1 /* GStreamer
2  * Copyright (C) <2007> Wim Taymans <wim.taymans@gmail.com>
3  *
4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * Library General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
15  * License along with this library; if not, write to the
16  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
17  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18  */
19 #include <string.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <gst/rtp/gstrtpbuffer.h>
23 #include <gst/rtp/gstrtcpbuffer.h>
25 #include "rtpjitterbuffer.h"
27 GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (rtp_jitter_buffer_debug);
28 #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT rtp_jitter_buffer_debug
31 #define MAX_TIME	(2 * GST_SECOND)
33 /* signals and args */
34 enum
35 {
37 };
39 enum
40 {
41   PROP_0
42 };
44 /* GObject vmethods */
45 static void rtp_jitter_buffer_finalize (GObject * object);
47 GType
rtp_jitter_buffer_mode_get_type(void)48 rtp_jitter_buffer_mode_get_type (void)
49 {
50   static GType jitter_buffer_mode_type = 0;
51   static const GEnumValue jitter_buffer_modes[] = {
52     {RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_NONE, "Only use RTP timestamps", "none"},
53     {RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_SLAVE, "Slave receiver to sender clock", "slave"},
54     {RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_BUFFER, "Do low/high watermark buffering",
55         "buffer"},
56     {RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_SYNCED, "Synchronized sender and receiver clocks",
57         "synced"},
58     {0, NULL, NULL},
59   };
61   if (!jitter_buffer_mode_type) {
62     jitter_buffer_mode_type =
63         g_enum_register_static ("RTPJitterBufferMode", jitter_buffer_modes);
64   }
65   return jitter_buffer_mode_type;
66 }
68 /* static guint rtp_jitter_buffer_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; */
70 G_DEFINE_TYPE (RTPJitterBuffer, rtp_jitter_buffer, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
72 static void
rtp_jitter_buffer_class_init(RTPJitterBufferClass * klass)73 rtp_jitter_buffer_class_init (RTPJitterBufferClass * klass)
74 {
75   GObjectClass *gobject_class;
77   gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
79   gobject_class->finalize = rtp_jitter_buffer_finalize;
81   GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (rtp_jitter_buffer_debug, "rtpjitterbuffer", 0,
82       "RTP Jitter Buffer");
83 }
85 static void
rtp_jitter_buffer_init(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)86 rtp_jitter_buffer_init (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
87 {
88   g_mutex_init (&jbuf->clock_lock);
90   jbuf->packets = g_queue_new ();
93   rtp_jitter_buffer_reset_skew (jbuf);
94 }
96 static void
rtp_jitter_buffer_finalize(GObject * object)97 rtp_jitter_buffer_finalize (GObject * object)
98 {
99   RTPJitterBuffer *jbuf;
101   jbuf = RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_CAST (object);
103   if (jbuf->media_clock_synced_id)
104     g_signal_handler_disconnect (jbuf->media_clock,
105         jbuf->media_clock_synced_id);
106   if (jbuf->media_clock) {
107     /* Make sure to clear any clock master before releasing the clock */
108     gst_clock_set_master (jbuf->media_clock, NULL);
109     gst_object_unref (jbuf->media_clock);
110   }
112   if (jbuf->pipeline_clock)
113     gst_object_unref (jbuf->pipeline_clock);
115   g_queue_free (jbuf->packets);
117   g_mutex_clear (&jbuf->clock_lock);
119   G_OBJECT_CLASS (rtp_jitter_buffer_parent_class)->finalize (object);
120 }
122 /**
123  * rtp_jitter_buffer_new:
124  *
125  * Create an #RTPJitterBuffer.
126  *
127  * Returns: a new #RTPJitterBuffer. Use g_object_unref() after usage.
128  */
129 RTPJitterBuffer *
rtp_jitter_buffer_new(void)130 rtp_jitter_buffer_new (void)
131 {
132   RTPJitterBuffer *jbuf;
134   jbuf = g_object_new (RTP_TYPE_JITTER_BUFFER, NULL);
136   return jbuf;
137 }
139 /**
140  * rtp_jitter_buffer_get_mode:
141  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
142  *
143  * Get the current jitterbuffer mode.
144  *
145  * Returns: the current jitterbuffer mode.
146  */
147 RTPJitterBufferMode
rtp_jitter_buffer_get_mode(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)148 rtp_jitter_buffer_get_mode (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
149 {
150   return jbuf->mode;
151 }
153 /**
154  * rtp_jitter_buffer_set_mode:
155  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
156  * @mode: a #RTPJitterBufferMode
157  *
158  * Set the buffering and clock slaving algorithm used in the @jbuf.
159  */
160 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_set_mode(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,RTPJitterBufferMode mode)161 rtp_jitter_buffer_set_mode (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, RTPJitterBufferMode mode)
162 {
163   jbuf->mode = mode;
164 }
166 GstClockTime
rtp_jitter_buffer_get_delay(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)167 rtp_jitter_buffer_get_delay (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
168 {
169   return jbuf->delay;
170 }
172 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_set_delay(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,GstClockTime delay)173 rtp_jitter_buffer_set_delay (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, GstClockTime delay)
174 {
175   jbuf->delay = delay;
176   jbuf->low_level = (delay * 15) / 100;
177   /* the high level is at 90% in order to release packets before we fill up the
178    * buffer up to the latency */
179   jbuf->high_level = (delay * 90) / 100;
181   GST_DEBUG ("delay %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", min %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", max %"
182       GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (jbuf->delay),
183       GST_TIME_ARGS (jbuf->low_level), GST_TIME_ARGS (jbuf->high_level));
184 }
186 /**
187  * rtp_jitter_buffer_set_clock_rate:
188  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
189  * @clock_rate: the new clock rate
190  *
191  * Set the clock rate in the jitterbuffer.
192  */
193 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_set_clock_rate(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,guint32 clock_rate)194 rtp_jitter_buffer_set_clock_rate (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, guint32 clock_rate)
195 {
196   if (jbuf->clock_rate != clock_rate) {
197     GST_DEBUG ("Clock rate changed from %" G_GUINT32_FORMAT " to %"
198         G_GUINT32_FORMAT, jbuf->clock_rate, clock_rate);
199     jbuf->clock_rate = clock_rate;
200     rtp_jitter_buffer_reset_skew (jbuf);
201   }
202 }
204 /**
205  * rtp_jitter_buffer_get_clock_rate:
206  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
207  *
208  * Get the currently configure clock rate in @jbuf.
