1 /*
2     ugens4.c:
4     Copyright (C) 1991 Barry Vercoe, John ffitch
6     This file is part of Csound.
8     The Csound Library is free software; you can redistribute it
9     and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13     Csound is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19     License along with Csound; if not, write to the Free Software
20     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21     02110-1301 USA
22 */
24 #include "csoundCore.h"         /*                      UGENS4.C        */
25 #include "ugens4.h"
26 #include <math.h>
27 #include <inttypes.h>
29 /* The branch prediction slows it down!! */
bzzset(CSOUND * csound,BUZZ * p)31 int32_t bzzset(CSOUND *csound, BUZZ *p)
32 {
33     FUNC        *ftp;
35     if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTFind(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL)) {
36       p->ftp = ftp;
37       if (*p->iphs >= 0)
38         p->lphs = (int32_t)(*p->iphs * FL(0.5) * FMAXLEN);
39       p->ampcod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xamp) ? 1 : 0;
40       p->cpscod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xcps) ? 1 : 0;
41       p->reported = 0;          /* No errors yet */
42       return OK;
43     }
44     return NOTOK;
45 }
buzz(CSOUND * csound,BUZZ * p)47 int32_t buzz(CSOUND *csound, BUZZ *p)
48 {
49     FUNC        *ftp;
50     MYFLT       *ar, *ampp, *cpsp, *ftbl;
51     int32_t       phs, inc, lobits, dwnphs, tnp1, lenmask;
52     MYFLT       sicvt2, over2n, scal, num, denom;
53     uint32_t    offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
54     uint32_t    early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
55     uint32_t    n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
56     int32_t       nn;
58     ftp = p->ftp;
59     if (UNLIKELY(ftp==NULL)) goto err1; /* RWD fix */
60     ftbl = ftp->ftable;
61     sicvt2 = csound->sicvt * FL(0.5); /* for theta/2  */
62     lobits = ftp->lobits;
63     lenmask = ftp->lenmask;
64     ampp = p->xamp;
65     cpsp = p->xcps;
66     if ((nn = (int32_t)*p->knh) < 0) nn = -nn;
67     if (UNLIKELY(nn == 0)) {     /* fix nn = knh */
68       nn = 1;
69     }
70     tnp1 = (nn<<1) + 1;          /* calc 2n + 1 */
71     over2n = FL(0.5) / (MYFLT)nn;
72     scal = *ampp * over2n;
73     inc = (int32_t)(*cpsp * sicvt2);
74     ar = p->ar;
75     phs = p->lphs;
76     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
77     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
78       //printf("early=%d\n", early);
79       nsmps -= early;
80       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
81     }
82     for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
83       if (p->ampcod)
84         scal = ampp[n] * over2n;
85       if (p->cpscod)
86         inc = (int32_t)(cpsp[n] * sicvt2);
87       dwnphs = phs >> lobits;
88       denom = ftbl[dwnphs];
89       if (denom > FL(0.0002) || denom < -FL(0.0002)) {
90         num = ftbl[dwnphs * tnp1 & lenmask];
91         ar[n] = (num / denom - FL(1.0)) * scal;
92       }
93       else ar[n] = *ampp;
94       phs += inc;
95       phs &= PHMASK;
96     }
97     p->lphs = phs;
98     return OK;
99  err1:
100     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h), Str("buzz: not initialised"));
101 }
gbzset(CSOUND * csound,GBUZZ * p)103 int32_t gbzset(CSOUND *csound, GBUZZ *p)
104 {
105     FUNC        *ftp;
107     if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTFind(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL)) {
108       p->ftp = ftp;
109       if (*p->iphs >= 0) {
110         p->lphs = (int32_t)(*p->iphs * FMAXLEN);
111         p->prvr = FL(0.0);
112       }
113       p->ampcod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xamp) ? 1 : 0;
114       p->cpscod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xcps) ? 1 : 0;
115       p->reported = 0;
116       p->last = FL(1.0);
117       return OK;
118     }
119     return NOTOK;
120 }
intpow1(MYFLT x,int32_t n)122 static inline MYFLT intpow1(MYFLT x, int32_t n) /* Binary positive power function */
123 {
124     MYFLT ans = FL(1.0);
125     while (n!=0) {
126       if (n&1) ans = ans * x;
127       n >>= 1;
128       x = x*x;
129     }
130     return ans;
131 }
intpow(MYFLT x,int32_t n)133 MYFLT intpow(MYFLT x, int32_t n)   /* Binary power function */
134 {
135     if (n<0) {
136       n = -n;
137       x = FL(1.0)/x;
138     }
139     return intpow1(x, n);
140 }
gbuzz(CSOUND * csound,GBUZZ * p)142 int32_t gbuzz(CSOUND *csound, GBUZZ *p)
143 {
144     FUNC        *ftp;
145     MYFLT       *ar, *ampp, *cpsp, *ftbl;
146     int32_t       phs, inc, lobits, lenmask, k, km1, kpn, kpnm1;
147     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
148     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
149     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
150     MYFLT       r, absr, num, denom, scal, last = p->last;
151     int32_t       nn, lphs = p->lphs;
153     ftp = p->ftp;
