1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <fstream>
4 #include <string>
5 #include <algorithm>
6 #include <cassert>
7 #include <stdexcept>
8 #include <getopt.h>
9 #include <vector>
10 #include <time.h>
12 #ifndef _WIN32
13 #include <dirent.h>
14 #include <signal.h>
15 #endif
17 #include "aligner.h"
18 #include "aligner_0mm.h"
19 #include "aligner_1mm.h"
20 #include "aligner_23mm.h"
21 #include "aligner_metrics.h"
22 #include "aligner_seed_mm.h"
23 #include "alphabet.h"
24 #include "assert_helpers.h"
25 #include "bitset.h"
26 #include "ds.h"
27 #include "ebwt.h"
28 #include "ebwt_search.h"
29 #include "endian_swap.h"
30 #include "formats.h"
31 #include "hit.h"
32 #include "pat.h"
33 #include "range_cache.h"
34 #include "sam.h"
35 #include "sequence_io.h"
36 #include "threading.h"
37 #include "tokenize.h"
39 #include <CHUD/CHUD.h>
40 #endif
42 static int FNAME_SIZE;
43 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
44 #include <thread>
45 static std::atomic<int> thread_counter;
46 #else
47 static int thread_counter;
48 static MUTEX_T thread_counter_mutex;
49 #endif
51 using namespace std;
53 static EList<string> mates1;		// mated reads (first mate)
54 static EList<string> mates2;		// mated reads (second mate)
55 static EList<string> mates12;		// mated reads (1st/2nd interleaved in 1 file)
56 static string adjustedEbwtFileBase;
57 static bool verbose;			// be talkative
58 static bool startVerbose;		// be talkative at startup
59 bool quiet;				// print nothing but the alignments
60 static int sanityCheck;			// enable expensive sanity checks
61 static int format;			// default read format is FASTQ
62 static string origString;		// reference text, or filename(s)
63 static int seed;			// srandom() seed
64 static int timing;			// whether to report basic timing data
65 static bool allHits;			// for multihits, report just one
66 static bool rangeMode;			// report BWT ranges instead of ref locs
67 static int showVersion;			// just print version and quit?
68 static int ipause;			// pause before maching?
69 static uint32_t qUpto;			// max # of queries to read
70 static int trim5;			// amount to trim from 5' end
71 static int trim3;			// amount to trim from 3' end
72 static int reportOpps;			// whether to report # of other mappings
73 static int offRate;			// keep default offRate
74 static int isaRate;			// keep default isaRate
75 static int mismatches;			// allow 0 mismatches by default
76 static bool solexaQuals;		// quality strings are solexa quals, not phred, and subtract 64 (not 33)
77 static bool phred64Quals;		// quality chars are phred, but must subtract 64 (not 33)
78 static bool integerQuals;		// quality strings are space-separated strings of integers, not ASCII
79 static int maqLike;			// do maq-like searching
80 static int seedLen;			// seed length (changed in Maq 0.6.4 from 24)
81 static int seedMms;			// # mismatches allowed in seed (maq's -n)
82 static int qualThresh;			// max qual-weighted hamming dist (maq's -e)
83 static int maxBtsBetter;		// max # backtracks allowed in half-and-half mode
84 static int maxBts;			// max # backtracks allowed in half-and-half mode
85 static int nthreads;			// number of pthreads operating concurrently
86 static bool reorder;			// reorder SAM output when running multi-threaded
87 static int thread_ceiling;		// maximum number of threads user wants bowtie to use
88 static string thread_stealing_dir;	// keep track of pids in this directory
89 static bool thread_stealing;		// true iff thread stealing is in use
90 static output_types outType;		// style of output
91 static bool noRefNames;			// true -> print reference indexes; not names
92 static string dumpAlBase;		// basename of same-format files to dump aligned reads to
93 static string dumpUnalBase;		// basename of same-format files to dump unaligned reads to
94 static string dumpMaxBase;		// basename of same-format files to dump reads with more than -m valid alignments to
95 static uint32_t khits;			// number of hits per read; >1 is much slower
96 static uint32_t mhits;			// don't report any hits if there are > mhits
97 static bool better;			// true -> guarantee alignments from best possible stratum
98 static bool strata;			// true -> don't stop at stratum boundaries
99 static int partitionSz;			// output a partitioning key in first field
100 static int readsPerBatch;		// # reads to read from input file at once
101 static size_t outBatchSz;		// # alignments to write to output file at once
102 static bool noMaqRound;			// true -> don't round quals to nearest 10 like maq
103 static bool fileParallel;		// separate threads read separate input files in parallel
104 static bool useShmem;			// use shared memory to hold the index
105 static bool useMm;			// use memory-mapped files to hold the index
106 static bool mmSweep;			// sweep through memory-mapped files immediately after mapping
107 static bool stateful;			// use stateful aligners
108 static uint32_t prefetchWidth;		// number of reads to process in parallel w/ --stateful
109 static uint32_t minInsert;		// minimum insert size (Maq = 0, SOAP = 400)
110 static uint32_t maxInsert;		// maximum insert size (Maq = 250, SOAP = 600)
111 static bool mate1fw;			// -1 mate aligns in fw orientation on fw strand
112 static bool mate2fw;			// -2 mate aligns in rc orientation on fw strand
113 static bool mateFwSet;			// true -> user set --ff/--fr/--rf
114 static uint32_t mixedThresh;		// threshold for when to switch to paired-end mixed mode (see aligner.h)
115 static uint32_t mixedAttemptLim;	// number of attempts to make in "mixed mode" before giving up on orientation
116 static bool dontReconcileMates;		// suppress pairwise all-versus-all way of resolving mates
117 static uint32_t cacheLimit;		// ranges w/ size > limit will be cached
118 static uint32_t cacheSize;		// # words per range cache
119 static int offBase;			// offsets are 0-based by default, but configurable
120 static bool tryHard;			// set very high maxBts, mixedAttemptLim
121 static uint32_t skipReads;		// # reads/read pairs to skip
122 static bool nofw;			// don't align fw orientation of read
123 static bool norc;			// don't align rc orientation of read
124 static bool strandFix;			// attempt to fix strand bias
125 static bool stats;			// print performance stats
126 static int chunkPoolMegabytes;		// max MB to dedicate to best-first search frames per thread
127 static int chunkSz;			// size of single chunk disbursed by ChunkPool
128 static bool chunkVerbose;		// have chunk allocator output status messages?
129 static bool useV1;
130 static bool reportSe;
131 static size_t fastaContLen;
132 static size_t fastaContFreq;
133 static bool hadoopOut;			// print Hadoop status and summary messages
134 static bool fullRef;
135 static bool samNoQnameTrunc;		// don't truncate QNAME field at first whitespace
136 static bool samNoHead;			// don't print any header lines in SAM output
137 static bool samNoSQ;			// don't print @SQ header lines
138 static string rgs;			// SAM outputs for @RG header line
139 static Bitset suppressOuts(64);		// output fields to suppress
140 static bool sampleMax;			// whether to report a random alignment when maxed-out via -m/-M
141 static int defaultMapq;			// default mapping quality to print in SAM mode
142 static bool printCost;			// true -> print stratum and cost
143 bool showSeed;
144 static EList<string> qualities;
145 static EList<string> qualities1;
146 static EList<string> qualities2;
147 static string wrapper;			// Type of wrapper script
148 bool gAllowMateContainment;
149 bool noUnal;				// don't print unaligned reads
150 string ebwtFile;			// read serialized Ebwt from this file
151 MUTEX_T gLock;
resetOptions()153 static void resetOptions() {
154 	mates1.clear();
155 	mates2.clear();
156 	mates12.clear();
157 	ebwtFile		= "";
158 	adjustedEbwtFileBase	= "";
159 	verbose			= 0;
160 	startVerbose		= 0;
161 	quiet			= false;
162 	sanityCheck		= 0;		// enable expensive sanity checks
163 	format			= FASTQ;	// default read format is FASTQ
164 	origString		= "";		// reference text, or filename(s)
165 	seed			= 0;		// srandom() seed
166 	timing			= 0;		// whether to report basic timing data
167 	allHits			= false;	// for multihits, report just one
168 	rangeMode		= false;	// report BWT ranges instead of ref locs
169 	showVersion		= 0;		// just print version and quit?
170 	ipause			= 0;		// pause before maching?
