1 register_command("CursorLeft", _("Selection Cursor Left"), _("Moves the cursor one object left, altering the selection if any"), cursorleft);
2 register_command("MoveCursorLeft", _("Move Cursor Left"), _("Moves the cursor one object left, without altering the selection"), movecursorleft);
3 register_command("CursorDown", _("Cursor Down"), _("Moves the cursor one scale step down"), cursordown);
4 register_command("CursorUp", _("Cursor Up"), _("Moves the cursor one scale step up"), cursorup);
5 register_command("CursorRight", _("Selection Cursor Right"), _("Moves the cursor one object right, altering the selection if any"), cursorright);
6 register_command("MoveCursorRight", _("Move Cursor Right"), _("Moves the cursor one object right, without altering the selection"), movecursorright);
7 register_command("GoToMark", _("To Mark"), _("Moves the cursor to the Mark without altering the selection"), goto_mark);
8 register_command("SwapPointAndMark", _("Swap Ends of Selection"), _("Swaps the active end of the selection"), swap_point_and_mark);
9 register_command("GoToSelectionStart", _("To Selection Start"), _("Moves the cursor to the first object in the selection without altering the selection. returns #f if no selection"), goto_selection_start);
10 register_command("PushPosition", _("Push Position"), _("Pushes the current cursor position onto a stack"), PushPosition);
11 register_command("PopPosition", _("Pop Position"), _("Pops a position from the stack of cursor positions, moving the cursor there"), PopPosition);
12 register_command("PopPushPosition", _("Pop and Push Position"), _("Pops a position from the stack of cursor positions, pushes the current position, then moves the cursor to the popped position"), PopPushPosition);
13 register_command("ToggleReduceToDrawingArea", _("Hide/Show Menus"), _("Hides/Shows menus, panes etc. The ones shown are those checked in the view menu."), ToggleReduceToDrawingArea);
14 register_command("StaffUp", _("Selection Staff Up"), _("Moves the cursor to the staff above, extending selection if any"), staffup);
15 register_command("StaffDown", _("Selection Staff Down"), _("Moves the cursor to the staff below, extending selection if any"), staffdown);
16 register_command("MoveToStaffUp", _("Move to Staff Up"), _("Moves the cursor to the staff above without altering selection. On the top staff it adds space above the staffs."), movetostaffup);
17 register_command("MoveToStaffDown", _("Move to Staff Down"), _("Moves the cursor to the staff below without altering selection"), movetostaffdown);
18 register_command("MeasureLeft", _("Measure Left"), _("Moves the cursor to the first object in the next measure, extending selection if any"), measureleft);
19 register_command("MeasureRight", _("Measure Right"), _("Moves the cursor to the first object in the previous measure, extending selection if any"), measureright);
20 register_command("MoveToMeasureLeft", _("Move to Measure Left"), _("Moves the cursor to the first object in the next measure leaving selection, if any, unchanged"), movetomeasureleft);
21 register_command("MoveToMeasureRight", _("Move to Measure Right"), _("Moves the cursor to the first object in the previous measure leaving selection, if any, unchanged"), movetomeasureright);
22 register_command("A", _("Change/Append A"), _("Changes the note the cursor is on to the note A.\nIf the cursor is in the appending position, appends a note using the prevailing duration."), go_to_A_key);
23 register_command("B", _("Change/Append B"), _("Changes the note the cursor is on to the note B.\nIf the cursor is in the appending position, appends a note using the prevailing duration."), go_to_B_key);
24 register_command("C", _("Change/Append C"), _("Changes the note the cursor is on to the note C.\nIf the cursor is in the appending position, appends a note using the prevailing duration."), go_to_C_key);
25 register_command("D", _("Change/Append D"), _("Changes the note the cursor is on to the note D.\nIf the cursor is in the appending position, appends a note using the prevailing duration."), go_to_D_key);
26 register_command("E", _("Change/Append E"), _("Changes the note the cursor is on to the note E.\nIf the cursor is in the appending position, appends a note using the prevailing duration."), go_to_E_key);
27 register_command("F", _("Change/Append F"), _("Changes the note the cursor is on to the note F.\nIf the cursor is in the appending position, appends a note using the prevailing duration."), go_to_F_key);
28 register_command("G", _("Change/Append G"), _("Changes the note the cursor is on to the note G.\nIf the cursor is in the appending position, appends a note using the prevailing duration."), go_to_G_key);
29 register_command("OctaveUp", _("Octave Up"), _("Changes the note at the cursor to an octave higher"), octave_up_key);
30 register_command("OctaveDown", _("Octave Down"), _("Changes the note at the cursor to an octave lower"), octave_down_key);
31 register_command("WholeNote", _("WholeNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_0key);
32 register_command("HalfNote", _("HalfNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_1key);
33 register_command("QuarterNote", _("QuarterNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_2key);
34 register_command("EighthNote", _("EighthNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_3key);
35 register_command("SixteenthNote", _("SixteenthNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_4key);
36 register_command("ThirtysecondNote", _("ThirtysecondNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_5key);
37 register_command("SixtyfourthNote", _("SixtyfourthNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_6key);
38 register_command("OneHundredTwentyEighthNote", _("OneHundredTwentyEighthNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_7key);
39 register_command("TwoHundredFiftySixthNote", _("TwoHundredFiftySixthNote"), _("Insert ��"), insert_chord_8key);
40 register_command("InsertWholeRest", _("Insert a ��"), _("Insert �� rest"), insert_rest_0key);
41 register_command("InsertHalfRest", _("Insert a ��"), _("Insert �� rest"), insert_rest_1key);
42 register_command("InsertQuarterRest", _("Insert a ��"), _("Insert �� rest"), insert_rest_2key);
43 register_command("InsertEighthRest", _("Insert a ��"), _("Insert �� rest"), insert_rest_3key);
44 register_command("InsertSixteenthRest", _("Insert a ��"), _("Insert �� rest"), insert_rest_4key);