154     if (UNLIKELY(ftp==NULL)) goto err1;
155     ftbl = ftp->ftable;
156     lobits = ftp->lobits;
157     lenmask = ftp->lenmask;
158     ampp = p->xamp;
159     cpsp = p->xcps;
160     k = (int32_t)*p->kk;                   /* fix k and n  */
161     if ((nn = (int32_t)*p->kn)<0) nn = -nn;
162     if (UNLIKELY(nn == 0)) {              /* n must be > 0 */
163       nn = 1;
164     }
165     km1 = k - 1;
166     kpn = k + nn;
167     kpnm1 = kpn - 1;
168     if ((r = *p->kr) != p->prvr || nn != p->prvn) {
169       p->twor = r + r;
170       p->rsqp1 = r * r + FL(1.0);
171       p->rtn = intpow1(r, nn);
172       p->rtnp1 = p->rtn * r;
173       if ((absr = FABS(r)) > FL(0.999) && absr < FL(1.001))
174         p->rsumr = FL(1.0) / nn;
175       else p->rsumr = (FL(1.0) - absr) / (FL(1.0) - FABS(p->rtn));
176       p->prvr = r;
177       p->prvn = (int16)nn;
178     }
179     scal =  *ampp * p->rsumr;
180     inc = (int32_t)(*cpsp * csound->sicvt);
181     ar = p->ar;
182     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
183     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
184       nsmps -= early;
185       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
186     }
187     for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
188       if (p->ampcod)
189         scal =  p->rsumr * ampp[n];
190       if (p->cpscod)
191         inc = (int32_t)(cpsp[n] * csound->sicvt);
192       phs = lphs >>lobits;
193       denom = p->rsqp1 - p->twor * ftbl[phs];
194       num = ftbl[phs * k & lenmask]
195         - r * ftbl[phs * km1 & lenmask]
196         - p->rtn * ftbl[phs * kpn & lenmask]
197         + p->rtnp1 * ftbl[phs * kpnm1 & lenmask];
198       if (LIKELY(denom > FL(0.0002) || denom < -FL(0.0002))) {
199         ar[n] = last = num / denom * scal;
200       }
201       else if (last<0)
202         ar[n] = last = - (p->ampcod ? ampp[n] : *ampp);
203       else
204         ar[n] = last = (p->ampcod ? ampp[n] : *ampp);
205       lphs += inc;
206       lphs &= PHMASK;
207     }
208     p->last = last;
209     p->lphs = lphs;
210     return OK;
211  err1:
212     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h), Str("gbuzz: not initialised"));
213 }
215 #define PLUKMIN 64
217 static  int16   rand15(CSOUND *);
218 static  int16   rand16(CSOUND *);
plukset(CSOUND * csound,PLUCK * p)220 int plukset(CSOUND *csound, PLUCK *p)
221 {
222     int32_t         n;
223     int32_t       npts, iphs;
224     char        *auxp;
225     FUNC        *ftp;
226     MYFLT       *ap, *fp;
227     MYFLT       phs, phsinc;
229     if (UNLIKELY((npts = (int32_t)(csound->esr / *p->icps)) < PLUKMIN)) {
230                                         /* npts is wavelen in sampls */
231       npts = PLUKMIN;                   /*  (but at least min size)  */
232     }
233     if ((auxp = p->auxch.auxp) == NULL ||
234         npts > p->maxpts) {     /* get newspace    */
235       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (npts+1)*sizeof(MYFLT),&p->auxch);
236       auxp = p->auxch.auxp;
237       p->maxpts = npts;                         /*      if reqd    */
238     }
239     ap = (MYFLT *)auxp;                         /* as MYFLT array   */
240     if (*p->ifn == 0.0)
241       for (n=npts; n--; )                       /* f0: fill w. rands */
242         *ap++ = (MYFLT) rand16(csound) * DV32768;
243     else if ((ftp = csound->FTnp2Finde(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL) {
244       fp = ftp->ftable;                         /* else from ftable  */
245       phs = FL(0.0);
246       phsinc = (MYFLT)(ftp->flen/npts);
247       for (n=npts; n--; phs += phsinc) {
248         iphs = (int32_t)phs;
249         *ap++ = fp[iphs];
250       }
251     }
252     *ap = *(MYFLT *)auxp;                       /* last = copy of 1st */
253     p->npts = npts;
254     /* tuned pitch convt */
255     p->sicps = (npts * FL(256.0) + FL(128.0)) * csound->onedsr;
256     p->phs256 = 0;
257     p->method = (int16)*p->imeth;
258     p->param1 = *p->ipar1;
259     p->param2 = *p->ipar2;
260     switch(p->method) {
261     case 1:     /* ignore any given parameters */
262       break;
263     case 2:     /* stretch factor: param1 >= 1 */
264       if (UNLIKELY(p->param1 < FL(1.0)))
265         return csound->InitError(csound,
266                                  Str("illegal stretch factor(param1) value"));
267       else p->thresh1 =  (int16)(FL(32768.0) / p->param1);
268       break;
269     case 3: /* roughness factor: 0 <= param1 <= 1 */
270       if (UNLIKELY(p->param1 < FL(0.0) || p->param1 > FL(1.0)))
271         return csound->InitError(csound,
272                                  Str("illegal roughness factor(param1) value"));
273       else
274         p->thresh1 = (int16)(FL(32768.0) * p->param1);
275       break;
276     case 4: /* rough and stretch factor: 0 <= param1 <= 1, param2 >= 1 */
277       if (UNLIKELY(p->param1 < FL(0.0) || p->param1 > FL(1.0)))
278         return csound->InitError(csound,
