1 //==============================================================================
2 //
3 //  This file is part of GPSTk, the GPS Toolkit.
4 //
5 //  The GPSTk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 //  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
7 //  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or
8 //  any later version.
9 //
10 //  The GPSTk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 //  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 //
15 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 //  License along with GPSTk; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18 //
19 //  This software was developed by Applied Research Laboratories at the
20 //  University of Texas at Austin.
21 //  Copyright 2004-2020, The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System
22 //
23 //==============================================================================
25 //==============================================================================
26 //
27 //  This software was developed by Applied Research Laboratories at the
28 //  University of Texas at Austin, under contract to an agency or agencies
29 //  within the U.S. Department of Defense. The U.S. Government retains all
30 //  rights to use, duplicate, distribute, disclose, or release this software.
31 //
32 //  Pursuant to DoD Directive 523024
33 //
34 //  DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: This software has been approved for public
35 //                            release, distribution is unlimited.
36 //
37 //==============================================================================
39 /**
40  * @file ReadRawData.cpp
41  * Read RINEX observation file data, all epochs and all files; part of program DDBase.
42  */
44 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 // TD ReadRawData.cpp error msg for failure to open output RAW file
46 // TD ReadRawData.cpp is LastEpoch ever used?
48 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 // includes
50 // system
51 #include <fstream>
52 #include "TimeString.hpp"
53 #include "Epoch.hpp"
54 #include "GPSWeekSecond.hpp"
56 // GPSTk
58 // DDBase
59 #include "DDBase.hpp"
61 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 using namespace std;
63 using namespace gpstk;
65 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 // local data
67 static CommonTime EarliestTime;// earliest timetag among newly-input observation epochs
68 static int ngood;           // number of good data points, this epoch
69 static double sow;          // GPS seconds of week of current epoch
70 ofstream ofprs;             // output file for PRS solution
71 ofstream *pofs=NULL;        // pointer to output file stream (&ofprs)
73 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 // prototypes -- others
75 int OutputClockData(void);              // DataOutput.cpp
76 int ReadNextObs(ObsFile& of);           // ReadObsFiles.cpp
77 int ProcessRawData(ObsFile& obsfile, CommonTime& timetag, ofstream *pofs)
78   ;                                     // ProcessRawData.cpp
79 // prototypes -- this module only
80 int FindEarliestTime(void);
81 void ComputeSolutionEpoch(void);
83 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReadAndProcessRawData(void)84 int ReadAndProcessRawData(void)
85 {
86 try {
87    int iret,ntotal;
88    size_t nfile;
90    if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "BEGIN ReadAndProcessRawData()"
91       << " at total time " << fixed << setprecision(3)
92       << double(clock()-totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds."
93       << endl;
94    if(CI.Screen) cout << "Reading raw data and computing PR solution ..." << endl;
96    if(!CI.OutputPRSFile.empty()) {
97       ofprs.open(CI.OutputPRSFile.c_str(),ios::out);
98       if(!ofprs.is_open()) {
99          // TD error msg
100          CI.OutputPRSFile = string("");
101       }
102       else {
103          oflog << "Opened file " << CI.OutputPRSFile << " for PRS output." << endl;
104          ofprs << "# " << Title << endl;
105          ofprs << "PRS site ns week  sec wk              dX(m)            dY(m)"
106                << "            dZ(m)           clk(m)   rms(m) slope PRNs..."
107                //<< "    (ret) Valid/NotValid"
108                << endl;
109       }
110       pofs = &ofprs;
111    }
113       // loop over all epochs in all files
114    do {
116          // find earliest time among open, active files, and synchronize reading
117       iret = FindEarliestTime();
118       if(iret == 1) {
119          if(CI.Debug) oflog << "End of data reached in ReadAndProcessRawData."
