2 // Woohoo!
3 #define MAX_CHANNELS 16
5 // Some handy constants. Thanks eightbitbubsy.
6 #define AMIGA_PAL_XTAL            28375160
7 #define AMIGA_NTSC_XTAL           28636360
8 #define AMIGA_CPU_PAL_CLK         ((AMIGA_PAL_XTAL / 4))
9 #define AMIGA_CPU_NTSC_CLK        ((AMIGA_NTSC_XTAL / 4))
10 #define AMIGA_CIA_PAL_CLK         ((AMIGA_CPU_PAL_CLK / 10))
11 #define AMIGA_CIA_NTSC_CLK        ((AMIGA_CPU_NTSC_CLK / 10))
12 #define AMIGA_PAULA_PAL_CLK       ((AMIGA_CPU_PAL_CLK / 2))
15 #define Period2Freq(period) ((AMIGA_PAULA_PAL_CLK * 65536.f) / (period))
16 //#define Period2Freq(period) (3579545.25f / (period))
18 struct ahx_envelope
19 {
20   int16 aFrames, aVolume;
21   int16 dFrames, dVolume;
22   int16 sFrames;
23   int16 rFrames, rVolume;
24   int16 pad;
25 };
27 struct ahx_plsentry
28 {
29   uint8 ple_Note;
30   uint8 ple_Waveform;
31   int16 ple_Fixed;
32   int8  ple_FX[2];
33   int8  ple_FXParam[2];
34 };
36 struct ahx_plist
37 {
38   int16               pls_Speed;
39   int16               pls_Length;
40   struct ahx_plsentry pls_Entries[256];
41 };
43 struct ahx_instrument
44 {
45   TEXT                ins_Name[128];
46   uint8               ins_Volume;
47   uint8               ins_WaveLength;
48   uint8               ins_FilterLowerLimit;
49   uint8               ins_FilterUpperLimit;
50   uint8               ins_FilterSpeed;
51   uint8               ins_SquareLowerLimit;
52   uint8               ins_SquareUpperLimit;
53   uint8               ins_SquareSpeed;
54   uint8               ins_VibratoDelay;
55   uint8               ins_VibratoSpeed;
56   uint8               ins_VibratoDepth;
57   uint8               ins_HardCutRelease;
58   uint8               ins_HardCutReleaseFrames;
59   struct ahx_envelope ins_Envelope;
60   struct ahx_plist    ins_PList;
61   int32               ins_ptop;
62   int32               ins_pcurx;
63   int32               ins_pcury;
64 };
66 struct ahx_position
67 {
68   uint8 pos_Track[MAX_CHANNELS];
69   int8  pos_Transpose[MAX_CHANNELS];
70 };
72 struct ahx_step
73 {
74   uint8 stp_Note;
75   uint8 stp_Instrument;
76   uint8 stp_FX;
77   uint8 stp_FXParam;
78   uint8 stp_FXb;
79   uint8 stp_FXbParam;
80 };
82 struct ahx_voice
83 {
84   int16                  vc_Track;
85   int16                  vc_NextTrack;
86   int16                  vc_Transpose;
87   int16                  vc_NextTranspose;
88   int16                  vc_OverrideTranspose;
89   int32                  vc_ADSRVolume;
90   struct ahx_envelope    vc_ADSR;
91   struct ahx_instrument *vc_Instrument;
92   uint32                 vc_SamplePos;
93   uint32                 vc_Delta;
94   uint16                 vc_InstrPeriod;
95   uint16                 vc_TrackPeriod;
96   uint16                 vc_VibratoPeriod;
97   uint16                 vc_WaveLength;
98   int16                  vc_NoteMaxVolume;
99   uint16                 vc_PerfSubVolume;
100   uint8                  vc_NewWaveform;
101   uint8                  vc_Waveform;
102   uint8                  vc_PlantPeriod;
103   uint8                  vc_VoiceVolume;
104   uint8                  vc_PlantSquare;
105   uint8                  vc_IgnoreSquare;
106   uint8                  vc_FixedNote;
107   int16                  vc_VolumeSlideUp;
108   int16                  vc_VolumeSlideDown;
109   int16                  vc_HardCut;
110   uint8                  vc_HardCutRelease;
111   int16                  vc_HardCutReleaseF;
112   uint8                  vc_PeriodSlideOn;
113   int16                  vc_PeriodSlideSpeed;
114   int16                  vc_PeriodSlidePeriod;
115   int16                  vc_PeriodSlideLimit;
116   int16                  vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit;
117   int16                  vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed;
118   int16                  vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod;
119   uint8                  vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn;
120   int16                  vc_VibratoDelay;
121   int16                  vc_VibratoSpeed;
122   int16                  vc_VibratoCurrent;
123   int16                  vc_VibratoDepth;
124   int16                  vc_SquareOn;
125   int16                  vc_SquareInit;
126   int16                  vc_SquareWait;
