1 /*
2  * geoLines.c --
3  *
4  * 	This file defines functions that manage geolines and geolinearrays.
5  * 	See the user documentation for more information.
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2004 Gordon D. Carrie.  All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * Licensed under the Open Software License version 2.1
10  *
11  * Please address questions and feedback to user0@tkgeomap.org
12  *
13  * @(#) $Id: geoLines.c,v 1.7 2005/08/29 16:01:52 tkgeomap Exp $
14  *
15  ********************************************
16  *
17  */
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <string.h>
21 #include <limits.h>
22 #include <math.h>
24 #include <tcl.h>
25 #include "geoLines.h"
27 /*
28  * Local function declaration.
29  */
31 static void lnInit _ANSI_ARGS_((struct GeoLn *lnPtr));
34 /*
35  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
36  *
37  * GeoLnCreate --
38  *
39  *	This procedure creates and initializes a new geoline.
40  *
41  * Results:
42  *	See the user documentation.
43  *
44  * Side effects:
45  *	See the user documentation.
46  *
47  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
48  */
50 GeoLn
GeoLnCreate(nPtsMax)51 GeoLnCreate(nPtsMax)
52     unsigned nPtsMax;
53 {
54     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
56     lnPtr = (GeoLn)CKALLOC(sizeof(*lnPtr));
57     lnInit(lnPtr);
58     if (nPtsMax == 0) {
59 	return lnPtr;
60     }
61     lnPtr->pts = (GeoPt *)CKALLOC(nPtsMax * sizeof(GeoPt));
62     lnPtr->nPtsMax = nPtsMax;
63     return lnPtr;
64 }
66 /*
67  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
68  *
69  * lnInit --
70  *
71  *	This procedure initializes a new geoline.
72  *
73  * Results:
74  *	None.
75  *
76  * Side effects:
77  *	The contents of a GeoLn structure are set.  The previous contents,
78  *	which are assumed to be garbage, are ignored.
79  *
80  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
81  */
83 static void
lnInit(lnPtr)84 lnInit(lnPtr)
85     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
86 {
87     /* Initialize a new Line struct. */
89     lnPtr->nPts = lnPtr->nPtsMax = 0;
90     lnPtr->lonMax = lnPtr->latMax = -INT_MAX;
91     lnPtr->lonMin = lnPtr->latMin = INT_MAX;
92     lnPtr->pts = NULL;
93 }
95 /*
96  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
97  *
98  * GeoLnClear --
99  *
100  *	This procedure set the number of points in a geoline to zero without
101  *	releasing its internal storage.
102  *
103  * Results:
104  *	None.
105  *
106  * Side effects:
107  *	See the user documentation.
108  *
109  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
110  */
112 void
GeoLnClear(lnPtr)113 GeoLnClear(lnPtr)
114     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
115 {
116     lnPtr->nPts = 0;
117     lnPtr->lonMax = lnPtr->latMax = -INT_MAX;
118     lnPtr->lonMin = lnPtr->latMin = INT_MAX;
119 }
121 /*
122  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
123  *
124  * GeoLnDestroy --
125  *
126  *	This procedure frees internal storage in a GeoLn structure, and
127  *	frees the structure.
128  *
129  * Results:
130  *	None.
131  *
132  * Side effects:
133  *	See the user documentation.
134  *
135  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
136  */
138 void
GeoLnDestroy(lnPtr)139 GeoLnDestroy(lnPtr)
140     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
141 {
142     if (!lnPtr) {
143 	return;
144     }
145     CKFREE((char *)lnPtr->pts);
146     CKFREE((char *)lnPtr);
147 }
149 /*
150  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
151  *
152  * GeoLnSetAlloc --
153  *
154  *	This procedure changes the number of points a geoline can store.
155  *
156  * Results:
157  *	None.
158  *
159  * Side effects:
160  *	This procedure reallocates a GeoLn structure's internal storage.
161  *	If the number of points is reduced, the geoline's maxima and minima
162  *	are recomputed.
163  *
164  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
165  */
167 void
GeoLnSetAlloc(lnPtr,nPtsMax)168 GeoLnSetAlloc(lnPtr, nPtsMax)
169     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
170     unsigned nPtsMax;
171 {
172     if (lnPtr->nPtsMax == nPtsMax) {
173 	return;
174     }
175     if (nPtsMax == 0) {
176 	CKFREE((char *)lnPtr->pts);
177 	lnInit(lnPtr);
178 	return;
179     }
180     lnPtr->pts = (GeoPt *)CKREALLOC((char *)lnPtr->pts,
181 	    nPtsMax * sizeof(GeoPt));
182     lnPtr->nPtsMax = nPtsMax;
183     if (lnPtr->nPts > lnPtr->nPtsMax) {
184 	/*
185 	 * If shrinking line, reset nPts and recompute maxima and minima.
