.. ..
XfwfToggle |
Name Class Type Default |
XtNonCallback XtCOnCallback Callback NULL |
XtNoffCallback XtCOffCallback Callback NULL |
XtNon XtCOn Boolean False |
XtNonIcon XtCOnIcon Icon * "filledsquare" |
XtNoffIcon XtCOffIcon Icon * "emptysquare" |
"XtNonCallback" The onCallback is called by the toggle action or by the switch_on action, if the previous state was `off'. The call_data argument will contain the XEvent pointer that trigerred the action function. .hi <Callback> XtCallbackList onCallback = NULL .eh
"XtNoffCallback" The offCallback is called from the toggle or switch_off action, if the previous state was `on'. The call_data argument will be a pointer to the XEvent that caused the action. .hi <Callback> XtCallbackList offCallback = NULL .eh
"XtNon" The variable on records the state of the widget: True means `on' and False means `off'. .hi Boolean on = False .eh
"XtNonIcon" By default, the button displays a $\surd$ when on and nothing when off. The two resources onIcon and offPIcon can replace these two graphics with arbitrary pixmaps. Suggested size for these pixmaps is about $16\times18$. .hi Icon * onIcon = <String>"filledsquare" .eh
"XtNoffIcon" The offIcon is displayed when the button is in `off' state. By default, nothing is displayed in this state. .hi Icon * offIcon = <String>"emptysquare" .eh
XfwfButton |
Name Class Type Default |
XtNactivate XtCActivate Callback NULL |
XtNenter XtCEnter Callback NULL |
XtNleave XtCLeave Callback NULL |
XfwfLabel |
Name Class Type Default |
XtNlabel XtCLabel String NULL |
XtNtablist XtCTablist String NULL |
XtNfont XtCFont FontStruct XtDefaultFont |
XtNforeground XtCForeground Pixel XtDefaultForeground |
XtNhlForeground XtCHlForeground Pixel XtDefaultForeground |
XtNalignment XtCAlignment Alignment 0 |
XtNtopMargin XtCTopMargin Dimension 2 |
XtNbottomMargin XtCBottomMargin Dimension 2 |
XtNleftMargin XtCLeftMargin Dimension 2 |
XtNrightMargin XtCRightMargin Dimension 2 |
XtNshrinkToFit XtCShrinkToFit Boolean False |
XtNrvStart XtCRvStart Int 0 |
XtNrvLength XtCRvLength Int 0 |
XtNhlStart XtCHlStart Int 0 |
XtNhlLength XtCHlLength Int 0 |
XfwfBoard |
Name Class Type Default |
XtNabs_x XtCAbs_x Position 0 |
XtNrel_x XtCRel_x Float "0.0" |
XtNabs_y XtCAbs_y Position 0 |
XtNrel_y XtCRel_y Float "0.0" |
XtNabs_width XtCAbs_width Position 0 |
XtNrel_width XtCRel_width Float "1.0" |
XtNabs_height XtCAbs_height Position 0 |
XtNrel_height XtCRel_height Float "1.0" |
XtNhunit XtCHunit Float "1.0" |
XtNvunit XtCVunit Float "1.0" |
XtNlocation XtCLocation String NULL |
XfwfFrame |
Name Class Type Default |
XtNcursor XtCCursor Cursor None |
XtNframeType XtCFrameType FrameType XfwfRaised |
XtNframeWidth XtCFrameWidth Dimension 0 |
XtNouterOffset XtCOuterOffset Dimension 0 |
XtNinnerOffset XtCInnerOffset Dimension 0 |
XtNshadowScheme XtCShadowScheme ShadowScheme XfwfAuto |
XtNtopShadowColor XtCTopShadowColor Pixel compute_topcolor |
XtNbottomShadowColor XtCBottomShadowColor Pixel compute_bottomcolor |
XtNtopShadowStipple XtCTopShadowStipple Bitmap NULL |
XtNbottomShadowStipple XtCBottomShadowStipple Bitmap NULL |
XfwfCommon |
Name Class Type Default |
XtNtraversalOn XtCTraversalOn Boolean True |
XtNhighlightThickness XtCHighlightThickness Dimension 2 |
XtNhighlightColor XtCHighlightColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground |
XtNhighlightPixmap XtCHighlightPixmap Pixmap None |
XtNnextTop XtCNextTop Callback NULL |
XtNuserData XtCUserData Pointer NULL |
Composite |
Name Class Type Default |
XtNchildren XtCChildren WidgetList NULL |
insertPosition XtCInsertPosition XTOrderProc NULL |
numChildren XtCNumChildren Cardinal 0 |
Core |
Name Class Type Default |
XtNx XtCX Position 0 |
XtNy XtCY Position 0 |
XtNwidth XtCWidth Dimension 0 |
XtNheight XtCHeight Dimension 0 |
borderWidth XtCBorderWidth Dimension 0 |
XtNcolormap XtCColormap Colormap NULL |
XtNdepth XtCDepth Int 0 |
destroyCallback XtCDestroyCallback XTCallbackList NULL |
XtNsensitive XtCSensitive Boolean True |
ancestorSensitive XtCAncestorSensitive Boolean False |
accelerators XtCAccelerators XTTranslations NULL |
borderColor XtCBorderColor Pixel 0 |
borderPixmap XtCBorderPixmap Pixmap NULL |
background XtCBackground Pixel 0 |
backgroundPixmap XtCBackgroundPixmap Pixmap NULL |
mappedWhenManaged XtCMappedWhenManaged Boolean True |
XtNscreen XtCScreen Screen * NULL |
<Btn1Down>: set_shadow(sunken)
<Btn1Up>: toggle() set_shadow()
<Key>Return: toggle().hi
"toggle The toggle action switches the state. Depending on the resources it might change the tickmark. The onCallback or offCallback functions are called, with the event as call_data argument. .hi
void toggle($, XEvent* event, String* params, Cardinal* num_params) { XtVaSetValues($, "on", !$on, NULL); XtCallCallbackList($, $on ? $onCallback : $offCallback, event); }.eh
"switch_on The switch_on action switches the button to `on' if it is `off', otherwise it does nothing. By default it isn't bound to any event. If the widget is changed, the onCallback is called with the event as call_data. .hi
void switch_on($, XEvent* event, String* params, Cardinal* num_params) { if (! $on) { XtVaSetValues($, "on", True, NULL); XtCallCallbackList($, $onCallback, event); } }.eh
"switch_off The switch_off action switches the widget to `off' if the state is `on', otherwise it does nothing. When the widget changes states, the offCallback is called, with a pointer to the XEvent structure as call_data argument. .hi
void switch_off($, XEvent* event, String* params, Cardinal* num_params) { if ($on) { XtVaSetValues($, "on", False, NULL); XtCallCallbackList($, $offCallback, event); } }.eh .hi .hi
incl <Xfwf/Converters.h>.hi .hi
GC on_gcThe off_gc holds the picture for the `off' state.