171 	qUpto			= 0xffffffff;	// max # of queries to read
172 	trim5			= 0;		// amount to trim from 5' end
173 	trim3			= 0;		// amount to trim from 3' end
174 	reportOpps		= 0;		// whether to report # of other mappings
175 	offRate			= -1;		// keep default offRate
176 	isaRate			= -1;		// keep default isaRate
177 	mismatches		= 0;		// allow 0 mismatches by default
178 	solexaQuals		= false;	// quality strings are solexa quals, not phred, and subtract 64 (not 33)
179 	phred64Quals		= false;	// quality chars are phred, but must subtract 64 (not 33)
180 	integerQuals		= false;	// quality strings are space-separated strings of integers, not ASCII
181 	maqLike			= 1;		// do maq-like searching
182 	seedLen			= 28;		// seed length (changed in Maq 0.6.4 from 24)
183 	seedMms			= 2;		// # mismatches allowed in seed (maq's -n)
184 	qualThresh		= 70;		// max qual-weighted hamming dist (maq's -e)
185 	maxBtsBetter		= 125;		// max # backtracks allowed in half-and-half mode
186 	maxBts			= 800;		// max # backtracks allowed in half-and-half mode
187 	nthreads		= 1;		// number of pthreads operating concurrently
188     reorder			= false;	// reorder SAM output
189 	thread_ceiling		= 0;		// max # threads user asked for
190 	thread_stealing_dir	= "";		// keep track of pids in this directory
191 	thread_stealing		= false;	// true iff thread stealing is in use
192 	FNAME_SIZE		= 200;
193 	outType			= OUTPUT_FULL;  // style of output
194 	noRefNames		= false;	// true -> print reference indexes; not names
195 	dumpAlBase		= "";		// basename of same-format files to dump aligned reads to
196 	dumpUnalBase		= "";		// basename of same-format files to dump unaligned reads to
197 	dumpMaxBase		= "";		// basename of same-format files to dump reads with more than -m valid alignments to
198 	khits			= 1;		// number of hits per read; >1 is much slower
199 	mhits			= 0xffffffff;	// don't report any hits if there are > mhits
200 	better			= false;	// true -> guarantee alignments from best possible stratum
201 	strata			= false;	// true -> don't stop at stratum boundaries
202 	partitionSz		= 0;		// output a partitioning key in first field
203 	readsPerBatch		= 16;		// # reads to read from input file at once
204 	outBatchSz		= 16;		// # alignments to wrote to output file at once
205 	noMaqRound		= false;	// true -> don't round quals to nearest 10 like maq
206 	fileParallel		= false;	// separate threads read separate input files in parallel
207 	useShmem		= false;	// use shared memory to hold the index
208 	useMm			= false;	// use memory-mapped files to hold the index
209 	mmSweep			= false;	// sweep through memory-mapped files immediately after mapping
210 	stateful		= false;	// use stateful aligners
211 	prefetchWidth		= 1;		// number of reads to process in parallel w/ --stateful
212 	minInsert		= 0;		// minimum insert size (Maq = 0, SOAP = 400)
213 	maxInsert		= 250;		// maximum insert size (Maq = 250, SOAP = 600)
214 	mate1fw			= true;		// -1 mate aligns in fw orientation on fw strand
215 	mate2fw			= false;	// -2 mate aligns in rc orientation on fw strand
216 	mateFwSet		= false;	// true -> user set mate1fw/mate2fw with --ff/--fr/--rf
217 	mixedThresh		= 4;		// threshold for when to switch to paired-end mixed mode (see aligner.h)
218 	mixedAttemptLim		= 100;		// number of attempts to make in "mixed mode" before giving up on orientation
219 	dontReconcileMates	= true;		// suppress pairwise all-versus-all way of resolving mates
220 	cacheLimit		= 5;		// ranges w/ size > limit will be cached
221 	cacheSize		= 0;		// # words per range cache
222 	offBase			= 0;		// offsets are 0-based by default, but configurable
223 	tryHard			= false;	// set very high maxBts, mixedAttemptLim
224 	skipReads		= 0;		// # reads/read pairs to skip
225 	nofw			= false;	// don't align fw orientation of read
226 	norc			= false;	// don't align rc orientation of read
227 	strandFix		= true;		// attempt to fix strand bias
228 	stats			= false;	// print performance stats
229 	chunkPoolMegabytes	= 64;		// max MB to dedicate to best-first search frames per thread
230 	chunkSz			= 256;		// size of single chunk disbursed by ChunkPool (in KB)
231 	chunkVerbose		= false;	// have chunk allocator output status messages?
232 	useV1			= true;
233 	reportSe		= false;
234 	fastaContLen		= 0;
235 	fastaContFreq		= 0;
236 	hadoopOut		= false;	// print Hadoop status and summary messages
237 	fullRef			= false;	// print entire reference name instead of just up to 1st space
238 	samNoQnameTrunc         = false;	// don't truncate at first whitespace?
239 	samNoHead		= false;	// don't print any header lines in SAM output
240 	samNoSQ			= false;	// don't print @SQ header lines
241 	rgs			= "";		// SAM outputs for @RG header line
242 	suppressOuts.clear();			// output fields to suppress
243 	sampleMax		= false;
244 	defaultMapq		= 255;
245 	printCost		= false;	// true -> print cost and stratum
246 	showSeed		= false;	// true -> print per-read pseudo-random seed
247 	qualities.clear();
248 	qualities1.clear();
249 	qualities2.clear();
250 	wrapper.clear();
251 	gAllowMateContainment	= false;	// true -> alignments where one mate lies inside the other are valid
252 	noUnal			= false;	// true -> do not report unaligned reads
253 }
255 // mating constraints
257 static const char *short_options = "fF:qbzhcu:rv:s:at3:5:o:e:n:l:w:p:k:m:M:1:2:I:X:x:z:B:ySCQ:";
259 enum {
260 	ARG_ORIG = 256,
261 	ARG_SEED,
268 	ARG_FAST,
269 	ARG_AL,
270 	ARG_UN,
276 	ARG_BEST,
280 	ARG_integerQuals,
284 	ARG_MM,
288 	ARG_FF,
289 	ARG_FR,
290 	ARG_RF,
295 	ARG_NO_FW,
296 	ARG_NO_RC,
297 	ARG_SKIP,
301 	ARG_PHRED64,
302 	ARG_PHRED33,
307 	ARG_PEV2,
316 	ARG_SAM_RG,
319 	ARG_COST,
321 	ARG_QUALS1,
322 	ARG_QUALS2,
330 };
332 static struct option long_options[] = {
333 {(char*)"verbose",                           no_argument,        0,                    ARG_VERBOSE},
334 {(char*)"startverbose",                      no_argument,        0,                    ARG_STARTVERBOSE},
335 {(char*)"quiet",                             no_argument,        0,                    ARG_QUIET},
336 {(char*)"sanity",                            no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SANITY},
337 {(char*)"pause",                             no_argument,        &ipause,              1},
338 {(char*)"orig",                              required_argument,  0,                    ARG_ORIG},
339 {(char*)"all",                               no_argument,        0,                    'a'},
340 {(char*)"solexa-quals",                      no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SOLEXA_QUALS},
341 {(char*)"integer-quals",                     no_argument,        0,                    ARG_integerQuals},
342 {(char*)"time",                              no_argument,        0,                    't'},
343 {(char*)"trim3",                             required_argument,  0,                    '3'},
344 {(char*)"trim5",                             required_argument,  0,                    '5'},
345 {(char*)"seed",                              required_argument,  0,                    ARG_SEED},
346 {(char*)"qupto",                             required_argument,  0,                    'u'},
347 {(char*)"al",                                required_argument,  0,                    ARG_AL},
348 {(char*)"un",                                required_argument,  0,                    ARG_UN},
349 {(char*)"max",                               required_argument,  0,                    ARG_MAXDUMP},
350 {(char*)"offrate",                           required_argument,  0,                    'o'},
351 {(char*)"isarate",                           required_argument,  0,                    ARG_ISARATE},
352 {(char*)"reportopps",                        no_argument,        &reportOpps,          1},
