2# This file is part of:
4#  gpsman --- GPS Manager: a manager for GPS receiver data
6# Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Miguel Filgueiras migfilg@t-online.de
8#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9#      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10#      the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11#      (at your option) any later version.
13#      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14#      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16#      GNU General Public License for more details.
18#      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19#      along with this program.
21#  File: files_foreign.tcl
22#  Last change:  6 October 2013
24# See below for guidelines on how to add support for new foreign formats
26# Includes contributions by
27#  - Brian Baulch (baulchb _AT_ onthenet.com.au) marked "BSB contribution"
28#  - Matt Martin (matt.martin _AT_ ieee.org) marked "MGM contribution"
29#  - Miguel Filgueiras (to code by others) marked "MF contribution"
30#  - Valere Robin (valere.robin _AT_ wanadoo.fr) marked "VR contribution"
31#  - Alessandro Palmas (alpalmas _AT_ tin.it) marked "AP contribution"
32#  - Paul Scorer (p.scorer _AT_ leedsmet.ac.uk) marked "PS contribution"
34# and changes by
35#  - Mariusz Dabrowski (mgd4 _AT_ poczta.onet.pl) marked "MD changes"
37# Includes an adaptation of a Perl script by Niki Hammler, http://www.nobaq.net
38#  that converts exported FUGAWI data to DDD GPSman data
41#### guidelines on how to add support for new foreign formats
43# - choose a name for the new format: start with a capital letter,
44#   keep the name short as it will be used in menus, and check that
45#   it is not already in use
47# - each file format must be described in the FILEFORMAT array that is
48#   defined in metadata.tcl; see the comment there that documents the
49#   entries in the array and prepare a description of the new format
51# - find out an existing format similar to the new format, in particular
52#   having the same "filetype" and the same "mode" and use its implementation
53#   as a model (the GPSMan format is implemented in files.tcl, and part of
54#   this code is used in the support for GPStrans; it is a good idea to
55#   choose the implementation of other formats as models)
57# - for importation a procedure Import_$FMT must be written whose arguments
58#   are
59#      - if the "filemode" is "unique" (only a possible items type): file
60#        channel to read from, and reading mode that is either "normal"
61#        or "inGR" (importing elements in a group; disregard if dealing
62#        with groups is not supported)
63#      - otherwise: the file channel, a list of types to import or
64#        "Data", and the reading mode ("normal" or "inGR")
66# - for exportation a procedure Export_$FMT must be written whose arguments
67#   are
68#      - if the "filemode" is "data": the file channel to write to and
69#        a list of pairs with type and indices of the items to export
70#      - otherwise: the file channel, the type and the list of indices
72# - care must be taken to avoid clashes with existing global variables; it
73#   is suggested that an array with name FF_$FMT (with $FMT the name
74#   of the new format) is used for storing all global information needed
75#   for its implementation
77##### utility
79proc NextLine {n file} {
80    # read next $n-th (>=1) non empty line
81    # return trimmed line or "" if end of file found
82    global MESS
84    set k 0
85    while 1 {
86	if { [eof $file] } {
87	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
88	    return ""
89	}
90	gets $file line ; set line [string trim $line]
91	if { $line != "" && [incr k] == $n } { return $line }
92    }
93    # not used
94    return
97##### reading/writing binary files
99## binary coding of files:
100#   little- and big-endian integral numbers
101#    int, int_big: 16 bits;  long, long_big: 32 bits
102#   fixed-length strings: as sequence of bytes with given length
103#   variable-length strings: length as int (little-endian), then the
104#    sequence of bytes
105#   floats and doubles: IEEE little-endian
106#   booleans as ints
107#   arrays of multiples: e.g., array@3=double,long is an array of pairs
108#    whose length is given by element at index 3 (from 0) on the data list
109#    (index < index of array); element type cannot be array! a list of lists
110#    is used as the internal representation of the array
112array set BinConv {
113    byte   c    byte,l 1
114    int    s    int,l  2
115    bool   s    bool,l 2
116    int_big S    int_big,l 2
117    long   i    long,l 4
118    long_big I   long_big,l 4
121proc ReadBinData {file types} {
122    # adapted from proc UnPackData (garmin.tcl)
123    # read binary data and convert to list of elements conforming to the
124    #  types in the list $types
125    # accepted types: byte, int, int_big, long, long_big, float, double,
126    #                 charray=*, varstring, unused=*, bool, array@*=*
127    #  bool is the same as int
128    # delete leading and trailing spaces of strings and char arrays
129    # return list of values read in
130    global tcl_platform ReadBinError BinConv
132    set vals ""
133    foreach t $types {
134	switch -glob $t {
135	    byte {
136		set n 1
137		binary scan [read $file $n] "c" x
138		set x [expr ($x+0x100)%0x100]
139	    }
140	    bool -   int -   int_big -   long -
141	    long_big {
142		set n $BinConv($t,l)
143		binary scan [read $file $n] $BinConv($t) x
144	    }
145	    float {
146		# this only works with machines following the
147		#  IEEE standard floating point representation
148		set n 4
149		set bs [read $file $n]
150		if { $tcl_platform(byteOrder) == "littleEndian" } {
151		    binary scan $bs "f" x
152		} else {
153		    set id ""
154		    foreach k "3 2 1 0" {
155			append id [string index $bs $k]
156		    }
157		    binary scan $id "f" x
158		}
159	    }
160	    double {
161		# this only works with machines following the
162		#  IEEE standard floating point representation
163		set n 8
164		set bs [read $file $n]
165		if { $tcl_platform(byteOrder) == "littleEndian" } {
166		    binary scan $bs "d" x
167		} else {
168		    set id ""
169		    foreach k "7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0" {
170			append id [string index $bs $k]
171		    }
172		    binary scan $id "d" x
173		}
174	    }
175	    varstring {
176		if { [set lg [ReadBinData $file int]] < 0 } {
177		    set ReadBinError 1
178		    return $vals
179		}
180		set x [read $file $lg]
181		set n [expr 2+$lg]
182		set x [string trim $x " "]
183	    }
184	    charray=* {
185		regsub charray= $t "" n
186		set x [read $file $n]
187		set x [string trim $x " "]
188	    }
189	    array*@* {
190		if { ! [regexp {array@([0-9]+)=(.+)$} $t m ix lst] || \
191			[set lg [lindex $vals $ix]] < 0 || \
192			! [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $lg] } {
193		    set ReadBinError 1
194		    return $vals
195		}
196		set x "" ; set sts [split $lst ","]
197		while { $lg } {
198		    incr lg -1
199		    lappend x [ReadBinData $file $sts]
200		    if { $ReadBinError } { return [lappend vals $x] }
201		}
202	    }
203	    unused=* {
204		regsub unused= $t "" n
205		read $file $n
206		set x UNUSED
207	    }
208	    default {
209		set ReadBinError 1
210		return $vals
211	    }
212	}
213	lappend vals $x
214    }
215    return $vals
218proc WriteBinData {file types vals} {
219    # adapted from proc DataToStr (garmin.tcl)
220    # write binary data the result of converting from list of elements
221    #  conforming to the types in $types
222    # accepted types: byte, int, int_big, long, long_big, float, double,
223    #                 charray=*, varstring, unused=*, bool, array@*=*
224    #  bool is the same as int
225    # return 0 on error
226    global tcl_platform BinConv
228    foreach t $types v $vals {
229	switch -glob $t {
230	    byte -  bool -  int -  int_big -  long -
231	    long_big {
232		puts -nonewline $file [binary format $BinConv($t) $v]
233	    }
234	    float {
235		# this only works with machines following the
236		#  IEEE standard floating point representation
237		set s [binary format "f" $v]
238		if { $tcl_platform(byteOrder) != "littleEndian" } {
239		    set l [split "$s" ""]
240		    set s ""
241		    foreach k "3 2 1 0" {
242			append s [lindex $l $k]
243		    }
244		}
245		puts -nonewline $file $s
246	    }
247	    double {
248		# this only works with machines following the
249		#  IEEE standard floating point representation
250		set s [binary format "d" $v]
251		if { $tcl_platform(byteOrder) != "littleEndian" } {
252		    set l [split "$s" ""]
253		    set s ""
254		    foreach k "7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0" {
255			append s [lindex $l $k]
256		    }
257		}
258		puts -nonewline $file $s
259	    }
260	    varstring {
261		WriteBinData $file int [string length $v]
262		puts -nonewline $file [binary format "a*" $v]
263	    }
264	    charray=* {
265		regsub charray= $t "" n
266		puts -nonewline $file [binary format "A$n" $v]
267	    }
268	    array*@* {
269		if { ! [regexp {array@([0-9]+)=(.+)$} $t m ix lst] || \
270			[set lg [lindex $vals $ix]] < 0 || \
271			! [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $lg] } {
272		    BUG "error in specification to WriteBinData: $t $lg"
273		    return 0
274		}
275		set sts [split $lst ","]
276		while { $lg } {
277		    incr lg -1
278		    if { ! [WriteBinData $file $sts [lindex $v 0]] } {
279			return 0
280		    }
281		    set v [lreplace $v 0 0]
282		}
283	    }
284	    unused=* {
285		regsub unused= $t "" n
286		puts -nonewline $file [binary format "x$n"]
287	    }
288	    default {
289		BUG "unimplemented data type when converting to binary: $t"
290		return 0
291	    }
292	}
293    }
294    flush $file
295    return 1
298##### exporting
300### geo-referencing files
302## Tiff World File format
304proc ExportTFW {affps} {
305    # export coordinates tranformation parameters to TFW file
306    #  $affps is list with a parameter name followed by its value, as
307    #    in the map transformation data array for the affine case,
308    #    cf. proc AffineParams (maptransf.tcl)
309    global TXT
311    if { [set file [GMOpenFile $TXT(exportto) tfwfile w]] == ".." } {
312	return
313    }
314    array set dt $affps
315    foreach m {a c b d e f} {
316	puts $file $dt($m)
317    }
318    close $file
319    return
322### exporting data
324proc ExportFile {how fmt what} {
325    # write data to file in foreign format
326    #  $fmt such that "out" is in $FILEFORMAT($fmt,mode) except GPSMan
327    #  $how==all: all items if $what==Data, otherwise items of type $what
328    #  $how==select: items of type $what chosen from list
329    # possible types must be described by $FILEFORMAT($fmt,types) or the
330    #  the second element of the pair $FILEFORMAT($fmt,io_types) and
331    #  if $FILEFORMAT($fmt,filetype)!="data" there is a single type
332    # return 0 on success, 1 on failure
334    return [ExportFileTo "" $how $fmt $what]
337proc ExportFileTo {file how fmt what} {
338    # if $file!="stdout" it will be closed at the end
339    global SFilePFrmt SFileDatum Storage TXT FILEFORMAT
341    switch $how {
342	all {
343	    # the order of the list is that imposed by $FILEFORMAT($fmt,types)
344	    #  or the second element of the pair $FILEFORMAT($fmt,io_types);
345	    #  this may be important when writing to files in a format that
346	    #  imposes a specific order in the data
347	    if { [catch {set ts $FILEFORMAT($fmt,types)}] } {
348		set ts [lindex $FILEFORMAT($fmt,io_types) 1]
349	    }
350	    set lp [AllIndicesForType $what $ts]
351	}
352	select {
353	    if { [set ixs [ChooseItems $what]] == "" } { return 1 }
354	    set lp [list [list $what $ixs]]
355	}
356    }
357    if { $FILEFORMAT($fmt,filetype) != "data" } {
358	set ixs [lindex [lindex $lp 0] 1]
359	set ft type
360    } else { set ft data }
361    if { $fmt == "Shapefile" } {
362	# single type
363	return [ExportShapefileTo $file $what $ixs]
364    }
365    if { $file == "" && \
366	    [set file [GMOpenFile $TXT(exportto) $what w]] == ".." } {
367	return 1
368    }
369    set sid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(export)]
370    if { $ft == "data" } {
371	Export_$fmt $file $lp
372    } else { Export_$fmt $file $what $ixs }
373    foreach v "PFrmt PFType Datum" { catch {unset SFile$v($file)} }
374    if { $file != "stdout" } { close $file }
375    SlowOpFinish $sid ""
376    return 0
379proc ExportGREls {how fmt args} {
380    # write data on elements of group to file in foreign format
381    #  $fmt such that "out" is in $FILEFORMAT($fmt,mode) except GPSMan, and
382    #      $FILEFORMAT($fmt,GREls) is defined
383    #  $how==all: from all groups, but types are selected
384    #  $how==select: groups and types are selected by the user
385    #  $args not used but in call-back
386    # possible types must be described by $FILEFORMAT($fmt,types) or
387    #  the second element of the pair $FILEFORMAT($fmt,io_types) and
388    #  if $FILEFORMAT($fmt,filetype)!="data" there is a single type
389    global GRName SFilePFrmt SFileDatum MESS TXT FILEFORMAT
391    if { [catch {set types $FILEFORMAT($fmt,types)}] } {
392	set types [lindex $FILEFORMAT($fmt,io_types) 1]
393    }
394    lappend types GR
395    switch $how {
396	all {
397	    set ixs [array names GRName]
398	}
399	select {
400	    if { [set ixs [ChooseItems GR]] == "" } { return }
401	}
402    }
403    set ts ""
404    foreach k $types { lappend ts $TXT(name$k) }
405    if { $FILEFORMAT($fmt,filetype) == "data" } {
406	set ft data
407    } else { set ft type }
408    while 1 {
409	# select types of items to export keeping the order in $types
410	set whs [GMChooseFrom many $MESS(putwhat) 6 $ts $types]
411	if { [set i [lsearch -exact $whs GR]] != -1 } {
412	    set whs [lreplace $whs $i $i]
413	    set rec 1
414	} else { set rec 0 }
415	if { [set n [llength $whs]] == 0 } { return }
416	if { $n > 1 && $ft == "type" } {
417	    GMMessage $MESS(exportonly1)
418	} else {
419	    break
420	}
421    }
422    set lp "" ; set none 1
423    foreach wh $whs {
424	if { [set eixs [GRsElements $ixs $rec $wh]] != "" } { set none 0 }
425	lappend lp [list $wh $eixs]
426    }
427    if { $none } { return }
428    if { $fmt == "Shapefile" } {
429	# single type
430	ExportShapefileTo "" $whs $eixs
431	return
432    }
433    set f [GMOpenFile $TXT(exportto) GR w]
434    if { $f != ".." } {
435	set sid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(export)]
436	if { $ft == "data" } {
437	    Export_$fmt $f $lp
438	} else { Export_$fmt $f $whs $eixs }
439	catch {
440	    unset SFilePFrmt($f) ; unset SFileDatum($f)
441	}
442	close $f
443	SlowOpFinish $sid ""
444    }
445    return
448## GPStrans format
450proc Export_GPStrans {file what ixs} {
452    ExportGPStransHeader $file
453    ExportGPStrans$what $file $ixs 1
454    return
457proc ExportGPStransHeader {file} {
458    # write header to file in GPStrans format, using $pformt for positions
459    global TimeOffset Datum SFilePFrmt SFileDatum
461    set dix [DatumRefId $Datum]
462    if { ! [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $dix] } {
463	# datum not defined in GPStrans
464	set datum "WGS 84"
465	set dix [DatumRefId $datum]
466    } else { set datum $Datum }
467    set h [format {Format: DDD  UTC Offset: %6.2f hrs  Datum[%3d]: %s} \
468	    $TimeOffset $dix $datum]
469    puts $file $h
470    set SFileDatum($file) $datum
471            # following values assumed below
472    set SFilePFrmt($file) DDD
473    return
476proc ExportGPStransWP {file ixs tofile} {
477    # write WPs with indices in list $ixs either to file in GPStrans format,
478    #  or to auxiliary file for putting data into receiver
479    global WPName WPCommt WPPosn WPDatum WPDate
480    global CREATIONDATE SFileDatum
482    set d [Today MMDDYYYY]
483    foreach i $ixs {
484	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
485	if { $i != -1 } {
486	    if { $CREATIONDATE } {
487		set d $WPDate($i)
488	    }
489	    set latd [lindex $WPPosn($i) 0] ; set longd [lindex $WPPosn($i) 1]
490	    if { $WPDatum($i) != $SFileDatum($file) } {
491		set p [ToDatum $latd $longd $WPDatum($i) $SFileDatum($file)]
492		set latd [lindex $p 0] ; set longd [lindex $p 1]
493	    }
494	    if { $tofile } {
495		set m [format "W\t%s\t%40s\t%20s\t%03.7f\t%04.7f" \
496			      $WPName($i) $WPCommt($i) $d $latd $longd]
497	    } else {
498		set m [format "W\t%s\t%40s\t%20s\t%03.7f\t%04.7f" \
499		       $WPName($i) [JustfLeft 40 $WPCommt($i)] $d $latd $longd]
500	    }
501	    puts $file $m
502	}
503    }
504    return
507proc ExportGPStransRT {file ixs tofile} {
508    # write RTs with indices in list $ixs either to file in GPStrans format,
509    #  or to auxiliary file for putting data into receiver
510    global RTIdNumber RTCommt RTWPoints MAXROUTES MESS
512    set badids 0
513    foreach i $ixs {
514	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
515	if { ! [CheckNumber Ignore $RTIdNumber($i)] } {
516	    incr badids
517	} else {
518	    set wps [Apply "$RTWPoints($i)" IndexNamed WP]
519	    if { [Undefined $wps] } {
520		GMMessage [format $MESS(undefWP) $RTIdNumber($i)]
521	    } elseif { !$tofile && $RTIdNumber($i)>$MAXROUTES } {
522		GMMessage [format $MESS(bigRT) $RTIdNumber($i)]
523	    } else {
524		puts $file [format "R\t%d\t%40s" $RTIdNumber($i) \
525			                [JustfLeft 40 $RTCommt($i)]]
526		ExportGPStransWP $file $wps $tofile
527	    }
528	}
529    }
530    if { $badids > 0 } { GMMessage [format $MESS(cantsaveRTid) $badids] }
531    return
534proc ExportGPStransTR {file ixs tofile} {
535    # write TRs with indices in list $ixs either to file in GPStrans format,
536    #  or to auxiliary file for putting data into receiver
537    global TRTPoints TRDatum SFileDatum
539    foreach i $ixs {
540	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
541	if { $TRDatum($i) != $SFileDatum($file) } {
542	    set tps [ChangeTPsDatum $TRTPoints($i) $TRDatum($i) \
543			 $SFileDatum($file)]
544	} else { set tps $TRTPoints($i) }
545	foreach tp $tps {
546	    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
547	    puts $file [format "T\t%s\t%lf\t%lf" [lindex $tp 4] \
548			    [lindex $tp 0] [lindex $tp 1]]
549	}
550	puts $file ""
551    }
552    return
555proc WriteXMLTag { type value } {
556   regsub -all {&}  $value {\&amp;}  value
557   regsub -all {>}  $value {\&gt;}  value
558   regsub -all {<}  $value {\&lt;}   value
559   regsub -all {"}  $value {\&quot;} value
560   # ": a quote to avoid wrong colours in Emacs...