45 register_command("InsertThirtysecondRest", _("Insert a ��"), _("Insert �� rest"), insert_rest_5key);
46 register_command("InsertSixtyfourthRest", _("Insert a ��"), _("Insert �� rest"), insert_rest_6key);
47 register_command("InsertBlankWholeNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_0key);
48 register_command("InsertBlankHalfNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_1key);
49 register_command("InsertBlankQuarterNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_2key);
50 register_command("InsertBlankEighthNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_3key);
51 register_command("InsertBlankSixteenthNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_4key);
52 register_command("InsertBlankThirtysecondNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_5key);
53 register_command("InsertBlankSixtyfourthNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_6key);
54 register_command("InsertBlankOneHundredTwentyEighthNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_7key);
55 register_command("InsertBlankTwoHundredFiftySixthNote", _("Insert a �� Spacer"), _("Insert a non-printing �� rest"), insert_blankchord_8key);
56 register_command("ToggleRestMode", _("Toggle Rest Mode"), _("No Tooltip yet"), rest_toggle_key);
57 register_command("ToggleBlankMode", _("Toggle Blank Mode"), _("No Tooltip yet"), toggle_blank);
58 register_command("InsertDuplet", _("Insert Duplet"), _("No Tooltip yet"), duplet_insert);
59 register_command("InsertTriplet", _("Insert Triplet"), _("Inserts a Start Triplet object and an End Tuplet object and places the cursor between these two"), triplet_insert);
60 register_command("StartTriplet", _("Start Triplet"), _("Inserts an Start Triplet object, which makes the notes following take 2/3 of their written duration. Later in this measure there should be an End Tuplet object."), triplet_start);
61 register_command("EndTuplet", _("End Tuplet"), _("Inserts an End Tuplet object, which terminates a tuplet started earlier in this measure."), tuplet_end);
62 register_command("InsertQuadtuplet", _("Insert Quadruplet"), _("No Tooltip yet"), insert_quadtuplet);
63 register_command("InsertQuintuplet", _("Insert Quintuplet"), _("No Tooltip yet"), quintuplet_insert);
64 register_command("InsertSextuplet", _("Insert Sextuplet"), _("No Tooltip yet"), sextuplet_insert);
65 register_command("InsertSeptuplet", _("Insert Septuplet"), _("No Tooltip yet"), septuplet_insert);
66 register_command("AddNoteToChord", _("Add note"), _("Add a note to the current chord\nThe cursor position determines which note to add"), add_tone_key);
67 register_command("RemoveNoteFromChord", _("Remove note"), _("Remove a note from the current chord, based on the cursor position"), remove_tone_key);
68 register_command("Sharpen", _("Sharpen"), _("Sharpen the note at the cursor"), sharpen_key);
69 register_command("Flatten", _("Flatten"), _("Flatten the note at the cursor"), flatten_key);
70 register_command("PendingSharpen", _("Sharpen Next Note"), _("Increases the sharpness of the next entered note. The status bar shows the current state."), pending_sharpen);
71 register_command("PendingFlatten", _("Flatten Next Note"), _("Increases the flatness of the next entered note. The status bar shows the current state."), pending_flatten);
72 register_command("StemUp", _("StemUp"), _("Alters a StemNeutral object to stem up."), stem_up);
73 register_command("StemDown", _("StemDown"), _("Alters a StemNeutral object to stem down."), stem_down);
74 register_command("AddDot", _("Add Dot"), _("Lengthen the chord, note or rest at the cursor by dotting it."), add_dot_key);
75 register_command("RemoveDot", _("Remove Dot"), _("Reduce the dotting of the chord note or rest at the cursor."), remove_dot_key);
76 register_command("InsertTiedNote", _("Tied note"), _("Inserts a duplicate of the current note, tied"), tie_notes_key);
77 register_command("ToggleTie", _("Tie (Off/On)"), _("Ties/unties the note at the cursor. The following note should be the same pitch."), toggle_tie);
78 register_command("DeleteObject", _("Delete Object"), _("Delete the object at the cursor"), deleteobject);
79 register_command("DeletePreviousObject", _("Delete Previous Object"), _("Delete to the left of the cursor."), deletepreviousobject);
80 register_command("InsertMeasure", _("Insert Measure Before"), _("Insert a blank measure before the current one (in all staffs)"), insert_measure_key);
81 register_command("AddMeasure", _("Insert Measure After"), _("Insert a blank measure after the current one (in all staffs)"), addmeasureafter);
82 register_command("InsertMeasureBefore", _("Staff Insert Measure Before"), _("Insert a blank measure before the current one (in current staff)"), insertmeasurebefore);
83 register_command("InsertMeasureAfter", _("Staff Insert Measure After"), _("Insert a blank measure in current staff after the current measure"), insertmeasureafter);
84 register_command("AppendMeasure", _("Staff Append Measure"), _("Append an empty measure at the end of the current staff"), append_measure_key);
85 register_command("DeleteMeasure", _("Staff Delete Measure"), _("Delete the current measure in this staff, leaving the staff short"), deletemeasure);
86 register_command("DeleteMeasureAllStaffs", _("Delete Measure All Staffs"), _("Delete the current measure in all staffs"), deletemeasureallstaffs);
87 register_command("ShrinkMeasures", _("Shrink Measure"), _("No Tooltip yet"), adjust_measure_less_width_key);
88 register_command("WidenMeasures", _("Widen Measures"), _("No Tooltip yet"), adjust_measure_more_width_key);
89 register_command("ShorterStaffs", _("Shorter Staffs"), _("No Tooltip yet"), adjust_staff_less_height_key);
90 register_command("TallerStaffs", _("Taller Staffs"), _("No Tooltip yet"), adjust_staff_more_height_key);
91 register_command("InsertTrebleClef", _("New Treble Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_new_treble);
92 register_command("InsertBassClef", _("New Bass Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_new_bass);
93 register_command("Insertg8clef", _("New G8 Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_new_g8);
94 register_command("InsertAltoClef", _("New Alto Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_new_alto);
95 register_command("InsertTenorClef", _("New Tenor Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_new_tenor);
