1 //
2 //  Overlay.h
3 //  Audacity
4 //
5 //  Created by Paul Licameli on 5/7/16.
6 //
7 //
9 #ifndef __AUDACITY_OVERLAY__
10 #define __AUDACITY_OVERLAY__
14 #include <utility>
16 class OverlayPanel;
17 class wxDC;
18 class wxRect;
19 class wxSize;
21 /*
22 <b>How Audacity Redisplay Works \n
23  Roger Dannenberg</b> \n
24 Oct 2010 \n
26 This is a brief guide to Audacity redisplay -- it may not be complete. It
27 is my attempt to understand the complicated graphics strategy.
29 One basic idea is that redrawing waveforms is rather slow, so Audacity
30 saves waveform images in bitmaps to make redrawing faster. In particular,
31 during audio playback (and recording), the vertical time indicator is
32 drawn over the waveform about 20 times per second. To avoid unnecessary
33 computation, the indicator is erased by copying a column of pixels from
34 a bitmap image of the waveform. Notice that this implies a two-stage
35 process: first, waveforms are drawn to the bitmap; then, the bitmap
36 (or pieces of it) are copied to the screen, perhaps along with other
37 graphics.
39 The bitmap is for the entire track panel, i.e. multiple tracks, and
40 includes things like the Gain and Pan slders to the left of the
41 waveform images.
43 The screen update uses a mixture of direct drawing and indirect paint
44 events. The "normal" way to update a graphical display is to call
45 the Refresh() method when something invalidates the screen. Later, the
46 system calls OnPaint(), which the application overrides to (re)draw the
47 screen. In wxWidgets, you can also draw directly to the screen without
48 calling Refresh() and without waiting for OnPaint() to be called.
50 I would expect there to be a 2-level invalidation scheme: Some changes
51 invalidate the bitmap, forcing a bitmap redraw *and* a screen redraw.
52 Other changes merely update the screen using pre-existing bitmaps. In
53 Audacity, the "2-level" invalidation works like this: Anything
54 that invalidates the bitmap calls TrackPanel::Refresh(), which
55 has an eraseBackground parameter. This flag says to redraw the
56 bitmap when OnPaint() is called. If eraseBackground is false, the
57 existing bitmap can be used for waveform images. Audacity also
58 draws directly to the screen to update the time indicator during
59 playback. To move the indicator, one column of pixels is drawn to
60 the screen to remove the indicator. Then the indicator is drawn at
61 a NEW time location.
63 Notice that the zoom guidelines, the focused track highlight,
64 and snap guidelines could be drawn directly to the screen rather than to
65 the bitmap, generally eliminating redraw work.
67 One problem is slider updates. Sliders are in the left area of the track
68 panel. They are not wxWindows like wxSliders, but instead are just drawn
69 on the TrackPanel. When slider state changes, *all* tracks do a full
70 refresh, including recomputing the backing store. It would make more sense
71 to just invalidate the region containing the slider. However, doing that
72 would require either incrementally updating the bitmap (not currently done),
73 or maintaining the sliders and other track info on the screen and not in
74 the bitmap.
76 */
78 /*
79 PRL: above explanation was formerly in TrackArtist.cpp.
81 What it says is correct but also applies to other things than the play
82 indicator, such as the point editing cursor and the quick-play indicator
83 line.  I abstracted out class Overlay to describe these drawables, and
84 cooperating class OverlayPanel that can manage multiple Overlays, figuring
85 out when the invalidation of one of them necessitates invalidation of other
86 overlapping ones.
88 The base class OverlayPanel, of TrackPanel, was also reused by the
89 AdornedRulerPanel.
91 */
93 class AUDACITY_DLL_API Overlay
94 {
95 public:
96    Overlay() = default;
97    Overlay( const Overlay & ) PROHIBITED;
98    Overlay &operator=( const Overlay & ) PROHIBITED;
99    virtual ~Overlay() = 0;
101    ///\brief This number determines an ordering of overlays, so that those
102    /// with higher numbers overpaint those with lower numbers that intersect
103    virtual unsigned SequenceNumber() const = 0;
105    // nonvirtual wrapper
106    std::pair<wxRect, bool> GetRectangle(wxSize size);
108    // size passes the dimensions of the backing dc
109    // First member of pair is the rectangle that would be erased
110    // Second member of pair indicates whether the overlay is out of date
111    virtual std::pair<wxRect, bool> DoGetRectangle(wxSize size) = 0;
113    // Default implementation blits from backing store over GetRectangle().first
114    virtual void Erase(wxDC &dc, wxDC &src);
116    // Draw; dc.GetSize() tells you the total dimensions, and the panel is supplied
117    // as context
118    virtual void Draw(OverlayPanel &panel, wxDC &dc) = 0;
119 };
121 #endif