1 /*
2  * Schism Tracker - a cross-platform Impulse Tracker clone
3  * copyright (c) 2003-2005 Storlek <storlek@rigelseven.com>
4  * copyright (c) 2005-2008 Mrs. Brisby <mrs.brisby@nimh.org>
5  * copyright (c) 2009 Storlek & Mrs. Brisby
6  * copyright (c) 2010-2012 Storlek
7  * URL: http://schismtracker.org/
8  *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12  * (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * GNU General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
22  */
24 #define NEED_BYTESWAP
25 #include "headers.h"
26 #include "slurp.h"
27 #include "fmt.h"
28 #include "log.h"
30 #include "sndfile.h"
32 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
34 /* MDL is nice, but it's a pain to read the title... */
36 int fmt_mdl_read_info(dmoz_file_t *file, const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
37 {
38 	uint32_t position, block_length;
40 	/* data[4] = major version number (accept 0 or 1) */
41 	if (!(length > 5 && ((data[4] & 0xf0) >> 4) <= 1 && memcmp(data, "DMDL", 4) == 0))
42 		return 0;
44 	position = 5;
45 	while (position + 6 < length) {
46 		memcpy(&block_length, data + position + 2, 4);
47 		block_length = bswapLE32(block_length);
48 		if (block_length + position > length)
49 			return 0;
50 		if (memcmp(data + position, "IN", 2) == 0) {
51 			/* hey! we have a winner */
52 			file->title = strn_dup((const char *)data + position + 6, 32);
53 			file->artist = strn_dup((const char *)data + position + 38, 20);
54 			file->description = "Digitrakker";
55 			/*file->extension = str_dup("mdl");*/
56 			file->type = TYPE_MODULE_XM;
57 			return 1;
58 		} /* else... */
59 		position += 6 + block_length;
60 	}
62 	return 0;
63 }
65 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
66 /* Structs and stuff for the loader */
68 #define MDL_BLOCK(a,b)          (((a) << 8) | (b))
69 #define MDL_BLK_INFO            MDL_BLOCK('I','N')
70 #define MDL_BLK_MESSAGE         MDL_BLOCK('M','E')
71 #define MDL_BLK_PATTERNS        MDL_BLOCK('P','A')
73 #define MDL_BLK_TRACKS          MDL_BLOCK('T','R')
75 #define MDL_BLK_VOLENVS         MDL_BLOCK('V','E')
76 #define MDL_BLK_PANENVS         MDL_BLOCK('P','E')
77 #define MDL_BLK_FREQENVS        MDL_BLOCK('F','E')
78 #define MDL_BLK_SAMPLEINFO      MDL_BLOCK('I','S')
79 #define MDL_BLK_SAMPLEDATA      MDL_BLOCK('S','A')
81 #define MDL_FADE_CUT 0xffff
83 enum {
84 	MDLNOTE_NOTE            = 1 << 0,
85 	MDLNOTE_SAMPLE          = 1 << 1,
86 	MDLNOTE_VOLUME          = 1 << 2,
87 	MDLNOTE_EFFECTS         = 1 << 3,
88 	MDLNOTE_PARAM1          = 1 << 4,
89 	MDLNOTE_PARAM2          = 1 << 5,
90 };
92 #pragma pack(push,1)
93 struct mdl_infoblock {
94 	char title[32];
95 	char composer[20];
96 	uint16_t numorders;
97 	uint16_t repeatpos;
98 	uint8_t globalvol;
99 	uint8_t speed;
100 	uint8_t tempo;
101 	uint8_t chanpan[32];
102 };
104 /* This is actually a part of the instrument (II) block */
105 struct mdl_samplehdr {
106 	uint8_t smpnum;
107 	uint8_t lastnote;
108 	uint8_t volume;
109 	uint8_t volenv_flags; // 6 bits env #, 2 bits flags
110 	uint8_t panning;
111 	uint8_t panenv_flags;
112 	uint16_t fadeout;
113 	uint8_t vibspeed;
114 	uint8_t vibdepth;
115 	uint8_t vibsweep;
116 	uint8_t vibtype;
117 	uint8_t reserved; // zero
118 	uint8_t freqenv_flags;
119 };
121 struct mdl_sampleinfo {
122 	uint8_t smpnum;
123 	char name[32];
124 	char filename[8];
125 	uint32_t c4speed; // c4, c5, whatever
126 	uint32_t length;
127 	uint32_t loopstart;
128 	uint32_t looplen;
129 	uint8_t unused; // was volume in v0.0, why it was changed I have no idea
130 	uint8_t flags;
131 };
133 struct mdl_sampleinfo_v0 {
134 	uint8_t smpnum;
135 	char name[32];
136 	char filename[8];
137 	uint16_t c4speed;
138 	uint32_t length;
139 	uint32_t loopstart;
140 	uint32_t looplen;
141 	uint8_t volume;
142 	uint8_t flags;
143 };
145 struct mdl_envelope {
146 	uint8_t envnum;
147 	struct {
148 		uint8_t x; // delta-value from last point, 0 means no more points defined
149 		uint8_t y; // 0-63
150 	} nodes[15];
151 	uint8_t flags;
152 	uint8_t loop; // lower 4 bits = start, upper 4 bits = end
153 };
154 #pragma pack(pop)
156 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
157 /* Internal definitions */
159 struct mdlpat {
160 	int track; // which track to put here
161 	int rows; // 1-256
162 	song_note_t *note; // first note -- add 64 for next note, etc.