96 register_command("InsertSopranoClef", _("New Soprano Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_new_soprano);
97 register_command("SetInitialTrebleClef", _("Set Treble Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_set_treble);
98 register_command("SetInitialBassClef", _("Set Bass Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_set_bass);
99 register_command("SetInitialg8clef", _("Set G8 Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_set_g8);
100 register_command("SetInitialAltoClef", _("Set Alto Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_set_alto);
101 register_command("SetInitialTenorClef", _("Set Tenor Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_set_tenor);
102 register_command("SetInitialSopranoClef", _("Set Soprano Clef"), _("No Tooltip yet"), clef_set_soprano);
103 register_command("Insert22Time", _("Insert 2/2 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig22);
104 register_command("Insert32Time", _("Insert 3/2 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig32);
105 register_command("Insert42Time", _("Insert 4/2 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig42);
106 register_command("Insert44Time", _("Insert 4/4 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig44);
107 register_command("Insert34Time", _("Insert 3/4 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig34);
108 register_command("Insert24Time", _("Insert 2/4 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig24);
109 register_command("Insert64Time", _("Insert 6/4 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig64);
110 register_command("Insert38Time", _("Insert 3/8 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig38);
111 register_command("Insert68Time", _("Insert 6/8 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig68);
112 register_command("Insert128Time", _("Insert 12/8 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig128);
113 register_command("Insert98Time", _("Insert 9/8 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), newtimesig98);
114 register_command("Set22Time", _("Set 2/2 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig22);
115 register_command("Set32Time", _("Set 3/2 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig32);
116 register_command("Set42Time", _("Set 4/2 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig42);
117 register_command("Set44Time", _("Set 4/4 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig44);
118 register_command("Set34Time", _("Set 3/4 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig34);
119 register_command("Set24Time", _("Set 2/4 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig24);
120 register_command("Set64Time", _("Set 6/4 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig64);
121 register_command("Set38Time", _("Set 3/8 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig38);
122 register_command("Set68Time", _("Set 6/8 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig68);
123 register_command("Set128Time", _("Set 12/8 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig128);
124 register_command("Set98Time", _("Set 9/8 Time"), _("No Tooltip yet"), settimesig98);
125 register_command("InsertCmaj", _("Insert Cmaj"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_cmaj);
126 register_command("InsertGmaj", _("Insert Gmaj"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_gmaj);
127 register_command("InsertDmaj", _("Insert Dmaj"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_dmaj);
128 register_command("InsertAmaj", _("Insert Amaj"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_amaj);
129 register_command("InsertEmaj", _("Insert Emaj"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_emaj);
130 register_command("InsertBmaj", _("Insert Bmaj"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_bmaj);
131 register_command("InsertFSharpmaj", _("Insert F# Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_fsharpmaj);
132 register_command("InsertCSharpmaj", _("Insert C# Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_csharpmaj);
133 register_command("InsertFmaj", _("Insert F Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_fmaj);
134 register_command("InsertBflatmaj", _("Insert Bb Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_bflatmaj);
135 register_command("InsertEflatmaj", _("Insert Eb Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_eflatmaj);
136 register_command("InsertAflatmaj", _("Insert Ab Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_aflatmaj);
137 register_command("InsertDflatmaj", _("Insert Db Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_dflatmaj);
138 register_command("InsertGflatmaj", _("Insert Gb Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_gflatmaj);
139 register_command("InsertCflatmaj", _("Insert Cb Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_cflatmaj);
140 register_command("InsertAmin", _("Insert A Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_amin);
141 register_command("InsertEmin", _("Insert E Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_emin);
142 register_command("InsertBmin", _("Insert B Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_bmin);
143 register_command("InsertFSharpmin", _("Insert F# Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_fsharpmin);
144 register_command("InsertCSharpmin", _("Insert C# Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_csharpmin);
145 register_command("InsertGSharpmin", _("Insert G# Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_gsharpmin);
146 register_command("InsertDSharpmin", _("Insert D# Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_dsharpmin);
147 register_command("InsertASharpmin", _("Insert A# Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_asharpmin);
148 register_command("InsertDmin", _("Insert D Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_dmin);
149 register_command("InsertGmin", _("Insert G Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_gmin);
150 register_command("InsertCmin", _("Insert C Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_cmin);
151 register_command("InsertFmin", _("Insert F Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_fmin);
152 register_command("InsertBflatmin", _("Insert Bb Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_bflatmin);
