1@echo off
2rem  ---------------------------------------------
3rem  PURPOSE:
4rem  - put this Batch-Command on your Desktop,
5rem    so you can drag and drop wave files on it
6rem    and LAME will encode them to mp3 format.
7rem  - put this Batch-Command in a place mentioned
8rem    in your PATH environment, start the DOS-BOX
9rem    and change to a directory where your wave
10rem    files are located. the following line will
11rem    encode all your wave files to mp3
12rem     "lame.bat *.wav"
13rem  ---------------------------------------------
14rem                         C2000  Robert Hegemann
15rem  ---------------------------------------------
16rem  Changes to support long filenames using 4DOS
17rem  by Alexander Stumpf <dropdachalupa@gmx.net>
18rem  ---------------------------------------------
19rem  please set LAME and LAMEOPTS
20rem  LAME - where the executeable is
21rem  OPTS - options you like LAME to use
23        set LAME=c:\progra~1\sound&~1\lame\lame.exe
24        set OPTS=-h --lowpass-width 2 --lowpass 20.5 -b 112 --abr 180
26rem  ---------------------------------------------
28	set thecmd=%LAME% %OPTS%
29        for %%f in (%&) do (%thecmd% %@sfn[%%f]^(ren %@sfn[%%f].mp3 "%@lfn[%%f].mp_">NUL))
30        ren *.mp3.mp_ *.new.mp3 >& NUL
31        ren *.wav.mp_ *.mp3 >& NUL
32        goto endmark
34	echo.
35	echo.
36	echo ERROR processing %1
37	echo.
40rem	finished