1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
4import copy
5from collections.abc import MappingView
6from types import MappingProxyType
8import numpy as np
10from astropy import units as u
11from astropy.utils.state import ScienceState
12from astropy.utils.decorators import format_doc, classproperty, deprecated
13from astropy.coordinates.angles import Angle
14from astropy.coordinates.matrix_utilities import rotation_matrix, matrix_product, matrix_transpose
15from astropy.coordinates import representation as r
16from astropy.coordinates.baseframe import (BaseCoordinateFrame,
17                                           frame_transform_graph,
18                                           base_doc)
19from astropy.coordinates.attributes import (CoordinateAttribute,
20                                            QuantityAttribute,
21                                            DifferentialAttribute)
22from astropy.coordinates.transformations import AffineTransform
23from astropy.coordinates.errors import ConvertError
25from .icrs import ICRS
27__all__ = ['Galactocentric']
30# Measured by minimizing the difference between a plane of coordinates along
31#   l=0, b=[-90,90] and the Galactocentric x-z plane
32# This is not used directly, but accessed via `get_roll0`.  We define it here to
33# prevent having to create new Angle objects every time `get_roll0` is called.
34_ROLL0 = Angle(58.5986320306*u.degree)
37class _StateProxy(MappingView):
38    """
39    `~collections.abc.MappingView` with a read-only ``getitem`` through
40    `~types.MappingProxyType`.
42    """
44    def __init__(self, mapping):
45        super().__init__(mapping)
46        self._mappingproxy = MappingProxyType(self._mapping)  # read-only
48    def __getitem__(self, key):
49        """Read-only ``getitem``."""
50        return self._mappingproxy[key]
52    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
53        return copy.deepcopy(self._mapping, memo=memo)
56class galactocentric_frame_defaults(ScienceState):
57    """This class controls the global setting of default values for the frame
58    attributes in the `~astropy.coordinates.Galactocentric` frame, which may be
59    updated in future versions of ``astropy``. Note that when using
60    `~astropy.coordinates.Galactocentric`, changing values here will not affect
61    any attributes that are set explicitly by passing values in to the
62    `~astropy.coordinates.Galactocentric` initializer. Modifying these defaults
63    will only affect the frame attribute values when using the frame as, e.g.,
64    ``Galactocentric`` or ``Galactocentric()`` with no explicit arguments.
66    This class controls the parameter settings by specifying a string name,
67    with the following pre-specified options:
69    - 'pre-v4.0': The current default value, which sets the default frame
70      attribute values to their original (pre-astropy-v4.0) values.
71    - 'v4.0': The attribute values as updated in Astropy version 4.0.
72    - 'latest': An alias of the most recent parameter set (currently: 'v4.0')
74    Alternatively, user-defined parameter settings may be registered, with
75    :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.galactocentric_frame_defaults.register`,
76    and used identically as pre-specified parameter sets. At minimum,
77    registrations must have unique names and a dictionary of parameters
78    with keys "galcen_coord", "galcen_distance", "galcen_v_sun", "z_sun",
79    "roll". See examples below.
81    This class also tracks the references for all parameter values in the
82    attribute ``references``, as well as any further information the registry.
83    The pre-specified options can be extended to include similar
84    state information as user-defined parameter settings -- for example, to add
85    parameter uncertainties.
87    The preferred method for getting a parameter set and metadata, by name, is
88    :meth:`~galactocentric_frame_defaults.get_from_registry` since
89    it ensures the immutability of the registry.
91    See :ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates-galactocentric-defaults` for more
92    information.
