1 #include "common.h"
2 #include "encoder.h"
3 #include <math.h>
4 #include "encode.h"
5 #include "psycho_1.h"
6 #include "psycho_2.h"
7 #include "lfe.h"
8 #include "predisto.h"
9 #include "lingual.h"
10 #include "crc.h"
11 #include "audio_read.h"
12 #include "subband.h"
13 #include "config.h"
14 #include "musicin.h"
16 /* Global variable definitions for "musicin.c" */
18 FILE *musicin;
19 FILE *musicin_ml;		/* 08/03/1995 JMZ Multilingual */
20 Bit_stream_struc bs;
21 Bit_stream_struc bs_ext;
22 Bit_stream_struc bs_mpg;
23 char *programName;
24 int mesg_index = 0;		/* YBKim060695 ancillary */
25 int verbosity;
27 char multilingual_file_name[MAX_NAME_SIZE];	/* 08/03/1995 JMZ Multilingual */
29 /* Implementations */
32 /************************************************************************
33 *
34 * main
35 *
36 * PURPOSE:  MPEG I Encoder supporting layers 1 and 2, and
37 * psychoacoustic models 1 (MUSICAM) and 2 (AT&T),now portated
38 * to multichannel (two front channels, one center and three surround
39 * channels. There are different possibilities to code the AIFF-signal,
40 * like coding only the surround channels or the front channels,
41 * different bitrates for front and surropund channels etc.
42 * dec1992 sr.
43 *
44 * SEMANTICS:  One overlapping frame of audio of up to 2 channels are
45 * processed at a time in the following order:
46 * (associated routines are in parentheses)
47 *
48 * 1.  Filter sliding window of data to get 32 subband
49 * samples per channel.
50 * (window_subband,filter_subband)
51 *
52 * 2.  If joint stereo mode, combine left and right channels
53 * for subbands above #jsbound#.
54 * (*_combine_LR)
55 *
56 * 3.  Calculate scalefactors for the frame, and if layer 2,
57 * also calculate scalefactor select information.
58 * (*_scale_factor_calc)
59 *
60 * 4.  Calculate psychoacoustic masking levels using selected
61 * psychoacoustic model.
62 * (*_Psycho_One, psycho_anal)
63 *
64 * 5.  Perform iterative bit allocation for subbands with low
65 * mask_to_noise ratios using masking levels from step 4.
66 * (*_main_bit_allocation)
67 *
68 * 6.  If error protection flag is active, add redundancy for
69 * error protection.
70 * (*_CRC_calc)
71 *
72 * 7.  Pack bit allocation, scalefactors, and scalefactor select
73 * information (layer 2) onto bitstream.
74 * (*_encode_bit_alloc,*_encode_scale,II_transmission_pattern)
75 *
76 * 8.  Quantize subbands and pack them into bitstream
77 * (*_subband_quantization, *_sample_encoding)
78 *
79 ************************************************************************/
82 typedef double JSBS[2][3][12][SBLIMIT];
83 typedef double IN[14][HAN_SIZE];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
84 typedef unsigned int SUB[14][3][12][SBLIMIT];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
85 typedef double SAM[12];
86 typedef unsigned int LSB[12];
main(int argc,char ** argv)88 int main (int argc, char **argv)
89 {
90   double sb_sample[14][3][12][SBLIMIT];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
91   JSBS *j_sample;
92   IN *win_que;
93   SUB *subband;
94   SAM *lfe_sample;
95   LSB *lfe_sbband;
97   frame_params fr_ps;
98   layer info;
99   char original_file_name[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
100   char encoded_file_name[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
101   char encoded_file_name_ext[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
102   char encoded_file_name_mpg[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
103   double *win_buf[14];		/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
104   static double buffer[14][1152];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
105   double spiki[14][SBLIMIT];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
106   static unsigned int bit_alloc[14][SBLIMIT], scfsi[14][SBLIMIT], scfsi_dyn[14][SBLIMIT];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
107   static unsigned int scalar[14][3][SBLIMIT], j_scale[2][3][SBLIMIT],
108     scalar_dyn[14][3][SBLIMIT];
109   static double ltmin[14][SBLIMIT], lgmin[14][SBLIMIT], max_sc[14][SBLIMIT], smr[14][SBLIMIT];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
111   static unsigned int lfe_alloc;
112   static unsigned int lfe_scalar;
114   FLOAT snr32[32];
115   short sam[14][1056];		/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
116   double buffer_matr[14][1152];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 */
117   int whole_SpF, extra_slot = 0;
118   double avg_slots_per_frame, frac_SpF, slot_lag;
119   int model, stereo, error_protection, stereomc, stereoaug;
120   static unsigned int crc, crcmc, crcext; //crcaug MFC
121   int i, j, k, adb, l, m, lfe;
122   // int p, s
123   unsigned long bitsPerSlot, samplesPerFrame, frameNum = 0;
124   unsigned long frameBits, sentBits = 0;
125   unsigned long num_samples;
126   unsigned long num_samples_ml;	/* 08/03/1995 JMZ Multilingual */
127   int odd_ml = 1;		/* LSF MultiLingual: audio inputting only at odd frames , WtK 7/8/95 */
128   int ml_eof = 0;		/* MultiLingual: frame loop stops if either audio or ML-file has been exhausted , WtK 7/8/95 */
130   IFF_AIFF aiff_ptr;
131   IFF_AIFF aiff_ptr_ml;		/* 08/03/1995 JMZ Multilingual */
132   int aiff = 0;			/* misused to indicate mc-input */
133   int byte_per_sample = 0;
135   int mat_mode = 0;
136   int aug_mat_mode = 0;
137   int cha_sw = -2;
138   int aug_cha_sw = 0;
139   int dyn_cr = 0;
140   int dyn_cr_LR = 0;
141   int aug_dyn_cr = 0;
142   int predis = 0;
143   int bit_rate = 0;
144   unsigned int crc_buffer[15];
146   int lfe_bits = 0;
147   //  int sentBits1, frameBits1;
148   //int hi, hu, ho;
150 /*    char *blubb = "rm ";*/
151   char blubb[128];		/* Corrected BUG JMZ 29/03/1995 */
153   int ancillaryUse = 0;		/* YBKim060695 ancillary */
156 #ifdef  PRINTOUT
157   int loop_channel, loop_subband;
159   al_table *loop_alloc;		/* a pointer to a table */
160   //  sb_alloc loop_struct;		/* a structure of 4 int's */
161   //alloc_ptr loop_str_ptr;	/* a pointer to an sb_alloc structure */
162   float loop_bits;
163 #endif
166   program_information ();
168   /* Most large variables are declared dynamically to ensure
169      compatibility with smaller machines */
171   j_sample = (JSBS *) mem_alloc (sizeof (JSBS), "j_sample");
173   win_que = (IN *) mem_alloc (sizeof (IN), "Win_que");
174   subband = (SUB *) mem_alloc (sizeof (SUB), "subband");
176   lfe_sample = (SAM *) mem_alloc (sizeof (SAM), "lfe_sample");
177   lfe_sbband = (LSB *) mem_alloc (sizeof (LSB), "lfe_sbband");
179   /* clear buffers */
180   memset ((char *) buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
181   memset ((char *) bit_alloc, 0, sizeof (bit_alloc));
182   memset ((char *) scalar, 0, sizeof (scalar));
183   memset ((char *) j_scale, 0, sizeof (j_scale));
184   memset ((char *) scfsi, 0, sizeof (scfsi));
185   memset ((char *) ltmin, 0, sizeof (ltmin));
186   memset ((char *) lgmin, 0, sizeof (lgmin));
187   memset ((char *) max_sc, 0, sizeof (max_sc));
188   memset ((char *) snr32, 0, sizeof (snr32));
189   memset ((char *) sam, 0, sizeof (sam));
191   fr_ps.header = &info;
192   info.mode_ext = 0;
193   fr_ps.tab_num = -1;		/* no table loaded */
