1 use std::fmt;
2 use std::str::FromStr;
3 use header::{Header, Raw};
4 use header::parsing::{from_comma_delimited, fmt_comma_delimited};
6 /// `Cache-Control` header, defined in [RFC7234](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-5.2)
7 ///
8 /// The `Cache-Control` header field is used to specify directives for
9 /// caches along the request/response chain.  Such cache directives are
10 /// unidirectional in that the presence of a directive in a request does
11 /// not imply that the same directive is to be given in the response.
12 ///
13 /// # ABNF
14 ///
15 /// ```text
16 /// Cache-Control   = 1#cache-directive
17 /// cache-directive = token [ "=" ( token / quoted-string ) ]
18 /// ```
19 ///
20 /// # Example values
21 ///
22 /// * `no-cache`
23 /// * `private, community="UCI"`
24 /// * `max-age=30`
25 ///
26 /// # Examples
27 /// ```
28 /// use hyper::header::{Headers, CacheControl, CacheDirective};
29 ///
30 /// let mut headers = Headers::new();
31 /// headers.set(
32 ///     CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(86400u32)])
33 /// );
34 /// ```
35 ///
36 /// ```
37 /// use hyper::header::{Headers, CacheControl, CacheDirective};
38 ///
39 /// let mut headers = Headers::new();
40 /// headers.set(
41 ///     CacheControl(vec![
42 ///         CacheDirective::NoCache,
43 ///         CacheDirective::Private,
44 ///         CacheDirective::MaxAge(360u32),
45 ///         CacheDirective::Extension("foo".to_owned(),
46 ///                                   Some("bar".to_owned())),
47 ///     ])
48 /// );
49 /// ```
50 #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
51 pub struct CacheControl(pub Vec<CacheDirective>);
53 __hyper__deref!(CacheControl => Vec<CacheDirective>);
55 //TODO: this could just be the header! macro
56 impl Header for CacheControl {
header_name() -> &'static str57     fn header_name() -> &'static str {
58         static NAME: &'static str = "Cache-Control";
59         NAME
60     }
parse_header(raw: &Raw) -> ::Result<CacheControl>62     fn parse_header(raw: &Raw) -> ::Result<CacheControl> {
63         let directives = try!(from_comma_delimited(raw));
64         if !directives.is_empty() {
65             Ok(CacheControl(directives))
66         } else {
67             Err(::Error::Header)
68         }
69     }
fmt_header(&self, f: &mut ::header::Formatter) -> fmt::Result71     fn fmt_header(&self, f: &mut ::header::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
72         f.fmt_line(self)
73     }
74 }
76 impl fmt::Display for CacheControl {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result77     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
78         fmt_comma_delimited(f, &self[..])
79     }
80 }
82 /// `CacheControl` contains a list of these directives.
83 #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
84 pub enum CacheDirective {
85     /// "no-cache"
86     NoCache,
87     /// "no-store"
88     NoStore,
89     /// "no-transform"
90     NoTransform,
91     /// "only-if-cached"
92     OnlyIfCached,
94     // request directives
95     /// "max-age=delta"
96     MaxAge(u32),
97     /// "max-stale=delta"
98     MaxStale(u32),
99     /// "min-fresh=delta"
100     MinFresh(u32),
102     // response directives
103     /// "must-revalidate"
104     MustRevalidate,
105     /// "public"
106     Public,
107     /// "private"
108     Private,
109     /// "proxy-revalidate"
110     ProxyRevalidate,
111     /// "s-maxage=delta"
112     SMaxAge(u32),
114     /// Extension directives. Optionally include an argument.
