2# -*- coding: UTF-8
4zerk -- GREIS configurator and packet decoder
6usage: zerk [OPTIONS] [server[:port[:device]]]
9# This program conforms to the JAVAD document:
10#    GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification
11#    Revised: October 11, 2017
13# Hereafter referred to as "the specification"
15# This file is Copyright (c) 2018 by the GPSD project
16# BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details.
18# This code runs compatibly under Python 2 and 3.x for x >= 2.
19# Preserve this property!
22#    Options in the ZERKOPTS environment variable will be parsed before
23#    the CLI options.  A handy place to put your '-f /dev/ttyXX -s SPEED'
25# example usages:
26#    Coldboot the GPS:          zerk -p COLDBOOT
27#    Print current serial port: zerk -c "print,/cur/term"
28#    Decode raw log file:       zerk -r -f greis-binary.log -v 2
29#    Change GPS port speed:     zerk -S 230400
30#    Watch entire reset cycle:  zerk -p RESET -v 2 -w 20 -W
31#    poll SVs Status:     zerk -W -w 2 -v 2 -c "out,,jps/{CS,ES,GS,Is,WS,QS}"
32#    dump local gpsd data       zerk -v 2 -w 5 localhost
34# TODO: no CRC16 packets handled yet
35# TODO: more packet decodes
37from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
39import binascii      # for binascii.hexlify()
40import getopt        # for getopt.getopt(), to parse CLI options
41import hashlib       # for hashlib.sha1
42import os            # for os.environ
43import socket        # for socket.error
44import stat          # for stat.S_ISBLK()
45import struct        # for pack()
46import sys
47import time
48import xml.etree.ElementTree  # to parse .jpo files
50PROG_NAME = 'zerk'
53    import serial
54except ImportError:
55    serial = None  # Defer complaining until we know we need it.
58    import gps
59    import gps.misc      # for polybyte() polystr()
60except ImportError:
61    # PEP8 says local imports last
62    sys.stderr.write("%s: failed to import gps, check PYTHON_PATH\n" %
63                     PROG_NAME)
64    sys.exit(2)
66gps_version = '3.20'
67if gps.__version__ != gps_version:
68    sys.stderr.write("%s: ERROR: need gps module version %s, got %s\n" %
69                     (PROG_NAME, gps_version, gps.__version__))
70    sys.exit(1)
73VERB_QUIET = 0   # quiet
74VERB_NONE = 1    # just output requested data and some info
75VERB_DECODE = 2  # decode all messages
76VERB_INFO = 3    # more info
77VERB_RAW = 4     # raw info
78VERB_PROG = 5    # program trace
80# dictionary to hold all user options
81opts = {
82    # command to send to GPS, -c
83    'command': None,
84    # command for -d disable
85    'disable': None,
86    # command for -e enable
87    'enable': None,
88    # default input -f file
89    'input_file_name': None,
90    # default forced wait? -W
91    'input_forced_wait': False,
92    # default port speed -s
93    'input_speed': 115200,
94    # default input wait time -w in seconds
95    'input_wait': 2.0,
96    # the name of an OAF file, extension .jpo
97    'oaf_name': None,
98    # poll command -p
99    'poll': None,
100    # raw log file name
101    'raw_file': None,
102    # open port read only -r
103    'read_only': False,
104    # speed to set GPS -S
105    'set_speed': None,
106    # target gpsd (server:port:device) to connect to
107    'target': {"server": None, "port": gps.GPSD_PORT, "device": None},
108    # verbosity level, -v
109    'verbosity': VERB_NONE,
110    # contents of environment variable ZERKOPTS
111    'progopts': '',
115class greis(object):
116    """A class for working with the GREIS GPS message formats
118    This class contains functions to decode messages in the Javad GREIS
119    "Receiver Input Language" and "Receiver Messages" formats.
120    """
122    # when a statement identifier is received, it is stored here
123    last_statement_identifier = None
124    # expected statement identifier.
125    expect_statement_identifier = False
126    # ID of current message as a string
127    s_id = ''
129    def __init__(self):
130        "Initialize class"
132        self.last_statement_identifier = None
133        self.expect_statement_identifier = False
134        # last epoch received in [~~]
135        # epoch == None means never got epoch, epoch == -1 means missing.
136        self.epoch = None
138    def f4_s(self, f):
139        "convert an '! f4' to a string"
141        if gps.isfinite(f):
142            # yeah, the precision is a guess
143            return "%.6f" % f
144        return 'X'
146    def f8_s(self, f):
147        "convert an '! f8' to a string"
149        if gps.isfinite(f):
150            # yeah, the precision is a guess
151            return "%.4f" % f
152        return 'X'
154    def i1_s(self, i):
155        "convert an '! i1' to a string"
156        return 'X' if i == 127 else str(i)
158    def i2_s(self, i):
159        "convert an '! i2' to a string"
160        return 'X' if i == 32767 else str(i)
162    def i4_s(self, i):
163        "convert an '! i4' to a string"
164        return 'X' if i == 2147483647 else str(i)
166    def u1_s(self, u):
167        "convert an '! u1' to a string"
168        return 'X' if u == 255 else str(u)
170    def u2_s(self, u):
171        "convert an '! u2' to a string"
172        return 'X' if u == 65535 else str(u)
174    def u4_s(self, u):
175        "convert an '! u4' to a string"
176        return 'X' if u == 4294967295 else str(u)
178    def isuchex(self, c):
179        "Is byte an upper case hex char?"
180        if 48 <= c <= 57:
181            # 0 to 9
182            return int(c) - 48
183        if 65 <= c <= 70:
184            # A to F
185            return int(c) - 55
186        return -1
188    soltypes = {0: "None",
189                1: "3D",
190                2: "DGPS",
191                3: "RTK float",
192                4: "RTK fixed",
193                5: "fixed"
194                }
196    # allowable speeds
197    speeds = (460800, 230400, 153600, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600,
198              4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300)
200    def msg_c_(self, payload):
201        "[c?] decode, Smoothing Corrections"
203        s = ' smooth'
204        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 2):
205            u = struct.unpack_from('<h', payload, i)
206            s += " " + self.i2_s(u[0])
208        return s + '\n'
210    def msg__p(self, payload):
211        "[?p] decode, Integer Relative Carrier Phases"
213        s = ' rcp'
214        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 4):
215            u = struct.unpack_from('<l', payload, i)
216            s += " " + self.i4_s(u[0])
218        return s + '\n'
220    def msg__d(self, payload):
221        "[?d] decode, Relative Doppler"
223        s = ' srdp'
224        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 2):
225            u = struct.unpack_from('<h', payload, i)
226            s += " " + self.i2_s(u[0])
228        return s + '\n'
230    def msg__r(self, payload):
231        "[?r] decode, Integer Relative Pseudo-ranges"
233        s = ' srdp'
234        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 2):
235            u = struct.unpack_from('<h', payload, i)
236            s += " " + self.i2_s(u[0])
238        return s + '\n'
240    def msg__A(self, payload):
241        "[?A] decode, GPS, GALILEO Almanac"
242        m_len = len(payload)
244        if ('[EA]' == self.s_id) and (49 > m_len):
245            return " Bad Length %s" % m_len
247        u = struct.unpack_from('<BhlBBBfffffffff', payload, 0)
249        s = (" sv %u wna %d toa %d healthA %u healthS %u config %u\n"
250             "     af1 %f af0 %f rootA %f ecc %f m0 %f\n"
251             "     omega0 %f argPer %f delf %f omegaDot %f\n" % u)
253        if '[EA]' == self.s_id:
254            u = struct.unpack_from('<H', payload, 46)
255            s += ("     iod %d" % (u[0]))
256        return s
258    def msg__E(self, payload):
259        "[?E] decode, SNR x 4"
261        s = ' cnrX4'
262        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 1):
263            u = struct.unpack_from('<B', payload, i)
264            s += " " + self.u1_s(u[0])
266        return s + '\n'
268    def msg_WE(self, payload):
269        "[WE] decode, SBAS Ephemeris"
271        u = struct.unpack_from('<BBBBLdddffffffffLHB', payload, 0)
272        s = (" waasPrn %u gpsPrn %u iod %u acc %u tod %u\n"
273             "     xg %f yg %f zg %f\n"
