1  /*
2  				winpos.c
4 *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
5 *
6 *	Part of:	SExtractor
7 *
8 *	Author:		E.BERTIN (IAP)
9 *
10 *	Contents:	Compute windowed barycenter
11 *
12 *	Last modify:	22/09/2005
13 *
14 *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
15 */
17 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include        "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include	<math.h>
22 #include	<stdlib.h>
24 #include	"define.h"
25 #include	"globals.h"
26 #include	"prefs.h"
27 #include	"winpos.h"
29 static  obj2struct	*obj2 = &outobj2;
31 /****** compute_winpos ********************************************************
32 PROTO	void compute_winpos(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield,
33 			objstruct *obj)
34 PURPOSE	Compute windowed source barycenter.
35 INPUT	Picture structure pointer,
36 	Weight-map structure pointer,
37 	object structure.
38 OUTPUT  -.
39 NOTES   obj->posx and obj->posy are taken as initial centroid guesses.
40 AUTHOR  E. Bertin (IAP)
41 VERSION 22/09/2005
42  ***/
compute_winpos(picstruct * field,picstruct * wfield,objstruct * obj)43 void	compute_winpos(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, objstruct *obj)
45   {
46    float		r2, raper,raper2, rintlim,rintlim2,rextlim2,
47 			dx,dx1,dy,dy2, sig, pdbkg,
48                         offsetx,offsety,scalex,scaley,scale2, ngamma, locarea;
49    double               tv, tv2, pix, var, backnoise2, gain, locpix,
50 			dxpos,dypos, twosig2, err,err2, emx2,emy2,emxy,
51 			esum, temp,temp2, mx2, my2,mxy,pmx2, theta, mx,my,
52 			mx2ph, my2ph;
53    int                  i,x,y, x2,y2, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, sx,sy, w,h,
54                         fymin,fymax, pflag,corrflag, gainflag, errflag,
55 			momentflag;
56    long                 pos;
57    PIXTYPE              *strip,*stript, *wstrip,*wstript,
58                         wthresh = 0.0;
60   if (wfield)
61     wthresh = wfield->weight_thresh;
62   wstrip = wstript = NULL;
63   w = field->width;
64   h = field->stripheight;
65   fymin = field->ymin;
66   fymax = field->ymax;
67   pflag = (prefs.detect_type==PHOTO)? 1:0;
68   corrflag = (prefs.mask_type==MASK_CORRECT);
69   gainflag = wfield && prefs.weightgain_flag;
70   errflag = FLAG(obj2.winposerr_mx2);
71   momentflag = FLAG(obj2.win_mx2) | FLAG(obj2.winposerr_mx2);
72   var = backnoise2 = field->backsig*field->backsig;
73   gain = prefs.gain;
74   sig = obj2->hl_radius*2.0/2.35; /* From half-FWHM to sigma */
75   twosig2 = 2.0*sig*sig;
77 /* Integration radius */
78   raper = WINPOS_NSIG*sig;
80 /* For photographic data */
81   if (pflag)
82     {
83     ngamma = field->ngamma;
84     pdbkg = exp(obj->dbkg/ngamma);
85     }
86   else
87     {
88     ngamma = 0.0;
89     pdbkg = 0.0;
90     }
91   raper2 = raper*raper;
92 /* Internal radius of the oversampled annulus (<r-sqrt(2)/2) */
93   rintlim = raper - 0.75;
94   rintlim2 = (rintlim>0.0)? rintlim*rintlim: 0.0;
95 /* External radius of the oversampled annulus (>r+sqrt(2)/2) */
96   rextlim2 = (raper + 0.75)*(raper + 0.75);
97   scaley = scalex = 1.0/WINPOS_OVERSAMP;
98   scale2 = scalex*scaley;
99   offsetx = 0.5*(scalex-1.0);
100   offsety = 0.5*(scaley-1.0);
101 /* Use isophotal centroid as a first guess */
102   mx = obj2->posx - 1.0;
103   my = obj2->posy - 1.0;
105   for (i=0; i<WINPOS_NITERMAX; i++)
106     {
107     xmin = (int)(mx-raper+0.499999);
108     xmax = (int)(mx+raper+1.499999);
109     ymin = (int)(my-raper+0.499999);
110     ymax = (int)(my+raper+1.499999);
111     mx2ph = mx*2.0 + 0.49999;
112     my2ph = my*2.0 + 0.49999;
114     if (xmin < 0)
115       {
116       xmin = 0;
117       obj->flag |= OBJ_APERT_PB;
118       }
119     if (xmax > w)
120       {
121       xmax = w;
122       obj->flag |= OBJ_APERT_PB;
123       }
124     if (ymin < fymin)
125       {
126       ymin = fymin;
127       obj->flag |= OBJ_APERT_PB;
128       }
129     if (ymax > fymax)
