1Traverso Developers
3Remon Sijrier ( remon at traverso-daw dot org ) - Netherlands - Program Author, Developer
4Nicola Doebelin - Switzerland - Developer
5Ben Levitt ( levittben at yahoo dot com ) - USA - Developer
6Taj Morton - USA - autopackage maintainer
9Ingmar Vanhassel - nl
10Joel 'gibbon_' Garske - de
11Rüdiger Dick - de
12Nicola Doebelin - de
13Clever Pereira - pt
14Pavel Fric - cs (čeština)
17Rüdiger Dick - Germany
20Past Developers/Contributors (These are developers before the fork from Protux project)
22Luciano Giordana ( giordana at linuxmail dot org ) - Brazil - Project Coordinator / Main Developer
23Reinhard Amersberg ( protux at web dot de ) - Germany - Project Coordinator
24Martin Herren ( sputnik at on-the-web dot ch ) - Developer
25David Bain ( pigeonflight at yahoo dot co dot uk ) - Jamaica - Web Designer
26Eduardo Pimenta (epimenta at yahoo dot com ) - Developer
27Fabio dos Santos ( rsff at softhome dot net ) - Brazil - Bug Tracker
28Gustavo Lemos / Alex Beraldo - Brazil - Logo Creator (from 0.20.0)
29Marcio Enrico ( enrico at horizon dot com dot br ) - Brazil - Logo Creator (from 0.13.0 to 0.19.9)
30Nathan Langford ( njl at sdf dot lonestar dot org ) - USA - Web Designer
31Tapio Laxstr� ( tapio at iptime dot fi ) - Finland - Developer
32Valery Beluntsov ( leh at mail dot ru ) - Russia - Bug Tracker