1 /* automatically generated by rust-bindgen 0.59.1 */
3 pub type std_string = [u64; 3usize];
4 pub type __uint8_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uchar;
5 pub type __uint16_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort;
6 pub type __int32_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
7 pub type __uint32_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint;
8 pub type __int64_t = ::std::os::raw::c_long;
9 pub const oboe_StreamState_Uninitialized: oboe_StreamState = 0;
10 pub const oboe_StreamState_Unknown: oboe_StreamState = 1;
11 pub const oboe_StreamState_Open: oboe_StreamState = 2;
12 pub const oboe_StreamState_Starting: oboe_StreamState = 3;
13 pub const oboe_StreamState_Started: oboe_StreamState = 4;
14 pub const oboe_StreamState_Pausing: oboe_StreamState = 5;
15 pub const oboe_StreamState_Paused: oboe_StreamState = 6;
16 pub const oboe_StreamState_Flushing: oboe_StreamState = 7;
17 pub const oboe_StreamState_Flushed: oboe_StreamState = 8;
18 pub const oboe_StreamState_Stopping: oboe_StreamState = 9;
19 pub const oboe_StreamState_Stopped: oboe_StreamState = 10;
20 pub const oboe_StreamState_Closing: oboe_StreamState = 11;
21 pub const oboe_StreamState_Closed: oboe_StreamState = 12;
22 pub const oboe_StreamState_Disconnected: oboe_StreamState = 13;
23 #[doc = " The state of the audio stream."]
24 pub type oboe_StreamState = i32;
25 #[doc = " Used for playback."]
26 pub const oboe_Direction_Output: oboe_Direction = 0;
27 #[doc = " Used for recording."]
28 pub const oboe_Direction_Input: oboe_Direction = 1;
29 #[doc = " The direction of the stream."]
30 pub type oboe_Direction = i32;
31 #[doc = " Invalid format."]
32 pub const oboe_AudioFormat_Invalid: oboe_AudioFormat = -1;
33 #[doc = " Unspecified format. Format will be decided by Oboe."]
34 pub const oboe_AudioFormat_Unspecified: oboe_AudioFormat = 0;
35 #[doc = " Signed 16-bit integers."]
36 pub const oboe_AudioFormat_I16: oboe_AudioFormat = 1;
37 #[doc = " Single precision floating point."]
38 #[doc = ""]
39 #[doc = " This is the recommended format for most applications."]
40 #[doc = " But note that the use of Float may prevent the opening of"]
41 #[doc = " a low-latency input path on OpenSL ES or Legacy AAudio streams."]
42 pub const oboe_AudioFormat_Float: oboe_AudioFormat = 2;
43 #[doc = " Signed 24-bit integers, packed into 3 bytes."]
44 #[doc = ""]
45 #[doc = " Note that the use of this format does not guarantee that"]
46 #[doc = " the full precision will be provided.  The underlying device may"]
47 #[doc = " be using I16 format."]
48 #[doc = ""]
49 #[doc = " Added in API 31 (S)."]
50 pub const oboe_AudioFormat_I24: oboe_AudioFormat = 3;
51 #[doc = " Signed 32-bit integers."]
52 #[doc = ""]
53 #[doc = " Note that the use of this format does not guarantee that"]
54 #[doc = " the full precision will be provided.  The underlying device may"]
55 #[doc = " be using I16 format."]
56 #[doc = ""]
57 #[doc = " Added in API 31 (S)."]
58 pub const oboe_AudioFormat_I32: oboe_AudioFormat = 4;
59 #[doc = " The format of audio samples."]
60 pub type oboe_AudioFormat = i32;
61 pub const oboe_DataCallbackResult_Continue: oboe_DataCallbackResult = 0;
62 pub const oboe_DataCallbackResult_Stop: oboe_DataCallbackResult = 1;
63 #[doc = " The result of an audio callback."]
64 pub type oboe_DataCallbackResult = i32;
65 pub const oboe_Result_OK: oboe_Result = 0;
66 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorBase: oboe_Result = -900;
67 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorDisconnected: oboe_Result = -899;
68 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorIllegalArgument: oboe_Result = -898;
69 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorInternal: oboe_Result = -896;
70 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorInvalidState: oboe_Result = -895;
71 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorInvalidHandle: oboe_Result = -892;
72 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorUnimplemented: oboe_Result = -890;
73 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorUnavailable: oboe_Result = -889;
74 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorNoFreeHandles: oboe_Result = -888;
75 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorNoMemory: oboe_Result = -887;
76 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorNull: oboe_Result = -886;
77 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorTimeout: oboe_Result = -885;
78 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorWouldBlock: oboe_Result = -884;
79 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorInvalidFormat: oboe_Result = -883;
80 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorOutOfRange: oboe_Result = -882;
81 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorNoService: oboe_Result = -881;
82 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorInvalidRate: oboe_Result = -880;
83 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved1: oboe_Result = -879;
84 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved2: oboe_Result = -878;
85 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved3: oboe_Result = -877;
86 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved4: oboe_Result = -876;
87 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved5: oboe_Result = -875;
88 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved6: oboe_Result = -874;
89 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved7: oboe_Result = -873;
90 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved8: oboe_Result = -872;
91 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved9: oboe_Result = -871;
92 pub const oboe_Result_Reserved10: oboe_Result = -870;
93 pub const oboe_Result_ErrorClosed: oboe_Result = -869;
94 #[doc = " The result of an operation. All except the `OK` result indicates that an error occurred."]
95 #[doc = " The `Result` can be converted into a human readable string using `convertToText`."]
96 pub type oboe_Result = i32;
97 #[doc = " This will be the only stream using a particular source or sink."]
98 #[doc = " This mode will provide the lowest possible latency."]
99 #[doc = " You should close EXCLUSIVE streams immediately when you are not using them."]
100 #[doc = ""]
101 #[doc = " If you do not need the lowest possible latency then we recommend using Shared,"]
102 #[doc = " which is the default."]
103 pub const oboe_SharingMode_Exclusive: oboe_SharingMode = 0;
104 #[doc = " Multiple applications can share the same device."]
105 #[doc = " The data from output streams will be mixed by the audio service."]
106 #[doc = " The data for input streams will be distributed by the audio service."]
107 #[doc = ""]
108 #[doc = " This will have higher latency than the EXCLUSIVE mode."]
109 pub const oboe_SharingMode_Shared: oboe_SharingMode = 1;
110 #[doc = " The sharing mode of the audio stream."]
111 pub type oboe_SharingMode = i32;
112 #[doc = " No particular performance needs. Default."]
113 pub const oboe_PerformanceMode_None: oboe_PerformanceMode = 10;
114 #[doc = " Extending battery life is most important."]
115 pub const oboe_PerformanceMode_PowerSaving: oboe_PerformanceMode = 11;
116 #[doc = " Reducing latency is most important."]
117 pub const oboe_PerformanceMode_LowLatency: oboe_PerformanceMode = 12;
118 #[doc = " The performance mode of the audio stream."]
119 pub type oboe_PerformanceMode = i32;
120 #[doc = " Try to use AAudio. If not available then use OpenSL ES."]
121 pub const oboe_AudioApi_Unspecified: oboe_AudioApi = 0;
122 #[doc = " Use OpenSL ES."]
123 pub const oboe_AudioApi_OpenSLES: oboe_AudioApi = 1;
124 #[doc = " Try to use AAudio. Fail if unavailable."]
125 pub const oboe_AudioApi_AAudio: oboe_AudioApi = 2;
126 #[doc = " The underlying audio API used by the audio stream."]
127 pub type oboe_AudioApi = i32;
128 #[doc = " No conversion by Oboe. Underlying APIs may still do conversion."]
129 pub const oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality_None: oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality = 0;
130 #[doc = " Fastest conversion but may not sound great."]
131 #[doc = " This may be implemented using bilinear interpolation."]
132 pub const oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality_Fastest: oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality = 1;
133 #[doc = " Fastest conversion but may not sound great."]
134 #[doc = " This may be implemented using bilinear interpolation."]
135 pub const oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality_Low: oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality = 2;
136 #[doc = " Fastest conversion but may not sound great."]
137 #[doc = " This may be implemented using bilinear interpolation."]
138 pub const oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality_Medium: oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality = 3;
139 #[doc = " Fastest conversion but may not sound great."]
140 #[doc = " This may be implemented using bilinear interpolation."]
141 pub const oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality_High: oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality = 4;
142 #[doc = " Highest quality conversion, which may be expensive in terms of CPU."]
143 pub const oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality_Best: oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality = 5;
144 #[doc = " Specifies the quality of the sample rate conversion performed by Oboe."]
145 #[doc = " Higher quality will require more CPU load."]
