1 /*
2 *  Name:
3 *     unit.c
5 *  Purpose:
6 *     Implement unit conversion functions.
8 *  Description:
9 *     This file implements the Unit module which is used for identifying
10 *     units and transforming between them. It follows the recommendations
11 *     for unit handling contained within FITS WCS paper I (Greisen &
12 *     Calabretta). All methods have protected access.
14 *  Methods:
15 *     astUnitMapper: Create a Mapping between two systems of units.
16 *     astUnitLabel: Returns a label for a given unit symbol.
18 *  Copyright:
19 *     Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
20 *     Research Councils
22 *  Licence:
23 *     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
24 *     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
25 *     License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
26 *     version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
27 *     version.
28 *
29 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
30 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
32 *     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
33 *
34 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
35 *     License along with this program.  If not, see
36 *     <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
38 *  Authors:
39 *     DSB: D.S. Berry (Starlink)
41 *  History:
42 *     10-DEC-2002 (DSB):
43 *        Original version.
44 *     10-FEB-2004 (DSB):
45 *        Added debug conditional code to keep track of memory leaks.
46 *     15-JUL-2004 (DSB):
47 *        In astUnitMapper: if no Mapping can be found from input to
48 *        output units (e.g. because fo the less than perfect simplication
49 *        algorithm in SimplifyTree), try finding a Mapping from output to
50 *        input units and inverting the result.
51 *     14-DEC-2004 (DSB):
52 *        In CreateTree, move the invocation of FixConstants from after
53 *        InvertConstants to before InvertConstants. This is because
54 *        InvertConstants ignores nodes which contain all constant
55 *        arguments. This results in constants not being inverted in
56 *        expressions such as "1/60 deg" (because all arguments are
57 *        constant in the the "1/60" node).
58 *     18-JAN-2005 (DSB):
59 *        Fix memory leaks.
60 *     2-FEB-2005 (DSB):
61 *        - Avoid using astStore to allocate more storage than is supplied
62 *        in the "data" pointer. This can cause access violations since
63 *        astStore will then read beyond the end of the "data" area.
64 *     15-FEB-2005 (DSB):
65 *        - Modified CleanExp to fix up some common units mistakes.
66 *     21-FEB-2005 (DSB):
67 *        - Modified CleanExp to accept <word><digit> as equivalent to
68 *        <word>^<digit>.
69 *        - Modified MakeTree to do case insensitive checking if case
70 *        sensitive checking failsto produce a match to a multiplier/unit
71 *        symbol combination. If this still produces no match, do a case
72 *        insensitive match for multiplier/unit label.
73 *     1-MAR-2006 (DSB):
74 *        Replace astSetPermMap within DEBUG blocks by astBeginPM/astEndPM.
75 *     6-APR-2006 (DSB):
76 *        Modify CleanExp to convert "MJY/STER" to standard form ("MJy/sr").
77 *     7-JUL-2006 (DSB):
78 *        Correct initialisation of "word" flag in CleanExp.
79 *     17-MAY-2007 (DSB):
80 *        Simplify the units string returned by astUnitNormaliser.
81 *        - Fix indexing bug in CombineFactors.
82 *     26-MAY-2007 (DSB):
83 *        - Correct error reporting in astUNitNormaliser.
84 *        - Fix bug in CleanExp that caused (for example) "-2" to be
85 *        converted to "^-2".
86 *     2-DEC-2008 (DSB):
87 *        Correct memory allocation bug in CleanExp.
88 *     6-MAY-2011 (DSB):
89 *        Include "adu" as basic unit.
90 *     9-MAY-2011 (DSB):
91 *        Change "A" to be Ampere (as defined by FITS-WCS paper 1) rather
92 *        than "Angstrom".
93 */
95 /* Module Macros. */
96 /* ============== */
97 /* Define the astCLASS macro (even although this is not a class
98    implementation) to obtain access to the protected error and memory
99    handling functions. */
100 #define astCLASS
101 #define PI 3.141592653589793
102 #define E 2.718281828459045
104 /* Macro which returns the nearest integer to a given floating point
105    value. */
106 #define NINT(x) (int)((x)+(((x)>0.0)?0.5:-0.5))
108 /* Macros which return the maximum and minimum of two values. */
109 #define MAX(aa,bb) ((aa)>(bb)?(aa):(bb))
110 #define MIN(aa,bb) ((aa)<(bb)?(aa):(bb))
112 /* Macro to check for equality of floating point values. We cannot
113    compare bad values directory because of the danger of floating point
114    exceptions, so bad values are dealt with explicitly. */
115 #define EQUAL(aa,bb) (((aa)==AST__BAD)?(((bb)==AST__BAD)?1:0):(((bb)==AST__BAD)?0:(fabs((aa)-(bb))<=1.0E5*MAX((fabs(aa)+fabs(bb))*DBL_EPSILON,DBL_MIN))))
117 /* Macro identifying a character as lower or upper case letter, digit or
118 + or -. */
119 #define ISWORD(c) (isalnum(c)||((c)=='+')||((c)=='-'))
121 /* The number of basic dimension quantities used for dimensional analysis.
122    In addition to the usual M, L and T, this includes pseudo-dimensions
123    describing strictly dimensionless quantities such as plane angle,
124    magnitude, etc. */
125 #define NQUANT 10
127 /* Include files. */
128 /* ============== */
129 /* Interface definitions. */
130 /* ---------------------- */
131 #include "error.h"
132 #include "memory.h"
133 #include "pointset.h"
134 #include "mapping.h"
135 #include "unitmap.h"
136 #include "zoommap.h"
137 #include "mathmap.h"
138 #include "unit.h"
140 /* Error code definitions. */
141 /* ----------------------- */
142 #include "ast_err.h"             /* AST error codes */
144 /* C header files. */
145 /* --------------- */
146 #include <string.h>
147 #include <stdio.h>
148 #include <ctype.h>
149 #include <limits.h>
150 #include <math.h>
152 #ifdef THREAD_SAFE
153 #include <pthread.h>
154 #endif
156 /* Module Type Definitions. */
157 /* ======================== */
159 /* This declaration enumerates the codes for the operations which may
160    legally be included in a units expression. */
161 typedef enum {
162    OP_LDCON,                     /* Load constant */
163    OP_LDVAR,                     /* Load variable */
164    OP_LOG,                       /* Common logarithm */
165    OP_LN,                        /* Natural logarithm */
166    OP_EXP,                       /* Natural exponential */
167    OP_SQRT,                      /* Square root */
168    OP_POW,                       /* Exponentiate */
169    OP_DIV,                       /* Division */
170    OP_MULT,                      /* Multiplication */
171    OP_LDPI,                      /* Load constant PI */
172    OP_LDE,                       /* Load constant E */
173    OP_NULL                       /* Null operation */
174 } Oper;
176 /* A structure describing a standard multiplier prefix. */
177 typedef struct Multiplier {
178    const char *label;       /* Multipler label string (null terminated) */
179    const char *sym;         /* Multipler symbol string (null terminated) */
180    int symlen;              /* Length of symbol (without trailing null ) */
181    int lablen;              /* Length of label (without trailing null ) */
182    double scale;            /* The scale factor associated with the prefix */
183    struct Multiplier *next; /* Next Multiplier in linked list */
184 } Multiplier;
186 /* A structure describing a single node in a tree representation of a
187    single units expression. */
188 typedef struct UnitNode {
189    Oper opcode;             /* Code for operation performed by this node */
190    int narg;                /* No. of arguments used by the operation */
191    struct UnitNode **arg;   /* Array of pointers to argument nodes */
192    double con;              /* Constant to be loaded by OP_LDCON operations */
193    struct KnownUnit *unit;  /* Known unit referred to by OP_LDVAR nodes */
194    Multiplier *mult;        /* Multiplier used by OP_LDVAR nodes */
195    const char *name;        /* User-defined unit referred to by OP_LDVAR
196                                nodes (no multiplier prefix included) */
197 } UnitNode;
199 /* A structure describing a known unit. */
200 typedef struct KnownUnit {
201    const char *sym;         /* Unit symbol string (null terminated) */
202    const char *label;       /* Unit label string (null terminated) */
203    int symlen;              /* Length of symbol (without trailing null ) */
204    int lablen;              /* Length of label (without trailing null ) */
205    struct UnitNode *head;   /* Head of definition tree (NULL for basic units) */
206    struct KnownUnit *next;  /* Next KnownUnit in linked list */
207    struct KnownUnit *use;   /* KnownUnit to be used in place of this one */
208 } KnownUnit;
210 /* Module Variables. */
211 /* ================= */
213 /* A pointer to the KnownUnit structure at the head of a linked list of
214    such structures containing definitions of all known units. */
215 static KnownUnit *known_units = NULL;
217 /* An array of pointers to KnownUnits which list the basic quantities
218 used in dimensional analysis. */
219 static KnownUnit *quant_units[ NQUANT ];
221 /* A pointer to the Multiplier structure at the head of a linked list of
222    such structures containing definitions of all known multipliers. */
223 static Multiplier *multipliers = NULL;
225 /* Set up mutexes */
226 #ifdef THREAD_SAFE
228 static pthread_mutex_t mutex1 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
229 #define LOCK_MUTEX1 pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex1 );
230 #define UNLOCK_MUTEX1 pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex1 );
232 static pthread_mutex_t mutex2 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
233 #define LOCK_MUTEX2 pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex2 );
234 #define UNLOCK_MUTEX2 pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex2 );
236 #else
238 #define LOCK_MUTEX1
239 #define UNLOCK_MUTEX1
241 #define LOCK_MUTEX2
242 #define UNLOCK_MUTEX2
244 #endif
246 /* Prototypes for Private Functions. */
247 /* ================================= */
248 static AstMapping *MakeMapping( UnitNode *, int * );
249 static KnownUnit *GetKnownUnits( int, int * );
250 static Multiplier *GetMultipliers( int * );
251 static UnitNode *ConcatTree( UnitNode *, UnitNode *, int * );
252 static UnitNode *CopyTree( UnitNode *, int * );
253 static UnitNode *CreateTree( const char *, int, int, int * );
254 static UnitNode *FixUnits( UnitNode *, UnitNode *, int * );
255 static UnitNode *FreeTree( UnitNode *, int * );
256 static UnitNode *MakeTree( const char *, int, int, int * );
257 static UnitNode *MakeLabelTree( const char *, int, int * );
258 static UnitNode *NewNode( UnitNode *, Oper, int * );
259 static UnitNode *CombineFactors( UnitNode **, double *, int, double, int * );
260 static const char *CleanExp( const char *, int * );
261 static int EndsWith( const char *, int, const char *, int * );
262 static int CmpTree( UnitNode *, UnitNode *, int, int * );
263 static void FixConstants( UnitNode **, int, int * );
264 static void InvertConstants( UnitNode **, int * );
265 static UnitNode *InvertTree( UnitNode *, UnitNode *, int * );
266 static void LocateUnits( UnitNode *, UnitNode ***, int *, int * );
267 static void MakeKnownUnit( const char *, const char *, const char *, int * );
268 static void MakeUnitAlias( const char *, const char *, int * );
269 static void RemakeTree( UnitNode **, int * );
270 static int SimplifyTree( UnitNode **, int, int * );
271 static int ComplicateTree( UnitNode **, int * );
272 static int ReplaceNode( UnitNode *, UnitNode *, UnitNode *, int * );
273 static void FindFactors( UnitNode *, UnitNode ***, double **, int *, double *, int * );
274 static const char *MakeExp( UnitNode *, int, int, int * );
275 static int DimAnal( UnitNode *, double[NQUANT], double *, int * );
276 static int Ustrcmp( const char *, const char *, int * );
277 static int Ustrncmp( const char *, const char *, size_t, int * );
278 static int SplitUnit( const char *, int, const char *, int, Multiplier **, int *, int * );
279 static UnitNode *ModifyPrefix( UnitNode *, int * );
280 static int ConStart( const char *, double *, int *, int * );
282 /*  Debug functions...
283 static const char *DisplayTree( UnitNode *, int );
284 static void OpSym( UnitNode *, char * );
285 static const char *OpName( Oper );
286 static const char *TreeExp( UnitNode * );
287 */
289 /* Function implementations. */
290 /* ========================= */
CleanExp(const char * exp,int * status)291 static const char *CleanExp( const char *exp, int *status ) {
292 /*
293 *  Name:
294 *     CleanExp
296 *  Purpose:
297 *     Produce a clean copy of a units expression.
299 *  Type:
300 *     Private function.
302 *  Synopsis:
303 *     #include "unit.h"
304 *     const char *CleanExp( const char *exp )
306 *  Class Membership:
307 *     Unit member function.
309 *  Description:
310 *     This function returns a pointer to dynamic memory containing a
311 *     cleaned copy of the supplied units expression. Cleaning consists of
312 *     the following operations:
313 *        - removal of leading and trailing white space.
314 *        - replacement of multiple adjacent spaces by a single space
315 *        - removal of spaces adjacent to a parenthesis
316 *        - removal of spaces adjacent to a binary operator
317 *        - translates various common non-standard units into equivalent
318 *          standard units.
319 *
320 *     Such carefull handling of spaces is necessary since a space is
321 *     recognised by the MakeTree function as a multiplication operator.
323 *  Parameters:
324 *     exp
325 *        A pointer to the expression to be cleaned.
327 *  Returned Value:
328 *     A pointer to the cleaned expression, which should be freed using
329 *     astFree when no longer needed.
331 *  Notes:
332 *     - This function returns NULL if it is invoked with the global error
333 *     status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
334 */
336 /* Local Variables: */
337    char **tok;
338    char *p;
339    char *r;
340    char *result;
341    char *s;
342    char *t;
343    char *w;
344    const char *start;
345    int i;
346    int l;
347    int len;
348    char *tt;
349    int ntok;
350    int po;
351    int ps;
352    int word;
354 /* Initialise */
355    result = NULL;
357 /* Check inherited status */
358    if( !astOK ) return result;
360 /* Split the supplied string up into tokens. Each block of contiguous
361    alphanumeric characters is a token. Each contiguous block of
362    non-alphanumerical characters is also a token. The + and - signs are
363    counted as alphanumeric. */
364    start = exp;
365    p = (char *) exp - 1;
366    word = ISWORD( *( p + 1 ) );
367    ntok = 0;
368    tok = NULL;
369    while( *(++p) ){
370       if( word ) {
371          if( !ISWORD( *p ) ) {
372             l = p - start;
373             t = astStore( NULL, start, l + 1 );
374             if( t ) t[ l ] = 0;
375             tok = astGrow( tok, ntok + 1, sizeof( char * ) );
376             if( tok ) tok[ ntok++ ] = t;
377             start = p;
378             word = 0;
379          }
380       } else {
381          if( ISWORD( *p ) ) {
382             l = p - start;
383             t = astStore( NULL, start, l + 1 );
384             if( t ) t[ l ] = 0;
385             tok = astGrow( tok, ntok + 1, sizeof( char * ) );
386             if( tok ) tok[ ntok++ ] = t;
387             start = p;
388             word = 1;
389          }
390       }
391    }
393    l = p - start;
394    t = astStore( NULL, start, l + 1 );
395    if( t ) t[ l ] = 0;
396    tok = astGrow( tok, ntok + 1, sizeof( char * ) );
397    if( tok ) tok[ ntok++ ] = t;
399 /* Check the tokens for known non-standard unit syntax, and replace with the
400    equivalent standard syntax. Starlink SPLAT has a class called UnitUtilities
401    which has more of these common units mistakes. AST has to be a bit
402    more conservative than SPLAT though because of its wider remit. */
403    len = 0;
404    tt = NULL;
405    for( i = 0; i < ntok; i++ ) {
406       t = tok[ i ];
407       l = strlen( t );
408       tt = astStore( tt, t, l + 1 );
410 /* Any alphabetical word followed by a digit is taken as <word>^<digit>.
411    Any alphabetical word followed by a sign and a digit is taken as
412    <word>^<sign><digit>. */
413       if( l > 1 && *t != '-' && *t != '+' &&
414           strcspn( t, "0123456789" ) == l - 1 ) {
415          tok[ i ] = astMalloc( l + 2 );
416          if( tok[ i ] ) {
417             strcpy( tok[ i ], t );
418             w = t + l - 2;
419             if( *w != '+' && *w != '-' ) {
420                tok[ i ][ l - 1 ] = '^';
421                strcpy( tok[ i ] + l, t + l - 1 );
422             } else {
423                tok[ i ][ l - 2 ] = '^';
424                strcpy( tok[ i ] + l - 1, t + l - 2 );
425             }
426             t = astFree( t );
427          }
428          l++;
430 /* If the word ends with "micron" change to "(<start>m*1.0E-6)". Should be OK
431    for things like "Kmicron". */
432       } else if( ( s = strstr( t, "micron" ) ) ) {
433          tok[ i ] = astMalloc( s - t + 11 );
434          if( tok[ i ] ) {
435             w = tok[ i ];
436             *(w++) = '(';
437             if( s > t ) {
438                strncpy( w, t, s - t );
439                w += s - t;
440             }
441             strcpy( w, "m*1.0E-6)" );
442             l = s - t + 11;
443             t = astFree( t );
444          }
446 /* Convert "STER" to "sr". */
447       } else if( !Ustrcmp( t, "STER", status ) ) {
448          tok[ i ] = astStore( NULL, "sr", 3 );
449          l = 2;
450          t = astFree( t );
452 /* If the word ends with "JY" and is preceded by a single character, change
453    to "<start>Jy". Should be OK for things like "MJY". */
454       } else if( l == 3 && !strcmp( t + 1, "JY" ) ) {
455          tok[ i ][ 2 ] = 'y';
457 /* If the word begins with "nano" (case-insensitive) change "nano" to
458    "n". Such changes are usually handled by SplitUnit, but we need to
459    handle this as a special case here since scanf seems to read "nan" as
460    a string representation of NaN. */
461       } else if( !Ustrncmp( t, "nano", 4, status ) ) {
462          tok[ i ] = astStore( NULL, t + 3, l - 2 );
463          if( tok[ i ] ) {
464             *(tok[ i ]) = 'n';
465             t = astFree( t );
466          }
467          l -= 3;
468       }
470 /* Update the total length of the string. */
471       len += l;
472    }
473    tt = astFree( tt );
475 /* Concatentate the tokens into a single string, freeing the individual
476    strings. */
477    result = astMalloc( len + 1 );
478    if( result ) {
479       p = result;
480       for( i = 0; i < ntok; i++ ) {
481          len = strlen( tok[ i ] );
482          memcpy( p, tok[ i ], len );
483          p += len;
484          tok[ i ] = astFree( tok[ i ] );
485       }
486       *p = 0;
487       tok = astFree( tok );
489 /* Now do other cleaning.
490    ---------------------- */
492 /* Initialise a pointer to the previous character read from the string. */
493       r = result - 1;
495 /* Initialise a pointer to the next character to be written to the string. */
496       w = result;
498 /* Pretend the previous character written to the string was a space. */
499       ps = 1;
501 /* Read all the supplied string, copying it to earlier parts of the
502    string discarding leading spaces and multiple adjacent embedded spaces in
503    the process. */
504       while( *(++r) ) {
506 /* If the character read is a space, only write it to the string if the
507    previous character written was not a space (in which case set a flag
508    to indicate that the previous character written to the string is now a
509    space). */
510          if( isspace( *r ) ) {
511             if( !ps ) {
512                *(w++) = *r;
513                ps = 1;
514             }
516 /* Write all non-space characters to the string, and clear the flag which
517    indicates if the previous character written to the string was a space. */
518          } else {
519             *(w++) = *r;
520             ps = 0;
521          }
522       }
524 /* If the last character written to the string was a space, reduce the
525    length of the string by one since we do not want any trailing spaces. */
526       if( ps ) w--;
528 /* Terminate the string. */
529       *w = 0;
531 /* We now need to pass through the string again, this time removing any
532    spaces which are adjacent to a binary operator or a parenthesis. */
533       r = result - 1;
534       w = result;
535       ps = 0;
536       po = 0;
537       while( *(++r) ) {
539 /* If the current character is a space, only write it if the previous
540    written character was not an operator or parenthesis. */
541          if( isspace( *r ) ) {
542             if( !po ) {
543                *(w++) = *r;
544                po = 1;
545                ps = 1;
546             }
548 /* If the current character is an operator or parenthesis, back up one
549    character before writing it out if the previous written character was
550    a space. */
551          } else if( *r == '*' || *r == '/' || *r == '^' || *r == '.' ||
552                     *r == ')' || *r == '(' ) {
553             if( ps ) w--;
554             *(w++) = *r;
555             po = 1;
556             ps = 0;
558 /* If the current character is not a space and not an operator symbol,
559    just write it out. */
560          } else {
561             *(w++) = *r;
562             po = 0;
563             ps = 0;
564          }
565       }
567 /* Terminate the string. */
568       if( ps ) w--;
569       *w = 0;
571    }
573 /* Return the result. */
574    return (const char *) result;
575 }
CmpTree(UnitNode * tree1,UnitNode * tree2,int exact,int * status)577 static int CmpTree( UnitNode *tree1, UnitNode *tree2, int exact, int *status ) {
578 /*
579 *  Name:
580 *     CmpTree
582 *  Purpose:
583 *     Compares two trees of UnitNodes.
585 *  Type:
586 *     Private function.
588 *  Synopsis:
589 *     #include "unit.h"
590 *     int CmpTree( UnitNode *tree1, UnitNode *tree2, int exact, int *status )
592 *  Class Membership:
593 *     Unit member function.
595 *  Description:
596 *     This function returns a zero value if the two trees are
597 *     equivalent. This requires the trees to have identical structure
598 *     except that, if "exact" is zero, arguments for OP_MULT nodes can
599 *     be swapped.
600 *
601 *     If the trees are not equivalent then a value of +1 or -1 is returned
602 *     depending on whether tree1 should be placed before or after tree2
603 *     in a sorted list of trees.
605 *  Parameters:
606 *     tree1
607 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the first tree.
608 *     tree2
609 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the second tree.
610 *     exact
611 *        If non-zero, then OP_MULT nodes must have their arguments the
612 *        same way round in order for the OP_MULT nodes to match. Otherwise,
613 *        OP_MULT nodes with equivalent arguments match even if the
614 *        arguments are swapped.
615 *     status
616 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
618 *  Returned Value:
619 *     Zero if the two trees are equal. +1 if tree1 should be placed before
620 *     tree2 in a sorted list of trees. -1 if tree1 should be placed after
621 *     tree2 in a sorted list of trees.
623 * Notes:
624 *     - Zero is returned if an error has already occurred, or
625 *     if this function fails for any reason.
627 */
629 /* Local Variables: */
630    int result;
631    int i;
632    Oper op;
634 /* Initialise. */
635    result = 0;
637 /* Check inherited status. */
638    if( !astOK ) return result;
640 /* If the op codes differ, compare them as integers. */
641    op = tree1->opcode;
642    if( op != tree2->opcode ) {
643       result = ( op > tree2->opcode ) ? 1: -1;
645 /* If both supplied nodes are OP_LDVAR nodes, compare the associated names. */
646    } else if( op == OP_LDVAR ){
647       result = strcmp( tree1->name, tree2->name );
649 /* If both supplied nodes are constant nodes, compare the constant values. */
650    } else if( tree1->con != AST__BAD ){
651       result = EQUAL( tree1->con, tree2->con ) ? 0 : (
652                  ( tree1->con > tree2->con ) ? 1 : -1 );
654 /* Otherwise, compare the arguments for the node. */
655    } else {
656       for( i = 0; i < tree1->narg; i++ ) {
657          result = CmpTree( tree1->arg[ i ], tree2->arg[ i ], exact, status );
658          if( result ) break;
659       }
661 /* If the head nodes of the two trees are OP_MULT nodes, and the above
662    check determined they are different, this may be just because they
663    have their operands swapped. If "exact" si zero, this is considered an
664    insignificant difference between the two trees which we should ignore.
665    To check for this try comparing the arguments again, this time swapping
666    the arguments of tree2. */
667       if( result && op == OP_MULT && !exact ) {
668          for( i = 0; i < tree1->narg; i++ ) {
669             result = CmpTree( tree1->arg[ i ], tree2->arg[ 1 - i ], 0, status );
670             if( result ) break;
671          }
672       }
673    }
675 /* If an error has occurred, return zero. */
676    if( !astOK ) result = 0;
678 /* Return the answer. */
679    return result;
680 }
CombineFactors(UnitNode ** factors,double * powers,int nfactor,double coeff,int * status)682 static UnitNode *CombineFactors( UnitNode **factors, double *powers,
683                                  int nfactor, double coeff, int *status ) {
684 /*
685 *  Name:
686 *     CombineFactors
688 *  Purpose:
689 *     Create a tree which represents the product of the supplied factors.
691 *  Type:
692 *     Private function.
694 *  Synopsis:
695 *     #include "unit.h"
696 *     UnitNode *CombineFactors( UnitNode **factors, double *powers,
697 *                               int nfactor, double coeff, int *status )
699 *  Class Membership:
700 *     Unit member function.
702 *  Description:
703 *     This function createa a tree of UnitNodes which represents the
704 *     product of the supplied factors, and the supplied coefficient.
705 *     The factors are sorted before being combined, using the sort order
706 *     implemented by the CmpTree function.
708 *  Parameters:
709 *     factors
710 *        A pointer to an array with "nfactor" elements, each element being
711 *        a pointer to a UnitNode which is a factor of the required tree.
712 *        On exit, the array is sorted.
713 *     powers
714 *        A pointer to an array with "nfactor" elements, each element being a
715 *        double holding the power of the associated factor in "factors".
716 *        On exit, the array reflects the sorting applied to "factors".
717 *     nfactor
718 *        The number of elements in the "factors" and "powers" arrays.
719 *     coeff
720 *        The overall coefficient to be applied to the product of the factors.
721 *     status
722 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
724 *  Returned Value:
725 *     A pointer to a UnitNode which is at the head of the new tree.
727 * Notes:
728 *     - A NULL pointer is returned if an error has already occurred, or
729 *     if this function fails for any reason.
