1 #![allow(unused_imports)]
2 use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
3 #[wasm_bindgen]
4 #[doc = "The `ImageBitmapFormat` enum."]
5 #[doc = ""]
6 #[doc = "*This API requires the following crate features to be activated: `ImageBitmapFormat`*"]
7 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
8 pub enum ImageBitmapFormat {
9     Rgba32 = "RGBA32",
10     Bgra32 = "BGRA32",
11     Rgb24 = "RGB24",
12     Bgr24 = "BGR24",
13     Gray8 = "GRAY8",
14     Yuv444p = "YUV444P",
15     Yuv422p = "YUV422P",
16     Yuv420p = "YUV420P",
17     Yuv420spNv12 = "YUV420SP_NV12",
18     Yuv420spNv21 = "YUV420SP_NV21",
19     Hsv = "HSV",
20     Lab = "Lab",
21     Depth = "DEPTH",
22 }