274             "     vxg %f vyg %f vzg %f\n"
275             "     vvxg %f vvyg %f vvzg %f\n"
276             "     agf0 %f agf1 %f tow %u wn %u flags %u\n" % u)
278        return s
280    def msg_r(self, payload):
281        "[r?] decode, Integer Psudeo Ranges"
283        s = ' spr'
284        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 4):
285            u = struct.unpack_from('<l', payload, i)
286            s += " " + self.i4_s(u[0])
288        return s + '\n'
290    def msg_AZ(self, payload):
291        "[AZ] decode, Satellite Azimuths"
293        s = " azim"
294        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1):
295            # azimuth/2, 0 to 180 degrees
296            s += " " + self.u1_s(payload[i])
298        return s + '\n'
300    def msg_BP(self, payload):
301        "[BP] decode"
303        u = struct.unpack_from('<f', payload, 0)
304        return " acc %.3e\n" % u[0]
306    def msg_D_(self, payload):
307        """[D?] decode, Doppler"""
309        s = " dp"
310        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 4):
311            # This is dopple in Hz * 1e4
312            u = struct.unpack_from('<l', payload, i)
313            s += " " + self.i4_s(u[0])
315        return s + '\n'
317    def msg_DO(self, payload):
318        "[DO] decode"
320        u = struct.unpack_from('<ff', payload, 0)
321        return " val %.3f sval %.3f\n" % u
323    def msg_DP(self, payload):
324        "[DP] decode"
326        u = struct.unpack_from('<fffBfB', payload, 0)
327        return (" hdop %f vdop %f tdop %f edop %f\n"
328                "     solType %s\n" %
329                (u[0], u[1], u[2], u[4], self.soltypes[u[3]]))
331    def msg_E_(self, payload):
332        "[E?] decode, SNR"
334        s = ' cnr'
335        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1):
336            s += " " + self.u1_s(payload[i])
338        return s + '\n'
340    def msg_ET(self, payload):
341        "[::](ET) decode, Epoch time, end of epoch"
343        u = struct.unpack_from('<L', payload, 0)
344        if ((self.epoch is not None and self.epoch != u[0])):
345            if -1 == self.epoch:
346                print("Error: [::](ET) missing [~~](RT)\n")
347            else:
348                print("Error: [::](ET) Wrong Epoch %u, should be %u\n" %
349                      (u[0], self.epoch))
350        # reset epoch
351        self.epoch = -1
352        return "(ET) tod %u\n" % u[0]
354    def msg_EL(self, payload):
355        "[EL] decode, Satellite Elevations"
357        s = " elev"
358        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1):
359            # looking for integer (-90 to 90), not byte
360            u = struct.unpack_from('<b', payload, i)
361            s += " " + self.i1_s(u[0])
363        return s + '\n'
365    def msg_ER(self, payload):
366        "[ER] decode, Error messages"
368        parts = payload.split(b'%')
369        if 1 < len(parts):
370            self.last_statement_identifier = parts[1]
372        s_payload = "".join(map(chr, payload))
373        print("[ER] %s\n" % s_payload)
374        return " %s\n" % s_payload
376    def msg_EU(self, payload):
377        "[EU] decode, GALILEO UTC and GPS Time Parameters"
379        u = struct.unpack_from('<dfLHbBHbffLHH', payload, 0)
380        return (" ao %f a1 %f tot %u wnt %u dtls %d dn %u wnlsf %u\n"
381                "     dtlsf %d a0g %f a1g %f t0g %u wn0g %u flags %#x\n" % u)
383    def msg_FC(self, payload):
384        "[FC] [F1] [F2] [F3] [f5] [Fl] decode, Signal Lock Loop Flags"
386        s = " flags 0x"
387        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1):
388            u = struct.unpack_from('<H', payload, i)
389            s += " %2x" % (u[0])
391        return s + '\n'
393    def msg__E1(self, payload):
394        "[?E] decode, BeiDos, GPS, GALILEO, IRNSS Ephemeris "
395        m_len = len(payload)
396        # [GE]
397        if ('[IE]' == self.s_id) and (124 > m_len):
398            return " Bad Length %s" % m_len
399        if ('[CN]' == self.s_id) and (132 > m_len):
400            return " Bad Length %s" % m_len
401        if ('[EN]' == self.s_id) and (145 > m_len):
402            return " Bad Length %s" % m_len
404        u = struct.unpack_from('<BLBhlbBhfffflhddddddfffffffff', payload, 0)
405        s = (" sv %u tow %u flags %u iodc %d toc %d ura %d healthS %u\n"
406             "     wn %d tgd %f af2 %f af1 %f af0 %f toe %d\n"
407             "     iode %d rootA %f ecc %f m0 %f omega0 %f\n"
408             "     inc0 %f argPer %f deln %f omegaDot %f\n"
409             "     incDot %f crc %f crs %f cuc %f\n"
410             "     cus %f cic %f cis %f\n" % u)
412        if '[EN]' == self.s_id:
413            u = struct.unpack_from('<fffffBB', payload, 122)
414            s += ("     bgdE1E5a %f bgdE1E5b %f aio %f ai1 %f ai2 %f\n"
415                  "     sfi %u navType %u" % u)
416            if 149 <= m_len:
417                # DAf0 added in 3.7.0
418                u = struct.unpack_from('<f', payload, 144)
419                s += (" DAf0 %f" % u)
420            s += '\n'
422        if ('[IE]' == self.s_id) and (124 > m_len):
423            u = struct.unpack_from('<B', payload, 122)
424            s += ("     navType %u\n" % u[0])
426        if ('[CN]' == self.s_id) and (132 > m_len):
427            u = struct.unpack_from('<fBf', payload, 122)
428            s += ("     tgd2 %f navType %u DAf0 %f\n" % u)
430        # TODO: decode length 160 168
432        return s
434    def msg_GT(self, payload):
435        "[GT] decode, GPS Time "
437        u = struct.unpack_from('<LH', payload, 0)
438        return " tow %u wn %d\n" % u
440    def msg_ID(self, payload):
441        "[ID] Ionosphere Delays"
443        s = ' delay'
444        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 4):
445            u = struct.unpack_from('<f', payload, i)
446            s += " %s" % self.f4_s(u[0])
448        return s + '\n'
450    def msg_IO(self, payload):
451        "[IO] decode, GPS Ionospheric Parameters"
453        u = struct.unpack_from('<LHffffffff', payload, 0)
455        return (" tot %d wn %u alpha0 %f alpha1 %f alpha2 %f\n"
456                "     alpha3 %f beta0 %u beta1 %d beta2 %f\n"
457                "     beta3 %f\n" % u)
459    def msg_LO(self, payload):
460        "[LO] decode, undocumented message"
462        return " Undocumented message\n"
464    def msg_MF(self, payload):
465        "[MF] Messages Format"
467        u = struct.unpack_from('<BBBBBBB', payload, 0)
468        return (" id %c%c majorVer %c%c minorVer %c%c order %c\n" %
469                (chr(u[0]), chr(u[1]), chr(u[2]), chr(u[3]),
470                 chr(u[4]), chr(u[5]), chr(u[6])))
472    def msg_P_(self, payload):
473        "[P?] decode, Carrier Phases"
475        s = " cp"
476        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 8):
477            # carrier phases in cycles
478            u = struct.unpack_from('<d', payload, i)
479            s += " " + self.f8_s(u[0])
481        return s + '\n'
483    def msg_PM(self, payload):
484        "[PM] parameters"
486        # PM only seems to work after a coldboot, once
487        # zerk -v 2 -w 20 -c 'out,,jps/{PM}' -W
488        return " %s\n" % payload
490    def msg_PV(self, payload):
491        "[PV] decode, Cartesian Position and Velocity"
493        u = struct.unpack_from('<dddfffffBB', payload, 0)
494        return (" x %s y %s z %s sigma %s\n"
495                "     vx %s vy %s vz %s\n"
496                "     vsigma %s soltype %s\n" %
497                (self.f8_s(u[0]), self.f8_s(u[1]), self.f8_s(u[2]),
498                 self.f4_s(u[3]), self.f4_s(u[4]), self.f4_s(u[5]),
499                 self.f4_s(u[6]), self.f4_s(u[7]), self.soltypes[u[8]]))
501    def msg_R_(self, payload):
502        """[R?] decode, Pseudo-ranges"""
504        s = " pr"
505        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 8):
506            # psuedo in seconds
507            u = struct.unpack_from('<d', payload, i)
508            s += " %s" % self.f8_s(u[0])
510        return s + '\n'
512    def msg_RD(self, payload):
513        "[RD] decode, Receiver Date"
515        u = struct.unpack_from('<HBBB', payload, 0)
516        return " year %d month %d day %d base %d\n" % u
518    def msg_RE(self, payload):
519        "[RE] decode"
521        parts = payload.split(b'%')
522        if 1 < len(parts):
523            # Got a statement identifier (ID), save it?
