1               XTide:  Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor
3                             San Francisco graph
7   Welcome to the verbose documentation for XTide 2.  If you are reading
8   this as a text file, please be aware that the text was extracted from
9   the illustrated HTML version of the documentation that resides at
10   [1]https://flaterco.com/xtide/.  The web version may also be more
11   up-to-date than what you are reading.
12     __________________________________________________________________
15    [2]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
16     __________________________________________________________________
18   [3]Buoy in the mist
22     * [4]License and disclaimer ("NOT FOR NAVIGATION," "ABSOLUTELY NO
23       WARRANTY")
24     * Verbose documentation
25          + [5]Introduction
26          + [6]System requirements
27          + [7]Installation instructions for Unix-like platforms
28          + [8]Available ports for other platforms
29          + [9]Modes and formats
30          + [10]Using the interactive interface
31          + [11]Advanced usage
32          + [12]Using the command line interface
33          + [13]Running the web server
34          + [14]Customizing XTide
35          + [15]What to do if your location isn't listed
36          + [16]Quirks, limitations, and bugs
37          + [17]FAQ
38          + [18]Design notes
39          + [19]Credits
40          + [20]Bibliography
41          + [21]Appendix A -- Historical predictions and Y2038 compliance
42          + [22]Appendix B -- Application of offsets for Min Flood and Min
43            Ebb events
44          + [23]Appendix C -- Making calendars fit onto a single page
45     * Short attention span documentation for experienced XTide users
46          + [24]Differences from XTide 1
47          + [25]Quick install instructions
48          + [26]Change log
49          + [27]News (current XTide developments)
51   The XTide software distribution resides at
52   [28]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html.
54   Hint:  If you have no idea what all this is about, try reading the
55   [29]FAQ first.
57   -- David Flater (dave@flaterco.com)
61   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/
62   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
63   3. https://flaterco.com/
64   4. https://flaterco.com/xtide/disclaimer.html
65   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/introduction.html
66   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/sysreq.html
67   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html
68   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/ports.html
69   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
70  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/interactive.html
71  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
72  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/tty.html
73  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xttpd.html
74  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
75  15. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
76  16. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
77  17. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html
78  18. https://flaterco.com/xtide/design.html
79  19. https://flaterco.com/xtide/credits.html
80  20. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bibliography.html
81  21. https://flaterco.com/xtide/time_t.html
82  22. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html
83  23. https://flaterco.com/xtide/pound_to_fit.html
84  24. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide1diff.html
85  25. https://flaterco.com/xtide/quickinst.html
86  26. https://flaterco.com/xtide/changelog.html
87  27. https://flaterco.com/xtide/news.html
88  28. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
89  29. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html
93   [1]-> Next [2]Contents
95Icon License and disclaimer
97   NOTE.  The license and disclaimer appearing below applies to the XTide
98   program itself.  For information about permissions on the harmonic
99   constants, see [3]https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics_boilerplate.txt.
101                    XTide 2 Copyright � 1998 David Flater
103   This software is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public
104   License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
105   version.
107   Although the package as a whole is GPL, some individual source files
108   are public domain.  Consult their header comments for details.
110                             NOT FOR NAVIGATION
112   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
113   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
115   assumes no liability for damages arising from use of this program OR of
116   any 'harmonics data' that might be distributed with it.  For details,
117   see the appended GNU General Public License.
119   (Accurate tide predictions can only be made if the 'harmonics data' for
120   the relevant location are good.  Unfortunately, the only way the
121   maintainer of those data has of knowing when they are bad is when
122   someone with access to authoritative tide predictions or observations
123   reports a problem.  You should not use this program or any data files
124   that might be distributed with it if anyone or anything could come to
125   harm as a result of an incorrect tide prediction.  NOAA and similar
126   agencies in other countries can provide you with certified tide
127   predictions if that is what you need.)
129   XTide's predictions do not incorporate the effects of tropical storms,
130   El Ni�o, seismic events, subsidence, uplift, or changes in global sea
131   level.
132     __________________________________________________________________
134   The tide prediction algorithm used in this program was developed with
135   United States Government funding, so no proprietary rights can be
136   attached to it.  For more information, refer to the following
137   publications:
139     Manual of Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides.  Special
140     Publication No. 98, Revised (1940) Edition (reprinted 1958 with
141     corrections; reprinted again 1994).  United States Government
142     Printing Office, 1994.
144     Computer Applications to Tides in the National Ocean Survey.
145     Supplement to Manual of Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides
146     (Special Publication No. 98).  National Ocean Service, National
147     Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce,
148     January 1982.
149     __________________________________________________________________
153   Version 3, 29 June 2007
155   Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <[4]http://fsf.org/>
157   Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
158   license document, but changing it is not allowed.
160  Preamble
162   The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software
163   and other kinds of works.
165   The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
166   to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
167   the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
168   share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains
169   free software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use
170   the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies
171   also to any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply
172   it to your programs, too.
174   When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
175   price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
176   have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
177   them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
178   want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
179   free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
181   To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
182   these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you
183   have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software,
184   or if you modify it:  responsibilities to respect the freedom of
185   others.
187   For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis
188   or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that
189   you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get
190   the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
191   rights.
193   Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
194   (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
195   giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
197   For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
198   that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
199   authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
200   changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
201   authors of previous versions.
203   Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
204   modified versions of the software inside them, although the
205   manufacturer can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the
206   aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The
207   systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for
208   individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.
209   Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the
210   practice for those products.  If such problems arise substantially in
211   other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains
212   in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of
213   users.
215   Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
216   States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
217   software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
218   avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
219   make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
220   patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
222   The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
223   modification follow.
227    0. Definitions.
229   "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
231   "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
232   works, such as semiconductor masks.
234   "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
235   License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
236   "recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
238   To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
239   in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of
240   an exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of
241   the earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
243   A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based on
244   the Program.
246   To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
247   permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
248   infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
249   computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
250   distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
251   public, and in some countries other activities as well.
253   To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
254   parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user
255   through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not
256   conveying.
258   An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" to
259   the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
260   feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
261   tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
262   extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
263   work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
264   the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
265   menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
267    1. Source Code.
269   The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
270   making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source form of
271   a work.
273   A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
274   standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
275   interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is
276   widely used among developers working in that language.
278   The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
279   than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
280   packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
281   Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
282   Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
283   implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
284   "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
285   (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if
286   any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce
287   the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
289   The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all the
290   source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work)
291   run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
292   control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
293   System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
294   programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
295   which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
296   includes interface definition files associated with source files for
297   the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
298   linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
299   such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
300   subprograms and other parts of the work.
302   The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can
303   regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source.
305   The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same
306   work.
308    2. Basic Permissions.
310   All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
311   copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
312   conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
313   permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
314   covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
315   content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
316   rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
318   You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey,
319   without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force.
320   You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having
321   them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with
322   facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the
323   terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not
324   control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works for
325   you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and
326   control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your
327   copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
329   Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the
330   conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes
331   it unnecessary.
333    3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
335   No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
336   measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
337   11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar
338   laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such measures.
340   When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
341   circumvention of technological measures to the extent such
342   circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with
343   respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit
344   operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against
345   the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid
346   circumvention of technological measures.
348    4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
350   You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
351   receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
352   appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
353   keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
354   non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
355   keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
356   recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
358   You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and
359   you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
361    5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
363   You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
364   produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms
365   of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
366     * a)  The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
367       it, and giving a relevant date.
368     * b)  The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
369       released under this License and any conditions added under section
370       7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to "keep
371       intact all notices".
372     * c)  You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
373       License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
374       License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
375       additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
376       regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
377       permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
378       invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
379     * d)  If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
380       Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
381       interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work
382       need not make them do so.
384   A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
385   works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
386   and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in
387   or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
388   "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not used
389   to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users beyond
390   what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work in an
391   aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of
392   the aggregate.
394    6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
396   You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of
397   sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable
398   Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these
399   ways:
400     * a)  Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
401       (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
402       Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium customarily
403       used for software interchange.
404     * b)  Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
405       (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
406       written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as long
407       as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
408       model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
409       copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
410       product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
411       medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
412       more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
413       conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the Corresponding Source
414       from a network server at no charge.
415     * c)  Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
416       written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
417       alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
418       only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
419       with subsection 6b.
420     * d)  Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
421       place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
422       Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
423       further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
424       Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
425       copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
426       may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
427       that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
428       clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
429       Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
430       Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
431       available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
432     * e)  Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission,
433       provided you inform other peers where the object code and
434       Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the general
435       public at no charge under subsection 6d.
437   A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
438   from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included
439   in conveying the object code work.
441   A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
442   tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
443   or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for
444   incorporation into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a
445   consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of
446   coverage.  For a particular product received by a particular user,
447   "normally used" refers to a typical or common use of that class of
448   product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way
449   in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected
450   to use, the product.  A product is a consumer product regardless of
451   whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or
452   non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant mode
453   of use of the product.
455   "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
456   procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to
457   install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User
458   Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The
459   information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of
460   the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with
461   solely because modification has been made.
463   If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
464   specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
465   part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
466   User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
467   fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
468   Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied by
469   the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply if
470   neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified
471   object code on the User Product (for example, the work has been
472   installed in ROM).
474   The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
475   requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or
476   updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the
477   recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or
478   installed.  Access to a network may be denied when the modification
479   itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or
480   violates the rules and protocols for communication across the network.
482   Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
483   in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
484   documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
485   source code form), and must require no special password or key for
486   unpacking, reading or copying.
488    7. Additional Terms.
490   "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
491   License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
492   Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
493   be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
494   that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
495   apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
496   under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
497   this License without regard to the additional permissions.
499   When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove
500   any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of it.
501   (Additional permissions may be written to require their own removal in
502   certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place additional
503   permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, for which you
504   have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
506   Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
507   add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders
508   of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
509     * a)  Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
510       terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
511     * b)  Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
512       author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
513       Notices displayed by works containing it; or
514     * c)  Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material,
515       or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
516       reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
517     * d)  Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors
518       or authors of the material; or
519     * e)  Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
520       trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
521     * f)  Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
522       material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions
523       of it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient,
524       for any liability that these contractual assumptions directly
525       impose on those licensors and authors.
527   All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
528   restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
529   received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
530   governed by this License along with a term that is a further
531   restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
532   a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
533   License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
534   of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
535   not survive such relicensing or conveying.
537   If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
538   must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the additional
539   terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating where to find
540   the applicable terms.
542   Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
543   form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the
544   above requirements apply either way.
546    8. Termination.
548   You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
549   provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
550   modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
551   this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
552   paragraph of section 11).
554   However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license
555   from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally,
556   unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates
557   your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to
558   notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days
559   after the cessation.
561   Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated
562   permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by
563   some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice
564   of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder,
565   and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the
566   notice.
568   Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
569   licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
570   this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
571   reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
572   material under section 10.
574    9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
576   You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run
577   a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
578   occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to
579   receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However, nothing
580   other than this License grants you permission to propagate or modify
581   any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do not
582   accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a covered
583   work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
585    10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
587   Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
588   receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
589   propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
590   for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
592   An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
593   organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
594   organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
595   work results from an entity transaction, each party to that transaction
596   who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever licenses to the
597   work the party's predecessor in interest had or could give under the
598   previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding
599   Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor
600   has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
602   You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
603   rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
604   not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
605   rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
606   (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
607   any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
608   sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
610    11. Patents.
612   A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
613   License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
614   work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
616   A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims owned
617   or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter
618   acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted by this
619   License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, but do
620   not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of
621   further modification of the contributor version.  For purposes of this
622   definition, "control" includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in
623   a manner consistent with the requirements of this License.
625   Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
626   patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
627   make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
628   propagate the contents of its contributor version.
630   In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
631   agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
632   (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
633   sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
634   party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
635   patent against the party.
637   If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
638   and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone to
639   copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
640   publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
641   then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
642   available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
643   patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
644   consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
645   license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
646   actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
647   covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
648   in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
649   country that you have reason to believe are valid.
651   If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
652   arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
653   covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
654   receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
655   or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
656   you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
657   work and works based on it.
659   A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within the
660   scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on
661   the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically
662   granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered work if you
663   are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the
664   business of distributing software, under which you make payment to the
665   third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying the work,
666   and under which the third party grants, to any of the parties who would
667   receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a)
668   in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or
669   copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection
670   with specific products or compilations that contain the covered work,
671   unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license was
672   granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
674   Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any
675   implied license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be
676   available to you under applicable patent law.
678    12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
680   If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
681   otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
682   excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
683   covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under
684   this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence
685   you may not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that
686   obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to
687   whom you convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those
688   terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the
689   Program.
691    13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
693   Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
694   permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
695   under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
696   combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
697   License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
698   but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
699   section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
700   combination as such.
702    14. Revised Versions of this License.
704   The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
705   the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions
706   will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
707   detail to address new problems or concerns.
709   Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
710   specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public
711   License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
712   following the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or
713   of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.  If the
714   Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General Public
715   License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
716   Foundation.
718   If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions
719   of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's public
720   statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to
721   choose that version for the Program.
723   Later license versions may give you additional or different
724   permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
725   author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
726   later version.
728    15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
739    16. Limitation of Liability.
751    17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
753   If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
754   above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
755   reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
756   an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
757   Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
758   copy of the Program in return for a fee.
762  How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
764   If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
765   possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
766   free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
767   terms.
769   To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest to
770   attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state
771   the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
772   "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
773    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
774    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
776    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
777    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
778    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
779    (at your option) any later version.
781    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
782    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
784    GNU General Public License for more details.
786    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
787    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
789   Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper
790   mail.
792   If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice
793   like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
794    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
795    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
796    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
797    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
799   The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
800   appropriate parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your
801   program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would
802   use an "about box".
804   You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or
805   school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
806   necessary.  For more information on this, and how to apply and follow
807   the GNU GPL, see <[5]http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
809   The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your
810   program into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine
811   library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary
812   applications with the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the
813   GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License.  But first,
814   please read <[6]http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html>.
815     __________________________________________________________________
817   [7]-> Next [8]Contents
821   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/introduction.html
822   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
823   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics_boilerplate.txt
824   4. http://fsf.org/
825   5. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
826   6. http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-not-lgpl.html
827   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/introduction.html
828   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
832   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
834   [4]Bald Head Cliff, Ogunquit, Maine, 1998-06-15
838   XTide is a package that provides tide and current predictions in a wide
839   variety of formats.  Graphs, text listings, and calendars can be
840   generated, or a tide clock can be provided on your desktop.
842   XTide can work with X-windows, plain text terminals, or the web.  This
843   is accomplished with three separate programs:  the interactive
844   interface (xtide), the non-interactive or command-line interface
845   (tide), and the web interface (xttpd).
847   The algorithm that XTide uses to predict tides is the one used by the
848   [5]National Ocean Service in the U.S.  It is significantly more
849   accurate than the simple tide clocks that can be bought in novelty
850   stores.  However, it takes more to predict tides accurately than just a
851   spiffy algorithm--you also need some special data for each and every
852   location for which you want to predict tides.  XTide reads these data
853   from harmonics files.
855   Ultimately, XTide's predictions can only be as good as the available
856   harmonics data.  It is up to you to verify that the predictions for
857   your locale match up acceptably well with the officially sanctioned
858   ones.
859     * Deviations of 1 minute from official predictions are typical for
860       locations having the latest data.
861     * Deviations of 20 minutes are typical for locations that are using
862       obsolete data.
863     * Much longer deviations indicate a problem.
865   The XTide software distribution resides at
866   [6]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html.
868   XTide and its documentation are maintained by David Flater
869   (dave@flaterco.com).
870     __________________________________________________________________
872   [7]<- Previous [8]-> Next [9]Contents
876   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/disclaimer.html
877   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/sysreq.html
878   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
879   4. https://flaterco.com/
880   5. http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/
881   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
882   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/disclaimer.html
883   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/sysreq.html
884   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
888   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
890   [4]Cutler in the fog
892System requirements
894  Hardware
896   XTide uses less than 15 MB of memory for a typical interactive
897   session.  The base configuration for which XTide 2 was written was a
898   166 MHz Pentium PC with 32 MiB of RAM (circa 1997).  XTide continues to
899   be runnable on such a PC and on comparable non-PC hardware such as a
900   Sun Sparcstation.  Unfortunately, to build XTide comfortably with GCC
901   now requires a minimum of 128 MB of memory.
903  Operating system
905   XTide is Unix software.  It is intended to compile and run correctly on
906   any reasonably modern version of Unix.  However, I no longer have
907   direct access to any flavor of Unix other than Linux, so I can only
908   make portability fixes if and when issues are reported.
910   In order for tide predictions to have the correct Daylight Savings Time
911   (Summer Time) adjustments, your platform must provide a sufficiently
912   up-to-date version of the tz database.  If your time zone database is
913   obsolete, you may be able to upgrade it using the latest version from
914   [5]https://www.iana.org/time-zones or by installing an operating system
915   patch.
917   Some non-Unix platforms have limited support as detailed in the
918   [6]ports section.  The command-line client tide and the backend library
919   libxtide are easily built in most any command-line environment with a
920   good C++ compiler.
922  Software
924   XTide is written in C++.  GCC version 4.4 or newer should work.
926   A list of libraries on which XTide is dependent is provided in the
927   [7]next section.
929   The interactive client requires that the Schumacher fonts be installed
930   with X11.  These fonts are always included with the X11 distribution,
931   but their installation is frequently optional.
933   You might need an archive utility like [8]xz or [9]7-Zip to uncompress
934   files.
935     __________________________________________________________________
937   [10]<- Previous [11]-> Next [12]Contents
941   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/introduction.html
942   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html
943   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
944   4. https://flaterco.com/
945   5. https://www.iana.org/time-zones
946   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/ports.html
947   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html
948   8. https://tukaani.org/xz/
949   9. https://www.7-zip.org/
950  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/introduction.html
951  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html
952  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
956   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
958   [4]Prospect Harbor Pt. Light, Prospect Harbor, Maine, 1998-06-14
960Installation instructions for Unix-like platforms
962  Assumptions
964   These installation instructions assume basic familiarity with the Unix
965   command line and that you are building from sources obtained from
966   [5]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html.  If this is a big ask, there
967   are other options:
968     * Binary packages for some platforms are available under [6]contrib
969       files, but you need to be careful about out-of-date packages.
970     * Kelly Bellis wrote detailed, step-by-step instructions from the
971       perspective of a Windows user running Ubuntu in a virtual machine.
972       The merged documentation (this online documentation plus Mr.
973       Bellis' value added) is provided in a [7].chm file (Microsoft
974       Compiled HTML Help).  Last rev 20190309 for XTide 2.15.2.
976  Mandatory library dependencies
978   In addition to the minimal set of X11 libraries that pretty much
979   everyone has, you need the following libraries:
981     * [8]libXpm
982     * [9]zlib (a.k.a. libz), prerequisite of libpng
983     * [10]libpng
984     * [11]libtcd
986   Debian/Ubuntu users can install the dependencies by doing this:
987   sudo apt-get install xorg-dev libxaw3dxft8-dev libpng-dev
988   libsystemd-dev
989   and then building libtcd from source (configure; make; sudo make
990   install).
992   The interactive client requires that the Schumacher fonts be installed
993   with X11.  These fonts are always included with the X11 distribution,
994   but their installation is frequently optional.
996   tide and xttpd can be compiled in the absence of X11 libraries and
997   libXpm, but you still need the other stuff.
999  Optional libraries
1001   The configure script will look for Xaw3dXft, Xaw3d, or Xaw, in that
1002   order.
1004   [Xaw-sample.png]   Plain Athena Widgets (Xaw) (tested ver. 1.0.12 /
1005   X11R7.7) can be forced using --disable-3d.
1006   [Xaw3d-sample.png]   Xaw3d (tested ver. 1.6.2) is a fork from an old
1007   version of Athena Widgets that offers improved scrollbars and a
1008   different look for buttons.  Versions 1.6 through 1.6.2 appeared in Q1
1009   2012; prior to that, version 1.5E had been frozen since 2003.  Some
1010   issues that were subsequently fixed in Athena Widgets, such as long
1011   menus running off the screen, were fixed differently in Xaw3d.  (This
1012   affects the Set Time dialog, where the list of years to choose from can
1013   be quite long.)
1014   [Xaw3dXft-sample.png]
1016   Xaw3dXft is a fork from Xaw3d 1.5E that uses FreeType fonts.  The
1017   primary site is
1018   [12]http://sourceforge.net/projects/sf-xpaint/files/libxaw3dxft/.  If
1019   font quality is important, Xaw3dXft is the best choice.  It also fixes
1020   the problem with long menus in the Set Time dialog.
1022   Xaw3dXft ver. 1.6.2d made breaking changes to the API.  XTide 2.15 will
1023   work with 1.6.2d but no earlier version.  XTide 2.14 works with several
1024   earlier versions but fails to build with 1.6.2d.
1026   I recommend configuring Xaw3dXft with the following options:
1027   --enable-internationalization --enable-multiplane-bitmaps
1028   --enable-gray-stipples --enable-arrow-scrollbars
1030   XTide will link with [13]libgps if a compatible version is found on the
1031   system (tested ver. 3.16).  If a GPS is present and working, XTide will
1032   zoom in on your current location automatically.
1034   XTide will link with [14]libdstr if a compatible version is found on
1035   the system (tested ver. 1.0).  If no compatible libdstr is present, a
1036   local copy of Dstr 1.0 will be rolled into libxtide.
1038  Downloading
1040   Mandatory:  You need the XTide source code distribution, available in
1041   compressed tar format at
1042   [15]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#xtide.
1044   Mandatory:  You need at least one harmonics file.  Harmonics files
1045   contain the data that are required for XTide to predict tides for
1046   different locations.  Harmonics files are available at
1047   [16]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmonicsfiles.
1049   Optional:  If you want to enable XTide to draw coastlines on the map,
1050   you will also have to download the World Vector Shoreline (WVS) files,
1051   which are available in compressed tar format at
1052   [17]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#WVS.
1054  Installing a harmonics file
1056   You will download a file with a name similar to
1057   harmonics-dwf-YYYYMMDD-free.tar.xz.  With GNU tar, you can unpack it as
1058   follows:
1060tar xvf harmonics-dwf-YYYYMMDD-free.tar.xz
1062   With another tar that does not include builtin support for xz, you need
1063   to do this instead:
1065xzcat harmonics-dwf-YYYYMMDD-free.tar.xz | tar xvf -
1067   Unpack the archive in a temporary directory, then move the TCD file to
1068   a permanent location, e.g., /usr/local/share/xtide, and make it world
1069   readable:
1071mkdir /usr/local/share/xtide
1072chmod 755 /usr/local/share/xtide
1073chmod 644 harmonics-dwf-YYYYMMDD-free.tcd
1074mv harmonics-dwf-YYYYMMDD-free.tcd /usr/local/share/xtide
1076   The tar file also includes a change log and the disclaimers and terms
1077   applying to the data.
1079  Installing the World Vector Shoreline files (optional)
1081    1. Create a directory to contain the WVS files.
1082    2. Change your current working directory to that directory.
1083    3. Unpack the tar file in that directory.
1085   Under Linux and any other system with GNU tar:
1087tar xvf wvs.tar.xz
1089   Elsewhere:
1091xzcat wvs.tar.xz | tar xvf -
1093  Unpacking the sources
1095   Under Linux and any other system with GNU tar:
1097tar xvf xtide-2.xyz.tar.xz
1099   Elsewhere:
1101xzcat xtide-2.xyz.tar.xz | tar xvf -
1103  Configuring
1105    I.  Specify the location of the harmonics file(s)
1107   There are two ways to do this.
1109    1. The first way is by setting the environment variable HFILE_PATH.
1111export HFILE_PATH=/usr/local/share/xtide/harmonics.tcd
1113       In the event that you have more than one harmonics file that you
1114       wish to use simultaneously, list them separated by colons.
1116export HFILE_PATH=/usr/local/share/xtide/harmonics-free.tcd:/usr/local/share/xti
1119       Alternately, make sure that they are by themselves in a special
1120       directory and specify that directory as the value of HFILE_PATH.
1121       If an element of HFILE_PATH is a directory, XTide will attempt to
1122       load every file in that directory (so be sure that they are all
1123       harmonics files!)
1124       If you are installing as root, then it is recommended that you add
1125       this definition to a system-wide script such as /etc/profile if you
1126       have one.  In Debian/Ubuntu, system-wide environment variables can
1127       be added to /etc/environment.
1128    2. The other way is by creating the file /etc/xtide.conf.  The
1129       environment variable, if set, takes precedence over the config
1130       file.
1131       If a configuration file is used, the first line should consist of
1132       the value that would be assigned to HFILE_PATH:
1136    II.  Specify the location of the World Vector Shoreline files (optional)
1138   Either set the environment variable WVS_DIR to the name of that
1139   directory or supply the directory name as the second line of the
1140   configuration file /etc/xtide.conf.
1142    III.  Run the configure script
1144bash-3.1$ ./configure
1146   XTide is packaged with the popular and portable [18]GNU automake, so
1147   all usual GNU tricks should work.  Help on configuration options can be
1148   found in the CONFIGURE-HELP file or obtained by entering ./configure
1149   --help.
1151   The web server xttpd is not necessary to use tide or xtide, so most
1152   users needn't worry about it.  But if you plan to run it, there is
1153   additional configuration at this point.
1155   (New in XTide 2.15)  If your system uses [19]systemd instead of init,
1156   you must configure with --enable-systemd to be able to run xttpd as a
1157   systemd service.
1159   To change the user and/or group under which xttpd tries to run (the
1160   defaults are nobody/nobody), provide the options --with-xttpd-user=user
1161   and/or --with-xttpd-group=group to configure.  If you want to run xttpd
1162   but you don't have root, you will have to set these to your own
1163   username and the name of some group to which you belong.
1165bash-3.1$ ./configure --with-xttpd-user=xttpd --with-xttpd-group==xttpd
1167   You can also set the webmaster address for xttpd this way.
1169bash-3.1$ ./configure --with-webmaster="somebody@somewhere.else"
1171    IV.  Other optional and alternative configurables
1173   --enable-time-workaround Work around Y2038 problem; disable time
1174   zones.  See [20]Appendix A -- Historical predictions and Y2038
1175   compliance.
1176   --enable-gnu-attributes Use with g++ -Wall -Wextra to make warnings
1177   smarter.
1178   --enable-semicolon-pathsep Use ; instead of : to separate names in
1179   HFILE_PATH (good idea if they begin with C:\).
1180   --enable-local-files Locate xtide.conf, .xtide.xml, and
1181   .disableXTidedisclaimer files in current working directory.