194   fr_ps.tab_num_mc = -1;
195   fr_ps.tab_num_ml = -1;
196   fr_ps.alloc = NULL;
197   fr_ps.alloc_mc = NULL;
198   fr_ps.alloc_ml = NULL;
200   info.version = MPEG_AUDIO_ID;
201   info.bitrate_index = 0;
202   info.lfe = 0;			/* no low frequency effect channel present! */
203   info.center = 0;
204   info.surround = 0;
206   info.multiling_ch = 0;
207   info.multiling_fs = 0;
208   info.multiling_lay = 0;
210   info.matrix = 0;
211   info.ext_bit_stream_present = 0;
212   info.n_ad_bytes = DFLT_NADB;
213   info.audio_mix = 0;
214   info.dyn_cross_LR = 0;	/* C out of Lo */
215   info.mc_prediction_on = 0;
216   info.ext_length = 0;
217   info.ext_bit = 0;
218   info.copy_ident_bit = 0;
219   info.copy_ident_start = 0;
221   fr_ps.config = 0;
222   fr_ps.phantom_c = 0;
223   fr_ps.stereomc = 0;
224   fr_ps.stereoaug = 0;
226   programName = argv[0];
227   if (argc == 1)
228     usage();
230 	/* no command-line args */
231     obtain_parameters (&fr_ps, &model, &num_samples, &num_samples_ml,
232 		       original_file_name, encoded_file_name, &aiff_ptr,
233 		       &aiff_ptr_ml, &aiff, &byte_per_sample, &mat_mode,
234 		       &aug_mat_mode, &cha_sw, &aug_cha_sw,
235 		       encoded_file_name_ext, &bit_rate, encoded_file_name_mpg,
236 		       &dyn_cr, &dyn_cr_LR, &aug_dyn_cr, &ancillaryUse,
237 		       &verbosity);
238 #endif
239   else
240     parse_args (argc, argv, &fr_ps, &model, &num_samples, &num_samples_ml,
241 		original_file_name, encoded_file_name, &aiff_ptr, &aiff_ptr_ml,
242 		&aiff, &byte_per_sample, &mat_mode, &aug_mat_mode, &cha_sw,
243 		&aug_cha_sw, encoded_file_name_ext, &bit_rate,
244 		encoded_file_name_mpg, &dyn_cr, &dyn_cr_LR, &aug_dyn_cr,
245 		&ancillaryUse, &verbosity);
247   hdr_to_frps (&fr_ps);
249   if (aiff != 1)
250     fr_ps.stereomc = 0;
252   print_config (&fr_ps, &model, &num_samples,
253 		original_file_name, encoded_file_name, &aiff);
255   stereo = fr_ps.stereo;
256   stereomc = fr_ps.stereomc;
257   stereoaug = fr_ps.stereoaug;
258   lfe = info.lfe;
259   error_protection = info.error_protection;
261   if (info.lay == 1) {
262     bitsPerSlot = 32;
263     samplesPerFrame = 384;
264   } else {
265     bitsPerSlot = 8;
266     samplesPerFrame = 1152;
267   }
268   /* Figure average number of 'slots' per frame. */
269   /* Bitrate means TOTAL for both channels, not per side. */
270   if (bit_rate == 0)
271     bit_rate = bitrate[info.lay - 1][info.bitrate_index];
272   if (verbosity >= 2)
273     printf ("bit_rate = %d\n", bit_rate);
274   fflush (stderr);
276   avg_slots_per_frame =
277     ((double) samplesPerFrame / s_freq[info.sampling_frequency]) *
278     ((double) bit_rate / (double) bitsPerSlot);
280   whole_SpF = (int) avg_slots_per_frame;	/* Bytes per frame within datastream */
281   if (verbosity >= 2)
282     printf ("slots/frame = %d\n", whole_SpF);
283   frac_SpF = avg_slots_per_frame - (double) whole_SpF;
284   slot_lag = -frac_SpF;
285   if (verbosity >= 2)
286     printf ("frac SpF=%.3f, tot bit_rate=%d kbps, s freq=%.1f kHz\n",
287 	    frac_SpF, bit_rate, s_freq[info.sampling_frequency]);
289   if (frac_SpF != 0) {
290     if (verbosity >= 2)
291       printf ("Fractional number of slots, padding required\n");
292   } else
293     info.padding = 0;
295 #ifdef PRINTOUT
296   if (verbosity >= 3) {
297     printf ("\nFrame ");
298     for (loop_subband = 0; loop_subband < SBLIMIT; loop_subband++)
299       printf ("%3d", loop_subband);
300     printf ("\n");
301   }
302 #endif
304   while ((get_audio(musicin, buffer, num_samples, stereo, &aiff_ptr,
305 		     stereomc, stereoaug, &fr_ps, &aiff, &byte_per_sample,
306 		     buffer_matr) > 0) && (!ml_eof)
307     ) {
308 	/****************************************************************/
309     /*                                                              */
310     /*                  START OF FRAME LOOP                         */
311     /*                                                              */
312 	/****************************************************************/
314     /* the following allocation must happen within the while-loop. 1/5/93, SR */
316     if (mat_mode == -1) {
317       if (fr_ps.config == 320 || fr_ps.config == 310)
318 	info.matrix = rand () % 4;
319       else {
320 	info.matrix = rand () % 3;
321 	if (info.matrix == 2)
322 	  info.matrix++;
323       }
324     } else
325       info.matrix = mat_mode;
327     init_mc_pred (&fr_ps);
328     info.tc_sbgr_select = 1;
329     info.dyn_cross_on = 0;
330     if (dyn_cr != 0 || fr_ps.config == 302 || fr_ps.config == 202)
331       if (dyn_cr_LR == -1)
332 	info.dyn_cross_LR = rand () % 2;
333       else
334 	info.dyn_cross_LR = dyn_cr_LR;
335     else
336       info.dyn_cross_LR = 0;
338     for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
339       info.tc_alloc[i] = 0;
340       info.dyn_cross[i] = 0;
341       info.dyn_second_stereo[i] = 0;
342     }
344     lfe_alloc = 0;
346     if (stereomc > 0
347 	&& (fr_ps.header->center == 1 || fr_ps.header->center == 3)) {
348       if (fr_ps.phantom_c == 1)
349 	fr_ps.header->center = 3;
350       if (fr_ps.phantom_c == 0)
351 	fr_ps.header->center = 1;
352     }
354     if (verbosity >= 1) {
355       fprintf (stderr, "{%4lu}\r", frameNum++);
356       fflush (stderr);
357     }
359     win_buf[0] = &buffer[0][0];
360     win_buf[1] = &buffer[1][0];
361     win_buf[2] = &buffer[2][0];
362     win_buf[3] = &buffer[3][0];
363     win_buf[4] = &buffer[4][0];
364     win_buf[5] = &buffer[5][0];
365     win_buf[6] = &buffer[6][0];
366     win_buf[7] = &buffer[7][0];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 Multilingual */
367     win_buf[8] = &buffer[8][0];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 Multilingual */
368     win_buf[9] = &buffer[9][0];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 Multilingual */
369     win_buf[10] = &buffer[10][0];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 Multilingual */
370     win_buf[11] = &buffer[11][0];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 Multilingual */
371     win_buf[12] = &buffer[12][0];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 Multilingual */
372     win_buf[13] = &buffer[13][0];	/* JMZ 08/03/1995 Multilingual */
374     if (frac_SpF != 0) {
375       if (slot_lag > (frac_SpF - 1.0)) {
376 	slot_lag -= frac_SpF;
377 	extra_slot = 0;
378 	info.padding = 0;
379 	if (verbosity >= 2)
380 	  printf ("No padding for this frame\n");
381       } else {
382 	extra_slot = 1;
383 	info.padding = 1;
384 	slot_lag += (1 - frac_SpF);
385       }
386     }
387     adb = (whole_SpF + extra_slot) * bitsPerSlot;
388     if (verbosity >= 2)
389       printf ("Adb0: %i\n", adb);
391 /**************************************************************************/
392 /* 08/03/1995 JMZ Multilingual , WtK 7/8/95 */
394     if (info.multiling_ch > 0) {
395       if (odd_ml) {
396 	if (get_audio_ml (musicin_ml, buffer, num_samples_ml, &aiff_ptr, &fr_ps,
397 			  &aiff, &byte_per_sample,
398 			  buffer_matr) != 1152 * info.multiling_ch) {
399 	  if (verbosity >= 2)
400 	    printf ("\nHit end of MultiLingual file.\n");
401 	  ml_eof = 1;
402 	}
404 	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