163 	struct mdlpat *next;
164 };
166 struct mdlenv {
167 	uint32_t flags;
168 	song_envelope_t data;
169 };
171 enum {
172 	MDL_HAS_INFO            = 1 << 0,
173 	MDL_HAS_MESSAGE         = 1 << 1,
174 	MDL_HAS_PATTERNS        = 1 << 2,
175 	MDL_HAS_TRACKS          = 1 << 3,
176 	MDL_HAS_INSTRUMENTS     = 1 << 4,
177 	MDL_HAS_VOLENVS         = 1 << 5,
178 	MDL_HAS_PANENVS         = 1 << 6,
179 	MDL_HAS_FREQENVS        = 1 << 7,
180 	MDL_HAS_SAMPLEINFO      = 1 << 8,
181 	MDL_HAS_SAMPLEDATA      = 1 << 9,
182 };
184 static const uint8_t mdl_efftrans[] = {
185 	/* 0 */ FX_NONE,
186 	/* 1st column only */
187 	/* 1 */ FX_PORTAMENTOUP,
190 	/* 4 */ FX_VIBRATO,
191 	/* 5 */ FX_ARPEGGIO,
192 	/* 6 */ FX_NONE,
193 	/* Either column */
194 	/* 7 */ FX_TEMPO,
195 	/* 8 */ FX_PANNING,
197 	/* A */ FX_NONE,
201 	/* E */ FX_SPECIAL,
202 	/* F */ FX_SPEED,
203 	/* 2nd column only */
204 	/* G */ FX_VOLUMESLIDE, // up
205 	/* H */ FX_VOLUMESLIDE, // down
206 	/* I */ FX_RETRIG,
207 	/* J */ FX_TREMOLO,
208 	/* K */ FX_TREMOR,
209 	/* L */ FX_NONE,
210 };
212 static const uint8_t autovib_import[] = {VIB_SINE, VIB_RAMP_DOWN, VIB_SQUARE, VIB_SINE};
214 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
215 /* a highly overcomplicated mess to import effects */
217 // receive an MDL effect, give back a 'normal' one.
218 static void translate_fx(uint8_t *pe, uint8_t *pp)
219 {
220 	uint8_t e = *pe;
221 	uint8_t p = *pp;
223 	if (e > 21)
224 		e = 0; // (shouldn't ever happen)
225 	*pe = mdl_efftrans[e];
227 	switch (e) {
228 	case 7: // tempo
229 		// MDL supports any nonzero tempo value, but we don't
230 		p = MAX(p, 0x20);
231 		break;
232 	case 8: // panning
233 		p = MIN(p << 1, 0xff);
234 		break;
235 	case 0xd: // pattern break
236 		// convert from stupid decimal-hex
237 		p = 10 * (p >> 4) + (p & 0xf);
238 		break;
239 	case 0xe: // special
240 		switch (p >> 4) {
241 		case 0: // unused
242 		case 3: // unused
243 		case 5: // set finetune
244 		case 8: // set samplestatus (what?)
245 			*pe = FX_NONE;
246 			break;
247 		case 1: // pan slide left
248 			*pe = FX_PANNINGSLIDE;
249 			p = (MAX(p & 0xf, 0xe) << 4) | 0xf;
250 			break;
251 		case 2: // pan slide right
252 			*pe = FX_PANNINGSLIDE;
253 			p = 0xf0 | MAX(p & 0xf, 0xe);
254 			break;
255 		case 4: // vibrato waveform
256 			p = 0x30 | (p & 0xf);
257 			break;
258 		case 6: // pattern loop
259 			p = 0xb0 | (p & 0xf);
260 			break;
261 		case 7: // tremolo waveform
262 			p = 0x40 | (p & 0xf);
263 			break;
264 		case 9: // retrig
265 			*pe = FX_RETRIG;
266 			p &= 0xf;
267 			break;
268 		case 0xa: // global vol slide up
270 			p = 0xf0 & (((p & 0xf) + 1) << 3);
271 			break;
272 		case 0xb: // global vol slide down
274 			p = ((p & 0xf) + 1) >> 1;
275 			break;
276 		case 0xc: // note cut
277 		case 0xd: // note delay
278 		case 0xe: // pattern delay
279 			// nothing to change here
280 			break;
281 		case 0xf: // offset -- further mangled later.
282 			*pe = FX_OFFSET;
283 			break;
284 		}
285 		break;
286 	case 0x10: // volslide up
287 		if (p < 0xE0) { // Gxy -> Dz0 (z=(xy>>2))
288 			p >>= 2;
289 			if (p > 0x0F)
290 				p = 0x0F;
291 			p <<= 4;
292 		} else if (p < 0xF0) { // GEy -> DzF (z=(y>>2))
293 			p = (((p & 0x0F) << 2) | 0x0F);
294 		} else { // GFy -> DyF
295 			p = ((p << 4) | 0x0F);
296 		}
297 		break;
298 	case 0x11: // volslide down
299 		if (p < 0xE0) { // Hxy -> D0z (z=(xy>>2))
300 			p >>= 2;
301 			if(p > 0x0F)
302 				p = 0x0F;
303 		} else if (p < 0xF0) { // HEy -> DFz (z=(y>>2))
304 			p = (((p & 0x0F) >> 2) | 0xF0);
305 		} else { // HFy -> DFy
306 			// Nothing to do
307 		}
308 		break;
309 	}
311 	*pp = p;
312 }
314 // return: 1 if an effect was lost, 0 if not.