94    Examples
95    --------
96    The default `~astropy.coordinates.Galactocentric` frame parameters can be
97    modified globally::
99        >>> from astropy.coordinates import galactocentric_frame_defaults
100        >>> _ = galactocentric_frame_defaults.set('v4.0') # doctest: +SKIP
101        >>> Galactocentric() # doctest: +SKIP
102        <Galactocentric Frame (galcen_coord=<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
103            (266.4051, -28.936175)>, galcen_distance=8.122 kpc, galcen_v_sun=(12.9, 245.6, 7.78) km / s, z_sun=20.8 pc, roll=0.0 deg)>
104        >>> _ = galactocentric_frame_defaults.set('pre-v4.0') # doctest: +SKIP
105        >>> Galactocentric() # doctest: +SKIP
106        <Galactocentric Frame (galcen_coord=<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
107            (266.4051, -28.936175)>, galcen_distance=8.3 kpc, galcen_v_sun=(11.1, 232.24, 7.25) km / s, z_sun=27.0 pc, roll=0.0 deg)>
109    The default parameters can also be updated by using this class as a context
110    manager::
112        >>> with galactocentric_frame_defaults.set('pre-v4.0'):
113        ...     print(Galactocentric()) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
114        <Galactocentric Frame (galcen_coord=<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
115            (266.4051, -28.936175)>, galcen_distance=8.3 kpc, galcen_v_sun=(11.1, 232.24, 7.25) km / s, z_sun=27.0 pc, roll=0.0 deg)>
117    Again, changing the default parameter values will not affect frame
118    attributes that are explicitly specified::
120        >>> import astropy.units as u
121        >>> with galactocentric_frame_defaults.set('pre-v4.0'):
122        ...     print(Galactocentric(galcen_distance=8.0*u.kpc)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
123        <Galactocentric Frame (galcen_coord=<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
124            (266.4051, -28.936175)>, galcen_distance=8.0 kpc, galcen_v_sun=(11.1, 232.24, 7.25) km / s, z_sun=27.0 pc, roll=0.0 deg)>
126    Additional parameter sets may be registered, for instance to use the
127    Dehnen & Binney (1998) measurements of the solar motion. We can also
128    add metadata, such as the 1-sigma errors. In this example we will modify
129    the required key "parameters", change the recommended key "references" to
130    match "parameters", and add the extra key "error" (any key can be added)::
132        >>> state = galactocentric_frame_defaults.get_from_registry("v4.0")
133        >>> state["parameters"]["galcen_v_sun"] = (10.00, 225.25, 7.17) * (u.km / u.s)
134        >>> state["references"]["galcen_v_sun"] = "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1998MNRAS.298..387D"
135        >>> state["error"] = {"galcen_v_sun": (0.36, 0.62, 0.38) * (u.km / u.s)}
136        >>> galactocentric_frame_defaults.register(name="DB1998", **state)
138    Just as in the previous examples, the new parameter set can be retrieved with::
140        >>> state = galactocentric_frame_defaults.get_from_registry("DB1998")
141        >>> print(state["error"]["galcen_v_sun"])  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
142        [0.36 0.62 0.38] km / s
144    """
146    _latest_value = 'v4.0'
147    _value = None
148    _references = None
149    _state = dict()  # all other data
151    # Note: _StateProxy() produces read-only view of enclosed mapping.