524            # Multiline statement if payload ends with comma or left brace
525            if payload[-1] not in (ord(','), ord('{')):
526                # yes, this is the end
527                self.last_statement_identifier = parts[1]
529            # Get the message body
530            part1 = parts[1].split(b',')
532            if 'em' == parts[1]:
533                # Probably no parts[2]
534                print("Enable Messages %s" % parts[2])
535                return " Enable Messages %s\n" % parts[2]
537            if 'id' == parts[1]:
538                print("ID: %s" % parts[2])
539                return " ID %s\n" % parts[2]
541            if 'opts' == part1[0]:
542                if 1 < len(part1):
543                    s = "OAF %s: %s" % (part1[1], parts[2])
544                else:
545                    s = " OAF: %s" % (parts[2])
546                print(s)
547                return " %s\n" % s
549            if 'serial' == parts[1]:
550                print("SERIAL: %s" % parts[2])
551                return " SERIAL %s\n" % parts[2]
553            if 'vendor' == parts[1]:
554                print("VENDOR: %s" % parts[2])
555                return " Vendor %s\n" % parts[2]
557            if 'ver' == parts[1]:
558                print("VER: %s" % parts[2])
559                return " Version %s\n" % parts[2]
561            # unknown statement identifier
562            s_payload = "".join(map(chr, payload))
563            print("RE: %s\n" % s_payload)
565        return " %s\n" % s_payload
567    def msg_RT(self, payload):
568        "[~~](RT) decode, Receiver Time, start of epoch"
570        if self.epoch is not None and -1 != self.epoch:
571            print("Error: [~~](RT) missing [::](ET)\n")
573        u = struct.unpack_from('<L', payload, 0)
574        # save start of epoch
575        self.epoch = u[0]
576        return "(RT) tod %u\n" % self.epoch
578    def msg_S_(self, payload):
579        "[CS], [ES], [GS], [Is], [WS], [NS], [QS], decode, SVs Status"
581        # to poll them all: zerk -W -w 2 -v 2 -c "out,,jps/{CS,ES,GS,Is,WS,QS}"
582        # TODO, check @checksum
584        return "%s" % payload
586    def msg_SE(self, payload):
587        "[SE] decode"
589        u = struct.unpack_from('<BBBBB', payload, 0)
590        return " data 0x %x %x %x %x %x\n" % u
592    def msg_SG(self, payload):
593        "[SG] decode"
595        u = struct.unpack_from('<ffffBB', payload, 0)
596        return (" hpos %s vpos %s hvel %s vvel %s\n"
597                "     soltype %s\n" %
598                (self.f4_s(u[0]), self.f4_s(u[1]), self.f4_s(u[2]),
599                 self.f4_s(u[3]), self.soltypes[u[4]]))
601    def msg_SI(self, payload):
602        "[SI] decode, Satellite Index, deprecated by Javad, use [SX]"
604        # [SX] require 3.7 firmware, we use [SI] to support 3.6
605        s = " usi"
606        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1):
607            s += " %d" % payload[i]
609        return s + '\n'
611    def msg_SP(self, payload):
612        "[SP] decode, Position Covariance Matrix"
614        u = struct.unpack_from('<ffffffffffB', payload, 0)
615        return (" xx % f yy % f zz % f tt % f xy % f\n"
616                "     xz % f xt % f yz % f yt % f zt % f\n"
617                "     solType %s\n" %
618                (u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3], u[4],
619                 u[5], u[6], u[7], u[8], u[9],
620                 self.soltypes[u[10]]))
622    def msg_SS(self, payload):
623        "[SS] decode, Satellite Navigation Status"
625        s = " ns"
626        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 2):
627            s += " %d" % payload[i]
629        return (s + '\n     solType %s\n' %
630                self.soltypes[payload[len(payload) - 2]])
632    def msg_ST(self, payload):
633        "[ST] decode, Solution Time Tag"
635        u = struct.unpack_from('<LBB', payload, 0)
636        return (" time %u ms, soltype %s\n" %
637                (u[0], self.soltypes[u[1]]))
639    def msg_SX(self, payload):
640        "[SX] decode, Extended Satellite Indices"
642        # [SX] require 3.7 firmware
643        s = " ESI"
644        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 2, 2):
645            u = struct.unpack_from('<BB', payload, i)
646            s += " (%u, %u)" % u
648        return s + '\n'
650    def msg_TC(self, payload):
651        "[TC] decode, CA/L1 Continous Tracking Time"
653        s = " tt"
654        for i in range(0, len(payload) - 1, 2):
655            u = struct.unpack_from('<H', payload, i)
656            s += " %.2f" % u[0]
658        return s + '\n'
660    def msg_TO(self, payload):
661        "[TO] decode, Reference Time to Receiver Time Offset"
663        u = struct.unpack_from('<dd', payload, 0)
664        return " val %.3f sval %.3f\n" % u
666    def msg_UO(self, payload):
667        "[UO] decode, GPS UTC Time Parameters"
669        u = struct.unpack_from('<dfLHbBHb', payload, 0)
670        return (" a0 %f a1 %f tot %d wnt %d dtls %d\n"
671                "     dn %d wnlsf %d dtlsf %d\n" % u)
673    def msg_WA(self, payload):
674        "[WA] decode"
676        u = struct.unpack_from('<BBBBLdddfffLH', payload, 0)
677        return (" waasPrn %d gpsPrn %d if %d healthS %d tod %d\n"
678                "     ECEF %.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f\n"
679                "     tow %d wn %d\n" % u)
681    def msg_WU(self, payload):
682        "[WU] decode, SBAS UTC Time Parameters"
684        u = struct.unpack_from('<dfLHbBHbfbLHB', payload, 0)
685        return (" ao %f a1 %f tot %u wnt %u dtls %d dn %u\n"
686                "wnlsf %u dtlsf %d utcsi %d tow %u wn %u flags %#x\n" % u)
688    # table from message id to respective message decoder.
689    # Note: id (%id%) is different than ID (statement identifier)
690    # the id is the first two characters of a GREIS receiver Message
691    # see section 3.3 of the specification
692    messages = {
693        '[0d]': (msg__d, 1),
694        '[1d]': (msg__d, 1),
695        '[1E]': (msg__E, 1),
696        '[1p]': (msg__p, 1),
697        '[1r]': (msg__r, 1),
698        '[2d]': (msg__d, 1),
699        '[2E]': (msg__E, 1),
700        '[2p]': (msg__p, 1),
701        '[2r]': (msg__r, 1),
702        '[3d]': (msg__d, 1),
703        '[3E]': (msg__E, 1),
704        '[3p]': (msg__p, 1),
705        '[3r]': (msg__r, 1),
706        '[5d]': (msg__d, 1),
707        '[5E]': (msg__E, 1),
708        '[5p]': (msg__p, 1),
709        '[5r]': (msg__r, 1),
710        '[AZ]': (msg_AZ, 1),
711        '[BP]': (msg_BP, 5),
712        '[c1]': (msg_c_, 1),
713        '[c2]': (msg_c_, 1),
714        '[c3]': (msg_c_, 1),
715        '[c5]': (msg_c_, 1),
716        '[CA]': (msg__A, 47),
717        '[cc]': (msg_c_, 1),
718        '[CE]': (msg__E, 1),
719        '[cl]': (msg_c_, 1),
720        '[CN]': (msg__E1, 123),
721        '[cp]': (msg__p, 1),
722        '[cr]': (msg__r, 1),
723        '[CS]': (msg_S_, 8),
724        '[D1]': (msg_D_, 1),
725        '[D2]': (msg_D_, 1),
726        '[D3]': (msg_D_, 1),
727        '[D5]': (msg_D_, 1),
728        '[DC]': (msg_D_, 1),
729        '[Dl]': (msg_D_, 1),
730        '[DO]': (msg_DO, 6),
731        '[DP]': (msg_DP, 18),
732        '[DX]': (msg_D_, 1),
733        '[E1]': (msg_E_, 1),
734        '[E2]': (msg_E_, 1),
735        '[E3]': (msg_E_, 1),
736        '[E5]': (msg_E_, 1),
737        '[EA]': (msg__A, 47),
738        '[EC]': (msg_E_, 1),
739        '[El]': (msg_E_, 1),
740        '[EL]': (msg_EL, 1),
741        '[EN]': (msg__E1, 123),
742        '[ER]': (msg_ER, 1),
743        '[ES]': (msg_S_, 8),
744        '[EU]': (msg_EU, 40),
745        '[F1]': (msg_FC, 1),
746        '[F2]': (msg_FC, 1),
747        '[F3]': (msg_FC, 1),
748        '[F5]': (msg_FC, 1),
749        '[FA]': (msg_FC, 1),
750        '[FC]': (msg_FC, 1),
751        '[Fl]': (msg_FC, 1),
752        '[GA]': (msg__A, 47),
753        '[GE]': (msg__E1, 123),
754        '[GS]': (msg_S_, 8),
755        '[GT]': (msg_GT, 7),
756        '[IA]': (msg__A, 47),
757        '[ID]': (msg_ID, 1),
758        '[IE]': (msg__E1, 123),
759        '[IO]': (msg_IO, 39),
760        '[Is]': (msg_S_, 8),
761        '[ld]': (msg__d, 1),