279                                  Str("illegal roughness factor(param1) value"));
280       else p->thresh1 = (int16)(FL(32768.0) * p->param1);
281       if (UNLIKELY(p->param2 < FL(1.0)))
282         return csound->InitError(csound,
283                                  Str("illegal stretch factor(param2) value"));
284       else p->thresh2 = (int16)(FL(32768.0) / p->param2);
285       break;
286     case 5: /* weighting coeff's: param1 + param2 <= 1 */
287       if (UNLIKELY(p->param1 + p->param2 > 1))
288         return csound->InitError(csound, Str("coefficients too large "
289                                              "(param1 + param2)"));
290       break;
291     case 6: /* ignore any given parameters */
292       break;
294     default:
295       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("unknown method code"));
296     }
297     return OK;
298 }
pluck(CSOUND * csound,PLUCK * p)300 int32_t pluck(CSOUND *csound, PLUCK *p)
301 {
302     MYFLT       *ar, *fp;
303     int32_t       phs256, phsinc, ltwopi, offset;
304     uint32_t koffset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
305     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
306     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
307     MYFLT       frac, diff;
309     if (UNLIKELY(p->auxch.auxp==NULL)) goto err1; /* RWD FIX */
310     ar = p->ar;
311     phsinc = (int32_t)(*p->kcps * p->sicps);
312     phs256 = p->phs256;
313     ltwopi = p->npts << 8;
314     if (UNLIKELY(phsinc > ltwopi)) goto err2;
315     if (UNLIKELY(koffset)) memset(ar, '\0', koffset*sizeof(MYFLT));
316     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
317       nsmps -= early;
318       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
319     }
320     for (n=koffset; n<nsmps; n++) {
321       offset = phs256 >> 8;
322       fp = (MYFLT *)p->auxch.auxp + offset;     /* lookup position   */
323       diff = fp[1] - fp[0];
324       frac = (MYFLT)(phs256 & 255) / FL(256.0); /*  w. interpolation */
325       ar[n] =   (fp[0] + diff*frac) * *p->kamp; /*  gives output val */
326       if ((phs256 += phsinc) >= ltwopi) {
327         int32_t nn;
328         MYFLT   newval, preval;
329         phs256 -= ltwopi;               /* at phase wrap,    */
330         fp=(MYFLT *)p->auxch.auxp;
331         preval = fp[0];                 /*   copy last pnt   */
332         fp[0] = fp[p->npts];            /*     to first,     */
333         fp++;                           /*   apply smoothing */
334         nn = p->npts;                   /*     up to npts+1  */
335         switch(p->method) {
336         case 1:
337           do {                  /* simple averaging */
338             newval = (*fp + preval) * FL(0.5);
339             preval = *fp;
340             *fp++ = newval;
341           } while (--nn);
342           break;
343         case 2:
344           do {                  /* stretched avrging */
345             if (rand15(csound) < p->thresh1) {
346               newval = (*fp + preval) * FL(0.5);
347               preval = *fp;
348               *fp++ = newval;
349             }
350             else preval = *fp++;
351           } while (--nn);
352           break;
353         case 3:
354           do {                  /* simple drum */
355             if (rand15(csound) < p->thresh1)
356               newval = -(*fp + preval) * FL(0.5);
357             else
358               newval = (*fp + preval) * FL(0.5);
359             preval = *fp;
360             *fp++ = newval;
361           } while (--nn);
362           break;
363         case 4:
364           do {                  /* stretched drum */
365             if (rand15(csound) < p->thresh2) {
366               if (rand15(csound) < p->thresh1)
367                 newval = -(*fp + preval) * FL(0.5);
368               else
369                 newval = (*fp + preval) * FL(0.5);
370               preval = *fp;
371               *fp++ = newval;
372             }
373             else preval = *fp++;
374           } while (--nn);
375           break;
376         case 5:
377           do {                  /* weighted avraging */
378             newval = p->param1 * *fp + p->param2 * preval;
379             preval = *fp;
380             *fp++ = newval;
381           } while (--nn);
382           break;
383         case 6:
384           do {          /* 1st order recursive filter*/
385             preval = (*fp + preval) * FL(0.5);
386             *fp++ = preval;
387           } while (--nn);
388           break;
389         }
390       }
391     }
392     p->phs256 = phs256;
393     return OK;
394  err1:
395     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h), Str("pluck: not initialised"));
396  err2:
397     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
398                              Str("pluck: kcps more than sample rate"));
399 }
401 #define RNDMUL  15625
402 #define MASK16  0xFFFF
403 #define MASK15  0x7FFF
405 /* quick generate a random int16 between -32768 and 32767 */