561   regsub -all {\'} $value {\&apos;} value
562   return "<$type>$value</$type>\n"
565## GPX format
566## Contributed by Valere Robin (valere.robin _AT_ wanadoo.fr)
568# MF change: using system encoding
569proc GPX_Encoding {tcl_enc} {
570    # convert a Tcl encoding name to the GPX one
571    # if the  prefix is iso[0-9] it is converted to iso-[0-9], otherwise do
572    #  nothing
574    regsub {^iso([0-9])} $tcl_enc {iso-\1} tcl_enc
575    return $tcl_enc
578set GPX_Header "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=[GPX_Encoding \"$SYSENC\"] standalone=\"yes\"?>
580 version=\"1.0\"
581 creator=\"GPSMan\"
582 xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"
583 xmlns=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0\"
584 xmlns:topografix=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/Private/TopoGrafix/0/2\"
585 xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0/gpx.xsd http://www.topografix.com/GPX/Private/TopoGrafix/0/2 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/Private/TopoGrafix/0/2/topografix.xsd\">
586 <author>an author</author>
587 <email>an_email _AT_ somewhere</email>
588 <url>an_url</url>
589 <urlname>a_url_name</urlname>"
591proc Export_GPX {file typesixs} {
592    # MF contribution: code by VR moved out from general export procs
594    ExportGPXHeader $file
595    foreach p $typesixs {
596	ExportGPX[lindex $p 0] $file [lindex $p 1] 1
597    }
598    ExportGPXTrailer $file
599    return
602proc ExportGPXHeader {file} {
603    # write header to file in GPX format, using $pformt for positions
604    global GPX_Header SFilePFrmt SFileDatum
606    puts $file $GPX_Header
607    puts $file "<time>[TodayUTC ISO8601 ]</time>"
608    set SFileDatum($file) "WGS 84"
609    set SFilePFrmt($file) DDD
610    return
613proc ExportGPXTrailer {file} {
614    puts $file "</gpx>"
617proc ExportGPXWP {file ixs tofile } {
618    # write WPs with indices in list $ixs either to file in GPX format,
619    #  or to auxiliary file for putting data into receiver
620    # type can be "wpt" or "rtept"
621    ExportGPXPT $file $ixs $tofile wpt
624proc ExportGPXData {file ixs tofile } {
625    # write WPs with indices in list $ixs either to file in GPX format,
626    #  or to auxiliary file for putting data into receiver
627    # type can be "wpt" or "rtept"
628    ExportGPXWP $file $ixs $tofile
629    ExportGPXRT $file $ixs $tofile
630    ExportGPXTR $file $ixs $tofile
633proc ExportGPXPT {file ixs tofile type} {
634    # write WPs with indices in list $ixs either to file in GPX format,
635    #  or to auxiliary file for putting data into receiver
636    # type can be "wpt" or "rtept"
637    global WPName WPCommt WPPosn WPDatum WPDate WPObs WPSymbol WPAlt
638    global SFileDatum
640    foreach i $ixs {
641	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
642	if { $i != -1 } {
643	    set latd [lindex $WPPosn($i) 0] ; set longd [lindex $WPPosn($i) 1]
644	    if { $WPDatum($i) != $SFileDatum($file) } {
645		# MF change: calling ToDatum instead of ConvertDatum
646		set p [ToDatum $latd $longd $WPDatum($i) $SFileDatum($file)]
647		set latd [lindex $p 0] ; set longd [lindex $p 1]
648	    }
649	    puts $file [format "<$type lat=\"%03.7f\" lon=\"%04.7f\">" \
650			    $latd $longd ]
651	    # MF contribution: elevation field
652	    #  altitude in metres
653	    if { [set alt [lindex $WPAlt($i) 0]] != "" } {
654		puts $file " <ele>$alt</ele>"
655	    }
656	    #---
657	    puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "name" $WPName($i) ]
658	    # puts $file [format " <name>%s</name>" $WPName($i) $WPObs($i)]
659	    set date $WPDate($i)
660	    if { $date != "" } {
661	        set datesecs [lindex [CheckConvDate $date ] 1]
662		set dints [ DateIntsFromSecs $datesecs ]
663	    	set utcdints [ eval LocalTimeAndUTC $dints "local"]
664	    	set time [eval FormatDate "ISO8601" $utcdints]
665		puts $file " <time>$time</time>"
666	    }
667	    if { $WPSymbol($i) != "" } {
668		puts $file [format " <symbol>%s</symbol>\n" $WPSymbol($i) ]
669	    }
670	    if { $WPCommt($i) != "" } {
671		puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "cmt" $WPCommt($i) ]
672	    }
673	    if { $WPObs($i) != "" } {
674		puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "desc" $WPObs($i) ]
675	    }
676	    puts $file "</$type>\n"
677	}
678    }
679    return
682proc ExportGPXRT {file ixs tofile} {
683    # write RTs with indices in list $ixs either to file in GPX format,
684    #  or to auxiliary file for putting data into receiver
685    global RTIdNumber RTCommt RTObs RTWPoints MAXROUTES MESS
687    set badids 0
688    foreach i $ixs {
689	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
690	set wps [Apply "$RTWPoints($i)" IndexNamed WP]
691	if { [Undefined $wps] } {
692	    GMMessage [format $MESS(undefWP) $RTIdNumber($i)]
693	} elseif { !$tofile && $RTIdNumber($i)>$MAXROUTES } {
694	    GMMessage [format $MESS(bigRT) $RTIdNumber($i)]
695	} else {
696	    puts $file "<rte>"
697	    puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "name" $RTIdNumber($i) ]
698	    if { $RTCommt($i) != "" } {
699		puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "desc" $RTCommt($i) ]
700	    }
701	    if { $RTObs($i) != "" } {
702		puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "cmt" $RTObs($i) ]
703	    }
704	    ExportGPXPT $file $wps $tofile rtept
705	    puts $file "</rte>"
706	}
707    }
708    if { $badids > 0 } { GMMessage [format $MESS(cantsaveRTid) $badids] }
709    return
712proc ExportGPXTR {file ixs tofile} {
713    # write TRs with indices in list $ixs either to file in GPX format,
714    #  or to auxiliary file for putting data into receiver
715    global TRTPoints TRObs TRDatum SFileDatum DataIndex TRName TRSegStarts
717    set idt $DataIndex(TPdate)
718    set ial $DataIndex(TPalt) ; set idp $DataIndex(TPdepth)
719    set ids $DataIndex(TPsecs)
721    foreach i $ixs {
722        puts $file "<trk>"
723	puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "name" $TRName($i) ]
724	if { $TRObs($i) != "" } {
725	    puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "desc" $TRObs($i) ]
726	}
727        puts $file " <trkseg>\n"
728	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
729	# MF change: using proc ChangeTPsDatum
730	if { $TRDatum($i) != $SFileDatum($file) } {
731	    set tps [ChangeTPsDatum $TRTPoints($i) $TRDatum($i) \
732			 $SFileDatum($file)]
733	} else { set tps $TRTPoints($i) }
734	# MF contribution: segment starters
735	set ssts $TRSegStarts($i)
736	set tpn 0 ; set nsst [lindex $ssts 0]
737	#--
738	foreach tp $tps {
739	    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
740	    # MF contribution: segment starters
741	    if { $nsst == $tpn } {
742		puts $file "</trkseg><trkseg>\n"
743		set ssts [lreplace $ssts 0 0]
744		set nsst [lindex $ssts 0]
745	    }
746	    incr tpn
747	    #--
748	    set latd [lindex $tp 0] ; set longd [lindex $tp 1]
749	    set alt [lindex $tp $ial ]
750	    set secs [lindex $tp $ids ]
751	    puts $file "<trkpt lat=\"$latd\" lon=\"$longd\">"
752	    set dints [ DateIntsFromSecs $secs ]
753	    set utcdints [ eval LocalTimeAndUTC $dints "local"]
754	    set time [eval FormatDate "ISO8601" $utcdints]
755	    puts $file "  <ele>$alt</ele>\n  <time>$time</time>\n</trkpt>"
756	}
757        puts $file "</trkseg></trk>"
758    }
759    return
763## KML format
764## Contributed by Valere Robin (valere . robin _at_ wanadoo.fr)
766# MF change: using system encoding
767set KML_Header "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$SYSENC\"?>
768<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2\">
770	<name>GPSMan Export</name>
771	<open>1</open>
772	<description><!\[CDATA\[This document was exported from <a href=\"http://sourceforge.net/projects/gpsman\">GPSMan</a>.\]\]></description>
773	<Style id=\"RedLine\">
774		<LineStyle>
775			<color>7f0000ff</color>
776			<width>4</width>
777		</LineStyle>
778	</Style>
779	<Style id=\"YellowLine\">
780		<LineStyle>
781			<color>ff00ffff</color>
782			<width>2</width>
783		</LineStyle>
784	</Style>
785	<Style id=\"NormalPoint\">
786		<IconStyle>
787			<color>ffff00ff</color>
788			<scale>0.7</scale>
789			<Icon>
790				<href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/shaded_dot.png</href>
791			</Icon>
792		</IconStyle>
793	</Style>
794	<Style id=\"HighlightedPoint\">
795		<IconStyle>
796			<color>ff7f00ff</color>
797			<scale>0.9</scale>
798			<Icon>
799				<href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/shaded_dot.png</href>
800			</Icon>
801		</IconStyle>
802	</Style>
803	<StyleMap id=\"WayPoint\">
804		<Pair>
805			<key>normal</key>
806			<styleUrl>#NormalPoint</styleUrl>
807		</Pair>
808		<Pair>
809			<key>highlight</key>
810			<styleUrl>#HighlightedPoint</styleUrl>
811		</Pair>
812	</StyleMap>
815proc Export_KML {file typesixs} {
816    ExportKMLHeader $file
817    foreach p $typesixs {
818	ExportKML[lindex $p 0] $file [lindex $p 1] 1
819    }
820    ExportKMLTrailer $file
821    return
824proc ExportKMLHeader {file} {
825    # write header to file in KML format
826    global KML_Header SFilePFrmt SFileDatum
828    puts $file $KML_Header
829    puts $file "<time>[TodayUTC ISO8601 ]</time>"
830    set SFileDatum($file) "WGS 84"
831    set SFilePFrmt($file) DDD
832    return
835proc ExportKMLTrailer {file} {
836    puts $file "</Document></kml>"
839proc ExportKMLWP {file ixs tofile } {
840    # write WPs with indices in list $ixs either to file in KML format,
841    puts $file "<Folder><name>Waypoints</name>"
842    ExportKMLPT $file $ixs $tofile wpt
843    puts $file "</Folder>"
846proc ExportKMLData {file ixs tofile } {
847    # write WPs with indices in list $ixs either to file in KML format,
848    ExportKMLWP $file $ixs $tofile
849    ExportKMLRT $file $ixs $tofile
850    ExportKMLTR $file $ixs $tofile
853proc ExportKMLPT {file ixs tofile type} {
854    # write WPs with indices in list $ixs either to file in KML format,
855    # type can be "wpt" or "rtept"
856    global WPName WPCommt WPPosn WPDatum WPDate WPObs WPSymbol WPAlt
857    global SFileDatum
859    foreach i $ixs {
860	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
861	if { $i != -1 } {
862	    set latd [lindex $WPPosn($i) 0] ; set longd [lindex $WPPosn($i) 1]
863	    if { $WPDatum($i) != $SFileDatum($file) } {
864		# MF change: calling ToDatum instead of ConvertDatum
865		set p [ToDatum $latd $longd $WPDatum($i) $SFileDatum($file)]
866		set latd [lindex $p 0] ; set longd [lindex $p 1]
867	    }
868	    if { [set alt [lindex $WPAlt($i) 0]] != "" } {
869	    } else {
870		set alt 0
871	    }
872	    set ptdesc [format "<Placemark> <Point><coordinates>%03.7f,%04.7f,%04.7f</coordinates></Point>" \
873			    $longd $latd $alt]
874	    append ptdesc [ WriteXMLTag "name" $WPName($i) ]
875	    set date $WPDate($i)
876            set comment ""
877	    if { $date != "" } {
878	        set datesecs [lindex [CheckConvDate $date ] 1]
879		set dints [ DateIntsFromSecs $datesecs ]
880	    	set utcdints [ eval LocalTimeAndUTC $dints "local"]
881	    	set time [eval FormatDate "ISO8601" $utcdints]
882		#append comment "<!\[CDATA\[<b>time:</b>$time<br>\]\]>"
883	    }
884	    if { $WPSymbol($i) != "" } {
885		#puts $file [format " <symbol>%s</symbol>\n" $WPSymbol($i) ]
886	    }
887	    if { $WPCommt($i) != "" } {
888		#puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "cmt" $WPCommt($i) ]
889		append comment "$WPCommt($i)"
890	    }
891	    if { $WPObs($i) != "" } {
892		#puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "desc" $WPObs($i) ]
893		append comment "$WPObs($i)"
894	    }
895	    append ptdesc "<description>$comment</description>"
896	    append ptdesc "<styleUrl>#WayPoint</styleUrl>"
897	    append ptdesc "</Placemark>"
898	    if { $type == "wpt" } {
899		puts $file $ptdesc
900	    } elseif { $type == "rtept" } {
901		puts $file "$longd,$latd,$alt"
902            }
903	}
904    }
906    return
909proc ExportKMLRT {file ixs tofile} {
910    # write RTs with indices in list $ixs either to file in KML format,
911    global RTIdNumber RTCommt RTObs RTWPoints MAXROUTES MESS
913    set badids 0
914    puts $file "<Folder><name>Routes</name><visibility>1</visibility>"
915    puts $file "<open>0</open>"
916    set RTcoordinates ""
917    foreach i $ixs {
918	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
919	set wps [Apply "$RTWPoints($i)" IndexNamed WP]
920	if { [Undefined $wps] } {
921	    GMMessage [format $MESS(undefWP) $RTIdNumber($i)]
922	} elseif { !$tofile && $RTIdNumber($i)>$MAXROUTES } {
923	    GMMessage [format $MESS(bigRT) $RTIdNumber($i)]
924	} else {
925    	    puts $file "<Placemark>"
926	    puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "name" $RTIdNumber($i) ]
927	    puts $file "<open>0</open>"
928	    set comment ""
929            if { $RTCommt($i) != "" } {
930		append comment "$RTCommt($i)"
931	    }
932	    if { $RTObs($i) != "" } {
933		append comment " - $RTObs($i)"
934	    }
935            puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "description" $comment ]
936    	    puts $file "<styleUrl>#YellowLine</styleUrl><LineString>"
937            puts $file "<tessellate>1</tessellate><coordinates>"
938	    ExportKMLPT $file $wps $tofile rtept
939	    puts $file "</coordinates></LineString></Placemark>"
940       }
941    }
942    puts $file "</Folder>"
943    if { $badids > 0 } { GMMessage [format $MESS(cantsaveRTid) $badids] }
944    return
947proc ExportKMLTR {file ixs tofile} {
948    # write TRs with indices in list $ixs either to file in KML format,
949    global TRTPoints TRObs TRDatum SFileDatum DataIndex TRName TRSegStarts
951    set idt $DataIndex(TPdate)
952    set ial $DataIndex(TPalt) ; set idp $DataIndex(TPdepth)
953    set ids $DataIndex(TPsecs)
955    puts $file "<Folder><name>Tracks</name>"
956    puts $file "<Visibility>1</Visibility>"
957    puts $file "<Open>0</Open>"
958    foreach i $ixs {
959	puts $file "<Folder>"
960	puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "name" $TRName($i) ]
961	if { $TRObs($i) != "" } {
962	    puts $file [ WriteXMLTag "description" "$TRObs($i)" ]
963	}
964        puts $file "<Placemark id=\"Path\">"
965        puts $file "<name>Segment</name>"
966        puts $file "<styleUrl>#RedLine</styleUrl>"
967        puts $file " <LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate><coordinates>\n"
968	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
969	# MF change: using proc ChangeTPsDatum
970	if { $TRDatum($i) != $SFileDatum($file) } {
971	    set tps [ChangeTPsDatum $TRTPoints($i) $TRDatum($i) \
972			 $SFileDatum($file)]
973	} else { set tps $TRTPoints($i) }
974	# MF contribution: segment starters
975	set ssts $TRSegStarts($i)
976	set tpn 0 ; set nsst [lindex $ssts 0]
977	#--
978	foreach tp $tps {
979	    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
980	    # MF contribution: segment starters
981	    if { $nsst == $tpn } {
982		puts $file "</coordinates></LineString>"
983		puts $file "</Placemark>"
984	        puts $file "<Placemark id=\"Path\">"
985			puts $file "<name>Segment</name>"
986	        puts $file "<styleUrl>#RedLine</styleUrl>"
987		puts $file "<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate><coordinates>\n"
988		set ssts [lreplace $ssts 0 0]
989		set nsst [lindex $ssts 0]
990	    }
991	    incr tpn
992	    #--
993	    set latd [lindex $tp 0] ; set longd [lindex $tp 1]
994	    set alt [lindex $tp $ial ]
995	    set secs [lindex $tp $ids ]
996	    puts $file "$longd,$latd,$alt"
997	    #set dints [ DateIntsFromSecs $secs ]
998	    #set utcdints [ eval LocalTimeAndUTC $dints "local"]
999	    #set time [eval FormatDate "ISO8601" $utcdints]
1000	    #puts $file "  <ele>$alt</ele>\n  <time>$time</time>\n</trkpt>"
1001	}
1002        puts $file "</coordinates></LineString></Placemark>"
1003        puts $file "</Folder>"
1004    }
1005    puts $file "</Folder>"
1006    return
1009## Ozi format
1010# Contributed by Alessandro Palmas (alpalmas _AT_ tin.it)
1011# Thanks to:
1012# Alex Mottram - gpsbabel staff - http://gpsbabel.sourceforge.net
1013# Dave Patton  - http://www.confluence.org/
1015proc Export_Ozi {file what ixs} {
1016    # MF contribution: code moved out from general export procs
1018    ExportOzi$what $file $ixs
1019    return
1022proc DelphiTime {date} {
1023    # compute Delphi time (starting 1899-12-30 0:0:0) from GPSMan date
1024    # return the empty list on error
1026    if { [set l [ScanDate $date]] == "" } { return "" }
1027    foreach "Y m D hh mm ss" $l {}
1028    set seconds_a [DateToSecsFrom $Y $m $D $hh $mm $ss 1950]
1029    set seconds_b [DateToSecsFrom 1950 1 1 0 0 0 1899]
1030    set seconds_0 [DateToSecsFrom 1899 12 30 0 0 0 1899]
1031    set delphi_1 [expr 1.0 * ($seconds_b - $seconds_0)/86400.0]
1032    set delphi_2 [expr 1.0 * $seconds_a/86400.0]
1033    set delphi [expr $delphi_1 + $delphi_2]
1034    return $delphi
1037proc ExportOziWP {file ixs} {
1038    # derived from proc ExportGPStransWP
1039    # write WPs with indices in list $ixs to file in OZI format
1040    global WPName WPCommt WPPosn WPDatum WPDate
1041    global Datum
1042    global CREATIONDATE SFileDatum
1043    global ALSCALEFOR MESS TXT
1044    global WPAlt
1046    set d [Today MM/DD/YYYY]
1048    # $file must end in .wpt
1049    # we will have some checks here... To Be Done
1051    puts $file "OziExplorer Waypoint File Version 1.1"
1052    puts $file "WGS 84"
1053    puts $file "Reserved 2"	;# reserved for future use
1054    puts $file "Reserved 3"	;# GPS Symbol Set, unused
1056    # since max wp number is 1000 per file, we must trace this in $n;
1057    set n 0	;# count wp in current $file
1058    set nf 0	;# count for $file name
1059    foreach i $ixs {
1060        if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
1061        if { $i != -1 } {
1062            if { $CREATIONDATE } {
1063                set d $WPDate($i)
1064            }
1065            set latd [lindex $WPPosn($i) 0] ; set longd [lindex $WPPosn($i) 1]
1066            if { $WPDatum($i) != "WGS 84" } {
1067		# MF change: calling ToDatum instead of ConvertDatum
1068                set p [ToDatum $latd $longd $WPDatum($i) "WGS 84"]
1069                set latd [lindex $p 0] ; set longd [lindex $p 1]
1070            }
1071	    set n [expr $n+1]
1072            if {$n > 1000} {
1073                GMMessage [format $MESS(toomany) $TXT(waypoint) 1000]
1074            	return
1075            }
1076            puts -nonewline $file "$n,"			;# Field  1: number
1077            puts -nonewline $file "$WPName($i),"	;# Field  2: Name (short)
1078            puts -nonewline $file "$latd,"		;# Field  3: lat DDD
1079            puts -nonewline $file "$longd,"		;# Field  4: long DDD
1081            set delphitime [DelphiTime $d]
1082            puts -nonewline $file "$delphitime,"	;# Field  5: date, in delphi format
1084            puts -nonewline $file "0,"			;# Field  6: symbol
1085            puts -nonewline $file "1,"			;# Field  7: fixed
1086            puts -nonewline $file "3,"			;# Field  8: map display format
1087            puts -nonewline $file "0,"			;# Field  9: Foreground color: Black
1088            puts -nonewline $file "65535,"		;# Field 10: Background color: White
1089            set wpcomm40 [string range $WPCommt($i) 0 39]
1090            puts -nonewline $file "$wpcomm40,"			;# Field 11: Comment (Max 40, no commas) TBD
1091            puts -nonewline $file ","			;# Field 12: Direction
1092            puts -nonewline $file "0,"			;# Field 13: Garmin Display Format
1093            puts -nonewline $file "0,"			;# Field 14: Proximity Distance( 0 is off)
1095            set mt [lindex $WPAlt($i) 0]
1096            # if not valid set ft -777
1097	    if {$mt  == ""} {
1098	    	set ft -777
1099	    } else {
1100            	set ft [expr $mt/$ALSCALEFOR(FT)]
1101            }
1102            puts -nonewline $file "$ft,"		;# Field 15: Altitude, in feet. -777 is non valid
1103            puts -nonewline $file "6,"			;# Field 16: Font size
1104            puts -nonewline $file "0,"			;# Field 17: Font style: 0 normal, 1 bold
1105            puts -nonewline $file "17"			;# Field 18: Symbol Size, 17 is normal
1106            puts $file ""
1107        }
1108    }
1109    return
1112proc ExportOziTR {file ixs} {
1113    # write TRs with indices in list $ixs to file in Ozi format
1114    global TRTPoints TRDatum SFileDatum
1115    global TRName
1116    global ALSCALEFOR
1117    global DataIndex
1119    # It seems that in ozi 1 file <-> 1 track, anyway let's go...
1120    foreach i $ixs {
1121        if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
1122        if { $TRDatum($i) != "WGS 84" } {
1123            set tps [ChangeTPsDatum $TRTPoints($i) $TRDatum($i) \
1124                         "WGS 84"]
1125        } else { set tps $TRTPoints($i) }
1127	#Line 1: File type & version
1128	puts $file "OziExplorer Track Point File Version 2.1"
1129	#Line 2: Datum
1130	puts $file "WGS 84"
1131	#Line 3: Reminder
1132	puts $file "Altitude is in Feet"
1133	#Line 4: Reserved line
1134	puts $file "Reserved 4"
1135	#Line 5: Various fields
1136	# in GPSBabel they use: 0,2,255,ComplimentsOfGPSBabel,0,0,2,8421376
1137        puts -nonewline $file "0,"	;# Field 1: fixed
1138        puts -nonewline $file "2,"	;# Field 2: track size
1139        puts -nonewline $file "255,"	;# Field 3: track color
1141        regsub -all -- {(?=[[:punct:]])} $TRName($i) "-" trackname
1142        puts -nonewline $file "$trackname,"	;# Field 4: track name ( no commas! TBD regexp)
1144        puts $file "0,0,2,8421376"	;# Field 5,6,7,8: track type & style
1145	#Line 6: Unused, if you want, put here number of track points
1146	puts $file "0"
1148        foreach tp $tps {
1149            if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
1151	    puts -nonewline $file "[lindex $tp 0],"	; # 1- Lat, DDD
1152	    puts -nonewline $file "[lindex $tp 1],"	; # 2- Lon, DDD
1153	    puts -nonewline $file "0,"			; # 3-  0: no break line, 1: break line
1155	    set mt [lindex $tp $DataIndex(TPalt)]
1156	    # if not valid set ft -777
1157	    if {$mt  == ""} {
1158	    	set ft -777
1159	    } else {
1160            	set ft [expr $mt/$ALSCALEFOR(FT)]
1161            }
1162	    puts -nonewline $file "$ft,"		; # 4- altitude
1164	    set date [lindex $tp 4]
1165            set delphitime [DelphiTime $date]
1166	    puts -nonewline $file "$delphitime,"	; # 5- Date Delphi format TBD
1167	    puts -nonewline $file ","			; # 6- Date MM/DD/YYYY TBD
1168	    puts -nonewline $file ","			; # 7- Time TBD
1169	    puts $file ""
1170        }
1171    }
1172    return
1175# ------------------------------------------------------------ #
1177## Shapefile format
1179set SHPUndef -1e40
1180# datum must be kept compatible with position format
1181set SHPDatum "WGS 84"
1182set SHPPFormt DDD
1183set SHPZone ""
1184set SHPDUnit $ALTUNIT
1185set SHPAUnit $ALTUNIT
1186set SHPDim 3
1188proc ExportShapefileTo {fname what ixs} {
1189    # export to Shapefile format items with indices $ixs of type $what
1190    #  $fname may be empty in which case the user is asked to give a file name
1191    #  $what in {WP, RT, TR, LN}
1192    # all data converted to $SHPDatum (currently set to "WGS 84")
1193    # return 1 on error, 0 on success
1194    global WPName WPCommt WPDate WPPFrmt WPPosn WPDatum WPAlt RTIdNumber \
1195	RTCommt RTWPoints TRName TRObs TRDatum TRTPoints TRSegStarts \
