1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 #include <math.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include "fitsio2.h"
6 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
fits_read_wcstab(fitsfile * fptr,int nwtb,wtbarr * wtb,int * status)7 int fits_read_wcstab(
8    fitsfile   *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer           */
9    int  nwtb,        /* Number of arrays to be read from the binary table(s) */
10    wtbarr *wtb,      /* Address of the first element of an array of wtbarr
11                          typedefs.  This wtbarr typedef is defined below to
12                          match the wtbarr struct defined in WCSLIB.  An array
13                          of such structs returned by the WCSLIB function
14                          wcstab(). */
15    int  *status)
17 /*
18 *   Author: Mark Calabretta, Australia Telescope National Facility
19 *   http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~mcalabre/index.html
20 *
21 *   fits_read_wcstab() extracts arrays from a binary table required in
22 *   constructing -TAB coordinates.  This helper routine is intended for
23 *   use by routines in the WCSLIB library when dealing with the -TAB table
24 *   look up WCS convention.
25 */
27 {
28    int  anynul, colnum, hdunum, iwtb, m, naxis, nostat;
29    long *naxes = 0, nelem;
30    wtbarr *wtbp;
33    if (*status) return *status;
35    if (fptr == 0) {
36       return (*status = NULL_INPUT_PTR);
37    }
39    if (nwtb == 0) return 0;
41    /* Zero the array pointers. */
42    wtbp = wtb;
43    for (iwtb = 0; iwtb < nwtb; iwtb++, wtbp++) {
44      *wtbp->arrayp = 0x0;
45    }
47    /* Save HDU number so that we can move back to it later. */
48    fits_get_hdu_num(fptr, &hdunum);
50    wtbp = wtb;
51    for (iwtb = 0; iwtb < nwtb; iwtb++, wtbp++) {
52       /* Move to the required binary table extension. */
53       if (fits_movnam_hdu(fptr, BINARY_TBL, (char *)(wtbp->extnam),
54           wtbp->extver, status)) {
55          goto cleanup;
56       }
58       /* Locate the table column. */
59       if (fits_get_colnum(fptr, CASEINSEN, (char *)(wtbp->ttype), &colnum,
60           status)) {
61          goto cleanup;
62       }
64       /* Get the array dimensions and check for consistency. */
65       if (wtbp->ndim < 1) {
66          *status = NEG_AXIS;
67          goto cleanup;
68       }
70       if (!(naxes = calloc(wtbp->ndim, sizeof(long)))) {
71          *status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION;
72          goto cleanup;
73       }
75       if (fits_read_tdim(fptr, colnum, wtbp->ndim, &naxis, naxes, status)) {
76          goto cleanup;
77       }
79       if (naxis != wtbp->ndim) {
80          if (wtbp->kind == 'c' && wtbp->ndim == 2) {
81             /* Allow TDIMn to be omitted for degenerate coordinate arrays. */
82             naxis = 2;
83             naxes[1] = naxes[0];
84             naxes[0] = 1;
85          } else {
86             *status = BAD_TDIM;
87             goto cleanup;
88          }
89       }
91       if (wtbp->kind == 'c') {
92          /* Coordinate array; calculate the array size. */
93          nelem = naxes[0];
94          for (m = 0; m < naxis-1; m++) {
95             *(wtbp->dimlen + m) = naxes[m+1];
96             nelem *= naxes[m+1];
97          }
98       } else {
99          /* Index vector; check length. */
100          if ((nelem = naxes[0]) != *(wtbp->dimlen)) {
101             /* N.B. coordinate array precedes the index vectors. */
102             *status = BAD_TDIM;
103             goto cleanup;
104          }
105       }
107       free(naxes);
108       naxes = 0;
110       /* Allocate memory for the array. */
111       if (!(*wtbp->arrayp = calloc((size_t)nelem, sizeof(double)))) {
112          *status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION;
113          goto cleanup;
114       }
116       /* Read the array from the table. */
117       if (fits_read_col_dbl(fptr, colnum, wtbp->row, 1L, nelem, 0.0,
118           *wtbp->arrayp, &anynul, status)) {
119          goto cleanup;
120       }
121    }
123 cleanup:
124    /* Move back to the starting HDU. */
125    nostat = 0;
126    fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, hdunum, 0, &nostat);
128    /* Release allocated memory. */
129    if (naxes) free(naxes);
130    if (*status) {
131       wtbp = wtb;
132       for (iwtb = 0; iwtb < nwtb; iwtb++, wtbp++) {
133          if (*wtbp->arrayp) free(*wtbp->arrayp);
134       }
135    }
137    return *status;
138 }
139 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ffgiwcs(fitsfile * fptr,char ** header,int * status)140 int ffgiwcs(fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                    */
141            char **header,   /* O - pointer to the WCS related keywords  */
142            int *status)     /* IO - error status                        */
143 /*
144   int fits_get_image_wcs_keys
145   return a string containing all the image WCS header keywords.