rand16(CSOUND * csound)407 static int16 rand16(CSOUND *csound)
408 {
409     csound->ugens4_rand_16 = (csound->ugens4_rand_16 * RNDMUL + 1) & MASK16;
410     return (int16) ((int16_t) csound->ugens4_rand_16);
411 }
413 /* quick generate a random int16 between 0 and 32767 */
rand15(CSOUND * csound)415 static int16 rand15(CSOUND *csound)
416 {
417     csound->ugens4_rand_15 = (csound->ugens4_rand_15 * RNDMUL + 1) & MASK15;
418     return (int16) csound->ugens4_rand_15;
419 }
421 /*=========================================================================
422  *
423  * randint31()
424  *
425  * 31 bit Park Miller PRNG using Linus Schrage's method for doing it all
426  * with 32 bit variables.
427  *
428  * Code adapted from Ray Garder's public domain code of July 1997 at:
429  * http://www.snippets.org/RG_RAND.C     Thanks!
430  *
431  *  Based on "Random Number Generators: Good Ones Are Hard to Find",
432  *  S.K. Park and K.W. Miller, Communications of the ACM 31:10 (Oct 1988),
433  *  and "Two Fast Implementations of the 'Minimal Standard' Random
434  *  Number Generator", David G. Carta, Comm. ACM 33, 1 (Jan 1990), p. 87-88
435  *
436  *  Linear congruential generator: f(z) = (16807 * z) mod (2 ** 31 - 1)
437  *
438  *  Uses L. Schrage's method to avoid overflow problems.
439  */
441 #define BIPOLAR 0x7FFFFFFF      /* Constant to make bipolar */
442 #define RIA (16807)             /* multiplier */
443 #define RIM 0x7FFFFFFFL         /* 2**31 - 1 */
445 #define dv2_31          (FL(4.656612873077392578125e-10))
randint31(int32 seed31)447 int32 randint31(int32 seed31)
448 {
449     uint32 rilo, rihi;
451     rilo = RIA * (int32_t)(seed31 & 0xFFFF);
452     rihi = RIA * (int32_t)((uint32)seed31 >> 16);
453     rilo += (rihi & 0x7FFF) << 16;
454     if (rilo > RIM) {
455       rilo &= RIM;
456       ++rilo;
457     }
458     rilo += rihi >> 15;
459     if (rilo > RIM) {
460       rilo &= RIM;
461       ++rilo;
462     }
463     return (int32_t)rilo;
464 }
rndset(CSOUND * csound,RAND * p)466 int32_t rndset(CSOUND *csound, RAND *p)
467 {
468     p->new = (*p->sel!=FL(0.0));
469     if (*p->iseed >= FL(0.0)) {
470       if (*p->iseed > FL(1.0)) {    /* As manual suggest seed in range [0,1] */
471         uint32 seed;         /* I reinterpret >1 as a time seed */
472         seed = csound->GetRandomSeedFromTime();
473         csound->Warning(csound, Str("Seeding from current time %"PRIu32"\n"), seed);
474         if (!p->new) {
475           p->rand = (int32_t) (seed & 0xFFFFUL);
476         }
477         else {
478           p->rand = (int32_t) (seed % 0x7FFFFFFEUL) + 1L;
479         }
480       }
481       else {
482         if (p->new) {
483           MYFLT seed = *p->iseed;
484           if (seed==FL(0.0)) seed = FL(0.5);
485           p->rand = (int32_t) (seed * FL(2147483648.0));
486           p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
487           p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
488         }
489         else
490           p->rand = ((int16)(*p->iseed * FL(32768.0)))&0xffff;
491       }
492     }
493     p->ampcod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xamp) ? 1 : 0;      /* (not used by krand) */
495     return OK;
496 }
krand(CSOUND * csound,RAND * p)498 int32_t krand(CSOUND *csound, RAND *p)
499 {
500     IGN(csound);
501     if (p->new) {
502       int32_t r = randint31(p->rand);      /* result is a 31-bit value */
503       p->rand = r;
504       *p->ar = *p->base +
505         dv2_31 * (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)r<<1)-BIPOLAR) * *p->xamp;
506     }
507     else {
508       int16 rand = (int16)p->rand;
509       rand *= RNDMUL;
510       rand += 1;
511       /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
512       *p->ar = *p->base + (MYFLT)rand * *p->xamp * DV32768;
513       p->rand = rand;
514     }
515     return OK;
516 }
arand(CSOUND * csound,RAND * p)518 int32_t arand(CSOUND *csound, RAND *p)
519 {
520     IGN(csound);
521     MYFLT       *ar;
522     int16       rndmul = RNDMUL;
523     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
524     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
525     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
526     MYFLT       ampscl;
527     MYFLT       base = *p->base;
529     ar = p->ar;
530     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
531     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
532       nsmps -= early;
533       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
534     }
535     if (!p->new) {
536       int16     rand = p->rand;
537       if (!(p->ampcod)) {
538         ampscl = *p->xamp * DV32768;    /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
539         for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
540           rand *= rndmul;
541           rand += 1;
542           ar[n] = base + (MYFLT)rand * ampscl;          /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
543         }
544       }
545       else {
546         MYFLT *xamp = p->xamp;