153 register_command("InsertEflatmin", _("Insert Eb Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_eflatmin);
154 register_command("InsertAflatmin", _("Insert Ab Minor"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_new_aflatmin);
155 register_command("SetInitialCmaj", _("Set Initial Keysig to C Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_cmaj);
156 register_command("SetInitialGmaj", _("Set Initial Keysig to G Major"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_gmaj);
157 register_command("SetInitialDmaj", _("Set D Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_dmaj);
158 register_command("SetInitialAmaj", _("Set A Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_amaj);
159 register_command("SetInitialEmaj", _("Set E Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_emaj);
160 register_command("SetInitialBmaj", _("Set B Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_bmaj);
161 register_command("SetInitialFSharpmaj", _("Set F# Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_fsharpmaj);
162 register_command("SetInitialCSharpmaj", _("Set C# Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_csharpmaj);
163 register_command("SetInitialFmaj", _("Set F Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_fmaj);
164 register_command("SetInitialBflatmaj", _("Set Bb Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_bflatmaj);
165 register_command("SetInitialEflatmaj", _("Set Eb Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_eflatmaj);
166 register_command("SetInitialAflatmaj", _("Set Ab Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_aflatmaj);
167 register_command("SetInitialDflatmaj", _("Set Db Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_dflatmaj);
168 register_command("SetInitialGflatmaj", _("Set Gb Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_gflatmaj);
169 register_command("SetInitialCflatmaj", _("Set Cb Major as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_cflatmaj);
170 register_command("SetInitialAmin", _("Set A Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_amin);
171 register_command("SetInitialEmin", _("Set E Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_emin);
172 register_command("SetInitialBmin", _("Set B Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_bmin);
173 register_command("SetInitialFSharpmin", _("Set F# Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_fsharpmin);
174 register_command("SetInitialCSharpmin", _("Set C# Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_csharpmin);
175 register_command("SetInitialGSharpmin", _("Set G# Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_gsharpmin);
176 register_command("SetInitialDSharpmin", _("Set D# Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_dsharpmin);
177 register_command("SetInitialASharpmin", _("Set A# Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_asharpmin);
178 register_command("SetInitialDmin", _("Set D Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_dmin);
179 register_command("SetInitialGmin", _("Set G Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_gmin);
180 register_command("SetInitialCmin", _("Set C Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_cmin);
181 register_command("SetInitialFmin", _("Set F Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_fmin);
182 register_command("SetInitialBflatmin", _("Set Bb Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_bflatmin);
183 register_command("SetInitialEflatmin", _("Set Eb Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_eflatmin);
184 register_command("SetInitialAflatmin", _("Set Ab Minor as Initial Keysig"), _("No Tooltip yet"), keysig_set_aflatmin);
185 register_command("SetMark", _("Set Mark"), _("Sets the start point for a selection,\nthe end point of the selection is unaltered"), set_mark);
186 register_command("UnsetMark", _("Unset Mark"), _("Gets rid of the selection."), unset_mark);
187 register_command("SetPoint", _("Set Point"), _("Extends the selection to the current cursor position"), set_point);
188 register_command("ToggleBeginSlur", _("Begin Slur (Off/On)"), _("Insert/delete begin slur on this note"), toggle_begin_slur);
189 register_command("ToggleEndSlur", _("End Slur (Off/On)"), _("Insert/delete end slur on this note"), toggle_end_slur);
190 register_command("ToggleStartCrescendo", _("Start Crescendo (Off/On)"), _("Marks/Unmarks the chord or note at the cursor as the start of a crescendo."), toggle_start_crescendo);
191 register_command("ToggleEndCrescendo", _("End Crescendo (Off/On)"), _("Marks/Unmarks the chord or note at the cursor as the end of a crescendo."), toggle_end_crescendo);
192 register_command("ToggleStartDiminuendo", _("Start Diminuendo (Off/On)"), _("Marks/Unmarks the chord or note at the cursor as the start of a diminuendo."), toggle_start_diminuendo);
193 register_command("ToggleEndDiminuendo", _("End Diminuendo (Off/On)"), _("Marks/Unmarks the chord or note at the cursor as the end of a diminuendo."), toggle_end_diminuendo);
194 register_command("ToggleGrace", _("Grace Note Off/On"), _("Makes the note at the cursor an appoggiatura grace note, if it is one, makes it normal"), toggle_grace);
195 register_command("ToggleAcciaccatura", _("Acciaccatura Off/On"), _("Makes the note at the cursor an acciaccatura grace note, if it is one, makes it normal"), toggle_acciaccatura);
196 register_command("ForceCaution", _("Force Cautionary Accidental"), _("Give a cautionary accidental to the note at the cursor"), force_cautionary);
197 register_command("ChangePitch", _("Change Pitch"), _("Changes the pitch of the note at the cursor to the cursor height"), change_pitch);
198 register_command("InsertRhythm", _("Insert Snippet"), _("Inserts the current music snippet, or if none is selected prompts for a number 1,2... for the snippet to insert."), insert_rhythm_pattern);
199 register_command("NextRhythm", _("Next Snippet"), _("Make next snippet\nthe current snippet.\nNotes entered will follow the rhythmic pattern of this snippet"), nextrhythm);
200 register_command("AppendMeasureAllStaffs", _("Append Measure All Staffs"), _("Appends a blank measure to every staff in this movement"), append_measure_score);
201 register_command("ExecuteScheme", _("Execute Scheme"), _("Execute the scheme code from the scripting window"), execute_scheme);
202 register_command("SharpenEnharmonicSet", _("Shift Accidentals Sharpwise"), _("Shifts the set of accidentals one step sharper"), set_sharper);