146 #[doc = " Higher quality conversion will probably be implemented using a sinc based resampler."]
147 pub type oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality = i32;
148 #[doc = " Use this for streaming media, music performance, video, podcasts, etcetera."]
149 pub const oboe_Usage_Media: oboe_Usage = 1;
150 #[doc = " Use this for voice over IP, telephony, etcetera."]
151 pub const oboe_Usage_VoiceCommunication: oboe_Usage = 2;
152 #[doc = " Use this for sounds associated with telephony such as busy tones, DTMF, etcetera."]
153 pub const oboe_Usage_VoiceCommunicationSignalling: oboe_Usage = 3;
154 #[doc = " Use this to demand the users attention."]
155 pub const oboe_Usage_Alarm: oboe_Usage = 4;
156 #[doc = " Use this for notifying the user when a message has arrived or some"]
157 #[doc = " other background event has occured."]
158 pub const oboe_Usage_Notification: oboe_Usage = 5;
159 #[doc = " Use this when the phone rings."]
160 pub const oboe_Usage_NotificationRingtone: oboe_Usage = 6;
161 #[doc = " Use this to attract the users attention when, for example, the battery is low."]
162 pub const oboe_Usage_NotificationEvent: oboe_Usage = 10;
163 #[doc = " Use this for screen readers, etcetera."]
164 pub const oboe_Usage_AssistanceAccessibility: oboe_Usage = 11;
165 #[doc = " Use this for driving or navigation directions."]
166 pub const oboe_Usage_AssistanceNavigationGuidance: oboe_Usage = 12;
167 #[doc = " Use this for user interface sounds, beeps, etcetera."]
168 pub const oboe_Usage_AssistanceSonification: oboe_Usage = 13;
169 #[doc = " Use this for game audio and sound effects."]
170 pub const oboe_Usage_Game: oboe_Usage = 14;
171 #[doc = " Use this for audio responses to user queries, audio instructions or help utterances."]
172 pub const oboe_Usage_Assistant: oboe_Usage = 16;
173 #[doc = " The Usage attribute expresses *why* you are playing a sound, what is this sound used for."]
174 #[doc = " This information is used by certain platforms or routing policies"]
175 #[doc = " to make more refined volume or routing decisions."]
176 #[doc = ""]
177 #[doc = " Note that these match the equivalent values in AudioAttributes in the Android Java API."]
178 #[doc = ""]
179 #[doc = " This attribute only has an effect on Android API 28+."]
180 pub type oboe_Usage = i32;
181 #[doc = " Use this for spoken voice, audio books, etcetera."]
182 pub const oboe_ContentType_Speech: oboe_ContentType = 1;
183 #[doc = " Use this for pre-recorded or live music."]
184 pub const oboe_ContentType_Music: oboe_ContentType = 2;
185 #[doc = " Use this for a movie or video soundtrack."]
186 pub const oboe_ContentType_Movie: oboe_ContentType = 3;
187 #[doc = " Use this for sound is designed to accompany a user action,"]
188 #[doc = " such as a click or beep sound made when the user presses a button."]
189 pub const oboe_ContentType_Sonification: oboe_ContentType = 4;
190 #[doc = " The ContentType attribute describes *what* you are playing."]
191 #[doc = " It expresses the general category of the content. This information is optional."]
192 #[doc = " But in case it is known (for instance {@link Movie} for a"]
193 #[doc = " movie streaming service or {@link Speech} for"]
194 #[doc = " an audio book application) this information might be used by the audio framework to"]
195 #[doc = " enforce audio focus."]
196 #[doc = ""]
197 #[doc = " Note that these match the equivalent values in AudioAttributes in the Android Java API."]
198 #[doc = ""]
199 #[doc = " This attribute only has an effect on Android API 28+."]
200 pub type oboe_ContentType = i32;
201 #[doc = " Use this preset when other presets do not apply."]
202 pub const oboe_InputPreset_Generic: oboe_InputPreset = 1;
203 #[doc = " Use this preset when recording video."]
204 pub const oboe_InputPreset_Camcorder: oboe_InputPreset = 5;
205 #[doc = " Use this preset when doing speech recognition."]
206 pub const oboe_InputPreset_VoiceRecognition: oboe_InputPreset = 6;
207 #[doc = " Use this preset when doing telephony or voice messaging."]
208 pub const oboe_InputPreset_VoiceCommunication: oboe_InputPreset = 7;
209 #[doc = " Use this preset to obtain an input with no effects."]
210 #[doc = " Note that this input will not have automatic gain control"]
211 #[doc = " so the recorded volume may be very low."]
212 pub const oboe_InputPreset_Unprocessed: oboe_InputPreset = 9;
213 #[doc = " Use this preset for capturing audio meant to be processed in real time"]
214 #[doc = " and played back for live performance (e.g karaoke)."]
215 #[doc = " The capture path will minimize latency and coupling with playback path."]
216 pub const oboe_InputPreset_VoicePerformance: oboe_InputPreset = 10;
217 #[doc = " Defines the audio source."]
218 #[doc = " An audio source defines both a default physical source of audio signal, and a recording"]
219 #[doc = " configuration."]
220 #[doc = ""]
221 #[doc = " Note that these match the equivalent values in MediaRecorder.AudioSource in the Android Java API."]
222 #[doc = ""]
223 #[doc = " This attribute only has an effect on Android API 28+."]
224 pub type oboe_InputPreset = i32;
225 #[doc = " Do not allocate a session ID."]
226 #[doc = " Effects cannot be used with this stream."]
227 #[doc = " Default."]
228 pub const oboe_SessionId_None: oboe_SessionId = -1;
229 #[doc = " Allocate a session ID that can be used to attach and control"]
230 #[doc = " effects using the Java AudioEffects API."]
231 #[doc = " Note that the use of this flag may result in higher latency."]
232 #[doc = ""]
233 #[doc = " Note that this matches the value of AudioManager.AUDIO_SESSION_ID_GENERATE."]
234 pub const oboe_SessionId_Allocate: oboe_SessionId = 0;
235 #[doc = " This attribute can be used to allocate a session ID to the audio stream."]
236 #[doc = ""]
237 #[doc = " This attribute only has an effect on Android API 28+."]
238 pub type oboe_SessionId = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
239 #[doc = " Audio channel count definition, use Mono or Stereo"]
240 pub const oboe_ChannelCount_Unspecified: oboe_ChannelCount = 0;
241 #[doc = " Use this for mono audio"]
242 pub const oboe_ChannelCount_Mono: oboe_ChannelCount = 1;
243 #[doc = " Use this for stereo audio."]
244 pub const oboe_ChannelCount_Stereo: oboe_ChannelCount = 2;
245 #[doc = " The channel count of the audio stream. The underlying type is `int32_t`."]
246 #[doc = " Use of this enum is convenient to avoid \"magic\""]
247 #[doc = " numbers when specifying the channel count."]
248 #[doc = ""]
249 #[doc = " For example, you can write"]
250 #[doc = " `builder.setChannelCount(ChannelCount::Stereo)`"]
251 #[doc = " rather than `builder.setChannelCount(2)`"]
252 #[doc = ""]
253 pub type oboe_ChannelCount = i32;
254 #[doc = " On API 16 to 26 OpenSL ES will be used. When using OpenSL ES the optimal values for sampleRate and"]
255 #[doc = " framesPerBurst are not known by the native code."]
256 #[doc = " On API 17+ these values should be obtained from the AudioManager using this code:"]
257 #[doc = ""]
258 #[doc = " <pre><code>"]
259 #[doc = " // Note that this technique only works for built-in speakers and headphones."]
260 #[doc = " AudioManager myAudioMgr = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);"]
261 #[doc = " String sampleRateStr = myAudioMgr.getProperty(AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE);"]
262 #[doc = " int defaultSampleRate = Integer.parseInt(sampleRateStr);"]
263 #[doc = " String framesPerBurstStr = myAudioMgr.getProperty(AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER);"]
264 #[doc = " int defaultFramesPerBurst = Integer.parseInt(framesPerBurstStr);"]
265 #[doc = " </code></pre>"]
266 #[doc = ""]
267 #[doc = " It can then be passed down to Oboe through JNI."]
268 #[doc = ""]
269 #[doc = " AAudio will get the optimal framesPerBurst from the HAL and will ignore this value."]