547         for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
548           rand *= rndmul;
549           rand += 1;
550           /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
551           ar[n] = base + (MYFLT)rand * xamp[n] * DV32768;
552         }
553       }
554       p->rand = rand;   /* save current rand */
555     }
556     else {
557       int32_t       rand = p->rand;
558       if (!(p->ampcod)) {
559         ampscl = *p->xamp * dv2_31;
560         for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
561           rand = randint31(rand);
562           ar[n] = base + (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)rand<<1)-BIPOLAR) * ampscl;
563         }
564       }
565       else {
566         MYFLT *xamp = p->xamp;
567         for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
568           rand = randint31(rand);
569           ar[n] = base +
570             dv2_31 * (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)rand<<1)-BIPOLAR) * xamp[n];
571         }
572       }
573       p->rand = rand;   /* save current rand */
574     }
576     return OK;
577 }
rhset(CSOUND * csound,RANDH * p)579 int32_t rhset(CSOUND *csound, RANDH *p)
580 {
581     p->new = (*p->sel!=FL(0.0));
582     if (*p->iseed >= FL(0.0)) {                       /* new seed:            */
583       if (*p->iseed > FL(1.0)) {    /* As manual suggest sseed in range [0,1] */
584         uint32 seed;         /* I reinterpret >1 as a time seed */
585         seed = csound->GetRandomSeedFromTime();
586         csound->Warning(csound, Str("Seeding from current time %"PRIu32"\n"), seed);
587         if (!p->new) {
588           p->rand = (int32_t) (seed & 0xFFFFUL);
589           p->num1 = (MYFLT) ((int16) p->rand) * DV32768;
590         }
591         else {
592           p->rand = (int32_t) (seed % 0x7FFFFFFEUL) + 1L;
593           p->num1 = (MYFLT) ((int32_t) ((uint32_t)p->rand<<1) - BIPOLAR) * dv2_31;
594         }
595       }
596       else if (!p->new) {
597         p->rand = 0xffff&(int16)(*p->iseed * 32768L);   /* init rand integ    */
598         p->num1 = *p->iseed;                            /*    store fnum      */
599       }
600       else {
601         MYFLT ss = *p->iseed;
602         if (ss>FL(1.0)) p->rand = (int32_t) ss;
603         else p->rand = (int32_t) (*p->iseed * FL(2147483648.0));
604         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
605         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
606         p->num1 = (MYFLT) ((int32_t) ((uint32_t)p->rand<<1) - BIPOLAR) * dv2_31;
607       }
608       p->phs = 0;                               /*      & phs           */
609     }
610     p->ampcod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xamp) ? 1 : 0;      /* (not used by krandh) */
611     p->cpscod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xcps) ? 1 : 0;
612     return OK;
613 }
krandh(CSOUND * csound,RANDH * p)615 int32_t krandh(CSOUND *csound, RANDH *p)
616 {
617     IGN(csound);
618     *p->ar = *p->base + p->num1 * *p->xamp;     /* rslt = num * amp     */
619     p->phs += (int64_t)(*p->xcps * CS_KICVT); /* phs += inc           */
621     if (p->phs >= MAXLEN) {                     /* when phs overflows,  */
622       p->phs &= PHMASK;                         /*      mod the phs     */
623       if (!p->new) {
624         int16 rand = (int16)p->rand;
625         rand *= RNDMUL;                         /*      & recalc number */
626         rand += 1;
627         p->num1 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;        /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
628         p->rand = rand;
629       }
630       else {
631         int32_t r = randint31(p->rand);            /*      & recalc number */
632         p->rand = r;
633         p->num1 = (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)r<<1)-BIPOLAR) * dv2_31;
634       }
635     }
636     return OK;
637 }
randh(CSOUND * csound,RANDH * p)639 int32_t randh(CSOUND *csound, RANDH *p)
640 {
641     int64_t      phs = p->phs, inc;
642     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
643     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
644     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
645     MYFLT       *ar, *ampp, *cpsp;
646     MYFLT       base = *p->base;
648     cpsp = p->xcps;
649     ampp = p->xamp;
650     ar = p->ar;
651     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
652     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
653       nsmps -= early;
654       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
655     }
656     inc = (int64_t)(*cpsp++ * csound->sicvt);
657     for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
658       /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
659       ar[n] = base + p->num1 * *ampp;   /* rslt = num * amp */
660       if (p->ampcod)
661         ampp++;
662       phs += inc;                               /* phs += inc       */
663       if (p->cpscod)