209  *
210  * Returns: the current clock-rate
211  */
212 guint32
rtp_jitter_buffer_get_clock_rate(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)213 rtp_jitter_buffer_get_clock_rate (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
214 {
215   return jbuf->clock_rate;
216 }
218 static void
media_clock_synced_cb(GstClock * clock,gboolean synced,RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)219 media_clock_synced_cb (GstClock * clock, gboolean synced,
220     RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
221 {
222   GstClockTime internal, external;
224   g_mutex_lock (&jbuf->clock_lock);
225   if (jbuf->pipeline_clock) {
226     internal = gst_clock_get_internal_time (jbuf->media_clock);
227     external = gst_clock_get_time (jbuf->pipeline_clock);
229     gst_clock_set_calibration (jbuf->media_clock, internal, external, 1, 1);
230   }
231   g_mutex_unlock (&jbuf->clock_lock);
232 }
234 /**
235  * rtp_jitter_buffer_set_media_clock:
236  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
237  * @clock: (transfer full): media #GstClock
238  * @clock_offset: RTP time at clock epoch or -1
239  *
240  * Sets the media clock for the media and the clock offset
241  *
242  */
243 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_set_media_clock(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,GstClock * clock,guint64 clock_offset)244 rtp_jitter_buffer_set_media_clock (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, GstClock * clock,
245     guint64 clock_offset)
246 {
247   g_mutex_lock (&jbuf->clock_lock);
248   if (jbuf->media_clock) {
249     if (jbuf->media_clock_synced_id)
250       g_signal_handler_disconnect (jbuf->media_clock,
251           jbuf->media_clock_synced_id);
252     jbuf->media_clock_synced_id = 0;
253     gst_object_unref (jbuf->media_clock);
254   }
255   jbuf->media_clock = clock;
256   jbuf->media_clock_offset = clock_offset;
258   if (jbuf->pipeline_clock && jbuf->media_clock &&
259       jbuf->pipeline_clock != jbuf->media_clock) {
260     jbuf->media_clock_synced_id =
261         g_signal_connect (jbuf->media_clock, "synced",
262         G_CALLBACK (media_clock_synced_cb), jbuf);
263     if (gst_clock_is_synced (jbuf->media_clock)) {
264       GstClockTime internal, external;
266       internal = gst_clock_get_internal_time (jbuf->media_clock);
267       external = gst_clock_get_time (jbuf->pipeline_clock);
269       gst_clock_set_calibration (jbuf->media_clock, internal, external, 1, 1);
270     }
272     gst_clock_set_master (jbuf->media_clock, jbuf->pipeline_clock);
273   }
274   g_mutex_unlock (&jbuf->clock_lock);
275 }
277 /**
278  * rtp_jitter_buffer_set_pipeline_clock:
279  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
280  * @clock: pipeline #GstClock
281  *
282  * Sets the pipeline clock
283  *
284  */
285 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_set_pipeline_clock(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,GstClock * clock)286 rtp_jitter_buffer_set_pipeline_clock (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, GstClock * clock)
287 {
288   g_mutex_lock (&jbuf->clock_lock);
289   if (jbuf->pipeline_clock)
290     gst_object_unref (jbuf->pipeline_clock);
291   jbuf->pipeline_clock = clock ? gst_object_ref (clock) : NULL;
293   if (jbuf->pipeline_clock && jbuf->media_clock &&
294       jbuf->pipeline_clock != jbuf->media_clock) {
295     if (gst_clock_is_synced (jbuf->media_clock)) {
296       GstClockTime internal, external;
298       internal = gst_clock_get_internal_time (jbuf->media_clock);
299       external = gst_clock_get_time (jbuf->pipeline_clock);
301       gst_clock_set_calibration (jbuf->media_clock, internal, external, 1, 1);
302     }
304     gst_clock_set_master (jbuf->media_clock, jbuf->pipeline_clock);
305   }
306   g_mutex_unlock (&jbuf->clock_lock);
307 }
309 gboolean
rtp_jitter_buffer_get_rfc7273_sync(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)310 rtp_jitter_buffer_get_rfc7273_sync (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
311 {
312   return jbuf->rfc7273_sync;
313 }
315 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_set_rfc7273_sync(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,gboolean rfc7273_sync)316 rtp_jitter_buffer_set_rfc7273_sync (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,
317     gboolean rfc7273_sync)
318 {
319   jbuf->rfc7273_sync = rfc7273_sync;
320 }
322 /**
323  * rtp_jitter_buffer_reset_skew:
324  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
325  *
326  * Reset the skew calculations in @jbuf.
327  */
328 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_reset_skew(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)329 rtp_jitter_buffer_reset_skew (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
330 {
331   jbuf->base_time = -1;
332   jbuf->base_rtptime = -1;
333   jbuf->base_extrtp = -1;
334   jbuf->media_clock_base_time = -1;
335   jbuf->ext_rtptime = -1;
336   jbuf->last_rtptime = -1;
337   jbuf->window_pos = 0;
338   jbuf->window_filling = TRUE;
339   jbuf->window_min = 0;
340   jbuf->skew = 0;
341   jbuf->prev_send_diff = -1;
342   jbuf->prev_out_time = -1;
343   jbuf->need_resync = TRUE;
345   GST_DEBUG ("reset skew correction");
346 }
348 /**
349  * rtp_jitter_buffer_disable_buffering:
350  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
351  * @disabled: the new state
352  *
353  * Enable or disable buffering on @jbuf.