186 	 */
188 	GeoPt *p, *pe;
189 	lnPtr->nPts = lnPtr->nPtsMax;
190 	for (p = lnPtr->pts, pe = lnPtr->pts + lnPtr->nPts; p < pe; p++) {
191 	    if (GeoPtIsSomewhere(*p)) {
192 		lnPtr->latMax
193 		    = (lnPtr->latMax > p->lat) ? lnPtr->latMax : p->lat;
194 		lnPtr->lonMax
195 		    = (lnPtr->lonMax > p->lon) ? lnPtr->lonMax : p->lon;
196 		lnPtr->latMin
197 		    = (lnPtr->latMin < p->lat) ? lnPtr->latMin : p->lat;
198 		lnPtr->lonMin
199 		    = (lnPtr->lonMin < p->lon) ? lnPtr->lonMin : p->lon;
200 	    }
201 	}
202     }
203 }
205 /*
206  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
207  *
208  * GeoLnAddPt --
209  *
210  *	This procedure adds a point to a geoline.
211  *
212  * Results:
213  *	None.
214  *
215  * Side effects:
216  *	The geoline's allocation might increase.  It's maxima and minima will
217  *	be adjusted.
218  *
219  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
220  */
222 void
GeoLnAddPt(p,lnPtr)223 GeoLnAddPt(p, lnPtr)
224     GeoPt p;
225     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
226 {
227     if (lnPtr->nPts + 1 > lnPtr->nPtsMax) {
228 	GeoLnSetAlloc(lnPtr, ((lnPtr->nPtsMax + 4) * 5) / 4);
229     }
230     if (GeoPtIsSomewhere(p)) {
231 	lnPtr->latMax = (lnPtr->latMax > p.lat) ? lnPtr->latMax : p.lat;
232 	lnPtr->lonMax = (lnPtr->lonMax > p.lon) ? lnPtr->lonMax : p.lon;
233 	lnPtr->latMin = (lnPtr->latMin < p.lat) ? lnPtr->latMin : p.lat;
234 	lnPtr->lonMin = (lnPtr->lonMin < p.lon) ? lnPtr->lonMin : p.lon;
235     }
236     lnPtr->pts[lnPtr->nPts] = p;
237     lnPtr->nPts++;
238     return;
239 }
241 /*
242  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
243  *
244  * GeoLnGetPt --
245  *
246  *	This procedure retrieve a geopoint from a geoline.
247  *
248  * Results:
249  *	See the user documentation.
250  *
251  * Side effects:
252  *	None.
253  *
254  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
255  */
257 GeoPt
GeoLnGetPt(lnPtr,n)258 GeoLnGetPt(lnPtr, n)
259     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
260     unsigned n;
261 {
262     /* Return MultiPt n from lnPtr, or a bogus location if out of bounds. */
263     return (n < lnPtr->nPts) ? *(lnPtr->pts + n) : GeoPtNowhere();
264 }
266 /*
267  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
268  *
269  * GeoLnCtr --
270  *
271  *	This procedure computes the average position of the points in a
272  *	geoline in 3-dimensional space.
273  *
274  * Results:
275  *	See the user documentation.
276  *
277  * Side effects:
278  *	None.
279  *
280  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
281  */
283 CartPt
GeoLnCtr(lnPtr)284 GeoLnCtr(lnPtr)
285     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
286 {
287     CartPt ctr = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};	/* Return value */
288     CartPt cpt;
289     GeoPt *p, *end;			/* Loop index */
291     for (p = lnPtr->pts, end = p + lnPtr->nPts; p < end; p++) {
292 	cpt = LatLonToCart(*p);
293 	ctr.x += cpt.x;
294 	ctr.y += cpt.y;
295 	ctr.z += cpt.z;
296     }
297     ctr.x /= lnPtr->nPts;
298     ctr.y /= lnPtr->nPts;
299     ctr.z /= lnPtr->nPts;
300     return ctr;
301 }
303 /*
304  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
305  *
306  * GeoLnContainGeoPt --
307  *
308  *	This procedure determines if a geoline enclosed a geopoint.
309  *
310  * Results:
311  *	See the user documentation.