353 {(char*)"version",                           no_argument,        &showVersion,         1},
354 {(char*)"reads-per-batch",                   required_argument,  0,                    ARG_READS_PER_BATCH},
355 {(char*)"maqerr",                            required_argument,  0,                    'e'},
356 {(char*)"seedlen",                           required_argument,  0,                    'l'},
357 {(char*)"seedmms",                           required_argument,  0,                    'n'},
358 {(char*)"filepar",                           no_argument,        0,                    ARG_FILEPAR},
359 {(char*)"help",                              no_argument,        0,                    'h'},
360 {(char*)"threads",                           required_argument,  0,                    'p'},
361 {(char*)"khits",                             required_argument,  0,                    'k'},
362 {(char*)"mhits",                             required_argument,  0,                    'm'},
363 {(char*)"minins",                            required_argument,  0,                    'I'},
364 {(char*)"maxins",                            required_argument,  0,                    'X'},
365 {(char*)"quals",                             required_argument,  0,                    'Q'},
366 {(char*)"Q1",                                required_argument,  0,                    ARG_QUALS1},
367 {(char*)"Q2",                                required_argument,  0,                    ARG_QUALS2},
368 {(char*)"best",                              no_argument,        0,                    ARG_BEST},
369 {(char*)"better",                            no_argument,        0,                    ARG_BETTER},
370 {(char*)"oldbest",                           no_argument,        0,                    ARG_OLDBEST},
371 {(char*)"strata",                            no_argument,        0,                    ARG_STRATA},
372 {(char*)"nomaqround",                        no_argument,        0,                    ARG_NOMAQROUND},
373 {(char*)"refidx",                            no_argument,        0,                    ARG_REFIDX},
374 {(char*)"range",                             no_argument,        0,                    ARG_RANGE},
375 {(char*)"maxbts",                            required_argument,  0,                    ARG_MAXBTS},
376 {(char*)"phased",                            no_argument,        0,                    'z'},
377 {(char*)"partition",                         required_argument,  0,                    ARG_PARTITION},
378 {(char*)"stateful",                          no_argument,        0,                    ARG_STATEFUL},
379 {(char*)"prewidth",                          required_argument,  0,                    ARG_PREFETCH_WIDTH},
380 {(char*)"ff",                                no_argument,        0,                    ARG_FF},
381 {(char*)"fr",                                no_argument,        0,                    ARG_FR},
382 {(char*)"rf",                                no_argument,        0,                    ARG_RF},
383 {(char*)"mixthresh",                         required_argument,  0,                    'x'},
384 {(char*)"pairtries",                         required_argument,  0,                    ARG_MIXED_ATTEMPTS},
385 {(char*)"noreconcile",                       no_argument,        0,                    ARG_NO_RECONCILE},
386 {(char*)"cachelim",                          required_argument,  0,                    ARG_CACHE_LIM},
387 {(char*)"cachesz",                           required_argument,  0,                    ARG_CACHE_SZ},
388 {(char*)"nofw",                              no_argument,        0,                    ARG_NO_FW},
389 {(char*)"norc",                              no_argument,        0,                    ARG_NO_RC},
390 {(char*)"offbase",                           required_argument,  0,                    'B'},
391 {(char*)"tryhard",                           no_argument,        0,                    'y'},
392 {(char*)"skip",                              required_argument,  0,                    's'},
393 {(char*)"strandfix",                         no_argument,        0,                    ARG_STRAND_FIX},
394 {(char*)"stats",                             no_argument,        0,                    ARG_STATS},
395 {(char*)"12",                                required_argument,  0,                    ARG_ONETWO},
396 {(char*)"phred33-quals",                     no_argument,        0,                    ARG_PHRED33},
397 {(char*)"phred64-quals",                     no_argument,        0,                    ARG_PHRED64},
398 {(char*)"solexa1.3-quals",                   no_argument,        0,                    ARG_PHRED64},
399 {(char*)"chunkmbs",                          required_argument,  0,                    ARG_CHUNKMBS},
400 {(char*)"chunksz",                           required_argument,  0,                    ARG_CHUNKSZ},
401 {(char*)"chunkverbose",                      no_argument,        0,                    ARG_CHUNKVERBOSE},
402 {(char*)"mm",                                no_argument,        0,                    ARG_MM},
403 {(char*)"shmem",                             no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SHMEM},
404 {(char*)"mmsweep",                           no_argument,        0,                    ARG_MMSWEEP},
405 {(char*)"pev2",                              no_argument,        0,                    ARG_PEV2},
406 {(char*)"reportse",                          no_argument,        0,                    ARG_REPORTSE},
407 {(char*)"hadoopout",                         no_argument,        0,                    ARG_HADOOPOUT},
408 {(char*)"fullref",                           no_argument,        0,                    ARG_FULLREF},
409 {(char*)"usage",                             no_argument,        0,                    ARG_USAGE},
410 {(char*)"sam",                               no_argument,        0,                    'S'},
411 {(char*)"sam-no-qname-trunc",                no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SAM_NO_QNAME_TRUNC},
412 {(char*)"sam-nohead",                        no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SAM_NOHEAD},
413 {(char*)"sam-nosq",                          no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SAM_NOSQ},
414 {(char*)"sam-noSQ",                          no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SAM_NOSQ},
415 {(char*)"sam-RG",                            required_argument,  0,                    ARG_SAM_RG},
416 {(char*)"suppress",                          required_argument,  0,                    ARG_SUPPRESS_FIELDS},
417 {(char*)"mapq",                              required_argument,  0,                    ARG_DEFAULT_MAPQ},
418 {(char*)"cost",                              no_argument,        0,                    ARG_COST},
419 {(char*)"showseed",                          no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SHOWSEED},
420 {(char*)"allow-contain",no_argument,         0,                  ARG_ALLOW_CONTAIN},
421 {(char*)"wrapper",                           required_argument,  0,                    ARG_WRAPPER},
422 {(char*)"interleaved",                       required_argument,  0,                    ARG_INTERLEAVED_FASTQ},
423 {(char*)"no-unal",                           no_argument,        0,                    ARG_SAM_NO_UNAL},
424 {(char*)"thread-ceiling",required_argument,  0,                  ARG_THREAD_CEILING},
425 {(char*)"thread-piddir",                     required_argument,  0,                    ARG_THREAD_PIDDIR},
426 {(char*)"reorder",                           no_argument,        0,                    ARG_REORDER_SAM},
427 {(char*)0,                                   0,                  0,                    0} //  terminator
428 };
430 /**
431  * Print a summary usage message to the provided output stream.
