1 /* resampv.c -- use sinc interpolation to resample at a time-varying sample rate */
5  * --------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * 28Apr03  dm  min->MIN, max->MAX
7  */
10 #include "stdio.h"
11 #ifndef mips
12 #include "stdlib.h"
13 #endif
14 #include "xlisp.h"
15 #include "sound.h"
17 #include "falloc.h"
18 #include "cext.h"
19 #include "resampv.h"
20 #include "fresample.h"
21 #include "ffilterkit.h"
22 #include "fsmallfilter.h"
23 #include "assert.h"
26 /* Algorithm:
27  First compute a factor = ratio of new sample rate to original sample rate.
28  We have Time, the offset into X
29  We want Xoff = ((susp->Nmult + 1) / 2.0) * MAX(1.0, 1.0 / factor) + 10
30  samples on either side of Time before we interpolate.
31  If Xoff * 2 > Xsize, then we're in trouble because X is not big enough.
32  Assume this is a pathalogical case, raise the cutoff frequency to
33  reduce Xoff to less than Xsize/2.
34  If Time is too small, then we're in trouble because we've lost the
35  beginning of the buffer. Raise the cutoff frequency until Xoff is
36  less than Time. This should only happen if factor suddenly drops.
37  If Time is too big, we can handle it: shift X down and load X with new
38  samples. When X is shifted by N samples, N is subtracted from Time.
39  To minimize the "Time is too small" case, don't shift too far: leave
40  a cushion of Xoff * 2 samples rather than the usual Xoff.
42  Now compute a sample at Time using SrcUD and output it.
44  What is Time?
45  Time is the offset into X, so Time is g_of_now - (sum of all X shifts)
46  So, let Time = g_of_now - shift_sum
47  Whenever shift_sum or g_of_now is updated, recompute Time
49  To compute the next g_of_now, do a lookup of g at now + 1/sr,
50  using linear interpolation (be sure to do computation with
51  doubles to minimize sampling time jitter).
53  */
55 /* maximum ratio for downsampling (downsampling will still take place,
56  * but the lowest prefilter cutoff frequency will be
57  * (original_sample_rate/2) / MAX_FACTOR_INVERSE
58  */
59 #define MAX_FACTOR_INVERSE 64
61 typedef struct resamplev_susp_struct {
62     snd_susp_node susp;
63     int64_t terminate_cnt;
64     boolean logically_stopped;
65     sound_type f;
66     int f_cnt;
67     sample_block_values_type f_ptr;
69     sound_type g;
70     int g_cnt;
71     sample_block_values_type g_ptr;
72     double prev_g;	/* data for interpolation: */
73     double next_g;
74     double phase_in_g;
75     double phase_in_g_increment;
76     double g_of_now;
78     float *X;
79     long Xsize;
80     double Time; /* location (offset) in X of next output sample */
81     double shift_sum; /* total amount by which we have shifted X; also, the
82                          sample number of X[0] */
83     double LpScl;
84     double factor_inverse; /* computed at every sample from g */
85     /* this is the amount by which we step through the input signal, so
86        factor_inverse is the output_sample_rate / input_sample_rate, and
87        factor is the input_sample_rate / output_sample_rate. Alternatively,
88        factor is the amount to downsample and
89        factor_inverse is the amount to upsample. */
90     /* double factor; -- computed from factor_inverse */
91     sample_type *Imp;
92     sample_type *ImpD;
93     boolean interpFilt;
94     int Nmult;
95     int Nwing;
96     int Xp; /* first free location at end of X */
97     int Xoff; /* number of extra samples at beginning and end of X */
98 } resamplev_susp_node, *resamplev_susp_type;
100 void resamplev_free(snd_susp_type a_susp);
101 void resampv_refill(resamplev_susp_type susp);
103 /* Sampling rate conversion subroutine
104  * Note that this is not the same as SrcUD in resamp.c!
105  * X[] is the input signal to be resampled,
106  * dt is the ratio of sample rates; when dt=1, the skip size is
107  *    Npc/dt = Npc, where Npc is how many filter coefficients to
108  *    get the cutoff frequency equal to the Nyquist rate. As dt
109  *    gets larger, we step through the filter more slowly, so low-pass
110  *    filtering occurs. As dt gets smaller, it is X[] that limits
111  *    frequency, and we use the filter to interpolate samples (upsample).