405 	  for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
406 	    for (k = 7; k < 7 + info.multiling_ch; k++) {
407 	      window_subband (&win_buf[k], &(*win_que)[k][0], k);
408 	      filter_subband (&(*win_que)[k][0], &(sb_sample)[k][i][j][0]);
409 	    }
410 	if (info.multiling_fs == 1)
411 	  ml_sb_sample_swap (7, 7 + info.multiling_ch, sb_sample);	/* half fs */
412       } else
413 	ml_sb_sample_shift (7, 7 + info.multiling_ch, sb_sample);
414     }
416 /* 08/03/1995 JMZ Multilingual */
417 /**************************************************************************/
420     switch (info.lay) {
422     case 2:
423       if (aiff != 1) {
424 	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
425 	  for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
426 	    for (k = 0; k < stereo; k++) {
427 	      window_subband (&win_buf[k], &(*win_que)[k][0], k);
428 	      filter_subband (&(*win_que)[k][0], &(sb_sample)[k][i][j][0]);
429 	    }
431 	l = 0;
432 	m = stereo;
434 	II_scale_factor_calc (&fr_ps, sb_sample, scalar, fr_ps.sblimit, l, m);
435 	if (info.multiling_ch > 0)
436 	  II_scale_factor_calc (&fr_ps, sb_sample, scalar, fr_ps.sblimit_ml, 7,
437 				7 + info.multiling_ch);
439 	pick_scale (scalar, &fr_ps, max_sc, cha_sw, aug_cha_sw, aiff);
440 	if (fr_ps.actual_mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) {
441 	  II_combine_LR (sb_sample, *j_sample, fr_ps.sblimit);
442 	  II_scale_factor_calc (&fr_ps, *j_sample, j_scale, fr_ps.sblimit, 0,
443 				1);
444 	}
447 	/* this way we calculate more mono than we need */
448 	/* but it is cheap */
450 	psycho_1 (buffer, max_sc, ltmin, &fr_ps, smr, spiki, aiff);
451 	if (info.multiling_ch > 0) {
452 	  if (odd_ml)
453 	    II_Psycho_One_ml (buffer, max_sc, ltmin, &fr_ps, smr, spiki);
454 	  if (info.multiling_fs) {
455 	    pick_scale_ml_2 (&fr_ps, sb_sample, max_sc);
456 	    for (k = 7; k < 7 + info.multiling_ch; k++)
457 	      II_smr (&ltmin[k][0], &smr[k][0], &spiki[k][0], &max_sc[k][0],
458 		      fr_ps.sblimit_ml, 0, fr_ps.sblimit_ml);
459 	  }
460 	}
462 	II_transmission_pattern (scalar, scfsi, &fr_ps);
464 	II_main_bit_allocation (smr, ltmin, scfsi, bit_alloc, &adb,
465 				&fr_ps, &aiff, sb_sample,
466 				scalar, max_sc, buffer_matr,
467 				spiki, *j_sample, j_scale,
468 				dyn_cr, aug_dyn_cr, scfsi_dyn, scalar_dyn);
470 	if (error_protection)
471 	  II_CRC_calc (&fr_ps, bit_alloc, scfsi, &crc);
473 	encode_info (&fr_ps, &bs);
475 	if (error_protection)
476 	  encode_CRC (crc, &bs);
478 	II_encode_bit_alloc (bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
480 	k = 0;
481 	i = stereo;
482 	II_encode_scale (bit_alloc, scfsi, scalar, lfe_alloc,
483 			 lfe_scalar, &fr_ps, &bs, &k, &i);
484 	II_subband_quantization (scalar, sb_sample, j_scale, *j_sample,
485 				 bit_alloc, *subband, &fr_ps);
486 	II_sample_encoding (*subband, bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
488 /*******************************************************/
489 /* 08/03/1995 JMZ Multilingual */
490 	if (info.multiling_ch > 0) {
491 	  k = 7;
492 	  i = info.multiling_ch + 7;
493 	  II_encode_bit_alloc_ml (bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
494 	  II_encode_scale_ml (bit_alloc, scfsi, scalar, &fr_ps, &bs, &k, &i);
495 	  II_subband_quantization_ml (scalar, sb_sample, j_scale,
496 				      *j_sample, bit_alloc, *subband, &fr_ps);
497 	  II_sample_encoding_ml (*subband, bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
498 	}
499 /* 08/03/1995 JMZ Multilingual */
500 /*******************************************************/
503 	/* YBKim060695 ancillary */
504 	if (ancillaryUse)
505 	  ancillary_encode (&fr_ps, &bs, adb);
506 	else
507 	  for (i = 0; i < adb; i++)
508 	    put1bit (&bs, 0);
509       }
511 /*********************** Now Layer 2 with MC extension **************************/
513       else {
514 	if (verbosity >= 2)
515 	  printf ("Adb1: %i\n", adb);
516 	if (lfe) {
517 	  lfe_bits = adb;
518 	  lfe_filter (&win_buf[fr_ps.lfe_pos], *lfe_sample);
519 	  lf_scalefactor (*lfe_sample, &lfe_scalar);
520 	  lfe_allocation (&lfe_alloc, &adb);
521 	  lfe_bits -= adb;
522 	}
524 	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
525 	  for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
526 	    l = 0;
528 	    for (k = 0; k < 7; k++) {
529 	      if (lfe && (k == fr_ps.lfe_pos))
530 		l += 1;
531 	      window_subband (&win_buf[l], &(*win_que)[k][0], k);
532 	      filter_subband (&(*win_que)[k][0], &(sb_sample)[k][i][j][0]);
533 	      l++;
534 	    }
535 	  }
537 	  normalizing (sb_sample, &fr_ps);
539 	matricing (sb_sample, &fr_ps);
541 	l = 0;
542 	if (stereoaug == 2)
543 	  m = 12;
544 	else
545 	  m = 7;
547 	II_scale_factor_calc (&fr_ps, sb_sample, scalar, fr_ps.sblimit, 0,
548 			      stereo);
549 	II_scale_factor_calc (&fr_ps, sb_sample, scalar, fr_ps.sblimit_mc,
550 			      stereo, m);
551 	if (info.multiling_ch > 0)
552 	  II_scale_factor_calc (&fr_ps, sb_sample, scalar, fr_ps.sblimit_ml, 7,
553 				7 + info.multiling_ch);
555 	pick_scale (scalar, &fr_ps, max_sc, cha_sw, aug_cha_sw, aiff);
557 	if (fr_ps.actual_mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) {
558 	  if (verbosity >= 2) {
559 	    printf ("JOINT!!\n");
560 	    fflush (stdout);
561 	  }
562 	  i = 0;
563 	  II_combine_LR (sb_sample, *j_sample, fr_ps.sblimit);
564 	  II_scale_factor_calc1 (*j_sample, j_scale, fr_ps.sblimit, i);
565 	}
567 	psycho_1 (buffer_matr, max_sc, ltmin, &fr_ps, smr, spiki, aiff);
568 	if (info.multiling_ch > 0) {
569 	  if (odd_ml)
570 	    II_Psycho_One_ml (buffer_matr, max_sc, ltmin, &fr_ps, smr, spiki);
572 	  if (info.multiling_fs) {
573 	    pick_scale_ml_2 (&fr_ps, sb_sample, max_sc);
574 	    for (k = 7; k < 7 + info.multiling_ch; k++)
575 	      II_smr (&ltmin[k][0], &smr[k][0], &spiki[k][0], &max_sc[k][0],
576 		      fr_ps.sblimit_ml, 0, fr_ps.sblimit_ml);
577 	  }
578 	}
580 	II_transmission_pattern (scalar, scfsi, &fr_ps);
582 	/*in case of ext_bit_stream adb is the complete number of bits!! 06/22/94, SR */
584 	II_main_bit_allocation (smr, ltmin, scfsi, bit_alloc, &adb,
585 				&fr_ps, &aiff, sb_sample, scalar,
586 				max_sc, buffer_matr, spiki,
587 				*j_sample, j_scale, dyn_cr, aug_dyn_cr,
588 				scfsi_dyn, scalar_dyn);
589 	if (verbosity >= 2)
590 	  printf ("Adb2: %i\n", adb);
592 	if (info.mc_prediction_on)
593 	  set_mc_pred (&fr_ps);
595 	/* PREDISTORTION, 4/7/94, SR */
596 	if (fr_ps.config == 320 && FALSE &&	/* still a problem 7/2/97 FdB */
597 	    info.matrix == 0 &&
598 	    info.mode != MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO && info.dyn_cross_on == 0 &&
599 	    info.mc_prediction_on == 0) {
600 	  adb = (whole_SpF + extra_slot) * bitsPerSlot - lfe_bits;
601 	  predistortion (sb_sample, scalar, bit_alloc, *subband,
602 			 &fr_ps, smr, scfsi, &adb, scfsi_dyn);
603 	  predis = 1;
604 	  if (verbosity >= 2)
605 	    printf ("Adb3: %i\n", adb);
606 	}
607 /*
608 */
609 		    /********** PREDISTORTION-END*****/
611 	if (error_protection)
612 	  II_CRC_calc (&fr_ps, bit_alloc, scfsi, &crc);
614 	lfe_alloc = 4;
615 	II_CRC_calc_mc (&fr_ps, bit_alloc, lfe_alloc, scfsi, &crcmc);
616 	lfe_alloc = 0;
619 	encode_info (&fr_ps, &bs);
621 	if (error_protection)
