1# Astro::FITS::Header test harness -*-perl-*-
3use strict;
4use Test::More tests => 4;
6require_ok( "Astro::FITS::Header" );
7require_ok( "Astro::FITS::Header::Item" );
9# Read header from DATA block.
10my @raw = <DATA>;
11chomp( @raw );
13# Build the header item.
14my $header = new Astro::FITS::Header( Cards => \@raw );
16### Test bug where multiple headers being removed using a regular
17### expression removed the wrong headers.
19# Remove headers that start with CR..
20$header->removebyname( qr/^CR/ );
22# There should still be a "CTYPE2" header, so retrieve it.
23my @card = $header->itembyname( "CTYPE2" );
25ok( defined $card[0] );
26is( $card[0]->value, "a2", "CTYPE2 is a2" );
31SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard
32BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel
33NAXIS   =                    3 / number of data axes
34NAXIS1  =                   25 / length of data axis 1
35NAXIS2  =                   36 / length of data axis 2
36NAXIS3  =                  252 / length of data axis 3
37EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
38COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
39COMMENT   Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.
40COMMENT   Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the
41COMMENT   FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.
42CRVAL1  = -0.07249999791383749 / Axis 1 reference value
43CRPIX1  =                 12.5 / Axis 1 pixel value
44CTYPE1  = 'a1      '           / LINEAR
45CRVAL2  = -0.07249999791383743 / Axis 2 reference value
46CRPIX2  =                 18.0 / Axis 2 pixel value
47CTYPE2  = 'a2      '           / LINEAR
48CRVAL3  =  1.27557086671004E-6 / Axis 3 reference value
49CRPIX3  =                126.0 / Axis 3 pixel value
50CTYPE3  = 'a3      '           / LAMBDA
51OBJECT  = 'galaxy  '           / Title of the dataset
52DATE    = '2000-12-13T22:44:53' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC)
53ORIGIN  = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 1999' / FITS file originator
54BSCALE  =                  1.0 / True_value = BSCALE * FITS_value + BZERO
55BZERO   =                  0.0 / True_value = BSCALE * FITS_value + BZERO
56HDUCLAS1= 'NDF     '           / Starlink NDF (hierarchical n-dim format)
57HDUCLAS2= 'DATA    '           / Array component subclass
58IRAF-TLM= '23:07:26 (27/02/2000)' / Time of last modification
59TELESCOP= 'UKIRT, Mauna Kea, HI' / Telescope name
60INSTRUME= 'CGS4    '           / Instrument
61OBSERVER= 'SMIRF   '           / Observer name(s)
62OBSREF  = '?       '           / Observer reference
63DETECTOR= 'fpa046  '           / Detector array used
64OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT  '           / Type of observation
65INTTYPE = 'STARE+NDR'          / Type of integration
66MODE    = 'ND_STARE'           / Observing mode
67GRPNUM  =                    0 / Number of observation group
68RUN     =                   54 / Number of run
69EXPOSED =                  180 / Total exposure time for integration
70OBJCLASS=                    0 / Class of observed object
71CD1_1   = 0.144999980926513672 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
72CD1_2   =                  0.0 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
73CD1_3   =                  0.0 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
74CD2_1   =                  0.0 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
75CD2_2   = 0.144999980926513672 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
76CD2_3   =                  0.0 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
77CD3_1   =                  0.0 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
78CD3_2   =                  0.0 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
79CD3_3   = 2.07933226192836E-10 / Axis rotation and scaling matrix
80MEANRA  = 10.34629999999999939 / Object RA at equinox (hrs)
81MEANDEC =  20.1186000000000007 / Object Dec at equinox (deg)
82RABASE  = 10.34629999999999939 / Offset zero-point RA at equinox (hrs)