1182   --disable-3d Use only genuine Athena Widgets.
1183   --enable-lm_hard Link with libm_hard instead of libm (for ARM Android).
1184   --enable-moon-age (Experimental) Replace calendar mode moon phase
1185   column with moon age.
1187   You can change the compile-time defaults (colors, etc.) set in
1188   libxtide/config.hh if you so choose, but the easiest way to set all of
1189   those things is with the [21]control panel in the interactive XTide
1190   program.
1192   The e-mail address for feedback in xttpd can also be changed by setting
1193   the environment variable XTTPD_FEEDBACK, in lieu of the configure
1194   option mentioned above.
1196  Compiling and installing binaries
1198   On Slackware:
1199$ make
1200$ su
1201# make install
1203   On Debian/Ubuntu:
1204$ make
1205$ sudo make install
1207   (With GNU make you can say make -j 8 to run 8 compiles in parallel if
1208   you want to speed it up.)
1210Systemd integration (XTide 2.15)
1212   If xttpd was built with --enable-systemd, additional steps are needed
1213   to complete the installation.
1214     * make install-systemd will install xttpd.socket and xttpd.service
1215       into /lib/systemd/system.
1216     * If a port or address other than the default port 80 is to be used,
1217       edit /lib/systemd/system/xttpd.socket per [22]systemd
1218       documentation.
1219     * If you want to provide the environment variables HFILE_PATH or
1220       XTTPD_FEEDBACK to xttpd, create the environment file
1221       /etc/sysconfig/xttpd per [23]systemd documentation.  If necessary,
1222       the path /etc/sysconfig/xttpd can be changed by editing
1223       xttpd.service, or the environment variables can be specified
1224       directly therein using Environment= instead of EnvironmentFile=.
1225     * make enable-systemd does the following final steps:
1226          + systemctl enable xttpd.socket xttpd.service
1227          + systemctl start xttpd.socket xttpd.service
1228     * If something goes wrong, make barf-systemd will dump the log for
1229       inspection (journalctl -b -p debug --no-pager).
1231Special cases
1233  Fast and dangerous Linux/GCC build of all related packages
1235   Bash scripts to build and install all XTide-related packages in one
1236   shot will be placed in the separate FunkyBuilds package available from
1237   [24]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#FunkyBuilds.  The details of
1238   this process depend on the Linux distribution and change frequently as
1239   the distributions are updated, so these scripts are not for the Linux
1240   novice.
1242  Don't have X11
1244   If you don't have any version of X11 installed and just want to compile
1245   xttpd or tide, generate a Makefile using ./configure --without-x.
1247  CPU-constrained platforms
1249   There are some CPU bottlenecks that are observable only on very old
1250   hardware.  Real time estimates in the following are from a 166 MHz
1251   Pentium PC:
1252     * Updating the map in the location chooser takes between 0 and 20
1253       seconds depending on how much of the world has to be redrawn.  To
1254       avoid the lag when zoomed out, don't install the optional [25]World
1255       Vector Shoreline database.
1256     * On the first run, libXaw3dXft bogs down for minutes trying to
1257       process exposure events on the long text of the disclaimer window.
1258       Since the disclaimer is normally read once and then disabled for
1259       future runs, one can either put up with it that one time or avoid
1260       the problem by building with libXaw3d or libXaw instead of
1261       libXaw3dXft.
1262     * Redrawing a default-sized tide graph takes about 1 second, which
1263       seems slow when one is scrolling forward or backward.  Graph
1264       drawing is faster if an 8-bit display mode (PseudoColor visual) is
1265       used, but anti-aliasing and transparency are available only in true
1266       color modes.
1268   The -aa setting that formerly could be used to speed up drawing on true
1269   color displays by disabling anti-aliasing was retired in XTide version
1270   2.12.
1274Q: XTide compiles, but when I try to run it I get an error like the following
1275about libtcd, libdstr, or libxtide:
1277error while loading shared libraries: libtcd.so.0: cannot open shared object fil
1278e: No such file or directory
1280   A: This happens when g++ found the shared library but your dynamic
1281   linker didn't.  There are several possible fixes.
1283   First, try running ldconfig as root (sudo ldconfig on Debian-like
1284   distros).  This will fix the problem if the dynamic linker has a stale
1285   cache of the directory to which the libraries were installed.  But if
1286   the libraries were installed to a directory that is not in the dynamic
1287   linker's search path, it won't make any difference.
1289   If the libraries were installed to a nonstandard directory, the least
1290   invasive fix is to add that directory to the environment variable
1291   LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  For example, if you find the library in
1292   /usr/local/lib, you would add this to your .bashrc (if using bash):
1293export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
1295   Or you would add this to your .cshrc (if using csh or tcsh):
1296setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib
1298   An alternative is to hard-code the directory into the executable using
1299   magic GNU linker switches:  configure with
1300   LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib,--disable-new-dtags" and rebuild
1301   XTide.
1303   Another alternative is to edit the system configuration to add the
1304   nonstandard directory to the dynamic linker's search path.  On
1305   Slackware, you just add the directory to /etc/ld.so.conf.
1306   Debian/Ubuntu prefer to add files in the subdirectory
1307   /etc/ld.so.conf.d.  After making the change, run ldconfig again to
1308   update the cache.
1310   Finally, if all else fails, you could link statically with the missing
1311   libraries.
1313   Q: When compiling XTide, I get thousands of warnings of the form
1314   "warning: 'auto_ptr' is deprecated".
1316   A: To suppress these nuisance warnings in GCC, use
1317   CPPFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-declarations" or upgrade to GCC 4.6 or newer.
1319   Q: When compiling XTide, I get an error involving xml-something or
1320   lex.xml.c.
1322   A: Do make xmlclean and then try again.
1323     __________________________________________________________________
1325   [26]<- Previous [27]-> Next [28]Contents
1329   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/sysreq.html
1330   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/ports.html
1331   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
1332   4. https://flaterco.com/
1333   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
1334   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#contrib
1335   7. https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/XTide%20v2.15.2%20Help%20b20190309.chm
1336   8. http://www.x.org/
1337   9. http://www.zlib.net/
1338  10. http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
1339  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#libtcd
1340  12. http://sourceforge.net/projects/sf-xpaint/files/libxaw3dxft/
1341  13. http://www.catb.org/gpsd/
1342  14. https://flaterco.com/util/index.html
1343  15. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#xtide
1344  16. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmonicsfiles
1345  17. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#WVS
1346  18. http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/automake.html
1347  19. http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/
1348  20. https://flaterco.com/xtide/time_t.html
1349  21. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html#cp
1350  22. http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.socket.html#ListenStream=
1351  23. http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#EnvironmentFile=
1352  24. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#FunkyBuilds
1353  25. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#WVS
1354  26. https://flaterco.com/xtide/sysreq.html
1355  27. https://flaterco.com/xtide/ports.html
1356  28. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
1360   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
1362   [4]Bridge Street
1364Available ports (and non-ports) for other platforms
1366   Increasingly, the first option on non-Unix platforms is to build XTide
1367   in a Linux virtual machine (VM) or a Linux environment that runs as an
1368   emulation layer, but native apps are often preferred.
1370   If a program is derived from XTide source code, I call it a port, even
1371   if there are significant changes, code added and code deleted.  If a
1372   program contains no XTide source code but can use the same harmonics
1373   files that some version of XTide did, I call it a non-port.  These are
1374   only listed if there is no good port to a given platform.  This is not
1375   an attempt to track all tide-predicting software, only that with some
1376   commonality with XTide.  Better software having nothing to do with
1377   XTide may be available, but is not listed here.
1379   These programs are all maintained by different people.  They may be
1380   significantly different from XTide 2 as documented here.  If you have
1381   problems with a port or non-port, please contact the correct
1382   maintainer.  I cannot help with anything but the canonical Unix
1383   distribution.
1385  Android
1387   [5]Android screenshot
1389   2015-01:  Will Kamp produced a GPL port of XTide 2.14 to Android.  The
1390   [6]libxtide bit is separate from the [7]user interface, and although it
1391   is close to stock it was rearranged somehow to work with the Android
1392   NDK build system.  Source code is available at the preceding links; the
1393   MX Tides app is available from [8]Google Play.
1395   Linux environments for Android now include [9]Termux, [10]UserLAnd and
1396   [11]GNURoot.  In 2018-10, Paul Poffenberger reported that XTide built
1397   "almost" out of the box using the tools available from [12]Termux.
1398   (Linux software is expected to need patching when it is built for
1399   Termux.)
1401   An example script for cross-compiling tide and xttpd for Android on x86
1402   or x86_64 Linux is in the separate FunkyBuilds package available from
1403   [13]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#FunkyBuilds.
1405  iOS / watchOS
1407   [14]iPhone screenshot
1409   2017-01:  Lee Ann Rucker did a nativized port to iOS, watchOS, and OS X
1410   using Cocoa and Objective-C++.  The free app for iPhone, iPad, and
1411   Apple Watch is available at
1412   [15]https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=
1413   1191127595 with sources at [16]https://github.com/lrucker1/XTideMac.
1415   [17]Apple Watch screenshot
1417   Older iOS ports:
1418     * Will Kamp, iOS version of MX Tides, port of XTide 2.?? in 2013
1419       ([18]free app, [19]free sources).
1420     * Selene Associates LLC, port of XTide 2.12.1 to iOS (phone or
1421       tablet), called [DEL: EyeTide :DEL] [20]Tide Watch ([21]$ app,
1422       [22]free sources).
1423     * Michael Parlee, port of XTide 2.10 to the iPhone, called
1424       ShralpTide2 ([23]$ app, [24]free sources).  There was an older
1425       ShralpTide port based on XTide 1.6.2.
1427  Mac
1429   [25]Mac screenshot
1431   2017-01:  The free Mac app for Lee Ann Rucker's nativized port is
1432   available at
1433   [26]https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=
1434   1170393977 with sources at [27]https://github.com/lrucker1/XTideMac.
1436   2016-01:  Scripts to build XTide from source on a Mac are available
1437   from [28]MacPorts.
1439  Windows
1441   The Linux subsystem for Windows that is known as the Windows Subsystem
1442   for Linux (WSL) is a supported Linux VM that may be easier to set up
1443   and use than a general-purpose VM.
1445   For a compromise between a VM and a native port, there's [29]Cygwin, an
1446   emulated Unix environment that is free for typical non-commercial
1447   users.  Notes for building under Cygwin are included in the separate
1448   FunkyBuilds package available from
1449   [30]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#FunkyBuilds.
1451   A native Windows binary for the command-line client tide is available
1452   under [31]contrib files and the build scripts are included in
1453   [32]FunkyBuilds.
1455   The following native ports of the graphical client were done:
1456     * [33]WTides by Phil Thornton was forked from XTide 2 in the GPLv2
1457       days and abandoned 2020-04-24.  Source code is now obtainable via a
1458       form.
1459     * "WXTide32" by Mike Hopper, was based on XTide 1.6.2 but includes
1460       its own location chooser.  It works under Windows 95 or Windows
1461       NT.  It has a web page at [34]http://www.wxtide32.com/.
1462     * "WTide16" and "WTide32" by Paul C. Roberts, was based on XTide
1463       1.3.  It works under Windows 3.1 or Windows 95.  It used to be at
1464       ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/ibmpc/win3/apps/wtide (link broken as of
1465       2011-08-28).
1467  DOS
1469   A 32-bit DJGPP binary for the command-line client tide is available
1470   under [35]contrib files and the build scripts are included in
1471   [36]FunkyBuilds.
1473  R
1475   rtide
1477   2016-07:  R is not an OS platform but a [37]software environment for
1478   statistical computing and graphics.  Joe Thorley and Luke Miller have
1479   produced rtide based on XTide's sources and harmonics data and made it
1480   available under GPL3.  It is hosted at
1481   [38]https://github.com/poissonconsulting/rtide.
1483  Maemo (GTK)
1485   From [39]http://maemo.org/intro/:  "Maemo is a software platform that
1486   is mostly based on open source code and powers mobile devices such as
1487   the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet.  Maemo platform has been developed by
1488   Nokia in collaboration with many open source projects such as the Linux
1489   kernel, Debian, GNOME, and many more."
1491   GTKTide by Mike Morrison is a fork of XTide 2.10 and libtcd with a
1492   GTK-based user interface, intended for use with Maemo.  As of
1493   2009-03-04, the last revision was in 2008-11 (source revision
1494   trunk-r7).  GTKTide is available from
1495   [40]http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2008/gtktide/.
1497   GTKTide can be compiled and run under desktop Linux, though not
1498   necessarily with ease.  Under Slackware 12.2, the build scripts did not
1499   configure dependencies correctly, and it took a long line of CPPFLAGS
1500   and LDFLAGS to make it go.
1502   The GTK interface performs well for the common use case of viewing the
1503   tide graph for a specified location, but the controls needed to engage
1504   other modes of operation and to tweak XTide settings are absent.
1506  Palm
1508   Palm
1510   [41]Walt Bilofsky implemented [42]Tide Tool for the Palm Pilot or any
1511   other compatible device running PalmOS.  Bilofsky wrote: "Tide Tool
1512   used to qualify as a port, and still has a modest amount of code from
1513   XTide 1.5.  But since Jeff Dairiki redid the algorithm to use integer
1514   math, I'm not sure how much of it is XTide any more.  I guess I'd call
1515   it the descendant of a port."
1517  Pocket PC / Windows CE
1519   PocketPC
1521   Dave Buchholz implemented [43]cTide for the PocketPC 2000 or PocketPC
1522   2002.  It's a port of a port ([44]WXTide32), but the screenshots still
1523   look a lot like XTide.  You can find it at
1524   [45]http://airtaxi.net/ctide/.
1526  J2ME (cell phone)
1528   Nokia phone with muTide
1530   J�rn Eichler implemented an XTide-derivative called �Tide for the J2ME
1531   platform.  It is designed for modern smart phones like the Nokia N
1532   series, which have decent performance at floating-point math.  It used
1533   to be at http://www.tj-eichler.de/muTide/; as of 2016-01 this URL has
1534   been redirected to advertising.
1536  Timex Datalink USB
1538   Timex Datalink with DTide
1540   Paulo Marques implemented DTide for the Timex Datalink USB wristwatch.
1541   It uses a patched version of WXTide32 on the PC to allow the user to
1542   select locations and prepare simplified harmonics data to feed the
1543   application on the watch.  It can store more than 200 (simplified)
1544   locations in the watch's memory.  The application on the watch is an
1545   assembly language non-port using only integer math.
1547   To get the application, download TreeBrowser_vX.zip and Tree Browser
1548   Feeders/DTide.zip from the Files > WristApps archive of Yahoo Group
1549   [46]timexdatalinkusb.
1551   To get the source (TreeBrowser asm and patch against WXTide32),
1552   download TreeBrowser_src.zip and DTide_src.zip from the Files >
1553   WristApps archive of Yahoo Group [47]timexdatalinkusbdevelop.
1555  HP Calculator
1557   HP Calculator
1559   David MacCuish and Dennis Straley did a similar-in-spirit non-port for
1560   HP48G and HP49G series calculators.  As of 2011-08-28, the original
1561   HpTide site at http://heygus.2y.net/hptide is gone, but version 0.3.2
1562   (2001-11-11) is archived at
1563   [48]http://www.hpcalc.org/details.php?id=3943.
1564     __________________________________________________________________
1566   [49]<- Previous [50]-> Next [51]Contents
1570   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html
1571   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
1572   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
1573   4. https://flaterco.com/
1574   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/Android-screenshot.png
1575   6. https://github.com/manimaul/AndXtideLib
1576   7. https://github.com/manimaul/MX-Tides
1577   8. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mxmariner.tides
1578   9. https://termux.com/
1579  10. https://userland.tech/
1580  11. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=champion.gnuroot&hl=en_US
1581  12. https://termux.com/
1582  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#FunkyBuilds
1583  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/LAR_iPhone.jpg
1584  15. https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=1191127595
1585  16. https://github.com/lrucker1/XTideMac
1586  17. https://flaterco.com/xtide/LAR_watch.jpg
1587  18. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mx-tides/id721359984
1588  19. https://github.com/manimaul/MX-Tides-iOS
1589  20. http://www.selene-associates.com/open-source-projects/
1590  21. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eye-tide/id581717599
1591  22. http://www.selene-associates.com/downloads/eye-tide/
1592  23. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shralp-tide-2/id504080766
1593  24. http://github.com/shralpmeister/shralptide2
1594  25. https://flaterco.com/xtide/LAR_Mac.jpg
1595  26. https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=1170393977
1596  27. https://github.com/lrucker1/XTideMac
1597  28. http://www.macports.org/ports.php?by=name&substr=xtide
1598  29. https://cygwin.com/
1599  30. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#FunkyBuilds
1600  31. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#contrib
1601  32. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#FunkyBuilds
1602  33. http://www.wtides.com/
1603  34. http://www.wxtide32.com/
1604  35. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#contrib
1605  36. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#FunkyBuilds
1606  37. https://www.r-project.org/
1607  38. https://github.com/poissonconsulting/rtide
1608  39. http://maemo.org/intro/
1609  40. http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2008/gtktide/
1610  41. http://www.toolworks.com/bilofsky/
1611  42. http://www.toolworks.com/bilofsky/tidetool/
1612  43. http://airtaxi.net/ctide/
1613  44. http://www.wxtide32.com/
1614  45. http://airtaxi.net/ctide/
1615  46. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/timexdatalinkusb/
1616  47. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/timexdatalinkusbdevelop/
1617  48. http://www.hpcalc.org/details.php?id=3943
1618  49. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html
1619  50. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
1620  51. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
1624   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
1626   [4]Morning in OC
1630   This page provides an overview of the kinds of things that XTide can
1631   do.  How to do them will be explained in the [5]next section.
1633  Graph mode
1635   San Francisco graph
1637   Graph mode gives you a plot of the water level (or water velocity, in
1638   the case of currents) versus time.  The times of high and low tide (or
1639   max flood and max ebb) are printed across the top.  Sunrise and sunset
1640   are denoted with different background colors; moonrise, moonset, and
1641   moon phases are shown along the bottom.  A + mark on the graph
1642   indicates the conditions at the time that the graph was generated.
1644   For currents, the times of [6]slack water are also shown along the
1645   bottom.  If necessary, crowding of the bottom caption line can be
1646   relieved in several ways (see [7]Advanced usage).
1648   Default current graph
1650  Clock mode
1652   Clock mode
1654   Clock mode is similar to graph mode, but the captions are different and
1655   the window is automatically updated once a minute to show the latest
1656   conditions.  From top to bottom, the window shows the current time, the
1657   next high tide (or maximum flood), the predicted height or velocity for
1658   the current time (shown with a +), and the next low tide (or maximum
1659   ebb).  Other events like slack water and moon phases do not appear.
1661   Classic analog tide clock If a tide clock is iconified using an ancient
1662   window manager like twm, the icon will appear as a classic round tide
1663   clock that gives a vague idea of where you are in the tide cycle.
1664   Unfortunately, this feature is not accessible at all from newer windows
1665   environments that disregard the old icon protocol.  Even some of the
1666   old window managers had trouble with it; they would crash, or the icon
1667   would fail to update.
1669  Plain mode
1671   Plain text listing of events, no foo-foo.
1672San Francisco, California
167337.8067� N, 122.4650� W
16752003-02-13  2:17 PM PST   Moonrise
16762003-02-13  3:25 PM PST  -0.32 feet  Low Tide
16772003-02-13  5:46 PM PST   Sunset
16782003-02-13 10:49 PM PST   4.64 feet  High Tide
16792003-02-14  3:05 AM PST   3.16 feet  Low Tide
16802003-02-14  5:44 AM PST   Moonset
16812003-02-14  7:01 AM PST   Sunrise
16822003-02-14  9:02 AM PST   6.27 feet  High Tide
1684  Calendar mode
1686   Calendar mode arranges most of the information available in text mode
1687   into a commonly used tabular layout.
1689                                January 2007
1691   Day High
1692   Low High
1693   Low High
1694   Phase Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
1695   Mon 01 3:48 AM EST 0.17 m 9:58 AM EST -0.14 m 5:07 PM EST 0.43 m 7:26
1696   AM EST 4:53 PM EST 2:49 PM EST 5:49 AM EST
1697   Tue 02 12:25 AM EST -0.01 m 4:46 AM EST 0.16 m 10:52 AM EST -0.14 m
1698   6:00 PM EST 0.42 m 7:26 AM EST 4:54 PM EST 3:48 PM EST 6:54 AM EST
1699   Wed 03 1:15 AM EST -0.01 m 5:40 AM EST 0.17 m 11:45 AM EST -0.14 m 6:50
1700   PM EST 0.41 m Full Moon 7:26 AM EST 4:55 PM EST 4:54 PM EST 7:49 AM EST
1701   Thu 04 2:00 AM EST -0.01 m 6:32 AM EST 0.18 m 12:37 PM EST -0.13 m 7:37
1702   PM EST 0.39 m 7:26 AM EST 4:56 PM EST 6:03 PM EST 8:34 AM EST
1703   Fri 05 2:42 AM EST -0.00 m 7:20 AM EST 0.19 m 1:28 PM EST -0.12 m 8:21
1704   PM EST 0.37 m 7:26 AM EST 4:57 PM EST 7:10 PM EST 9:09 AM EST
1705   Sat 06 3:20 AM EST -0.00 m 8:08 AM EST 0.20 m 2:16 PM EST -0.10 m 9:02
1706   PM EST 0.35 m 7:26 AM EST 4:58 PM EST 8:15 PM EST 9:37 AM EST
1707   Sun 07 3:56 AM EST -0.00 m 8:56 AM EST 0.21 m 3:04 PM EST -0.08 m 9:40
1708   PM EST 0.32 m 7:26 AM EST 4:59 PM EST 9:17 PM EST 10:02 AM EST
1710   "Alt" calendar mode arranges the information into a traditional weekly
1711   calendar layout.
1713                     Sun 07     Mon 08 Tue 09 Wed 10 Thu 11 Fri 12 Sat 13
1714   Low Tide -0.00 m
1715   3:56 AM EST
1716   Sunrise
1717   7:26 AM EST
1718   High Tide 0.21 m
1719   8:56 AM EST
1720   Moonset
1721   10:02 AM EST
1722   Low Tide -0.08 m
1723   3:04 PM EST
1724   Sunset
1725   4:59 PM EST
1726   Moonrise
1727   9:17 PM EST
1728   High Tide 0.32 m
1729   9:40 PM EST Low Tide -0.01 m
1730   4:28 AM EST
1731   Sunrise
1732   7:26 AM EST
1733   High Tide 0.22 m
1734   9:46 AM EST
1735   Moonset
1736   10:23 AM EST
1737   Low Tide -0.05 m
1738   3:53 PM EST
1739   Sunset
1740   5:00 PM EST
1741   High Tide 0.30 m
1742   10:16 PM EST
1743   Moonrise
1744   10:17 PM EST Low Tide -0.02 m
1745   4:58 AM EST
1746   Sunrise
1747   7:26 AM EST
1748   High Tide 0.22 m
1749   10:39 AM EST
1750   Moonset
1751   10:43 AM EST
1752   Low Tide -0.01 m
1753   4:46 PM EST
1754   Sunset
1755   5:00 PM EST
1756   High Tide 0.27 m
1757   10:51 PM EST
1758   Moonrise
1759   11:16 PM EST Low Tide -0.04 m
1760   5:28 AM EST
1761   Sunrise
1762   7:25 AM EST
1763   Moonset
1764   11:03 AM EST
1765   High Tide 0.24 m
1766   11:35 AM EST
1767   Sunset
1768   5:01 PM EST
1769   Low Tide 0.03 m
1770   5:49 PM EST
1771   High Tide 0.24 m
1772   11:27 PM EST Moonrise
1773   12:14 AM EST
1774   Low Tide -0.06 m
1775   6:00 AM EST
1776   Sunrise
1777   7:25 AM EST
1778   Last Quarter
1779   7:45 AM EST
1780   Moonset
1781   11:23 AM EST
1782   High Tide 0.25 m
1783   12:32 PM EST
1784   Sunset
1785   5:02 PM EST
1786   Low Tide 0.05 m
1787   7:01 PM EST High Tide 0.21 m
1788   12:07 AM EST
1789   Moonrise
1790   1:15 AM EST
1791   Low Tide -0.08 m
1792   6:35 AM EST
1793   Sunrise
1794   7:25 AM EST
1795   Moonset
1796   11:46 AM EST
1797   High Tide 0.28 m
1798   1:29 PM EST
1799   Sunset
1800   5:04 PM EST
1801   Low Tide 0.06 m
1802   8:18 PM EST High Tide 0.18 m
1803   12:52 AM EST
1804   Moonrise
1805   2:17 AM EST
1806   Low Tide -0.09 m
1807   7:15 AM EST
1808   Sunrise
1809   7:25 AM EST
1810   Moonset
1811   12:14 PM EST
1812   High Tide 0.30 m
1813   2:22 PM EST
1814   Sunset
1815   5:05 PM EST
1816   Low Tide 0.06 m
1817   9:30 PM EST
1819   Calendar mode is not available from the interactive client.
1821  Banner mode
1823   Banner mode is a specialization of graph mode for output on old tractor
1824   feed dot matrix or line printers that use continuous reams of paper.
1825   Also useful as a workaround if your printing application does stupid
1826   things with color graphs.  The graph is turned sideways and the aspect
1827   ratio is adjusted for Pica type.  This mode is only available in the
1828   command line client.
1829San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, California
183037.8067� N, 122.4650� W
1834-4****** ***** ***** ***** ***** ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� �����4:00 AM PST
1839-***5:53 AM PST**********************�|�����|�����|�����|�����|�����|����������
1842******************************************  |     |     |     |     |
1843-7******************************************|     |     |     |     |
1844**********************************************    |     |     |     |
1845************************************************  |     |     |     |
1846-8************************************************|     |     |     |
1847****************************************************    |     |     |
1848******************************************************  |     |     |
1849-9***************************************************** |     |     |
1850*********************************************************     |     |
1851*********************************************************     |     |2012-02-20
1852-10*******************************************************    |    10:08 AM PST
1853**********************************************************    |     |
1854**********************************************************    |     |
1855-11******************************************************     |     |
1856********************************************************|     |     |
1857******************************************************  |     |     |
1858-12*************************************************    |     |     |
1859************************************************* |     |     |     |
1860**********************************************    |     |     |     |
1861-1***************************************** |     |     |     |     |
1862****************************************    |     |     |     |     |
1863************************************  |     |     |     |     |     |
1864-2*******************************     |     |     |     |     |     |
1865******************************  |     |     |     |     |     |     |
1866***************************     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
1867-3*********************** |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
1868***********************   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
1870  Stats mode
1872   Stats mode is mainly for finding the highest high tide and lowest low
1873   tide within some period of time.  However, it also provides an
1874   estimation of the Mean Lower Low Water datum based on the generated
1875   predictions.  In cases where an authoritative benchmark for a station
1876   is not available, this can be used to derive a reasonable
1877   approximation.  If the datum for the station has already been set to
1878   MLLW (as it should have been, for all U.S. stations) then the estimated
1879   value should be close to zero.