312  *
313  * Side effects:
314  *	None.
315  *
316  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
317  */
319 int
GeoLnContainGeoPt(geoPt,lnPtr)320 GeoLnContainGeoPt(geoPt, lnPtr)
321     GeoPt geoPt;
322     struct GeoLn *lnPtr;
323 {
324     int mrdx;	/* Number of times line crosses meridian containing geoPt */
325     int lnx;	/* Number of times line crosses line from geoPt to North pole */
326     GeoPt *p0, *p1, *end;
328     /*
329      * Loop through segments in lnPtr, counting number of times lnPtr
330      * crosses meridian, and number of crossings between geoPt and North pole
331      */
333     for (mrdx = 0, lnx = 0,
334 	    p0 = lnPtr->pts + lnPtr->nPts - 1,
335 	    p1 = lnPtr->pts,
336 	    end = lnPtr->pts + lnPtr->nPts;
337 	    p1 < end;
338 	    p0 = p1++) {
339 	/*
340 	 * Determine if segment defined by p0--p1 straddles meridian
341 	 * containing geoPt, or is on boundary.  Do not count segments on
342 	 * boundary as more than one crossing
343 	 */
345 	if (LonBtwn1(geoPt.lon, p1->lon, p0->lon)) {
346 	    double lat0 = AngleToDeg(p0->lat);
347 	    double lon0 = AngleToDeg(p0->lon);
348 	    double lat1 = AngleToDeg(p1->lat);
349 	    double lon1 = AngleToDeg(p1->lon);
350 	    double xlat;		/* Latitude of segment crossing */
352 	    mrdx++;
353 	    xlat = lat0 + (AngleToDeg(geoPt.lon) - lon0)
354 		* (lat1 - lat0) / (lon1 - lon0);
355 	    if (LatCmp(AngleFmDeg(xlat), geoPt.lat) == North) {
356 		lnx = !lnx;
357 	    }
359 	}
360     }
362     if (mrdx % 2 == 1) {
363 	/*
364 	 * Odd number of meridian crossings => region contains a pole */
365 	/* Assume pole is that of hemisphere containing lnPtr's mean
366 	 */
368 	CartPt ctr = GeoLnCtr(lnPtr);
369 	if (ctr.z > 0.0) {
370 	    /*
371 	     * Region contains North Pole
372 	     */
374 	    return !lnx;
375 	}
377     }
378     return lnx;
379 }
381 /*
382  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
383  *
384  * GeoLnArrCreate --
385  *
386  *	This procedure creates and initializes an new geolinearray.
387  *
388  * Results:
389  *	See the user documentation.
390  *
391  * Side effects:
392  *	See the user documentation.
393  *
394  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
395  */
397 GeoLnArr
GeoLnArrCreate(nLinesMax)398 GeoLnArrCreate(nLinesMax)
399     unsigned nLinesMax;
400 {
401     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
402     int n;
404     lnArrPtr = (GeoLnArr)CKALLOC(sizeof(*lnArrPtr));
405     lnArrPtr->descr = NULL;
406     lnArrPtr->lines = NULL;
407     GeoLnArrSetDescr(lnArrPtr, "");
408     lnArrPtr->nLines = lnArrPtr->nLinesMax = 0;
409     lnArrPtr->nPts = lnArrPtr->nMax = 0;
410     lnArrPtr->lonMax = lnArrPtr->latMax = -INT_MAX;
411     lnArrPtr->lonMin = lnArrPtr->latMin = INT_MAX;
412     lnArrPtr->lines = NULL;
413     if (nLinesMax == 0) {
414 	return lnArrPtr;
415     }
416     lnArrPtr->lines = (struct GeoLn **)CKALLOC(nLinesMax
417 	    * sizeof(struct GeoLn *));
418     lnArrPtr->nLinesMax = nLinesMax;
419     for (n = 0; n < nLinesMax; n++) {
420 	lnArrPtr->lines[n] = NULL;
421     }
422     return lnArrPtr;
423 }
425 /*
426  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
427  *
428  * GeoLnArrSetDescr --
429  *
430  *	This procedure sets the descriptor for a geolinearray.
431  *
432  * Results:
433  *	None.
434  *
435  * Side effects:
436  *	See the user documentation.
437  *
438  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
439  */
441 void
GeoLnArrSetDescr(lnArrPtr,descr)442 GeoLnArrSetDescr(lnArrPtr, descr)
443     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
444     CONST char *descr;
445 {
446     lnArrPtr->descr = CKREALLOC(lnArrPtr->descr, strlen(descr) + 1);
447     strcpy(lnArrPtr->descr, descr);
448 }
450 /*
451  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
452  *
453  * GeoLnArrSetAlloc --
454  *
455  *	This procedure changes the number of geolines a geolinearray can store.