354  */
355 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_disable_buffering(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,gboolean disabled)356 rtp_jitter_buffer_disable_buffering (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, gboolean disabled)
357 {
358   jbuf->buffering_disabled = disabled;
359 }
361 static void
rtp_jitter_buffer_resync(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,GstClockTime time,GstClockTime gstrtptime,guint64 ext_rtptime,gboolean reset_skew)362 rtp_jitter_buffer_resync (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, GstClockTime time,
363     GstClockTime gstrtptime, guint64 ext_rtptime, gboolean reset_skew)
364 {
365   jbuf->base_time = time;
366   jbuf->media_clock_base_time = -1;
367   jbuf->base_rtptime = gstrtptime;
368   jbuf->base_extrtp = ext_rtptime;
369   jbuf->prev_out_time = -1;
370   jbuf->prev_send_diff = -1;
371   if (reset_skew) {
372     jbuf->window_filling = TRUE;
373     jbuf->window_pos = 0;
374     jbuf->window_min = 0;
375     jbuf->window_size = 0;
376     jbuf->skew = 0;
377   }
378   jbuf->need_resync = FALSE;
379 }
381 static guint64
get_buffer_level(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)382 get_buffer_level (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
383 {
384   RTPJitterBufferItem *high_buf = NULL, *low_buf = NULL;
385   guint64 level;
387   /* first buffer with timestamp */
388   high_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) g_queue_peek_tail_link (jbuf->packets);
389   while (high_buf) {
390     if (high_buf->dts != -1 || high_buf->pts != -1)
391       break;
393     high_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) g_list_previous (high_buf);
394   }
396   low_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) g_queue_peek_head_link (jbuf->packets);
397   while (low_buf) {
398     if (low_buf->dts != -1 || low_buf->pts != -1)
399       break;
401     low_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) g_list_next (low_buf);
402   }
404   if (!high_buf || !low_buf || high_buf == low_buf) {
405     level = 0;
406   } else {
407     guint64 high_ts, low_ts;
409     high_ts = high_buf->dts != -1 ? high_buf->dts : high_buf->pts;
410     low_ts = low_buf->dts != -1 ? low_buf->dts : low_buf->pts;
412     if (high_ts > low_ts)
413       level = high_ts - low_ts;
414     else
415       level = 0;
417     GST_LOG_OBJECT (jbuf,
418         "low %" GST_TIME_FORMAT " high %" GST_TIME_FORMAT " level %"
419         G_GUINT64_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (low_ts), GST_TIME_ARGS (high_ts),
420         level);
421   }
422   return level;
423 }
425 static void
update_buffer_level(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,gint * percent)426 update_buffer_level (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, gint * percent)
427 {
428   gboolean post = FALSE;
429   guint64 level;
431   level = get_buffer_level (jbuf);
432   GST_DEBUG ("buffer level %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (level));
434   if (jbuf->buffering_disabled) {
435     GST_DEBUG ("buffering is disabled");
436     level = jbuf->high_level;
437   }
439   if (jbuf->buffering) {
440     post = TRUE;
441     if (level >= jbuf->high_level) {
442       GST_DEBUG ("buffering finished");
443       jbuf->buffering = FALSE;
444     }
445   } else {
446     if (level < jbuf->low_level) {
447       GST_DEBUG ("buffering started");
448       jbuf->buffering = TRUE;
449       post = TRUE;
450     }
451   }
452   if (post) {
453     gint perc;
455     if (jbuf->buffering && (jbuf->high_level != 0)) {
456       perc = (level * 100 / jbuf->high_level);
457       perc = MIN (perc, 100);
458     } else {
459       perc = 100;
460     }
462     if (percent)
463       *percent = perc;
465     GST_DEBUG ("buffering %d", perc);
466   }
467 }
469 /* For the clock skew we use a windowed low point averaging algorithm as can be
470  * found in Fober, Orlarey and Letz, 2005, "Real Time Clock Skew Estimation
471  * over Network Delays":
472  * http://www.grame.fr/Ressources/pub/TR-050601.pdf
473  * http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
474  *
475  * The idea is that the jitter is composed of:
476  *
477  *  J = N + n
478  *
479  *   N   : a constant network delay.
480  *   n   : random added noise. The noise is concentrated around 0
481  *
482  * In the receiver we can track the elapsed time at the sender with:
483  *
484  *  send_diff(i) = (Tsi - Ts0);
485  *
486  *   Tsi : The time at the sender at packet i
487  *   Ts0 : The time at the sender at the first packet
488  *
489  * This is the difference between the RTP timestamp in the first received packet
490  * and the current packet.
491  *
492  * At the receiver we have to deal with the jitter introduced by the network.
493  *
494  *  recv_diff(i) = (Tri - Tr0)
495  *
496  *   Tri : The time at the receiver at packet i
497  *   Tr0 : The time at the receiver at the first packet
498  *
499  * Both of these values contain a jitter Ji, a jitter for packet i, so we can
500  * write:
501  *
502  *  recv_diff(i) = (Cri + D + ni) - (Cr0 + D + n0))
503  *
504  *    Cri    : The time of the clock at the receiver for packet i
505  *    D + ni : The jitter when receiving packet i
506  *
507  * We see that the network delay is irrelevant here as we can elliminate D:
508  *
509  *  recv_diff(i) = (Cri + ni) - (Cr0 + n0))
510  *
511  * The drift is now expressed as:
512  *
513  *  Drift(i) = recv_diff(i) - send_diff(i);
514  *
515  * We now keep the W latest values of Drift and find the minimum (this is the
516  * one with the lowest network jitter and thus the one which is least affected
517  * by it). We average this lowest value to smooth out the resulting network skew.
518  *
519  * Both the window and the weighting used for averaging influence the accuracy
520  * of the drift estimation. Finding the correct parameters turns out to be a
521  * compromise between accuracy and inertia.
522  *
523  * We use a 2 second window or up to 512 data points, which is statistically big
524  * enough to catch spikes (FIXME, detect spikes).
525  * We also use a rather large weighting factor (125) to smoothly adapt. During
526  * startup, when filling the window, we use a parabolic weighting factor, the
527  * more the window is filled, the faster we move to the detected possible skew.
528  *
529  * Returns: @time adjusted with the clock skew.
