1 // # References
2 //
3 // "The Content-Disposition Header Field" https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2183.txt
4 // "The Content-Disposition Header Field in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)" https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6266.txt
5 // "Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data" https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2388.txt
6 // Browser conformance tests at: http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/
7 // IANA assignment: http://www.iana.org/assignments/cont-disp/cont-disp.xhtml
9 use language_tags::LanguageTag;
10 use std::fmt;
11 use unicase;
13 use header::{Header, Raw, parsing};
14 use header::parsing::{parse_extended_value, http_percent_encode};
15 use header::shared::Charset;
17 /// The implied disposition of the content of the HTTP body.
18 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
19 pub enum DispositionType {
20     /// Inline implies default processing
21     Inline,
22     /// Attachment implies that the recipient should prompt the user to save the response locally,
23     /// rather than process it normally (as per its media type).
24     Attachment,
25     /// Extension type.  Should be handled by recipients the same way as Attachment
26     Ext(String)
27 }
29 /// A parameter to the disposition type.
30 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
31 pub enum DispositionParam {
32     /// A Filename consisting of a Charset, an optional LanguageTag, and finally a sequence of
33     /// bytes representing the filename
34     Filename(Charset, Option<LanguageTag>, Vec<u8>),
35     /// Extension type consisting of token and value.  Recipients should ignore unrecognized
36     /// parameters.
37     Ext(String, String)
38 }
40 /// A `Content-Disposition` header, (re)defined in [RFC6266](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6266).
41 ///
42 /// The Content-Disposition response header field is used to convey
43 /// additional information about how to process the response payload, and
44 /// also can be used to attach additional metadata, such as the filename
45 /// to use when saving the response payload locally.
46 ///
47 /// # ABNF
49 /// ```text
50 /// content-disposition = "Content-Disposition" ":"
51 ///                       disposition-type *( ";" disposition-parm )
52 ///
53 /// disposition-type    = "inline" | "attachment" | disp-ext-type
54 ///                       ; case-insensitive
55 ///
56 /// disp-ext-type       = token
57 ///
58 /// disposition-parm    = filename-parm | disp-ext-parm
59 ///
60 /// filename-parm       = "filename" "=" value
61 ///                     | "filename*" "=" ext-value
62 ///
63 /// disp-ext-parm       = token "=" value
64 ///                     | ext-token "=" ext-value
65 ///
66 /// ext-token           = <the characters in token, followed by "*">
67 /// ```
68 ///
69 /// # Example
70 ///
71 /// ```
72 /// use hyper::header::{Headers, ContentDisposition, DispositionType, DispositionParam, Charset};
73 ///
74 /// let mut headers = Headers::new();
75 /// headers.set(ContentDisposition {
76 ///     disposition: DispositionType::Attachment,
77 ///     parameters: vec![DispositionParam::Filename(
78 ///       Charset::Iso_8859_1, // The character set for the bytes of the filename
79 ///       None, // The optional language tag (see `language-tag` crate)
80 ///       b"\xa9 Copyright 1989.txt".to_vec() // the actual bytes of the filename
81 ///     )]
82 /// });
83 /// ```
84 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
85 pub struct ContentDisposition {
86     /// The disposition
87     pub disposition: DispositionType,
88     /// Disposition parameters
89     pub parameters: Vec<DispositionParam>,
90 }
92 impl Header for ContentDisposition {
93     fn header_name() -> &'static str {
94         static NAME: &'static str = "Content-Disposition";
95         NAME
96     }
98     fn parse_header(raw: &Raw) -> ::Result<ContentDisposition> {
99         parsing::from_one_raw_str(raw).and_then(|s: String| {
100             let mut sections = s.split(';');
101             let disposition = match sections.next() {
102                 Some(s) => s.trim(),
103                 None => return Err(::Error::Header),
104             };
106             let mut cd = ContentDisposition {
107                 disposition: if unicase::eq_ascii(&*disposition, "inline") {
108                     DispositionType::Inline
109                 } else if unicase::eq_ascii(&*disposition, "attachment") {
110                     DispositionType::Attachment
111                 } else {
112                     DispositionType::Ext(disposition.to_owned())
113                 },
114                 parameters: Vec::new(),
115             };
117             for section in sections {
118                 let mut parts = section.splitn(2, '=');
120                 let key = if let Some(key) = parts.next() {
121                     key.trim()
122                 } else {
123                     return Err(::Error::Header);
124                 };
126                 let val = if let Some(val) = parts.next() {
127                     val.trim()
128                 } else {
129                     return Err(::Error::Header);
130                 };
132                 cd.parameters.push(
133                     if unicase::eq_ascii(&*key, "filename") {
134                         DispositionParam::Filename(
135                             Charset::Ext("UTF-8".to_owned()), None,
136                             val.trim_matches('"').as_bytes().to_owned())
137                     } else if unicase::eq_ascii(&*key, "filename*") {
138                         let extended_value = try!(parse_extended_value(val));