146   This string is then used as input to the wcsinit WCSlib routine.
149 */
150 {
151     int hdutype;
153     if (*status > 0)
154         return(*status);
156     fits_get_hdu_type(fptr, &hdutype, status);
157     if (hdutype != IMAGE_HDU)
158     {
159       ffpmsg(
160      "Error in ffgiwcs. This HDU is not an image. Can't read WCS keywords");
161       return(*status = NOT_IMAGE);
162     }
164     /* read header keywords into a long string of chars */
165     if (ffh2st(fptr, header, status) > 0)
166     {
167         ffpmsg("error creating string of image WCS keywords (ffgiwcs)");
168         return(*status);
169     }
171     return(*status);
172 }
174 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ffgics(fitsfile * fptr,double * xrval,double * yrval,double * xrpix,double * yrpix,double * xinc,double * yinc,double * rot,char * type,int * status)175 int ffgics(fitsfile *fptr,    /* I - FITS file pointer           */
176            double *xrval,     /* O - X reference value           */
177            double *yrval,     /* O - Y reference value           */
178            double *xrpix,     /* O - X reference pixel           */
179            double *yrpix,     /* O - Y reference pixel           */
180            double *xinc,      /* O - X increment per pixel       */
181            double *yinc,      /* O - Y increment per pixel       */
182            double *rot,       /* O - rotation angle (degrees)    */
183            char *type,        /* O - type of projection ('-tan') */
184            int *status)       /* IO - error status               */
185 /*
186        read the values of the celestial coordinate system keywords.
187        These values may be used as input to the subroutines that
188        calculate celestial coordinates. (ffxypx, ffwldp)
190        Modified in Nov 1999 to convert the CD matrix keywords back
191        to the old CDELTn form, and to swap the axes if the dec-like
192        axis is given first, and to assume default values if any of the
193        keywords are not present.
194 */
195 {
196     int tstat = 0, cd_exists = 0, pc_exists = 0;
197     char ctype[FLEN_VALUE];
198     double cd11 = 0.0, cd21 = 0.0, cd22 = 0.0, cd12 = 0.0;
199     double pc11 = 1.0, pc21 = 0.0, pc22 = 1.0, pc12 = 0.0;
200     double pi =  3.1415926535897932;
201     double phia, phib, temp;
202     double toler = .0002;  /* tolerance for angles to agree (radians) */
203                            /*   (= approximately 0.01 degrees) */
205     if (*status > 0)
206        return(*status);
208     tstat = 0;
209     if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CRVAL1", xrval, NULL, &tstat))
210        *xrval = 0.;
212     tstat = 0;
213     if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CRVAL2", yrval, NULL, &tstat))
214        *yrval = 0.;
216     tstat = 0;
217     if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CRPIX1", xrpix, NULL, &tstat))
218         *xrpix = 0.;
220     tstat = 0;
221     if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CRPIX2", yrpix, NULL, &tstat))
222         *yrpix = 0.;
224     /* look for CDELTn first, then CDi_j keywords */
225     tstat = 0;
226     if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CDELT1", xinc, NULL, &tstat))
227     {
228         /* CASE 1: no CDELTn keyword, so look for the CD matrix */
229         tstat = 0;
230         if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CD1_1", &cd11, NULL, &tstat))
231             tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
232         else
233             cd_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 CD_ keyword */
235         if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CD2_1", &cd21, NULL, &tstat))
236             tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
237         else
238             cd_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 CD_ keyword */
240         if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CD1_2", &cd12, NULL, &tstat))
241             tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
242         else
243             cd_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 CD_ keyword */
245         if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CD2_2", &cd22, NULL, &tstat))
246             tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
247         else
248             cd_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 CD_ keyword */
250         if (cd_exists)  /* convert CDi_j back to CDELTn */
251         {
252             /* there are 2 ways to compute the angle: */
253             phia = atan2( cd21, cd11);
254             phib = atan2(-cd12, cd22);
256             /* ensure that phia <= phib */
257             temp = minvalue(phia, phib);
258             phib = maxvalue(phia, phib);
259             phia = temp;
261             /* there is a possible 180 degree ambiguity in the angles */
262             /* so add 180 degress to the smaller value if the values  */
263             /* differ by more than 90 degrees = pi/2 radians.         */
264             /* (Later, we may decide to take the other solution by    */
265             /* subtracting 180 degrees from the larger value).        */
267             if ((phib - phia) > (pi / 2.))