762        '[lE]': (msg__E, 1),
763        '[LO]': (msg_LO, 1),
764        '[lp]': (msg__p, 1),
765        '[lr]': (msg__r, 1),
766        '[MF]': (msg_MF, 9),
767        '[::]': (msg_ET, 4),
768        '[~~]': (msg_RT, 4),
769        '[NS]': (msg_S_, 8),
770        '[P1]': (msg_P_, 1),
771        '[P2]': (msg_P_, 1),
772        '[P3]': (msg_P_, 1),
773        '[P5]': (msg_P_, 1),
774        '[PC]': (msg_P_, 1),
775        '[Pl]': (msg_P_, 1),
776        '[PM]': (msg_PM, 0),
777        '[PV]': (msg_PV, 46),
778        '[QA]': (msg__A, 47),
779        '[QE]': (msg__E1, 123),
780        '[QS]': (msg_S_, 8),
781        '[r1]': (msg_r, 1),
782        '[R1]': (msg_R_, 1),
783        '[r2]': (msg_r, 1),
784        '[R2]': (msg_R_, 1),
785        '[r3]': (msg_r, 1),
786        '[R3]': (msg_R_, 1),
787        '[r5]': (msg_r, 1),
788        '[R5]': (msg_R_, 1),
789        '[rc]': (msg_r, 1),
790        '[RC]': (msg_R_, 1),
791        '[RD]': (msg_RD, 6),
792        '[RE]': (msg_RE, 1),
793        '[rl]': (msg_r, 1),
794        '[Rl]': (msg_R_, 1),
795        '[rx]': (msg_r, 1),
796        '[SE]': (msg_SE, 6),
797        '[SG]': (msg_SG, 18),
798        '[SI]': (msg_SI, 1),
799        '[SP]': (msg_SP, 42),
800        '[SS]': (msg_SS, 1),
801        '[ST]': (msg_ST, 6),
802        '[SX]': (msg_SX, 1),
803        '[TC]': (msg_TC, 1),
804        '[TO]': (msg_TO, 6),
805        '[UO]': (msg_UO, 24),
806        '[WA]': (msg_WA, 51),
807        '[WE]': (msg_WE, 73),
808        '[WS]': (msg_S_, 8),
809        '[WU]': (msg_WU, 40),
810    }
812    def decode_msg(self, out):
813        "Decode one message and then return number of chars consumed"
815        state = 'BASE'
816        consumed = 0
817        # raw message, sometimes used for checksum calc
818        m_raw = bytearray(0)
820        # decode state machine
821        for this_byte in out:
822            consumed += 1
823            if isinstance(this_byte, str):
824                # a character, probably read from a file
825                c = ord(this_byte)
826            else:
827                # a byte, probably read from a serial port
828                c = int(this_byte)
830            if VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']:
831                if ord(' ') <= c <= ord('~'):
832                    # c is printable
833                    print("state: %s char %c (%#x)" % (state, chr(c), c))
834                else:
835                    # c is not printable
836                    print("state: %s char %#x" % (state, c))
838            m_raw.extend([c])
840            # parse input stream per GREIS Ref Guide Section 3.3.3
841            if 'BASE' == state:
842                # start fresh
843                # place to store 'comments'
844                comment = ''
845                # message id byte one
846                m_id1 = 0
847                # message id byte two
848                m_id2 = 0
849                # message length as integer
850                m_len = 0
851                # byte array to hold payload, including possible checksum
852                m_payload = bytearray(0)
853                m_raw = bytearray(0)
854                m_raw.extend([c])
856                if ord('0') <= c <= ord('~'):
857                    # maybe id 1, '0' to '~'
858                    state = 'ID1'
860                    # start the grab
861                    m_id1 = c
862                    continue
864                if ord("%") == c:
865                    # start of %ID%, Receiver Input Language
866                    # per GREIS Ref Guide Section 2.2
867                    state = 'RIL'
869                    # start fresh
870                    comment = "%"
871                    continue
873                if ord("$") == c:
874                    # NMEA line, treat as comment
875                    state = 'NMEA'
877                    # start fresh
878                    comment = "$"
879                    continue
881                if ord("#") == c:
882                    # comment line
883                    state = 'COMMENT'
885                    # start fresh
886                    comment = "#"
887                    continue
889                if ord('\n') == c or ord('\r') == c:
890                    # stray newline or linefeed, eat it
891                    return consumed
893                # none of the above, stay in BASE
894                continue
896            if state in ('COMMENT', 'JSON', 'RIL'):
897                # inside comment
898                if c in (ord('\n'), ord('\r')):
899                    # Got newline or linefeed
900                    # GREIS terminates messages on <CR> or <LF>
901                    # Done, got a full message
902                    if '{"class":"ERROR"' in comment:
903                        # always print gpsd errors
904                        print(comment)
905                    elif VERB_DECODE <= opts['verbosity']:
906                        print(comment)
907                    return consumed
909                # else:
910                comment += chr(c)
911                continue
913            if 'ID1' == state:
914                # maybe id 2, '0' to '~'
915                if ord('"') == c:
916                    # technically could be GREIS, but likely JSON
917                    state = 'JSON'
918                    comment += chr(m_id1) + chr(c)
919                elif ord('0') <= c <= ord('~'):
920                    state = 'ID2'
921                    m_id2 = c
922                else:
923                    state = 'BASE'
924                continue
926            if 'ID2' == state:
927                # maybe len 1, 'A' to 'F'
928                x = self.isuchex(c)
929                if -1 < x:
930                    state = 'LEN1'
931                    m_len = x * 256
932                else:
933                    state = 'BASE'
934                continue
936            if 'LEN1' == state:
937                # maybe len 2, 'A' to 'F'
938                x = self.isuchex(c)
939                if -1 < x:
940                    state = 'LEN2'
941                    m_len += x * 16
942                else:
943                    state = 'BASE'
944                continue
946            if 'LEN2' == state:
947                # maybe len 3, 'A' to 'F'
948                x = self.isuchex(c)
949                if -1 < x:
950                    state = 'PAYLOAD'
951                    m_len += x
952                else:
953                    state = 'BASE'
954                continue
956            if 'NMEA' == state:
957                # inside NMEA
958                if ord('\n') == c or ord('\r') == c:
959                    # Got newline or linefeed
960                    # done, got a full message
961                    # GREIS terminates messages on <CR> or <LF>
962                    if VERB_DECODE <= opts['verbosity']:
963                        print(comment)
964                    return consumed
966                # else:
967                comment += chr(c)
968                continue
970            if 'PAYLOAD' == state:
971                # getting payload
972                m_payload.extend([c])
973                if len(m_payload) < m_len:
974                    continue
976                # got entire payload
977                self.s_id = "[%c%c]" % (chr(m_id1), chr(m_id2))
978                if VERB_DECODE <= opts['verbosity']:
979                    x_payload = binascii.hexlify(m_payload)
981                # [RE], [ER] and more have no 8-bit checksum
982                # assume the rest do
983                if ((self.s_id not in ('[CS]', '[ER]', '[ES]', '[GS]', '[Is]',
984                                       '[MF]', '[NS]', '[PM]', '[QS]', '[RE]',
985                                       '[WS]') and
986                     not self.checksum_OK(m_raw))):
987                    print("ERROR: Bad checksum\n")
988                    if VERB_DECODE <= opts['verbosity']:
989                        print("DECODE: id: %s len: %d\n"
990                              "DECODE: payload: %s\n" %
991                              (self.s_id, m_len, x_payload))
992                    # skip it.
