2 /*
3  *  match: a package to match lists of stars (or other items)
4  *  Copyright (C) 2000  Michael William Richmond
5  *
6  *  Contact: Michael William Richmond
7  *           Physics Department
8  *           Rochester Institute of Technology
9  *           85 Lomb Memorial Drive
10  *           Rochester, NY  14623-5603
11  *           E-mail: mwrsps@rit.edu
12  *
13  *
14  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
15  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
16  *  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
17  *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
18  *
19  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
23  *
24  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
26  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
27  *
28  */
30 /*
31  * <AUTO>
32  * FILE: project_coords.c
33  *
34  * <HTML>
35  * Project (RA, Dec) coords of a list of stars around some central point,
36  *   creating a list with "plate coordinates" xi and eta, corresponding
37  *   to the positions of the stars on a tangent plane projection.
38  *
39  * Given
40  *    - an ASCII file consisting of a list of stars, with one line per
41  *        star and multiple columns of information separated by white space
42  *    - the numbers of the columns containing RA and Dec coords of stars
43  *        (in decimal degrees)
44  *    - a central RA and Dec, each in decimal degrees
45  *
46  * run through the data file.  For each entry, calculate the projected
47  * coords (xi, eta) of the star, then replace the (RA, Dec) values with
48  * these projected values.  Leave all other information in the ASCII
49  * file as-is.
50  *
51  * Print the results to stdout, or place them into the file given
52  * by the optional "outfile" command-line argument.
53  *
54  * Usage: project_coords starfile1 xcol ycol ra dec [outfile=]
55  *
56  * 6/28/2001: added 10 missing "%s" in the sscanf format string
57  *            used to read in data in "proc_star_file".
58  *            MWR
59  *
60  * 10/25/2003: added new command-line options "asec" and "arcsec",
61  *             which cause the output (xi, eta) values to be
62  *             converted from radians to arcseconds before being
63  *             printed to output.  Thanks to John Blakeslee and
64  *             the ACS team.
65  *
66  * </HTML>
67  * </AUTO>
68  */
71 #include <stdio.h>
72 #include <stdlib.h>
73 #include <string.h>
74 #include <math.h>
75 #include "misc.h"
76 #include "degtorad.h"
77 #define RADtoASEC (3600.*180./M_PI)
79 #undef DEBUG           /* get some of diagnostic output */
81 static int
82 proc_star_file(char *file, int racol, int deccol, double ra, double dec,
83                FILE *out_fp, int doASEC);
86 #define USAGE  "usage: project_coords starfile1 racol deccol ra dec [outfile=] [asec]"
87 char *progname = "project_coords";
90 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])91 main
92    (
93    int argc,
94    char *argv[]
95    )
96 {
97    char *fileA;
98    int i, doASEC=0;
99    int racol, deccol;
100    double ra, dec;
101    char outfile[100];
102    FILE *fp;
103    TRANS trans;
105    /* make special search for --version, --help, and help */
106    if ((argc < 2) ||
107        (strncmp(argv[1], "--help", 6) == 0) ||
108        (strncmp(argv[1], "help", 4) == 0)) {
109       printf("%s\n", USAGE);
110       exit(0);
111    }
112    if (strncmp(argv[1], "--version", 9) == 0) {
113       printf("%s: version %s\n", progname, VERSION);
114       exit(0);
115    }
117    if (argc < 5) {
118       fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", USAGE);
119       exit(1);
120    }
122    fp = stdout;
124    /* parse the arguments */
125    fileA = argv[1];
126    if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &racol) != 1) {
127       shFatal("invalid argument for column for RA values in file");
128    }
129    if (sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &deccol) != 1) {
130       shFatal("invalid argument for column for Dec values in file");
131    }
132    if (sscanf(argv[4], "%lf", &ra) != 1) {
133       shFatal("invalid argument for RA");
134    }
135    if (sscanf(argv[5], "%lf", &dec) != 1) {
136       shFatal("invalid argument for Dec");
137    }
139    /*
140     * check for optional arguments "outfile" and "asec"
141     */
142    for (i = 6; i < argc; i++) {
143       if (strncmp(argv[i], "outfile=", 8) == 0) {
144          if (sscanf(argv[i] + 8, "%s", outfile) != 1) {
145             shFatal("invalid argument for outfile argument");
146          }
147          if ((fp = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL) {
148             shFatal("can't open file %s for output", outfile);
149          }
150       }
151       else if ((strncmp(argv[i],"asec",4) == 0) ||
152                (strncmp(argv[i],"arcsec",6) == 0)) {
153          doASEC=1;
154 #ifdef DEBUG
155          printf("Will output delta coords in projected ARCSEC, not RAD.\n");
156 #endif
157       }
158       else {
159          /* this isn't any known argument.  Complain and quit */
160          shFatal("Invalid argument: %s", argv[i]);
161       }
162    }
164    /* now walk through the file and do the dirty work */
165    if (proc_star_file(fileA, racol, deccol, ra, dec, fp, doASEC) != SH_SUCCESS) {
166       shError("can't process data from file %s", fileA);
167       exit(1);
168    }
171    if (fp != stdout) {
172       fclose(fp);
173    }
175    return(0);
176 }
180 /****************************************************************************
181  * ROUTINE: proc_star_file
182  *
183  * walk through the given file, one line at a time.
184  *
185  * If the line starts with COMMENT_CHAR, place it into the output stream.
186  * If the line is completely blank, place it into the output stream.
