1$Id: ChangeLog 1347 2009-06-22 15:53:15Z toni $
32009-06-22: Release 0.6.0
4    * Features:
5        - Preliminary support for MPEG-2 and Layers I and II, and display of
6          warnings were support is flakey.
7        - Print the length in seconds in the console plot.
8    * Bugfixes:
9        - Fixed detection of sampling rate. Previous versions were incorrect
10          though only for sampling rates other than 44.1kHz
11        - Avoid looping over the file in free-form bitstreams and out-of-specs
12          frequencies. Broken files could produce either error too.
13        - Fixed CRC detection (it was reported reversed)
14    * Other:
15        - Display warnings for more types of files that will probably confuse
16          the program.
17        - Warn of files that might be not really mp3s
18        - MS Windows project Visual C++ project files and configuration script
202009-04-25: Release 0.5.1
21    * Bugfixes:
22        - Corrected typo in list of available plotters
23        - Don't print the "Bitrate plot:" message with image output
24        - Corrected mutex/condition duplication (produced assertion failures
25        on deallocation)
26    * Graphical plot:
27        - Replaced label "0" with "free"
28        - Added "k" suffix to bitrates
29        - Switched to a smother, single hue, colour output, the older colours
30        are available with --old-colorscheme
31        - GD: Better alignment of labels
32        - Magick: Correct alignment of labels; cleaner labels; font selection
33    * Other:
34        - Added '[options]' to usage message
35        - Corrected configure --enable-debug
36        - Added configure flag --enable-aggressive (aggressive optimisation
37        for the local CPU)
38        - Hide by default disabled/ignored command-line options with --help,
39        added --help-full to display all
412009-04-17: Release 0.5.0
42    * Features:
43        - Image output is usable (not final though), both gd and/or
44          ImageMagick++/GraphicsMagick++ can be used. If both are
45          compiled in, one or the other can be chosen with "-p".
46        - Allow choosing the output file name with "-o"
47        - Display a list of available plotters with "-p list"
48    * Bugfixes:
49        - Print usage information when command-line is incorrect
50    * Documentation:
51        - Added manpage (converted to PDF for Windows distribution)
52    * Requirements:
53        - Boost.Thread is a new requirement
54        - Boost minimum version bumped to 1.34.1 (lower version of Thread to
55          be supported).
56    * Portability enhancements:
57        - Windows support, can be compiled in Visual C++ 2008
58        - Removed unix-specific thread/process spawning code (replaced by
59          Boost.Thread)
60    * Packaging:
61        - Debian: Better policy compliance
62        - RPM: Added initial support
63        - FreeBSD: Integrated the ports script from FreeBSD
652007-05-26: Release 0.4.0a (alpha)
66    * Features:
67        - Support for broken/headerless streams
68        - Support for image output (uses GraphicsMagick++)
69    * Portability enhancements:
70        - Adopted the standard GNU distribution style (./configure is
71          distributed along sources now
72        - Initial support to build form Windows
73    * Internal:
74        - Cleanup of old code
75        - Documentation of code
772007-05-20: Release 0.3.2 alpha
78    [First public alpha]
80Pre-release history:
83    * Features: Added average bitrate calculation
86    * Features: Enabled processing of CBR files
89    * Features:
90        - Better handling of CBR files
91        - Support for files without ID3v2 tags
94    [First proof-of-concept]
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