1dfix ver 2.0 5/20/17, Run 2018/04/02 at 11:25:59
3Load the RINEX files using Rinex3ObsFileLoader -------
4 Add obs type GL1C =~ GL1* from /local/Code/gpstk/data/test_dfix_tower239.ed.15o
5 Add obs type GL2W =~ GL2* from /local/Code/gpstk/data/test_dfix_tower239.ed.15o
6 Add obs type GC1W =~ GC1* from /local/Code/gpstk/data/test_dfix_tower239.ed.15o
7 Add obs type GC2W =~ GC2* from /local/Code/gpstk/data/test_dfix_tower239.ed.15o
8 Add obs type GC1C =~ GC1* from /local/Code/gpstk/data/test_dfix_tower239.ed.15o
9 Add obs type GC2X =~ GC2* from /local/Code/gpstk/data/test_dfix_tower239.ed.15o
10Loader read 1 file successfully
12Summary of input RINEX obs data files (1):
13 RINEX obs file: /local/Code/gpstk/data/test_dfix_tower239.ed.15o
14 Interval 1.50sec, obs types GL1C GL2W GC1W GC2W GC1C GC2X, store size 1333
15 Time limits: begin  2015/08/27 04:58:21 1859 363501.000
16                end  2015/08/27 05:31:39 1859 365499.000
17Table of Sat/Obs counts
18      GL1C  GL2W  GC1W  GC2W  GC1C  GC2X
19 G11  1333  1333  1333  1333  1333     0
20 TOT  1333  1333  1333  1333  1333     0 total 1333 epochs
21End of summary
23Header for file /local/Code/gpstk/data/test_dfix_tower239.ed.15o
24---------------------------------- REQUIRED ----------------------------------
25Rinex Version  2.10,  File type OBSERVATION DATA,  System G (GPS).
26Prgm: RinEdit,  Run: 06/14/2017 16:15:05,  By:
27Marker type: .
28Observer : Unknown,  Agency: Unknown
29Rec#: 1,  Type: Unknown MDP,  Vers: Unknown
30Antenna # : 1,  Type : Unknown
31Position      (XYZ,m) : (1112158.6928, -4842855.6141, 3985496.9729).
32Antenna Delta (HEN,m) : (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000).
33GPS Observation types (10):
34 Type #01 (L1C) L1 GPSC/A phase
35 Type #02 (L2W) L2 GPScodelessZ phase
36 Type #03 (C1W) L1 GPScodelessZ pseudorange
37 Type #04 (C2W) L2 GPScodelessZ pseudorange
38 Type #05 (D1C) L1 GPSC/A doppler
39 Type #06 (D2W) L2 GPScodelessZ doppler
40 Type #07 (S1C) L1 GPSC/A snr
41 Type #08 (S2W) L2 GPScodelessZ snr
42 Type #09 (C1C) L1 GPSC/A pseudorange
43 Type #10 (C2X) L2 GPSC2L+M pseudorange
44R2ObsTypes: L1 L2 P1 P2 D1 D2 S1 S2 C1 C2
45mapSysR2toR3ObsID[G] C1:C1C C2:C2X D1:D1C D2:D2W L1:L1C L2:L2W P1:C1W P2:C2W S1:S1C S2:S2W
46Time of first obs 2015/08/27 04:58:21.000 GPS
47(This header is VALID)
48---------------------------------- OPTIONAL ----------------------------------
49Interval =   1.500
50Wavelength factor L1: 1 L2: 1
51-------------------------------- END OF HEADER --------------------------------
53Write to SatPass -----------------------------
54 Warning - no data found for G P2 in GC2X - skip this R3ObsID.
55 Assign RINEX3-ObsIDs to SatPass obstypes for each system :
56 System G (GPS): SatPass obstypes = [GL1C,GL2W,GC1W,GC2W]
57 WriteSatPassList returned 1 passes.
58 Dump the passes:
59SPL   1 1333 G11 1333  0 1859 363501.000 1859 365499.000 1.5 L1 L2 P1 P2
61Searched for millisecond adjusts on obs types: L1 L2 C1 C2 P1 P2
62Millisecond adjusts: 0 total adjusts found, 0 invalid
64# GDC configuration:
65#GPSTk Discontinuity Corrector (GDC) v.9.0 5/20/17 configuration:
66# MaxGap=100         : maximum allowed gap within a segment (points)
67# MinPts=100         : minimum number of good points in phase segment (points)
68# WLgrossStep=6      : WL gross slip detection threshold (WLwl)
69# WLfineStep=0.7     : WL fine slip detection threshold (WLwl)
70# GFgrossStep=6      : GF gross slip detection threshold (GFwl)
71# GFfineStep=0.7     : GF fine slip detection threshold (GFwl)
72# oswidth=7          : output stream width (chars)
73# osprec=3           : output stream precision (chars)
74# debug=-1           : level of diagnostic output, from -1(none) to 3(all)
75# verbose=0          : output analysis message in window filter
76# doFix=0            : apply fixes to input L1 and L2 SatPass arrays
77# doCmds=0           : generate editing commands
78#  Advanced options  :
79# width=200          : sliding window width (points)
80# RAW=0              : output data (WL,GF) before any processing (m) [0=don't]
81# WL1=0              : output results of 1st diff filter on WL (wl) [0=don't]
82# WLG=0              : output WL after fixing gross slips (m) [0=don't]
83# WLW=0              : output results of window filter on WL (wl) [0=don't]
84# WLF=0              : output WL after fixing (m) [0=don't]
85# GF1=0              : output results of 1st diff filter on GF (wl) [0=don't]
86# GFG=0              : output GF after fixing gross slips (m) [0=don't]
87# GFW=0              : output results of window filter on GF (wl) [0=don't]
88# GFF=0              : output GF after fixing (m) [0=don't]
89# FIN=0              : output WL/GF after final check [0=don't]
90# doRINEX3=1         : editing commands use L1C L2W instead of L1 L2
91# UserFlag=0         : call SatPass::setUserFlag(value) for rejects
92# End of GDC configuration.
94GDC   1 SPS 1333 G11 1333  0 1859 363501.000 1859 365499.000 1.5 L1 L2 P1 P2
95DFX   1 G11 BEG    0 1859 363501.000  628  626 WL 1331  -1.112 +-   1.038 GF 1331  -2.388 +-   0.588
96DFX   1 G11 FIX  628 1859 364443.000  705  705 WL  705  -1.996 +-   0.477 GF  705  -2.873 +-   0.235 n(WL,GF) 3,-12
97dfix timing: 0.041 seconds. (0.000 sec)