268                phia += pi;
270             if (fabs(phia - phib) > toler)
271             {
272                /* angles don't agree, so looks like there is some skewness */
273                /* between the axes.  Return with an error to be safe. */
274                *status = APPROX_WCS_KEY;
275             }
277             phia = (phia + phib) /2.;  /* use the average of the 2 values */
278             *xinc = cd11 / cos(phia);
279             *yinc = cd22 / cos(phia);
280             *rot = phia * 180. / pi;
282             /* common usage is to have a positive yinc value.  If it is */
283             /* negative, then subtract 180 degrees from rot and negate  */
284             /* both xinc and yinc.  */
286             if (*yinc < 0)
287             {
288                 *xinc = -(*xinc);
289                 *yinc = -(*yinc);
290                 *rot = *rot - 180.;
291             }
292         }
293         else   /* no CD matrix keywords either */
294         {
295             *xinc = 1.;
297             /* there was no CDELT1 keyword, but check for CDELT2 just in case */
298             tstat = 0;
299             if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CDELT2", yinc, NULL, &tstat))
300                 *yinc = 1.;
302             tstat = 0;
303             if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CROTA2", rot, NULL, &tstat))
304                 *rot=0.;
305         }
306     }
307     else  /* Case 2: CDELTn + optional PC matrix */
308     {
309         if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CDELT2", yinc, NULL, &tstat))
310             *yinc = 1.;
312         tstat = 0;
313         if (ffgkyd(fptr, "CROTA2", rot, NULL, &tstat))
314         {
315             *rot=0.;
317             /* no CROTA2 keyword, so look for the PC matrix */
318             tstat = 0;
319             if (ffgkyd(fptr, "PC1_1", &pc11, NULL, &tstat))
320                 tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
321             else
322                 pc_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 PC_ keyword */
324             if (ffgkyd(fptr, "PC2_1", &pc21, NULL, &tstat))
325                 tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
326             else
327                 pc_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 PC_ keyword */
329             if (ffgkyd(fptr, "PC1_2", &pc12, NULL, &tstat))
330                 tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
331             else
332                 pc_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 PC_ keyword */
334             if (ffgkyd(fptr, "PC2_2", &pc22, NULL, &tstat))
335                 tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
336             else
337                 pc_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 PC_ keyword */
339             if (pc_exists)  /* convert PCi_j back to CDELTn */
340             {
341                 /* there are 2 ways to compute the angle: */
342                 phia = atan2( pc21, pc11);
343                 phib = atan2(-pc12, pc22);
345                 /* ensure that phia <= phib */
346                 temp = minvalue(phia, phib);
347                 phib = maxvalue(phia, phib);
348                 phia = temp;
350                 /* there is a possible 180 degree ambiguity in the angles */
351                 /* so add 180 degress to the smaller value if the values  */
352                 /* differ by more than 90 degrees = pi/2 radians.         */
353                 /* (Later, we may decide to take the other solution by    */
354                 /* subtracting 180 degrees from the larger value).        */
356                 if ((phib - phia) > (pi / 2.))
357                    phia += pi;
359                 if (fabs(phia - phib) > toler)
360                 {
361                   /* angles don't agree, so looks like there is some skewness */
362                   /* between the axes.  Return with an error to be safe. */
363                   *status = APPROX_WCS_KEY;
364                 }
366                 phia = (phia + phib) /2.;  /* use the average of the 2 values */
367                 *rot = phia * 180. / pi;
368             }
369         }
370     }
372     /* get the type of projection, if any */
373     tstat = 0;
374     if (ffgkys(fptr, "CTYPE1", ctype, NULL, &tstat))
375          type[0] = '\0';
376     else
377     {
378         /* copy the projection type string */
379         strncpy(type, &ctype[4], 4);
380         type[4] = '\0';
382         /* check if RA and DEC are inverted */
383         if (!strncmp(ctype, "DEC-", 4) || !strncmp(ctype+1, "LAT", 3))
384         {
385             /* the latitudinal axis is given first, so swap them */
387 /*
388  this case was removed on 12/9.  Apparently not correct.