456  *
457  * Results:
458  *	None.
459  *
460  * Side effects:
461  *	See the user documentation.
462  *
463  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
464  */
466 void
GeoLnArrSetAlloc(lnArrPtr,nLinesMax)467 GeoLnArrSetAlloc(lnArrPtr, nLinesMax)
468     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
469     unsigned nLinesMax;
470 {
471     int n;		/* Loop index */
473     if (lnArrPtr->nLinesMax == nLinesMax) {
474 	return;
475     }
476     for (n = nLinesMax; n < lnArrPtr->nLinesMax; n++) {
477 	/*
478 	 * Free excess lines
479 	 */
481 	GeoLnDestroy(lnArrPtr->lines[n]);
482     }
483     lnArrPtr->lines = (GeoLn *)CKREALLOC((char *)lnArrPtr->lines,
484 	    nLinesMax * sizeof(GeoLn));
485     lnArrPtr->nLinesMax = nLinesMax;
486     for (n = lnArrPtr->nLines; n < lnArrPtr->nLinesMax; n++) {
487 	/*
488 	 * Initialize additional lines.
489 	 */
491 	lnArrPtr->lines[n] = NULL;
492     }
494 }
496 /*
497  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
498  *
499  * GeoLnArrAddLine --
500  *
501  *	This procedure copies a geoline onto the end of a geolinearray.
502  *
503  * Results:
504  *	See the user documentation.
505  *
506  * Side effects:
507  *	See the user documentation.
508  *
509  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
510  */
512 int
GeoLnArrAddLine(ln,lnArrPtr)513 GeoLnArrAddLine(ln, lnArrPtr)
514     GeoLn ln;
515     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
516 {
517     int nLines;			/* Initial number of lines in lnArrPtr */
519     nLines = lnArrPtr->nLines;
520     if (nLines + 1 > lnArrPtr->nLinesMax) {
521 	/*
522 	 * If lnArrPtr needs more space in its allocation, grow it by 25%
523 	 */
525 	GeoLnArrSetAlloc(lnArrPtr, ((lnArrPtr->nLinesMax + 4) * 5) / 4);
526     }
527     if ( !(lnArrPtr->lines[nLines] = GeoLnCreate(ln->nPts)) ) {
528 	return 0;
529     }
530     lnArrPtr->nPts += ln->nPts;
531     lnArrPtr->nMax = (lnArrPtr->nMax > ln->nPts) ? lnArrPtr->nMax : ln->nPts;
532     lnArrPtr->latMax
533 	= (lnArrPtr->latMax > ln->latMax) ? lnArrPtr->latMax : ln->latMax;
534     lnArrPtr->lonMax
535 	= (lnArrPtr->lonMax > ln->lonMax) ? lnArrPtr->lonMax : ln->lonMax;
536     lnArrPtr->latMin
537 	= (lnArrPtr->latMin < ln->latMin) ? lnArrPtr->latMin : ln->latMin;
538     lnArrPtr->lonMin
539 	= (lnArrPtr->lonMin < ln->lonMin) ? lnArrPtr->lonMin : ln->lonMin;
540     memcpy(lnArrPtr->lines[nLines]->pts, ln->pts, ln->nPts * sizeof(GeoPt));
541     lnArrPtr->lines[nLines]->nPts = ln->nPts;
542     lnArrPtr->lines[nLines]->lonMax = ln->lonMax;
543     lnArrPtr->lines[nLines]->lonMin = ln->lonMin;
544     lnArrPtr->lines[nLines]->latMax = ln->latMax;
545     lnArrPtr->lines[nLines]->latMin = ln->latMin;
546     lnArrPtr->nLines++;
547     return 1;
548 }
550 /*
551  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
552  *
553  * GeoLnArrPutLine --
554  *
555  *	This procedure gives a geoline to a geolinearray.
556  *
557  * Results:
558  *	See the user documentation.
559  *
560  * Side effects:
561  *	See the user documentation.