993                    return consumed
995                if self.s_id in self.messages:
996                    if VERB_INFO <= opts['verbosity']:
997                        print("INFO: id: %s len: %d\n"
998                              "INFO: payload: %s\n" %
999                              (self.s_id, m_len, x_payload))
1001                    (decode, length) = self.messages[self.s_id]
1002                    if m_len < length:
1003                        print("DECODE: %s Bad Length %s\n" %
1004                              (self.s_id, m_len))
1005                    else:
1006                        s = self.s_id + decode(self, m_payload)
1007                        if VERB_DECODE <= opts['verbosity']:
1008                            print(s)
1009                else:
1010                    # unknown message
1011                    if VERB_DECODE <= opts['verbosity']:
1012                        print("DECODE: Unknown: id: %s len: %d\n"
1013                              "DECODE: payload: %s\n" %
1014                              (self.s_id, m_len, x_payload))
1015                return consumed
1017            # give up
1018            state = 'BASE'
1020        # fell out of loop, no more chars to look at
1021        return 0
1023    def checksum_OK(self, raw_msg):
1024        "Check the i8-bit checksum on a message, return True if good"
1026        # some packets from the GPS use CRC16, some i8-bit checksum, some none
1027        # only 8-bit checksum done here for now
1028        calc_checksum = self.checksum(raw_msg, len(raw_msg) - 1)
1029        rcode = raw_msg[len(raw_msg) - 1] == calc_checksum
1030        if VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']:
1031            print("Checksum was %#x, calculated %#x" %
1032                  (raw_msg[len(raw_msg) - 1], calc_checksum))
1033        return rcode
1035    def _rol(self, value):
1036        "rotate a byte left 2 bits"
1037        return ((value << 2) | (value >> 6)) & 0x0ff
1039    def checksum(self, msg, m_len):
1040        "Calculate GREIS 8-bit checksum"
1042        # Calculated per section A.1.1 of the specification
1043        # msg may be bytes (incoming messages) or str (outgoing messages)
1045        ck = 0
1046        for c in msg[0:m_len]:
1047            if isinstance(c, str):
1048                # a string, make a byte
1049                c = ord(c)
1050            ck = self._rol(ck) ^ c
1052        return self._rol(ck) & 0x0ff
1054    def make_pkt(self, m_data):
1055        "Build an output message, always ASCII, add checksum and terminator"
1057        # build core message
1059        # no leading spaces, checksum includes the @
1060        m_data = m_data.lstrip() + b'@'
1062        chk = self.checksum(m_data, len(m_data))
1064        # all commands end with CR and/or LF
1065        return m_data + (b'%02X' % chk) + b'\n'
1067    def gps_send(self, m_data):
1068        "Send message to GREIS GPS"
1070        m_all = self.make_pkt(m_data)
1071        if not opts['read_only']:
1072            io_handle.ser.write(m_all)
1073            if VERB_INFO <= opts['verbosity']:
1074                print("sent:", m_all)
1075                self.decode_msg(m_all)
1076                sys.stdout.flush()
1078    # Table of known options.  From table 4-2 of the specification.
1079    oafs = (
1080        b"_AJM",
1081        b"AUTH",
1082        b"_BLT",
1083        b"_CAN",
1084        b"CDIF",
1085        b"CMRI",
1086        b"CMRO",
1087        b"COMP",
1088        b"COOP",
1089        b"COPN",
1090        b"CORI",
1091        b"_CPH",
1092        b"DEVS",
1093        b"DIST",
1094        b"_DTM",
1095        b"_E5B",
1096        b"_E6_",
1097        b"EDEV",
1098        b"ETHR",
1099        b"EVNT",
1100        b"_FRI",
1101        b"_FRO",
1102        b"_FTP",
1103        b"_GAL",
1104        b"GBAI",
1105        b"GBAO",
1106        b"GCLB",
1107        b"_GEN",
1108        b"_GEO",
1109        b"_GLO",
1110        b"_GPS",
1111        b"_GSM",
1112        b"HTTP",
1113        b"_IMU",
1114        b"INFR",
1115        b"IRIG",
1116        b"IRNS",
1117        b"JPSI",
1118        b"JPSO",
1119        b"_L1C",
1120        b"_L1_",
1121        b"_L2C",
1122        b"_L2_",
1123        b"_L5_",
1124        b"LAT1",
1125        b"LAT2",
1126        b"LAT3",
1127        b"LAT4",
1128        b"LCS2",
1129        b"L_CS",
1130        b"_LIM",
1131        b"LON1",
1132        b"LON2",
1133        b"LON3",
1134        b"LON4",
1135        b"MAGN",
1136        b"_MEM",
1137        b"_MPR",
1138        b"OCTO",
1139        b"OMNI",
1140        b"_PAR",
1141        b"PDIF",
1142        b"_POS",
1143        b"_PPP",
1144        b"_PPS",
1145        b"PRTT",
1146        b"_PTP",
1147        b"QZSS",
1148        b"RAIM",
1149        b"_RAW",
1150        b"RCVT",
1151        b"RM3I",
1152        b"RM3O",
1153        b"RS_A",
1154        b"RS_B",
1155        b"RS_C",
1156        b"RS_D",
1157        b"RTMI",
1158        b"RTMO",
1159        b"SPEC",
1160        b"TCCL",
1161        b"_TCP",
1162        b"TCPO",
1163        b"_TLS",
1164        b"TRST",
1165        b"UDPO",
1166        b"_UHF",
1167        b"_USB",
1168        b"WAAS",
1169        b"WIFI",
1170        b"_WPT",
1171    )
1173    def send_able_4hz(self, able):
1174        "enable basic GREIS messages at 4Hz"
1176        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'greis'
1178        # the messages we want
1179        # [SX] requires 3.7 firmware, we use [SI] to support 3.6
1180        messages = b"jps/{RT,UO,GT,PV,SG,DP,SI,EL,AZ,EC,SS,ET}"
1182        if able:
1183            # Message rate must be an integer multiple of /par/raw/msint
1184            # Default msint is 0.100 seconds, so that must be changed first
1185            self.gps_send(b"%msint%set,/par/raw/msint,250")
1187            self.gps_send(b"%greis%em,," + messages + b":0.25")
1188        else:
1189            self.gps_send(b"%greis%dm,," + messages)
1191    def send_able_comp(self, able):
1192        "dis/enable COMPASS, aka BeiDou"
1193        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons'
1194        en_dis = b'y' if 1 == able else b'n'
1195        self.gps_send(b"%cons%set,/par/pos/sys/comp," + en_dis)
1197    def send_able_constellations(self, able):
1198        "dis/enable all constellations"
1199        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons7'
1200        en_dis = b'y' if 1 == able else b'n'
1201        self.gps_send(b"%cons1%set,/par/pos/sys/comp," + en_dis)
1202        self.gps_send(b"%cons2%set,/par/pos/sys/gal," + en_dis)
1203        # this will fail on TR-G2H, as it has no GLONASS
1204        self.gps_send(b"%cons3%set,/par/pos/sys/glo," + en_dis)
1205        self.gps_send(b"%cons4%set,/par/pos/sys/gps," + en_dis)
1206        self.gps_send(b"%cons5%set,/par/pos/sys/irnss," + en_dis)
1207        self.gps_send(b"%cons6%set,/par/pos/sys/sbas," + en_dis)
1208        self.gps_send(b"%cons7%set,/par/pos/sys/qzss," + en_dis)
1210    def send_able_defmsg(self, able):
1211        "dis/enable default messages at 1Hz"
1212        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'defmsg'
1213        if able:
1214            self.gps_send(b"%defmsg%em,,jps/RT,/msg/def:1,jps/ET")
1215        else:
1216            # leave RT and ET to break less?
1217            self.gps_send(b"%defmsg%dm,,/msg/def:1")
1219    def send_able_gal(self, able):
1220        "dis/enable GALILEO"
1221        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons'
1222        en_dis = b'y' if 1 == able else b'n'
1223        self.gps_send(b"%cons%set,/par/pos/sys/gal," + en_dis)
1225    def send_able_glo(self, able):
1226        "dis/enable GLONASS"
1227        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons'
1228        en_dis = b'y' if 1 == able else b'n'
1229        self.gps_send(b"%cons%set,/par/pos/sys/glo," + en_dis)
1231    def send_able_gps(self, able):
1232        "dis/enable GPS"
1233        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons'
1234        en_dis = b'y' if 1 == able else b'n'
1235        self.gps_send(b"%cons%set,/par/pos/sys/gps," + en_dis)
1237    def send_able_ipr(self, able):
1238        "dis/enable all Integer Psuedo-Range messages"
1239        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'em'
1240        if able:
1241            self.gps_send(b"%em%em,,jps/{rx,rc,r1,r2,r3,r5,rl}:0.25")
1242        else:
1243            self.gps_send(b"%em%dm,,jps/{rx,rc,r1,r2,r3,r5,rl}")
1245    def send_able_irnss(self, able):
1246        "dis/enable IRNSS"
1247        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons'
1248        en_dis = b'y' if 1 == able else b'n'
1249        self.gps_send(b"%cons%set,/par/pos/sys/irnss," + en_dis)
1251    def send_able_nmea41(self, able):
1252        "dis/enable basic NMEA 4.1e messages at 4Hz"
1254        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'nmea'
1256        messages = b"nmea/{GBS,GGA,GSA,GST,GSV,RMC,VTG,ZDA}"
1258        if able:
1259            # set NMEA version 4.1e
1260            self.gps_send(b"%nmeaver%set,/par/nmea/ver,v4.1e")
1262            # Message rate must be an integer multiple of /par/raw/msint
1263            # Default msint is 0.100 seconds, so that must be changed first
1264            self.gps_send(b"%msint%set,/par/raw/msint,250")
1266            # now we can set the messages we want
1267            self.gps_send(b"%nmea%em,," + messages + b":0.25")
1268        else:
1269            # disable
1270            self.gps_send(b"%nmea%dm,," + messages)
1272    def send_able_raw(self, able):
1273        """dis/enable Raw mode messages"""
1274        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'raw'
1276        messages = (b"jps/{RT,UO,GT,PV,SG,DP,SI,EL,AZ,EC,SS,"
1277                    b"PC,P1,P2,P3,P5,Pl,"
1278                    b"RC,R1,R2,R3,R5,Rl,"
1279                    b"DC,D1,D2,D3,D5,Dl,"
1280                    b"ET}")
1282        if able:
1283            self.gps_send(b"%raw%em,," + messages + b":1")
1284        else:
1285            self.gps_send(b"%raw%dm,," + messages)
1287    def send_able_sbas(self, able):
1288        "dis/enable SBAS"
1289        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons'
1290        en_dis = b'y' if 1 == able else b'n'
1291        self.gps_send(b"%cons%set,/par/pos/sys/sbas," + en_dis)
1293    def send_able_qzss(self, able):
1294        "dis/enable QZSS"
1295        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons'
1296        en_dis = b'y' if 1 == able else b'n'
1297        self.gps_send(b"%cons%set,/par/pos/sys/qzss," + en_dis)
1299    def send_able_snr(self, able):
1300        "dis/enable all SNR messages, except [EC]"
1301        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'em'
1302        if able:
1303            self.gps_send(b"%em%em,,jps/{E1,E2,E3,E5,El}:0.25")
1304        else:
1305            self.gps_send(b"%em%dm,,jps/{E1,E2,E3,E5,El}")
1307    able_commands = {
1308        # en/disable basic GREIS messages at 4HZ
1309        "4HZ": {"command": send_able_4hz,
1310                "help": "basic GREIS messages at 4Hz"},
1311        # en/disable all constellations
1312        "CONS": {"command": send_able_constellations,
1313                 "help": "all constellations"},
1314        # en/disable COMPASS, aka Beidou
1315        "COMPASS": {"command": send_able_comp,
1316                    "help": "COMPASS"},
1317        # en/disable default message set.