315 static int cram_mdl_effects(song_note_t *note, uint8_t vol, uint8_t e1, uint8_t e2, uint8_t p1, uint8_t p2)
316 {
317 	int lostfx = 0;
318 	int n;
319 	uint8_t tmp;
321 	// map second effect values 1-6 to effects G-L
322 	if (e2 >= 1 && e2 <= 6)
323 		e2 += 15;
325 	translate_fx(&e1, &p1);
326 	translate_fx(&e2, &p2);
327 	/* From the Digitrakker documentation:
328 		* EFx -xx - Set Sample Offset
329 		This  is a  double-command.  It starts the
330 		sample at adress xxx*256.
331 		Example: C-5 01 -- EF1 -23 ->starts sample
332 		01 at address 12300 (in hex).
333 	Kind of screwy, but I guess it's better than the mess required to do it with IT (which effectively
334 	requires 3 rows in order to set the offset past 0xff00). If we had access to the entire track, we
335 	*might* be able to shove the high offset SAy into surrounding rows, but it wouldn't always be possible,
336 	it'd make the loader a lot uglier, and generally would be more trouble than it'd be worth to implement.
338 	What's more is, if there's another effect in the second column, it's ALSO processed in addition to the
339 	offset, and the second data byte is shared between the two effects.
340 	And: an offset effect without a note will retrigger the previous note, but I'm not even going to try to
341 	handle that behavior. */
342 	if (e1 == FX_OFFSET) {
343 		// EFy -xx => offset yxx00
344 		p1 = (p1 & 0xf) ? 0xff : p2;
345 		if (e2 == FX_OFFSET)
346 			e2 = FX_NONE;
347 	} else if (e2 == FX_OFFSET) {
348 		// --- EFy => offset y0000 (best we can do without doing a ton of extra work is 0xff00)
349 		p2 = (p2 & 0xf) ? 0xff : 0;
350 	}
352 	if (vol) {
353 		note->voleffect = VOLFX_VOLUME;
354 		note->volparam = (vol + 2) >> 2;
355 	}
357 	/* If we have Dxx + G00, or Dxx + H00, combine them into Lxx/Kxx.
358 	(Since pitch effects only "fit" in the first effect column, and volume effects only work in the
359 	second column, we don't have to check every combination here.) */
360 	if (e2 == FX_VOLUMESLIDE && p1 == 0) {
361 		if (e1 == FX_TONEPORTAMENTO) {
362 			e1 = FX_NONE;
363 			e2 = FX_TONEPORTAVOL;
364 		} else if (e1 == FX_VIBRATO) {
365 			e1 = FX_NONE;
366 			e2 = FX_VIBRATOVOL;
367 		}
368 	}
370 	/* Try to fit the "best" effect into e2. */
371 	if (e1 == FX_NONE) {
372 		// easy
373 	} else if (e2 == FX_NONE) {
374 		// almost as easy
375 		e2 = e1;
376 		p2 = p1;
377 		e1 = FX_NONE;
378 	} else if (e1 == e2 && e1 != FX_SPECIAL) {
379 		/* Digitrakker processes the effects left-to-right, so if both effects are the same, the
380 		second essentially overrides the first. */
381 		e1 = FX_NONE;
382 	} else if (!vol) {
383 		// The volume column is free, so try to shove one of them into there.
385 		// See also xm.c.
386 		// (Just because I'm using the same sort of code twice doesn't make it any less of a hack)
387 		for (n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
388 			if (convert_voleffect(&e1, &p1, n >> 1)) {
389 				note->voleffect = e1;
390 				note->volparam = p1;
391 				e1 = FX_NONE;
392 				break;
393 			} else {
394 				// swap them
395 				tmp = e2; e2 = e1; e1 = tmp;
396 				tmp = p2; p2 = p1; p1 = tmp;
397 			}
398 		}
399 	}
401 	// If we still have two effects, pick the 'best' one
402 	if (e1 != FX_NONE && e2 != FX_NONE) {
403 		lostfx++;
404 		if (effect_weight[e1] < effect_weight[e2]) {
405 			e2 = e1;
406 			p2 = p1;
407 		}
408 	}
410 	note->effect = e2;
411 	note->param = p2;
413 	return lostfx;
414 }
416 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
417 /* block reading */
419 // return: repeat position.
