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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


AUTHORSH A D04-Nov-201434 21

COPYINGH A D04-Nov-201417.6 KiB341281

ChangeLogH A D04-Nov-2014768 1713

INSTALLH A D04-Nov-20147.6 KiB183143

Makefile.amH A D04-Nov-2014404 109

Makefile.inH A D15-May-201720.2 KiB642555

READMEH A D04-Nov-20141.3 KiB2521

getopt.cH A D04-Nov-201429.5 KiB1,053633

getopt1.cH A D04-Nov-20144.5 KiB190125

getopt_local.hH A D04-Nov-20144.5 KiB13248

main.ccH A D04-Nov-20144.5 KiB243196

mixers.ccH A D04-Nov-20141.5 KiB7563

nasmixer.ccH A D04-Nov-20141.6 KiB6857

nmixer.ccH A D04-Nov-201412.9 KiB560453

nmixer.hH A D03-May-20223.9 KiB172149

nullmixer.ccH A D04-Nov-2014866 5239

ossmixer.ccH A D04-Nov-20141.9 KiB9673


1This is an interactive mixer for soundcards using ncurses on a normal non-
2graphical terminal. It is especially useful for those who want the easy
3usage of xmixer but who do not want to start X to use the soundcard's mixer..
5The program uses autoconf for smart&easy configuring, and is known to
6work on x86/linux and Sparc/NetBSD, but probably works on any BSD-flavour
7that has the ossaudio-lib installed. If you can't get it to compile on
8some box that has ossaudio[-emulation], please notify me of this
9problem so I can try to fix it.
11Some HINTS FOR USAGE (no I don't make built-in help-functions for such a
12tiny program):
13-Pressing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 does what you expect: Set the scrollbar to that
14 position (indicated by the bar on top).
15-The numeric keypad, with numlock OFF, can be used to set the volume. Arrows
16 move both channels, home/PgUp/end/PgDn move left/right channel either up or
17 down as you'd expect. This probably only makes sense on PC/AT-keyboard and
18 lookalikes..haven't tested it on other architectures than x86.
19-Sending cash to the dutch Postbank with account-no 6250177 with a reference
20 to nmixer and your email-addy will give you good luck in the rest of your
21 life, and will make me very happy too! I might even show you my gratitude
22 in some unique way :)
24Bram Avontuur (brama@avontuur.org) http://www.stack.nl/~brama/