112  *    Therefore, dt>1 means downsample, dt<1 means upsample.
113  *    dt is how much we increment Time to compute each output sample.
114  * Time is the offset in samples, including fractional samples, of X
115  * Nwing is the size of one wing of the filter
116  * LpScl is a corrective scale factor to make the gain == 1 or whatever
117  *    (Nyquist uses a gain of 0.95 to minimize clipping when peaks are
118  *    interpolated.)
119  * Imp[] and ImpD[] are the filter coefficient table and table differences
120  *    (for interpolation)
121  * Interp is true to interpolate filter coefficient lookup
122  */
SrcUD(float X[],double dt,double Time,int Nwing,double LpScl,float Imp[],float ImpD[],boolean Interp)123 static float SrcUD(float X[], double dt, double Time,
124                  int Nwing, double LpScl,
125                  float Imp[], float ImpD[], boolean Interp)
126 {
127     mem_float *Xp;
128     fast_float v;
130     double dh;           /* Step through filter impulse response */
131     long iTime = (long) Time;
133     dh = MIN(Npc, Npc/dt);  /* Filter sampling period */
135     Xp = &X[iTime];		/* Ptr to current input sample */
136     v = FilterUD(Imp, ImpD, Nwing, Interp, Xp, Time - iTime,
137                  -1, dh);	/* Perform left-wing inner product */
138     v += FilterUD(Imp, ImpD, Nwing, Interp, Xp+1, (1 + iTime) - Time,
139                   1, dh);	/* Perform right-wing inner product */
140     v *= LpScl;		/* Normalize for unity filter gain */
141     return (float) v;
142 }
resamplev__fetch(snd_susp_type a_susp,snd_list_type snd_list)145 void resamplev__fetch(snd_susp_type a_susp, snd_list_type snd_list)
146 {
147     resamplev_susp_type susp = (resamplev_susp_type) a_susp;
148     int cnt = 0; /* how many samples computed */
149     sample_block_type out;
150     /* note that in this fetch routine, out_ptr is used to remember where
151      * to put the "real" output, while X_ptr_reg is used in the inner
152      * loop that copies input samples into X, a buffer
153      */
154     register sample_block_values_type out_ptr;
156     falloc_sample_block(out, "resamplev__fetch");
157     out_ptr = out->samples;
158     snd_list->block = out;
161     while (cnt < max_sample_block_len) { /* outer loop */
162         /* fetch g until we have points to interpolate */
163         while (susp->phase_in_g >= 1.0) {
164             susp->prev_g = susp->next_g;
165             if (susp->g_cnt == 0) {
166                 susp_get_samples(g, g_ptr, g_cnt);
167                 if (susp->g->logical_stop_cnt == susp->g->current - susp->g_cnt) {
168                     if (susp->susp.log_stop_cnt == UNKNOWN) {
169                         susp->susp.log_stop_cnt = susp->susp.current + cnt;
170                     }
171                 }
172                 if (susp->g_ptr == zero_block->samples &&
173                     susp->terminate_cnt == UNKNOWN) {
174                     susp->terminate_cnt = susp->susp.current + cnt;
175                 }
176             }
177             susp->next_g = susp_fetch_sample(g, g_ptr, g_cnt);
178             susp->phase_in_g -= 1.0;
180             if (susp->next_g < susp->prev_g) {
181                 susp->next_g = susp->prev_g; // prevent time from going backward
182             }
183             /* factor_inverse = 1/factor = how many samples of f per
184              * output sample = change-in-g / output-samples-per-g-sample
185              * = change-in-g * phase_in_g_increment
186              */
187             susp->factor_inverse = susp->phase_in_g_increment *
188                                    (susp->next_g - susp->prev_g);
189             if (susp->factor_inverse > MAX_FACTOR_INVERSE)
190                 susp->factor_inverse = MAX_FACTOR_INVERSE;
192             /* update Xoff, which depends upon factor_inverse: */
193             susp->Xoff = (int) (((susp->Nmult + 1) / 2.0) *
194                          MAX(1.0, susp->factor_inverse)) + 10;
195             if (susp->Xoff * 2 > susp->Xsize) {