390             if ((*xinc / *yinc) < 0. )
391                 *rot = -90. - (*rot);
392             else
393 */
394             *rot = 90. - (*rot);
396             /* Empirical tests with ds9 show the y-axis sign must be negated */
397             /* and the xinc and yinc values must NOT be swapped. */
398             *yinc = -(*yinc);
400             temp = *xrval;
401             *xrval = *yrval;
402             *yrval = temp;
403         }
404     }
406     return(*status);
407 }
408 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ffgicsa(fitsfile * fptr,char version,double * xrval,double * yrval,double * xrpix,double * yrpix,double * xinc,double * yinc,double * rot,char * type,int * status)409 int ffgicsa(fitsfile *fptr,    /* I - FITS file pointer           */
410            char version,      /* I - character code of desired version */
411 	                      /*     A - Z or blank */
412            double *xrval,     /* O - X reference value           */
413            double *yrval,     /* O - Y reference value           */
414            double *xrpix,     /* O - X reference pixel           */
415            double *yrpix,     /* O - Y reference pixel           */
416            double *xinc,      /* O - X increment per pixel       */
417            double *yinc,      /* O - Y increment per pixel       */
418            double *rot,       /* O - rotation angle (degrees)    */
419            char *type,        /* O - type of projection ('-tan') */
420            int *status)       /* IO - error status               */
421 /*
422        read the values of the celestial coordinate system keywords.
423        These values may be used as input to the subroutines that
424        calculate celestial coordinates. (ffxypx, ffwldp)
426        Modified in Nov 1999 to convert the CD matrix keywords back
427        to the old CDELTn form, and to swap the axes if the dec-like
428        axis is given first, and to assume default values if any of the
429        keywords are not present.
430 */
431 {
432     int tstat = 0, cd_exists = 0, pc_exists = 0;
433     char ctype[FLEN_VALUE], keyname[FLEN_VALUE], alt[2];
434     double cd11 = 0.0, cd21 = 0.0, cd22 = 0.0, cd12 = 0.0;
435     double pc11 = 1.0, pc21 = 0.0, pc22 = 1.0, pc12 = 0.0;
436     double pi =  3.1415926535897932;
437     double phia, phib, temp;
438     double toler = .0002;  /* tolerance for angles to agree (radians) */
439                            /*   (= approximately 0.01 degrees) */
441     if (*status > 0)
442        return(*status);
444     if (version == ' ') {
445       ffgics(fptr, xrval, yrval, xrpix, yrpix, xinc, yinc, rot, type, status);
446       return (*status);
447     }
449     if (version > 'Z' || version < 'A') {
450       ffpmsg("ffgicsa: illegal WCS version code (must be A - Z or blank)");
451       return(*status = WCS_ERROR);
452     }
454     alt[0] = version;
455     alt[1] = '\0';
457     tstat = 0;
458     strcpy(keyname, "CRVAL1");
459     strcat(keyname, alt);
460     if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, xrval, NULL, &tstat))
461        *xrval = 0.;
463     tstat = 0;
464     strcpy(keyname, "CRVAL2");
465     strcat(keyname, alt);
466     if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, yrval, NULL, &tstat))
467        *yrval = 0.;
469     tstat = 0;
470     strcpy(keyname, "CRPIX1");
471     strcat(keyname, alt);
472     if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, xrpix, NULL, &tstat))
473         *xrpix = 0.;
475     tstat = 0;
476     strcpy(keyname, "CRPIX2");
477     strcat(keyname, alt);
478      if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, yrpix, NULL, &tstat))
479         *yrpix = 0.;
481     /* look for CDELTn first, then CDi_j keywords */
482     tstat = 0;
483     strcpy(keyname, "CDELT1");
484     strcat(keyname, alt);
485     if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, xinc, NULL, &tstat))
486     {
487         /* CASE 1: no CDELTn keyword, so look for the CD matrix */
488         tstat = 0;
489         strcpy(keyname, "CD1_1");
490         strcat(keyname, alt);
491         if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, &cd11, NULL, &tstat))
492             tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
493         else
494             cd_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 CD_ keyword */
496         strcpy(keyname, "CD2_1");
497         strcat(keyname, alt);
498         if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, &cd21, NULL, &tstat))
499             tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
500         else
501             cd_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 CD_ keyword */
503         strcpy(keyname, "CD1_2");
504         strcat(keyname, alt);
505         if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, &cd12, NULL, &tstat))
506             tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
507         else
508             cd_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 CD_ keyword */
510         strcpy(keyname, "CD2_2");
511         strcat(keyname, alt);
512         if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, &cd22, NULL, &tstat))
513             tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
514         else
515             cd_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 CD_ keyword */
517         if (cd_exists)  /* convert CDi_j back to CDELTn */
518         {
519             /* there are 2 ways to compute the angle: */
520             phia = atan2( cd21, cd11);
521             phib = atan2(-cd12, cd22);
523             /* ensure that phia <= phib */
524             temp = minvalue(phia, phib);
525             phib = maxvalue(phia, phib);
526             phia = temp;
528             /* there is a possible 180 degree ambiguity in the angles */
529             /* so add 180 degress to the smaller value if the values  */
530             /* differ by more than 90 degrees = pi/2 radians.         */
531             /* (Later, we may decide to take the other solution by    */
532             /* subtracting 180 degrees from the larger value).        */
534             if ((phib - phia) > (pi / 2.))