731 */
733 /* Local Variables: */
734    UnitNode *result;
735    int i;
736    int j;
737    int jp;
738    int done;
739    UnitNode *ftmp;
740    UnitNode *node1;
741    UnitNode *node2;
742    UnitNode *pnode;
743    double ptmp;
745 /* Initialise. */
746    result = NULL;
748 /* Check inherited status. */
749    if( !astOK ) return result;
751 /* Sort the supplied list of factors, modifying the powers array
752    correspondingly. A simple bubblesort algorithm is used since there
753    will only be a handfull of factors. */
754    for( i = nfactor - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
755       done = 1;
756       for( j = 0, jp = 1; j < i; j++, jp++ ) {
757          if( CmpTree( factors[ j ], factors[ jp ], 0, status ) > 0 ) {
758             ftmp = factors[ j ];
759             factors[ j ] = factors[ jp ];
760             factors[ jp ] = ftmp;
762             ptmp = powers[ j ];
763             powers[ j ] = powers[ jp ];
764             powers[ jp ] = ptmp;
766             done = 0;
767          }
768       }
769       if( done ) break;
770    }
772 /* The first root term of the returned tree is the coefficient, unless the
773    coefficient is 1.0, in which case it will be the first factor. */
774    if( coeff != 1.0 ) {
775       node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
776       if( astOK ) node1->con = coeff;
777    } else {
778       node1 = NULL;
779    }
781 /* Loop through the factors. */
782    for( i = 0; i < nfactor; i++ ) {
784 /* If the power of this factor is zero, we ignore the factor. */
785       if( powers[ i ] != 0.0 ) {
787 /* If the power of this factor is one, we use the factor directly. */
788          if( EQUAL( powers[ i ], 1.0 ) ) {
789             node2 = CopyTree( factors[ i ], status );
791 /* Otherwise, for non-zero, non-unity powers, we create a POW node for
792    the factor. */
793          } else {
794             node2 = NewNode( NULL, OP_POW, status );
795             pnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
796             if( astOK ) {
797                pnode->con = powers[ i ];
798                node2->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( factors[ i ], status );
799                node2->arg[ 1 ] = pnode;
800             }
801          }
803 /* We now combine node1 and node2 using an OP_MULT node, which becomes
804    the "node1" for the next pass. On the first pass we may have no node1 (if
805    the supplied coefficient was 1.0), in which case we reserve the current
806    node2 as the node1 for the next pass. */
807          if( node1 ) {
808             result = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
809             if( astOK ) {
810                result->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
811                result->arg[ 1 ] = node2;
812                node1 = result;
813             }
814          } else {
815             node1 = node2;
816          }
817       }
818    }
820 /* Ensure we have a node to return. */
821    if( astOK ) {
822       if( !result ) result = node1;
823       if( !result ) {
824          result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
825          if( astOK ) result->con = 1.0;
826       }
827    }
829 /* If an error has occurred, free any new tree. */
830    if( !astOK ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
832 /* Return the answer. */
833    return result;
834 }
ComplicateTree(UnitNode ** node,int * status)836 static int ComplicateTree( UnitNode **node, int *status ) {
837 /*
838 *  Name:
839 *     ComplicateTree
841 *  Purpose:
842 *     Removes standardisations introduced by SimplifyTree.
844 *  Type:
845 *     Private function.
847 *  Synopsis:
848 *     #include "unit.h"
849 *     int ComplicateTree( UnitNode **node )
851 *  Class Membership:
852 *     Unit member function.
854 *  Description:
855 *     This function modifies a tree of UnitNodes by removing standardisations
856 *     introduced by SimplifyTree. The standardisations removed are ones
857 *     which would make the corresponding algebraic expression (as produced
858 *     by MakeExp) unnatural to a human reader.
860 *  Parameters:
861 *     node
862 *        The address of a pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree
863 *        which is to be complicated. On exit the supplied tree is freed and
864 *        a pointer to a new tree is placed at the given address.
866 *  Returned Value:
867 *     Non-zero if any change was introduced into the tree.
869 */
871 /* Local Variables: */
872    int i;
873    UnitNode *newnode;
874    UnitNode *node1;
875    UnitNode *node2;
876    UnitNode *node3;
877    Oper op;
878    double con;
879    double fk;
880    int k;
881    int result;
882    double kcon;
884 /* Initialise */
885    result = 0;
887 /* Check inherited status. */
888    if( !astOK ) return result;
890 /* Initiallially, we have no replacement node. */
891    newnode = NULL;
892    node1 = NULL;
893    node3 = NULL;
895 /* Complicate the sub-trees corresponding to the arguments of the node at
896    the head of the supplied tree. */
897    for( i = 0; i < (*node)->narg; i++ ) {
898       if( ComplicateTree( &( (*node)->arg[ i ] ), status ) ) result = 1;
899    }
901 /* Now undo specific simplifications appropriate to the nature of the node at
902    the head of the tree. */
903    op = (*node)->opcode;
905 /* If the head is an OP_MULT node with a constant first argument and
906    a "LN" second argument, rearrange the nodes to represent ln(x**k) instead
907    of k*ln(x). If k is an integer multiple of "0.1/ln(10)" convert the "ln"
908    function into a "log" (base 10) function. Check for "k==1" in which
909    case we do not need a POW node. */
910    if( (*node)->opcode == OP_MULT ) {
912       con = (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con;
913       if( con != AST__BAD && (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_LN ) {
914          fk = 10.0*con*log( 10.0 );
915          k = NINT(fk);
916          if( EQUAL(fk,k) ) {
917             newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_LOG, status );
918             con = k/10.0;
919          } else {
920             newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_LN, status );
921          }
923          node2 = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
924          if( !EQUAL( con, 1.0 ) ){
925             node1 = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
926             node3 = NewNode( NULL, OP_POW, status );
927          }
929          if( astOK ) {
930             if( !EQUAL( con, 1.0 ) ){
931                node1->con = con;
932                node3->arg[ 0 ] = node2;
933                node3->arg[ 1 ] = node1;
934                newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node3;
935             } else {
936                newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node2;
937             }
938          }
940 /* Replace "(A**-1)*B" with "B/A" */
941       } else if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_POW &&
942                  EQUAL( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 1 ]->con, -1.0 )) {
943          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_DIV, status );
944          if( astOK ) {
945             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ], status );
946             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
947          }
949 /* Replace "B*(A**-1)" with "B/A" */
950       } else if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_POW &&
951                  EQUAL( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->arg[ 1 ]->con, -1.0 )) {
952          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_DIV, status );
953          if( astOK ) {
954             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
955             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
956          }
958 /* Convert (x**k)*(y**k) to (x*y)**k. */
959       } else if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_POW &&
960                  (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_POW &&
961                  EQUAL( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 1 ]->con,
962                         (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->arg[ 1 ]->con )) {
963          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_POW, status );
964          node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
965          if( astOK ) {
966             node1->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
967             node1->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
968             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
969             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 1 ], status );
970          }
972 /* Convert c*sqrt(x) to sqrt((c**2)*x) (if c > 0). */
973       } else if( (kcon=(*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con) != AST__BAD &&
974                  kcon > 0.0 && (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_SQRT ) {
975          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_SQRT, status );
976          node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
977          node2 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
978          if( astOK ) {
979             node2->con = kcon*kcon;
980             node1->arg[ 0 ] = node2;
981             node1->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
982             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
983          }
984       }
986 /* If the head node is a POW node, replace "x**0.5" by sqrt(x) */
987    } else if( (*node)->opcode == OP_POW ) {
988       if( EQUAL( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con, 0.5 ) ) {
989          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_SQRT, status );
990          if( astOK ) {
991             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
992          }
993       }
994    }
996 /* If we have produced a new node which is identical to the old node,
997    free it. Otherwise, indicate we have made some changes. */
998    if( newnode ) {
999       if( !CmpTree( newnode, *node, 1, status ) ) {
1000          newnode = FreeTree( newnode, status );
1001       } else {
1002          result = 1;
1003       }
1004    }
1006 /* If an error has occurred, free any new node. */
1007    if( !astOK ) {
1008       newnode = FreeTree( newnode, status );
1009       result = 0;
1010    }
1012 /* If we have a replacement node, free the supplied tree and return a
1013    pointer to the new tree. */
1014    if( newnode ) {
1015       FreeTree( *node, status );
1016       *node = newnode;
1017    }
1019 /* If the above produced some change, try simplifying (without
1020    re-introducing the standardisation we have just got rid of!) and
1021    then re-complicating the tree. */
1022    if( result ) {
1023       SimplifyTree( node, 0, status );
1024       ComplicateTree( node, status );
1025    }
1027 /* Return the result. */
1028    return result;
1029 }
ConcatTree(UnitNode * tree1,UnitNode * tree2,int * status)1031 static UnitNode *ConcatTree( UnitNode *tree1, UnitNode *tree2, int *status ) {
1032 /*
1033 *  Name:
1034 *     ConcatTree
1036 *  Purpose:
1037 *     Concatenate two trees together.
1039 *  Type:
1040 *     Private function.
1042 *  Synopsis:
1043 *     #include "unit.h"
1044 *     UnitNode *ConcatTree( UnitNode *tree1, UnitNode *tree2, int *status )
1046 *  Class Membership:
1047 *     Unit member function.
1049 *  Description:
1050 *     This function a pointer to the head of a new tree of UnitNodes which
1051 *     is formed by feeding the output of "tree1" (i.e. the quantity
1052 *     represented by the node at the head of tree1) into the (single)
1053 *     input of "tree2" (i.e. the single OP_LDVAR Node containined within
1054 *     tree2).
1056 *  Parameters:
1057 *     tree1
1058 *        A pointer to the first tree.
1059 *     tree2
1060 *        A pointer to the second tree. This should have no more than one
1061 *        OP_LDVAR node.
1062 *     status
1063 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1065 *  Returned Value:
1066 *     A pointer to a UnitNode which is at the head of the new tree.
1068 * Notes:
1069 *     - If "tree2" contains zero units, a NULL pointer is returned but no
1070 *     error is reported.
1071 *     - If "tree2" contains more than one unit, an error is reported
1072 *     error is reported.
1073 *     - A NULL pointer is returned if an error has already occurred, or
1074 *     if this function fails for any reason.
1076 */
1078 /* Local Variables: */
1079    UnitNode *result;
1080    UnitNode **units;
1081    int nunits;
1083 /* Initialise. */
1084    result = NULL;
1086 /* Check inherited status. */
1087    if( !astOK ) return result;
1089 /* Produce a copy of tree2. */
1090    result = CopyTree( tree2, status );
1092 /* Locate the OP_LDVAR node in the copy of tree2. */
1093    units = NULL;
1094    nunits = 0;
1095    LocateUnits( result, &units, &nunits, status );
1097 /* If no OP_LDVAR nodes were found in tree2, we cannot concatenate the
1098    trees. */
1099    if( nunits > 0 ) {
1101 /* Report an error if the number of pointers returned is larger than 1. */
1102       if( nunits > 1 && astOK ) {
1103          astError( AST__INTER, "ConcatTree(unit): tree2 uses %d units - "
1104                    "should be 1 (internal AST programming error).", status, nunits );
1105       }
1107 /* Replace the OP_LDVAR node in the copy of tree2 with a copy of tree1. */
1108       if( astOK ) {
1110 /* If the node at the head of the supplied tree2 is the node to be
1111    replaced, just free the tree created earlier and return a copy of
1112    tree1. */
1113          if( units[ 0 ] == result ) {
1114             FreeTree( result, status );
1115             result = CopyTree( tree1, status );
1117 /* Otherwise, search for the node to be replaced and do the substitution
1118    within the tree created earlier. */
1119          } else {
1120             ReplaceNode( result, units[ 0 ], CopyTree( tree1, status ), status );
1121          }
1122       }
1123    }
1125 /* Free resources. */
1126    units = astFree( units );
1128 /* If an error has occurred, free any new tree. */
1129    if( !astOK ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
1131 /* Return the answer. */
1132    return result;
1133 }
ConStart(const char * text,double * val,int * nc,int * status)1135 static int ConStart( const char *text, double *val, int *nc, int *status ) {
1136 /*
1137 *  Name:
1138 *     ConStart
1140 *  Purpose:
1141 *     See if the supplied string starts with a literal numeric constant.
1143 *  Type:
1144 *     Private function.
1146 *  Synopsis:
1147 *     #include "unit.h"
1148 *     int ConStart( const char *text, double *val, int *nc, int *status )
1150 *  Class Membership:
1151 *     Unit member function.
1153 *  Description:
1154 *     This function checks if the supplied string starts with a literal
1155 *     numeric constant and returns it if it does. It is a wrap-up for scanf
1156 *     since scanf has non-standard behaviour on some platforms (e.g. Cygwin
1157 *     scanf interprets the character "n" as a floating point number!).
1159 *  Parameters:
1160 *     text
1161 *        The text to check.
1162 *     val
1163 *        Address of a double to receive any numerical constant read
1164 *        from the start of the string. Unity is returned if the string
1165 *        does not start with a numerical constant.
1166 *     nc
1167 *        Address of an int to receive the number of characters used to
1168 *        create the value returned in "val". Zero is returned if the
1169 *        string does not start with a numerical constant.
1170 *     status
1171 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1173 *  Returned Value:
1174 *     Non-zero if the text started with a numerical constant.
1176 */
1178 /* Local Variables: */
1179    int result;
1180    const char *c;
1182 /* Initialise */
1183    *nc = 0;
1184    *val = 1.0;
1186 /* Return zero if no text was supplied */
1187    if( !text ) return 0;
1189 /* Use sscanf to see if the string begin with a numerical constant */
1190    result = astSscanf( text, "%lf%n", val, nc );
1192 /* If so, check that the first non-blank character in the string
1193    is not "N" (interpreted by Cygwin as numerical zero!). */
1194    if( result ) {
1195       c = text;
1196       while( isspace( *c ) ) c++;
1197       if( *c == 'n' || *c == 'N' ) {
1198          result = 0;
1199          *nc = 0;
1200          *val = 1.0;
1201       }
1202    }
1204 /* Return the result. */
1205    return result;
1206 }
CopyTree(UnitNode * tree,int * status)1208 static UnitNode *CopyTree( UnitNode *tree, int *status ) {
1209 /*
1210 *  Name:
1211 *     CopyTree
1213 *  Purpose:
1214 *     Create a new tree of UnitNodes containing a copy of a given tree.
1216 *  Type:
1217 *     Private function.
1219 *  Synopsis:
1220 *     #include "unit.h"
1221 *     UnitNode *CopyTree( UnitNode *tree, int *status )
1223 *  Class Membership:
1224 *     Unit member function.
1226 *  Description:
1227 *     This function creates a copy of the supplied tree of UnitNodes.
1229 *  Parameters:
1230 *     tree
1231 *        The UnitNode at the head of the tree to be copied.
1232 *     status
1233 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1235 *  Returned Value:
1236 *     A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the new tree.
1238 *  Notes:
1239 *     - A value of NULL will be returned if this function is invoked with
1240 *     the global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
1241 */
1243 /* Local Variables: */
1244    UnitNode **args;
1245    UnitNode *result;
1246    int i;
1247    int narg;
1249 /* Initialise. */
1250    result = NULL;
1252 /* Check the inherited status. */
1253    if( !astOK || !tree ) return result;
1255 /* Create a new node to represent the head of the supplied tree. */
1256    result = astMalloc( sizeof( UnitNode ) );
1258 /* Check pointers can be used safely. */
1259    if( astOK ) {
1261 /* Copy the fields of the supplied node. */
1262       narg = tree->narg;
1264       result->arg = NULL;
1265       result->unit = tree->unit;
1266       result->mult = tree->mult;
1267       result->opcode = tree->opcode;
1268       result->narg = narg;
1269       result->con = tree->con;
1270       result->name = tree->name ? astStore( NULL, tree->name,
1271                                             strlen( tree->name ) + 1 ) : NULL;
1273 /* Create an array of UnitNode pointers for the arguments. */
1274       args = astMalloc( narg*sizeof( UnitNode * ) );
1275       if( astOK ) {
1276          result->arg = args;
1278 /* Copy the sub-trees headed by the argument nodes. */
1279          for( i = 0; i < narg; i++ ) {
1280             args[ i ] = CopyTree( tree->arg[ i ], status );
1281          }
1282       }
1283    }
1285 /* Free any result if an error occurred. */
1286    if( !astOK ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
1288 /* Return the answer. */
1289    return result;
1290 }
CreateTree(const char * exp,int basic,int lock,int * status)1292 static UnitNode *CreateTree( const char *exp, int basic, int lock, int *status ){
1293 /*
1294 *  Name:
1295 *     CreateTree
1297 *  Purpose:
1298 *     Convert an algebraic units expression into a tree of UnitNodes.
1300 *  Type:
1301 *     Private function.
1303 *  Synopsis:
1304 *     #include "unit.h"
1305 *     UnitNode *CreateTree( const char *exp, int basic, int lock, int *status )
1307 *  Class Membership:
1308 *     Unit member function.
1310 *  Description:
1311 *     This function converts the supplied algebraic units expression into
1312 *     a tree of UnitNodes. The result tree can optionally be expanded to
1313 *     create a tree in which the "roots" (LDVAR nodes) all refer to
1314 *     basic units.
1316 *  Parameters:
1317 *     exp
1318 *        The units expression. This should not include any leading or
1319 *        trailing spaces.
1320 *     basic
1321 *        Should the tree created from parsing "exp" be expanded so that
1322 *        the leaf nodes of the tree are all basic units?
1323 *     lock
1324 *        Use a mutex to guard access to the KnownUnits list?
1325 *     status
1326 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1328 *  Returned Value:
1329 *     A pointer to a UnitNode which forms the head of a tree of UnitNodes
1330 *     representing the supplied unit expression.
1332 *  Notes:
1333 *     -  A NULL value is returned if this function is invoked with the
1334 *     global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
1335 */
1337 /* Local Variables: */
1338    UnitNode *result;
1339    const char *cleanex;
1341 /* Initialise */
1342    result = NULL;
1344 /* Check the global error status, and that we have a string. */
1345    if ( !astOK ) return result;
1347 /* Produce a clean copy of the supplied string. This has no leading
1348    or trailing white space, and any spaces adjacent to operators within
1349    the string are removed (this is needed because spaces are treated as
1350    multiplication symbols). */
1351    cleanex = CleanExp( exp, status );
1353 /* If the string is blank, return the NULL pointer. Otherwise, create a
1354    tree of UnitNodes describing the units. The returned tree has LDVAR
1355    nodes which refer to the unit symbols contained in the supplied string. */
1356    if( cleanex && (*cleanex) ) {
1357       result = MakeTree( cleanex, strlen( cleanex ), lock, status );
1359 /* Replace each subtree which simply combines constants (i.e. which has no
1360    OP_LDVAR nodes) with a single OP_LDCON node. */
1361       FixConstants( &result, 0, status );
1363 /* Invert literal constant unit multipliers. */
1364       InvertConstants( &result, status );
1366 /* Now replace each LDVAR node which refers to a known derived unit with
1367    a sub-tree which defines the derived unit in terms of known basic units.
1368    The LDVAR nodes in the resulting tree all refer to basic units. */
1369       if( basic ) RemakeTree( &result, status );
1370    }
1372 /* Free resources. */
1373    cleanex = astFree( (void *) cleanex );
1375 /* Free any returned tree if an error has occurred. */
1376    if( !astOK ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
1378 /* Return the result. */
1379    return result;
1380 }
DimAnal(UnitNode * node,double powers[NQUANT],double * scale,int * status)1382 static int DimAnal( UnitNode *node, double powers[NQUANT], double *scale, int *status ) {
1383 /*
1384 *  Name:
1385 *     DimAnal
1387 *  Purpose:
1388 *     Perform a dimensional analysis of a unit tree.
1390 *  Type:
1391 *     Protected function.
1393 *  Synopsis:
1394 *     #include "unit.h"
1395 *     int DimAnal( UnitNode *node, double powers[NQUANT], double *scale, int *status )
1397 *  Class Membership:
1398 *     Unit member function.
1400 *  Description:
1401 *     This function returns a set of powers and a scaling factor which
1402 *     represent the units tree.
1404 *  Parameters:
1405 *     node
1406 *        Pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the unit tree.
1407 *     powers
1408 *        An array in which are returned the powers for each of the following
1409 *        basic units (in the order shown): kilogramme, metre, second, radian,
1410 *        Kelvin, count, adu, photon, magnitude, pixel. If the supplied unit
1411 *        does not depend on a given basic unit a value of 0.0 will be returned
1412 *        in the array. The returns values represent a system of units which is
1413 *        a scaled form of the supplied units, expressed in the basic units of
1414 *        m, kg, s, rad, K, count, adu, photon, mag and pixel. For instance, a
1415 *        returned array of [1,0,-2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] would represent "m/s**2".
1416 *     scale
1417 *        Pointer to a location at which to return a scaling factor for the
1418 *        supplied units. The is the value, in the units represented by the
1419 *        returned powers, which corresponds to a value of 1.0 in the supplied
1420 *        units.
1421 *     status
1422 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1424 *  Returned Value:
1425 *     Non-zero if the tree was analysed succesfully. Zero otherwise.
1427 *  Notes:
1428 *     -  Zero is returned if this function is invoked with the
1429 *     global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
1430 */
1432 /* Local Variables; */
1433    Oper oper;
1434    int result;
1435    int i;
1436    double p0[ NQUANT ];
1437    double p1[ NQUANT ];
1438    double s0;
1439    double s1;
1441 /* Check inherited status */
1442    if( !astOK ) return 0;
1444 /* Initialise the powers of all dimensions to zero, and set the scaling
1445    factor to unity. */
1446    result = 1;
1447    *scale = 1.0;
1448    for( i = 0; i < NQUANT; i++ ) powers[ i ] = 0.0;
1450 /* Load constant: constant is dimensionaless so leave powers unchanged,
1451    and set the scaling factor. */
1452    oper = node->opcode;
1453    if( oper == OP_LDCON ) {
1454       *scale = 1.0/node->con;
1456 /* Load variable: check it is one of the basic known dimensional
1457    quantities. If so, set the power of the quantity to unity and store
1458    the scale factor. If the unit is "g" modify the scale factor so that
1459    the analysis quantity is "kg". */
1460    } else if( oper == OP_LDVAR ) {
1461       result = 0;
1462       for( i = 0; i < NQUANT; i++ ) {
1463          if( node->unit == quant_units[ i ] ) {
1464             powers[ i ] = 1.0;
1465             *scale = node->mult ? 1.0/node->mult->scale : 1.0;
1466             if( !strcmp( node->unit->sym, "g" ) ) *scale *= 0.001;
1467             result = 1;
1468             break;
1469          }
1470       }
1472 /* How does dimensional analysis handle log or exp units?*/
1473    } else if( oper == OP_LOG ) {
1474       result= 0;
1476    } else if( oper == OP_LN ) {
1477       result= 0;
1479    } else if( oper == OP_EXP ) {
1480       result= 0;
1482 /* Get the powers for the child unit and then multiply each by 0.5 and
1483    take the square root of the scale factor. */
1484    } else if( oper == OP_SQRT ) {
1485       result = DimAnal( node->arg[0], powers, scale, status );
1486       if( result ) {
1487          for( i = 0; i < NQUANT; i++ ) powers[ i ]*= 0.5;
1488          *scale = sqrt( *scale );
1489       }
1491 /* Similarly for pow nodes. */
1492    } else if( oper == OP_POW ) {
1493       result = DimAnal( node->arg[0], powers, scale, status );
1494       if( result ) {
1495          double power = node->arg[1]->con;
1496          for( i = 0; i < NQUANT; i++ ) powers[ i ]*= power;
1497          *scale = pow( *scale, power );
1498       }
1500 /* Binary operators. Analyses the operands dimensions and combine. */
1501    } else if( oper == OP_DIV ) {
1502       if( DimAnal( node->arg[0], p0, &s0, status ) &&
1503           DimAnal( node->arg[1], p1, &s1, status ) ) {
1504          for( i = 0; i < NQUANT; i++ ) powers[ i ] = p0[ i ] - p1[ i ];
1505          *scale = s0/s1;
1506       } else {
1507          result = 0;
1508       }
1510    } else if( oper == OP_MULT ) {
1511       if( DimAnal( node->arg[0], p0, &s0, status ) &&
1512           DimAnal( node->arg[1], p1, &s1, status ) ) {
1513          for( i = 0; i < NQUANT; i++ ) powers[ i ] = p0[ i ] + p1[ i ];
1514          *scale = s0*s1;
1515       } else {
1516          result = 0;
1517       }
1519 /* Named constants are dimensionless */
1520    } else if( oper == OP_LDPI ) {
1521       *scale = 1.0/PI;
1523    } else if( oper == OP_LDE ) {
1524       *scale = 1.0/E;
1526    }
1528    return result;
1530 }
EndsWith(const char * c,int nc,const char * test,int * status)1532 static int EndsWith( const char *c, int nc, const char *test, int *status ){
1533 /*
1534 *  Name:
1535 *     EndsWith
1537 *  Purpose:
1538 *     See if a string ends with another string
1540 *  Type:
1541 *     Private function.
1543 *  Synopsis:
1544 *     #include "unit.h"
1545 *     int EndsWith( const char *c, int nc, const char *test, int *status )
1547 *  Class Membership:
1548 *     Unit member function.
1550 *  Description:
1551 *     This function sees if the string given by "c" ends with the string
1552 *     given by "test". The comparison is case-insensitive.
1554 *  Parameters:
1555 *     c
1556 *        A pointer to the last character in the string to be tested.
1557 *     nc
1558 *        The number of characters in the string to be tested.
1559 *     test
1560 *        A pointer to the string to be tested for.
1561 *     status
1562 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1564 *  Returned Value:
1565 *     Non-zero if the string "c" ends with the string "test".
1567 */
1569 /* Local Variables: */
1570    const char *start;
1571    int i;
1572    int result;
1573    int tlen;
1575 /* initialise. */
1576    result = 0;
1578 /* Check inherited status. */
1579    if( !astOK ) return result;
1581 /* Check the string being tested for is not longer than the string being
1582    tested. */
1583    tlen = strlen( test );
1584    if( tlen <= nc ){
1586 /* Get a pointer to where the matching string would start if the string "c"
1587    ends with the required string "test". */
1588       start = c - tlen + 1;
1590 /* Do the comparison. */
1591       result = 1;
1592       for( i = 0; i < tlen; i++ ) {
1593          if( tolower( start[ i ] ) != tolower( test[ i ] ) ) {
1594             result = 0;
1595             break;
1596          }
1597       }
1598    }
1600 /* Return the result. */
1601    return result;
1603 }
FindFactors(UnitNode * node,UnitNode *** factors,double ** powers,int * nfactor,double * coeff,int * status)1605 static void FindFactors( UnitNode *node, UnitNode ***factors, double **powers,
1606                          int *nfactor, double *coeff, int *status ){
1607 /*
1608 *  Name:
1609 *     FindFactors
1611 *  Purpose:
1612 *     Find the factors within an expression given by a tree of UnitNodes.
1614 *  Type:
1615 *     Private function.
1617 *  Synopsis:
1618 *     #include "unit.h"
1619 *     void FindFactors( UnitNode *node, UnitNode ***factors, double **powers,
1620 *                       int *nfactor, double *coeff, int *status )
1622 *  Class Membership:
1623 *     Unit member function.
