1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# This file is part of beets.
3# Copyright 2016, Adrian Sampson and Diego Moreda.
5# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
6# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
7# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
8# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
9# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
10# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
11# the following conditions:
13# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
14# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
16from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
17import codecs
18import unittest
20from mock import patch
21from test import _common
22from test.helper import TestHelper, control_stdin
23from test.test_ui_importer import TerminalImportSessionSetup
24from test.test_importer import ImportHelper, AutotagStub
25from beets.dbcore.query import TrueQuery
26from beets.library import Item
27from beetsplug.edit import EditPlugin
30class ModifyFileMocker(object):
31    """Helper for modifying a file, replacing or editing its contents. Used for
32    mocking the calls to the external editor during testing.
33    """
35    def __init__(self, contents=None, replacements=None):
36        """ `self.contents` and `self.replacements` are initialized here, in
37        order to keep the rest of the functions of this class with the same
38        signature as `EditPlugin.get_editor()`, making mocking easier.
39            - `contents`: string with the contents of the file to be used for
40            `overwrite_contents()`
41            - `replacement`: dict with the in-place replacements to be used for
42            `replace_contents()`, in the form {'previous string': 'new string'}
44        TODO: check if it can be solved more elegantly with a decorator
45        """
46        self.contents = contents
47        self.replacements = replacements
48        self.action = self.overwrite_contents
49        if replacements:
50            self.action = self.replace_contents
52    # The two methods below mock the `edit` utility function in the plugin.
54    def overwrite_contents(self, filename, log):
55        """Modify `filename`, replacing its contents with `self.contents`. If
56        `self.contents` is empty, the file remains unchanged.
57        """
58        if self.contents:
59            with codecs.open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
60                f.write(self.contents)
62    def replace_contents(self, filename, log):
63        """Modify `filename`, reading its contents and replacing the strings
64        specified in `self.replacements`.
65        """
66        with codecs.open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
67            contents = f.read()
68        for old, new_ in self.replacements.items():
69            contents = contents.replace(old, new_)
70        with codecs.open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
71            f.write(contents)
74class EditMixin(object):
75    """Helper containing some common functionality used for the Edit tests."""
76    def assertItemFieldsModified(self, library_items, items, fields=[],  # noqa
77                                 allowed=['path']):
78        """Assert that items in the library (`lib_items`) have different values
79        on the specified `fields` (and *only* on those fields), compared to
80        `items`.
82        An empty `fields` list results in asserting that no modifications have
83        been performed. `allowed` is a list of field changes that are ignored
84        (they may or may not have changed; the assertion doesn't care).
85        """
86        for lib_item, item in zip(library_items, items):
87            diff_fields = [field for field in lib_item._fields
88                           if lib_item[field] != item[field]]
89            self.assertEqual(set(diff_fields).difference(allowed),
90                             set(fields))
92    def run_mocked_interpreter(self, modify_file_args={}, stdin=[]):
93        """Run the edit command during an import session, with mocked stdin and
94        yaml writing.
95        """
96        m = ModifyFileMocker(**modify_file_args)
97        with patch('beetsplug.edit.edit', side_effect=m.action):
98            with control_stdin('\n'.join(stdin)):
99                self.importer.run()
101    def run_mocked_command(self, modify_file_args={}, stdin=[], args=[]):
102        """Run the edit command, with mocked stdin and yaml writing, and
103        passing `args` to `run_command`."""
104        m = ModifyFileMocker(**modify_file_args)
105        with patch('beetsplug.edit.edit', side_effect=m.action):
106            with control_stdin('\n'.join(stdin)):
107                self.run_command('edit', *args)
112class EditCommandTest(unittest.TestCase, TestHelper, EditMixin):
113    """Black box tests for `beetsplug.edit`. Command line interaction is
114    simulated using `test.helper.control_stdin()`, and yaml editing via an
115    external editor is simulated using `ModifyFileMocker`.
116    """
117    ALBUM_COUNT = 1
118    TRACK_COUNT = 10
120    def setUp(self):
121        self.setup_beets()
122        self.load_plugins('edit')
123        # Add an album, storing the original fields for comparison.