664         inc = (int64_t)(*cpsp++ * csound->sicvt);
665       if (phs >= MAXLEN) {                      /* when phs o'flows, */
666         phs &= PHMASK;
667         if (!p->new) {
668           int16 rand = p->rand;
669           rand *= RNDMUL;                       /*   calc new number */
670           rand += 1;
671           p->num1 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;      /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
672           p->rand = rand;
673         }
674         else {
675           int32_t r = randint31(p->rand);       /*   calc new number */
676           p->rand = r;
677           p->num1 = (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)r<<1)-BIPOLAR) * dv2_31;
678         }
679       }
680     }
681     p->phs = phs;
682     return OK;
683 }
riset(CSOUND * csound,RANDI * p)685 int32_t riset(CSOUND *csound, RANDI *p)
686 {
687     p->new = (*p->sel!=FL(0.0));
688     if (*p->iseed >= FL(0.0)) {                    /* new seed:            */
689       if (*p->iseed > FL(1.0)) { /* As manual suggest seed in range [0,1] */
690         uint32 seed;             /* I reinterpret >1 as a time seed */
691         seed = csound->GetRandomSeedFromTime();
692         csound->Warning(csound, Str("Seeding from current time %"PRIu32"\n"), seed);
693         if (!p->new) {
694           int16 rand = (int16)seed;
695 /*           int16 ss = rand; */
696           /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
697           p->num1 = (MYFLT)(rand) * DV32768; /* store num1,2 */
698           rand *= RNDMUL;         /*      recalc random   */
699           rand += 1;
700           /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
701           p->num2 = (MYFLT)(p->rand=rand) * DV32768;
702 /*           printf("seed, rand, num1, num2 = %d(%x), %d*%x), %f, %f\n", */
703 /*                  ss,ss,p->rand, p->rand, p->num1, p->num2); */
704         }
705         else {
706           p->rand = randint31((int32_t) (seed % 0x7FFFFFFEUL) + 1L);
707           p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
708           p->num1 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31; /* store num1,2 */
709           p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
710           p->num2 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31;
711         }
712       }
713       else if (!p->new) {
714         int16 rand = (int16)(*p->iseed * FL(32768.0)); /* init rand integ */
715         rand *= RNDMUL;                 /*      to 2nd value    */
716         rand += 1;
717         p->num1 = *p->iseed;                    /*      store num1,2    */
718         p->num2 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;        /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
719         p->rand = rand;
720       }
721       else {
722         MYFLT ss = *p->iseed;
723         if (ss>FL(1.0)) p->rand = (int32_t) ss;
724         else if (ss==FL(0.0)) p->rand = (int32_t) (FL(0.5) * FL(2147483648.0));
725         else p->rand = (int32_t) (ss * FL(2147483648.0));
726         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
727         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
728         p->num1 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<1) * dv2_31; /* store num1,2 */
729         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
730         p->num2 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31;
731       }
732       p->phs = 0;                               /*      & clear phs     */
733       p->dfdmax = (p->num2 - p->num1) / FMAXLEN;  /* & diff     */
734     }
735     p->ampcod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xamp) ? 1 : 0;      /* (not used by krandi) */
736     p->cpscod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xcps) ? 1 : 0;
737     return OK;
738 }
krandi(CSOUND * csound,RANDI * p)740 int32_t krandi(CSOUND *csound, RANDI *p)
741 {                                       /* rslt = (num1 + diff*phs) * amp */
742    IGN(csound);
743     *p->ar = *p->base + (p->num1 + (MYFLT)p->phs * p->dfdmax) * *p->xamp;
744     p->phs += (int64_t)(*p->xcps * CS_KICVT); /* phs += inc           */
745     if (p->phs >= MAXLEN) {                     /* when phs overflows,  */
746       p->phs &= PHMASK;                         /*      mod the phs     */
747       if (!p->new) {
748         int16 rand = p->rand;
749         rand *= RNDMUL;                         /*      recalc random   */
750         rand += 1;
751         p->num1 = p->num2;                      /*      & new num vals  */
752         p->num2 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;        /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
753         p->rand = rand;
754       }
755       else {
756         int32_t r = randint31(p->rand);    /*      recalc random   */
757         p->rand = r;
758         p->num1 = p->num2;              /*      & new num vals  */
759         p->num2 = (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)r<<1)-BIPOLAR) * dv2_31;