GC off_gcThe previous value of leftMargin is stored in a private variable. This value is added to the width of the widest pixmap to give the new value of leftMargin.
Dimension saveLeftMargin.hi .hi
initialize(Widget request, $, ArgList args, Cardinal * num_args) { int status; Dimension w1, w2, w; $on_gc = NULL; $off_gc = NULL; create_on_gc($); create_off_gc($); w1 = $onIcon ? $onIcon->attributes.width : 0; w2 = $offIcon ? $offIcon->attributes.width : 0; w = max(w1, w2); if (w != 0) XtVaSetValues($, XtNleftMargin, $leftMargin + w, NULL); }Question: Does the computation of leftMargin have the desired effect? Since set_values is downward chained, the Label widget has already processed it; changing leftMargin doesn't cause Label to recompute the preferred size\dots
Boolean set_values(Widget old, Widget request, $, ArgList args, Cardinal * num_args) { Boolean redraw = False, compute_margin = False; Dimension w1, w2, w; if ($onIcon != $old$onIcon) { create_on_gc($); compute_margin = True; } if ($offIcon != $old$offIcon) { create_off_gc($); compute_margin = True; } if ($on != $old$on) { redraw = True; } if (compute_margin) { /* Compute w = old margin between icons and text */ w1 = $old$onIcon ? $old$onIcon->attributes.width : 0; w2 = $old$offIcon ? $old$offIcon->attributes.width : 0; w = $old$leftMargin - max(w1, w2); /* Compute new left margin w = w + width of icons */ w1 = $onIcon ? $onIcon->attributes.width : 0; w2 = $offIcon ? $offIcon->attributes.width : 0; w = w + max(w1, w2); if ($old$leftMargin != w) { XtVaSetValues($, XtNleftMargin, w, NULL); redraw = False; } else redraw = True; } return redraw; }The expose method uses the expose method of the superclass to draw the button and then possibly adds a tick mark.
expose($, XEvent * event, Region region) { Position x, y; Dimension w, h; if (! XtIsRealized($)) return; #expose($, event, region); $compute_inside($, x, y, w, h); if ($on $onIcon) { y = y + (h - $onIcon->attributes.height)/2; XSetTSOrigin(XtDisplay($), $on_gc, x, y); XSetClipOrigin(XtDisplay($), $on_gc, x, y); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay($), XtWindow($), $on_gc, x, y, $onIcon->attributes.width, $onIcon->attributes.height); } else if ($offIcon) { y = y + (h - $offIcon->attributes.height)/2; XSetTSOrigin(XtDisplay($), $off_gc, x, y); XSetClipOrigin(XtDisplay($), $off_gc, x, y); XFillRectangle(XtDisplay($), XtWindow($), $off_gc, x, y, $offIcon->attributes.width, $offIcon->attributes.height); } }.hi .hi
create_on_gc($) { XtGCMask mask = GCFillStyle; XGCValues values; if ($on_gc != NULL) XtReleaseGC($, $on_gc); if ($onIcon $onIcon->pixmap != None) { values.tile = $onIcon->pixmap; mask |= GCTile; } if ($onIcon $onIcon->mask != None) { values.clip_mask = $onIcon->mask; mask |= GCClipMask; } values.fill_style = FillTiled; $on_gc = XtGetGC($, mask, values); }The create_off_gc function creates a GC with the offIcon as tile.
create_off_gc($) { XtGCMask mask = GCFillStyle; XGCValues values; if ($off_gc != NULL) XtReleaseGC($, $off_gc); if ($offIcon $offIcon->pixmap != None) { values.tile = $offIcon->pixmap; mask |= GCTile; } if ($offIcon $offIcon->mask != None) { values.clip_mask = $offIcon->mask; mask |= GCClipMask; } values.fill_style = FillTiled; $off_gc = XtGetGC($, mask, values); }.hi