130       {
131       ymax = fymax;
132       obj->flag |= OBJ_APERT_PB;
133       }
135     tv = esum = emxy = emx2 = emy2 = mx2 = my2 = mxy = 0.0;
136     dxpos = dypos = 0.0;
137     strip = field->strip;
138     wstrip = wstript = NULL;		/* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
139     if (wfield)
140       wstrip = wfield->strip;
141     for (y=ymin; y<ymax; y++)
142       {
143       stript = strip + (pos = (y%h)*w + xmin);
144       if (wfield)
145         wstript = wstrip + pos;
146       for (x=xmin; x<xmax; x++, stript++, wstript++)
147         {
148         dx = x - mx;
149         dy = y - my;
150         if ((r2=dx*dx+dy*dy)<rextlim2)
151           {
152           if (WINPOS_OVERSAMP>1 && r2> rintlim2)
153             {
154             dx += offsetx;
155             dy += offsety;
156             locarea = 0.0;
157             for (sy=WINPOS_OVERSAMP; sy--; dy+=scaley)
158               {
159               dx1 = dx;
160               dy2 = dy*dy;
161               for (sx=WINPOS_OVERSAMP; sx--; dx1+=scalex)
162                 if (dx1*dx1+dy2<raper2)
163                   locarea += scale2;
164               }
165             }
166           else
167             locarea = 1.0;
168           locarea *= exp(-r2/twosig2);
169 /*-------- Here begin tests for pixel and/or weight overflows. Things are a */
170 /*-------- bit intricated to have it running as fast as possible in the most */
171 /*-------- common cases */
172           if ((pix=*stript)<=-BIG || (wfield && (var=*wstript)>=wthresh))
173             {
174             if (corrflag
175 		&& (x2=(int)(mx2ph-x))>=0 && x2<w
176 		&& (y2=(int)(my2ph-y))>=fymin && y2<fymax
177 		&& (pix=*(strip + (pos = (y2%h)*w + x2)))>-BIG)
178               {
179               if (wfield)
180                 {
181                 var = *(wstrip + pos);
182                 if (var>=wthresh)
183                   pix = var = 0.0;
184                 }
185               }
186             else
187               {
188               pix = 0.0;
189               if (wfield)
190                 var = 0.0;
191               }
192             }
193           if (pflag)
194             pix=exp(pix/ngamma);
195           dx = x - mx;
196           dy = y - my;
197           locpix = locarea*pix;
198           tv += locpix;
199           dxpos += locpix*dx;
200           dypos += locpix*dy;
201           if (errflag)
202             {
203             err = var;
204             if (pflag)
205               err *= locpix*pix/(ngamma*ngamma);
206             else if (gain>0.0 && pix>0.0)
207               {
208               if (gainflag)
209                 err += pix/gain*var/backnoise2;
210               else
211                 err += pix/gain;
212               }
213             err2 = locarea*locarea*err;
214             esum += err2;
215             emx2 += err2*(dx*dx+0.0833);	/* Finite pixel size */
216             emy2 += err2*(dy*dy+0.0833);	/* Finite pixel size */
217             emxy += err2*dx*dy;
218             }
219           if (momentflag)
220             {
221             mx2 += locpix*dx*dx;
222             my2 += locpix*dy*dy;
223             mxy += locpix*dx*dy;
224             }
225           }
226         }
227       }
229     if (tv>0.0)
230       {
231       mx += (dxpos /= tv)*WINPOS_GRADFAC;
232       my += (dypos /= tv)*WINPOS_GRADFAC;
233       }
234     else
235       break;
237 /*-- Stop here if position does not change */
238     if (dxpos*dxpos+dypos*dypos < WINPOS_STEPMIN*WINPOS_STEPMIN)
239       break;
240     }
241   mx2 = mx2/tv - dxpos*dxpos;
242   my2 = my2/tv - dypos*dypos;
243   mxy = mxy/tv - dxpos*dypos;
244   obj2->winpos_x = mx + 1.0;	/* The dreaded 1.0 FITS offset */
245   obj2->winpos_y = my + 1.0; 	/* The dreaded 1.0 FITS offset */
246   obj2->winpos_niter = i+1;
248 /* WINdowed flux */
249   if (FLAG(obj2.flux_win))
250     {
251     obj2->flux_win = tv;
252     obj2->fluxerr_win = sqrt(esum);
253     }
254   temp2=mx2*my2-mxy*mxy;