432  */
printUsage(ostream & out)433 static void printUsage(ostream& out) {
434 #ifdef BOWTIE_64BIT_INDEX
435 	string tool_name = "bowtie-align-l";
436 #else
437 	string tool_name = "bowtie-align-s";
438 #endif
439 	if(wrapper == "basic-0") {
440 		tool_name = "bowtie";
441 	}
443 	out << "Usage: " << endl
444         << tool_name << " [options]* -x <ebwt> {-1 <m1> -2 <m2> | --12 <r> | --interleaved <i> | <s>} [<hit>]" << endl
445         << endl
446 	    << "  <ebwt>  Index filename prefix (minus trailing .X." + gEbwt_ext + ")." << endl
447 	    << "  <m1>    Comma-separated list of files containing upstream mates (or the" << endl
448 	    << "          sequences themselves, if -c is set) paired with mates in <m2>" << endl
449 	    << "  <m2>    Comma-separated list of files containing downstream mates (or the" << endl
450 	    << "          sequences themselves if -c is set) paired with mates in <m1>" << endl
451 	    << "  <r>     Comma-separated list of files containing Crossbow-style reads.  Can be" << endl
452 	    << "          a mixture of paired and unpaired.  Specify \"-\" for stdin." << endl
453 	    << "  <i>     Files with interleaved paired-end FASTQ reads." << endl
454 	    << "  <s>     Comma-separated list of files containing unpaired reads, or the" << endl
455 	    << "          sequences themselves, if -c is set.  Specify \"-\" for stdin." << endl
456 	    << "  <hit>   File to write hits to (default: stdout)" << endl
457 	    << "Input:" << endl
458 	    << "  -q                 query input files are FASTQ .fq/.fastq (default)" << endl
459 	    << "  -f                 query input files are (multi-)FASTA .fa/.mfa" << endl
460 	    << "  -F k:<int>,i:<int> query input files are continuous FASTA where reads" << endl
461 	    << "                     are substrings (k-mers) extracted from a FASTA file <s>" << endl
462 	    << "                     and aligned at offsets 1, 1+i, 1+2i ... end of reference" << endl
463 	    << "  -r                 query input files are raw one-sequence-per-line" << endl
464 	    << "  -c                 query sequences given on cmd line (as <mates>, <singles>)" << endl
465 	    << "  -Q/--quals <file>  QV file(s) corresponding to CSFASTA inputs; use with -f -C" << endl
466 	    << "  --Q1/--Q2 <file>   same as -Q, but for mate files 1 and 2 respectively" << endl
467 	    << "  -s/--skip <int>    skip the first <int> reads/pairs in the input" << endl
468 	    << "  -u/--qupto <int>   stop after first <int> reads/pairs (excl. skipped reads)" << endl
469 	    << "  -5/--trim5 <int>   trim <int> bases from 5' (left) end of reads" << endl
470 	    << "  -3/--trim3 <int>   trim <int> bases from 3' (right) end of reads" << endl
471 		<< "  --phred33-quals    input quals are Phred+33 (default)" << endl
472 		<< "  --phred64-quals    input quals are Phred+64 (same as --solexa1.3-quals)" << endl
473 		<< "  --solexa-quals     input quals are from GA Pipeline ver. < 1.3" << endl
474 		<< "  --solexa1.3-quals  input quals are from GA Pipeline ver. >= 1.3" << endl
475 		<< "  --integer-quals    qualities are given as space-separated integers (not ASCII)" << endl;
476 		if(wrapper == "basic-0") {
477 		out << "  --large-index      force usage of a 'large' index, even if a small one is present" << endl;
478 		}
479 		out << "Alignment:" << endl
480 	    << "  -v <int>           report end-to-end hits w/ <=v mismatches; ignore qualities" << endl
481 	    << "    or" << endl
482 	    << "  -n/--seedmms <int> max mismatches in seed (can be 0-3, default: -n 2)" << endl
483 	    << "  -e/--maqerr <int>  max sum of mismatch quals across alignment for -n (def: 70)" << endl
484 	    << "  -l/--seedlen <int> seed length for -n (default: 28)" << endl
485 		<< "  --nomaqround       disable Maq-like quality rounding for -n (nearest 10 <= 30)" << endl
486 	    << "  -I/--minins <int>  minimum insert size for paired-end alignment (default: 0)" << endl
487 	    << "  -X/--maxins <int>  maximum insert size for paired-end alignment (default: 250)" << endl
488 	    << "  --fr/--rf/--ff     -1, -2 mates align fw/rev, rev/fw, fw/fw (default: --fr)" << endl
489 	    << "  --nofw/--norc      do not align to forward/reverse-complement reference strand" << endl
490 	    << "  --maxbts <int>     max # backtracks for -n 2/3 (default: 125, 800 for --best)" << endl
491 	    << "  --pairtries <int>  max # attempts to find mate for anchor hit (default: 100)" << endl
492 	    << "  -y/--tryhard       try hard to find valid alignments, at the expense of speed" << endl
493 	    << "  --chunkmbs <int>   max megabytes of RAM for best-first search frames (def: 64)" << endl
494 	    << " --reads-per-batch   # of reads to read from input file at once (default: 16)" << endl
495 	    << "Reporting:" << endl
496 	    << "  -k <int>           report up to <int> good alignments per read (default: 1)" << endl
497 	    << "  -a/--all           report all alignments per read (much slower than low -k)" << endl
498 	    << "  -m <int>           suppress all alignments if > <int> exist (def: no limit)" << endl
499 	    << "  -M <int>           like -m, but reports 1 random hit (MAPQ=0); requires --best" << endl
500 	    << "  --best             hits guaranteed best stratum; ties broken by quality" << endl
501 	    << "  --strata           hits in sub-optimal strata aren't reported (requires --best)" << endl
502 	    << "Output:" << endl
503 	    << "  -t/--time          print wall-clock time taken by search phases" << endl
504 	    << "  -B/--offbase <int> leftmost ref offset = <int> in bowtie output (default: 0)" << endl
505 	    << "  --quiet            print nothing but the alignments" << endl
506 	    << "  --refidx           refer to ref. seqs by 0-based index rather than name" << endl
507 	    << "  --al <fname>       write aligned reads/pairs to file(s) <fname>" << endl
508 	    << "  --un <fname>       write unaligned reads/pairs to file(s) <fname>" << endl
509 	    << "  --no-unal          suppress SAM records for unaligned reads" << endl
510 	    << "  --max <fname>      write reads/pairs over -m limit to file(s) <fname>" << endl
511 	    << "  --suppress <cols>  suppresses given columns (comma-delim'ed) in default output" << endl
512 	    << "  --fullref          write entire ref name (default: only up to 1st space)" << endl
513 	    << "SAM:" << endl
514 	    << "  -S/--sam           write hits in SAM format" << endl
515 	    << "  --mapq <int>       default mapping quality (MAPQ) to print for SAM alignments" << endl
516 	    << "  --sam-nohead       supppress header lines (starting with @) for SAM output" << endl
517 	    << "  --sam-nosq         supppress @SQ header lines for SAM output" << endl
518 	    << "  --sam-RG <text>    add <text> (usually \"lab=value\") to @RG line of SAM header" << endl
519 	    << "Performance:" << endl
520 	    << "  -o/--offrate <int> override offrate of index; must be >= index's offrate" << endl
521 	    << "  -p/--threads <int> number of alignment threads to launch (default: 1)" << endl
522 #ifdef BOWTIE_MM
523 	    << "  --mm               use memory-mapped I/O for index; many 'bowtie's can share" << endl
524 #endif
526 	    << "  --shmem            use shared mem for index; many 'bowtie's can share" << endl
527 #endif
528 	    << "Other:" << endl
529 	    << "  --seed <int>       seed for random number generator" << endl
530 	    << "  --verbose          verbose output (for debugging)" << endl
531 	    << "  --version          print version information and quit" << endl
532 	    << "  -h/--help          print this usage message" << endl
533 	    ;
534 	if(wrapper.empty()) {
535 		cerr << endl
536 		     << "*** Warning ***" << endl
537 			 << tool_name << " was run directly.  It is recommended that you run the wrapper script 'bowtie' instead." << endl
538 			 << endl;
539 	}
540 }
542 /**
543  * Parse an int out of optarg and enforce that it be at least 'lower';
544  * if it is less than 'lower', than output the given error message and
545  * exit with an error and a usage message.
546  */
parseInt(int lower,int upper,const char * errmsg,const char * arg)547 static int parseInt(int lower, int upper, const char *errmsg, const char *arg) {
548 	long l;
549 	char *endPtr= NULL;
550 	l = strtol(arg, &endPtr, 10);
551 	if (endPtr != NULL) {
552 		if (l < lower || l > upper) {
553 			cerr << errmsg << endl;
554 			printUsage(cerr);
555 			throw 1;
556 		}
557 		return (int32_t)l;
558 	}
559 	cerr << errmsg << endl;
560 	printUsage(cerr);
561 	throw 1;
562 	return -1;
563 }
565 /**
566  * Parse from optarg by default.
567  */
parseInt(int lower,const char * errmsg)568 static int parseInt(int lower, const char *errmsg) {
569 	return parseInt(lower, INT_MAX, errmsg, optarg);
570 }
572 /**
573  * Upper is INT_MAX by default.
574  */
parseInt(int lower,const char * errmsg,const char * arg)575 static int parseInt(int lower, const char *errmsg, const char *arg) {
576 	return parseInt(lower, INT_MAX, errmsg, arg);
577 }
579 /**
580  * Upper is INT_MAX, parse from optarg by default.
581  */
parseInt(int lower,int upper,const char * errmsg)582 static int parseInt(int lower, int upper, const char *errmsg) {
583 	return parseInt(lower, upper, errmsg, optarg);
584 }
586 /**
587  * Parse a T string 'str'.
588  */
589 template<typename T>
parse(const char * s)590 T parse(const char *s) {
591 	T tmp;
592 	stringstream ss(s);
593 	ss >> tmp;
594 	return tmp;
595 }
597 /**
598  * Parse a pair of Ts from a string, 'str', delimited with 'delim'.