1318        "DEFMSG": {"command": send_able_defmsg,
1319                   "help": "default message set at 1Hz"},
1320        # en/disable GALILEO
1321        "GALILEO": {"command": send_able_gal,
1322                    "help": "GALILEO"},
1323        # en/disable GLONASS
1324        "GLONASS": {"command": send_able_glo,
1325                    "help": "GLONASS"},
1326        # en/disable GPS
1327        "GPS": {"command": send_able_gps,
1328                "help": "GPS"},
1329        # en/disable Integer Psuedo Range messages
1330        "IPR": {"command": send_able_ipr,
1331                "help": "all Integer Psuedo Range messages"},
1332        # en/disable IRNSS
1333        "IRNSS": {"command": send_able_irnss,
1334                  "help": "IRNSS"},
1335        # en/disable NMEA 4.1e
1336        "NMEA": {"command": send_able_nmea41,
1337                 "help": "basic messages NMEA 4.1 at 4Hz"},
1338        # en/disable Psuedo Range, Carrier Phase and Doppler messages
1339        "RAW": {"command": send_able_raw,
1340                "help": "Raw mode messages"},
1341        # en/disable SBAS
1342        "SBAS": {"command": send_able_sbas,
1343                 "help": "SBAS"},
1344        # en/disable all SNRs
1345        "SNR": {"command": send_able_snr,
1346                "help": "all SNR messages, except [EC]"},
1347        # en/disable QZSS
1348        "QZSS": {"command": send_able_qzss,
1349                 "help": "QZSS"},
1350    }
1352    def send_coldboot(self):
1353        "Delete NVRAM (almanac, ephemeris, location) and restart"
1354        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'coldboot'
1355        self.gps_send(b"%coldboot%init,/dev/nvm/a")
1357    def send_constellations(self):
1358        "poll all constellations"
1359        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'cons'
1360        self.gps_send(b"%cons%print,/par/pos/sys:on")
1362    def send_get_id(self):
1363        "get receiver id"
1364        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'id'
1365        self.gps_send(b"%id%print,/par/rcv/id")
1367    def send_get_oaf(self):
1368        "poll OAF (GPS opts)"
1370        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'opts,_WPT'
1371        if VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']:
1372            # get list of all opts
1373            self.gps_send(b"%opts,list%list,/par/opts")
1375        # request opts one at a time from canned list
1376        for s in self.oafs:
1377            self.gps_send(b"%%opts,%s%%print,/par/opts/%s" % (s, s))
1379    def send_get_serial(self):
1380        "get receiver serial number"
1381        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'serial'
1382        self.gps_send(b"%serial%print,/par/rcv/sn")
1384    def send_reset(self):
1385        "reset (reboot) the GPS"
1386        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'reset'
1387        self.gps_send(b"%reset%set,/par/reset,y")
1389    def send_set_dm(self):
1390        "disable all messages"
1391        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'dm'
1392        self.gps_send(b"%dm%dm")
1394    def send_set_ipr(self):
1395        "poll Integer Psuedo-Range messages"
1396        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'out'
1397        self.gps_send(b"%out%out,,jps/{rx,rc,r1,r2,r3,r5,rl}")
1399    def send_get_snr(self):
1400        "poll all SNR messages"
1401        # nothing we can wait on, depending on GPS model/configuration
1402        # we may never see some of E2, E3, E5 or El
1403        self.gps_send(b"%out%out,,jps/{EC,E1,E2,E3,E5,El}")
1405    def send_set_speed(self, set_speed):
1406        "change GPS speed"
1407        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'setspeed'
1408        self.gps_send(b"%%setspeed%%set,/par/cur/term/rate,%d" %
1409                      set_speed)
1411    def send_get_vendor(self):
1412        "get receiver vendor"
1413        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'vendor'
1414        self.gps_send(b"%vendor%print,/par/rcv/vendor")
1416    def send_get_ver(self):
1417        "get receiver version, per section 4.4.3 of the specification"
1418        self.expect_statement_identifier = 'ver'
1419        self.gps_send(b"%ver%print,/par/rcv/ver")
1421    # list of canned commands that can be sent to the receiver
1422    commands = {
1423        "COLDBOOT": {"command": send_coldboot,
1424                     "help": "cold boot the GPS"},
1425        "CONS": {"command": send_constellations,
1426                 "help": "poll enabled constellations"},
1427        "DM": {"command": send_set_dm,
1428               "help": "disable all periodic messages"},
1429        "ID": {"command": send_get_id,
1430               "help": "poll receiver ID"},
1431        "IPR": {"command": send_set_ipr,
1432                "help": "poll all Integer Psuedo-range messages"},
1433        "OAF": {"command": send_get_oaf,
1434                "help": "poll all OAF options"},
1435        "RESET": {"command": send_reset,
1436                  "help": "reset (reboot) the GPS"},
1437        "SERIAL": {"command": send_get_serial,
1438                   "help": "poll receiver serial number"},
1439        "SNR": {"command": send_get_snr,
1440                "help": "poll all SNR messages"},
1441        "VENDOR": {"command": send_get_vendor,
1442                   "help": "poll GPS vendor"},
1443        "VER": {"command": send_get_ver,
1444                "help": "poll GPS version"},
1445    }
1448class gps_io(object):
1449    """All the GPS I/O in one place"
1451    Three types of GPS I/O
1452    1. read only from a file
1453    2. read/write through a device
1454    3. read only from a gpsd instance
1455    """
1457    out = b''
1458    ser = None
1459    input_is_device = False
1461    def __init__(self):
1462        "Initialize class"
1464        Serial = serial
1465        Serial_v3 = Serial and Serial.VERSION.split('.')[0] >= '3'
1466        # buffer to hold read data
1467        self.out = b''
1469        # open the input: device, file, or gpsd
1470        if opts['input_file_name'] is not None:
1471            # check if input file is a file or device
1472            try:
1473                mode = os.stat(opts['input_file_name']).st_mode
1474            except OSError:
1475                sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to open input file %s\n' %
1476                                 (PROG_NAME, opts['input_file_name']))
1477                sys.exit(1)
1479            if stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
1480                # character device, need not be read only
1481                self.input_is_device = True
1483            if ((opts['disable'] or opts['enable'] or opts['poll'] or
1484                 opts['oaf_name'])):
1486                # check that we can write
1487                if opts['read_only']:
1488                    sys.stderr.write('%s: read-only mode, '
1489                                     'can not send commands\n' % PROG_NAME)
1490                    sys.exit(1)
1491                if self.input_is_device is False:
1492                    sys.stderr.write('%s: input is plain file, '
1493                                     'can not send commands\n' % PROG_NAME)
1494                    sys.exit(1)
1496        if opts['target']['server'] is not None:
1497            # try to open local gpsd
1498            try:
1499                self.ser = gps.gpscommon(host=None)
1500                self.ser.connect(opts['target']['server'],
1501                                 opts['target']['port'])
1503                # alias self.ser.write() to self.write_gpsd()
1504                self.ser.write = self.write_gpsd
1505                # ask for raw, not rare, data
1506                data_out = b'?WATCH={'
1507                if opts['target']['device'] is not None:
1508                    # add in the requested device
1509                    data_out += (b'"device":"' + opts['target']['device'] +
1510                                 b'",')
1511                data_out += b'"enable":true,"raw":2}\r\n'
1512                if VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']:
1513                    print("sent: ", data_out)
1514                self.ser.send(data_out)
1515            except socket.error as err:
1516                sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to connect to gpsd %s\n' %
1517                                 (PROG_NAME, err))
1518                sys.exit(1)
1520        elif self.input_is_device:
1521            # configure the serial connections (the parameters refer to
1522            # the device you are connecting to)
1524            # pyserial Ver 3.0+ changes writeTimeout to write_timeout
1525            # Using the wrong one causes an error
1526            write_timeout_arg = ('write_timeout'
1527                                 if Serial_v3 else 'writeTimeout')
1528            try:
1529                self.ser = Serial.Serial(
1530                    baudrate=opts['input_speed'],
1531                    # 8N1 is GREIS default
1532                    bytesize=Serial.EIGHTBITS,
1533                    parity=Serial.PARITY_NONE,
1534                    port=opts['input_file_name'],
1535                    stopbits=Serial.STOPBITS_ONE,
1536                    # read timeout
1537                    timeout=0.05,
1538                    **{write_timeout_arg: 0.5}
1539                )
1540            except AttributeError:
1541                sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to import pyserial\n' % PROG_NAME)
1542                sys.exit(2)
1543            except Serial.serialutil.SerialException:
1544                # this exception happens on bad serial port device name
1545                sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to open serial port "%s"\n'
1546                                 '   Your computer has these serial ports:\n'
1547                                 % (PROG_NAME, opts['input_file_name']))
1549                # print out list of supported ports
1550                import serial.tools.list_ports as List_Ports
1551                ports = List_Ports.comports()
1552                for port in ports:
1553                    sys.stderr.write("    %s: %s\n" %
1554                                     (port.device, port.description))
1555                sys.exit(1)
1557            # flush input buffer, discarding all its contents
1558            # pyserial 3.0+ deprecates flushInput() in favor of
1559            # reset_input_buffer(), but flushInput() is still present.