622 	  encode_CRC (crc, &bs);
624 	II_encode_bit_alloc (bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
625 	k = 0;
626 	i = stereo;
628 	II_encode_scale (bit_alloc, scfsi, scalar, lfe_alloc, lfe_scalar,
629 			 &fr_ps, &bs, &k, &i);
631 	II_subband_quantization (scalar, sb_sample, j_scale,
632 				 *j_sample, bit_alloc, *subband, &fr_ps);
635 	II_sample_encoding (*subband, bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
637 		    /***** Now bitstream for the surround channels **************/
639 	encode_info_mc1 (&fr_ps, &bs);
641 	encode_CRC (crcmc, &bs);
643 	encode_info_mc2 (&fr_ps, &bs);	/*new draft 5.7.93 SR */
645 	if (lfe) {
646 	  lfe_alloc = 4;
647 	  II_encode_lfe_alloc (lfe_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
648 	}
650 	II_encode_bit_alloc_mc (bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
651 	k = stereo;
652 	i = stereo + stereomc;
654 	II_encode_scale (bit_alloc, scfsi, scalar, lfe_alloc, lfe_scalar,
655 			 &fr_ps, &bs, &k, &i);
657 	II_subband_quantization_mc (scalar, sb_sample, j_scale,
658 				    *j_sample, bit_alloc, *subband, &fr_ps);
660 	if (lfe)
661 	  II_lfe_quantisation (lfe_scalar, *lfe_sample, lfe_alloc,
662 			       *lfe_sbband, &fr_ps);
664 	II_sample_encoding_mc (*subband, *lfe_sbband, bit_alloc, lfe_alloc,
665 			       &fr_ps, &bs);
667 	if (info.multiling_ch > 0) {
668 	  k = 7;
669 	  i = info.multiling_ch + 7;
670 	  II_encode_bit_alloc_ml (bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
671 	  II_encode_scale_ml (bit_alloc, scfsi, scalar, &fr_ps, &bs, &k, &i);
673 	  II_subband_quantization_ml (scalar, sb_sample, j_scale,
674 				      *j_sample, bit_alloc, *subband, &fr_ps);
677 	  II_sample_encoding_ml (*subband, bit_alloc, &fr_ps, &bs);
678 	}
680 	frameBits = sstell (&bs) - sentBits;
681 	frameBits += info.n_ad_bytes * 8;
682 	if (info.ext_bit_stream_present)
683 	  frameBits += 40;
685 	if (frameBits < (whole_SpF + extra_slot) * bitsPerSlot) {
686 	  adb = (whole_SpF + extra_slot) * bitsPerSlot - frameBits;
687 	  if (verbosity >= 2)
688 	    printf ("Adb4: %i\n", adb);
689 	  adb += info.n_ad_bytes * 8;
690 	  if (info.ext_bit_stream_present)
691 	    adb += 40;
692 	} else if (verbosity >= 2)
693 	  printf ("Adb4: %i but %li bits overflow\n",
694 		  adb, frameBits - (whole_SpF + extra_slot) * bitsPerSlot);
696 	/* YBKim060695 ancillary */
697 	if (ancillaryUse)
698 	  ancillary_encode (&fr_ps, &bs, adb);
699 	else
700 	  for (i = 0; i < adb; i++)
701 	    put1bit (&bs, 0);
702       }
703       break;
704     default:
705       fprintf(stdout,"LayerII only\n");
706       exit(0);
707     }
709     frameBits = sstell (&bs) - sentBits;
710     if (frameBits % bitsPerSlot)	/* a program failure */
711       fprintf (stderr, "Sent %li bits = %li slots plus %ld adb: %i\n",
712 	       frameBits, frameBits / bitsPerSlot,
713 	       frameBits % bitsPerSlot, adb);
714     sentBits += frameBits;
716 #ifdef DEBUG
717     if (verbosity >= 3) {
718       if ((info.lay == 2) &&
719 	  ((int) aiff_ptr.sampleRate == 48000) &&
720 	  (info.ext_bit_stream_present == 0) &&
721 	  (frameBits != 24 * bitrate[info.lay - 1][info.bitrate_index])
722 	)			/* for debugging purposes WtK */
723 	fprintf (stderr,
724 		 "\n***Error. %li bits have been written instead of %i bits.\n",
725 		 frameBits, 24 * bitrate[info.lay - 1][info.bitrate_index]);
726     }
727 #endif
729 #ifdef PRINTOUT
730     if (verbosity >= 3) {
731 	printf
732 	  ("\nFrame %4lu   channel 1  channel 2  channel 3  channel 4  channel 5\n",
733 	   frameNum - 1);
735       for (loop_subband = 0; loop_subband < SBLIMIT; loop_subband++) {
736 	l = sbgrp[i];
737 	printf ("subband %2d :", loop_subband);
738 	for (loop_channel = 0; loop_channel < stereo + stereomc + stereoaug;
739 	     loop_channel++) {
740 	  /* make loop_alloc point to the alloc-table in fr_ps */
741 	  k = transmission_channel (&fr_ps, l, loop_channel);
742 	  if (loop_channel < stereo)
743 	    loop_alloc = fr_ps.alloc;
744 	  else
745 	    loop_alloc = fr_ps.alloc_mc;
746 	  loop_bits =
747 	    (*loop_alloc)[loop_subband][bit_alloc[k][loop_subband]].bits;
748 	  if ((k == 1) && (info.mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO)
749 	      && (loop_subband >= fr_ps.jsbound))
750 	    printf ("      js   ");
751 	  else {
752 	    if ((*loop_alloc)[loop_subband][bit_alloc[k][loop_subband]].steps ==
753 		0)
754 	      printf ("    - bits ");
755 	    else {
756 	      if ((*loop_alloc)[loop_subband][bit_alloc[k][loop_subband]].
757 		  group == 1)
758 		loop_bits /= 3;
759 	      printf ("%5.1f bits ", loop_bits);
760 	    }
761 	  }
762 	}			/* for (loop_channel..) */
763 	printf ("\n");
764       }				/* for (loop_subband..) */
766       /* Now the ML part , WtK */
767       if (info.multiling_ch > 0) {
768 	printf ("\nFrame %4lu ", frameNum - 1);
769 	for (loop_channel = 7; loop_channel < 7 + info.multiling_ch;
770 	     loop_channel++)
771 	  printf ("  MLchann %d", loop_channel);
772 	printf ("\n");
773 	for (loop_subband = 0; loop_subband < SBLIMIT; loop_subband++) {
774 	  printf ("subband %2d :", loop_subband);
775 	  for (loop_channel = 0; loop_channel < info.multiling_ch;
776 	       loop_channel++) {
777 	    /* make loop_alloc point to the alloc-table in fr_ps */
778 	    loop_alloc = fr_ps.alloc_ml;
779 	    loop_bits =
780 	      (*loop_alloc)[loop_subband][bit_alloc[loop_channel]
781 					  [loop_subband]].bits;
782 	    if ((*loop_alloc)[loop_subband]
783 		[bit_alloc[loop_channel][loop_subband]].steps == 0)
784 	      printf ("    - bits ");
785 	    else {
786 	      if ((*loop_alloc)[loop_subband]
787 		  [bit_alloc[loop_channel][loop_subband]].group == 1)
788 		loop_bits /= 3;
789 	      printf ("%5.1f bits ", loop_bits);
790 	    }
791 	  }			/* for (loop_channel..) */
792 	  printf ("\n");
793 	}			/* for (loop_subband..) */
794       }				/*n_ml_ch>0 */
795       fflush (stdout);
796     }				/* verbosity */
797 #endif
799     if (info.multiling_fs == 1)
800       odd_ml = 1 - odd_ml;	/* ML half fs */
801 	/****************************************************************/
802     /*                                                              */
803     /*                   END OF FRAME LOOP                          */
804     /*                                                              */
805 	/****************************************************************/
806   }				/* end of while (get_audio) - loop */
809   close_bit_stream_w (&bs);
811   if (info.ext_bit_stream_present == 1) {
812     open_bit_stream_r (&bs, encoded_file_name, BUFFER_SIZE);
813     if (encoded_file_name_ext[0] == NULL_CHAR)
814       strcat (strcpy (encoded_file_name_ext, encoded_file_name), DFLT_EXT_EXT);
815     if (verbosity >= 2)
816       printf (">>> file name of extension bitstream is: %s\n",
817 	      encoded_file_name_ext);
818     open_bit_stream_w (&bs_ext, encoded_file_name_ext, BUFFER_SIZE);
819     if (encoded_file_name_mpg[0] == NULL_CHAR)
820       strcat (strcpy (encoded_file_name_mpg, encoded_file_name), DFLT_EXT);
821     open_bit_stream_w (&bs_mpg, encoded_file_name_mpg, BUFFER_SIZE);
823     for (m = 0; m < frameNum; m++) {
824       i = (((double) samplesPerFrame / s_freq[info.sampling_frequency]) *
