1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
2 //
3 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Dennis Nienhüser <nienhueser@kde.org>
4 //
6 #include "job.h"
7 #include "logger.h"
8 #include "upload.h"
10 #include <QDebug>
11 #include <QDateTime>
12 #include <QProcess>
Job(const Region & region,const JobParameters & parameters,QObject * parent)14 Job::Job(const Region &region, const JobParameters &parameters, QObject *parent) :
15     QObject(parent), m_status(Waiting), m_region(region), m_parameters(parameters)
16 {
17     // nothing to do
18 }
status() const20 Job::Status Job::status() const
21 {
22     return m_status;
23 }
statusMessage() const25 QString Job::statusMessage() const
26 {
27     return m_statusMessage;
28 }
region() const30 Region Job::region() const
31 {
32     return m_region;
33 }
setTransport(const QString & transport)35 void Job::setTransport(const QString &transport)
36 {
37     m_transport = transport;
38 }
transport() const40 QString Job::transport() const
41 {
42     return m_transport;
43 }
setProfile(const QString & profile)45 void Job::setProfile(const QString &profile)
46 {
47     m_profile = profile;
48 }
setMonavSettings(const QString & filename)50 void Job::setMonavSettings(const QString &filename)
51 {
52     m_monavSettings = filename;
53 }
operator ==(const Job & other) const55 bool Job::operator ==(const Job &other) const
56 {
57     return m_transport == other.m_transport && m_region == other.m_region;
58 }
run()60 void Job::run()
61 {
62     if (download() && monav() && search() && package() && upload()) {
63         // Nothing to do.
64     }
66     cleanup();
67     emit finished(this);
68 }
changeStatus(Job::Status status,const QString & message)70 void Job::changeStatus(Job::Status status, const QString &message)
71 {
72     QString statusType;
73     switch (status) {
74     case Waiting: statusType = "waiting"; break;
75     case Downloading: statusType = "downloading"; break;
76     case Routing: statusType = "routing"; break;
77     case Search: statusType = "search"; break;
78     case Packaging: statusType = "packaging"; break;
79     case Uploading: statusType = "uploading"; break;
80     case Finished: statusType = "finished"; break;
81     case Error: statusType = "error"; break;
82     }
84     Logger::instance().setStatus(m_region.id() + QLatin1Char('_') + m_transport,
85                                  m_region.name() + QLatin1String(" (") + m_transport + QLatin1Char(')'), statusType, message);
86     m_statusMessage = message;
87     m_status = status;
88 }
download()90 bool Job::download()
91 {
92     changeStatus(Downloading, "Downloading data.");
93     qDebug() << "Saving file to " << osmFile().absoluteFilePath();
94     if (osmFile().exists()) {
95         QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
96         if (osmFile().lastModified().daysTo(now) > 7) {
97             qDebug() << "Old file is outdated, re-downloading " << osmFile().absoluteFilePath();
98             QFile::remove(osmFile().absoluteFilePath());
99         } else {
100             qDebug() << "Old file is still ok, reusing" << osmFile().absoluteFilePath();
101             return true;
102         }
103     }
105     QProcess wget;
106     QStringList arguments;
107     QString url = m_region.pbfFile();
108     arguments << "-O" << osmFile().absoluteFilePath() << url;
109     qDebug() << "Downloading " << url;
110     wget.start("wget", arguments);
111     wget.waitForFinished(1000 * 60 * 60 * 12); // wait up to 12 hours for download to complete
112     if (wget.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit && wget.exitCode() == 0) {
113         return true;
114     } else {
115         qDebug() << "Failed to download " << url;
116         QFile::remove(osmFile().absoluteFilePath());
117         changeStatus(Error, QLatin1String("Error downloading .osm.pbf file: ") + wget.readAllStandardError());
118         return false;
119     }
120 }
122 //bool Job::marble()
123 //{
124 //    changeStatus(Routing, "Extracting bounding box.");
125 //    QStringList arguments;
126 //    arguments << "--name" << m_region.name();
127 //    arguments << "--version" << "0.2";
128 //    arguments << "--date" << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy/dd/MM");
129 //    arguments << "--transport" << m_transport;