1560            self.ser.flushInput()
1562        else:
1563            # Read from a plain file of GREIS messages
1564            try:
1565                self.ser = open(opts['input_file_name'], 'rb')
1566            except IOError:
1567                sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to open input %s\n' %
1568                                 (PROG_NAME, opts['input_file_name']))
1569                sys.exit(1)
1571    def read(self, read_opts):
1572        "Read from device, until timeout or expected message"
1574        # are we expecting a certain message?
1575        if gps_model.expect_statement_identifier:
1576            # assume failure, until we see expected message
1577            ret_code = 1
1578        else:
1579            # not expecting anything, so OK if we did not see it.
1580            ret_code = 0
1582        try:
1583            if read_opts['target']['server'] is not None:
1584                # gpsd input
1585                start = gps.monotonic()
1586                while read_opts['input_wait'] > (gps.monotonic() - start):
1587                    # First priority is to be sure the input buffer is read.
1588                    # This is to prevent input buffer overuns
1589                    if 0 < self.ser.waiting():
1590                        # We have serial input waiting, get it
1591                        # No timeout possible
1592                        # RTCM3 JSON can be over 4.4k long, so go big
1593                        new_out = self.ser.sock.recv(8192)
1594                        if raw is not None:
1595                            # save to raw file
1596                            raw.write(new_out)
1597                        self.out += new_out
1599                    consumed = gps_model.decode_msg(self.out)
1600                    self.out = self.out[consumed:]
1601                    if ((gps_model.expect_statement_identifier and
1602                         (gps_model.expect_statement_identifier ==
1603                          gps_model.last_statement_identifier))):
1604                        # Got what we were waiting for.  Done?
1605                        ret_code = 0
1606                        if not read_opts['input_forced_wait']:
1607                            # Done
1608                            break
1610            elif self.input_is_device:
1611                # input is a serial device
1612                start = gps.monotonic()
1613                while read_opts['input_wait'] > (gps.monotonic() - start):
1614                    # First priority is to be sure the input buffer is read.
1615                    # This is to prevent input buffer overuns
1616                    # pyserial 3.0+ deprecates inWaiting() in favor of
1617                    # in_waiting, but inWaiting() is still present.
1618                    if 0 < self.ser.inWaiting():
1619                        # We have serial input waiting, get it
1620                        # 1024 is comfortably large, almost always the
1621                        # Read timeout is what causes ser.read() to return
1622                        new_out = self.ser.read(1024)
1623                        if raw is not None:
1624                            # save to raw file
1625                            raw.write(new_out)
1626                        self.out += new_out
1628                    consumed = gps_model.decode_msg(self.out)
1629                    self.out = self.out[consumed:]
1630                    if ((gps_model.expect_statement_identifier and
1631                         (gps_model.expect_statement_identifier ==
1632                          gps_model.last_statement_identifier))):
1633                        # Got what we were waiting for.  Done?
1634                        ret_code = 0
1635                        if not read_opts['input_forced_wait']:
1636                            # Done
1637                            break
1638            else:
1639                # ordinary file, so all read at once
1640                self.out += self.ser.read()
1641                if raw is not None:
1642                    # save to raw file
1643                    raw.write(self.out)
1645                while True:
1646                    consumed = gps_model.decode_msg(self.out)
1647                    self.out = self.out[consumed:]
1648                    if 0 >= consumed:
1649                        break
1651        except IOError:
1652            # This happens on a good device name, but gpsd already running.
1653            # or if USB device unplugged
1654            sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to read %s\n'
1655                             '%s: Is gpsd already holding the port?\n'
1656                             % (PROG_NAME, PROG_NAME,
1657                                read_opts['input_file_name']))
1658            return 1
1660        if 0 < ret_code:
1661            # did not see the message we were expecting to see
1662            sys.stderr.write('%s: waited %0.2f seconds for, '
1663                             'but did not get: %%%s%%\n'
1664                             % (PROG_NAME, read_opts['input_wait'],
1665                                gps_model.expect_statement_identifier))
1666        return ret_code
1668    def write_gpsd(self, data):
1669        "write data to gpsd daemon"
1671        # HEXDATA_MAX = 512, from gps.h, The max hex digits can write.
1672        # Input data is binary, converting to hex doubles its size.
1673        # Limit binary data to length 255, so hex data length less than 510.
1674        if 255 < len(data):
1675            sys.stderr.write('%s: trying to send %d bytes, max is 255\n'
1676                             % (PROG_NAME, len(data)))
1677            return 1
1679        if opts['target']['device'] is not None:
1680            # add in the requested device
1681            data_out = b'?DEVICE={"path":"' + opts['target']['device'] + b'",'
1682        else:
1683            data_out = b'?DEVICE={'
1685        # Convert binary data to hex and build the message.
1686        data_out += b'"hexdata":"' + binascii.hexlify(data) + b'"}\r\n'
1687        if VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']:
1688            print("sent: ", data_out)
1689        self.ser.send(data_out)
1690        return 0
1693def usage():
1694    "Print usage information, and exit"
1696    print("usage: %s [-?hrVW] [-c C] [-d D] [-e E] [-f F] [-O O] [-p P]\n"
1697          "            [-R R] [-S S] [-s S] [-v V] [-w W]\n"
1698          "            [server[:port[:device]]]\n\n" % PROG_NAME)
1699    print('usage: %s [options]\n'
1700          '       -?            print this help\n'
1701          '       -c C          send command C to GPS\n'
1702          '       -d D          disable D\n'
1703          '       -e E          enable E\n'
1704          '       -f F          open F as file/device\n'
1705          '                     default: %s\n'
1706          '       -h            print this help\n'
1707          '       -O O          send OAF file to GPS\n'
1708          '       -p P          send preset GPS command P\n'
1709          '       -R R          save raw data from GPS in file R\n'
1710          '       -r            open file/device read only\n'
1711          '                     default: %s\n'
1712          '       -S S          configure GPS speed to S\n'
1713          '       -s S          set port speed to S\n'
1714          '                     default: %d bps\n'
1715          '       -V            print version\n'
1716          '       -v V          Set verbosity level to V, 0 to 4\n'
1717          '                     default: %d\n'
1718          '       -W            force entire wait time, no exit early\n'
1719          '       -w W          wait time, exit early on -p result\n'
1720          '                     default: %s seconds\n'
1721          '       [server[:port[:device]]] Connect to gpsd\n'
1722          '                     default port: 2947\n'
1723          '                     default device: None\n'
1724          '\n'
1725          'D and E can be one of:' %
1726          (PROG_NAME, opts['input_file_name'], opts['raw_file'],
1727           opts['input_speed'], opts['verbosity'], opts['input_wait'])
1728          )
1730    # print list of enable/disable commands
1731    for item in sorted(gps_model.able_commands.keys()):
1732        print("    %-12s %s" % (item, gps_model.able_commands[item]["help"]))
1734    print('\nthe preset GPS command P can be one of:')
1736    # print list of possible canned commands
1737    for item in sorted(gps_model.commands.keys()):
1738        print("    %-12s %s" % (item, gps_model.commands[item]["help"]))
1739    print('\nOptions can be placed in the ZERKOPTS environment variable.\n'
1740          'ZERKOPTS is processed before the CLI options.')