1196	LNName LNObs LNPFrmt LNDatum LNLPoints LNSegStarts DataIndex MESS \
1197	TXT SHPUndef SHPPFormt SHPDatum SHPDUnit SHPAUnit SHPDim GFPFormt \
1200    if { $fname == "" } {
1201	set ok 0
1202	set GFPFormt $TXT($SHPPFormt)
1203	set GFDUnit $TXT($SHPDUnit) ; set GFAUnit $TXT($SHPAUnit)
1204	set vs "SHPDim GFPFormt SHPDatum GFDUnit GFAUnit"
1205	set pfas [list $NNUMPFORMATS =GFPFormt TXT]
1206	set us [list $TXT(M) $TXT(FT)]
1207	set ds [list +$TXT(dimens)/[list 3 2] \
1208		    !$TXT(optPositionFormat)=FillPFormtMenu/$pfas \
1209		    !$TXT(datum)=FillDatumMenu/ \
1210		    +$TXT(distunit)/$us +$TXT(altunit)/$us]
1211	while { [set fn [GMGetFileName $TXT(exportto) $what w $vs $ds]] \
1212		!= ".." } {
1213	    set basename [file rootname $fn]
1214	    switch -- [set ext [file extension $fn]] {
1215		.shp -  .shx -  .dbf -  "" {
1216		    set ok 1
1217		}
1218		default {
1219		    if { [GMConfirm [format $MESS(shpext) $ext]] } {
1220			set ok 1
1221		    }
1222		}
1223	    }
1224	    if { $ok && ( [file exists $basename.shp] || \
1225			      [file exists $basename.shx] || \
1226			      [file exists $basename.dbf] ) } {
1227		if { [GMSelect $MESS(filexists) \
1228			  [list $TXT(ovwrt) $TXT(cancel)] "0 1"] } {
1229		    set ok 0
1230		}
1231	    }
1232	    if { $ok } {
1233		set SHPPFormt $INVTXT($GFPFormt)
1234		if { [BadDatumFor $SHPPFormt $SHPDatum GMMessage] != 0 } {
1235		    set ok 0
1236		} else {
1237		    set SHPDUnit $INVTXT($GFDUnit)
1238		    set SHPAUnit $INVTXT($GFAUnit)
1239		    break
1240		}
1241	    }
1242	}
1243	if { ! $ok } { return 1 }
1244    } else {
1245	# SHPDim, SHPPFormt, SHPDatum, SHPDUnit and SHPAUnit assumed to be
1246	#  defined
1247	set basename [file rootname $fname]
1248    }
1249    if { $what == "LN" } {
1250	set shpwh TR
1251    } else { set shpwh $what }
1252    if { [set fsid [GSHPCreateFiles $basename $shpwh $SHPDim]] < 1 } {
1253	switch -- $fsid {
1254	    0 { set m shpcntopen }
1255	    -1 -
1256	    -2 { BUG invalid type or dim }
1257	    -3 { set m shpcntcrtfs }
1258	    -4 { set m shpoutmem }
1259	}
1260	GMMessage $MESS($m) ; GSHPCloseFiles $fsid
1261	return 1
1262    }
1263    foreach "xix yix" $POSTYPE($SHPPFormt,xyixs) {}
1264    if { $POSTYPE($SHPPFormt) == "latlong" } {
1265	set scdist 1
1266    } else { set scdist $ALSCALEFOR($SHPDUnit) }
1267    set scalt $ALSCALEFOR($SHPAUnit)
1268    set slowid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(export)]
1269    switch $what {
1270	WP {
1271	    foreach ix $ixs {
1272		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
1273		set p $WPPosn($ix)
1274		if { $WPPFrmt($ix) != $SHPPFormt || \
1275			 $WPDatum($ix) != $SHPDatum } {
1276		    set p [lindex [FormatPosition [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1] \
1277				       $WPDatum($ix) $SHPPFormt $SHPDatum] 0]
1278		}
1279		if { [lindex $p 2] == "--" } {
1280		    GMMessage $MESS(outofgrid)
1281		    continue
1282		}
1283		set x [expr $scdist*[lindex $p $xix]]
1284		set y [expr $scdist*[lindex $p $yix]]
1285		if { $SHPDim == 3 } {
1286		    if { [set alt [lindex $WPAlt($ix) 0]] == "" } {
1287			set alt $SHPUndef
1288		    } else { set alt [expr $alt*$scalt] }
1289		    set r [GSHPWriteWP $fsid $x $y $alt $WPName($ix) \
1290			       $WPCommt($ix) $WPDate($ix)]
1291		} else {
1292		    set r [GSHPWriteWP $fsid $x $y $WPName($ix) $WPCommt($ix) \
1293			       $WPDate($ix)]
1294		}
1295		switch -- $r {
1296		    -3 {
1297			SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem)
1298			return 1
1299		    }
1300		    -4 { SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpcntwrtfs) ; return 1 }
1301		}
1302	    }
1303	}
1304	RT {
1305	    foreach ix $ixs {
1306		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
1307		GSHPCreateRT $SHPDim $RTIdNumber($ix) $RTCommt($ix)
1308		set wpixs [Apply "$RTWPoints($ix)" IndexNamed WP]
1309		if { [Undefined $wpixs] } {
1310		    SlowOpFinish $slowid \
1311			[format $MESS(undefWP) $RTIdNumber($ix)]
1312		    return 1
1313		} else {
1314		    foreach wpix $wpixs {
1315			if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
1316			set p $WPPosn($wpix)
1317			if { $WPPFrmt($wpix) != $SHPPFormt || \
1318				 $WPDatum($wpix) != $SHPDatum } {
1319			    set p [lindex [FormatPosition [lindex $p 0] \
1320					       [lindex $p 1] $WPDatum($wpix) \
1321					       $SHPPFormt $SHPDatum] 0]
1322			}
1323			if { [lindex $p 2] == "--" } {
1324			    GMMessage $MESS(outofgrid)
1325			    continue
1326			}
1327			set x [expr $scdist*[lindex $p $xix]]
1328			set y [expr $scdist*[lindex $p $yix]]
1329			if { $SHPDim == 3 } {
1330			    if { [set alt [lindex $WPAlt($wpix) 0]] == "" } {
1331				set alt $SHPUndef
1332			    } else { set alt [expr $scalt*$alt] }
1333			    set r [GSHPAddWPToRT $x $y $alt]
1334			} else {
1335			    set r [GSHPAddWPToRT $x $y]
1336			}
1337			if { $r == -2 } {
1338			    SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem)
1339			    return 1
1340			}
1341		    }
1342		    switch -- [GSHPWriteRT $fsid 1] {
1343			-5 {
1344			    SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem)
1345			    return 1
1346			}
1347			-6 {
1348			    SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpcntwrtfs)
1349			    return 1
1350			}
1351		    }
1352		}
1353	    }
1354	}
1355	TR {
1356	    set ilt $DataIndex(TPlatd) ; set ilg $DataIndex(TPlongd)
1357	    set ial $DataIndex(TPalt)
1358	    set wsegs [expr $GSHPVersion >= 1.1]
1359	    foreach ix $ixs {
1360		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
1361		if { $wsegs && $TRSegStarts($ix) != "" } {
1362		    switch -- [GSHPCreateTR $SHPDim $TRName($ix) $TRObs($ix) \
1363				   $TRSegStarts($ix)] {
1364			-2 {
1365			    SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem)
1366			    return 1
1367			}
1368			-3 { BUG invalid segment starters }
1369		    }
1370		} else {
1371		    GSHPCreateTR $SHPDim $TRName($ix) $TRObs($ix)
1372		}
1373		if { $TRDatum($ix) != $SHPDatum } {
1374		    set tps [ChangeTPsDatum $TRTPoints($ix) \
1375			    $TRDatum($ix) $SHPDatum]
1376		} else { set tps $TRTPoints($ix) }
1377		foreach tp $tps {
1378		    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
1379		    if { $SHPPFormt != "DMS" } {
1380			set p [lindex \
1381			  [FormatPosition [lindex $tp $ilt] [lindex $tp $ilg] \
1382				   $SHPDatum $SHPPFormt $SHPDatum] 0]
1383			if { [lindex $p 2] == "--" } {
1384			    GMMessage $MESS(outofgrid)
1385			    continue
1386			}
1387		    } else { set p $tp }
1388		    set x [expr $scdist*[lindex $p $xix]]
1389		    set y [expr $scdist*[lindex $p $yix]]
1390		    if { $SHPDim == 3 } {
1391			if { [set alt [lindex [lindex $tp $ial] 0]] == "" } {
1392			    set alt $SHPUndef
1393			} else { set alt [expr $scalt*$alt] }
1394			set r [GSHPAddTPToTR $x $y $alt]
1395		    } else {
1396			set r [GSHPAddTPToTR $x $y]
1397		    }
1398		    if { $r == -2 } {
1399			SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem)
1400			return 1
1401		    }
1402		}
1403		switch -- [GSHPWriteTR $fsid 1] {
1404		    -5 { SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem) ; return 1 }
1405		    -6 { SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpcntwrtfs) ; return 1 }
1406		    -7 { BUG segment starter too large }
1407		}
1408	    }
1409	}
1410	LN {
1411	    set ipos $DataIndex(LPposn) ; set ial $DataIndex(LPalt)
1412	    set wsegs [expr $GSHPVersion >= 1.1]
1413	    foreach ix $ixs {
1414		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
1415		if { $wsegs && $LNSegStarts($ix) != "" } {
1416		    switch -- [GSHPCreateTR $SHPDim $LNName($ix) $LNObs($ix) \
1417				   $LNSegStarts($ix)] {
1418			-2 { SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem) ; return 1 }
1419			-3 { BUG invalid segment starters }
1420		    }
1421		} else {
1422		    GSHPCreateTR $SHPDim $LNName($ix) $LNObs($ix)
1423		}
1424		if { $LNDatum($ix) != $SHPDatum } {
1425		    if { [set lps [ChangeLPsDatum $LNLPoints($ix) \
1426			         $LNDatum($ix) $SHPDatum $SHPPFormt]] == -1 } {
1427			SlowOpFinish $slowid ""
1428			return 1
1429		    }
1430		    set pformt $SHPPFormt
1431		} else {
1432		    set lps $LNLPoints($ix) ; set pformt $LNPFrmt($ix)
1433		}
1434		foreach lp $lps {
1435		    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
1436		    set p [lindex $lp $ipos]
1437		    if { $pformt != $SHPPFormt } {
1438			set p [lindex \
1439				  [FormatPosition [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1] \
1440					$SHPDatum $SHPPFormt $SHPDatum] 0]
1441			if { [lindex $p 2] == "--" } {
1442			    GMMessage $MESS(outofgrid)
1443			    continue
1444			}
1445		    }
1446		    set x [expr $scdist*[lindex $p $xix]]
1447		    set y [expr $scdist*[lindex $p $yix]]
1448		    if { $SHPDim == 3 } {
1449			if { [set alt [lindex [lindex $lp $ial] 0]] == "" } {
1450			    set alt $SHPUndef
1451			} else { set alt [expr $scalt*$alt] }
1452			set r [GSHPAddTPToTR $x $y $alt]
1453		    } else {
1454			set r [GSHPAddTPToTR $x $y]
1455		    }
1456		    if { $r == -2 } {
1457			SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem)
1458			return 1
1459		    }
1460		}
1461		switch -- [GSHPWriteTR $fsid 1] {
1462		    -5 { SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem) ; return 1 }
1463		    -6 { SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpcntwrtfs) ; return 1 }
1464		    -7 { BUG segment starter too large }
1465		}
1466	    }
1467	}
1468    }
1469    GSHPCloseFiles $fsid
1470    SlowOpFinish $slowid ""
1471    return 0
1474## SimpleText format
1475# based on the Garmin Simple Text Output protocol and the following rules
1476# 	- position status: g or G, for 2D or 3D, depending on altitude being
1477#         defined
1478# 	- EPH: always ___
1479# 	- altitude: _____ if undefined, with position status g
1480# 	- horizontal speed: computed from previous point if any, or undefined
1481# 	- vertical speed: computed from previous point if any, or undefined
1482# 	- the first TP of a TR after a different TR is preceded by two
1483#         sentences with all fields as undefined
1484#       - the first TP of a TR segment (not the first one) is preceded by
1485#         a sentence with all fields undefined
1487proc Export_SimpleText {file type ixs} {
1488    # write TRs with indices in list $ixs to file in SimpleText format
1489    #  $type assumed to be TR
1490    global TRTPoints TRDatum TRSegStarts DataIndex
1492    if { $type != "TR" } { BUG Export_SimpleText not on TR? }
1493    foreach d "latd longd date secs alt" { set ix$d $DataIndex(TP$d) }
1494    set segstart "@______________________________________________________\r"
1495    set first 1
1496    foreach ix $ixs {
1497	if { $TRDatum($ix) != "WGS 84" } {
1498	    set tps [ChangeTPsDatum $TRTPoints($ix) $TRDatum($ix) "WGS 84"]
1499	} else { set tps $TRTPoints($ix) }
1500	set sgsts $TRSegStarts($ix)
1501	if { $first } {
1502	    set ssg [lindex $sgsts 0] ; set sgsts [lreplace $sgsts 0 0]
1503	    set first 0
1504	    set platd ""
1505	} else {
1506	    set ssg 0
1507	    puts $file $segstart
1508	}
1509	set tpn 0
1510	foreach tp $tps {
1511	    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
1512	    if { $tpn == $ssg } {
1513		puts $file $segstart
1514		set ssg [lindex $sgsts 0] ; set sgsts [lreplace $sgsts 0 0]
1515		set platd ""
1516	    }
1517	    incr tpn
1518	    foreach d "latd longd date secs alt" {
1519		set $d [lindex $tp [set ix$d]]
1520	    }
1521	    set sent @
1522	    # date
1523	    set vs [DateIntsFromSecs $secs]
1524	    append sent [format %02d [expr [lindex $vs 0]%100]]
1525	    foreach v [lreplace $vs 0 0] { append sent [format %02d $v] }
1526	    # position
1527	    foreach x [list $latd $longd] hs "{N S} {E W}" wd "2 3" {
1528		if { $x < 0 } {
1529		    set h [lindex $hs 1] ; set x [expr -$x]
1530		} else { set h [lindex $hs 0] }
1531		set ds [expr int(floor($x))]
1532		append sent $h [format "%0${wd}d" $ds] \
1533		    [format %05d [expr round(($x-$ds)*60000)]]
1534	    }
1535	    # status, EPH and altitude
1536	    if { [set alt [lindex $alt 0]] == "" } {
1537		set status g ; set ealt ______
1538	    } else {
1539		set status G
1540		if { $alt < 0 } {
1541		    set s - ; set ealt [expr -$alt]
1542		} else { set s + ; set ealt $alt }
1543		set ealt "$s[format %05d [expr round($ealt)]]"
1544	    }
1545	    append sent $status ___ $ealt
1546	    # velocity
1547	    if { $platd == "" || $secs-$psecs == 0 } {
1548		# no previous TP or with the same time-stamp
1549		append sent "_______________\r"
1550	    } else {
1551		set dt [expr $secs-$psecs]
1552		set cosmlat [expr cos(($platd+$latd)*0.00872664625997164788)]
1553		# dm/s
1554		set velx [expr 1111200.0*($longd-$plongd)*$cosmlat/$dt]
1555		set vely [expr 1111200.0*($latd-$platd)/$dt]
1556		foreach c [list $vely $velx] hs "{E W} {N S}" {
1557		    if { $c < 0 } {
1558			append sent [lindex $hs 1] ; set c [expr -$c]
1559		    } else { append sent [lindex $hs 0] }
1560		    append sent [format %04d [expr round($c)]]
1561		}
1562		# vertical speed
1563		if { $alt != "" && $palt != "" } {
1564		    # cm/s
1565		    set velh [expr round(($alt-$palt)*100.0/$dt)]
1566		    if { $velh < 0 } {
1567			append sent D ; set velh [expr -$velh]
1568		    } else { append sent U }
1569		    append sent [format %04d $velh] \r
1570		} else { append sent "_____\r" }
1571	    }
1572	    set platd $latd ; set plongd $longd ; set palt $alt
1573	    set psecs $secs
1575	    puts $file $sent
1576	}
1577    }
1578    return
1583##### importing
1585proc OpenImportFileFails {what fmt} {
1586    # open file in foreign format and set initial values for importing data
1587    #  $what in $TYPES
1588    # return 0 unless operation is to be cancelled
1590    return [OpenInputFileFails $what $fmt]
1593proc OpenFileWithExtension {filename what exts} {
1594    # open file with base name $filename and extension in $exts and
1595    #  if they cannot be opened for reading, ask the user
1596    # return ".." on error, otherwise the file channel
1597    # the actual file path is stored in the global File($what)
1598    #  $what is in $FileTypes
1599    global File TXT
1601    set bn [file rootname $filename]
1602    foreach ext $exts {
1603	if { ! [catch {set f [open $bn.$ext r]}] } {
1604	    set File($what) [file join [pwd] $bn.$ext]
1605	    return $f
1606	}
1607    }
1608    if { [set f [GMOpenFile $TXT(loadfrm) $what r]] == ".." } {
1609	return ".."
1610    }
1611    return $f
1614### geo-referencing files
1616## Tiff World File format
1618proc ImportTFW {filename} {
1619    # read coordinates tranformation parameters from TFW file
1620    # try files with base name $filename and extension .tfw or .TFW and
1621    #  if they cannot be opened for reading, ask the user
1622    # return 0 on failure, or pair with empty list (no known points to be
1623    #  projected) and list with the values in the first six lines,
1624    #  see proc MapInitTFWTransf (maptransf.tcl)
1625    global File MESS
1627    if { [set f [OpenFileWithExtension $filename MapBkInfo "tfw TFW"]] == \
1628	     ".." } {
1629	return 0
1630    }
1631    set filename [file tail $File(MapBkInfo)]
1632    set i 0 ; set vals {}
1633    while { ! [eof $f] } {
1634	gets $f line
1635	if { $line != "" } {
1636	    if { [scan $line %f v] != 1 } {
1637		set i 0
1638		break
1639	    }
1640	    lappend vals $v
1641	    incr i
1642	}
1643    }
1644    close $f
1645    if { $i != 6 } { GMMessage "$MESS(badmapinfo): $filename" }
1646    return [list {} $vals]
1649## partial support for OziExplorer .map files
1650# with thanks to Paulo Quaresma (pq _AT_ di.uevora.pt) for the information on
1651#  the different forms of line 4 and to Kari Likovuori
1652#  (kari.likovuori _AT_ gmail.com) for information leading to not dealing with
1653#  projected points
1655array set OziMapFAs {
1656    start  {prefix {OziExplorer Map Data File} line 5}
1657    5  {datum 0 line 8}
1658    8  {prefix {Magnetic Variation,,,} line 9}
1659    9  {info "" search {Projection Setup,} ps}
1660    ps {info "" search {MMPXY,} xy}
1661    xy {loop mmpxy search {MMPLL,} ll}
1662    ll {loop mmpll end}
1664    mmpxy,numxy {^MMPXY,[ ]*([0-9]+)[ ]*,[ ]*([0-9]+),[ ]*([0-9]+)[ ]*$}
1665    mmpll,latlong {^MMPLL,[ ]*([0-9]+)[ ]*,([^,]*),[ ]*(.+)[ ]*$}
1668array set OziDatum {
1669    {Ascension Island 1958} {Ascension Island `58}
1670    {Astro Beacon 1945} {Astro Beacon "E"}
1671    {Astronomic Stn 1952} {Astronomic Stn `52}
1672    {Australian Geocentric 1994 (GDA94)} {WGS 84}
1673    {Australian Geod 1984} {Australian Geod `84}
1674    {Australian Geod 1966} {Australian Geod `66}
1675    {European 1950 (Mean France)} {European 1950; NW Europe}
1676    {European 1950 (Spain and Portugal)} {European 1950; Portugal+Spain}
1677    {Geodetic Datum 1949} {Geodetic Datum `49}
1678    {Hartebeeshoek94} {WGS 84}
1679    {Indian Bangladesh} {Indian (Bangladesh)}
1680    {ISTS 073 Astro 1969} {ISTS 073 Astro `69}
1681    {NGO1948} {NGO 1948}
1682    {NTF France} {NTF (Nouvelle Triangulation de France)}
1683    {Potsdam Rauenberg DHDN} Potsdam
1684    {Prov So Amrican 1956} {Prov So Amrican `56}
1685    {Prov So Chilean 1963} {Prov So Chilean `63}
1686    {Pulkovo 1942 (1)} {Pulkovo 1942}
1687    {Pulkovo 1942 (2)} {Pulkovo 1942}
1688    Rijksdriehoeksmeting {Rijks Driehoeksmeting}
1689    S42 {S-42 (Pulkovo 1942); Hungary}
1690    {South American 1969} {South American `69}
1691    {Wake-Eniwetok 1960} {Wake-Eniwetok `60}
1694proc ImportOziMap {filename} {
1695    # read pixel and geodetic coordinates of points in an OziExplorer
1696    #  .map file
1697    # try files with base name $filename and extension .map or .MAP and
1698    #  if they cannot be opened for reading, ask the user
1699    # projected points cannot be dealt with because there is no way to
1700    #  deal with the projection
1701    # return 0 on failure, or pair with list of latd,longd,datum and
1702    #  list of pairs with pixel coordinates (in Tcl sign convention)
1703    #  aligned with the previous one
1704    global OziMapFAs OziDatum File TXT MESS Datum
1706    if { [set f [OpenFileWithExtension $filename MapBkInfo "map MAP"]] == \
1707	     ".." } {
1708	return 0
1709    }
1710    set filename [file tail $File(MapBkInfo)]
1711    set getline 1 ; set lno 0 ; set err 0 ; set datum ""
1712    set state start
1713    while { ! [eof $f] } {
1714	set trans $OziMapFAs($state)
1715	if { $getline } {
1716	    gets $f line
1717	    incr lno
1718	}
1719	# puts "\#$lno; trans=$trans"
1720	set getline 1
1721	switch [lindex $trans 0] {
1722	    prefix {
1723		if { [string first [lindex $trans 1] $line] != 0 } {
1724		    incr err
1725		    break
1726		}
1727	    }
1728	    datum {
1729		set field [lindex $trans 1]
1730		set datum [lindex [split $line ","] $field]
1731		if { ! [catch {set d $OziDatum($datum)}] } {
1732		    set datum $d
1733		} elseif { [DatumRefId $datum] == -1 } {
1734		    incr err
1735		    break
1736		}
1737	    }
1738	    info {
1739		regsub -all {,} $line "\n\t" line
1740		DisplayInfo $line
1741	    }
1742	    loop {
1743		switch [set sst [lindex $trans 1]] {
1744		    mmpxy {
1745			set patt1 $OziMapFAs(mmpxy,numxy)
1746			set patt2 ""
1747		    }
1748		    mmpll {
1749			set patt1 $OziMapFAs(mmpll,latlong)
1750			set patt2 ""
1751		    }
1752		}
1753		while 1 {
1754		    if { ! [regexp $patt1 $line m pn a2 a3] } {
1755			set getline 0
1756			break
1757		    }
1758		    scan $pn %0d pn
1759		    set data($pn,$sst) [list $a2 $a3]
1760		    if { $patt2 != "" } {
1761			if { [regexp $patt2 $line m b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6] } {
1762			    set data($pn,$sst,2) \
1763				[list $b1 $b2 $b3 $b4 $b5 $b6]
1764			}
1765		    }
1766		    if { [eof $f] } { break }
1767		    gets $f line
1768		    incr lno
1769		}
1770	    }
1771	}
1772	switch [lindex $trans 2] {
1773	    line {
1774		set state [lindex $trans 3]
1775		while { $lno < $state && ! [eof $f] } {
1776		    gets $f line
1777		    incr lno
1778		}
1779		if { $lno < $state } {
1780		    incr err
1781		    break
1782		}
1783		set getline 0
1784	    }
1785	    search {
1786		set prefix [lindex $trans 3]
1787		while 1 {
1788		    if { [string first $prefix $line] == 0 } { break }
1789		    if { [eof $f] } {
1790			incr err
1791			break
1792		    }
1793		    gets $f line
1794		    incr lno
1795		}
1796		if { $err } { break }
1797		set state [lindex $trans 4]
1798		set getline 0
1799	    }
1800	    end {
1801		set state end
1802		break
1803	    }
1804	}
1805    }
1806    close $f
1807    if { $err } {
1808	GMMessage "$MESS(badmapinfo): $filename, $lno"
1809	return 0
1810    }
1811    if { $datum == "" || [catch {set es [array names data]}] } {
1812	incr err
1813    } else {
1814	set llds "" ; set pixs ""
1815	set es [lsort -dictionary $es]
1816	set prev "" ; set ll "" ; set pix ""
1817	foreach e $es {
1818	    regexp {^([0-9]+),([^,]+)(.*)$} $e m pn cat cat2
1819	    if { $pn != $prev } {
1820		if { $ll != "" && $pix != "" } {
1821		    lappend ll $datum
1822		    lappend llds $ll ; lappend pixs $pix
1823		}
1824		set prev $pn ; set ll "" ; set pix ""
1825	    }
1826	    set d $data($e)
1827	    switch $cat {
1828		mmpxy {
1829		    foreach "x y" $d {}
1830		    scan $x %0d x ; scan $y %0d y
1831		    if { $pix == "" } {
1832			set pix [list $x $y]
1833		    } elseif { $pix != [list $x $y] } {
1834			set pix ""
1835		    }
1836		}
1837		mmpll {
1838		    foreach "long lat" $d {}
1839		    if { [scan $lat %f lat] && [scan $long %f long] && \
1840			     [CheckLat Ignore $lat DDD] && \
1841			     [CheckLong Ignore $long DDD] } {
1842			if { $ll == "" } {
1843			    set ll [list $lat $long]
1844			} elseif { $ll != [list $lat $long] } {
1845			    set ll ""
1846			}
1847		    }
1848		}
1849	    }
1850	}
1851	if { $ll != "" && $pix != "" } {
1852	    lappend ll $datum
1853	    lappend llds $ll ; lappend pixs $pix
1854	}
1855	if { $llds == "" } { incr err }
1856    }
1857    if { $err } {
1858	GMMessage "$MESS(badmapinfo): $filename"
1859	return 0
1860    }
1861    set Datum $datum
1862    return [list $llds $pixs]
1865### file dates
1867proc GetFilesDates {files mdate dhour} {
1868    # find the dates of the given $files
1869    #  $mdate=="pict": for digital pictures: get the date from an
1870    #                 EXIF tag (Tcl exif package, or exif or metacam utilities)
1871    #        =="exif": files contain EXIF tags as produced by exif or metacam,
1872    #                 the date is taken from a tag
1873    #        =="fmod": use the file last modification time
1874    #  $dhour is difference in hours to apply to file dates
1875    # files whose date could not be retrieved are discarded with an error
1876    # return list of triples of date in seconds from $YEAR0, file, and
1877    #  date in "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S" format, sorted by seconds
1878    global YEAR0 MESS
1880    set sfds "" ; set dates ""
1881    set dsecs [expr 3600*$dhour]
1882    switch $mdate {
1883	pict {
1884	    # check availability of the exif package and the exif utility
1885	    set exiflib [expr ! [catch {package require exif}]]
1886	    set exif [expr ! [catch {set x [exec exif]}]]
1887	    # check whether the metacam utility is available
1888	    # a catch on metacam will always yield true...
1889	    if { [catch {exec which which}] } {
1890		if { [catch {exec whereis -b whereis}] } {
1891		    # maybe metacam is available after all...