124        self.album = self.add_album_fixture(track_count=self.TRACK_COUNT)
125        self.album_orig = {f: self.album[f] for f in self.album._fields}
126        self.items_orig = [{f: item[f] for f in item._fields} for
127                           item in self.album.items()]
129    def tearDown(self):
130        EditPlugin.listeners = None
131        self.teardown_beets()
132        self.unload_plugins()
134    def assertCounts(self, mock_write, album_count=ALBUM_COUNT, track_count=TRACK_COUNT,  # noqa
135                     write_call_count=TRACK_COUNT, title_starts_with=''):
136        """Several common assertions on Album, Track and call counts."""
137        self.assertEqual(len(self.lib.albums()), album_count)
138        self.assertEqual(len(self.lib.items()), track_count)
139        self.assertEqual(mock_write.call_count, write_call_count)
140        self.assertTrue(all(i.title.startswith(title_starts_with)
141                            for i in self.lib.items()))
143    def test_title_edit_discard(self, mock_write):
144        """Edit title for all items in the library, then discard changes."""
145        # Edit track titles.
146        self.run_mocked_command({'replacements': {u't\u00eftle':
147                                                  u'modified t\u00eftle'}},
148                                # Cancel.
149                                ['c'])
151        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=0,
152                          title_starts_with=u't\u00eftle')
153        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.album.items(), self.items_orig, [])
155    def test_title_edit_apply(self, mock_write):
156        """Edit title for all items in the library, then apply changes."""
157        # Edit track titles.
158        self.run_mocked_command({'replacements': {u't\u00eftle':
159                                                  u'modified t\u00eftle'}},
160                                # Apply changes.
161                                ['a'])
163        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=self.TRACK_COUNT,
164                          title_starts_with=u'modified t\u00eftle')
165        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.album.items(), self.items_orig,
166                                      ['title', 'mtime'])
168    def test_single_title_edit_apply(self, mock_write):
169        """Edit title for one item in the library, then apply changes."""
170        # Edit one track title.
171        self.run_mocked_command({'replacements': {u't\u00eftle 9':
172                                                  u'modified t\u00eftle 9'}},
173                                # Apply changes.
174                                ['a'])
176        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=1,)
177        # No changes except on last item.
178        self.assertItemFieldsModified(list(self.album.items())[:-1],
179                                      self.items_orig[:-1], [])
180        self.assertEqual(list(self.album.items())[-1].title,
181                         u'modified t\u00eftle 9')
183    def test_noedit(self, mock_write):
184        """Do not edit anything."""
185        # Do not edit anything.
186        self.run_mocked_command({'contents': None},
187                                # No stdin.
188                                [])
190        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=0,
191                          title_starts_with=u't\u00eftle')
192        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.album.items(), self.items_orig, [])
194    def test_album_edit_apply(self, mock_write):
195        """Edit the album field for all items in the library, apply changes.
196        By design, the album should not be updated.""
197        """
198        # Edit album.
199        self.run_mocked_command({'replacements': {u'\u00e4lbum':
200                                                  u'modified \u00e4lbum'}},
201                                # Apply changes.
202                                ['a'])
204        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=self.TRACK_COUNT)
205        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.album.items(), self.items_orig,
206                                      ['album', 'mtime'])
207        # Ensure album is *not* modified.
208        self.album.load()
209        self.assertEqual(self.album.album, u'\u00e4lbum')
211    def test_single_edit_add_field(self, mock_write):
212        """Edit the yaml file appending an extra field to the first item, then
213        apply changes."""
214        # Append "foo: bar" to item with id == 2. ("id: 1" would match both
215        # "id: 1" and "id: 10")
216        self.run_mocked_command({'replacements': {u"id: 2":
217                                                  u"id: 2\nfoo: bar"}},
218                                # Apply changes.
219                                ['a'])
221        self.assertEqual(self.lib.items(u'id:2')[0].foo, 'bar')
222        # Even though a flexible attribute was written (which is not directly
223        # written to the tags), write should still be called since templates
224        # might use it.
225        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=1,
226                          title_starts_with=u't\u00eftle')
228    def test_a_album_edit_apply(self, mock_write):
229        """Album query (-a), edit album field, apply changes."""
230        self.run_mocked_command({'replacements': {u'\u00e4lbum':
231                                                  u'modified \u00e4lbum'}},
232                                # Apply changes.
