1 /* Sound_to_Harmonicity_GNE.cpp
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 1999-2012,2015-2021 Paul Boersma
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
8  * your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this work. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 /* a replication of:
20     D. Michaelis, T. Gramss & H.W. Strube (1997):
21        "Glottal-to-noise excitation ratio -- a new measure
22         for describing pathological voices."
23        ACUSTICA - acta acustica 83: 700-706.
24  henceforth abbreviated as "MGS".
25 */
27 #include "Sound_to_Harmonicity.h"
28 #include "Sound_and_LPC.h"
29 #include "Sound_and_Spectrum.h"
bandFilter(Spectrum me,double fmid,double bandwidth)31 static void bandFilter (Spectrum me, double fmid, double bandwidth) {
32 	double *re = & my z [1] [0], *im = & my z [2] [0];
33 	double fmin = fmid - bandwidth / 2.0, fmax = fmid + bandwidth / 2.0;
34 	double twopibybandwidth = 2.0 * NUMpi / bandwidth;
35 	for (integer col = 1; col <= my nx; col ++) {
36 		double x = my x1 + (col - 1) * my dx;
37 		if (x < fmin || x > fmax) {
38 			re [col] = 0.0;
39 			im [col] = 0.0;
40 		} else {
41 			double factor = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos (twopibybandwidth * (x - fmid));
42 			re [col] *= factor;
43 			im [col] *= factor;
44 		}
45 	}
46 }
Sound_to_Harmonicity_GNE(Sound me,double fmin,double fmax,double bandwidth,double step)48 autoMatrix Sound_to_Harmonicity_GNE (Sound me,
49 	double fmin,   // 500 Hz
50 	double fmax,   // 4500 Hz
51 	double bandwidth,  // 1000 Hz
52 	double step)   // 80 Hz
53 {
54 	try {
55 		autoSound envelope [1+100];
56 		integer nenvelopes = Melder_ifloor ((fmax - fmin) / step);
57 		for (integer ienvelope = 1; ienvelope <= 100; ienvelope ++)
58 			Melder_assert (! envelope [ienvelope].get());
60 		/*
61 		 * Step 1: down-sampling to 10 kHz,
62 		 * in order to be able to flatten the spectrum
63 		 * (since the human voice does not contain much above 5 kHz).
64 		 */
65 		autoSound original10k = Sound_resample (me, 10000, 500);
66 		Vector_subtractMean (original10k.get());
67 		double duration = my xmax - my xmin;
69 		/*
70 		 * Step 2: inverse filtering of the speech signal
71 		 * by 13th-order "autocorrelation method"
72 		 * with a Gaussian (not Hann, like MGS!) window of 30 ms length
73 		 * and 10 ms shift between successive frames.
74 		 * Since we need a spectrally flat signal (not an approximation
75 		 * of the source signal), we must turn the pre-emphasis off
76 		 * (by setting its turnover point at 1,000,000,000 Hz);
77 		 * otherwise, the pre-emphasis would cause an overestimation
78 		 * in the LPC object of the high frequencies, so that inverse
79 		 * filtering would yield weakened high frequencies.
80 		 */
81 		autoLPC lpc = Sound_to_LPC_autocorrelation (original10k.get(), 13, 30e-3, 10e-3, 1e9);
82 		autoSound flat = LPC_Sound_filterInverse (lpc.get(), original10k.get());
83 		autoSpectrum flatSpectrum = Sound_to_Spectrum (flat.get(), true);
84 		autoSpectrum hilbertSpectrum = Data_copy (flatSpectrum.get());
85 		for (integer col = 1; col <= hilbertSpectrum -> nx; col ++) {
86 			hilbertSpectrum -> z [1] [col] = flatSpectrum -> z [2] [col];
87 			hilbertSpectrum -> z [2] [col] = - flatSpectrum -> z [1] [col];
88 		}
89 		double fmid = fmin;
90 		integer ienvelope = 1;
91 		autoMelderMonitor monitor (U"Computing Hilbert envelopes...");
92 		while (fmid <= fmax) {
93 			/*
94 			 * Step 3: calculate Hilbert envelopes of bands.
95 			 */
96 			autoSpectrum bandSpectrum = Data_copy (flatSpectrum.get());
97 			autoSpectrum hilbertBandSpectrum = Data_copy (hilbertSpectrum.get());
98 			/*
99 			 * 3a: Filter both the spectrum of the original flat sound and its Hilbert transform.
100 			 */
101 			bandFilter (bandSpectrum.get(), fmid, bandwidth);
102 			bandFilter (hilbertBandSpectrum.get(), fmid, bandwidth);
103 			/*
104 			 * 3b: Create both the band-filtered flat sound and its Hilbert transform.
105 			 */
106 			autoSound band = Spectrum_to_Sound (bandSpectrum.get());
107 			/*if (graphics) {
108 				Graphics_beginMovieFrame (graphics, & Melder_WHITE);
109 				Spectrum_draw (bandSpectrum, graphics, 0, 5000, 0, 0, true);
110 				Graphics_endMovieFrame (graphics, 0.0);
111 			}*/
112 			Melder_monitor (ienvelope / (nenvelopes + 1.0), U"Computing Hilbert envelope ", ienvelope, U"...");
113 			autoSound hilbertBand = Spectrum_to_Sound (hilbertBandSpectrum.get());
114 			envelope [ienvelope] = Sound_extractPart (band.get(), 0, duration, kSound_windowShape::RECTANGULAR, 1.0, true);
115 			/*
116 			 * 3c: Compute the Hilbert envelope of the band-passed flat signal.
117 			 */
118 			for (integer col = 1; col <= envelope [ienvelope] -> nx; col ++) {
119 				double self = envelope [ienvelope] -> z [1] [col], other = hilbertBand -> z [1] [col];
120 				envelope [ienvelope] -> z [1] [col] = hypot (self, other);
121 			}
122 			Vector_subtractMean (envelope [ienvelope].get());
123 			/*
124 			 * Next band.
125 			 */
126 			fmid += step;
127 			ienvelope += 1;
128 		}
130 		/*
131 		 * Step 4: crosscorrelation
132 		 */
133 		nenvelopes = ienvelope - 1;
134 		autoMatrix cc = Matrix_createSimple (nenvelopes, nenvelopes);
135 		for (integer row = 2; row <= nenvelopes; row ++) {
136 			for (integer col = 1; col <= row - 1; col ++) {
137 				autoSound crossCorrelation = Sounds_crossCorrelate_short (envelope [row].get(), envelope [col].get(), -3.1e-4, 3.1e-4, true);
138 				/*
139 				 * Step 5: the maximum of each correlation function
140 				 */
141 				double ccmax = Vector_getMaximum (crossCorrelation.get(), 0.0, 0.0, kVector_peakInterpolation :: NONE);
142 				cc -> z [row] [col] = ccmax;
143 			}
144 		}
146 		/*
147 		 * Step 6: maximum of the maxima, ignoring those too close to the diagonal.
148 		 */
149 		for (integer row = 2; row <= nenvelopes; row ++) {
150 			for (integer col = 1; col <= row - 1; col ++) {
151 				if (integer_abs (row - col) < bandwidth / 2.0 / step) {
152 					cc -> z [row] [col] = 0.0;
153 				}
154 			}
155 		}
157 		return cc;
158 	} catch (MelderError) {
159 		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Harmonicity (GNE).");
160 	}
161 }
163 /* End of file Sound_to_Harmonicity_GNE.cpp */