825 	   (double) bitrate[info.lay - 1][info.bitrate_index]) -
826 	(info.n_ad_bytes * 8);
828       for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
829 	crc_buffer[0] = get1bit (&bs);
830 	put1bit (&bs_mpg, crc_buffer[0]);
831       }
832       for (j = 0; j < info.n_ad_bytes * 8; j++)
833 	put1bit (&bs_mpg, 0);
835       encode_info_ext1 (&fr_ps, &bs_ext);
837       for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
838 	crc_buffer[i] = getbits (&bs, 8);
839       crc_buffer[14] = getbits (&bs, 4);
841       II_CRC_calc_ext (&fr_ps, crc_buffer, &crcext);
843       encode_info_ext2 (&fr_ps, &bs_ext, crcext);
845       for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
846 	putbits (&bs_ext, crc_buffer[i], 8);
847       putbits (&bs_ext, crc_buffer[14], 4);
849       i = (info.ext_length * 8) - 40 - 116;
850       for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
851 	crc_buffer[0] = get1bit (&bs);
852 	put1bit (&bs_ext, crc_buffer[0]);
853       }
855       for (j = 0; j < 5 + info.n_ad_bytes; j++)
856 	crc_buffer[i] = getbits (&bs, 8);
857     }
859     close_bit_stream_r (&bs);
860     close_bit_stream_w (&bs_ext);
861     close_bit_stream_w (&bs_mpg);
863     strcpy (blubb, "rm ");
864     strcat (blubb, encoded_file_name);
865 #ifdef DEBUG
866     if (verbosity >= 3)
867       printf ("%s\n", blubb);
868 #endif
869     system (blubb);
871     strcpy (blubb, "mv ");
872     strcat (blubb, encoded_file_name_mpg);
873     strcat (blubb, " ");
874     strcat (blubb, encoded_file_name);
875 #ifdef DEBUG
876     if (verbosity >= 3)
877       printf ("%s\n", blubb);
878 #endif
879     system (blubb);
880   }
882   if (verbosity >= 2)
883     printf ("Avg slots/frame = %.3f; b/smp = %.2f; br = %.3f kbps\n",
884 	    (FLOAT) sentBits / (frameNum * bitsPerSlot),
885 	    (FLOAT) sentBits / (frameNum * samplesPerFrame),
886 	    (FLOAT) sentBits / (frameNum * samplesPerFrame) *
887 	    s_freq[info.sampling_frequency]);
889   if (fclose (musicin) != 0) {
890     printf ("Could not close \"%s\".\n", original_file_name);
891     exit (2);
892   }
893 #ifdef  MACINTOSH
894   set_mac_file_attr (encoded_file_name, VOL_REF_NUM, CREATOR_ENCODE,
895 		     FILETYPE_ENCODE);
896 #endif
898   if (verbosity >= 2) {
899     printf ("Encoding of \"%s\" with psychoacoustic model %d is finished\n",
900 	    original_file_name, model);
901     if (aiff == 1)
902       printf (" It is a multichannel file !\n");
903     else
904       printf (" It is a twochannel file!\n");
905     printf ("The MPEG encoded output file name is \"%s\"\n", encoded_file_name);
906   }
907   exit(0);
908 }
910 /************************************************************************
911 *
912 * usage
913 *
914 * PURPOSE:  Writes command line syntax to the file specified by #stderr#
915 *
916 ************************************************************************/
usage(void)918 static void usage (void)
919 {				/* print syntax & exit */
920   fprintf (stderr,
921 	   "usage: %s                         queries for all arguments, or\n",
922 	   programName);
923   fprintf (stderr,
924 	   "       %s [-l lay][-m mode][-r sfrq][-b br][-B br][-d emp][-C config]\n",
925 	   programName);
926   fprintf (stderr, "          [-x matr][-k tca][-y dynX]\n");
927   fprintf (stderr,
928 	   "          [-c][-o][-e][-w][-g][-v verb][-L][-a][-P][-D] inputPCM [outBS]\n");
929   fprintf (stderr, "where\n");
930   fprintf (stderr, " -l lay   use layer <lay> coding   (dflt %4u)\n", DFLT_LAY);
931   fprintf (stderr, " -m mode  channel mode : s/d/j/m   (dflt %4c)\n", DFLT_MOD);
932   fprintf (stderr, " -n mode  surround mode : s/d/j/m  (dflt %4c)\n", DFLT_MOD);
933   fprintf (stderr, " -r sfrq  input smpl rate in kHz   (dflt %4.1f)\n",
934 	   DFLT_SFQ);
935   fprintf (stderr, " -b br    total bitrate in kbps    (dflt %4u)\n", DFLT_BRT);
936   fprintf (stderr, " -B br    MPEG1 bitrate in kbps    (dflt %4u)\n", DFLT_BRT);
937   fprintf (stderr, " -d emp   de-emphasis n/5/c        (dflt %4c)\n", DFLT_EMP);
938   fprintf (stderr, " -c       mark as copyright\n");
939   fprintf (stderr, " -o       mark as original\n");
940   fprintf (stderr, " -e       add error protection\n");
941   fprintf (stderr, " -x matr  matrix                   (dflt 0)\n");
942   fprintf (stderr, " -k tca   set channel-switching    (dflt -2)\n");
943   fprintf (stderr, " -y dynX  set dyn_cross mode       (dflt 0)\n");
944   fprintf (stderr, " -w       set phantom coding       (dflt off)\n");
945   fprintf (stderr, " -L       set LFE on               (dflt off)\n");
946   fprintf (stderr, " -C mode  set configuration        (dflt 320)\n");
947   fprintf (stderr,
948 	   " -g       set MultiLingual file    (dflt off) input ML filename = inputPCM+\"%s\"\n",
949 	   DFLT_ML_EXT);
950   fprintf (stderr, " -P       set mc prediction on     (dflt off)\n");
951   fprintf (stderr, " -D       set dyn_cross_LR on      (dflt off)\n");
952   fprintf (stderr, " -n nr    number of anc data Bytes (dflt %d)\n", DFLT_NADB);
953   fprintf (stderr, " -a       set ancillary data on    (dflt off)\n");
954   fprintf (stderr, " -v verb  level of verbosity 0-3 	 (dflt %d)\n",
955 	   DFLT_VERB);
956   fprintf (stderr, " inputPCM input PCM sound file (standard or AIFF)\n");
957   fprintf (stderr,
958 	   " outBS    output bit stream of encoded audio (dflt inName+%s)\n",
959 	   DFLT_EXT);
960   exit (1);
961 }
963 /************************************************************************
964 *
965 * aiff_check
966 *
967 * PURPOSE:  Checks AIFF header information to make sure it is valid.
968 *           Exits if not.
969 *
970 ************************************************************************/
aiff_check(char * file_name,IFF_AIFF * pcm_aiff_data)972 void aiff_check (char *file_name, IFF_AIFF * pcm_aiff_data)
973 			  /* Pointer to name of AIFF file */
974 			  /* Pointer to AIFF data structure */
975 {
977   if (strcmp (pcm_aiff_data->sampleType, IFF_ID_SSND) != 0) {
978     printf ("Sound data is not PCM in \"%s\".\n", file_name);
979     exit (1);
980   }
982   if (SmpFrqIndex ((long) pcm_aiff_data->sampleRate) < 0) {
983     printf ("in \"%s\".\n", file_name);
984     exit (1);
985   }
987   if (pcm_aiff_data->sampleSize != sizeof (short) * BITS_IN_A_BYTE) {
988     printf ("Sound data is not %d bits in \"%s\".\n",
989 	    sizeof (short) * BITS_IN_A_BYTE, file_name);
990     exit (1);
991   }
993   if (pcm_aiff_data->numChannels < 1 || pcm_aiff_data->numChannels > 8) {
994     printf ("Sound data is not 1 - 8 channel in \"%s\".\n", file_name);
995     exit (1);
996   }
998   if (pcm_aiff_data->blkAlgn.blockSize != 0) {
999     printf ("Block size is not %i bytes in \"%s\".\n", 0, file_name);
1000     exit (1);
1001   }
1003   if (pcm_aiff_data->blkAlgn.offset != 0) {
1004     printf ("Block offset is not %i bytes in \"%s\".\n", 0, file_name);
1005     exit (1);
1006   }
1007 }
1009 /************************************************************************
1010 *
1011 * parse_args
1012 *
1013 * PURPOSE:  Sets encoding parameters to the specifications of the
1014 * command line.  Default settings are used for parameters
1015 * not specified in the command line.
