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"" 3 "" "Version 3.0" "Free Widget Foundation"
The XfwfToggle is a button that switches states with every activation (which is by default with every mouse click). The states are named `on' and `off'. The states can be indicated with a $\surd$ before the label Two callbacks report the changed state to the application: onCallback is called when the button switches to `on', offCallback is called when the button switches back to `off'.
"Public variables"
Name Class Type Default
XtNonCallback XtCOnCallback Callback NULL
XtNoffCallback XtCOffCallback Callback NULL
XtNon XtCOn Boolean False
XtNonIcon XtCOnIcon Icon * "filledsquare"
XtNoffIcon XtCOffIcon Icon * "emptysquare"

"XtNonCallback" The onCallback is called by the toggle action or by the switch_on action, if the previous state was `off'. The call_data argument will contain the XEvent pointer that trigerred the action function. .hi <Callback> XtCallbackList onCallback = NULL .eh

"XtNoffCallback" The offCallback is called from the toggle or switch_off action, if the previous state was `on'. The call_data argument will be a pointer to the XEvent that caused the action. .hi <Callback> XtCallbackList offCallback = NULL .eh

"XtNon" The variable on records the state of the widget: True means `on' and False means `off'. .hi Boolean on = False .eh

"XtNonIcon" By default, the button displays a $\surd$ when on and nothing when off. The two resources onIcon and offPIcon can replace these two graphics with arbitrary pixmaps. Suggested size for these pixmaps is about $16\times18$. .hi Icon * onIcon = <String>"filledsquare" .eh

"XtNoffIcon" The offIcon is displayed when the button is in `off' state. By default, nothing is displayed in this state. .hi Icon * offIcon = <String>"emptysquare" .eh

Name Class Type Default
XtNactivate XtCActivate Callback NULL
XtNenter XtCEnter Callback NULL
XtNleave XtCLeave Callback NULL
Name Class Type Default
XtNlabel XtCLabel String NULL
XtNtablist XtCTablist String NULL
XtNfont XtCFont FontStruct XtDefaultFont
XtNforeground XtCForeground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
XtNhlForeground XtCHlForeground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
XtNalignment XtCAlignment Alignment 0
XtNtopMargin XtCTopMargin Dimension 2
XtNbottomMargin XtCBottomMargin Dimension 2
XtNleftMargin XtCLeftMargin Dimension 2
XtNrightMargin XtCRightMargin Dimension 2
XtNshrinkToFit XtCShrinkToFit Boolean False
XtNrvStart XtCRvStart Int 0
XtNrvLength XtCRvLength Int 0
XtNhlStart XtCHlStart Int 0
XtNhlLength XtCHlLength Int 0
Name Class Type Default
XtNabs_x XtCAbs_x Position 0
XtNrel_x XtCRel_x Float "0.0"
XtNabs_y XtCAbs_y Position 0
XtNrel_y XtCRel_y Float "0.0"
XtNabs_width XtCAbs_width Position 0
XtNrel_width XtCRel_width Float "1.0"
XtNabs_height XtCAbs_height Position 0
XtNrel_height XtCRel_height Float "1.0"
XtNhunit XtCHunit Float "1.0"
XtNvunit XtCVunit Float "1.0"
XtNlocation XtCLocation String NULL
Name Class Type Default
XtNcursor XtCCursor Cursor None
XtNframeType XtCFrameType FrameType XfwfRaised
XtNframeWidth XtCFrameWidth Dimension 0
XtNouterOffset XtCOuterOffset Dimension 0
XtNinnerOffset XtCInnerOffset Dimension 0
XtNshadowScheme XtCShadowScheme ShadowScheme XfwfAuto
XtNtopShadowColor XtCTopShadowColor Pixel compute_topcolor
XtNbottomShadowColor XtCBottomShadowColor Pixel compute_bottomcolor
XtNtopShadowStipple XtCTopShadowStipple Bitmap NULL
XtNbottomShadowStipple XtCBottomShadowStipple Bitmap NULL
Name Class Type Default
XtNtraversalOn XtCTraversalOn Boolean True
XtNhighlightThickness XtCHighlightThickness Dimension 2
XtNhighlightColor XtCHighlightColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground
XtNhighlightPixmap XtCHighlightPixmap Pixmap None
XtNnextTop XtCNextTop Callback NULL
XtNuserData XtCUserData Pointer NULL
Name Class Type Default
XtNchildren XtCChildren WidgetList NULL
insertPosition XtCInsertPosition XTOrderProc NULL
numChildren XtCNumChildren Cardinal 0
Name Class Type Default
XtNx XtCX Position 0
XtNy XtCY Position 0
XtNwidth XtCWidth Dimension 0
XtNheight XtCHeight Dimension 0
borderWidth XtCBorderWidth Dimension 0
XtNcolormap XtCColormap Colormap NULL
XtNdepth XtCDepth Int 0
destroyCallback XtCDestroyCallback XTCallbackList NULL
XtNsensitive XtCSensitive Boolean True
ancestorSensitive XtCAncestorSensitive Boolean False
accelerators XtCAccelerators XTTranslations NULL
borderColor XtCBorderColor Pixel 0
borderPixmap XtCBorderPixmap Pixmap NULL
background XtCBackground Pixel 0
backgroundPixmap XtCBackgroundPixmap Pixmap NULL
mappedWhenManaged XtCMappedWhenManaged Boolean True
XtNscreen XtCScreen Screen * NULL
The toggle action toggles the widget between `on' and `off'. By default it is bound to a click of the left mouse button as well as to the Return key.
<Btn1Down>: set_shadow(sunken) 
<Btn1Up>: toggle() set_shadow() 
<Key>Return: toggle() 

