1 /********************************************************************
2 sweephgen4.c
4 Create ephemeris file type 4   ep4_
5 a fast precoomputed ephemeris used in some Astrodienst applications.
7 options: -fYYY	(start) file number, required option
8 	 -nNN	number of files to be created, default 1
9 	 -v	verbose: print differences (default: no)
10 	 -t     test by reading
13 File format:
14 	1000 blocks of xxx bytes
15 File names: ep4_243, ep4_244
16 	corresponding to the absolute julian day number
18 *********************************************************************/
19 /* Copyright (C) 1997 - 2021 Astrodienst AG, Switzerland.  All rights reserved.
21   License conditions
22   ------------------
24   This file is part of Swiss Ephemeris.
26   Swiss Ephemeris is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.  No author
27   or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
28   or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
29   or she says so in writing.
31   Swiss Ephemeris is made available by its authors under a dual licensing
32   system. The software developer, who uses any part of Swiss Ephemeris
33   in his or her software, must choose between one of the two license models,
34   which are
35   a) GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
36   b) Swiss Ephemeris Professional License
38   The choice must be made before the software developer distributes software
39   containing parts of Swiss Ephemeris to others, and before any public
40   service using the developed software is activated.
42   If the developer choses the AGPL software license, he or she must fulfill
43   the conditions of that license, which includes the obligation to place his
44   or her whole software project under the AGPL or a compatible license.
45   See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
47   If the developer choses the Swiss Ephemeris Professional license,
48   he must follow the instructions as found in http://www.astro.com/swisseph/
49   and purchase the Swiss Ephemeris Professional Edition from Astrodienst
50   and sign the corresponding license contract.
52   The License grants you the right to use, copy, modify and redistribute
53   Swiss Ephemeris, but only under certain conditions described in the License.
54   Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notices and
55   this notice be preserved on all copies.
57   Authors of the Swiss Ephemeris: Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl
59   The authors of Swiss Ephemeris have no control or influence over any of
60   the derived works, i.e. over software or services created by other
61   programmers which use Swiss Ephemeris functions.
63   The names of the authors or of the copyright holder (Astrodienst) must not
64   be used for promoting any software, product or service which uses or contains
65   the Swiss Ephemeris. This copyright notice is the ONLY place where the
66   names of the authors can legally appear, except in cases where they have
67   given special permission in writing.
69   The trademarks 'Swiss Ephemeris' and 'Swiss Ephemeris inside' may be used
70   for promoting such software, products or services.
71 */
74 # include "swephexp.h"
75 # include "sweephe4.h"
77 # define EPHR_NPL (PLACALC_CHIRON + 1)
79 char *arg0;
80 int32 	max_dd[EP_CALC_N];	/* remember maximum of second  dfifferences */
81 double	max_err[EP_CALC_N];	/* remember maximum error */
82 AS_BOOL verbose = FALSE;
83 char errtext[AS_MAXCH];