1881   Stats mode is only available in the command line client.
1882Bar Harbor, Frenchman Bay, Maine
188344.3917� N, 68.2050� W
1885Estimated upper bound:  14.05 feet
1886Estimated lower bound:  -2.71 feet
1887Mean, assuming symmetry:   5.67 feet
1889Searched interval from 2007-01-01 12:00 AM EST to 2008-01-01 12:00 AM EST
1890Maximum was  13.44 feet at 2007-11-25 10:31 AM EST
1891Minimum was  -2.05 feet at 2007-04-18  5:53 AM EDT
1892Mean of maxima and minima was   5.67 feet
1893Estimated MLLW:   0.15 feet
1895CPU time used:  0.280000 s
1897  Raw mode
1899   Raw mode is for getting machine-readable output that can be fed into
1900   other Unix programs.  The first column is a Unix time_t timestamp
1901   (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00Z); the second column is tide heights in
1902   whatever units were selected for the location.
1903896624777 0.180580
1904896628377 1.271889
1905896631977 3.463100
1906896635577 6.084148
1907896639177 8.402840
1908896642777 9.943272
1909896646377 10.421064
1910896649977 9.672793
1911896653577 7.856022
1912896657177 5.543402
1913896660777 3.413487
1914896664377 1.926805
1915896667977 1.371479
1917  Medium rare mode
1919   Medium rare mode is just like raw mode except that the timestamps are
1920   "cooked" according to the date and time format settings that are in
1921   effect.
19222002-02-06  4:56 PM EST 2.054437
19232002-02-06  5:56 PM EST 1.573781
19242002-02-06  6:56 PM EST 1.086896
19252002-02-06  7:56 PM EST 0.656111
19262002-02-06  8:56 PM EST 0.224729
19272002-02-06  9:56 PM EST -0.161049
19282002-02-06 10:56 PM EST -0.265521
19292002-02-06 11:56 PM EST 0.077530
1931  List mode
1933   List mode does not provide tide predictions at all.  It is simply a way
1934   to get the list of supported locations from the command line client.
1936   The 'Type' column shows Ref for reference stations and Sub for
1937   subordinate stations.  [8]You should care about the difference.
1939   Location Type Coordinates
1940   0.8 n.mi. above entrance, Alloway Creek, New Jersey Sub 39.4967� N,
1941   75.5167� W
1942   130th Street, Hudson River, New York Sub 40.8167� N, 73.9667� W
1943   2.5 miles above mouth, Little Satilla River, Georgia Sub 31.0583� N,
1944   81.4933� W
1945   2.5 n.mi. above entrance, Alloway Creek, New Jersey Sub 39.5050� N,
1946   75.4833� W
1947   3 miles above A1A highway bridge, Loxahatchee River, Florida Sub
1948   26.9700� N, 80.1267� W
1949   37th Avenue, Long Island City, East River, New York, New York Sub
1950   40.7617� N, 73.9467� W
1952  About mode
1954   About mode does not provide tide predictions either.  Instead, it shows
1955   the metadata for a station ("About this station").
1957   Name Bar Harbor, Frenchman Bay, Maine
1958   In file
1959   /home/dave/svnrepo/software/xtide/harmonics-dwf-20111230-free.tcd
1960   Station ID context NOS
1961   Station ID 8413320
1962   Date imported 2011-12-25
1963   Coordinates 44.3917� N, 68.2050� W
1964   Country U.S.A.
1965   Time zone :America/New_York
1966   Native units feet
1967   Source http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/
1968   Restriction Public domain
1969   Comments Harmonic constants from web snapshot taken 2011-12-11
1970   Datum from benchmark sheet, publication date 2011-09-29
1971   Credit Processed by David Flater for XTide
1972   https://flaterco.com/xtide/
1973   Original name Bar Harbor, ME
1974   State ME
1975   Type Reference station, tide
1976   Meridian 0:00
1977   Datum Mean Lower Low Water
1978   Confidence 10
1982   XTide can render output in eight different formats:  X-windows, HTML,
1983   LaTeX, iCalendar, PNG, CSV, SVG, or text.  The X-windows format is
1984   implicit in the interactive client and can't be selected explicitly.
1985   The others can be selected in the non-interactive client and are
1986   invoked automatically by the interactive and web clients (e.g., when
1987   you save output to a file).
1989   The currently supported combinations of mode and format are as follows:
1991         Mode                 Legal forms
1992     about         text, HTML, X-windows
1993     banner        text
1994     calendar      text, HTML, LaTeX, iCalendar, CSV
1995     alt. calendar text, HTML, LaTeX
1996     clock         text, PNG, SVG, X-windows
1997     graph         text, PNG, SVG, X-windows
1998     list          text, HTML
1999     plain         text, X-windows, CSV
2000     raw           text, X-windows, CSV
2001     medium rare   text, X-windows, CSV
2002     stats         text
2004   The HTML and PNG formats are adequately demonstrated by the examples
2005   above in the Modes section.
2007  Text format
2009   Several of the preceding examples, like plain mode, were in text
2010   format.  Here is an example of graph mode using the text format:
2011�����������������San Francisco, San Francisco Bay, California            ������
2012-12�����2003-02-13�������������2003-02-13                 2003-02-13     ������
2013 PST����2:18 AM PST������������8:12 AM PST                3:25 PM PST    ������
2014��������������������������������                                         ������
2015��������������������������������                                         ������
2016��������������������������������                                         ������
2017��������������������������������                                         ������
20182 m�---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2019�����������������������������*************                               ������
2020��������������������������******************                             ������
2021***�������������������************************                           ������
2022**********�������*******************************                         ������
20231 m***********************************************-----------------------------
2024****************************************************                     �����*
2025******************************************************                   ���***
2026********************************************************                 ******
2027**********************************************************            *********
20280 m****************************************************************************
2032******************4:51 AM PST*************************2:17 PM PST**************
2036   Calendar mode is kind of cramped in text format if you use all default
2037   settings, but it can be made to work by using a compact time format,
2038   setting a wider TTY width, and/or turning off sun and moon
2039   information.  These are [9]settings that you can change with the
2040   [10]control panel or [11]command-line switches.  See [12]Appendix C for
2041   related discussion.
2042Bar Harbor, Frenchman Bay, Maine
204344.3917� N, 68.2050� W
2045                                   May 2006
2047Day    High   Low    High   Low    High   Phase  Sunris Sunset Moonri Moonse
2048Mon 01 01:42  08:10  14:23  20:23                05:23  19:36  07:38
2049Tue 02 02:32  09:02  15:16  21:16                05:22  19:37  08:38  00:32
2050Wed 03 03:25  09:56  16:10  22:12                05:20  19:39  09:44  01:17
2051Thu 04 04:21  10:52  17:07  23:12                05:19  19:40  10:51  01:52
2052Fri 05 05:20  11:49  18:05                First  05:18  19:41  11:58  02:19
2053Sat 06        00:13  06:20  12:45  19:01         05:16  19:42  13:03  02:40
2054Sun 07        01:11  07:18  13:38  19:52         05:15  19:44  14:07  02:59
2055Mon 08        02:06  08:12  14:26  20:39         05:14  19:45  15:10  03:15
2056Tue 09        02:55  09:01  15:10  21:21         05:12  19:46  16:14  03:31
2057Wed 10        03:39  09:46  15:51  21:59         05:11  19:47  17:19  03:47
2058Thu 11        04:21  10:27  16:28  22:36         05:10  19:48  18:27  04:05
2059Fri 12        04:59  11:06  17:05  23:11         05:09  19:49  19:38  04:26
2060Sat 13        05:36  11:45  17:41  23:48  Full M 05:07  19:51  20:51  04:52
2061Sun 14        06:15  12:24  18:19                05:06  19:52  22:02  05:26
2062Mon 15 00:26  06:55  13:05  18:59                05:05  19:53  23:07  06:11
2063Tue 16 01:08  07:38  13:49  19:44                05:04  19:54         07:08
2064Wed 17 01:55  08:25  14:38  20:35                05:03  19:55  00:02  08:17
2065Thu 18 02:46  09:18  15:32  21:32                05:02  19:56  00:45  09:34
2066Fri 19 03:43  10:14  16:30  22:34                05:01  19:57  01:19  10:53
2067Sat 20 04:45  11:13  17:30  23:40         Last Q 05:00  19:58  01:46  12:12
2068Sun 21 05:50  12:14  18:31                       04:59  19:59  02:08  13:30
2069Mon 22        00:46  06:56  13:14  19:31         04:58  20:00  02:29  14:47
2070Tue 23        01:50  07:59  14:12  20:27         04:57  20:01  02:49  16:05
2071Wed 24        02:49  08:59  15:07  21:21         04:56  20:02  03:10  17:23
2072Thu 25        03:45  09:56  15:59  22:12         04:56  20:03  03:34  18:43
2073Fri 26        04:38  10:49  16:49  23:00         04:55  20:04  04:03  20:01
2074Sat 27        05:28  11:39  17:38  23:48  New Mo 04:54  20:05  04:40  21:15
2075Sun 28        06:16  12:27  18:25                04:53  20:06  05:26  22:18
2076Mon 29 00:34  07:03  13:15  19:13                04:53  20:07  06:23  23:09
2077Tue 30 01:21  07:51  14:03  20:01                04:52  20:08  07:27  23:49
2078Wed 31 02:09  08:38  14:51  20:50                04:52  20:09  08:35
2080  SVG format
2082   XTide can produce output in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format
2083   for graph and clock modes.  Graphs in SVG format ought to look better
2084   in a web browser than graphs in PNG format, but unfortunately, fonts.
2085   Moreover, font metrics.
2087   If your browser supports SVG, an SVG-formatted graph might appear here:
2089   SVG graph
2091  LaTeX format
2093   Running LaTeX formatted output through pdflatex yields a PDF that looks
2094   approximately [13]like this.  See [14]Appendix C for hints on obtaining
2095   the best results.
2097  iCalendar format
2099   The iCalendar format yields an .ics file that can be imported by
2100   standards-compliant calendar tools to put tide events on your
2101   schedule.  It is only useful in calendar mode.
2103  CSV format
2105   CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values, a.k.a. comma-delimited.  This
2106   rigid format is useful for importing XTide output into database and
2107   spreadsheet applications with fixed columns.  Commas that are part of
2108   field values are replaced by the pipe character (|).
2109Washington| D.C.,2004-03-04,3:40 PM EST,,Moonrise
2110Washington| D.C.,2004-03-04,6:04 PM EST,,Sunset
2111Washington| D.C.,2004-03-04,6:23 PM EST,2.75 ft,High Tide
2112Washington| D.C.,2004-03-05,1:30 AM EST,0.21 ft,Low Tide
2114   In calendar mode, the columns in CSV format are:  location name, date,
2115   five reps of (max time, max value), five reps of (min time, min value),
2116   ten reps of slack time, sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset.  The number
2117   of columns allocated is controlled by the compile-time constants
2118   numMaxMin and numRiseSet in CalendarFormC.cc.  Events exceeding the
2119   number of columns available are discarded with a warning.  Moon phases
2120   and mark level crossings are just discarded.
2122   The use of compile-time constants instead of dynamically adjusted
2123   values is intentional, since whatever application is reading the CSV
2124   output needs the interpretation of columns to be predictable.  However,
2125   the default configuration allowing one column for rise and set events
2126   is not always adequate.  Yes!  You can have two sunsets in one day, and
2127   you don't even need Daylight Savings Time to do it:
2128Isla Neny, Antarctica
212968.2000� S, 67.0000� W
21312001-01-24 12:03 AM ARST   Sunset
21322001-01-24  3:17 AM ARST   Sunrise
21332001-01-24 11:57 PM ARST   Sunset
2134     __________________________________________________________________
2136   [15]<- Previous [16]-> Next [17]Contents
2140   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/ports.html
2141   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/interactive.html
2142   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2143   4. https://flaterco.com/
2144   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/interactive.html
2145   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#240
2146   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html#crowding
2147   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#refsub
2148   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2149  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html#cp
2150  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2151  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/pound_to_fit.html
2152  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/BarHarbor.pdf
2153  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/pound_to_fit.html#latex
2154  15. https://flaterco.com/xtide/ports.html
2155  16. https://flaterco.com/xtide/interactive.html
2156  17. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2160   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
2162   [4]Pemaquid bell
2164Using the interactive interface
2166   The first time you run xtide, you will get a license and disclaimer
2167   window.  Read it, then click "Don't show this again" and dismiss it.
2169   When XTide is finished indexing the harmonics files, you get a location
2170   chooser consisting of a map window and a location list window.  If
2171   XTide was built with [5]GPS support and your GPS is present and
2172   working, the map zooms in on your current location automatically.
2173   Otherwise, the map initially shows an entire hemisphere of the globe.
2175   The location list enumerates every tide station that is plotted on the
2176   map.  Buttons with labels such as "A-S" and "S-Z" appear on the
2177   location list window if the list is too long to display all at once;
2178   use these buttons to switch between the different pieces of the list.
2180   (If you do not get outlines of coastlines, please refer to the
2181   [6]installation section regarding World Vector Shoreline files.)
2183   Globe window Location list window
2185   You can change to a flat map projection that shows the entire world at
2186   once by clicking on Flat.  You can make this your default location
2187   chooser if desired using the [7]control panel described in the [8]next
2188   section.
2190   You can zoom in on an area by clicking on the map with the left mouse
2191   button; zooming out is accomplished with the button at the bottom of
2192   the map window.  Your view can be shifted left, right, up, or down
2193   using the arrow keys on the keyboard.  The location list updates to
2194   contain only those tide stations that are visible.  You can cause the
2195   location list to include all available locations at once by clicking on
2196   List All.  This will also bring up any locations whose coordinates are
2197   unknown.
2199   Instead of zooming, you can narrow the list to a small area by clicking
2200   on that area with the right mouse button.  A circle will be drawn on
2201   the map indicating the area selected:
2203   Location chooser window with circle
2205   When you are ready to choose a location, you can either click on it in
2206   the location list or zoom down to it on the map and click on the
2207   appropriate red or green dot with the middle mouse button.  (Red dots
2208   indicate tide stations; green dots indicate currents.)  A tide or
2209   current graph for the selected location will then pop up.
2211   Graph window
2213   The Backward and Forward buttons allow you to move forward or backward
2214   in time by a small amount.  Pull down the Options menu to gain access
2215   to the Set Time option, which allows arbitrarily large adjustments.
2216   The Options menu also provides these other options:
2218   Option Function
2219   Save Export the contents of the window to a PNG, SVG, or text file, as
2220   appropriate.  (In raw and medium rare modes, you are given the
2221   opportunity to adjust the start and end times for the output.)
2222   Set Mark See [9]next section.
2223   Convert ft<->m Convert units to the preferred system.
2224   Set Aspect See [10]next section.
2225   Set Step See [11]next section.
2226   New Graph Window Pop up a graph mode window for the location.
2227   New Plain Mode Window Pop up a plain mode window for the location.
2228   New Raw Mode Window Pop up a raw mode window for the location.
2229   New Medium Rare Mode Window Pop up a medium rare mode window for the
2230   location.
2231   New Clock Window Pop up a clock mode window for the location.
2232   About This Station Show station metadata.
2233   About XTide Show XTide version and GPL.
2234   New Location Chooser Pop up a new location chooser.
2235   Control Panel See [12]next section.
2237   Without getting into the complicated options, you can navigate from the
2238   location chooser to a graph window to other modes for the same location
2239   as you see fit.  Use the Dismiss buttons to get rid of windows that you
2240   are through with.
2242   Text window
2244   In text windows, you can use the Forward and Backward buttons to scroll
2245   forward and backward in time, or you can use the mouse wheel.  Text
2246   windows provide the same Options menu that is available on graph
2247   windows.
2249   Clock window   Clock window with buttons
2251   By default, clock windows first appear with no buttons whatsoever,
2252   which is how you want them if you are going to leave them running on
2253   your desktop.  However, you can make the buttons appear and disappear
2254   by clicking anywhere on the graph inside of the clock window.
2256   The Options menu is again the same.  Forward and Backward buttons are
2257   not provided for the obvious reason.
2258     __________________________________________________________________
2260   [13]<- Previous [14]-> Next [15]Contents
2264   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
2265   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2266   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2267   4. https://flaterco.com/
2268   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#GPS
2269   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#WVS
2270   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html#cp
2271   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2272   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2273  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2274  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2275  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2276  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
2277  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2278  15. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2282   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
2284   [4]The tide cometh, Provincetown, MA
2286Advanced usage
2288  Mark level
2290   The "mark level" is a specific tidal height or current velocity of your
2291   choosing.  When you set a mark level for a location, the times at which
2292   the tide level crosses the mark level will be displayed at the bottom
2293   of graphs and included in plain listings and calendars.  This option is
2294   useful to determine the times when the tide will be low enough to
2295   expose something that is submerged at high tide or high enough to
2296   provide a desired depth.  You can set a mark level by selecting the Set
2297   Mark option on the Options menu.  In the following example, a mark
2298   level of 1 m has been applied to Bar Harbor predictions to find the
2299   approximate times at which one can walk to Bar Island without getting
2300   one's feet wet.
2302   Bar Harbor with mark level
2304   Mark level crossings are not displayed in clock mode windows due to
2305   lack of space.
2307  Aspect
2309   The "aspect" is a number that controls how stretched out or scrunched
2310   up a graph is.  If timestamps are overlapping one another on a tide
2311   graph and becoming unreadable, you can increase the aspect to make them
2312   farther apart.  An aspect of 1.0 is "normal;" an aspect of 2.0
2313   stretches the graph by a factor of 2; an aspect of 0.5 does the
2314   opposite, compressing the graph.  You can change the aspect by
2315   selecting the Set Aspect option on the Options menu.
2317  Step
2319   In raw and medium rare modes, tide levels are normally listed with an
2320   increment of one hour for successive lines of output.  You can adjust
2321   this increment using the Set Step option.
2323  The control panel
2325  The control panel is the easiest way to customize the many user-serviceable
2326  [5]settings of XTide.  It is available from the [6]options menu of prediction
2327  windows.
2329  It's not pretty, but it gets the job done.  The many individual settings have
2330  their many individual dialogs, and all are simply thrown together into a
2331  resizable window in no particular order.  Resize and scroll as needed.
2333  XTide control panel
2335  Colors can be changed to any of the "standard" X-windows color names or to
2336  24-bit RGB specifications of the form rgb:hh/hh/hh by typing the new colors in
2337  the dialog boxes.  Fonts must be specified in fontconfig format (e.g.,
2338  "Helvetica-10") if XTide was built with Xaw3dXft, or in traditional XLFD
2339  (e.g., "-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*") if not.  Other settings have
2340  pull-down choice menus or counting buttons to help you along.  Least
2341  user-friendly, but most powerful, are the timestamp formats.  In return for
2342  reading the Unix man page for the strftime library function, you are empowered
2343  to change the timestamp formats to practically anything you could ever need.
2345  You can choose Apply to see how the settings look in the current session only,
2346  or Save to make the settings permanent.  They will be saved in the file
2347  ~/.xtide.xml.  N.B., font changes require a restart to become effective.
2348  Example 1:  Alternate graph styles
2350  Graphstyle l (line):
2352  Graphstyle l example
2354  Graphstyle s (semitransparent) with line width set to 1.5:
2356  Graphstyle s example
2358  Note that semitransparent style makes no sense in formats that don't support
2359  opacity (text and PseudoColor X-windows).
2360  Example 2:  Four ways to fix crowding of the bottom caption line
2362  Original graph with crowded caption line:
2364  Default current graph
2366  With aspect 1.5 (to stretch out the graph):
2368  Current graph with wider aspect
2370  With time format "%H:%M" (to eliminate AM/PM and time zone verbiage):
2372  Current graph with more concise time format
2374  With event mask "Mm" (to filter out moonrise and moonset events):
2376  Current graph with event mask
2378  With graph font changed to LiberationSansNarrow-10:
2380  Current graph with narrow font
2381  Example 3:  Two ways to fix missing depth axis
2383  This station has such a small tidal range that the only label on the depth
2384  axis is zero meters, which is kind of useless:
2386  Missing depth example
2388  With option to label tenths of units enabled:
2390  Missing depth example
2392  With preferred units set to feet:
2394  Missing depth example
2395  Command line options
2397  The interactive client supports all of the command line switches related to
2398  [7]settings which are described in a later section.  In addition, it supports
2399  the following.
2401   -b "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
2402          With -l, specify the begin (start) time for predictions using
2403          the ISO 8601 compliant format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, where hours
2404          range from 00 to 23.  The timestamp is in the local time zone
2405          for the location, or in UTC if the [8]-z setting is engaged.  If
2406          clock mode is selected or if no -b is supplied, the current time
2407          will be used.  (Note [9]Quirk #1)
2409   -display "X display"
2410          Specify the X display, e.g. "quake:0.0".  This overrides the
2411          DISPLAY environment variable.
2413   -geometry "�XOFF�YOFF"
2414          Specify a position for the window corresponding to the first use
2415          of -l.  (Width and height are controlled by different
2416          [10]settings.)
2418   -l "Location Name"
2419          Specify a location for tide predictions.  When given to the
2420          interactive client, this causes it to start a tide clock for the
2421          specified location instead of launching a location chooser on
2422          startup.  This is useful for starting a tide clock automatically
2423          when you log on.  Multiple uses of -l will result in multiple
2424          tide clocks.
2426   -m a|g|k|m|p|r
2427          With -l, specify mode to be about, graph, clock, medium rare,
2428          plain, or raw.
2430   -ml [-]N.NN(ft|m|kt)
2431          Specify an initial mark level to be used in prediction windows
2432          launched from the command line.  The predictions will include
2433          the times when the tide level crosses the mark.  The mark level
2434          also can be specified or changed using the Options menu.  Not
2435          supported in clock mode.  Does not affect windows that are
2436          launched from the location chooser.  Example usage: -ml -0.25ft
2438   -v
2439          Print version string and exit.  Please note that versions marked
2440          as DEVELOPMENT versions are not really versioned; they are work
2441          in progress and will change without warning.
2443  If you use the same location a lot, you can set the environment variable
2444  XTIDE_DEFAULT_LOCATION to its name instead of using -l every time.
2446  Other switches that are supported by the [11]non-interactive interface are not
2447  supported by the interactive interface and will be ignored.
2449  The arguments to -display, -fn, and -geometry cannot be concatenated with the
2450  switches (see [12]Quirk #5).
2451    _________________________________________________________________________
2453  [13]<- Previous [14]-> Next [15]Contents
2457   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/interactive.html
2458   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/tty.html
2459   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2460   4. https://flaterco.com/
2461   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2462   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/interactive.html#optionsmenu
2463   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2464   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#zulu
2465   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
2466  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2467  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/tty.html
2468  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
2469  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/interactive.html
2470  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/tty.html
2471  15. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2475   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
2477   [4]Tide closes in
2479Using the command line interface
2481   The command line interface, tide, supports a number of [5]modes that
2482   cannot be accessed with the interactive client.  It can run without
2483   X-windows, and unlike the interactive client, it can easily be invoked
2484   from shell scripts.
2486   The minimal usage is simply to specify a location with -l.  The default
2487   mode is plain, and the default format is text:
2489$ tide -l "anchorage, al"
2490Anchorage, Alaska
249161.2383� N, 149.8883� W
24932003-02-12  7:27 AM AKST   Moonset
24942003-02-12  8:50 AM AKST   Sunrise
24952003-02-12 10:19 AM AKST  10.72 feet  Low Tide
24962003-02-12 11:34 AM AKST   Moonrise
24972003-02-12  3:42 PM AKST  24.41 feet  High Tide
24982003-02-12  5:37 PM AKST   Sunset
24992003-02-12 11:00 PM AKST   1.95 feet  Low Tide
25002003-02-13  5:31 AM AKST  25.51 feet  High Tide
25012003-02-13  8:29 AM AKST   Moonset
2503   If you use the same location a lot, you can set the environment
2504   variable XTIDE_DEFAULT_LOCATION to its name instead of using -l every
2505   time.
2507   The non-interactive client supports most of the command line switches
2508   related to [6]settings which are described in a later section.  (As a
2509   notable exception, the graph font cannot be changed.)  In addition, it
2510   supports the following.
2512   -b "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
2513          Specify the begin (start) time for predictions using the ISO
2514          8601 compliant format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, where hours range from
2515          00 to 23.  The timestamp is in the local time zone for the
2516          location, or in UTC if the [7]-z setting is engaged.  If clock
2517          mode is selected or if no -b is supplied, the current time will
2518          be used.  (Note [8]Quirk #1)
2520   -e "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
2521          Specify the end (stop) time for predictions in banner, calendar,
2522          alt. calendar, medium rare, plain, raw, or stats mode.  Does not
2523          apply in graph and clock modes:  the effective end time for
2524          graph and clock modes is entirely determined by the start time
2525          (-b), the width ([9]-cw, [10]-gw or [11]-tw), and the aspect
2526          ([12]-ga).  The format and time zone are the same as for -b.  If
2527          no -e is supplied, the end time will be set to four days after
2528          the begin time.  (Note [13]Quirk #2)
2530   When it matters, -b and -e ranges mean specifically "all t such that b
2531   <= t < e."
2533   -f c|h|i|l|p|t|v
2534          Specify the output format as CSV, HTML, iCalendar, LaTeX, PNG,
2535          text, or SVG.  See the [14]modes page for legal modes and
2536          formats.  The default is text.
2538   -l "Location Name"
2539          Specify a location for tide predictions.  You get the first
2540          station where the name supplied with -l is a case-insensitive
2541          match with the beginning (or the entirety) of the station's
2542          name.  You can use the -l switch more than once if you want to
2543          specify multiple locations.
2545   -m a|b|c|C|g|k|l|m|p|r|s
2546          Specify mode to be about, banner, calendar, alt. calendar,
2547          graph, clock, list, medium rare, plain, raw, or stats.  See the
2548          [15]modes page for legal modes and formats.  The default is
2549          plain.
2551   -ml [-]N.NN(ft|m|kt)
2552          Specify the mark level to be used in predictions.  The
2553          predictions will include the times when the tide level crosses
2554          the mark.  Not supported in clock mode.  Example usage: -ml
2555          -0.25ft
2557   -o "filename"
2558          Redirect output to the specified file (appends).
2560   -s "HH:MM"
2561          Specify the step interval, in hours and minutes, for raw or
2562          medium rare mode predictions.  The default is one hour.
2564   -v
2565          Print version string and exit.  Please note that versions marked
2566          as DEVELOPMENT versions are not really versioned; they are work
2567          in progress and will change without warning.
