1 /* SoX Resampler Library      Copyright (c) 2007-16 robs@users.sourceforge.net
2  * Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1                  See LICENCE for details. */
4 /* Resample using a non-interpolated poly-phase FIR with length LEN. */
5 /* Input must be followed by FIR_LENGTH-1 samples. */
8   #define N (FIR_LENGTH>>2)
9   #define BEGINNING v4_t sum = vZero(); \
10       v4_t const * const __restrict coefs = (v4_t *)COEFS + N * rem;
11   #define _ sum = vMac(vLdu(at+j*4), coefs[j], sum), ++j;
12   #define END vStorSum(output+i, sum)
13   #define cc(n) case n: core(n); break
14   #define CORE(n) switch (n) {cc(2); cc(3); cc(4); cc(5); cc(6); default: core(n);}
15 #else
16   #define N FIR_LENGTH
17   #define BEGINNING sample_t sum = 0; \
18       sample_t const * const __restrict coefs = (sample_t *)COEFS + N * rem;
19   #define _ sum += coefs[j]*at[j], ++j;
20   #define END output[i] = sum
21   #define CORE(n) core(n)
22 #endif
24 #define core(n) \
25   for (i = 0; at < num_in * p->L; ++i, at += step) { \
26     int const div = at / p->L, rem = at % p->L; \
27     sample_t const * const __restrict at = input + div; \
28     int j = 0; BEGINNING; CONVOLVE(n); END;}
FUNCTION(stage_t * p,fifo_t * output_fifo)30 static void FUNCTION(stage_t * p, fifo_t * output_fifo)
31 {
32   int num_in = min(stage_occupancy(p), p->input_size);
33   if (num_in) {
34     sample_t const * input = stage_read_p(p);
35     int at = p->at.integer, step = p->step.integer;
36     int i, num_out = (num_in * p->L - at + step - 1) / step;
37     sample_t * __restrict output = fifo_reserve(output_fifo, num_out);
39     CORE(N);
40     assert(i == num_out);
41     fifo_read(&p->fifo, at / p->L, NULL);
42     p->at.integer = at % p->L;
43   }
44 }
46 #undef _
47 #undef CORE
48 #undef cc
49 #undef core
50 #undef N
51 #undef BEGINNING
52 #undef MIDDLE
53 #undef END
54 #undef CONVOLVE
55 #undef FIR_LENGTH
56 #undef FUNCTION