1 /*     ----------------------------------------------------------------
2 *
3 *                               sgp4ext.cpp
4 *
5 *    this file contains extra routines needed for the main test program for sgp4.
6 *    these routines are derived from the astro libraries.
7 *
8 *                            companion code for
9 *               fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications
10 *                                    2007
11 *                              by david vallado
12 *
13 *       (w) 719-573-2600, email dvallado@agi.com
14 *
15 *    current :
16 *               7 may 08  david vallado
17 *                           fix sgn
18 *    changes :
19 *               2 apr 07  david vallado
20 *                           fix jday floor and str lengths
21 *                           updates for constants
22 *              14 aug 06  david vallado
23 *                           original baseline
24 *       ----------------------------------------------------------------      */
26 #include "sgp4ext.h"
sgn(double x)29 double  sgn
30         (
31           double x
32         )
33    {
34      if (x < 0.0)
35        {
36           return -1.0;
37        }
38        else
39        {
40           return 1.0;
41        }
43    }  // end sgn
45 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 *
47 *                           function mag
48 *
49 *  this procedure finds the magnitude of a vector.  the tolerance is set to
50 *    0.000001, thus the 1.0e-12 for the squared test of underflows.
51 *
52 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600    1 mar 2001
53 *
54 *  inputs          description                    range / units
55 *    vec         - vector
56 *
57 *  outputs       :
58 *    vec         - answer stored in fourth component
59 *
60 *  locals        :
61 *    none.
62 *
63 *  coupling      :
64 *    none.
65 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
mag(double x[3])67 double  mag
68         (
69           double x[3]
70         )
71    {
72      return sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2]);
73    }  // end mag
75 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 *
77 *                           procedure cross
78 *
79 *  this procedure crosses two vectors.
80 *
81 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600    1 mar 2001
82 *
83 *  inputs          description                    range / units
84 *    vec1        - vector number 1
85 *    vec2        - vector number 2
86 *
87 *  outputs       :
88 *    outvec      - vector result of a x b
89 *
90 *  locals        :
91 *    none.
92 *
93 *  coupling      :
94 *    mag           magnitude of a vector
95  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
cross(double vec1[3],double vec2[3],double outvec[3])97 void    cross
98         (
99           double vec1[3], double vec2[3], double outvec[3]
100         )
101    {
102      outvec[0]= vec1[1]*vec2[2] - vec1[2]*vec2[1];
103      outvec[1]= vec1[2]*vec2[0] - vec1[0]*vec2[2];
104      outvec[2]= vec1[0]*vec2[1] - vec1[1]*vec2[0];
105    }  // end cross
108 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 *
110 *                           function dot
111 *
112 *  this function finds the dot product of two vectors.
113 *
114 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600    1 mar 2001
115 *
116 *  inputs          description                    range / units
117 *    vec1        - vector number 1
118 *    vec2        - vector number 2
119 *
120 *  outputs       :
121 *    dot         - result
122 *
123 *  locals        :
124 *    none.
125 *
126 *  coupling      :
127 *    none.
128 *
129 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
dot(double x[3],double y[3])131 double  dot
132         (
133           double x[3], double y[3]
134         )
135    {
136      return (x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2]);
137    }  // end dot
139 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 *
141 *                           procedure angle
142 *
143 *  this procedure calculates the angle between two vectors.  the output is
144 *    set to 999999.1 to indicate an undefined value.  be sure to check for
145 *    this at the output phase.
146 *
147 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600    1 mar 2001
148 *
149 *  inputs          description                    range / units
150 *    vec1        - vector number 1
151 *    vec2        - vector number 2
152 *
153 *  outputs       :
154 *    theta       - angle between the two vectors  -pi to pi
155 *
156 *  locals        :
157 *    temp        - temporary real variable
158 *
159 *  coupling      :
160 *    dot           dot product of two vectors
161 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
angle(double vec1[3],double vec2[3])163 double  angle
164         (
165           double vec1[3],
166           double vec2[3]
167         )
168    {
169      double small, undefined, magv1, magv2, temp;
170      small     = 0.00000001;
171      undefined = 999999.1;
173      magv1 = mag(vec1);
174      magv2 = mag(vec2);
176      if (magv1*magv2 > small*small)
177        {
178          temp= dot(vec1,vec2) / (magv1*magv2);
179          if (fabs( temp ) > 1.0)
180              temp= sgn(temp) * 1.0;
181          return acos( temp );
182        }
183        else
184          return undefined;
185    }  // end angle
188 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 *
190 *                           function newtonnu
191 *
192 *  this function solves keplers equation when the true anomaly is known.