2569   The interactive interface does not support all of these switches and
2570   options.  Refer to the [16]previous page for a list of the options
2571   supported by the interactive interface.
2573   XTide understands the following syntactic shortcuts:
2574     * Arguments can be concatenated with their switches.
2575     * A yes/no switch that omits its argument implies "y".
2576     * Using +xx instead of -xx for a yes/no switch inverts the argument
2577       (so if the argument is omitted, "n" is implied).
2579   Some shorthand forms are ambiguous.  For example, -lw5 could mean "set
2580   the line width to 5" (-lw 5) or it could mean "load the location named
2581   w5" (-l w5).  If this happens, you will get an error and will need to
2582   spell out what you meant.
2583     __________________________________________________________________
2585   [17]<- Previous [18]-> Next [19]Contents
2589   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2590   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xttpd.html
2591   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2592   4. https://flaterco.com/
2593   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
2594   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2595   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#zulu
2596   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
2597   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#cwidth
2598  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#gwidth
2599  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#ttywidth
2600  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#gaspect
2601  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
2602  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
2603  15. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
2604  16. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html#intopts
2605  17. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html
2606  18. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xttpd.html
2607  19. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2611   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
2613   [4]Nobska Light, Cape Cod, MA, 1998-06-17
2615Running the web server
2617   xttpd is an XTide web server.  It provides web-based access to XTide's
2618   tide predictions by allowing a web browser to speak directly to the
2619   XTide program in HTTP.  xttpd can replace httpd or it can co-exist with
2620   one.
2622   Once the port is established, xttpd will try to set its UID and GID to
2623   values that were specified at compile time.  If it is unable to do
2624   this, it will log failure messages to syslog and then exit.
2625   Consequently, if it is to be started by someone other than root, that
2626   user's UID and GID must be configured at compile time.  Instructions
2627   for doing this are available at
2628   [5]https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#xttpd.
2630   You can set the address for feedback either at compile time as
2631   described in the installation instructions or with the environment
2632   variable XTTPD_FEEDBACK.
2634   xttpd will accept [6]settings either from command line switches (as
2635   used with xtide or tide) or from an .xtide.xml file that is saved in
2636   the home directory of the account that is used to execute it.  Settings
2637   that are customized using the xtide [7]control panel and then saved can
2638   be applied to xttpd by copying in the .xtide.xml file.
2640   xttpd will produce a small number of zombie processes during normal
2641   operation.  They are cleaned up after each new connection, so there is
2642   no cause for concern.
2644   Since a web site is supposed to be self-explanatory, the process of
2645   using xttpd will not be documented here.  If there are problems with
2646   people not being able to figure out how to use it, these should be
2647   reported to me as bugs, and the explanatory text in the web server will
2648   be updated accordingly.
2650  Conventional operation
2652   Usage:  xttpd [port] [...other xtide [8]settings switches...].
2654   xttpd forks itself into the background and uses the syslog facility for
2655   all logging.  Hosts connecting to xttpd are logged with priority INFO.
2657   If you run xttpd with no command line arguments, it will assume that it
2658   is replacing httpd and try to bind port 80.  If you want it to co-exist
2659   with an existing server, or if you do not have privilege to get port
2660   80, give it the port number as the first command line argument:
2662% xttpd 8080
2664   You will then need to link it up as http://www.wherever.org:8080/
2665   instead of just http://www.wherever.org/, but otherwise, no damage
2666   done.  Similarly, if you wish to bind a specific address, you can
2667   specify that as the first argument:
2669% xttpd
2671   If you need to specify both address and port number, separate the two
2672   with a slash, like this:
2674% xttpd
2676   (New in XTide 2.15)  IPv6 addresses and hostnames are now accepted for
2677   the address.
2679Systemd operation (XTide 2.15)
2681   If xttpd was built with --enable-systemd, it cannot be run from the
2682   command line or from init scripts.  The port, address, and command line
2683   options can only be changed by editing systemd config files as
2684   described in the [9]installation section.
2686   Command line switches for [10]settings can be specified in
2687   xttpd.service on line ExecStart=.
2689  Troubleshooting
2691  Q: When I run xttpd, it exits immediately with no errors to tell me what went
2692  wrong.
2694  A: When executed, xttpd immediately disassociates itself from your terminal
2695  and starts logging all diagnostics to syslog.  So look in your system logs.
2696  On an init system, you will find these someplace like /var/log or
2697  /var/adm/log.  On a systemd system, you have to say (as root) journalctl -b -p
2698  debug --no-pager to dump the log.
2700  If all else fails, xttpd can be built with the debugging option
2701  -DXTTPD_NO_DAEMON to make it stay attached to the terminal and print errors to
2702  stderr.  (Requires XTide 2.15)
2703    _________________________________________________________________________
2705  [11]<- Previous [12]-> Next [13]Contents
2709   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/tty.html
2710   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2711   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2712   4. https://flaterco.com/
2713   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#xttpd
2714   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2715   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html#cp
2716   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2717   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#systemd
2718  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2719  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/tty.html
2720  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
2721  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
2725   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
2727   [4]Girl feeding gulls
2729Customizing XTide
2731   XTide is customized by changing its settings.  The most convenient way
2732   to do this is generally through the control panel that is documented in
2733   a [5]previous section.  However, you can also change these settings in
2734   config.hh, in your X resources database, or on the command line.  The
2735   order of precedence, from least significant to most significant, is:
2736    1. config.hh
2737    2. Xdefaults (X resources)
2738    3. ~/.xtide.xml (control panel)
2739    4. command line
2741   Note that only xtide (not xttpd or tide) reads Xdefaults.
2743   Canonically, all command line settings take the form -xx value, with a
2744   space between the switch and the supplied value.  The yes-or-no
2745   settings get a value of "y" or "n".  However, XTide understands the
2746   following syntactic shortcuts:
2747     * Arguments can be concatenated with their switches.
2748     * A yes/no switch that omits its argument implies "y".
2749     * Using +xx instead of -xx for a yes/no switch inverts the argument
2750       (so if the argument is omitted, "n" is implied).
2752   Some shorthand forms are ambiguous.  For example, -lw5 could mean "set
2753   the line width to 5" (-lw 5) or it could mean "load the location named
2754   w5" (-l w5).  If this happens, you will get an error and will need to
2755   spell out what you meant.
2757   Be aware that older versions of XTide will not support all of the
2758   documented settings.
2760   XTide*background
2761          Background color for text windows and location chooser.
2762          Default: white
2763          Command line: -bg
2764          config.hh: bgdefcolor
2765          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions bg="white"/>
2767   XTide*buttoncolor
2768          Background color of buttons.
2769          Default: gray80
2770          Command line: -bc
2771          config.hh: buttondefcolor
2772          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions bc="gray80"/>
2774   XTide*caldayfmt
2775          (New in XTide 2.14)  Strftime style format string for printing
2776          days in calendars.
2777          Default: %a %d
2778          Command line: -cf
2779          config.hh: caldayfmt
2780          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions cf="%a %d"/>
2782   XTide*cbuttons
2783          Create tide clocks with buttons? (y/n)
2784          Default: n
2785          Command line: -cb
2786          config.hh: cbuttons
2787          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions cb="n"/>
2789   XTide*cheight
2790          Initial height for tide clocks.
2791          Default: 312
2792          Command line: -ch
2793          config.hh: defcheight
2794          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions ch="312"/>
2796   XTide*currentdotcolor
2797          Color of dots indicating current stations in the location
2798          chooser.
2799          Default: rgb:00/A0/00
2800          Command line: -cc
2801          config.hh: currentdotdefcolor
2802          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions cc="rgb:00/A0/00"/>
2804   XTide*cwidth
2805          Initial width for tide clocks.
2806          Default: 84
2807          Command line: -cw
2808          config.hh: defcwidth
2809          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions cw="84"/>
2811   XTide*datefmt
2812          Strftime style format string for printing dates.  For calendars
2813          see caldayfmt.
2814          Default: %Y-%m-%d
2815          Command line: -df
2816          config.hh: datefmt
2817          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions df="%Y-%m-%d"/>
2819   XTide*datumcolor
2820          Color of datum line in tide graphs. [[6]*]
2821          Default: white
2822          Command line: -Dc
2823          config.hh: datumdefcolor
2824          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions Dc="white"/>
2826   XTide*daycolor
2827          Daytime background color in tide graphs.
2828          Default: SkyBlue
2829          Command line: -dc
2830          config.hh: daydefcolor
2831          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions dc="SkyBlue"/>
2833   XTide*ebbcolor
2834          Foreground in tide graphs during outgoing tide.
2835          Default: SeaGreen
2836          Command line: -ec
2837          config.hh: ebbdefcolor
2838          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions ec="SeaGreen"/>
2840   XTide*eventmask
2841          Events to suppress (p = phase of moon, S = sunrise, s = sunset,
2842          M = moonrise, m = moonset), or x to suppress none.  E.g, to
2843          suppress all sun and moon events, set eventmask to the value
2844          pSsMm.
2845          Default: x
2846          Command line: -em
2847          config.hh: eventmask
2848          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions em="x"/>
2850   XTide*extralines
2851          Draw datum and middle-level lines in tide graphs? (y/n) [[7]*]
2852          Default: n
2853          Command line: -el
2854          config.hh: extralines
2855          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions el="n"/>
2857   XTide*flatearth
2858          Prefer flat map to round globe location chooser? (y/n)
2859          Default: n
2860          Command line: -fe
2861          config.hh: flatearth
2862          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions fe="n"/>
2864   XTide*floodcolor
2865          Foreground in tide graphs during incoming tide.
2866          Default: Blue
2867          Command line: -fc
2868          config.hh: flooddefcolor
2869          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions fc="Blue"/>
2871   XTide*font
2872          Font used for button labels and verbiage in text windows.
2873          [[8]**]
2874          Default: as incoming from X11 or libXaw3dXft
2875          Command line: -fn
2876          config.hh: N/A
2877          .xtide.xml: N/A
2879   XTide*foreground
2880          Color of text and other notations.
2881          Default: black
2882          Command line: -fg
2883          config.hh: fgdefcolor
2884          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions fg="black"/>
2886   XTide*gaspect
2887          Initial aspect for tide graphs and clocks.
2888          Default: 1.0
2889          Command line: -ga
2890          config.hh: defgaspect
2891          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions ga="1.0"/>
2893   XTide*gheight
2894          Initial height for tide graphs.
2895          Default: 312
2896          Command line: -gh
2897          config.hh: defgheight
2898          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions gh="312"/>
2900   XTide*globelongitude
2901          Initial center longitude for location chooser.  If [9]GPS
2902          support is present and working, this setting is redundant.
2903          Valid values: -180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 360
2904          360 will pick the longitude with the most tide stations.
2905          Default: 360
2906          Command line: -gl
2907          config.hh: defgl
2908          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions gl="360"/>
2910   XTide*graphfont
2911          Font used in graphs and clocks in interactive client.  Does not
2912          affect tide, xttpd, or SVG-format output. [[10]**]
2913          Default: "embedded"
2914          Command line: -gf
2915          config.hh: defgraphfont
2916          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions gf="embedded"/>
2918   XTide*graphstyle
2919          Style of graphs and clocks.
2920          Valid values: d (default), l (line), s (semitransparent).
2921          Default: d
2922          Command line: -gs
2923          config.hh: defgraphstyle
2924          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions gs="d"/>
2926   XTide*graphtenths
2927          Label tenths of units in tide graphs? (y/n)
2928          Default: n
2929          Command line: -gt
2930          config.hh: graphtenths
2931          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions gt="n"/>
2933   XTide*gwidth
2934          Initial width for tide graphs.
2935          Default: 960
2936          Command line: -gw
2937          config.hh: defgwidth
2938          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions gw="960"/>
2940   XTide*hourfmt
2941          Strftime style format string for printing hour labels on time
2942          axis.
2943          Default: %l
2944          Command line: -hf
2945          config.hh: hourfmt
2946          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions hf="%l"/>
2948   XTide*infer
2949          Use inferred values for some constituents.  For expert use only.
2950          Default: n
2951          Command line: -in
2952          config.hh: infer
2953          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions in="n"/>
2955   XTide*linebreak
2956          (New in XTide 2.14)  Linebreak before prediction value in
2957          calendars? (y/n)
2958          Default: n
2959          Command line: -lb
2960          config.hh: linebreak
2961          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions lb="n"/>
2963   XTide*lwidth
2964          Width of line in graph styles l and s (pixels, positive real
2965          number).
2966          Default: 2.5
2967          Command line: -lw
2968          config.hh: deflwidth
2969          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions lw="2.5"/>
2971   XTide*markcolor
2972          Color of mark line in graphs.
2973          Default: red
2974          Command line: -mc
2975          config.hh: markdefcolor
2976          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions mc="red"/>
2978   XTide*monofont
2979          Monospace font used for location list, text predictions, help
2980          windows and about mode text. [[11]**]
2981          Default:
2982          "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-100-100-100-c-70-iso8859-1"
2983          (without libXaw3dXft) or "LiberationMono-12" (with libXaw3dXft)
2984          Command line: -mf
2985          config.hh: defmonofont
2986          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions mf="LiberationMono-12"/>
2988   XTide*mslcolor
2989          Color of middle-level line in tide graphs. [[12]*]
2990          Default: yellow
2991          Command line: -Mc
2992          config.hh: msldefcolor
2993          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions Mc="yellow"/>
2995   XTide*nightcolor
2996          Nighttime background color in tide graphs.
2997          Default: DeepSkyBlue
2998          Command line: -nc
2999          config.hh: nightdefcolor
3000          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions nc="DeepSkyBlue"/>
3002   XTide*nofill
3003          Deprecated.  Use graphstyle instead.
3004          Default: n
3005          Command line: -nf
3006          config.hh: N/A (use graphstyle)
3007          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions nf="n"/>
3009   XTide*nosunmoon
3010          Deprecated.  Use eventmask instead.
3011          Default: n
3012          Command line: -ns
3013          config.hh: N/A (use eventmask)
3014          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions ns="n"/>
3016   XTide*omitunits
3017          (New in XTide 2.14)  Print numbers with no ft/m/kt? (y/n)  Where
3018          possible, adds a header line stating the units and datum.
3019          Default: n
3020          Command line: -ou
3021          config.hh: omitunits
3022          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions ou="n"/>
3024   XTide*pagebreak
3025          (New in XTide 2.14)  Pagebreak and header before every month of
3026          a calendar? (y/n)
3027          Default: y
3028          Command line: -pb
3029          config.hh: pagebreak
3030          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions pb="y"/>
3032   XTide*pageheight
3033          Nominal length of paper in LaTeX output (mm). This need not
3034          match your actual paper; use "Shrink oversized pages" in print
3035          options.
3036          Default: 420
3037          Command line: -ph
3038          config.hh: defpageheight
3039          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions ph="420"/>
3041   XTide*pagemargin
3042          Nominal width of top, bottom, left and right margins in LaTeX
3043          output (mm). Actual width will depend on print scaling.
3044          Default: 10
3045          Command line: -pm
3046          config.hh: defpagemargin
3047          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions pm="10"/>
3049   XTide*pagewidth
3050          Nominal width of paper in LaTeX output (mm). This need not match
3051          your actual paper; use "Shrink oversized pages" in print
3052          options.
3053          Default: 297
3054          Command line: -pw
3055          config.hh: defpagewidth
3056          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions pw="297"/>
3058   XTide*predictinterval
3059          Number of days of predictions to generate when no end time is
3060          specified.
3061          Default: 4
3062          Command line: -pi
3063          config.hh: defpredictinterval
3064          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions pi="4"/>
3066   XTide*tidedotcolor
3067          Color of dots indicating tide stations in the location chooser.
3068          Default: red
3069          Command line: -tc
3070          config.hh: tidedotdefcolor
3071          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions tc="red"/>
3073   XTide*tideopacity
3074          Opacity of the fill in graph style s (semitransparent).
3075          Default: 0.65
3076          Command line: -to
3077          config.hh: deftideopacity
3078          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions to="0.65"/>
3080   XTide*timefmt
3081          Strftime style format string for printing times.
3082          Default: %l:%M %p %Z
3083          Command line: -tf
3084          config.hh: timefmt
3085          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions tf="%l:%M %p %Z"/>
3087   XTide*toplines
3088          Draw depth lines on top of tide graph? (y/n)
3089          Default: n
3090          Command line: -tl
3091          config.hh: toplines
3092          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions tl="n"/>
3094   XTide*ttyheight
3095          Height of ASCII graphs and clocks (characters).
3096          Default: 24
3097          Command line: -th
3098          config.hh: defttyheight
3099          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions th="24"/>
3101   XTide*ttywidth
3102          Width of text format (characters).
3103          Default: 79
3104          Command line: -tw
3105          config.hh: defttywidth
3106          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions tw="79"/>
3108   XTide*units
3109          Preferred units of length: ft, m, or x (no preference).
3110          Default: x
3111          Command line: -u
3112          config.hh: prefunits
3113          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions u="x"/>
3115   XTide*zulu
3116          Coerce all time zones to UTC? (y/n)
3117          Default: n
3118          Command line: -z
3119          config.hh: forceZuluTime
3120          .xtide.xml: <xtideoptions z="n"/>
3122   [*] The National Ocean Service (NOS) defines both Mean Sea Level (MSL)
3123   and Mean Tide Level (MTL) in terms of averages taken over
3124   observations.  The middle-level line is drawn at the midpoint of the
3125   theoretical tidal range, which usually corresponds to the mathematical
3126   mean level of the predictions.  This approximates both MSL and MTL,
3127   but, strictly speaking, is equivalent to neither.  Moreover,
3128   subordinate station offsets may shift the actual mean so that it no
3129   longer falls at the midpoint of the tidal range.  The datum line is
3130   drawn at the zero level of the predictions, which usually corresponds
3131   to the station's benchmark, but this too can be rendered inaccurate by
3132   subordinate station offsets.
3134   [**] Important usage note:  If XTide is built with Xaw3dXft, font names
3135   given to XTide must be in fontconfig format (e.g., "Helvetica-10"),
3136   rather than the traditional XLFD (e.g.,
3137   "-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*").  Also, Xaw3dXft does not
3138   return errors if there are problems with a font name; it just loads a
3139   default font instead.
3141Format of ~/.xtide.xml
3143   If you have compiled the interactive client (xtide), then you do not
3144   need to worry about ~/.xtide.xml at all, because the control panel will
3145   configure it for you automatically.
3147   In the event that you cannot use xtide but still need to make some
3148   settings for the command line client, use the example below as the
3149   starting point for your ~/.xtide.xml file.  This example just sets the
3150   TTY geometry.  You can add more settings by adding more attributes
3151   (like the tw and th attributes shown here) to the xtideoptions entity.
3152   The attributes that are recognized for each setting are documented
3153   above.
3155<?xml version="1.0"?>
3156<xtideoptions tw="79" th="24"/>
3158Locale and terminal settings
3160   Internally, XTide uses the Latin-1 (a.k.a. ISO-8859-1) character set
3161   exclusively.  When generating output in text or HTML formats, XTide
3162   will convert Latin-1 characters to UTF-8 if that is what the POSIX
3163   locale asks for.  This can be controlled with the LANG environment
3164   variable; e.g., LANG=en_US.UTF-8.  Any other setting of the codeset
3165   portion of LANG (which has the format lang[_terr[.codeset]]) will
3166   result in Latin-1 characters being passed through unchanged.  (CP437 is
3167   supported for DOS compatibility, but is rejected by Linux setlocale.)
3169   If the environment variable TERM is set to vt100 or vt102, XTide will
3170   take it seriously and invoke the DEC Special Graphics character set in
3171   text format output.  Below is a comparison of how graph mode, text
3172   format looks in an xterm normally (left) and with TERM set to vt100
3173   (right).  A VT100 provides five different horizontal line characters,
3174   which allow depth lines to be drawn more accurately.  On the downside,
3175   it does not provide any of the accented characters from Latin-1, so
3176   non-ASCII characters in location names and other data received from the
3177   harmonics file will do something weird.
3179   [xtermregular.png] [xtermvt100.png]
3180     __________________________________________________________________
3182   [13]<- Previous [14]-> Next [15]Contents
3186   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xttpd.html
3187   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
3188   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
3189   4. https://flaterco.com/
3190   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html#cp
3191   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#splat
3192   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#splat
3193   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#splat2
3194   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#GPS
3195  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#splat2
3196  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#splat2
3197  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#splat
3198  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xttpd.html
3199  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
3200  15. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
3204   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
3206   [4]Portland Head Light
3208About harmonic constants and sub station corrections
3209(What to do if your location isn't listed)
3211   As was explained in the [5]introduction, tide predictions for a given
3212   location cannot be conjured out of the void--you need to get some
3213   special data for each and every location for which you want to predict
3214   tides.  XTide reads these data from harmonics files.
3216   The harmonics file available at
3217   [6]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmonicsfiles contains all
3218   data for U.S. stations that were available from the NOS web site as of
3219   the last update.  I update it once a year.
3221   For [7]various reasons, I no longer maintain data for stations outside
3222   the U.S.  Methods by which non-U.S. stations or unsupported U.S.
3223   stations can be added are described below; but first, some important
3224   definitions.
3225   [8]National Ocean Service tide station at Bar Harbor, Maine
3227  Harmonic constants (reference stations)
3229   Harmonic constants are created by analysis of regular water level
3230   readings taken by automated tide stations like the one pictured here.
3231   A tide station whose predictions trace directly to harmonic constants
3232   that were derived from water level readings for that same station is
3233   called a reference station.
3235   A set of harmonic constants provides an amplitude and a phase (or
3236   "epoch") for various harmonic constituents with names like M2 and K1.
3237   The number of constituents used for a given station can vary from a few
3238   to over 100.  However, if you get six or fewer constituents then you
3239   are probably dealing with "simplified" harmonic constants.  Simplified
3240   harmonic constants limit the accuracy that can be achieved for
3241   predictions because the less significant constituents have been thrown
3242   away.  If simplified harmonic constants must be used, it is a good idea
3243   to [9]enable constituent inference in XTide.
3245   Some Admiralty data include nonharmonic adjustments that are not
3246   supported by XTide.  A [10]spreadsheet has been contributed to convert
3247   Admiralty seasonal corrections to approximate long-term constituents
3248   that XTide can use.  However, for "S.W. CORRECTIONS" (shallow water
3249   corrections) called f4 and f6 there really is no support yet.
3251  Offsets (subordinate stations)
3253   A subordinate station is a tide station whose predictions are obtained
3254   by applying corrections to the predictions generated for a reference
3255   station, i.e., a station for which we have good harmonic constants.
3256   The words 'corrections,' 'differences,' and 'offsets' are used
3257   interchangeably when referring to subordinate station data.
3259   While harmonic constants can be hard to get, you should be able to get
3260   offsets with relative ease from a local boating magazine, chartbook,
3261   yacht club, or marine authority.
3263   There are many different flavors of offsets for subordinate stations.
3264   At this time, XTide supports all commonly appearing flavors except for
3265   the Admiralty one that has different height differences depending on
3266   the time of month.  The following rare and freakish sorts are not
3267   supported:  those that use different offsets depending on whether the
3268   flood at the reference station crossed some threshold; those that rely
3269   on more than one reference station; those that use different offsets
3270   for higher high or low water versus lower high or low water; currents
3271   that use a regular tide station as reference, or vice-versa.
3273   Some putative sets of harmonic constants for subordinate stations were
3274   created by mangling the constants of a reference station to approximate
3275   the results of applying corrections.  Such mangled data only junk up
3276   the database and should be avoided.
3278  Adding subordinate stations using tideEditor
3280   If you find suitable offsets, you can add them to harmonics.tcd using
3281   the tideEditor program available from
3282   [11]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#extras.  There are two other
3283   ways to do it, as described below under "[12]Importing batches of
3284   harmonic constants and offsets," but tideEditor is most expedient for
3285   the non-expert.
3287   First, always make a backup copy of whatever you are about to modify.
3289   TideEditor version 1.4 takes the name of the file to modify as the
3290   command-line argument.
3292bash-3.1$ tideEditor whatever.tcd
3294   When you start tideEditor, you get a map of the world.  Point at the
3295   location where you want to add a subordinate station and right click.
3297   You will get a prompt asking "Will the new station be a reference
3298   station or a subordinate station?"  Choose Subordinate.
3300   You will get a prompt saying "Please select the new reference
3301   station."  Use the pull-down list to select the reference station and
3302   click OK.
3304   You will then get a window with the tabs General, Verbiage and Offsets,
3305   initially showing General.  On the General tab, the Reference Station,
3306   Latitude and Longitude fields will be pre-filled based on your previous
3307   actions.  If you don't know the correct latitude and longitude, just
3308   estimate the coordinates as best you can.
3310   The other fields that you MUST fill in are as follows:
3311     * Station Name:  Enter the name of the new subordinate station.
3312     * Time Zone:  Use the pull-down to set the time zone (select the
3313       major city for the applicable region).  The timezone attribute is
3314       only used to choose the time zone in which to render output for the
3315       location.  In the majority of cases this will be the same as for
3316       the reference station.
3317     * Level Units:  Select feet or meters for tides, knots for currents.
3319   All other fields on the General and Verbiage tabs are optional.
3320   Descriptions of the other fields are obtainable using the question mark
3321   tool thingy ( [whatsthis.png] ).
3323   The Offsets tab has the following fields.
3324     * Minimum Time Add.  The time adjustment for low tide / max ebb.  It
3325       is expressed as an integer that is hours times 100 plus minutes, so
3326       for -0:20 (negative 0 hours, 20 minutes) you would write -20, and
3327       for 1:40 (positive 1 hour, 40 minutes) you would write 140.  If you
3328       don't have this, leave it blank.
3329     * Minimum Level Add.  A value, in the units identified by Level
3330       Units, that is added to the tide level or current velocity
3331       predicted at low tide or max ebb.  If you don't have this, leave it
3332       blank.
3333     * Minimum Level Multiply.  A multiplier for the tide level or current
3334       velocity predicted at low tide or max ebb.  If you don't have this,
3335       leave it blank.
3336     * Maximum Time Add, Level Add, and Level Multiply are analogous, but
3337       correspond to high tide / max flood.
3338     * Flood Begins.  Another kind of "Time Add" used only by currents to
3339       adjust the time of the slack preceding a flood.  If you don't have
3340       this, leave it blank.  If it got initialized to zero, make it
3341       blank.
3342     * Ebb Begins.  Analogous to Flood Begins.