530  */
531 static GstClockTime
calculate_skew(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,guint64 ext_rtptime,GstClockTime gstrtptime,GstClockTime time)532 calculate_skew (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, guint64 ext_rtptime,
533     GstClockTime gstrtptime, GstClockTime time)
534 {
535   guint64 send_diff, recv_diff;
536   gint64 delta;
537   gint64 old;
538   gint pos, i;
539   GstClockTime out_time;
540   guint64 slope;
542   /* elapsed time at sender */
543   send_diff = gstrtptime - jbuf->base_rtptime;
545   /* we don't have an arrival timestamp so we can't do skew detection. we
546    * should still apply a timestamp based on RTP timestamp and base_time */
547   if (time == -1 || jbuf->base_time == -1)
548     goto no_skew;
550   /* elapsed time at receiver, includes the jitter */
551   recv_diff = time - jbuf->base_time;
553   /* measure the diff */
554   delta = ((gint64) recv_diff) - ((gint64) send_diff);
556   /* measure the slope, this gives a rought estimate between the sender speed
557    * and the receiver speed. This should be approximately 8, higher values
558    * indicate a burst (especially when the connection starts) */
559   if (recv_diff > 0)
560     slope = (send_diff * 8) / recv_diff;
561   else
562     slope = 8;
564   GST_DEBUG ("time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", base %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", recv_diff %"
565       GST_TIME_FORMAT ", slope %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (time),
566       GST_TIME_ARGS (jbuf->base_time), GST_TIME_ARGS (recv_diff), slope);
568   /* if the difference between the sender timeline and the receiver timeline
569    * changed too quickly we have to resync because the server likely restarted
570    * its timestamps. */
571   if (ABS (delta - jbuf->skew) > GST_SECOND) {
572     GST_WARNING ("delta - skew: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT " too big, reset skew",
573         GST_TIME_ARGS (ABS (delta - jbuf->skew)));
574     rtp_jitter_buffer_resync (jbuf, time, gstrtptime, ext_rtptime, TRUE);
575     send_diff = 0;
576     delta = 0;
577   }
579   pos = jbuf->window_pos;
581   if (G_UNLIKELY (jbuf->window_filling)) {
582     /* we are filling the window */
583     GST_DEBUG ("filling %d, delta %" G_GINT64_FORMAT, pos, delta);
584     jbuf->window[pos++] = delta;
585     /* calc the min delta we observed */
586     if (G_UNLIKELY (pos == 1 || delta < jbuf->window_min))
587       jbuf->window_min = delta;
589     if (G_UNLIKELY (send_diff >= MAX_TIME || pos >= MAX_WINDOW)) {
590       jbuf->window_size = pos;
592       /* window filled */
593       GST_DEBUG ("min %" G_GINT64_FORMAT, jbuf->window_min);
595       /* the skew is now the min */
596       jbuf->skew = jbuf->window_min;
597       jbuf->window_filling = FALSE;
598     } else {
599       gint perc_time, perc_window, perc;
601       /* figure out how much we filled the window, this depends on the amount of
602        * time we have or the max number of points we keep. */
603       perc_time = send_diff * 100 / MAX_TIME;
604       perc_window = pos * 100 / MAX_WINDOW;
605       perc = MAX (perc_time, perc_window);
607       /* make a parabolic function, the closer we get to the MAX, the more value
608        * we give to the scaling factor of the new value */
609       perc = perc * perc;
611       /* quickly go to the min value when we are filling up, slowly when we are
612        * just starting because we're not sure it's a good value yet. */
613       jbuf->skew =
614           (perc * jbuf->window_min + ((10000 - perc) * jbuf->skew)) / 10000;
615       jbuf->window_size = pos + 1;
616     }
617   } else {
618     /* pick old value and store new value. We keep the previous value in order
619      * to quickly check if the min of the window changed */
620     old = jbuf->window[pos];
621     jbuf->window[pos++] = delta;
623     if (G_UNLIKELY (delta <= jbuf->window_min)) {
624       /* if the new value we inserted is smaller or equal to the current min,
625        * it becomes the new min */
626       jbuf->window_min = delta;
627     } else if (G_UNLIKELY (old == jbuf->window_min)) {
628       gint64 min = G_MAXINT64;
630       /* if we removed the old min, we have to find a new min */
631       for (i = 0; i < jbuf->window_size; i++) {
632         /* we found another value equal to the old min, we can stop searching now */
633         if (jbuf->window[i] == old) {
634           min = old;
635           break;
636         }
637         if (jbuf->window[i] < min)
638           min = jbuf->window[i];
639       }
640       jbuf->window_min = min;
641     }
642     /* average the min values */
643     jbuf->skew = (jbuf->window_min + (124 * jbuf->skew)) / 125;
644     GST_DEBUG ("delta %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ", new min: %" G_GINT64_FORMAT,
645         delta, jbuf->window_min);
646   }
647   /* wrap around in the window */
648   if (G_UNLIKELY (pos >= jbuf->window_size))
649     pos = 0;
650   jbuf->window_pos = pos;
652 no_skew:
653   /* the output time is defined as the base timestamp plus the RTP time
654    * adjusted for the clock skew .*/
655   if (jbuf->base_time != -1) {
656     out_time = jbuf->base_time + send_diff;
657     /* skew can be negative and we don't want to make invalid timestamps */
658     if (jbuf->skew < 0 && out_time < -jbuf->skew) {
659       out_time = 0;
660     } else {
661       out_time += jbuf->skew;
662     }
663   } else
664     out_time = -1;
666   GST_DEBUG ("skew %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ", out %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
667       jbuf->skew, GST_TIME_ARGS (out_time));
669   return out_time;
670 }
672 static void
queue_do_insert(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,GList * list,GList * item)673 queue_do_insert (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, GList * list, GList * item)
674 {
675   GQueue *queue = jbuf->packets;
677   /* It's more likely that the packet was inserted at the tail of the queue */
678   if (G_LIKELY (list)) {
679     item->prev = list;
680     item->next = list->next;
681     list->next = item;
682   } else {
683     item->prev = NULL;
684     item->next = queue->head;
685     queue->head = item;
686   }
687   if (item->next)
688     item->next->prev = item;
689   else
690     queue->tail = item;
691   queue->length++;
692 }
694 GstClockTime
rtp_jitter_buffer_calculate_pts(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,GstClockTime dts,gboolean estimated_dts,guint32 rtptime,GstClockTime base_time)695 rtp_jitter_buffer_calculate_pts (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, GstClockTime dts,
696     gboolean estimated_dts, guint32 rtptime, GstClockTime base_time)
697 {
698   guint64 ext_rtptime;
699   GstClockTime gstrtptime, pts;
700   GstClock *media_clock, *pipeline_clock;
701   guint64 media_clock_offset;
702   gboolean rfc7273_mode;
704   /* rtp time jumps are checked for during skew calculation, but bypassed
705    * in other mode, so mind those here and reset jb if needed.
