1 /* Sonic library
2    Copyright 2010
3    Bill Cox
4    This file is part of the Sonic Library.
6    This file is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
7 */
9 /*
10 The Sonic Library implements a new algorithm invented by Bill Cox for the
11 specific purpose of speeding up speech by high factors at high quality.  It
12 generates smooth speech at speed up factors as high as 6X, possibly more.  It is
13 also capable of slowing down speech, and generates high quality results
14 regardless of the speed up or slow down factor.  For speeding up speech by 2X or
15 more, the following equation is used:
17     newSamples = period/(speed - 1.0)
18     scale = 1.0/newSamples;
20 where period is the current pitch period, determined using AMDF or any other
21 pitch estimator, and speed is the speedup factor.  If the current position in
22 the input stream is pointed to by "samples", and the current output stream
23 position is pointed to by "out", then newSamples number of samples can be
24 generated with:
26     out[t] = (samples[t]*(newSamples - t) + samples[t + period]*t)/newSamples;
28 where t = 0 to newSamples - 1.
30 For speed factors < 2X, the PICOLA algorithm is used.  The above
31 algorithm is first used to double the speed of one pitch period.  Then, enough
32 input is directly copied from the input to the output to achieve the desired
33 speed up factor, where 1.0 < speed < 2.0.  The amount of data copied is derived:
35     speed = (2*period + length)/(period + length)
36     speed*length + speed*period = 2*period + length
37     length(speed - 1) = 2*period - speed*period
38     length = period*(2 - speed)/(speed - 1)
40 For slowing down speech where 0.5 < speed < 1.0, a pitch period is inserted into
41 the output twice, and length of input is copied from the input to the output
42 until the output desired speed is reached.  The length of data copied is:
44     length = period*(speed - 0.5)/(1 - speed)
46 For slow down factors below 0.5, no data is copied, and an algorithm
47 similar to high speed factors is used.
48 */
50 /* Uncomment this to use sin-wav based overlap add which in theory can improve
51    sound quality slightly, at the expense of lots of floating point math. */
52 /* #define SONIC_USE_SIN */
54 #ifdef __cplusplus
55 extern "C" {
56 #endif
58 /* This specifies the range of voice pitches we try to match.
59    Note that if we go lower than 65, we could overflow in findPitchInRange */
60 #define SONIC_MIN_PITCH 65
61 #define SONIC_MAX_PITCH 400
63 /* These are used to down-sample some inputs to improve speed */
64 #define SONIC_AMDF_FREQ 4000
66 struct sonicStreamStruct;
67 typedef struct sonicStreamStruct* sonicStream;
69 /* For all of the following functions, numChannels is multiplied by numSamples
70    to determine the actual number of values read or returned. */
72 /* Create a sonic stream.  Return NULL only if we are out of memory and cannot
73   allocate the stream. Set numChannels to 1 for mono, and 2 for stereo. */
74 sonicStream sonicCreateStream(int sampleRate, int numChannels);
75 /* Destroy the sonic stream. */
76 void sonicDestroyStream(sonicStream stream);
77 /* Use this to write floating point data to be speed up or down into the stream.
78    Values must be between -1 and 1.  Return 0 if memory realloc failed,
79    otherwise 1 */
80 int sonicWriteFloatToStream(sonicStream stream, float* samples, int numSamples);
81 /* Use this to write 16-bit data to be speed up or down into the stream.
82    Return 0 if memory realloc failed, otherwise 1 */
83 int sonicWriteShortToStream(sonicStream stream, short* samples, int numSamples);
84 /* Use this to write 8-bit unsigned data to be speed up or down into the stream.
85    Return 0 if memory realloc failed, otherwise 1 */
86 int sonicWriteUnsignedCharToStream(sonicStream stream, unsigned char* samples,
87                                    int numSamples);
88 /* Use this to read floating point data out of the stream.  Sometimes no data
89    will be available, and zero is returned, which is not an error condition. */
90 int sonicReadFloatFromStream(sonicStream stream, float* samples,
91                              int maxSamples);
92 /* Use this to read 16-bit data out of the stream.  Sometimes no data will
93    be available, and zero is returned, which is not an error condition. */
94 int sonicReadShortFromStream(sonicStream stream, short* samples,
95                              int maxSamples);
96 /* Use this to read 8-bit unsigned data out of the stream.  Sometimes no data
97    will be available, and zero is returned, which is not an error condition. */
98 int sonicReadUnsignedCharFromStream(sonicStream stream, unsigned char* samples,
99                                     int maxSamples);
100 /* Force the sonic stream to generate output using whatever data it currently
101    has.  No extra delay will be added to the output, but flushing in the middle
102    of words could introduce distortion. */
103 int sonicFlushStream(sonicStream stream);
104 /* Return the number of samples in the output buffer */
105 int sonicSamplesAvailable(sonicStream stream);
106 /* Get the speed of the stream. */
107 float sonicGetSpeed(sonicStream stream);
108 /* Set the speed of the stream. */
109 void sonicSetSpeed(sonicStream stream, float speed);
110 /* Get the pitch of the stream. */
111 float sonicGetPitch(sonicStream stream);