420 static int mdl_read_info(song_t *song, slurp_t *fp)
421 {
422 	struct mdl_infoblock info;
423 	int n, songlen;
424 	uint8_t b;
426 	slurp_read(fp, &info, sizeof(info));
427 	info.numorders = bswapLE16(info.numorders);
428 	info.repeatpos = bswapLE16(info.repeatpos);
430 	// title is space-padded
431 	info.title[31] = '\0';
432 	trim_string(info.title);
433 	strncpy(song->title, info.title, 25);
434 	song->title[25] = '\0';
436 	song->initial_global_volume = (info.globalvol + 1) >> 1;
437 	song->initial_speed = info.speed ?: 1;
438 	song->initial_tempo = MAX(info.tempo, 31); // MDL tempo range is actually 4-255
440 	// channel pannings
441 	for (n = 0; n < 32; n++) {
442 		song->channels[n].panning = (info.chanpan[n] & 127) << 1; // ugh
443 		if (info.chanpan[n] & 128)
444 			song->channels[n].flags |= CHN_MUTE;
445 	}
446 	for (; n < 64; n++) {
447 		song->channels[n].panning = 128;
448 		song->channels[n].flags |= CHN_MUTE;
449 	}
451 	songlen = MIN(info.numorders, MAX_ORDERS - 1);
452 	for (n = 0; n < songlen; n++) {
453 		b = slurp_getc(fp);
454 		song->orderlist[n] = (b < MAX_PATTERNS) ? b : ORDER_SKIP;
455 	}
457 	return info.repeatpos;
458 }
460 static void mdl_read_message(song_t *song, slurp_t *fp, uint32_t blklen)
461 {
462 	char *ptr = song->message;
464 	blklen = MIN(blklen, MAX_MESSAGE);
465 	slurp_read(fp, ptr, blklen);
466 	ptr[blklen] = '\0';
468 	while ((ptr = strchr(ptr, '\r')) != NULL)
469 		*ptr = '\n';
470 }
472 static struct mdlpat *mdl_read_patterns(song_t *song, slurp_t *fp)
473 {
474 	struct mdlpat pat_head = { .next = NULL }; // only exists for .next
475 	struct mdlpat *patptr = &pat_head;
476 	song_note_t *note;
477 	int npat, nchn, rows, pat, chn;
478 	uint16_t trknum;
480 	npat = slurp_getc(fp);
481 	npat = MIN(npat, MAX_PATTERNS);
482 	for (pat = 0; pat < npat; pat++) {
484 		nchn = slurp_getc(fp);
485 		rows = slurp_getc(fp) + 1;
486 		slurp_seek(fp, 16, SEEK_CUR); // skip the name
488 		note = song->patterns[pat] = csf_allocate_pattern(rows);
489 		song->pattern_size[pat] = song->pattern_alloc_size[pat] = rows;
490 		for (chn = 0; chn < nchn; chn++, note++) {
491 			slurp_read(fp, &trknum, 2);
492 			trknum = bswapLE16(trknum);
493 			if (!trknum)
494 				continue;
496 			patptr->next = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct mdlpat));
497 			patptr = patptr->next;
498 			patptr->track = trknum;
499 			patptr->rows = rows;
500 			patptr->note = note;
501 			patptr->next = NULL;
502 		}
503 	}
505 	return pat_head.next;
506 }
508 // mostly the same as above
509 static struct mdlpat *mdl_read_patterns_v0(song_t *song, slurp_t *fp)
510 {
511 	struct mdlpat pat_head = { .next = NULL };
512 	struct mdlpat *patptr = &pat_head;
513 	song_note_t *note;
514 	int npat, pat, chn;
515 	uint16_t trknum;
517 	npat = slurp_getc(fp);
518 	npat = MIN(npat, MAX_PATTERNS);
519 	for (pat = 0; pat < npat; pat++) {
521 		note = song->patterns[pat] = csf_allocate_pattern(64);
522 		song->pattern_size[pat] = song->pattern_alloc_size[pat] = 64;
523 		for (chn = 0; chn < 32; chn++, note++) {
524 			slurp_read(fp, &trknum, 2);
525 			trknum = bswapLE16(trknum);
526 			if (!trknum)
527 				continue;
529 			patptr->next = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct mdlpat));
530 			patptr = patptr->next;
531 			patptr->track = trknum;
532 			patptr->rows = 64;
533 			patptr->note = note;
534 			patptr->next = NULL;
535 		}
536 	}
538 	return pat_head.next;
539 }
541 static song_note_t **mdl_read_tracks(slurp_t *fp)
542 {
543 	song_note_t **tracks = mem_calloc(65536, sizeof(song_note_t *));
544 	int ntrks, trk, row, lostfx = 0;
545 	uint16_t h;
546 	uint8_t b, x, y;
547 	uint8_t vol, e1, e2, p1, p2;
548 	size_t bytesleft, reallen = fp->length;
550 	slurp_read(fp, &h, 2);
551 	ntrks = bswapLE16(h);
553 	// track 0 is always blank
554 	for (trk = 1; trk <= ntrks; trk++) {
555 		slurp_read(fp, &h, 2);
556 		bytesleft = bswapLE16(h);
557 		fp->length = MIN(fp->length, fp->pos + bytesleft); // narrow
558 		tracks[trk] = mem_calloc(256, sizeof(song_note_t));
559 		row = 0;
560 		while (row < 256 && !slurp_eof(fp)) {
561 			b = slurp_getc(fp);
562 			x = b >> 2;
563 			y = b & 3;
564 			switch (y) {
565 			case 0: // (x+1) empty notes follow
566 				row += x + 1;
567 				break;
568 			case 1: // Repeat previous note (x+1) times
569 				if (row > 0) {
570 					do {
571 						tracks[trk][row] = tracks[trk][row - 1];
572 					} while (++row < 256 && x--);
573 				}
574 				break;
575 			case 2: // Copy note from row x
576 				if (row > x)
577 					tracks[trk][row] = tracks[trk][x];
578 				row++;
579 				break;
580 			case 3: // New note data
581 				if (x & MDLNOTE_NOTE) {
582 					b = slurp_getc(fp);
583 					// convenient! :)
584 					// (I don't know what DT does for out of range notes, might be worth
585 					// checking some time)
586 					tracks[trk][row].note = (b > 120) ? NOTE_OFF : b;
587 				}
588 				if (x & MDLNOTE_SAMPLE) {
589 					b = slurp_getc(fp);
590 					if (b >= MAX_INSTRUMENTS)
591 						b = 0;
592 					tracks[trk][row].instrument = b;
593 				}
594 				vol = (x & MDLNOTE_VOLUME) ? slurp_getc(fp) : 0;
595 				if (x & MDLNOTE_EFFECTS) {
596 					b = slurp_getc(fp);
597 					e1 = b & 0xf;
598 					e2 = b >> 4;
599 				} else {
600 					e1 = e2 = 0;
601 				}
602 				p1 = (x & MDLNOTE_PARAM1) ? slurp_getc(fp) : 0;
603 				p2 = (x & MDLNOTE_PARAM2) ? slurp_getc(fp) : 0;
604 				lostfx += cram_mdl_effects(&tracks[trk][row], vol, e1, e2, p1, p2);
605 				row++;
606 				break;
607 			}
608 		}
609 		fp->length = reallen; // widen
610 	}
611 	if (lostfx)
612 		log_appendf(4, " Warning: %d effect%s dropped", lostfx, lostfx == 1 ? "" : "s");
614 	return tracks;
615 }
618 /* This is actually somewhat horrible.