196                 /* bad because X is not big enough for filter, so we'll
197                  * raise the cutoff frequency as necessary
198                  */
199                 susp->factor_inverse = ((susp->Xsize / 2) - 10 ) /
200                   ((susp->Nmult + 1) / 2.0);
201                 susp->Xoff = (susp->Xsize / 2) - 2 /* fudge factor */;
202             }
203         }
204         susp->g_of_now = susp->prev_g +
205           susp->phase_in_g * (susp->next_g - susp->prev_g);
206         susp->Time = susp->g_of_now - susp->shift_sum;
207         susp->phase_in_g += susp->phase_in_g_increment;
209         /* now we have a position (g_of_now) and a factor */
210         /* See if enough of f is in X */
211         if (susp->Xoff > susp->Time) {
212             /* there are not enough samples before Time in X, so
213              * modify factor_inverse to fix it
214              */
215             susp->factor_inverse = (susp->Time - 10.0) /
216                                    ((susp->Nmult + 1) / 2.0);
218         } else if ((susp->Xsize - susp->Xoff) < susp->Time) {
219             /* Time is too close to the end of the buffer, slide the samples
220                down. If there's room, leave 2*Xoff samples at beginning of
221              * buffer. Otherwise leave as little as Xoff: */
222             int i, dist, ntime;
223             ntime = susp->Xoff * 2; /* shift Time near to this index in X */
224             dist = ((int) susp->Time) - ntime;
225             if (dist < 1 && (ntime * 2 < susp->Xsize)) {
226                 /* not enough room, so leave at least Xoff. */
227                 ntime = susp->Xoff;
228                 if (susp->Xsize / 2 - ntime > 2) {
229                     /* There is some extra space. Use half to extend ntime, allowing
230                        for a possible increase in Xoff that will require more history;
231                        the other half reduces the amount of buffer copying needed. */
232                     ntime += (susp->Xsize / 2 - ntime) / 2;
233                 }
234                 dist = ((int) susp->Time) - ntime;
235             }
236             /* shift everything in X by dist, adjust Time etc. */
237             for (i = 0; i < susp->Xsize - dist; i++) {
238                 susp->X[i] = susp->X[i + dist];
239             }
240             susp->Xp -= dist;
241             resampv_refill(susp);
242             susp->shift_sum += dist;
243             susp->Time = susp->g_of_now - susp->shift_sum;
244         }
246         /* second, compute a sample to output */
248         /* don't run past terminate time */
249         if (susp->terminate_cnt == susp->susp.current + cnt) {
250             snd_list->block_len = cnt;
251             if (cnt > 0) {
252                 susp->susp.current += cnt;
253                 snd_list = snd_list->u.next;
254                 snd_list->u.next = snd_list_create(&susp->susp);
255                 snd_list->block = internal_zero_block;
256                 snd_list_terminate(snd_list);
257             } else {
258                 snd_list_terminate(snd_list);
259             }
260             return;
261         } else {
262             double scale = susp->LpScl;
263             float tmp;
264             if (susp->factor_inverse > 1) scale /= susp->factor_inverse;
265             tmp = SrcUD(susp->X, susp->factor_inverse,
266                          susp->Time, susp->Nwing, scale, susp->Imp,
267                          susp->ImpD, susp->interpFilt);
268             *out_ptr++ = tmp;
269         }
270         cnt++;
271     }
272     snd_list->block_len = cnt;
273     susp->susp.current += cnt;
274     assert(cnt > 0);
275 } /* resamplev__fetch */
resampv_refill(resamplev_susp_type susp)278 void resampv_refill(resamplev_susp_type susp) {
279     int togo, n;
280     register sample_type *f_ptr_reg;
281     register sample_type *X_ptr_reg;
283     while (susp->Xp < susp->Xsize) { /* outer loop */
285         /* read samples from susp->f into X */
286         togo = susp->Xsize - susp->Xp;