83DECBASE =  20.1186000000000007 / Offset zero-point Dec at equinox (deg)
84RAOFF   =                    0 / Offset RA at equinox (arcsec)
85DECOFF  =                    0 / Offset Dec at equinox (arcsec)
86DROWS   =                  178 / No of det. in readout row
87DCOLUMNS=                  256 / No of det. in readout column
88DEPERDN =                    6 / Electrons per data number
89CLOCK0  = -6.20000000000000018 / ALICE CLOCK0 voltage
90CLOCK1  =                   -3 / ALICE CLOCK1 voltage
91CLOCK2  =                 -7.5 / ALICE CLOCK2 voltage
92CLOCK3  = -2.79999999999999982 / ALICE CLOCK3 voltage
93CLOCK4  =                   -6 / ALICE CLOCK4 voltage
94CLOCK5  =                   -2 / ALICE CLOCK5 voltage
95CLOCK6  =                 -7.5 / ALICE CLOCK6 voltage
96VSLEW   =                    4 / ALICE VSLEW voltage
97VDET    = -3.02000000000000002 / ALICE VDET voltage
98DET_BIAS=  0.57999999999999996 / ALICE DET_BIAS voltage
99VDDUC   = -3.60000000000000009 / ALICE VDDUC voltage
100VDETGATE=                 -4.5 / ALICE VDETGATE voltage
101VGG_A   = -1.60000000000000009 / ALICE VGG_ACTIVE voltage
102VGG_INA = -1.30000000000000004 / ALICE VGG_INACTIVE voltage
103VDDOUT  =                   -1 / ALICE VDDOUT voltage
104V3      = -2.79999999999999982 / ALICE V3 voltage
105VLCLR   =                   -3 / ALICE VLCLR voltage
106VLD_A   =                    4 / ALICE VLOAD_ACTIVE voltage
107VLD_INA =                    4 / ALICE VLOAD_INACTIVE voltage
108WFREQ   =                    1 / ALICE waveform state freq. (MHz)
109RESET_DL= 0.200000000000000011 / NDR reset delay (seconds)
110CHOP_DEL= 0.029999998999999999 / Chop delay (seconds)
111READ_INT=                    5 / NDR read interval (seconds)
112NEXP_PH =                    0 / Exposures in each chop phase
113DEXPTIME=                  180 / Exposure time (seconds)
114RDOUT_X1=                    1 / Start column of array readout
115RDOUT_X2=                  256 / End   column of array readout
116RDOUT_Y1=                   45 / Start row    of array readout
117RDOUT_Y2=                  222 / End   row    of array readout
118CHOPDIFF=                    T / Main-offset beam value stored
119IF_SHARP=                    F / Shift & add disabled
120LINEAR  =                    F / Linearisation disabled
121FILTER  = 'B1      '           / Combined filter name
122FILTERS = 'B1      '           / Combined filter name
123DETINCR =                    1 / Increment (pixels) betw scan positions
124DETNINCR=                    2 / Number of scan positions in scan
125WPLANGLE=                    0 / IRPOL waveplate angle
126SANGLE  = -2.19303900000000018 / Angle of slit
127SLIT    = '0ew     '           / Name of slit
128SLENGTH =                   18 / Length of slit
129SWIDTH  =                    4 / Width of slit
130DENCBASE=                  800 / Zeropoint (steps) of detector translation
131DFOCUS  = 1.819309999999999983 / Detector focus position
132GRATING = '150_lpmm'           / Name of grating
133GLAMBDA = 1.274947000000000052 / Grating wavelength
134GANGLE  = 17.09262000000000015 / Grating wavelength
135GORDER  =                    3 / Grating order
136GDISP   =        0.00020796522 / Grating dispersion
137CLAMBDA =                    0 / CVF wavelength
138IRTANGLE= 6.396519999999999762 / Image rotator angle
139LAMP    = 'off     '           / Name of calibration lamp
140BBTEMP  =                    0 / Black body temperature
141CALAPER =                    0 / Aperture of tungsten-halogen lamp (%)
142THLEVEL =                    0 / Level of tungsten-halogen lamp
143IDATE   =             19980217 / Date as integer
144OBSNUM  =                   54 / Number of observation
145NEXP    =                    1 / Exposures in integration
146AMSTART = 1.334643999999999942 / Airmass at start of obs
147AMEND   = 1.320149999999999935 / Airmass at end of obs
148RUTSTART= 8.000171999999999173 / Start time of obs (hrs)
149RUTEND  = 8.101883000000000834 / End time of obs (hrs)
150NBADPIX =                   32