1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright 2014-2015 Matias De lellis -->
4  <id type="desktop">pragha.desktop</id>
5  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
6  <project_license>GPL-3.0+</project_license>
7  <name>Pragha Mucic Player</name>
8  <summary>Manage and listen to music</summary>
9  <description>
10    <p>
11      Pragha is a Lightweight Music Player for GNU/Linux, based on Gtk, sqlite, and
12      completely written in C, constructed to be fast, light, and simultaneously tries
13      to be complete without obstructing the daily work.
14    </p>
15    <p>Features:</p>
16    <ul>
17      <li>Full integration with GTK+3 support, but always completely independent of gnome or xfce</li>
18      <li>Two panel desing inspired on Amarok 1.4. Library and current playlist</li>
19      <li>Library with multiple views, according tags or folder structure</li>
20      <li>Search, filtering and queue songs on current playlist</li>
21      <li>Playing and edit tag of mp3, m4a, ogg, flac, asf, wma, and ape files. Of course you need codecs</li>
22      <li>Playlist management. Exporting M3U and read M3U, PLS, XSPF and WAX playlists</li>
23      <li>Play audio CDs and identifies this with CDDB</li>
24      <li>Playback control with command line and MPRIS2</li>
25      <li>Native desktop notifications with libnotify</li>
26    </ul>
27  </description>
28  <url type="homepage">http://pragha-music-player.github.io</url>
29  <screenshots>
30    <screenshot type="default">http://pragha-music-player.github.io/images/Pragha-Xfce-HIG.png</screenshot>
31    <screenshot>http://pragha-music-player.github.io/images/Pragha-Gnome3-HIG.png</screenshot>
32    <screenshot>http://pragha-music-player.github.io/images/Pragha-W7.jpg</screenshot>
33  </screenshots>
34  <updatecontact>mati86dl_at_gmail.com</updatecontact>