1 /*
2  *  - - - - - - - - - - -
3  *   g a l _ p v s t a r
4  *  - - - - - - - - - - -
5  *
6  *  This routine is part of the General Astrodynamics Library
7  *
8  *  Description:
9  *
10  *  Convert star position+velocity vector to catalog coordinates.
11  *
12  *  This routine is an independent translation of a FORTRAN routine
13  *  that is part of IAU's SOFA software collection.
14  *
15  *  Status:
16  *
17  *     support routine.
18  *
19  *  Given (Note 1):
20  *     pv               d[2][3]     pv-vector (AU, AU/day)
21  *
22  *  Returned (Note 2):
23  *     *ra                 d        right ascension (radians)
24  *     *dec                d        declination (radians)
25  *     *pmr                d        RA proper motion (radians/year)
26  *     *pmd                d        Dec proper motion (radians/year)
27  *     *px                 d        parallax (arcsec)
28  *     *rv                 d        radial velocity (km/s, positive = receding)
29  *     gal_pvstar          i        status:
30  *                                   0 = OK
31  *                                  -1 = superluminal speed (Note 5)
32  *                                  -2 = null position vector
33  *
34  *  Notes:
35  *
36  *  1) The specified pv-vector is the coordinate direction (and its rate
37  *     of change) for the epoch at which the light leaving the star
38  *     reached the solar-system barycenter.
39  *
40  *  2) The star data returned by this routine are "observables" for an
41  *     imaginary observer at the solar-system barycenter.  Proper motion
42  *     and radial velocity are, strictly, in terms of barycentric
43  *     coordinate time, TCB.  For most practical applications, it is
44  *     permissible to neglect the distinction between TCB and ordinary
45  *     "proper" time on Earth (TT/TAI).  The result will, as a rule, be
46  *     limited by the intrinsic accuracy of the proper-motion and radial-
47  *     velocity data;  moreover, the supplied pv-vector is likely to be
48  *     merely an intermediate result (for example generated by the
49  *     routine gal_starpv), so that a change of time unit will cancel
50  *     out overall.
51  *
52  *     In accordance with normal star-catalog conventions, the object's
53  *     right ascension and declination are freed from the effects of
54  *     secular aberration.  The frame, which is aligned to the catalog
55  *     equator and equinox, is Lorentzian and centered on the SSB.
56  *
57  *     Summarizing, the specified pv-vector is for most stars almost
58  *     identical to the result of applying the standard geometrical
59  *     "space motion" transformation to the catalog data.  The
60  *     differences, which are the subject of the Stumpff paper cited
61  *     below, are:
62  *
63  *     (i) In stars with significant radial velocity and proper motion,
64  *     the constantly changing light-time distorts the apparent proper
65  *     motion.  Note that this is a classical, not a relativistic,
66  *     effect.
67  *
68  *     (ii) The transformation complies with special relativity.
69  *
70  *  3) Care is needed with units.  The star coordinates are in radians
71  *     and the proper motions in radians per Julian year, but the
72  *     parallax is in arcseconds; the radial velocity is in km/s, but
73  *     the pv-vector result is in AU and AU/day.
74  *
75  *  4) The proper motions are the rate of change of the right ascension
76  *     and declination at the catalog epoch and are in radians per Julian
77  *     year.  The RA proper motion is in terms of coordinate angle, not
78  *     true angle, and will thus be numerically larger at high
79  *     declinations.
80  *
81  *  5) Straight-line motion at constant speed in the inertial frame is
82  *     assumed.  If the speed is greater than or equal to the speed of
83  *     light, the routine aborts with an error status.
84  *
85  *  6) The inverse transformation is performed by the routine gal_starpv.
86  *
87  *  Called:
88  *
89  *     gal_pn             decompose p-vector into modulus and direction
90  *     gal_pdp            scalar product of two p-vectors
91  *     gal_sxp            multiply p-vector by scalar
92  *     gal_pmp            p-vector minus p-vector
93  *     gal_pm             modulus of p-vector
94  *     gal_ppp            p-vector plus p-vector
95  *     gal_pv2s           pv-vector to spherical
96  *     gal_anp            normalize angle into range 0 to 2pi
97  *
98  *  References:
99  *
100  *     Stumpff, P., Astron.Astrophys. 144, 232-240 (1985).