255   obj2->win_flag = (tv <= 0.0)*4 + (mx2 < 0.0 || my2 < 0.0)*2
256 	+ (temp2<0.0);
257   if (obj2->win_flag)
258     {
259 /*--- Negative values: revert to isophotal estimates */
260     if (errflag)
261       {
262       obj2->winposerr_mx2 = obj->poserr_mx2;
263       obj2->winposerr_my2 = obj->poserr_my2;
264       obj2->winposerr_mxy = obj->poserr_mxy;
265       if (FLAG(obj2.winposerr_a))
266         {
267         obj2->winposerr_a = obj2->poserr_a;
268         obj2->winposerr_b = obj2->poserr_b;
269         obj2->winposerr_theta = obj2->poserr_theta;
270         }
271       if (FLAG(obj2.winposerr_cxx))
272         {
273         obj2->winposerr_cxx = obj2->poserr_cxx;
274         obj2->winposerr_cyy = obj2->poserr_cyy;
275         obj2->winposerr_cxy = obj2->poserr_cxy;
276         }
277       }
278     if (momentflag)
279       {
280       obj2->win_mx2 = obj->mx2;
281       obj2->win_my2 = obj->my2;
282       obj2->win_mxy = obj->mxy;
283       if (FLAG(obj2.win_cxx))
284         {
285         obj2->win_cxx = obj->cxx;
286         obj2->win_cyy = obj->cyy;
287         obj2->win_cxy = obj->cxy;
288         }
289       if (FLAG(obj2.win_a))
290         {
291         obj2->win_a = obj->a;
292         obj2->win_b = obj->b;
293         obj2->win_polar = obj2->polar;
294         obj2->win_theta = obj->theta;
295         }
296       }
297     }
298   else
299     {
300     if (errflag)
301       {
302       tv2 = tv*tv;
303       emx2 /= tv2;
304       emy2 /= tv2;
305       emxy /= tv2;
306 /*-- Handle fully correlated profiles (which cause a singularity...) */
307       esum *= 0.08333/tv2;
308       if (obj->singuflag && (emx2*emy2-emxy*emxy) < esum*esum)
309         {
310         emx2 += esum;
311         emy2 += esum;
312         }
314       obj2->winposerr_mx2 = emx2;
315       obj2->winposerr_my2 = emy2;
316       obj2->winposerr_mxy = emxy;
317 /*---- Error ellipse parameters */
318       if (FLAG(obj2.winposerr_a))
319         {
320          double	pmx2,pmy2,temp,theta;
322         if (fabs(temp=emx2-emy2) > 0.0)
323           theta = atan2(2.0 * emxy,temp) / 2.0;
324         else
325           theta = PI/4.0;
327         temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+ emxy*emxy);
328         pmy2 = pmx2 = 0.5*(emx2+emy2);
329         pmx2+=temp;
330         pmy2-=temp;
332         obj2->winposerr_a = (float)sqrt(pmx2);
333         obj2->winposerr_b = (float)sqrt(pmy2);
334         obj2->winposerr_theta = theta*180.0/PI;
335         }
337       if (FLAG(obj2.winposerr_cxx))
338         {
339          double	temp;
341         obj2->winposerr_cxx = (float)(emy2/(temp=emx2*emy2-emxy*emxy));
342         obj2->winposerr_cyy = (float)(emx2/temp);
343         obj2->winposerr_cxy = (float)(-2*emxy/temp);
344         }
345       }
347     if (momentflag)
348       {
349 /*-- Handle fully correlated profiles (which cause a singularity...) */
350       if ((temp2=mx2*my2-mxy*mxy)<0.00694)
351         {
352         mx2 += 0.0833333;
353         my2 += 0.0833333;
354         temp2 = mx2*my2-mxy*mxy;
355         }
356       obj2->win_mx2 = mx2;
357       obj2->win_my2 = my2;
358       obj2->win_mxy = mxy;
360       if (FLAG(obj2.win_cxx))
361         {
362         obj2->win_cxx = (float)(my2/temp2);
363         obj2->win_cyy = (float)(mx2/temp2);
364         obj2->win_cxy = (float)(-2*mxy/temp2);
365         }
367       if (FLAG(obj2.win_a))
368         {
369         if ((fabs(temp=mx2-my2)) > 0.0)
370           theta = atan2(2.0 * mxy,temp) / 2.0;
371         else
372           theta = PI/4.0;
374         temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+mxy*mxy);
375         pmx2 = 0.5*(mx2+my2);
376         obj2->win_a = (float)sqrt(pmx2 + temp);
377         obj2->win_b = (float)sqrt(pmx2 - temp);
378         if (FLAG(obj2.win_polar))
379           obj2->win_polar = temp / pmx2;
380         obj2->win_theta = theta*180.0/PI;
381         }
382       }
383     }
385   return;
386   }