1 #[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]
2 use quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen};
3 use rand::distributions::{Distribution, Standard};
4 use rand::Rng;
6 #[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize")]
7 use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
8 use std::fmt;
9 use std::mem;
11 use alga::general::RealField;
13 use crate::base::dimension::U3;
14 use crate::base::helper;
15 use crate::base::storage::Storage;
16 use crate::base::{Matrix4, Scalar, Vector, Vector3};
18 use crate::geometry::{Point3, Projective3};
20 /// A 3D perspective projection stored as an homogeneous 4x4 matrix.
21 pub struct Perspective3<N: Scalar> {
22     matrix: Matrix4<N>,
23 }
25 impl<N: RealField> Copy for Perspective3<N> {}
27 impl<N: RealField> Clone for Perspective3<N> {
28     #[inline]
clone(&self) -> Self29     fn clone(&self) -> Self {
30         Self::from_matrix_unchecked(self.matrix.clone())
31     }
32 }
34 impl<N: RealField> fmt::Debug for Perspective3<N> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error>35     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
36         self.matrix.fmt(f)
37     }
38 }
40 impl<N: RealField> PartialEq for Perspective3<N> {
41     #[inline]
eq(&self, right: &Self) -> bool42     fn eq(&self, right: &Self) -> bool {
43         self.matrix == right.matrix
44     }
45 }
47 #[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize")]
48 impl<N: RealField + Serialize> Serialize for Perspective3<N> {
serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer49     fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
50     where S: Serializer {
51         self.matrix.serialize(serializer)
52     }
53 }
55 #[cfg(feature = "serde-serialize")]
56 impl<'a, N: RealField + Deserialize<'a>> Deserialize<'a> for Perspective3<N> {
deserialize<Des>(deserializer: Des) -> Result<Self, Des::Error> where Des: Deserializer<'a>57     fn deserialize<Des>(deserializer: Des) -> Result<Self, Des::Error>
58     where Des: Deserializer<'a> {
59         let matrix = Matrix4::<N>::deserialize(deserializer)?;
61         Ok(Self::from_matrix_unchecked(matrix))
62     }
63 }
65 impl<N: RealField> Perspective3<N> {
66     /// Creates a new perspective matrix from the aspect ratio, y field of view, and near/far planes.
new(aspect: N, fovy: N, znear: N, zfar: N) -> Self67     pub fn new(aspect: N, fovy: N, znear: N, zfar: N) -> Self {
68         assert!(
69             !relative_eq!(zfar - znear, N::zero()),
70             "The near-plane and far-plane must not be superimposed."
71         );
72         assert!(
73             !relative_eq!(aspect, N::zero()),
74             "The apsect ratio must not be zero."
75         );
77         let matrix = Matrix4::identity();
78         let mut res = Self::from_matrix_unchecked(matrix);
80         res.set_fovy(fovy);
81         res.set_aspect(aspect);
82         res.set_znear_and_zfar(znear, zfar);
84         res.matrix[(3, 3)] = N::zero();
85         res.matrix[(3, 2)] = -N::one();
87         res
88     }
90     /// Wraps the given matrix to interpret it as a 3D perspective matrix.
91     ///
92     /// It is not checked whether or not the given matrix actually represents an orthographic
93     /// projection.
94     #[inline]
from_matrix_unchecked(matrix: Matrix4<N>) -> Self95     pub fn from_matrix_unchecked(matrix: Matrix4<N>) -> Self {
96         Self { matrix: matrix }
97     }
99     /// Retrieves the inverse of the underlying homogeneous matrix.
100     #[inline]
inverse(&self) -> Matrix4<N>101     pub fn inverse(&self) -> Matrix4<N> {
102         let mut res = self.to_homogeneous();
104         res[(0, 0)] = N::one() / self.matrix[(0, 0)];
105         res[(1, 1)] = N::one() / self.matrix[(1, 1)];
106         res[(2, 2)] = N::zero();
108         let m23 = self.matrix[(2, 3)];
109         let m32 = self.matrix[(3, 2)];
111         res[(2, 3)] = N::one() / m32;
112         res[(3, 2)] = N::one() / m23;
113         res[(3, 3)] = -self.matrix[(2, 2)] / (m23 * m32);
115         res
116     }
118     /// Computes the corresponding homogeneous matrix.