203 register_command("FlattenEnharmonicSet", _("Shift Accidentals Flatwise"), _("Shifts the set of accidentals one step flatter"), set_flatter);
204 register_command("New", _("Empty Score"), _("Start a new musical score"), file_newwrapper);
205 register_command("NewScore", _("New"), _("Start a new musical score for a named instrument/voice."), new_score_cb);
206 register_command("Open", _("Open"), _("Open a file containing a music score for editing"), file_open_with_check);
207 register_command("ImportLilypond", _("Import Lilypond"), _("Import a Lilypond file"), file_import_lilypond_with_check);
208 register_command("ImportMidi", _("Import Midi"), _("Import a Midi file"), file_import_midi_with_check);
209 register_command("ImportMusicXml", _("Import MusicXml"), _("Import a MusicXml file"), file_import_musicxml_with_check);
210 register_command("AddStaffs", _("Add Staffs"), _("Add staffs from a Denemo file"), file_add_staffs);
211 register_command("AddMovements", _("Add Movement"), _("Add movements from a Denemo file"), file_add_movements);
212 register_command("MovementProps", _("Change Properties"), _("Change properties of this movement"), movement_props_dialog);
213 register_command("OpenNewWindow", _("Open In New"), _("Open a file containing a music score for editing in a separate working area (tab)"), openinnew);
214 register_command("Save", _("Save"), _("Save the score. The score is saved to disk in XML format."), file_savewrapper);
215 register_command("SaveAs", _("Save As"), _("Save the score under a new name"), file_saveaswrapper);
216 register_command("SaveCopy", _("Create Copy"), _("Save a copy of the score"), file_copy_save);
217 register_command("OpenTemplate", _("Open Template"), _("Start a new score from a built-in template file"), system_template_open_with_check);
218 register_command("OpenExample", _("Open Example"), _("Start a new score from a built-in example"), system_example_open_with_check);
219 register_command("OpenMyTemplate", _("Open Custom Template"), _("Start a new score from one of your own template files"), local_template_open_with_check);
220 register_command("SaveTemplate", _("Save Template"), _("Save the score as a template for re-use as a starting point for new scores"), template_save);
221 register_command("NewWindow", _("New Tab"), _("Create working area (tab with an empty score in it)"), newview);
222 register_command("InsertMovementBefore", _("Insert Movement Before"), _("Insert a new movement before the current one"), insert_movement_before);
223 register_command("InsertMovementAfter", _("Insert Movement After"), _("Insert a new movement after the current one"), insert_movement_after);
224 register_command("NewMovement", _("New Movement"), _("Create a new movement, using any default template"), append_new_movement);
225 register_command("SaveParts", _("Save Parts"), _("Save Parts: each staff becomes a file in lilypond format"), file_savepartswrapper);
226 register_command("ExportMUDELA", _("Export Lilypond"), _("Export the score as a lilypond file"), export_mudela_action);
227 register_command("ExportPDF", _("Export PDF"), _("Export the score as a PDF document file"), export_pdf_action);
228 register_command("ExportPNG", _("Export Score as PNG"), _("Export the score as a PNG image file"), export_png_action);
229 register_command("ExportMIDI", _("Export MIDI"), _("Export the score as a MIDI file"), export_midi_action);
230 register_command("PrintView", _("Print Preview"), _("Typesets the score\nIf you have a score layout selected it will use that\notherwise all movements staffs and lyrics are typeset by default.\nBe patient! It takes time to create a beautifully laid out score.\nOnce complete you can view and then send to your printer or to a file as a .pdf document."), show_print_view);
231 register_command("PrintSelection", _("Print Selection"), _("Displays selected music from score in your pdf viewer"), printselection_cb);
232 register_command("PrintExcerptPreview", _("Export Selection as PNG"), _("Displays a musical excerpt in your image viewer"), printexcerptpreview_cb);
233 register_command("PrintMovement", _("Print Movement"), _("Typesets the current movement and opens a print dialog"), printmovement_cb);
234 register_command("Print", _("Print"), _("Typesets the score using LilyPond and opens a print dialog"), printall_cb);
235 register_command("PrintPart", _("Print Part"), _("Typesets the current part (the one containing the cursor)."), printpart_cb);
236 register_command("Close", _("Close Score"), _("Close the current score. Other scores (tabs) will stay open"), close_gui_with_check);
237 register_command("Quit", _("Quit"), _("Quit the Denemo program - closes tabs one at a time."), closewrapper);
238 register_command("Undo", _("Undo"), _("Undoes one (more) step of your edits to the current score."), undowrapper);
239 register_command("Redo", _("Redo"), _("Redoes the next of the steps you have Undone"), redowrapper);
240 register_command("Copy", _("Copy"), _("Copy the music selected to the Denemo clipboard"), copywrapper);
241 register_command("Cut", _("Cut"), _("Cut the music selected to the Denemo clipboard"), cutwrapper);
242 register_command("Paste", _("Paste"), _("Paste the Denemo clipboard into the score where the cursor is positioned"), pastewrapper);
243 register_command("PasteClipboard", _("Paste LilyPond notes"), _("Paste LilyPond notes from the text clipboard\nThis will import music written as LilyPond syntax\nYou open the LilyPond file in a texteditor, copy the stretch of notes (control-c command in your texteditor usually) and then use this command."), paste_clipboard);
244 register_command("PasteComment", _("Paste a Comment"), _("Paste the text clipboard as a comment inserted at the cursor."), paste_comment);
245 register_command("ScoreProperties", _("Score Properties"), _("Change built-in properties of the current score. This will start up a dialog window"), score_properties_dialog);
246 register_command("SaveSelection", _("Save Selection"), _("Save the selected music. Not sure if this is working"), saveselwrapper);
247 register_command("Preferences", _("Change Preferences"), _("Set and save your preferences for how Denemo operates on startup.\nAdvanced users can edit .denemo-XXXX/denemorc for missing ones"), preferences_change);
248 register_command("SaveAccels", _("Save Command Set"), _("Save the current commands and keyboard shortcuts as the default"), save_default_keymap_file_wrapper);