233                                ['a'],
234                                args=['-a'])
236        self.album.load()
237        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=self.TRACK_COUNT)
238        self.assertEqual(self.album.album, u'modified \u00e4lbum')
239        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.album.items(), self.items_orig,
240                                      ['album', 'mtime'])
242    def test_a_albumartist_edit_apply(self, mock_write):
243        """Album query (-a), edit albumartist field, apply changes."""
244        self.run_mocked_command({'replacements': {u'album artist':
245                                                  u'modified album artist'}},
246                                # Apply changes.
247                                ['a'],
248                                args=['-a'])
250        self.album.load()
251        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=self.TRACK_COUNT)
252        self.assertEqual(self.album.albumartist, u'the modified album artist')
253        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.album.items(), self.items_orig,
254                                      ['albumartist', 'mtime'])
256    def test_malformed_yaml(self, mock_write):
257        """Edit the yaml file incorrectly (resulting in a malformed yaml
258        document)."""
259        # Edit the yaml file to an invalid file.
260        self.run_mocked_command({'contents': '!MALFORMED'},
261                                # Edit again to fix? No.
262                                ['n'])
264        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=0,
265                          title_starts_with=u't\u00eftle')
267    def test_invalid_yaml(self, mock_write):
268        """Edit the yaml file incorrectly (resulting in a well-formed but
269        invalid yaml document)."""
270        # Edit the yaml file to an invalid but parseable file.
271        self.run_mocked_command({'contents': u'wellformed: yes, but invalid'},
272                                # No stdin.
273                                [])
275        self.assertCounts(mock_write, write_call_count=0,
276                          title_starts_with=u't\u00eftle')
280class EditDuringImporterTest(TerminalImportSessionSetup, unittest.TestCase,
281                             ImportHelper, TestHelper, EditMixin):
282    """TODO
283    """
284    IGNORED = ['added', 'album_id', 'id', 'mtime', 'path']
286    def setUp(self):
287        self.setup_beets()
288        self.load_plugins('edit')
289        # Create some mediafiles, and store them for comparison.
290        self._create_import_dir(3)
291        self.items_orig = [Item.from_path(f.path) for f in self.media_files]
292        self.matcher = AutotagStub().install()
293        self.matcher.matching = AutotagStub.GOOD
294        self.config['import']['timid'] = True
296    def tearDown(self):
297        EditPlugin.listeners = None
298        self.unload_plugins()
299        self.teardown_beets()
300        self.matcher.restore()
302    def test_edit_apply_asis(self):
303        """Edit the album field for all items in the library, apply changes,
304        using the original item tags.
305        """
306        self._setup_import_session()
307        # Edit track titles.
308        self.run_mocked_interpreter({'replacements': {u'Tag Title':
309                                                      u'Edited Title'}},
310                                    # eDit, Apply changes.
311                                    ['d', 'a'])
313        # Check that only the 'title' field is modified.
314        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.lib.items(), self.items_orig,
315                                      ['title'],
316                                      self.IGNORED + ['albumartist',
317                                                      'mb_albumartistid'])
318        self.assertTrue(all('Edited Title' in i.title
319                            for i in self.lib.items()))
321        # Ensure album is *not* fetched from a candidate.
322        self.assertEqual(self.lib.albums()[0].mb_albumid, u'')
324    def test_edit_discard_asis(self):
325        """Edit the album field for all items in the library, discard changes,
326        using the original item tags.
327        """
328        self._setup_import_session()
329        # Edit track titles.
330        self.run_mocked_interpreter({'replacements': {u'Tag Title':
331                                                      u'Edited Title'}},
332                                    # eDit, Cancel, Use as-is.
333                                    ['d', 'c', 'u'])
335        # Check that nothing is modified, the album is imported ASIS.
336        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.lib.items(), self.items_orig,
337                                      [],
338                                      self.IGNORED + ['albumartist',
339                                                      'mb_albumartistid'])
340        self.assertTrue(all('Tag Title' in i.title
341                            for i in self.lib.items()))
343        # Ensure album is *not* fetched from a candidate.
344        self.assertEqual(self.lib.albums()[0].mb_albumid, u'')
346    def test_edit_apply_candidate(self):
347        """Edit the album field for all items in the library, apply changes,
348        using a candidate.