119     #[inline]
to_homogeneous(&self) -> Matrix4<N>120     pub fn to_homogeneous(&self) -> Matrix4<N> {
121         self.matrix.clone_owned()
122     }
124     /// A reference to the underlying homogeneous transformation matrix.
125     #[inline]
as_matrix(&self) -> &Matrix4<N>126     pub fn as_matrix(&self) -> &Matrix4<N> {
127         &self.matrix
128     }
130     /// A reference to this transformation seen as a `Projective3`.
131     #[inline]
as_projective(&self) -> &Projective3<N>132     pub fn as_projective(&self) -> &Projective3<N> {
133         unsafe { mem::transmute(self) }
134     }
136     /// This transformation seen as a `Projective3`.
137     #[inline]
to_projective(&self) -> Projective3<N>138     pub fn to_projective(&self) -> Projective3<N> {
139         Projective3::from_matrix_unchecked(self.matrix)
140     }
142     /// Retrieves the underlying homogeneous matrix.
143     #[inline]
into_inner(self) -> Matrix4<N>144     pub fn into_inner(self) -> Matrix4<N> {
145         self.matrix
146     }
148     /// Retrieves the underlying homogeneous matrix.
149     /// Deprecated: Use [Perspective3::into_inner] instead.
150     #[deprecated(note="use `.into_inner()` instead")]
151     #[inline]
unwrap(self) -> Matrix4<N>152     pub fn unwrap(self) -> Matrix4<N> {
153         self.matrix
154     }
156     /// Gets the `width / height` aspect ratio of the view frustum.
157     #[inline]
aspect(&self) -> N158     pub fn aspect(&self) -> N {
159         self.matrix[(1, 1)] / self.matrix[(0, 0)]
160     }
162     /// Gets the y field of view of the view frustum.
163     #[inline]
fovy(&self) -> N164     pub fn fovy(&self) -> N {
165         (N::one() / self.matrix[(1, 1)]).atan() * crate::convert(2.0)
166     }
168     /// Gets the near plane offset of the view frustum.
169     #[inline]
znear(&self) -> N170     pub fn znear(&self) -> N {
171         let ratio = (-self.matrix[(2, 2)] + N::one()) / (-self.matrix[(2, 2)] - N::one());
173         self.matrix[(2, 3)] / (ratio * crate::convert(2.0)) - self.matrix[(2, 3)] / crate::convert(2.0)
174     }
176     /// Gets the far plane offset of the view frustum.
177     #[inline]
zfar(&self) -> N178     pub fn zfar(&self) -> N {
179         let ratio = (-self.matrix[(2, 2)] + N::one()) / (-self.matrix[(2, 2)] - N::one());
181         (self.matrix[(2, 3)] - ratio * self.matrix[(2, 3)]) / crate::convert(2.0)
182     }
184     // FIXME: add a method to retrieve znear and zfar simultaneously?
186     // FIXME: when we get specialization, specialize the Mul impl instead.
187     /// Projects a point. Faster than matrix multiplication.
188     #[inline]
project_point(&self, p: &Point3<N>) -> Point3<N>189     pub fn project_point(&self, p: &Point3<N>) -> Point3<N> {
190         let inverse_denom = -N::one() / p[2];
191         Point3::new(
192             self.matrix[(0, 0)] * p[0] * inverse_denom,
193             self.matrix[(1, 1)] * p[1] * inverse_denom,
194             (self.matrix[(2, 2)] * p[2] + self.matrix[(2, 3)]) * inverse_denom,
195         )
196     }
198     /// Un-projects a point. Faster than multiplication by the matrix inverse.
199     #[inline]
unproject_point(&self, p: &Point3<N>) -> Point3<N>200     pub fn unproject_point(&self, p: &Point3<N>) -> Point3<N> {
201         let inverse_denom = self.matrix[(2, 3)] / (p[2] + self.matrix[(2, 2)]);
203         Point3::new(
204             p[0] * inverse_denom / self.matrix[(0, 0)],
205             p[1] * inverse_denom / self.matrix[(1, 1)],
206             -inverse_denom,
207         )
208     }
210     // FIXME: when we get specialization, specialize the Mul impl instead.