1892		    set metacam 1
1893		} else {
1894		    set metacam [regexp {:.+$} [exec whereis -b metacam]]
1895		}
1896	    } else {
1897		set metacam [expr ! [catch {exec which metacam}]]
1898	    }
1899	    foreach f $files {
1900		set date ""
1901		# the exif package gives an error when finding unknown tags
1902		if { $exiflib && \
1903			 ! [catch {set avs [exif::analyzeFile $f]}] && \
1904			 $avs != "" } {
1905		    catch {unset d}
1906		    array set d $avs
1907		    set date $d(DateTime)
1908		}
1909		if { $date == "" && $exif && [set et [exec exif $f]] != "" } {
1910		    foreach ln [split $et "\n"] {
1911			if { [string first "Date and Time" $ln] == 0 } {
1912			    set ln [string trimright $ln]
1913			    # this may fail but is checked below
1914			    regexp {\|(.+)$} $ln x date
1915			    break
1916			}
1917		    }
1918		}
1919		if { $date == "" && $metacam && \
1920			 ! [catch {set et [exec metacam $f]}] } {
1921		    foreach ln [split $et "\n"] {
1922			set ln [string trim $ln]
1923			if { [string first "Image Creation" $ln] == 0 } {
1924			    set ln [string trimright $ln]
1925			    regexp {: (.+)$} $ln x date
1926			    break
1927			}
1928		    }
1929		}
1930		set date [string trim $date]
1931		if { [lsearch -exact $dates $date] != -1 || \
1932		   [scan $date "%d:%0d:%0d %0d:%0d:%0d" y m d h mn s] != 6 || \
1933			 ! [CheckDateEls $y $m $d $h $mn $s] } {
1934		    GMMessage "$MESS(badfile): $f"
1935		    continue
1936		}
1937		set secs [DateToSecsFrom $y $m $d $h $mn $s $YEAR0]
1938		if { $dhour != 0 } {
1939		    set secs [expr $secs+$dsecs]
1940		    # assume use of $YEAR0
1941		    set date [DateFromSecs $secs]
1942		}
1943		lappend sfds [list $secs $f $date]
1944		lappend dates $date
1945	    }
1946	}
1947	exif {
1948	    # EXIF files may have been produced by exif or metacam
1949	    foreach f $files {
1950		if { [catch {set fc [open $f r]}] } {
1951		    GMMessage "$MESS(badfile): $f"
1952		    continue
1953		}
1954		set date ""
1955		while { ! [eof $fc] } {
1956		    gets $fc ln
1957		    if { [string first "Date and Time" $ln] == 0 } {
1958			set ln [string trimright $ln]
1959			if { [regexp {\|(.+)$} $ln x date] } { break }
1960		    } else {
1961			set ln [string trim $ln]
1962			if { [string first "Image Creation" $ln] == 0 } {
1963			    set ln [string trimright $ln]
1964			    regexp {: (.+)$} $ln x date
1965			    break
1966			}
1967		    }
1968		}
1969		close $fc
1970		set date [string trim $date]
1971		if { [lsearch -exact $dates $date] != -1 || \
1972		   [scan $date "%d:%0d:%0d %0d:%0d:%0d" y m d h mn s] != 6 || \
1973			 ! [CheckDateEls $y $m $d $h $mn $s] } {
1974		    GMMessage "$MESS(badfile): $f"
1975		    continue
1976		}
1977		set secs [DateToSecsFrom $y $m $d $h $mn $s $YEAR0]
1978		if { $dhour != 0 } {
1979		    set secs [expr $secs+$dsecs]
1980		    # assume use of $YEAR0
1981		    set date [DateFromSecs $secs]
1982		}
1983		lappend sfds [list $secs $f $date]
1984		lappend dates $date
1985	    }
1986	}
1987	fmod {
1988	    foreach f $files {
1989		if { ! [catch {set mt [file mtime $f]}] } {
1990		    set date [clock format $mt -format "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S"]
1991		    if { [lsearch -exact $dates $date] == -1 } {
1992			scan $date "%d:%0d:%0d %0d:%0d:%0d" y m d h mn s
1993			set secs [DateToSecsFrom $y $m $d $h $mn $s $YEAR0]
1994			if { $dhour != 0 } {
1995			    set secs [expr $secs+$dsecs]
1996			    # assume use of $YEAR0
1997			    set date [DateFromSecs $secs]
1998			}
1999			lappend sfds [list $secs $f $date]
2000			lappend dates $date
2001		    }
2002		} else { GMMessage "$MESS(badfile): $f" }
2003	    }
2004	}
2005    }
2006    return [lsort -index 0 -integer -increasing $sfds]
2009### data files
2011proc ImportFile {what fmt} {
2012    # open file in foreign format and load data from it
2013    #  $fmt such that "in" is in $FILEFORMAT($fmt,mode) except GPSMan
2014    #  $what either may be "Data" if $FILEFORMAT($fmt,filetype) == "data'
2015    #        or a list of types in $FILEFORMAT($fmt,types) or the first
2016    #        element of the pair $FILEFORMAT($fmt,io_types)
2018    return [ImportFileFrom "" $what $fmt]
2021proc ImportFileFrom {file what fmt} {
2022    # if $file=="" then ask user to select a file
2023    # return 1 on error, 0 on success
2024    global LChannel FILEFORMAT
2026    if { [InitWPRenaming] == 0 } { return 1 }
2027    if { $fmt == "Shapefile" } {
2028	set r [ImportShapefileFrom $file $what]
2029	EndWPRenaming
2030	return $r
2031    }
2032    if { $file == "" && [OpenImportFileFails $what $fmt] } { return 1 }
2034    if { $FILEFORMAT($fmt,filetype) == "unique" } {
2035	Import_$fmt $LChannel($what) normal
2036    } else { Import_$fmt $LChannel($what) $what normal }
2037    CloseInputFile $what
2038    EndWPRenaming
2039    return 0
2042proc ImportGREls {what fmt} {
2043    # load data from file in foreign format according to contents of GR(s)
2044    #  $fmt such that "in" is in $FILEFORMAT($fmt,mode) except GPSMan, and
2045    #      $FILEFORMAT($fmt,GREls) is defined
2046    #  $what in $TYPES identifies menu, not being used
2047    # possible types used here are those in $FILEFORMAT($fmt,types) or the
2048    #  first element of the pair $FILEFORMAT($fmt,io_types) except
2049    #  TR (there is no way to identify TRs)
2050    global FILEFORMAT
2052    if { [catch {set types $FILEFORMAT($fmt,types)}] } {
2053	set types [lindex $FILEFORMAT($fmt,io_types) 0]
2054    }
2055    InputToGR $types TR OpenImportFileFails ImportGRElsIn CloseInputFile $fmt
2056    return
2059proc ImportGRElsIn {types lixs fmt} {
2060    # import items of $types to replace items with given indices
2061    #  with -1 meaning new items should be accepted
2062    #  $lixs is list of lists of indices (and maybe -1) aligned with $types
2063    #  $fmt: see proc ImportGREls
2064    # most formats have single-type files and $types and $lixs will
2065    #  have a single element and a single list, respectively
2066    global LChannel LFileIxs FILEFORMAT
2068    set file $LChannel(GR)
2069    foreach wh $types ixs $lixs {
2070	set LFileIxs($file,$wh) $ixs
2071    }
2072    if { $FILEFORMAT($fmt,filetype) == "unique" } {
2073	Import_$fmt $file inGR
2074    } else { Import_$fmt $file $types inGR }
2075    foreach wh $types {
2076	catch { unset LFileIxs($file,$wh) }
2077    }
2078    return
2081## GPStrans format
2083proc Import_GPStrans {file what how} {
2085    if { [ImportGPStransHeader $file] } {
2086	ImportGPStrans$what $file normal
2087    }
2088    return
2091proc ImportGPStransHeader {file} {
2092    # parse header when reading from file in GPStrans format
2093    global LFilePFrmt LFileDatum LFileEOF MESS
2095    set m [ReadFile $file]
2096    if { $LFileEOF($file) || [string first "Format:" $m]!=0 } {
2097	GMMessage "$MESS(noformat): $m"
2098	return 0
2099    }
2100    set m [string range $m 8 end]
2101    set LFilePFrmt($file) [FindPFormat $m]
2102    if { $LFilePFrmt($file) != "BAD" } {
2103	set m [string range $m 17 end]
2104	if { [scan $m "%f" off] == 1 } {
2105	    # don't know what to do with time offset
2106	    set LFileDatum($file) [string range $m 24 end]
2107	    if { [DatumRefId $LFileDatum($file)] == -1 } {
2108		GMMessage "$MESS(unkndatum): $LFileDatum($file)"
2109		return 0
2110	    }
2111	    return 1
2112	}
2113    }
2114    GMMessage "$MESS(badformat): $m"
2115    return 0
2118proc ImportGPStransWP {file how} {
2119    # load WPs from file in GPStrans format
2120    #  $how in {normal, inGR}: keep all data, keep data on WPs with indices
2121    #    in $LFileIxs($file,WP)
2123    LoadWPs $file 1 1 $how
2124    return
2127proc ImportGPStransRT {file how} {
2128    # load RTs from file in GPStrans format
2129    #  $how in {normal, inGR}: keep all data, keep data on RTs with
2130    #     indices in $LFileIxs($file,RT)
2131    global LFileLNo LFileEOF MESS
2133    while { 1 } {
2134	set m [ReadFile $file]
2135	if { $LFileEOF($file) } { return }
2136	if { ! [regexp "R\t.*" $m] } {
2137	    GMMessage "$MESS(badRT) $LFileLNo($file)"
2138	    return
2139	}
2140	if { [FindArgs RT [string range $m 2 end] $file] == "BADC" } {
2141	    GMMessage "$MESS(badRTargs) $LFileLNo($file)"
2142	    return
2143	}
2144	if { [BadRTRead $file 1 $how] } { return }
2145    }
2148proc ImportGPStransTR {file how} {
2149    # load TRs from file in GPStrans format
2150    #  $how in {normal, inGR}: keep all data, not used
2151    global LFileLNo LFileEOF LFileBuffFull MESS
2153    while { 1 } {
2154	set m [ReadFile $file]
2155	if { $LFileEOF($file) } { return }
2156	if { ! [regexp "T\t.*" $m] } {
2157	    GMMessage "$MESS(badTR) $LFileLNo($file)"
2158	    return
2159	}
2160	set LFileBuffFull($file) 1
2161	if { [BadTRRead $file 1 $how] } { return }
2162    }
2165## Fugawi export format
2167proc Import_Fugawi {file how} {
2168    # this is a translation and adaptation of the Perl program "convert" under
2169    #   copyright by Niki Hammler, http://www.nobaq.net
2170    #   that converts exported FUGAWI data to DDD GPSman data
2171    global LFileEOF LFileVisible LFileLNo LFileIxs MESS
2173    set date [Now]
2174    set dt "" ; set ixs "" ; set ns "" ; set chgns ""
2175    while { [set line [ReadFile $file]] != "" && ! $LFileEOF($file) } {
2176	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
2177	set vs [split $line ","]
2178	if { [set l [llength $vs]] < 5 } {
2179	    GMMessage "$MESS(nofieldsWP): $LFileLNo($file)" ; return
2180	} elseif { $l > 5 } {
2181	    GMMessage "$MESS(excfieldsWP): $LFileLNo($file)" ; return
2182	}
2183	set name [lindex $vs 0]
2184	if { ! [CheckName Ignore $name] } {
2185	    if { [set nname [AskForName $name]] == "" } { continue }
2186	    set chgdname $name
2187	    set name $nname
2188	} else { set chgdname "" }
2189	set lat [lindex $vs 2] ; set long [lindex $vs 3]
2190	if { ! [CheckLat GMMessage $lat DDD] || \
2191		! [CheckLong GMMessage $long DDD] } { continue }
2192	set latd [Coord DDD $lat S] ; set longd [Coord DDD $long W]
2193	set posn [list $latd $longd $lat $long]
2194	set comment [MakeComment [lindex $vs 1]]
2195	lappend dt [list $name $comment DDD $posn "WGS 84" $date]
2196	lappend ixs [IndexNamed WP $name]
2197	lappend ns $name
2198	lappend chgns $chgdname
2199    }
2200    if { $ns == "" } { return }
2201    switch $how {
2202	normal {
2203	    foreach ix $ixs n $ns d $dt chgdname $chgns {
2204		set fd [FormData WP "Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Date" $d]
2205		if { $chgdname != "" } {
2206		    set fd [AddOldNameToObs WP $fd $chgdname]
2207		}
2208		StoreWP $ix $n $fd $LFileVisible($file)
2209	    }
2210	}
2211	inGR {
2212	    set grixs $LFileIxs($file,WP)
2213	    foreach ix $ixs n $ns d $dt {
2214		if { [lsearch -exact $grixs $ix] != -1 } {
2215		    set fd [FormData WP "Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Date" $d]
2216		    StoreWP $ix $n $fd $LFileVisible($file)
2217		}
2218	    }
2219	}
2220    }
2221    return
2224## file with NMEA 0183 log to be read as a track
2226proc Import_NMEA {file args} {
2227    # read file with NMEA 0183 log as a TR
2228    # this uses procedures defined in files garmin_nmea.tcl and garmin.tcl
2229    global NMEARLTM MESS LFileOther LFileVisible
2231    if { $NMEARLTM } {
2232	GMMessage $MESS(nmeainuse)
2233	return
2234    }
2235    OpenSerialLog
2236    Log "IN> Reading NMEA from file"
2237    GarminStartNMEA file $file
2238    set LFileOther($file) "" ; set errors 0
2239    while { ! [eof $file] } {
2240	if { [set line [gets $file]] != "" } {
2241	    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2242	    set buffer "" ; set xor 0 ; set error 0
2243	    foreach char [split $line ""] {
2244	        if { [binary scan $char "c" dec] != 1 } {
2245		    incr error
2246		    break
2247		}
2248		if { [set dec [expr ($dec+0x100)%0x100]] != 13 } {
2249		    append buffer $char
2250		    set xor [expr $xor ^ $dec]
2251		}
2252	    }
2253	    if { ! $error } {
2254		set error [ProcNMEALine $buffer $xor]
2255	    }
2256	    incr errors $error
2257	}
2258    }
2259    set NMEARLTM 0
2260    if { $errors } {
2261	GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
2262    }
2263    if { [set tps $LFileOther($file)] == "" } {
2264	GMMessage $MESS(voidTR)
2265    } else {
2266	set name [NewName TR]
2267	set fd [FormData TR "Name Datum TPoints" [list $name "WGS 84" $tps]]
2268	StoreTR -1 $name $fd $LFileVisible($file)
2269    }
2270    Log "IN> End of NMEA from file"
2271    return
2274proc ImportNMEAData {data file} {
2275    # use data from NMEA sentences to form a TP
2276    #  $data as described in proc UseRealTimeData (realtime.tcl)
2277    global LFileOther DateFormat
2279    if { [llength $data] < 5 } { return }
2280    foreach "date rpos fix err alt" $data { break }
2281    if { $rpos == "_" } { return }
2282    if { $date == "_" } {
2283	set date [ConvGarminDate 0]
2284    } else {
2285	set date [eval LocalTimeAndUTC $date UTC]
2286	set date [list [eval FormatDate $DateFormat $date] \
2287		[eval DateToSecs $date]]
2288    }
2289    set posn [eval FormatLatLong $rpos DMS]
2290    if { $alt == "_" } {
2291	set ns "latd longd latDMS longDMS date secs"
2292	set alt ""
2293    } else {
2294	set ns "latd longd latDMS longDMS date secs alt"
2295    }
2296    lappend LFileOther($file) [FormData TP $ns [concat $posn $date $alt]]
2297    return
2300#### import from file in EasyGPS and GPX formats
2301####  VR contribution
2303#### import from XML files in EasyGPS and GPX export format
2305# XML global variable : context shared by the XML processing procedures
2307proc XML_Init {} {
2308    global XML
2310    # MF change: clear XML array
2311    catch { unset XML }
2312    #--
2313    XML_Init_WP wpt
2314    foreach i {date lines rte_name trk_name searching_name tmpname tmpdesc} {
2315	set XML($i) ""
2316    }
2317    return
2320proc XML_Init_WP {tag} {
2321    global XML DEFAULTSYMBOL
2323    #- MD change: using also geocache
2324    foreach i {alt name time cmt long lat time type geocache} {
2325	set XML($i) ""
2326    }
2327    if { $tag != "trkpt" } {
2328	set XML(desc) ""
2329    }
2330    set XML(sym) $DEFAULTSYMBOL
2331    return
2334# XML_ProcessItem_
2335#    Processing one XML item
2337#    ii : index of line being processed
2338#    item : string being processed
2339#    token : value of XML tag
2340#    tag : XML tag type
2341#    return : current index of line
2343proc XML_ProcessItem_KML {ii item token tag} {
2344    global XML
2346    #<Placemark>
2347    # <name>Col Luisas</name>
2348    #  <LookAt>
2349    #   view point informations
2350    #  </LookAt>
2351    #  <styleUrl>#msn_ylw-pushpin01</styleUrl>
2352    #  <Point>
2353    #   <coordinates>7.069954449489316,44.7186167968765,0</coordinates>
2354    #  </Point>
2355    #</Placemark>
2356    set XML(end) ""
2357    # MF contribution: using "--"
2358    switch -regexp -- $tag {
2359	^Point  { XML_Init_WP wpt }
2360	\/Point {
2361		set XML(name) $XML(tmpname)
2362		set XML(desc) $XML(tmpdesc)
2363		set XML(end) wpt }
2364	\/.*       { }
2365	coordinates {
2366		regexp {([-0-9\.]+),([-0-9\.]+),([-0-9\.]+).*} $token x \
2367		         XML(long) XML(lat) $XML(alt)}
2368	name 	{ set XML(tmpname) $token}
2369	description { set XML(tmpdesc) $token}
2370	.*CDATA { regexp {.*\[(.*)\]\]>} $item x XML(desc)}
2371	default { }
2372    }
2373    return $ii
2376proc XML_ProcessItem_EasyGPS {ii item token tag} {
2377    global XML
2379    set XML(end) ""
2380    # MF contribution: using "--"
2381    switch -regexp -- $tag {
2382	loc 	{ }
2383	^waypoint  { XML_Init_WP wpt }
2384	\/waypoint { set XML(end) wpt }
2385	\/.*       { }
2386	coord 	{ regexp {lat="([-0-9\.]+)".*lon="([-0-9\.]+)".*$} $token x \
2387		         XML(lat) XML(long) }
2388	name 	{ regexp {id="(.*)">} $token x XML(name) }
2389	.*CDATA { regexp {.*\[(.*)\]\]>} $item x XML(desc) }
2390	link 	{ regsub {.*>} $token "" XML(cmt) }
2391	default { }
2392    }
2393    return $ii
2396# XML_NormalizeSymbol
2397#    Transforming a symbol name into the GPSMan internal name
2399#    token : current name
2400#    return : transformed name
2402array set XML_Symbol_Translation {
2403	waypoint 	WP_dot
2404	fishing		fish
2405	trailhead	trail_head
2406	white_house	house
2407	white_anchor	anchor
2408	telephone	phone
2409	campground	camping
2410	hunting 	deer
2411	waypoint_dot	WP_dot
2414proc XML_NormalizeSymbol {token} {
2415    # normalizing the symbol's name
2416    global DEFAULTSYMBOL XML_Symbol_Translation MESS
2418    regsub -all { } $token "_" symbol
2419    if { [BadSymbol $symbol ] } {
2420	set symbol [string tolower $symbol]
2421	if { [BadSymbol $symbol ] } {
2422	    regsub {_area} $symbol "" symbol
2423	    if { [BadSymbol $symbol ] } {
2424		if { [catch {set symbol $XML_Symbol_Translation($symbol)}] } {
2425		    # MF change: using MESS
2426		    GMMessage "$MESS(badSYMBOLcode): $symbol"
2427		    set symbol $DEFAULTSYMBOL
2428		}
2429	    }
2430	}
2431    }
2432    return $symbol
2435proc XML_ProcessItem_GPX {ii item token tag} {
2436    global XML DateFormat MESS
2438    set XML(end) ""
2439    if { [regexp {.*\/>} $token] } {
2440	set XML(end) $tag
2441    }
2442    # MF contribution: using "--"
2443    switch -regexp -- $tag {
2444	^.xml { }
2445	gpx - bounds - author - email - url - src - keywords { }
2446	wissenbach: - topografix: { }
2447	^wpt$ - ^rtept - ^trkpt {
2448	    XML_Init_WP $tag
2449	    # MF change: checking for errors
2450	    if { ! [regexp {lat="([-0-9\.]+)".*lon="([-0-9\.eE]+)".*$} \
2451			$token x XML(lat) XML(long)] } {
2452		GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
2453		set XML(end) error
2454		return 1000
2455	    }
2456	}
2457	\/wpt$ { set XML(end) wpt }
2458	\/rtept$ { set XML(end) rtept }
2459	\/trkpt$ { set XML(end) trkpt }
2460	^rte$ { set XML(searching_name) "rte_name" ; XML_Init_WP wpt }
2461	\/rte$ { set XML(end) rte }
2462	^trk$ { set XML(searching_name) "trk_name" ; XML_Init_WP wpt }			\/trk$ { set XML(end) trk }
2463	^cmt { set XML(cmt) $token }
2464	^sym { set XML(sym) [ XML_NormalizeSymbol $token ] }
2465	^name {
2466	    # MD change: only deal with names outside geocache
2467	    if { $XML(geocache) == "" } {
2468		if { $token == "" } {
2469		    # the name is in a CDATA tag
2470		    set XML(name) [lindex $XML(lines) [expr $ii + 1]]
2471		    regexp {.*CDATA\[(.*)\]\]\>} $XML(name) x XML(name)
2472		    incr ii 1
2473		} else {
2474		    # MF change: deleted changes in the name as it will be
2475		    #  checked/changed in proc XML_process
2476		    set XML(name) $token
2477		}
2478		set XML($XML(searching_name)) $XML(name)
2479		set XML(searching_name) ""
2480	    }
2481	}
2482	^time { set XML(time) $token
2483		if { $XML(time) == "" } {
2484		    set XML(time) $XML(date)
2485		}
2486                set datesecs [lindex [CheckConvDate $XML(time) ] 1]
2487	        # MF contrib
2488	        if { $datesecs == "" } {
2489		    # undefined time
2490		    set datesecs 0
2491		}
2492	        #-----
2493		set dints [ DateIntsFromSecs $datesecs ]
2494		set dints1 [ eval LocalTimeAndUTC $dints "UTC" ]
2495		set time1 [eval FormatDate $DateFormat $dints1]
2496		set XML(time) $time1
2497	}
2498	^desc - ^type {
2499	    set XML($tag) $token
2500	    # set XML($tag) [lindex $XML(lines) [expr $ii + 1]]
2501	    # GMMessage "DESC - TYPE : $item - $token - $tag - $XML($tag)"
2502	    # regexp {.*CDATA\[(.*)\]\]\>} $XML($tag) x XML($tag)
2503	    # incr ii 1
2504	}
2505	^ele { set XML(alt) $token}
2506	^trkseg - ^number - CDATA { }
2507	\/geocache$ { #- MD change: adding support for geocache
2508	    set XML(geocache) ""
2509	}
2510 	^geocache { #- MD change: adding support for geocache
2511	    set XML(geocache) "in"
2512	}
2513	\/.* { }
2514	default {
2515	    #GMMessage "Unknown element: $item - $token"
2516	}
2517    }
2518    return $ii
2521# XML_Process
2522#    Processing an XML file
2524proc DecodeXMLChars { s } {
2525   regsub -all {&gt;}   $s {>} s
2526   regsub -all {&lt;}   $s {<} s
2527   regsub -all {&quot;} $s {"} s
2528   regsub -all {&apos;} $s {'} s
2529   regsub -all {&amp;}  $s {\&} s
2530   return $s
2533proc XML_Process {fileType file what how date} {
2534    global MESS LFileVisible LFileIxs
2535    global XML
2537    # dt : list of WP descriptions
2538    set dt {}
2539    # wpixs : list of WP indexes
2540    set wpixs {}
2541    # wpns : list of WP names
2542    set wpns {}
2543    # ltwps : list of lists of RT waypoints
2544    set ltwps {}
2545    # rtns : list of RT names
2546    set rtns {}
2547    # rtdr : list of RT descriptions
2548    set rtdt {}
2549    # rtixs : list of RT indexes
2550    set rtixs {}
2551    # lwps : list of RT waypoints names
2552    set lwps {}
2553    # ldt : list of RT waypoints descriptions
2554    set ldt {}
2555    # rtld : list of list of RT waypoints descriptions
2556    set rtld {}
2557    # trns : list of TR names
2558    set trns {}
2559    # trdesc : list of TR descriptions
2560    set trdesc {}
2561    # rtld : list of lists of TR points descriptions
2562    set ltrks {}
2563    # ltrkpts : list of TR points descriptions
2564    set ltrkpts {}
2565    ## MF contribution
2566    # ltrksgsts : list of TR segment starters
2567    set ltrksgsts {}
2568    # trsgsts : list of segment starters in a TR
2569    set trsgsts {}
2570    # trcount : counter of points in a TR
2571    set trcount 0
2572    ##--
2573    # lchgdnames : list of changed names
2574    set lchgdnames {}
2576    set llines [llength $XML(lines) ]
2577    for {set ii 1} {$ii<[expr $llines - 1]} {incr ii 1} {
2578	# MF contribution
2579	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2580	#--
2581	set item [lindex $XML(lines) $ii]
2582 	regsub {( |>).*} $item "" tag
2583	regsub {[^ >]*[ >]} $item "" token
2584	set cdata ""
2585	set raw_cdata [lindex $XML(lines) [expr $ii + 1]]
2586	regexp {.*CDATA\[(.*)\]\]\>} $raw_cdata x cdata
2587	if { $token == "" && $cdata != "" } {
2588	    # GMMessage "NULL TOKEN : $item - $tag - $raw_cdata - $cdata - "
2589	    set token $cdata
2590	    set ii [ expr $ii + 1 ]
2591	}
2592	set ii [XML_ProcessItem_$fileType $ii $item $token $tag]
2593	# MF contribution: segment starters
2594	if { $tag == "trkseg" && $trcount > 0 && \
2595		 [lindex $trsgsts end] != $trcount } {
2596	    lappend trsgsts $trcount
2597	}
2598	#--
2599        switch $XML(end) {
2600	    wpt - rtept {
2601		set chgdname ""
2602		set XML(name) [DecodeXMLChars $XML(name)]
2603		if { ! [CheckName Ignore $XML(name)] } {
2604		    if { [set nname [AskForName $XML(name)]] == "" } {
2605			continue
2606		    }
2607		    # GMMessage $nname
2608		    set chgdname $XML(name)
2609		    set XML(name) $nname
2610		}
2611        	if { ! [CheckLat GMMessage $XML(lat) DDD] || \
2612			! [CheckLong GMMessage $XML(long) DDD] } { continue }
2613		set latd [Coord DDD $XML(lat) S]
2614		set longd [Coord DDD $XML(long) W]
2615        	set posn [list $latd $longd $XML(lat) $XML(long) ]
2616		set cmtS [ DecodeXMLChars $XML(cmt) ]
2617		set descS [ DecodeXMLChars $XML(desc) ]
2618		set d [list $XML(name) "$descS - $XML(type)" $cmtS \
2619			   DDD $posn "WGS 84" $XML(time) $XML(sym) $XML(alt)]
2620		if { $XML(end) == "wpt" } {
2621		    lappend wpns $XML(name)
2622		    lappend dt $d
2623		    lappend wpixs [IndexNamed WP $XML(name) ]
2624		    lappend lchgdnames $chgdname
2625	            XML_Init_WP wpt
2626		} elseif { $XML(end) == "rtept" } {
2627		    lappend lwps $XML(name)
2628		    lappend ldt $d
2629		}
2630	    }
2631	    trkpt {
2632		# MF change: using FormatLatLong instead of CreatePos
2633		set p [FormatLatLong $XML(lat) $XML(long) DMS]
2634		# MF change: dealing with undefined time stamp
2635		if { $XML(time) == "" || \
2636			 [set datesecs [CheckConvDate $XML(time) ]] == "" } {
2637		    set datesecs [ConvGarminDate 0]
2638		}
2639		lappend ltrkpts [FormData TP \
2640			        "latd longd latDMS longDMS date secs alt" \
2641				[concat $p $datesecs $XML(alt) ]]
2642		# MF contribution: segment starters
2643		incr trcount
2644		#--
2645	    }
2646	    trk {
2647		# MF change: using CheckString instead of CheckName
2648		set XML(trk_name) [DecodeXMLChars $XML(trk_name)]
2649		if { ! [CheckString Ignore $XML(trk_name)] } {
2650		    set XML(trk_name) [NewName TR]
2651		}
2652		# MF change: preventing empty tracks to be added
2653		if { $ltrkpts != "" } {
2654		    lappend trns $XML(trk_name)
2655		    lappend trdesc [DecodeXMLChars $XML(desc)]
2656		    lappend ltrks $ltrkpts
2657		    # MF contribution: segment starters
2658		    lappend ltrksgsts $trsgsts
2659		    #--
2660		    set ltrkpts {}
2661		}
2662		# MF contribution: segment starters
2663		set trsgsts {}
2664		set trcount 0
2665		#--
2666	    }
2667	    rte {
2668		# MF change: using CheckString instead of CheckName
2669		set XML(rte_name) [DecodeXMLChars $XML(rte_name)]
2670		if { ! [CheckString Ignore $XML(rte_name)] } {
2671		    set XML(rte_name) [NewName RT]
2672		}
2673		set d [list [DecodeXMLChars $XML(desc)] \
2674			    [DecodeXMLChars $XML(cmt)]]
2675		# MF change: preventing empty routes to be added
2676		if { $lwps != "" } {
2677		    lappend rtns $XML(rte_name)
2678		    lappend rtdt $d
2679		    lappend ltwps $lwps
2680		    lappend rtixs [IndexNamed RT $XML(rte_name) ]
2681		    lappend rtld $ldt
2682		    set lwps {}
2683		}
2684		set ldt {}
2685	    }
2686	    default { }
2687      	}
2688	set XML(end) 0
2689    }
2691    if { $what == "Data" } {
2692	set lwhat {"WP" "TR" "RT"}
2693    } else {
2694	set lwhat $what
2695    }
2697    ## MF contribution
2698    if { $wpixs == {} && $what == "WP" } {
2699	GMMessage $MESS(shpemptyfile)
2700	return
2701    }
2702    if { $ltrks == {} && $what == "TR"  } {
2703	GMMessage $MESS(shpemptyfile)
2704	return
2705    }
2706    if { $ltwps == {} && $what == "RT" } {
2707	GMMessage $MESS(shpemptyfile)
2708	return
2709    }
2710    if { $wpixs == {} && $ltrks == {} && $ltwps == {} && $what == "Data" } {
2711	GMMessage $MESS(shpemptyfile)
2712	return
2713    }
2715    foreach what $lwhat {
2716	# MF contribution:
2717	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2719	if { $how == "inGR" } {
