1@prefix atom: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom#> . 2@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> . 3@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . 4@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> . 5@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . 6@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . 7@prefix pg: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-groups#> . 8@prefix units: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units#> . 9@prefix urid: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid#> . 10@prefix state: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state#> . 11@prefix rsz: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port#> . 12 13<http://gareus.org/rgareus#me> 14 a foaf:Person ; 15 foaf:name "Robin Gareus" ; 16 foaf:mbox <mailto:robin@gareus.org> ; 17 foaf:homepage <http://gareus.org/> . 18 19<http://gareus.org/oss/lv2/balance> 20 a lv2:Plugin, lv2:SpatialPlugin , doap:Project; 21 doap:license <http://usefulinc.com/doap/licenses/gpl> ; 22 doap:maintainer <http://gareus.org/rgareus#me> ; 23 doap:name "Stereo Balance Control"; 24 @VERSION@ 25 lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ; 26 lv2:requiredFeature urid:map ; 27 lv2:extensionData state:interface ; 28 rdfs:comment """balance.lv2 facilitates adjusting stereo-microphone recordings (X-Y, A-B, ORTF). But it also generally useful as 'Input Channel Conditioner'. 29 It allows for attenuating the signal on one of the channels as well as delaying the signals (move away from the microphone). To round off the feature-set channels can be swapped or the signal can be downmixed to mono after the delay. 30 It features a Phase-Correlation meter as well as peak programme meters according to IEC 60268-18 (5ms integration, 20dB/1.5 sec fall-off) for input and output signals. 31 The meters can be configure on the right side of the GUI, tilt it using the 'a' key.""" ; 32 lv2:port [ 33 a lv2:InputPort , 34 lv2:ControlPort ; 35 lv2:index 0 ; 36 lv2:symbol "trim" ; 37 lv2:name "Trim/Gain [dB]"; 38 lv2:default 0.0 ; 39 lv2:minimum -20.0 ; 40 lv2:maximum 20.0 ; 41 units:unit units:db; 42 ] , [ 43 a lv2:InputPort , 44 lv2:ControlPort ; 45 lv2:index 1 ; 46 lv2:symbol "phaseL" ; 47 lv2:name "Phase Invert Left"; 48 lv2:default 0 ; 49 lv2:minimum 0 ; 50 lv2:maximum 1 ; 51 lv2:portProperty lv2:toggled; 52 ] , [ 53 a lv2:InputPort , 54 lv2:ControlPort ; 55 lv2:index 2 ; 56 lv2:symbol "phaseR" ; 57 lv2:name "Phase Invert Right"; 58 lv2:default 0 ; 59 lv2:minimum 0 ; 60 lv2:maximum 1 ; 61 lv2:portProperty lv2:toggled; 62 ] , [ 63 a lv2:InputPort , 64 lv2:ControlPort ; 65 lv2:index 3 ; 66 lv2:symbol "balance" ; 67 lv2:name "Balance L/R"; 68 lv2:default 0.0 ; 69 lv2:minimum -1.0 ; 70 lv2:maximum 1.0 ; 71 ] , [ 72 a lv2:InputPort , 73 lv2:ControlPort ; 74 lv2:index 4 ; 75 lv2:symbol "unitygain" ; 76 lv2:name "Gain Mode" ; 77 lv2:default 0 ; 78 lv2:minimum 0 ; 79 lv2:maximum 2; 80 lv2:portProperty lv2:enumeration, lv2:integer; 81 lv2:scalePoint [ 82 rdfs:label "Balance" ; 83 rdf:value 0 84 ] , [ 85 rdfs:label "Unity Gain - Equal Amplitude" ; 86 rdf:value 1 87 ] , [ 88 rdfs:label "Seesaw - Equal Power" ; 89 rdf:value 2 90 ]; 91 rdfs:comment """The mode defines the behaviour of the balance control. 92 classic 'Balance' mode: Attenuate one channels at a time; no positive gain. 93 'Unity Gain - Equal Amplitude' mode: the behaviour of the attenuated channel is identical to 'Balance' mode. The gain of the previously untouched channel is raised so that the mono sum of both retains equal amplitude. 94 'Seesaw - Equal Power' mode: -6dB .. +6dB range, equal power distribution""" 95 ] , [ 96 a lv2:InputPort , 97 lv2:ControlPort ; 98 lv2:index 5 ; 99 lv2:symbol "delayLeft" ; 100 lv2:name "Delay Left [samples]"; 101 lv2:default 0 ; 102 lv2:minimum 0 ; 103 lv2:maximum 2000 ; 104 lv2:portProperty lv2:integer; 105 ] , [ 106 a lv2:InputPort , 107 lv2:ControlPort ; 108 lv2:index 6 ; 109 lv2:symbol "delayRight" ; 110 lv2:name "Delay Right [samples]"; 111 lv2:default 0 ; 112 lv2:minimum 0 ; 113 lv2:maximum 2000 ; 114 lv2:portProperty lv2:integer; 115 ] , [ 116 a lv2:InputPort , 117 lv2:ControlPort ; 118 lv2:index 7 ; 119 lv2:symbol "monoswap" ; 120 lv2:name "Channel Assignment" ; 121 lv2:default 0 ; 122 lv2:minimum 0 ; 123 lv2:maximum 4; 124 lv2:portProperty lv2:enumeration, lv2:integer; 125 lv2:scalePoint [ 126 rdfs:label "L->L, R->R (Straight)" ; 127 rdf:value 0 128 ] , [ 129 rdfs:label "L->L, L->R (Left Channel Mono)" ; 130 rdf:value 1 131 ] , [ 132 rdfs:label "R->R, R->L (Right Channel Mono)" ; 133 rdf:value 2 134 ] , [ 135 rdfs:label "L->R, R->L (Swap Channels)" ; 136 rdf:value 3 137 ] , [ 138 rdfs:label "Downmix to Mono" ; 139 rdf:value 4 140 ] 141 ] , [ 142 a lv2:AudioPort , 143 lv2:InputPort ; 144 lv2:index 8 ; 145 lv2:symbol "in_left" ; 146 lv2:name "In Left" ; 147 lv2:designation pg:left ; 148 ] , [ 149 a lv2:AudioPort , 150 lv2:InputPort ; 151 lv2:index 9 ; 152 lv2:symbol "in_right" ; 153 lv2:name "In Right" ; 154 lv2:designation pg:right ; 155 ] , [ 156 a lv2:AudioPort , 157 lv2:OutputPort ; 158 lv2:index 10 ; 159 lv2:symbol "out_left" ; 160 lv2:name "Out Left" ; 161 lv2:designation pg:left ; 162 ] , [ 163 a lv2:AudioPort , 164 lv2:OutputPort ; 165 lv2:index 11 ; 166 lv2:symbol "out_right" ; 167 lv2:name "Out Right" ; 168 lv2:designation pg:right ; 169 ] , [ 170 a atom:AtomPort , 171 lv2:InputPort ; 172 atom:bufferType atom:Sequence ; 173 lv2:designation lv2:control ; 174 lv2:index 12 ; 175 lv2:symbol "control" ; 176 lv2:name "UI to plugin communication" 177 ] , [ 178 a atom:AtomPort , 179 lv2:OutputPort ; 180 atom:bufferType atom:Sequence ; 181 lv2:designation lv2:control ; 182 lv2:index 13 ; 183 lv2:symbol "notify" ; 184 lv2:name "plugin to UI communication" ; 185 rsz:minimumSize 1024; 186 ] . 187