599  */
600 template<typename T>
parsePair(const char * str,char delim)601 pair<T, T> parsePair(const char *str, char delim) {
602 	string s(str);
603 	EList<string> ss;
604 	tokenize(s, delim, ss);
605 	pair<T, T> ret;
606 	ret.first = parse<T>(ss[0].c_str());
607 	ret.second = parse<T>(ss[1].c_str());
608 	return ret;
609 }
611 /**
612  * Read command-line arguments
613  */
parseOptions(int argc,const char ** argv)614 static void parseOptions(int argc, const char **argv) {
615 	int option_index = 0;
616 	int next_option;
617 	if(startVerbose) { cerr << "Parsing options: "; logTime(cerr, true); }
618 	do {
619 		next_option = getopt_long(
620 			argc, const_cast<char**>(argv),
621 			short_options, long_options, &option_index);
622 		switch (next_option) {
623 			case ARG_WRAPPER: wrapper = optarg; break;
624 			case '1': tokenize(optarg, ",", mates1); break;
625 			case '2': tokenize(optarg, ",", mates2); break;
626 			case ARG_ONETWO: tokenize(optarg, ",", mates12); format = TAB_MATE; break;
627 			case ARG_INTERLEAVED_FASTQ: tokenize(optarg, ",", mates12); format = INTERLEAVED; break;
628 			case 'f': format = FASTA; break;
629 			case 'F': {
630 				format = FASTA_CONT;
631 				pair<size_t, size_t> p = parsePair<size_t>(optarg, ',');
632 				fastaContLen = p.first;
633 				fastaContFreq = p.second;
634 				break;
635 			}
636 			case 'q': format = FASTQ; break;
637 			case 'r': format = RAW; break;
638 			case 'c': format = CMDLINE; break;
639 			case 'I':
640 				minInsert = (uint32_t)parseInt(0, "-I arg must be positive");
641 				break;
642 			case 'X':
643 				maxInsert = (uint32_t)parseInt(1, "-X arg must be at least 1");
644 				break;
645 			case 'x':
646 				ebwtFile = optarg;
647 				break;
648 			case 's':
649 				skipReads = (uint32_t)parseInt(0, "-s arg must be positive");
650 				break;
651 			case ARG_FF: mate1fw = true;  mate2fw = true;  mateFwSet = true; break;
652 			case ARG_RF: mate1fw = false; mate2fw = true;  mateFwSet = true; break;
653 			case ARG_FR: mate1fw = true;  mate2fw = false; mateFwSet = true; break;
654 			case ARG_RANGE: rangeMode = true; break;
655 			case 'S': outType = OUTPUT_SAM; break;
656 			case ARG_SHMEM: useShmem = true; break;
657 			case ARG_SHOWSEED: showSeed = true; break;
658 			case ARG_ALLOW_CONTAIN: gAllowMateContainment = true; break;
659 			case ARG_SUPPRESS_FIELDS: {
660 				EList<string> supp;
661 				tokenize(optarg, ",", supp);
662 				for(size_t i = 0; i < supp.size(); i++) {
663 					int ii = parseInt(1, "--suppress arg must be at least 1", supp[i].c_str());
664 					suppressOuts.set(ii-1);
665 				}
666 				break;
667 			}
668 			case ARG_MM: {
669 #ifdef BOWTIE_MM
670 				useMm = true;
671 				break;
672 #else
673 				cerr << "Memory-mapped I/O mode is disabled because bowtie was not compiled with" << endl
674 				     << "BOWTIE_MM defined.  Memory-mapped I/O is not supported under Windows.  If you" << endl
675 				     << "would like to use memory-mapped I/O on a platform that supports it, please" << endl
676 				     << "refrain from specifying BOWTIE_MM=0 when compiling Bowtie." << endl;
677 				throw 1;
678 #endif
679 			}
680 			case ARG_MMSWEEP: mmSweep = true; break;
681 			case ARG_HADOOPOUT: hadoopOut = true; break;
682 			case ARG_AL: dumpAlBase = optarg; break;
683 			case ARG_UN: dumpUnalBase = optarg; break;
684 			case ARG_MAXDUMP: dumpMaxBase = optarg; break;
685 			case ARG_SOLEXA_QUALS: solexaQuals = true; break;
686 			case ARG_integerQuals: integerQuals = true; break;
687 			case ARG_PHRED64: phred64Quals = true; break;
688 			case ARG_PHRED33: solexaQuals = false; phred64Quals = false; break;
689 			case ARG_NOMAQROUND: noMaqRound = true; break;
690 			case ARG_REFIDX: noRefNames = true; break;
691 			case ARG_STATEFUL: stateful = true; break;
692 			case ARG_REPORTSE: reportSe = true; break;
693 			case ARG_FULLREF: fullRef = true; break;
695 				prefetchWidth = parseInt(1, "--prewidth must be at least 1");
696 				break;
697 			case 'B':
698 				offBase = parseInt(-999999, "-B/--offbase cannot be a large negative number");
699 				break;
700 			case ARG_SEED:
701 				seed = parseInt(0, "--seed arg must be at least 0");
702 				break;
703 			case 'u':
704 				qUpto = (uint32_t)parseInt(1, "-u/--qupto arg must be at least 1");
705 				break;
706 			case 'k':
707 				khits = (uint32_t)parseInt(1, "-k arg must be at least 1");
708 				break;
709 			case 'Q':
710 				tokenize(optarg, ",", qualities);
711 				integerQuals = true;
712 				break;
713 			case ARG_QUALS1:
714 				tokenize(optarg, ",", qualities1);
715 				integerQuals = true;
716 				break;
717 			case ARG_QUALS2:
718 				tokenize(optarg, ",", qualities2);
719 				integerQuals = true;
720 				break;
721 			case 'M':
722 				sampleMax = true;
723 			case 'm':
724 				mhits = (uint32_t)parseInt(1, "-m arg must be at least 1");
725 				break;
726 			case 'z':
727 				mixedThresh = (uint32_t)parseInt(0, "-x arg must be at least 0");
728 				break;
730 				mixedAttemptLim = (uint32_t)parseInt(1, "--pairtries arg must be at least 1");
731 				break;
732 			case ARG_CACHE_LIM:
733 				cacheLimit = (uint32_t)parseInt(1, "--cachelim arg must be at least 1");
734 				break;
735 			case ARG_CACHE_SZ:
736 				cacheSize = (uint32_t)parseInt(1, "--cachesz arg must be at least 1");
737 				cacheSize *= (1024 * 1024); // convert from MB to B
738 				break;
739 			case ARG_NO_RECONCILE:
740 				dontReconcileMates = true;
741 				break;
742 			case 'p':
743 				nthreads = parseInt(1, "-p/--threads arg must be at least 1");
744 				break;
746 				thread_ceiling = parseInt(0, "--thread-ceiling must be at least 0");
747 				break;
748 			case ARG_THREAD_PIDDIR:
749 				thread_stealing_dir = optarg;
750 				break;
751 			case ARG_REORDER_SAM:
752 				reorder = true;
753 				break;
754 			case ARG_FILEPAR:
755 				fileParallel = true;
756 				break;
757 			case 'v':
758 				maqLike = 0;
759 				mismatches = parseInt(0, 3, "-v arg must be at least 0 and at most 3");
760 				break;
761 			case '3': trim3 = parseInt(0, "-3/--trim3 arg must be at least 0"); break;
762 			case '5': trim5 = parseInt(0, "-5/--trim5 arg must be at least 0"); break;
763 			case 'o': offRate = parseInt(1, "-o/--offrate arg must be at least 1"); break;
764 			case ARG_ISARATE: isaRate = parseInt(0, "--isarate arg must be at least 0"); break;
765 			case 'e': qualThresh = parseInt(1, "-e/--err arg must be at least 1"); break;
766 			case 'n': seedMms = parseInt(0, 3, "-n/--seedmms arg must be at least 0 and at most 3"); maqLike = 1; break;
767 			case 'l': seedLen = parseInt(5, "-l/--seedlen arg must be at least 5"); break;
768 			case 'h': printUsage(cout); throw 0; break;
769 			case ARG_USAGE: printUsage(cout); throw 0; break;
770 			case 'a': allHits = true; break;
771 			case 'y': tryHard = true; break;
772 			case ARG_CHUNKMBS: chunkPoolMegabytes = parseInt(1, "--chunkmbs arg must be at least 1"); break;
773 			case ARG_CHUNKSZ: chunkSz = parseInt(1, "--chunksz arg must be at least 1"); break;
774 			case ARG_CHUNKVERBOSE: chunkVerbose = true; break;
775 			case ARG_BETTER: stateful = true; better = true; break;
776 			case ARG_BEST: stateful = true; useV1 = false; break;
777 			case ARG_STRATA: strata = true; break;
778 			case ARG_VERBOSE: verbose = true; break;
779 			case ARG_STARTVERBOSE: startVerbose = true; break;
780 			case ARG_QUIET: quiet = true; break;
781 			case ARG_SANITY: sanityCheck = true; break;
782 			case 't': timing = true; break;
783 			case ARG_NO_FW: nofw = true; break;
784 			case ARG_NO_RC: norc = true; break;
785 			case ARG_STATS: stats = true; break;
786 			case ARG_PEV2: useV1 = false; break;
787 			case ARG_SAM_NO_QNAME_TRUNC: samNoQnameTrunc = true; break;
788 			case ARG_SAM_NOHEAD: samNoHead = true; break;
789 			case ARG_SAM_NOSQ: samNoSQ = true; break;
790 			case ARG_SAM_NO_UNAL: noUnal = true; break;
791 			case ARG_SAM_RG: {
792 				if(!rgs.empty()) rgs += '\t';
793 				rgs += optarg;
794 				break;
795 			}
796 			case ARG_COST: printCost = true; break;
797 			case ARG_DEFAULT_MAPQ:
798 				defaultMapq = parseInt(0, "--mapq must be positive");
799 				break;
800 			case ARG_MAXBTS: {
801 				maxBts  = parseInt(0, "--maxbts must be positive");
802 				maxBtsBetter = maxBts;
803 				break;
804 			}
805 			case ARG_STRAND_FIX: strandFix = true; break;
806 			case ARG_PARTITION: partitionSz = parse<int>(optarg); break;
807 			case ARG_READS_PER_BATCH: {
808 				if(optarg == NULL || parse<int>(optarg) < 1) {
809 					cerr << "--reads-per-batch arg must be at least 1" << endl;
810 					printUsage(cerr);
811 					throw 1;
812 				}
813 				// TODO: should output batch size be controlled separately?