193 *    the mean and eccentric, parabolic, or hyperbolic anomaly is also found.
194 *    the parabolic limit at 168� is arbitrary. the hyperbolic anomaly is also
195 *    limited. the hyperbolic sine is used because it's not double valued.
196 *
197 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600   27 may 2002
198 *
199 *  revisions
200 *    vallado     - fix small                                     24 sep 2002
201 *
202 *  inputs          description                    range / units
203 *    ecc         - eccentricity                   0.0  to
204 *    nu          - true anomaly                   -2pi to 2pi rad
205 *
206 *  outputs       :
207 *    e0          - eccentric anomaly              0.0  to 2pi rad       153.02 �
208 *    m           - mean anomaly                   0.0  to 2pi rad       151.7425 �
209 *
210 *  locals        :
211 *    e1          - eccentric anomaly, next value  rad
212 *    sine        - sine of e
213 *    cose        - cosine of e
214 *    ktr         - index
215 *
216 *  coupling      :
217 *    asinh       - arc hyperbolic sine
218 *
219 *  references    :
220 *    vallado       2007, 85, alg 5
221 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
newtonnu(double ecc,double nu,double & e0,double & m)223 void newtonnu
224      (
225        double ecc, double nu,
226        double& e0, double& m
227      )
228      {
229        double small, sine, cose;
231      // ---------------------  implementation   ---------------------
232      e0= 999999.9;
233      m = 999999.9;
234      small = 0.00000001;
236      // --------------------------- circular ------------------------
237      if ( fabs( ecc ) < small  )
238        {
239          m = nu;
240          e0= nu;
241        }
242        else
243          // ---------------------- elliptical -----------------------
244          if ( ecc < 1.0-small  )
245            {
246              sine= ( sqrt( 1.0 -ecc*ecc ) * sin(nu) ) / ( 1.0 +ecc*cos(nu) );
247              cose= ( ecc + cos(nu) ) / ( 1.0  + ecc*cos(nu) );
248              e0  = atan2( sine,cose );
249              m   = e0 - ecc*sin(e0);
250            }
251            else
252              // -------------------- hyperbolic  --------------------
253              if ( ecc > 1.0 + small  )
254                {
255                  if ((ecc > 1.0 ) && (fabs(nu)+0.00001 < M_PI-acos(1.0 /ecc)))
256                    {
257                      sine= ( sqrt( ecc*ecc-1.0  ) * sin(nu) ) / ( 1.0  + ecc*cos(nu) );
258                      e0  = asinh( sine );
259                      m   = ecc*sinh(e0) - e0;
260                    }
261                 }
262                else
263                  // ----------------- parabolic ---------------------
264                  if ( fabs(nu) < 168.0*M_PI/180.0  )
265                    {
266                      e0= tan( nu*0.5  );
267                      m = e0 + (e0*e0*e0)/3.0;
268                    }
270      if ( ecc < 1.0  )
271        {
272          m = fmod( m,2.0 *M_PI );
273          if ( m < 0.0  )
274              m = m + 2.0 *M_PI;
275          e0 = fmod( e0,2.0 *M_PI );
276        }
277    }  // end newtonnu
280 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
281 *
282 *                           function rv2coe
283 *
284 *  this function finds the classical orbital elements given the geocentric
285 *    equatorial position and velocity vectors.