187  *
188  * Otherwise,
189  *   - read in the entire line,
190  *   - figure out the RA and Dec coords of the star
191  *   - calculate the (xi, eta) coords of the star projected onto the
192  *         plane tangent to the sky at (central_ra, central_dec)
193  *   - if the "doASEC" arg is non-zero, convert the values of (xi, eta)
194  *         from radians to arcseconds
195  *   - print out the line, replacing the "RA" with xi, the "Dec" with eta
196  *
197  * RETURNS:
198  *   SH_SUCCESS            if all goes well
199  *   SH_GENERIC_ERROR      if not
200  */
202 static int
proc_star_file(char * file,int racol,int deccol,double central_ra,double central_dec,FILE * out_fp,int doASEC)203 proc_star_file
204    (
205    char *file,              /* I: name of input file with star list */
206    int racol,               /* I: position of column with RA positions */
207    int deccol,              /* I: position of column with Dec positions */
208    double central_ra,       /* I: central RA of tangent plane (degrees) */
209    double central_dec,      /* I: central Dec of tangent plane (degrees) */
210    FILE *out_fp,            /* I: place output into this stream */
211    int doASEC               /* I: if > 0, write offsets in arcsec */
212    )
213 {
214    char line[LINELEN];
215    char col[MAX_DATA_COL + 1][MAX_COL_LENGTH + 1];
216    int i, ncol;
217    int last_column = -1;
218    double raval, decval;
219    double cent_ra_rad, cent_dec_rad;
220    double dec_rad;
221    double delta_ra;
222    double xx, yy, xi, eta;
223    FILE *in_fp;
225    if ((in_fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
226       shError("proc_star_file: can't open file %s for input", file);
227       return(SH_GENERIC_ERROR);
228    }
230    last_column = (racol > deccol ? racol : deccol);
231    cent_ra_rad = central_ra*DEGTORAD;
232    cent_dec_rad = central_dec*DEGTORAD;
234    while (fgets(line, LINELEN, in_fp) != NULL) {
236       if (line[0] == COMMENT_CHAR) {
237         continue;
238       }
239       if (is_blank(line)) {
240         continue;
241       }
243       shAssert(MAX_DATA_COL >= 20);
244       ncol = sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
245               &(col[0][0]), &(col[1][0]), &(col[2][0]), &(col[3][0]),
246               &(col[4][0]), &(col[5][0]), &(col[6][0]), &(col[7][0]),
247               &(col[8][0]), &(col[9][0]),
248               &(col[10][0]), &(col[11][0]), &(col[12][0]), &(col[13][0]),
249               &(col[14][0]), &(col[15][0]), &(col[16][0]), &(col[17][0]),
250               &(col[18][0]), &(col[19][0]),
251               &(col[20][0]), &(col[21][0]), &(col[22][0]), &(col[23][0]),
252               &(col[24][0]), &(col[25][0]), &(col[26][0]), &(col[27][0]),
253               &(col[28][0]), &(col[29][0]));
254       if (last_column > ncol) {
255          shError("proc_star_file: not enough entries in following line; skipping");
256          shError("  %s", line);
257          continue;
258       }
260       /* now read values from each column */
261       if (get_value(col[racol], &raval) != SH_SUCCESS) {
262          shError("read_data_file: can't read RA value from %s; skipping",
263                   col[racol]);
264          continue;
265       }
266       if (get_value(col[deccol], &decval) != SH_SUCCESS) {
267          shError("read_data_file: can't read Dec value from %s; skipping",
268                   col[deccol]);
269          continue;
270       }
272       /*
273        * check to see if the central RA and this star's RA are
274        * wrapped around zero from each other
275        */
276       if ((raval < 10) && (central_ra > 350)) {
277          delta_ra = (raval + 360) - central_ra;
278       }
279       else if ((raval > 350) && (central_ra < 10)) {
280          delta_ra = (raval - 360) - central_ra;
281       }
282       else {
283          delta_ra = raval - central_ra;
284       }
285       delta_ra *= DEGTORAD;
288       /*
289        * let's transform from (delta_RA, delta_Dec) to (xi, eta),
290        */
291       dec_rad = decval*DEGTORAD;
292       xx = cos(dec_rad)*sin(delta_ra);
293       yy = sin(cent_dec_rad)*sin(dec_rad) +
294                  cos(cent_dec_rad)*cos(dec_rad)*cos(delta_ra);
295       xi = (xx/yy);
297       xx = cos(cent_dec_rad)*sin(dec_rad) -
298                  sin(cent_dec_rad)*cos(dec_rad)*cos(delta_ra);
299       eta = (xx/yy);
301 #ifdef DEBUG
302       printf("  xi = %10.5f,   eta = %10.5f\n", xi, eta);
303 #endif
305 		/* if desired, convert xi and eta from radians to arcsec */
306 		if (doASEC > 0) {
307 			xi *= RADtoASEC;
308 			eta *= RADtoASEC;
309 		}
310 #ifdef DEBUG
311       printf("  now  xi = %10.5f,   eta = %10.5f\n", xi, eta);
312 #endif
314       /*
315 		 * now build up the output line.  Note that we use slightly
316 		 * different output formats for (xi, eta) if they are expressed
317 		 * in radians or arcseconds.
318 		*/
319       line[0] = '\0';
320       for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++) {
321         if (i == racol) {
322            if (doASEC > 0) {
323               /* write the offsets in arcsec */
324               sprintf(line, "%s %12.5f", line, xi);
325            }
326            else {
327               sprintf(line, "%s %13.6e", line, xi);
328            }
329         }
330         else if (i == deccol) {
331            if (doASEC > 0) {
332               /* write the offsets in arcsec */
333               sprintf(line, "%s %12.5f", line, eta);
334            }
335            else {
336               sprintf(line, "%s %13.6e", line, eta);
337 			  }
338         }
339         else {
340            sprintf(line, "%s %s", line, col[i]);
341         }
342       }
343       fprintf(out_fp, "%s\n", line);
345    }
348    fclose(in_fp);
349    return(SH_SUCCESS);
350 }