3# This is the setup file for the events system.  From here, you can
4# configure any actions that you want to have happen during the course of
5# an experiment, including setting the times for data collection.
7# basic syntax: [trigger] [start:interval:stop] [action/event] [arguments...]
9# This file is currently setup to record key information every 100 updates.
11# For information on how to use this file, see:  doc/events.html
12# For other sample event configurations, see:  support/config/
16# Seed the population with a single organism
17u begin InjectAll default-heads-collect-A.org
19# Print all of the standard data files...
20#u 0:100:end PrintAverageData       # Save info about they average genotypes
21#u 0:100:end PrintDominantData      # Save info about most abundant genotypes
22#u 0:100:end PrintStatsData         # Collect satistics about entire pop.
23#u 0:100:end PrintCountData         # Count organisms, genotypes, species, etc.
24#u 0:100:end PrintTasksData         # Save organisms counts for each task.
25#u 0:100:end PrintTimeData          # Track time conversion (generations, etc.)
26u 0:1:end PrintResourceData      # Track resource abundance.
28# A few data files not printed by default
29# u 100:100 PrintDominantGenotype      # Save the most abundant genotypes
30# u 100:100:end PrintErrorData       # Std. Error on averages.
31# u 100:100:end PrintVarianceData    # Variance on averages.
32# u 100:100:end PrintTotalsData      # Total counts over entire run.
33# u 100:100:end PrintTasksExeData    # Num. times tasks have been executed.
34# u 100:100:end PrintTasksQualData   # Task quality information
36# Setup the exit time and full population data collection.
37u 2:2 SavePopulation         # Save current state of population.
38u 2 Exit                        # exit