286 *
287 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600   21 jun 2002
288 *
289 *  revisions
290 *    vallado     - fix special cases                              5 sep 2002
291 *    vallado     - delete extra check in inclination code        16 oct 2002
292 *    vallado     - add constant file use                         29 jun 2003
293 *    vallado     - add mu                                         2 apr 2007
294 *
295 *  inputs          description                    range / units
296 *    r           - ijk position vector            km
297 *    v           - ijk velocity vector            km / s
298 *    mu          - gravitational parameter        km3 / s2
299 *
300 *  outputs       :
301 *    p           - semilatus rectum               km
302 *    a           - semimajor axis                 km
303 *    ecc         - eccentricity
304 *    incl        - inclination                    0.0  to pi rad
305 *    omega       - longitude of ascending node    0.0  to 2pi rad
306 *    argp        - argument of perigee            0.0  to 2pi rad
307 *    nu          - true anomaly                   0.0  to 2pi rad
308 *    m           - mean anomaly                   0.0  to 2pi rad
309 *    arglat      - argument of latitude      (ci) 0.0  to 2pi rad
310 *    truelon     - true longitude            (ce) 0.0  to 2pi rad
311 *    lonper      - longitude of periapsis    (ee) 0.0  to 2pi rad
312 *
313 *  locals        :
314 *    hbar        - angular momentum h vector      km2 / s
315 *    ebar        - eccentricity     e vector
316 *    nbar        - line of nodes    n vector
317 *    c1          - v**2 - u/r
318 *    rdotv       - r dot v
319 *    hk          - hk unit vector
320 *    sme         - specific mechanical energy      km2 / s2
321 *    i           - index
322 *    e           - eccentric, parabolic,
323 *                  hyperbolic anomaly             rad
324 *    temp        - temporary variable
325 *    typeorbit   - type of orbit                  ee, ei, ce, ci
326 *
327 *  coupling      :
328 *    mag         - magnitude of a vector
329 *    cross       - cross product of two vectors
330 *    angle       - find the angle between two vectors
331 *    newtonnu    - find the mean anomaly
332 *
333 *  references    :
334 *    vallado       2007, 126, alg 9, ex 2-5
335 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
rv2coe(double r[3],double v[3],double mu,double & p,double & a,double & ecc,double & incl,double & omega,double & argp,double & nu,double & m,double & arglat,double & truelon,double & lonper)337 void rv2coe
338      (
339        double r[3], double v[3], double mu,
340        double& p, double& a, double& ecc, double& incl, double& omega, double& argp,
341        double& nu, double& m, double& arglat, double& truelon, double& lonper
342      )
343      {
344        double undefined, small, hbar[3], nbar[3], magr, magv, magn, ebar[3], sme,
345               rdotv, infinite, temp, c1, hk, twopi, magh, halfpi, e;
347        int i;
348        char typeorbit[3];
350      twopi  = 2.0 * M_PI;
351      halfpi = 0.5 * M_PI;
352      small  = 0.00000001;
353      undefined = 999999.1;
354      infinite  = 999999.9;
356      // -------------------------  implementation   -----------------
357      magr = mag( r );
358      magv = mag( v );
360      // ------------------  find h n and e vectors   ----------------
361      cross( r,v, hbar );
362      magh = mag( hbar );
363      if ( magh > small )
364        {
365          nbar[0]= -hbar[1];
366          nbar[1]=  hbar[0];
367          nbar[2]=   0.0;
368          magn = mag( nbar );
369          c1 = magv*magv - mu /magr;
370          rdotv = dot( r,v );
371          for (i= 0; i <= 2; i++)
372              ebar[i]= (c1*r[i] - rdotv*v[i])/mu;
373          ecc = mag( ebar );
375          // ------------  find a e and semi-latus rectum   ----------
376          sme= ( magv*magv*0.5  ) - ( mu /magr );
377          if ( fabs( sme ) > small )
378              a= -mu  / (2.0 *sme);
379            else
380              a= infinite;
381          p = magh*magh/mu;
383          // -----------------  find inclination   -------------------
384          hk= hbar[2]/magh;
385          incl= acos( hk );
387          // --------  determine type of orbit for later use  --------
388          // ------ elliptical, parabolic, hyperbolic inclined -------
389          strcpy(typeorbit,"ei");
390          if ( ecc < small )
391            {
392              // ----------------  circular equatorial ---------------
393              if  ((incl<small) | (fabs(incl-M_PI)<small))
394                  strcpy(typeorbit,"ce");
395                else
396                  // --------------  circular inclined ---------------
397                  strcpy(typeorbit,"ci");
398            }
399            else
400            {
401              // - elliptical, parabolic, hyperbolic equatorial --
402              if  ((incl<small) | (fabs(incl-M_PI)<small))
403                  strcpy(typeorbit,"ee");
404            }
406          // ----------  find longitude of ascending node ------------