535                phia += pi;
537             if (fabs(phia - phib) > toler)
538             {
539                /* angles don't agree, so looks like there is some skewness */
540                /* between the axes.  Return with an error to be safe. */
541                *status = APPROX_WCS_KEY;
542             }
544             phia = (phia + phib) /2.;  /* use the average of the 2 values */
545             *xinc = cd11 / cos(phia);
546             *yinc = cd22 / cos(phia);
547             *rot = phia * 180. / pi;
549             /* common usage is to have a positive yinc value.  If it is */
550             /* negative, then subtract 180 degrees from rot and negate  */
551             /* both xinc and yinc.  */
553             if (*yinc < 0)
554             {
555                 *xinc = -(*xinc);
556                 *yinc = -(*yinc);
557                 *rot = *rot - 180.;
558             }
559         }
560         else   /* no CD matrix keywords either */
561         {
562             *xinc = 1.;
564             /* there was no CDELT1 keyword, but check for CDELT2 just in case */
565             tstat = 0;
566             strcpy(keyname, "CDELT2");
567             strcat(keyname, alt);
568             if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, yinc, NULL, &tstat))
569                 *yinc = 1.;
571             tstat = 0;
572             strcpy(keyname, "CROTA2");
573             strcat(keyname, alt);
574             if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, rot, NULL, &tstat))
575                 *rot=0.;
576         }
577     }
578     else  /* Case 2: CDELTn + optional PC matrix */
579     {
580         strcpy(keyname, "CDELT2");
581         strcat(keyname, alt);
582         if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, yinc, NULL, &tstat))
583             *yinc = 1.;
585         tstat = 0;
586         strcpy(keyname, "CROTA2");
587         strcat(keyname, alt);
588         if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, rot, NULL, &tstat))
589         {
590             *rot=0.;
592             /* no CROTA2 keyword, so look for the PC matrix */
593             tstat = 0;
594             strcpy(keyname, "PC1_1");
595             strcat(keyname, alt);
596             if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, &pc11, NULL, &tstat))
597                 tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
598             else
599                 pc_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 PC_ keyword */
601             strcpy(keyname, "PC2_1");
602             strcat(keyname, alt);
603             if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, &pc21, NULL, &tstat))
604                 tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
605             else
606                 pc_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 PC_ keyword */
608             strcpy(keyname, "PC1_2");
609             strcat(keyname, alt);
610             if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, &pc12, NULL, &tstat))
611                 tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
612             else
613                 pc_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 PC_ keyword */
615             strcpy(keyname, "PC2_2");
616             strcat(keyname, alt);
617             if (ffgkyd(fptr, keyname, &pc22, NULL, &tstat))
618                 tstat = 0;  /* reset keyword not found error */
619             else
620                 pc_exists = 1;  /* found at least 1 PC_ keyword */
622             if (pc_exists)  /* convert PCi_j back to CDELTn */
623             {
624                 /* there are 2 ways to compute the angle: */
625                 phia = atan2( pc21, pc11);
626                 phib = atan2(-pc12, pc22);
628                 /* ensure that phia <= phib */
629                 temp = minvalue(phia, phib);
630                 phib = maxvalue(phia, phib);
631                 phia = temp;
633                 /* there is a possible 180 degree ambiguity in the angles */
634                 /* so add 180 degress to the smaller value if the values  */
635                 /* differ by more than 90 degrees = pi/2 radians.         */
636                 /* (Later, we may decide to take the other solution by    */
637                 /* subtracting 180 degrees from the larger value).        */
639                 if ((phib - phia) > (pi / 2.))