152    _registry = {
153        "v4.0": {
154            "parameters": _StateProxy(
155                {
156                    "galcen_coord": ICRS(
157                        ra=266.4051 * u.degree, dec=-28.936175 * u.degree
158                    ),
159                    "galcen_distance": 8.122 * u.kpc,
160                    "galcen_v_sun": r.CartesianDifferential(
161                        [12.9, 245.6, 7.78] * (u.km / u.s)
162                    ),
163                    "z_sun": 20.8 * u.pc,
164                    "roll": 0 * u.deg,
165                }
166            ),
167            "references": _StateProxy(
168                {
169                    "galcen_coord": "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004ApJ...616..872R",
170                    "galcen_distance": "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018A%26A...615L..15G",
171                    "galcen_v_sun": [
172                        "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018RNAAS...2..210D",
173                        "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018A%26A...615L..15G",
174                        "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004ApJ...616..872R",
175                    ],
176                    "z_sun": "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.482.1417B",
177                    "roll": None,
178                }
179            ),
180        },
181        "pre-v4.0": {
182            "parameters": _StateProxy(
183                {
184                    "galcen_coord": ICRS(
185                        ra=266.4051 * u.degree, dec=-28.936175 * u.degree
186                    ),
187                    "galcen_distance": 8.3 * u.kpc,
188                    "galcen_v_sun": r.CartesianDifferential(
189                        [11.1, 220 + 12.24, 7.25] * (u.km / u.s)
190                    ),
191                    "z_sun": 27.0 * u.pc,
192                    "roll": 0 * u.deg,
193                }
194            ),
195            "references": _StateProxy(
196                {
197                    "galcen_coord": "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004ApJ...616..872R",
198                    "galcen_distance": "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2009ApJ...692.1075G",
199                    "galcen_v_sun": [
200                        "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2010MNRAS.403.1829S",
201                        "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2015ApJS..216...29B",
202                    ],
203                    "z_sun": "https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2001ApJ...553..184C",
204                    "roll": None,
205                }
206            ),
207        },
208    }
210    @classproperty  # read-only
211    def parameters(cls):
212        return cls._value
214    @classproperty  # read-only
215    def references(cls):
216        return cls._references
218    @classmethod
219    def get_from_registry(cls, name: str):
220        """
221        Return Galactocentric solar parameters and metadata given string names
222        for the parameter sets. This method ensures the returned state is a
223        mutable copy, so any changes made do not affect the registry state.
225        Returns
226        -------
227        state : dict
228            Copy of the registry for the string name.
229            Should contain, at minimum:
231            - "parameters": dict
232                Galactocentric solar parameters
233            - "references" : Dict[str, Union[str, Sequence[str]]]
234                References for "parameters".
235                Fields are str or sequence of str.
237        Raises
238        ------
239        KeyError
240            If invalid string input to registry
241            to retrieve solar parameters for Galactocentric frame.
243        """
244        # Resolve the meaning of 'latest': latest parameter set is from v4.0
245        # - update this as newer parameter choices are added
246        if name == 'latest':
247            name = cls._latest_value
249        # Get the state from the registry.
250        # Copy to ensure registry is immutable to modifications of "_value".
251        # Raises KeyError if `name` is invalid string input to registry
252        # to retrieve solar parameters for Galactocentric frame.
253        state = copy.deepcopy(cls._registry[name])  # ensure mutable
255        return state
257    @deprecated("v4.2", alternative="`get_from_registry`")
258    @classmethod
259    def get_solar_params_from_string(cls, arg):
260        """
261        Return Galactocentric solar parameters given string names
262        for the parameter sets.
264        Returns
265        -------
266        parameters : dict
267            Copy of Galactocentric solar parameters from registry
269        Raises
270        ------
271        KeyError
272            If invalid string input to registry
273            to retrieve solar parameters for Galactocentric frame.
275        """
276        return cls.get_from_registry(arg)["parameters"]
278    @classmethod
279    def validate(cls, value):
280        if value is None:
281            value = cls._latest_value
283        if isinstance(value, str):
284            state = cls.get_from_registry(value)
285            cls._references = state["references"]
286            cls._state = state
287            parameters = state["parameters"]
289        elif isinstance(value, dict):
290            parameters = value
292        elif isinstance(value, Galactocentric):
293            # turn the frame instance into a dict of frame attributes
294            parameters = dict()
295            for k in value.frame_attributes:
296                parameters[k] = getattr(value, k)
297            cls._references = value.frame_attribute_references.copy()
298            cls._state = dict(parameters=parameters,
299                              references=cls._references)
301        else:
302            raise ValueError("Invalid input to retrieve solar parameters for "
303                             "Galactocentric frame: input must be a string, "
304                             "dict, or Galactocentric instance")
306        return parameters
308    @classmethod
309    def register(cls, name: str, parameters: dict, references=None,
310                 **meta: dict):
311        """Register a set of parameters.