814 				readsPerBatch = outBatchSz = parse<int>(optarg);
815 				break;
816 			}
817 			case ARG_ORIG:
818 				if(optarg == NULL || strlen(optarg) == 0) {
819 					cerr << "--orig arg must be followed by a string" << endl;
820 					printUsage(cerr);
821 					throw 1;
822 				}
823 				origString = optarg;
824 				break;
825 			case -1: break; /* Done with options. */
826 			case 0:
827 				if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0)
828 					break;
829 			default:
830 				printUsage(cerr);
831 				throw 1;
832 		}
833 	} while(next_option != -1);
835 	if (nthreads == 1 && !thread_stealing) {
836 		reorder = false;
837 	}
838 	if (reorder == true && outType != OUTPUT_SAM) {
839 		cerr << "Bowtie will reorder its output only when outputting SAM." << endl
840 		     << "Please specify the `-S` parameter if you intend on using this option." << endl;
841 		throw 1;
842 	}
843 	//bool paired = mates1.size() > 0 || mates2.size() > 0 || mates12.size() > 0;
844 	if(rangeMode) {
845 		// Tell the Ebwt loader to ignore the suffix-array portion of
846 		// the index.  We don't need it because the user isn't asking
847 		// for bowtie to report reference positions (just matrix
848 		// ranges).
849 		offRate = 32;
850 	}
851 	if(!maqLike && mismatches == 3) {
852 		// Much faster than normal 3-mismatch mode
853 		stateful = true;
854 	}
855 	if(mates1.size() != mates2.size()) {
856 		cerr << "Error: " << mates1.size() << " mate files/sequences were specified with -1, but " << mates2.size() << endl
857 		     << "mate files/sequences were specified with -2.  The same number of mate files/" << endl
858 		     << "sequences must be specified with -1 and -2." << endl;
859 		throw 1;
860 	}
861 	// Check for duplicate mate input files
862 	if(format != CMDLINE) {
863 		for(size_t i = 0; i < mates1.size(); i++) {
864 			for(size_t j = 0; j < mates2.size(); j++) {
865 				if(mates1[i] == mates2[j] && !quiet) {
866 					cerr << "Warning: Same mate file \"" << mates1[i] << "\" appears as argument to both -1 and -2" << endl;
867 				}
868 			}
869 		}
870 	}
871 	if(tryHard) {
872 		// Increase backtracking limit to huge number
873 		maxBts = maxBtsBetter = INT_MAX;
874 		// Increase number of paired-end scan attempts to huge number
875 		mixedAttemptLim = UINT_MAX;
876 	}
877 	if(!stateful && sampleMax) {
878 		if(!quiet) {
879 			cerr << "Warning: -M was specified w/o --best; automatically enabling --best" << endl;
880 		}
881 		stateful = true;
882 	}
883 	if(strata && !stateful) {
884 		cerr << "--strata must be combined with --best" << endl;
885 		throw 1;
886 	}
887 	if(strata && !allHits && khits == 1 && mhits == 0xffffffff) {
888 		cerr << "--strata has no effect unless combined with -m, -a, or -k N where N > 1" << endl;
889 		throw 1;
890 	}
891 	// If both -s and -u are used, we need to adjust qUpto accordingly
892 	// since it uses patid to know if we've reached the -u limit (and
893 	// patids are all shifted up by skipReads characters)
894 	if(qUpto + skipReads > qUpto) {
895 		qUpto += skipReads;
896 	}
897 	if(useShmem && useMm && !quiet) {
898 		cerr << "Warning: --shmem overrides --mm..." << endl;
899 		useMm = false;
900 	}
901 	if(!mateFwSet) {
902 		// Set nucleotide space default (--fr)
903 		mate1fw = true;
904 		mate2fw = false;
905 	}
906 	if(outType != OUTPUT_FULL && suppressOuts.count() > 0 && !quiet) {
907 		cerr << "Warning: Ignoring --suppress because output type is not default." << endl;
908 		cerr << "         --suppress is only available for the default output type." << endl;
909 		suppressOuts.clear();
910 	}
911 	thread_stealing = thread_ceiling > nthreads;
912 #ifdef _WIN32
913 	thread_stealing = false;
914 #endif
915 	if(thread_stealing && thread_stealing_dir.empty()) {
916 		cerr << "When --thread-ceiling is specified, must also specify --thread-piddir" << endl;
917 		throw 1;
918 	}
919 }
921 static const char *argv0 = NULL;
923 #define FINISH_READ(p)							\
924 	/* Don't do finishRead if the read isn't legit or if the read was skipped by the doneMask */ \
925 	if(get_read_ret.first) {					\
926 		sink->finishRead(*p, true, !skipped);			\
927 		get_read_ret.first = false;				\
928 	}								\
929 	skipped = false;
931 /// Macro for getting the next read, possibly aborting depending on
932 /// whether the result is empty or the patid exceeds the limit, and
933 /// marshaling the read into convenient variables.
934 #define GET_READ(p)					\
935 	if(get_read_ret.second) break;			\
936 	get_read_ret = p->nextReadPair();		\
937 	if(p->rdid() >= qUpto) {			\
938 		get_read_ret = make_pair(false, true);	\
939 	}						\
940 	if(!get_read_ret.first) {			\
941 		if(get_read_ret.second) {		\
942 			break;				\
943 		}					\
944 		continue;				\
945 	}						\
946 	BTDnaString& patFw  = p->bufa().patFw;		\
947 	patFw.length();					\
948 	BTDnaString& patRc  = p->bufa().patRc;		\
949 	patRc.length();					\
950 	BTString& qual = p->bufa().qual;		\
951 	qual.length();					\
952 	BTString& qualRev = p->bufa().qualRev;		\
953 	qualRev.length();				\
954 	BTDnaString& patFwRev  = p->bufa().patFwRev;	\
955 	patFwRev.length();				\
956 	BTDnaString& patRcRev  = p->bufa().patRcRev;	\
957 	patRcRev.length();				\
958 	BTString& name   = p->bufa().name;		\
959 	name.length();					\
960 	uint32_t      patid  = (uint32_t)p->rdid();	\
961 	params.setPatId(patid);
963 #define WORKER_EXIT()				\
964 	patsrcFact->destroy(patsrc);		\
965 	delete patsrcFact;			\
966 	sinkFact->destroy(sink);		\
967 	delete sinkFact;			\
968 	return;
971 #define CHUD_START() chudStartRemotePerfMonitor("Bowtie");
972 #define CHUD_STOP()  chudStopRemotePerfMonitor();
973 #else
974 #define CHUD_START()
975 #define CHUD_STOP()
976 #endif
978 /// Create a PatternSourcePerThread for the current thread according
979 /// to the global params and return a pointer to it
980 static PatternSourcePerThreadFactory*
createPatsrcFactory(PatternComposer & _patsrc,int tid,uint32_t max_buf)981 createPatsrcFactory(PatternComposer& _patsrc, int tid, uint32_t max_buf) {
982 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory *patsrcFact;
983 	patsrcFact = new PatternSourcePerThreadFactory(_patsrc, max_buf, skipReads, seed);
984 	assert(patsrcFact != NULL);
985 	return patsrcFact;
986 }
988 /**
989  * Allocate a HitSinkPerThreadFactory on the heap according to the
990  * global params and return a pointer to it.