270 #[repr(C)]
271 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
272 pub struct oboe_DefaultStreamValues {
273     pub _address: u8,
274 }
275 extern "C" {
276     #[doc = " The default sample rate to use when opening new audio streams"]
277     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe19DefaultStreamValues10SampleRateE"]
278     pub static mut oboe_DefaultStreamValues_SampleRate: i32;
279 }
280 extern "C" {
281     #[doc = " The default frames per burst to use when opening new audio streams"]
282     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe19DefaultStreamValues14FramesPerBurstE"]
283     pub static mut oboe_DefaultStreamValues_FramesPerBurst: i32;
284 }
285 extern "C" {
286     #[doc = " The default channel count to use when opening new audio streams"]
287     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe19DefaultStreamValues12ChannelCountE"]
288     pub static mut oboe_DefaultStreamValues_ChannelCount: i32;
289 }
290 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_DefaultStreamValues()291 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_DefaultStreamValues() {
292     assert_eq!(
293         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_DefaultStreamValues>(),
294         1usize,
295         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_DefaultStreamValues))
296     );
297     assert_eq!(
298         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_DefaultStreamValues>(),
299         1usize,
300         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_DefaultStreamValues))
301     );
302 }
303 #[doc = " The time at which the frame at `position` was presented"]
304 #[repr(C)]
305 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
306 pub struct oboe_FrameTimestamp {
307     pub position: i64,
308     pub timestamp: i64,
309 }
310 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_FrameTimestamp()311 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_FrameTimestamp() {
312     assert_eq!(
313         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_FrameTimestamp>(),
314         16usize,
315         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_FrameTimestamp))
316     );
317     assert_eq!(
318         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_FrameTimestamp>(),
319         8usize,
320         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_FrameTimestamp))
321     );
322     assert_eq!(
323         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_FrameTimestamp>())).position as *const _ as usize },
324         0usize,
325         concat!(
326             "Offset of field: ",
327             stringify!(oboe_FrameTimestamp),
328             "::",
329             stringify!(position)
330         )
331     );
332     assert_eq!(
333         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_FrameTimestamp>())).timestamp as *const _ as usize },
334         8usize,
335         concat!(
336             "Offset of field: ",
337             stringify!(oboe_FrameTimestamp),
338             "::",
339             stringify!(timestamp)
340         )
341     );
342 }
343 #[doc = " A ResultWithValue can store both the result of an operation (either OK or an error) and a value."]
344 #[doc = ""]
345 #[doc = " It has been designed for cases where the caller needs to know whether an operation succeeded and,"]
346 #[doc = " if it did, a value which was obtained during the operation."]
347 #[doc = ""]
348 #[doc = " For example, when reading from a stream the caller needs to know the result of the read operation"]
349 #[doc = " and, if it was successful, how many frames were read. Note that ResultWithValue can be evaluated"]
350 #[doc = " as a boolean so it's simple to check whether the result is OK."]
351 #[doc = ""]
352 #[doc = " <code>"]
353 #[doc = " ResultWithValue<int32_t> resultOfRead = myStream.read(&buffer, numFrames, timeoutNanoseconds);"]
354 #[doc = ""]
355 #[doc = " if (resultOfRead) {"]
356 #[doc = "     LOGD(\"Frames read: %d\", resultOfRead.value());"]
357 #[doc = " } else {"]
358 #[doc = "     LOGD(\"Error reading from stream: %s\", resultOfRead.error());"]
359 #[doc = " }"]
360 #[doc = " </code>"]
361 #[repr(C)]
362 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
363 pub struct oboe_ResultWithValue<T> {
364     pub mValue: T,
365     pub mError: oboe_Result,
366     pub _phantom_0: ::std::marker::PhantomData<::std::cell::UnsafeCell<T>>,
367 }
368 #[repr(C)]
369 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback__bindgen_vtable(::std::os::raw::c_void);
370 #[doc = " AudioStreamDataCallback defines a callback interface for"]
371 #[doc = " moving data to/from an audio stream using `onAudioReady`"]
372 #[doc = " 2) being alerted when a stream has an error using `onError*` methods"]
373 #[doc = ""]
374 #[doc = " It is used with AudioStreamBuilder::setDataCallback()."]
375 #[repr(C)]
376 #[derive(Debug)]
377 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback {
378     pub vtable_: *const oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback__bindgen_vtable,
379 }
380 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback()381 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback() {
382     assert_eq!(
383         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback>(),
384         8usize,
385         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback))
386     );
387     assert_eq!(
388         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback>(),
389         8usize,
390         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback))
391     );
392 }
393 #[repr(C)]
394 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback__bindgen_vtable(::std::os::raw::c_void);
395 #[doc = " AudioStreamErrorCallback defines a callback interface for"]
396 #[doc = " being alerted when a stream has an error or is disconnected"]
397 #[doc = " using `onError*` methods."]
398 #[doc = ""]
399 #[doc = " It is used with AudioStreamBuilder::setErrorCallback()."]
400 #[repr(C)]
401 #[derive(Debug)]
402 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback {
403     pub vtable_: *const oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback__bindgen_vtable,
404 }
405 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback()406 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback() {
407     assert_eq!(
408         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback>(),
409         8usize,
410         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback))
411     );
412     assert_eq!(
413         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback>(),
414         8usize,
415         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback))
416     );
417 }
418 #[doc = " AudioStreamCallback defines a callback interface for:"]
419 #[doc = ""]
420 #[doc = " 1) moving data to/from an audio stream using `onAudioReady`"]
421 #[doc = " 2) being alerted when a stream has an error using `onError*` methods"]
422 #[doc = ""]
423 #[doc = " It is used with AudioStreamBuilder::setCallback()."]
424 #[doc = ""]
425 #[doc = " It combines the interfaces defined by AudioStreamDataCallback and AudioStreamErrorCallback."]
426 #[doc = " This was the original callback object. We now recommend using the individual interfaces"]
427 #[doc = " and using setDataCallback() and setErrorCallback()."]
428 #[doc = ""]
429 #[doc = " @deprecated Use `AudioStreamDataCallback` and `AudioStreamErrorCallback` instead"]
430 #[repr(C)]
431 #[derive(Debug)]
432 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamCallback {
433     pub _base: oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback,
434     pub _base_1: oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback,
435 }
436 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamCallback()437 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamCallback() {
438     assert_eq!(
439         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_AudioStreamCallback>(),
440         16usize,
441         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamCallback))
442     );
443     assert_eq!(
444         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_AudioStreamCallback>(),
445         8usize,
446         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamCallback))
447     );
448 }
449 #[repr(C)]
450 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamBase__bindgen_vtable(::std::os::raw::c_void);
451 #[doc = " Base class containing parameters for audio streams and builders."]
452 #[repr(C)]
453 #[derive(Debug)]
454 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamBase {
455     pub vtable_: *const oboe_AudioStreamBase__bindgen_vtable,
456     #[doc = " The callback which will be fired when new data is ready to be read/written."]
457     pub mDataCallback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamDataCallback,
458     #[doc = " The callback which will be fired when an error or a disconnect occurs."]
459     pub mErrorCallback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamErrorCallback,
460     #[doc = " Number of audio frames which will be requested in each callback"]
461     pub mFramesPerCallback: i32,
462     #[doc = " Stream channel count"]
463     pub mChannelCount: i32,
464     #[doc = " Stream sample rate"]
465     pub mSampleRate: i32,
466     #[doc = " Stream audio device ID"]
467     pub mDeviceId: i32,
468     #[doc = " Stream buffer capacity specified as a number of audio frames"]
469     pub mBufferCapacityInFrames: i32,
470     #[doc = " Stream buffer size specified as a number of audio frames"]
471     pub mBufferSizeInFrames: i32,
472     #[doc = " Stream sharing mode"]
473     pub mSharingMode: oboe_SharingMode,
474     #[doc = " Format of audio frames"]
475     pub mFormat: oboe_AudioFormat,
476     #[doc = " Stream direction"]
477     pub mDirection: oboe_Direction,
478     #[doc = " Stream performance mode"]
479     pub mPerformanceMode: oboe_PerformanceMode,
480     #[doc = " Stream usage. Only active on Android 28+"]
481     pub mUsage: oboe_Usage,
482     #[doc = " Stream content type. Only active on Android 28+"]
483     pub mContentType: oboe_ContentType,
484     #[doc = " Stream input preset. Only active on Android 28+"]
485     #[doc = " TODO InputPreset::Unspecified should be considered as a possible default alternative."]