211     /// Projects a vector. Faster than matrix multiplication.
212     #[inline]
project_vector<SB>(&self, p: &Vector<N, U3, SB>) -> Vector3<N> where SB: Storage<N, U3>213     pub fn project_vector<SB>(&self, p: &Vector<N, U3, SB>) -> Vector3<N>
214     where SB: Storage<N, U3> {
215         let inverse_denom = -N::one() / p[2];
216         Vector3::new(
217             self.matrix[(0, 0)] * p[0] * inverse_denom,
218             self.matrix[(1, 1)] * p[1] * inverse_denom,
219             self.matrix[(2, 2)],
220         )
221     }
223     /// Updates this perspective matrix with a new `width / height` aspect ratio of the view
224     /// frustum.
225     #[inline]
set_aspect(&mut self, aspect: N)226     pub fn set_aspect(&mut self, aspect: N) {
227         assert!(
228             !relative_eq!(aspect, N::zero()),
229             "The aspect ratio must not be zero."
230         );
231         self.matrix[(0, 0)] = self.matrix[(1, 1)] / aspect;
232     }
234     /// Updates this perspective with a new y field of view of the view frustum.
235     #[inline]
set_fovy(&mut self, fovy: N)236     pub fn set_fovy(&mut self, fovy: N) {
237         let old_m22 = self.matrix[(1, 1)];
238         self.matrix[(1, 1)] = N::one() / (fovy / crate::convert(2.0)).tan();
239         self.matrix[(0, 0)] = self.matrix[(0, 0)] * (self.matrix[(1, 1)] / old_m22);
240     }
242     /// Updates this perspective matrix with a new near plane offset of the view frustum.
243     #[inline]
set_znear(&mut self, znear: N)244     pub fn set_znear(&mut self, znear: N) {
245         let zfar = self.zfar();
246         self.set_znear_and_zfar(znear, zfar);
247     }
249     /// Updates this perspective matrix with a new far plane offset of the view frustum.
250     #[inline]
set_zfar(&mut self, zfar: N)251     pub fn set_zfar(&mut self, zfar: N) {
252         let znear = self.znear();
253         self.set_znear_and_zfar(znear, zfar);
254     }
256     /// Updates this perspective matrix with new near and far plane offsets of the view frustum.
257     #[inline]
set_znear_and_zfar(&mut self, znear: N, zfar: N)258     pub fn set_znear_and_zfar(&mut self, znear: N, zfar: N) {
259         self.matrix[(2, 2)] = (zfar + znear) / (znear - zfar);
260         self.matrix[(2, 3)] = zfar * znear * crate::convert(2.0) / (znear - zfar);
261     }
262 }
264 impl<N: RealField> Distribution<Perspective3<N>> for Standard
265 where Standard: Distribution<N>
266 {
sample<'a, R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, r: &'a mut R) -> Perspective3<N>267     fn sample<'a, R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, r: &'a mut R) -> Perspective3<N> {
268         let znear = r.gen();
269         let zfar = helper::reject_rand(r, |&x: &N| !(x - znear).is_zero());
270         let aspect = helper::reject_rand(r, |&x: &N| !x.is_zero());
272         Perspective3::new(aspect, r.gen(), znear, zfar)
273     }
274 }
276 #[cfg(feature = "arbitrary")]
277 impl<N: RealField + Arbitrary> Arbitrary for Perspective3<N> {
arbitrary<G: Gen>(g: &mut G) -> Self278     fn arbitrary<G: Gen>(g: &mut G) -> Self {
279         let znear = Arbitrary::arbitrary(g);
280         let zfar = helper::reject(g, |&x: &N| !(x - znear).is_zero());
281         let aspect = helper::reject(g, |&x: &N| !x.is_zero());
283         Self::new(aspect, Arbitrary::arbitrary(g), znear, zfar)
284     }
285 }
287 impl<N: RealField> From<Perspective3<N>> for Matrix4<N> {
288     #[inline]
from(orth: Perspective3<N>) -> Self289     fn from(orth: Perspective3<N>) -> Self {
290         orth.into_inner()
291     }
292 }