1Helping out
3There are plenty of things you can do if you want to help the development of mhWaveEdit.
5First of all, look for bugs and report all bugs you find into the bug tracker or through e-mail. Sometimes a bug can get overlooked for a long time because nobody reports it, so don't be afraid to report bugs that have been there for a few releases. You don't have to provide fixes or very detailed information, although it helps of course.
7Feature requests are also welcome, report them to the mailing list or to the bug tracker.
9If you speak a language other than English and mhWaveEdit isn't translated to your language, you can contribute a translation. To do that, copy the template mhwaveedit.pot in the po directory into a new file ll.po, where ll is your language code (see http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/gettext_221.html for a list of language codes).
11It's possible to edit po-files by hand, but I recommend a program such as poEdit (http://www.poedit.org) for editing translations.
13Note that for those translatable strings that look like "RecordStatus|Paused", you should ignore what's to the left and only translate the string to the right ("Paused" in this example). This convention is there to make it possible to translate the same string to different things depending on context.
15After you've filled in all the translations you want (you don't have to translate all the strings), mail in the po file to me (see contact info) and I'll add it to the next release.
17If a translation is incomplete, you're very welcome to translate the remaining untranslated messages and mail them in. Corrections to translations are also appreciated, but they may need to be checked with the previous translator before including them.