                # this results in spurious error messages.  Keeping the
404                # listener around avoids this.  It will eventually be closed
405                # by the Python object cleanup. self.dispatcher.close()
406            else:  # Incoming data
407                data = s.recv(1024)
408                if not data:
409                    s.close()
410                    self.readables.remove(s)
412    def write(self, line):
413        "Send the next log packet to everybody connected."
414        self.progress("gpsfake: %s writes %d=%s\n"
415                      % (self.testload.name, len(line), repr(line)))
416        for s in self.readables:
417            if s != self.dispatcher:
418                s.send(line)
420    def drain(self):
421        "Wait for the associated device(s) to drain (e.g. before closing)."
422        for s in self.readables:
423            if s != self.dispatcher:
424                s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
427class FakeUDP(FakeGPS):
428    "A UDP broadcaster with a test log ready to be cycled to it."
430    def __init__(self, testload,
431                 ipaddr, port,
432                 progress=lambda x: None):
433        super(FakeUDP, self).__init__(testload, progress)
434        self.byname = "udp://" + ipaddr + ":" + str(port)
435        self.ipaddr = ipaddr
436        self.port = port
437        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
439    def read(self):
440        "Discard control strings written by gpsd."
441        return
443    def write(self, line):
444        self.progress("gpsfake: %s writes %d=%s\n"
445                      % (self.testload.name, len(line), repr(line)))
446        self.sock.sendto(line, (self.ipaddr, int(self.port)))
448    def drain(self):
449        "Wait for the associated device to drain (e.g. before closing)."
450        # shutdown() fails on UDP
451        return  # shutdown() fails on UDP
454class SubprogramError(TestError):
455    "Class SubprogramError"
456    def __str__(self):
457        return repr(self.msg)
460class SubprogramInstance(object):
461    "Class for generic subprogram."
462    ERROR = SubprogramError
464    def __init__(self):
465        self.spawncmd = None
466        self.process = None
467        self.returncode = None
468        self.env = None
470    def spawn_sub(self, program, options, background=False, prefix="",
471                  env=None):
472        "Spawn a subprogram instance."
473        spawncmd = None
475        # Look for program in GPSD_HOME env variable
476        if os.environ.get('GPSD_HOME'):
477            for path in os.environ['GPSD_HOME'].split(':'):
478                _spawncmd = "%s/%s" % (path, program)
479                if os.path.isfile(_spawncmd) and os.access(_spawncmd, os.X_OK):
480                    spawncmd = _spawncmd
481                    break
483        # if we could not find it yet try PATH env variable for it
484        if not spawncmd:
485            if '/usr/sbin' not in os.environ['PATH']:
486                os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ":/usr/sbin"
487            for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(':'):
488                _spawncmd = "%s/%s" % (path, program)
489                if os.path.isfile(_spawncmd) and os.access(_spawncmd, os.X_OK):
490                    spawncmd = _spawncmd
491                    break
493        if not spawncmd:
494            raise self.ERROR("Cannot execute %s: executable not found. "
495                             "Set GPSD_HOME env variable" % program)
496        self.spawncmd = [spawncmd] + options.split()
497        if prefix:
498            self.spawncmd = prefix.split() + self.spawncmd
499        if env:
500            self.env = os.environ.copy()
501            self.env.update(env)
502        self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.spawncmd, env=self.env)
503        if not background:
504            self.returncode = status = self.process.wait()
505            if os.WIFSIGNALED(status) or os.WEXITSTATUS(status):
506                raise self.ERROR("%s exited with status %d"
507                                 % (program, status))
509    def is_alive(self):
510        "Is the program still alive?"
511        if not self.process:
512            return False
513        self.returncode = self.process.poll()
514        if self.returncode is None:
515            return True
516        self.process = None
517        return False
519    def kill(self):
520        "Kill the program instance."
521        while self.is_alive():
522            try:  # terminate() may fail if already killed
523                self.process.terminate()
524            except OSError:
525                continue
526            time.sleep(0.01)
529class DaemonError(SubprogramError):
530    "Class DaemonError"
533class DaemonInstance(SubprogramInstance):
534    "Control a gpsd instance."
535    ERROR = DaemonError
537    def __init__(self, control_socket=None):
538        self.sock = None
539        super(DaemonInstance, self).__init__()
540        if control_socket:
541            self.control_socket = control_socket
542        else:
543            tmpdir = os.environ.get('TMPDIR', '/tmp')
544            self.control_socket = "%s/gpsfake-%d.sock" % (tmpdir, os.getpid())
546    def spawn(self, options, port, background=False, prefix=""):
547        "Spawn a daemon instance."
548        # The -b option to suppress hanging on probe returns is needed to cope
549        # with OpenBSD (and possibly other non-Linux systems) that don't
550        # support anything we can use to implement the FakeGPS.read() method
551        opts = (" -b -N -S %s -F %s %s"
552                % (port, self.control_socket, options))
553        # Derive a unique SHM key from the port # to avoid collisions.