3344   Notations used to describe corrections will vary:
3346    Notation              Translation
3347   -0:20       Time Add -20
3348   1 23        Time Add 123
3349   *1.07       Level Multiply 1.07
3350   +0.4        Level Add 0.4
3351   (*0.65+0.3) Level Multiply 0.65, Level Add 0.3
3353   If you were not given separate corrections for max and min, set both
3354   the max and min values to whatever you got.  For example, if you get
3356Head Harbor, Isle au Haut    -0:20   (Portland)
3358   then you should set both Minimum Tide Add and Maximum Time Add to -20.
3360   Special cases:
3361     * If you don't get slack offsets (floodbegins, ebbbegins) for a
3362       current station, OMIT those fields!  When slack offsets are
3363       omitted, XTide will interpolate a reasonable value.  But if you
3364       specify zero, you get zero--even if that's unreasonable with
3365       respect to the specified max and min.
3366     * If your reference station is in a different time zone, you may need
3367       to alter the time offsets to REMOVE compensation for the time zone
3368       difference.  NOAA had a practice of including the time zone
3369       differential in the offsets, but in XTide, the offsets are
3370       independent of the time zone.
3372   When finished, click OK.  When you quit tideEditor, your new station
3373   will be saved in the updated TCD file.
3375  Adding reference stations using tideEditor
3377   To add a reference station with tideEditor, the general process is
3378   similar to adding a subordinate station, but the data to enter are more
3379   obscure and there are more opportunities for the non-expert to get
3380   stuck.
3382   When you get the prompt asking "Will the new station be a reference
3383   station or a subordinate station?" choose Reference.
3385   Instead of "Offsets," the third tab in the dialog is now
3386   "Constituents."
3387     * Datum Description.  Choose Mean Lower Low Water or whatever is the
3388       description of the datum that you have received.  If you don't
3389       know, you can proceed without setting it.
3390     * Datum Value.  Enter the datum (sometimes known as Z0) in the level
3391       units that were specified on the first tab.
3392     * Meridian.  This is a fixed offset from UTC to which the amplitudes
3393       of the harmonic constants were calibrated.  Opportunity for
3394       trouble:  You have to know the right answer for the data that you
3395       received.  Sometimes it will be local standard time for the
3396       location; sometimes it will be zero.  The format is hours times 100
3397       plus minutes, with positive values being east of Greenwich and
3398       negative values west.
3399     * Amplitude and Epoch for many constituents.  Scroll down to see all
3400       of the constituents that are supported by the harmonics file.
3401       Opportunity for trouble:  Different countries sometimes use
3402       different names for the same constituents, or worse yet, use the
3403       same names for different constituents.  XTide's naming scheme is
3404       just yet another one that had to deal with these ambiguities and
3405       conflicts.  For the technical definitions of the constituents used
3406       in XTide's default harmonics files, refer to the [13]Congen
3407       package.
3409  Importing batches of harmonic constants and offsets
3411   All pretense of user-friendliness stops here.  If you want to do large
3412   numbers of stations without lots of manual data entry, you have two
3413   options, both of which require a higher level of computer literacy than
3414   is demanded by tideEditor.
3415    1. The good way is to install [14]Harmbase 2 and either write an
3416       import procedure for your data format or convert your data into one
3417       of the formats that it can already import.  Harmbase 2 uses
3418       [15]PostgreSQL to manage the data and merely exports to the TCD
3419       format.
3420    2. The evil way is to convert your data into the legacy .txt and .xml
3421       file formats that XTide used in the bad old days and then use
3422       [16]tcd-utils to convert that to TCD.
3424  Deriving harmonic constants from water level data
3426   Anyone with a Linux PC, enough determination to install [17]Octave,
3427   enough skill to convert data from one format to another, and enough
3428   data--at least a year's worth of hourly water level
3429   measurements--should be able to derive harmonic constants using the
3430   [18]Harmgen package.  Harmgen produces results in the form of an SQL
3431   insert statement that loads the new station into [19]Harmbase 2 using
3432   XTide's constituent naming scheme.  Those with sufficient background
3433   and a reason to do it can change the constituent set, but the new
3434   constituent definitions must be harmonized between Harmbase and
3435   Harmgen.
3437   There is no added complication from multi-year time serieses.  Harmgen
3438   accounts for the equilibrium arguments and node factors for each year
3439   and minimizes the error across the entire span of the time series.
3441   Under the best of circumstances, predictions from harmonic constants
3442   derived this way can be expected to differ from authoritative
3443   predictions by 20 minutes or so.  But if the authorities are using a
3444   nonharmonic method of tide prediction--or if you messed up--the
3445   discrepancies could be worse.  It is up to you to do quality assurance.
3447   Details on the operation of Harmgen can be found in that package's
3448   [20]README file.
3450  List of web sites with traceable data
3452   This list is probably neither complete nor current.  These are just the
3453   data sources that have been brought to my attention.
3455   Harmonic constants:
3456     * Italy:  I had [21]this link, but I can't find anything there now.
3457       Maybe [22]here?
3458     * [23]National Ocean Service:  Some locations outside of U.S.
3459       jurisdiction have historically been included along with the U.S.
3460       data.
3461     * [24]Norway (simplified harmonic constants only)
3462     * [25]Spain
3464   Water level data:
3465     * [26]Canada
3466     * [27]Spain
3467     * [28]France
3468     * [29]U.K.
3469     * [30]University of Hawai`i Sea Level Center (see also [31]here or
3470       [32]here)
3471     __________________________________________________________________
3473   [33]<- Previous [34]-> Next [35]Contents
3477   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
3478   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
3479   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
3480   4. https://flaterco.com/
3481   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/introduction.html
3482   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmonicsfiles
3483   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#60
3484   8. https://flaterco.com/
3485   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#infer
3486  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#experts
3487  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#extras
3488  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html#batch
3489  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#congen
3490  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmbase
3491  15. http://www.postgresql.org/
3492  16. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#tcdutils
3493  17. https://flaterco.com/kb/Octave.html
3494  18. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmgen
3495  19. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#harmbase
3496  20. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmgen-README.html
3497  21. http://www.apat.gov.it/site/it-IT/Servizi_del_sito/Guida/
3498  22. http://www.minambiente.it/
3499  23. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/
3500  24. http://vannstand.statkart.no/Engelsk/harm.php
3501  25. http://www.puertos.es/en/oceanografia_y_meteorologia/redes_de_medida/index.html
3502  26. http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/isdm-gdsi/twl-mne/index-eng.htm
3503  27. http://www.puertos.es/en/oceanografia_y_meteorologia/redes_de_medida/index.html
3504  28. http://data.shom.fr/donnees/refmar
3505  29. http://www.pol.ac.uk/ntslf/data.html
3506  30. http://uhslc.soest.hawaii.edu/
3507  31. http://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/uhslc/rqds.html
3508  32. ftp://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/rqds/
3509  33. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
3510  34. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
3511  35. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
3515   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
3517   [4]Lobster boat and the big ocean, Ogunquit, Maine, 1998-06-08.
3519Quirks to be aware of
3521    1. Graphs actually begin a little bit earlier than the nominal start
3522       time so that the specified start will appear immediately to the
3523       right of the labels for the depth axis instead of being obscured by
3524       them.
3525    2. The effective end time for graph and clock modes is entirely
3526       determined by the start time, the width, and the aspect.  If an end
3527       time is also specified by the user, it is ignored.
3528    3. XTide uses shorter descriptions for the tide events listed across
3529       the bottom caption line in tide graphs whenever the descriptions
3530       get to be longer than the timestamps.  Consequently, changing the
3531       time format setting to something more concise causes the
3532       descriptions to get shorter too, which is what you want.  However,
3533       this behavior can result in cosmetic inconsistencies; e.g., with
3534       default settings, "Mark Rising" is matched by "Mark" instead of
3535       "Mark Falling," because the one additional letter puts it over.
3536    4. The -o command line switch causes output to be appended to the
3537       specified file instead of overwriting it as is the generally
3538       accepted custom.
3539    5. While XTide-specific command-line arguments can be concatenated
3540       with their switches or not, the arguments to standard X11 switches
3541       sometimes must be separate to work.  Affected switches include
3542       -display, -fn, and -geometry.
3543    6. What XTide does about minimum current events at subordinate
3544       stations might not be what you expect.  See [5]Appendix B for
3545       details.
3547Known limitations
3549    1. RGB color specs (rgb:N/N/N) in sizes other than 24 bits
3550       (rgb:hh/hh/hh) generally will not work.
3551    2. All timestamps have a precision of plus or minus one minute.
3552    3. XTide locates tide events to an accuracy of plus or minus one
3553       minute.  This refers only to the prediction model, not to how well
3554       the model agrees with reality.
3555    4. URLs assigned to specific locations by the xttpd web server are
3556       rather transient and will change whenever the harmonics files are
3557       updated.  The xttpd web space will remain internally consistent,
3558       but hyperlinks from outside pages will be screwed.
3559    5. The time scale for stations claiming to be in UTC is not strictly
3560       speaking UTC since it does not implement leap seconds.
3561    6. If a subordinate station has absurd offsets that cause low tides to
3562       become higher than high tides, the upper and lower bounds reported
3563       by stats mode may be incorrect.
3564    7. When specifying location names on the command line, multiple data
3565       sets having the same name cannot be distinguished, and it is not
3566       deterministic which one you will get.
3567    8. XTide is untested and probably dysfunctional on any platform where
3568       time_t is a non-integral type.  It would probably still work with
3569       --enable-time-workaround.
3570    9. XTide assumes that the first 256 characters of every font agree
3571       with ISO-8859-1 (except under DOS).
3572   10. Semitransparent style makes no sense in formats that don't support
3573       opacity (text and PseudoColor X-windows).
3575Known bugs
3577    1. If the control panel is resized, dismissed, and then shown again,
3578       its buttons are missing.  Cause of bug:  Don't know.  Workaround:
3579       Close the control panel using the window manager (e.g., hit the �
3580       in the upper right corner) and then show it again.  The control
3581       panel retains its new size but the buttons reappear.
3582    2. Some of the dialog windows cause harmless but annoying toolkit
3583       warnings when you dismiss them.  Cause of bug:  Don't understand
3584       what the toolkit grabs are doing.  Workaround:  Ignore warnings.
3585    3. Line width in line graphs isn't maintained when the slope of the
3586       graph becomes drastic.  Cause of bug:  Need better algorithm for
3587       drawing line graphs.  Workaround:  Set the aspect higher.
3588    4. Buttons will sometimes shift out from under the mouse pointer and
3589       get "stuck on."  Cause of bug:  (1) button moves due to changing
3590       geometry of other things in the box, leading to (2) button shifts
3591       out from under the pointer, which triggers (3) bug in Athena
3592       Widgets where the button release event gets lost.  Workaround:  As
3593       needed, click on the stuck button to un-stick it.  This problem can
3594       be prevented in the control panel by specifying a monospace font
3595       with the -fn switch, which avoids (1).  The bug is less likely in
3596       other windows.
3597    5. The analog tide clock icon flashes when it updates, and doesn't
3598       update at all under some window managers.  Alternate symptom:  Tide
3599       clocks crash the window manager at random.  Cause of bug:  Window
3600       managers don't expect icons to keep changing and aren't designed to
3601       handle it properly.  Workaround:  Use a window manager that doesn't
3602       suck.
3603    6. Dialog boxes don't behave like you would expect when you hit the
3604       Enter key.  Cause of bug:  Athena widgets use multi-line buffers
3605       even for one-line fields.  Workaround:  Don't hit Enter.
3606    7. Syslog messages generated by xttpd have timestamps in UTC or random
3607       time zones instead of local time, which is highly confusing in a
3608       log that is otherwise in local time.  Cause of bug:  Design defect
3609       of syslog():  Every program logs in whatever time zone it happens
3610       to be using at the time instead of a standard zone.  XTide needs to
3611       adopt the time zone of each station to generate predictions for
3612       it.  Workaround:  none.
3613    8. The location chooser depends on a station naming convention to
3614       determine which stations are currents.  If that convention is not
3615       followed, dots may be drawn in the wrong color.  Cause of bug:
3616       Design defect of libtcd:  libtcd doesn't let you know whether you
3617       are looking at a tide station or a current station until after you
3618       load it.  Workaround:  Ensure that "Current" appears in the station
3619       name if it's a current, and not otherwise.
3620    9. When XTide is linked with Xaw3d or Xaw3dXft, text dialog boxes
3621       reachable from the Options menu (save filename, mark level, aspect)
3622       and control panel may have 2-color bitmap borders instead of
3623       gray-shaded borders.  Cause of bug:  For reasons unknown, the
3624       "threeD" widget owned by asciiTextWidget is inaccessible from the
3625       application level, preventing XTide from setting its
3626       beNiceToColormap resource to False.  Workaround:  Add
3627       XTide*beNiceToColormap: False to ~/.Xresources.
3628   10. When XTide is linked with Xaw3dXft and the X server's DPI is set to
3629       a value much greater than 96, lines of text in the location list
3630       window overlap each other.  Cause of bug:  Faulty implementation of
3631       list widget in Xaw3dXft.  Workaround:  Don't link with Xaw3dXft or
3632       don't use high values for DPI.
3633     __________________________________________________________________
3635   [6]<- Previous [7]-> Next [8]Contents
3639   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
3640   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html
3641   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
3642   4. https://flaterco.com/
3643   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html
3644   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
3645   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html
3646   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
3650   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
3652   [4]Perkins Cove, Maine, 1998-06-09
3654Frequently Asked Questions
3656   Note:  "Mumble Foo Bar" is a made-up place that is meant to represent
3657   whatever place you are looking for.  Whatever is said in this FAQ about
3658   Mumble Foo Bar applies to your location as well.
3660  Ultra-high frequency questions
3662     * [5]Your tide predictor web site blah blah blah...
3663     * [6]Can you send me predictions for Mumble Foo Bar?
3664     * [7]URGENT - DROP EVERYTHING AND READ THIS!  The race starts in 5
3665       hours so I need a tide chart for Mumble Foo Bar NOW!
3666     * [8]The ads on your web site are driving me nuts!  Is there any way
3667       to turn them off?
3668     * [9]Can you tell me where I can find a web page with predictions for
3669       Mumble Foo Bar?
3670     * [10]Can you please add predictions for Mumble Foo Bar?
3671     * [11]How do I make the calendar print all on one page?
3672     * [12]Can you tell me the offsets for Mumble Foo Bar?
3673     * [13]There are multiple listings for the same place, and they give
3674       different results.  What's going on?
3675     * [14]Can you predict the tide and/or current if I give you the
3676       latitude and longitude?
3677     * [15]The coordinates you provide for Mumble Foo Bar are off by
3678       miles, or you misspelled Mumble Foo Bar.
3679     * [16]Why are there few currents in the latest database?
3681  XTide operational questions
3683     * [17]I want to change the graph in lots of ways, e.g., omit the
3684       location name, draw different depth lines, bunch of other stuff;
3685       how can I do this or will you add settings for it?
3686     * [18]Can I still install XTide if I do not have root?
3687     * [19]I am trying to compile XTide with an unknown version of GCC,
3688       and I had the following problems....
3689     * [20]I am trying to install XTide on a server that my web hosting
3690       company, contractor, or employee has configured in a nonstandard
3691       way and/or not updated in years.  Their support is unhelpful.
3692       Please help me to get XTide to work on this server.
3693     * [21]When compiling XTide with a modern version of GCC on a
3694       well-maintained computer, I get errors like....
3695     * [22]What is the significance of the estimated bounds printed by
3696       stats mode?
3697     * [23]Are these predictions compliant with the new Daylight Savings
3698       Time rules for ...?
3699     * [24]I am doing some historical research and need to project what
3700       the tides would have been a long long time ago.
3701     * [25]I live outside of the U.S. and my location is no longer
3702       supported.  What happened?
3703     * [26]I want to change the end time of a tide graph but the settings
3704       that I make have no effect.
3705     * [27]The text in XTide windows uses uglyfont.
3706     * [28]I applied a changed setting in the control panel, but it had no
3707       effect.
3708     * [29]When I run xttpd, it exits immediately with no errors to tell
3709       me what went wrong.
3710     * [30]I always get a warning about "using obsolete time zone
3711       database."
3712     * [31]How do I switch from tide to current predictions or vice-versa
3713       for a given location?
3714     * [32]What are bogo-knots?
3715     * [33]First it says high tide is at 3:15 PM but then when I run it
3716       again it says 3:14 PM.
3717     * [34]Has this been ported to Windows / Android / anything but Unix?
3718     * [35]Xttpd sucks!  Can't XTide work with PHP?
3719     * [36]The tides for my location are totally wrong!
3720     * [37]The tides for Mumble Foo Bar are obviously bogus because they
3721       have too many high tides on this day / only one high tide on this
3722       day / tides that are just a few minutes apart.
3723     * [38]I have five constituents and some seasonal corrections for my
3724       location.  Can you get this to work?
3726  General tide related questions
3728     * [39]I have a tide watch that only goes through the year 1999.  What
3729       year could I set it to that would be the same as this year?
3730     * [40]Is there a set time advancement each day for the next high and
3731       low tide?  Does it always repeat 12� hours later?
3732     * [41]Somebody gave me a tide clock, but the instructions say it only
3733       works on the east coast.  How can this be?
3734     * [42]Why do the high and low tides have such different levels to
3735       them on any given day?
3736     * [43]If it's high tide here, is it low tide in [faraway place]?
3737     * [44]What does the zero (0) on a tide chart represent?
3738     * [45]Why is it that the tides two miles from here are an hour
3739       different than the tides here?
3740     * [46]Why are there two high tides per day, anyway?  How is this
3741       possible?
3742     * [47]What does "slack water" mean?
3743     * [48]I have a theory that [random phenomenon] is related to tidal
3744       forces, but I am landlocked.  Can you, like, predict the "tides"
3745       for [landlocked location]?
3746     * [49]I want to write my own tide predicting program.  Can you
3747       provide a SIMPLE explanation of the tide-predicting function?
3749  Business questions
3751     * [50]I want to license XTide so I can build a commercial product
3752       around it.
3753     * [51]I have a lot of specific questions about the GNU General Public
3754       License and/or want a ruling that my specific plan is OK.
3755     * [52]I would like to talk to you concerning the use of your stuff in
3756       our upcoming product.  Please call me at your convenience.
3757       [#include email legal disclaimer]
3758     * [53]I really don't understand the whole purpose of the GNU
3759       license.  Why should I have to reinvent the wheel just because I
3760       won't publish my sources?
3761     * [54]We are a non-profit and we want to sell calendars with
3762       predictions from your web site.  Is that OK?
3763     * [55]I have a great idea to make money selling tide predictions, but
3764       I'm not good with technical stuff, so would you just do this for
3765       me...
3766     * [56]I already make money selling tide prediction products, but your
3767       stuff is better, so would you just do this for me...
3768     * [57]I just put up a fabulous website that serves up XTide output
3769       surrounded by banner ads that make me tons of free money.  Would
3770       you please link to it?
3771     * [58]Hey, that previous guy had a great idea.  Would you please
3772       install XTide on my web server for me?
3773     * [59]I'm a consultant being paid to install XTide.  I'm having a
3774       million problems with it, but I can't describe them accurately
3775       because I have never used Linux before.  I think XTide must be
3776       really broken.  Please fix all of my problems.
3777     * [60]I need to do [poorly researched brainstorm having something to
3778       do with tide prediction]--how much would you charge in consulting
3779       fees to help me do it?
3780     * [61]Congratulations!  XTide has been added to some online directory
3781       of software packages.  Please verify that the information on XTide
3782       is correct and keep it updated.
3784  Academic questions
3786     * [62]How should I cite XTide within publications?
3788  Questions that you should have asked, but didn't
3790     * [63]What is the difference between a reference station and a
3791       subordinate station?
3792     * [64]These predictions are nonsense--what is going on here?
3793     * [65]Where can I find tons of information about tides that is both
3794       more authoritative and better written than this FAQ?
3795     __________________________________________________________________
3797  Ultra-high frequency questions
3799   Q: Your tide predictor web site blah blah blah...
3801   A: I am not the maintainer of the web site you have found.  I am the
3802   maintainer of [66]XTide.  Although many tide-predicting web sites use
3803   some version of XTide behind the scenes, I have no control over the
3804   behavior of those web sites or their maintenance, nor do I receive any
3805   commissions from any advertising that may appear on them.  The XTide
3806   software and required data are available free of charge from
3807   [67]flaterco.com/xtide/files.html, with documentation at
3808   [68]flaterco.com/xtide.
3810   Q: Can you send me predictions for Mumble Foo Bar?
3812   A: I cannot possibly provide this level of service to everyone who
3813   wants it.  Please use a commercial service and/or a web site.
3815   Q: URGENT - DROP EVERYTHING AND READ THIS!  The race starts in 5 hours
3816   so I need a tide chart for Mumble Foo Bar NOW!
3818   A: You might not believe it, but sometimes I go two weeks without
3819   reading my e-mail.  Really!  And when I do get back to it, there are
3820   always lots of messages just like this one, so far past their use-by
3821   dates that green fuzz has started to grow on them.  The answer is the
3822   same:  I cannot possibly provide this level of service to everyone who
3823   wants it.  Please use a commercial service and/or a web site.
3825   Q: The ads on your web site are driving me nuts!  Is there any way to
3826   turn them off?
3828   A: I am not the maintainer of the web site with which you are having a
3829   problem.  I am the maintainer of the XTide software that you can get
3830   free with no ads from [69]flaterco.com/xtide.  Others have profited by
3831   selling advertisements on other web sites built using my software, but
3832   I give away the software freely to anyone who will make the effort to
3833   install it, so nobody really needs to be using those web sites.
3835   Q: Can you tell me where I can find a web page with predictions for
3836   Mumble Foo Bar?
3838   A:
3839     * Canada:  [70]Fisheries and Oceans Canada
3840     * Germany:  [71]Bundesamt f�r Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)
3841     * Netherlands:  Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat--oops, there's
3842       been a reorg
3843     * New Zealand:  [72]Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)
3844     * Norway:  [73]Norwegian Hydrographic Service
3845     * U.K.:  [74]National Tidal and Sea Level Facility (NTSLF)
3846     * U.K.:  [75]U.K. Hydrographic Office
3847     * U.S.A.:  [76]National Ocean Service (NOS), Center for Operational
3848       Products and Services (CO-OPS)
3850   Q: Can you please add predictions for Mumble Foo Bar?
3852   A: Probably not.  Please read the section entitled [77]What to do if
3853   your location isn't listed.
3855   Q: How do I make the calendar print all on one page?
3857   A: If you are looking at a calendar in a web browser, try different
3858   scaling, fit, portrait, and landscape options in print preview until
3859   the calendar fits nicely on a page.  For a more complete answer and/or
3860   instructions tailored for Linux, see [78]Appendix C.
3862   Q: Can you tell me the offsets for Mumble Foo Bar?
3864   A: You can get them easier than I can by checking the sources described
3865   in the section entitled [79]What to do if your location isn't listed.
3867   Q: There are multiple listings for the same place, and they give
3868   different results.  What's going on?
3870   A: There are two different approaches to predicting the tides at a
3871   given place.  One approach is to calculate them directly from a data
3872   set; when this is done it is called a "reference station."  The other
3873   approach is to estimate them using adjustments to the tides at a nearby
3874   reference station; when this is done it is called a "subordinate
3875   station."
3877   Data gathered from the NOAA web site sometimes include both a reference
3878   station and a subordinate station for the same place.  For example, the
3879   subordinate station may be used for published tide tables while the
3880   reference station is still relatively new and untested.  The results
3881   will differ, but they should be close (assuming that there are no
3882   problems with the data).  If you are concerned about matching
3883   predictions up with those from some particular source, you should try
3884   each data set and see which one matches the best.
3886   In rare cases, data gathered from the NOAA web site include two
3887   reference stations or two subordinate stations with exactly the same
3888   name and nearly the same location.  When this happens, one of them has
3889   (2) suffixed to its name.  Again, if you are trying to match official
3890   predictions, you should try both to determine which is better.
3892   If you are using old legacy data or a web site that does, you may see
3893   additional listings for the same place.  These may be expired and/or
3894   have dubious traceability to authoritative sources.  They cannot be
3895   expected to agree with up-to-date predictions.
3897   Q: Can you predict the tide and/or current if I give you the latitude
3898   and longitude?
3900   A: The short answer is no.  XTide cannot predict tides unless you
3901   provide harmonic constants (see [80]What to do if your location isn't
3902   listed).
3904   From what I'm told, the tide models that were built from TOPEX/Poseidon
3905   data work on a global scale, but they are inaccurate on continental
3906   shelves.  Some organizations have constructed models that function in
3907   coastal waters in localized regions.  For example, NIWA has a [81]model
3908   for New Zealand's coastal waters, and NOAA has a model of currents in
3909   San Francisco Bay.  Although XTide could make use of harmonic constants
3910   generated from these models, XTide does not implement any such models.
3912   Q: The coordinates you provide for Mumble Foo Bar are off by miles, or
3913   you misspelled Mumble Foo Bar.
3915   A: XTide reports coordinates in degrees only.  Some sources report
3916   coordinates in degrees and minutes and run these together in a
3917   confusing way.  For example, a coordinate shown as 2846.330 may
3918   actually mean 28 degrees, 46.330 minutes, which XTide would report as
3919   28.7722 degrees.
3921   If that is not sufficient to explain the discrepancy, or if there is
3922   some other cosmetic problem like the location name being spelled wrong,
3923   check [82]NOAA's web site to see if the problem exists there.  If it
3924   does, please report the problem to NOAA as well as me, and I will
3925   attempt to ensure that the correction is included in the next annual
3926   update.
3928   Q: Why are there few currents in the latest database?
3930   A: The [83]Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
3931   (CO-OPS) of [84]NOAA's [85]National Ocean Service (NOS) does not
3932   presently supply harmonic constants for currents on its public web
3933   site.  This text from [86]http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/ncop.html
3934   may partially explain why not:
3936     Approximately 70 percent of the stations in the 2001 Tidal Current
3937     Tables are over 30 years old.  Many of these stations are based on
3938     analyses of less than 7 days of data (the data duration is known for
3939     24% of all stations).  Channel dredging and changes in the
3940     configuration of ports and harbors over the years have significantly
3941     altered the physical oceanography of many of the nation's
3942     estuaries.  Reports from local users indicate that many of NOS's
3943     tidal current predictions may be inaccurate.  NOS intends to address
3944     these deficiencies by rebuilding the program and resampling the
3945     currents at every major port and estuary within the next 20 years.
3947  XTide operational questions
3949   Q: I want to change the graph in lots of ways, e.g., omit the station
3950   name, draw different depth lines, add more event types; how can I do
3951   this or will you add settings for it?
3953   A: XTide supports a [87]fair number of options to customize the graph.
3954   However, graphing is not the core function of XTide.  If complete
3955   control over graphing is important to you, you should use XTide's
3956   [88]raw and plain modes to export the raw level data and min/max
3957   predictions respectively to text files, import these into [89]R,
3958   [90]Gnuplot, or whatever is the "flavor of the month" for graphing and
3959   plotting, and then draw what you like using these more powerful tools.