706    * Only reset if valid input time, which is likely for UDP input
707    * where we expect this might happen due to async thread effects
708    * (in seek and state change cycles), but not so much for TCP input */
709   if (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (dts) && !estimated_dts &&
710       jbuf->mode != RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_SLAVE &&
711       jbuf->base_time != -1 && jbuf->last_rtptime != -1) {
712     GstClockTime ext_rtptime = jbuf->ext_rtptime;
714     ext_rtptime = gst_rtp_buffer_ext_timestamp (&ext_rtptime, rtptime);
715     if (ext_rtptime > jbuf->last_rtptime + 3 * jbuf->clock_rate ||
716         ext_rtptime + 3 * jbuf->clock_rate < jbuf->last_rtptime) {
717       /* reset even if we don't have valid incoming time;
718        * still better than producing possibly very bogus output timestamp */
719       GST_WARNING ("rtp delta too big, reset skew");
720       rtp_jitter_buffer_reset_skew (jbuf);
721     }
722   }
724   /* Return the last time if we got the same RTP timestamp again */
725   ext_rtptime = gst_rtp_buffer_ext_timestamp (&jbuf->ext_rtptime, rtptime);
726   if (jbuf->last_rtptime != -1 && ext_rtptime == jbuf->last_rtptime) {
727     return jbuf->prev_out_time;
728   }
730   /* keep track of the last extended rtptime */
731   jbuf->last_rtptime = ext_rtptime;
733   g_mutex_lock (&jbuf->clock_lock);
734   media_clock = jbuf->media_clock ? gst_object_ref (jbuf->media_clock) : NULL;
735   pipeline_clock =
736       jbuf->pipeline_clock ? gst_object_ref (jbuf->pipeline_clock) : NULL;
737   media_clock_offset = jbuf->media_clock_offset;
738   g_mutex_unlock (&jbuf->clock_lock);
740   gstrtptime =
741       gst_util_uint64_scale_int (ext_rtptime, GST_SECOND, jbuf->clock_rate);
743   if (G_LIKELY (jbuf->base_rtptime != -1)) {
744     /* check elapsed time in RTP units */
745     if (gstrtptime < jbuf->base_rtptime) {
746       /* elapsed time at sender, timestamps can go backwards and thus be
747        * smaller than our base time, schedule to take a new base time in
748        * that case. */
749       GST_WARNING ("backward timestamps at server, schedule resync");
750       jbuf->need_resync = TRUE;
751     }
752   }
754   switch (jbuf->mode) {
757       /* send 0 as the first timestamp and -1 for the other ones. This will
758        * interpolate them from the RTP timestamps with a 0 origin. In buffering
759        * mode we will adjust the outgoing timestamps according to the amount of
760        * time we spent buffering. */
761       if (jbuf->base_time == -1)
762         dts = 0;
763       else
764         dts = -1;
765       break;
767       /* synchronized clocks, take first timestamp as base, use RTP timestamps
768        * to interpolate */
769       if (jbuf->base_time != -1 && !jbuf->need_resync)
770         dts = -1;
771       break;
773     default:
774       break;
775   }
777   /* need resync, lock on to time and gstrtptime if we can, otherwise we
778    * do with the previous values */
779   if (G_UNLIKELY (jbuf->need_resync && dts != -1)) {
780     GST_INFO ("resync to time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", rtptime %"
781         GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (dts), GST_TIME_ARGS (gstrtptime));
782     rtp_jitter_buffer_resync (jbuf, dts, gstrtptime, ext_rtptime, FALSE);
783   }
785   GST_DEBUG ("extrtp %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", gstrtp %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", base %"
786       GST_TIME_FORMAT ", send_diff %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, ext_rtptime,
787       GST_TIME_ARGS (gstrtptime), GST_TIME_ARGS (jbuf->base_rtptime),
788       GST_TIME_ARGS (gstrtptime - jbuf->base_rtptime));
790   rfc7273_mode = media_clock && pipeline_clock
791       && gst_clock_is_synced (media_clock);
793   if (rfc7273_mode && jbuf->mode == RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_SLAVE
794       && (media_clock_offset == -1 || !jbuf->rfc7273_sync)) {
795     GstClockTime internal, external;
796     GstClockTime rate_num, rate_denom;
797     GstClockTime nsrtptimediff, rtpntptime, rtpsystime;
799     gst_clock_get_calibration (media_clock, &internal, &external, &rate_num,
800         &rate_denom);
802     /* Slave to the RFC7273 media clock instead of trying to estimate it
803      * based on receive times and RTP timestamps */
805     if (jbuf->media_clock_base_time == -1) {
806       if (jbuf->base_time != -1) {
807         jbuf->media_clock_base_time =
808             gst_clock_unadjust_with_calibration (media_clock,
809             jbuf->base_time + base_time, internal, external, rate_num,
810             rate_denom);
811       } else {
812         if (dts != -1)
813           jbuf->media_clock_base_time =
814               gst_clock_unadjust_with_calibration (media_clock, dts + base_time,
815               internal, external, rate_num, rate_denom);
816         else
817           jbuf->media_clock_base_time =
818               gst_clock_get_internal_time (media_clock);
819         jbuf->base_rtptime = gstrtptime;
820       }
821     }
823     if (gstrtptime > jbuf->base_rtptime)
824       nsrtptimediff = gstrtptime - jbuf->base_rtptime;
825     else
826       nsrtptimediff = 0;
828     rtpntptime = nsrtptimediff + jbuf->media_clock_base_time;
830     rtpsystime =
831         gst_clock_adjust_with_calibration (media_clock, rtpntptime, internal,
832         external, rate_num, rate_denom);
834     if (rtpsystime > base_time)
835       pts = rtpsystime - base_time;
836     else
