1 /*
2  * KeyListOpsMethods.h
3  *
4  *  Created on: Feb 6, 2014
5  *      Author: nek3d
6  */
11 #include <map>
12 #include <utility> //for pair
13 #include "string.h"
14 #include <stdint.h>
15 #include "RecordKeyVector.h"
17 using namespace std;
19 class KeyListOpsMethods {
20 public:
21 	KeyListOpsMethods();
22 	KeyListOpsMethods(RecordKeyVector *keyList, int column = 1);
23 	~KeyListOpsMethods();
setIsBam(bool isBam)25 	void setIsBam(bool isBam) { _isBam = isBam; }
setKeyList(RecordKeyVector * keyList)26 	void setKeyList(RecordKeyVector *keyList) { _keyList = keyList; }
setColumn(int col)27 	void setColumn(int col) { _column = col; }
setNullValue(const string & nullVal)28 	void setNullValue(const string & nullVal) { _nullVal = nullVal; }
getNullValue()29 	const string &getNullValue() const { return _nullVal; }
setDelimStr(const string & delimStr)30 	void setDelimStr(const string &delimStr) { _delimStr = delimStr; }
getDelimStr()31 	const string &getDelimStr() const { return _delimStr; }
33     // return the total of the values in the vector
34     double getSum();
35     // return the average value in the vector
36     double getMean();
37      // return the standard deviation
38     double getStddev();
39     // return the sample standard deviation
40     double getSampleStddev();
41     // return the median value in the vector
42     double getMedian();
43     // return the most common value in the vector
44     const string &getMode();
45     // return the least common value in the vector
46     const string &getAntiMode();
47     // return the minimum element of the vector
48     double getMin();
49     // return the maximum element of the vector
50     double getMax();
51     // return the minimum absolute value of the vector
52     double getAbsMin();
53     // return the maximum absolute value of the vector
54     double getAbsMax();
55     // return the count of element in the vector
56     uint32_t getCount();
57     // return a the count of _unique_ elements in the vector
58     uint32_t getCountDistinct();
59     // return only those elements that occur once
60     const string &getDistinctOnly();
61     // as distinct, but sorted numerically.
62     const string &getDistinctSortNum(bool ascending = true);
63     // as distinct, but sorted numerically, descending
66      // return a delimiter-separated list of elements
67     const string & getCollapse(const string & delimiter = ",");
68     // return a concatenation of all elements in the vector
69     const string & getConcat();
70     // return a comma-separated list of the _unique_ elements
71     const string & getDistinct();
72     // return a histogram of values and their freqs. in desc. order of frequency
73     const string & getFreqDesc();
74     // return a histogram of values and their freqs. in asc. order of frequency
75     const string & getFreqAsc();
76     // return the first value in the list
77     const string & getFirst();
78     // return the last value in the list
79     const string & getLast();
nonNumErrFlagSet()81     bool nonNumErrFlagSet() const { return _nonNumErrFlag; }
getErrMsg()82     const string &getErrMsg() const { return _errMsg; }
resetNonNumErrFlag()83     void resetNonNumErrFlag() {
84     	_nonNumErrFlag = false;
85     	_errMsg.clear();
86     }
88 private:
89 	RecordKeyVector *_keyList;
90 	int _column;
91 	string _nullVal;
92 	string _delimStr;
93 	string _retStr;
95 	RecordKeyVector _nullKeyList; //this has to exist just so we can initialize _iter, below.
96 	RecordKeyVector::iterator_type _iter;
98 	// Some methods need to put values into a vector, mostly for sorting.
99 	vector<double> _numArray;
100 	vector<string> _qsArray;
102 	typedef map<string, int> freqMapType;
103 	freqMapType _freqMap;
104 	freqMapType::iterator _freqIter;
106 	typedef enum { UNSORTED, ASC, DESC} SORT_TYPE;
108 	bool _nonNumErrFlag;
109 	string _errMsg;
110 	bool _isBam;
112 	typedef multimap<int, string, less<int> > histAscType;
113 	typedef multimap<int, string, greater<int> > histDescType;
114 	void init();
115 	const string &getColVal();
116 	double getColValNum();
empty()117 	bool empty() { return _keyList->empty(); }
begin()118 	void begin() { _iter = _keyList->begin(); }
end()119 	bool end() { return _iter == _keyList->end(); }
next()120 	void next() { _iter = _keyList->next(); }
121 	void toArray(bool useNum, SORT_TYPE sortVal = UNSORTED);
122 	void sortArray(bool useNum, bool ascOrder);
123 	void makeFreqMap();
126 };
129 #endif /* KEYLISTOPSMETHODS_H_ */