2720	    set grixs $LFileIxs($file,$what)
2721	    # GMMessage "Tracing Process_XML : inGR"
2722	}
2723	switch $what {
2724	    WP {
2725		foreach ix $wpixs n $wpns d $dt chgdname $lchgdnames {
2726		    # MF contribution:
2727		    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2729		    if { $what != "inGR" || \
2730			    [lsearch -exact $grixs $ix] != -1 } {
2731			set fd [FormData WP "Name Obs Commt PFrmt Posn Datum \
2732				Date Symbol Alt" $d]
2733			if { $chgdname != "" } {
2734			    set fd [AddOldNameToObs WP $fd $chgdname]
2735			}
2736			StoreWP $ix $n $fd $LFileVisible($file)
2737		    }
2738		}
2739	    }
2740	    RT {
2741		set wpsseen {}
2742		foreach ix $rtixs id $rtns d $rtdt wps $ltwps ldt $rtld {
2743		    # MF contribution:
2744		    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2746		    if { $what != "inGR" || \
2747			    [lsearch -exact $grixs $ix] != -1 } {
2748			# saving the WPs used in the route
2749			foreach n $wps d $ldt {
2750			    # MF contribution:
2751			    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2753			    if { [lsearch $wps $n ] != -1} {
2754				if { [ lsearch -exact $wpsseen $n ] == -1 } {
2755				    set ix [IndexNamed WP $n]
2756				    set fd [FormData WP \
2757			  "Name Obs Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Date Symbol Alt" $d]
2758				    set nom [StoreWP $ix $n $fd \
2759					        $LFileVisible($file) ]
2760				    lappend wpsseen $n
2761				}
2762			    }
2763			}
2764		    }
2765		    set l [FormData RT "IdNumber Commt Obs WPoints" \
2766			       [list $id [lindex $d 0] [lindex $d 1] $wps]]
2767		    StoreRT [IndexNamed RT $id] $id $l $wps \
2768			    $LFileVisible($file)
2769		}
2770	    }
2771	    TR {
2772		# includes MF contribution: segment starters
2773		foreach name $trns tps $ltrks desc $trdesc trsgsts $ltrksgsts {
2774		    # MF contribution:
2775		    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
2776		    #-
2777		    set fd [FormData TR "Name Obs Datum TPoints SegStarts" \
2778				[list $name $desc "WGS 84" $tps $trsgsts]]
2779		    # MF change: must call IndexNamed
2780		    StoreTR [IndexNamed TR $name] $name $fd $LFileVisible($file)
2781		}
2782	    }
2783	}
2784    }
2785    return
2788proc XML_ImportFile {fileType file what how} {
2789    global XML SYSENC File
2791    XML_Init
2792    set XML(date) [Now]
2794    # pre-processing the file
2796    # MF change: new way of reading the file for dealing with encoding
2797    #  - not using proc ReadFile as the file may need to be reopened,
2798    #    what is done here with no need for changing $file
2799    #  - it is still safe to use the globals LFile*($file) after this
2800    # try to find a XML declaration with an encoding tag
2801    foreach "lines encoding" [XMLDeclEncoding $file] {}
2802    if { $lines == "" } { return }
2803    if { $encoding == "" } { set encoding UTF-8 }
2804    if { [set encoding [TclEncodingName $encoding]] == "" } { return }
2805    if { $encoding != $SYSENC } {
2806	# must reopen file and configure the encoding
2807	set all_lines ""
2808	set efile [open $File($what) r]
2809	fconfigure $efile -encoding $encoding
2810	set reop 1
2811    } else {
2812	set efile $file
2813	set all_lines $lines
2814	set reop 0
2815    }
2816    # read all
2817    while { ! [eof $efile] } {
2818	gets $efile line
2819	if { [set line [string trim $line " \t"]] != "" } {
2820	    append all_lines $line
2821	}
2822    }
2823    if { $reop } { close $efile }
2824    #-----
2826    # one list item for each XML tag
2827    set XML(lines) [split $all_lines "<"]
2828    # MF contribution:
2829    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
2831    XML_Process $fileType $file $what $how $XML(date)
2832    return
2835proc Import_GPX {file what how} {
2836    XML_ImportFile GPX $file $what $how
2837    return
2840proc Import_KML {file what how} {
2841    XML_ImportFile KML $file $what $how
2842    return
2845proc Import_EasyGPS {file how} {
2846    XML_ImportFile EasyGPS $file WP $how
2847    return
2850### end of VR contribution
2852proc XMLDeclEncoding {file} {
2853    # try to find the XML declaration and an encoding tag in it
2854    # return a pair with the concatenation of non-blank lines read in
2855    #  and the encoding name (empty if not found)
2857    set lines "" ; set state start
2858    while 1 {
2859	if { [eof $file] } { return [list $lines] }
2860	gets $file line
2861	if { [set line [string trim $line " \t"]] != "" } {
2862	    append lines $line
2863	    while 1 {
2864		switch $state {
2865		    start {
2866			if { [regexp {<\?xml} $line] } {
2867			    set state enc
2868			    continue
2869			}
2870			if { [string first "<" $line] != -1 } {
2871			    return [list $lines]
2872			}
2873			break
2874		    }
2875		    enc {
2876			if { [regexp \
2877				  {encoding[\t ]*=[\t ]*"([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)"} \
2878				  $line x enc] } {
2879			    return [list $lines $enc]
2880			}
2881			if { [regexp {encoding[\t ]*=[\t ]$} $line] } {
2882			    set state encname
2883			    break
2884			}
2885			if { [regexp {\?>} $line] } {
2886			    return [list $lines]
2887			}
2888			break
2889		    }
2890		    encname {
2891			if { [regexp {^"([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)"} $line x enc] } {
2892			    return [list $lines $enc]
2893			}
2894			return [list $lines]
2895		    }
2896		}
2898	    }
2899	}
2900    }
2901    # not used
2902    return
2906#### Map&Guide export format
2908proc Import_MapGuide {file args} {
2909    global GFItemId GFItemCommt GFItemNB GFVersion
2911    ImportMapGuide $file $GFItemId $GFItemCommt $GFItemNB $GFVersion
2912    return
2915proc ImportMapGuide {file rtid rtcommt rtrmrk version} {
2916    # this is an adaptation of the script "mg2gpsman.tcl"
2917    #   under copyright by Heiko Thede (Heiko.Thede _AT_ gmx.de)
2918    #   that converts exported Map&Guide data to GPSman data
2919    # each file corresponds to one RT that will be split in more than one
2920    #  if its length exceeds $MAXWPINROUTE
2921    #  $rtid is the RT identifier/number given by user; it will be
2922    #   replaced by an automatically generated one if empty
2923    #  $rtcommt and $rtrmrk are the comment and remark given by the user
2924    #  $version is in {03/04, 2002}
2925    global MAXWPINROUTE TXT MESS PositionFormat LFileVisible
2927    # get rid of leading/trailing blanks
2928    foreach v "rtid rtcommt rtrmrk" {
2929	set $v [string trim [set $v]]
2930    }
2931    # generate RT id if none given
2932    if { $rtid == "" } {
2933	set rtid [NewName RT] ; set rtix -1
2934    } else {
2935	set rtix [IndexNamed RT $rtid]
2936    }
2937    set rts "" ; set wps ""
2939    # WPs: prefix for names, position type
2940    #  the first $rtid is used for all WPs even if the RT is split
2941    set prefix "$TXT(RT)$rtid"
2942    set nwps 0
2943    # positions of WPs, to avoid creating different WPs in the same place
2944    set coords "" ; set coordWPs ""
2945    # read lines
2946    while { ! [eof $file] } {
2947	gets $file line
2948	#select only relevant lines
2949	if { $line != "" } {
2950	    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
2951	    set coordstart [string last "(" $line]
2952	    set coordend [string last ")" $line]
2953	    set coord [string range $line $coordstart $coordend]
2954	    if { [set i [lsearch -exact $coords $coord]] != -1 } {
2955		# use WP in this position
2956		set wpt [lindex $coordWPs $i]
2957	    } else {
2958		# create new WP and remember its position and name
2959		# generate name using $prefix if possible
2960		set fields [split $line "\t"]
2961		if { $version == 2002 } {
2962		    if { ! [regexp {\((-?)([0-9]+),(-?)([0-9]+)\)} $coord x \
2963				slong long slat lat] || \
2964			     [scan $long %2d%2d%d longd longm longs] != 3 || \
2965			     [scan $lat %2d%2d%d latd latm lats] != 3 } {
2966			# bad line: ignore WP
2967			continue
2968		    }
2969		    if { [string length $long] == 7 } {
2970			set longs [expr 0.1*$longs]
2971			set lats [expr 0.1*$lats]
2972			set wprmrk "[lindex $fields 0] [lrange $fields 2 3]"
2973		    } else {
2974			set wprmrk "[lindex $fields 0] [lrange $fields 2 4]"
2975		    }
2976		} elseif { ! [regexp {\((-?)([0-9]+),(-?)([0-9]+)\)} $coord x \
2977				  slong long slat lat] || \
2978			   ! ( [set x [string length $long]] == 7 && \
2979			     [scan $long %2d%2d%3d longd longm longs] == 3 || \
2980			     $x == 6 && \
2981			   [scan $long %1d%2d%3d longd longm longs] == 3 ) || \
2982		           ! ( [set x [string length $lat]] == 7 && \
2983			     [scan $lat %2d%2d%3d latd latm lats] == 3 || \
2984			     $x == 6 && \
2985			   [scan $lat %1d%2d%3d latd latm lats] == 3 ) } {
2986		    # bad line: ignore WP
2987		    continue
2988		} else {
2989		    set longs [expr 0.1*$longs]
2990		    set lats [expr 0.1*$lats]
2991		    set wprmrk "[lindex $fields 0] [lrange $fields 2 3]"
2992		}
2993		set lat [expr $latd+($latm+$lats/60.0)/60.0]
2994		if { $slat == "-" } {
2995		    set lat [expr -$lat]
2996		}
2997		set long [expr $longd+($longm+$longs/60.0)/60.0]
2998		if { $slong == "-" } {
2999		    set long [expr -$long]
3000		}
3001		foreach "posn pfmt datum" \
3002		    [FormatPosition $lat $long "WGS 84" \
3003			 $PositionFormat "" DDD] { break }
3004		set wpt [NewName WP $prefix]
3005		lappend coords $coord ; lappend coordWPs $wpt
3006		set data [FormData WP "Name Obs PFrmt Posn Datum" \
3007			[list $wpt $wprmrk $pfmt $posn $datum]]
3008		# displaying will be done along with RT if needs be
3009		StoreWP -1 $wpt $data 0
3010	    }
3011	    if { $nwps == $MAXWPINROUTE } {
3012		# save previous route and start new one
3013		lappend rts $rtid $wps
3014		# cannot use proc NewName here as previous RTs were not
3015		#  stored yet
3016		set rtid ""
3017		set nwps 0 ; set wps ""
3018	    }
3019	    lappend wps $wpt
3020	    incr nwps
3021	}
3022    }
3023    if { $wps == "" && $rts == "" } {
3024	GMMessage $MESS(voidRT)
3025	return
3026    }
3027    if { $nwps > 0 } {
3028	# save last route
3029	lappend rts $rtid $wps
3030    }
3031    # prepare comment and remark fields if any
3032    if { $rtcommt != "" && [CheckComment Ignore $rtcommt] } {
3033	set fields Commt
3034	set fvals [list $rtcommt]
3035	set rmrkix 1
3036    } else {
3037	set fields "" ; set fvals ""
3038	set rmrkix 0
3039    }
3040    if { $rtrmrk != "" } {
3041	lappend fields Obs
3042	lappend fvals $rtrmrk
3043	# prepare for adding new info to remark
3044	set norem 0
3045	set rtrmrk "${rtrmrk}\n"
3046    } else { set norem 1 }
3047    lappend fields IdNumber WPoints
3048    # store all routes
3049    foreach "rtid wps" $rts {
3050	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3051	if { $rtid == "" } {
3052	    set rtid [NewName RT] ; set rtix -1
3053	}
3054	set fd [FormData RT $fields [linsert $fvals end $rtid $wps]]
3055	StoreRT $rtix $rtid $fd $wps $LFileVisible($file)
3057	# add "Insert after $rtid" to remark for use in next route
3058	set rmk "${rtrmrk}$TXT(insa): $rtid"
3059	if { $norem } {
3060	    # add remark field
3061	    set fields [linsert $fields $rmrkix Obs]
3062	    set fvals [linsert $fvals $rmrkix $rmk]
3063	    set norem 0
3064	} else {
3065	    # replace remark
3066	    set fvals [lreplace $fvals $rmrkix $rmrkix $rmk]
3067	}
3068    }
3069    return
3072## OziExplorer WP file format
3073# from the description in the implementation of exportation of the same
3074#  format by Alessandro Palmas
3076proc DateFromDelphiTime {dtime} {
3077    # build date from a Delphi time representation (days since 1899-12-30 0:0:0
3078    #  as a float)
3079    # return empty on error (no message given)
3080    global YEAR0
3082    # number of days from 1899-12-30 0:0:0 to 1988-01-01 0:0:0 = 32143
3083    if { [catch {set s88 [expr round(($dtime-32143)*86400)]}] || $s88 < 0 } {
3084	return ""
3085    }
3086    set y $YEAR0 ; set YEAR0 1988
3087    set d [DateFromSecs $s88]
3088    set YEAR0 $y
3089    return $d
3092proc Import_Ozi {file what how} {
3093    # import data from $file in OziExplorer format
3094    #  $how in {normal, inGR}
3095    #  $what == WP
3096    # support is only for WP files and only the following fields are kept
3097    # Field  2: Name (short)
3098    # Field  3: lat DDD
3099    # Field  4: long DDD
3100    # Field  5: date, in Delphi format
3101    # Field 11: Comment
3102    # Field 15: Altitude, in feet. -777 is non valid
3103    global LFileVisible LFileLNo LFileIxs ALSCALEFOR MESS
3105    # header
3106    #   OziExplorer Waypoint File Version 1.1
3107    #   DATUM
3108    #   Reserved*
3109    #   anything not starting by number
3110    if { ! [regexp {^OziExplorer Waypoint File} [ReadFile $file]] } {
3111	GMMessage $MESS(noheader)
3112	return
3113    }
3114    set datum [ReadFile $file]
3115    if { ! [catch {set d $OziDatum($datum)}] } {
3116	set datum $d
3117    } elseif { [DatumRefId $datum] == -1 } {
3118	GMMessage "$MESS(unkndatum): $datum"
3119	return
3120    }
3121    while { [set line [ReadFile $file]] != "" } {
3122	if { [regexp {^ *[0-9]+,} $line] } { break }
3123    }
3124    set dt "" ; set ixs "" ; set ns "" ; set chgns ""
3125    while 1 {
3126	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3127	if { [llength [set line [split $line ","]]] < 15 } {
3128	    GMMessage "$MESS(nofieldsWP): $LFileLNo($file)" ; return
3129	}
3130	set name [lindex $line 1]
3131	if { ! [CheckName Ignore $name] } {
3132	    if { [set nname [AskForName $name]] == "" } { continue }
3133	    set chgdname $name
3134	    set name $nname
3135	} else { set chgdname "" }
3136	set lat [lindex $line 2] ; set long [lindex $line 3]
3137	if { ! [CheckLat GMMessage $lat DDD] || \
3138		! [CheckLong GMMessage $long DDD] } { continue }
3139	set latd [Coord DDD $lat S] ; set longd [Coord DDD $long W]
3140	set posn [list $latd $longd $lat $long]
3141	set alt [lindex $line 14]
3142	if { $alt == -777 || \
3143		 [catch {set alt [expr $alt*$ALSCALEFOR(FT)]}] || \
3144		 [set alt [AltitudeList $alt]] == "nil" } {
3145	    set alt ""
3146	}
3147	set comment [MakeComment [lindex $line 10]]
3148	set date [DateFromDelphiTime [lindex $line 4]]
3149	lappend dt [list $name $comment DDD $posn $datum $alt $date]
3150	lappend ixs [IndexNamed WP $name]
3151	lappend ns $name
3152	lappend chgns $chgdname
3153	if { [set line [ReadFile $file]] == "" } { break }
3154    }
3155    if { $ns == "" } { return }
3156    switch $how {
3157	normal {
3158	    foreach ix $ixs n $ns d $dt chgdname $chgns {
3159		set fd [FormData WP "Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Alt Date" $d]
3160		if { $chgdname != "" } {
3161		    set fd [AddOldNameToObs WP $fd $chgdname]
3162		}
3163		StoreWP $ix $n $fd $LFileVisible($file)
3164	    }
3165	}
3166	inGR {
3167	    set grixs $LFileIxs($file,WP)
3168	    foreach ix $ixs n $ns d $dt {
3169		if { [lsearch -exact $grixs $ix] != -1 } {
3170		    set fd [FormData WP \
3171				"Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Alt Date" $d]
3172		    StoreWP $ix $n $fd $LFileVisible($file)
3173		}
3174	    }
3175	}
3176    }
3177    return
3180## gd2 format
3182proc Import_GD2 {file what how} {
3183    # import data from $file in gd2 format
3184    #  $how in {normal, inGR}
3185    #  $what in {WP, RT, TR}, but not TR if $how==inGR
3186    # gd2.c is a program by Randolph Bentson (bentson _AT_ grieg.seaslug.org)
3187    #  distributed under GPL
3188    global LFileEOF LFileVisible LFileBuffFull LFileLNo LFileIxs MESS
3190    set date [Now]
3191    set dt "" ; set ixs "" ; set ns "" ; set error 0
3192    switch $what {
3193	WP { set ns "" ; set chgns "" }
3194	RT {
3195	    set rtid "" ; set dtwps "" ; set lwps "" ; set lchgwps ""
3196	    set ldwps "" ; set rtwps start
3197	}
3198	TR { set tps "" }
3199    }
3200    while { [set line [ReadFile $file]] != "" && ! $LFileEOF($file) } {
3201	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3202	switch $what {
3203	    WP {
3204		if { ! [regexp \
3205		{^WPT  ? (......) ([-0-9\.]+) ([-0-9\.]+) ([-0-9/:]+) (.*)$} \
3206			$line x name lat long date commt] || \
3207		    [set dwp [ImportGD2WP $name $lat $long $date $commt]] == \
3208		    -1 } {
3209		    set error 1
3210		} else {
3211		    foreach "name chgdn d ix" $dwp {}
3212		    lappend dt $d ; lappend ixs $ix ; lappend ns $name
3213		    lappend chgns $chgdn
3214		}
3215	    }
3216	    RT {
3217		if { $rtwps == "" || \
3218			! [regexp {^RTE ([0-9]+) (.*)$} line rtid rtcommt] } {
3219		    set error 1
3220		} else {
3221		    set rtcommt [MakeComment [string trim $rtcommt]]
3222		    set what RTWP
3223		    set rtwps "" ; set dtwps "" ; set rtchgwps ""
3224		}
3225	    }
3226	    RTWP {
3227		if { ! [regexp \
3228		       {^ (......) ([-0-9\.]+) ([-0-9\.]+) ([-0-9:/]+) (.*)$} \
3229			$line x name latd longd date commt] } {
3230		    set what RT ; set LFileBuffFull($file) 1
3231		    lappend dt [list $rtid $rtcommt $rtwps]
3232		    lappend ixs [IndexNamed RT $rtid]
3233		    lappend ns $rtid
3234		    lappend lwps $rtwps ; lappend lchgwps $rtchgwps
3235		    lappend ldwps $dtwps
3236		    set rtid ""
3237		} elseif { [set dwp \
3238			[ImportGD2WP $name $lat $long $date $commt]] == -1 } {
3239		    set error 1
3240		} else {
3241		    foreach "name chgdn d ix" $dwp {}
3242		    lappend dtwps $d ; lappend rtwps $name
3243		    lappend rtchgwps $chgdn
3244		}
3245	    }
3246	    TR {
3247		if { [regexp \
3248    {^TRK ((S|N)[0-9]+ [0-9\.]+) ((W|E)[0-9]+ [0-9\.]+) ([-0-9:/]+) (0|1)$} \
3249			$line x latdmm x longdmm x date new] } {
3250		    set lat [Coord DMM $latdmm S]
3251		    set long [Coord DMM $longdmm W]
3252		} elseif { ! [regexp \
3253			{^TRK ([-0-9\.]+) ([-0-9\.]+) ([-0-9:/]+) (0|1)$} \
3254			lat long date new] } {
3255		    set error 1
3256		}
3257		if { ! $error } {
3258		    if { ! [CheckLat GMMessage $lat DDD] || \
3259			    ! [CheckLong GMMessage $long DDD] || \
3260			    [set datesecs [CheckConvDate $date]] == "" } {
3261			set error 1
3262		    } else {
3263			if { $new && $tps != "" } {
3264			    lappend dt $tps
3265			    set tps ""
3266			}
3267			set p [FormatLatLong $lat $long DMS]
3268			lappend tps [FormData TP \
3269				       "latd longd latDMS longDMS date secs" \
3270				       [concat $p $datesecs]]
3271		    }
3272		}
3273	    }
3274	}
3275	if { $error } {
3276	    GMMessage "$MESS(loaderr) $LFileLNo($file)"
3277	    return
3278	}
3279    }
3280    # terminate pending RT or TR if any
3281    switch $what {
3282	RT {
3283	    if { $rtid != "" } {
3284		if { $rtwps == "" } {
3285		    GMMessage "$MESS(loaderr) $LFileLNo($file)"
3286		    return
3287		}
3288		lappend dt [list $rtid $rtcommt $rtwps]
3289		lappend ixs [IndexNamed RT $rtid]
3290		lappend ns $rtid
3291		lappend lwps $rtwps ; lappend lchgwps $rtchgwps
3292		lappend ldwps $dtwps
3293	    }
3294	}
3295	TR {
3296	    if { $tps != "" } {
3297		lappend dt $tps
3298	    }
3299	}
3300    }
3301    switch $how {
3302	normal {
3303	    switch $what {
3304		WP {
3305		    foreach ix $ixs n $ns d $dt chgdname $chgns {
3306			if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3307			set fd [FormData WP \
3308				"Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Date" $d]
3309			if { $chgdname != "" } {
3310			    set fd [AddOldNameToObs WP $fd $chgdname]
3311			}
3312			StoreWP $ix $n $fd $LFileVisible($file)
3313		    }
3314		}
3315		RT {
3316		    set wpsseen "" ; set wpsseenn ""
3317		    foreach ix $ixs id $ns d $dt wps $ltwps dwps $ldwps \
3318			    chgns $lchgwps {
3319			set wpsn ""
3320			foreach nwp $wps dwp $dwps chgdname $chgns {
3321			    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3322			    if { [set k [lsearch -exact $wpsseen $nwp]] \
3323				    == -1 } {
3324				set ix [IndexNamed WP $nwp]
3325				set fd [FormData WP \
3326				       "Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Date" $dwp]
3327				if { $chgdname != "" } {
3328				    set fd [AddOldNameToObs RT $fd $chgdname]
3329				}
3330				set nnwp [StoreWP $ix $nwp $fd 0]
3331				lappend wpsseen $nwp
3332				lappend wpsseenn $nnwp
3333				lappend wpsn $nnwp
3334			    } else {
3335				lappend wpsn [lindex $wpsseenn $k]
3336			    }
3337			}
3338			StoreRT $ix $id $d $wpsn $LFileVisible($file)
3339		    }
3340		}
3341		TR {
3342		    foreach tps $dt {
3343			if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3344			set name [NewName TR]
3345			set fd [FormData TR "Name Datum TPoints" \
3346				[list $name "WGS 84" $tps]]
3347			StoreTR -1 $name $fd $LFileVisible($file)
3348		    }
3349		}
3350	    }
3351	}
3352	inGR {
3353	    set grixs $LFileIxs($file,$what)
3354	    switch $what {
3355		WP {
3356		    foreach ix $ixs n $ns d $dt chgdname $chgns {
3357			if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3358			if { [lsearch -exact $grixs $ix] != -1 } {
3359			    set fd [FormData WP \
3360				    "Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Date" $d]
3361			    if { $chgdname != "" } {
3362				set fd [AddOldNameToObs WP $fd $chgdname]
3363			    }
3364			    StoreWP $ix $n $fd $LFileVisible($file)
3365			}
3366		    }
3367		}
3368		RT {
3369		    set wpsseen "" ; set wpsseenn ""
3370		    foreach ix $ixs id $ns d $dt wps $ltwps dwps $ldwps \
3371			    chgns $lchgwps {
3372			if { [lsearch -exact $grixs $ix] != -1 } {
3373			    set wpsn ""
3374			    foreach nwp $wps dwp $dwps chgdname $chgns {
3375				if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3376				if { [set k [lsearch -exact $wpsseen $nwp] \
3377					== -1 } {
3378				    set ix [IndexNamed WP $nwp]
3379				    set fd [FormData WP \
3380					   "Name Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Date" \
3381					   $dwp]
3382				    if { $chgdname != "" } {
3383					set fd \
3384					    [AddOldNameToObs RT $fd $chgdname]
3385				    }
3386				    set nnwp [StoreWP $ix $nwp $fd 0]
3387				    lappend wpsseen $nwp
3388				    lappend wpsseenn $nnwp
3389				    lappend wpsn $nnwp
3390				} else {
3391				    lappend wpsn [lindex $wpsseenn $k]
3392				}
3393			    }
3394			    StoreRT $ix $id $d $wpsn $LFileVisible($file)
3395			}
3396		    }
3397		}
3398	    }
3399	}
3400    }
3401    return
3404proc ImportGD2WP {name lat long date commt} {
3405    # prepare WP data when importing from file in gd2 format
3406    # return 0 on error, otherwise list with name, old name (or ""),
3407    #  list with WP data (see below) and index
3409    set name [string trim $name]
3410    if { ! [CheckLat GMMessage $lat DDD] || \
3411	    ! [CheckLong GMMessage $long DDD] } { return -1 }
3412    if { ! [CheckName Ignore $name] } {
3413	if { [set nname [AskForName $name]] == "" } { return -1 }
3414	set chgdname $name
3415	set name $nname
3416    } else { set chgdname "" }
3417    set posn [FormatLatLong $lat $long DDD]
3418    set commt [MakeComment [string trim $commt]]
3419    return [list $name $chgdname [list $name $commt DDD $posn "WGS 84" $date] \
3420	    [IndexNamed WP $name]]
3423## FAI IGC data file format
3425    # number 999 for undefined taken to be "WGS 84"
3426array set IGCDatum {
3427    0   0       1   1       2   2       3   3       4   4       5   5
3428    6   6       7   8       8   11      9   12      10  9       11  10
3429    12  7       13  13      14  14      15  15      16  16      17  17
3430    18  19      19  18      20  20      21  22      22  23      23  24
3431    24  25      25  26      26  27      27  28      28  29      29  30
3432    30  31      31  32      32  75      33  33      34  34      35  35
3433    36  36      37  37      38  38      39  39      40  40      41  41
3434    42  42      43  43      44  44      45  45      46  46      47  47
3435    48  48      49  49      50  50      51  51      52  52      53  53
3436    54  54      55  55      56  56      57  60      58  58      59  57
3437    60  59      61  61      62  62      63  63      64  64      65  65
3438    66  66      67  70      68  67      69  68      70  69      71  71
3439    72  72      73  73      74  74      75  76      76  77      77  80
3440    78  81      80  83      81  84      82  85      83  78      85  91
3441    86  79      87  86      88  87      89  88      90  89      91  92
3442    92  93      93  94      94  95      95  96      97  97      98  98
3443    99  99      100 100     101 101     102 21      103 gm145  999 100
3446array set IGCTrans {
3447    A   A
3448    B   {I J recdata}
3449    C   {I J recdata}
3450    D   {I J recdata}
3451    E   {I J recdata}
3452    F   {I J recdata}
3453    G   recdata
3454    H   {A H}
3455    I   H
3456    J   I
3457    K   {I J recdata}
3458    L   {I J recdata}
3461array set IGCRE {
3462B {^B([0-9]{6})([0-9]{7})([NS])([0-9]{8})([EW])([AV])([-0-9]{5})([-0-9]{5})(.*)$}
3463    E   {^E([0-9]{6})([A-Z0-9]{3})(.*)$}
3464    H   {^H[FOP]([A-Z0-9]{3})([^:]*)(.*)$}
3467proc Import_IGC {file args} {
3468    # import data from $file in FAI IGC format and return one TR
3469    global IGCTrans IGCRE IGCDatum TimeOffset DateFormat LFileEOF \
3470	LFileVisible LFileLNo MESS YEAR0 GFOption File TXT
3472    set name [file rootname [file tail $File(TR)]]
3473    if { $GFOption == "gps" } {
3474	set baroalt 0
3475	set rmrk ""
3476    } else {
3477	set baroalt 1
3478	set rmrk "$TXT(alt): baro"
3479    }
3480    set toffsetold $TimeOffset
3481    set TimeOffset 0
3482    set ymd [list $YEAR0 1 day 1]
3483    set datum "WGS 84"
3484    set oldpos "" ; set oldkeep 1
3485    set tps "" ; set sgsts "" ; set ntp 0
3486    set error 0
3487    set state A
3488    while { [set line [ReadFile $file]] != "" && ! $LFileEOF($file) } {
3489	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3490	set rtype [string index $line 0]
3491	if { [catch {set sts $IGCTrans($rtype)}] || \
3492		 [lsearch -exact $sts $state] == -1 } {
3493	    incr error ; break
3494	}
3495	switch $rtype {
3496	    A -  L {
3497	    }
3498	    H {
3499		set state H
3500		if { ! [regexp $IGCRE(H) $line x stype s1 s2] } {
3501		    incr error ; break
3502		}
3503		switch -- $stype {
3504		    DTE {
3505			# date  DDMMYY
3506			# proc ScanDate could be used here...