554        # Use 'Gp' as the prefix to avoid colliding with 'GPSD'.
555        shmkey = '0x4770%.04X' % int(port)
556        env = {'GPSD_SHM_KEY': shmkey}
557        self.spawn_sub('gpsd', opts, background, prefix, env)
559    def wait_ready(self):
560        "Wait for the daemon to create the control socket."
561        while self.is_alive():
562            if os.path.exists(self.control_socket):
563                return
564            time.sleep(0.1)
566    def __get_control_socket(self):
567        # Now we know it's running, get a connection to the control socket.
568        if not os.path.exists(self.control_socket):
569            return None
570        try:
571            self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
572            self.sock.connect(self.control_socket)
573        except socket.error:
574            if self.sock:
575                self.sock.close()
576            self.sock = None
577        return self.sock
579    def add_device(self, path):
580        "Add a device to the daemon's internal search list."
581        if self.__get_control_socket():
582            self.sock.sendall(gps.polybytes("+%s\r\n\x00" % path))
583            self.sock.recv(12)
584            self.sock.close()
586    def remove_device(self, path):
587        "Remove a device from the daemon's internal search list."
588        if self.__get_control_socket():
589            self.sock.sendall(gps.polybytes("-%s\r\n\x00" % path))
590            self.sock.recv(12)
591            self.sock.close()
594class TestSessionError(TestError):
595    "class TestSessionError"
596    # why does testSessionError() do nothing? "
599class TestSession(object):
600    "Manage a session including a daemon with fake GPSes and clients."
602    def __init__(self, prefix=None, port=None, options=None, verbose=0,
603                 predump=False, udp=False, tcp=False, slow=False,
604                 timeout=None):
605        "Initialize the test session by launching the daemon."
606        self.prefix = prefix
607        self.options = options
608        self.verbose = verbose
609        self.predump = predump
610        self.udp = udp
611        self.tcp = tcp
612        self.slow = slow
613        self.daemon = DaemonInstance()
614        self.fakegpslist = {}
615        self.client_id = 0
616        self.readers = 0
617        self.writers = 0
618        self.runqueue = []
619        self.index = 0
620        if port:
621            self.port = port
622        else:
623            self.port = freeport()
624        self.progress = lambda x: None
625        # for debugging
626        # self.progress = lambda x: sys.stderr.write("# Hi " + x)
627        self.reporter = lambda x: None
628        self.default_predicate = None
629        self.fd_set = []
630        self.threadlock = None
631        self.timeout = TEST_TIMEOUT if timeout is None else timeout
633    def spawn(self):
634        "Spawn daemon"
635        for sig in (signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM):
636            signal.signal(sig, lambda unused, dummy: self.cleanup())
637        self.daemon.spawn(background=True, prefix=self.prefix, port=self.port,
638                          options=self.options)
639        self.daemon.wait_ready()
641    def set_predicate(self, pred):
642        "Set a default go predicate for the session."
643        self.default_predicate = pred
645    def gps_add(self, logfile, speed=19200, pred=None, oneshot=False):
646        "Add a simulated GPS being fed by the specified logfile."
647        self.progress("gpsfake: gps_add(%s, %d)\n" % (logfile, speed))
648        if logfile not in self.fakegpslist:
649            testload = TestLoad(logfile, predump=self.predump, slow=self.slow,
650                                oneshot=oneshot)
651            if testload.sourcetype == "UDP" or self.udp:
652                newgps = FakeUDP(testload, ipaddr="",
653                                 port=freeport(socket.SOCK_DGRAM),
654                                 progress=self.progress)
655            elif testload.sourcetype == "TCP" or self.tcp:
656                # Let OS assign the port
657                newgps = FakeTCP(testload, host="", port=0,
658                                 progress=self.progress)
659            else:
660                newgps = FakePTY(testload, speed=speed,
661                                 progress=self.progress)
662            if pred:
663                newgps.go_predicate = pred
664            elif self.default_predicate:
665                newgps.go_predicate = self.default_predicate
666            self.fakegpslist[newgps.byname] = newgps
667            self.append(newgps)
668            newgps.exhausted = 0
669        self.daemon.add_device(newgps.byname)
670        return newgps.byname
672    def gps_remove(self, name):
673        "Remove a simulated GPS from the daemon's search list."
674        self.progress("gpsfake: gps_remove(%s)\n" % name)
675        self.fakegpslist[name].drain()
676        self.remove(self.fakegpslist[name])
677        self.daemon.remove_device(name)
678        del self.fakegpslist[name]
680    def client_add(self, commands):
681        "Initiate a client session and force connection to a fake GPS."
682        self.progress("gpsfake: client_add()\n")
683        try:
684            newclient = gps.gps(port=self.port, verbose=self.verbose)
685        except socket.error:
686            if not self.daemon.is_alive():
687                raise TestSessionError("daemon died")
688            raise
689        self.append(newclient)
690        newclient.id = self.client_id + 1
691        self.client_id += 1
692        self.progress("gpsfake: client %d has %s\n"
693                      % (self.client_id, newclient.device))
694        if commands:
695            self.initialize(newclient, commands)
696        return self.client_id
698    def client_remove(self, cid):
699        "Terminate a client session."