127   int16                  vc_SquareLowerLimit;
128   int16                  vc_SquareUpperLimit;
129   int16                  vc_SquarePos;
130   int16                  vc_SquareSign;
131   int16                  vc_SquareSlidingIn;
132   int16                  vc_SquareReverse;
133   uint8                  vc_FilterOn;
134   uint8                  vc_FilterInit;
135   int16                  vc_FilterWait;
136   int16                  vc_FilterSpeed;
137   int16                  vc_FilterUpperLimit;
138   int16                  vc_FilterLowerLimit;
139   int16                  vc_FilterPos;
140   int16                  vc_FilterSign;
141   int16                  vc_FilterSlidingIn;
142   int16                  vc_IgnoreFilter;
143   int16                  vc_PerfCurrent;
144   int16                  vc_PerfSpeed;
145   int16                  vc_PerfWait;
146   struct ahx_plist      *vc_PerfList;
147   int8                  *vc_AudioPointer;
148   int8                  *vc_AudioSource;
149   uint8                  vc_NoteDelayOn;
150   uint8                  vc_NoteCutOn;
151   int16                  vc_NoteDelayWait;
152   int16                  vc_NoteCutWait;
153   int16                  vc_AudioPeriod;
154   int16                  vc_AudioVolume;
155   int32                  vc_WNRandom;
156   int8                  *vc_MixSource;
157   int8                   vc_SquareTempBuffer[0x80];
158   int8                   vc_VoiceBuffer[0x282*4];
159   uint8                  vc_VoiceNum;
160   uint8                  vc_TrackMasterVolume;
161   uint8                  vc_TrackOn;
162   uint8                  vc_SetTrackOn;
163   int16                  vc_VoicePeriod;
164   uint32                 vc_Pan;
165   uint32                 vc_SetPan;
166   uint32                 vc_PanMultLeft;
167   uint32                 vc_PanMultRight;
168   int32                  vc_VUMeter;
170   /* Ring modulation! */
171   uint32                 vc_RingSamplePos;
172   uint32                 vc_RingDelta;
173   int8                  *vc_RingMixSource;
174   uint8                  vc_RingPlantPeriod;
175   int16                  vc_RingInstrPeriod;
176   int16                  vc_RingBasePeriod;
177   int16                  vc_RingAudioPeriod;
178   int8                  *vc_RingAudioSource;
179   uint8                  vc_RingNewWaveform;
180   uint8                  vc_RingWaveform;
181   uint8                  vc_RingFixedPeriod;
182   int8                   vc_RingVoiceBuffer[0x282*4];
183 };
185 // Store all tunes in a list so we can have more than
186 // one loaded at once (= tabs!)
187 struct ahx_tune
188 {
189   struct Node            at_ln;
191   struct List           *at_undolist;
192   struct List           *at_redolist;
193   uint32                 at_undomem;
195 /****
196 ***** Anything that can't just be copied from one ahx_tune structure
197 ***** into another with a single CopyMem call should be above at_Name
198 ****/
200   TEXT                   at_Name[128];
201   uint32                 at_Time;
202   uint32                 at_ExactTime;
203   uint16                 at_LoopDetector;
204   uint16                 at_SongNum;
205   uint32                 at_Frequency;
206   float64                at_FreqF;
207   int8                  *at_WaveformTab[MAX_CHANNELS];
208   uint16                 at_Restart;
209   uint16                 at_PositionNr;
210   uint8                  at_SpeedMultiplier;
211   uint8                  at_TrackLength;
212   uint8                  at_TrackNr;
213   uint8                  at_InstrumentNr;
214   uint8                  at_SubsongNr;
215   uint16                 at_PosJump;
216   uint32                 at_PlayingTime;
217   int16                  at_Tempo;
218   int16                  at_PosNr;
219   int16                  at_NextPosNr;
220   int16                  at_StepWaitFrames;
221   int16                  at_NoteNr;
222   uint16                 at_PosJumpNote;
223   uint8                  at_GetNewPosition;
224   uint8                  at_PatternBreak;
225   uint8                  at_SongEndReached;
226   uint8                  at_Stereo;
227   uint16                 at_Subsongs[256];
228   uint16                 at_Channels;
229   struct ahx_position    at_Positions[1000];