3507			#  YY taken as 2000+YY if YY<70, and 1900+YY otherwise
3508			if { $s2 != "" || \
3509			       [scan $s1 %02d%02d%02d d m y] != 3 } {
3510			    incr error ; break
3511			}
3512			if { $y < 70 } {
3513			    incr y 2000
3514			} else { incr y 1900 }
3515			set ymd [list $y $m $d]
3516			set prevtime -1
3517		    }
3518		    TZN {
3519			# time zone offset in hours from UTC
3520			if { $s2 == "" } {
3521			    set s $s1
3522			} else { set s [string range $s2 1 end] }
3523			if { [scan $s %0d t] != 1 } {
3524			    incr error ; break
3525			}
3526			set TimeOffset $t
3527		    }
3528		    DTM {
3529			# datum
3530			if { [scan $s1 %03d n] != 1 || \
3531				 [catch {set gmno $IGCDatum($n)}] } {
3532			    incr error ; break
3533			}
3534			set datum [DatumWithRefId $gmno]
3535		    }
3536		}
3537	    }
3538	    I {
3539		set state I
3540	    }
3541	    J {
3542		set state J
3543	    }
3544	    C -  D {
3545		set state recdata
3546	    }
3547	    F {
3548		set state recdata
3549	    }
3550	    B {
3551		set state recdata
3552		if { ! [regexp $IGCRE(B) $line x time lat hlat long hlong \
3553			    tfix palt alt exts] } {
3554		    incr error ; break
3555		}
3556		# time stamp
3557		scan $time %02d%02d%02d hh mm ss
3558		if { $prevtime > $time } {
3559		    set ymd [eval NextDay $ymd]
3560		}
3561		set prevtime $time
3562		set date [eval LocalTimeAndUTC $ymd $hh $mm $ss UTC]
3563		set date [list [eval FormatDate $DateFormat $date] \
3564			      [eval DateToSecs $date]]
3565		# position
3566		scan $lat %02d%0d latd m
3567		set latd [expr $latd+$m/60000.0]
3568		if { $hlat == "S" } { set latd [expr -$latd] }
3569		scan $long %03d%0d longd m
3570		set longd [expr $longd+$m/60000.0]
3571		if { $hlong == "W" } { set longd [expr -$longd] }
3572		# with bad quality fixes test whether position is
3573		#  acceptable: not 0 0 as first value, and no
3574		#  differences in lat and in long greater than 5 degrees
3575		set keep 1
3576		if { $tfix == "V" } {
3577		    if { $oldpos == "" } {
3578			if { $latd == 0 && $longd == 0 } { set keep 0 }
3579		    } elseif { abs([lindex $oldpos 0]-$latd) > 5 || \
3580				   abs([lindex $oldpos 1]-$longd) > 5 } {
3581			set keep 0
3582		    }
3583		}
3584		if { $keep } {
3585		    if { $oldkeep == 0 && $ntp != 0 } {
3586			lappend sgsts $ntp
3587		    }
3588		    set oldpos [list $latd $longd]
3589		    set posn [FormatLatLong $latd $longd DMS]
3590		    # altitude
3591		    if { $baroalt } {
3592			set alt $palt ; set tfix "A"
3593		    }
3594		    scan $alt %0d alt
3595		    if { $tfix == "V" || $alt == 0 } {
3596			set ns "latd longd latDMS longDMS date secs"
3597			set alt ""
3598		    } else {
3599			set ns "latd longd latDMS longDMS date secs alt"
3600		    }
3601		    lappend tps [FormData TP $ns [concat $posn $date $alt]]
3602		    incr ntp
3603		}
3604		set oldkeep $keep
3605	    }
3606	    E {
3607		set state recdata
3608		if { ! [regexp $IGCRE(E) $line x time stype s] } {
3609		    incr error ; break
3610		}
3611		switch -- $stype {
3612		    CGD {
3613			# change datum
3614			if { [scan $s %03d n] != 1 || \
3615				 [catch {set gmno $IGCDatum($n)}] } {
3616			    incr error ; break
3617			}
3618			set datum [DatumWithRefId $gmno]
3619		    }
3620		}
3621	    }
3622	    K {
3623		set state recdata
3624	    }
3625	    G {
3626		break
3627	    }
3628	}
3629    }
3630    set TimeOffset $toffsetold
3631    if { $error } {
3632	GMMessage "$MESS(loaderr) $LFileLNo($file)"
3633	return
3634    }
3635    if { $tps == "" } {
3636	GMMessage $MESS(voidTR)
3637	return
3638    }
3639    if { [IndexNamed TR $name] != -1 } {
3640	set rmrk [AddToNB $rmrk "$TXT(file): $name"]
3641	set name [NewName TR]
3642    }
3643    set fd [FormData TR "Name Obs Datum TPoints SegStarts" \
3644		[list $name $rmrk $datum $tps $sgsts]]
3645    StoreTR -1 $name $fd $LFileVisible($file)
3646    return
3649## Kismet .network files with location information
3650#   http://www.kismetwireless.net
3652proc Import_Kismet {file how} {
3653    # import WPs from Kismet .network files with location information
3654    #  $how in {normal, inGR}: keep all data, not used
3655    # some options can be changed by editing the file config.tcl and
3656    #  redefining the KISMETOPT array elements
3657    # there is a single parameter for controlling the creation of a group
3658    #  with the imported WPs for each type of network
3659    global KISMETOPT GFOption PositionFormat LFileVisible MESS TXT
3661    set crgroups $GFOption
3662    foreach v "prename namenumber types defsymbol esymbols" {
3663	set $v $KISMETOPT($v)
3664    }
3665    set netno 0
3666    while { ! [eof $file] } {
3667	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3668	gets $file line ; set line [string trim $line]
3669	if { $line == "" || ! [regexp {^Network} $line] } { continue }
3670	# network
3671	incr netno
3672	set obs "" ; set name ""
3673	if { ! [regexp {: "(.+)" B?SSID} $line x name] || \
3674		 ! [CheckName Ignore $name] || [IndexNamed WP $name] != -1 } {
3675	    if { $name != "" } { set obs "ssid = $name" }
3676	    set k 0
3677	    while { $k < 100 } {
3678		set name "$prename$namenumber"
3679		incr namenumber
3680		if { [CheckName Ignore $name] && \
3681			 [IndexNamed WP $name] == -1 } {
3682		    break
3683		}
3684		incr k
3685	    }
3686	    if { $k >= 100 } { set name [NewName WP] }
3687	}
3688	if { [set line [NextLine 1 $file]] == "" } { return }
3689	# type?
3690	if { ! [regexp {^Type.*: ([-a-zA-Z0-9]+)$} $line x type] } {
3691	    # "Bad Type line after $netno Network"
3692	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
3693	    continue
3694	}
3695	if { [lsearch -exact $types $type] == -1 } { continue }
3696	if { [set line [NextLine 3 $file]] == "" } { return }
3697	# channel?
3698	if { ! [regexp {^Channel.*:} $line] } {
3699	    # "No Channel line found after $netno Network"
3700	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
3701	    continue
3702	}
3703	set obs [AddToNB $obs $line]
3704	if { [set line [NextLine 1 $file]] == "" } { return }
3705	# encryption?
3706	if { ! [regexp {^Encryption.*: "(.+)"$} $line x encr] } {
3707	    # "No Encryption line found after $netno Network"
3708	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
3709	    continue
3710	}
3711	set symbol $defsymbol
3712	foreach p $esymbols {
3713	    if { [lindex $p 0] == $type } {
3714		foreach "epatt s" [lindex $p 1] {
3715		    if { [string match -nocase $epatt $encr] } {
3716			set symbol $s
3717			break
3718		    }
3719		}
3720		break
3721	    }
3722	}
3723	if { [set line [NextLine 10 $file]] == "" } { return }
3724	# min loc
3725	if { ! [regexp {^Min Loc.*: Lat ([-.0-9]+) Lon ([-.0-9]+) } $line \
3726		    x lat1 long1] } {
3727	    # "No/bad Min Loc line after $netno Network"
3728	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
3729	    continue
3730	}
3731	if { [set line [NextLine 1 $file]] == "" } { return }
3732	# max loc
3733	if { ! [regexp {^Max Loc.*: Lat ([-.0-9]+) Lon ([-.0-9]+) } $line \
3734		    x lat2 long2] } {
3735	    # "No/bad Max Loc line after $netno Network"
3736	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
3737	    continue
3738	}
3739	if { [catch {set lat [expr ($lat1+$lat2)*0.5]}] || \
3740		 [catch {set long [expr ($long1+$long2)*0.5]}] } {
3741	    # "Error averaging coordinates after $netno Network"
3742	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
3743	    continue
3744	}
3745	foreach "posn pfmt datum" \
3746	        [FormatPosition $lat $long "WGS 84" $PositionFormat "" DDD] {
3747	    break
3748	}
3749	set data [FormData WP "Name Obs PFrmt Posn Datum Symbol" \
3750		      [list $name $obs $pfmt $posn $datum $symbol]]
3751	StoreWP -1 $name $data $LFileVisible($file)
3752	lappend names $name
3753	lappend namesof($type) $name
3754    }
3755    if { $crgroups } {
3756	# create a group with WPs for each type of network
3757	foreach t [array names namesof] {
3758	    set name ${prename}_$t
3759	    if { [IndexNamed GR $name] != -1 } { set name [NewName GR] }
3760	    set obs "Kismet type: $t"
3761	    set els [list [list WP [lsort -dictionary $namesof($t)]]]
3762	    set data [FormData GR "Name Obs Conts" [list $name $obs $els]]
3763	    # displaying has already been taken care of
3764	    StoreGR -1 $name $data 0
3765	}
3766    }
3767    return
3770## BGA format: British Glider Association DOS turnpoints files available at
3771#    http://www.spsys.demon.co.uk/turningpoints.htm
3773# PS contribution: most of the BGA support is
3774# based on code from the  dos2gpsman  script by
3775#  Paul Scorer (p.scorer _AT_ leedsmet.ac.uk), distributed under GPL
3777proc Import_BGA {file how} {
3778    # import WPs from file in BGA (DOS) format
3779    #  $how in {normal, inGR}: keep all data, not used
3780    global BGAfeature BGAfindblty BGAairact PositionFormat LFileVisible \
3783    set nwps 0 ; set ascale $ALSCALEFOR(FT)
3784    set date [Now]
3785    # Process each record
3786    while 1 {
3787	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
3788	# get one record
3789	if {[gets $file fullname] > 0 && \
3790		[gets $file trigraph] > 0 && \
3791		[gets $file bganum] > 0 && \
3792		[gets $file findability] > 0 && \
3793		[gets $file exactpoint] > 0 && \
3794		[gets $file description] > 0 && \
3795		[gets $file distance] > 0 && \
3796		[gets $file direction] > 0 && \
3797		[gets $file feature] > 0 && \
3798		[gets $file OSMap] > 0 && \
3799		[gets $file Easting_Northing] > 0 && \
3800		[gets $file Lat_Long] > 0 && \
3801		[gets $file altitude] > 0 && \
3802		[gets $file trigraph1] > 0 && \
3803		[gets $file junk] == 0} {
3804	    # Blank line - Record Separator
3805	    if {[string equal $trigraph $trigraph1] } {
3806		# Simple consistency check:
3807		# Trigraph at last line should match that at second line
3808		scan  $Lat_Long "%d%lf%s%d%lf%s" \
3809		    degLat minLat NS degLong minLong EW
3811		# Matches "Findability"?
3812		if { $BGAfindblty != "" } {
3813		    if { [BGACheckFind $BGAfindblty $findability] == 0 } {
3814			continue
3815		    }
3816		}
3818		# Matches "Feature"?
3819		if { $BGAfeature != "" } {
3820		    if { [BGACheckPlace $BGAfeature $feature] == 0 } {
3821			continue
3822		    }
3823		}
3825		# Matches "Air Activity"?
3826		if { $BGAairact != "" } {
3827		    if { [BGACheckActivity $BGAairact $findability] == 0 } {
3828			continue
3829		    }
3830		}
3832		set latd [expr $degLat+$minLat/60.0]
3833		if { $NS == "S" || $NS == "s" } { set latd [expr -$latd] }
3834		set longd [expr $degLong+$minLong/60.0]
3835		if { $EW == "W" || $NS == "w" } { set longd [expr -$longd] }
3836		foreach "posn pfmt datum" \
3837		    [FormatPosition $latd $longd {WGS 84} \
3838			 $PositionFormat "" DDD] { break }
3839		set altitude [expr $ascale*$altitude]
3840		set obs \
3841		 "$fullname\n$exactpoint\n$description\n$feature\n$findability"
3842		if { ! [CheckName Ignore $trigraph] } {
3843		    if { [set nname [AskForName $trigraph]] == "" } {
3844			continue
3845		    }
3846		    set obs "$obs\n$TXT(oname): $trigraph"
3847		    set trigraph $nname
3848		}
3849		set data [FormData WP "Name Obs PFrmt Posn Datum Alt Date" \
3850			      [list $trigraph $obs $pfmt $posn \
3851				   $datum $altitude $date]]
3852		StoreWP [IndexNamed WP $trigraph] $trigraph $data \
3853		    $LFileVisible($file)
3854		incr nwps
3855	    } else {
3856		GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
3857		return
3858	    }
3859	} else {
3860	    break
3861	}
3862    }
3863    if { $nwps == 0 } {
3864	GMMessage $MESS(nosuchitems)
3865    }
3866    return
3869proc BGACheckPlace {placeList feature} {
3870    # check if current record is associated with $feature
3872    foreach place $placeList {
3873	if { [string equal -nocase $feature $place] } {
3874	    return 1
3875	}
3876    }
3877    return 0
3880proc BGACheckFind {findList findability} {
3881    # check if "findability" (A B C D or G) matches that given as parameter
3883    foreach category $findList {
3884	if { [string equal -nocase -length 1 $category $findability] } {
3885	    return 1
3886	}
3887    }
3888    return 0
3891proc BGACheckActivity {activityList findability} {
3892    # check if category of "Air Activity" matches that given as parameter
3894    foreach category $activityList {
3895	set len [string length $category]
3896	incr len
3897	if { [string length $findability] == $len } {
3898	    return 1
3899	}
3900    }
3901    return 0
3904## SimpleText format
3905# based on the Garmin Simple Text Output protocol and the following rules
3906# 	- discard lines with position status different from g or G
3907# 	- a single discarded line (not at the beginning of the file) is
3908# 	taken as a segment start marker
3909# 	- two or more discarded lines in sequence (not at the beginning of
3910# 	the file) are taken as starting a new TR
3912proc Import_SimpleText {file how} {
3913    # load TRs from file in SimpleText format
3914    #  $how in {normal, inGR}: keep all data, not used
3915    global LFileLNo LFileEOF LFileVisible MESS DateFormat
3917    set tps "" ; set tpn 0 ; set es 0 ; set sgsts ""
3918    while { 1 } {
3919	set m [ReadFile $file]
3920	if { $LFileEOF($file) } { break }
3921	if { [string first @ $m] != 0 || \
3922		 [string length $m] != 55 } {
3923	    GMMessage "$MESS(badTR) $LFileLNo($file)"
3924	    return
3925	}
3926	set bad 0
3927	foreach fd "x yr mon day hr min sec hlt ltd ltm hlg lgd lgm st x alt" \
3928                wd "1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 5 1 3 5 1 3 6" \
3929	        type "x d d d d d d c d d c d d c x pd" {
3930	    if { $type == "pd" } {
3931		if { [set u [string first _ $m]] != -1 && $u < $wd } {
3932		    set $fd "" ; set type x
3933		} else { set type d }
3934	    }
3935	    switch $type {
3936		d {
3937		    set type "0${wd}d"
3938		    if { [scan $m "%$type" $fd] == 0 } {
3939			incr bad
3940			break
3941		    }
3942		}
3943		c { set $fd [string range $m 0 [expr $wd-1]] }
3944	    }
3945	    set m [string replace $m 0 [expr $wd-1]]
3946	}
3947	if { $bad || ( $st != "G" && $st != "g" ) || $ltm < 0 || $lgm < 0 } {
3948	    incr es
3949	    continue
3950	}
3951	# date
3952	if { $yr > 86 } {
3953	    # possible year 3000 bug!