1016 *
1017 * SEMANTICS:  The command line is parsed according to the following
1018 * syntax:
1019 *
1020 * -l  is followed by the layer number
1021 * -m  is followed by the mode of the two front channels
1022 * -r  is followed by the sampling rate
1023 * -b  is followed by the total bitrate, irrespective of the mode
1024 * -B  is followed by the MPEG1 bitrate, irrespective of the mode
1025 * -d  is followed by the emphasis flag
1026 * -c  turns the copyright flag on
1027 * -o  turns the original flag on
1028 * -e  turns the error_protection flag on
1029 * -C  is followed by the configuration code "???" (front,rear,2ndstereo) channels
1030 * -L  turns the LFE flag on
1031 * -x  is followed by the matrix
1032 * -k  is followed by a fixed tca value, or if '-1' a random value
1033 * -y  is followed by the dynamic crosstalk mode, or if '-1' a random value
1034 * -w  sets phantom coding  27/07/95: '-p' already reserved for psy
1035 * -g  sets MultiLingual coding
1036 * -D  turns the dyn_cross_LR flag on
1037 * -P  turns the 'random prediction values' flag on
1038 * -n  is followed by the number of ancillary data bytes
1039 * -a  turns the ancillary flag on
1040 * -v  sets level of verbosity of debug and progress messages
1041 *
1042 * If the input file is in AIFF format, the sampling frequency is read
1043 * from the AIFF header.
1044 *
1045 * The input and output filenames are read into #inpath# and #outpath#.
1046 *
1047 ************************************************************************/
1049 void
parse_args(int argc,char ** argv,frame_params * fr_ps,int * psy,long unsigned int * num_samples,long unsigned int * num_samples_ml,char * original_file_name,char * encoded_file_name,IFF_AIFF * pcm_aiff_data,IFF_AIFF * pcm_aiff_data_ml,int * aiff,int * byte_per_sample,int * mat_mode,int * aug_mat_mode,int * cha_sw,int * aug_cha_sw,char * encoded_file_name_ext,int * bit_rate,char * encoded_file_name_mpg,int * dyn_cr,int * dyn_cr_LR,int * aug_dyn_cr,int * ancillaryUse,int * verbosity)1050 parse_args (int argc, char **argv,
1051 	    frame_params * fr_ps,
1052 	    int *psy,
1053 	    long unsigned int *num_samples,
1054 	    long unsigned int *num_samples_ml,
1055 	    char *original_file_name,
1056 	    char *encoded_file_name,
1057 	    IFF_AIFF * pcm_aiff_data,
1058 	    IFF_AIFF * pcm_aiff_data_ml,
1059 	    int *aiff,
1060 	    int *byte_per_sample,
1061 	    int *mat_mode,
1062 	    int *aug_mat_mode,
1063 	    int *cha_sw,
1064 	    int *aug_cha_sw,
1065 	    char *encoded_file_name_ext,
1066 	    int *bit_rate,
1067 	    char *encoded_file_name_mpg,
1068 	    int *dyn_cr,
1069 	    int *dyn_cr_LR, int *aug_dyn_cr, int *ancillaryUse, int *verbosity)
1070 {
1071   FLOAT srate;
1072   int brate = DFLT_BRT;		/* MPEG1 bitrate */
1073   layer *info = fr_ps->header;
1074   int err = 0, bool, i = 0;
1075   int ml_present = 0;		/* MultiLingual coding */
1077   fr_ps->mnr_min = 0.0;
1078   *aiff = 0;
1079   *bit_rate = DFLT_BRT;		/* total bitrate */
1080   fr_ps->phantom_c = 0;
1081   *verbosity = DFLT_VERB;
1083   /* preset defaults */
1084   original_file_name[0] = NULL_CHAR;
1085   encoded_file_name[0] = NULL_CHAR;
1086   info->lay = DFLT_LAY;
1087   switch (DFLT_MOD) {
1088   case 'r':
1089     info->mode = MPG_MD_STEREO;
1090     info->mode_ext = 0;
1091     break;
1092   case 'd':
1093     info->mode = MPG_MD_DUAL_CHANNEL;
1094     info->mode_ext = 0;
1095     break;
1096   case 'j':
1097     info->mode = MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO;
1098     break;
1099   case 'm':
1100     info->mode = MPG_MD_MONO;
1101     info->mode_ext = 0;
1102     break;
1103   default:
1104     fprintf (stderr, "%s: Bad mode dflt %c\n", programName, DFLT_MOD);
1105     abort ();
1106   }
1107   *psy = DFLT_PSY;
1108   if ((info->sampling_frequency = SmpFrqIndex ((long) (1000 * DFLT_SFQ))) < 0) {
1109     fprintf (stderr, "%s: bad sfrq default %.2f\n", programName, DFLT_SFQ);
1110     abort ();
1111   }
1112   info->bitrate_index = DFLT_BRT;
1113   if ((info->bitrate_index = BitrateIndex (info->lay, DFLT_BRT)) < 0) {
1114     fprintf (stderr, "%s: bad default bitrate %u\n", programName, DFLT_BRT);
1115     abort ();
1116   }
1117   switch (DFLT_EMP) {
1118   case 'n':
1119     info->emphasis = 0;
1120     break;
1121   case '5':
1122     info->emphasis = 1;
1123     break;
1124   case 'c':
1125     info->emphasis = 3;
1126     break;
1127   default:
1128     fprintf (stderr, "%s: Bad emph dflt %c\n", programName, DFLT_EMP);
1129     abort ();
1130   }
1131   info->copyright = 0;
1132   info->original = 0;
1133   info->error_protection = FALSE;
1135   /* process args */
1136   while (++i < argc && err == 0) {
1137     char c, *token, *arg, *nextArg;
1138     int argUsed;
1140     token = argv[i];
1141     if (*token++ == '-') {
1142       if (i + 1 < argc)
1143 	nextArg = argv[i + 1];
1144       else
1145 	nextArg = "";
1147       argUsed = 0;
1148       while ((c = *token++)) {
1149 	if (*token /* NumericQ(token) */ )
1150 	  arg = token;
1151 	else
1152 	  arg = nextArg;
1154 	switch (c) {
1155 	case 'l':
1156 	  info->lay = atoi (arg);
1157 	  argUsed = 1;
1158 	  if (info->lay < 1 || info->lay > 2) {
1159 	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: -l layer must be 1 or 2, not %s\n",
1160 		     programName, arg);
1161 	    err = 1;
1162 	  }
1163 	  break;
1165 	case 'm':
1166 	  argUsed = 1;
1167 	  if (*arg == 's') {
1168 	    info->mode = MPG_MD_STEREO;
1169 	    info->mode_ext = 0;
1170 	  } else if (*arg == 'd') {
1171 	    info->mode = MPG_MD_DUAL_CHANNEL;
1172 	    info->mode_ext = 0;
1173 	  } else if (*arg == 'j') {
1174 	    info->mode = MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO;
1175 	  } else if (*arg == 'm') {
1176 	    info->mode = MPG_MD_MONO;
1177 	    info->mode_ext = 0;
1178 	  } else if (*arg == 'n') {
1179 	    info->mode = MPG_MD_NONE;
1180 	    info->mode_ext = 0;
1181 	  } else {
1182 	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: -m mode must be s/d/j/m not %s\n",
1183 		     programName, arg);
1184 	    err = 1;
1185 	  }
1186 	  break;
1188 	case 'r':
1189 	  srate = atof (arg);
1190 	  argUsed = 1;
1191 	  if ((info->sampling_frequency =
1192 	       SmpFrqIndex ((long) (1000 * srate))) < 0)
1193 	    err = 1;
1194 	  break;
1196 	case 'b':
1197 	  *bit_rate = atoi (arg);
1198 	  argUsed = 1;
1199 	  if (*bit_rate > brate) {
1200 	    info->ext_bit_stream_present = 1;
1201 	    info->ext_length =
1202 	      ((*bit_rate - brate) * 144) / s_freq[info->sampling_frequency];
1203 	  } else {
1204 	    info->ext_bit_stream_present = 0;
1205 	    brate = *bit_rate;
1206 	  }
1207 	  break;
1209 	case 'B':
1210 	  brate = atoi (arg);
1211 	  argUsed = 1;
1212 	  if (*bit_rate > brate) {
1213 	    info->ext_bit_stream_present = 1;
1214 	    info->ext_length =
1215 	      ((*bit_rate - brate) * 144) / s_freq[info->sampling_frequency];
1216 	  } else
1217 	    info->ext_bit_stream_present = 0;
1218 	  break;
1220 	case 'C':
1221 	  fr_ps->config = atoi (arg);
1222 	  argUsed = 1;
1223 	  break;
1224 	case 'h':
1225 	  usage();
1226 	  break;
1227 	case 'd':
1228 	  argUsed = 1;
1229 	  if (*arg == 'n')
1230 	    info->emphasis = 0;