3961   Q: Can I still install XTide if I do not have root?
3963   A: Yes.  Follow the [91]installation instructions, and just use paths
3964   in your home directory instead of system-wide directories.  Following
3965   is one example of how it would work if you have installed dependencies
3966   (libraries) under /home/myacct/local and wish to install xtide in the
3967   same directory tree.
3968bash$ # install harmonics file
3969bash$ tar xvf harmonics-dwf-YYYYMMDD-free.tar.xz
3970bash$ mkdir /home/myacct/local/share/xtide
3971bash$ mv harmonics-dwf-YYYYMMDD/*.tcd /home/myacct/local/share/xtide
3972bash$ # The following should go in ~/.bash_profile to make it permanent
3973bash$ export HFILE_PATH=/home/myacct/local/share/xtide
3974bash$ # compile and install XTide
3975bash$ ./configure --prefix=/home/myacct/local CPPFLAGS="-I/home/myacct/local/inc
3976lude" LDFLAGS="-L/home/myacct/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/home/myacct/local/lib,--disa
3978bash$ make
3979bash$ make install
3981   In the unlikely event that you wish to run the web interface xttpd, you
3982   will need to run it on an unprivileged port as described in [92]Running
3983   the web server.
3985   Q: I am trying to compile XTide with an unknown version of GCC, and I
3986   had the following problems....
3988   A: XTide requires GCC version 4.4 or newer.  Type gcc -v to find out
3989   what version you have.
3991   Q: I am trying to install XTide on a server that my web hosting
3992   company, contractor, or employee has configured in a nonstandard way
3993   and/or not updated in years.  Their support is unhelpful.  Please help
3994   me to get XTide to work on this server.
3996   A: Sorry, but no.  This is a problem with the service that your web
3997   hosting company, contractor, or employee is providing; it is not an
3998   XTide problem.  In my experience, working around problems on a
3999   mismanaged or merely unmaintained server is an unending game of
4000   Whac-A-Mole.  Your time would be better spent searching for a more
4001   competent web hosting company, contractor, or employee.
4003   Q: When compiling XTide with a modern version of GCC on a
4004   well-maintained computer, I get errors like....
4006   A: Please refer to the [93]troubleshooting section of the installation
4007   instructions.  If your error is not discussed there, please email
4008   [94]dave@flaterco.com for assistance.
4010   Q: What is the significance of the estimated bounds printed by stats
4011   mode?
4013   A: The stats mode of XTide prints estimated upper and lower bounds that
4014   are calculated based on the 6 most significant tidal constituents
4015   simultaneously taking on their maximum and minimum possible values in
4016   the prediction model.  These are not true bounds in the mathematical
4017   sense, since any station having more than 6 constituents could
4018   potentially generate predictions that exceed them.  However, in
4019   practice, these estimated bounds are seldom exceeded by generated
4020   predictions.
4022   Stats mode also determines and outputs the maximum and minimum
4023   predicted by the model within the span of time specified by the user.
4024   This generally provides a narrower interval, and one that is equally
4025   valid for the span of time specified.  However, these bounds will vary
4026   depending on the span of time searched, while the estimated bounds are
4027   nearly constant.
4029   Actual observed heights may exceed any and all bounds of the prediction
4030   model (e.g., in case of tidal surge from a hurricane).  The highest and
4031   lowest water levels actually observed and recorded at a reference
4032   station during the official tidal epoch (presently 1983-2001) can be
4033   found in the Benchmark Data Sheet provided by NOS.
4035   Q: Are these predictions compliant with the new Daylight Savings Time
4036   rules for ...?
4038   A: XTide relies on [95]the de facto standard time zone database to
4039   handle Daylight Savings Time.  XTide's results will obey the new
4040   Daylight Savings Time rules if and only if the version of zoneinfo
4041   installed is sufficiently new.  See [96]System Requirements.
4043   Q: I am doing some historical research and need to project what the
4044   tides at Mumble Foo Bar would have been a long long time ago.
4046   A: This is generally ill-advised.
4048   For years 1700 and later, you can install XTide on 64-bit Linux and run
4049   the predictions with no special effort, but without some form of
4050   validation there is no telling how large the error could be.
4052   The perishability of tide data for a given location varies depending on
4053   how quickly the local topography changes.  Some places go rotten in
4054   less than a decade.  All locations are impacted by global sea level
4055   change, which becomes significant in less than a century.
4057   Over even longer spans, the physics start to go wrong.  Some of the
4058   astronomical "constants" used in the U.S. method of tide prediction
4059   really aren't constant; they change very slowly.  For example, the
4060   speeds of harmonic constituents change.  We are still using constant
4061   speeds that were calibrated for the year 1900.  When you change the
4062   speeds of the harmonic constituents, it changes everything.  As we get
4063   too far away from 1900 in either direction, eventually the model
4064   collapses and the results are garbage.  As far as I know, nobody has
4065   done an analysis to determine exactly when this occurs.
4067   When this happens in the future, we can just update the speeds and
4068   generate fresh harmonic constants that work within the new model.  But
4069   we can't do that for historical predictions because we don't have the
4070   water level observations from that period in history to derive the
4071   harmonic constants.  We have no choice but to use the physics of 1900,
4072   with data derived from observations in 2000, to extrapolate back to
4073   whenever, and hope that we haven't pushed the model too far.
4075   It is technically possible to get XTide to make projections back to 1
4076   AD (see [97]Appendix A for details).  However, the credibility of
4077   projections for anywhere reaches zero well before you get back to 1
4078   AD.  So please don't ask for BC support.
4080   Q: I live outside of the U.S. and my location is no longer supported.
4081   What happened?
4083   A: Many data were purged after a legal threat from the U.K.
4084   Hydrographic Office (UKHO) in January 2001.  I ended maintenance of the
4085   non-U.S. data that replaced them for different reasons in early 2012.
4087   Legacy data
4089   Back in the old days, the collection of hydrographic data was done
4090   almost exclusively using public funds.  The resulting harmonic
4091   constants were treated as scientific results, published, and
4092   distributed on request from an international data bank.  Data were
4093   shared openly, and it was not a big deal.  But in the late 20th
4094   century, a wave of privatizations occurred, and harmonic constants
4095   became the intellectual property of the collecting agencies.
4097   You wouldn't think it possible to "un-publish" data that were
4098   distributed with considerable freedom at one time.  Nevertheless, the
4099   international data bank was abolished, the Table des Mar�es des Grands
4100   Ports du Monde was withdrawn from publication, and I was coerced into
4101   removing the associated data from the harmonics files.  [And then, ten
4102   years later, the Supreme Court of the U.S. ruled 6-2 that works can be
4103   [98]removed from the public domain after the fact.]
4105   Under the circumstances of privatization, it would have been reasonable
4106   to keep newly generated data secret; but to lay claim to the old data
4107   that were once shared in the spirit of scientific openness was, in my
4108   opinion, wrong.  It was a disservice and dishonor to all of us who had
4109   accepted those data on good faith, maintained them, and added value to
4110   them, to end up accused of copyright infringement.  I regret having
4111   spent days with my world atlas assigning coordinates and time zones to
4112   interesting faraway places, and I grieve for the knowledge that has
4113   vanished into the black hole of trade secrecy.
4115   Although only the UKHO made an issue of it, the fact that they did
4116   sufficed to "poison" all of the International Hydrographic Office (IHO)
4117   and Table des Mar�es des Grands Ports du Monde (TMGPM) data for every
4118   country.  We could no longer assume that we had permission to use any
4119   of them.  So in January 2001, all of the data that arrived via the IHO
4120   or the TMGPM were removed from the harmonics files.
4122   Renaissance and decline
4124   In the years immediately following, I received cooperation from
4125   organizations in several countries to supply data or to clarify terms
4126   of use for data they had already published.  Those terms allowed for
4127   free non-commercial use.  That did not satisfy the [99]Debian
4128   definition of "free," so for packaging purposes, the non-U.S. data had
4129   to be segregated from the public domain U.S. data.  Thus, the
4130   "non-free" harmonics file came about.
4132   Contributions of otherwise unpublished data then ceased.  In 2009, the
4133   harmonic constants for Germany--which, being derived from time serieses
4134   that only minimally met the requirement, were never that hot--disagreed
4135   significantly with authoritative predictions and were neither reparable
4136   nor replaceable.  By that time it had become clear that maintaining the
4137   data for one country once a year was quite enough work, and I had no
4138   time left to spend on non-free data anyway.
4140   In 2010, I received a message from Department of Justice, Canada that I
4141   interpreted as a polite request to beef up the warnings against
4142   commercial use of the harmonic constants I had generated.  (Ironic,
4143   since I had done only a fraction of Canadian stations to begin with.)
4144   After that, however, I was frequently contacted by iPhone and Android
4145   app developers wanting someone to explain, interpret, justify, and even
4146   enforce (against their competition) the terms of use on the non-free
4147   data, or who had already appropriated the data and now wanted training
4148   in how to exploit it.  I spent a lot of time telling people things that
4149   they didn't want to hear, and the number of free or open-source apps
4150   that resulted was approximately zero.
4152   As a result of the combination of lack of time, commercialism, and
4153   abuses, I decided in early 2012 to officially end maintenance of the
4154   non-free data set.  Anyone interested in generating new harmonic
4155   constants from published data can find information and a list of data
4156   sources [100]here.  In an ideal world, the data collecting
4157   organizations themselves would publish harmonic constants directly in
4158   TCD format using the tools available from
4159   [101]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html.  The irrational legal
4160   technicalities of how to propagate "non-free" license terms through
4161   derivative works, Linux distributions and app stores, and across
4162   national boundaries, would then become a non-issue.
4164   Q: I want to change the end time of a tide graph but the settings that
4165   I make have no effect.
4167   A: This is [102]Quirk #2.  In graph mode, the end time is determined by
4168   the applicable width and aspect, not the other way around.  Thus,
4169   neither the -e switch nor the compiled-in defpredictinterval constant
4170   have any effect in this case.  In the interactive client, you can
4171   resize the window as you would any window and change the aspect from
4172   the Options menu.  The applicable command-line switches are -gw for
4173   X-windows or PNG formats, -tw for text format, and -ga.  For more
4174   details, refer to "[103]Customizing XTide."
4176   Q: The text in XTide windows uses uglyfont.
4178   A: You can change the fonts using [104]-fn, [105]-gf, and [106]-mf or
4179   the corresponding resources.  However, to use FreeType fonts, XTide
4180   must be [107]built with Xaw3dXft.
4182   If XTide is built with Xaw3dXft, font names given to XTide must be in
4183   fontconfig format (e.g., "Helvetica-10"); otherwise, they must be in
4184   the traditional XLFD (e.g., "-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*").
4186   Q: I applied a changed setting in the control panel, but it had no
4187   effect.
4189   A: Settings made using command line switches override settings made in
4190   the control panel.  In order to see an effect from changes applied in
4191   the control panel, XTide must be run without conflicting command line
4192   switches.  In addition, font changes require a restart to become
4193   effective.
4195   Q: When I run xttpd, it exits immediately with no errors to tell me
4196   what went wrong.
4198   A: When executed, xttpd immediately disassociates itself from your
4199   terminal and starts logging all diagnostics to syslog.  So look in your
4200   system logs.  On an init system, you will find these someplace like
4201   /var/log or /var/adm/log.  On a systemd system, you have to say (as
4202   root) journalctl -b -p debug --no-pager to dump the log.
4204   Q: I always get a warning about "using obsolete time zone database."
4206   A: Please see the [108]System requirements section for details of what
4207   this means and what you can do to fix it.
4209   Q: How do I switch from tide to current predictions or vice-versa for a
4210   given location?
4212   A: Alas, although the two are clearly connected in the physical world,
4213   they are unrelated from the perspective of XTide.  Even for the same
4214   location, tide predictions and current predictions require two
4215   completely separate data sets, and rarely will you get both.  If
4216   current predictions are available for a location, they will appear in
4217   the location list with the word "Current" at the end of the name.
4219   Q: What are bogo-knots?
4221   A: If you are still seeing bogo-knots, then you are definitely using
4222   obsolete data and an obsolete version of XTide, or accessing a web site
4223   that is using obsolete data and an obsolete version of XTide.  I am not
4224   the maintainer of any such web sites, and I recommend upgrading to
4225   XTide 2, which will barf all over any harmonics files that still
4226   contain "bogo-knots."
4228   Q: First it says high tide is at 3:15 PM but then when I run it again
4229   it says 3:14 PM.
4231   A: XTide's precision is plus or minus one minute.  The behavior that
4232   you witnessed is normal.
4234   Q: Has this been ported to Windows / Android / anything but Unix?
4236   A: Yes, to varying degrees.  Please see the [109]ports page.
4238   Q: Xttpd sucks!  Can't XTide work with PHP?
4240   A: A number of people have expressed interest in getting XTide to work
4241   through PHP.  Thus far I have just been introducing them to each other
4242   through e-mail and waiting for cool things to happen.  There is now a
4243   [110]WordPress plugin by Mir Rodr�guez.
4245   Q: The tides for my location are totally wrong!
4247   A: Unfortunately, there have been some problems recently with data sets
4248   being assigned the wrong meridians upstream.  The symptom is that all
4249   predictions are shifted earlier or later by the same number of hours.
4250   If you can verify that this has happened by comparison with published
4251   tide tables (available at [111]http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/),
4252   please report the problem for corrective action.
4254   Q: The tides for Mumble Foo Bar are obviously bogus because they have
4255   too many high tides on this day / only one high tide on this day /
4256   tides that are just a few minutes apart.
4258   A: That is not necessarily a problem.  Some places really do have only
4259   one tide cycle per day.  Others generate "extra" tides when the tidal
4260   forces align in such a way as to produce a "double" high or low tide or
4261   a temporary reversal near mid-tide.  These extra tides can be
4262   arbitrarily close together.  Official predictions might omit them, but
4263   XTide faithfully reports all maxima and minima that it finds.
4265   Legacy data contain some data sets in which harmonic constants were
4266   generated for subordinate stations by munging the constants of a
4267   reference station.  This operation was fragile and sometimes it led to
4268   spurious maxima and minima.  The fix is to upgrade to the latest data,
4269   which contains no "munged" data sets.
4271   Q: I have five constituents and some seasonal corrections for my
4272   location.  Can you get this to work?
4274   A: XTide is not presently enabled to handle seasonal corrections
4275   directly.  To my knowledge, seasonal corrections are only used in
4276   publications by the British Admiralty that do not allow redistribution
4277   of data, so the value of providing better support for them in XTide
4278   would be marginal at best.  However, if you have legal access to such
4279   data and are determined to use it with XTide, it may be possible to
4280   synthesize values for long-term constituents to "approximate the
4281   approximation."  A spreadsheet for doing this is available from
4282   [112]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#experts.
4284   It might also help to enable constituent inference in XTide.  This can
4285   be done from the [113]control panel or using the [114]infer setting.
4287  General tide related questions
4289   Q: I have a tide watch that only goes through the year 1999.  What year
4290   could I set it to that would be the same as this year?
4292   A: Sorry.  It just doesn't work like that.
4294   Q: Is there a set time advancement each day for the next high and low
4295   tide?  Does it always repeat 12� hours later?
4297   A: No.  The 12 hour 25 minute cycle is literally only a first-order
4298   approximation.  Most tide predictions involve twenty to thirty terms,
4299   and some require over a hundred.  The 12:25 cycle is just the most
4300   dominant term.
4302   Q: Somebody gave me a tide clock, but the instructions say it only
4303   works on the east coast.  How can this be?
4305   A: "Dumb" tide clocks assume that the 12 hour 25 minute cycle mentioned
4306   in the [115]previous question is a good enough approximation.  For the
4307   west coast, it isn't.  The following tide graphs illustrate the
4308   differences between east and west coast tides.  The high and low tide
4309   times that would be indicated by a "dumb" tide clock are shown with
4310   vertical yellow lines.  San Francisco shows a 2-hour discrepancy on the
4311   lower high tide.
4313   Emulation of dumb tide clock for Bangor, Maine
4315   Emulation of dumb tide clock for San Francisco, California
4317   Q: Why do the high and low tides have such different levels to them on
4318   any given day?  Does it actually coincide with the amount of pull
4319   exerted by the phase or closeness of the moon?
4321   A: The tides do not coincide too closely with the moon.  While the moon
4322   produces most of the force that drives them, the exact tide levels
4323   result from the sloshing around of huge amounts of water, the effects
4324   of the shape of the coastline, and things like that.
4326   Q: If it's high tide here, is it low tide in [faraway place]?
4328   A: It's hard to infer anything over large distances since localized
4329   effects can have a huge influence on tides.
4331   Q: What does the zero (0) on a tide chart represent?
4333   A: Tide heights are given relative to the "datum" which in most cases
4334   is one of several benchmarks corresponding to low tides of varying
4335   extremeness.  The preferred benchmark in the U.S. is Mean Lower Low
4336   Water (MLLW).  The odds of the predicted tide getting below MLLW on any
4337   given day are about half.  The preferred benchmark in the Netherlands
4338   is Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS).  MLWS is lower than MLLW.  The
4339   predicted tide will get below MLWS on average only about twice a
4340   month.  The preferred benchmark in Germany is Lowest Astronomical Tide
4341   (LAT).  LAT is the lowest tide predicted over a 19 year period.  The
4342   predicted tide will not get below LAT in that 19 year period, and is
4343   unlikely to get below it by any significant amount ever.
4345   In harmonics-dwf, some U.S. locations for which a MLLW benchmark was
4346   unavailable use an estimated value of MLLW that is derived from the
4347   predictions.  These estimates tend to yield predictions that differ
4348   from National Ocean Service published tables by (0.1 to 0.2) ft.  Older
4349   versions of harmonics-dwf used LAT for these stations, which of course
4350   yielded much larger discrepancies.
4352   For more information on datums, read the National Ocean Service
4353   publication [116]Tidal Datums and their Applications.
4355   Q: Why is it that the tides two miles from here are an hour different
4356   than the tides here?  If the tidal bulge follows the moon at 1,000
4357   miles per hour, how can the difference be so great?
4359   A: When the water tries to follow the moon, it runs up against a lot of
4360   obstacles, including its own inertia, the shape of the coastline, and
4361   the resonances that are set up by the continual tidal motion.  In some
4362   cases the tides are fighting a permanent current, e.g., going up a
4363   river, and this slows down the tidal crest.  The result is that the
4364   tides at any one place at any given time don't have a whole lot to do
4365   with the moon any more.
4367   Q: Why are there two high tides per day, anyway?  How is this possible?
4369   A: The standard simple answer to this question is that the water on the
4370   side of the earth opposite the moon bulges out due to decreased lunar
4371   gravity in the same way that the water on the side of the earth nearest
4372   the moon bulges out due to increased lunar gravity.  This is
4373   counter-intuitive in that one might expect all of the water to just
4374   rush over to the side where the moon is.  To explain this, I quote from
4375   "Our Restless Tides," a NOAA tutorial at
4376   [117]http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/restles1.html:
4378     To all outward appearances, the moon revolves around the earth, but
4379     in actuality, the moon and earth revolve together around their
4380     common center of mass, or gravity.  The two astronomical bodies are
4381     held together by gravitational attraction, but are simultaneously
4382     kept apart by an equal and opposite centrifugal force produced by
4383     their individual revolutions around the center-of-mass of the
4384     earth-moon system.  This balance of forces in orbital revolution
4385     applies to the center-of-mass of the individual bodies only.  At the
4386     earth's surface, an imbalance between these two forces results in
4387     the fact that there exists, on the hemisphere of the earth turned
4388     toward the moon, a net (or differential) tide-producing force which
4389     acts in the direction of the moon's gravitational attraction, or
4390     toward the center of the moon.  On the side of the earth directly
4391     opposite the moon, the net tide-producing force is in the direction
4392     of the greater centrifugal force, or away from the moon.
4394   Q: What does "slack water" mean?
4396   A: This and many other terms are defined in the [118]NOAA tide
4397   glossary.
4399   Q: I have a theory that [random phenomenon] is related to tidal forces,
4400   but I am landlocked.  Can you, like, predict the "tides" for
4401   [landlocked location]?
4403   A: There is no support for this in XTide (ocean tides have only the
4404   vaguest connection to latitude, longitude, and the position of the
4405   moon), but you can find relevant information by searching the web for
4406   "land tide."
4408   Q: I want to write my own tide predicting program.  Can you provide a
4409   SIMPLE explanation of the tide-predicting function?
4411   A: The tide prediction function is fairly simple, requiring only a
4412   cosine function.  The piles of code surrounding it in XTide are to
4413   optimize the process of finding maxima and minima.  This can be done
4414   less optimally with significantly less code and effort (as early
4415   versions of XTide did).
4417   Here is the BASIC pseudocode to generate the tide height or current
4418   velocity for a specified time point:
4420     Height = Datum
4421     for a = 1 to numconst
4422         Height = Height + amplitude[a] * nodefactor[a] * cos (speed[a] *
4423     time + eqarg[a] - phase[a])
4424     next a
4426   The different quantities referenced are:
4427     * From the data set for a station:
4428          + The Datum--also called Z0--is a constant that is provided with
4429            each data set to calibrate the heights of tides relative to
4430            [119]whatever is considered to be "zero," or to calibrate the
4431            velocities of currents against an actual velocity of zero.
4432            Without this constant term, the results of the equation would
4433            have a range centered on zero.  It is provided in units of
4434            length for tides or units of velocity for currents.
4435          + amplitude[a] is the first of two values given for each
4436            constituent in a data set.  It is provided in units of length
4437            for tides or units of velocity for currents.
4438          + phase[a]--also called the epoch--is the second of two values
4439            given for each constituent in a data set, and is expressed in
4440            angular units (degrees, radians, or cycles).
4441     * Global values not contained in the data set for a station:
4442          + speed[a] is the frequency of the constituent, often expressed
4443            in degrees per solar hour, but possibly in cycles per hour or
4444            even (gasp!) hertz.
4445          + nodefactor[a], the node factor, is an amplitude multiplier
4446            given for each constituent to adjust for long-term effects on
4447            the amplitudes.  In the U.S. system, these are tabulated on a
4448            yearly basis, so you could write it as nodefactor[a][year].
4449            Elsewhere, they are usually generated at a finer granularity
4450            or on demand for the middle of the prediction interval chosen.
4451          + eqarg[a], the equilibrium argument, is a phase adjustment
4452            given in angular units for each constituent to adjust for
4453            long-term effects on the phases.  They are tabulated on a
4454            yearly basis.
4455     * Time, of course, is relative.  If speed is in degrees or radians
4456       per X, then time is in X since the beginning of the year.  What
4457       constitutes the beginning of the year depends on the meridian of
4458       the data set.  The phases are calibrated such that time is measured
4459       from January 1 00:00 in the time zone specified by the meridian.
4460       Traditionally, the meridian is chosen to be the local standard time
4461       of the location in question to make life easier on simple tide
4462       prediction programs that don't mess with time zones or summer time
4463       adjustments.  However, these days it is simpler to calibrate
4464       everything to UTC so that all the meridians are zero, and let the
4465       tide prediction program apply time zones after the fact.
4467   The speeds, equilibrium arguments, and node factors for arbitrary
4468   constituents and time periods can be generated using [120]Congen.
4470  Business questions
4472   Q: I want to license XTide so I can build a commercial product around
4473   it.
4475   A: XTide is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
4476   License.  [121]This FAQ about the GPL may be applicable to you.
4478   XTide has been used by commercial packages "at arm's length," to use
4479   the wording of the FAQ cited above, but I have never licensed it by any
4480   terms other than the GPL, nor have I ever offered any kind of warranty
4481   or service that one might expect if it were licensed commercially.
4483   PLEASE NOTE:  The question whether you can use XTide is completely
4484   separate from the question of whether you can use the tide data
4485   (harmonics files).  In general, data for U.S. ports are public domain,
4486   while others are for non-commercial use only or subject to restrictive
4487   copyright.  [122]Read the boilerplate for details.
4489   Q: I have a lot of specific questions about the GNU General Public
4490   License and/or want a ruling that my specific plan is OK.
4492   A: Please read the GPL FAQ, available [123]here.  If that does not
4493   answer your question, the people to ask are at [124]licensing@fsf.org.
4495   Q: I would like to talk to you concerning the use of your stuff in our
4496   upcoming product.  Please call me at your convenience.  [#include email
4497   legal disclaimer]
4499   A: Your questions have already been answered [125]here and maybe
4500   [126]here.  There is nothing else to talk about.
4502   Q: I really don't understand the whole purpose of the GNU license.  Why
4503   should I have to reinvent the wheel just because I won't publish my
4504   sources?
4506   A: XTide is free software.  The GPL gives you the choice between
4507   respecting that freedom and passing it on, or reinventing the wheel.
4508   Some additional background on the rationale behind the GPL is available
4509   from the [127]Free Software Foundation.
4511   Q: We are a not-for-profit organization and we want to sell calendars
4512   with predictions from your web site.  Is that OK?
4514   A: Firstly, it's not my web site.  See [128]Question 1.  Secondly, all
4515   predictions for places outside the U.S. are for non-commercial use only
4516   (i.e. you can't sell them no matter what your tax status is).  Lastly,
4517   if you do want to sell calendars containing predictions for the U.S.,
4518   you must include all of the "NOT FOR NAVIGATION" disclaimers and agree
4519   to accept full liability in case someone has a problem.
4521   Legalities aside, my opinion has always been that people who are
4522   selling tide predictions have no business selling anything that is not
4523   directly certified by the [129]National Ocean Service.  Beggars can't
4524   be choosers, but when people are paying for something, they have a
4525   right to hold you to a higher standard.
4527   Q: I have a great idea to make money selling tide predictions, but I'm
4528   not good with technical stuff, so would you just do this for me...
4530   A: No.
4532   Q: I already make money selling tide prediction products, but your
4533   stuff is better, so would you just do this for me...
4535   A: No.
4537   Q: I just put up a fabulous website that serves up XTide output
4538   surrounded by banner ads that make me tons of free money.  Would you
4539   please link to it?
4541   A: No.
4543   Q: Hey, that previous guy had a great idea.  Would you please install
4544   XTide on my web server for me?
4546   A: No.
4548   Q: I'm a consultant being paid to install XTide.  I'm having a million
4549   problems with it, but I can't describe them accurately because I have
4550   never used Linux before.  I think XTide must be really broken.  Please
4551   fix all of my problems.
4553   A: Sorry, I can't do that by email.
4555   Q: I need to do [poorly researched brainstorm having something to do
4556   with tide prediction]--how much would you charge in consulting fees to
4557   help me do it?