120             << endl;
121          iret = 0;
122          break;
123       }
124       if(iret == 2) {
125          if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "After end time (quit) : "
126             << printTime(EarliestTime,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%6.3f=%F/%10.3g") << endl;
127          iret = 0;
128          break;
129       }
130       if(iret == 3) {
131          if(CI.Debug) oflog << "Before begin time : "
132             << printTime(EarliestTime,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%6.3f=%F/%10.3g") << endl;
133          iret = 0;
134          continue;
135       }
137       if(CI.Debug) oflog << "Found " << ngood << " stations with data at epoch "
138          << printTime(EarliestTime,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%6.3f=%F/%10.3g") << endl;
140          // round receiver epoch to even multiple of data interval, else even second
141       ComputeSolutionEpoch();
143          // preprocess at this epoch
144       for(nfile=0; nfile<ObsFileList.size(); nfile++) {
146             // skip files that are 'dead' or out of synch
147          if(!ObsFileList[nfile].valid) continue;
148          if(fabs(ObsFileList[nfile].Robs.time - EarliestTime) >= 0.5) continue;
150             // process at the nominal receive time
151          iret = ProcessRawData(ObsFileList[nfile],ObsFileList[nfile].Robs.time,pofs);
152          if(iret) break;
154       }  // end loop over observation files
156    } while(iret == 0);       // end loop over all epochs
158    if(!CI.OutputPRSFile.empty()) ofprs.close();
160    if(iret) return iret;
162    if(CI.Screen) cout << "Last  epoch is "
163       << printTime(SolutionEpoch,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%6.3f = %F/%10.3g") << endl;
164    if(CI.Verbose) oflog << "Last  epoch is "
165       << printTime(SolutionEpoch,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%6.3f = %F/%10.3g") << endl;
167       // was there any data?
168    for(ntotal=0,nfile=0; nfile<ObsFileList.size(); nfile++) {
169       //if(!ObsFileList[nfile].valid) continue;
170       if(ObsFileList[nfile].nread <= 0)
171          ObsFileList[nfile].valid = false;
172       else
173          ntotal += ObsFileList[nfile].nread;
174    }
175    if(CI.Verbose)
176       oflog << "Total: " << ObsFileList.size() << " files, "
177          << ntotal << " epochs were read." << endl;
178    if(CI.Screen)
179       cout << "Total: " << ObsFileList.size() << " files, "
180          << ntotal << " epochs were read." << endl;
182    if(ntotal == 0) {
183       oflog << "No data found. Abort." << endl;
184       if(CI.Screen)
185          cout << "No data found. Abort." << endl;
186       return -3;
187    }
189       // average PR solution
190    {
191       bool ok=true;
192       map<string,Station>::const_iterator it;
193       for(it=Stations.begin(); it != Stations.end(); it++) {
194          Position& pos=Stations[it->first].pos;
196          if(CI.Verbose)
197             oflog << "For station " << it->first << " read "
198                << it->second.PRSXstats.N() << " good data epochs." << endl;
200          if(it->second.PRSXstats.N() <= 0) {
201             oflog << "Warning - No good data found for station " << it->first << endl;
202             ok = false;
203             continue;
204          }
206          Position PRsol;
207          PRsol.setECEF(it->second.PRSXstats.Average(),
208                        it->second.PRSYstats.Average(),
209                        it->second.PRSZstats.Average());
210          if(CI.Verbose) {
211             oflog << "Average PR solution for site " << it->first
212                << fixed << setprecision(5)
213                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSXstats.Average()
214                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSYstats.Average()
215                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSZstats.Average()
216                << endl;
217             oflog << "Std-dev PR solution for site " << it->first
218                << fixed << setprecision(5)
219                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSXstats.StdDev()
220                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSYstats.StdDev()
221                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSZstats.StdDev()
222                << endl;
223          }
224          if(CI.Screen) {
225             cout << "Average PR solution for site " << it->first
226                << fixed << setprecision(5)
227                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSXstats.Average()
228                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSYstats.Average()
229                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSZstats.Average()
230                << endl;
231             cout << "Std-dev PR solution for site " << it->first
232                << fixed << setprecision(5)
233                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSXstats.StdDev()
234                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSYstats.StdDev()
235                << " " << setw(15) << it->second.PRSZstats.StdDev()
236                << endl;
237          }
239             // use PR solution if apriori position not given
240          if(it->second.usePRS) {
241             pos = PRsol;
242             oflog << "Adopting average pseudorange solution for "
243                << it->first << " position"
244                //<< pos.printf(" : %.4x %.4y %.4z meters Position")
245                << endl;
246             if(CI.Screen)
247                cout << "Adopting average pseudorange solution for "
248                << it->first << " position"
249                //<< pos.printf(" : %.4x %.4y %.4z meters Position")
250                << endl;
251          }
252          //else if(pos.getRadius() < 1.) {
253          //}
254          else {
255             // sanity check...