760       }
761       p->dfdmax = (p->num2 - p->num1) / FMAXLEN;
762     }
763     return OK;
764 }
randi(CSOUND * csound,RANDI * p)766 int32_t randi(CSOUND *csound, RANDI *p)
767 {
768     int64_t       phs = p->phs, inc;
769     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
770     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
771     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
772     MYFLT       *ar, *ampp, *cpsp;
773     MYFLT       base = *p->base;
775     cpsp = p->xcps;
776     ampp = p->xamp;
777     ar = p->ar;
778     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
779     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
780       nsmps -= early;
781       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
782     }
783     inc = (int64_t)(*cpsp++ * csound->sicvt);
784     for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
785       /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
786       ar[n] = base + (p->num1 + (MYFLT)phs * p->dfdmax) * *ampp;
787       if (p->ampcod)
788         ampp++;
789       phs += inc;                               /* phs += inc       */
790       if (p->cpscod)
791         inc = (int64_t)(*cpsp++ * csound->sicvt);  /*   (nxt inc)      */
792       if (phs >= MAXLEN) {                      /* when phs o'flows, */
793         phs &= PHMASK;
794         if (!p->new) {
795           int16 rand = p->rand;
796           rand *= RNDMUL;                       /*   calc new numbers*/
797           rand += 1;
798           p->num1 = p->num2;
799           p->num2 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;      /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
800           p->rand = rand;
801         }
802         else {
803           int32_t r = randint31(p->rand);          /*   calc new numbers*/
804           //printf("r = %x\n", r);
805           p->rand = r;
806           p->num1 = p->num2;
807           p->num2 = (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)r<<1)-BIPOLAR) * dv2_31;
808         }
809         p->dfdmax = (p->num2 - p->num1) / FMAXLEN;
810       }
811     }
812     p->phs = phs;
813     return OK;
814 }
816 /* Cubic interpolation between random values -- JPff 2019 */
rcset(CSOUND * csound,RANDC * p)818 int32_t rcset(CSOUND *csound, RANDC *p)
819 {
820     p->new = (*p->sel!=FL(0.0));
821     if (*p->iseed >= FL(0.0)) {                    /* new seed:            */
822       if (*p->iseed > FL(1.0)) { /* As manual suggest sseed in range [0,1] */
823         uint32 seed;             /* I reinterpret >1 as a time seed */
824         seed = csound->GetRandomSeedFromTime();
825         csound->Warning(csound, Str("Seeding from current time %"PRIu32"\n"), seed);
826         if (!p->new) {
827           int16 rand = (int16)seed;
828 /*           int16 ss = rand; */
829           /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
830           p->num1 = (MYFLT)(rand) * DV32768; /* store num1,2 */
831           rand *= RNDMUL;         /*      recalc random   */
832           rand += 1;
833           p->num2 = (MYFLT)(rand) * DV32768;
834           rand *= RNDMUL;         /*      recalc random   */
835           rand += 1;
836           p->num3 = (MYFLT)(rand) * DV32768;
837           rand *= RNDMUL;         /*      recalc random   */
838           rand += 1;
839           p->num4 = (MYFLT)(p->rand=rand) * DV32768;
840         }
841         else {
842           p->rand = randint31((int32_t) (seed % 0x7FFFFFFEUL) + 1L);
843           p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
844           p->num1 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31; /* store num1,2 */
845           p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
846           p->num2 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31;
847           p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
848           p->num3 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31;
849           p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
850           p->num4 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31;
851         }
852       }
853       else if (!p->new) {
854         int16 rand = (int16)(*p->iseed * FL(32768.0)); /* init rand integ */
855         rand *= RNDMUL;                 /*      to 2nd value    */
856         rand += 1;
857         p->num1 = *p->iseed;                    /*      store num1,2    */
858         p->num2 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;        /* IV - Jul 11 2002 */
859         rand *= RNDMUL;                 /*      to 2nd value    */
860         rand += 1;
861         p->num3 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;
862         rand *= RNDMUL;                 /*      to 2nd value    */
863         rand += 1;
864         p->num4 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;
865         p->rand = rand;
866       }
867       else {
868         MYFLT ss = *p->iseed;
869         if (ss>FL(1.0)) p->rand = (int32_t) ss;