1625 *  Description:
1626 *     This function analyses the supplied tree of UnitNoes and returns
1627 *     an array of pointers to nodes within the supplied tree which form
1628 *     factors of the tree. The power associated with each factor is also
1629 *     returned, together with an overall coefficient for the tree. The
1630 *     expression represented by the tree is thus the product of the
1631 *     coefficient with each of the factors, each raised to the associated
1632 *     power.
1634 *  Parameters:
1635 *     node
1636 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree which is to be
1637 *        analysed.
1638 *     factors
1639 *        The address at which to return a pointer to an array with "*nfactor"
1640 *        elements, each element being a pointer to a UnitNode within the
1641 *        supplied tree which is a factor of the supplied tree.
1642 *     powers
1643 *        The address at which to return a pointer to an array with "*nfactor"
1644 *        elements, each element being a double holding the power of the
1645 *        associated factor in "*factors".
1646 *     nfactor
1647 *        The address of an int containing the number of elements in the
1648 *        returned "*factors" and "*powers" arrays.
1649 *     coeff
1650 *        The address of a double containing the overall coefficient to be
1651 *        applied to the product of the factors.
1652 *     status
1653 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1655 *  Notes:
1656 *     - If the supplied node is a constant node, then "*coeff" is
1657 *     returned holding the value of the constant and "*nfactor" is returned
1658 *     equal to zero ("*factors" and "*powers" are returned holding NULL).
1659 *     - If an error has already occurred, or if this function fails, then
1660 *     "*factors" and "*powers" are returned holding NULL, "*nfactor" is
1661 *     returned holding zero and "*coeff" is returned holding 1.0.
1663 */
1665 /* Local Variables: */
1666    int i;
1667    int j;
1668    int found;
1669    UnitNode **fact1;
1670    double *pow1;
1671    double coeff1;
1672    int nfac1;
1673    double con;
1675 /* Initialise */
1676    *factors = NULL;
1677    *powers = NULL;
1678    *nfactor = 0;
1679    *coeff = 1.0;
1681 /* Check inherited status. */
1682    if( !astOK ) return;
1684 /* If the node at the head of the supplied tree is an OP_MULT node... */
1685    if( node->opcode == OP_MULT ) {
1687 /* Find the factors of the two arguments of the OP_MULT node. */
1688       FindFactors( node->arg[ 0 ], factors, powers, nfactor, coeff, status );
1689       FindFactors( node->arg[ 1 ], &fact1, &pow1, &nfac1, &coeff1, status );
1691 /* Combine the two lists. Loop round the factors of the seocnd argument. */
1692       for( i = 0; i < nfac1; i++ ) {
1694 /* See if there is already an equivalent factor in the returned list of
1695    factors. */
1696          found = 0;
1697          for( j = 0; j < *nfactor; j++ ) {
1698             if( !CmpTree( (*factors)[ j ], fact1[ i ], 0, status ) ){
1699                found = 1;
1700                break;
1701             }
1702          }
1704 /* If so, increment the power of the factor. */
1705          if( found ) {
1706             (*powers)[ j ] += pow1[ i ];
1708 /* Otherwise, add the factor to the end of the returned list. */
1709          } else {
1710             *factors = astGrow( *factors, *nfactor + 1, sizeof( UnitNode *) );
1711             *powers = astGrow( *powers, *nfactor + 1, sizeof( double ) );
1712             if( astOK ) {
1713                (*factors)[ *nfactor ] = fact1[ i ];
1714                (*powers)[ (*nfactor)++ ] = pow1[ i ];
1715             }
1716          }
1717       }
1719 /* Modify the overall coefficient. */
1720       *coeff *= coeff1;
1722 /* Free resources */
1723       fact1 = astFree( fact1 );
1724       pow1 = astFree( pow1 );
1726 /* If the node at the head of the supplied tree is an OP_POW node, */
1727    } else if( node->opcode == OP_POW ) {
1729 /* Find the factors of the first argument. */
1730       FindFactors( node->arg[ 0 ], factors, powers, nfactor, coeff, status );
1732 /* Multiply all the factor powers by the constant exponent of the POW
1733    node. */
1734       con = node->arg[ 1 ]->con;
1735       for( j = 0; j < *nfactor; j++ ) {
1736          (*powers)[ j ] *= con;
1737       }
1739 /* Exponentiate the coefficient. */
1740       if( *coeff >= 0.0 || (int) con == con ) {
1741          *coeff = pow( *coeff, con );
1742       } else {
1743          astError( AST__BADUN, "Simplifying a units expression requires a "
1744                    "negative value to be raised to a non-intergal power." , status);
1745       }
1747 /* If the node at the head of the supplied tree is an OP_DIV node, */
1748    } else if( node->opcode == OP_DIV ) {
1750 /* Find the factors of the two arguments of the OP_DIV node. */
1751       FindFactors( node->arg[ 0 ], factors, powers, nfactor, coeff, status );
1752       FindFactors( node->arg[ 1 ], &fact1, &pow1, &nfac1, &coeff1, status );
1754 /* Combine the two lists. Loop round the factors of the second argument
1755    (the denominator). */
1756       for( i = 0; i < nfac1; i++ ) {
1758 /* See if there is already an equivalent factor in the returned list of
1759    factors. */
1760          found = 0;
1761          for( j = 0; j < *nfactor; j++ ) {
1762             if( !CmpTree( (*factors)[ j ], fact1[ i ], 0, status ) ){
1763                found = 1;
1764                break;
1765             }
1766          }
1768 /* If so, decrement the power of the factor. */
1769          if( found ) {
1770             (*powers)[ j ] -= pow1[ i ];
1772 /* Otherwise, add the factor to the end of the returned list, with a
1773    negated power. */
1774          } else {
1775             *factors = astGrow( *factors, *nfactor + 1, sizeof( UnitNode *) );
1776             *powers = astGrow( *powers, *nfactor + 1, sizeof( double ) );
1777             if( astOK ) {
1778                (*factors)[ *nfactor ] = fact1[ i ];
1779                (*powers)[ (*nfactor)++ ] = -pow1[ i ];
1780             }
1781          }
1782       }
1784 /* Modify the overall coefficient. */
1785       if( coeff1 != 0.0 ) {
1786          *coeff /= coeff1;
1787       } else {
1788          astError( AST__BADUN, "Simplifying a units expression"
1789                    "requires a division by zero." , status);
1790       }
1792 /* Free resources */
1793       fact1 = astFree( fact1 );
1794       pow1 = astFree( pow1 );
1796 /* If the node at the head of the supplied tree is an OP_SQRT node, */
1797    } else if( node->opcode == OP_SQRT ) {
1799 /* Find the factors of the argument. */
1800       FindFactors( node->arg[ 0 ], factors, powers, nfactor, coeff, status );
1802 /* Multiply all the factor powers by 0.5. */
1803       for( j = 0; j < *nfactor; j++ ) {
1804          (*powers)[ j ] *= 0.5;
1805       }
1807 /* Square root the coefficient. */
1808       if( *coeff >= 0.0 ) {
1809          *coeff = sqrt( *coeff );
1810       } else {
1811          astError( AST__BADUN, "Simplifying a units expression requires "
1812                    "the square root of a negative value to be taken." , status);
1813       }
1815 /* If the node at the head of the supplied tree is constant we have no
1816    factors but we have a coeffcient. */
1817    } else if( node->con != AST__BAD ) {
1818       *coeff = node->con;
1820 /* Other nodes have no factors other than themselves, so just return a
1821    pointer to the supplied node. */
1822    } else {
1823       *factors = astMalloc( sizeof( UnitNode *) );
1824       *powers = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) );
1825       if( astOK ) {
1826          *nfactor = 1;
1827          (*factors)[ 0 ] = node;
1828          (*powers)[ 0 ] = 1.0;
1829          *coeff = 1.0;
1830       }
1831    }
1833 /* If an error has occurred, free any returned resources. */
1834    if( !astOK ) {
1835       *factors = astFree( *factors );
1836       *powers = astFree( *powers );
1837       *nfactor = 0;
1838       *coeff = 1.0;
1839    }
1840 }
FixConstants(UnitNode ** node,int unity,int * status)1842 static void FixConstants( UnitNode **node, int unity, int *status ) {
1843 /*
1844 *  Name:
1845 *     FixConstants
1847 *  Purpose:
1848 *     Take the reciprocal of all constants in a tree of UnitNodes.
1850 *  Type:
1851 *     Private function.
1853 *  Synopsis:
1854 *     #include "unit.h"
1855 *     void FixConstants( UnitNode **node, int unity, int *status )
1857 *  Class Membership:
1858 *     Unit member function.
1860 *  Description:
1861 *     This function replaces sub-trees which have a constant value by
1862 *     a single OP_LDCON node which loads the appropriate constant.
1864 *  Parameters:
1865 *     node
1866 *        The address of a pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree
1867 *        which is to be fixed. On exit the supplied tree is freed and a
1868 *        pointer to a new tree is palced at he given address.
1869 *     unity
1870 *        If non-zero, then all multiplicative constants are set to 1.0, and
1871 *        their original values are forgotten, but only if the other
1872 *        argument of the OP_MULT node is an OP_LDVAR, OP_POW or OP_SQRT Node.
1873 *     status
1874 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1876 */
1878 /* Local Variables: */
1879    int i;
1880    UnitNode *newnode;
1881    int allcon;
1882    Oper op;
1883    double newcon;
1885 /* Check inherited status and pointer. */
1886    if( !astOK || !node || !(*node) ) return;
1888 /* Initiallially, we have no replacement node */
1889    newnode = NULL;
1890    newcon = AST__BAD;
1892 /* There is nothing to fix if the node has no arguments. */
1893    if( (*node)->narg > 0 ) {
1895 /* Note the op code for the node. */
1896       op = (*node)->opcode;
1898 /* Fix up the argument nodes. Also note if all the arguments are
1899    constants. */
1900       allcon = 1;
1901       for( i = 0; i < (*node)->narg; i++ ) {
1902          FixConstants( &( (*node)->arg[ i ] ), unity, status );
1903          if( (*node)->arg[ i ]->con == AST__BAD ) allcon = 0;
1904       }
1906 /* If an OP_MULT nodes within a simplified tree has a constant argument,
1907    it will always be argument zero.  If this is an OP_MULT node and arg[0]
1908    is constant and "unity" is non-zero and arg[1] is an OP_LDVAR, OP_POW
1909    or OP_SQRT node, replace the constant value by 1.0. */
1910       if( unity && op == OP_MULT &&
1911           (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con != AST__BAD &&
1912           ( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_LDVAR ||
1913             (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_SQRT ||
1914             (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_POW ) ) {
1915          (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con = 1.0;
1916       }
1918 /* If the arguments of this node are all constants, replace the node by
1919    an OP_LDCON node which loads the resulting constant value. */
1920       if( allcon ) {
1921          if( (*node)->narg > 0 ) {
1922             newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
1923             if( astOK ) {
1924                if( op == OP_LOG ) {
1925                   if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con > 0.0 ) {
1926                      newcon = log10( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con );
1927                   } else {
1928                      astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal negative or zero constant "
1929                                "value '%g' encountered.", status,
1930                                (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con );
1931                   }
1932                } else if( op == OP_LN ){
1933                   if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con > 0.0 ) {
1934                      newcon = log( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con );
1935                   } else {
1936                      astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal negative or zero constant value "
1937                                "'%g' encountered.", status, (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con );
1938                   }
1939                } else if( op == OP_EXP ){
1940                   newcon = exp( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con );
1942                } else if( op == OP_SQRT ){
1943                   if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con >= 0.0 ) {
1944                      newcon = sqrt( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con );
1945                   } else {
1946                      astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal negative constant value "
1947                                "'%g' encountered.", status, (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con );
1948                   }
1950                } else if( op == OP_POW ){
1951                   if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con >= 0.0 ||
1952                       (int) (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con == (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con ) {
1953                      newcon = pow( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con,
1954                                    (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con );
1955                   } else {
1956                      astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal negative constant value "
1957                                "'%g' encountered.", status, (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con );
1958                   }
1960                } else if( op == OP_DIV ){
1961                   if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con != 0.0 ) {
1962                      newcon = (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con / (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con;
1963                   } else {
1964                      astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal zero constant value encountered." , status);
1965                   }
1967                } else if( op == OP_MULT ){
1968                   newcon = (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con * (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con;
1970                }
1973                if( astOK ) newnode->con = newcon;
1974             }
1975          }
1976       }
1977    }
1979 /* If an error has occurred, free any new node. */
1980    if( !astOK ) newnode = FreeTree( newnode, status );
1982 /* If we have a replacement node, free the supplied tree and return a
1983    pointer to the new tree. */
1984    if( newnode ) {
1985       FreeTree( *node, status );
1986       *node = newnode;
1987    }
1989 }
FixUnits(UnitNode * node,UnitNode * test,int * status)1991 static UnitNode *FixUnits( UnitNode *node, UnitNode *test, int *status ) {
1992 /*
1993 *  Name:
1994 *     FixUnits
1996 *  Purpose:
1997 *     Assign a constant value to all units except for one.
1999 *  Type:
2000 *     Private function.
2002 *  Synopsis:
2003 *     #include "unit.h"
2004 *     UnitNode *FixUnits( UnitNode *node, UnitNode *test, int *status )
2006 *  Class Membership:
2007 *     Unit member function.
2009 *  Description:
2010 *     This function returns a copy of the supplied tree of UnitNodes. All
2011 *     OP_LDVAR nodes within the copy which refer to units which differ
2012 *     from those referred to by the supplied test node are replaced by
2013 *     OP_LDCON nodes which load the constant value 1.0.
2015 *  Parameters:
2016 *     node
2017 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree to be used.
2018 *     test
2019 *        A pointer to an OP_LDVAR node which defines the units which are
2020 *        *not* to be replaced by a constant value of 1.0.
2021 *     status
2022 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2024 *  Returned Value:
2025 *     A pointer to a UnitNode which is at the head of a tree of UnitNodes
2026 *     which forms the required copy of th einput tree.
2028 * Notes:
2029 *     - A NULL pointer is returned if an error has already occurred, or
2030 *     if this function fails for any reason.
2032 */
2034 /* Local Variables: */
2035    int i;
2036    UnitNode *result;
2038 /* Initialise. */
2039    result = NULL;
2041 /* Check inherited status. */
2042    if( !astOK ) return result;
2044 /* Create a complete copy of the supplied tree. */
2045    result = CopyTree( node, status );
2047 /* Is the node at the head of the supplied tree an OP_LDVAR node? */
2048    if( node->opcode == OP_LDVAR ) {
2050 /* Does it refer to a unit which differs from that of the test node? If so
2051    annul the copy created above and return a new OP_LDCON node which loads
2052    the constant value 1.0. */
2053       if( strcmp( test->name, node->name ) ) {
2054          FreeTree( result, status );
2055          result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
2056          if( astOK ) result->con = 1.0;
2057       }
2059 /* If the supplied node is not an OP_LDVAR node, check each argument of
2060    the head node. */
2061    } else {
2062       for( i = 0; i < node->narg; i++ ) {
2064 /* Free the resources used to hold this argument in the tree copy created
2065    above. */
2066          FreeTree( result->arg[ i ], status );
2068 /* Create a new argument tree by calling this function recursively to
2069    fix units in the argument sub-trees. */
2070          result->arg[ i ] = FixUnits( node->arg[ i ], test, status );
2071       }
2072    }
2074 /* If an error has occurred, free any new tree. */
2075    if( !astOK ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
2077 /* Return the answer. */
2078    return result;
2079 }
FreeTree(UnitNode * node,int * status)2081 static UnitNode *FreeTree( UnitNode *node, int *status ) {
2082 /*
2083 *  Name:
2084 *     FreeTree
2086 *  Purpose:
2087 *     Free resources used by a tree of UnitNodes.
2089 *  Type:
2090 *     Private function.
2092 *  Synopsis:
2093 *     #include "unit.h"
2094 *     UnitNode *FreeTree( UnitNode *node, int *status )
2096 *  Class Membership:
2097 *     Unit member function.
2099 *  Description:
2100 *     This function frees the memory used to store a tree of UnitNodes.
2102 *  Parameters:
2103 *     node
2104 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree which is to be
2105 *        freed.
2106 *     status
2107 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2109 *  Returned Value:
2110 *     A NULL pointer is returned.
2112 *  Notes:
2113 *     - This function attempts to execute even if it is invoked with
2114 *     the global error status set.
2115 */
2117 /* Local Variables: */
2118    int i;
2120 /* Check a node was supplied. */
2121    if( node ) {
2123 /* Recursively free any argument nodes. */
2124       if( node->arg ) {
2125          for( i = 0; i < node->narg; i++ ) {
2126             (node->arg)[ i ] = FreeTree( (node->arg)[ i ], status );
2127          }
2128          node->arg = astFree( node->arg );
2129       }
2131 /* Nullify other pointers for safety. */
2132       node->unit = NULL;
2133       node->mult = NULL;
2135 /* Free the copy of the symbol string (if any). */
2136       node->name = astFree( (char *) node->name );
2138 /* Free the memory holding the node. */
2139       node = astFree( node );
2140    }
2142 /* Return a null pointer. */
2143    return NULL;
2144 }
GetKnownUnits(int lock,int * status)2146 static KnownUnit *GetKnownUnits( int lock, int *status ) {
2147 /*
2148 *  Name:
2149 *     GetKnownUnits
2151 *  Purpose:
2152 *     Get a pointer to the head of a linked list of known unit definitions.
2154 *  Type:
2155 *     Private function.
2157 *  Synopsis:
2158 *     #include "unit.h"
2159 *     KnownUnit *GetKnownUnits( int lock, int *status )
2161 *  Class Membership:
2162 *     Unit member function.
2164 *  Description:
2165 *     This function returns a pointer to the head of a linked list of known
2166 *     unit definitions. The unit definitions are created as static module
2167 *     variables if they have not previously been created.
2169 *  Parameters:
2170 *     lock
2171 *        If non-zero, then lock a mutex prior to accessing the list of
2172 *        known units.
2173 *     status
2174 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2176 *  Returned Value:
2177 *     A pointer to the first known unit definition.
2179 *  Notes:
2180 *     - A NULL pointer is returned if it is invoked with the global error
2181 *     status set, or if an error occurs.
2182 */
2184 /* Local Variables: */
2185    int iq;
2186    KnownUnit *result;
2188 /* Initialise. */
2189    result = NULL;
2191 /* Check inherited status. */
2192    if( !astOK ) return result;
2194 /* Ensure the known units list is only initialised once. */
2195    if( lock ) {
2196       LOCK_MUTEX1
2197    }
2199 /* If the linked list of KnownUnit structures describing the known units
2200    has not yet been created, create it now. A pointer to the head of the
2201    linked list is put into the static variable "known_units". */
2202    if( !known_units ) {
2204 /* At the same time we store pointers to the units describing the basic
2205    quantities used in dimensional analysis. Initialise th index of the
2206    next such unit. */
2207       iq = 0;
2209 /* Create definitions for the known units. First do all IAU basic units.
2210    We include "g" instead of "kg" because otherwise we would have to
2211    refer to a gramme as a milli-kilogramme. */
2212       MakeKnownUnit( "g", "gram", NULL, status );
2213       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2214       MakeKnownUnit( "m", "metre", NULL, status );
2215       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2216       MakeKnownUnit( "s", "second", NULL, status );
2217       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2218       MakeKnownUnit( "rad", "radian", NULL, status );
2219       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2220       MakeKnownUnit( "K", "Kelvin", NULL, status );
2221       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2222       MakeKnownUnit( "A", "Ampere", NULL, status );
2223       MakeKnownUnit( "mol", "mole", NULL, status );
2224       MakeKnownUnit( "cd", "candela", NULL, status );
2226 /* Now do all IAU derived units. Unit definitions may only refer to units
2227    which have already been defined. */
2228       MakeKnownUnit( "sr", "steradian", "rad rad", status );
2229       MakeKnownUnit( "Hz", "Hertz", "1/s", status );
2230       MakeKnownUnit( "N", "Newton", "kg m/s**2", status );
2231       MakeKnownUnit( "J", "Joule", "N m", status );
2232       MakeKnownUnit( "W", "Watt", "J/s", status );
2233       MakeKnownUnit( "C", "Coulomb", "A s", status );
2234       MakeKnownUnit( "V", "Volt", "J/C", status );
2235       MakeKnownUnit( "Pa", "Pascal", "N/m**2", status );
2236       MakeKnownUnit( "Ohm", "Ohm", "V/A", status );
2237       MakeKnownUnit( "S", "Siemens", "A/V", status );
2238       MakeKnownUnit( "F", "Farad", "C/V", status );
2239       MakeKnownUnit( "Wb", "Weber", "V s", status );
2240       MakeKnownUnit( "T", "Tesla", "Wb/m**2", status );
2241       MakeKnownUnit( "H", "Henry", "Wb/A", status );
2242       MakeKnownUnit( "lm", "lumen", "cd sr", status );
2243       MakeKnownUnit( "lx", "lux", "lm/m**2", status );
2245 /* Now do additional derived and basic units listed in the FITS-WCS paper. */
2246       MakeKnownUnit( "deg", "degree", "pi/180 rad", status );
2247       MakeKnownUnit( "arcmin", "arc-minute", "1/60 deg", status );
2248       MakeKnownUnit( "arcsec", "arc-second", "1/3600 deg", status );
2249       MakeKnownUnit( "mas", "milli-arcsecond", "1/3600000 deg", status );
2250       MakeKnownUnit( "min", "minute", "60 s", status );
2251       MakeKnownUnit( "h", "hour", "3600 s", status );
2252       MakeKnownUnit( "d", "day", "86400 s", status );
2253       MakeKnownUnit( "yr", "year", "31557600 s", status );
2254       MakeKnownUnit( "a", "year", "31557600 s", status );
2255       MakeKnownUnit( "eV", "electron-Volt", "1.60217733E-19 J", status );
2256       MakeKnownUnit( "erg", "erg", "1.0E-7 J", status );
2257       MakeKnownUnit( "Ry", "Rydberg", "13.605692 eV", status );
2258       MakeKnownUnit( "solMass", "solar mass", "1.9891E30 kg", status );
2259       MakeKnownUnit( "u", "unified atomic mass unit", "1.6605387E-27 kg", status );
2260       MakeKnownUnit( "solLum", "solar luminosity", "3.8268E26 W", status );
2261       MakeKnownUnit( "Angstrom", "Angstrom", "1.0E-10 m", status );
2262       MakeKnownUnit( "micron", "micron", "1.0E-6 m", status );
2263       MakeKnownUnit( "solRad", "solar radius", "6.9599E8 m", status );
2264       MakeKnownUnit( "AU", "astronomical unit", "1.49598E11 m", status );
2265       MakeKnownUnit( "lyr", "light year", "9.460730E15 m", status );
2266       MakeKnownUnit( "pc", "parsec", "3.0867E16 m", status );
2267       MakeKnownUnit( "count", "count", NULL, status );
2268       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2269       MakeKnownUnit( "adu", "analogue-to-digital unit", NULL, status );
2270       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2271       MakeKnownUnit( "photon", "photon", NULL, status );
2272       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2273       MakeKnownUnit( "Jy", "Jansky", "1.0E-26 W /m**2 /Hz", status );
2274       MakeKnownUnit( "mag", "magnitude", NULL, status );
2275       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2276       MakeKnownUnit( "G", "Gauss", "1.0E-4 T", status );
2277       MakeKnownUnit( "pixel", "pixel", NULL, status );
2278       quant_units[ iq++ ] = known_units;
2279       MakeKnownUnit( "barn", "barn", "1.0E-28 m**2", status );
2280       MakeKnownUnit( "D", "Debye", "(1.0E-29/3) C.m", status );
2282       if( iq != NQUANT && astOK ) {
2283          astError( AST__INTER, "unit(GetKnownUnits): %d basic quantities "
2284                    "noted but this should be %d (internal AST programming "
2285                    "error).", status, iq, NQUANT );
2286       }
2288 /* Unit aliases... */
2289       MakeUnitAlias( "Angstrom", "Ang", status );
2290       MakeUnitAlias( "count", "ct", status );
2291       MakeUnitAlias( "photon", "ph", status );
2292       MakeUnitAlias( "Jy", "Jan", status );
2293       MakeUnitAlias( "pixel", "pix", status );
2294       MakeUnitAlias( "s", "sec", status );
2295       MakeUnitAlias( "m", "meter", status );
2296    }
2298 /* If succesful, return the pointer to the head of the list. */
2299    if( astOK ) result = known_units;
2301 /* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
2302    if( lock ) {
2303       UNLOCK_MUTEX1
2304    }
2306 /* Return the result. */
2307    return result;
2308 }
GetMultipliers(int * status)2310 static Multiplier *GetMultipliers( int *status ) {
2311 /*
2312 *  Name:
2313 *     GetMultiplier
2315 *  Purpose:
2316 *     Get a pointer to the head of a linked list of multiplier definitions.
2318 *  Type:
2319 *     Private function.
2321 *  Synopsis:
2322 *     #include "unit.h"
2323 *     Multiplier *Multipliers( void )
2325 *  Class Membership:
2326 *     Unit member function.
2328 *  Description:
2329 *     This function returns a pointer to the head of a linked list of known
2330 *     multiplier definitions. The multiplier definitions are created as
2331 *     static module variables if they have not previously been created.
2333 *  Returned Value:
2334 *     A pointer to the first known multiplier definition.
2336 *  Notes:
2337 *     - A NULL pointer is returned if it is invoked with the global error
2338 *     status set, or if an error occurs.