139                         DispositionParam::Filename(extended_value.charset, extended_value.language_tag, extended_value.value)
140                     } else {
141                         DispositionParam::Ext(key.to_owned(), val.trim_matches('"').to_owned())
142                     }
143                 );
144             }
146             Ok(cd)
147         })
148     }
150     #[inline]
151     fn fmt_header(&self, f: &mut ::header::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
152         f.fmt_line(self)
153     }
154 }
156 impl fmt::Display for ContentDisposition {
157     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
158         match self.disposition {
159             DispositionType::Inline => try!(write!(f, "inline")),
160             DispositionType::Attachment => try!(write!(f, "attachment")),
161             DispositionType::Ext(ref s) => try!(write!(f, "{}", s)),
162         }
163         for param in &self.parameters {
164             match *param {
165                 DispositionParam::Filename(ref charset, ref opt_lang, ref bytes) => {
166                     let mut use_simple_format: bool = false;
167                     if opt_lang.is_none() {
168                         if let Charset::Ext(ref ext) = *charset {
169                             if unicase::eq_ascii(&**ext, "utf-8") {
170                                 use_simple_format = true;
171                             }
172                         }
173                     }
174                     if use_simple_format {
175                         try!(write!(f, "; filename=\"{}\"",
176                                     match String::from_utf8(bytes.clone()) {
177                                         Ok(s) => s,
178                                         Err(_) => return Err(fmt::Error),
179                                     }));
180                     } else {
181                         try!(write!(f, "; filename*={}'", charset));
182                         if let Some(ref lang) = *opt_lang {
183                             try!(write!(f, "{}", lang));
184                         };
185                         try!(write!(f, "'"));
186                         try!(http_percent_encode(f, bytes))
187                     }
188                 },
189                 DispositionParam::Ext(ref k, ref v) => try!(write!(f, "; {}=\"{}\"", k, v)),
190             }
191         }
192         Ok(())
193     }
194 }
196 #[cfg(test)]
197 mod tests {
198     use super::{ContentDisposition,DispositionType,DispositionParam};
199     use ::header::Header;
200     use ::header::shared::Charset;
202     #[test]
203     fn test_parse_header() {
204         assert!(ContentDisposition::parse_header(&"".into()).is_err());
206         let a = "form-data; dummy=3; name=upload;\r\n filename=\"sample.png\"".into();
207         let a: ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition::parse_header(&a).unwrap();
208         let b = ContentDisposition {
209             disposition: DispositionType::Ext("form-data".to_owned()),
210             parameters: vec![
211                 DispositionParam::Ext("dummy".to_owned(), "3".to_owned()),
212                 DispositionParam::Ext("name".to_owned(), "upload".to_owned()),
213                 DispositionParam::Filename(
214                     Charset::Ext("UTF-8".to_owned()),
215                     None,
216                     "sample.png".bytes().collect()) ]
217         };
218         assert_eq!(a, b);
220         let a = "attachment; filename=\"image.jpg\"".into();
221         let a: ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition::parse_header(&a).unwrap();
222         let b = ContentDisposition {
223             disposition: DispositionType::Attachment,
224             parameters: vec![
225                 DispositionParam::Filename(
226                     Charset::Ext("UTF-8".to_owned()),
227                     None,
228                     "image.jpg".bytes().collect()) ]
229         };
230         assert_eq!(a, b);
232         let a = "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''%c2%a3%20and%20%e2%82%ac%20rates".into();
233         let a: ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition::parse_header(&a).unwrap();
234         let b = ContentDisposition {
235             disposition: DispositionType::Attachment,
236             parameters: vec![
237                 DispositionParam::Filename(
238                     Charset::Ext("UTF-8".to_owned()),
239                     None,
240                     vec![0xc2, 0xa3, 0x20, b'a', b'n', b'd', 0x20,
241                          0xe2, 0x82, 0xac, 0x20, b'r', b'a', b't', b'e', b's']) ]
242         };
243         assert_eq!(a, b);
244     }
246     #[test]
247     fn test_display() {
248         let as_string = "attachment; filename*=UTF-8'en'%C2%A3%20and%20%E2%82%AC%20rates";
249         let a = as_string.into();
250         let a: ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition::parse_header(&a).unwrap();
251         let display_rendered = format!("{}",a);
252         assert_eq!(as_string, display_rendered);
254         let a = "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''black%20and%20white.csv".into();
255         let a: ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition::parse_header(&a).unwrap();
256         let display_rendered = format!("{}",a);
257         assert_eq!("attachment; filename=\"black and white.csv\"".to_owned(), display_rendered);
259         let a = "attachment; filename=colourful.csv".into();
260         let a: ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition::parse_header(&a).unwrap();
261         let display_rendered = format!("{}",a);
262         assert_eq!("attachment; filename=\"colourful.csv\"".to_owned(), display_rendered);
263     }
264 }