130 //    arguments << "--payload" << targetFile().fileName();
131 //    arguments << m_parameters.base().absoluteFilePath("poly/" + m_region.polyFile());
132 //    arguments << monavDir().absoluteFilePath() + QLatin1String("/marble.kml");
133 //    QProcess poly2kml;
134 //    poly2kml.start("poly2kml", arguments);
135 //    poly2kml.waitForFinished(1000 * 60 * 30); // wait up to half an hour for poly2kml to convert the data
136 //    if (poly2kml.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit && poly2kml.exitCode() == 0) {
137 //        qDebug() << "Processed kml file for marble";
138 //        return true;
139 //    } else {
140 //        qDebug() << "poly2kml exiting with status " << poly2kml.exitCode();
141 //        changeStatus(Error, "Error creating marble.kml: " + poly2kml.readAllStandardError());
142 //        return false;
143 //    }
144 //}
monav()146 bool Job::monav()
147 {
148     QString const status = QString("Generating offline routing map from %1 (%2).").arg(osmFile().fileName()).arg(Region::fileSize(osmFile()));
149     changeStatus(Routing, status);
150     QStringList arguments;
151     arguments << QLatin1String("-s=") + m_monavSettings;
152     arguments << QLatin1String("-i=") + osmFile().absoluteFilePath();
153     arguments << QLatin1String("-o=") + monavDir().absoluteFilePath();
154     arguments << "-pi=OpenStreetMap Importer" << "-pro=Contraction Hierarchies";
155     arguments << "-pg=GPS Grid" << "-di";
156     arguments << QLatin1String("-dro=") + m_transport;
157     arguments << QLatin1String("--profile=") + m_profile;
158     arguments << "-dd" /*<< "-dc"*/;
159     QProcess monav;
160     monav.start("monav-preprocessor", arguments);
161     monav.waitForFinished(1000 * 60 * 60 * 6); // wait up to 6 hours for monav to convert the data
162     if (monav.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit && monav.exitCode() == 0) {
163         qDebug() << "Processed osm file for monav";
164     } else {
165         qDebug() << "monav exiting with status " << monav.exitCode();
166         changeStatus(Error, QLatin1String("Routing map conversion failed: ") + monav.readAllStandardError());
167         return false;
168     }
170     QFile pluginsFile(monavDir().absoluteFilePath() + QLatin1String("/plugins.ini"));
171     pluginsFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate);
172     QTextStream pluginsStream(&pluginsFile);
173     pluginsStream << "[General]\nrouter=Contraction Hierarchies\nrenderer=Mapnik Renderer\ngpsLookup=GPS Grid\naddressLookup=Unicode Tournament Trie\n";
174     pluginsFile.close();
176     QFileInfo subdir = QFileInfo(monavDir().absoluteFilePath() + QLatin1String("/routing_") + m_transport.toLower());
177     if (subdir.exists() && subdir.isDir()) {
178         QFileInfoList files = QDir(subdir.absoluteFilePath()).entryInfoList(QDir::Files);
179         for(const QFileInfo &file: files) {
180             if (!QFile::rename(file.absoluteFilePath(), monavDir().absoluteFilePath() + QLatin1Char('/') + file.fileName())) {
181                 changeStatus(Error, "Unable to move monav files to target directory.");
182                 return false;
183             }
184         }
185         QDir("/").rmdir(subdir.absoluteFilePath());
186     } else {
187         changeStatus(Error, "Unable to find files created by monav");
188         return false;
189     }
191     return true;
192 }
search()194 bool Job::search()
195 {
196     QString const status = QString("Generating offline search database from %1 (%2).").arg(osmFile().fileName()).arg(Region::fileSize(osmFile()));
197     changeStatus(Search, status);
198     QStringList arguments;
199     arguments << "--name" << m_region.name();
200     arguments << "--version" << "0.3";
201     arguments << "--date" << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("MM/dd/yy");
202     arguments << "--transport" << m_transport;
203     arguments << "--payload" << targetFile().fileName();
204     arguments << osmFile().absoluteFilePath();
205     arguments << searchFile().absoluteFilePath();
206     QFileInfo kmlFile(monavDir().absoluteFilePath() + QLatin1String("/marble.kml"));
207     arguments << kmlFile.absoluteFilePath();
208     QProcess osmAddresses;
209     osmAddresses.start("osm-addresses", arguments);