313        Parameters
314        ----------
315        name : str
316            The registration name for the parameter and metadata set.
317        parameters : dict
318            The solar parameters for Galactocentric frame.
319        references : dict or None, optional
320            References for contents of `parameters`.
321            None becomes empty dict.
322        **meta : dict, optional
323            Any other properties to register.
325        """
326        # check on contents of `parameters`
327        must_have = {"galcen_coord", "galcen_distance", "galcen_v_sun",
328                     "z_sun", "roll"}
329        missing = must_have.difference(parameters)
330        if missing:
331            raise ValueError(f"Missing parameters: {missing}")
333        references = references or {}  # None -> {}
335        state = dict(parameters=parameters, references=references)
336        state.update(meta)  # meta never has keys "parameters" or "references"
338        cls._registry[name] = state
341doc_components = """
342    x : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
343        Cartesian, Galactocentric :math:`x` position component.
344    y : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
345        Cartesian, Galactocentric :math:`y` position component.
346    z : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
347        Cartesian, Galactocentric :math:`z` position component.
349    v_x : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
350        Cartesian, Galactocentric :math:`v_x` velocity component.
351    v_y : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
352        Cartesian, Galactocentric :math:`v_y` velocity component.
353    v_z : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
354        Cartesian, Galactocentric :math:`v_z` velocity component.
357doc_footer = """
358    Other parameters
359    ----------------
360    galcen_coord : `ICRS`, optional, keyword-only
361        The ICRS coordinates of the Galactic center.
362    galcen_distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional, keyword-only
363        The distance from the sun to the Galactic center.
364    galcen_v_sun : `~astropy.coordinates.representation.CartesianDifferential`, `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['speed'], optional, keyword-only
365        The velocity of the sun *in the Galactocentric frame* as Cartesian
366        velocity components.
367    z_sun : `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['length'], optional, keyword-only
368        The distance from the sun to the Galactic midplane.
369    roll : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional, keyword-only
370        The angle to rotate about the final x-axis, relative to the
371        orientation for Galactic. For example, if this roll angle is 0,
372        the final x-z plane will align with the Galactic coordinates x-z
373        plane. Unless you really know what this means, you probably should
374        not change this!
376    Examples
377    --------
379    To transform to the Galactocentric frame with the default
380    frame attributes, pass the uninstantiated class name to the
381    ``transform_to()`` method of a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object::
383        >>> import astropy.units as u
384        >>> import astropy.coordinates as coord
385        >>> c = coord.SkyCoord(ra=[158.3122, 24.5] * u.degree,
386        ...                    dec=[-17.3, 81.52] * u.degree,
387        ...                    distance=[11.5, 24.12] * u.kpc,
388        ...                    frame='icrs')
389        >>> c.transform_to(coord.Galactocentric) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
390        <SkyCoord (Galactocentric: galcen_coord=<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
391            (266.4051, -28.936175)>, galcen_distance=8.122 kpc, galcen_v_sun=(12.9, 245.6, 7.78) km / s, z_sun=20.8 pc, roll=0.0 deg): (x, y, z) in kpc
392            [( -9.43489286, -9.40062188, 6.51345359),
393             (-21.11044918, 18.76334013, 7.83175149)]>
396    To specify a custom set of parameters, you have to include extra keyword
397    arguments when initializing the Galactocentric frame object::
399        >>> c.transform_to(coord.Galactocentric(galcen_distance=8.1*u.kpc)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
400        <SkyCoord (Galactocentric: galcen_coord=<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
401            (266.4051, -28.936175)>, galcen_distance=8.1 kpc, galcen_v_sun=(12.9, 245.6, 7.78) km / s, z_sun=20.8 pc, roll=0.0 deg): (x, y, z) in kpc
402            [( -9.41284763, -9.40062188, 6.51346272),
403             (-21.08839478, 18.76334013, 7.83184184)]>
405    Similarly, transforming from the Galactocentric frame to another coordinate frame::
407        >>> c = coord.SkyCoord(x=[-8.3, 4.5] * u.kpc,
408        ...                    y=[0., 81.52] * u.kpc,
409        ...                    z=[0.027, 24.12] * u.kpc,