640                    phia += pi;
642                 if (fabs(phia - phib) > toler)
643                 {
644                   /* angles don't agree, so looks like there is some skewness */
645                   /* between the axes.  Return with an error to be safe. */
646                   *status = APPROX_WCS_KEY;
647                 }
649                 phia = (phia + phib) /2.;  /* use the average of the 2 values */
650                 *rot = phia * 180. / pi;
651             }
652         }
653     }
655     /* get the type of projection, if any */
656     tstat = 0;
657     strcpy(keyname, "CTYPE1");
658     strcat(keyname, alt);
659     if (ffgkys(fptr, keyname, ctype, NULL, &tstat))
660          type[0] = '\0';
661     else
662     {
663         /* copy the projection type string */
664         strncpy(type, &ctype[4], 4);
665         type[4] = '\0';
667         /* check if RA and DEC are inverted */
668         if (!strncmp(ctype, "DEC-", 4) || !strncmp(ctype+1, "LAT", 3))
669         {
670             /* the latitudinal axis is given first, so swap them */
672             *rot = 90. - (*rot);
674             /* Empirical tests with ds9 show the y-axis sign must be negated */
675             /* and the xinc and yinc values must NOT be swapped. */
676             *yinc = -(*yinc);
678             temp = *xrval;
679             *xrval = *yrval;
680             *yrval = temp;
681         }
682     }
684     return(*status);
685 }
686 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ffgtcs(fitsfile * fptr,int xcol,int ycol,double * xrval,double * yrval,double * xrpix,double * yrpix,double * xinc,double * yinc,double * rot,char * type,int * status)687 int ffgtcs(fitsfile *fptr,    /* I - FITS file pointer           */
688            int xcol,          /* I - column containing the RA coordinate  */
689            int ycol,          /* I - column containing the DEC coordinate */
690            double *xrval,     /* O - X reference value           */
691            double *yrval,     /* O - Y reference value           */
692            double *xrpix,     /* O - X reference pixel           */
693            double *yrpix,     /* O - Y reference pixel           */
694            double *xinc,      /* O - X increment per pixel       */
695            double *yinc,      /* O - Y increment per pixel       */
696            double *rot,       /* O - rotation angle (degrees)    */
697            char *type,        /* O - type of projection ('-sin') */
698            int *status)       /* IO - error status               */
699 /*
700        read the values of the celestial coordinate system keywords
701        from a FITS table where the X and Y or RA and DEC coordinates
702        are stored in separate column.  Do this by converting the
703        table to a temporary FITS image, then reading the keywords
704        from the image file.
705        These values may be used as input to the subroutines that
706        calculate celestial coordinates. (ffxypx, ffwldp)
707 */
708 {
709     int colnum[2];
710     long naxes[2];
711     fitsfile *tptr;
713     if (*status > 0)
714        return(*status);
716     colnum[0] = xcol;
717     colnum[1] = ycol;
718     naxes[0] = 10;
719     naxes[1] = 10;
721     /* create temporary  FITS file, in memory */
722     ffinit(&tptr, "mem://", status);
724     /* create a temporary image; the datatype and size are not important */
725     ffcrim(tptr, 32, 2, naxes, status);
727     /* now copy the relevant keywords from the table to the image */
728     fits_copy_pixlist2image(fptr, tptr, 9, 2, colnum, status);
730     /* write default WCS keywords, if they are not present */
731     fits_write_keys_histo(fptr, tptr, 2, colnum, status);
733     if (*status > 0)
734        return(*status);
736     /* read the WCS keyword values from the temporary image */
737     ffgics(tptr, xrval, yrval, xrpix, yrpix, xinc, yinc, rot, type, status);
739     if (*status > 0)
740     {
741       ffpmsg
742       ("ffgtcs could not find all the celestial coordinate keywords");
743       return(*status = NO_WCS_KEY);
744     }
746     /* delete the temporary file */
747     fits_delete_file(tptr, status);
749     return(*status);
750 }
751 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ffgtwcs(fitsfile * fptr,int xcol,int ycol,char ** header,int * status)752 int ffgtwcs(fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer              */
753            int xcol,        /* I - column number for the X column  */
754            int ycol,        /* I - column number for the Y column  */
755            char **header,   /* O - string of all the WCS keywords  */
756            int *status)     /* IO - error status                   */
757 /*
758   int fits_get_table_wcs_keys
759   Return string containing all the WCS keywords appropriate for the
760   pair of X and Y columns containing the coordinate
761   of each event in an event list table.  This string may then be passed
762   to Doug Mink's WCS library wcsinit routine, to create and initialize the
763   WCS structure.  The calling routine must free the header character string
764   when it is no longer needed.