619 Digitrakker's envelopes are actually properties of the *sample*, not the instrument -- that is, the only thing
620 an instrument is actually doing is providing a keyboard split and grouping a bunch of samples together.
622 This is handled here by importing the instrument names and note/sample mapping into a "master" instrument,
623 but NOT writing the envelope data there -- instead, that stuff is placed into whatever instrument matches up
624 with the sample number. Then, when building the tracks into patterns, we'll actually *remap* all the numbers
625 and rewrite each instrument's sample map as a 1:1 mapping with the sample.
626 In the end, the song will play back correctly (well, at least hopefully it will ;) though the instrument names
627 won't always line up. */
628 static void mdl_read_instruments(song_t *song, slurp_t *fp)
629 {
630 	struct mdl_samplehdr shdr; // Etaoin shrdlu
631 	song_instrument_t *ins; // 'master' instrument
632 	song_instrument_t *sins; // other instruments created to track each sample's individual envelopes
633 	song_sample_t *smp;
634 	int nins, nsmp;
635 	int insnum;
636 	int firstnote, note;
638 	nins = slurp_getc(fp);
639 	while (nins--) {
640 		insnum = slurp_getc(fp);
641 		firstnote = 0;
642 		nsmp = slurp_getc(fp);
643 		// if it's out of range, or if the same instrument was already loaded (weird), don't read it
644 		if (insnum == 0 || insnum > MAX_INSTRUMENTS) {
645 			// skip it (32 bytes name, plus 14 bytes per sample)
646 			slurp_seek(fp, 32 + 14 * nsmp, SEEK_SET);
647 			continue;
648 		}
649 		// ok, make an instrument
650 		if (!song->instruments[insnum])
651 			song->instruments[insnum] = csf_allocate_instrument();
652 		ins = song->instruments[insnum];
654 		slurp_read(fp, ins->name, 25);
655 		slurp_seek(fp, 7, SEEK_CUR); // throw away the rest
656 		ins->name[25] = '\0';
658 		while (nsmp--) {
659 			// read a sample
660 			slurp_read(fp, &shdr, sizeof(shdr));
661 			shdr.fadeout = bswapLE16(shdr.fadeout);
662 			if (shdr.smpnum == 0 || shdr.smpnum > MAX_SAMPLES) {
663 				continue;
664 			}
665 			if (!song->instruments[shdr.smpnum])
666 				song->instruments[shdr.smpnum] = csf_allocate_instrument();
667 			sins = song->instruments[shdr.smpnum];
669 			smp = song->samples + shdr.smpnum;
671 			// Write this sample's instrument mapping
672 			// (note: test "jazz 2 jazz.mdl", it uses a multisampled piano)
673 			shdr.lastnote = MIN(shdr.lastnote, 119);
674 			for (note = firstnote; note <= shdr.lastnote; note++)
675 				ins->sample_map[note] = shdr.smpnum;
676 			firstnote = shdr.lastnote + 1; // get ready for the next sample
678 			// temporarily hijack the envelope "nodes" field to write the envelope number
679 			sins->vol_env.nodes = shdr.volenv_flags & 63;
680 			sins->pan_env.nodes = shdr.panenv_flags & 63;
681 			sins->pitch_env.nodes = shdr.freqenv_flags & 63;
683 			if (shdr.volenv_flags & 128)
684 				sins->flags |= ENV_VOLUME;
685 			if (shdr.panenv_flags & 128)
686 				sins->flags |= ENV_PANNING;
687 			if (shdr.freqenv_flags & 128)
688 				sins->flags |= ENV_PITCH;
690 			// DT fadeout = 0000-1fff, or 0xffff for "cut"
691 			// assuming DT uses 'cut' behavior for anything past 0x1fff, too lazy to bother
692 			// hex-editing a file at the moment to find out :P
693 			sins->fadeout = (shdr.fadeout < 0x2000)
694 				? (shdr.fadeout + 1) >> 1 // this seems about right
695 				: MDL_FADE_CUT; // temporary
697 			// for the volume envelope / flags:
698 			//      "bit 6   -> flags, if volume is used"
699 			// ... huh? what happens if the volume isn't used?