249 register_command("CommandManagement", _("Manage Command Set"), _("View help, change and save keyboard shortcuts"), configure_keyboard_dialog);
250 register_command("SwapStaffs", _("Swap Staffs"), _("Swap this staff with the one higher up.\nBe aware that if you have inserted directives to move a voice to another staff\nthese may need re-making."), swapstaffs);
251 register_command("SplitVoices", _("Split Voices"), _("Split off the next voice as a separate staff"), splitstaffs);
252 register_command("JoinVoices", _("Join Voices"), _("Merge this staff as a voice on the previous staff"), joinstaffs);
253 register_command("SwapMovements", _("Swap Movements"), _("Swap this movement with the one before"), swapmovements);
254 register_command("VoiceUp", _("Selection Voice Up"), _("Go to the higher numbered voice on staff, extending selection if any"), voiceup);
255 register_command("VoiceDown", _("Selection Voice Down"), _("Go to the lower numbered voice on this staff, extending selection if any"), voicedown);
256 register_command("MoveToVoiceUp", _("Move to Voice Up"), _("Go to the higher numbered voice on staff without altering selection"), movetovoiceup);
257 register_command("MoveToVoiceDown", _("Move to Voice Down"), _("Go to the lower numbered voice on this staff without altering selection"), movetovoicedown);
258 register_command("AddBefore", _("Add Staff Before"), _("Inserts a new staff before the current staff"), staff_new_before);
259 register_command("AddAfter", _("Add Staff After"), _("Inserts/Adds a new staff after the current staff"), staff_new_after);
260 register_command("AddInitial", _("Add Initial Staff"), _("Inserts a new staff at the top of the score"), staff_new_initial);
261 register_command("AddLast", _("Add Last Staff"), _("Inserts a new staff at the end of the score"), staff_new_last);
262 register_command("DeleteBefore", _("Delete Staff Before"), _("Deletes the staff before the current staff"), delete_staff_before);
263 register_command("DeleteStaff", _("Delete Current Staff"), _("Deletes the current staff"), delete_staff_current);
264 register_command("DeleteAfter", _("Delete Staff After"), _("Deletes the staff after the current staff"), delete_staff_after);
265 register_command("AddVoice", _("Add Voice"), _("Adds a new voice (part), to the current staff. It is tricky to switch between the voices. Suggest to use merge staffs"), staff_new_voice);
266 register_command("StaffProperties", _("Built-in Staff Properties"), _("Change the built-in properties of the current staff"), staff_properties_change_cb);
267 register_command("InitialClef", _("Initial Clef"), _("Change the initial clef of the current staff"), clef_change_initial);
268 register_command("InsertClef", _("Clef Change"), _("Insert/Edit a change of clef at the cursor"), clef_change_insert);
269 register_command("InitialKey", _("Initial Key"), _("Set the initial key signature of the current staff"), key_change_initial);
270 register_command("InsertKey", _("Key Signature Change"), _("Insert/Edit a key change at the cursor position"), key_change_insert);
271 register_command("InitialTimeSig", _("Inital Time Signature"), _("Set the initial time signature of the current staff"), timesig_change_initial);
272 register_command("InsertTimeSig", _("Time Signature Change"), _("Edit/Insert a time signature change for the current measure"), timesig_change_insert);
273 register_command("ChangeNotehead", _("Set Notehead"), _("Change the type of notehead for the current note"), set_notehead);
274 register_command("InsertStem", _("Auto Stemming"), _("Inserts a stem neutral object. After this automatic stem directions are active. You can click on this tag and use Sharpen/StemUp etc commands to change stem direction"), stem_directive_insert);
275 register_command("AddVerse", _("Add Lyric Verse"), _("Add a verse of lyrics"), add_verse);
276 register_command("DeleteVerse", _("Delete Verse"), _("Deletes current verse of lyrics from current voice"), delete_verse);
277 register_command("EditFiguredBass", _("Insert/Edit Figured Bass"), _("Add a bass figure to the current note. Use | sign to split the duration of a note so as to have multiple figures on one note. See Lilypond docs for other notation"), figure_insert);
278 register_command("DeleteFiguredBass", _("Delete Figures"), _("Delete the figured bass on the current staff"), delete_figured_bass);
279 register_command("DeleteChordSymbols", _("Delete Chord Symbols"), _("Delete the chord symbols on the current staff"), delete_fakechords);
280 register_command("HideFiguredBass", _("Hide Figures (Print)"), _("Hide the figured bass on the current staff on printing"), hide_figured_bass);
281 register_command("ShowFiguredBass", _("Show Figures (Print)"), _("Show the figured bass on the current staff on printing"), show_figured_bass);
282 register_command("EditChords", _("Edit Chord Symbols"), _("Allows chord symbols to be added to the current note. E.G.cis:dim7 for c-sharp diminished 7th. See Lilypond docs for notation"), fakechord_insert);
283 register_command("EditObject", _("Edit at Cursor"), _("Edit in the context of the object at the cursor."), edit_object_type);
284 register_command("EditCursorObject", _("Run Object Editor"), _("Opens a dialog to edit the object at the cursor."), edit_object);
285 register_command("EditScoreProperties", _("Score Properties Editor"), _("Opens a dialog to edit the score properties."), edit_score_properties);
286 register_command("EditMovementProperties", _("Movement Properties Editor"), _("Opens a dialog to edit the movement properties."), edit_movement_properties);
287 register_command("EditStaffProperties", _("Staff Properties Editor"), _("Opens a dialog to edit the current staff properties."), edit_staff_properties);
288 register_command("EditVoiceProperties", _("Voice Properties Editor"), _("Opens a dialog to edit the voice properties of the current staff."), edit_voice_properties);
289 register_command("EditDirective", _("Edit Directives"), _("Edit any directives attached to chord/note at cursor."), edit_object_directive);
290 register_command("EditStaffDirective", _("Edit Staff Directives"), _("Edit any directives attached to staff."), edit_staff_directive);
291 register_command("EditVoiceDirective", _("Edit Voice Directives"), _("Edit any directives attached to voice."), edit_voice_directive);