256             // keep this low! large position errors have enduring effects in editing!
257             if(range(pos,PRsol) > 50.0) {
258                oflog << "Warning - Pseudorange solution is far from input "
259                   << "position for station " << it->first << " : delta = "
260                   << fixed << setprecision(3) << range(pos,PRsol)
261                   << " meters. Abort." << endl;
262                cerr << "Warning - Pseudorange solution is far from input "
263                   << "position for station " << it->first << " : delta = "
264                   << fixed << setprecision(3) << range(pos,PRsol)
265                   << " meters. Abort." << endl;
266                iret = -1;
267                OutputClockData();      // usually done in ClockModel() later...
268             }
269          }
270       }
272       if(!ok) {
273          oflog << "One or more stations have no data. Abort." << endl;
274          cerr << "One or more stations have no data. Abort." << endl;
275          iret = -3;
276       }
277    }
279    return iret;
280 }
281 catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
282 catch(std::exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
283 catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
284 }   // end ReadAndProcessRawData()
286 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 // read the data for the next (earliest in future) observation epoch
FindEarliestTime(void)288 int FindEarliestTime(void)
289 {
290 try {
291    int iret;
292    size_t nfile;
294    EarliestTime = CommonTime::END_OF_TIME;
296       // loop over all (open) obs files
297    for(nfile=0; nfile<ObsFileList.size(); nfile++) {
299          // is this a valid, active file?
300       if(!ObsFileList[nfile].valid) continue;
302       iret = ReadNextObs(ObsFileList[nfile]);
303       if(iret < 0) {            // error or EOF -- set file 'dead'
304          ObsFileList[nfile].valid = false;
305          continue;
306       }
307          // success - file is active
308       else if(ObsFileList[nfile].Robs.time < EarliestTime)
309          EarliestTime = ObsFileList[nfile].Robs.time;
311    }  // end loop over all obs files
313       // if no more data is available, EarliestTime will never get set
314    if(EarliestTime == CommonTime::END_OF_TIME) return 1;
316       // if past end time, quit
317    if(EarliestTime > CI.EndTime) return 2;
319       // synchronize reading at EarliestTime
320    for(ngood=0,nfile=0; nfile<ObsFileList.size(); nfile++) {
321       if(!ObsFileList[nfile].valid) continue;
322          // if this data time == EarliestTime, process and set flag to read again
323       if(fabs(ObsFileList[nfile].Robs.time - EarliestTime) < 1.) {
324          ngood++;
325          ObsFileList[nfile].getNext = true;
326       }
327       else ObsFileList[nfile].getNext = false;
328    }
330       // apply time limits
331    if(EarliestTime < CI.BegTime) return 3;
333    return 0;
334 }
335 catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
336 catch(std::exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
337 catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
338 }
340 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ComputeSolutionEpoch(void)341 void ComputeSolutionEpoch(void)
342 {
343 try {
344    double dt;
346       // round receiver epoch to even multiple of data interval, else even second
347    SolutionEpoch = EarliestTime;
348    sow = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(SolutionEpoch).sow;
349    sow = CI.DataInterval * double(int(sow/CI.DataInterval + 0.5));
350    SolutionEpoch += (sow - static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(SolutionEpoch).sow);
351    if(CI.Debug) oflog << "Solution epoch is "
352       << printTime(SolutionEpoch,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%6.3f = %F/%10.3g") << endl;
354       // save first and last epochs
355    if(fabs(FirstEpoch-CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME) < 0.1) {
356       FirstEpoch = SolutionEpoch;
357       if(CI.Screen)
358          cout << "First epoch is "
359             << printTime(FirstEpoch,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%6.3f = %F/%10.3g") << endl;
360       if(CI.Verbose)
361          oflog << "First epoch is "
362             << printTime(FirstEpoch,"%Y/%02m/%02d %2H:%02M:%6.3f = %F/%10.3g") << endl;
364          // compute rotation matrix that corrects for earth orientation
365       //PNS = ident<double>(3);
366    }     // end if first epoch
368    LastEpoch = SolutionEpoch;    // TD use LastEpoch?
370       // compute the current count
371    dt = SolutionEpoch-FirstEpoch;
372    Count = int(dt/CI.DataInterval + 0.5);
374 }
375 catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
376 catch(std::exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
377 catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
378 }
380 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
381 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------