700        self.progress("gpsfake: client_remove(%d)\n" % cid)
701        for obj in self.runqueue:
702            if isinstance(obj, gps.gps) and obj.id == cid:
703                self.remove(obj)
704                return True
705        return False
707    def wait(self, seconds):
708        "Wait, doing nothing."
709        self.progress("gpsfake: wait(%d)\n" % seconds)
710        time.sleep(seconds)
712    def gather(self, seconds):
713        "Wait, doing nothing but watching for sentences."
714        self.progress("gpsfake: gather(%d)\n" % seconds)
715        time.sleep(seconds)
717    def cleanup(self):
718        "We're done, kill the daemon."
719        self.progress("gpsfake: cleanup()\n")
720        if self.daemon:
721            self.daemon.kill()
722            self.daemon = None
724    def run(self):
725        "Run the tests."
726        try:
727            self.progress("gpsfake: test loop begins\n")
728            while self.daemon:
729                if not self.daemon.is_alive():
730                    raise TestSessionError("daemon died")
731                # We have to read anything that gpsd might have tried
732                # to send to the GPS here -- under OpenBSD the
733                # TIOCDRAIN will hang, otherwise.
734                for device in self.runqueue:
735                    if isinstance(device, FakeGPS):
736                        device.read()
737                had_output = False
738                chosen = self.choose()
739                if isinstance(chosen, FakeGPS):
740                    if (((chosen.exhausted and self.timeout and
741                         (time.time() - chosen.exhausted > self.timeout) and
742                         chosen.byname in self.fakegpslist))):
743                        sys.stderr.write(
744                            "Test timed out: maybe increase WRITE_PAD (= %s)\n"
745                            % GetDelay(self.slow))
746                        raise SystemExit(1)
748                    if not chosen.go_predicate(chosen.index, chosen):
749                        if chosen.exhausted == 0:
750                            chosen.exhausted = time.time()
751                            self.progress("gpsfake: GPS %s ran out of input\n"
752                                          % chosen.byname)
753                    else:
754                        chosen.feed()
755                elif isinstance(chosen, gps.gps):
756                    if chosen.enqueued:
757                        chosen.send(chosen.enqueued)
758                        chosen.enqueued = ""
759                    while chosen.waiting():
760                        if not self.daemon or not self.daemon.is_alive():
761                            raise TestSessionError("daemon died")
762                        if chosen.read() < 0:
763                            raise TestSessionError("daemon output stopped")
764                        had_output = True
765                        if not chosen.valid & gps.PACKET_SET:
766                            continue
767                        self.reporter(chosen.bresponse)
768                        if ((chosen.data["class"] == "DEVICE" and
769                             chosen.data["activated"] == 0 and
770                             chosen.data["path"] in self.fakegpslist)):
771                            self.gps_remove(chosen.data["path"])
772                            self.progress(
773                                "gpsfake: GPS %s removed (notification)\n"
774                                % chosen.data["path"])
775                else:
776                    raise TestSessionError("test object of unknown type")
777                if not self.writers and not had_output:
778                    self.progress("gpsfake: no writers and no output\n")
779                    break
780            self.progress("gpsfake: test loop ends\n")
781        finally:
782            self.cleanup()
784    # All knowledge about locks and threading is below this line,
785    # except for the bare fact that self.threadlock is set to None
786    # in the class init method.
788    def append(self, obj):
789        "Add a producer or consumer to the object list."
790        if self.threadlock:
791            self.threadlock.acquire()
792        self.runqueue.append(obj)
793        if isinstance(obj, FakeGPS):
794            self.writers += 1
795        elif isinstance(obj, gps.gps):
796            self.readers += 1
797        if self.threadlock:
798            self.threadlock.release()
800    def remove(self, obj):
801        "Remove a producer or consumer from the object list."
802        if self.threadlock:
803            self.threadlock.acquire()
804        self.runqueue.remove(obj)
805        if isinstance(obj, FakeGPS):
806            self.writers -= 1
807        elif isinstance(obj, gps.gps):
808            self.readers -= 1
809        self.index = min(len(self.runqueue) - 1, self.index)
810        if self.threadlock:
811            self.threadlock.release()
813    def choose(self):
814        "Atomically get the next object scheduled to do something."
815        if self.threadlock:
816            self.threadlock.acquire()
817        chosen = self.index
818        self.index += 1
819        self.index %= len(self.runqueue)
820        if self.threadlock:
821            self.threadlock.release()
822        return self.runqueue[chosen]
824    def initialize(self, client, commands):
825        "Arrange for client to ship specified commands when it goes active."
826        client.enqueued = ""
827        if not self.threadlock:
828            client.send(commands)
829        else:
830            client.enqueued = commands
832    def start(self):
833        "Start thread"
834        self.threadlock = threading.Lock()
835        threading.Thread(target=self.run)
837# End