"toggle The toggle action switches the state. Depending on the resources it might change the tickmark. The onCallback or offCallback functions are called, with the event as call_data argument. .hi

void toggle($, XEvent* event, String* params, Cardinal* num_params)
 XtVaSetValues($, "on", !$on, NULL);
 XtCallCallbackList($, $on ? $onCallback : $offCallback, event);

"switch_on The switch_on action switches the button to `on' if it is `off', otherwise it does nothing. By default it isn't bound to any event. If the widget is changed, the onCallback is called with the event as call_data. .hi

void switch_on($, XEvent* event, String* params, Cardinal* num_params)
 if (! $on) {
 XtVaSetValues($, "on", True, NULL);
 XtCallCallbackList($, $onCallback, event);

"switch_off The switch_off action switches the widget to `off' if the state is `on', otherwise it does nothing. When the widget changes states, the offCallback is called, with a pointer to the XEvent structure as call_data argument. .hi

void switch_off($, XEvent* event, String* params, Cardinal* num_params)
 if ($on) {
 XtVaSetValues($, "on", False, NULL);
 XtCallCallbackList($, $offCallback, event);
.eh .hi .hi
The Converters file is needed for the Icon type.

 incl  <Xfwf/Converters.h>
.hi .hi
"Private variables"
The on_gc GC holds the picture of the tick mark for the `on' state.
GC on_gc
The off_gc holds the picture for the `off' state.
GC off_gc
The previous value of leftMargin is stored in a private variable. This value is added to the width of the widest pixmap to give the new value of leftMargin.
Dimension saveLeftMargin
.hi .hi
The GC's are created for the first time and the left margin is increased to make room for the on and off icons.
initialize(Widget request, $, ArgList args, Cardinal * num_args)
 int status;
 Dimension w1, w2, w;

 $on_gc = NULL;
 $off_gc = NULL;

 w1 = $onIcon ? $onIcon->attributes.width : 0;
 w2 = $offIcon ? $offIcon->attributes.width : 0;
 w = max(w1, w2);
 if (w != 0) XtVaSetValues($, XtNleftMargin, $leftMargin + w, NULL);
Question: Does the computation of leftMargin have the desired effect? Since set_values is downward chained, the Label widget has already processed it; changing leftMargin doesn't cause Label to recompute the preferred size\dots
Boolean set_values(Widget old, Widget request, $, ArgList args, Cardinal * num_args)
 Boolean redraw = False, compute_margin = False;
 Dimension w1, w2, w;

 if ($onIcon != $old$onIcon) {
 compute_margin = True;
 if ($offIcon != $old$offIcon) {
 compute_margin = True;
 if ($on != $old$on) {
 redraw = True;
 if (compute_margin) {
 /* Compute w = old margin between icons and text */
 w1 = $old$onIcon ? $old$onIcon->attributes.width : 0;
 w2 = $old$offIcon ? $old$offIcon->attributes.width : 0;
 w = $old$leftMargin - max(w1, w2);
 /* Compute new left margin w = w + width of icons */
 w1 = $onIcon ? $onIcon->attributes.width : 0;
 w2 = $offIcon ? $offIcon->attributes.width : 0;
 w = w + max(w1, w2);
 if ($old$leftMargin != w) {
 XtVaSetValues($, XtNleftMargin, w, NULL);
 redraw = False;
 } else
 redraw = True;
 return redraw;
The expose method uses the expose method of the superclass to draw the button and then possibly adds a tick mark.
expose($, XEvent * event, Region region)
 Position x, y;
 Dimension w, h;

 if (! XtIsRealized($)) return;
 #expose($, event, region);
 $compute_inside($, x, y, w, h);
 if ($on $onIcon) {
 y = y + (h - $onIcon->attributes.height)/2;
 XSetTSOrigin(XtDisplay($), $on_gc, x, y);
 XSetClipOrigin(XtDisplay($), $on_gc, x, y);
 XFillRectangle(XtDisplay($), XtWindow($), $on_gc, x, y,
 } else if ($offIcon) {
 y = y + (h - $offIcon->attributes.height)/2;
 XSetTSOrigin(XtDisplay($), $off_gc, x, y);
 XSetClipOrigin(XtDisplay($), $off_gc, x, y);
 XFillRectangle(XtDisplay($), XtWindow($), $off_gc, x, y,
.hi .hi
The create_on_gc function creates a GC with the onIcon as tile.
 XtGCMask mask = GCFillStyle;
 XGCValues values;

 if ($on_gc != NULL) XtReleaseGC($, $on_gc);
 if ($onIcon $onIcon->pixmap != None) {
 values.tile = $onIcon->pixmap;
 mask |= GCTile;
 if ($onIcon $onIcon->mask != None) {
 values.clip_mask = $onIcon->mask;
 mask |= GCClipMask;
 values.fill_style = FillTiled;
 $on_gc = XtGetGC($, mask, values);
The create_off_gc function creates a GC with the offIcon as tile.
 XtGCMask mask = GCFillStyle;
 XGCValues values;

 if ($off_gc != NULL) XtReleaseGC($, $off_gc);
 if ($offIcon $offIcon->pixmap != None) {
 values.tile = $offIcon->pixmap;
 mask |= GCTile;
 if ($offIcon $offIcon->mask != None) {
 values.clip_mask = $offIcon->mask;
 mask |= GCClipMask;
 values.fill_style = FillTiled;
 $off_gc = XtGetGC($, mask, values);