767 */
768 {
769     int hdutype, ncols, tstatus, length;
770     int naxis1 = 1, naxis2 = 1;
771     long tlmin, tlmax;
772     char keyname[FLEN_KEYWORD];
773     char valstring[FLEN_VALUE];
774     char comm[2];
775     char *cptr;
776     /*  construct a string of 80 blanks, for adding fill to the keywords */
777                  /*  12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 */
778     char blanks[] = "                                                                                ";
780     if (*status > 0)
781         return(*status);
783     fits_get_hdu_type(fptr, &hdutype, status);
784     if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU)
785     {
786         ffpmsg("Can't read table WSC keywords. This HDU is not a table");
787         return(*status = NOT_TABLE);
788     }
790     fits_get_num_cols(fptr, &ncols, status);
792     if (xcol < 1 || xcol > ncols)
793     {
794         ffpmsg("illegal X axis column number in fftwcs");
795         return(*status = BAD_COL_NUM);
796     }
798     if (ycol < 1 || ycol > ncols)
799     {
800         ffpmsg("illegal Y axis column number in fftwcs");
801         return(*status = BAD_COL_NUM);
802     }
804     /* allocate character string for all the WCS keywords */
805     *header = calloc(1, 2401);  /* room for up to 30 keywords */
806     if (*header == 0)
807     {
808         ffpmsg("error allocating memory for WCS header keywords (fftwcs)");
809         return(*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
810     }
812     cptr = *header;
813     comm[0] = '\0';
815     tstatus = 0;
816     ffkeyn("TLMIN",xcol,keyname,status);
817     ffgkyj(fptr,keyname, &tlmin,NULL,&tstatus);
819     if (!tstatus)
820     {
821         ffkeyn("TLMAX",xcol,keyname,status);
822         ffgkyj(fptr,keyname, &tlmax,NULL,&tstatus);
823     }
825     if (!tstatus)
826     {
827         naxis1 = tlmax - tlmin + 1;
828     }
830     tstatus = 0;
831     ffkeyn("TLMIN",ycol,keyname,status);
832     ffgkyj(fptr,keyname, &tlmin,NULL,&tstatus);
834     if (!tstatus)
835     {
836         ffkeyn("TLMAX",ycol,keyname,status);
837         ffgkyj(fptr,keyname, &tlmax,NULL,&tstatus);
838     }
840     if (!tstatus)
841     {
842         naxis2 = tlmax - tlmin + 1;
843     }
845     /*            123456789012345678901234567890    */
846     strcat(cptr, "NAXIS   =                    2");
847     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);
848     cptr += 80;
850     ffi2c(naxis1, valstring, status);   /* convert to formatted string */
851     ffmkky("NAXIS1", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
852     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
853     cptr += 80;
855     strcpy(keyname, "NAXIS2");
856     ffi2c(naxis2, valstring, status);   /* convert to formatted string */
857     ffmkky(keyname, valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
858     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
859     cptr += 80;
861     /* read the required header keywords (use defaults if not found) */
863     /*  CTYPE1 keyword */
864     tstatus = 0;
865     ffkeyn("TCTYP",xcol,keyname,status);
866     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) )
867        valstring[0] =  '\0';
868     ffmkky("CTYPE1", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
869     length = strlen(cptr);
870     strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
871     cptr += 80;
873     /*  CTYPE2 keyword */
874     tstatus = 0;
875     ffkeyn("TCTYP",ycol,keyname,status);
876     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) )
877        valstring[0] =  '\0';
878     ffmkky("CTYPE2", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
879     length = strlen(cptr);
880     strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
881     cptr += 80;
883     /*  CRPIX1 keyword */
884     tstatus = 0;
885     ffkeyn("TCRPX",xcol,keyname,status);
886     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) )
887        strcpy(valstring, "1");
888     ffmkky("CRPIX1", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
889     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
890     cptr += 80;
892     /*  CRPIX2 keyword */
893     tstatus = 0;
894     ffkeyn("TCRPX",ycol,keyname,status);
895     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) )
896        strcpy(valstring, "1");
897     ffmkky("CRPIX2", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
898     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
899     cptr += 80;
901     /*  CRVAL1 keyword */
902     tstatus = 0;
903     ffkeyn("TCRVL",xcol,keyname,status);
904     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) )
905        strcpy(valstring, "1");
906     ffmkky("CRVAL1", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
907     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