837       pts = 0;
839     GST_DEBUG ("RFC7273 clock time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", out %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
840         GST_TIME_ARGS (rtpsystime), GST_TIME_ARGS (pts));
841   } else if (rfc7273_mode && (jbuf->mode == RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_SLAVE
842           || jbuf->mode == RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_SYNCED)
843       && media_clock_offset != -1 && jbuf->rfc7273_sync) {
844     GstClockTime ntptime, rtptime_tmp;
845     GstClockTime ntprtptime, rtpsystime;
846     GstClockTime internal, external;
847     GstClockTime rate_num, rate_denom;
849     /* Don't do any of the dts related adjustments further down */
850     dts = -1;
852     /* Calculate the actual clock time on the sender side based on the
853      * RFC7273 clock and convert it to our pipeline clock
854      */
856     gst_clock_get_calibration (media_clock, &internal, &external, &rate_num,
857         &rate_denom);
859     ntptime = gst_clock_get_internal_time (media_clock);
861     ntprtptime = gst_util_uint64_scale (ntptime, jbuf->clock_rate, GST_SECOND);
862     ntprtptime += media_clock_offset;
863     ntprtptime &= 0xffffffff;
865     rtptime_tmp = rtptime;
866     /* Check for wraparounds, we assume that the diff between current RTP
867      * timestamp and current media clock time can't be bigger than
868      * 2**31 clock units */
869     if (ntprtptime > rtptime_tmp && ntprtptime - rtptime_tmp >= 0x80000000)
870       rtptime_tmp += G_GUINT64_CONSTANT (0x100000000);
871     else if (rtptime_tmp > ntprtptime && rtptime_tmp - ntprtptime >= 0x80000000)
872       ntprtptime += G_GUINT64_CONSTANT (0x100000000);
874     if (ntprtptime > rtptime_tmp)
875       ntptime -=
876           gst_util_uint64_scale (ntprtptime - rtptime_tmp, jbuf->clock_rate,
877           GST_SECOND);
878     else
879       ntptime +=
880           gst_util_uint64_scale (rtptime_tmp - ntprtptime, jbuf->clock_rate,
881           GST_SECOND);
883     rtpsystime =
884         gst_clock_adjust_with_calibration (media_clock, ntptime, internal,
885         external, rate_num, rate_denom);
886     /* All this assumes that the pipeline has enough additional
887      * latency to cover for the network delay */
888     if (rtpsystime > base_time)
889       pts = rtpsystime - base_time;
890     else
891       pts = 0;
893     GST_DEBUG ("RFC7273 clock time %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", out %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
894         GST_TIME_ARGS (rtpsystime), GST_TIME_ARGS (pts));
895   } else {
896     /* If we used the RFC7273 clock before and not anymore,
897      * we need to resync it later again */
898     jbuf->media_clock_base_time = -1;
900     /* do skew calculation by measuring the difference between rtptime and the
901      * receive dts, this function will return the skew corrected rtptime. */
902     pts = calculate_skew (jbuf, ext_rtptime, gstrtptime, dts);
903   }
905   /* check if timestamps are not going backwards, we can only check this if we
906    * have a previous out time and a previous send_diff */
907   if (G_LIKELY (pts != -1 && jbuf->prev_out_time != -1
908           && jbuf->prev_send_diff != -1)) {
909     /* now check for backwards timestamps */
910     if (G_UNLIKELY (
911             /* if the server timestamps went up and the out_time backwards */
912             (gstrtptime - jbuf->base_rtptime > jbuf->prev_send_diff
913                 && pts < jbuf->prev_out_time) ||
914             /* if the server timestamps went backwards and the out_time forwards */
915             (gstrtptime - jbuf->base_rtptime < jbuf->prev_send_diff
916                 && pts > jbuf->prev_out_time) ||
917             /* if the server timestamps did not change */
918             gstrtptime - jbuf->base_rtptime == jbuf->prev_send_diff)) {
919       GST_DEBUG ("backwards timestamps, using previous time");
920       pts = jbuf->prev_out_time;
921     }
922   }
924   if (dts != -1 && pts + jbuf->delay < dts) {
925     /* if we are going to produce a timestamp that is later than the input
926      * timestamp, we need to reset the jitterbuffer. Likely the server paused
927      * temporarily */
928     GST_DEBUG ("out %" GST_TIME_FORMAT " + %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " < time %"
929         GST_TIME_FORMAT ", reset jitterbuffer", GST_TIME_ARGS (pts),
930         jbuf->delay, GST_TIME_ARGS (dts));
931     rtp_jitter_buffer_resync (jbuf, dts, gstrtptime, ext_rtptime, TRUE);
932     pts = dts;
933   }
935   jbuf->prev_out_time = pts;
936   jbuf->prev_send_diff = gstrtptime - jbuf->base_rtptime;
938   if (media_clock)
939     gst_object_unref (media_clock);
940   if (pipeline_clock)
941     gst_object_unref (pipeline_clock);
943   return pts;
944 }
947 /**
948  * rtp_jitter_buffer_insert:
949  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
950  * @item: an #RTPJitterBufferItem to insert
951  * @head: TRUE when the head element changed.
952  * @percent: the buffering percent after insertion
953  *
954  * Inserts @item into the packet queue of @jbuf. The sequence number of the
955  * packet will be used to sort the packets. This function takes ownerhip of
956  * @buf when the function returns %TRUE.
957  *
958  * When @head is %TRUE, the new packet was added at the head of the queue and
959  * will be available with the next call to rtp_jitter_buffer_pop() and
960  * rtp_jitter_buffer_peek().
961  *
962  * Returns: %FALSE if a packet with the same number already existed.