991  */
992 static HitSinkPerThreadFactory*
createSinkFactory(HitSink & _sink,size_t threadId)993 createSinkFactory(HitSink& _sink, size_t threadId) {
994 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory *sink = NULL;
995 	if(!strata) {
996 		// Unstratified
997 		if(!allHits) {
998 			// First N good; "good" inherently ignores strata
999 			sink = new NGoodHitSinkPerThreadFactory(_sink, khits, mhits, defaultMapq, threadId);
1000 		} else {
1001 			// All hits, spanning strata
1002 			sink = new AllHitSinkPerThreadFactory(_sink, mhits, defaultMapq, threadId);
1003 		}
1004 	} else {
1005 		// Stratified
1006 		assert(stateful);
1007 		if(!allHits) {
1008 			assert(stateful);
1009 			// Buffer best hits, assuming they're arriving in best-
1010 			// to-worst order
1011 			sink = new NBestFirstStratHitSinkPerThreadFactory(_sink, khits, mhits, defaultMapq, threadId);
1012 		} else {
1013 			assert(stateful);
1014 			// Buffer best hits, assuming they're arriving in best-
1015 			// to-worst order
1016 			sink = new NBestFirstStratHitSinkPerThreadFactory(_sink, 0xffffffff/2, mhits, defaultMapq, threadId);
1017 		}
1018 	}
1019 	assert(sink != NULL);
1020 	return sink;
1021 }
increment_thread_counter()1023 void increment_thread_counter() {
1024 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103)
1025 	thread_counter.fetch_add(1);
1026 #else
1027 	ThreadSafe ts(&thread_counter_mutex);
1028 	thread_counter++;
1029 #endif
1030 }
decrement_thread_counter()1032 void decrement_thread_counter() {
1033 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103)
1034 	thread_counter.fetch_sub(1);
1035 #else
1036 	ThreadSafe ts(&thread_counter_mutex);
1037 	thread_counter--;
1038 #endif
1039 }
1041 #ifndef _WIN32
del_pid(const char * dirname,int pid)1042 void del_pid(const char* dirname,int pid) {
1043 	struct stat finfo;
1044 	char* fname = (char*) calloc(FNAME_SIZE,sizeof(char));
1045 	sprintf(fname,"%s/%d",dirname,pid);
1046 	if(stat( fname, &finfo) != 0) {
1047 		free(fname);
1048 		return;
1049 	}
1050 	unlink(fname);
1051 	free(fname);
1052 }
1054 //from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18100097/portable-way-to-check-if-directory-exists-windows-linux-c
write_pid(const char * dirname,int pid)1055 static void write_pid(const char* dirname,int pid) {
1056 	struct stat dinfo;
1057 	if(stat(dirname, &dinfo) != 0) {
1058 		mkdir(dirname,0755);
1059 	}
1060 	char* fname = (char*) calloc(FNAME_SIZE,sizeof(char));
1061 	sprintf(fname,"%s/%d",dirname,pid);
1062 	FILE* f = fopen(fname,"w");
1063 	fclose(f);
1064 	free(fname);
1065 }
1067 //from  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/612097/how-can-i-get-the-list-of-files-in-a-directory-using-c-or-c
read_dir(const char * dirname,int * num_pids)1068 static int read_dir(const char* dirname,int* num_pids) {
1069 	DIR *dir;
1070 	struct dirent *ent;
1071 	char* fname = (char*) calloc(FNAME_SIZE,sizeof(char));
1072 	int lowest_pid = -1;
1073 	if ((dir = opendir (dirname)) != NULL) {
1074 		while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
1075 			if(ent->d_name[0] == '.')
1076 				continue;
1077 			int pid = atoi(ent->d_name);
1078 			sprintf(fname,"/proc/%s", ent->d_name);
1079 			if(kill(pid, 0) != 0) {
1080 				//deleting pids can lead to race conditions if
1081 				//2 or more BT2 processes both try to delete
1082 				//so just skip instead
1083 				//del_pid(dirname,pid);
1084 				continue;
1085 			}
1086 			(*num_pids)++;
1087 			if(pid < lowest_pid || lowest_pid == -1)
1088 				lowest_pid = pid;
1089 		}
1090 		closedir (dir);
1091 	} else {
1092 		perror (""); // could not open directory
1093 	}
1094 	free(fname);
1095 	return lowest_pid;
1096 }
steal_thread(int pid,int orig_nthreads)1098 static bool steal_thread(int pid, int orig_nthreads) {
1099 	int ncpu = thread_ceiling;
1100 	if(thread_ceiling <= nthreads) {
1101 		return false;
1102 	}
1103 	int num_pids = 0;
1104 	int lowest_pid = read_dir(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), &num_pids);
1105 	if(lowest_pid != pid) {
1106 		return false;
1107 	}
1108 	int in_use = ((num_pids-1) * orig_nthreads) + nthreads; //in_use is now baseline + ours
1109 	float spare = ncpu - in_use;
1110 	int spare_r = floor(spare);
1111 	float r = rand() % 100/100.0;
1112 	if(r <= (spare - spare_r)) {
1113 		spare_r = ceil(spare);
1114 	}
1115 	return spare_r > 0;
1116 }
1117 #endif
1119 /**
1120  * Search through a single (forward) Ebwt index for exact end-to-end
1121  * hits.  Assumes that index is already loaded into memory.