1231 	  else if (*arg == '5')
1232 	    info->emphasis = 1;
1233 	  else if (*arg == 'c')
1234 	    info->emphasis = 3;
1235 	  else {
1236 	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: -d emp must be n/5/c not %s\n",
1237 		     programName, arg);
1238 	    err = 1;
1239 	  }
1240 	  break;
1242 	case 'c':
1243 	  info->copyright = 1;
1244 	  break;
1245 	case 'o':
1246 	  info->original = 1;
1247 	  break;
1248 	case 'e':
1249 	  info->error_protection = TRUE;
1250 	  break;
1252 	case 'x':
1253 	  info->matrix = *mat_mode = atoi (arg);
1254 	  if (info->matrix == 3)
1255 	    *cha_sw = 0;
1256 	  argUsed = 1;
1257 	  break;
1258 	case 'k':
1259 	  *cha_sw = atoi (arg);
1260 	  argUsed = 1;
1261 	  break;
1262 	case 'y':
1263 	  *dyn_cr = atoi (arg);
1264 	  argUsed = 1;
1265 	  break;
1266 	case 'D':
1267 	  *dyn_cr_LR = 1;
1268 	  break;
1269 	case 'L':
1270 	  info->lfe = 1;
1271 	  break;
1272 	case 'w':
1273 	  fr_ps->phantom_c = 1;
1274 	  break;
1275 	case 'P':
1276 	  info->mc_prediction_on = 1;
1277 	  break;
1278 	case 'g':
1279 	  ml_present = 1;
1280 	  break;
1281 	case 'n':
1282 	  info->n_ad_bytes = atoi (arg);
1283 	  argUsed = 1;
1284 	  break;
1285 	case 'a':
1286 	  *ancillaryUse = 1;
1287 	  break;
1288 	case 'v':
1289 	  *verbosity = atoi (arg);
1290 	  argUsed = 1;
1291 	  break;
1293 	default:
1294 	  fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrec option %c\n", programName, c);
1295 	  err = 1;
1296 	  break;
1297 	}
1300 	if (argUsed) {
1301 	  if (arg == token)
1302 	    token = "";		/* no more from token */
1303 	  else
1304 	    i++;		/* skip arg we used */
1305 	  arg = "";
1306 	  argUsed = 0;
1307 	}
1308       }
1309     } else {
1310       if (original_file_name[0] == NULL_CHAR)
1311 	strcpy (original_file_name, argv[i]);
1312       else if (encoded_file_name[0] == NULL_CHAR)
1313 	strcpy (encoded_file_name, argv[i]);
1314       else {
1315 	fprintf (stderr, "%s: excess arg %s\n", programName, argv[i]);
1316 	err = 1;
1317       }
1318     }
1319   }
1321   if ((info->bitrate_index = BitrateIndex (info->lay, brate)) < 0)
1322     err = 1;
1323   if (err || original_file_name[0] == NULL_CHAR)
1324     usage ();			/* never returns */
1326   if (encoded_file_name[0] == NULL_CHAR) {
1327     strcat (strcpy (encoded_file_name_ext, original_file_name), DFLT_EXT_EXT);
1328     strcat (strcpy (encoded_file_name, original_file_name), DFLT_EXT);
1329     strcat (strcpy (encoded_file_name_mpg, encoded_file_name), DFLT_EXT);
1330   } else {
1331     strcat (strcpy (encoded_file_name_ext, encoded_file_name), DFLT_EXT_EXT);
1332     strcat (encoded_file_name, DFLT_EXT);
1333     strcat (strcpy (encoded_file_name_mpg, encoded_file_name), DFLT_EXT);
1334   }
1336   if ((musicin = fopen (original_file_name, "rb")) == NULL) {
1337     printf ("Could not find \"%s\".\n", original_file_name);
1338     exit (0);
1339   }
1341   open_bit_stream_w (&bs, encoded_file_name, BUFFER_SIZE);
1343   if (aiff_read_headers (musicin, pcm_aiff_data, byte_per_sample) == 0) {
1344     int wrong_nr_channels = 0;
1346     *aiff = 1;
1347     if (*verbosity >= 2)
1348       printf (">>> Using Audio IFF sound file headers\n");
1350     aiff_check (original_file_name, pcm_aiff_data);
1352     if (fr_ps->config) {
1353       /* check if config and number of channels is consistent */
1354       switch (fr_ps->config) {
1355       case 100:
1356 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels != 1;
1357 	info->mode = MPG_MD_MONO;
1358 	info->mode_ext = 0;
1359 	break;
1360       case 200:
1361 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe != 2;
1362 	fr_ps->lfe_pos = 2;
1363 	break;
1364       case 102:
1365 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe != 3;
1366 	info->mode = MPG_MD_MONO;
1367 	info->mode_ext = 0;
1368 	info->surround = 3;
1369 	fr_ps->stereomc = 2;
1370 	fr_ps->lfe_pos = 1;
1371 	break;
1372       case 202:
1373 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe != 4;
1374 	info->surround = 3;
1375 	fr_ps->stereomc = 2;
1376 	fr_ps->lfe_pos = 2;
1377 	break;
1378       case 210:
1379 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe != 3;
1380 	info->surround = 1;
1381 	fr_ps->stereomc = 1;
1382 	fr_ps->lfe_pos = 2;
1383 	break;
1384       case 220:
1385 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe != 4;
1386 	info->surround = 2;
1387 	fr_ps->stereomc = 2;
1388 	fr_ps->lfe_pos = 2;
1389 	break;
1390       case 302:
1391 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe != 5;
1392 	info->center = 1;
1393 	info->surround = 3;
1394 	fr_ps->stereomc = 3;
1395 	break;
1396       case 310:
1397 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe != 4;
1398 	info->center = 1;
1399 	info->surround = 1;
1400 	fr_ps->stereomc = 2;
1401 	fr_ps->lfe_pos = 3;
1402 	break;
1403       case 320:
1404 	wrong_nr_channels = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe != 5;
1405 	info->center = 1;
1406 	info->surround = 2;
1407 	fr_ps->stereomc = 3;
1408 	fr_ps->lfe_pos = 3;
1409 	break;
1410       default:
1411 	printf ("Configuration: %d not supported\n", fr_ps->config);
1412 	exit (1);
1413       }
1414     } else {
1415       if (pcm_aiff_data->numChannels == 1) {
1416 	fr_ps->config = 100;
1417 	info->mode = MPG_MD_MONO;
1418 	info->mode_ext = 0;
1419       } else {
1420 	switch (pcm_aiff_data->numChannels - info->lfe) {
1421 	case 2:
1422 	  fr_ps->config = 200;
1423 	  fr_ps->lfe_pos = 2;
1424 	  break;
1425 	case 3:
1426 	  fr_ps->config = 210;
1427 	  info->surround = 1;
1428 	  fr_ps->stereomc = 1;
1429 	  fr_ps->lfe_pos = 2;
1430 	  break;
1431 	case 4:
1432 	  fr_ps->config = 310;
1433 	  info->center = 1;
1434 	  info->surround = 1;
1435 	  fr_ps->stereomc = 2;
1436 	  fr_ps->lfe_pos = 3;
1437 	  break;
1438 	case 5:
1439 	  fr_ps->config = 320;
1440 	  info->center = 1;
1441 	  info->surround = 2;
1442 	  fr_ps->stereomc = 3;
1443 	  fr_ps->lfe_pos = 3;
1444 	  break;
1445 	default:
1446 	  wrong_nr_channels = 1;
1447 	}
1448       }
1449     }
1451     if (wrong_nr_channels) {
1452       printf
1453 	("Configuration: %d lfe: %d do not match with audio channels: %d\n",
1454 	 fr_ps->config, info->lfe, pcm_aiff_data->numChannels);
1455       exit (1);
1456     }
1458     switch (fr_ps->config) {
1459     case 100:
1460       printf (">>> Using 1/0 configuration.\n");
1461       break;
1462     case 200:
1463       printf (">>> Using 2/0 configuration.\n");
1464       break;
1465     case 102:
1466       printf (">>> Using 1/0 + 2/0 configuration.\n");
1467       break;
1468     case 202:
1469       printf (">>> Using 2/0 + 2/0 configuration.\n");
1470       break;
1471     case 210:
1472       printf (">>> Using 2/1 configuration.\n");
1473       break;
1474     case 220:
1475       printf (">>> Using 2/2 configuration.\n");
1476       break;
1477     case 302:
1478       printf (">>> Using 3/0 + 2/0 configuration.\n");
1479       break;
1480     case 310:
1481       printf (">>> Using 3/1 configuration.\n");
1482       break;
1483     case 320:
1484       if (fr_ps->stereoaug == 0)
1485 	printf (">>> Using 3/2 configuration.\n");
1486       break;
1487     }