562  *
563  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
564  */
566 int
GeoLnArrPutLine(ln,lnArrPtr)567 GeoLnArrPutLine(ln, lnArrPtr)
568     GeoLn ln;
569     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
570 {
571     int nLines;			/* Initial number of lines in lnArrPtr */
573     nLines = lnArrPtr->nLines;
574     if (nLines + 1 > lnArrPtr->nLinesMax) {
575 	/*
576 	 * If lnArrPtr needs more space in its allocation, grow it by 25%
577 	 */
579 	GeoLnArrSetAlloc(lnArrPtr, ((lnArrPtr->nLinesMax + 4) * 5) / 4);
580     }
581     lnArrPtr->nPts += ln->nPts;
582     lnArrPtr->nMax = (lnArrPtr->nMax > ln->nPts) ? lnArrPtr->nMax : ln->nPts;
583     lnArrPtr->latMax
584 	= (lnArrPtr->latMax > ln->latMax) ? lnArrPtr->latMax : ln->latMax;
585     lnArrPtr->lonMax
586 	= (lnArrPtr->lonMax > ln->lonMax) ? lnArrPtr->lonMax : ln->lonMax;
587     lnArrPtr->latMin
588 	= (lnArrPtr->latMin < ln->latMin) ? lnArrPtr->latMin : ln->latMin;
589     lnArrPtr->lonMin
590 	= (lnArrPtr->lonMin < ln->lonMin) ? lnArrPtr->lonMin : ln->lonMin;
591     lnArrPtr->lines[nLines] = ln;
592     lnArrPtr->nLines++;
593     return 1;
594 }
596 /*
597  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
598  *
599  * GeoLnArrGetDescr --
600  *
601  *	This is a member access function.
602  *
603  * Results:
604  *	See the user documentation.
605  *
606  * Side effects:
607  *	None.
608  *
609  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
610  */
612 char *
GeoLnArrGetDescr(lnArrPtr)613 GeoLnArrGetDescr(lnArrPtr)
614     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
615 {
616 	return lnArrPtr->descr;
617 }
619 /*
620  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
621  *
622  * GeoLnArrGetLine --
623  *
624  *	This procedure retrieves a geoline from a geolinearray.
625  *
626  * Results:
627  *	See the user documentation.
628  *
629  * Side effects:
630  *	None.
631  *
632  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
633  */
635 GeoLn
GeoLnArrGetLine(lnArrPtr,n)636 GeoLnArrGetLine(lnArrPtr, n)
637     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
638     unsigned n;
639 {
640     return (n < lnArrPtr->nLines) ? lnArrPtr->lines[n] : NULL;
641 }
643 /*
644  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
645  *
646  * GeoLnArrFree --
647  *
648  *	This procedure frees internal storage in a geolinearray.
649  *
650  * Results:
651  *	None.
652  *
653  * Side effects:
654  *	See the user documentation.
655  *
656  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
657  */
659 void
GeoLnArrFree(lnArrPtr)660 GeoLnArrFree(lnArrPtr)
661     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
662 {
663     int n;
665     if ( !lnArrPtr ) {
666 	return;
667     }
668     for (n = 0; n < lnArrPtr->nLines; n++) {
669 	GeoLnDestroy(lnArrPtr->lines[n]);
670     }
671     CKFREE((char *)lnArrPtr->lines);
672     CKFREE((char *)lnArrPtr->descr);
673 }
675 /*
676  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
677  *
678  * GeoLnArrDestroy --
679  *
680  *	This procedure frees internal storage in a geolinearray and frees the
681  *	geolinearray.
682  *
683  * Results:
684  *	None.
685  *
686  * Side effects:
687  *	See the user documentation.
688  *
689  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
690  */
692 void
GeoLnArrDestroy(lnArrPtr)693 GeoLnArrDestroy(lnArrPtr)
694     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
695 {
696     GeoLnArrFree(lnArrPtr);
697     CKFREE((char *)lnArrPtr);
698 }
700 /*
701  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
702  *
703  * GeoLnArrContainGeoPt --
704  *
705  *	This procedure determines whether any of the geolines in a geolinearray
706  *	contain a geopoint.
707  *
708  * Results:
709  *	See the user documentation.
710  *
711  * Side effects:
712  *	None.
713  *
714  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
715  */
717 int
GeoLnArrContainGeoPt(geoPt,lnArrPtr)718 GeoLnArrContainGeoPt(geoPt, lnArrPtr)
719     GeoPt geoPt;
720     struct GeoLnArr *lnArrPtr;
721 {
722     int n;
724     for (n = 0; n < lnArrPtr->nLines; n++) {
725 	if ( GeoLnContainGeoPt(geoPt, lnArrPtr->lines[n]) ) {
726 	    return 1;
727 	}
728     }
729     return 0;
730 }