1Path Formats
4The ``paths:`` section of the config file (see :doc:`config`) lets
5you specify the directory and file naming scheme for your music library.
6Templates substitute symbols like ``$title`` (any field value prefixed by ``$``)
7with the appropriate value from the track's metadata. Beets adds the filename
8extension automatically.
10For example, consider this path format string:
11``$albumartist/$album/$track $title``
13Here are some paths this format will generate:
15* ``Yeah Yeah Yeahs/It's Blitz!/01 Zero.mp3``
17* ``Spank Rock/YoYoYoYoYo/11 Competition.mp3``
19* ``The Magnetic Fields/Realism/01 You Must Be Out of Your Mind.mp3``
21Because ``$`` is used to delineate a field reference, you can use ``$$`` to emit
22a dollars sign. As with `Python template strings`_, ``${title}`` is equivalent
23to ``$title``; you can use this if you need to separate a field name from the
24text that follows it.
26.. _Python template strings: http://docs.python.org/library/string.html#template-strings
29A Note About Artists
32Note that in path formats, you almost certainly want to use ``$albumartist`` and
33not ``$artist``. The latter refers to the "track artist" when it is present,
34which means that albums that have tracks from different artists on them (like
35`Stop Making Sense`_, for example) will be placed into different folders!
36Continuing with the Stop Making Sense example, you'll end up with most of the
37tracks in a "Talking Heads" directory and one in a "Tom Tom Club" directory. You
38probably don't want that! So use ``$albumartist``.
40.. _Stop Making Sense:
41    http://musicbrainz.org/release/798dcaab-0f1a-4f02-a9cb-61d5b0ddfd36.html
43As a convenience, however, beets allows ``$albumartist`` to fall back to the value for ``$artist`` and vice-versa if one tag is present but the other is not.
46.. _template-functions:
48Template Functions
51Beets path formats also support *function calls*, which can be used to transform
52text and perform logical manipulations. The syntax for function calls is like
53this: ``%func{arg,arg}``. For example, the ``upper`` function makes its argument
54upper-case, so ``%upper{beets rocks}`` will be replaced with ``BEETS ROCKS``.
55You can, of course, nest function calls and place variable references in
56function arguments, so ``%upper{$artist}`` becomes the upper-case version of the
57track's artists.
59These functions are built in to beets:
61* ``%lower{text}``: Convert ``text`` to lowercase.
62* ``%upper{text}``: Convert ``text`` to UPPERCASE.
63* ``%title{text}``: Convert ``text`` to Title Case.
64* ``%left{text,n}``: Return the first ``n`` characters of ``text``.
65* ``%right{text,n}``: Return the last ``n`` characters of  ``text``.
66* ``%if{condition,text}`` or ``%if{condition,truetext,falsetext}``: If
67  ``condition`` is nonempty (or nonzero, if it's a number), then returns
68  the second argument. Otherwise, returns the third argument if specified (or
69  nothing if ``falsetext`` is left off).
70* ``%asciify{text}``: Convert non-ASCII characters to their ASCII equivalents.
71  For example, "café" becomes "cafe". Uses the mapping provided by the
72  `unidecode module`_. See the :ref:`asciify-paths` configuration
73  option.
74* ``%aunique{identifiers,disambiguators,brackets}``: Provides a unique string
75  to disambiguate similar albums in the database. See :ref:`aunique`, below.
76* ``%time{date_time,format}``: Return the date and time in any format accepted
77  by `strftime`_. For example, to get the year some music was added to your
78  library, use ``%time{$added,%Y}``.
79* ``%first{text}``: Returns the first item, separated by ``;`` (a semicolon
80  followed by a space).
81  You can use ``%first{text,count,skip}``, where ``count`` is the number of
82  items (default 1) and ``skip`` is number to skip (default 0). You can also use
83  ``%first{text,count,skip,sep,join}`` where ``sep`` is the separator, like
84  ``;`` or ``/`` and join is the text to concatenate the items.
85* ``%ifdef{field}``, ``%ifdef{field,truetext}`` or
86  ``%ifdef{field,truetext,falsetext}``: Checks if an flexible attribute
87  ``field`` is defined. If it exists, then return ``truetext`` or ``field``
88  (default). Otherwise, returns ``falsetext``. The ``field`` should be entered
89  without ``$``. Note that this doesn't work with built-in :ref:`itemfields`, as
90  they are always defined.
92.. _unidecode module: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Unidecode
93.. _strftime: http://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime
95Plugins can extend beets with more template functions (see
99.. _aunique:
101Album Disambiguation
104Occasionally, bands release two albums with the same name (c.f. Crystal Castles,
105Weezer, and any situation where a single has the same name as an album or EP).
106Beets ships with special support, in the form of the ``%aunique{}`` template
107function, to avoid placing two identically-named albums in the same directory on
110The ``aunique`` function detects situations where two albums have some identical
111fields and emits text from additional fields to disambiguate the albums. For
112example, if you have both Crystal Castles albums in your library, ``%aunique{}``
113will expand to "[2008]" for one album and "[2010]" for the other. The
114function detects that you have two albums with the same artist and title but
115that they have different release years.
117For full flexibility, the ``%aunique`` function takes three arguments. The
118first two are whitespace-separated lists of album field names: a set of
119*identifiers* and a set of *disambiguators*. The third argument is a pair of
120characters used to surround the disambiguator.