2339 */
2341 /* Local Variables: */
2342    Multiplier *result;
2343    Multiplier *mult;
2345 /* Initialise. */
2346    result = NULL;
2348 /* Check inherited status. */
2349    if( !astOK ) return result;
2351 /* Ensure the list is only initialised by one thread. */
2352    LOCK_MUTEX2
2354 /* If the linked list of Multiplier structures describing the known
2355    multipliers has not yet been created, create it now. A pointer to the
2356    head of the linked list is put into the static variable "multipliers". */
2357    if( !multipliers ) {
2359 /* Define a macro to create a multiplier struncture and add it to the
2360    linked list of multiplier structures. */
2361 #define MAKEMULT(s,sl,sc,lab,ll) \
2362       mult = astMalloc( sizeof( Multiplier ) ); \
2363       if( astOK ) { \
2364          mult->sym = s; \
2365          mult->symlen = sl; \
2366          mult->lablen = ll; \
2367          mult->scale = sc; \
2368          mult->label = lab; \
2369          mult->next = multipliers; \
2370          multipliers = mult; \
2371       }
2373 /* Use the above macro to create all the standard multipliers listed in the
2374    FITS WCS paper I. */
2375       MAKEMULT("d",1,1.0E-1,"deci",4)
2376       MAKEMULT("c",1,1.0E-2,"centi",5)
2377       MAKEMULT("m",1,1.0E-3,"milli",5)
2378       MAKEMULT("u",1,1.0E-6,"micro",5)
2379       MAKEMULT("n",1,1.0E-9,"nano",4)
2380       MAKEMULT("p",1,1.0E-12,"pico",4)
2381       MAKEMULT("f",1,1.0E-15,"femto",5)
2382       MAKEMULT("a",1,1.0E-18,"atto",4)
2383       MAKEMULT("z",1,1.0E-21,"zepto",5)
2384       MAKEMULT("y",1,1.0E-24,"yocto",5)
2385       MAKEMULT("da",2,1.0E1,"deca",4)
2386       MAKEMULT("h",1,1.0E2,"hecto",5)
2387       MAKEMULT("k",1,1.0E3,"kilo",4)
2388       MAKEMULT("M",1,1.0E6,"mega",4)
2389       MAKEMULT("G",1,1.0E9,"giga",4)
2390       MAKEMULT("T",1,1.0E12,"tera",4)
2391       MAKEMULT("P",1,1.0E15,"peta",4)
2392       MAKEMULT("E",1,1.0E18,"exa",3)
2393       MAKEMULT("Z",1,1.0E21,"zetta",5)
2394       MAKEMULT("Y",1,1.0E24,"yotta",5)
2396 /* Undefine the macro. */
2397 #undef MAKEMULT
2399    }
2401 /* If succesful, return the pointer to the head of the list. */
2402    if( astOK ) result = multipliers;
2404 /* Allow the next thread to proceed. */
2407 /* Return the result. */
2408    return result;
2409 }
InvertConstants(UnitNode ** node,int * status)2411 static void InvertConstants( UnitNode **node, int *status ) {
2412 /*
2413 *  Name:
2414 *     InvertConstants
2416 *  Purpose:
2417 *     Take the reciprocal of all constants in a tree of UnitNodes.
2419 *  Type:
2420 *     Private function.
2422 *  Synopsis:
2423 *     #include "unit.h"
2424 *     void InvertConstants( UnitNode **node, int *status )
2426 *  Class Membership:
2427 *     Unit member function.
2429 *  Description:
2430 *     This function replaces constant unit coefficients by their reciprocal.
2431 *     This is because a string such as "0.01 m" will be interpreted as
2432 *     meaning "multiply a value in metres by 0.01 to get the value in the
2433 *     required units", whereas what is actually meant is "use units of
2434 *     0.01 of a metre" which requires us to divide the value in metres by
2435 *     0.01, not multiply it.
2437 *  Parameters:
2438 *     node
2439 *        The address of a pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree.
2440 *        On exit the supplied tree is freed and a pointer to a new tree is
2441 *        placed at the given address.
2442 *     status
2443 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2445 */
2447 /* Local Variables: */
2448    int i;
2449    UnitNode *newnode;
2450    int allcon;
2451    Oper op;
2453 /* Check inherited status and pointer. */
2454    if( !astOK || !node || !(*node) ) return;
2456 /* Initiallially, we have no replacement node */
2457    newnode = NULL;
2459 /* There is nothing to fix if the node has no arguments. */
2460    if( (*node)->narg > 0 ) {
2462 /* Note the op code for the node. */
2463       op = (*node)->opcode;
2465 /* Fix up the argument nodes. Also note if all the arguments are
2466    constants. */
2467       allcon = 1;
2468       for( i = 0; i < (*node)->narg; i++ ) {
2469          InvertConstants( &( (*node)->arg[ i ] ), status );
2470          if( (*node)->arg[ i ]->con == AST__BAD ) allcon = 0;
2471       }
2473 /* If all nodes are constant, there are no co-efficients to invert. */
2474       if( !allcon ) {
2476 /* Iif this is a multiplication node, see if either of its arguments
2477    is a constant. If so, invert the constant. This is because a string like
2478    "0.01 m" means "each unit is 0.01 of a metre". Therefore, to transform
2479    a value in metres into required units means multiplying the metres
2480    value by 100.0 (i.e the reciprocal of 0.01), not 0.01. */
2481          if( op == OP_MULT ) {
2482             for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
2483                if( (*node)->arg[ i ]->con != AST__BAD ) {
2484                   if( (*node)->arg[ i ]->con != 0.0 ) {
2486                      (*node)->arg[ i ]->con = 1.0/(*node)->arg[ i ]->con;
2487                   } else {
2488                      astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal zero constant encountered." , status);
2489                   }
2490                }
2491             }
2493 /* Likewise, check for division nodes in which the denominator is
2494    constant. */
2495          } else if( op == OP_DIV ) {
2496             if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con != AST__BAD ) {
2497                if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con != 0.0 ) {
2498                   (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con = 1.0/(*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con;
2499                } else {
2500                   astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal zero constant encountered." , status);
2501                }
2502             }
2504 /* If this is a "pow" node check that the second argument is constant
2505    (required by FITS WCS paper I). */
2506          } else if( op == OP_POW ) {
2507             if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con == AST__BAD ) {
2508                astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal variable exponent." , status);
2509             }
2510          }
2511       }
2512    }
2514 /* If an error has occurred, free any new node. */
2515    if( !astOK ) newnode = FreeTree( newnode, status );
2517 /* If we have a replacement node, free the supplied tree and return a
2518    pointer to the new tree. */
2519    if( newnode ) {
2520       FreeTree( *node, status );
2521       *node = newnode;
2522    }
2523 }
InvertTree(UnitNode * fwdnode,UnitNode * src,int * status)2525 static UnitNode *InvertTree( UnitNode *fwdnode, UnitNode *src, int *status ) {
2526 /*
2527 *  Name:
2528 *     InvertTree
2530 *  Purpose:
2531 *     Invert a tree of UnitNodes.
2533 *  Type:
2534 *     Private function.
2536 *  Synopsis:
2537 *     #include "unit.h"
2538 *     UnitNode *InvertTree( UnitNode *fwdnode, UnitNode *src )
2540 *  Class Membership:
2541 *     Unit member function.
2543 *  Description:
2544 *     This function inverts a tree of UnitNodes. The supplied tree should
2545 *     have exactly one OP_LDVAR node. This will be the quantity represented
2546 *     by the node at the head of the returned tree.
2548 *  Parameters:
2549 *     fwdnode
2550 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree which is to be
2551 *        inverted.
2552 *     src
2553 *        A pointer to a UnitNode which is to be used as the root of the
2554 *        inverted tree. That is, the output from this node should form
2555 *        the (one and only) varying input to the inverted tree. If the
2556 *        supplied tree is succesfulyl inverted, the tree of which "src"
2557 *        is the head will be contained within the returned inverted tree.
2558 *        Therefore "src" only needs to be freed explicitly if this
2559 *        function fails to invert the supplied tree for any reason. If
2560 *        this function succeeds, then "src" will be freed as part of
2561 *        freeing the returned inverted tree.
2563 *  Returned Value:
2564 *     A pointer to a UnitNode which forms the head of the inverted tree.
2566 *  Algorithm:
2567 *     The algorithm works through the supplied forward tree, from the head
2568 *     to the roots. First, the supplied node at the head of the forward
2569 *     tree is inverted. To be invertable, the supplied head node must have
2570 *     exactly one varying argument (any other arguments must be fixed,
2571 *     i.e. not vary). This varying argument becomes the output of the
2572 *     inverted node. The other (fixed) arguments to the forward node are
2573 *     also used as arguments to the inverted node. The supplied "src" node
2574 *     is used as the single varying input to the inverted node. Having
2575 *     inverted the supplied forward head node, this function is called
2576 *     recursively to invert the lower parts of the forward tree (i.e. the
2577 *     part of the forward tree which provided the varying input to node
2578 *     which has just been inverted).
2580 *  Notes:
2581 *     - It is assumed that he supplied forward tree has been simplified
2582 *     using SimplifyTree. This means that the tree contains no nodes with
2583 *     the following op codes: OP_LOG, OP_SQRT. OP_DIV (SimplifyTree
2584 *     converts these nodes into OP_LN, OP_POW and OP_MULT nodes).
2585 *     - A value of NULL will be returned if this function is invoked with
2586 *     the global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
2588 */
2590 /* Local Variables: */
2591    UnitNode *newnode;
2592    UnitNode *nextnode;
2593    UnitNode *result;
2594    UnitNode *node1;
2595    Oper fop;
2596    int varg;
2598 /* Initialise */
2599    result = NULL;
2601 /* Check inherited status. */
2602    if( !astOK ) return result;
2604 /* Initiallially, we have no replacement node */
2605    newnode = NULL;
2606    nextnode = NULL;
2608 /* Save the op code at the head of the forward tree. */
2609    fop = fwdnode->opcode;
2611 /* If the head of the forward tree is a OP_EXP node. Inverse of
2612    "exp(x)" is "ln(x)". */
2613    if( fop == OP_EXP ) {
2614       newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_LN, status );
2615       if( astOK ) {
2616          newnode->arg[ 0 ] = src;
2617          nextnode = fwdnode->arg[ 0 ];
2618       }
2620 /* If the head of the forward tree is a OP_LN node. Inverse of
2621    "ln(x)" is "exp(x)". */
2622    } else if( fop == OP_LN ) {
2623       newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_EXP, status );
2624       if( astOK ) {
2625          newnode->arg[ 0 ] = src;
2626          nextnode = fwdnode->arg[ 0 ];
2627       }
2629 /* If the head of the forward tree is a OP_POW node. Inverse of
2630    "x**k" is "x**(1/k)" */
2631    } else if( fop == OP_POW ) {
2632       newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_POW, status );
2633       node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
2634       if( astOK ) {
2635          node1->con = 1.0/fwdnode->arg[ 1 ]->con;
2636          newnode->arg[ 0 ] = src;
2637          newnode->arg[ 1 ] = node1;
2638          nextnode = fwdnode->arg[ 0 ];
2639       }
2641 /* If the head of the forward tree is a OP_MULT node... */
2642    } else if( fop == OP_MULT ) {
2644 /* The node is only invertable if it has one constant node and one
2645    non-constant node. Get the index of the varying argument. */
2646       if( fwdnode->arg[ 0 ]->con != AST__BAD &&
2647           fwdnode->arg[ 1 ]->con == AST__BAD ) {
2648          varg = 1;
2649       } else if( fwdnode->arg[ 0 ]->con == AST__BAD &&
2650                  fwdnode->arg[ 1 ]->con != AST__BAD ) {
2651          varg = 0;
2652       } else {
2653          varg = -1;
2654       }
2655       if( varg != -1 ) {
2657 /* The inverse of "k*x" is "(1/k)*x" (we use MULT nodes instead of DIV
2658    nodes to maintain the standardisation implemented by SimplifyTree). */
2659          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
2660          node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
2661          if( astOK ) {
2662             node1->con = 1.0/fwdnode->arg[ 1 - varg ]->con;
2663             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
2664             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = src;
2665             nextnode = fwdnode->arg[ varg ];
2666          }
2667       }
2669 /* If the head of the forward tree is a OP_LDVAR node, there is nothing
2670    left to invert. SO return a pointer to the suppleid source node. */
2671    } else if( fop == OP_LDVAR ) {
2672       result = src;
2673       nextnode = NULL;
2675 /* If the head of the forward tree is any other node (e.g. a OP_LDCON node),
2676    the tree cannot be inverted. */
2677    } else {
2678       nextnode = NULL;
2679    }
2681 /* If we managed to invert the node at the head of the supplied tree,
2682    continue to invert its varying argument node (if any). */
2683    if( nextnode && newnode ) result = InvertTree( nextnode, newnode, status );
2685 /* If the tree could not be inverted, free the newnode. */
2686    if( !result ) newnode = FreeTree( newnode, status );
2688 /* If an error has occurred, free any new node. */
2689    if( !astOK ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
2691 /* Return the result. */
2692    return result;
2694 }
LocateUnits(UnitNode * node,UnitNode *** units,int * nunits,int * status)2696 static void LocateUnits( UnitNode *node, UnitNode ***units, int *nunits, int *status ){
2697 /*
2698 *  Name:
2699 *     LocateUnits
2701 *  Purpose:
2702 *     Locate the units used by a supplied tree of UnitNodes.
2704 *  Type:
2705 *     Private function.
2707 *  Synopsis:
2708 *     #include "unit.h"
2709 *     void LocateUnits( UnitNode *node, UnitNode ***units, int *nunits, int *status )
2711 *  Class Membership:
2712 *     Unit member function.
2714 *  Description:
2715 *     This function locates the units used by a supplied tree of
2716 *     UnitNodes.
2718 *  Parameters:
2719 *     node
2720 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree to be searched.
2721 *     units
2722 *        The address at which is stored a pointer to an array of "*nunits"
2723 *        elements. Each element of the array holds a pointer to a UnitNode.
2724 *        The array is extended on exit to hold pointers to the OP_LDVAR nodes
2725 *        within the supplied tree (i.e. nodes which represent named units,
2726 *        either known or unknown). A node is only included in the returned
2727 *        array if no other node for the same unit is already included in the
2728 *        array. A NULL pointer should be supplied on the first invocation of
2729 *        this function.
2730 *     nunits
2731 *        The address of an integer which holds the number of elements in
2732 *        the array given by "*units". Updated on exit to included any
2733 *        elements added to the array. Zero should be supplied on the first
2734 *        invocation of this function.
2735 *     status
2736 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2738 */
2740 /* Local Variables: */
2741    int i;
2742    int found;
2744 /* Check the global error status. */
2745    if( !astOK ) return;
2747 /* Is the node at the head of the supplied tree an OP_LDVAR node? */
2748    if( node->opcode == OP_LDVAR ) {
2750 /* If an array was supplied, see if it already contains a pointer to a node
2751    which refers to the same units. */
2752       found = 0;
2753       if( *units ) {
2754          for( i = 0; i < *nunits; i++ ) {
2755             if( !strcmp( (*units)[ i ]->name, node->name ) ) {
2756                found = 1;
2757                break;
2758             }
2759          }
2760       }
2762 /* If not, ensure the array is big enough and add a pointer to the
2763    supplied node to the array. */
2764       if( !found ) {
2765          *units = astGrow( *units, *nunits + 1, sizeof( UnitNode * ) );
2766          if( astOK ) (*units)[ (*nunits)++ ] = node;
2767       }
2769 /* If the supplied node is not an OP_LDVAR node, call this function
2770    recursively to search the argument sub-trees. */
2771    } else {
2772       for( i = 0; i < node->narg; i++ ) {
2773          LocateUnits( node->arg[ i ], units, nunits, status );
2774       }
2775    }
2776 }
MakeExp(UnitNode * tree,int mathmap,int top,int * status)2778 static const char *MakeExp( UnitNode *tree, int mathmap, int top, int *status ) {
2779 /*
2780 *  Name:
2781 *     MakeExp
2783 *  Purpose:
2784 *     Make an algebraic expression from a supplied tree of UnitNodes.
2786 *  Type:
2787 *     Private function.
2789 *  Synopsis:
2790 *     #include "unit.h"
2791 *     const char *MakeExp( UnitNode *tree, int mathmap, int top, int *status )
2793 *  Class Membership:
2794 *     Unit member function.
2796 *  Description:
2797 *     This function produces a string holding an algebraic expression
2798 *     corresponding to a supplied tree of UnitNodes.
2800 *  Parameters:
2801 *     tree
2802 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree to be converted
2803 *        into an algebraic expression.
2804 *     mathmap
2805 *        If zero, format as an axis label expression. If 1, format as a
2806 *        MathMap expression. If 2, format as a FITS unit string.
2807 *     top
2808 *        Should be non-zero for a top-level entry to this function, and
2809 *        zero for a recursive entry.
2810 *     status
2811 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2813 *  Returned Value:
2814 *     A pointer to the cleaned expression, which should be freed using
2815 *     astFree when no longer needed.
2817 *  Notes:
2818 *     - This function returns NULL if it is invoked with the global error
2819 *     status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
2820 */
2822 /* Local Variables: */
2823    UnitNode *newtree;
2824    UnitNode *sunit;
2825    char *a;
2826    char *result;
2827    char buff[200];
2828    const char *arg0;
2829    const char *arg1;
2830    const char *mtxt;
2831    int larg0;
2832    int larg1;
2833    int lbuff;
2834    int mlen;
2835    int par;
2836    int tlen;
2838 /* Check inherited status. */
2839    result = NULL;
2840    if( !astOK ) return result;
2842 /* Modify the tree to make the resulting transformation functions more
2843    natural to human readers. */
2844    newtree = CopyTree( tree, status );
2845    ComplicateTree( &newtree, status );
2847 /* If we are producing an axis label... */
2848    if( !mathmap ) {
2850 /* Fix all multiplicative constants to 1.0 if they multiply an OP_LDVAR
2851    OP_SQRT or OP_POW node. This is on the assumption that the returned label
2852    should not include any simple unit scaling (e.g. if the output label would
2853    be "2.345*wavelength", we prefer simply to use "wavelength" since a scaled
2854    wavelength is still a wavelength - i.e. simple scaling does not change
2855    the dimensions of a quantity). */
2856       FixConstants( &newtree, 1, status );
2858 /* Simplify the tree again to get rid of the 1.0 terms which may have
2859    been introduced by the previous line (but do not re-introduce any
2860    standardisations - removing them was the reason for calling ComplicateTree).
2861    If this simplication introduces any changes, try fixing multiplicative
2862    constants again, and so on, until no more changes occur. */
2863       while( SimplifyTree( &newtree, 0, status ) ) {
2864          FixConstants( &newtree, 1, status );
2865       }
2867    }
2869 /* Produce a string describing the action performed by the UnitNode at
2870    the head of the supplied tree, and then invoke this function recursively
2871    to format any arguments of the head node. */
2873 /* Constant valued nodes... just format the constant in a local buffer and
2874    then copy the buffer. */
2875    if( newtree->con != AST__BAD ) {
2876       lbuff = sprintf( buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, newtree->con );
2877       result = astStore( NULL, buff, lbuff + 1 );
2879 /* "Load Variable Value" nodes - return the variable name. If this is a
2880    recursive call to this function, and we are producing a label, append a
2881    single space before and after the name. */
2882    } else if( newtree->opcode ==  OP_LDVAR ) {
2883       tlen = strlen( newtree->name );
2885       if( !mathmap && !top ){
2886          result = astMalloc( tlen + 3 );
2887          if( result ) {
2888             result[ 0 ] = ' ';
2889             memcpy( result + 1, newtree->name, tlen );
2890             memcpy( result + tlen + 1, " ", 2 );
2891          }
2893       } else if( mathmap == 2 ) {
2895          if( newtree->mult ) {
2896            mlen = newtree->mult->symlen;
2897            mtxt = newtree->mult->sym;
2898          } else {
2899            mlen = 0;
2900            mtxt = NULL;
2901          }
2903          result = astMalloc( tlen + 1 + mlen );
2904          if( result ) {
2905             if( mtxt ) memcpy( result, mtxt, mlen );
2906             memcpy( result + mlen, newtree->name, tlen + 1 );
2907          }
2909       } else {
2910          result = astStore( NULL, newtree->name, tlen + 1 );
2911       }
2913 /* Single argument functions... place the argument in parentheses after
2914    the function name. */
2915    } else if( newtree->opcode ==  OP_LOG ) {
2916       arg0 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 0 ], mathmap, 0, status );
2917       larg0 = strlen( arg0 );
2918       if( mathmap == 1 ) {
2919          result = astMalloc( larg0 + 8 );
2920          if( result ) memcpy( result, "log10(", 7 );
2921          a = result + 6;
2922       } else {
2923          result = astMalloc( larg0 + 6 );
2924          if( result ) memcpy( result, "log(", 5 );
2925          a = result + 4;
2926       }
2927       if( result ){
2928          memcpy( a, arg0, larg0 + 1 );
2929          memcpy( a + larg0, ")", 2 );
2930       }
2931       arg0 = astFree( (void *) arg0 );
2933    } else if( newtree->opcode ==  OP_LN ) {
2934       arg0 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 0 ], mathmap, 0, status );
2935       larg0 = strlen( arg0 );
2936       if( mathmap == 1 ) {
2937          result = astMalloc( larg0 + 6 );
2938          if( result ) memcpy( result, "log(", 5 );
2939          a = result + 4;
2940       } else {
2941          result = astMalloc( larg0 + 5 );
2942          if( result ) memcpy( result, "ln(", 4 );
2943          a = result + 3;
2944       }
2945       if( astOK ){
2946          memcpy( a, arg0, larg0 );
2947          memcpy( a + larg0, ")", 2 );
2948       }
2949       arg0 = astFree( (void *) arg0 );
2951    } else if( newtree->opcode ==  OP_EXP ) {
2952       arg0 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 0 ], mathmap, 0, status );
2953       larg0 = strlen( arg0 );
2954       result = astMalloc( larg0 + 6 );
2955       if( result ){
2956          memcpy( result, "exp(", 5 );
2957          memcpy( result + 4, arg0, larg0 );
2958          memcpy( result + 4 + larg0, ")", 2 );
2959       }
2960       arg0 = astFree( (void *) arg0 );
2962    } else if( newtree->opcode ==  OP_SQRT ) {
2963       arg0 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 0 ], mathmap, 0, status );
2964       larg0 = strlen( arg0 );
2965       result = astMalloc( larg0 + 7 );
2966       if( result ){
2967          memcpy( result, "sqrt(", 6 );
2968          memcpy( result + 5, arg0, larg0 );
2969          memcpy( result + 5 + larg0, ")", 2 );
2970       }
2971       arg0 = astFree( (void *) arg0 );
2973 /* POW... the exponent (arg[1]) is always a constant and so does not need
2974    to be placed in parentheses. The first argument only needs to be
2975    placed in parentheses if it is a two arg node (except we also put it
2976    in parentheses if it is an OP_LDVAR node and "mathmap" is zero - this is
2977    because such OP_LDVAR nodes will correspond to axis labels which will
2978    have spaces before and after them which would look odd if not encloses
2979    in parentheses). */
2980    } else if( newtree->opcode ==  OP_POW ) {
2982       arg0 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 0 ], mathmap, 0, status );
2983       larg0 = strlen( arg0 );
2985       arg1 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 1 ], mathmap, 0, status );
2986       larg1 = strlen( arg1 );
2988       if( newtree->arg[ 0 ]->narg == 2 ||
2989           (newtree->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_LDVAR && !mathmap) ) {
2990          par = 1;
2991          result = astMalloc( larg0 + larg1 + 7 );
2992          if( result ) memcpy( result, "(", 2 );
2993          a = result + 1;
2994       } else {
2995          par = 0;
2996          result = astMalloc( larg0 + larg1 + 5 );
2997          a = result;
2998       }
3000       if( result ) {
3001          memcpy( a, arg0, larg0 );
3002          a += larg0;
3003          if( par ) *(a++) = ')';
3004          memcpy( a, "**", 3 );
3005          a += 2;
3006          memcpy( a, arg1, larg1 );
3007          a += larg1;
3008          *a = 0;
3009       }
3011       arg0 = astFree( (void *) arg0 );
3012       arg1 = astFree( (void *) arg1 );
3014 /* DIV... the first argument (numerator) never needs to be in parentheses.
3015    The second argument (denominator) only needs to be placed in parentheses
3016    if it is a MULT node. */
3017    } else if( newtree->opcode ==  OP_DIV ) {
3019       if( mathmap == 2 && ( sunit = ModifyPrefix( newtree, status ) ) ) {
3020          result = (char *) MakeExp( sunit, mathmap, 0, status );
3021          sunit = FreeTree( sunit, status );
3023       } else {
3024          arg0 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 0 ], mathmap, 0, status );
3025          larg0 = strlen( arg0 );
3027          arg1 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 1 ], mathmap, 0, status );
3028          larg1 = strlen( arg1 );
3030          if( newtree->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_MULT &&
3031              strchr( arg1, '*' ) ) {
3032             par = 1;
3033             result = astMalloc( larg0 + larg1 + 4 );
3034          } else {
3035             par = 0;
3036             result = astMalloc( larg0 + larg1 + 2 );
3037          }
3039          if( result ) {
3040             memcpy( result, arg0, larg0 );
3041             a = result + larg0;
3042             *(a++) = '/';
3043             if( par ) *(a++) = '(';
3044             memcpy( a, arg1, larg1 );
3045             a += larg1;
3046             if( par ) *(a++) = ')';
3047             *a = 0;
3048          }
3050          arg0 = astFree( (void *) arg0 );
3051          arg1 = astFree( (void *) arg1 );
3052       }
3054 /* MULT... the second argument never needs to be in parentheses. The first
3055    argument only needs to be placed in parentheses if it is a DIV or POW
3056    node. */
3057    } else if( newtree->opcode ==  OP_MULT ) {
3058       if( mathmap == 2 && ( sunit = ModifyPrefix( newtree, status ) ) ) {
3059          result = (char *) MakeExp( sunit, mathmap, 0, status );
3060          sunit = FreeTree( sunit, status );
3062       } else {
3063          arg0 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 0 ], mathmap, 0, status );
3064          larg0 = strlen( arg0 );
3066          arg1 = MakeExp( newtree->arg[ 1 ], mathmap, 0, status );
3067          larg1 = strlen( arg1 );
3069 /* If this is a top-level entry and we are producing an axis label, do
3070    not include any constant multiplicative terms. */
3071          if( top && !mathmap ) {
3072             if( newtree->arg[ 0 ]->con != AST__BAD ) arg0 = astFree( (void *) arg0 );
3073             if( newtree->arg[ 1 ]->con != AST__BAD ) arg1 = astFree( (void *) arg1 );
3074          }
3076 /* If we have two arguments, concatentate them, placing the operands in
3077    parentheses if necessary. */
3078          if( arg0 && arg1 ) {
3080             if( ( newtree->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_DIV &&
3081                   strchr( arg0, '/' ) ) ||
3082                 ( newtree->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_POW &&
3083                   strstr( arg0, "**" ) ) ) {
3084                par = 1;
3085                result = astMalloc( larg0 + larg1 + 4 );
3086                if( result ) result[ 0 ] = '(';
3087                a = result + 1;
3088             } else {
3089                par = 0;
3090                result = astMalloc( larg0 + larg1 + 2 );
3091                a = result;
3092             }
3094             if( result ) {
3095                memcpy( a, arg0, larg0 );
3096                a += larg0;
3097                if( par ) *(a++) = ')';
3098                *(a++) = '*';
3099                memcpy( a, arg1, larg1 );
3100                a += larg1;
3101                *a = 0;
3102             }
3104             arg0 = astFree( (void *) arg0 );
3105             arg1 = astFree( (void *) arg1 );
3107 /* If we do not have two arguments, just return the one we do have. */
3108          } else if( arg0 ){
3109             result = (char *) arg0;
3111          } else {
3112             result = (char *) arg1;
3113          }
3114       }
3115    }
3117 /* Free the complicated tree. */
3118    newtree = FreeTree( newtree, status );
3120 /* Free the returned string if an error has occurred. */
3121    if( !astOK ) result = astFree( result );
3123 /* Return the result. */
3124    return (const char *) result;
3125 }
MakeKnownUnit(const char * sym,const char * label,const char * exp,int * status)3127 static void MakeKnownUnit( const char *sym, const char *label, const char *exp, int *status ){
3128 /*
3129 *  Name:
3130 *     MakeKnownUnit
3132 *  Purpose:
3133 *     Create a KnownUnit structure describing a known unit.