3954	    incr yr 1900
3955	} else { incr yr 2000 }
3956	if { ! [CheckDateEls $yr $mon $day $hr $min $sec] } {
3957	    GMMessage "$MESS(baddate) $LFileLNo($file)"
3958	    incr es
3959	    continue
3960	}
3961	set l [list $yr $mon $day $hr $min $sec]
3962	set dtscs [list [eval FormatDate $DateFormat $l] [eval DateToSecs $l]]
3963	# position
3964	set lat "$hlt$ltd [expr $ltm/1000.0]"
3965	set long "$hlg$lgd [expr $lgm/1000.0]"
3966	if { ! [CheckLat GMMessage $lat DMM] || \
3967		 ! [CheckLong GMMessage $long DMM] } {
3968	    incr es
3969	    continue
3970	}
3971	set lat [Coord DMM $lat S]
3972	set long [Coord DMM $long W]
3973	set p [FormatLatLong $lat $long DMS]
3974	# altitude
3975	if { $st != "G" } { set alt "" }
3977	if { $es > 1 } {
3978	    if { $tps != "" } {
3979		set name [NewName TR]
3980		set fd [FormData TR "Name Datum TPoints SegStarts" \
3981			    [list $name "WGS 84" $tps $sgsts]]
3982		StoreTR -1 $name $fd $LFileVisible($file)
3983	    }
3984	    set tps "" ; set tpn 0 ; set sgsts ""
3985	} elseif { $es && $tps != "" } {
3986	    # segment starter
3987	    lappend sgsts $tpn
3988	}
3989	set es 0
3990	lappend tps [FormData TP "latd longd latDMS longDMS date secs alt" \
3991			 [concat $p $dtscs $alt]]
3992	incr tpn
3993    }
3994    if { $tps != "" } {
3995	set name [NewName TR]
3996	set fd [FormData TR "Name Datum TPoints SegStarts" \
3997		    [list $name "WGS 84" $tps $sgsts]]
3998	StoreTR -1 $name $fd $LFileVisible($file)
3999    }
4000    return
4003## MapEdit Polish format
4004# tentative support from sample files as no description was found in the Web
4006proc Import_MapEdit {file args} {
4007    # import points of interest as waypoints from MapEdit Polish format
4008    # coordinates are taken as the average coordinates given for each POI
4009    # repeated names are taken to be of different points and are renamed
4010    #  to each repeated name it is first appended the number of repeats
4011    #  and then the user is prompted for a replacement or given the option
4012    #  of the name to be automatically generated
4013    global LFileEOF LFileVisible MESS PositionFormat
4015    set names {}
4016    while 1 {
4017	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4018        while { ! $LFileEOF($file) && [ReadFile $file] != {[POI]} } {
4019	    continue
4020	}
4021	set lines {} ; set line {}
4022        while { ! $LFileEOF($file) && \
4023		    [set line [ReadFile $file]] != {[END]} } {
4024	    lappend lines $line
4025	}
4026	if { $line == {} } { break }
4027	if { $line != {[END]} } {
4028	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
4029	    break
4030	}
4031	set n 0 ; set lat 0 ; set long 0 ; set name {}
4032	foreach line $lines {
4033	    if { [regexp {^Label=(.*)$} $line x name] } { continue }
4034	    if { [regexp {^Data[0-9]+=[(]([-.0-9]+),([-.0-9]+)[)]$} $line \
4035		      x la lo] } {
4036		set lat [expr $lat+$la] ; set long [expr $long+$lo]
4037		incr n
4038	    }
4039	}
4040	if { $n == 0 } {
4041	    GMMessage $MESS(badfile)
4042	    continue
4043	}
4044	set lat [expr 1.0*$lat/$n] ; set long [expr 1.0*$long/$n]
4045	if { ! [CheckLat GMMessage $lat DDD] || \
4046		 ! [CheckLong GMMessage $long DDD] } { break }
4047	if { [catch {set nrep $rep($name)}] } { set nrep 0 }
4048	if { $nrep != 0 || ! [CheckName Ignore $name] } {
4049	    set rep($name) [incr nrep]
4050	    set chgdname $name
4051	    if { $nrep != 0 } { append name $nrep }
4052	    if { "[set name [AskForName $name]]" == "" } {
4053		continue
4054	    }
4055	} else {
4056	    set chgdname "" ; set rep($name) 1
4057	}
4058	foreach "posn pfmt datum" \
4059	    [FormatPosition $lat $long "WGS 84" \
4060		 $PositionFormat "" DDD] { break }
4061	set data [FormData WP "Name PFrmt Posn Datum" \
4062		      [list $name $pfmt $posn $datum]]
4063	if { $chgdname != "" } {
4064	    set data [AddOldNameToObs WP $data $chgdname]
4065	}
4066	StoreWP [IndexNamed WP $name] $name $data $LFileVisible($file)
4067    }
4068    return
4071## GTrackMaker format
4073  # datums having the same definition in GTM and GPSMan (possibly under
4074  #  different names
4075array set GTMEquivDatum {
4076    1   "Adindan; B Faso"        2   "Adindan; Cameroon"
4077    3   "Adindan; Ethiopia"      4   "Adindan; Mali"
4078    5	"Adindan; Ethiopia+Sudan"    6    "Adindan; Senegal"
4079    7   "Adindan; Sudan"         8   "Afgooye"
4080    9   "Ain el Abd 1970; Bahrain"    10  "Ain el Abd 1970; Saudi Arabia"
4081    11  "American Samoa 1962"    13  "Antigua Island Astro 1943"
4082    14  "Arc 1950; Botswana"     15  "Arc 1950; Burundi"
4083    16  "Arc 1950; Lesotho"      17  "Arc 1950; Malawi"
4084    18  "Arc 1950"               19  "Arc 1950; Swaziland"
4085    20  "Arc 1950; Zaire"        21  "Arc 1950; Zambia"
4086    22  "Arc 1950; Zimbabwe"     23  "Arc 1960; Kenya+Tanzania"
4087    24  "Arc 1960; Kenya"        25  "Arc 1960; Tanzania"
4088    26  "Ascension Island `58"   27  "Astro Beacon \"E\""
4089    28  "Astro DOS 71/4"         29  "Astro Tern Island (FRIG)"
4090    30  "Astronomic Stn `52"     34  "Bellevue (IGN)"
4091    35  "Bermuda 1957"           36  "Bissau"
4092    37  "Bogota Observatory"     38  "Bukit Rimpah"
4093    39  "Camp Area Astro"        40  "Campo Inchauspe"
4094    41  "Canton Astro 1966"      42  "Cape"
4095    43  "Cape Canaveral"         44  "Carthage"
4096    45  "Chatham 1971"           46  "Chua Astro"
4097    47  "Corrego Alegre"         48  "Dabola"
4098    49  "Deception Island"       50  "Djakarta (Batavia)"
4099    51  "DOS 1968"               52  "Easter Island 1967"
4100    53  "Estonia Coord System 1937"    54  "European 1950; Cyprus"
4101    55  "European 1950; Egypt"   56  "European 1950; England Channel"
4102    57  "European 1950; England Channel"
4103    58  "European 1950; Finland+Norway"
4104    59  "European 1950; Greece"  60  "European 1950; Iran"
4105    61  "European 1950; Italy (Sardinia)"
4106    62  "European 1950; Italy (Sicily)"
4107    63  "European 1950; Malta"   64  "European 1950"
4108    65  "European 1950; NW Europe"
4109    66  "European 1950; Middle East"
4110    67  "European 1950; Portugal+Spain"
4111    68  "European 1950; Tunisia"
4112    69  "European 1979"          70  "Fort Thomas 1955"
4113    71  "Gan 1970"               72  "Geodetic Datum `49"
4114    73  "Graciosa Base SW 1948"  74  "Guam 1963"
4115    75  "Gunung Segara"          76  "GUX 1 Astro"
4116    77  "Herat North"            78  "Hermannskogel"
4117    79  "Hjorsey 1955"           80  "Hong Kong 1963"
4118    81  "Hu-Tzu-Shan"            82  "Indian (Bangladesh)"
4119    83  "Indian (India, Nepal)"  84  "Indian (Pakistan)"
4120    85  "Indian 1954"            86  "Indian 1960; Vietnam (Con Son)"
4121    87  "Indian 1960; Vietnam (N16)"
4122    88  "Indian 1975"            89  "Indonesian 1974"
4123    90  "Ireland 1965"           91  "ISTS 061 Astro 1968"
4124    92  "ISTS 073 Astro `69"     93  "Johnston Island 1961"
4125    94  "Kandawala"              95  "Kerguelen Island"
4126    96  "Kertau 1948"            97  "Kusaie Astro 1951"
4127    98  "NAD83; Canada"          99  "L.C. 5 Astro"
4128    100 "Leigon"                 101 "Liberia 1964"
4129    102 "Luzon Philippines"      103 "Luzon Mindanao"
4130    104 "M'Poraloko"             105 "Mahe 1971"
4131    106 "Massawa"                107 "Merchich"
4132    108 "Midway Astro 1961"      109 "Minna; Cameroon"
4133    110 "Minna"                  111 "Montserrat Island Astro 1958"
4134    112 "Nahrwn Masirah Ilnd"    113 "Nahrwn Saudi Arbia"
4135    114 "Nahrwn United Arab"     115 "Naparima BWI"
4136    116 "NAD27 Alaska"           117 "NAD27 Alaska; Aleutian East"
4137    118 "NAD27 Alaska; Aleutian West"
4138    119 "NAD27 Bahamas"          120 "NAD27 San Salvador"
4139    121 "NAD27 Canada West"      122 "NAD27 Canada Middle"
4140    123 "NAD27 Canada East"      124 "NAD27 Canada North"
4141    125 "NAD27 Canada Yukon"     126 "NAD27 Canal Zone"
4142    127 "NAD27 Cuba"             128 "NAD27 Greenland"
4143    129 "NAD27 Caribbean"        130 "NAD27 Central"
4144    131 "NAD27 Canada"           132 "NAD27 CONUS"
4145    133 "NAD27 CONUS East"       134 "NAD27 CONUS West"
4146    135 "NAD27 Mexico"           136 "NAD83; Canada"
4147    137 "NAD83; Aleutian Ids"    138 "NAD83; Canada"
4148    139 "NAD83; Canada"          140 "NAD83; Hawaii"
4149    141 "NAD83; Canada"          142 "North Sahara 1959"
4150    143 "Observatorio 1966"      144 "Old Egyptian"
4151    145 "Old Hawaiian; Hawaii"   146 "Old Hawaiian; Kauai"
4152    147 "Old Hawaiian; Maui"     148 "Old Hawaiian"
4153    149 "Old Hawaiian; Oahu"     150 "Oman"
4154    151 "Ord Srvy Grt Britn; England"
4155    152 "Ord Srvy Grt Britn; England+Wales"
4156    153 "Ord Srvy Grt Britn"     154 "Ord Srvy Grt Britn; Scotland+Shetlands"
4157    155 "Ord Srvy Grt Britn; Wales"
4158    156 "Pico De Las Nieves"     157 "Pitcairn Astro 1967"
4159    158 "Point 58"               159 "Pointe Noire 1948"
4160    160 "Porto Santo 1936"       161 "Prov So Amrican 56; Bolivia"
4161    162 "Prov So Amrican 56; Chile North"
4162    163 "Prov So Amrican 56; Chile South"
4163    164 "Prov So Amrican 56; Colombia"
4164    165 "Prov So Amrican 56; Ecuador"
4165    166 "Prov So Amrican 56; Guyana"
4166    167 "Prov So Amrican `56"    168 "Prov So Amrican 56; Peru"
4167    169 "Prov So Amrican 56; Venezuela"
4168    170 "Prov So Chilean `63"    171 "Puerto Rico"
4169    172 "Pulkovo 1942"           173 "Qatar National"
4170    174 "Qornoq"                 175 "Reunion"
4171    176 "Rome 1940"              177 "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942); Hungary"
4172    178 "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942); Poland"
4173    179 "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942); Czechoslavakia"
4174    180 "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942); Latvia"
4175    181 "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942); Kazakhstan"
4176    182 "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942); Albania"
4177    183 "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942); Hungary"
4178    184 "S-JTSK"                 185 "Santo (DOS)"
4179    186 "Sao Braz"               187 "Sapper Hill 1943"
4180    188 "Schwarzeck"             189 "Selvagem Grande 1938"
4181    190 "Sierra Leone"           191 "South American 69; Argentina"
4182    192 "South American 69; Bolivia"
4183    193 "South American 69; Brazil"
4184    194 "South American 69; Chile"
4185    195 "South American 69; Colombia"
4186    196 "South American 69; Ecuador"
4187    197 "South American 69; Baltra"
4188    198 "South American 69; Guyana"
4189    199 "South American `69"      200 "South American 69; Paraguay"
4190    201 "South American 69; Peru"
4191    202 "South American 69; Trinidad+Tobago"
4192    203 "South American 69; Venezuela"
4193    204 "South Asia"              205 "Tananarive Observatory 1925"
4194    206 "Timbalai 1948"           207 "Tokyo"
4195    208 "Tokyo"                   209 "Tokyo; Okinawa"
4196    210 "Tokyo; South Korea"      211 "Tristan Astro 1968"
4197    212 "Viti Levu 1916"          213 "Voirol 1960"
4198    214 "Wake Island Astro 195"   217 "WGS 84"
4199    218 "Yacare"                  219 "Zanderij"
4200    220 "Rijks Driehoeksmeting"   221 "NTF (NTF ellipsoid)"
4201    224 "CH-1903"                 226 "European 1950; Belgium"
4202    227 "Israeli"                 228 "Rome 1940; Luxembourg"
4203    229 "Finland Hayford"         230 "Dionisos"
4204    231 "South American 69; Brazil/IBGE"
4205    232 "Potsdam"                 233 "Datum 73"
4206    234 "WGS 72"
4209  # datums having a different definition in GTM; GPSMan definition will be used
4210array set GTMEquivDatum {
4211    12  "Anna 1 Astro 1965"       31  "Australian Geod `66"
4212    32  "Australian Geod `84"     33  "Ayabelle Lighthouse"
4213    215 "Wake-Eniwetok 1960"      216 "WGS 1972"
4214    222 "Potsdam"                 223 "RT 90"
4215    225 "Austrian (MGI)"
4218set GTMVersions 211
4220array set GTMTypes {
4221    header {int charray=10 byte unused=1 byte unused=1 unused=1 byte unused=1
4222            long long long long long long long float float float float long
4223            long unused=4 unused=4 bool bool unused=2 unused=2 unused=2
4224            unused=2 unused=2 unused=2 bool unused=2 varstring varstring
4225            varstring varstring}
4226    datum {unused=2 unused=8 unused=8 unused=8 unused=8 int double double int
4227	   int int}
4228    image {varstring varstring float float float float long float float byte
4229           byte}
4230    wp {double double charray=10 varstring int byte long int float unused=2}
4231    wpstyle {long varstring byte long long float byte bool long byte byte byte
4232             byte}
4233    tr {double double long byte float}
4234    trstyle {varstring byte long float byte int}
4235    rt {double double charray=10 varstring varstring int byte byte long int
4236        float int}
4237    icon {varstring byte long}
4238    layer {int varstring long byte byte byte int}
4241array set GTMDescr {
4242    header {version code maplinewidth unused fontsize unused unused iconcolour
4243            unused gridcolour bgcolour nwpstyles usercolour nwps ntrs nrts
4244            maxlong minlong maxlat minlat nimgs ntrnames unused unused
4245            rectcoords truegrid unused unused unused unused unused unused
4246            hasmap unused gridfontname unused unused unused}
4247    datum {unused unused unused unused unused ndatum a f dx dy dz}
4248    image {NOTUSED}
4249    wp {lat long name commt symbol style secs txtangle alt unused}
4250    wpstyle {NOTUSED}
4251    tr {lat long secs new alt}
4252    trstyle {NOTUSED}
4253    rt {lat long wpname wpcommt rtname wpsymbol wpstyle new secs unused unused
4254        unused}
4255    icon {NOTUSED}
4256    layer {NOTUSED}
4259array set GTMConstr {
4260    header {
4261	{ if { [lsearch $GTMVersions $version] == -1 } { set m badGTMvers } }
4262	{ if { $code != "TrackMaker" } { set m badGTMfile } }
4263	{ if { $nwpstyles < 0 || $nwps < 0 || $ntrs < 0 || $nrts < 0 || $nimgs < 0 || $ntrnames < 0 } {
4264	    set m badGTMcounts } }
4265        { if { $nwps == 0 } { set nwpstyles 0 } }
4266	{ if { $ntrs == 0 } { set ntrnames 0 } }
4267    }
4268    datum {
4269	{ if { [catch {set eqdatum $GTMEquivDatum($ndatum)}] } {
4270	    set m badGTMdatum } }
4271    }
4272    wp {
4273	{ if { $lat < -90 || $lat > 90 } { set m badGTMlat } }
4274	{ if { $long < -180 || $long > 180 } { set m badGTMlong } }
4275    }
4276    tr {
4277	{ if { $lat < -90 || $lat > 90 } { set m badGTMlat } }
4278	{ if { $long < -180 || $long > 180 } { set m badGTMlong } }
4279    }
4280    rt {
4281	{ if { $lat < -90 || $lat > 90 } { set m badGTMlat } }
4282	{ if { $long < -180 || $long > 180 } { set m badGTMlong } }
4283    }
4287# file structure:
4288#   header, datum, image info, wps, wpstyles, trs, trstyles, rts, layers,
4289#   symbols, symbol images, map images
4291# header has counts of
4292#   wpstyles, wps, tps, rtwps, imgs, trnames
4294proc Import_GTrackMaker {file args} {
4295    # names in GTMDescr lists are implicitly used here as local variables!
4296    global GTMVersions GTMTypes GTMDescr GTMConstr GTMEquivDatum ReadBinError \
4297	    PositionFormat DateFormat LFileVisible LFileSlowId YEAR0 MESS
4299    fconfigure $file -translation binary
4300    set ReadBinError 0
4301    set m "" ; set one 1
4302    set wpl "" ; set trl "" ; set trtps "" ; set rtl "" ; set rtwps ""
4303    foreach b "header datum image wp wpstyle tr trstyle rt" \
4304	    c "one one nimgs nwps nwpstyles ntrs ntrnames nrts" {
4305	for { set i 0 } { $i < [set $c] } { incr i } {
4306	    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
4307	    set vals [ReadBinData $file $GTMTypes($b)]
4308	    if { $ReadBinError } {
4309		SlowOpFinish $LFileSlowId($file) $MESS(errorGTMread)
4310		return
4311	    }
4312	    if { $GTMDescr($b) != "NOTUSED" } {
4313		# assign values to vars
4314		foreach $GTMDescr($b) $vals {}
4315		# check constraints that may assign values to other variables
4316		foreach ct $GTMConstr($b) {
4317		    eval $ct
4318		    if { $m != "" } {
4319			SlowOpFinish $LFileSlowId($file) $MESS($m)
4320			return
4321		    }
4322		}
4323		# use values in variables corresponding to fields and in
4324		#  variables assigned during evaluation of constraints
4325		switch $b {
4326		    wp {
4327			# unused: symbol, style, txtangle
4328			lappend wpl \
4329				[list $lat $long $name $commt $secs $alt]
4330		    }
4331		    tr {
4332			if { $new } {
4333			    if { $trtps != "" } { lappend trl $trtps }
4334			    set trtps ""
4335			}
4336			lappend trtps [list $lat $long $secs $alt]
4337		    }
4338		    rt {
4339			# unused: wpsymbol, wpstyle
4340			# assume route name only defined when $new
4341			if { $new } {
4342			    if { $rtwps != "" } {
4343				lappend rtl [list $oldroute $rtwps]
4344			    }
4345			    set rtwps ""
4346			    set oldroute $rtname
4347			}
4348			lappend rtwps \
4349				[list $lat $long $wpname $wpcommt $secs]
4350		    }
4351		}
4352	    }
4353	}
4354    }
4355    if { $trtps != "" } { lappend trl $trtps }
4356    if { $rtwps != "" } {
4357	lappend rtl [list $oldroute $rtwps]
4358    }
4359    set oldYEAR0 $YEAR0 ; set YEAR0 1990
4360    foreach wpd $wpl {
4361	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
4362	foreach "lat long name commt secs alt" $wpd {}
4363	# GTM comment saved in remark, along with name if already in use
4364	if { [set ix [IndexNamed WP $name]] != -1 } {
4365	    set commt "$name\n$commt"
4366	}
4367	foreach "posn pfmt datum" \
4368	    [FormatPosition $lat $long $eqdatum $PositionFormat "" DDD] {
4369		break
4370	}
4371	set date [DateFromSecs $secs]
4372	set data [FormData WP "Name Obs PFrmt Posn Datum Date Alt" \
4373		[list $name $commt $pfmt $posn $datum $date $alt]]
4374	StoreWP $ix $name $data $LFileVisible($file)
4375    }
4376    foreach trtps $trl {
4377	if { $trtps != "" } {
4378	    set tps ""
4379	    foreach tpd $trtps {
4380		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
4381		foreach "lat long secs alt" $tpd {}
4382		set dints [DateIntsFromSecs $secs]
4383		set date [eval FormatDate $DateFormat $dints]
4384		set secs [eval DateToSecsFrom $dints $oldYEAR0]
4385		set d [FormatLatLong $lat $long DMS]
4386		lappend d $date $secs $alt
4387		lappend tps \
4388		    [FormData TP "latd longd latDMS longDMS date secs alt" $d]
4389	    }
4390	    set name [NewName TR]
4391	    set data [FormData TR "Name Datum TPoints" \
4392		                  [list $name $eqdatum $tps]]
4393	    StoreTR -1 $name $data $LFileVisible($file)
4394	}
4395    }
4396    foreach rtd $rtl {
4397	foreach "rtname rtwps" $rtd {}
4398	if { $rtwps != "" } {
4399	    set wpns ""
4400	    foreach wpd $rtwps {
4401		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
4402		# GTM wp comment saved in remark, along with name if in use
4403		foreach "lat long wpname commt secs" $wpd {}
4404		if { [set ix [IndexNamed WP $wpname]] != -1 } {
4405		    set commt "$wpname\n$commt"
4406		}
4407		foreach "posn pfmt datum" \
4408		    [FormatPosition $lat $long $eqdatum \
4409			 $PositionFormat "" DDD] { break }
4410		set date [DateFromSecs $secs]
4411		set data [FormData WP "Name Obs PFrmt Posn Datum Date" \
4412			[list $name $commt $pfmt $posn $datum $date]]
4413		set wpname [StoreWP $ix $wpname $data 0]
4414		lappend wpns $wpname
4415	    }
4416	    # GTM route name will be saved in remark
4417	    set id [NewName RT]
4418	    set data [FormData RT "IdNumber Obs WPoints" \
4419		                  [list $id $commt $wps]]
4420	    StoreRT -1 $id $data $wps $LFileVisible($file)
4421	}
4422    }
4423    set YEAR0 $oldYEAR0
4424    return
4427## Shapefile format
4429proc ImportShapefileFrom {fname what} {
4430    # import from Shapefile format items of type $what
4431    # if $fname=="" ask user to give a file name
4432    #  $what in {WP, RT, TR, LN}
4433    # return 1 on error, 0 on success
4434    global SHPPFormt SHPZone SHPDatum SHPAUnit SHPDUnit SHPDim GFPFormt \
4438    set GFVisible $SHOWFILEITEMS
4439    if { $fname == "" } {
4440	set ok 0
4441	set GFPFormt $TXT($SHPPFormt)
4442	set GFDUnit $TXT($SHPDUnit) ; set GFAUnit $TXT($SHPAUnit)
4443	set vs "SHPDim GFPFormt SHPZone SHPDatum GFDUnit GFAUnit GFVisible"
4444	set pfas [list $NNUMPFORMATS =GFPFormt TXT]
4445	set us [list $TXT(M) $TXT(FT)]
4446	set ds [list +$TXT(dimens)/[list 3 2] \
4447		    !$TXT(optPositionFormat)=FillPFormtMenu/$pfas \
4448		    =$TXT(zone) !$TXT(datum)=FillDatumMenu/ \
4449		    +$TXT(distunit)/$us +$TXT(altunit)/$us @$TXT(mapitems)]
4450	while { [set fn [GMGetFileName $TXT(importfrm) $what r $vs $ds]] \
4451		!= ".." } {
4452	    set SHPPFormt $INVTXT($GFPFormt)
4453	    if { [BadDatumFor $SHPPFormt $SHPDatum GMMessage] != 0 } {
4454		continue
4455	    }
4456	    set SHPDUnit $INVTXT($GFDUnit)
4457	    set SHPAUnit $INVTXT($GFAUnit)
4458	    if { $ZGRID($SHPPFormt) } {
4459		set SHPZone [string trim $SHPZone]
4460		while { ! [CheckZone GMMessage $SHPZone $SHPPFormt] } {
4461		    set SHPZone ""
4462		    if { ! [GMChooseParams $TXT(zone) SHPZone \
4463			    [list =$TXT(zone)]] } {
4464			set SHPZone ""
4465			return 1
4466		    }
4467		    set SHPZone [string trim $SHPZone]
4468		}
4469	    } else { set SHPZone "" }
4470	    set basename [file rootname $fn]
4471	    switch -- [set ext [file extension $fn]] {
4472		.shp -  .shx -  .dbf -  "" {
4473		    set ok 1 ; break
4474		}
4475		default {
4476		    if { [GMConfirm [format $MESS(shpext) $ext]] } {
4477			set ok 1 ; break
4478		    }
4479		}
4480	    }
4481	}
4482	if { ! $ok } { return 1 }
4483    } else {
4484	# SHPDim SHPPFormt, SHPZone, SHPDatum, SHPDUnit and SHPAUnit assumed to
4485	#  have been defined
4486	set basename [file rootname $fname]
4487    }
4488    if { [set fsid [GSHPOpenInputFiles $basename]] < 1 } {
4489	switch -- $fsid {
4490	    0 { set m shpcntopen }
4491	    -1 { set m shpemptyfile }
4492	    -2 { set m shpwrongfile }
4493	    -3 { set m shpoutmem }
4494	}
4495	GMMessage $MESS($m)
4496	GSHPCloseFiles $fsid
4497	return 1
4498    }
4499    if { [set info [GSHPInfoFrom $fsid]] == 0 } { BUG bad channel ; return 1 }
4500    foreach "fwh fno fdim fix dbfn dbfnps" $info {}
4501    if { $fno < 1 } {
4502	GMMessage $MESS(shpemptyfile) ; GSHPCloseFiles $fsid
4503	return 1
4504    }
4505    if { $fwh == "UNKNOWN" } {
4506	if { $what == "WP" } {
4507	    GMMessage $MESS(shpwrongfile) ; GSHPCloseFiles $fsid
4508	    return 1
4509	}
4510    } elseif { $fwh != $what && \
4511	    ( $what != "LN" || $fwh != "TR" ) } {
4512	GMMessage $MESS(shpwrongfile) ; GSHPCloseFiles $fsid
4513	return 1
4514    }
4515    if { $fwh == "UNKNOWN" || $fwh == "WP" } {
4516	set dbfs ""
4517	foreach "n x" $dbfnps {
4518	    lappend dbfs $n
4519	}
4520    }
4521    if { $fdim < $SHPDim && ! [GMConfirm $MESS(shplessdim)] } {
4522	GSHPCloseFiles $fsid
4523	return 1
4524    }
4525    if { $SHPPFormt == "UTM/UPS" } {
4526	regexp {^([0-5]?[0-9]|60)([A-HJ-NP-Z])$} $SHPZone x ze zn
4527	set zone [list $ze $zn]
4528    } else { set zone $SHPZone }
4529    if { $POSTYPE($SHPPFormt) == "latlong" } {
4530	set iscdist 1
4531    } else { set iscdist [expr 1.0/$ALSCALEFOR($SHPDUnit)] }
4532    set iscalt [expr 1.0/$ALSCALEFOR($SHPAUnit)]
4533    set zz [expr $fdim+$SHPDim == 6] ; set alt ""
4534    set tpfs "latd longd latDMS longDMS"
4535    set lpfs "posn"
4536    set slowid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(import)]
4537    switch $fwh {
4538	WP {
4539	    set wpfs "Name Commt Obs PFrmt Posn Datum Date"
4540	    if { $zz } {
4541		set ixdbfs 6
4542	    } else { set ixdbfs 5 }
4543	    while { $fno } {
4544		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4545		incr fno -1
4546		if { [set fd [GSHPGetObj $fsid $fno]] != "" } {
4547		    if { $fd == 0 || $fd == -1 } {