486     pub mInputPreset: oboe_InputPreset,
487     #[doc = " Stream session ID allocation strategy. Only active on Android 28+"]
488     pub mSessionId: oboe_SessionId,
489     #[doc = " Control the name of the package creating the stream. Only active on Android 31+"]
490     pub mPackageName: std_string,
491     #[doc = " Control the attribution tag of the context creating the stream. Only active on Android 31+"]
492     pub mAttributionTag: std_string,
493     pub mChannelConversionAllowed: bool,
494     pub mFormatConversionAllowed: bool,
495     pub mSampleRateConversionQuality: oboe_SampleRateConversionQuality,
496 }
497 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamBase()498 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamBase() {
499     assert_eq!(
500         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>(),
501         136usize,
502         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase))
503     );
504     assert_eq!(
505         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>(),
506         8usize,
507         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase))
508     );
509     assert_eq!(
510         unsafe {
511             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mDataCallback as *const _ as usize
512         },
513         8usize,
514         concat!(
515             "Offset of field: ",
516             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
517             "::",
518             stringify!(mDataCallback)
519         )
520     );
521     assert_eq!(
522         unsafe {
523             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mErrorCallback as *const _ as usize
524         },
525         16usize,
526         concat!(
527             "Offset of field: ",
528             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
529             "::",
530             stringify!(mErrorCallback)
531         )
532     );
533     assert_eq!(
534         unsafe {
535             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mFramesPerCallback as *const _ as usize
536         },
537         24usize,
538         concat!(
539             "Offset of field: ",
540             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
541             "::",
542             stringify!(mFramesPerCallback)
543         )
544     );
545     assert_eq!(
546         unsafe {
547             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mChannelCount as *const _ as usize
548         },
549         28usize,
550         concat!(
551             "Offset of field: ",
552             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
553             "::",
554             stringify!(mChannelCount)
555         )
556     );
557     assert_eq!(
558         unsafe {
559             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mSampleRate as *const _ as usize
560         },
561         32usize,
562         concat!(
563             "Offset of field: ",
564             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
565             "::",
566             stringify!(mSampleRate)
567         )
568     );
569     assert_eq!(
570         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mDeviceId as *const _ as usize },
571         36usize,
572         concat!(
573             "Offset of field: ",
574             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
575             "::",
576             stringify!(mDeviceId)
577         )
578     );
579     assert_eq!(
580         unsafe {
581             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mBufferCapacityInFrames as *const _
582                 as usize
583         },
584         40usize,
585         concat!(
586             "Offset of field: ",
587             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
588             "::",
589             stringify!(mBufferCapacityInFrames)
590         )
591     );
592     assert_eq!(
593         unsafe {
594             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mBufferSizeInFrames as *const _
595                 as usize
596         },
597         44usize,
598         concat!(
599             "Offset of field: ",
600             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
601             "::",
602             stringify!(mBufferSizeInFrames)
603         )
604     );
605     assert_eq!(
606         unsafe {
607             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mSharingMode as *const _ as usize
608         },
609         48usize,
610         concat!(
611             "Offset of field: ",
612             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
613             "::",
614             stringify!(mSharingMode)
615         )
616     );
617     assert_eq!(
618         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mFormat as *const _ as usize },
619         52usize,
620         concat!(
621             "Offset of field: ",
622             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
623             "::",
624             stringify!(mFormat)
625         )
626     );
627     assert_eq!(
628         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mDirection as *const _ as usize },
629         56usize,
630         concat!(
631             "Offset of field: ",
632             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
633             "::",
634             stringify!(mDirection)
635         )
636     );
637     assert_eq!(
638         unsafe {
639             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mPerformanceMode as *const _ as usize
640         },
641         60usize,
642         concat!(
643             "Offset of field: ",
644             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
645             "::",
646             stringify!(mPerformanceMode)
647         )
648     );
649     assert_eq!(
650         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mUsage as *const _ as usize },
651         64usize,
652         concat!(
653             "Offset of field: ",
654             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
655             "::",
656             stringify!(mUsage)
657         )
658     );
659     assert_eq!(
660         unsafe {
661             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mContentType as *const _ as usize
662         },
663         68usize,
664         concat!(
665             "Offset of field: ",
666             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
667             "::",
668             stringify!(mContentType)
669         )
670     );
671     assert_eq!(
672         unsafe {
673             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mInputPreset as *const _ as usize
674         },
675         72usize,
676         concat!(
677             "Offset of field: ",
678             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
679             "::",
680             stringify!(mInputPreset)
681         )
682     );
683     assert_eq!(
684         unsafe { &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mSessionId as *const _ as usize },
685         76usize,
686         concat!(
687             "Offset of field: ",
688             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
689             "::",
690             stringify!(mSessionId)
691         )
692     );
693     assert_eq!(
694         unsafe {
695             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mPackageName as *const _ as usize
696         },
697         80usize,
698         concat!(
699             "Offset of field: ",
700             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
701             "::",
702             stringify!(mPackageName)
703         )
704     );
705     assert_eq!(
706         unsafe {
707             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mAttributionTag as *const _ as usize
708         },
709         104usize,
710         concat!(
711             "Offset of field: ",
712             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
713             "::",
714             stringify!(mAttributionTag)
715         )
716     );
717     assert_eq!(
718         unsafe {
719             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mChannelConversionAllowed as *const _
720                 as usize
721         },
722         128usize,
723         concat!(
724             "Offset of field: ",
725             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
726             "::",
727             stringify!(mChannelConversionAllowed)
728         )
729     );
730     assert_eq!(
731         unsafe {
732             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mFormatConversionAllowed as *const _
733                 as usize
734         },
735         129usize,
736         concat!(
737             "Offset of field: ",
738             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
739             "::",
740             stringify!(mFormatConversionAllowed)
741         )
742     );
743     assert_eq!(
744         unsafe {
745             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamBase>())).mSampleRateConversionQuality
746                 as *const _ as usize
747         },
748         132usize,
749         concat!(
750             "Offset of field: ",
751             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBase),
752             "::",
753             stringify!(mSampleRateConversionQuality)
754         )
755     );
756 }
757 #[doc = " Factory class for an audio Stream."]
758 #[repr(C)]
759 #[repr(align(8))]
760 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
761 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamBuilder {
762     pub _bindgen_opaque_blob: [u64; 18usize],
763 }
764 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamBuilder()765 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamBuilder() {
766     assert_eq!(
767         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_AudioStreamBuilder>(),
768         144usize,
769         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBuilder))
770     );
771     assert_eq!(
772         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_AudioStreamBuilder>(),
773         8usize,
774         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamBuilder))
775     );
776 }
777 extern "C" {
778     #[doc = " Is the AAudio API supported on this device?"]
779     #[doc = ""]
780     #[doc = " AAudio was introduced in the Oreo 8.0 release."]
781     #[doc = ""]
782     #[doc = " @return true if supported"]
783     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe18AudioStreamBuilder17isAAudioSupportedEv"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_isAAudioSupported() -> bool784     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_isAAudioSupported() -> bool;
785 }
786 extern "C" {
787     #[doc = " Is the AAudio API recommended this device?"]
788     #[doc = ""]
789     #[doc = " AAudio may be supported but not recommended because of version specific issues."]
790     #[doc = " AAudio is not recommended for Android 8.0 or earlier versions."]
791     #[doc = ""]
792     #[doc = " @return true if recommended"]
793     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe18AudioStreamBuilder19isAAudioRecommendedEv"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_isAAudioRecommended() -> bool794     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_isAAudioRecommended() -> bool;
795 }
796 extern "C" {
797     #[doc = " Create and open a stream object based on the current settings."]
798     #[doc = ""]
799     #[doc = " The caller owns the pointer to the AudioStream object"]
800     #[doc = " and must delete it when finished."]
801     #[doc = ""]
802     #[doc = " @deprecated Use openStream(std::shared_ptr<oboe::AudioStream> &stream) instead."]
803     #[doc = " @param stream pointer to a variable to receive the stream address"]
804     #[doc = " @return OBOE_OK if successful or a negative error code"]
805     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe18AudioStreamBuilder10openStreamEPPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_openStream( this: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder, stream: *mut *mut oboe_AudioStream, ) -> oboe_Result806     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_openStream(
807         this: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder,
808         stream: *mut *mut oboe_AudioStream,
809     ) -> oboe_Result;
810 }
811 impl oboe_AudioStreamBuilder {
812     #[inline]
isAAudioSupported() -> bool813     pub unsafe fn isAAudioSupported() -> bool {
814         oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_isAAudioSupported()
815     }
816     #[inline]
isAAudioRecommended() -> bool817     pub unsafe fn isAAudioRecommended() -> bool {
818         oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_isAAudioRecommended()
819     }
820     #[inline]
openStream(&mut self, stream: *mut *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result821     pub unsafe fn openStream(&mut self, stream: *mut *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result {
822         oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_openStream(self, stream)
823     }
824 }
825 #[doc = " Base class for Oboe C++ audio stream."]
826 #[repr(C)]
827 #[repr(align(8))]
828 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
829 pub struct oboe_AudioStream {
830     pub _bindgen_opaque_blob: [u64; 28usize],
831 }
832 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStream()833 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStream() {
834     assert_eq!(
835         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_AudioStream>(),
836         224usize,
837         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStream))
838     );
839     assert_eq!(
840         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_AudioStream>(),
841         8usize,
842         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStream))
843     );
844 }
845 extern "C" {
846     #[doc = " Get the number of bytes per sample. This is calculated using the sample format. For example,"]
847     #[doc = " a stream using 16-bit integer samples will have 2 bytes per sample."]