1741    sys.exit(0)
1744# create the GREIS instance
1745gps_model = greis()
1747if 'ZERKOPTS' in os.environ:
1748    # grab the ZERKOPTS environment variable for options
1749    opts['progopts'] = os.environ['ZERKOPTS']
1750    options = opts['progopts'].split(' ') + sys.argv[1:]
1752    options = sys.argv[1:]
1755    (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(options,
1756                                         "?c:d:e:f:hrp:s:w:v:O:R:S:WV")
1757except getopt.GetoptError as err:
1758    sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n"
1759                     "Try '%s -h' for more information.\n" %
1760                     (PROG_NAME, str(err), PROG_NAME))
1761    sys.exit(2)
1763for (opt, val) in options:
1764    if opt == '-c':
1765        # command
1766        opts['command'] = val
1767    elif opt == '-d':
1768        # disable
1769        opts['disable'] = val
1770    elif opt == '-e':
1771        # enable
1772        opts['enable'] = val
1773    elif opt == '-f':
1774        # file input
1775        opts['input_file_name'] = val
1776    elif opt in ('-h', '-?'):
1777        # help
1778        usage()
1779    elif opt == '-p':
1780        # preprogrammed command
1781        opts['poll'] = val
1782    elif opt == '-r':
1783        # read only
1784        opts['read_only'] = True
1785    elif opt == '-s':
1786        # serial port speed
1787        opts['input_speed'] = int(val)
1788        if opts['input_speed'] not in gps_model.speeds:
1789            sys.stderr.write('%s: -s invalid speed %s\n' %
1790                             (PROG_NAME, opts['input_speed']))
1791            sys.exit(1)
1793    elif opt == '-w':
1794        # max wait time, seconds
1795        opts['input_wait'] = float(val)
1796    elif opt in '-v':
1797        # verbosity level
1798        opts['verbosity'] = int(val)
1799    elif opt in '-O':
1800        # OAF .jpo file
1801        opts['oaf_name'] = val
1802    elif opt in '-R':
1803        # raw log file
1804        opts['raw_file'] = val
1805    elif opt in '-S':
1806        # set GPS serial port speed
1807        opts['set_speed'] = int(val)
1808        if opts['set_speed'] not in gps_model.speeds:
1809            sys.stderr.write('%s: -S invalid speed %s\n' %
1810                             (PROG_NAME, opts['set_speed']))
1811            sys.exit(1)
1813    elif opt == '-W':
1814        # forced wait, no early exit on command completion
1815        opts['input_forced_wait'] = True
1816    elif opt == '-V':
1817        # version
1818        sys.stderr.write('zerk: Version %s\n' % gps_version)
1819        sys.exit(0)
1821if opts['input_file_name'] is None:
1822    # no input file given
1823    # default to local gpsd
1824    opts['target']['server'] = "localhost"
1825    opts['target']['port'] = gps.GPSD_PORT
1826    opts['target']['device'] = None
1827    if arguments:
1828        # server[:port[:device]]
1829        arg_parts = arguments[0].split(':')
1830        opts['target']['server'] = arg_parts[0]
1831        if 1 < len(arg_parts):
1832            opts['target']['port'] = arg_parts[1]
1833            if 2 < len(arg_parts):
1834                opts['target']['device'] = arg_parts[2]
1836elif arguments:
1837    sys.stderr.write('%s: Both input file and server specified\n' % PROG_NAME)
1838    sys.exit(1)
1840if VERB_PROG <= opts['verbosity']:
1841    # dump all options
1842    print('Options:')
1843    for option in sorted(opts):
1844        print("   %s: %s" % (option, opts[option]))
1846# done parsing arguments from environment and CLI
1849    # raw log file requested?
1850    raw = None
1851    if opts['raw_file']:
1852        try:
1853            raw = open(opts['raw_file'], 'w')
1854        except IOError:
1855            sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to open raw file %s\n' %
1856                             (PROG_NAME, opts['raw_file']))
1857            sys.exit(1)
1859    # create the I/O instance
1860    io_handle = gps_io()
1862    # keep it simple, only one of -O, -c -d -e or -S
1863    if opts['oaf_name'] is not None:
1864        # parse an OAF file
1865        try:
1866            oaf_root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(opts['oaf_name']).getroot()
1867            oaf = dict()
1868            for tag in ('id', 'oaf', 'hash'):
1869                oaf[tag] = oaf_root.find(tag).text
1870            oaf['oaf'] = oaf['oaf'].split('\n')
1871            if VERB_PROG <= opts['verbosity']:
1872                print(oaf)
1873        except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError:
1874            sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to parse OAF "%s"\n'
1875                             % (PROG_NAME, opts['oaf_name']))
1876            sys.exit(1)
1877        except IOError:
1878            sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to read OAF "%s"\n'
1879                             % (PROG_NAME, opts['oaf_name']))
1880            sys.exit(1)
1882        # calculate hash
1883        oaf_s = '\n'.join(oaf['oaf'])
1884        hash_s = hashlib.sha1(oaf_s).hexdigest()
1885        if hash_s != oaf['hash']:
1886            sys.stderr.write('%s: OAF bad hash "%s", s/b %s\n'
1887                             % (PROG_NAME, hash_s, oaf['hash']))
1888            sys.exit(1)
1890        # TODO: probably should check the ID first...
1891        # TODO: prolly should send one command per handshake
1892        # blasting all commands at once, seems to not work reliably
1893        for command in oaf['oaf']:
1894            time.sleep(0.1)           # wait 0.1 seconds each
1895            gps_model.gps_send(command)
1896        # this will detect when it is all done
1897        gps_model.gps_send(b'%DONE%')
1898        gps_model.expect_statement_identifier = 'DONE'
1900    elif opts['command'] is not None:
1901        # zero length is OK to send
1902        if 1 < len(opts['command']) and '%' != opts['command'][0]:
1903            # add ID, if missing
1904            gps_model.expect_statement_identifier = 'CMD'
1905            opts['command'] = "%CMD%" + opts['command']
1907        # add trailing new line
1908        opts['command'] += "\n"
1910        if VERB_QUIET < opts['verbosity']:
1911            sys.stderr.write('%s: command %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['command']))
1912        gps_model.gps_send(opts['command'])
1914    elif opts['disable'] is not None:
1915        if VERB_QUIET < opts['verbosity']:
1916            sys.stderr.write('%s: disable %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['disable']))
1917        if opts['disable'] in gps_model.able_commands:
1918            command = gps_model.able_commands[opts['disable']]
1919            command["command"](gps_model, 0)
1920        else:
1921            sys.stderr.write('%s: disable %s not found\n' %
1922                             (PROG_NAME, opts['disable']))
1923            sys.exit(1)
1925    elif opts['enable'] is not None:
1926        if VERB_QUIET < opts['verbosity']:
1927            sys.stderr.write('%s: enable %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['enable']))
1928        if opts['enable'] in gps_model.able_commands:
1929            command = gps_model.able_commands[opts['enable']]
1930            command["command"](gps_model, 1)
1931        else:
1932            sys.stderr.write('%s: enable %s not found\n' %
1933                             (PROG_NAME, opts['enable']))
1934            sys.exit(1)
1936    elif opts['poll'] is not None:
1937        if VERB_QUIET < opts['verbosity']:
1938            sys.stderr.write('%s: poll %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['poll']))
1939        if opts['poll'] in gps_model.commands:
1940            command = gps_model.commands[opts['poll']]
1941            command["command"](gps_model)
1942        else:
1943            sys.stderr.write('%s: poll %s not found\n' %
1944                             (PROG_NAME, opts['poll']))
1945            sys.exit(1)
1947    elif opts['set_speed'] is not None:
1948        gps_model.send_set_speed(opts['set_speed'])
1950    exit_code = io_handle.read(opts)
1952    if ((VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']) and io_handle.out):
1953        # dump raw left overs
1954        print("Left over data:")
1955        print(io_handle.out)
1957    sys.stdout.flush()
1958    io_handle.ser.close()
1960except KeyboardInterrupt:
1961    print('')
1962    exit_code = 1