700 			smp->volume = shdr.volume; //mphack (range 0-255, s/b 0-64)
701 			smp->panning = ((MIN(shdr.panning, 127) + 1) >> 1) * 4; //mphack
702 			if (shdr.panenv_flags & 64)
703 				smp->flags |= CHN_PANNING;
705 			smp->vib_speed = shdr.vibspeed; // XXX bother checking ranges for vibrato
706 			smp->vib_depth = shdr.vibdepth;
707 			smp->vib_rate = shdr.vibsweep;
708 			smp->vib_type = autovib_import[shdr.vibtype & 3];
709 		}
710 	}
711 }
713 static void mdl_read_sampleinfo(song_t *song, slurp_t *fp, uint8_t *packtype)
714 {
715 	struct mdl_sampleinfo sinfo;
716 	song_sample_t *smp;
717 	int nsmp;
719 	nsmp = slurp_getc(fp);
720 	while (nsmp--) {
721 		slurp_read(fp, &sinfo, sizeof(sinfo));
722 		if (sinfo.smpnum == 0 || sinfo.smpnum > MAX_SAMPLES) {
723 			continue;
724 		}
726 		smp = song->samples + sinfo.smpnum;
727 		strncpy(smp->name, sinfo.name, 25);
728 		smp->name[25] = '\0';
729 		strncpy(smp->filename, sinfo.filename, 8);
730 		smp->filename[8] = '\0';
732 		// MDL has ten octaves like IT, but they're not the *same* ten octaves -- dropping
733 		// perfectly good note data is stupid so I'm adjusting the sample tunings instead
734 		smp->c5speed = bswapLE32(sinfo.c4speed) * 2;
735 		smp->length = bswapLE32(sinfo.length);
736 		smp->loop_start = bswapLE32(sinfo.loopstart);
737 		smp->loop_end = bswapLE32(sinfo.looplen);
738 		if (smp->loop_end) {
739 			smp->loop_end += smp->loop_start;
740 			smp->flags |= CHN_LOOP;
741 		}
742 		if (sinfo.flags & 1) {
743 			smp->flags |= CHN_16BIT;
744 			smp->length >>= 1;
745 			smp->loop_start >>= 1;
746 			smp->loop_end >>= 1;
747 		}
748 		if (sinfo.flags & 2)
749 			smp->flags |= CHN_PINGPONGLOOP;
750 		packtype[sinfo.smpnum] = ((sinfo.flags >> 2) & 3);
752 		smp->global_volume = 64;
753 	}
754 }
756 // (ughh)
757 static void mdl_read_sampleinfo_v0(song_t *song, slurp_t *fp, uint8_t *packtype)
758 {
759 	struct mdl_sampleinfo_v0 sinfo;
760 	song_sample_t *smp;
761 	int nsmp;
763 	nsmp = slurp_getc(fp);
764 	while (nsmp--) {
765 		slurp_read(fp, &sinfo, sizeof(sinfo));
766 		if (sinfo.smpnum == 0 || sinfo.smpnum > MAX_SAMPLES) {
767 			continue;
768 		}
770 		smp = song->samples + sinfo.smpnum;
771 		strncpy(smp->name, sinfo.name, 25);
772 		smp->name[25] = '\0';
773 		strncpy(smp->filename, sinfo.filename, 8);
774 		smp->filename[8] = '\0';
776 		smp->c5speed = bswapLE16(sinfo.c4speed) * 2;
777 		smp->length = bswapLE32(sinfo.length);
778 		smp->loop_start = bswapLE32(sinfo.loopstart);
779 		smp->loop_end = bswapLE32(sinfo.looplen);
780 		smp->volume = sinfo.volume; //mphack (range 0-255, I think?)
781 		if (smp->loop_end) {
782 			smp->loop_end += smp->loop_start;
783 			smp->flags |= CHN_LOOP;
784 		}
785 		if (sinfo.flags & 1) {
786 			smp->flags |= CHN_16BIT;
787 			smp->length >>= 1;
788 			smp->loop_start >>= 1;
789 			smp->loop_end >>= 1;
790 		}
791 		if (sinfo.flags & 2)
792 			smp->flags |= CHN_PINGPONGLOOP;
793 		packtype[sinfo.smpnum] = ((sinfo.flags >> 2) & 3);
795 		smp->global_volume = 64;
796 	}
797 }
799 static void mdl_read_envelopes(slurp_t *fp, struct mdlenv **envs, uint32_t flags)
800 {
801 	struct mdl_envelope ehdr;
802 	song_envelope_t *env;
803 	uint8_t nenv;
804 	int n, tick;
806 	nenv = slurp_getc(fp);
807 	while (nenv--) {
808 		slurp_read(fp, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr));
809 		if (ehdr.envnum > 63)
810 			continue;
812 		if (!envs[ehdr.envnum])
813 			envs[ehdr.envnum] = mem_calloc(1, sizeof(struct mdlenv));
814 		env = &envs[ehdr.envnum]->data;
816 		env->nodes = 15;
817 		tick = -ehdr.nodes[0].x; // adjust so it starts at zero
818 		for (n = 0; n < 15; n++) {
819 			if (!ehdr.nodes[n].x) {
820 				env->nodes = MAX(n, 2);
821 				break;
822 			}
823 			tick += ehdr.nodes[n].x;
824 			env->ticks[n] = tick;
825 			env->values[n] = MIN(ehdr.nodes[n].y, 64); // actually 0-63
826 		}
828 		env->loop_start = ehdr.loop & 0xf;
829 		env->loop_end = ehdr.loop >> 4;
830 		env->sustain_start = env->sustain_end = ehdr.flags & 0xf;
832 		envs[ehdr.envnum]->flags = 0;
833 		if (ehdr.flags & 16)
834 			envs[ehdr.envnum]->flags
836 		if (ehdr.flags & 32)
837 			envs[ehdr.envnum]->flags
838 				|= (flags & (ENV_VOLLOOP | ENV_PANLOOP | ENV_PITCHLOOP));
839 	}
840 }
842 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
844 static void copy_envelope(song_instrument_t *ins, song_envelope_t *ienv, struct mdlenv **envs, uint32_t enable)
845 {
846 	// nodes temporarily indicates which envelope to load
847 	struct mdlenv *env = envs[ienv->nodes];
848 	if (env) {
849 		ins->flags |= env->flags;
850 		memcpy(ienv, &env->data, sizeof(song_envelope_t));
851 	} else {
852 		ins->flags &= ~enable;
853 		ienv->nodes = 2;
854 	}
855 }
857 int fmt_mdl_load_song(song_t *song, slurp_t *fp, UNUSED unsigned int lflags)
858 {
859 	struct mdlpat *pat, *patptr = NULL;