101  *
102  *  This revision:
103  *
104  *     2006 November 13 ( c version 2008 June 8 )
105  *
106  *
107  *  Copyright (C) 2008 Paul C. L. Willmott. See notes at end.
108  *
109  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
110  */
112 #include <math.h>
113 #include "gal_const.h"
114 #include "gal_pvstar.h"
115 #include "gal_pn.h"
116 #include "gal_pdp.h"
117 #include "gal_sxp.h"
118 #include "gal_pmp.h"
119 #include "gal_pm.h"
120 #include "gal_ppp.h"
121 #include "gal_pv2s.h"
122 #include "gal_anp.h"
124 int
gal_pvstar(double pv[2][3],double * ra,double * dec,double * pmr,double * pmd,double * px,double * rv)125 gal_pvstar
126  (
127     double pv[2][3],
128     double *ra,
129     double *dec,
130     double *pmr,
131     double *pmd,
132     double *px,
133     double *rv
134  )
135 {
137     const double AUM    = 149597870e3 ;         /* AU (m) */
138     const double C      = GAL_D2S / 499.004782e0 ;  /* Speed of light (AU per day) */
140     double r, vr, vt, bett, betr, d, w, del, a, rad, decd, rd,
141            x[3], ur[3], ut[3], usr[3], ust[3] ;
142     int j ;
144 /*
145  * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
146  */
148 /*
149  * Isolate the radial component of the velocity (AU/day, inertial).
150  */
152     gal_pn ( &pv[0][0], &r, x ) ;
153     vr = gal_pdp ( x, &pv[1][0] ) ;
154     gal_sxp ( vr, x, ur ) ;
156 /*
157  * Isolate the transverse component of the velocity (AU/day, inertial).
158  */
160     gal_pmp ( &pv[1][0], ur, ut ) ;
161     vt = gal_pm ( ut ) ;
163 /*
164  * Special-relativity dimensionless parameters.
165  */
167     bett = vt / C ;
168     betr = vr / C ;
170 /*
171  * The inertial-to-observed correction terms.
172  */
174     d = 1.0 + betr ;
175     w = 1.0 - betr * betr - bett * bett ;
176     if ( d == 0.0 || w < 0.0 ) {
177         j = -1 ;
178     }
179     else {
181         del = sqrt ( w ) - 1.0 ;
183 /*
184  * Apply relativistic correction factor to radial velocity component.
185  */
187         if ( betr != 0.0 ) {
188             w = ( betr - del ) / ( betr * d ) ;
189         }
190         else {
191             w = 1.0 ;
192         }
193         gal_sxp ( w, ur, usr ) ;
195 /*
196  * Apply relativistic correction factor to tangential velocity component.
197  */
199         gal_sxp ( 1.0 / d, ut, ust ) ;
201 /*
202  * Combine the two to obtain the observed velocity vector (AU/day).
203  */
205         gal_ppp ( usr, ust, &pv[1][0] ) ;
207 /*
208  * Cartesian to spherical.
209  */
211         gal_pv2s ( pv, &a, dec, &r, &rad, &decd, &rd ) ;
212         if ( r == 0.0 ) {
213             j = -2 ;
214         }
215         else {
217 /*
218  * Return RA in range 0 to 2pi.
219  */
221             *ra = gal_anp ( a ) ;
223 /*
224  * Return proper motions in radians per year.
225  */
227             *pmr = rad * GAL_DJY ;
228             *pmd = decd * GAL_DJY ;
230 /*
231  * Return parallax in arcsec.
232  */
234             *px = GAL_R2AS / r ;
236 /*
237  * Return radial velocity in km/s.
238  */
240             *rv = 1e-3 * rd * AUM / GAL_D2S ;
242 /*
243  * OK status.
244  */
246             j = 0 ;
248         }
250     }
252 /*
253  * Exit.
254  */
256     return j ;
258 /*
259  * Finished.
260  */
262 }
264 /*
265  *  gal - General Astrodynamics Library
266  *  Copyright (C) 2008 Paul C. L. Willmott
267  *
268  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
269  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
270  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
271  *  (at your option) any later version.
272  *
273  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
274  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
276  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
277  *
278  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
279  *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
280  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
281  *
282  *  Contact:
283  *
284  *  Paul Willmott
285  *  vp9mu@amsat.org
286  */