407          if ( magn > small )
408            {
409              temp= nbar[0] / magn;
410              if ( fabs(temp) > 1.0  )
411                  temp= sgn(temp);
412              omega= acos( temp );
413              if ( nbar[1] < 0.0  )
414                  omega= twopi - omega;
415            }
416            else
417              omega= undefined;
419          // ---------------- find argument of perigee ---------------
420          if ( strcmp(typeorbit,"ei") == 0 )
421            {
422              argp = angle( nbar,ebar);
423              if ( ebar[2] < 0.0  )
424                  argp= twopi - argp;
425            }
426            else
427              argp= undefined;
429          // ------------  find true anomaly at epoch    -------------
430          if ( typeorbit[0] == 'e' )
431            {
432              nu =  angle( ebar,r);
433              if ( rdotv < 0.0  )
434                  nu= twopi - nu;
435            }
436            else
437              nu= undefined;
439          // ----  find argument of latitude - circular inclined -----
440          if ( strcmp(typeorbit,"ci") == 0 )
441            {
442              arglat = angle( nbar,r );
443              if ( r[2] < 0.0  )
444                  arglat= twopi - arglat;
445              m = arglat;
446            }
447            else
448              arglat= undefined;
450          // -- find longitude of perigee - elliptical equatorial ----
451          if  (( ecc>small ) && (strcmp(typeorbit,"ee") == 0))
452            {
453              temp= ebar[0]/ecc;
454              if ( fabs(temp) > 1.0  )
455                  temp= sgn(temp);
456              lonper= acos( temp );
457              if ( ebar[1] < 0.0  )
458                  lonper= twopi - lonper;
459              if ( incl > halfpi )
460                  lonper= twopi - lonper;
461            }
462            else
463              lonper= undefined;
465          // -------- find true longitude - circular equatorial ------
466          if  (( magr>small ) && ( strcmp(typeorbit,"ce") == 0 ))
467            {
468              temp= r[0]/magr;
469              if ( fabs(temp) > 1.0  )
470                  temp= sgn(temp);
471              truelon= acos( temp );
472              if ( r[1] < 0.0  )
473                  truelon= twopi - truelon;
474              if ( incl > halfpi )
475                  truelon= twopi - truelon;
476              m = truelon;
477            }
478            else
479              truelon= undefined;
481          // ------------ find mean anomaly for all orbits -----------
482          if ( typeorbit[0] == 'e' )
483              newtonnu(ecc,nu,  e, m);
484      }
485       else
486      {
487         p    = undefined;
488         a    = undefined;
489         ecc  = undefined;
490         incl = undefined;
491         omega= undefined;
492         argp = undefined;
493         nu   = undefined;
494         m    = undefined;
495         arglat = undefined;
496         truelon= undefined;
497         lonper = undefined;
498      }
499    }  // end rv2coe
501 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
502 *
503 *                           procedure jday
504 *
505 *  this procedure finds the julian date given the year, month, day, and time.
506 *    the julian date is defined by each elapsed day since noon, jan 1, 4713 bc.
507 *
508 *  algorithm     : calculate the answer in one step for efficiency
509 *
510 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600    1 mar 2001
511 *
512 *  inputs          description                    range / units
513 *    year        - year                           1900 .. 2100
514 *    mon         - month                          1 .. 12
515 *    day         - day                            1 .. 28,29,30,31
516 *    hr          - universal time hour            0 .. 23
517 *    min         - universal time min             0 .. 59
518 *    sec         - universal time sec             0.0 .. 59.999
519 *
520 *  outputs       :
521 *    jd          - julian date                    days from 4713 bc
522 *
523 *  locals        :
524 *    none.
525 *
526 *  coupling      :
527 *    none.
528 *
529 *  references    :
530 *    vallado       2007, 189, alg 14, ex 3-14
531 *
532 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
jday(int year,int mon,int day,int hr,int minute,double sec,double & jd)534 void    jday
535         (
536           int year, int mon, int day, int hr, int minute, double sec,
537           double& jd
538         )
539    {
540      jd = 367.0 * year -
541           floor((7 * (year + floor((mon + 9) / 12.0))) * 0.25) +
542           floor( 275 * mon / 9.0 ) +
543           day + 1721013.5 +
544           ((sec / 60.0 + minute) / 60.0 + hr) / 24.0;  // ut in days
545           // - 0.5*sgn(100.0*year + mon - 190002.5) + 0.5;
546    }  // end jday
548 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
549 *
550 *                           procedure days2mdhms
551 *
552 *  this procedure converts the day of the year, days, to the equivalent month
553 *    day, hour, minute and second.
