1 /**********************************************************************
3   Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
5   InterpolateAudio.cpp
7   Dominic Mazzoni
9 **********************************************************************/
11 #include "InterpolateAudio.h"
13 #include <math.h>
14 #include <stdlib.h>
16 #include <wx/defs.h>
18 #include "Matrix.h"
imin(int x,int y)20 static inline int imin(int x, int y)
21 {
22    return x<y? x: y;
23 }
imax(int x,int y)25 static inline int imax(int x, int y)
26 {
27    return x>y? x: y;
28 }
30 // This function is a really dumb, simple way to interpolate audio,
31 // if the more general InterpolateAudio function below doesn't have
32 // enough data to work with.  If the bad samples are in the middle,
33 // it's literally linear.  If it's on either edge, we add some decay
34 // back to zero.
LinearInterpolateAudio(float * buffer,int len,int firstBad,int numBad)35 static void LinearInterpolateAudio(float *buffer, int len,
36                                    int firstBad, int numBad)
37 {
38    int i;
40    float decay = 0.9f;
42    if (firstBad==0) {
43       float delta = buffer[numBad] - buffer[numBad+1];
44       float value = buffer[numBad];
45       i = numBad - 1;
46       while (i >= 0) {
47          value += delta;
48          buffer[i] = value;
49          value *= decay;
50          delta *= decay;
51          i--;
52       }
53    }
54    else if (firstBad + numBad == len) {
55       float delta = buffer[firstBad-1] - buffer[firstBad-2];
56       float value = buffer[firstBad-1];
57       i = firstBad;
58       while (i < firstBad + numBad) {
59          value += delta;
60          buffer[i] = value;
61          value *= decay;
62          delta *= decay;
63          i++;
64       }
65    }
66    else {
67       float v1 = buffer[firstBad-1];
68       float v2 = buffer[firstBad+numBad];
69       float value = v1;
70       float delta = (v2 - v1) / (numBad+1);
71       i = firstBad;
72       while (i < firstBad + numBad) {
73          value += delta;
74          buffer[i] = value;
75          i++;
76       }
77    }
78 }
80 // Here's the main interpolate function, using
81 // Least Squares AutoRegression (LSAR):
InterpolateAudio(float * buffer,const size_t len,size_t firstBad,size_t numBad)82 void InterpolateAudio(float *buffer, const size_t len,
83                       size_t firstBad, size_t numBad)
84 {
85    const auto N = len;
87    wxASSERT(len > 0 &&
88             firstBad >= 0 &&
89             numBad < len &&
90             firstBad+numBad <= len);
92    if(numBad >= len)
93       return;  //should never have been called!
95    if (firstBad == 0) {
96       // The algorithm below has a weird asymmetry in that it
97       // performs poorly when interpolating to the left.  If
98       // we're asked to interpolate the left side of a buffer,
99       // we just reverse the problem and try it that way.
100       Floats buffer2{ len };
101       for(size_t i=0; i<len; i++)
102          buffer2[len-1-i] = buffer[i];
103       InterpolateAudio(buffer2.get(), len, len-numBad, numBad);
104       for(size_t i=0; i<len; i++)
105          buffer[len-1-i] = buffer2[i];
106       return;
107    }
109    Vector s(len, buffer);
111    // Choose P, the order of the autoregression equation
112    const int IP =
113       imin(imin(numBad * 3, 50), imax(firstBad - 1, len - (firstBad + numBad) - 1));
115    if (IP < 3 || IP >= (int)N) {
116       LinearInterpolateAudio(buffer, len, firstBad, numBad);
117       return;
118    }
120    size_t P(IP);
122    // Add a tiny amount of random noise to the input signal -
123    // this sounds like a bad idea, but the amount we're adding
124    // is only about 1 bit in 16-bit audio, and it's an extremely
125    // effective way to avoid nearly-singular matrices.  If users
126    // run it more than once they get slightly different results;
127    // this is sometimes even advantageous.
128    for(size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
129       s[i] += (rand()-(RAND_MAX/2))/(RAND_MAX*10000.0);
131    // Solve for the best autoregression coefficients
132    // using a least-squares fit to all of the non-bad
133    // data we have in the buffer
134    Matrix X(P, P);
135    Vector b(P);
137    for(size_t i = 0; i + P < len; i++)
138       if (i+P < firstBad || i >= (firstBad + numBad))
139          for(size_t row=0; row<P; row++) {
140             for(size_t col=0; col<P; col++)
141                X[row][col] += (s[i+row] * s[i+col]);
142             b[row] += s[i+P] * s[i+row];
143          }
145    Matrix Xinv(P, P);
146    if (!InvertMatrix(X, Xinv)) {
147       // The matrix is singular!  Fall back on linear...
148       // In practice I have never seen this happen if
149       // we add the tiny bit of random noise.
150       LinearInterpolateAudio(buffer, len, firstBad, numBad);
151       return;
152    }
154    // This vector now contains the autoregression coefficients
155    const Vector &a = Xinv * b;
157    // Create a matrix (a "Toeplitz" matrix, as it turns out)
158    // which encodes the autoregressive relationship between
159    // elements of the sequence.
160    Matrix A(N-P, N);
161    for(size_t row=0; row<N-P; row++) {
162       for(size_t col=0; col<P; col++)
163          A[row][row+col] = -a[col];
164       A[row][row+P] = 1;
165    }
167    // Split both the Toeplitz matrix and the signal into
168    // two pieces.  Note that this code could be made to
169    // work even in the case where the "bad" samples are
170    // not contiguous, but currently it assumes they are.
171    //   "u" is for unknown (bad)
172    //   "k" is for known (good)
173    Matrix Au = MatrixSubset(A, 0, N-P, firstBad, numBad);
174    Matrix A_left = MatrixSubset(A, 0, N-P, 0, firstBad);
175    Matrix A_right = MatrixSubset(A, 0, N-P,
176                                  firstBad+numBad, N-(firstBad+numBad));
177    Matrix Ak = MatrixConcatenateCols(A_left, A_right);
179    const Vector &s_left = VectorSubset(s, 0, firstBad);
180    const Vector &s_right = VectorSubset(s, firstBad+numBad,
181                                  N-(firstBad+numBad));
182    const Vector &sk = VectorConcatenate(s_left, s_right);
184    // Do some linear algebra to find the best possible
185    // values that fill in the "bad" area
186    Matrix AuT = TransposeMatrix(Au);
187    Matrix X1 = MatrixMultiply(AuT, Au);
188    Matrix X2(X1.Rows(), X1.Cols());
189    if (!InvertMatrix(X1, X2)) {
190       // The matrix is singular!  Fall back on linear...
191       LinearInterpolateAudio(buffer, len, firstBad, numBad);
192       return;
193    }
194    Matrix X2b = X2 * -1.0;
195    Matrix X3 = MatrixMultiply(X2b, AuT);
196    Matrix X4 = MatrixMultiply(X3, Ak);
197    // This vector contains our best guess as to the
198    // unknown values
199    const Vector &su = X4 * sk;
201    // Put the results into the return buffer
202    for(size_t i=0; i<numBad; i++)
203       buffer[firstBad+i] = (float)su[i];
204 }