908     cptr += 80;
910     /*  CRVAL2 keyword */
911     tstatus = 0;
912     ffkeyn("TCRVL",ycol,keyname,status);
913     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) )
914        strcpy(valstring, "1");
915     ffmkky("CRVAL2", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
916     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
917     cptr += 80;
919     /*  CDELT1 keyword */
920     tstatus = 0;
921     ffkeyn("TCDLT",xcol,keyname,status);
922     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) )
923        strcpy(valstring, "1");
924     ffmkky("CDELT1", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
925     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
926     cptr += 80;
928     /*  CDELT2 keyword */
929     tstatus = 0;
930     ffkeyn("TCDLT",ycol,keyname,status);
931     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) )
932        strcpy(valstring, "1");
933     ffmkky("CDELT2", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct the keyword*/
934     strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
935     cptr += 80;
937     /* the following keywords may not exist */
939     /*  CROTA2 keyword */
940     tstatus = 0;
941     ffkeyn("TCROT",ycol,keyname,status);
942     if (ffgkey(fptr, keyname, valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
943     {
944         ffmkky("CROTA2", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct keyword*/
945         strncat(cptr, blanks, 50);  /* pad with blanks */
946         cptr += 80;
947     }
949     /*  EPOCH keyword */
950     tstatus = 0;
951     if (ffgkey(fptr, "EPOCH", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
952     {
953         ffmkky("EPOCH", valstring, comm, cptr, status);  /* construct keyword*/
954         length = strlen(cptr);
955         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
956         cptr += 80;
957     }
959     /*  EQUINOX keyword */
960     tstatus = 0;
961     if (ffgkey(fptr, "EQUINOX", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
962     {
963         ffmkky("EQUINOX", valstring, comm, cptr, status); /* construct keyword*/
964         length = strlen(cptr);
965         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
966         cptr += 80;
967     }
969     /*  RADECSYS keyword */
970     tstatus = 0;
971     if (ffgkey(fptr, "RADECSYS", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
972     {
973         ffmkky("RADECSYS", valstring, comm, cptr, status); /*construct keyword*/
974         length = strlen(cptr);
975         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
976         cptr += 80;
977     }
979     /*  TELESCOPE keyword */
980     tstatus = 0;
981     if (ffgkey(fptr, "TELESCOP", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
982     {
983         ffmkky("TELESCOP", valstring, comm, cptr, status);
984         length = strlen(cptr);
985         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
986         cptr += 80;
987     }
989     /*  INSTRUME keyword */
990     tstatus = 0;
991     if (ffgkey(fptr, "INSTRUME", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
992     {
993         ffmkky("INSTRUME", valstring, comm, cptr, status);
994         length = strlen(cptr);
995         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
996         cptr += 80;
997     }
999     /*  DETECTOR keyword */
1000     tstatus = 0;
1001     if (ffgkey(fptr, "DETECTOR", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
1002     {
1003         ffmkky("DETECTOR", valstring, comm, cptr, status);
1004         length = strlen(cptr);
1005         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
1006         cptr += 80;
1007     }
1009     /*  MJD-OBS keyword */
1010     tstatus = 0;
1011     if (ffgkey(fptr, "MJD-OBS", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
1012     {
1013         ffmkky("MJD-OBS", valstring, comm, cptr, status);
1014         length = strlen(cptr);
1015         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
1016         cptr += 80;
1017     }
1019     /*  DATE-OBS keyword */
1020     tstatus = 0;
1021     if (ffgkey(fptr, "DATE-OBS", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
1022     {
1023         ffmkky("DATE-OBS", valstring, comm, cptr, status);
1024         length = strlen(cptr);
1025         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
1026         cptr += 80;
1027     }
1029     /*  DATE keyword */
1030     tstatus = 0;
1031     if (ffgkey(fptr, "DATE", valstring, NULL, &tstatus) == 0 )
1032     {
1033         ffmkky("DATE", valstring, comm, cptr, status);
1034         length = strlen(cptr);
1035         strncat(cptr, blanks, 80 - length);  /* pad with blanks */
1036         cptr += 80;
1037     }
1039     strcat(cptr, "END");
1040     strncat(cptr, blanks, 77);
1042     return(*status);
1043 }