288         /* don't run past the f input sample block: */
289         susp_check_samples(f, f_ptr, f_cnt);
290         togo = MIN(togo, susp->f_cnt);
292         n = togo;
293         f_ptr_reg = susp->f_ptr;
294         X_ptr_reg = &(susp->X[susp->Xp]);
295         if (n) do { /* the inner sample computation loop */
296             *X_ptr_reg++ = *f_ptr_reg++;
297         } while (--n); /* inner loop */
299         /* using f_ptr_reg is a bad idea on RS/6000: */
300         susp->f_ptr += togo;
301         susp_took(f_cnt, togo);
302         susp->Xp += togo;
303     } /* outer loop */
304 }
resamplev_mark(snd_susp_type a_susp)308 void resamplev_mark(snd_susp_type a_susp)
309 {
310     resamplev_susp_type susp = (resamplev_susp_type) a_susp;
311     sound_xlmark(susp->f);
312     sound_xlmark(susp->g);
313 }
resamplev_free(snd_susp_type a_susp)316 void resamplev_free(snd_susp_type a_susp)
317 {
318     resamplev_susp_type susp = (resamplev_susp_type) a_susp;
319     sound_unref(susp->f);
320     sound_unref(susp->g);
321     free(susp->X);
322     ffree_generic(susp, sizeof(resamplev_susp_node), "resamplev_free");
323 }
resamplev_print_tree(snd_susp_type a_susp,int n)326 void resamplev_print_tree(snd_susp_type a_susp, int n)
327 {
328     resamplev_susp_type susp = (resamplev_susp_type) a_susp;
329     indent(n);
330     nyquist_printf("f:");
331     sound_print_tree_1(susp->f, n);
333     indent(n);
334     nyquist_printf("g:");
335     sound_print_tree_1(susp->g, n);
336 }
snd_make_resamplev(sound_type f,rate_type sr,sound_type g)339 sound_type snd_make_resamplev(sound_type f, rate_type sr, sound_type g)
340 {
341     register resamplev_susp_type susp;
342     int i;
344     falloc_generic(susp, resamplev_susp_node, "snd_make_resamplev");
345     susp->susp.fetch = resamplev__fetch;
347     susp->Nmult = SMALL_FILTER_NMULT;
348     susp->Imp = SMALL_FILTER_IMP;
349     susp->ImpD = SMALL_FILTER_IMPD;
350     susp->LpScl = SMALL_FILTER_SCALE / 32768.0;
351     susp->LpScl /= 16384.0;
352     /* this is just a fudge factor, is SMALL_FILTER_SCALE wrong? */
353     susp->LpScl /= 1.0011;
354     susp->Nwing = SMALL_FILTER_NWING;
356     susp->terminate_cnt = UNKNOWN;
357     /* initialize susp state */
358     susp->susp.free = resamplev_free;
359     susp->susp.sr = sr;
360     susp->susp.t0 = f->t0;
361     susp->susp.mark = resamplev_mark;
362     susp->susp.print_tree = resamplev_print_tree;
363     susp->susp.name = "resamplev";
364     susp->logically_stopped = false;
365     susp->susp.log_stop_cnt = logical_stop_cnt_cvt(f);
366     susp->susp.current = 0;
367     susp->f = f;
368     susp->f_cnt = 0;
369     susp->g = g;
370     susp->g_cnt = 0;
371     susp->next_g = 0;
372     susp->phase_in_g_increment = g->sr / sr;
373     susp->phase_in_g = 2.0;
374     /* can't use susp->factor because it is unknown and variable */
375     /* assume at most a down-sample by a factor of 2.0 and compute Xoff accordingly */
376     susp->Xoff = (int) (((susp->Nmult + 1) / 2.0) * 2.0) /* MAX(1.0, 1.0 / susp->factor) */ + 10;
377     /* this size is not critical unless it is too small */
378     /* allow the block size plus a buffer of 2*Xoff at both ends for the tails of the filter */
379     susp->Xsize = max_sample_block_len + 4 * susp->Xoff;
380     susp->X = calloc(susp->Xsize, sizeof(sample_type));
381     susp->Xp = susp->Xsize;
382     susp->shift_sum = -susp->Xsize;
383     susp->interpFilt = true;
384     for (i = 0; i < susp->Xoff; i++) susp->X[i] = 0.0F;
385     susp->LpScl *= 0.95; /* reduce probability of clipping */
387     return sound_create((snd_susp_type)susp, susp->susp.t0, susp->susp.sr,
388                         1.0 /* scale factor */);
389 }
snd_resamplev(sound_type f,rate_type sr,sound_type g)392 sound_type snd_resamplev(sound_type f, rate_type sr, sound_type g)
393 {
394     sound_type f_copy = sound_copy(f);
395     sound_type g_copy = sound_copy(g);
396     g_copy->scale *= (float) sr;	/* put g_copy in units of samples */
397     return snd_make_resamplev(f_copy, sr, g_copy);
398 }