554 *
555 *  algorithm     : set up array for the number of days per month
556 *                  find leap year - use 1900 because 2000 is a leap year
557 *                  loop through a temp value while the value is < the days
558 *                  perform int conversions to the correct day and month
559 *                  convert remainder into h m s using type conversions
560 *
561 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600    1 mar 2001
562 *
563 *  inputs          description                    range / units
564 *    year        - year                           1900 .. 2100
565 *    days        - julian day of the year         0.0  .. 366.0
566 *
567 *  outputs       :
568 *    mon         - month                          1 .. 12
569 *    day         - day                            1 .. 28,29,30,31
570 *    hr          - hour                           0 .. 23
571 *    min         - minute                         0 .. 59
572 *    sec         - second                         0.0 .. 59.999
573 *
574 *  locals        :
575 *    dayofyr     - day of year
576 *    temp        - temporary extended values
577 *    inttemp     - temporary int value
578 *    i           - index
579 *    lmonth[12]  - int array containing the number of days per month
580 *
581 *  coupling      :
582 *    none.
583 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
days2mdhms(int year,double days,int & mon,int & day,int & hr,int & minute,double & sec)585 void    days2mdhms
586         (
587           int year, double days,
588           int& mon, int& day, int& hr, int& minute, double& sec
589         )
590    {
591      int i, inttemp, dayofyr;
592      double    temp;
593      int lmonth[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
595      dayofyr = (int)floor(days);
596      /* ----------------- find month and day of month ---------------- */
597      if ( (year % 4) == 0 )
598        lmonth[1] = 29;
600      i = 1;
601      inttemp = 0;
602      while ((dayofyr > inttemp + lmonth[i-1]) && (i < 12))
603      {
604        inttemp = inttemp + lmonth[i-1];
605        i++;
606      }
607      mon = i;
608      day = dayofyr - inttemp;
610      /* ----------------- find hours minutes and seconds ------------- */
611      temp = (days - dayofyr) * 24.0;
612      hr   = (int)floor(temp);
613      temp = (temp - hr) * 60.0;
614      minute  = (int)floor(temp);
615      sec  = (temp - minute) * 60.0;
616    }  // end days2mdhms
618 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
619 *
620 *                           procedure invjday
621 *
622 *  this procedure finds the year, month, day, hour, minute and second
623 *  given the julian date. tu can be ut1, tdt, tdb, etc.
624 *
625 *  algorithm     : set up starting values
626 *                  find leap year - use 1900 because 2000 is a leap year
627 *                  find the elapsed days through the year in a loop
628 *                  call routine to find each individual value
629 *
630 *  author        : david vallado                  719-573-2600    1 mar 2001
631 *
632 *  inputs          description                    range / units
633 *    jd          - julian date                    days from 4713 bc
634 *
635 *  outputs       :
636 *    year        - year                           1900 .. 2100
637 *    mon         - month                          1 .. 12
638 *    day         - day                            1 .. 28,29,30,31
639 *    hr          - hour                           0 .. 23
640 *    min         - minute                         0 .. 59
641 *    sec         - second                         0.0 .. 59.999
642 *
643 *  locals        :
644 *    days        - day of year plus fractional
645 *                  portion of a day               days
646 *    tu          - julian centuries from 0 h
647 *                  jan 0, 1900
648 *    temp        - temporary double values
649 *    leapyrs     - number of leap years from 1900
650 *
651 *  coupling      :
652 *    days2mdhms  - finds month, day, hour, minute and second given days and year
653 *
654 *  references    :
655 *    vallado       2007, 208, alg 22, ex 3-13
656 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
invjday(double jd,int & year,int & mon,int & day,int & hr,int & minute,double & sec)658 void    invjday
659         (
660           double jd,
661           int& year, int& mon, int& day,
662           int& hr, int& minute, double& sec
663         )
664    {
665      int leapyrs;
666      double    days, tu, temp;
668      /* --------------- find year and days of the year --------------- */
669      temp    = jd - 2415019.5;
670      tu      = temp / 365.25;
671      year    = 1900 + (int)floor(tu);
672      leapyrs = (int)floor((year - 1901) * 0.25);
674      // optional nudge by 8.64x10-7 sec to get even outputs
675      days    = temp - ((year - 1900) * 365.0 + leapyrs) + 0.00000000001;
677      /* ------------ check for case of beginning of a year ----------- */
678      if (days < 1.0)
679        {
680          year    = year - 1;
681          leapyrs = (int)floor((year - 1901) * 0.25);
682          days    = temp - ((year - 1900) * 365.0 + leapyrs);
683        }
685      /* ----------------- find residual data  ------------------------- */
686      days2mdhms(year, days, mon, day, hr, minute, sec);
687      sec = sec - 0.00000086400;
688    }  // end invjday