848     #[doc = ""]
849     #[doc = " @return the number of bytes per sample."]
850     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZNK4oboe11AudioStream17getBytesPerSampleEv"]
oboe_AudioStream_getBytesPerSample(this: *const oboe_AudioStream) -> i32851     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getBytesPerSample(this: *const oboe_AudioStream) -> i32;
852 }
853 extern "C" {
854     #[doc = " @return number of frames of data currently in the buffer"]
855     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream18getAvailableFramesEv"]
oboe_AudioStream_getAvailableFrames( this: *mut oboe_AudioStream, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>856     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getAvailableFrames(
857         this: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
858     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>;
859 }
860 extern "C" {
861     #[doc = " Wait until the stream has a minimum amount of data available in its buffer."]
862     #[doc = " This can be used with an EXCLUSIVE MMAP input stream to avoid reading data too close to"]
863     #[doc = " the DSP write position, which may cause glitches."]
864     #[doc = ""]
865     #[doc = " @param numFrames minimum frames available"]
866     #[doc = " @param timeoutNanoseconds"]
867     #[doc = " @return number of frames available, ErrorTimeout"]
868     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream22waitForAvailableFramesEil"]
oboe_AudioStream_waitForAvailableFrames( this: *mut oboe_AudioStream, numFrames: i32, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>869     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_waitForAvailableFrames(
870         this: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
871         numFrames: i32,
872         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
873     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>;
874 }
875 extern "C" {
876     #[doc = " Override this to provide your own behaviour for the audio callback"]
877     #[doc = ""]
878     #[doc = " @param audioData container array which audio frames will be written into or read from"]
879     #[doc = " @param numFrames number of frames which were read/written"]
880     #[doc = " @return the result of the callback: stop or continue"]
881     #[doc = ""]
882     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream16fireDataCallbackEPvi"]
oboe_AudioStream_fireDataCallback( this: *mut oboe_AudioStream, audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, numFrames: ::std::os::raw::c_int, ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult883     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_fireDataCallback(
884         this: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
885         audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
886         numFrames: ::std::os::raw::c_int,
887     ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult;
888 }
889 extern "C" {
890     #[doc = " Construct an `AudioStream` using the given `AudioStreamBuilder`"]
891     #[doc = ""]
892     #[doc = " @param builder containing all the stream's attributes"]
893     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStreamC2ERKNS_18AudioStreamBuilderE"]
oboe_AudioStream_AudioStream( this: *mut oboe_AudioStream, builder: *const oboe_AudioStreamBuilder, )894     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_AudioStream(
895         this: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
896         builder: *const oboe_AudioStreamBuilder,
897     );
898 }
899 impl oboe_AudioStream {
900     #[inline]
getBytesPerSample(&self) -> i32901     pub unsafe fn getBytesPerSample(&self) -> i32 {
902         oboe_AudioStream_getBytesPerSample(self)
903     }
904     #[inline]
getAvailableFrames(&mut self) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>905     pub unsafe fn getAvailableFrames(&mut self) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32> {
906         oboe_AudioStream_getAvailableFrames(self)
907     }
908     #[inline]
waitForAvailableFrames( &mut self, numFrames: i32, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>909     pub unsafe fn waitForAvailableFrames(
910         &mut self,
911         numFrames: i32,
912         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
913     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32> {
914         oboe_AudioStream_waitForAvailableFrames(self, numFrames, timeoutNanoseconds)
915     }
916     #[inline]
fireDataCallback( &mut self, audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, numFrames: ::std::os::raw::c_int, ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult917     pub unsafe fn fireDataCallback(
918         &mut self,
919         audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
920         numFrames: ::std::os::raw::c_int,
921     ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult {
922         oboe_AudioStream_fireDataCallback(self, audioData, numFrames)
923     }
924     #[inline]
new(builder: *const oboe_AudioStreamBuilder) -> Self925     pub unsafe fn new(builder: *const oboe_AudioStreamBuilder) -> Self {
926         let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
927         oboe_AudioStream_AudioStream(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), builder);
928         __bindgen_tmp.assume_init()
929     }
930 }
931 extern "C" {
932     #[doc = " Close the stream and deallocate any resources from the open() call."]
933     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream5closeEv"]
oboe_AudioStream_close(this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> oboe_Result934     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_close(this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> oboe_Result;
935 }
936 extern "C" {
937     #[doc = " Start the stream. This will block until the stream has been started, an error occurs"]
938     #[doc = " or `timeoutNanoseconds` has been reached."]
939     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream5startEl"]
oboe_AudioStream_start( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_Result940     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_start(
941         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
942         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
943     ) -> oboe_Result;
944 }
945 extern "C" {
946     #[doc = " Pause the stream. This will block until the stream has been paused, an error occurs"]
947     #[doc = " or `timeoutNanoseconds` has been reached."]
948     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream5pauseEl"]
oboe_AudioStream_pause( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_Result949     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_pause(
950         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
951         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
952     ) -> oboe_Result;
953 }
954 extern "C" {
955     #[doc = " Flush the stream. This will block until the stream has been flushed, an error occurs"]
956     #[doc = " or `timeoutNanoseconds` has been reached."]
957     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream5flushEl"]
oboe_AudioStream_flush( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_Result958     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_flush(
959         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
960         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
961     ) -> oboe_Result;
962 }
963 extern "C" {
964     #[doc = " Stop the stream. This will block until the stream has been stopped, an error occurs"]
965     #[doc = " or `timeoutNanoseconds` has been reached."]
966     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream4stopEl"]
oboe_AudioStream_stop( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_Result967     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_stop(
968         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
969         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
970     ) -> oboe_Result;
971 }
972 extern "C" {
973     #[doc = " The number of audio frames written into the stream."]
974     #[doc = " This monotonic counter will never get reset."]
975     #[doc = ""]
976     #[doc = " @return the number of frames written so far"]
977     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream16getFramesWrittenEv"]
oboe_AudioStream_getFramesWritten(this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> i64978     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getFramesWritten(this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> i64;
979 }
980 extern "C" {
981     #[doc = " The number of audio frames read from the stream."]
982     #[doc = " This monotonic counter will never get reset."]
983     #[doc = ""]
984     #[doc = " @return the number of frames read so far"]
985     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream13getFramesReadEv"]
oboe_AudioStream_getFramesRead(this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> i64986     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getFramesRead(this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> i64;
987 }
988 extern "C" {
989     #[doc = " Get the estimated time that the frame at `framePosition` entered or left the audio processing"]
990     #[doc = " pipeline."]
991     #[doc = ""]
992     #[doc = " This can be used to coordinate events and interactions with the external environment, and to"]
993     #[doc = " estimate the latency of an audio stream. An example of usage can be found in the hello-oboe"]
994     #[doc = " sample (search for \"calculateCurrentOutputLatencyMillis\")."]
995     #[doc = ""]
996     #[doc = " The time is based on the implementation's best effort, using whatever knowledge is available"]
997     #[doc = " to the system, but cannot account for any delay unknown to the implementation."]
998     #[doc = ""]
999     #[doc = " @param clockId the type of clock to use e.g. CLOCK_MONOTONIC"]
1000     #[doc = " @return a FrameTimestamp containing the position and time at which a particular audio frame"]
1001     #[doc = " entered or left the audio processing pipeline, or an error if the operation failed."]
1002     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream12getTimestampEi"]
oboe_AudioStream_getTimestamp( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, arg1: clockid_t, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<oboe_FrameTimestamp>1003     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getTimestamp(
1004         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1005         arg1: clockid_t,
1006     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<oboe_FrameTimestamp>;
1007 }
1008 extern "C" {
1009     #[doc = " Wait for a transition from one state to another."]
1010     #[doc = " @return OK if the endingState was observed, or ErrorUnexpectedState"]
1011     #[doc = "   if any state that was not the startingState or endingState was observed"]
1012     #[doc = "   or ErrorTimeout."]
1013     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe11AudioStream22waitForStateTransitionENS_11StreamStateES1_l"]
oboe_AudioStream_waitForStateTransition( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, startingState: oboe_StreamState, endingState: oboe_StreamState, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_Result1014     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_waitForStateTransition(
1015         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1016         startingState: oboe_StreamState,
1017         endingState: oboe_StreamState,
1018         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
1019     ) -> oboe_Result;
1020 }
1021 #[doc = " This struct is a stateless functor which closes an AudioStream prior to its deletion."]
1022 #[doc = " This means it can be used to safely delete a smart pointer referring to an open stream."]