split(w,m,min,sec)85 int split(w, m, min, sec)
86 int32	w;	/* position in seconds/m */
87 int	m;	/* factor for seconds */
88 short	*min,	/* storage for degrees and minutes */
89 	*sec;	/* storage for seconds * m */
90 {
91   if (w >= 0) {
92     *sec = w % (60 * m);
93     *min = w / (60 * m);
94   } else {
95     *sec = -(-w % (60 * m));
96     *min = -(-w / (60 * m));
97   }
98   return OK;
99 }
102 /*************************************************************
103 Pack positions of 10 days and write to file
104 The longitude is packed with second differences in such a way,
105 that the accumulating rounding erros do not exceed half of
106 the last stored digit, i.e. 0.05" moon, 0.005" other planets
107 **************************************************************/
eph4_pack(int32 jd,double (* l)[NDB],double ecliptic[],double nutation[])108 int eph4_pack (int32 jd, double (*l)[NDB], double ecliptic[],
109 	       double nutation[])
110 {
111   int i, p,ps;
112   int32 d1, d2, dd, d_ret, w0, w_ret;
113   double err;
114   struct ep4 e;
115   e.j_10000 = jd / 10000.0;
116   e.j_rest  = jd - 10000.0 * e.j_10000;
117   w0 = swe_d2l( ecliptic[0] * DEG);
118   split( w0, 100, &e.ecl0m, &e.ecl0s );
119   for (i = 1; i < NDB; i++)
120     e.ecld1[i-1] =  swe_d2l(ecliptic[i] * DEG - w0);
121   for (i = 0; i < NDB; i++)
122     e.nuts[i] = swe_d2l( nutation[i] * DEG );	/* int32 casted into short */
123   for (p = PLACALC_SUN; p <= PLACALC_CHIRON ; p++) {
124     ps = p;
125     w0 = swe_d2l( l[ps][0] * DEG);
126     d1 = swe_d2l( l[ps][1] * DEG - w0);
127     if (d1 >= DEG180)
128       d1 -= DEG360;
129     else if (d1 <= -DEG180)
130       d1 += DEG360;
131     split(w0, 100, &e.elo[p].p0m, &e.elo[p].p0s);
132     split(d1, 100, &e.elo[p].pd1m, &e.elo[p].pd1s);
133     d_ret = d1;		/* recalculated diff */
134     w_ret = w0 + d_ret; /* recalculated position */
135     for (i = 2; i < NDB; i++) {
136       d2 = swe_d2l( l[ps][i] * DEG - w_ret);
137       if (d2 >= DEG180)
138 	d2 -= DEG360;
139       else if (d2 <= -DEG180)
140 	d2 += DEG360;
141       dd = d2 - d_ret;	/* second difference */
142       if (p == PLACALC_MOON || p == PLACALC_MERCURY)
143 	dd = swe_d2l(dd / 10.0);	/* moon only 0.1" */
144       if (verbose && abs(dd) > abs(max_dd[ps]))
145 	max_dd[ps] = dd;
146       e.elo[p].pd2[i-2] = dd;
147       if (p == PLACALC_MOON || p == PLACALC_MERCURY)
148 	d_ret += e.elo[p].pd2[i-2] * 10L;
149       else
150 	d_ret += e.elo[p].pd2[i-2];
151       w_ret += d_ret;
152       if (verbose) {
153 	err = swe_difdeg2n(w_ret/360000.0, l[ps][i]);	/* error */
154 	if (fabs(err) > fabs(max_err[ps]))
155 	  max_err[ps] = err;
156       }
157     }
158   }	/* for p */
160   shortreorder((UCHAR *) &e, sizeof(struct ep4));
161 #endif
162   fwrite (&e, sizeof(struct ep4), 1, ephfp);
163   return (OK);
164 }
167 /*************************************/
degstr(t)168 char *degstr (t)
169 double t;
170 {
171   static char a[20];	/* must survive call */
172   double min, sec;
173   int ideg, imin;
174   char sign = ' ';
175   if ( t < 0) sign = '-';
176   t =  fabs (t);
177   ideg = (int) floor (t);
178   min = ( t - ideg ) * 60.0;
179   imin = (int) floor(min);
180   sec = ( min - imin ) * 60.0;
181   sprintf (a, "%c%3d %2d'%5.2f\"", sign, ideg, imin, sec);
182   return (a);
183 } /* degstr */
185 /********************************************************/
eph_test()186 int eph_test()
187 {
188   char cal;
189   int  p, jday, jmon, jyear;
190   double al, jd;
191   centisec *cp;
192   while (TRUE) {