3135 *  Type:
3136 *     Private function.
3138 *  Synopsis:
3139 *     #include "unit.h"
3140 *     void MakeKnownUnit( const char *sym, const char *label, const char *exp, int *status )
3142 *  Class Membership:
3143 *     Unit member function.
3145 *  Description:
3146 *     This function creates a KnownUnit structure decribing a known unit,
3147 *     and adds it to the head of the linked list of known units stored in
3148 *     a module variable.
3150 *  Parameters:
3151 *     sym
3152 *        A pointer to a string which can be used as a symbol to represent
3153 *        the new named unit. Once defined, this symbol can be included within
3154 *        the definition of other derived units. The string should contain
3155 *        only alphabetical characters (no digits, spaces, punctuation,
3156 *        etc). Symbols are case sensitive (e.g. "s" is second, but "S" is
3157 *        Siemens). The string should not include any multiplier prefix.
3158 *     label
3159 *        Pointer to a null terminated string containing the label for
3160 *        the required units. No restriction on content.
3161 *     exp
3162 *        This should be a pointer to a null terminated string containing
3163 *        a definition of the required unit. See the description of the
3164 *        "in" and "out" parameters for the astUnitMapper function.
3165 *
3166 *        A NULL pointer or a blank string may supplied for "exp", which
3167 *        is interpreted as a request for a new basic unit to be created with
3168 *        the symbol and label given by the other parameters.
3169 *     status
3170 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3172 *  Notes:
3173 *     -  The supplied symbol and label strings are not copied. The
3174 *     supplied pointers are simply stored in the returned structure.
3175 *     Therefore the strings to which the pointers point should not be
3176 *     modified after this function returned (in fact this function is
3177 *     always called with literal strings for these arguments).
3178 */
3180 /* Local Variables: */
3181    KnownUnit *result;
3183 /* Check the global error status. */
3184    if( !astOK ) return;
3186 /* Indicate that subsequent memory allocations may never be freed (other
3187    than by any AST exit handler). */
3188    astBeginPM;
3190 /* Allocate memory for the structure, and check the returned pointer can
3191    be used safely. */
3192    result = astMalloc( sizeof( KnownUnit ) );
3193    if( astOK ) {
3195 /* In case of errors, first nullify the pointer to the next KnownUnit. */
3196       result->next = NULL;
3198 /* Store the supplied label and symbol pointers. */
3199       result->sym = sym;
3200       result->label = label;
3202 /* Store the length of the symbol (without the trailing null character). */
3203       result->symlen = strlen( sym );
3205 /* Store the length of the label (without the trailing null character). */
3206       result->lablen = strlen( label );
3208 /* Create a tree of UnitNodes describing the unit if an expression was
3209    supplied. */
3210       result->head = exp ? CreateTree( exp, 1, 0, status ) : NULL;
3212 /* Unit aliases are replaced in use by the KnownUnit pointed to by the
3213    "use" component of the structure. Indicate this KnownUnitis not an
3214     alias by setting its "use" component NULL. */
3215       result->use = NULL;
3216    }
3218 /* Mark the end of the section in which memory allocations may never be
3219    freed (other than by any AST exit handler). */
3220    astEndPM;
3222 /* If an error has occurred, free any returned structure. */
3223    if( !astOK ) {
3224       result->head = FreeTree( result->head, status );
3225       result = astFree( result ) ;
3227 /* Otherwise, add the new KnownUnit to the head of the linked list of
3228    known units. */
3229    } else {
3230       result->next = known_units;
3231       known_units = result;
3232    }
3234 }
MakeMapping(UnitNode * tree,int * status)3236 static AstMapping *MakeMapping( UnitNode *tree, int *status ) {
3237 /*
3238 *  Name:
3239 *     MakeMapping
3241 *  Purpose:
3242 *     Create a new Mapping from a given tree of UnitNodes.
3244 *  Type:
3245 *     Private function.
3247 *  Synopsis:
3248 *     #include "unit.h"
3249 *     AstMapping *MakeMapping( UnitNode *tree )
3251 *  Class Membership:
3252 *     Unit member function.
3254 *  Description:
3255 *     This function creates a Mapping with a forward transformation equal
3256 *     to the transformation described by the tree of UnitNodes. The head
3257 *     node of the tree corresponds to the output of the Mapping.
3259 *  Parameters:
3260 *     tree
3261 *        The UnitNode at the head of the tree to be used. It should have
3262 *        exactly one OP_LDVAR node, and should have been simplified using
3263 *        the SimplifyTree function.
3265 *  Returned Value:
3266 *     A pointer to the Mapping. Its Nin and Nout attributes will both be 1.
3268 *  Notes:
3269 *     - A value of NULL will be returned if this function is invoked with
3270 *     the global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
3271 */
3273 /* Local Variables: */
3274    AstMapping *result;
3275    UnitNode *inv;
3276    UnitNode *src;
3277    const char *fwdexp;
3278    char *fwdfun;
3279    const char *invexp;
3280    char *invfun;
3281    int lfwd;
3282    int linv;
3284 /* Initialise. */
3285    result = NULL;
3287 /* Check the inherited status. */
3288    if( !astOK ) return result;
3290 /* First see if a UnitMap can be used to represent the Mapping from
3291    input units to output units. This will be the case if the supplied tree
3292    consists of a aingle OP_LDVAR node (corresponding to the input units). */
3293    if( tree->opcode == OP_LDVAR ) {
3294       result = (AstMapping *) astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
3296 /* Now see if a UnitMap or ZoomMap can be used to represent the Mapping from
3297    input units to output units. This will be the case if the supplied tree
3298    consists of a OP_MULT node with one constant argument and on OP_LDVAR
3299    argument (corresponding to the input units). The standardisation done by
3300    SimplifyTree will have ensured that the constant will be argument 0
3301    (and will also have converted "x/k" trees into "(1/k)*x" trees). */
3302    } else if( tree->opcode == OP_MULT &&
3303               tree->arg[ 0 ]->con != AST__BAD &&
3304               tree->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_LDVAR ) {
3306       if( tree->arg[ 0 ]->con == 1.0 ) {
3307          result = (AstMapping *) astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
3308       } else {
3309          result = (AstMapping *) astZoomMap( 1, tree->arg[ 0 ]->con, "", status );
3310       }
3312 /* For other trees we need to create a MathMap. */
3313    } else {
3315 /* Format the supplied tree as an algebraic expression, and get its length. */
3316       fwdexp = MakeExp( tree, 1, 1, status );
3317       lfwd = strlen( fwdexp );
3319 /* The MathMap constructor requires the forward and inverse
3320    transformation functions to be specified as equations (i.e. including an
3321    equals sign). We use the output variable name "output_units" (the
3322    astUnitMapper function creates the supplied tree usign the variable
3323    name "input_units" ). */
3324       lfwd += 13;
3326 /* Invert the supplied tree and create an algebraic expression from it. */
3327       src = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDVAR, status );
3328       if( astOK ) src->name = astStore( NULL, "output_units", 13 );
3329       inv = InvertTree( tree, src, status );
3330       if( !inv ) {
3331          src = FreeTree( src, status );
3332          astError( AST__BADUN, "MakeMapping(Unit): Failed to invert "
3333                    "supplied tree '%s' (internal AST programming error).", status,
3334                    fwdexp );
3336 /* If inverted succesfully (which it should be since astUnitMapper should
3337    have checked this)... */
3338       } else {
3340 /* Format the inverted tree as an algebraic expression, and get its
3341    length, adding on extra characters for the variable name ("input_units")
3342    and equals sign. */
3343          invexp = MakeExp( inv, 1, 1, status );
3344          linv = strlen( invexp );
3345          linv += 12;
3347 /* Allocate memory for the transformation functions, plus an extra
3348    character for the trailing null. */
3349          fwdfun = astMalloc( lfwd + 1 );
3350          invfun = astMalloc( linv + 1 );
3351          if( invfun ) {
3352             memcpy( fwdfun, "output_units=", 14 );
3353             memcpy( invfun, "input_units=", 13 );
3355 /* Append the expressions following the equals signs. */
3356             strcpy( fwdfun + 13, fwdexp );
3357             strcpy( invfun + 12, invexp );
3359 /* Create the MathMap. */
3360             result = (AstMapping *) astMathMap( 1, 1, 1,
3361                                                 (const char **) &fwdfun, 1,
3362                                                 (const char **) &invfun,
3363                                                 "SimpFI=1,SimpIF=1", status );
3364          }
3366 /* Free resources. */
3367          inv = FreeTree( inv, status );
3368          fwdfun = astFree( fwdfun );
3369          invfun = astFree( invfun );
3370          invexp = astFree( (void *) invexp );
3371       }
3372       fwdexp = astFree( (void *) fwdexp );
3373    }
3375 /* Free any result if an error occurred. */
3376    if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
3378 /* Return the answer. */
3379    return result;
3380 }
MakeLabelTree(const char * lab,int nc,int * status)3382 static UnitNode *MakeLabelTree( const char *lab, int nc, int *status ){
3383 /*
3384 *  Name:
3385 *     MakeLabelTree
3387 *  Purpose:
3388 *     Convert an axis label into a tree of UnitNodes.
3390 *  Type:
3391 *     Private function.
3393 *  Synopsis:
3394 *     #include "unit.h"
3395 *     UnitNode *MakeLabelTree( const char *lab, int nc, int *status )
3397 *  Class Membership:
3398 *     Unit member function.
3400 *  Description:
3401 *     This function converts an axis label into a tree of UnitNodes.
3402 *     It is assumed the supplied label represents some "basic" label
3403 *     modified by the application of one or more single function arguments
3404 *     and/or exponentiation operators. The (single) OP_LDVAR node in the
3405 *     returned tree refers to the basic label (it is stored as the "name"
3406 *     component of UnitNode structure).
3408 *  Parameters:
3409 *     lab
3410 *        The label expression.
3411 *     nc
3412 *        The number of characters from "lab" to use.
3413 *     status
3414 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3416 *  Returned Value:
3417 *     A pointer to a UnitNode which forms the head of a tree of UnitNodes
3418 *     representing the supplied label expression.
3420 *  Notes:
3421 *     -  A NULL value is returned if this function is invoked with the
3422 *     global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
3423 */
3425 /* Local Variables: */
3426    Oper op;
3427    UnitNode *result;
3428    char buff[ 10 ];
3429    const char *c;
3430    const char *exp;
3431    int depth;
3432    int i;
3433    int oplen;
3434    int n;
3435    double con;
3437 /* Initialise */
3438    result = NULL;
3439    oplen = 0;
3441 /* Check the global error status, and that we have a string. */
3442    if ( !astOK || !lab || !nc ) return result;
3444 /* Get a pointer to the first non-blank character, and store the number of
3445    characters to examine (this excludes any trailing white space). */
3446    exp = lab;
3447    while( isspace( *exp ) ) exp++;
3448    c = lab + nc - 1;
3449    while( c >= exp && isspace( *c ) ) c--;
3450    nc = c - exp + 1;
3452 /* Scan through the supplied string looking for the first pow operator at
3453    zero depth of nesting within parentheses. */
3454    depth = 0;
3455    c = exp;
3456    i = 0;
3457    op = OP_NULL;
3458    while( i < nc && *c ){
3460 /* If this character is an opening parenthesis, increment the depth of
3461    nesting. */
3462       if( *c == '(' ) {
3463          depth++;
3465 /* If this character is an closing parenthesis, decrement the depth of
3466    nesting. Report an error if it ever goes negative. */
3467       } else if( *c == ')' ) {
3468          depth--;
3469          if( depth < 0 && astOK ) {
3470             astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing opening parenthesis." , status);
3471             break;
3472          }
3474 /* Ignore all other characters unless they are at zero depth of nesting.
3475    Also ignore spaces. */
3476       } else if( depth == 0 && !isspace( *c ) ) {
3478 /* Compare the next part of the string with each of the "pow" operators. */
3479          if( !strncmp( c, "**", 2 ) ) {
3480             op = OP_POW;
3481             oplen = 2;
3482          } else if( *c == '^' ) {
3483             op = OP_POW;
3484             oplen = 1;
3485          }
3487 /* If an operator was found, break out of the loop. */
3488          if( op != OP_NULL ) break;
3489       }
3491 /* Pass on to check the next character. */
3492       i++;
3493       c++;
3494    }
3496 /* If a "pow" operator was found, the strings on either side of it should be
3497    valid unit expressions, in which case we use this routine recursively to
3498    create corresponding trees of UnitNodes. */
3499    if( op != OP_NULL ) {
3501 /* Create a UnitNode for the operator. */
3502       result = NewNode( NULL, op, status );
3503       if( astOK ) {
3505 /* Create a tree of unit nodes from the string which precedes the binary
3506    operator. Report an error if it cannot be done. */
3507         result->arg[ 0 ] = MakeLabelTree( exp, i, status );
3508         if( !result->arg[ 0 ] && astOK ) {
3509            for( i = 0; i < oplen; i++ ) buff[ i ] = c[ i ];
3510            buff[ oplen ] = 0;
3511            astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing operand before '%s'.", status, buff );
3512         }
3514 /* Create a tree of unit nodes from the string which follows the binary
3515    operator. Report an error if it cannot be done. */
3516          result->arg[ 1 ] = MakeLabelTree( c + oplen, nc - i - oplen, status );
3517          if( !result->arg[ 1 ] && astOK ) {
3518              for( i = 0; i < oplen; i++ ) buff[ i ] = c[ i ];
3519             buff[ oplen ] = 0;
3520             astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing operand after '%s'.", status, buff );
3521          }
3522       }
3524 /* If no binary operator was found at depth zero, see if the supplied string
3525    starts with a function name (the only legal place for a function name
3526    given that the string has no binary operators at depth zero). */
3527    } else {
3528       if( !strncmp( exp, "sqrt(", 5 ) || !strncmp( exp, "SQRT(", 5 ) ) {
3529          op = OP_SQRT;
3530          oplen = 4;
3531       } else if( !strncmp( exp, "exp(", 4 ) || !strncmp( exp, "EXP(", 4 ) ) {
3532          op = OP_EXP;
3533          oplen = 3;
3534       } else if( !strncmp( exp, "ln(", 3 ) || !strncmp( exp, "LN(", 3 ) ) {
3535          op = OP_LN;
3536          oplen = 2;
3537       } else if( !strncmp( exp, "log(", 4 ) || !strncmp( exp, "LOG(", 4 ) ) {
3538          op = OP_LOG;
3539          oplen = 3;
3540       }
3542 /* If a function was found, the string following the function name
3543    (including the opening parenthesis) should form a legal units
3544    expresssion (all the supported functions take a single argument and
3545    so we do not need to worry about comma-separated lists of function
3546    arguments). Use this routine recursively to create a tree of UnitNodes
3547    from the string which forms the function argument. */
3548       if( op != OP_NULL ) {
3550 /* Create a UnitNode for the function. */
3551          result = NewNode( NULL, op, status );
3552          if( astOK ) {
3554 /* Create a tree of unit nodes from the string which follows the function
3555    name. Report an error if it cannot be done. */
3556             result->arg[ 0 ] = MakeLabelTree( exp + oplen, nc - oplen, status );
3557             if( !result->arg[ 0 ] && astOK ) {
3558                for( i = 0; i < oplen; i++ ) buff[ i ] = c[ i ];
3559                buff[ oplen ] = 0;
3560                astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing argument for '%s'.", status, buff );
3561             }
3562          }
3564 /* Arrive here if the supplied string does not contain a POW operator
3565    or function at depth zero. Check to see if the whole string is contained
3566    within parentheses, In which we interpret the contents of the
3567    parentheses as a units expression. It is safe simply to check the
3568    first and last characters (a string like "(fred)(Harry)" is not a
3569    legal possibility since there should be an operator in the middle).*/
3570       } else if( nc > 0 && ( exp[ 0 ] == '(' && exp[ nc - 1 ] == ')' ) ) {
3571          result = MakeLabelTree( exp + 1, nc - 2, status );
3573 /* Does the string begin with a numerical constant? */
3574       } else if( ConStart( exp, &con, &n, status ) == 1 ) {
3576 /* If the entire string was a numerical constant, represent it by a LDCON
3577    node. */
3578          if( n == nc ) {
3579             result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
3580             if( astOK ) result->con = con;
3582 /* If there was anything following the numerical constant, report an
3583    error. */
3584          } else if( astOK ){
3585             astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing operator after "
3586                       "numerical string '%.*s'.", status, n, exp );
3587          }
3589 /* The only legal possibility left is that the string represents the basic
3590    label. Create an OP_LDVAR node for it and store the basic label as
3591    the node name, omitting any enclosing white space. */
3592       } else {
3593          result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDVAR, status );
3594          if( astOK ) {
3595             result->name = astStore( NULL, exp, nc + 1 );
3596             if( astOK ) ( (char *) result->name)[ nc ] = 0;
3597          }
3598       }
3599    }
3601 /* Free any returned tree if an error has occurred. */
3602    if( !astOK ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
3604 /* Return the result. */
3605    return result;
3606 }
MakeTree(const char * exp,int nc,int lock,int * status)3608 static UnitNode *MakeTree( const char *exp, int nc, int lock, int *status ){
3609 /*
3610 *  Name:
3611 *     MakeTree
3613 *  Purpose:
3614 *     Convert an algebraic units expression into a tree of UnitNodes.
3616 *  Type:
3617 *     Private function.
3619 *  Synopsis:
3620 *     #include "unit.h"
3621 *     UnitNode *MakeTree( const char *exp, int nc, int lock, int *status )
3623 *  Class Membership:
3624 *     Unit member function.
3626 *  Description:
3627 *     This function converts an algebraic units expression into a tree of
3628 *     UnitNodes. It is a service routine for CreateTree. The roots of the
3629 *     returned tree (i.e. the LDVAR nodes) refer to the unit symbols
3630 *     contained within the supplied expression (i.e. definitions of these
3631 *     units are not grafted onto the tree in place of the original nodes,
3632 *     as is done by CreateTree).
3634 *  Parameters:
3635 *     exp
3636 *        The units expression. This should not include any leading or
3637 *        trailing spaces.
3638 *     nc
3639 *        The number of characters from "exp" to use.
3640 *     lock
3641 *        Use a mutex to guard access to the KnownUnits list?
3642 *     status
3643 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3645 *  Returned Value:
3646 *     A pointer to a UnitNode which forms the head of a tree of UnitNodes
3647 *     representing the supplied unit expression.
3649 *  Notes:
3650 *     -  A NULL value is returned if this function is invoked with the
3651 *     global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
3652 */
3654 /* Local Variables: */
3655    KnownUnit *munit;
3656    KnownUnit *unit;
3657    Multiplier *mmult;
3658    Multiplier *mult;
3659    Oper op;
3660    UnitNode *result;
3661    char buff[ 10 ];
3662    char d;
3663    const char *c;
3664    double con;
3665    int depth;
3666    int i;
3667    int l;
3668    int maxlen;
3669    int n;
3670    int oplen;
3671    int plural;
3673 /* Initialise */
3674    result = NULL;
3676 /* Check the global error status, and that we have a string. */
3677    if ( !astOK || !exp || nc <= 0 ) return result;
3679 /* Scan through the supplied string from the end to the start looking for
3680    the last multiplication or division operator at zero depth of nesting
3681    within parentheses. We go backwards through the string in order to
3682    give the correct priority to multiple division operators (i.e. "a/b/c"
3683    needs to be interpreted as "(a/b)/c", not "a/(b/c)"). */
3684    op = OP_NULL;
3685    oplen = 1;
3686    depth = 0;
3687    c = exp + nc - 1;
3688    i = nc - 1;
3689    while( i >= 0 ){
3691 /* If this character is an opening parenthesis, decrement the depth of
3692    nesting. Report an error if it ever goes negative. */
3693       if( *c == '(' ) {
3694          depth--;
3695          if( depth < 0 && astOK ) {
3696             astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing closing parenthesis." , status);
3697             break;
3698          }
3700 /* An opening parenthesis at level zero must always be either the first
3701    character in the string, or be preceded by the name of a function, or
3702    be preceded by an operator. If none of these are true, assume there is
3703    an implicit multiplication operator before the parenthesis. */
3704          if( depth == 0 && i > 0 ) {
3705             d = *( c - 1 );
3706             if( d != '*' && d != '/' && d != '^' && d != '.' && d != ' ' &&
3707                 !EndsWith( c, i + 1, "sqrt(", status ) && !EndsWith( c, i + 1, "exp(", status ) &&
3708                 !EndsWith( c, i + 1, "ln(", status ) && !EndsWith( c, i + 1, "log(", status ) ) {
3709                op = OP_MULT;
3710                oplen = 0;
3711                break;
3712             }
3713          }
3715 /* If this character is an closing parenthesis, increment the depth of
3716    nesting. */
3717       } else if( *c == ')' ) {
3718          depth++;
3720 /* A closing parenthesis at level zero must always be either the last
3721    character in the string, or be followed by an operator. If neither of
3722    these are true, assume there is an implicit multiplication operator. */
3723          if( depth == 1 && i < nc - 1 ) {
3724             d = *(c+1);
3725             if( d != '*' && d != '/' && d != '^' && d != '.' && d != ' ') {
3726                op = OP_MULT;
3727                oplen = 0;
3729 /* Correct "i" so that it gives the length of the left hand operand of
3730    the implicit MULT operator, correct "c" so that it points to the first
3731    character in the right hand operand, and leave the loop. */
3732                i++;
3733                c++;
3734                break;
3735             }
3736          }
3738 /* Ignore all other characters unless they are at zero depth of nesting. */
3739       } else if( depth == 0 ) {
3741 /* Compare the next part of the string with each of the multiplication
3742    and division operators. */
3743          if( *c == '/' ) {
3744             op = OP_DIV;
3746          } else if( *c == ' ' ) {
3747             op = OP_MULT;
3749 /* An asterisk is only treated as a multiplication symbol if it does not occur
3750    before or after another asterisk. */
3751          } else if( *c == '*' ) {
3752             if(  c == exp ) {
3753                if( *(c+1) != '*' ) op = OP_MULT;
3754             } else if( i == nc - 1 ) {
3755                if( *(c-1) != '*' ) op = OP_MULT;
3756             } else {
3757                if( *(c+1) != '*' && *(c-1) != '*' ) op = OP_MULT;
3758             }
3760 /* A dot is only treated as a multiplication symbol if it does not occur
3761    between two digits. */
3762          } else if( *c == '.' ) {
3763             if( ( c == exp || !isdigit( *(c-1) ) ) &&
3764                 ( i == nc - 1 || !isdigit( *(c+1) ) ) ) {
3765                op = OP_MULT;
3766             }
3767          }
3768       }
3770 /* If an operator was found, break out of the loop. */
3771       if( op != OP_NULL ) break;
3773 /* Pass on to check the next character. */
3774       i--;
3775       c--;
3776    }
3778 /* If a multiplication or division operator was found, the strings on either
3779    side of it should be valid unit expressions, in which case we use this
3780    routine recursively to create corresponding trees of UnitNodes. */
3781    if( op != OP_NULL ) {
3783 /* Create a UnitNode for the binary operator. */
3784       result = NewNode( NULL, op, status );
3785       if( astOK ) {
3787 /* Create a tree of unit nodes from the string which precedes the binary
3788    operator. Report an error if it cannot be done. */
3789          result->arg[ 0 ] = MakeTree( exp, i, lock, status );
3790          if( !result->arg[ 0 ] && astOK ) {
3791             for( i = 0; i < oplen; i++ ) buff[ i ] = c[ i ];
3792             buff[ oplen ] = 0;
3793             astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing operand before '%s'.", status, buff );
3794          }
3796 /* Create a tree of unit nodes from the string which follows the binary
3797    operator. Report an error if it cannot be done. */
3798          result->arg[ 1 ] = MakeTree( c + oplen, nc - i - oplen, lock, status );
3799          if( !result->arg[ 1 ] && astOK ) {
3800             for( i = 0; i < oplen; i++ ) buff[ i ] = c[ i ];
3801             buff[ oplen ] = 0;
3802             astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing operand after '%s'.", status, buff );
3803          }
3804       }
3806 /* If no multiplication or division operator was found at depth zero, check
3807    that the final depth of nesting was zero. Report an error if not. */
3808    } else if( depth > 0 && astOK ) {
3809       astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing opening parenthesis." , status);
3811 /* Otherwise check for a "Pow" operator at depth zero. */
3812    } else {
3814 /* Scan through the supplied string looking for the first pow operator at
3815    zero depth of nesting within parentheses. */
3816       depth = 0;
3817       c = exp;
3818       i = 0;
3819       while( i < nc && *c ){
3821 /* If this character is an opening parenthesis, increment the depth of
3822    nesting. */
3823          if( *c == '(' ) {
3824             depth++;
3826 /* If this character is an closing parenthesis, decrement the depth of
3827    nesting. Report an error if it ever goes negative. */
3828          } else if( *c == ')' ) {
3829             depth--;
3830             if( depth < 0 && astOK ) {
3831                astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing opening parenthesis." , status);
3832                break;
3833             }
3835 /* Ignore all other characters unless they are at zero depth of nesting. */
3836          } else if( depth == 0 ) {
3838 /* Compare the next part of the string with each of the "pow" operators. */
3839             if( !strncmp( c, "**", 2 ) ) {
3840                op = OP_POW;
3841                oplen = 2;
3842             } else if( *c == '^' ) {
3843                op = OP_POW;
3844                oplen = 1;
3845             }
3847 /* If an operator was found, break out of the loop. */
3848             if( op != OP_NULL ) break;
3849          }
3851 /* Pass on to check the next character. */
3852          i++;
3853          c++;
3854       }
3856 /* If a "pow" operator was found, the strings on either side of it should be
3857    valid unit expressions, in which case we use this routine recursively to
3858    create corresponding trees of UnitNodes. */
3859       if( op != OP_NULL ) {
3861 /* Create a UnitNode for the operator. */
3862          result = NewNode( NULL, op, status );
3863          if( astOK ) {
3865 /* Create a tree of unit nodes from the string which precedes the binary
3866    operator. Report an error if it cannot be done. */
3867             result->arg[ 0 ] = MakeTree( exp, i, lock, status );
3868             if( !result->arg[ 0 ] && astOK ) {
3869                for( i = 0; i < oplen; i++ ) buff[ i ] = c[ i ];
3870                buff[ oplen ] = 0;
3871                astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing operand before '%s'.", status, buff );
3872             }
3874 /* Create a tree of unit nodes from the string which follows the binary
3875    operator. Report an error if it cannot be done. */
3876             result->arg[ 1 ] = MakeTree( c + oplen, nc - i - oplen, lock, status );
3877             if( !result->arg[ 1 ] && astOK ) {
3878                 for( i = 0; i < oplen; i++ ) buff[ i ] = c[ i ];
3879                buff[ oplen ] = 0;
3880                astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing operand after '%s'.", status, buff );
3881             }
3882          }
3884 /* If no binary operator was found at depth zero, see if the supplied string
3885    starts with a function name (the only legal place for a function name
3886    given that the string has no binary operators at depth zero). */
3887       } else {
3888          if( !strncmp( exp, "sqrt(", 5 ) || !strncmp( exp, "SQRT(", 5 ) ) {
3889             op = OP_SQRT;
3890             oplen = 4;
3891          } else if( !strncmp( exp, "exp(", 4 ) || !strncmp( exp, "EXP(", 4 ) ) {
3892             op = OP_EXP;
3893             oplen = 3;
3894          } else if( !strncmp( exp, "ln(", 3 ) || !strncmp( exp, "LN(", 3 ) ) {
3895             op = OP_LN;
3896             oplen = 2;
3897          } else if( !strncmp( exp, "log(", 4 ) || !strncmp( exp, "LOG(", 4 ) ) {
3898             op = OP_LOG;
3899             oplen = 3;
3900          }
3902 /* If a function was found, the string following the function name
3903    (including the opening parenthesis) should form a legal units
3904    expresssion (all the supported functions take a single argument and
3905    so we do not need to worry about comma-separated lists of function
3906    arguments). Use this routine recursively to create a tree of UnitNodes
3907    from the string which forms the function argument. */
3908          if( op != OP_NULL ) {
3910 /* Create a UnitNode for the function. */
3911             result = NewNode( NULL, op, status );
3912             if( astOK ) {
3914 /* Create a tree of unit nodes from the string which follows the function
3915    name. Report an error if it cannot be done. */
3916                result->arg[ 0 ] = MakeTree( exp + oplen, nc - oplen, lock, status );
3917                if( !result->arg[ 0 ] && astOK ) {
3918                   for( i = 0; i < oplen; i++ ) buff[ i ] = c[ i ];
3919                   buff[ oplen ] = 0;
3920                   astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing argument for '%s'.", status, buff );
3921                }
3922             }
3924 /* Arrive here if the supplied string does not contain a binary operator
3925    or function at depth zero. Check to see if the whole string is contained
3926    within parentheses, In which we interpret the contents of the
3927    parentheses as a units expression. It is safe simply to check the
3928    first and last characters (a string like "(fred)(Harry)" is not a
3929    legal possibility since there should be an operator in the middle).*/
3930          } else if( exp[ 0 ] == '(' && exp[ nc - 1 ] == ')' ) {
3931             result = MakeTree( exp + 1, nc - 2, lock, status );
3933 /* Does the string begin with a numerical constant? */
3934          } else if( ConStart( exp, &con, &n, status ) == 1 ) {
3936 /* If the entire string was a numerical constant, represent it by a LDCON
3937    node. */
3938             if( n == nc ) {
3939                result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
3940                if( astOK ) result->con = con;
3942 /* If there was anything following the numerical constant, report an
3943    error. */
3944             } else if( astOK ){
3945                astError( AST__BADUN, "Missing operator after "
3946                          "numerical string '%.*s'.", status, n, exp );
3947             }
3949 /* Does the string represent one of the named constants? If so represent it
3950    by a an appropriate operator. */
3951          } else if( nc == 2 && ( !strncmp( exp, "pi", 2 ) ||
3952                                  !strncmp( exp, "PI", 2 ) ) ) {
3953             result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDPI, status );
3955          } else if( nc == 1 && ( !strncmp( exp, "e", 1 ) ||
3956                                  !strncmp( exp, "E", 1 ) ) ) {
3957             result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDE, status );
3959 /* The only legal possibility left is that the string represents the name
3960    of a basic unit, possibly prefixed by a multiplier character. */
3961          } else {
3963 /* See if the string ends with the symbol for any of the known basic
3964    units. If it matches more than one basic unit, choose the longest.