860 	struct mdlenv *volenvs[64] = {NULL}, *panenvs[64] = {NULL}, *freqenvs[64] = {NULL};
861 	uint8_t packtype[MAX_SAMPLES] = {0};
862 	song_note_t **tracks = NULL;
863 	long datapos = 0; // where to seek for the sample data
864 	int restartpos = -1;
865 	int trk, n;
866 	uint32_t readflags = 0;
867 	uint8_t tag[4];
868 	uint8_t fmtver; // file format version, e.g. 0x11 = v1.1
870 	slurp_read(fp, tag, 4);
871 	if (memcmp(tag, "DMDL", 4) != 0)
872 		return LOAD_UNSUPPORTED;
874 	fmtver = slurp_getc(fp);
876 	// Read the next block
877 	while (!slurp_eof(fp)) {
878 		uint32_t blklen; // length of this block
879 		size_t nextpos; // ... and start of next one
881 		slurp_read(fp, tag, 2);
882 		slurp_read(fp, &blklen, 4);
883 		blklen = bswapLE32(blklen);
884 		nextpos = slurp_tell(fp) + blklen;
886 		switch (MDL_BLOCK(tag[0], tag[1])) {
887 		case MDL_BLK_INFO:
888 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_INFO)) {
889 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_INFO;
890 				restartpos = mdl_read_info(song, fp);
891 			}
892 			break;
893 		case MDL_BLK_MESSAGE:
894 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_MESSAGE)) {
895 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_MESSAGE;
896 				mdl_read_message(song, fp, blklen);
897 			}
898 			break;
899 		case MDL_BLK_PATTERNS:
900 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_PATTERNS)) {
901 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_PATTERNS;
902 				patptr = ((fmtver >> 4) ? mdl_read_patterns : mdl_read_patterns_v0)(song, fp);
903 			}
904 			break;
905 		case MDL_BLK_TRACKS:
906 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_TRACKS)) {
907 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_TRACKS;
908 				tracks = mdl_read_tracks(fp);
909 			}
910 			break;
912 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_INSTRUMENTS)) {
913 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_INSTRUMENTS;
914 				mdl_read_instruments(song, fp);
915 			}
916 			break;
917 		case MDL_BLK_VOLENVS:
918 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_VOLENVS)) {
919 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_VOLENVS;
920 				mdl_read_envelopes(fp, volenvs, ENV_VOLLOOP | ENV_VOLSUSTAIN);
921 			}
922 			break;
923 		case MDL_BLK_PANENVS:
924 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_PANENVS)) {
925 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_PANENVS;
926 				mdl_read_envelopes(fp, panenvs, ENV_PANLOOP | ENV_PANSUSTAIN);
927 			}
928 			break;
929 		case MDL_BLK_FREQENVS:
930 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_FREQENVS)) {
931 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_FREQENVS;
932 				mdl_read_envelopes(fp, freqenvs, ENV_PITCHLOOP | ENV_PITCHSUSTAIN);
933 			}
934 			break;
936 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_SAMPLEINFO)) {
937 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_SAMPLEINFO;
938 				((fmtver >> 4) ? mdl_read_sampleinfo : mdl_read_sampleinfo_v0)
939 					(song, fp, packtype);
940 			}
941 			break;
943 			// Can't do anything until we have the sample info block loaded, since the sample
944 			// lengths and packing information is stored there.
945 			// Best we can do at the moment is to remember where this block was so we can jump
946 			// back to it later.
947 			if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_SAMPLEDATA)) {
948 				readflags |= MDL_HAS_SAMPLEDATA;
949 				datapos = slurp_tell(fp);
950 			}
951 			break;
954 			// don't care
955 			break;
957 		default:
958 			//log_appendf(4, " Warning: Unknown block of type '%c%c' (0x%04X) at %ld",
959 			//        tag[0], tag[1], MDL_BLOCK(tag[0], tag[1]), slurp_tell(fp));
960 			break;
961 		}
963 		if (slurp_seek(fp, nextpos, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
964 			log_appendf(4, " Warning: Failed to seek (file truncated?)");
965 			break;
966 		}
967 	}
969 	if (!(readflags & MDL_HAS_INSTRUMENTS)) {
970 		// Probably a v0 file, fake an instrument
971 		for (n = 1; n < MAX_SAMPLES; n++) {
972 			if (song->samples[n].length) {
973 				song->instruments[n] = csf_allocate_instrument();
974 				strcpy(song->instruments[n]->name, song->samples[n].name);
975 			}
976 		}
977 	}
979 	if (readflags & MDL_HAS_SAMPLEINFO) {
980 		// Sample headers loaded!
981 		// if the sample data was encountered, load it now
982 		// otherwise, clear out the sample lengths so Bad Things don't happen later
983 		if (datapos) {
984 			slurp_seek(fp, datapos, SEEK_SET);
985 			for (n = 1; n < MAX_SAMPLES; n++) {
986 				if (!packtype[n] && !song->samples[n].length)
987 					continue;
988 				uint32_t smpsize, flags;
989 				if (packtype[n] > 2) {
990 					log_appendf(4, " Warning: Sample %d: unknown packing type %d",
991 						    n, packtype[n]);
992 					packtype[n] = 0; // ?