963  */
964 gboolean
rtp_jitter_buffer_insert(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,RTPJitterBufferItem * item,gboolean * head,gint * percent)965 rtp_jitter_buffer_insert (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, RTPJitterBufferItem * item,
966     gboolean * head, gint * percent)
967 {
968   GList *list, *event = NULL;
969   guint16 seqnum;
971   g_return_val_if_fail (jbuf != NULL, FALSE);
972   g_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, FALSE);
974   list = jbuf->packets->tail;
976   /* no seqnum, simply append then */
977   if (item->seqnum == -1)
978     goto append;
980   seqnum = item->seqnum;
982   /* loop the list to skip strictly larger seqnum buffers */
983   for (; list; list = g_list_previous (list)) {
984     guint16 qseq;
985     gint gap;
986     RTPJitterBufferItem *qitem = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) list;
988     if (qitem->seqnum == -1) {
989       /* keep a pointer to the first consecutive event if not already
990        * set. we will insert the packet after the event if we can't find
991        * a packet with lower sequence number before the event. */
992       if (event == NULL)
993         event = list;
994       continue;
995     }
997     qseq = qitem->seqnum;
999     /* compare the new seqnum to the one in the buffer */
1000     gap = gst_rtp_buffer_compare_seqnum (seqnum, qseq);
1002     /* we hit a packet with the same seqnum, notify a duplicate */
1003     if (G_UNLIKELY (gap == 0))
1004       goto duplicate;
1006     /* seqnum > qseq, we can stop looking */
1007     if (G_LIKELY (gap < 0))
1008       break;
1010     /* if we've found a packet with greater sequence number, cleanup the
1011      * event pointer as the packet will be inserted before the event */
1012     event = NULL;
1013   }
1015   /* if event is set it means that packets before the event had smaller
1016    * sequence number, so we will insert our packet after the event */
1017   if (event)
1018     list = event;
1020 append:
1021   queue_do_insert (jbuf, list, (GList *) item);
1023   /* buffering mode, update buffer stats */
1024   if (jbuf->mode == RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_BUFFER)
1025     update_buffer_level (jbuf, percent);
1026   else if (percent)
1027     *percent = -1;
1029   /* head was changed when we did not find a previous packet, we set the return
1030    * flag when requested. */
1031   if (G_LIKELY (head))
1032     *head = (list == NULL);
1034   return TRUE;
1036   /* ERRORS */
1037 duplicate:
1038   {
1039     GST_DEBUG ("duplicate packet %d found", (gint) seqnum);
1040     if (G_LIKELY (head))
1041       *head = FALSE;
1042     return FALSE;
1043   }
1044 }
1046 /**
1047  * rtp_jitter_buffer_pop:
1048  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1049  * @percent: the buffering percent
1050  *
1051  * Pops the oldest buffer from the packet queue of @jbuf. The popped buffer will
1052  * have its timestamp adjusted with the incoming running_time and the detected
1053  * clock skew.
1054  *
1055  * Returns: a #GstBuffer or %NULL when there was no packet in the queue.
1056  */
1057 RTPJitterBufferItem *
rtp_jitter_buffer_pop(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,gint * percent)1058 rtp_jitter_buffer_pop (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, gint * percent)
1059 {
1060   GList *item = NULL;
1061   GQueue *queue;
1063   g_return_val_if_fail (jbuf != NULL, NULL);
1065   queue = jbuf->packets;
1067   item = queue->head;
1068   if (item) {
1069     queue->head = item->next;
1070     if (queue->head)
1071       queue->head->prev = NULL;
1072     else
1073       queue->tail = NULL;
1074     queue->length--;
1075   }
1077   /* buffering mode, update buffer stats */
1078   if (jbuf->mode == RTP_JITTER_BUFFER_MODE_BUFFER)
1079     update_buffer_level (jbuf, percent);
1080   else if (percent)
1081     *percent = -1;
1083   return (RTPJitterBufferItem *) item;
1084 }
1086 /**
1087  * rtp_jitter_buffer_peek:
1088  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1089  *
1090  * Peek the oldest buffer from the packet queue of @jbuf.
1091  *
1092  * See rtp_jitter_buffer_insert() to check when an older packet was
1093  * added.
1094  *
1095  * Returns: a #GstBuffer or %NULL when there was no packet in the queue.
1096  */
1097 RTPJitterBufferItem *
rtp_jitter_buffer_peek(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)1098 rtp_jitter_buffer_peek (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
1099 {
1100   g_return_val_if_fail (jbuf != NULL, NULL);
1102   return (RTPJitterBufferItem *) jbuf->packets->head;
1103 }
1105 /**
1106  * rtp_jitter_buffer_flush:
1107  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1108  * @free_func: function to free each item
1109  * @user_data: user data passed to @free_func
1110  *
1111  * Flush all packets from the jitterbuffer.
1112  */
1113 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_flush(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,GFunc free_func,gpointer user_data)1114 rtp_jitter_buffer_flush (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, GFunc free_func,
1115     gpointer user_data)
1116 {
1117   GList *item;
1119   g_return_if_fail (jbuf != NULL);
1120   g_return_if_fail (free_func != NULL);
1122   while ((item = g_queue_pop_head_link (jbuf->packets)))
1123     free_func ((RTPJitterBufferItem *) item, user_data);
1124 }
1126 /**
1127  * rtp_jitter_buffer_is_buffering:
1128  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1129  *
1130  * Check if @jbuf is buffering currently. Users of the jitterbuffer should not
1131  * pop packets while in buffering mode.
1132  *
1133  * Returns: the buffering state of @jbuf
1134  */
1135 gboolean
rtp_jitter_buffer_is_buffering(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)1136 rtp_jitter_buffer_is_buffering (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
1137 {
1138   return jbuf->buffering && !jbuf->buffering_disabled;
1139 }
1141 /**
1142  * rtp_jitter_buffer_set_buffering:
1143  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1144  * @buffering: the new buffering state
1145  *
1146  * Forces @jbuf to go into the buffering state.
1147  */
1148 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_set_buffering(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,gboolean buffering)1149 rtp_jitter_buffer_set_buffering (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, gboolean buffering)
1150 {
1151   jbuf->buffering = buffering;
1152 }
1154 /**
1155  * rtp_jitter_buffer_get_percent:
1156  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1157  *
1158  * Get the buffering percent of the jitterbuffer.
1159  *
1160  * Returns: the buffering percent
1161  */
1162 gint
rtp_jitter_buffer_get_percent(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)1163 rtp_jitter_buffer_get_percent (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
1164 {
1165   gint percent;
1166   guint64 level;
1168   if (G_UNLIKELY (jbuf->high_level == 0))
1169     return 100;
1171   if (G_UNLIKELY (jbuf->buffering_disabled))
1172     return 100;
1174   level = get_buffer_level (jbuf);
1175   percent = (level * 100 / jbuf->high_level);
1176   percent = MIN (percent, 100);
1178   return percent;
1179 }
1181 /**
1182  * rtp_jitter_buffer_num_packets:
1183  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1184  *
1185  * Get the number of packets currently in "jbuf.