1023 #[repr(C)]
1024 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
1025 pub struct oboe_StreamDeleterFunctor {
1026     pub _address: u8,
1027 }
1028 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_StreamDeleterFunctor()1029 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_StreamDeleterFunctor() {
1030     assert_eq!(
1031         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_StreamDeleterFunctor>(),
1032         1usize,
1033         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_StreamDeleterFunctor))
1034     );
1035     assert_eq!(
1036         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_StreamDeleterFunctor>(),
1037         1usize,
1038         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_StreamDeleterFunctor))
1039     );
1040 }
1041 #[doc = " LatencyTuner can be used to dynamically tune the latency of an output stream."]
1042 #[doc = " It adjusts the stream's bufferSize by monitoring the number of underruns."]
1043 #[doc = ""]
1044 #[doc = " This only affects the latency associated with the first level of buffering that is closest"]
1045 #[doc = " to the application. It does not affect low latency in the HAL, or touch latency in the UI."]
1046 #[doc = ""]
1047 #[doc = " Call tune() right before returning from your data callback function if using callbacks."]
1048 #[doc = " Call tune() right before calling write() if using blocking writes."]
1049 #[doc = ""]
1050 #[doc = " If you want to see the ongoing results of this tuning process then call"]
1051 #[doc = " stream->getBufferSize() periodically."]
1052 #[doc = ""]
1053 #[repr(C)]
1054 #[repr(align(8))]
1055 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
1056 pub struct oboe_LatencyTuner {
1057     pub _bindgen_opaque_blob: [u64; 5usize],
1058 }
1059 pub const oboe_LatencyTuner_State_Idle: oboe_LatencyTuner_State = 0;
1060 pub const oboe_LatencyTuner_State_Active: oboe_LatencyTuner_State = 1;
1061 pub const oboe_LatencyTuner_State_AtMax: oboe_LatencyTuner_State = 2;
1062 pub const oboe_LatencyTuner_State_Unsupported: oboe_LatencyTuner_State = 3;
1063 pub type oboe_LatencyTuner_State = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
1064 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_LatencyTuner()1065 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_LatencyTuner() {
1066     assert_eq!(
1067         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_LatencyTuner>(),
1068         40usize,
1069         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_LatencyTuner))
1070     );
1071     assert_eq!(
1072         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_LatencyTuner>(),
1073         8usize,
1074         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_LatencyTuner))
1075     );
1076 }
1077 extern "C" {
1078     #[doc = " Adjust the bufferSizeInFrames to optimize latency."]
1079     #[doc = " It will start with a low latency and then raise it if an underrun occurs."]
1080     #[doc = ""]
1081     #[doc = " Latency tuning is only supported for AAudio."]
1082     #[doc = ""]
1083     #[doc = " @return OK or negative error, ErrorUnimplemented for OpenSL ES"]
1084     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe12LatencyTuner4tuneEv"]
oboe_LatencyTuner_tune(this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner) -> oboe_Result1085     pub fn oboe_LatencyTuner_tune(this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner) -> oboe_Result;
1086 }
1087 extern "C" {
1088     #[doc = " This may be called from another thread. Then tune() will call reset(),"]
1089     #[doc = " which will lower the latency to the minimum and then allow it to rise back up"]
1090     #[doc = " if there are glitches."]
1091     #[doc = ""]
1092     #[doc = " This is typically called in response to a user decision to minimize latency. In other words,"]
1093     #[doc = " call this from a button handler."]
1094     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe12LatencyTuner12requestResetEv"]
oboe_LatencyTuner_requestReset(this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner)1095     pub fn oboe_LatencyTuner_requestReset(this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner);
1096 }
1097 extern "C" {
1098     #[doc = " @return true if the audio stream's buffer size is at the maximum value. If no maximum value"]
1099     #[doc = " was specified when constructing the LatencyTuner then the value of"]
1100     #[doc = " stream->getBufferCapacityInFrames is used"]
1101     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe12LatencyTuner21isAtMaximumBufferSizeEv"]
oboe_LatencyTuner_isAtMaximumBufferSize(this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner) -> bool1102     pub fn oboe_LatencyTuner_isAtMaximumBufferSize(this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner) -> bool;
1103 }
1104 extern "C" {
1105     #[doc = " Construct a new LatencyTuner object which will act on the given audio stream"]
1106     #[doc = ""]
1107     #[doc = " @param stream the stream who's latency will be tuned"]
1108     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe12LatencyTunerC1ERNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_LatencyTuner_LatencyTuner( this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner, stream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, )1109     pub fn oboe_LatencyTuner_LatencyTuner(
1110         this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner,
1111         stream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1112     );
1113 }
1114 extern "C" {
1115     #[doc = " Construct a new LatencyTuner object which will act on the given audio stream."]
1116     #[doc = ""]
1117     #[doc = " @param stream the stream who's latency will be tuned"]
1118     #[doc = " @param the maximum buffer size which the tune() operation will set the buffer size to"]
1119     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe12LatencyTunerC1ERNS_11AudioStreamEi"]
oboe_LatencyTuner_LatencyTuner1( this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner, stream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, maximumBufferSize: i32, )1120     pub fn oboe_LatencyTuner_LatencyTuner1(
1121         this: *mut oboe_LatencyTuner,
1122         stream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1123         maximumBufferSize: i32,
1124     );
1125 }
1126 impl oboe_LatencyTuner {
1127     #[inline]
tune(&mut self) -> oboe_Result1128     pub unsafe fn tune(&mut self) -> oboe_Result {
1129         oboe_LatencyTuner_tune(self)
1130     }
1131     #[inline]
requestReset(&mut self)1132     pub unsafe fn requestReset(&mut self) {
1133         oboe_LatencyTuner_requestReset(self)
1134     }
1135     #[inline]
isAtMaximumBufferSize(&mut self) -> bool1136     pub unsafe fn isAtMaximumBufferSize(&mut self) -> bool {
1137         oboe_LatencyTuner_isAtMaximumBufferSize(self)
1138     }
1139     #[inline]
new(stream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> Self1140     pub unsafe fn new(stream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> Self {
1141         let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
1142         oboe_LatencyTuner_LatencyTuner(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), stream);
1143         __bindgen_tmp.assume_init()
1144     }
1145     #[inline]
new1(stream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, maximumBufferSize: i32) -> Self1146     pub unsafe fn new1(stream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, maximumBufferSize: i32) -> Self {
1147         let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
1148         oboe_LatencyTuner_LatencyTuner1(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), stream, maximumBufferSize);
1149         __bindgen_tmp.assume_init()
1150     }
1151 }
1152 pub const oboe_LatencyTuner_kIdleCount: i32 = 8;
1153 pub const oboe_LatencyTuner_kDefaultNumBursts: i32 = 2;
1154 extern "C" {
1155     #[doc = " Return the version of the SDK that is currently running."]
1156     #[doc = ""]
1157     #[doc = " For example, on Android, this would return 27 for Oreo 8.1."]
1158     #[doc = " If the version number cannot be determined then this will return -1."]
1159     #[doc = ""]
1160     #[doc = " @return version number or -1"]
1161     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe13getSdkVersionEv"]
oboe_getSdkVersion() -> ::std::os::raw::c_int1162     pub fn oboe_getSdkVersion() -> ::std::os::raw::c_int;
1163 }
1164 #[doc = " Oboe versioning object"]
1165 #[repr(C)]
1166 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
1167 pub struct oboe_Version {
1168     pub _address: u8,
1169 }
1170 #[doc = " This is incremented when we make breaking API changes. Based loosely on https://semver.org/."]
1171 pub const oboe_Version_Major: u8 = 1;
1172 #[doc = " This is incremented when we add backwards compatible functionality. Or set to zero when MAJOR is"]
1173 #[doc = " incremented."]
1174 pub const oboe_Version_Minor: u8 = 6;
1175 #[doc = " This is incremented when we make backwards compatible bug fixes. Or set to zero when MINOR is"]
1176 #[doc = " incremented."]
1177 pub const oboe_Version_Patch: u16 = 1;
1178 #[doc = " Version string in the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH."]
1179 pub const oboe_Version_Text: &'static [u8; 6usize] = b"1.6.1\0";
1180 #[doc = " Integer representation of the current Oboe library version. This will always increase when the"]
1181 #[doc = " version number changes so can be compared using integer comparison."]