4559   A: It's moot.  Your plan won't work for one or more of the following
4560   reasons:
4561     * You think that it's possible to predict tides for arbitrary
4562       locations based on just the latitude and longitude.  It's not.
4563     * The harmonic constants that you plan to use are either unobtainable
4564       or encumbered in ways that make what you want to do with them
4565       illegal.
4566     * You think that harmonic constants can be burned into the firmware
4567       of an embedded device and never need maintenance.  They can't be;
4568       they need to be updated regularly.
4569     * You think that you can cut corners with a simple tide clock and
4570       still get tide predictions that match those published by NOAA.  You
4571       can't.
4573   Q: Congratulations!  XTide has been added to some online directory of
4574   software packages.  Please verify that the information on XTide is
4575   correct and keep it updated.
4577   A: Congratulations!  No.  You do it.
4579  Academic questions
4581   Q: How should I cite XTide within publications?
4583   A: The web site is the best thing you can cite.  For a general
4584   reference to XTide, I suggest the following, with the current date.
4586     [1]  David Flater.  XTide.  https://flaterco.com/xtide/.
4587     2005-07-04.
4589   If you are using specific predictions from XTide rather than just XTide
4590   in general, then you should cite the specific version of XTide and the
4591   specific data file that you used.  In this case, it would be
4592   appropriate to use the date indicated in the changelog for that version
4593   of XTide and the revision date of the data file.
4595     [2]  David Flater.  XTide version 2.8.2.
4596     https://flaterco.com/xtide/.  2005-01-06.
4598     [3]  harmonics-dwf-2005-06-05-v2.  Available from
4599     https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html, 2005-06-05.
4601  Questions that you should have asked, but didn't
4603   Q: What is the difference between a reference station and a subordinate
4604   station?
4606   A: The following information was copied from [130]NOAA's web site on
4607   2007-02-17.
4609     The publication of full daily tide predictions is necessarily
4610     limited to a comparatively small number of stations.  These stations
4611     are referred to as "reference stations".  Tide predictions for more
4612     than 3000 other locations, referred to as "subordinate stations",
4613     can be obtained by applying specific differences to the daily tide
4614     predictions for one of the reference stations.  [...]
4616     Caution:  The time differences and height ratios used to calculate
4617     predictions at subordinate stations are derived from a comparison of
4618     simultaneous tide observations at the subordinate station and its
4619     reference station.  Because these adjustments are constant, they may
4620     not always provide for the daily variations in the actual tides,
4621     especially if the subordinate station is some distance from the
4622     reference station.  Therefore, although the application of time
4623     differences and height ratios will generally provide reasonably
4624     accurate approximations, they cannot result in predictions as
4625     accurate as those listed for the reference stations, which are based
4626     on much larger periods of analysis.
4628   In plain language, what you need to know is this:  All subordinate
4629   station predictions are approximate.  Tide predictions are always at
4630   best approximations of reality, but for subordinate stations that goes
4631   double.
4633   Q: These predictions are nonsense--what is going on here?
4635   Tide graph with a weird zigzag
46362007-02-14 12:57 PM AKST   3.46 feet  High Tide
46372007-02-14  3:00 PM AKST   Moonset
46382007-02-14  7:08 PM AKST   Sunset
46392007-02-14  9:06 PM AKST  -0.38 feet  Low Tide
46402007-02-15  6:46 AM AKST   3.08 feet  Low Tide
46412007-02-15  7:00 AM AKST   2.62 feet  High Tide
46422007-02-15  9:07 AM AKST   Moonrise
46432007-02-15  9:22 AM AKST   Sunrise
46442007-02-15  1:46 PM AKST   3.46 feet  High Tide
4646   Current graph with weird double-flood
46472004-03-31  5:01 AM PST  -0.64 knots  Max Ebb
46482004-03-31  5:49 AM PST   Sunrise
46492004-03-31 10:06 AM PST   0.02 knots  Max Flood
46502004-03-31 10:18 AM PST   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
46512004-03-31 11:21 AM PST  -0.00 knots  Slack, Ebb Begins
46522004-03-31  1:01 PM PST   Moonrise
46532004-03-31  4:13 PM PST  -0.90 knots  Max Ebb
4655   These are extreme examples of what can happen when the time differences
4656   and height ratios for subordinate stations don't "provide for the daily
4657   variations in the actual tides."  Although in the average case the
4658   offsets might yield good results, in extreme cases they can yield
4659   nonsense results like tide events happening in an impossible order or a
4660   "low" tide actually being higher than the "high" tide right next to
4661   it.  There is nothing XTide can do to rationalize these paradoxes, and
4662   the tide levels that are interpolated between paradoxical events are
4663   essentially garbage.
4665   Q: Where can I find tons of information about tides that is both more
4666   authoritative and better written than this FAQ?
4668   A: [131]https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/education.html
4669     __________________________________________________________________
4671   [132]<- Previous [133]-> Next [134]Contents
4675   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
4676   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/design.html
4677   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
4678   4. https://flaterco.com/
4679   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#5
4680   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#40
4681   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#45
4682   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#OaV
4683   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#20
4684  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#10
4685  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#onepage
4686  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#50
4687  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#duplicates
4688  14. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#51
4689  15. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#100
4690  16. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#nocurrents
4691  17. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#exgraph
4692  18. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#noroot
4693  19. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#ancient
4694  20. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#VPS
4695  21. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#90
4696  22. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#maxmin
4697  23. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#DST
4698  24. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#HistoricalPredictions
4699  25. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#60
4700  26. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#92
4701  27. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#93
4702  28. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#ctrlpan
4703  29. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#95
4704  30. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#100
4705  31. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#110
4706  32. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#130
4707  33. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#140
4708  34. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#150
4709  35. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#php
4710  36. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#210
4711  37. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#220
4712  38. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#250
4713  39. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#52
4714  40. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#170
4715  41. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#DumbTideClock
4716  42. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#160
4717  43. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#180
4718  44. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#190
4719  45. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#200
4720  46. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#230
4721  47. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#240
4722  48. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#255
4723  49. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#260
4724  50. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#55
4725  51. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#56
4726  52. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#RTFL
4727  53. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#DNU
4728  54. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#calendar
4729  55. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#54
4730  56. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#300
4731  57. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#OaV2
4732  58. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#OaV3
4733  59. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#notQualified
4734  60. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#667
4735  61. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#directory
4736  62. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#cite
4737  63. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#refsub
4738  64. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#timewarp
4739  65. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#NOAA_education
4740  66. https://flaterco.com/xtide/index.html
4741  67. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
4742  68. https://flaterco.com/xtide/index.html
4743  69. https://flaterco.com/xtide/index.html
4744  70. http://www.waterlevels.gc.ca/eng/data
4745  71. http://www.bsh.de/en/Marine_data/Forecasts/Tides/index.jsp
4746  72. http://www.linz.govt.nz/hydro/tidal-info/tide-tables
4747  73. http://kartverket.no/en/sehavniva/
4748  74. http://www.ntslf.org/
4749  75. http://easytide.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/index.aspx
4750  76. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/tide_predictions.html
4751  77. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
4752  78. https://flaterco.com/xtide/pound_to_fit.html
4753  79. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
4754  80. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
4755  81. http://www.niwa.co.nz/services/online-services/tide-forecaster
4756  82. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/
4757  83. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/
4758  84. http://www.noaa.gov/
4759  85. http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/
4760  86. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/ncop.html
4761  87. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
4762  88. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
4763  89. https://www.r-project.org/
4764  90. http://www.gnuplot.info/
4765  91. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html
4766  92. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xttpd.html
4767  93. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#trouble
4768  94. mailto:dave@flaterco.com
4769  95. http://www.iana.org/time-zones
4770  96. https://flaterco.com/xtide/sysreq.html#TZsysreq
4771  97. https://flaterco.com/xtide/time_t.html
4772  98. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golan_v._Holder
4773  99. http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-dfsg
4774 100. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html#harmgen
4775 101. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
4776 102. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
4777 103. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
4778 104. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#fn
4779 105. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#gf
4780 106. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#mf
4781 107. https://flaterco.com/xtide/installation.html#Xaw3dXft
4782 108. https://flaterco.com/xtide/sysreq.html
4783 109. https://flaterco.com/xtide/ports.html
4784 110. http://www.almanaqueazul.org/?p=132
4785 111. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/
4786 112. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#experts
4787 113. https://flaterco.com/xtide/advanced.html#cp
4788 114. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html#infer
4789 115. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#170
4790 116. https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/tidal_datums_and_their_applications.pdf
4791 117. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/restles1.html
4792 118. https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/glossary2.pdf
4793 119. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#190
4794 120. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#congen
4795 121. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLInProprietarySystem
4796 122. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics_boilerplate.txt
4797 123. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html
4798 124. mailto:licensing@fsf.org
4799 125. https://flaterco.com/xtide/disclaimer.html
4800 126. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLInProprietarySystem
4801 127. http://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software
4802 128. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#5
4803 129. http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/
4804 130. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/t2help.html
4805 131. https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/education.html
4806 132. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
4807 133. https://flaterco.com/xtide/design.html
4808 134. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
4812   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
4814   [4]Sunset over the bar, Bar Harbor, Maine, 1997-06-24
4816Design notes
4818  Principles
4820   As originally codified:
4821     * Portability
4822          + The scope is all "reasonably modern" flavors of Unix, X11, and
4823            C++.
4824          + Limit language features to those that reliably compile.
4825          + Respect the holy mantra "./configure; make; make install".
4826          + Allow trivial workarounds for platform- and
4827            distribution-specific bugs or special requirements.
4828          + Disallow nontrivial workarounds and those that conflict with
4829            correct operation on non-broken platforms.
4830     * Availability
4831          + Limit hard dependencies on external tools and libraries to
4832            those that are typically pre-installed.
4833     * Usability
4834          + Maximize orthogonality of settings and switches.
4835          + Support both interactive and non-interactive use.
4836          + Command-line switches should be no more than two characters
4837            long.
4838     * Maintainability
4839          + Accept no bogus patches.
4840          + Maximize orthogonality of modules.
4841     * Stability
4842          + Accept no bogus patches.
4843          + Use no unstable tools or libraries.
4844          + If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
4845          + If it damages usability or maintainability, it's considered
4846            broke.
4847          + Do not merely deprecate that which deserves to be deleted.
4849   As it happened:
4850     * Portability
4851          + Within the original scope, no Unix but Linux and no compiler
4852            but GCC gets much testing anymore.
4853          + Scope creep:  the workarounds that are included to allow
4854            building the command-line client with Visual Studio are
4855            ridiculous.
4856          + Building libxtide for Android required few source code changes
4857            but plenty of autoconf tricks.
4858     * Usability
4859          + The font settings are context-sensitive.
4860     * Maintainability
4861          + I have accepted some bogus patches and made them work, but no
4862            more.
4863          + Font and character set handling has become totally
4864            non-orthogonal because every context is different.
4865     * Stability
4866          + libXaw3dXft has been unstable (every update breaks the XTide
4867            build, but there are no version defines to check).
4868          + The -ns and -nf switches are deprecated but deserve to be
4869            deleted.
4871  Harmonics files
4873   XTide has a long history of harmonics file woes and has been through
4874   four different file formats trying to solve them.
4876        Readable Extensible Efficient Available
4877   TXT     X                              X
4878   XML               X                    X
4879   SQL               X          X
4880   TCD1                         X         X
4881   TCD2              X          X         X
4883   XTide 1 used a nice, human-readable text format (harmonics.txt) but it
4884   was neither efficient nor extensible.  New fields that were really,
4885   really necessary got wedged in as "hot comments," initiating a long
4886   downhill slide into architectural chaos.
4888   Unwisely, XTide 2 perpetuated the harmonics.txt format but added a new,
4889   extensible XML format for subordinate stations only (offsets.xml).  It
4890   was anticipated that one of two things would eventually happen:  either
4891   a reasonably functional and stable SQL database would become standard
4892   issue with the average Unix, obviating the need to avoid that external
4893   dependency, or harmonics.txt would go away and all stations would be
4894   done in extensible XML.  Neither one happened.  Migration to XML was
4895   put off repeatedly because it would exacerbate the performance
4896   bottleneck.
4898   Everybody suffered with the lousy performance until Jan Depner proposed
4899   to implement a binary format (TCD).  TCD1 fixed the performance problem
4900   but the extensibility problem persisted.  New fields could be added
4901   with just minor changes to libtcd, but then you needed to recompile the
4902   world.  Old versions of XTide couldn't read new harmonics files after
4903   fields were added.  This had a major chilling effect on all development
4904   that would have required new fields.
4906   TCD2 (a major, incompatible revision) emptied the queue of incompatible
4907   changes but also added a field whose content is extension fields
4908   encoded as text.  Adding fields this way is not as efficient as adding
4909   new binary fields, but it avoids the need to make an incompatible
4910   revision over small stuff.  The option to add new binary fields and
4911   bump the major rev remains open should that become necessary.
4913   Unfortunately, as I forget who once observed, "The worst enemy of the
4914   great is the barely good enough."  Among the downstream user community,
4915   the obsolete and hopeless .txt and .xml formats refuse to die.
4917  Known problems
4919   Consensus is that the XTide source code does a miserable job of
4920   separating the user interfaces from the reusable tide-prediction
4921   logic.  As of XTide 2.14 the common files have at least been bundled
4922   into a library that can be built upon without making too much of a
4923   mess.  However, the XML parser still protrudes into the global
4924   namespace, conflicting with any other lex/yacc type parser that the app
4925   might want to link with.
4927   Lots of serious design problems were fixed in refactorings beginning
4928   with version 2.7 (early 2004) and continuing through version 2.9.
4929   Remaining minor problems:
4930    1. The interface with X11 is still weird, especially bootstrapping.
4931    2. The analog tide clock icon caused more problems (with buggy window
4932       managers) than it was worth.
4933    3. URLs assigned to prediction pages by the web server should probably
4934       be based on the harmonics file name and the location name rather
4935       than a transient "row ID."
4936    4. Constituent inference was patched in via libtcd and maybe could
4937       have been integrated better.  In theory, you might want to control
4938       it on a station-by-station basis like preferred units, and it
4939       probably should not require a station reload to turn it on or off.
4940    5. Graph and calendar modes are implemented by transient classes.
4941       These are not proper objects, but they are too complicated to be
4942       implemented with methods alone.
4943    6. libtcd doesn't let you know whether you are looking at a tide
4944       station or a current station until after you load it.
4945    7. The mechanism that XTide 2.13 and later use to get client side
4946       fonts for use in tide graphs is an abomination.
4947    8. Calendar mode needs an "extended subset" of the settings that every
4948       other mode uses.
4949    9. Application-specific error messages don't belong in libxtide.
4950   10. Graph mode is a bottomless source of requests for more settings to
4951       customize it.
4953  C++ feature footprint
4955   At the time XTide 2 was developed, the fancier features of C++ such as
4956   the Standard Template Library (STL) and exceptions did not work in a
4957   portable fashion among the commonly available compilers, so their use
4958   was avoided.  Similarly, [5]Qt and other free alternatives to Motif
4959   were not widely available, so Athena Widgets were used.  The resulting
4960   interface may seem [6]primitive by today's standards, but it still
4961   works.
4963   By the time of the 2.7 refactorings, the STL appeared to be stable and
4964   widely available, so standard templates were introduced where
4965   appropriate to simplify new code.  Old code was not STLified until the
4966   Great Cleanup of 2006 (XTide 2.9).
4968   The long long int data type was introduced in XTide 2.6 as part of the
4969   changes to handle dates before 1970 and after 2037.  Nobody complained.
4971   Streams were expunged from XTide 2.6 after compilers started
4972   deprecating XTide's use of them.  In XTide, C++ streams did not add
4973   value versus plain old C I/O, but this is not the case for every
4974   application.
4976   The bool data type was introduced in XTide 2.9.  C++11 extended
4977   initializer lists were used in new code in XTide 2.13, but made
4978   optional in XTide 2.13.1 because of continued non-support in Visual
4979   Studio 2012.
4981   Exceptions are still not used, but should be.  The bounds-checking
4982   operation[] of SafeArray should be replaced with the now-standard at()
4983   function.
4985  Coding conventions
4987   A uniform coding convention was imposed in XTide 2.9 (year 2006).  See
4988   the file CodingConventions.txt included in the distribution tarball.
4989   As of 2012, particularly with the issuance of C++11, it has become
4990   problematically obsolete in some areas.
4992  Paths not taken
4994     * There ought to be a way to specify relative dates and times in the
4995       -b and -e fields.  Need an applicable standard; ISO 8601 doesn't
4996       support it.
4997     * Generate maps for xttpd navigation and general illustration,
4998       include in LaTeX form.
4999     * Several people have asked for a line in text listings for the
5000       current time, like "2001-03-19 11:50 AM PST 0.10 feet Falling," but
5001       it's not clear what the settings and behaviors should be to handle
5002       the "now" event consistently across all modes.  Graphs and clocks
5003       have their own ways of showing the "now," and it would be
5004       inappropriate to include "now" in a calendar.
5005     * Most tide prediction software generates node factors and
5006       equilibrium arguments monthly or at least does it for the middle of
5007       your prediction interval, but the legacy of SP98 is to do it
5008       yearly.
5009     * Doodson style tide prediction as used by Godin/Foreman's IOS
5010       package:
5011         1. No new Doodson data appear to be forthcoming.
5012         2. Most Doodson constituents are approximated fairly well by
5013            Congen.  The ones that aren't approximated well are those that
5014            are drastically affected by latitude.  To support
5015            latitude-dependent constituents, node factors and equilibrium
5016            arguments would have to be generated internally to XTide,
5017            which would be a significant architectural change.  [Casement
5018            opined that the latitude-dependent method is bogus anyway
5019            because tides are generated someplace in mid-ocean with a
5020            different latitude.]
5021         3. If you want IOS, then use IOS.
5022     __________________________________________________________________
5024   [7]<- Previous [8]-> Next [9]Contents
5028   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html
5029   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/credits.html
5030   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5031   4. https://flaterco.com/
5032   5. https://www.qt.io/
5033   6. http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/S/stone-knives-and-bearskins.html
5034   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html
5035   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/credits.html
5036   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5040   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
5042   [4]Moonrise over Marginal Way
5046   Canonical sources on the NOS tide prediction methodology (including a
5047   mathematical explanation from first principles in SP98):
5049     [5]Manual of Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides.  Special
5050     Publication No. 98, Revised (1940) Edition (reprinted 1958 with
5051     corrections; reprinted again 1994).  United States Government
5052     Printing Office, 1994.  Downloaded from [6]NOAA Central Library via
5053     [7]NOAA's Historical Map & Chart Collection, 2015-04-27.
5055     [8]Computer Applications to Tides in the National Ocean Survey.
5056     Supplement to Manual of Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides
5057     (Special Publication No. 98).  National Ocean Service, National
5058     Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce,
5059     January 1982.  Downloaded from [9]NOS, 2016-12-18.
5061   Miscellaneous publications available from
5062   [10]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#pubs:
5064     [11]Tide and Current Glossary.  National Ocean Service, January
5065     2000.  Downloaded from [12]NOS, 2003-12-19.
5067     [13]Tidal Datums and their Applications.  NOAA Special Publication
5068     NOS CO-OPS 1, June 2000.  Downloaded from [14]NOS, 2004-08-27.
5070     [15]Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D.  The American Practical Navigator:  An
5071     Epitome of Navigation.  NIMA Pub. No. 9, Bicentennial Edition,
5072     2002.  Downloaded from [16]NGA, 2004-09-28.  42 MB.  Chapter 9 is a
5073     tutorial on tides and currents.
5075   My sources for X-windows programming reference:
5077     Kimball, Paul E.  The X Toolkit Cookbook.  Prentice Hall P T R, New
5078     Jersey, 1995.
5080     Nye, Adrian.  Xlib Programming Manual.  O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.,
5081     Volume 1, Third Edition, July 1993.
5083   A catalog of information on the ISO 8601 standard date and time
5084   notation can be found at
5085   [17]http://dmoz.org/Science/Reference/Standards/Individual_Standards/IS
5086   O_8601/.
5088   iCalendar format and usage is according to [18]RFC 2445 and [19]RFC
5089   2446, with some hints taken from [20]RFC 2447 (November 1998).
5091   Harmgen uses ordinary least squares for harmonic analysis of tides.  An
5092   improved method that is more robust to outliers in the data is
5093   described in
5095     Keith E. Leffler and David A. Jay, "Enhancing tidal harmonic
5096     analysis:  Robust (hybrid L^1/L^2) solutions," Continental Shelf
5097     Research, 2008.  Available at
5098     [21]http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~jaylab/group/leffler/publications/Leffl
5099     er_Jay_2009.pdf.
5101   An article about a model-based approach to tide prediction, which is
5102   completely different from what XTide does, is
5104     Derek Goring, "Computer Models Define Tide Variability," The
5105     Industrial Physicist, v. 7, n. 5, October/November 2001, pp. 14-17.
5107   Michael Foreman's publications are a good read if you are interested in
5108   the Doodson approach to tide prediction.
5110     Foreman, M.G.G., 1977.  Manual for Tidal Heights Analysis and
5111     Prediction.  Pacific Marine Science Report 77-10, Institute of Ocean
5112     Sciences, Patricia Bay, Sidney, B.C., 58 pp. (2004 revision).
5114     Foreman, M.G.G., 1978.  Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and
5115     Predition.  Pacific Marine Science Report 78-6, Institute of Ocean
5116     Sciences, Patricia Bay, Sidney, B.C., 57 pp. (2004 revision).
5118     Foreman, M.G.G., and R.F. Henry, 1979.  Tidal Analysis Based on High
5119     and Low Water Observations.  Pacific Marine Science Report 79-15,
5120     Institute of Ocean Sciences, Patricia Bay, Sidney, B.C., 36 pp.
5121     (2004 revision).
5123   Miscellaneous publications mentioned by Hugh Casement that I haven't
5124   read:
5126     On the response method of tide prediction, which is completely
5127     different and allegedly better than what XTide does:  Munk, Walter
5128     H.; Cartwright, David E.:  Tidal spectroscopy and prediction.
5129     Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A 259 (1966).
5131     An interesting-sounding publication that Hugh Casement hasn't read
5132     either:  Horn, Walter:  Some recent approaches to tidal problems
5133     (Centre Belge d'Oc�ans, Brussels, year unknown).
5135     Horn, Walter:  Tafeln der Astronomischen Argumente V0 und der
5136     Korrektionen j, v (Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut, Hamburg,
5137     1967).
5139     Doodson, in Proceedings of the Royal Society A.100 (London, 1921).
5141     Cartwright and Tayler, in Geophysical Journal of the Royal
5142     Astronomical Society 23 (1971).
5144     Jean Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, Willmann-Bell.
5145     __________________________________________________________________
5147   [22]<- Previous [23]-> Next [24]Contents
5151   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/credits.html
5152   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/time_t.html
5153   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5154   4. https://flaterco.com/
5155   5. https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/SP98-1958.pdf
5156   6. http://www.lib.noaa.gov/collections/imgdocmaps/cgs_specpub.html
5157   7. http://historicalcharts.noaa.gov/
5158   8. https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/SpecialPubNo98Suppl.pdf
5159   9. http://www.tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/pub.html
5160  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html#pubs
5161  11. https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/glossary2.pdf
5162  12. http://www.tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/pub.html
5163  13. https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/tidal_datums_and_their_applications.pdf
5164  14. http://www.tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/pub.html
5165  15. https://flaterco.com/files/xtide/Bowditch.pdf
5166  16. http://pollux.nss.nga.mil/pubs/pubs_j_apn_sections.html?rid=187
5167  17. http://dmoz.org/Science/Reference/Standards/Individual_Standards/ISO_8601/
5168  18. https://flaterco.com/xtide/rfc2445.txt
5169  19. https://flaterco.com/xtide/rfc2446.txt
5170  20. https://flaterco.com/xtide/rfc2447.txt
5171  21. http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~jaylab/group/leffler/publications/Leffler_Jay_2009.pdf
5172  22. https://flaterco.com/xtide/credits.html
5173  23. https://flaterco.com/xtide/time_t.html
5174  24. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5178   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
5180Appendix A -- Historical predictions and Y2038 compliance
5182   As of 2002, the average Unix used a signed 32-bit integer to represent
5183   time as a count of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z.  The limits of
5184   that representation are 1901-12-13 20:45:52Z and 2038-01-19 03:14:07Z.
5185   Some platforms instead used an unsigned 32-bit integer (time starts in
5186   1970) while others already used 64-bit integers.
5188   XTide originally limited itself to the range 1970 to 2037.  This
5189   provided portability and reliable results regardless of the time_t
5190   representation and allowed Interval (the difference between two
5191   timestamps) to be represented using a signed 32-bit integer.  However,
5192   an increasing number of requests for historical "past predictions"
5193   combined with slow progress in migrating the average Unix platform to a
5194   time representation capable of surviving year 2038 finally motivated
5195   the incorporation of a workaround.
5197   As of 2013, signed 64-bit time_t is provided by 64-bit Linux and
5198   unsigned time_t has fallen by the wayside.  The workaround remains
5199   useful on 32-bit Linux, DOS, and Windows.  Windows actually uses a
5200   signed 64-bit time_t, but the Run-Time Library [4]barfs on dates before
5201   1970 anyway.  Go figure.
5203   If XTide is compiled with the workaround, time_t is unconditionally
5204   defined as a signed 64-bit integer and the platform's time functions
5205   are bypassed.  Years from 1 to 4000 are allowed.  However, time zones
5206   and daylight savings time are sacrificed.  Everything becomes UTC. [5]*
5208   The workaround can be enabled at configure time using
5209   configure --enable-time-workaround.  The range of years that is
5210   selectable in timestamp dialogs is automatically expanded to 1700 to
5211   2100 when the time workaround is enabled.  If a different range is
5212   required, the definitions of Global::dialogFirstYear and
5213   Global::dialogLastYear in Global.cc must be changed manually.
5215   In order to obtain predictions for past and future years, it is also
5216   necessary to use a harmonics file that supports those years.  The new
5217   harmonics file harmonics-dwf, rev. 2004-10-05 or later, supports the
5218   years 1700 to 2100.  If you need to extend the range of years further,
5219   use the following procedure.
5220    1. Obtain and build the most recent versions of Congen, Tcd-utils and
5221       Harmbase2, available at [6]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html.
5222       You will also need to install the version of Postgres indicated by
5223       the Harmbase2 instructions.
5224    2. Obtain the most recent Postgres database dump of harmonics-dwf from
5225       the same place and load it:  createdb harmbase2; psql harmbase2 <
5226       harmonics-dwf-*.sql.
5227    3. Export the database to a new TCD file using the export program of
5228       Harmbase2, specifying whatever years you wanted:  export -b 1700 -e
5229       2300 harmonics-me.
5231   If you are using .txt and .xml files, you can extend the range of years
5232   as follows.