193     printf ("date ?");
194     if (scanf ("%d%d%d", &jday,&jmon,&jyear) < 1) exit(1);
195     if (jyear < 1600)
196       cal = 'j';
197     else
198       cal = 'g';
199     swe_date_conversion (jyear, jmon, jday, 0, cal, &jd);
200     if ((cp = ephread(jd, 0,0, errtext)) == NULL) {
201       fprintf (stderr,"%s: %s", arg0, errtext);
202       exit (1);
203     }
204     printf ("ephgen test d=%12.1f  dmy %d.%d.%d", jd, jday, jmon, jyear);
205     if (cal == 'g')
206       printf (" greg");
207     else
208       printf (" julian");
209     printf ("\n\tecliptic %s ", degstr(cp[EP_ECL_INDEX]*CS2DEG));
210     printf ("nutation %s\n", degstr(cp[EP_NUT_INDEX] * CS2DEG));
211     for (p = 0; p <= PLACALC_CHIRON; p++) {
212       al = cp[p] * CS2DEG;
213       printf ("%2d%18s\n", p, degstr(al));
214     }
215   }
216 }	/* end ephtest */
main(int argc,char ** argv)218 int main(int argc, char **argv)
219 {
220   int day, i, n, p;
221   char serr[AS_MAXCH];
222   double l[EPHR_NPL][NDB], ecliptic[NDB], nutation[NDB];
223   double jd0, jd;
224   double x[6];
225   int32 jlong;
226   int file;
227   int nfiles = 1;
228   int fnr = -10000;
229   int32 iflagret;
230   arg0 = argv[0];
231   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
232     if (strncmp(argv[i], "-f", 2) == 0) {
233       fnr = atoi (argv[i] + 2);
234       if (fnr < -20 || fnr > 300) {
235 	printf("file number out of range -20 ... 300");
236 	exit (1);
237       }
238     }
239     if (strncmp(argv[i], "-n", 2) == 0) {
240       nfiles = atoi (argv[i] + 2);
241     }
242     if (strncmp(argv[i], "-v", 2) == 0) {
243       verbose = TRUE;
244     }
245     if (strncmp(argv[i], "-t", 2) == 0) {
246       eph_test();
247       exit(0);
248     }
249   }
250   if (fnr == -10000) {
251     fprintf(stderr,"missing file number -fNNN\n");
252     exit(1);
253   }
254   for (file = fnr; file < fnr + nfiles; file++) {
255     if (file > fnr) printf ("\n");
256     printf ("file = %d\n", file);
257     jd0 = EP4_NDAYS * file + 0.5;
258     jlong = floor(jd0);
259     if (eph4_posit (jlong, TRUE, errtext) != OK) {
260       fprintf (stderr,"%s: %s", arg0, errtext);
261       exit(1);
262     }
263     for (n = 0; n < EP4_NDAYS; n += NDB, jd0 += NDB) {
264       if (n % 500 == 0) {
265 	if ( n > 0 && verbose) {
266 	  printf ("\ndd");
267 	  for (p = 0; p < 11; p++) {
268 	    printf("%6d ",max_dd[p]);
269 	    max_dd[p] = 0;
270 	  }
271 	  printf("\ner");
272 	  for (p = 0; p < 11; p++) {
273 	    printf("%6.3f ",max_err[p] * 3600);
274 	    max_err[p] = 0;
275 	  }
276 	}
277 	printf ("\n%d ", n);
278       } else {
279 	printf (".");
280       }
281       fflush( stdout );
282       for (day = 0; day < NDB; day++) { /* compute positions for 10 days */
283 	jd = jd0 + day;
284 	for (p = PLACALC_SUN; p <= EP_CALC_N; p++) {
285 	  if ((iflagret = swe_calc(jd, ephe_plac2swe(p), 0, x, serr)) == ERR) {
286 	    swe_close();
287 	    printf("error in swe_calc() %s\n", serr);
288 	    exit (1);
289 	  }
290 	  l[p][day] = x[0];
291 	}
292 	if ((iflagret = swe_calc(jd, SE_ECL_NUT, 0, x, serr)) == ERR) {
293 	  swe_close();
294 	  printf("error in swe_calc() %s\n", serr);
295 	  exit (1);
296 	}
297 	ecliptic[day] = x[0];
298 	nutation[day] = x[2];
299       }
300       jlong = floor(jd0);
301       eph4_pack (jlong, l, ecliptic, nutation);
302     }
303     putchar('\n');
304     fclose (ephfp);
305     ephfp = NULL;
306   }	/* for file */
307   swe_close();
308   return(0);
309 }	/* end main */