410        ...                    frame=coord.Galactocentric)
411        >>> c.transform_to(coord.ICRS) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
412        <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec, distance) in (deg, deg, kpc)
413            [( 88.22423301, 29.88672864,  0.17813456),
414             (289.72864549, 49.9865043 , 85.93949064)]>
416    Or, with custom specification of the Galactic center::
418        >>> c = coord.SkyCoord(x=[-8.0, 4.5] * u.kpc,
419        ...                    y=[0., 81.52] * u.kpc,
420        ...                    z=[21.0, 24120.0] * u.pc,
421        ...                    frame=coord.Galactocentric,
422        ...                    z_sun=21 * u.pc, galcen_distance=8. * u.kpc)
423        >>> c.transform_to(coord.ICRS) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
424        <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec, distance) in (deg, deg, kpc)
425            [( 86.2585249 , 28.85773187, 2.75625475e-05),
426             (289.77285255, 50.06290457, 8.59216010e+01)]>
431@format_doc(base_doc, components=doc_components, footer=doc_footer)
432class Galactocentric(BaseCoordinateFrame):
433    r"""
434    A coordinate or frame in the Galactocentric system.
436    This frame allows specifying the Sun-Galactic center distance, the height of
437    the Sun above the Galactic midplane, and the solar motion relative to the
438    Galactic center. However, as there is no modern standard definition of a
439    Galactocentric reference frame, it is important to pay attention to the
440    default values used in this class if precision is important in your code.
441    The default values of the parameters of this frame are taken from the
442    original definition of the frame in 2014. As such, the defaults are somewhat
443    out of date relative to recent measurements made possible by, e.g., Gaia.
444    The defaults can, however, be changed at runtime by setting the parameter
445    set name in `~astropy.coordinates.galactocentric_frame_defaults`.
447    The current default parameter set is ``"pre-v4.0"``, indicating that the
448    parameters were adopted before ``astropy`` version 4.0. A regularly-updated
449    parameter set can instead be used by setting
450    ``galactocentric_frame_defaults.set ('latest')``, and other parameter set
451    names may be added in future versions. To find out the scientific papers
452    that the current default parameters are derived from, use
453    ``galcen.frame_attribute_references`` (where ``galcen`` is an instance of
454    this frame), which will update even if the default parameter set is changed.
456    The position of the Sun is assumed to be on the x axis of the final,
457    right-handed system. That is, the x axis points from the position of
458    the Sun projected to the Galactic midplane to the Galactic center --
459    roughly towards :math:`(l,b) = (0^\circ,0^\circ)`. For the default
460    transformation (:math:`{\rm roll}=0^\circ`), the y axis points roughly
461    towards Galactic longitude :math:`l=90^\circ`, and the z axis points
462    roughly towards the North Galactic Pole (:math:`b=90^\circ`).
464    For a more detailed look at the math behind this transformation, see
465    the document :ref:`astropy:coordinates-galactocentric`.
467    The frame attributes are listed under **Other Parameters**.
468    """
470    default_representation = r.CartesianRepresentation
471    default_differential = r.CartesianDifferential
473    # frame attributes
474    galcen_coord = CoordinateAttribute(frame=ICRS)
475    galcen_distance = QuantityAttribute(unit=u.kpc)
477    galcen_v_sun = DifferentialAttribute(
478        allowed_classes=[r.CartesianDifferential])
480    z_sun = QuantityAttribute(unit=u.pc)
481    roll = QuantityAttribute(unit=u.deg)
483    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
484        # Set default frame attribute values based on the ScienceState instance
485        # for the solar parameters defined above
486        default_params = galactocentric_frame_defaults.get()
487        self.frame_attribute_references = \
488            galactocentric_frame_defaults.references.copy()
490        for k in default_params:
491            if k in kwargs:
492                # If a frame attribute is set by the user, remove its reference
493                self.frame_attribute_references.pop(k, None)
495            # Keep the frame attribute if it is set by the user, otherwise use
496            # the default value
497            kwargs[k] = kwargs.get(k, default_params[k])
499        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
501    @classmethod
502    def get_roll0(cls):
503        """
504        The additional roll angle (about the final x axis) necessary to align
505        the final z axis to match the Galactic yz-plane.  Setting the ``roll``
506        frame attribute to  -this method's return value removes this rotation,
507        allowing the use of the `Galactocentric` frame in more general contexts.