292 register_command("EditScoreDirective", _("Edit Score Directives"), _("Edit any directives attached to score."), edit_score_directive);
293 register_command("EditMovementDirective", _("Edit Movement Directives"), _("Edit any directives attached to movement."), edit_movement_directive);
294 register_command("EditClefDirective", _("Edit Clef Directives"), _("Edit any directives attached to clef."), edit_clef_directive);
295 register_command("EditTimesigDirective", _("Edit Time Signature Directives"), _("Edit any directives attached to time signature."), edit_timesig_directive);
296 register_command("EditKeysigDirective", _("Edit Key Signature Directives"), _("Edit any directives attached to key signature."), edit_keysig_directive);
297 register_command("DeleteDirective", _("Delete a Directive"), _("Delete a directive attached to chord/note at cursor."), delete_chord_or_note_directive);
298 register_command("GoToMeasure", _("Go to Measure"), _("Opens a dialog for going to a numbered measure"), tomeasurenum);
299 register_command("GoToBeginning", _("Go to Beginning"), _("Cursor to start of staff/voice, extending selection if any"), tohome);
300 register_command("GoToEnd", _("Go to End"), _("Cursor to end of staff/voice, extending selection if any"), toend);
301 register_command("MoveToBeginning", _("Move to Staff/Voice Beginning"), _("Cursor to start of staff/voice, without extending selection if any"), movetostart);
302 register_command("MoveToEnd", _("Move to Staff/Voice End"), _("Cursor to end of staff/voice, without extending selection if any"), movetoend);
303 register_command("NextMovement", _("Next Movement"), _("Go to the next movement"), next_movement);
304 register_command("PreviousMovement", _("Previous Movement"), _("Go to the previous movement"), prev_movement);
305 register_command("DeleteMovement", _("Delete Movement"), _("Delete the current movement"), delete_movement);
306 register_command("Play", _("Play"), _("Playback from start marker to end marker (Set these markers in the playback controls)"), ext_midi_playback);
307 register_command("Stop", _("Stop"), _("Stop Playback"), stop_midi_playback);
308 register_command("PlaybackProperties", _("Playback Properties"), _("Allows you to specify properties used in playing back (midi)"), playback_properties_change);
309 register_command("Help", _("Browse Manual"), _("Opens a browser on the user manual"), browse_manual);
310 register_command("About", _("About"), _("Gives the version number etc of this program"), about);
311 register_command("Shortcuts", _("Shortcuts"), _("Gives a list of shortcuts currently available. Explains how to set them too."), display_shortcuts);
312 register_command("MoreCommands", _("More Commands"), _("Allows choosing standard extra commands/menu items"), morecommands);
313 register_command("MyCommands", _("My Commands"), _("Allows choosing extra commands/menu items from your own collection of extras"), mycommands);
314 register_command("FetchCommands", _("Update Commands from Internet"), _("Refreshes the set of commands available from Denemo.org.\nUse More Commands after this has finished"), fetchcommands);
315 register_command("ToggleEdit", _("Toggle Edit Mode"), _("Toggle between current mode and edit mode"), toggle_edit_mode);
316 register_command("ToggleRest", _("Toggle Rest Mode"), _("Toggle between note entry and rest entry"), toggle_rest_mode);
317 register_command("ToggleRhythm", _("Toggle Audible Feedback"), _("Toggle audible feedback on/off"), toggle_rhythm_mode);
318 register_command("ClearOverlay", _("Clear Overlay"), _("Clear the list of pitches that overlay the notes"), clear_overlay);
319 register_command("CreateRhythm", _("Create Snippet"), _("Copy selection as music snippet or rhythm pattern for notes to follow as they are entered"), create_rhythm_cb);
320 register_command("DeleteRhythm", _("Delete Snippet"), _("Delete the selected music snippet/rhythm pattern"), delete_rhythm_cb);
321 register_command("InsertA", _("Insert A"),_("Inserts note A before note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  InsertA);
322 register_command("AddNoteA", _("Insert A After"),_("Inserts note A after note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  AddNoteA);
323 register_command("AddA", _("Add A"),_("Adds note A to the chord at cursor\nCursor height determines which octave"),  AddA);
324 register_command("ChangeToA", _("Change to A"),_("Changes note at cursor to nearest note A\nRhythm is unchanged"),  ChangeToA);
325 register_command("MoveToA", _("Move to A"),_("Moves cursor to nearest note A"),  MoveToA);
326 register_command("InsertB", _("Insert B"),_("Inserts note B before note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  InsertB);
327 register_command("AddNoteB", _("Insert B After"),_("Inserts note B after note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  AddNoteB);
328 register_command("AddB", _("Add B"),_("Adds note B to the chord at cursor\nCursor height determines which octave"),  AddB);
329 register_command("ChangeToB", _("Change to B"),_("Changes note at cursor to nearest note B\nRhythm is unchanged"),  ChangeToB);
330 register_command("MoveToB", _("Move to B"),_("Moves cursor to nearest note B"),  MoveToB);
331 register_command("InsertC", _("Insert C"),_("Inserts note C before note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  InsertC);
332 register_command("AddNoteC", _("Insert C After"),_("Inserts note C after note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  AddNoteC);
333 register_command("AddC", _("Add C"),_("Adds note C to the chord at cursor\nCursor height determines which octave"),  AddC);
334 register_command("ChangeToC", _("Change to C"),_("Changes note at cursor to nearest note C\nRhythm is unchanged"),  ChangeToC);
335 register_command("MoveToC", _("Move to C"),_("Moves cursor to nearest note C"),  MoveToC);
336 register_command("InsertD", _("Insert D"),_("Inserts note D before note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  InsertD);
337 register_command("AddNoteD", _("Insert D After"),_("Inserts note D after note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  AddNoteD);
338 register_command("AddD", _("Add D"),_("Adds note D to the chord at cursor\nCursor height determines which octave"),  AddD);
339 register_command("ChangeToD", _("Change to D"),_("Changes note at cursor to nearest note D\nRhythm is unchanged"),  ChangeToD);