210     osmAddresses.waitForFinished(1000 * 60 * 60 * 18); // wait up to 18 hours for osm-addresses to convert the data
211     if (osmAddresses.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit && osmAddresses.exitCode() == 0) {
212         searchFile().refresh();
213         if (!searchFile().exists()) {
214             qDebug() << "osm-addresses did not create the .sqlite file";
215             changeStatus(Error, "Unknown error when creating the search database");
216             return false;
217         } else if (searchFile().size() < 8000) {
218             qDebug() << "The .sqlite database has a suspiciously small size.";
219             changeStatus(Error, "Search database is too small. Too little memory?");
220             return false;
221         }
223         kmlFile.refresh();
224         if (!kmlFile.exists()) {
225             qDebug() << "File marble.kml has not been generated.";
226             changeStatus(Error, "Failed to generate marble.kml. Too little memory?");
227             return false;
228         }
230         return true;
231     } else {
232         qDebug() << "osm-addresses exiting with status " << osmAddresses.exitCode();
233         changeStatus(Error, QLatin1String("Error creating search database: ") + osmAddresses.readAllStandardError());
234         return false;
235     }
236 }
package()238 bool Job::package()
239 {
240     changeStatus(Packaging, "Creating archive.");
241     QStringList arguments;
242     arguments << "czf" << targetFile().absoluteFilePath() << "earth/monav/" << "earth/placemarks";
243     QProcess tar;
244     tar.setWorkingDirectory(m_parameters.base().absolutePath() + QLatin1String("/data/") + m_region.id());
245     tar.start("tar", arguments);
246     tar.waitForFinished(1000 * 60 * 60); // wait up to 1 hour for tar to package things
247     if (tar.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit && tar.exitCode() == 0) {
248         qDebug() << "Packaged tar file";
249         return true;
250     } else {
251         changeStatus(Error, QLatin1String("Packaging failed: ") + tar.readAllStandardError());
252         return false;
253     }
254 }
upload()256 bool Job::upload()
257 {
258     changeStatus(Uploading, "Uploading file");
259     if (targetFile().exists()) {
260         Upload::instance().uploadAndDelete(m_region, targetFile(), m_transport);
261         return true;
262     }
264     changeStatus(Error, "Target file does not exist.");
265     return false;
266 }
cleanup()268 bool Job::cleanup()
269 {
270     if (!m_parameters.cacheData()) {
271         QFile::remove(osmFile().absoluteFilePath());
272     }
274     QFileInfo subdir = QFileInfo(monavDir().absoluteFilePath());
275     if (subdir.exists() && subdir.isDir()) {
276         QFileInfoList files = QDir(subdir.absoluteFilePath()).entryInfoList(QDir::Files);
277         for(const QFileInfo &file: files) {
278             QFile::remove(file.absoluteFilePath());
279         }
280     }
282     QFile::remove(searchFile().absoluteFilePath());
283     return true;
284 }
osmFile()286 QFileInfo Job::osmFile()
287 {
288     m_parameters.base().mkdir("download");
289     QFileInfo result(m_parameters.base(), QLatin1String("download/") + m_region.id() + QLatin1String(".osm.pbf"));
290     return result;
291 }
monavDir()293 QFileInfo Job::monavDir()
294 {
295     QString const subdir = QLatin1String("data/") + m_region.id() + QLatin1String("/earth/monav/") + m_transport.toLower() + QLatin1Char('/') + m_region.path();
296     m_parameters.base().mkpath(subdir);
297     QFileInfo result(m_parameters.base(), subdir);
298     return result;
299 }
targetFile()301 QFileInfo Job::targetFile()
302 {
303     m_parameters.base().mkdir("finished");
304     QFileInfo result(m_parameters.base(), QLatin1String("finished/") + m_region.id() + QLatin1Char('_') + m_transport.toLower() + QLatin1String(".tar.gz"));
305     return result;
306 }
searchFile()308 QFileInfo Job::searchFile()
309 {
310     QString const subdir = QLatin1String("data/") + m_region.id() + QLatin1String("/earth/placemarks/") + QFileInfo(m_region.path()).path();
311     m_parameters.base().mkpath(subdir);
312     QFileInfo result(m_parameters.base(), subdir + QLatin1Char('/') + m_region.id() + QLatin1String(".sqlite"));
313     return result;
314 }
316 #include "moc_job.cpp"