349        """
350        self._setup_import_session()
351        # Edit track titles.
352        self.run_mocked_interpreter({'replacements': {u'Applied Title':
353                                                      u'Edited Title'}},
354                                    # edit Candidates, 1, Apply changes.
355                                    ['c', '1', 'a'])
357        # Check that 'title' field is modified, and other fields come from
358        # the candidate.
359        self.assertTrue(all('Edited Title ' in i.title
360                            for i in self.lib.items()))
361        self.assertTrue(all('match ' in i.mb_trackid
362                            for i in self.lib.items()))
364        # Ensure album is fetched from a candidate.
365        self.assertIn('albumid', self.lib.albums()[0].mb_albumid)
367    def test_edit_retag_apply(self):
368        """Import the album using a candidate, then retag and edit and apply
369        changes.
370        """
371        self._setup_import_session()
372        self.run_mocked_interpreter({},
373                                    # 1, Apply changes.
374                                    ['1', 'a'])
376        # Retag and edit track titles.  On retag, the importer will reset items
377        # ids but not the db connections.
378        self.importer.paths = []
379        self.importer.query = TrueQuery()
380        self.run_mocked_interpreter({'replacements': {u'Applied Title':
381                                                      u'Edited Title'}},
382                                    # eDit, Apply changes.
383                                    ['d', 'a'])
385        # Check that 'title' field is modified, and other fields come from
386        # the candidate.
387        self.assertTrue(all('Edited Title ' in i.title
388                            for i in self.lib.items()))
389        self.assertTrue(all('match ' in i.mb_trackid
390                            for i in self.lib.items()))
392        # Ensure album is fetched from a candidate.
393        self.assertIn('albumid', self.lib.albums()[0].mb_albumid)
395    def test_edit_discard_candidate(self):
396        """Edit the album field for all items in the library, discard changes,
397        using a candidate.
398        """
399        self._setup_import_session()
400        # Edit track titles.
401        self.run_mocked_interpreter({'replacements': {u'Applied Title':
402                                                      u'Edited Title'}},
403                                    # edit Candidates, 1, Apply changes.
404                                    ['c', '1', 'a'])
406        # Check that 'title' field is modified, and other fields come from
407        # the candidate.
408        self.assertTrue(all('Edited Title ' in i.title
409                            for i in self.lib.items()))
410        self.assertTrue(all('match ' in i.mb_trackid
411                            for i in self.lib.items()))
413        # Ensure album is fetched from a candidate.
414        self.assertIn('albumid', self.lib.albums()[0].mb_albumid)
416    def test_edit_apply_asis_singleton(self):
417        """Edit the album field for all items in the library, apply changes,
418        using the original item tags and singleton mode.
419        """
420        self._setup_import_session(singletons=True)
421        # Edit track titles.
422        self.run_mocked_interpreter({'replacements': {u'Tag Title':
423                                                      u'Edited Title'}},
424                                    # eDit, Apply changes, aBort.
425                                    ['d', 'a', 'b'])
427        # Check that only the 'title' field is modified.
428        self.assertItemFieldsModified(self.lib.items(), self.items_orig,
429                                      ['title'],
430                                      self.IGNORED + ['albumartist',
431                                                      'mb_albumartistid'])
432        self.assertTrue(all('Edited Title' in i.title
433                            for i in self.lib.items()))
435    def test_edit_apply_candidate_singleton(self):
436        """Edit the album field for all items in the library, apply changes,
437        using a candidate and singleton mode.
438        """
439        self._setup_import_session()
440        # Edit track titles.
441        self.run_mocked_interpreter({'replacements': {u'Applied Title':
442                                                      u'Edited Title'}},
443                                    # edit Candidates, 1, Apply changes, aBort.
444                                    ['c', '1', 'a', 'b'])
446        # Check that 'title' field is modified, and other fields come from
447        # the candidate.
448        self.assertTrue(all('Edited Title ' in i.title
449                            for i in self.lib.items()))
450        self.assertTrue(all('match ' in i.mb_trackid
451                            for i in self.lib.items()))
454def suite():
455    return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
457if __name__ == '__main__':
458    unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')