508        """
509        # note that the actual value is defined at the module level.  We make at
510        # a property here because this module isn't actually part of the public
511        # API, so it's better for it to be accessible from Galactocentric
512        return _ROLL0
514# ICRS to/from Galactocentric ----------------------->
517def get_matrix_vectors(galactocentric_frame, inverse=False):
518    """
519    Use the ``inverse`` argument to get the inverse transformation, matrix and
520    offsets to go from Galactocentric to ICRS.
521    """
522    # shorthand
523    gcf = galactocentric_frame
525    # rotation matrix to align x(ICRS) with the vector to the Galactic center
526    mat1 = rotation_matrix(-gcf.galcen_coord.dec, 'y')
527    mat2 = rotation_matrix(gcf.galcen_coord.ra, 'z')
528    # extra roll away from the Galactic x-z plane
529    mat0 = rotation_matrix(gcf.get_roll0() - gcf.roll, 'x')
531    # construct transformation matrix and use it
532    R = matrix_product(mat0, mat1, mat2)
534    # Now need to translate by Sun-Galactic center distance around x' and
535    # rotate about y' to account for tilt due to Sun's height above the plane
536    translation = r.CartesianRepresentation(gcf.galcen_distance * [1., 0., 0.])
537    z_d = gcf.z_sun / gcf.galcen_distance
538    H = rotation_matrix(-np.arcsin(z_d), 'y')
540    # compute total matrices
541    A = matrix_product(H, R)
543    # Now we re-align the translation vector to account for the Sun's height
544    # above the midplane
545    offset = -translation.transform(H)
547    if inverse:
548        # the inverse of a rotation matrix is a transpose, which is much faster
549        #   and more stable to compute
550        A = matrix_transpose(A)
551        offset = (-offset).transform(A)
552        offset_v = r.CartesianDifferential.from_cartesian(
553            (-gcf.galcen_v_sun).to_cartesian().transform(A))
554        offset = offset.with_differentials(offset_v)
556    else:
557        offset = offset.with_differentials(gcf.galcen_v_sun)
559    return A, offset
562def _check_coord_repr_diff_types(c):
563    if isinstance(c.data, r.UnitSphericalRepresentation):
564        raise ConvertError("Transforming to/from a Galactocentric frame "
565                           "requires a 3D coordinate, e.g. (angle, angle, "
566                           "distance) or (x, y, z).")
568    if ('s' in c.data.differentials and
569            isinstance(c.data.differentials['s'],
570                       (r.UnitSphericalDifferential,
571                        r.UnitSphericalCosLatDifferential,
572                        r.RadialDifferential))):
573        raise ConvertError("Transforming to/from a Galactocentric frame "
574                           "requires a 3D velocity, e.g., proper motion "
575                           "components and radial velocity.")
578@frame_transform_graph.transform(AffineTransform, ICRS, Galactocentric)
579def icrs_to_galactocentric(icrs_coord, galactocentric_frame):
580    _check_coord_repr_diff_types(icrs_coord)
581    return get_matrix_vectors(galactocentric_frame)
584@frame_transform_graph.transform(AffineTransform, Galactocentric, ICRS)
585def galactocentric_to_icrs(galactocentric_coord, icrs_frame):
586    _check_coord_repr_diff_types(galactocentric_coord)
587    return get_matrix_vectors(galactocentric_coord, inverse=True)
590# Create loopback transformation
591frame_transform_graph._add_merged_transform(Galactocentric, ICRS, Galactocentric)