1 /***************************************************************************
2                           null.h  -  NULL audio driver used for hardsid
3                                      and songlength detection
4                              -------------------
5     begin                : Mon Nov 6 2000
6     copyright            : (C) 2000 by Simon White
7     email                : s_a_white@email.com
8  ***************************************************************************/
10 /***************************************************************************
11  *                                                                         *
12  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
13  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
14  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
15  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
16  *                                                                         *
17  ***************************************************************************/
18 /***************************************************************************
19  *  $Log: null.h,v $
20  *  Revision 1.4  2001/10/30 23:35:35  s_a_white
21  *  Added pause support.
22  *
23  *  Revision 1.3  2001/07/03 17:54:50  s_a_white
24  *  Support for new audio interface for better compatibility.
25  *
26  *  Revision 1.2  2001/01/18 18:36:16  s_a_white
27  *  Support for multiple drivers added.  C standard update applied (There
28  *  should be no spaces before #)
29  *
30  *  Revision 1.1  2001/01/08 16:41:43  s_a_white
31  *  App and Library Seperation
32  *
33  ***************************************************************************/
35 #ifndef audio_null_h_
36 #define audio_null_h_
38 #include "config.h"
39 #ifdef   HAVE_HARDSID
40 #   ifndef AudioDriver
41 #   define AudioDriver Audio_Null
42 #   endif
43 #endif
45 #include "../AudioBase.h"
47 class Audio_Null: public AudioBase
48 {
49 private:  // ------------------------------------------------------- private
50     bool isOpen;
52 public:  // --------------------------------------------------------- public
53     Audio_Null();
54     ~Audio_Null();
56     void *open  (AudioConfig &cfg, const char *);
57     void  close ();
58     void *reset ();
59     void *write ();
pause()60     void  pause () {;}
61 };
63 #endif // audio_null_h_