230   struct ahx_step        at_Tracks[256][64];
231   struct ahx_instrument  at_Instruments[64];
232   struct ahx_voice       at_Voices[MAX_CHANNELS];
233   int32                  at_posed_curs;
234   int32                  at_tracked_curs;
235   int32                  at_curins;
236   int32                  at_drumpadnote;
237   BOOL                   at_drumpadmode;
238   int16                  at_topins;
239   int16                  at_topinsb;
240   int32                  at_curss;
241   int32                  at_curlch;
242   int32                  at_baseins;
243   int32                  at_curpanel;
244   BOOL                   at_modified;
245   int32                  at_mixgain;
246   int32                  at_mixgainP;
248   // Tracked mark
249   int16                  at_cbmarkmarknote;
250   int16                  at_cbmarkmarkx;
251   int16                  at_cbmarkcurnote;
252   int16                  at_cbmarkcurx;
253   int16                  at_cbmarktrack;
254   int16                  at_cbmarkstartnote;
255   int16                  at_cbmarkendnote;
256   int16                  at_cbmarkleftx;
257   int16                  at_cbmarkrightx;
258   int16                  at_cbmarkbits;
260   // Posed mark
261   int16                  at_cbpmarkmarkpos;
262   int16                  at_cbpmarkmarklft;
263   int16                  at_cbpmarklft;
264   int16                  at_cbpmarktop;
265   int16                  at_cbpmarkrgt;
266   int16                  at_cbpmarkbot;
267   int16                  at_cbpmarklftcol;
268   int16                  at_cbpmarkrgtcol;
270   int16                  at_notejump;
271   int16                  at_inotejump;
272   int16                  at_rempos[5];
273   int32                  at_defstereo;
274   int32                  at_defpanleft;
275   int32                  at_defpanright;
276   uint8                  at_ticks;
277   uint8                  at_secs;
278   uint8                  at_mins;
279   uint8                  at_hours;
281   int32                  at_doing;
282   int32                  at_editing;
283   int32                  at_idoing;
285   // Undo stuff
286   struct ahx_plsentry    at_rem_pls_Entries[256];
287   TEXT                   at_rem_string[128];
288   struct ahx_step        at_rem_track[64];
289   uint8                  at_rem_posbuf[1000*MAX_CHANNELS*2];
290   int32                  at_rem_pbleft, at_rem_pbpos;
291   int32                  at_rem_pbchans, at_rem_pbrows;
293   uint8                  at_stopnextrow;
294 };
296 enum {
297   RPC_STOP,
304 };
306 struct rp_command
307 {
308 #ifndef __SDL_WRAPPER__
309   struct Message   rpc_Message;
310 #endif
311   uint16           rpc_Command;
312   uint16           rpc_Data;
313   uint16           rpc_Data2;
314   struct ahx_tune *rpc_Tune;
315 };
317 struct ahx_tune *rp_load_tune( const TEXT *name, struct ahx_tune *at );
318 BOOL rp_init( void );
319 void rp_shutdown( void );
320 void rp_handler( uint32 gotsigs );
321 void rp_stop( void );
322 struct ahx_tune *rp_new_tune( BOOL addtolist );
323 void rp_free_tune( struct ahx_tune *at );
324 void rp_clear_tune( struct ahx_tune *at );
325 BOOL rp_play_note( struct ahx_tune *at, int32 inst, int32 note, int32 channel );
326 void rp_load_ins( const TEXT *name, struct ahx_tune *at, int32 in );
327 void rp_save_ins( const TEXT *name, struct ahx_tune *at, int32 in );
328 BOOL rp_play_song( struct ahx_tune *at, uint32 subsong, BOOL cont );
329 BOOL rp_play_pos( struct ahx_tune *at, BOOL cont );
330 BOOL rp_init_subsong( struct ahx_tune *at, uint32 nr );
331 uint32 rp_ahx_test( const struct ahx_tune *at );
332 void rp_save_ahx( const TEXT *name, struct ahx_tune *at );
333 void rp_save_hvl( const TEXT *name, struct ahx_tune *at );
334 int32 rp_find_loudest( struct ahx_tune *at );
335 void rp_clear_instrument( struct ahx_instrument *ins );
336 void rp_zap_tracks( struct ahx_tune * at );
337 void rp_zap_positions( struct ahx_tune *at );
338 void rp_zap_instruments( struct ahx_tune *at );
339 BOOL rp_play_row( struct ahx_tune *at );
341 #define SWB_DOUBLECMD 0
343 #define SWB_NEWINSCMD 1
345 #define SWB_MANYCHANS 2
347 #define SWB_PANCMD 3
348 #define SWF_PANCMD (1L<<SWB_PANCMD)
349 #define SWB_EFXCMD 4
350 #define SWF_EFXCMD (1L<<SWB_EFXCMD)