1186  *
1187  * Returns: The number of packets in @jbuf.
1188  */
1189 guint
rtp_jitter_buffer_num_packets(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)1190 rtp_jitter_buffer_num_packets (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
1191 {
1192   g_return_val_if_fail (jbuf != NULL, 0);
1194   return jbuf->packets->length;
1195 }
1197 /**
1198  * rtp_jitter_buffer_get_ts_diff:
1199  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1200  *
1201  * Get the difference between the timestamps of first and last packet in the
1202  * jitterbuffer.
1203  *
1204  * Returns: The difference expressed in the timestamp units of the packets.
1205  */
1206 guint32
rtp_jitter_buffer_get_ts_diff(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)1207 rtp_jitter_buffer_get_ts_diff (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
1208 {
1209   guint64 high_ts, low_ts;
1210   RTPJitterBufferItem *high_buf, *low_buf;
1211   guint32 result;
1213   g_return_val_if_fail (jbuf != NULL, 0);
1215   high_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) g_queue_peek_tail_link (jbuf->packets);
1216   low_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) g_queue_peek_head_link (jbuf->packets);
1218   if (!high_buf || !low_buf || high_buf == low_buf)
1219     return 0;
1221   high_ts = high_buf->rtptime;
1222   low_ts = low_buf->rtptime;
1224   /* it needs to work if ts wraps */
1225   if (high_ts >= low_ts) {
1226     result = (guint32) (high_ts - low_ts);
1227   } else {
1228     result = (guint32) (high_ts + G_MAXUINT32 + 1 - low_ts);
1229   }
1230   return result;
1231 }
1234 /**
1235  * rtp_jitter_buffer_get_seqnum_diff:
1236  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1237  *
1238  * Get the difference between the seqnum of first and last packet in the
1239  * jitterbuffer.
1240  *
1241  * Returns: The difference expressed in seqnum.
1242  */
1243 guint16
rtp_jitter_buffer_get_seqnum_diff(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)1244 rtp_jitter_buffer_get_seqnum_diff (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf)
1245 {
1246   guint32 high_seqnum, low_seqnum;
1247   RTPJitterBufferItem *high_buf, *low_buf;
1248   guint16 result;
1250   g_return_val_if_fail (jbuf != NULL, 0);
1252   high_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) g_queue_peek_tail_link (jbuf->packets);
1253   low_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) g_queue_peek_head_link (jbuf->packets);
1255   while (high_buf && high_buf->seqnum == -1)
1256     high_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) high_buf->prev;
1258   while (low_buf && low_buf->seqnum == -1)
1259     low_buf = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) low_buf->next;
1261   if (!high_buf || !low_buf || high_buf == low_buf)
1262     return 0;
1264   high_seqnum = high_buf->seqnum;
1265   low_seqnum = low_buf->seqnum;
1267   /* it needs to work if ts wraps */
1268   if (high_seqnum >= low_seqnum) {
1269     result = (guint32) (high_seqnum - low_seqnum);
1270   } else {
1271     result = (guint32) (high_seqnum + G_MAXUINT16 + 1 - low_seqnum);
1272   }
1273   return result;
1274 }
1276 /**
1277  * rtp_jitter_buffer_get_sync:
1278  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1279  * @rtptime: result RTP time
1280  * @timestamp: result GStreamer timestamp
1281  * @clock_rate: clock-rate of @rtptime
1282  * @last_rtptime: last seen rtptime.
1283  *
1284  * Calculates the relation between the RTP timestamp and the GStreamer timestamp
1285  * used for constructing timestamps.
1286  *
1287  * For extended RTP timestamp @rtptime with a clock-rate of @clock_rate,
1288  * the GStreamer timestamp is currently @timestamp.
1289  *
1290  * The last seen extended RTP timestamp with clock-rate @clock-rate is returned in
1291  * @last_rtptime.
1292  */
1293 void
rtp_jitter_buffer_get_sync(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,guint64 * rtptime,guint64 * timestamp,guint32 * clock_rate,guint64 * last_rtptime)1294 rtp_jitter_buffer_get_sync (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, guint64 * rtptime,
1295     guint64 * timestamp, guint32 * clock_rate, guint64 * last_rtptime)
1296 {
1297   if (rtptime)
1298     *rtptime = jbuf->base_extrtp;
1299   if (timestamp)
1300     *timestamp = jbuf->base_time + jbuf->skew;
1301   if (clock_rate)
1302     *clock_rate = jbuf->clock_rate;
1303   if (last_rtptime)
1304     *last_rtptime = jbuf->last_rtptime;
1305 }
1307 /**
1308  * rtp_jitter_buffer_can_fast_start:
1309  * @jbuf: an #RTPJitterBuffer
1310  * @num_packets: Number of consecutive packets needed
1311  *
1312  * Check if in the queue if there is enough packets with consecutive seqnum in
1313  * order to start delivering them.
1314  *
1315  * Returns: %TRUE if the required number of consecutive packets was found.
1316  */
1317 gboolean
rtp_jitter_buffer_can_fast_start(RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf,gint num_packet)1318 rtp_jitter_buffer_can_fast_start (RTPJitterBuffer * jbuf, gint num_packet)
1319 {
1320   gboolean ret = TRUE;
1321   RTPJitterBufferItem *last_item = NULL, *item;
1322   gint i;
1324   if (rtp_jitter_buffer_num_packets (jbuf) < num_packet)
1325     return FALSE;
1327   item = rtp_jitter_buffer_peek (jbuf);
1328   for (i = 0; i < num_packet; i++) {
1329     if (G_LIKELY (last_item)) {
1330       guint16 expected_seqnum = last_item->seqnum + 1;
1332       if (expected_seqnum != item->seqnum) {
1333         ret = FALSE;
1334         break;
1335       }
1336     }
1338     last_item = item;
1339     item = (RTPJitterBufferItem *) last_item->next;
1340   }
1342   return ret;
1343 }