1182 pub const oboe_Version_Number: u32 = 17170433;
1183 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_Version()1184 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_Version() {
1185     assert_eq!(
1186         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_Version>(),
1187         1usize,
1188         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_Version))
1189     );
1190     assert_eq!(
1191         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_Version>(),
1192         1usize,
1193         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_Version))
1194     );
1195 }
1196 #[repr(C)]
1197 #[derive(Debug)]
1198 pub struct oboe_StabilizedCallback {
1199     pub _base: oboe_AudioStreamCallback,
1200     pub mCallback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallback,
1201     pub mFrameCount: i64,
1202     pub mEpochTimeNanos: i64,
1203     pub mOpsPerNano: f64,
1204 }
1205 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_StabilizedCallback()1206 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_StabilizedCallback() {
1207     assert_eq!(
1208         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_StabilizedCallback>(),
1209         48usize,
1210         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_StabilizedCallback))
1211     );
1212     assert_eq!(
1213         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_StabilizedCallback>(),
1214         8usize,
1215         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_StabilizedCallback))
1216     );
1217     assert_eq!(
1218         unsafe {
1219             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_StabilizedCallback>())).mCallback as *const _ as usize
1220         },
1221         16usize,
1222         concat!(
1223             "Offset of field: ",
1224             stringify!(oboe_StabilizedCallback),
1225             "::",
1226             stringify!(mCallback)
1227         )
1228     );
1229     assert_eq!(
1230         unsafe {
1231             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_StabilizedCallback>())).mFrameCount as *const _ as usize
1232         },
1233         24usize,
1234         concat!(
1235             "Offset of field: ",
1236             stringify!(oboe_StabilizedCallback),
1237             "::",
1238             stringify!(mFrameCount)
1239         )
1240     );
1241     assert_eq!(
1242         unsafe {
1243             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_StabilizedCallback>())).mEpochTimeNanos as *const _ as usize
1244         },
1245         32usize,
1246         concat!(
1247             "Offset of field: ",
1248             stringify!(oboe_StabilizedCallback),
1249             "::",
1250             stringify!(mEpochTimeNanos)
1251         )
1252     );
1253     assert_eq!(
1254         unsafe {
1255             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_StabilizedCallback>())).mOpsPerNano as *const _ as usize
1256         },
1257         40usize,
1258         concat!(
1259             "Offset of field: ",
1260             stringify!(oboe_StabilizedCallback),
1261             "::",
1262             stringify!(mOpsPerNano)
1263         )
1264     );
1265 }
1266 extern "C" {
1267     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe18StabilizedCallbackC1EPNS_19AudioStreamCallbackE"]
oboe_StabilizedCallback_StabilizedCallback( this: *mut oboe_StabilizedCallback, callback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallback, )1268     pub fn oboe_StabilizedCallback_StabilizedCallback(
1269         this: *mut oboe_StabilizedCallback,
1270         callback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallback,
1271     );
1272 }
1273 impl oboe_StabilizedCallback {
1274     #[inline]
new(callback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallback) -> Self1275     pub unsafe fn new(callback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallback) -> Self {
1276         let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
1277         oboe_StabilizedCallback_StabilizedCallback(__bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(), callback);
1278         __bindgen_tmp.assume_init()
1279     }
1280 }
1281 extern "C" {
1282     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe18StabilizedCallback12onAudioReadyEPNS_11AudioStreamEPvi"]
oboe_StabilizedCallback_onAudioReady( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, numFrames: i32, ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult1283     pub fn oboe_StabilizedCallback_onAudioReady(
1284         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1285         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1286         audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1287         numFrames: i32,
1288     ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult;
1289 }
1290 pub type oboe_AudioReadyHandler = ::std::option::Option<
1291     unsafe extern "C" fn(
1292         context: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1293         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1294         audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1295         numFrames: i32,
1296     ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult,
1297 >;
1298 pub type oboe_ErrorCloseHandler = ::std::option::Option<
1299     unsafe extern "C" fn(
1300         context: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1301         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1302         error: oboe_Result,
1303     ),
1304 >;
1305 #[repr(C)]
1306 #[derive(Debug)]
1307 pub struct oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper {
1308     pub _base: oboe_AudioStreamCallback,
1309     pub _context: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1310     pub _audio_ready: oboe_AudioReadyHandler,
1311     pub _before_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler,
1312     pub _after_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler,
1313 }
1314 #[test]
bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper()1315 fn bindgen_test_layout_oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper() {
1316     assert_eq!(
1317         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper>(),
1318         48usize,
1319         concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper))
1320     );
1321     assert_eq!(
1322         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper>(),
1323         8usize,
1324         concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper))
1325     );
1326     assert_eq!(
1327         unsafe {
1328             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper>()))._context as *const _
1329                 as usize
1330         },
1331         16usize,
1332         concat!(
1333             "Offset of field: ",
1334             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper),
1335             "::",
1336             stringify!(_context)
1337         )
1338     );
1339     assert_eq!(
1340         unsafe {
1341             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper>()))._audio_ready as *const _
1342                 as usize
1343         },
1344         24usize,
1345         concat!(
1346             "Offset of field: ",
1347             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper),
1348             "::",
1349             stringify!(_audio_ready)
1350         )
1351     );
1352     assert_eq!(
1353         unsafe {
1354             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper>()))._before_close as *const _
1355                 as usize
1356         },
1357         32usize,
1358         concat!(
1359             "Offset of field: ",
1360             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper),
1361             "::",
1362             stringify!(_before_close)
1363         )
1364     );
1365     assert_eq!(
1366         unsafe {
1367             &(*(::std::ptr::null::<oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper>()))._after_close as *const _
1368                 as usize
1369         },
1370         40usize,
1371         concat!(
1372             "Offset of field: ",
1373             stringify!(oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper),
1374             "::",
1375             stringify!(_after_close)
1376         )
1377     );
1378 }
1379 extern "C" {
1380     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe26AudioStreamCallbackWrapper10setContextEPv"]
oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_setContext( this: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper, context: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, )1381     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_setContext(
1382         this: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper,
1383         context: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1384     );
1385 }
1386 extern "C" {
1387     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe26AudioStreamCallbackWrapperC1EPFNS_18DataCallbackResultEPvPNS_11AudioStreamES2_iEPFvS2_S4_NS_6ResultEES9_"]
oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper( this: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper, audio_ready: oboe_AudioReadyHandler, before_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler, after_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler, )1388     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper(
1389         this: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper,
1390         audio_ready: oboe_AudioReadyHandler,
1391         before_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler,
1392         after_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler,
1393     );
1394 }
1395 impl oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper {
1396     #[inline]
setContext(&mut self, context: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void)1397     pub unsafe fn setContext(&mut self, context: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) {
1398         oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_setContext(self, context)
1399     }
1400     #[inline]
new( audio_ready: oboe_AudioReadyHandler, before_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler, after_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler, ) -> Self1401     pub unsafe fn new(
1402         audio_ready: oboe_AudioReadyHandler,
1403         before_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler,
1404         after_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler,
1405     ) -> Self {
1406         let mut __bindgen_tmp = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
1407         oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper(
1408             __bindgen_tmp.as_mut_ptr(),
1409             audio_ready,
1410             before_close,
1411             after_close,
1412         );
1413         __bindgen_tmp.assume_init()
1414     }
1415 }
1416 extern "C" {
1417     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe26AudioStreamCallbackWrapper12onAudioReadyEPNS_11AudioStreamEPvi"]
oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_onAudioReady( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, numFrames: i32, ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult1418     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_onAudioReady(
1419         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1420         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1421         audioData: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1422         numFrames: i32,
1423     ) -> oboe_DataCallbackResult;
1424 }
1425 extern "C" {
1426     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZThn8_N4oboe26AudioStreamCallbackWrapper18onErrorBeforeCloseEPNS_11AudioStreamENS_6ResultE"]
oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_onErrorBeforeClose( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, error: oboe_Result, )1427     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_onErrorBeforeClose(
1428         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1429         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1430         error: oboe_Result,
1431     );
1432 }
1433 extern "C" {
1434     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZThn8_N4oboe26AudioStreamCallbackWrapper17onErrorAfterCloseEPNS_11AudioStreamENS_6ResultE"]
oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_onErrorAfterClose( this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, error: oboe_Result, )1435     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_onErrorAfterClose(
1436         this: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1437         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1438         error: oboe_Result,
1439     );
1440 }
1441 extern "C" {
1442     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe30AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_newEPFNS_18DataCallbackResultEPvPNS_11AudioStreamES1_iEPFvS1_S3_NS_6ResultEES8_"]
oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_new( audio_ready: oboe_AudioReadyHandler, before_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler, after_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler, ) -> *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper1443     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_new(
1444         audio_ready: oboe_AudioReadyHandler,
1445         before_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler,
1446         after_close: oboe_ErrorCloseHandler,
1447     ) -> *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper;
1448 }
1449 extern "C" {
1450     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe33AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_deleteEPNS_26AudioStreamCallbackWrapperE"]
oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_delete(callback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper)1451     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper_delete(callback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper);
1452 }
1453 extern "C" {
1454     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe22AudioStreamBuilder_newEv"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_new() -> *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder1455     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_new() -> *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder;
1456 }
1457 extern "C" {
1458     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe25AudioStreamBuilder_deleteEPNS_18AudioStreamBuilderE"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_delete(builder: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder)1459     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_delete(builder: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder);
1460 }
1461 extern "C" {