115     Extension(String, Option<String>)
116 }
118 impl fmt::Display for CacheDirective {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result119     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
120         use self::CacheDirective::*;
121         fmt::Display::fmt(match *self {
122             NoCache => "no-cache",
123             NoStore => "no-store",
124             NoTransform => "no-transform",
125             OnlyIfCached => "only-if-cached",
127             MaxAge(secs) => return write!(f, "max-age={}", secs),
128             MaxStale(secs) => return write!(f, "max-stale={}", secs),
129             MinFresh(secs) => return write!(f, "min-fresh={}", secs),
131             MustRevalidate => "must-revalidate",
132             Public => "public",
133             Private => "private",
134             ProxyRevalidate => "proxy-revalidate",
135             SMaxAge(secs) => return write!(f, "s-maxage={}", secs),
137             Extension(ref name, None) => &name[..],
138             Extension(ref name, Some(ref arg)) => return write!(f, "{}={}", name, arg),
140         }, f)
141     }
142 }
144 impl FromStr for CacheDirective {
145     type Err = Option<<u32 as FromStr>::Err>;
from_str(s: &str) -> Result<CacheDirective, Option<<u32 as FromStr>::Err>>146     fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<CacheDirective, Option<<u32 as FromStr>::Err>> {
147         use self::CacheDirective::*;
148         match s {
149             "no-cache" => Ok(NoCache),
150             "no-store" => Ok(NoStore),
151             "no-transform" => Ok(NoTransform),
152             "only-if-cached" => Ok(OnlyIfCached),
153             "must-revalidate" => Ok(MustRevalidate),
154             "public" => Ok(Public),
155             "private" => Ok(Private),
156             "proxy-revalidate" => Ok(ProxyRevalidate),
157             "" => Err(None),
158             _ => match s.find('=') {
159                 Some(idx) if idx+1 < s.len() => match (&s[..idx], (&s[idx+1..]).trim_matches('"')) {
160                     ("max-age" , secs) => secs.parse().map(MaxAge).map_err(Some),
161                     ("max-stale", secs) => secs.parse().map(MaxStale).map_err(Some),
162                     ("min-fresh", secs) => secs.parse().map(MinFresh).map_err(Some),
163                     ("s-maxage", secs) => secs.parse().map(SMaxAge).map_err(Some),
164                     (left, right) => Ok(Extension(left.to_owned(), Some(right.to_owned())))
165                 },
166                 Some(_) => Err(None),
167                 None => Ok(Extension(s.to_owned(), None))
168             }
169         }
170     }
171 }
173 #[cfg(test)]
174 mod tests {
175     use header::Header;
176     use super::*;
178     #[test]
test_parse_multiple_headers()179     fn test_parse_multiple_headers() {
180         let cache = Header::parse_header(&vec![b"no-cache".to_vec(), b"private".to_vec()].into());
181         assert_eq!(cache.ok(), Some(CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::NoCache,
182                                                  CacheDirective::Private])))
183     }
185     #[test]
test_parse_argument()186     fn test_parse_argument() {
187         let cache = Header::parse_header(&vec![b"max-age=100, private".to_vec()].into());
188         assert_eq!(cache.ok(), Some(CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(100),
189                                                  CacheDirective::Private])))
190     }
192     #[test]
test_parse_quote_form()193     fn test_parse_quote_form() {
194         let cache = Header::parse_header(&vec![b"max-age=\"200\"".to_vec()].into());
195         assert_eq!(cache.ok(), Some(CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(200)])))
196     }
198     #[test]
test_parse_extension()199     fn test_parse_extension() {
200         let cache = Header::parse_header(&vec![b"foo, bar=baz".to_vec()].into());
201         assert_eq!(cache.ok(), Some(CacheControl(vec![
202             CacheDirective::Extension("foo".to_owned(), None),
203             CacheDirective::Extension("bar".to_owned(), Some("baz".to_owned()))])))
204     }
206     #[test]
test_parse_bad_syntax()207     fn test_parse_bad_syntax() {
208         let cache: ::Result<CacheControl> = Header::parse_header(&vec![b"foo=".to_vec()].into());
209         assert_eq!(cache.ok(), None)
210     }
211 }
213 bench_header!(normal,
214     CacheControl, { vec![b"no-cache, private".to_vec(), b"max-age=100".to_vec()] });