3965    First ensure descriptions of the known units are  available. */
3966             mmult = NULL;
3967             plural = 0;
3968             while( 1 ) {
3969                unit = GetKnownUnits( lock, status );
3971                maxlen = -1;
3972                munit = NULL;
3973                while( unit ) {
3974                   if( SplitUnit( exp, nc, unit->sym, 1, &mult, &l, status ) ) {
3975                      if( l > maxlen ) {
3976                         maxlen = l;
3977                         munit = unit;
3978                         mmult = mult;
3979                      }
3980                   }
3981                   unit = unit->next;
3982                }
3984 /* If the above did not produce a match, try matching the unit symbol
3985    case insensitive. */
3986                if( !munit ) {
3987                   unit = GetKnownUnits( lock, status );
3988                   while( unit ) {
3989                      if( SplitUnit( exp, nc, unit->sym, 0, &mult, &l, status ) ) {
3990                         if( l > maxlen ) {
3991                            maxlen = l;
3992                            munit = unit;
3993                            mmult = mult;
3994                         }
3995                      }
3996                      unit = unit->next;
3997                   }
3998                }
4000 /* If the above did not produce a match, try matching the unit label
4001    case insensitive. */
4002                if( !munit ) {
4003                   unit = GetKnownUnits( lock, status );
4004                   while( unit ) {
4005                      if( SplitUnit( exp, nc, unit->label, 0, &mult, &l, status ) ) {
4006                         if( l > maxlen ) {
4007                            maxlen = l;
4008                            munit = unit;
4009                            mmult = mult;
4010                         }
4011                      }
4012                      unit = unit->next;
4013                   }
4014                }
4016 /* If we still do not have a match, and if the string ends with "s", try
4017    removing the "s" (which could be a plural as in "Angstroms") and
4018    trying again. */
4019                if( !munit && nc > 1 && !plural &&
4020                    ( exp[ nc - 1 ] == 's' || exp[ nc - 1 ] == 'S' ) ) {
4021                   plural = 1;
4022                   nc--;
4023                } else {
4024                   break;
4025                }
4026             }
4027             if( plural ) nc++;
4029 /* If a known unit and multiplier combination was found, create an
4030    OP_LDVAR node from it. */
4031             unit = munit;
4032             mult = mmult;
4033             if( unit ) {
4035 /* If the unit is an alias for another unit, it will have a non-NULL
4036    value for its "use" component.In this case, use the unit for which the
4037    identified unit is an alias. */
4038                result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDVAR, status );
4039                if( astOK ) {
4040                   result->unit = unit->use ? unit->use : unit;
4041                   result->mult = mult;
4042                   result->name = astStore( NULL, result->unit->sym, result->unit->symlen + 1 );
4043                }
4045 /* If no known unit and multiplier combination was found, we assume the
4046    string represents a new user-defined basic unit, possibly preceded by a
4047    standard multiplier prefix. */
4048             } else {
4050 /* Check the string to see if starts with a known multiplier prefix (but
4051    do not allow the multiplier to account for the entire string). */
4052                mult = GetMultipliers( status );
4053                c = exp;
4054                while( mult ) {
4055                   n = nc - mult->symlen;
4056                   if( n > 0 && !strncmp( exp, mult->sym, mult->symlen ) ) {
4057                      c += mult->symlen;
4058                      break;
4059                   }
4060                   mult = mult->next;
4061                }
4062                if( !mult ) n = nc;
4064 /* Check there are no illegal characters in the following string. */
4065                for( i = 0; i < n && astOK; i++ ) {
4066                   if( !isalpha( c[ i ] ) ) {
4067                      astError( AST__BADUN, "Illegal character '%c' found.", status, c[ i ] );
4068                      break;
4069                   }
4070                }
4072 /* If succesfull, create an OP_LDVAR node for th user-defined basic unit. */
4073                if( astOK ) {
4074                   result = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDVAR, status );
4075                   if( astOK ) {
4076                      result->mult = mult;
4077                      result->name = astStore( NULL, c, n + 1 );
4078                      if( astOK ) ( (char *) result->name)[ n ] = 0;
4079                   }
4080                }
4081             }
4082          }
4083       }
4084    }
4086 /* Free any returned tree if an error has occurred. */
4087    if( !astOK ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
4089 /* Return the result. */
4090    return result;
4091 }
MakeUnitAlias(const char * sym,const char * alias,int * status)4093 static void MakeUnitAlias( const char *sym, const char *alias, int *status ){
4094 /*
4095 *  Name:
4096 *     MakeUnitAlias
4098 *  Purpose:
4099 *     Create a KnownUnit structure describing an alias for a known unit.
4101 *  Type:
4102 *     Private function.
4104 *  Synopsis:
4105 *     #include "unit.h"
4106 *     void MakeUnitAlias( const char *sym, const char *alias, int *status )
4108 *  Class Membership:
4109 *     Unit member function.
4111 *  Description:
4112 *     This function creates a KnownUnit structure decribing an alias for a
4113 *     known unit, and adds it to the head of the linked list of known units
4114 *     stored in a module variable. An alias is a KnownUnit which is
4115 *     identical to an existing known but which has a different symbol.
4117 *  Parameters:
4118 *     sym
4119 *        A pointer to the symbol string of an existing KnwonUnit. The string
4120 *        should not include any multiplier prefix.
4121 *     alias
4122 *        A pointer to the symbol string to use as the alasi for the existing
4123 *        KnownUnit. The string should not include any multiplier prefix.
4124 *     status
4125 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4127 *  Notes:
4128 *     -  The supplied symbol and label strings are not copied. The
4129 *     supplied pointers are simply stored in the returned structure.
4130 *     Therefore the strings to which the pointers point should not be
4131 *     modified after this function returned (in fact this function is
4132 *     always called with literal strings for these arguments).
4133 */
4135 /* Local Variables: */
4136    KnownUnit *unit;
4138 /* Check the global error status. */
4139    if( !astOK ) return;
4141 /* Search the existing list of KnownUnits for the specified symbol. */
4142    unit = known_units;
4143    while( unit ) {
4144       if( !strcmp( sym, unit->sym ) ) {
4146 /* Create a new KnownUnit for the alias. It will becomes the head of the
4147    known units chain. */
4148          MakeKnownUnit( alias, unit->label, NULL, status );
4150 /* Store a pointer to the KnownUnit which is to be used in place of the
4151    alias. */
4152          known_units->use = unit;
4154 /* Leave the loop. */
4155          break;
4156       }
4158 /* Move on to check the next existing KnownUnit. */
4159       unit = unit->next;
4160    }
4162 /* Report an error if the supplied unit was not found. */
4163    if( !unit ) {
4164       astError( AST__INTER, "MakeUnitAlias(Unit): Cannot find existing "
4165                 "units \"%s\" to associate with the alias \"%s\" (AST "
4166                 "internal programming error).", status, sym, alias );
4167    }
4168 }
ModifyPrefix(UnitNode * old,int * status)4170 static UnitNode *ModifyPrefix( UnitNode *old, int *status ) {
4171 /*
4172 *  Name:
4173 *     ModifyPrefix
4175 *  Purpose:
4176 *     Replace a MULT or DIV node with a LDVAR and suitable multiplier.
4178 *  Type:
4179 *     Private function.
4181 *  Synopsis:
4182 *     #include "unit.h"
4183 *     UnitNode *ModifyPrefix( UnitNode *old, int *status )
4185 *  Class Membership:
4186 *     Unit member function.
4188 *  Description:
4189 *     This function checks the supplied node. If it is a DIV or MULT node
4190 *     in which one argument is an LDVAR and the other is a constant, then
4191 *     its checks to see if the constant can be absorbed into the LDVAR by
4192 *     changing the multiplier in the LDVAR node. If so, it returns a new
4193 *     node which is an LDVAR with the modified multiplier. Otherwise it
4194 *     returns NULL.
4196 *  Parameters:
4197 *     old
4198 *        Pointer to an existing UnitNode to be checked.
4199 *     status
4200 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4202 *  Returned Value:
4203 *     A pointer to the new UnitNode.
4205 *  Notes:
4206 *     - A value of NULL will be returned if this function is invoked with
4207 *     the global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
4208 */
4210 /* Local Variables: */
4211    Multiplier *mult;
4212    Multiplier *mmult;
4213    UnitNode *ldcon;
4214    UnitNode *ldvar;
4215    UnitNode *newtree;
4216    UnitNode *result;
4217    double con;
4218    double cmult;
4219    double r;
4220    double rmin;
4221    int recip;
4222    int changed;
4224 /* Initialise. */
4225    result = NULL;
4227 /* Check the inherited status. */
4228    if( !astOK ) return result;
4230 /* Indicate that we have not yet found any reason to return a changed
4231    node. */
4232    changed = 0;
4234 /* Check the supplied node is a DIV or MULT node. */
4235    if( old->opcode == OP_DIV || old->opcode == OP_MULT ) {
4237 /* Get a copy of the supplied tree which we can modify safely. */
4238       newtree = CopyTree( old, status );
4240 /* Identify the LDVAR argument (if any). */
4241       if( newtree->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_LDVAR ) {
4242          ldvar = newtree->arg[ 0 ];
4244       } else if( newtree->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_LDVAR ) {
4245          ldvar = newtree->arg[ 1 ];
4247       } else {
4248          ldvar = NULL;
4249       }
4251 /* Identify the LDCON argument (if any). */
4252       if( newtree->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_LDCON ) {
4253          ldcon = newtree->arg[ 0 ];
4255       } else if( newtree->arg[ 1 ]->opcode == OP_LDCON ) {
4256          ldcon = newtree->arg[ 1 ];
4258       } else {
4259          ldcon = NULL;
4260       }
4262 /* If either was not found, return NULL. */
4263       if( !ldvar || !ldcon ) {
4264          newtree = FreeTree( newtree, status );
4266 /* Otherwise, extract the multiplier constant. If there is no multiplier, the
4267    constant is 1.0. */
4268       } else {
4269          cmult = ldvar->mult ? ldvar->mult->scale: 1.0;
4271 /* Extract the constant. */
4272          con = ldcon->con;
4274 /* Combine the multiplier and the constant. The resulting constant is a
4275    factor which is used to multiply the LDVAR quantity. If the original
4276    node is a DIV node in which the LDVAR is in the denominator, then
4277    flag that we need to reciprocate the new MULT node which represents
4278    "constant*LDVAR" before returning. */
4279          if( newtree->opcode == OP_MULT ) {
4280             con = con*cmult;
4281             recip = 0;
4282          } else {
4283             con = cmult/con;
4284             recip = ( ldvar == newtree->arg[ 1 ] );
4285          }
4287 /* Find the closest known multiplier to the new constant. */
4288          rmin = ( con > 1 ) ? con : 1.0/con;
4289          mmult = NULL;
4290          mult = GetMultipliers( status );
4291          while( mult ) {
4292             r = ( con > mult->scale) ? con/mult->scale : mult->scale/con;
4293             if( r < rmin ) {
4294                mmult = mult;
4295                rmin = r;
4296             }
4297             mult = mult->next;
4298          }
4300 /* Modify the constant to take account of the new multiplier chosen
4301    above. "mmult" will be NULL if the best multiplier is unity. */
4302          if( mmult ) con = con/mmult->scale;
4304 /* If they have changed, associate the chosen multiplier with the LDVAR node,
4305    and the constant with the LDCON node. */
4306          if( ldvar->mult != mmult ) {
4307             ldvar->mult = mmult;
4308             changed = 1;
4309          }
4311          if( ldcon->con != con ) {
4312             ldcon->con = con;
4313             changed = 1;
4314          }
4316 /* Unless the node is proportional to the reciprocal of the variable, the
4317    new node should be a MULT node (it may originally have been a DIV). */
4318          if( !recip ) {
4319             if( newtree->opcode != OP_MULT ){
4320                newtree->opcode = OP_MULT;
4321                changed = 1;
4322             }
4324 /* If the constant is 1.0 we can just return the LDVAR node by itself. */
4325             if( fabs( con - 1.0 ) < 1.0E-6 ) {
4326                result = CopyTree( ldvar, status );
4327                newtree = FreeTree( newtree, status );
4328                changed = 1;
4330 /* Otherwise return the modified tree containing both LDVAR and LDCON nodes. */
4331             } else {
4332                result = newtree;
4333             }
4335 /* If the node is proportional to the reciprocal of the variable, the
4336    new node will already be a DIV node and will have an LDCON as the first
4337    argument (numerator) and an LDVAR as the second argument (denominator). */
4338          } else {
4340 /* The first argument (the numerator) should be the reciprocal of the constant
4341    found above. */
4342             ldcon->con = 1.0/ldcon->con;
4343             if( !EQUAL( ldcon->con, old->arg[0]->con ) ) changed = 1;
4345 /* Return the modified tree containing both LDVAR and LDCON nodes. */
4346             result = newtree;
4347          }
4348       }
4349    }
4351 /* If the new and old trees are equivalent, then we do not need to return
4352    it. */
4353    if( !changed && result ) result = FreeTree( result, status );
4355 /* Return the answer. */
4356    return result;
4357 }
NewNode(UnitNode * old,Oper code,int * status)4360 static UnitNode *NewNode( UnitNode *old, Oper code, int *status ) {
4361 /*
4362 *  Name:
4363 *     NewNode
4365 *  Purpose:
4366 *     Create and initialise a new UnitNode.
4368 *  Type:
4369 *     Private function.
4371 *  Synopsis:
4372 *     #include "unit.h"
4373 *     UnitNode *NewNode( UnitNode *old, Oper code, int *status )
4375 *  Class Membership:
4376 *     Unit member function.
4378 *  Description:
4379 *     This function creates and initialises a new UnitNode, or
4380 *     re-initialises an existing UnitNode to use a different op code.
4382 *  Parameters:
4383 *     old
4384 *        Pointer to an existing UnitNode to be modified, or NULL to create
4385 *        a new UnitNode.
4386 *     code
4387 *        The op code for the new UnitNode.
4388 *     status
4389 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4391 *  Returned Value:
4392 *     A pointer to the new UnitNode.
4394 *  Notes:
4395 *     - A value of NULL will be returned if this function is invoked with
4396 *     the global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
4397 */
4399 /* Local Variables: */
4400    UnitNode **args;
4401    UnitNode *result;
4402    int i;
4404 /* Initialise. */
4405    result = NULL;
4406    args = NULL;
4408 /* Check the inherited status. */
4409    if( !astOK ) return result;
4411 /* If an existig UnitNode was supplied, free any memory used to hold
4412    pointers to its arguments. */
4413    if( old ) {
4414       old->arg = astFree( old->arg );
4415       result = old;
4417 /* Otherwise, allocate memory for a new structure. */
4418    } else {
4419       result = astMalloc( sizeof( UnitNode ) );
4420    }
4422 /* Check the pointer can be used safely. */
4423    if( astOK ) {
4425 /* Initialise the members of the UnitNode structure. */
4426       result->opcode = code;
4427       result->arg = NULL;
4428       result->con = AST__BAD;
4429       result->name = NULL;
4430       result->unit = NULL;
4431       result->mult = NULL;
4432       result->narg = 0;
4434       switch( code ){
4435          case OP_LDPI:
4436             result->con = PI;
4437             break;
4439          case OP_LDE:
4440             result->con = E;
4441             break;
4443          case OP_LOG:
4444          case OP_LN:
4445          case OP_EXP:
4446          case OP_SQRT:
4447             result->narg = 1;
4448             break;
4450          case OP_POW:
4451          case OP_DIV:
4452          case OP_MULT:
4453             result->narg = 2;
4454             break;
4456          default:
4457             ;
4458       }
4460 /* Allocate memory for the UnitNode pointers which will locate the
4461    nodes forming the arguments to the new node. */
4462       args = astMalloc( (result->narg)*sizeof( UnitNode * ) );
4463       if( astOK ) {
4464          result->arg = args;
4466 /* Initialise the argument pointers to NULL. */
4467          for( i = 0; i < result->narg; i++ ) args[ i ] = NULL;
4468       }
4469    }
4471 /* Free any result if an error occurred. */
4472    if( !astOK ) {
4473       args = astFree( args );
4474       result = astFree( result );
4475    }
4477 /* Return the answer. */
4478    return result;
4479 }
RemakeTree(UnitNode ** node,int * status)4481 static void RemakeTree( UnitNode **node, int *status ) {
4482 /*
4483 *  Name:
4484 *     RemakeTree
4486 *  Purpose:
4487 *     Replace derived units within a tree of UnitNodes by basic units.
4489 *  Type:
4490 *     Private function.
4492 *  Synopsis:
4493 *     #include "unit.h"
4494 *     void RemakeTree( UnitNode **node, int *status )
4496 *  Class Membership:
4497 *     Unit member function.
4499 *  Description:
4500 *     This function searches for LDVAR nodes (i.e. references to unit
4501 *     symbols) within the given tree, and replaces each such node which
4502 *     refers to known derived unit with a sub-tree of nodes which
4503 *     define the derived unit in terms of known basic units.
4505 *  Parameters:
4506 *     node
4507 *        The address of a pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree
4508 *        which is to be simplified. On exit the supplied tree is freed and a
4509 *        pointer to a new tree is placed at the given address.
4510 *     status
4511 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4513 */
4515 /* Local Variables: */
4516    KnownUnit *unit;
4517    int i;
4518    UnitNode *newnode;
4520 /* Check inherited status. */
4521    if( !astOK ) return;
4523 /* Initially, we have no replacement node */
4524    newnode = NULL;
4526 /* If this is an LDVAR node... */
4527    if( (*node)->opcode == OP_LDVAR ) {
4529 /* If the LDVAR node has a multiplier associated with it, we need to
4530    introduce a OP_MULT node to perform the scaling. */
4531       if( (*node)->mult ) {
4532          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
4533          if( astOK ) {
4534             newnode->arg[0] = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
4535             if( astOK ) {
4536                newnode->arg[0]->con = 1.0/(*node)->mult->scale;
4538 /* See if the node refers to a known unit. If not, or if the known unit
4539    is a basic unit (i.e. not a derived unit) use the supplied node for
4540    the second argument of the OP_MULT node (without the multiplier).
4541    Otherwise, use a copy of the tree which defines the derived unit. */
4542                unit = (*node)->unit;
4543                if( unit && unit->head ) {
4544                   newnode->arg[1] = CopyTree( unit->head, status );
4545                } else {
4546                   newnode->arg[1] = CopyTree( *node, status );
4547                   if( astOK ) newnode->arg[1]->mult = NULL;
4548                }
4549             }
4550          }
4552 /* If no multiplier is supplied, the replacement node is simply the tree
4553    which defines the unscaled unit (if known), or the original node (if
4554    unknown). */
4555       } else {
4556          unit = (*node)->unit;
4557          if( unit && unit->head ) newnode = CopyTree( unit->head, status );
4558       }
4560 /* If this is not an LDVAR Node, remake the sub-trees which form the
4561    arguments of this node. */
4562    } else {
4563       for( i = 0; i < (*node)->narg; i++ ) {
4564          RemakeTree( &((*node)->arg[ i ]), status );
4565       }
4566    }
4568 /* If an error has occurred, free any new node. */
4569    if( !astOK ) newnode = FreeTree( newnode, status );
4571 /* If we have a replacement node, free the supplied tree and return a
4572    pointer to the new tree. */
4573    if( newnode ) {
4574       FreeTree( *node, status );
4575       *node = newnode;
4576    }
4577 }
ReplaceNode(UnitNode * target,UnitNode * old,UnitNode * new,int * status)4579 static int ReplaceNode( UnitNode *target, UnitNode *old, UnitNode *new, int *status ) {
4580 /*
4581 *  Name:
4582 *     ReplaceNode
4584 *  Purpose:
4585 *     Replace a node within a tree of UnitNodes.
4587 *  Type:
4588 *     Private function.
4590 *  Synopsis:
4591 *     #include "unit.h"
4592 *     int ReplaceNode( UnitNode *target, UnitNode *old, UnitNode *new, int *status )
4594 *  Class Membership:
4595 *     Unit member function.
4597 *  Description:
4598 *     This function replaces a specified node within a tree of UnitNodes
4599 *     with another given node. The original node is freed if found.
4601 *  Parameters:
4602 *     target
4603 *        A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree containing the
4604 *        node to be replaced.
4605 *     old
4606 *        A pointer to the UnitNode to be replaced.
4607 *     new
4608 *        A pointer to the UnitNode to replace "old".
4609 *     status
4610 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4612 *  Return Value:
4613 *     Non-zero if the "old" node was found and replaced (in which case
4614 *     the "old" node will have been freed).
4616 *  Notes:
4617 *     - It is assumed that the "old" node occurs at most once within the
4618 *     target tree.
4619 *     - The node at the head of the target tree is not compared with the
4620 *     "old" node. It is assumed the called will already have done this.
4621 *     - A value of zero is returned if an error has already occurred, or
4622 *     if this function fails for any reason.
4624 */
4626 /* Local Variables: */
4627    int i;
4628    int result;
4630 /* Initialise */
4631    result = 0;
4633 /* Check inherited status. */
4634    if( !astOK ) return result;
4636 /* Loop round the arguments of the node at the head of the target tree.
4637    Break out of the loop as soone as the old node is found. */
4638    for( i = 0; i < target->narg; i++ ) {
4640 /* If this argument is the node to be replaced, free the old one and store
4641    the new one, and then leave the loop. */
4642       if( target->arg[ i ] == old ) {
4643          FreeTree( old, status );
4644          target->arg[ i ] = new;
4645          result = 1;
4646          break;
4648 /* Otherwise use this function recursively to search for the old node
4649    within the current argument. */
4650       } else {
4651          if( ReplaceNode( target->arg[ i ], old, new, status ) ) break;
4652       }
4653    }
4655 /* If an error has occurred, return zero. */
4656    if( !astOK ) result = 0;
4658 /* Return the answer. */
4659    return result;
4660 }
SimplifyTree(UnitNode ** node,int std,int * status)4662 static int SimplifyTree( UnitNode **node, int std, int *status ) {
4663 /*
4664 *  Name:
4665 *     SimplifyTree
4667 *  Purpose:
4668 *     Simplify a tree of UnitNodes.
4670 *  Type:
4671 *     Private function.
4673 *  Synopsis:
4674 *     #include "unit.h"
4675 *     int SimplifyTree( UnitNode **node, int std, int *status )
4677 *  Class Membership:
4678 *     Unit member function.