1489     info->sampling_frequency = SmpFrqIndex ((long) pcm_aiff_data->sampleRate);
1490     if (*verbosity >= 2)
1491       printf (">>> %.f Hz sampling frequency selected\n",
1492 	      pcm_aiff_data->sampleRate);
1494     /* Determine number of samples in sound file */
1495 #ifndef MS_DOS
1496     *num_samples = pcm_aiff_data->numChannels * pcm_aiff_data->numSampleFrames;
1497 #else
1498     *num_samples = (long) (pcm_aiff_data->numChannels) *
1499       (long) (pcm_aiff_data->numSampleFrames);
1500 #endif
1502     if (*cha_sw > 0) {
1503       if (fr_ps->config == 320)
1504 	bool = *cha_sw > 7;
1505       else if (fr_ps->config == 310 && info->matrix == 2)
1506 	bool = *cha_sw > 5;
1507       else if (fr_ps->config == 310)
1508 	bool = *cha_sw > 4;
1509       else if (fr_ps->config == 220)
1510 	bool = *cha_sw > 3;
1511       else if (fr_ps->config == 300 || fr_ps->config == 302
1512 	       || fr_ps->config == 210)
1513 	bool = *cha_sw > 2;
1514       else
1515 	bool = 1;
1517       if (bool) {
1518 	printf
1519 	  ("!!! Channel-switching mode %d cannot be used together with Configuration: %d !!!\n",
1520 	   *cha_sw, fr_ps->config);
1521 	exit (1);
1522       }
1523     }
1524     if (*dyn_cr > 0) {
1525       if (fr_ps->config == 320)
1526 	bool = *dyn_cr > 14;
1527       else if (fr_ps->config == 310 || fr_ps->config == 220)
1528 	bool = *dyn_cr > 4;
1529       else if (fr_ps->config == 300 || fr_ps->config == 302
1530 	       || fr_ps->config == 210)
1531 	bool = *dyn_cr > 1;
1532       else
1533 	bool = 1;
1535       if (bool) {
1536 	printf
1537 	  ("!!! Dynamic Crosstalk mode %d cannot be used for Configuration: %d !!!\n",
1538 	   *dyn_cr, fr_ps->config);
1539 	exit (1);
1540       }
1542       if (!bool && fr_ps->phantom_c) {
1543 	if (fr_ps->config == 320)
1544 	  bool = ((*dyn_cr == 9) || (*dyn_cr == 10) || (*dyn_cr == 11)
1545 		  || (*dyn_cr == 12) || (*dyn_cr == 14));
1546 	else if (fr_ps->config == 310)
1547 	  bool = (*dyn_cr == 4);
1549 	if (bool) {
1550 	  printf
1551 	    ("!!! Dynamic Crosstalk mode %d cannot be used together with Phantom Coding for Configuration: %d!!!\n",
1552 	     *dyn_cr, fr_ps->config);
1553 	  exit (1);
1554 	}
1555       }
1556     }
1557   } else {
1558     /* Not using Audio IFF sound file headers. */
1560     if (*verbosity >= 2)
1561       printf (" NO MULTICHANNEL CODING!!\n");
1562     ml_present = 0;
1564     if (fseek (musicin, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
1565       printf ("Could not seek to PCM sound data in \"%s\".\n",
1566 	      original_file_name);
1567       exit (0);
1568     }
1570     /* Declare sound file to have "infinite" number of samples. */
1571     *num_samples = MAX_U_32_NUM;
1572   }
1574     /***************************************************************************/
1575   /* 7/8/95 Multi lingual extension WtK                                      */
1577   if (ml_present) {
1578     strcat (strcpy (multilingual_file_name, original_file_name), DFLT_ML_EXT);
1579     if ((musicin_ml = fopen (multilingual_file_name, "rb")) == NULL) {
1580       printf ("Could not find \"%s\".\nNo MultiLingual Coding\n",
1581 	      multilingual_file_name);
1582       info->multiling_ch = 0;
1583     } else if (aiff_read_headers (musicin_ml, pcm_aiff_data_ml, byte_per_sample)
1584 	       == 0) {
1585       if (*verbosity >= 2)
1586 	printf (">>> Using Audio IFF multilingual file headers\n");
1587       info->multiling_ch = pcm_aiff_data_ml->numChannels;
1588       if (*verbosity >= 2)
1589 	printf (">>> Using %d multilingual channels\n", info->multiling_ch);
1590       *num_samples_ml = pcm_aiff_data_ml->numChannels *
1591 	pcm_aiff_data_ml->numSampleFrames;
1592     } else {			/* Not using Audio IFF sound file headers. */
1594       printf
1595 	("***WARNING: Could not read ML AIFF header - No MultiLingual coding!!\n");
1596       info->multiling_ch = 0;
1597     }
1599     if (info->multiling_ch > 0) {
1600       switch (SmpFrqIndex ((long) pcm_aiff_data_ml->sampleRate) -
1601 	      info->sampling_frequency) {
1602       case 16:
1603 	if (*verbosity >= 2)
1604 	  printf ("MultiLingual is LSF coded.\n");
1605 	info->multiling_fs = 1;
1606 	break;
1607       case 0:
1608 	if (*verbosity >= 2)
1609 	  printf ("MultiLingual sample rate equals that of Audio.\n");
1610 	info->multiling_fs = 0;
1611 	break;
1612       default:
1613 	printf
1614 	  ("***WARNING: MultiLingual sample rate unequals (half) mc sample rate.\n");
1615 	printf ("            No MultiLingual coding!!!\n");
1616 	info->multiling_ch = 0;
1617 	break;
1618       }				/*switch */
1619     }				/*if (ml_ch>0) */
1620   } else {
1621     info->multiling_ch = 0;
1622   }				/* if (ml_present) */
1624   /* 7/8/95 Multi lingual extension WtK                                      */
1625     /***************************************************************************/
1626 }
1628 /************************************************************************
1629 *
1630 * print_config
1631 *
1632 * PURPOSE:  Prints the encoding parameters used
1633 *
1634 ************************************************************************/
1636 void
print_config(frame_params * fr_ps,int * psy,long unsigned int * num_samples,char * inPath,char * outPath,int * aiff)1637 print_config (frame_params * fr_ps, int *psy, long unsigned int *num_samples,
1638 	      char *inPath, char *outPath, int *aiff)
1639 {
1640   layer *info = fr_ps->header;
1642   printf ("Encoding configuration:\n");
1643   if (*aiff == 1)
1644     printf ("Layer=%s   mode=%s   extn=%d   psy model=%d\n",
1645 	    layer_names[info->lay - 1], mode_names[info->mode],
1646 	    info->mode_ext, *psy);
1647   else
1648     printf ("Layer=%s   mode=%s   extn=%d    psy model=%d\n",
1649 	    layer_names[info->lay - 1], mode_names[info->mode],
1650 	    info->mode_ext, *psy);
1652   if (info->bitrate_index != 0) {
1653     if (bitrate[info->lay - 1][info->bitrate_index] == 1000)
1654       printf ("samp frq=%.1f kHz   total bitrate=dynamic bitrate\n",
1655 	      s_freq[info->sampling_frequency]);
1656     else
1657       printf ("samp frq=%.1f kHz   mpeg1 bitrate=%d kbps\n",
1658 	      s_freq[info->sampling_frequency],
1659 	      bitrate[info->lay - 1][info->bitrate_index]);
1660     if (info->ext_bit_stream_present)
1661       printf ("ext bitrate=%d kbps\n",
1662 	      (int) (info->ext_length * s_freq[info->sampling_frequency] /
1663 		     144));
1664   }
1666   if (info->multiling_ch > 0) {
1667     printf ("%d multilingual channels ", info->multiling_ch);
1668     if (info->multiling_fs == 1)
1669       printf ("LSF coded.\n");
1670     else
1671       printf ("full sample rate coded.\n");
1672   } else
1673     printf ("No multilingual coding.\n");
1675   printf ("de-emph=%d   c/right=%d   orig=%d   errprot=%d\n",
1676 	  info->emphasis, info->copyright, info->original,
1677 	  info->error_protection);
1678   printf
1679     ("matrix=%d  center=%d  surround=%d  stereo=%d  stereomc=%d  stereoaug=%d\n",
1680      info->matrix, info->center, info->surround, fr_ps->stereo, fr_ps->stereomc,
1681      fr_ps->stereoaug);
1682   printf ("input file: '%s'   output file: '%s'\n", inPath, outPath);
1683   fflush (stdout);
1684 }