870         else p->rand = (int32_t) (*p->iseed * FL(2147483648.0));
871         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
872         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
873         p->num1 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<1) * dv2_31; /* store num1,2 */
874         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
875         p->num2 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31;
876         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
877         p->num3 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31;
878         p->rand = randint31(p->rand);
879         p->num4 = (MYFLT)(p->rand<<1) * dv2_31;
880       }
881     }
882     p->ampcod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xamp) ? 1 : 0;      /* (not used by krandi) */
883     p->cpscod = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xcps) ? 1 : 0;
884     p->phs = 0;
885     return OK;
886 }
krandc(CSOUND * csound,RANDC * p)889 int32_t krandc(CSOUND *csound, RANDC *p)
890 {                                       /* rslt = (num1 + diff*phs) * amp */
891     IGN(csound);
892     MYFLT a0         =   p->num4 - p->num3 - p->num1 + p->num2;
893     MYFLT a1         =   p->num1 - p->num2 - a0;
894     MYFLT a2         =   p->num3 - p->num1;
895     MYFLT a3         =   p->num2;
896     MYFLT mu         =   (MYFLT)p->phs / (MYFLT)MAXLEN;
897     *p->ar = *p->base + (((a0 * mu +a1) * mu+a2) * mu + a3) * *p->xamp;
898     p->phs += (int64_t)(*p->xcps * CS_KICVT); /* phs += inc           */
899     if (p->phs >= MAXLEN) {                     /* when phs overflows,  */
900       p->phs &= PHMASK;                         /*      mod the phs     */
901       if (!p->new) {
902         int16 rand = p->rand;
903         rand *= RNDMUL;                         /*      recalc random   */
904         rand += 1;
905         p->num1 = p->num2;                      /*      & new num vals  */
906         p->num2 = p->num3;
907         p->num3 = p->num4;
908         p->num4 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;
909         p->rand = rand;
910       }
911       else {
912         int32_t r = randint31(p->rand);    /*      recalc random   */
913         p->rand = r;
914         p->num1 = p->num2;              /*      & new num vals  */
915         p->num2 = p->num3;
916         p->num3 = p->num4;
917         p->num4 = (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)r<<1)-BIPOLAR) * dv2_31;
918       }
919     }
920     return OK;
921 }
randc(CSOUND * csound,RANDC * p)923 int32_t randc(CSOUND *csound, RANDC *p)
924 {
925     int64_t       phs = p->phs, inc;
926     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
927     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
928     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
929     MYFLT       *ar, *ampp, *cpsp;
930     MYFLT       mu;
931     MYFLT       base = *p->base;
932     MYFLT a0         =   p->num4 - p->num3 - p->num1 + p->num2;
933     MYFLT a1         =   p->num1 - p->num2 - a0;
934     MYFLT a2         =   p->num3 - p->num1;
935     MYFLT a3         =   p->num2;
936     cpsp = p->xcps;
937     ampp = p->xamp;
938     inc = (int64_t)(*cpsp++ * csound->sicvt);
939     ar = p->ar;
940     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
941     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
942       nsmps -= early;
943       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
944     }
946     for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
948       mu         =   (MYFLT)phs/(MYFLT)MAXLEN;
950       ar[n]  =   base + (((a0 * mu +a1) * mu+a2) * mu + a3) * *ampp;
952       if (p->ampcod)
953         ampp++;
954       phs += inc;
955       //printf("mu = %g  phs, inc, MAXLEN = %ld, %ld, %d\n", mu, phs, inc, MAXLEN);
956       if (p->cpscod)
957         inc = (int64_t)(*cpsp++ * csound->sicvt);  /*   (nxt inc)      */
958       if (phs >= MAXLEN) {                      /* when phs o'flows, */
959         phs &= PHMASK;
960         if (!p->new) {
961           int16 rand = p->rand;
962           rand *= RNDMUL;                       /*   calc new numbers*/
963           rand += 1;
964           p->num1 = p->num2;                      /*      & new num vals  */
965           p->num2 = p->num3;
966           p->num3 = p->num4;
967           p->num4 = (MYFLT)rand * DV32768;
968           p->rand = rand;
969         }
970         else {
971           int32_t r = randint31(p->rand);          /*   calc new numbers*/
972           p->rand = r;
973           p->num1 = p->num2;
974           p->num2 = p->num3;
975           p->num3 = p->num4;
976           p->num4 = (MYFLT)((int32_t)((uint32_t)r<<1)-BIPOLAR) * dv2_31;
977         }
978         a0         =   p->num4 - p->num3 - p->num1 + p->num2;
979         a1         =   p->num1 - p->num2 - a0;
980         a2         =   p->num3 - p->num1;
981         a3         =   p->num2;
983       }
984     }
985     p->phs = phs;
986     return OK;
987 }