4548			BUG bad GSHPGetObj ; return
4549		    }
4550		    if { [set name [lindex $fd 0]] == "" } {
4551			set name [NewName WP]
4552			set chgdname ""
4553		    } elseif { ! [CheckName Ignore $name] } {
4554			if { [set nname [AskForName $name]] == "" } {
4555			    continue
4556			}
4557			set chgdname $name ; set name $nname
4558		    } else { set chgdname "" }
4559		    set commt [MakeComment [lindex $fd 1]]
4560		    if { ! [CheckDate Ignore [set date [lindex $fd 2]]] } {
4561			set date ""
4562		    }
4563		    set x [expr $iscdist*[lindex $fd 3]]
4564		    set y [expr $iscdist*[lindex $fd 4]]
4565		    if { [set posn [ConvertPos $SHPPFormt $zone $x $y \
4566					$SHPDatum $SHPPFormt]] == -1 } {
4567			continue
4568		    }
4569		    if { $chgdname != "" } {
4570			set obs "$TXT(oname): $chgdname"
4571			set sep "\n"
4572		    } else { set obs "" ; set sep "" }
4573		    foreach n $dbfs v [lindex $fd $ixdbfs] {
4574			if { $v != "" } {
4575			    set obs "${obs}${sep}$n: $v"
4576			    set sep "\n"
4577			}
4578		    }
4579		    set pd [list $name $commt $obs $SHPPFormt $posn $SHPDatum \
4580				$date]
4581		    if { $zz && ! ([BadAltitude [set alt [lindex $fd 5]]] || \
4582			    $alt < -1e35) } {
4583			set alt [expr $iscalt*$alt]
4584			set fs [linsert $wpfs end Alt]
4585			lappend pd $alt
4586		    } else { set fs $wpfs }
4587		    set pd [FormData WP $fs $pd]
4588		    StoreWP [IndexNamed WP $name] $name $pd $GFVisible
4589		}
4590	    }
4591	}
4592	RT {
4593	    set wpfs "Name PFrmt Posn Datum"
4594	    while { $fno } {
4595		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4596		incr fno -1
4597		if { [set fd [GSHPGetObj $fsid $fno]] != "" } {
4598		    if { $fd == 0 || $fd == -1 } {
4599			BUG bad GSHPGetObj ; return 1
4600		    }
4601		    if { [set name [lindex $fd 0]] == "" || \
4602			    ! [CheckNumber Ignore $name] } {
4603			set name [NewName RT]
4604		    }
4605		    set commt [MakeComment [lindex $fd 1]]
4606		    if { [set np [lindex $fd 2]] < 1 } {
4607			GMMessage $MESS(voidRT) ; continue
4608		    }
4609		    set wpns ""
4610		    while { $np } {
4611			if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4612			incr np -1
4613			if { [set pd [GSHPReadNextPoint $fsid]] == -2 } {
4614			    break
4615			}
4616			if { $pd == 0 || $pd == -1 } {
4617			    BUG bad GSHPReadNextPoint ; return 1
4618			}
4619			set x [expr $iscdist*[lindex $pd 0]]
4620			set y [expr $iscdist*[lindex $pd 1]]
4621			if { [set posn [ConvertPos $SHPPFormt $zone $x $y \
4622					    $SHPDatum $SHPPFormt]] == -1 } {
4623			    continue
4624			}
4625			lappend wpns [set wpn [NewName WP]]
4626			set wdt [list $wpn $SHPPFormt $posn $SHPDatum]
4627			if { $zz && ! ([BadAltitude [set alt [lindex $pd 2]]] \
4628				|| $alt < -1e35) } {
4629			    set alt [expr $iscalt*$alt]
4630			    set fs [linsert $wpfs end Alt]
4631			    lappend wdt $alt
4632			} else { set fs $wpfs }
4633			StoreWP -1 $wpn [FormData WP $fs $wdt] 0
4634		    }
4635		    if { [set np [llength $wpns]] == 0 } {
4636			GMMessage $MESS(voidRT) ; continue
4637		    }
4638		    if { $np > $MAXWPINROUTE } {
4639			GMMessage [format $MESS(toomuchWPs) $MAXWPINROUTE]
4640		    }
4641		    set fd [FormData RT "IdNumber Commt WPoints" \
4642			    [list $name $commt $wpns]]
4643		    StoreRT [IndexNamed RT $name] $name $fd $wpns $GFVisible
4644		}
4645	    }
4646	}
4647	TR {
4648	    while { $fno } {
4649		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4650		incr fno -1
4651		if { [set fd [GSHPGetObj $fsid $fno]] != "" } {
4652		    switch -- $fd {
4653			-1 -  -2 { BUG bad GSHPGetObj ; return 1 }
4654			-3 { SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem) ; return 1 }
4655		    }
4656		    if { ! [CheckString Ignore [set name [lindex $fd 0]]] } {
4657			set name [NewName $what]
4658		    }
4659		    set commt [MakeComment [lindex $fd 1]]
4660		    if { [set np [lindex $fd 2]] < 1 } {
4661			GMMessage $MESS(voidTR) ; continue
4662		    }
4663		    set ssts [lindex $fd 3]
4664		    set pts ""
4665		    if { $what == "TR" } {
4666			while { $np } {
4667			    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4668			    incr np -1
4669			    if { [set pd [GSHPReadNextPoint $fsid]] == -2 } {
4670				break
4671			    }
4672			    if { $pd == 0 || $pd == -1 } {
4673				BUG bad GSHPReadNextPoint ; return 1
4674			    }
4675			    set x [expr $iscdist*[lindex $pd 0]]
4676			    set y [expr $iscdist*[lindex $pd 1]]
4677			    set tpd [ConvertPos $SHPPFormt $zone \
4678					 $x $y $SHPDatum DMS]
4679			    if { $zz && \
4680				    ! ([BadAltitude [set alt [lindex $pd 2]]] \
4681				    || $alt < -1e35) } {
4682				set alt [expr $iscalt*$alt]
4683				set fs [linsert $tpfs end alt]
4684				lappend tpd $alt
4685			    } else { set fs $tpfs }
4686			    lappend pts [FormData TP $fs $tpd]
4687			}
4688			if { [set np [llength $pts]] == 0 } {
4689			    GMMessage $MESS(voidTR) ; continue
4690			}
4691			set fd [FormData TR \
4692				    "Name Obs TPoints Datum SegStarts" \
4693				    [list $name $commt $pts $SHPDatum $ssts]]
4694			StoreTR [IndexNamed TR $name] $name $fd $GFVisible
4695		    } else {
4696			# LN
4697			while { $np } {
4698			    if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4699			    incr np -1
4700			    if { [set pd [GSHPReadNextPoint $fsid]] == -2 } {
4701				break
4702			    }
4703			    if { $pd == 0 || $pd == -1 } {
4704				BUG bad GSHPReadNextPoint ; return 1
4705			    }
4706			    set x [expr $iscdist*[lindex $pd 0]]
4707			    set y [expr $iscdist*[lindex $pd 1]]
4708			    if { [set posn [ConvertPos $SHPPFormt $zone \
4709					 $x $y $SHPDatum $SHPPFormt]] == -1 } {
4710				continue
4711			    }
4712			    set dt [list $posn]
4713			    if { $zz && \
4714				    ! ([BadAltitude [set alt [lindex $pd 2]]] \
4715				    || $alt < -1e35) } {
4716				set alt [expr $iscalt*$alt]
4717				set fs [linsert $lpfs end alt]
4718				lappend dt $alt
4719			    } else { set fs $lpfs }
4720			    lappend pts [FormData LP $fs $dt]
4721			}
4722			if { [set np [llength $pts]] == 0 } {
4723			    GMMessage $MESS(voidLN) ; continue
4724			}
4725			set fd [FormData LN \
4726				    "Name Obs LPoints Datum PFrmt SegStarts" \
4727			   [list $name $commt $pts $SHPDatum $SHPPFormt $ssts]]
4728			StoreLN [IndexNamed LN $name] $name $fd $GFVisible
4729		    }
4730		}
4731	    }
4732	}
4733	UNKNOWN {
4734	    while { $fno } {
4735		if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4736		incr fno -1
4737		if { [set fd [GSHPGetObj $fsid $fno]] != "" } {
4738		    switch -- $fd {
4739			-1 -  -2 { BUG bad GSHPGetObj ; return 1 }
4740			-3 { SlowOpFinish $slowid $MESS(shpoutmem) ; return 1 }
4741		    }
4742		    foreach "npts ssts dbfvs" $fd {}
4743		    if { $what == "TR" } {
4744			set pfrmt DMS
4745		    } else { set pfrmt $SHPPFormt }
4746		    set pts ""
4747		    while { $npts } {
4748			if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4749			incr npts -1
4750			if { [set pd [GSHPReadNextPoint $fsid]] == -2 } {
4751			    break
4752			}
4753			if { $pd == 0 || $pd == -1 } {
4754			    BUG bad GSHPReadNextPoint ; return 1
4755			}
4756			set x [expr $iscdist*[lindex $pd 0]]
4757			set y [expr $iscdist*[lindex $pd 1]]
4758			if { [set posn [ConvertPos $SHPPFormt $zone \
4759					  $x $y $SHPDatum $pfrmt]] == -1 } {
4760			    continue
4761			}
4762			if { ! $zz || [BadAltitude [set alt [lindex $pd 2]]] \
4763				|| $alt < -1e35 } {
4764			    set alt ""
4765			} else { set alt [expr $iscalt*$alt] }
4766			lappend pts [list $posn $alt]
4767		    }
4768		    if { $pts == "" } {
4769			GMMessage $MESS(void$what) ; continue
4770		    }
4771		    set name [NewName $what]
4772	       	    set obs "" ; set sep ""
4773		    foreach n $dbfs v $dbfvs {
4774			if { $v != "" } {
4775			    set obs "${obs}${sep}$n: $v"
4776			    set sep "\n"
4777			}
4778		    }
4779		    switch $what {
4780			RT {
4781			    set wpfs "Name PFrmt Posn Datum"
4782			    set wpns ""
4783			    foreach pt $pts {
4784				if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4785				lappend wpns [set wpn [NewName WP]]
4786				foreach "posn alt" $pt {}
4787				set wdt [list $wpn $pfrmt $posn $SHPDatum]
4788				if { $zz && $alt != "" } {
4789				    set fs [linsert $wpfs end Alt]
4790				    lappend wdt $alt
4791				} else { set fs $wpfs }
4792				StoreWP -1 $wpn [FormData WP $fs $wdt] 0
4793			    }
4794			    if { [llength $wpns] > $MAXWPINROUTE } {
4795				GMMessage [format $MESS(toomuchWPs) \
4796					          $MAXWPINROUTE]
4797			    }
4798			    set fd [FormData RT "IdNumber Obs WPoints" \
4799				    [list $name $obs $wpns]]
4800			    StoreRT -1 $name $fd $wpns $GFVisible
4801			}
4802			TR {
4803			    set tps ""
4804			    foreach pt $pts {
4805				if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4806				foreach "tpd alt" $pt {}
4807				if { $alt != "" } {
4808				    set fs [linsert $tpfs end alt]
4809				    lappend tpd $alt
4810				} else { set fs $tpfs }
4811				lappend tps [FormData TP $fs $tpd]
4812			    }
4813			    set fd [FormData TR \
4814					"Name Obs TPoints Datum SegStarts" \
4815					[list $name $obs $tps $SHPDatum $ssts]]
4816			    StoreTR -1 $name $fd $GFVisible
4817			}
4818			LN {
4819			    set lps ""
4820			    foreach pt $pts {
4821				if { [SlowOpAborted] } { break }
4822				foreach "posn alt" $pt {}
4823				set dt [list $posn]
4824				if { $alt != "" } {
4825				    set fs [linsert $lpfs end alt]
4826				    lappend dt $alt
4827				} else { set fs $lpfs }
4828				lappend lps [FormData LP $fs $dt]
4829			    }
4830			    set fd [FormData LN \
4831				 "Name Obs LPoints Datum PFrmt SegStarts" \
4832				 [list $name $obs $lps $SHPDatum $pfrmt $ssts]]
4833			    StoreLN -1 $name $fd $GFVisible
4834			}
4835		    }
4836		}
4837	    }
4838	}
4839    }
4840    GSHPCloseFiles $fsid
4841    SlowOpFinish $slowid ""
4842    return 0
4846# MGM contribution
4847#### import/export from/to file in MapSend and Meridian formats
4849proc Export_MapSend {file what ixs} {
4850    # MF contribution: code by MGM moved out from general export procs
4852    fconfigure $file -translation {binary binary}
4853    ExportMapSend$what $file $ixs
4854    return
4857proc Export_Meridian {file what ixs} {
4858    # MF contribution: code by MGM moved out from general export procs
4860    ExportMeridian$what $file $ixs
4861    return
4864proc ReadMapSendHeader {file} {
4865    global ms_content ms_ver
4867    set hlen 0
4868    binary scan [read $file 1] "c" hlen
4870    set tmp [read $file $hlen]
4872    set ms_ver 1
4873    set teststr ""
4874    scan $tmp "%*s%*2s%d" ms_ver
4876    set ms_content 0
4877    set tmp [ReadBinData $file [list long]]
4878    set ms_content [lindex $tmp 0]
4880    return $ms_content
4883proc ReadString {file} {
4884    set slen 0
4885    binary scan [read $file 1] c slen
4886    set slen [expr $slen & 0xFF]
4887    set tmpstr [read $file $slen]
4888    return $tmpstr
4891proc WriteString {file str} {
4892    puts -nonewline $file [binary format c [string length $str]]
4893    puts -nonewline $file $str
4894    return
4897proc ReadMapSendTP {file} {
4898    global ms_ver
4899    set longd 0
4900    set latd 0
4901    set alt 0
4902    set tm 0
4903    set valid 0
4904    set cs 0
4905    # Endianess,word len issues here !!!
4906    set tmp [ReadBinData $file [list double double long long long]]
4907    set longd [lindex $tmp 0]
4908    set latd [lindex $tmp 1]
4909    set alt [lindex $tmp 2]
4910    set tm [lindex $tmp 3]
4911    set valid [lindex $tmp 4]
4913    # centiseconds
4914    if { $ms_ver >= 30 } {
4915	binary scan [read $file 1] "c" cs
4916    }
4918    set ns "latd longd latDMS longDMS alt date secs"
4919    set latd [expr $latd * -1]
4920    # MF change: using FormatLatLong instead of CreatePos
4921    set p [FormatLatLong $latd $longd DMS]
4922    set dt [DateFromSecs [expr $tm - 567648000]]
4923    set tp ""
4925    if {$valid} {
4926	set tp [FormData TP $ns [concat $p $alt [list $dt] [expr $tm%86400]]]
4927    }
4929    return $tp
4932proc WriteMapSendTP {file tp} {
4933    global DataIndex TPlatDMS TPlongDMS TPdate
4935    set lat [expr [lindex $tp $DataIndex(TPlatd) ] * -1]
4936    set long [lindex $tp $DataIndex(TPlongd) ]
4937    set dt [lindex $tp $DataIndex(TPdate)]
4938    set alt [lindex $tp $DataIndex(TPalt)]
4939    set secs [lindex $tp $DataIndex(TPsecs)]
4941    WriteBinData $file [list double double long long long byte] \
4942	    [list $long $lat [expr int($alt)] [expr $secs + 567648000] 1 0]
4944    return
4947proc ReadMapSendWP {file} {
4948    global ms_ver LFileVisible SYMBOLS MAG_SYMTAB
4950    set wpnam [ReadString $file]
4951    set wpcom [ReadString $file]
4953    set num 0
4954    binary scan [read $file 4] i num
4956    set longd 0
4957    set latd 0
4958    set alt 0
4959    set icon 0
4960    set stat 0
4962    binary scan [read $file 1] c icon
4964    binary scan [read $file 1] c stat
4966    set tmp [ReadBinData $file [list double double double]]
4967    set alt [lindex $tmp 0]
4968    set longd [lindex $tmp 1]
4969    set latd [lindex $tmp 2]
4970    set latd [expr $latd * -1]
4971    # MF change: using FormatLatLong instead of CreatePos
4972    set p [FormatLatLong $latd $longd DMS]
4974    set ns "Name Commt Posn Symbol Alt"
4975    set sym [lindex $MAG_SYMTAB $icon]
4976    # MF contribution: setting undefined symbol to default
4977    if { $sym == "" } {
4979	set sym $DEFAULTSYMBOL
4980    }
4982    set wp [FormData WP $ns [list $wpnam $wpcom $p $sym $alt]]
4983    set ix [IndexNamed WP $wpnam]
4984    StoreWP $ix $wpnam $wp $LFileVisible($file)
4985    return
4988proc WriteMapSendWP {file widx cnt} {
4989    global WPPosn WPAlt WPName WPCommt WPSymbol MAG_SYMTAB
4991    WriteString $file $WPName($widx)
4992    WriteString $file $WPCommt($widx)
4994    set latd [lindex $WPPosn($widx) 0]
4995    set longd [lindex $WPPosn($widx) 1]
4996    set snum [lsearch -exact $MAG_SYMTAB $WPSymbol($widx)]
4998    #altitude
4999    # MF contribution: access to altitude array
5000    set wpa [lindex $WPAlt($widx) 0]
5001    if {$wpa == "" } {set wpa 0}
5003    #write index,symbol,status,alt,pos
5004    WriteBinData $file [list long byte byte double double double]\
5005	[list $cnt $snum 2 $wpa $longd [expr $latd * -1]]
5006    return
5009proc ReadMapSendRT {file} {
5010    global ms_ver LFileVisible
5011    # Read the route header, blocks
5013    set rtnam [ReadString $file]
5015    set tmp [ReadBinData $file [list long long]]
5016    set num [lindex $tmp 0]
5017    set block_cnt [lindex $tmp 1]
5019    set i 0
5020    set wps ""
5021    while { $i < $block_cnt } {
5022	lappend wps [ReadMapSendRTBlock $file]
5023	# need to accomodate errors here !!!
5024	incr i
5025    }
5027    set stages ""
5028    set id 1
5029    set obs ""
5030    set ix [IndexNamed RT $id]
5031    set l [FormData RT "IdNumber Commt Obs WPoints Stages" \
5032	    [list $id "" $obs $wps $stages]]
5033    StoreRT $ix $id $l $wps $LFileVisible($file)
5034    return
5037proc ReadMapSendRTBlock {file} {
5038    # Read  a route block
5039    global ms_ver LFileVisible SYMBOLS
5041    set longd 0
5042    set latd 0
5043    set icon 0
5044    set stat 0
5046    set rtwpnam [ReadString $file]
5048    set tmp [ReadBinData $file [list long double double]]
5049    set num [lindex $tmp 0]
5050    set longd [lindex $tmp 1]
5051    set latd [expr [lindex $tmp 2] * -1]
5053    binary scan [read $file 1] c icon
5055    return $rtwpnam
5058proc Import_Meridian {file what how} {
5059    #   Matt.Martin _AT_ ieee.org
5060    # MF contribution: added $what argument, not used
5061    global LFileEOF LFileVisible LFileLNo MESS ms_ver PDTYPE
5063    # track points
5064    set tps ""
5066    set date [Now]
5067    set dt "" ; set ixs "" ; set ns ""
5068    set line [gets $file]
5069    set ftype [string range $line 5 7]
5071    switch $ftype {
5073	RTE -
5074	WPL {
5075	    set block_cnt 0
5076	    while { [string range $line 5 7] == "WPL" } {
5077		# Strip checksum and LF/CR
5078		#regsub {\*..\r?\n?$} [gets $file] "X" line
5079		regsub "\\*...\*\$" $line "" line
5080		set thedat [lrange [UnPackData [split $line ""] \
5081			[concat [list string] $PDTYPE(WPIN)]] 1 7]
5082		AddMagWPT [lindex [ConvWPData [list $thedat]] 0]
5083		incr block_cnt
5084		# get the next line
5085		set line [gets $file]
5086	    }
5088	    # get route info
5090	    set dat ""
5091	    while { [string range $line 5 7] == "RTE" } {
5092		# need to accomodate errors here !!!
5093		set thedat [lrange [UnPackData [split $line ""] \
5094			[concat [list string] $PDTYPE(RTIN)]] 1 8]
5095		lappend dat $thedat
5096		set line [gets $file]
5097	    }
5098	    InDataRT $dat
5099	}
5100	TRK {
5101	    set block_cnt 0
5102	    while { [string length $line]} {
5103		# process each line at a time
5104		set tmp [lrange [UnPackData [split [string range $line 0 \
5105			[expr [string length $line] -4]] ""] \
5106			[concat [list string] $PDTYPE(TRIN)]] 1 8]
5107		lappend tps [lindex [ConvTPData $tmp] 1]
5108		incr block_cnt
5109		set line [gets $file]
5110	    }
5112	    set tname [NewName TR]
5113	    set ix [IndexNamed TR $tname]
5114	    set data [FormData TR "Name Obs Datum TPoints" \
5115			  [list $tname $block_cnt "WGS 84" $tps]]
5116	    StoreTR $ix $tname $data $LFileVisible($file)
5117	}
5118    }
5119    return
5122proc Import_MapSend {file what how} {
5123    #   Matt.Martin _AT_ ieee.org
5124    # MF contribution: added $what argument, not used
5125    global LFileEOF LFileVisible LFileLNo MESS ms_ver
5127    # track points
5128    set tps ""
5130    set date [Now]
5131    set dt "" ; set ixs "" ; set ns ""
5132    fconfigure $file -translation {binary binary}
5133    set ftype [ReadMapSendHeader $file]
5135    switch $ftype {
5136	1 {
5137	    set wp_cnt 0
5138	    # waypoint count
5139	    set tmp [ReadBinData $file [list long]]
5140	    set block_cnt [lindex $tmp 0]
5142	    set i 0
5143	    set wps ""
5145	    while { $i < $block_cnt } {
5146		ReadMapSendWP $file
5147		# need to accomodate errors here !!!
5148		incr i
5149	    }
5151	    # get route count
5152	    set rt_cnt 0
5153	    set tmp [ReadBinData $file [list long]]
5154	    set rt_cnt [lindex $tmp 0]
5156	    set i 0
5157	    while { $i < $rt_cnt } {
5158		ReadMapSendRT $file
5159		# need to accomodate errors here !!!
5160		incr i
5161	    }
5162	}
5163	2 {
5164	    # getting track data
5165	    #  read track name
5166	    set tname [ReadString $file]
5168	    # get block count
5169	    set block_cnt 0
5170 	    set tmp [ReadBinData $file [list long]]
5171 	    set block_cnt [lindex $tmp 0]
5173	    set i 0
5174	    while { $i < $block_cnt } {
5175		lappend tps [ReadMapSendTP $file]
5176		# need to accomodate errors here !!!
5177		incr i
5178	    }
5180	    set ix [IndexNamed TR $tname]
5181	    set data [FormData TR "Name Obs Datum TPoints" \
5182			  [list $tname $block_cnt "WGS 84" $tps]]
5183	    StoreTR $ix $tname $data $LFileVisible($file)
5184	}
5185    }
5186    return
5189proc MapSendHeader {file type} {
5190    puts -nonewline $file [binary format c 0xd]
5191    puts -nonewline $file "4D533334 MS34"
5192    WriteBinData $file [list long] [list $type]
5193    return
5197proc ExportMeridianWP {f items} {
5199    set cnt 0
5200    foreach i $items {
5201	# MF contribution
5202	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
5203	#--
5204	incr cnt
5205	set outdat [PrepMagWPData $i]
5206	puts -nonewline $f [join [MakeMagPacket WPL $outdat] ""]
5207    }
5208    return
5211proc ExportMeridianRT {f items} {
5212    global RTWPoints
5214    # First, Dump out all waypoints
5215    set wplist ""
5216    foreach i $items {
5217	# MF contribution
5218	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
5219	#--
5220	set wps [Apply "$RTWPoints($i)" IndexNamed WP]
5221	foreach w $wps {
5222	    # only add to list if not there already
5223	    if { [lsearch -exact $wplist $w] == -1 } {
5224		lappend wplist $w
5225	    }
5226	}
5227    }
5228    ExportMeridianWP $f $wplist
5230    # Then the routes
5231    foreach i $items {
5232	# MF contribution
5233	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
5234	#--
5235	set wps [Apply "$RTWPoints($i)" IndexNamed WP]
5236	set lncnt [expr int(([llength $wps] + 1 )/2)]
5237	set lnnum 1
5238	while { [llength $wps]} {
5239	    set outdat [PrepMagRTdata [lindex $wps 0] [lindex $wps 1] \
5240		    $lncnt $lnnum $i]
5241	    set wps [lreplace $wps 0 1]
5243	    puts -nonewline $f [join [MakeMagPacket RTE $outdat] ""]
5244	    incr lnnum
5245	}
5246    }
5247    return
5250proc ExportMeridianTR {f items} {
5251    global TRTPoints TRDatum
5253    set cnt 0
5254    foreach i $items {
5255	# MF contribution: only change the datum if needed
5256	if { [SlowOpAborted] } { return }
5257	if { $TRDatum($i) != "WGS 84" } {
5258	    set tps [ChangeTPsDatum $TRTPoints($i) $TRDatum($i) "WGS 84"]
5259	} else { set tps $TRTPoints($i) }
5260	#--
5261	incr cnt
5262	foreach p $tps {
5263	    # setup the packet
5264	    # MF change: datum conversion made above
5265	    set outdat [PrepMagTRData [lreplace $p 2 3]]
5266	    # add the checksum and write
5267	    puts -nonewline $f [join [MakeMagPacket TRK $outdat] ""]
5268	}
5269    }
5270    return
5273proc DumpMapSendWP {f items} {
5274    WriteBinData $f [list long] [list [llength $items]]
5275    set cnt 0
5276    foreach i $items {
5277	incr cnt
5278	WriteMapSendWP $f $i $cnt
5279    }
5282proc ExportMapSendWP {f items} {
5283    MapSendHeader $f 1
5284    DumpMapSendWP $f $items
5285    WriteBinData $f [list long] [list 0]
5286    return
5289proc ExportMapSendRT {f items} {
5290    global RTWPoints RTData RTIdNumber WPName WPPosn WPSymbol MAG_SYMTAB
5292    # MF contribution
5293    set badrts ""
5294    ##
5296    # First, Dump out all waypoints
5297    set wplist ""
5298    foreach i $items {
5299	# MF contribution
5300	if { ! [CheckNumber Ignore $RTIdNumber($i)] } {
5301	    lappend badrts $i
5302	    continue
5303	}
5304	##
5305	set wps [Apply "$RTWPoints($i)" IndexNamed WP]
5306	foreach w $wps {
5307	    # only add to list if not there already
5308	    if { [lsearch -exact $wplist $w] == -1 } {
5309		lappend wplist $w
5310	    }
5311	}
5312    }
5313    # MF contribution
5314    if { [set n [llength $badrts]] > 0 } {
5315	global MESS
5316	GMMessage [format $MESS(cantsaveRTid) $n]
5317    }
5318    ##
5320    MapSendHeader $f 1
5321    DumpMapSendWP $f $wplist
5323    #############################################################
5324    # Then the routes
5325    #############################################################
5327    # number of routes
5328    WriteBinData $f [list long] [list [llength $items]]
5330    foreach i $items {
5331	# MF contribution
5332	if { $i == [lindex $badrts 0] } {
5333	    set badrts [lreplace $badrts 0 0]
5334	    continue
5335	}
5336	##
5337	set wps [Apply "$RTWPoints($i)" IndexNamed WP]
5338	set lncnt [expr int(([llength $wps] + 1 )/2)]
5339	# route name
5340	WriteString $f $RTIdNumber($i)
5341	#route num, block cnt
5342	WriteBinData $f [list long long] [list $RTIdNumber($i) [llength $wps]]
5344	set wpnum 1
5345	foreach w $wps {
5346	    # name
5347	    WriteString $f $WPName($w)
5348	    # wp index
5349	    # long
5350	    set longd [lindex $WPPosn($w) 1]
5351	    # lat
5352	    set latd [lindex $WPPosn($w) 0]
5353	    # sym
5354	    set snum [lsearch -exact $MAG_SYMTAB $WPSymbol($w)]
5355	    incr wpnum
5356	    WriteBinData $f [list long double double byte] \
5357		    [list [expr [lsearch $wplist $w]+1] $longd \
5358		          [expr $latd * -1] $snum]
5359	}
5360    }
5361    return
5364proc ExportMapSendTR {of ixs} {
5365    global TRName TRTPoints
5367    MapSendHeader $of 2
5368    set i [lindex $ixs 0]
5369    WriteString $of $TRName($i)
5370    WriteBinData $of [list long] [list [llength $TRTPoints($i)]]
5372    foreach tp $TRTPoints($i) {
5373	WriteMapSendTP $of $tp
5374    }
5375    return