112 /* Set the pitch of the stream. */
113 void sonicSetPitch(sonicStream stream, float pitch);
114 /* Get the rate of the stream. */
115 float sonicGetRate(sonicStream stream);
116 /* Set the rate of the stream. */
117 void sonicSetRate(sonicStream stream, float rate);
118 /* Get the scaling factor of the stream. */
119 float sonicGetVolume(sonicStream stream);
120 /* Set the scaling factor of the stream. */
121 void sonicSetVolume(sonicStream stream, float volume);
122 /* Get the chord pitch setting. */
123 int sonicGetChordPitch(sonicStream stream);
124 /* Set chord pitch mode on or off.  Default is off.  See the documentation
125    page for a description of this feature. */
126 void sonicSetChordPitch(sonicStream stream, int useChordPitch);
127 /* Get the quality setting. */
128 int sonicGetQuality(sonicStream stream);
129 /* Set the "quality".  Default 0 is virtually as good as 1, but very much
130  * faster. */
131 void sonicSetQuality(sonicStream stream, int quality);
132 /* Get the sample rate of the stream. */
133 int sonicGetSampleRate(sonicStream stream);
134 /* Set the sample rate of the stream.  This will drop any samples that have not
135  * been read. */
136 void sonicSetSampleRate(sonicStream stream, int sampleRate);
137 /* Get the number of channels. */
138 int sonicGetNumChannels(sonicStream stream);
139 /* Set the number of channels.  This will drop any samples that have not been
140  * read. */
141 void sonicSetNumChannels(sonicStream stream, int numChannels);
142 /* This is a non-stream oriented interface to just change the speed of a sound
143    sample.  It works in-place on the sample array, so there must be at least
144    speed*numSamples available space in the array. Returns the new number of
145    samples. */
146 int sonicChangeFloatSpeed(float* samples, int numSamples, float speed,
147                           float pitch, float rate, float volume,
148                           int useChordPitch, int sampleRate, int numChannels);
149 /* This is a non-stream oriented interface to just change the speed of a sound
150    sample.  It works in-place on the sample array, so there must be at least
151    speed*numSamples available space in the array. Returns the new number of
152    samples. */
153 int sonicChangeShortSpeed(short* samples, int numSamples, float speed,
154                           float pitch, float rate, float volume,
155                           int useChordPitch, int sampleRate, int numChannels);
158 /*
159 This code generates high quality spectrograms from sound samples, using
160 Time-Aliased-FFTs as described at:
162     https://github.com/waywardgeek/spectrogram
164 Basically, two adjacent pitch periods are overlap-added to create a sound
165 sample that accurately represents the speech sound at that moment in time.
166 This set of samples is converted to a spetral line using an FFT, and the result
167 is saved as a single spectral line at that moment in time.  The resulting
168 spectral lines vary in resolution (it is equal to the number of samples in the
169 pitch period), and the spacing of spectral lines also varies (proportional to
170 the numver of samples in the pitch period).
172 To generate a bitmap, linear interpolation is used to render the grayscale
173 value at any particular point in time and frequency.
174 */
176 #define SONIC_MAX_SPECTRUM_FREQ 5000
178 struct sonicSpectrogramStruct;
179 struct sonicBitmapStruct;
180 typedef struct sonicSpectrogramStruct* sonicSpectrogram;
181 typedef struct sonicBitmapStruct* sonicBitmap;
183 /* sonicBitmap objects represent spectrograms as grayscale bitmaps where each
184    pixel is from 0 (black) to 255 (white).  Bitmaps are rows*cols in size.
185    Rows are indexed top to bottom and columns are indexed left to right */
186 struct sonicBitmapStruct {
187   unsigned char* data;
188   int numRows;
189   int numCols;
190 };
192 typedef struct sonicBitmapStruct* sonicBitmap;
194 /* Enable coomputation of a spectrogram on the fly. */
195 void sonicComputeSpectrogram(sonicStream stream);
197 /* Get the spectrogram. */
198 sonicSpectrogram sonicGetSpectrogram(sonicStream stream);
200 /* Create an empty spectrogram. Called automatically if sonicComputeSpectrogram
201    has been called. */
202 sonicSpectrogram sonicCreateSpectrogram(int sampleRate);
204 /* Destroy the spectrotram.  This is called automatically when calling
205    sonicDestroyStream. */
206 void sonicDestroySpectrogram(sonicSpectrogram spectrogram);
208 /* Convert the spectrogram to a bitmap. Caller must destroy bitmap when done. */
209 sonicBitmap sonicConvertSpectrogramToBitmap(sonicSpectrogram spectrogram,
210                                             int numRows, int numCols);
212 /* Destroy a bitmap returned by sonicConvertSpectrogramToBitmap. */
213 void sonicDestroyBitmap(sonicBitmap bitmap);
215 int sonicWritePGM(sonicBitmap bitmap, char* fileName);
217 /* Add two pitch periods worth of samples to the spectrogram.  There must be
218    2*period samples.  Time should advance one pitch period for each call to
219    this function. */
220 void sonicAddPitchPeriodToSpectrogram(sonicSpectrogram spectrogram,
221                                       short* samples, int period,
222                                       int numChannels);
223 #endif  /* SONIC_SPECTROGRAM */
225 #ifdef __cplusplus
226 }
227 #endif