5233    1. Obtain and build the most recent versions of Congen and Tcd-utils,
5234       available at [7]https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html.
5235    2. Generate the needed years as explained in the README in the Congen
5236       distribution.  E.g., congen -a1 -b 1700 -e 2300 < congen_input.txt
5237       > out.txt.
5238    3. Using a text editor, edit harmonics.txt and replace the segment
5239       between "Begin congen output" and "End congen output" with the
5240       congen output that you just generated.
5241    4. Convert the data to TCD format using build_tide_db as explained in
5242       the README of the Tcd-utils distribution.
5244   Please be aware that extrapolating predictions over large spans of time
5245   may give extremely inaccurate results.  Don't even go there until you
5246   [8]read this FAQ about it.
5248   * The time scale used by the time workaround is not strictly speaking
5249   UTC since it does not implement leap seconds, but neither does the
5250   standard library.  See [9]Limitation #5.
5251     __________________________________________________________________
5253   [10]<- Previous [11]-> Next [12]Contents
5257   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bibliography.html
5258   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html
5259   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5260   4. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bf12f0hc.aspx
5261   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/time_t.html#leap
5262   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
5263   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/files.html
5264   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#HistoricalPredictions
5265   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bugs.html
5266  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/bibliography.html
5267  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html
5268  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5272   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
5273   [4]About harmonic constants and sub station corrections
5274   [5]Change log
5276Appendix B -- Application of offsets for Min Flood and Min Ebb events
5278   [6]B.1  Background
5279   [7]B.2  Secondary Station Adjustments Instructions (NOS)
5280   [8]B.3  Comparison of old and new results
5281   [9]B.4  Comparison with published tables
5283  Background
5285   XTide distinguishes the following common events for current stations:
5287   Max Flood           Maximum current in the flood (+) direction.
5288   Max Ebb             Maximum current in the ebb (-) direction.
5289   Slack, Flood Begins Zero current preceding flood.
5290   Slack, Ebb Begins   Zero current preceding ebb.
5292   Additionally, it distinguishes two events that are not seen as
5293   frequently:
5295   Min Flood Minimum current in the flood (+) direction between two Max
5296   Floods when the current never crosses zero.
5297   Min Ebb Minimum current in the ebb (-) direction between two Max Ebbs
5298   when the current never crosses zero.
5300   In XTide 2.8, a change was made to the application of offsets for Min
5301   Flood and Min Ebb events.
5303   Event XTide 2.7 time adjust XTide 2.7 current adjust XTide 2.8 time
5304   adjust XTide 2.8 current adjust
5305   Min Flood Same as Max Ebb Same as Max Ebb Same as Slack, Flood Begins;
5306   if null, use Max Flood Same as Max Flood
5307   Min Ebb Same as Max Flood Same as Max Flood Same as Slack, Ebb Begins;
5308   if null, use Max Ebb Same as Max Ebb
5310   This change was made based on a reading of the highlighted sections of
5311   the National Ocean Service web page quoted below, which was downloaded
5312   from [10]http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/t2chelp.html on
5313   2004-09-15.
5315   The second highlighted passage states that no attempt is made to
5316   predict the speed of the minimum currents.  It would not make sense for
5317   XTide to leave these values unadjusted because a very small ratio could
5318   cause the supposed maxima to have lower amplitude than the minimum.
5319   Applying the ratio used for the surrounding maxima will give reasonable
5320   looking results as long as the adjustment is only a ratio.  (Additive
5321   adjustments would not produce reasonable results.)
5322     __________________________________________________________________
5324           BEGIN NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE TEXT (highlighting added)
5325     __________________________________________________________________
5327                 Secondary Station Adjustments Instructions
5329   The publication of full daily predictions is necessarily limited to a
5330   comparatively small number of stations. These stations are referred to
5331   as "reference stations". Tidal current predictions for more than 2500
5332   other locations can be obtained by applying certain differences to the
5333   daily predictions for the reference stations.
5335   These pages provide a listing of the more than 2500 "subordinate
5336   stations" for which such predictions can be made, the differences and
5337   ratios to be used, and a link to the appropriate reference station. The
5338   stations in the listing are arranged geographically to make it possible
5339   to find stations which are available for an area you are interested in.
5341   Since all tidal current stations are located offshore, many of them are
5342   named for the channels, rivers, and inlets they are located in, or for
5343   cities, towns, or navigational points they are located near. Some
5344   personal knowledge of the area you are interested in may be necessary
5345   to determine which station(s) are most appropriate for your use.
5347   Depths: Although current measurements may have been recorded at various
5348   depths in the past, the data listed here for most subordinate stations
5349   are mean values determined to have been representative of the current
5350   at each location. For that reason, no specific current meter depth for
5351   those stations are given. Beginning with the Boston Harbor tidal
5352   current survey in 1971, data for individual meter depths were published
5353   and subsequent new data may be presented in a similar manner.
5355   Since most of the current data in these pages came from meters
5356   suspended from survey vessels or anchored buoys, the listed depths are
5357   those measured downward from the surface. Some later data have come
5358   from meters anchored at fixed depths from the bottom. These meter
5359   positions were defined as depth below chart datum. Such defined depths
5360   in these pages will be accompanied by the small letter "d".
5362   Minimum Currents: The user may note that at many locations the current
5363   may not diminish to a true slack water or zero speed stage. For that
5364   reason, the phrases, "minimum before flood" and "minimum before ebb"
5365   are used in these pages rather than "slack water" although either or
5366   both minimums may actually reach a zero speed value at some locations.
5368   Maximum Currents: Near the coast and in inland waters, the current
5369   increases from a minimum current (slack water) for a period of about 3
5370   hours until the maximum speed or strength of the current is reached.
5371   The speed then decreases for another period of about 3 hours when
5372   minimum current is again reached and the current begins a similar cycle
5373   in the opposite direction. The current that flows towards the coast or
5374   up a stream is known as the flood current; the opposite flow is known
5375   as the ebb current. Speeds of the current at reference stations are
5376   listed as positive values for floods and negative values for ebbs.
5377   These pages list the average directions of the maximum floods and
5378   maximum ebb currents. The directions listed are given in degrees, true,
5379   reading from 000 at north to 359 and are the directions toward which
5380   the current flow.
5382   Differences and Speed Ratios: These pages contain time differences by
5383   which the user can compile approximate times for the minimum and
5384   maximum current phases at the subordinate stations. Time differences
5385   for those phases should be applied to the corresponding phases at the
5386   reference station. It will be seen upon inspection that some
5387   subordinate stations exhibit either a double flood or a double ebb
5388   stage, or both. In those cases, a separate time difference is listed
5389   for each of the three flood (or ebb) phases and should be applied only
5390   to the maximum flood (or ebb) phase at the reference station. The
5391   results obtained by the application of time differences will be based
5392   upon the local time meridian. Differences of time meridians between a
5393   subordinate stations and its reference station have been accounted for.
5395   The speed ratios are used to compile approximations of the daily
5396   current speeds at the subordinate stations and refer only to the
5397   maximum floods and ebbs. No attempt is made to predict the speed of the
5398   minimum currents. These ratios are multiplied to the corresponding
5399   maximum current phases at the reference station. As mentioned before,
5400   however, some stations may exhibit either a double flood or a double
5401   ebb, or both. As with time differences, separate ratios are listed for
5402   each of the three flood (or ebb) phases and should be applied only to
5403   the daily maximum flood (or ebb) speed at the reference station. It
5404   should be noted that although the speed of a given current phase at a
5405   subordinate station is obtained by reference to the corresponding phase
5406   at a reference station, the directions of the current at the two places
5407   may differ considerably. These pages list the average directions of the
5408   maximum current phases at the subordinate stations.
5410   Example Tidal Current Calculations
5412   For Cape May Channel, the time and speed adjustments listed in the
5413   tables are:
5414Minimum       Minimum         Speed
5415Before Flood  Before  Ebb     Ratio
5416Flood         Ebb           Flood Ebb
5417-1 14  -1 30  -1 11  -0 45   1.1  1.8
5419   and the reference station is Delaware Bay Entrance. If the times and
5420   speeds listed in column 1 are the minimum and maximum tidal currents
5421   for a day at Delaware Bay Entrance, column 2 are the time corrections,
5422   and column 3 are the speed corrections; column 4 will be the predicted
5423   currents at Cape May Channel. These values are computed by adding or
5424   subtracting the times in column 1 to the adjustments in column 2; and
5425   by multiplying the speeds in column 1 by the ratios in column 3.
5426     (1)                 (2)        (3)         (4)
5427  Times     Speed                            Times     Speed
54280114  0425   1.3    -1 14  -1 30   *1.1    0000  0255   1.4
54290736  1055  -1.3    -1 11  -0 45   *1.8    0625  1010  -2.3
54301351  1650   1.2    -1 14  -1 30   *1.1    1237  1520   1.3
54311958  2316  -1.3    -1 11  -0 45   *1.8    1847  2231  -2.3
5432     __________________________________________________________________
5434                       END NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE TEXT
5435     __________________________________________________________________
5437  Comparison of old and new results
5439   From [11]http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/tab2pc2.html
5440   (2004-09-15):
5441                                                              Minimum       Mini
5442mum         Speed    Direction
5443                                                              Before Flood  Befo
5444re  Ebb     Ratio    At Maximum
5445Station                                              Depth    Flood         Ebb
5446          Flood Ebb  Flood Ebb  Reference Station
5447Admiralty Head, 0.5 mile west of                              -0 31  -0 03  +0 0
54481  -0 07   1.3  1.2   145  025  Admiralty Inlet
5450   Resulting XTide data set:
5452   Name           Admiralty Head, 0.5 mile west of, Washington Current
5453   Reference      Admiralty Inlet, Washington Current
5454   Max time add   -00:03
5455   Max level add  NULL
5456   Max level mult 1.300
5457   Min time add   -00:07
5458   Min level add  NULL
5459   Min level mult 1.200
5460   Flood begins   -00:31
5461   Ebb begins     +00:01
5463   NOS predictions for 2004-09-08 and 2004-09-09 at reference station,
5464   from [12]http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/ADMIRALI.shtml
5465   (2004-09-15):
5466    Slack    Maximum   Slack    Maximum   Slack    Maximum   Slack    Maximum
5467Slack    Maximum
5468    Water    Current   Water    Current   Water    Current   Water    Current
5469Water    Current
5470Day  Time  Time  Veloc  Time  Time  Veloc  Time  Time  Veloc  Time  Time  Veloc
5471 Time  Time  Veloc
5472     h.m.  h.m.  knots  h.m.  h.m.  knots  h.m.  h.m.  knots  h.m.  h.m.  knots
5473 h.m.  h.m.  knots
5475  8         402   -2.3   814  1122    1.5  1449  1801   -1.2        2257   -0.1
5476  9         508   -2.4   909  1219    1.7  1543  1856   -1.5
5478   Corresponding XTide results:
5480   Reference station Sub station (XTide 2.7) Sub station (XTide 2.8)
54812004-09-08  4:02 AM PDT  -2.33 knots  Max Ebb
54822004-09-08  8:13 AM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
54832004-09-08 11:22 AM PDT   1.51 knots  Max Flood
54842004-09-08  2:48 PM PDT  -0.00 knots  Slack, Ebb Begins
54852004-09-08  6:01 PM PDT  -1.22 knots  Max Ebb
54862004-09-08 10:57 PM PDT  -0.07 knots  Min Ebb
54872004-09-09  5:08 AM PDT  -2.36 knots  Max Ebb
54882004-09-09  9:08 AM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
54892004-09-09 12:19 PM PDT   1.71 knots  Max Flood
54902004-09-09  3:42 PM PDT  -0.00 knots  Slack, Ebb Begins
54912004-09-09  6:56 PM PDT  -1.47 knots  Max Ebb
54922004-09-09 11:22 PM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
54942004-09-08  3:55 AM PDT  -2.80 knots  Max Ebb
54952004-09-08  7:42 AM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
54962004-09-08 11:19 AM PDT   1.96 knots  Max Flood
54972004-09-08  2:49 PM PDT  -0.00 knots  Slack, Ebb Begins
54982004-09-08  5:54 PM PDT  -1.47 knots  Max Ebb
54992004-09-08 10:54 PM PDT  -0.09 knots  Min Ebb
55002004-09-09  5:01 AM PDT  -2.84 knots  Max Ebb
55012004-09-09  8:37 AM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
55022004-09-09 12:16 PM PDT   2.22 knots  Max Flood
55032004-09-09  3:43 PM PDT  -0.00 knots  Slack, Ebb Begins
55042004-09-09  6:49 PM PDT  -1.77 knots  Max Ebb
55052004-09-09 10:51 PM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
55072004-09-08  3:55 AM PDT  -2.80 knots  Max Ebb
55082004-09-08  7:42 AM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
55092004-09-08 11:19 AM PDT   1.96 knots  Max Flood
55102004-09-08  2:49 PM PDT  -0.00 knots  Slack, Ebb Begins
55112004-09-08  5:54 PM PDT  -1.47 knots  Max Ebb
55122004-09-08 10:58 PM PDT  -0.08 knots  Min Ebb
55132004-09-09  5:01 AM PDT  -2.84 knots  Max Ebb
55142004-09-09  8:37 AM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
55152004-09-09 12:16 PM PDT   2.22 knots  Max Flood
55162004-09-09  3:43 PM PDT  -0.00 knots  Slack, Ebb Begins
55172004-09-09  6:49 PM PDT  -1.77 knots  Max Ebb
55182004-09-09 10:51 PM PDT   0.00 knots  Slack, Flood Begins
5519     __________________________________________________________________
5521  Comparison with published tables
5523   When the change in XTide's behavior was made in 2004, the NOS web site
5524   did not provide calculated predictions at the subordinate stations for
5525   comparison.  Upon reviewing the issue in 2007 (at which time those
5526   predictions were available), it was found that the published tables did
5527   neither of the behaviors that were implemented in XTide.
5529   CAPTION: Time offsets applied to Min Ebb event
5531   XTide 2.7     XTide 2.8      NOS 2007
5532     Flood   Minimum Before Ebb   Ebb
5534   Whereas the behavior of the published tables seemed to be in conflict
5535   with the [13]Secondary Station Adjustments Instructions, it was
5536   resolved not to change the behavior of XTide at that time.
5538    Reference station
5540   NOS table copied from
5541   [14]http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/get_predc.shtml?year=2007&stn=6030
5542   +Admiralty+Inlet&fldavgd=179&ebbavgd=003&footnote= 2007-02-24
5544        Admiralty Inlet
5545   Predicted Tidal Current     March, 2007
5546   Flood Direction, 179 True.  Ebb (-)Direction, 003 True.
5547   NOAA, National Ocean Service
5549     Slack
5550   Water Maximum
5551   Current Slack
5552   Water Maximum
5553   Current Slack
5554   Water Maximum
5555   Current Slack
5556   Water Maximum
5557   Current Slack
5558   Water Maximum
5559   Current
5560   Day Time
5561   h.m. Time
5562   h.m. Veloc
5563   knots Time
5564   h.m. Time
5565   h.m. Veloc
5566   knots Time
5567   h.m. Time
5568   h.m. Veloc
5569   knots Time
5570   h.m. Time
5571   h.m. Veloc
5572   knots Time
5573   h.m. Time
5574   h.m. Veloc
5575   knots
5576   12 0049 0347 -0.9   0825 -0.1   1458 -2.4 1917 2229 +1.5
5577   13 0207 0512 -1.0   0948 -0.2   1610 -2.4 2019 2335 +1.8
5579   Comparable XTide output, using harmonics-rmk-20040615.tcd
5580   tide -l"admiralty inlet" -b"2007-03-12 00:00" -e"2007-03-14 00:00" -mc
5581   -empSsMm -tf"%H%M" -fh
5583   Day Slack Flood
5584   Slack
5585   Ebb Slack Flood
5586   Slack
5587   Mon 12 0048 0347 -0.93 kt
5588   0824 -0.08 kt
5589   1457 -2.41 kt 1916 2229 1.52 kt
5590   Tue 13 0206 0512 -1.04 kt
5591   0948 -0.18 kt
5592   1610 -2.45 kt 2018 2335 1.75 kt
5594    Subordinate station
5596Name             Agate Pass, North End of, Washington Current
5597Reference        Admiralty Inlet, Washington Current
5598Min time add     -0:59
5599Min level add    NULL
5600Min level mult   0.700
5601Max time add     -1:00
5602Max level add    NULL
5603Max level mult   0.800
5604Flood begins     -1:28
5605Ebb begins       -0:18
5607   NOS table copied from
5608   [15]http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/get_predc.shtml?year=2007&stn=6030
5609   +Admiralty+Inlet&secstn=Agate+Passage,+north+end&sbfh=%2D1&sbfm=28&fldh
5610   =%2D1&fldm=00&sbeh=%2D0&sbem=18&ebbh=%2D0&ebbm=59&fldr=0.8&ebbr=0.7&fld
5611   avgd=230&ebbavgd=032&footnote= 2007-02-24
5613        Agate Passage, north end
5614   Predicted Tidal Current      March, 2007
5615   Flood Direction, 230 True.   Ebb (-)Direction, 032 True.
5616   NOAA, National Ocean Service
5618     Slack
5619   Water Maximum
5620   Current Slack
5621   Water Maximum
5622   Current Slack
5623   Water Maximum
5624   Current Slack
5625   Water Maximum
5626   Current Slack
5627   Water Maximum
5628   Current
5629   Day Time
5630   h.m. Time
5631   h.m. Veloc
5632   knots Time
5633   h.m. Time
5634   h.m. Veloc
5635   knots Time
5636   h.m. Time
5637   h.m. Veloc
5638   knots Time
5639   h.m. Time
5640   h.m. Veloc
5641   knots Time
5642   h.m. Time
5643   h.m. Veloc
5644   knots
5645   12 0031 0248 -0.6   0726 -0.1   1359 -1.7 1749 2129 +1.2
5646   13 0149 0413 -0.7   0849 -0.1   1511 -1.7 1851 2235 +1.4
5648   Comparable XTide output, using harmonics-rmk-20040615.tcd
5649   tide -l"Agate Pass, North End of, Washington Current" -b"2007-03-12
5650   00:00" -e"2007-03-14 00:00" -mc -empSsMm -tf"%H%M" -fh
5652   Day Slack Flood
5653   Slack
5654   Ebb Slack Flood
5655   Slack
5656   Mon 12 0030 0248 -0.65 kt
5657   0806 -0.06 kt
5658   1358 -1.69 kt 1748 2129 1.21 kt
5659   Tue 13 0148 0413 -0.73 kt
5660   0930 -0.13 kt
5661   1511 -1.71 kt 1850 2235 1.40 kt
5662     __________________________________________________________________
5664   [16]<- Previous [17]-> Next [18]Contents
5665   [19]About harmonic constants and sub station corrections
5666   [20]Change log
5670   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/time_t.html
5671   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/pound_to_fit.html
5672   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5673   4. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
5674   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/changelog.html#2.8
5675   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html#background
5676   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html#instructions
5677   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html#oldnew
5678   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html#tables
5679  10. http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/t2chelp.html
5680  11. http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/tab2pc2.html
5681  12. http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/currents04/ADMIRALI.shtml
5682  13. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html#instructions
5683  14. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/get_predc.shtml?year=2007&stn=6030+Admiralty+Inlet&fldavgd=179&ebbavgd=003&footnote=
5684  15. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/get_predc.shtml?year=2007&stn=6030+Admiralty+Inlet&secstn=Agate+Passage,+north+end&sbfh=%2D1&sbfm=28&fldh=%2D1&fldm=00&sbeh=%2D0&sbem=18&ebbh=%2D0&ebbm=59&fldr=0.8&ebbr=0.7&fldavgd=230&ebbavgd=032&footnote=
5685  16. https://flaterco.com/xtide/time_t.html
5686  17. https://flaterco.com/xtide/pound_to_fit.html
5687  18. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5688  19. https://flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics.html
5689  20. https://flaterco.com/xtide/changelog.html#2.8
5693   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
5694   [4]Modes and formats
5695   [5]FAQ
5697Appendix C -- Making calendars fit onto a single page
5699  Get rid of unwanted information
5701   Regardless of which format you are using, having extra stuff in the
5702   calendar that you don't want isn't going to help.  If you are using a
5703   web page somewhere, look for options that allow you to suppress sun and
5704   moon events or control the formatting of timestamps.  If you are using
5705   XTide directly, you do this using various settings.  The following
5706   examples assume command line usage, but you can change settings in
5707   several other ways.  See [6]settings for details.
5709   To get rid of unwanted columns for sun and moon events, use the -em
5710   command line switch to set an event mask.  E.g, to suppress all sun and
5711   moon events, set the event mask to the value pSsMm.  p = phase of moon,
5712   S = sunrise, s = sunset, M = moonrise, m = moonset.
5714   To get rid of unwanted verbosity in timestamps (AM/PM and/or time
5715   zone), use the -tf command line switch to set the time format string.
5716   E.g., to reduce it to four digits of 24-hour notation, set the time
5717   format string to %H%M.  To keep AM/PM but lose the time zone, set the
5718   time format string to %l:%M %p.
5720   Other settings added in XTide 2.14 can be used to condense or tweak
5721   calendar text:
5722     * The omitunits setting (-ou) prints numbers with no ft/m/kt and adds
5723       a header line stating the units and datum (where possible).  Say
5724       -ou y to omit the units.
5725     * The caldayfmt setting (-cf) controls the format string used to
5726       print days in calendars.  To omit the day of week and just keep the
5727       number, specify %d.
5728     * The linebreak setting (-lb) controls whether or not calendar mode
5729       inserts a line break before prediction values.  This reduces
5730       truncation in text format and tweaks line wrapping in HTML and
5731       LaTeX formats.
5732     * The pagebreak setting (-pb) controls whether or not calendar mode
5733       inserts a page break and repeats the station header for each month
5734       in text, HTML, and LaTeX formats.  Text uses form feeds and HTML
5735       uses a page-break-before style.
5737  Scale down HTML
5739   If the calendar that you want to print is on a web page or otherwise in
5740   HTML format, the next step is to set up your print scaling to make it
5741   fit on the page without a lot of ugly text wrapping.  The process for
5742   doing this is slightly different depending on your browser and tends to
5743   change along with browser versions, so overly specific instructions
5744   would be futile.  Just try different scaling, fit, portrait, and
5745   landscape options in print preview until the calendar fits nicely on a
5746   page.
5748  Get serious--use LaTeX
5750   The problem with printing calendars from HTML is that HTML was designed
5751   for viewing on a monitor.  Whether the result ends up on one page or
5752   three when you print it was never supposed to be a concern.  The
5753   concept of pagination eventually appeared in style options, but it was
5754   never a priority.
5756   The right language to use in this case is LaTeX.  Like HTML, LaTeX is a
5757   markup language, but it is designed for typesetting printed documents.
5759   XTide can generate calendars in LaTeX format.  These can be converted
5760   to PDFs using pdflatex, and those PDFs can then be printed on any size
5761   paper using Adobe Reader.
5763   If you are using XTide through a web page, you just have to hunt for an
5764   option to generate a PDF and hope that there is one.
5766   The process to generate and view a PDF from the command line is as
5767   follows:
5768bash-3.00$ tide -l"Location Name" -mc -fl -b"Start Time" -e"End Time" > cal.tex
5769bash-3.00$ pdflatex cal.tex
5770bash-3.00$ acroread cal.pdf
5772   The default page geometry in LaTeX mode is probably not optimal for
5773   making your calendar look nice.  Experiment with different values for
5774   pageheight (-ph 420) and pagewidth (-pw 297) until the calendar looks
5775   nice in PDF.  Do not worry that the shape of the pages in the PDF is
5776   not what you have in your printer.
5778   [7]Example of nicely formatted calendar
5780   When you are happy with the look of the PDF, do the following to print
5781   it.
5783    Adobe Reader
5785   Different versions of Adobe Reader present the same options in
5786   different ways.  On the File -> Print menu, do whichever applies:
5787    1. Under Size Options, check Fit, and check Auto portrait/landscape.
5788    2. Change Page Scaling to Fit to Printable Area, and check Auto-Rotate
5789       and Center.
5790     __________________________________________________________________
5792   [8]<- Previous [9]-> Next [10]Contents
5793   [11]Modes and formats
5794   [12]FAQ
5798   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html
5799   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide1diff.html
5800   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5801   4. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
5802   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#onepage
5803   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/settings.html
5804   7. https://flaterco.com/xtide/BarHarbor.pdf
5805   8. https://flaterco.com/xtide/mincurrents.html
5806   9. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide1diff.html
5807  10. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5808  11. https://flaterco.com/xtide/modes.html
5809  12. https://flaterco.com/xtide/faq.html#onepage
5813   [1]<- Previous [2]-> Next [3]Contents
5815Icon Differences from XTide 1
5817   [As if anybody remembers XTide 1.  This section is now obsolete.]
5819   XTide 2 is a complete redesign of XTide 1.  There are too many subtle
5820   improvements to list them all, but here are the not so subtle ones:
5821     * New interactive user interface for X windows client
5822     * Integrated web server now provided in distribution
5823     * Simpler, better command line interface
5824     * Handles multiple harmonics files transparently
5825     * Subordinate stations are now stored in an external database and are
5826       expanded to handle all known styles of offsets
5827     * Hydraulic currents are fixed
5828     * Removed useless options and modes
5829     * Added sun and moon information (by popular demand...)
5830     * Fast, efficient binary format for harmonics data
5832   These are the non-obvious things you must know in order to migrate:
5833    1. The environment variable HFILE is no longer used to specify the
5834       harmonics file; instead, HFILE_PATH is used:
5836export HFILE_PATH=/usr/local/share/xtide/harmonics.tcd
5838       If HFILE_PATH is not set, XTide looks for the file "harmonics.tcd"
5839       in the default directory.
5840    2. XTide now has its own built-in icon.  Remove any icon settings that
5841       you made in your window manager init files.  [Since the icon
5842       protocol that XTide 2 uses is no longer supported by newer window
5843       managers, that advice can be disregarded.]
5844    3. You may no longer use anonymous units in harmonics files.  The
5845       units must be one of the recognized alternatives.  These are:
5846       feet, meters, knots, knots^2 (for hydraulic currents).  If you are
5847       still using an ancient harmonics file that contains no units or
5848       "bogo-knots," then shame on you.  It's high time that you upgraded.
5849     __________________________________________________________________
5851   [4]<- Previous [5]-> Next [6]Contents
5855   1. https://flaterco.com/xtide/pound_to_fit.html
5856   2. https://flaterco.com/xtide/quickinst.html
5857   3. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents
5858   4. https://flaterco.com/xtide/pound_to_fit.html
5859   5. https://flaterco.com/xtide/quickinst.html
5860   6. https://flaterco.com/xtide/xtide.html#contents