1462     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe30AudioStreamBuilder_setCallbackEPNS_18AudioStreamBuilderEPNS_26AudioStreamCallbackWrapperE"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_setCallback( builder: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder, callback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper, )1463     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_setCallback(
1464         builder: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder,
1465         callback: *mut oboe_AudioStreamCallbackWrapper,
1466     );
1467 }
1468 extern "C" {
1469     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe30AudioStreamBuilder_getAudioApiEPKNS_18AudioStreamBuilderE"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_getAudioApi( builder: *const oboe_AudioStreamBuilder, ) -> oboe_AudioApi1470     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_getAudioApi(
1471         builder: *const oboe_AudioStreamBuilder,
1472     ) -> oboe_AudioApi;
1473 }
1474 extern "C" {
1475     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe30AudioStreamBuilder_setAudioApiEPNS_18AudioStreamBuilderENS_8AudioApiE"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_setAudioApi( builder: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder, api: oboe_AudioApi, )1476     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_setAudioApi(
1477         builder: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder,
1478         api: oboe_AudioApi,
1479     );
1480 }
1481 extern "C" {
1482     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe26AudioStreamBuilder_getBaseEPNS_18AudioStreamBuilderE"]
oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_getBase( builder: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder, ) -> *mut oboe_AudioStreamBase1483     pub fn oboe_AudioStreamBuilder_getBase(
1484         builder: *mut oboe_AudioStreamBuilder,
1485     ) -> *mut oboe_AudioStreamBase;
1486 }
1487 extern "C" {
1488     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe18AudioStream_deleteEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_delete(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream)1489     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_delete(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream);
1490 }
1491 extern "C" {
1492     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe16AudioStream_openEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_open(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result1493     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_open(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result;
1494 }
1495 extern "C" {
1496     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe24AudioStream_requestStartEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_requestStart(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result1497     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_requestStart(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result;
1498 }
1499 extern "C" {
1500     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe24AudioStream_requestPauseEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_requestPause(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result1501     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_requestPause(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result;
1502 }
1503 extern "C" {
1504     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe24AudioStream_requestFlushEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_requestFlush(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result1505     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_requestFlush(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result;
1506 }
1507 extern "C" {
1508     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe23AudioStream_requestStopEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_requestStop(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result1509     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_requestStop(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_Result;
1510 }
1511 extern "C" {
1512     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe20AudioStream_getStateEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_getState(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_StreamState1513     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getState(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_StreamState;
1514 }
1515 extern "C" {
1516     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe30AudioStream_waitForStateChangeEPNS_11AudioStreamENS_11StreamStateEPS2_l"]
oboe_AudioStream_waitForStateChange( oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, inputState: oboe_StreamState, nextState: *mut oboe_StreamState, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_Result1517     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_waitForStateChange(
1518         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1519         inputState: oboe_StreamState,
1520         nextState: *mut oboe_StreamState,
1521         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
1522     ) -> oboe_Result;
1523 }
1524 extern "C" {
1525     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe33AudioStream_setBufferSizeInFramesEPNS_11AudioStreamEi"]
oboe_AudioStream_setBufferSizeInFrames( oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, requestedFrames: i32, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>1526     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_setBufferSizeInFrames(
1527         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1528         requestedFrames: i32,
1529     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>;
1530 }
1531 extern "C" {
1532     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe24AudioStream_getXRunCountEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_getXRunCount( oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>1533     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getXRunCount(
1534         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1535     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>;
1536 }
1537 extern "C" {
1538     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe32AudioStream_isXRunCountSupportedEPKNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_isXRunCountSupported(oboeStream: *const oboe_AudioStream) -> bool1539     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_isXRunCountSupported(oboeStream: *const oboe_AudioStream) -> bool;
1540 }
1541 extern "C" {
1542     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe29AudioStream_getFramesPerBurstEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_getFramesPerBurst(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> i321543     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getFramesPerBurst(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> i32;
1544 }
1545 extern "C" {
1546     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe34AudioStream_calculateLatencyMillisEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_calculateLatencyMillis( oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<f64>1547     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_calculateLatencyMillis(
1548         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1549     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<f64>;
1550 }
1551 extern "C" {
1552     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe23AudioStream_getAudioApiEPKNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_getAudioApi(oboeStream: *const oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_AudioApi1553     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getAudioApi(oboeStream: *const oboe_AudioStream) -> oboe_AudioApi;
1554 }
1555 extern "C" {
1556     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe16AudioStream_readEPNS_11AudioStreamEPvil"]
oboe_AudioStream_read( oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, buffer: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, numFrames: i32, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>1557     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_read(
1558         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1559         buffer: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1560         numFrames: i32,
1561         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
1562     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>;
1563 }
1564 extern "C" {
1565     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe17AudioStream_writeEPNS_11AudioStreamEPKvil"]
oboe_AudioStream_write( oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream, buffer: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void, numFrames: i32, timeoutNanoseconds: i64, ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>1566     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_write(
1567         oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream,
1568         buffer: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void,
1569         numFrames: i32,
1570         timeoutNanoseconds: i64,
1571     ) -> oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>;
1572 }
1573 extern "C" {
1574     #[link_name = "\u{1}_ZN4oboe19AudioStream_getBaseEPNS_11AudioStreamE"]
oboe_AudioStream_getBase(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream) -> *mut oboe_AudioStreamBase1575     pub fn oboe_AudioStream_getBase(oboeStream: *mut oboe_AudioStream)
1576         -> *mut oboe_AudioStreamBase;
1577 }
1578 pub type __kernel_clockid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int;
1579 pub type __clockid_t = __kernel_clockid_t;
1580 pub type clockid_t = __clockid_t;
1581 #[test]
__bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation()1582 fn __bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation() {
1583     assert_eq!(
1584         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1585         8usize,
1586         concat!(
1587             "Size of template specialization: ",
1588             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1589         )
1590     );
1591     assert_eq!(
1592         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1593         4usize,
1594         concat!(
1595             "Alignment of template specialization: ",
1596             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1597         )
1598     );
1599 }
1600 #[test]
__bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_1()1601 fn __bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_1() {
1602     assert_eq!(
1603         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1604         8usize,
1605         concat!(
1606             "Size of template specialization: ",
1607             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1608         )
1609     );
1610     assert_eq!(
1611         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1612         4usize,
1613         concat!(
1614             "Alignment of template specialization: ",
1615             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1616         )
1617     );
1618 }
1619 #[test]
__bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_2()1620 fn __bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_2() {
1621     assert_eq!(
1622         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1623         8usize,
1624         concat!(
1625             "Size of template specialization: ",
1626             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1627         )
1628     );
1629     assert_eq!(
1630         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1631         4usize,
1632         concat!(
1633             "Alignment of template specialization: ",
1634             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1635         )
1636     );
1637 }
1638 #[test]
__bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_3()1639 fn __bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_3() {
1640     assert_eq!(
1641         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1642         8usize,
1643         concat!(
1644             "Size of template specialization: ",
1645             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1646         )
1647     );
1648     assert_eq!(
1649         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1650         4usize,
1651         concat!(
1652             "Alignment of template specialization: ",
1653             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1654         )
1655     );
1656 }
1657 #[test]
__bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_double_close0_instantiation()1658 fn __bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_double_close0_instantiation() {
1659     assert_eq!(
1660         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<f64>>(),
1661         16usize,
1662         concat!(
1663             "Size of template specialization: ",
1664             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<f64>)
1665         )
1666     );
1667     assert_eq!(
1668         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<f64>>(),
1669         8usize,
1670         concat!(
1671             "Alignment of template specialization: ",
1672             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<f64>)
1673         )
1674     );
1675 }
1676 #[test]
__bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_4()1677 fn __bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_4() {
1678     assert_eq!(
1679         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1680         8usize,
1681         concat!(
1682             "Size of template specialization: ",
1683             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1684         )
1685     );
1686     assert_eq!(
1687         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1688         4usize,
1689         concat!(
1690             "Alignment of template specialization: ",
1691             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1692         )
1693     );
1694 }
1695 #[test]
__bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_5()1696 fn __bindgen_test_layout_oboe_ResultWithValue_open0_int32_t_close0_instantiation_5() {
1697     assert_eq!(
1698         ::std::mem::size_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1699         8usize,
1700         concat!(
1701             "Size of template specialization: ",
1702             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1703         )
1704     );
1705     assert_eq!(
1706         ::std::mem::align_of::<oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>>(),
1707         4usize,
1708         concat!(
1709             "Alignment of template specialization: ",
1710             stringify!(oboe_ResultWithValue<i32>)
1711         )
1712     );
1713 }