993 				} else if (packtype[n] == ((song->samples[n].flags & CHN_16BIT) ? 1 : 2)) {
994 					log_appendf(4, " Warning: Sample %d: bit width / pack type mismatch",
995 						    n);
996 				}
997 				flags = SF_LE | SF_M;
998 				flags |= packtype[n] ? SF_MDL : SF_PCMS;
999 				flags |= (song->samples[n].flags & CHN_16BIT) ? SF_16 : SF_8;
1000 				smpsize = csf_read_sample(song->samples + n, flags,
1001 					fp->data + fp->pos, fp->length - fp->pos);
1002 				slurp_seek(fp, smpsize, SEEK_CUR);
1003 			}
1004 		} else {
1005 			for (n = 1; n < MAX_SAMPLES; n++)
1006 				song->samples[n].length = 0;
1007 		}
1008 	}
1010 	if (readflags & MDL_HAS_TRACKS) {
1011 		song_note_t *patnote, *trknote;
1013 		// first off, fix all the instrument numbers to compensate
1014 		// for the screwy envelope craziness
1015 		if (fmtver >> 4) {
1016 			for (trk = 1; trk < 65536 && tracks[trk]; trk++) {
1017 				uint8_t cnote = NOTE_FIRST; // current/last used data
1019 				for (n = 0, trknote = tracks[trk]; n < 256; n++, trknote++) {
1020 					if (NOTE_IS_NOTE(trknote->note)) {
1021 						cnote = trknote->note;
1022 					}
1023 					if (trknote->instrument) {
1024 						// translate it
1025 						trknote->instrument = song->instruments[trknote->instrument]
1026 							? (song->instruments[trknote->instrument]
1027 							   ->sample_map[cnote - 1])
1028 							: 0;
1029 					}
1030 				}
1031 			}
1032 		}
1034 		// "paste" the tracks into the channels
1035 		for (pat = patptr; pat; pat = pat->next) {
1036 			trknote = tracks[pat->track];
1037 			if (!trknote)
1038 				continue;
1039 			patnote = pat->note;
1040 			for (n = 0; n < pat->rows; n++, trknote++, patnote += 64) {
1041 				*patnote = *trknote;
1042 			}
1043 		}
1044 		// and clean up
1045 		for (trk = 1; trk < 65536 && tracks[trk]; trk++)
1046 			free(tracks[trk]);
1047 		free(tracks);
1048 	}
1049 	while (patptr) {
1050 		pat = patptr;
1051 		patptr = patptr->next;
1052 		free(pat);
1053 	}
1055 	// Finish fixing up the instruments
1056 	for (n = 1; n < MAX_INSTRUMENTS; n++) {
1057 		song_instrument_t *ins = song->instruments[n];
1058 		if (ins) {
1059 			copy_envelope(ins, &ins->vol_env, volenvs, ENV_VOLUME);
1060 			copy_envelope(ins, &ins->pan_env, panenvs, ENV_PANNING);
1061 			copy_envelope(ins, &ins->pitch_env, freqenvs, ENV_PITCH);
1063 			if (ins->flags & ENV_VOLUME) {
1064 				// fix note-fade
1065 				if (!(ins->flags & ENV_VOLLOOP))
1066 					ins->vol_env.loop_start = ins->vol_env.loop_end = ins->vol_env.nodes - 1;
1067 				if (!(ins->flags & ENV_VOLSUSTAIN))
1068 					ins->vol_env.sustain_start = ins->vol_env.sustain_end
1069 						= ins->vol_env.nodes - 1;
1070 				ins->flags |= ENV_VOLLOOP | ENV_VOLSUSTAIN;
1071 			}
1072 			if (ins->fadeout == MDL_FADE_CUT) {
1073 				// fix note-off
1074 				if (!(ins->flags & ENV_VOLUME)) {
1075 					ins->vol_env.ticks[0] = 0;
1076 					ins->vol_env.values[0] = 64;
1077 					ins->vol_env.sustain_start = ins->vol_env.sustain_end = 0;
1078 					ins->flags |= ENV_VOLUME | ENV_VOLSUSTAIN;
1079 					// (the rest is set below)
1080 				}
1081 				int se = ins->vol_env.sustain_end;
1082 				ins->vol_env.nodes = se + 2;
1083 				ins->vol_env.ticks[se + 1] = ins->vol_env.ticks[se] + 1;
1084 				ins->vol_env.values[se + 1] = 0;
1085 				ins->fadeout = 0;
1086 			}
1088 			// set a 1:1 map for each instrument with a corresponding sample,
1089 			// and a blank map for each one that doesn't.
1090 			int note, smp = song->samples[n].data ? n : 0;
1091 			for (note = 0; note < 120; note++) {
1092 				ins->sample_map[note] = smp;
1093 				ins->note_map[note] = note + 1;
1094 			}
1095 		}
1096 	}
1098 	if (readflags & MDL_HAS_VOLENVS) {
1099 		for (n = 0; n < 64; n++)
1100 			free(volenvs[n]);
1101 	}
1102 	if (readflags & MDL_HAS_PANENVS) {
1103 		for (n = 0; n < 64; n++)
1104 			free(panenvs[n]);
1105 	}
1106 	if (readflags & MDL_HAS_FREQENVS) {
1107 		for (n = 0; n < 64; n++)
1108 			free(freqenvs[n]);
1109 	}
1111 	if (restartpos > 0)
1112 		csf_insert_restart_pos(song, restartpos);
1116 	sprintf(song->tracker_id, "Digitrakker %s",
1117 		(fmtver == 0x11) ? "3" // really could be 2.99b -- but close enough for me
1118 		: (fmtver == 0x10) ? "2.3"
1119 		: (fmtver == 0x00) ? "2.0 - 2.2b" // there was no 1.x release
1120 		: "v?.?");
1122 	return LOAD_SUCCESS;
1123 }