122Any group of albums with identical values for all the identifiers will be
123considered "duplicates". Then, the function tries each disambiguator field,
124looking for one that distinguishes each of the duplicate albums from each
125other. The first such field is used as the result for ``%aunique``. If no field
126suffices, an arbitrary number is used to distinguish the two albums.
128The default identifiers are ``albumartist album`` and the default
129disambiguators are ``albumtype year label catalognum albumdisambig
130releasegroupdisambig``. So you can get reasonable disambiguation
131behavior if you just use ``%aunique{}`` with no parameters in your
132path forms (as in the default path formats), but you can customize the
133disambiguation if, for example, you include the year by default in
134path formats.
136The default characters used as brackets are ``[]``. To change this, provide a
137third argument to the ``%aunique`` function consisting of two characters: the left
138and right brackets. Or, to turn off bracketing entirely, leave argument blank.
140One caveat: When you import an album that is named identically to one already in
141your library, the *first* album—the one already in your library— will not
142consider itself a duplicate at import time. This means that ``%aunique{}`` will
143expand to nothing for this album and no disambiguation string will be used at
144its import time. Only the second album will receive a disambiguation string. If
145you want to add the disambiguation string to both albums, just run ``beet move``
146(possibly restricted by a query) to update the paths for the albums.
149Syntax Details
152The characters ``$``, ``%``, ``{``, ``}``, and ``,`` are "special" in the path
153template syntax. This means that, for example, if you want a ``%`` character to
154appear in your paths, you'll need to be careful that you don't accidentally
155write a function call. To escape any of these characters (except ``{``, and
156``,`` outside a function argument), prefix it with a ``$``.  For example,
157``$$`` becomes ``$``; ``$%`` becomes ``%``, etc. The only exceptions are:
159* ``${``, which is ambiguous with the variable reference syntax (like
160  ``${title}``). To insert a ``{`` alone, it's always sufficient to just type
161  ``{``.
162* commas are used as argument separators in function calls. Inside of a
163  function's argument, use ``$,`` to get a literal ``,`` character. Outside of
164  any function argument, escaping is not necessary: ``,`` by itself will
165  produce ``,`` in the output.
167If a value or function is undefined, the syntax is simply left unreplaced. For
168example, if you write ``$foo`` in a path template, this will yield ``$foo`` in
169the resulting paths because "foo" is not a valid field name. The same is true of
170syntax errors like unclosed ``{}`` pairs; if you ever see template syntax
171constructs leaking into your paths, check your template for errors.
173If an error occurs in the Python code that implements a function, the function
174call will be expanded to a string that describes the exception so you can debug
175your template. For example, the second parameter to ``%left`` must be an
176integer; if you write ``%left{foo,bar}``, this will be expanded to something
177like ``<ValueError: invalid literal for int()>``.
180.. _itemfields:
182Available Values
185Here's a list of the different values available to path formats. The current
186list can be found definitively by running the command ``beet fields``. Note that
187plugins can add new (or replace existing) template values (see
190Ordinary metadata:
192* title
193* artist
194* artist_sort: The "sort name" of the track artist (e.g., "Beatles, The" or
195  "White, Jack").
196* artist_credit: The track-specific `artist credit`_ name, which may be a
197  variation of the artist's "canonical" name.
198* album
199* albumartist: The artist for the entire album, which may be different from the
200  artists for the individual tracks.
201* albumartist_sort
202* albumartist_credit
203* genre
204* composer
205* grouping
206* year, month, day: The release date of the specific release.
207* original_year, original_month, original_day: The release date of the original
208  version of the album.
209* track
210* tracktotal
211* disc
212* disctotal
213* lyrics
214* comments
215* bpm
216* comp: Compilation flag.
217* albumtype: The MusicBrainz album type; the MusicBrainz wiki has a `list of
218  type names`_.
219* label
220* asin
221* catalognum
222* script
223* language
224* country
225* albumstatus
226* media
227* albumdisambig
228* disctitle
229* encoder
231.. _artist credit: http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Artist_Credit
232.. _list of type names: http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Release_Group/Type
234Audio information:
236* length (in seconds)
237* bitrate (in kilobits per second, with units: e.g., "192kbps")
238* format (e.g., "MP3" or "FLAC")
239* channels
240* bitdepth (only available for some formats)
241* samplerate (in kilohertz, with units: e.g., "48kHz")
243MusicBrainz and fingerprint information:
245* mb_trackid
246* mb_releasetrackid
247* mb_albumid
248* mb_artistid
249* mb_albumartistid
250* mb_releasegroupid
251* acoustid_fingerprint
252* acoustid_id
254Library metadata:
256* mtime: The modification time of the audio file.
257* added: The date and time that the music was added to your library.
258* path: The item's filename.
261.. _templ_plugins:
263Template functions and values provided by plugins
266Beets plugins can provide additional fields and functions to templates. See
267the :doc:`/plugins/index` page for a full list of plugins. Some plugin-provided
268constructs include:
270* ``$missing`` by :doc:`/plugins/missing`: The number of missing tracks per
271  album.
272* ``%bucket{text}`` by :doc:`/plugins/bucket`: Substitute a string by the
273  range it belongs to.
274* ``%the{text}`` by :doc:`/plugins/the`: Moves English articles to ends of
275  strings.
277The :doc:`/plugins/inline` lets you define template fields in your beets
278configuration file using Python snippets. And for more advanced processing,
279you can go all-in and write a dedicated plugin to register your own fields and
280functions (see :ref:`writing-plugins`).