4680 *  Description:
4681 *     This function simplifies a tree of UnitNodes. It is assumed that
4682 *     all the OP_LDVAR nodes in the tree refer to the same basic unit.
4683 *     A primary purpose of this function is to standardise the tree so
4684 *     that trees which implement equivalent transformations but which
4685 *     have different structures can be compared (for instance, so that
4686 *     "2*x" and "x*2" are treated as equal trees). If "std" is non-zero,
4687 *     reducing the complexity of the tree is only of secondary importance.
4688 *     This explains why some "simplifications" actually produced trees which
4689 *     are more complicated.
4691 *  Parameters:
4692 *     node
4693 *        The address of a pointer to the UnitNode at the head of the tree
4694 *        which is to be simplified. On exit the supplied tree is freed and a
4695 *        pointer to a new tree is placed at the given address.
4696 *     std
4697 *        If non-zero, perform standardisations. Otherwise only perform
4698 *        genuine simplifications.
4699 *     status
4700 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4702 *  Returned Value:
4703 *     Non-zero if some change was made to the tree.
4705 */
4707 /* Local Variables: */
4708    int i;
4709    UnitNode *newnode;
4710    UnitNode *node1;
4711    UnitNode *node2;
4712    Oper op;
4713    UnitNode **factors;
4714    double *powers;
4715    int nfactor;
4716    double coeff;
4717    int result;
4719 /* Initialise */
4720    result = 0;
4722 /* Check inherited status. */
4723    if( !astOK ) return result;
4725 /* Initiallially, we have no replacement node. */
4726    newnode = NULL;
4728 /* First replace any complex constant expressions any corresponding
4729    OP_LDCON nodes. */
4730    FixConstants( node, 0, status );
4732 /* Simplify the sub-trees corresponding to the arguments of the node at
4733    the head of the supplied tree. */
4734    for( i = 0; i < (*node)->narg; i++ ) {
4735       if( SimplifyTree( &( (*node)->arg[ i ] ), std, status ) ) result = 1;
4736    }
4738 /* Now do specific simplifications appropriate to the nature of the node at
4739    the head of the tree. */
4740    op = (*node)->opcode;
4742 /* Natural log */
4743 /* =========== */
4744 /* We standardise argument powers into coefficients of the LN value. */
4745    if( op == OP_LN ) {
4747 /* If the argument is a OP_EXP node, they cancel out. Return a copy of the
4748    argument of OP_EXP node. */
4749       if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_EXP ) {
4750          newnode = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
4752 /* If the argument is an OP_POW node, rearrange the nodes to represent
4753    k*ln(x) instead of ln(x**k) (note pow nodes always have a constant
4754    exponent - this is checked in InvertConstants). SQRT arguments will
4755    not occur because they will have been changed into POW nodes when the
4756    arguments of the supplied head node were simplified above. */
4757       } else if( std && (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_POW ) {
4758          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
4759          node1 = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 1 ], status );
4760          node2 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LN, status );
4761          if( astOK ) {
4762             node2->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
4763             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
4764             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = node2;
4765          }
4766       }
4768 /* Common log */
4769 /* ========== */
4770 /* We standardise natural logs into common logs. */
4771    } else if( op == OP_LOG ) {
4772       if( std ) {
4773          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_DIV, status );
4774          node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LN, status );
4775          node2 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
4776          if( astOK ) {
4777             node1->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
4778             node2->con = log( 10.0 );
4779             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
4780             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = node2;
4781          }
4782       }
4784 /* Exponential */
4785 /* =========== */
4786 /* We prefer to minimise the number of EXP nodes, so, for instance, we do not
4787    change "exp(x*y)" to "exp(x)+exp(y)" (and the code for ADD nodes does
4788    the inverse conversion). */
4789    } else if( op == OP_EXP ) {
4791 /* If the argument is an OP_LN node, they cancel out. Return a copy of the
4792    argument of the OP_LN node. Common log arguments will not occur because
4793    they will have been changed into natural logs when the arguments of
4794    the supplied head node were simplified above. */
4795       if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_LN ) {
4796          newnode = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
4797       }
4799 /* Square root */
4800 /* =========== */
4801 /* We standardise sqrt nodes into pow nodes. */
4802    } else if( op == OP_SQRT ) {
4803       if( std ) {
4804          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_POW, status );
4805          node1 = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
4806          node2 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
4807          if( astOK ) {
4808             node2->con = 0.5;
4809             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
4810             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = node2;
4811          }
4812       }
4814 /* Exponentiation */
4815 /* ============== */
4816 /* We want to simplfy factors. So, for instance, (x*y)**k is converted to
4817    (x**k)*(y**k). */
4818    } else if( op == OP_POW ) {
4820 /* If the first argument is an OP_EXP node, then change "(e**x)**k" into
4821    "e**(k*x)" */
4822       if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_EXP ) {
4823          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_EXP, status );
4824          node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
4825          if( astOK ) {
4826             node1->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ], status );
4827             node1->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
4828             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
4829          }
4831 /* "x**0" can be replaced by 1.0 */
4832       } else if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con == 0.0 ) {
4833          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
4834          if( astOK ) newnode->con = 1.0;
4836 /* "x**1" can be replaced by x */
4837       } else if( EQUAL( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con, 1.0 ) ) {
4838          newnode = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
4840 /* If the first argument is an OP_POW node, then change "(x**k1)**k2" into
4841    "x**(k1*k2)" */
4842       } else if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_POW ) {
4843          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_POW, status );
4844          node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
4845          if( astOK ) {
4846             node1->con = ( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 1 ]->con )*
4847                          ( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con );
4848             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
4849             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = node1;
4850          }
4852 /* If the first argument is an OP_MULT node, then change "(x*y)**k" into
4853    "(x**(k))*(y**(k))" */
4854       } else if( std && (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->opcode == OP_MULT ) {
4855          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
4856          node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_POW, status );
4857          if( astOK ) {
4858             node1->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ], status );
4859             node2 = CopyTree( node1, status );
4860             node1->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 0 ], status );
4861             node2->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->arg[ 1 ], status );
4862             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
4863             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = node2;
4864          }
4865       }
4867 /* Division. */
4868 /* ========= */
4869 /* We standardise divisions into corresponding multiplications. */
4870    } else if( op == OP_DIV ) {
4872 /* Division by 1 is removed. */
4873       if( EQUAL( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con, 1.0 ) ){
4874          newnode = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
4876 /* Division by any other constant (except zero) is turned into a
4877    multiplication by the reciprocal constant. */
4878       } else if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con != AST__BAD ) {
4879          if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con != 0.0 ) {
4880             newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
4881             node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
4882             if( astOK ) {
4883                node1->con = 1.0/(*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con;
4884                newnode->arg[ 0 ] = node1;
4885                newnode->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
4886             }
4887          } else {
4888             astError( AST__BADUN, "Simplifying a units expression"
4889                       "requires a division by zero." , status);
4890          }
4892 /* Other divisions "x/y" are turned into "x*(y**(-1))" */
4893       } else if( std ) {
4894          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
4895          node1 = NewNode( NULL, OP_POW, status );
4896          node2 = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
4897          if( astOK ) {
4898             node2->con = -1.0;
4899             node1->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ], status );
4900             node1->arg[ 1 ] = node2;
4901             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
4902             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = node1;
4903          }
4904       }
4906 /* Multiplication */
4907 /* ============== */
4908    } else if( op == OP_MULT ) {
4910 /* If the right hand argument is constant, swap the arguments. */
4911       if( (*node)->arg[ 1 ]->con != AST__BAD ) {
4912          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_MULT, status );
4913          if( astOK ) {
4914             newnode->arg[ 0 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ], status );
4915             newnode->arg[ 1 ] = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 0 ], status );
4916          }
4918 /* Multiplication by zero produces a constant zero. */
4919       } else if( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con == 0.0 ){
4920          newnode = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDCON, status );
4921          if( astOK ) newnode->con = 0.0;
4923 /* Multiplication by 1 is removed. */
4924       } else if( EQUAL( (*node)->arg[ 0 ]->con, 1.0 ) ){
4925          newnode = CopyTree( (*node)->arg[ 1 ], status );
4927 /* For other MULT nodes, analyse the tree to find a list of all its
4928    factors with an associated power for each one, and an overall constant
4929    coefficient. */
4930       } else if( std ) {
4931          FindFactors( (*node), &factors, &powers, &nfactor, &coeff, status );
4933 /* Produce a new tree from these factors. The factors are standardised by
4934    ordering them alphabetically (after conversion to a character string). */
4935          newnode = CombineFactors( factors, powers, nfactor, coeff, status );
4937 /* Free resources */
4938          factors = astFree( factors );
4939          powers = astFree( powers );
4941       }
4942    }
4944 /* If we have produced a new node which is identical to the old node,
4945    free it. Otherwise, indicate we have made some changes. */
4946    if( newnode ) {
4947       if( !CmpTree( newnode, *node, 1, status ) ) {
4948          newnode = FreeTree( newnode, status );
4949       } else {
4950          result = 1;
4951       }
4952    }
4954 /* If an error has occurred, free any new node. */
4955    if( !astOK ) newnode = FreeTree( newnode, status );
4957 /* If we have a replacement node, free the supplied tree and return a
4958    pointer to the new tree. */
4959    if( newnode ) {
4960       FreeTree( *node, status );
4961       *node = newnode;
4962    }
4964 /* If the above produced some change, try re-simplifying the tree. */
4965    if( result ) SimplifyTree( node, std, status );
4967 /* Return the result. */
4968    return result;
4970 }
SplitUnit(const char * str,int ls,const char * u,int cs,Multiplier ** mult,int * l,int * status)4972 static int SplitUnit( const char *str, int ls, const char *u, int cs,
4973                       Multiplier **mult, int *l, int *status ) {
4974 /*
4975 *  Name:
4976 *     SplitUnit
4978 *  Purpose:
4979 *     Split a given string into unit name and multiplier.
4981 *  Type:
4982 *     Private function.
4984 *  Synopsis:
4985 *     #include "unit.h"
4986 *     int SplitUnit( const char *str, int ls, const char *u, int cs,
4987 *                    Multiplier **mult, int *l, int *status  )
4989 *  Class Membership:
4990 *     Unit member function.
4992 *  Description:
4993 *     Returns non-zer0 if the supplied string ends with the supplied unit
4994 *     name or label, and any leading string is a known multiplier.
4996 *  Parameters:
4997 *     str
4998 *        The string to test, typically containing a multiplier and a unit
4999 *        symbol or label.
5000 *     ls
5001 *        Number of characters to use from "str" (not including trailing null)
5002 *     u
5003 *        Pointer to the unit label or symbol string to be searched for.
5004 *     cs
5005 *        If non-zero, the test for "u" is case insensitive.
5006 *     mult
5007 *        Address of a location at which to return the multiplier at the
5008 *        start of the supplied string. NULL is returned if the supplied
5009 *        string does not match the supplied unit, or if the string
5010 *        includes no multiplier.
5011 *     l
5012 *        Address of an int in which to return the length of "u".
5013 *     status
5014 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5016 *  Returned Value:
5017 *     Non-zero if "str" ends with "u" and starts with a null string or a
5018 *     known multiplier string.
5020 */
5022 /* Local Variables: */
5023    int ret;
5024    int lm;
5025    int lu;
5027 /* Initialise */
5028    ret = 0;
5029    *mult = NULL;
5030    *l = 0;
5032 /* Check inherited status. */
5033    if( !astOK ) return ret;
5035 /* Find the number of characters in the supplied unit label or symbol. The
5036    difference between lu and ls must be the length of the multiplier. */
5037    lu = strlen( u );
5038    lm = ls - lu;
5040 /* Make sure "str" is not shorter than "u" */
5041    if( lm >= 0 ) {
5043 /* Compare the end of "str" against "u" */
5044       if( cs ? !strncmp( str + lm, u, lu ) :
5045                !Ustrncmp( str + lm, u, lu, status ) ) {
5046          ret = 1;
5048 /* If "str" ends with "u", see if it starts with a known multiplier */
5049          if( lm > 0 ) {
5050             ret = 0;
5051             *mult = GetMultipliers( status );
5052             while( *mult ) {
5053                if( (*mult)->symlen == lm && !strncmp( str, (*mult)->sym, lm ) ) {
5054                   ret = 1;
5055                   break;
5056                }
5057                *mult = (*mult)->next;
5058             }
5060 /* If not, try again using case-insensitive matching. */
5061             if( !ret ) {
5062                *mult = GetMultipliers( status );
5063                while( *mult ) {
5064                   if( (*mult)->symlen == lm && !Ustrncmp( str, (*mult)->sym, lm, status ) ) {
5065                      ret = 1;
5066                      break;
5067                   }
5068                   *mult = (*mult)->next;
5069                }
5070             }
5072 /* If not, try again using case-insensitive matching against the
5073    multiplier label. */
5074             if( !ret ) {
5075                *mult = GetMultipliers( status );
5076                while( *mult ) {
5077                   if( (*mult)->lablen == lm && !Ustrncmp( str, (*mult)->label, lm, status ) ) {
5078                      ret = 1;
5079                      break;
5080                   }
5081                   *mult = (*mult)->next;
5082                }
5083             }
5085          }
5086       }
5087    }
5089    *l = lu;
5090    return ret;
5091 }
astUnitAnalyser_(const char * in,double powers[9],int * status)5093 double astUnitAnalyser_( const char *in, double powers[9], int *status ){
5094 /*
5095 *+
5096 *  Name:
5097 *     astUnitAnalyser
5099 *  Purpose:
5100 *     Perform a dimensional analysis of a unti string.
5102 *  Type:
5103 *     Protected function.
5105 *  Synopsis:
5106 *     #include "unit.h"
5107 *     double astUnitAnalyser_( const char *in, double powers[9] )
5109 *  Class Membership:
5110 *     Unit member function.
5112 *  Description:
5113 *     This function parses the supplied units string if possible, and
5114 *     returns a set of pwoers and a scaling factor which represent the
5115 *     units string.
5117 *  Parameters:
5118 *     in
5119 *        A string representation of the units, for instance "km/h".
5120 *     powers
5121 *        An array in which are returned the powers for each of the following
5122 *        basic units (in the order shown): kilogramme, metre, second, radian,
5123 *        Kelvin, count, adu, photon, magnitude, pixel. If the supplied unit
5124 *        does not depend on a given basic unit a value of 0.0 will be returned
5125 *        in the array. The returns values represent a system of units which is
5126 *        a scaled form of the supplied units, expressed in the basic units of
5127 *        m, kg, s, rad, K, count, adu, photon, mag and pixel. For instance, a
5128 *        returned array of [1,0,-2,0,0,0,0,0,0] would represent "m/s**2".
5130 *  Returned Value:
5131 *     A scaling factor for the supplied units. The is the value, in the
5132 *     units represented by the returned powers, which corresponds to a
5133 *     value of 1.0 in the supplied units.
5135 *  Notes:
5136 *     -  An error will be reported if the units string cannot be parsed
5137 *     or refers to units or functions which cannot be analysed in this way.
5138 *     -  AST__BAD is returned if this function is invoked with the
5139 *     global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
5140 *-
5141 */
5143 /* Local Variables: */
5144    UnitNode *in_tree;
5145    double result;
5147 /* Initialise */
5148    result = AST__BAD;
5150 /* Check the global error status. */
5151    if ( !astOK ) return result;
5153 /* Parse the input units string, producing a tree of UnitNodes which
5154    represents the input units. A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of
5155    the tree is returned if succesfull. Report a context message if this
5156    fails. */
5157    in_tree = CreateTree( in, 1, 1, status );
5158    if( in_tree ) {
5160 /* Analyse the tree */
5161       if( !DimAnal( in_tree, powers, &result, status ) && astOK ) {
5162          result = AST__BAD;
5163          astError( AST__BADUN, "astUnitAnalyser: Error analysing input "
5164                    "units string '%s' (it may contain unsupported "
5165                    "functions or dimensionless units).", status, in );
5166       }
5168 /* Free the tree. */
5169       in_tree = FreeTree( in_tree, status );
5171    } else if( astOK ) {
5172       astError( AST__BADUN, "astUnitAnalyser: Error parsing input "
5173                 "units string '%s'.", status, in );
5174    }
5176 /* Return the result */
5177    return result;
5178 }
astUnitLabel_(const char * sym,int * status)5180 const char *astUnitLabel_( const char *sym, int *status ){
5181 /*
5182 *+
5183 *  Name:
5184 *     astUnitLabel
5186 *  Purpose:
5187 *     Return a string label for a given unit symbol.
5189 *  Type:
5190 *     Protected function.
5192 *  Synopsis:
5193 *     #include "unit.h"
5194 *     const char *astUnitLabel( const char *sym )
5196 *  Class Membership:
5197 *     Unit member function.
5199 *  Description:
5200 *     This function returns a pointer to a constant string containing a
5201 *     descriptive label for the unit specified by the given unit symbol.
5203 *  Parameters:
5204 *     sym
5205 *        A string holing a known unit symbol.
5207 *  Returned Value:
5208 *     A pointer to constant string holding a descriptive label for the
5209 *     supplied unit. A NULL pointer is returned (without error) if the
5210 *     supplied unit is unknown.
5212 *  Notes:
5213 *     -  A NULL pointer is returned if this function is invoked with the
5214 *     global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
5215 *-
5216 */
5218 /* Local Variables: */
5219    const char *result;
5220    KnownUnit *unit;
5222 /* Initialise */
5223    result = NULL;
5225 /* Check the global error status. */
5226    if ( !astOK ) return result;
5228 /* Ensure descriptions of the known units are available. */
5229    unit = GetKnownUnits( 1, status );
5231 /* Loop through the chain of known units looking for a unit with a symbol
5232    equal to the supplied string. If found, store a pointer to its label
5233    and break out of the loop. */
5234    while( unit ) {
5235       if( !strcmp( sym, unit->sym ) ) {
5236          result = unit->label;
5237          break;
5238       }
5240       unit = unit->next;
5241    }
5243 /* Return the answer. */
5244    return result;
5245 }
astUnitMapper_(const char * in,const char * out,const char * in_lab,char ** out_lab,int * status)5247 AstMapping *astUnitMapper_( const char *in, const char *out,
5248                             const char *in_lab, char **out_lab, int *status ){
5249 /*
5250 *+
5251 *  Name:
5252 *     astUnitMapper
5254 *  Purpose:
5255 *     Create a Mapping between two system of units.
5257 *  Type:
5258 *     Protected function.
5260 *  Synopsis:
5261 *     #include "unit.h"
5262 *     AstMapping *astUnitMapper( const char *in, const char *out,
5263 *                                const char *in_lab, char **out_lab )
5265 *  Class Membership:
5266 *     Unit member function.
5268 *  Description:
5269 *     This function creates a Mapping between two specified system of
5270 *     units. It also modifes a supplied label (which is typically
5271 *     the axis label associated with the input units) so that it includes
5272 *     any functional change implied by the supplied "in" and "out" units.
5274 *  Parameters:
5275 *     in
5276 *        A string representation of the input units, for instance "km/h".
5277 *        See "Unit Representations:" below.
5278 *     out
5279 *        A string representation of the output units, for instance "m/s".
5280 *        See "Unit Representations:" below.
5281 *     in_lab
5282 *        A label describing the quantity associated with the input units.
5283 *        If the "in" string is the Units attribute of an Axis, then
5284 *        "in_lab" should be the Label of the same Axis. May be supplied
5285 *        NULL in which case "out_lab" is ignored.
5286 *     out_lab
5287 *        The address at which to return a pointer to a label describing the
5288 *        quantity associated with the output units. For instance, if the
5289 *        input and output units are "Hz" and "sqrt(Hz)", and the input
5290 *        label is "Frequency", then the returned output label will be
5291 *        "sqrt( Frequency )". The returned label is stored in dynamically
5292 *        allocated memory which should be freed (using astFree) when no longer
5293 *        needed.
5295 *  Returned Value:
5296 *     A pointer to a Mapping which can be used to transform values in the
5297 *     "in" system of units into the "out" system of units. The Mapping
5298 *     will have 1 input and 1 output.
5300 *  Unit Representations:
5301 *     The string supplied for "in" and "out" should represent a system of
5302 *     units following the recommendations of the FITS WCS paper I
5303 *     "Representation of World Coordinates in FITS" (Greisen & Calabretta).
5304 *     Various commonly used variants are also allowed.
5305 *
5306 *     To summarise, a string describing a system of units should be an
5307 *     algebraic expression which combines one or more named units. The
5308 *     following functions and operators may be used within these algebraic
5309 *     expressions:
5310 *
5311 *     - "*": multiplication. A period "." or space " " may also be used
5312 *       to represent multiplication (a period is only interpreted as a
5313 *       multiplication operator if it is not positioned between two digits,
5314 *       and a space is only interpreted as a multiplication operator if it
5315 *       occurs between two operands).
5316 *     - "/": division.
5317 *     - "**": exponentiation. The exponent (i.e. the operand following the
5318 *       exponentiation operator) must be a constant. The symbol "^" is also
5319 *       interpreted as an exponentiation operator. Exponentiation is also
5320 *       implied by an integer following a unit name without any separator
5321 *       (e.g. "cm2" is "cm^2").
5322 *     - log(): Common logarithm.
5323 *     - ln(): Natural logarithm.
5324 *     - sqrt(): Square root.
5325 *     - exp(): Exponential.
5326 *
5327 *     Function names are case insensitive. White space may be included
5328 *     within an expression (note that white space between two operands
5329 *     will be interpreted as a muiltiplication operator as described
5330 *     above). Parentheses may be used to indicate the order in which
5331 *     expressions are to be evaluated (normal mathematical precedence is
5332 *     used otherwise). The following symbols may be used to represent
5333 *     constants:
5334 *
5335 *     - "pi"
5336 *     - "e"
5337 *
5338 *     These symbols are also case in-sensitive.
5339 *
5340 *     The above operators and functions are used to combine together one
5341 *     or more "unit symbols". The following base unit symbols are recognised:
5342 *
5343 *     - "m":  metre.
5344 *     - "g":  gram.
5345 *     - "s":  second.
5346 *     - "rad":  radian.
5347 *     - "sr":  steradian.
5348 *     - "K":  Kelvin.
5349 *     - "mol":  mole.
5350 *     - "cd":  candela.
5351 *
5352 *     The following symbols for units derived fro the above basic units are
5353 *     recognised:
5354 *
5355 *     - "sec":  second (1 s)
5356 *     - "Hz":  Hertz  (1/s).
5357 *     - "N":  Newton  (kg m/s**2).
5358 *     - "J":  Joule  (N m).
5359 *     - "W":  Watt  (J/s).
5360 *     - "C":  Coulomb  (A s).
5361 *     - "V":  Volt  (J/C).
5362 *     - "Pa":  Pascal  (N/m**2).
5363 *     - "Ohm":  Ohm  (V/A).
5364 *     - "S":  Siemens  (A/V).
5365 *     - "F":  Farad  (C/V).
5366 *     - "Wb":  Weber  (V s).
5367 *     - "T":  Tesla  (Wb/m**2).
5368 *     - "H":  Henry  (Wb/A).
5369 *     - "lm":  lumen  (cd sr).
5370 *     - "lx":  lux  (lm/m**2).
5371 *     - "deg":  degree  (pi/180 rad).
5372 *     - "arcmin":  arc-minute  (1/60 deg).
5373 *     - "arcsec":  arc-second  (1/3600 deg).
5374 *     - "mas":  milli-arcsecond  (1/3600000 deg).
5375 *     - "min":  minute  (60 s).
5376 *     - "h":  hour  (3600 s).
5377 *     - "d":  day  (86400 s).
5378 *     - "yr":  year  (31557600 s).
5379 *     - "a":  year  (31557600 s).
5380 *     - "eV":  electron-Volt  (1.60217733E-19 J).
5381 *     - "erg":  erg  (1.0E-7 J).
5382 *     - "Ry":  Rydberg  (13.605692 eV).
5383 *     - "solMass":  solar mass  (1.9891E30 kg).
5384 *     - "u":  unified atomic mass unit  (1.6605387E-27 kg).
5385 *     - "solLum":  solar luminosity  (3.8268E26 W).
5386 *     - "Angstrom":  Angstrom  (1.0E-10 m).
5387 *     - "Ang":  Angstrom
5388 *     - "A":  Ampere
5389 *     - "micron":  micron (1.0E-6 m).
5390 *     - "solRad":  solar radius  (6.9599E8 m).
5391 *     - "AU":  astronomical unit  (1.49598E11 m).
5392 *     - "lyr":  light year  (9.460730E15 m).
5393 *     - "pc":  parsec  (3.0867E16 m).
5394 *     - "count":  count.
5395 *     - "ct":  count.
5396 *     - "adu":  analogue-to-digital converter unit.
5397 *     - "photon":  photon.
5398 *     - "ph":  photon.
5399 *     - "Jy":  Jansky  (1.0E-26 W /m**2 /Hz).
5400 *     - "Jan":  Jansky
5401 *     - "mag":  magnitude.
5402 *     - "G":  Gauss  (1.0E-4 T).
5403 *     - "pixel":  pixel.
5404 *     - "pix":  pixel.
5405 *     - "barn":  barn  (1.0E-28 m**2).
5406 *     - "D":  Debye  (1.0E-29/3 C.m).
5407 *
5408 *     In addition, any other unknown unit symbol may be used (but of course
5409 *     no mapping will be possible between unknown units).
5410 *
5411 *     Unit symbols may be preceded with a numerical constant (for
5412 *     instance "1000 m") or a standard multiplier symbol (for instance "km")
5413 *     to represent some multiple of the unit. The following standard
5414 *     multipliers are recognised:
5415 *
5416 *     - "d":   deci   (1.0E-1)
5417 *     - "c":   centi  (1.0E-2)
5418 *     - "m":   milli  (1.0E-3)
5419 *     - "u":   micro  (1.0E-6)
5420 *     - "n":   nano   (1.0E-9)
5421 *     - "p":   pico   (1.0E-12)
5422 *     - "f":   femto  (1.0E-15)
5423 *     - "a":   atto   (1.0E-18)
5424 *     - "z":   zepto  (1.0E-21)
5425 *     - "y":   yocto  (1.0E-24)
5426 *     - "da":  deca   (1.0E1)
5427 *     - "h":   hecto  (1.0E2)
5428 *     - "k":   kilo   (1.0E3)
5429 *     - "M":   mega   (1.0E6)
5430 *     - "G":   giga   (1.0E9)
5431 *     - "T":   tera   (1.0E12)
5432 *     - "P":   peta   (1.0E15)
5433 *     - "E":   exa    (1.0E18)
5434 *     - "Z":   zetta  (1.0E21)
5435 *     - "Y":   yotta  (1.0E24)
5437 *  Notes:
5438 *     -  NULL values are returned without error if the supplied units are
5439 *     incompatible (for instance, if the input and output units are "kg"
5440 *     and "m" ).