340 register_command("MoveToD", _("Move to D"),_("Moves cursor to nearest note D"),  MoveToD);
341 register_command("InsertE", _("Insert E"),_("Inserts note E before note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  InsertE);
342 register_command("AddNoteE", _("Insert E After"),_("Inserts note E after note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  AddNoteE);
343 register_command("AddE", _("Add E"),_("Adds note E to the chord at cursor\nCursor height determines which octave"),  AddE);
344 register_command("ChangeToE", _("Change to E"),_("Changes note at cursor to nearest note E\nRhythm is unchanged"),  ChangeToE);
345 register_command("MoveToE", _("Move to E"),_("Moves cursor to nearest note E"),  MoveToE);
346 register_command("InsertF", _("Insert F"),_("Inserts note F before note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  InsertF);
347 register_command("AddNoteF", _("Insert F After"),_("Inserts note F after note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  AddNoteF);
348 register_command("AddF", _("Add F"),_("Adds note F to the chord at cursor\nCursor height determines which octave"),  AddF);
349 register_command("ChangeToF", _("Change to F"),_("Changes note at cursor to nearest note F\nRhythm is unchanged"),  ChangeToF);
350 register_command("MoveToF", _("Move to F"),_("Moves cursor to nearest note F"),  MoveToF);
351 register_command("InsertG", _("Insert G"),_("Inserts note G before note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  InsertG);
352 register_command("AddNoteG", _("Insert G After"),_("Inserts note G after note at cursor\nCursor determines which octave\nNote is inserted in the prevailing rhythm"),  AddNoteG);
353 register_command("AddG", _("Add G"),_("Adds note G to the chord at cursor\nCursor height determines which octave"),  AddG);
354 register_command("ChangeToG", _("Change to G"),_("Changes note at cursor to nearest note G\nRhythm is unchanged"),  ChangeToG);
355 register_command("MoveToG", _("Move to G"),_("Moves cursor to nearest note G"),  MoveToG);
356 register_command("0", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur0);
357 register_command("Change0", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur0);
358 register_command("Insert0", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur0);
359 register_command("InsertRest0",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest0);
360 register_command("Set0", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur0);
361 register_command("1", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur1);
362 register_command("Change1", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur1);
363 register_command("Insert1", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur1);
364 register_command("InsertRest1",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest1);
365 register_command("Set1", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur1);
366 register_command("2", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur2);
367 register_command("Change2", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur2);
368 register_command("Insert2", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur2);
369 register_command("InsertRest2",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest2);
370 register_command("Set2", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur2);
371 register_command("3", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur3);
372 register_command("Change3", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur3);
373 register_command("Insert3", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur3);
374 register_command("InsertRest3",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest3);
375 register_command("Set3", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur3);
376 register_command("4", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur4);
377 register_command("Change4", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur4);
378 register_command("Insert4", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur4);
379 register_command("InsertRest4",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest4);
380 register_command("Set4", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur4);
381 register_command("5", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur5);
382 register_command("Change5", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur5);
383 register_command("Insert5", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur5);
384 register_command("InsertRest5",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest5);
385 register_command("Set5", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur5);
386 register_command("6", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur6);
387 register_command("Change6", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur6);
388 register_command("Insert6", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur6);
389 register_command("InsertRest6",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest6);
390 register_command("Set6", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur6);
391 register_command("7", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur7);
392 register_command("Change7", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur7);
393 register_command("Insert7", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur7);
394 register_command("InsertRest7",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest7);
395 register_command("Set7", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur7);
396 register_command("8", _("Insert/Append a ��"), _("When appending, appends a �� \nWith the cursor on a note inserts a ��  before the current note\nIf MIDI-in is active, the note will be pitchless (displays yellow, percussion-sounding)\n - the MIDI keyboard will provide the pitch. Changes prevailing duration."), Dur8);
397 register_command("Change8", _("Change to ��"), _("Change the current note to a ��"), ChangeDur8);
398 register_command("Insert8", _("��"), _("Insert a ��"), InsertDur8);
399 register_command("InsertRest8",  _("Insert a ��") ,  _("Inserts a rest at cursor position\nSets prevailing rhythm to ��"), InsertRest8);
400 register_command("Set8", _("Set Prevailing Duration to ��"), _("Set the prevailing duration to �� (subsequent notes entered will have this duration)"), SetDur8);