5441 *     -  NULL values are returned if this function is invoked with the
5442 *     global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
5443 *-
5444 */
5446 /* Local Variables: */
5447    AstMapping *result;
5448    UnitNode **units;
5449    UnitNode *in_tree;
5450    UnitNode *intemp;
5451    UnitNode *inv;
5452    UnitNode *labtree;
5453    UnitNode *newtest;
5454    UnitNode *out_tree;
5455    UnitNode *outtemp;
5456    UnitNode *src;
5457    UnitNode *testtree;
5458    UnitNode *tmp;
5459    UnitNode *totaltree;
5460    UnitNode *totlabtree;
5461    const char *c;
5462    const char *exp;
5463    int i;
5464    int nc;
5465    int nunits;
5466    int ipass;
5468 /* Initialise */
5469    result = NULL;
5470    if( in_lab ) *out_lab = NULL;
5472 /* Check the global error status. */
5473    if ( !astOK ) return result;
5475 /* A quick check for a common simple case: if the two strings are
5476    identical, return a UnitMap.*/
5477    if( !strcmp( in, out ) ) {
5478       if( in_lab ) *out_lab = astStore( NULL, in_lab, strlen( in_lab ) + 1 );
5479       return (AstMapping *) astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
5480    }
5482 /* More initialisation. */
5483    in_tree = NULL;
5484    out_tree = NULL;
5485    units = NULL;
5487 /* Parse the input units string, producing a tree of UnitNodes which
5488    represents the input units. A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of
5489    the tree is returned if succesfull. Report a context message if this
5490    fails. The returned tree contains branch nodes which correspond to
5491    operators or functions, and leaf nodes which represent constant values
5492    or named basic units (m, s, g, K, etc). Each branch node has one or more
5493    "arguments" (i.e. child nodes) which are operated on or combined by
5494    the branch node in some way to produce the nodes "value". This value
5495    is then used as an argument for the node's parent node (if any). If
5496    the string supplied by the user refers to any known derived units (e.g. "N",
5497    Newton) then each such unit is represented in the returned tree by a
5498    complete sub-tree in which the head node corresponds to the derived
5499    unit (e.g. "N") and the leaf nodes correspond to the basic units needed
5500    to define the derived unit ( for instance, "m", "s" and "g" - metres,
5501    seconds and grammes), or numerical constants. Thus every leaf node in the
5502    returned tree will be a basic unit (i.e. a unit which is not defined in
5503    terms of other units), or a numerical constant. */
5504    in_tree = CreateTree( in, 1, 1, status );
5505    if( !astOK ) astError( AST__BADUN, "astUnitMapper: Error parsing input "
5506                           "units string '%s'.", status, in );
5508 /* Do the same for the output units. */
5509    if( astOK ) {
5510       out_tree = CreateTree( out, 1, 1, status );
5511       if( !astOK ) astError( AST__BADUN, "astUnitMapper: Error parsing output "
5512                              "units string '%s'.", status, out );
5513    }
5515 /* If a blank string is supplied for both input and output units, then
5516    assume a UnitMap is the appropriate Mapping. */
5517    if( !in_tree && !out_tree && astOK ) {
5518       result = (AstMapping *) astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
5519       if( in_lab ) *out_lab = astStore( NULL, in_lab, strlen( in_lab ) + 1 );
5521 /* Otherwise, if we have both input and output trees... */
5522    } else if( in_tree && out_tree && astOK ) {
5524 /* Locate all the basic units used within either of these two trees. An
5525    array is formed in which each element is a pointer to a UnitNode
5526    contained within one of the trees created above. Each basic unit
5527    referred to in either tree will have a single entry in this array
5528    (even if the unit is referred to more than once). */
5529       units = NULL;
5530       nunits = 0;
5531       LocateUnits( in_tree, &units, &nunits, status );
5532       LocateUnits( out_tree, &units, &nunits, status );
5534 /* Due to the simple nature of the simplification process in SimplifyTree,
5535    the following alogorithm sometimes fails to find a Mapping form input
5536    to output units, but can find a Mapping from output to input units.
5537    In this latter case, we can get the required Mapping from input to
5538    output  simply by inverting the Mapign from output to input. So try
5539    first with the units in the original order. If this fails to find a
5540    Mapping, try again with the units swapped, and note that the final
5541    Mapping should be inverted before being used. */
5542       for( ipass = 0; ipass < 2; ipass++ ){
5543          if( ipass == 1 ) {
5544             tmp = in_tree;
5545             in_tree = out_tree;
5546             out_tree = tmp;
5547          }
5549 /* We are going to create a new tree of UnitNodes in which the head node
5550    corresponds to the requested output units, and which has a single
5551    non-constant leaf node corresponding to the input units. Initialise a
5552    pointer to this new tree to indicate that it has not yet been created. */
5553          testtree = NULL;
5555 /* Loop round each basic unit used in the definition of either the input
5556    or the output units (i.e. the elements of the array created above by
5557    "LocateUnits"). The unit selected by this loop is referred to as the
5558    "current" unit. On each pass through this loop, we create a tree which
5559    is a candidate for the final required tree (the "test tree" pointed to
5560    by the testtree pointer initialised above). In order for a mapping to
5561    be possible between input and output units, the test tree created on
5562    each pass through this loop must be equivalent to the test tree for the
5563    previous pass (in other words, all the test trees must be equivalent).
5564    We break out of the loop (and return a NULL Mapping) as soon as we find
5565    a test tree which differs from the previous test tree. */
5566          for( i = 0; i < nunits; i++ ) {
5568 /* Create copies of the trees describing the input and output units, in which
5569    all units other than the current unit are set to a constant value of 1.
5570    This is done by replacing OP_LDVAR nodes (i.e. nodes which "load" the
5571    value of a named basic unit) by OP_LDCON nodes (i.e. nodes which load
5572    a specified constant value) in the tree copy. */
5573             intemp = FixUnits( in_tree, units[ i ], status );
5574             outtemp = FixUnits( out_tree, units[ i ], status );
5576 /* Simplify these trees. An important side-effect of this simplification
5577    is that trees are "standardised" which allows them to be compared for
5578    equivalence. A single mathematical expression can often be represented
5579    in many different ways (for instance "A/B" is equivalent to "(B**(-1))*A").
5580    Standardisation is a process of forcing all equivalent representations
5581    into a single "standard" form. Without standardisation, trees representing
5582    the above two expressions would not be considered to be equivalent
5583    since thy would contain different nodes and have different structures.
5584    As a consequence of this standardisation, the "simplification" performed
5585    by SimplifyTree can sometimes actually make the tree more complicated
5586    (in terms of the number of nodes in the tree). */
5587             SimplifyTree( &intemp, 1, status );
5588             SimplifyTree( &outtemp, 1, status );
5590 /* If either of the simplified trees does not depend on the current unit,
5591    then the node at the head of the simplified tree will have a constant
5592    value (because all the units other than the current unit have been fixed
5593    to a constant value of 1.0 above by FixUnits, leaving only the current
5594    unit to vary in value). If both simplified trees are constants, then
5595    neither tree depends on the current basic unit (i.e. references to the
5596    current basic unit cancel out within each string expression - for
5597    instance if converting from "m.s.Hz" to "km" and the current unit
5598    is "s", then the "s.Hz" term will cause the "s" units to cancel out). In
5599    this case ignore this basic unit and pass on to the next. */
5600             if( outtemp->con != AST__BAD && intemp->con != AST__BAD ) {
5602 /* If just one simplified tree is constant, then the two units cannot
5603    match since one depends on the current basic unit and the other does
5604    not. Free any test tree from previous passes and break out of the loop. */
5605             } else if( outtemp->con != AST__BAD || intemp->con != AST__BAD ) {
5606                intemp = FreeTree( intemp, status );
5607                outtemp = FreeTree( outtemp, status );
5608                testtree = FreeTree( testtree, status );
5609                break;
5611 /* If neither simplified tree is constant, both depend on the current
5612    basic unit and so we can continue to see if their dependencies are
5613    equivalent. */
5614             } else {
5616 /* We are going to create a new tree which is the inverse of the above
5617    simplified "intemp" tree. That is, the new tree will have a head node
5618    corresponding to the current unit, and a single non-constant leaf node
5619    corresponding to the input units. Create an OP_LDVAR node which can be
5620    used as the leaf node for this inverted tree. If the input tree is
5621    inverted successfully, this root node becomes part of the inverted tree,
5622    and so does not need to be freed explicitly (it will be freed when the
5623    inverted tree is freed). */
5624                src = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDVAR, status );
5625                if( astOK ) src->name = astStore( NULL, "input_units", 12 );
5627 /* Now produce the inverted input tree. If the tree cannot be inverted, a
5628    null pointer is returned. Check for this. Otherwise a pointer to the
5629    UnitNode at the head of the inverted tree is returned. */
5630                inv = InvertTree( intemp, src, status );
5631                if( inv ) {
5633 /* Concatenate this tree (which goes from "input units" to "current unit")
5634    with the simplified output tree (which goes from "current unit" to
5635    "output units"), to get a new tree which goes from input units to output
5636    units. */
5637                   totaltree = ConcatTree( inv, outtemp, status );
5639 /* Simplify this tree. */
5640                   SimplifyTree( &totaltree, 1, status );
5642 /* Compare this simplified tree with the tree produced for the previous
5643    unit (if any). If they differ, we cannot map between the supplied
5644    units so annul the test tree and break out of the loop. If this is the
5645    first unit to be tested, use the total tree as the test tree for the
5646    next unit. */
5647                   if( testtree ) {
5648                      if( CmpTree( totaltree, testtree, 0, status ) ) testtree = FreeTree( testtree, status );
5649                      totaltree = FreeTree( totaltree, status );
5650                      if( !testtree ) break;
5651                   } else {
5652                      testtree = totaltree;
5653                   }
5654                }
5656 /* If the input tree was inverted, free the inverted tree. */
5657                if( inv ) {
5658                   inv = FreeTree( inv, status );
5660 /* If the input tree could not be inverted, we cannot convert between input
5661    and output units. Free the node which was created to be the root of the
5662    inverted tree (and which has consequently not been incorporated into the
5663    inverted tree), free any testtree and break out of the loop. */
5664                } else {
5665                   src = FreeTree( src, status );
5666                   testtree = FreeTree( testtree, status );
5667                   break;
5668                }
5669             }
5671 /* Free the other trees. */
5672             intemp = FreeTree( intemp, status );
5673             outtemp = FreeTree( outtemp, status );
5675          }
5677 /* If all the basic units used by either of the supplied system of units
5678    produced the same test tree, leave the "swap in and out units" loop. */
5679          if( testtree ) break;
5681       }
5683 /* If the input and output units have been swapped, swap them back to
5684    their original order, and invert the test tree (if there is one). */
5685       if( ipass > 0 ) {
5686          tmp = in_tree;
5687          in_tree = out_tree;
5688          out_tree = tmp;
5689          if( testtree ) {
5690             src = NewNode( NULL, OP_LDVAR, status );
5691             if( astOK ) src->name = astStore( NULL, "input_units", 12 );
5692             newtest = InvertTree( testtree, src, status );
5693             FreeTree( testtree, status );
5694             testtree = newtest;
5695             if( !newtest ) src = FreeTree( src, status );
5696          }
5697       }
5699 /* If all the basic units used by either of the supplied system of units
5700    produced the same test tree, create a Mapping which is equivalent to the
5701    test tree and return it. */
5702       if( testtree ) {
5703          result = MakeMapping( testtree, status );
5705 /* We now go on to produce the output axis label from the supplied input
5706    axis label. Get a tree of UnitNodes which describes the supplied label
5707    associated with the input axis. The tree will have single OP_LDVAR node
5708    corresponding to the basic label (i.e. the label without any single
5709    argument functions or exponentiation operators applied). */
5710          if( in_lab && astOK ) {
5712 /* Get a pointer to the first non-blank character, and store the number of
5713    characters to examine (this excludes any trailing white space). */
5714             exp = in_lab;
5715             while( isspace( *exp ) ) exp++;
5716             c = exp + strlen( exp ) - 1;
5717             while( c >= exp && isspace( *c ) ) c--;
5718             nc = c - exp + 1;
5720 /* Create the tree. */
5721             labtree = MakeLabelTree( exp, nc, status );
5722             if( astOK ) {
5724 /* Concatenate this tree (which goes from "basic label" to "input label")
5725    with the test tree found above (which goes from "input units" to "output
5726    units"), to get a tree which goes from basic label to output label. */
5727                totlabtree = ConcatTree( labtree, testtree, status );
5729 /* Simplify this tree. */
5730                SimplifyTree( &totlabtree, 1, status );
5732 /* Create the output label from this tree. */
5733                *out_lab = (char *) MakeExp( totlabtree, 0, 1, status );
5735 /* Free the trees. */
5736                totlabtree = FreeTree( totlabtree, status );
5737                labtree = FreeTree( labtree, status );
5739 /* Report a context error if the input label could not be parsed. */
5740             } else {
5741                astError( AST__BADUN, "astUnitMapper: Error parsing axis "
5742                          "label '%s'.", status, in_lab );
5743             }
5744          }
5746 /* Free the units tree. */
5747          testtree = FreeTree( testtree, status );
5749       }
5750    }
5752 /* Free resources. */
5753    in_tree = FreeTree( in_tree, status );
5754    out_tree = FreeTree( out_tree, status );
5755    units = astFree( units );
5757 /* If an error has occurred, annul the returned Mapping. */
5758    if( !astOK ) {
5759       result = astAnnul( result );
5760       if( in_lab ) *out_lab = astFree( *out_lab );
5761    }
5763 /* Return the result. */
5764    return result;
5766 }
astUnitNormaliser_(const char * in,int * status)5768 const char *astUnitNormaliser_( const char *in, int *status ){
5769 /*
5770 *+
5771 *  Name:
5772 *     astUnitNormalizer
5774 *  Purpose:
5775 *     Normalise a unit string into FITS-WCS format.
5777 *  Type:
5778 *     Protected function.
5780 *  Synopsis:
5781 *     #include "unit.h"
5782 *     const char *astUnitNormaliser( const char *in )
5784 *  Class Membership:
5785 *     Unit member function.
5787 *  Description:
5788 *     This function returns a standard FITS-WCS form of the supplied unit
5789 *     string.
5791 *  Parameters:
5792 *     in
5793 *        A string representation of the units, for instance "km/h".
5795 *  Returned Value:
5796 *     A pointer to a dynamically allocated string holding the normalized
5797 *     unit string. It should be freed using astFree when no longer needed.
5799 *  Notes:
5800 *     -  An error will be reported if the units string cannot be parsed.
5801 *     -  NULL is returned if this function is invoked with the
5802 *     global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
5803 *-
5804 */
5806 /* Local Variables: */
5807    UnitNode *in_tree;
5808    double dval;
5809    const char *result;
5811 /* Initialise */
5812    result = NULL;
5814 /* Check the global error status. */
5815    if ( !astOK ) return result;
5817 /* Parse the input units string, producing a tree of UnitNodes which
5818    represents the input units. A pointer to the UnitNode at the head of
5819    the tree is returned if succesfull. Report a context message if this
5820    fails. */
5821    in_tree = CreateTree( in, 0, 1, status );
5822    if( in_tree ) {
5824 /* Simplify the units expression, only doing genuine simplifications. */
5825       SimplifyTree( &in_tree, 1, status );
5827 /* Invert literal constant unit multipliers. This is because a constant of
5828    say 1000 for a unit of "m" means "multiply the value in metres by 1000",
5829    but a unit string of "1000 m" means "value in units of 1000 m" (i.e.
5830    *divide* the value in metres by 1000). */
5831       InvertConstants( &in_tree, status );
5833 /* Convert the tree into string form. */
5834       result = MakeExp( in_tree, 2, 1, status );
5836 /* If the result is a constant value, return a blank string. */
5837       if( 1 == astSscanf( result, "%lg", &dval ) ) {
5838          *((char *) result) = 0;
5839       }
5841 /* Free the tree. */
5842       in_tree = FreeTree( in_tree, status );
5844    } else {
5845       astError( AST__BADUN, "astUnitNormaliser: Error parsing input "
5846                 "units string '%s'.", status, in );
5847    }
5849 /* Return the result */
5850    return result;
5851 }
Ustrcmp(const char * a,const char * b,int * status)5853 static int Ustrcmp( const char *a, const char *b, int *status ){
5854 /*
5855 *  Name:
5856 *     Ustrcmp
5858 *  Purpose:
5859 *     A case blind version of strcmp.
5861 *  Type:
5862 *     Private function.
5864 *  Synopsis:
5865 *     #include "unit.h"
5866 *     int Ustrcmp( const char *a, const char *b, int *status )
5868 *  Class Membership:
5869 *     Unit member function.
5871 *  Description:
5872 *     Returns 0 if there are no differences between the two strings, and 1
5873 *     otherwise. Comparisons are case blind.
5875 *  Parameters:
5876 *     a
5877 *        Pointer to first string.
5878 *     b
5879 *        Pointer to second string.
5880 *     status
5881 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5883 *  Returned Value:
5884 *     Zero if the strings match, otherwise one.
5886 *  Notes:
5887 *     -  This function does not consider the sign of the difference between
5888 *     the two strings, whereas "strcmp" does.
5889 *     -  This function attempts to execute even if an error has occurred.
5891 */
5893 /* Local Variables: */
5894    const char *aa;         /* Pointer to next "a" character */
5895    const char *bb;         /* Pointer to next "b" character */
5896    int ret;                /* Returned value */
5898 /* Initialise the returned value to indicate that the strings match. */
5899    ret = 0;
5901 /* Initialise pointers to the start of each string. */
5902    aa = a;
5903    bb = b;
5905 /* Loop round each character. */
5906    while( 1 ){
5908 /* We leave the loop if either of the strings has been exhausted. */
5909       if( !(*aa ) || !(*bb) ){
5911 /* If one of the strings has not been exhausted, indicate that the
5912    strings are different. */
5913          if( *aa || *bb ) ret = 1;
5915 /* Break out of the loop. */
5916          break;
5918 /* If neither string has been exhausted, convert the next characters to
5919    upper case and compare them, incrementing the pointers to the next
5920    characters at the same time. If they are different, break out of the
5921    loop. */
5922       } else {
5924          if( toupper( (int) *(aa++) ) != toupper( (int) *(bb++) ) ){
5925             ret = 1;
5926             break;
5927          }
5929       }
5931    }
5933 /* Return the result. */
5934    return ret;
5936 }
Ustrncmp(const char * a,const char * b,size_t n,int * status)5938 static int Ustrncmp( const char *a, const char *b, size_t n, int *status ){
5939 /*
5940 *  Name:
5941 *     Ustrncmp
5943 *  Purpose:
5944 *     A case blind version of strncmp.
5946 *  Type:
5947 *     Private function.
5949 *  Synopsis:
5950 *     #include "unit.h"
5951 *     int Ustrncmp( const char *a, const char *b, size_t n, int *status )
5953 *  Class Membership:
5954 *     Unit member function.
5956 *  Description:
5957 *     Returns 0 if there are no differences between the first "n"
5958 *     characters of the two strings, and 1 otherwise. Comparisons are
5959 *     case blind.
5961 *  Parameters:
5962 *     a
5963 *        Pointer to first string.
5964 *     b
5965 *        Pointer to second string.
5966 *     n
5967 *        The maximum number of characters to compare.
5968 *     status
5969 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5971 *  Returned Value:
5972 *     Zero if the strings match, otherwise one.
5974 *  Notes:
5975 *     -  This function does not consider the sign of the difference between
5976 *     the two strings, whereas "strncmp" does.
5977 *     -  This function attempts to execute even if an error has occurred.
5979 */
5981 /* Local Variables: */
5982    const char *aa;         /* Pointer to next "a" character */
5983    const char *bb;         /* Pointer to next "b" character */
5984    int i;                  /* Character index */
5985    int ret;                /* Returned value */
5988 /* Initialise the returned value to indicate that the strings match. */
5989    ret = 0;
5991 /* Check pointer have been supplied. */
5992    if( !a || !b ) return ret;
5994 /* Initialise pointers to the start of each string. */
5995    aa = a;
5996    bb = b;
5998 /* Compare up to "n" characters. */
5999    for( i = 0; i < (int) n; i++ ){
6001 /* We leave the loop if either of the strings has been exhausted. */
6002       if( !(*aa ) || !(*bb) ){
6004 /* If one of the strings has not been exhausted, indicate that the
6005    strings are different. */
6006          if( *aa || *bb ) ret = 1;
6008 /* Break out of the loop. */
6009          break;
6011 /* If neither string has been exhausted, convert the next characters to
6012    upper case and compare them, incrementing the pointers to the next
6013    characters at the same time. If they are different, break out of the
6014    loop. */
6015       } else {
6017          if( toupper( (int) *(aa++) ) != toupper( (int) *(bb++) ) ){
6018             ret = 1;
6019             break;
6020          }
6022       }
6024    }
6026 /* Return the result. */
6027    return ret;
6029 }
6042 /* The rest of this file contains functions which are of use for debugging
6043    this module. They are usually commented out.
6045 static const char *DisplayTree( UnitNode *node, int ind ) {
6046    int i;
6047    char buf[200];
6048    const char *result;
6049    char *a;
6050    const char *arg[ 2 ];
6051    int rl;
6052    int slen;
6053    const opsym[ 100 ];
6055    result = "";
6057    for( i = 0; i < ind; i++ ) buf[ i ] = ' ';
6058    buf[ ind ] = 0;
6060    if( !node ) {
6061       printf( "%s <null>\n", buf );
6062    } else {
6064       printf( "%s Code: '%s' (%d)\n", buf, OpName( node->opcode ), node->opcode );
6065       printf( "%s Narg: %d\n", buf, node->narg );
6066       printf( "%s Constant: %g\n", buf, node->con );
6067       printf( "%s Name: %s\n", buf, node->name?node->name:"" );
6068       printf( "%s Unit: %s\n", buf, node->unit?node->unit->sym:"" );
6069       printf( "%s Mult: %s\n", buf, node->mult?node->mult->sym:"" );
6071       OpSym( node, opsym );
6072       slen = strlen( opsym );
6073       rl = slen;
6075       if( node->narg == 0 ) {
6076          result = astMalloc( rl + 1 );
6077          if( astOK ) strcpy( (char *) result, opsym );
6079       } else if( node->narg == 1 ) {
6080          rl += 2;
6081          printf( "%s Arg 0:\n", buf );
6082          arg[ 0 ] = DisplayTree( (node->arg)[ 0 ], ind + 2 );
6083          rl += strlen( arg[ 0 ] );
6085          result = astMalloc( rl + 1 );
6086          if( astOK ) {
6087             a = (char *) result;
6088             strcpy( a, opsym );
6089             a += slen;
6090             *(a++) = '(';
6091             strcpy( a, arg[0] );
6092             a += strlen( arg[ 0 ] );
6093             *(a++) = ')';
6094          }
6096       } else {
6097          rl += 4;
6098          for( i = 0; i < node->narg; i++ ) {
6099             printf( "%s Arg %d:\n", buf, i );
6100             arg[ i ] = DisplayTree( (node->arg)[ i ], ind + 2 );
6101             rl += strlen( arg[ i ] );
6102          }
6104          result = astMalloc( rl + 1 );
6105          if( astOK ) {
6106             a = (char *) result;
6107             *(a++) = '(';
6108             strcpy( a, arg[0] );
6109             a += strlen( arg[ 0 ] );
6110             *(a++) = ')';
6111             strcpy( a, opsym );
6112             a += slen;
6113             *(a++) = '(';
6114             strcpy( a, arg[1] );
6115             a += strlen( arg[ 1 ] );
6116             *(a++) = ')';
6117          }
6118       }
6119    }
6121    if( !astOK ) {
6122       astFree( (void *) result );
6123       result = "";
6124    }
6126    return result;
6127 }
6129 static const char *OpName( Oper op ) {
6130    const char *name;
6132    if( op ==  OP_LDCON ) {
6133       name = "LDCON";
6134    } else if( op ==  OP_LDVAR ) {
6135       name = "LDVAR";
6136    } else if( op ==  OP_LOG ) {
6137       name = "LOG";
6138    } else if( op ==  OP_LN ) {
6139       name = "LN";
6140    } else if( op ==  OP_EXP ) {
6141       name = "EXP";
6142    } else if( op ==  OP_SQRT ) {
6143       name = "SQRT";
6144    } else if( op ==  OP_POW ) {
6145       name = "POW";
6146    } else if( op ==  OP_DIV ) {
6147       name = "DIV";
6148    } else if( op ==  OP_MULT ) {
6149       name = "MULT";
6150    } else if( op ==  OP_LDPI ) {
6151       name = "LDPI";
6152    } else if( op ==  OP_LDE ) {
6153       name = "LDE";
6154    } else if( op ==  OP_NULL ) {
6155       name = "NULL";
6156    } else {
6157       name = "<unknown op code>";
6158    }
6160    return name;
6161 }
6163 static void OpSym( UnitNode *node, char *buff ) {
6164    const char *sym = NULL;
6166    if( node->con != AST__BAD ) {
6167       sprintf( buff, "%g", node->con );
6169    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_LDVAR ) {
6170       sym = node->name;
6172    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_LOG ) {
6173       sym = "log";
6175    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_LN ) {
6176       sym = "ln";
6178    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_EXP ) {
6179       sym = "exp";
6181    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_SQRT ) {
6182       sym = "sqrt";
6184    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_POW ) {
6185       sym = "**";
6187    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_DIV ) {
6188       sym = "/";
6190    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_MULT ) {
6191       sym = "*";
6193    } else if( node->opcode ==  OP_NULL ) {
6194       sym = "NULL";
6196    } else {
6197       sym = "<unknown op code>";
6198    }
6200    if( sym ) strcpy( buff, sym );
6201 }
6203 static const char *TreeExp( UnitNode *node ) {
6204    char buff[ 100 ];
6205    char buff2[ 100 ];
6207    if( node->narg == 0 ) {
6208       OpSym( node, buff );
6210    } else if( node->narg == 1 ) {
6211       OpSym( node, buff2 );
6212       sprintf( buff, "%s(%s)", buff2, TreeExp( node->arg[ 0 ] ) );
6214    } else if( node->narg == 2 ) {
6215       OpSym( node, buff2 );
6216       sprintf( buff, "(%s)%s(%s)", TreeExp( node->arg[ 0 ] ), buff2,
6217                                    TreeExp( node->arg[ 1 ] ) );
6218    }
6220    return astStore( NULL, buff, strlen( buff ) + 1 );
6221 }
6223 */