1122  */
1123 static PatternComposer*   exactSearch_patsrc;
1124 static HitSink*               exactSearch_sink;
1125 static Ebwt*                  exactSearch_ebwt;
1126 static EList<BTRefString>*   exactSearch_os;
1127 static BitPairReference*      exactSearch_refs;
1128 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1129 //void exactSearchWorker::operator()() const {
exactSearchWorker(void * vp)1130 static void exactSearchWorker(void *vp) {
1131 	thread_tracking_pair *p = (thread_tracking_pair*) vp;
1132 	int tid = p->tid;
1133 #else
1134 static void exactSearchWorker(void *vp) {
1135 	int tid = *((int*)vp);
1136 #endif
1137 	if(thread_stealing) {
1138 		increment_thread_counter();
1139 	}
1140 	PatternComposer&	_patsrc = *exactSearch_patsrc;
1141 	HitSink&		_sink   = *exactSearch_sink;
1142 	Ebwt&			ebwt    = *exactSearch_ebwt;
1143 	EList<BTRefString >&	os	= *exactSearch_os;
1145 	// Per-thread initialization
1146 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory *patsrcFact = createPatsrcFactory(_patsrc, tid, readsPerBatch);
1147 	PatternSourcePerThread *patsrc = patsrcFact->create();
1148 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory* sinkFact = createSinkFactory(_sink, tid);
1149 	HitSinkPerThread* sink = sinkFact->create();
1150 	EbwtSearchParams params(
1151 	        *sink,      // HitSink
1152 	        os,         // reference sequences
1153 	        true,       // read is forward
1154 	        true);       // index is forward
1155 	GreedyDFSRangeSource bt(
1156 	        &ebwt, params,
1157 	        0xffffffff,     // qualThresh
1158 	        0xffffffff,     // max backtracks (no max)
1159 	        0,              // reportPartials (don't)
1160 	        true,           // reportExacts
1161 	        rangeMode,      // reportRanges
1162 	        NULL,           // seedlings
1163 	        NULL,           // mutations
1164 	        verbose,        // verbose
1165 	        &os,
1166 	        false);         // considerQuals
1167 	pair<bool, bool> get_read_ret = make_pair(false, false);
1168 	bool skipped = false;
1170 	uint64_t ncpu_changeovers = 0;
1171 	uint64_t nnuma_changeovers = 0;
1173 	int current_cpu = 0, current_node = 0;
1174 	get_cpu_and_node(current_cpu, current_node);
1176 	std::stringstream ss;
1177 	std::string msg;
1178 	ss << "thread: " << tid << " time: ";
1179 	msg = ss.str();
1180 	{
1181 		Timer timer(std::cout, msg.c_str());
1182 #endif
1183 		while(true) {
1185 			int cpu = 0, node = 0;
1186 			get_cpu_and_node(cpu, node);
1187 			if(cpu != current_cpu) {
1188 				ncpu_changeovers++;
1189 				current_cpu = cpu;
1190 			}
1191 			if(node != current_node) {
1192 				nnuma_changeovers++;
1193 				current_node = node;
1194 			}
1195 #endif
1196 			FINISH_READ(patsrc);
1197 			GET_READ(patsrc);
1198 			#include "search_exact.c"
1199 		}
1200 		FINISH_READ(patsrc);
1201 		if(thread_stealing) {
1202 			decrement_thread_counter();
1203 		}
1205 		ss.str("");
1206 		ss.clear();
1207 		ss << "thread: " << tid << " cpu_changeovers: " << ncpu_changeovers << std::endl
1208 		   << "thread: " << tid << " node_changeovers: " << nnuma_changeovers << std::endl;
1209 		std::cout << ss.str();
1210 	}
1211 #endif
1212 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1213 	p->done->fetch_add(1);
1214 #endif
1215 	WORKER_EXIT();
1216 }
1218 /**
1219  * A statefulness-aware worker driver.  Uses UnpairedExactAlignerV1.
1220  */
1221 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1222 //void exactSearchWorkerStateful::operator()() const {
1223 static void exactSearchWorkerStateful(void *vp) {
1224 	thread_tracking_pair *p = (thread_tracking_pair*) vp;
1225 	int tid = p->tid;
1226 #else
1227 static void exactSearchWorkerStateful(void *vp) {
1228 	int tid = *((int*)vp);
1229 #endif
1230 	if(thread_stealing) {
1231 		increment_thread_counter();
1232 	}
1233 	PatternComposer&	_patsrc = *exactSearch_patsrc;
1234 	HitSink&		_sink   = *exactSearch_sink;
1235 	Ebwt&			ebwt    = *exactSearch_ebwt;
1236 	EList<BTRefString >&	os	= *exactSearch_os;
1237 	BitPairReference*	refs    = exactSearch_refs;
1239 	// Global initialization
1240 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory* patsrcFact = createPatsrcFactory(_patsrc, tid, readsPerBatch);
1241 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory* sinkFact = createSinkFactory(_sink, tid);
1243 	ChunkPool *pool = new ChunkPool(chunkSz * 1024, chunkPoolMegabytes * 1024 * 1024, chunkVerbose);
1244 	UnpairedExactAlignerV1Factory alSEfact(
1245 			ebwt,
1246 			!nofw,
1247 			!norc,
1248 			_sink,
1249 			*sinkFact,
1250 			NULL, //&cacheFw,
1251 			NULL, //&cacheBw,
1252 			cacheLimit,
1253 			pool,
1254 			refs,
1255 			os,
1256 			!noMaqRound,
1257 			!better,
1258 			strandFix,
1259 			rangeMode,
1260 			verbose,
1261 			quiet,
1262 			seed);
1263 	PairedExactAlignerV1Factory alPEfact(
1264 			ebwt,
1265 			!nofw,
1266 			!norc,
1267 			useV1,
1268 			_sink,
1269 			*sinkFact,
1270 			mate1fw,
1271 			mate2fw,
1272 			minInsert,
1273 			maxInsert,
1274 			dontReconcileMates,
1275 			mhits,       // for symCeiling
1276 			mixedThresh,
1277 			mixedAttemptLim,
1278 			NULL, //&cacheFw,
1279 			NULL, //&cacheBw,
1280 			cacheLimit,
1281 			pool,
1282 			refs, os,
1283 			reportSe,
1284 			!noMaqRound,
1285 			strandFix,
1286 			!better,
1287 			rangeMode,
1288 			verbose,
1289 			quiet,
1290 			seed);
1291 	{
1292 		MixedMultiAligner multi(
1293 				prefetchWidth,
1294 				qUpto,
1295 				alSEfact,
1296 				alPEfact,
1297 				*patsrcFact);
1298 		// Run that mother
1299 		multi.run(false, tid);
1300 		// MultiAligner must be destroyed before patsrcFact
1301 	}
1303 	if(thread_stealing) {
1304 		decrement_thread_counter();
1305 	}
1307 	delete patsrcFact;
1308 	delete sinkFact;
1309 	delete pool;
1310 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1311 	p->done->fetch_add(1);
1312 #endif
1313 	return;
1314 }
1316 #define SET_A_FW(bt, p, params) \
1317 	bt.setQuery(&p->bufa().patFw, &p->bufa().qual, &p->bufa().name); \
1318 	params.setFw(true);
1319 #define SET_A_RC(bt, p, params) \
1320 	bt.setQuery(&p->bufa().patRc, &p->bufa().qualRev, &p->bufa().name); \
1321 	params.setFw(false);
1322 #define SET_B_FW(bt, p, params) \
1323 	bt.setQuery(&p->bufb().patFw, &p->bufb().qual, &p->bufb().name); \
1324 	params.setFw(true);
1325 #define SET_B_RC(bt, p, params) \
1326 	bt.setQuery(&p->bufb().patRc, &p->bufb().qualRev, &p->bufb().name); \
1327 	params.setFw(false);
1329 /**
1330  * Search through a single (forward) Ebwt index for exact end-to-end
1331  * hits.  Assumes that index is already loaded into memory.
1332  */
1333 static void exactSearch(PatternComposer& _patsrc,
1334                         HitSink& _sink,
1335                         Ebwt& ebwt,
1336                         EList<BTRefString >& os)
1337 {
1338 	exactSearch_patsrc = &_patsrc;
1339 	exactSearch_sink   = &_sink;
1340 	exactSearch_ebwt   = &ebwt;
1341 	exactSearch_os     = &os;
1343 	assert(!ebwt.isInMemory());
1344 	{
1345 		// Load the rest of (vast majority of) the backward Ebwt into
1346 		// memory
1347 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading forward index: ", timing);
1348 		ebwt.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose);
1349 	}
1351 	BitPairReference *refs = NULL;
1352 	bool pair = mates1.size() > 0 || mates12.size() > 0;
1353 	if((pair && mixedThresh < 0xffffffff)) {
1354 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading reference: ", timing);
1355 		refs = new BitPairReference(adjustedEbwtFileBase, sanityCheck, NULL, &os, false, true, useMm, useShmem, mmSweep, verbose, startVerbose);
1356 		if(!refs->loaded()) throw 1;
1357 	}
1358 	exactSearch_refs   = refs;
1359 	int tids[max(nthreads, thread_ceiling)];
1360 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1361 	EList<std::thread*> threads;
1362 	EList<thread_tracking_pair> tps;
1363 	tps.resizeExact(max(nthreads, thread_ceiling));
1364 #else
1365 	EList<tthread::thread*> threads;
1366 #endif
1368 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1369 	std::atomic<int> all_threads_done;
1370 	all_threads_done = 0;
1371 #endif
1372 	CHUD_START();
1373 	{
1374 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time for 0-mismatch search: ", timing);
1376 #ifndef _WIN32
1377 		int pid = 0;
1378 		if(thread_stealing) {
1379 			pid = getpid();
1380 			write_pid(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), pid);
1381 			thread_counter = 0;
1382 		}
1383 #endif
1385 		for(int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
1386 			tids[i] = i;
1387 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1388 			tps[i].tid = tids[i];
1389 			tps[i].done = &all_threads_done;
1390 			if (i == nthreads - 1) {
1391 				if(stateful) {
1392 					exactSearchWorkerStateful((void*)&tps[i]);
1393 				} else {
1394 					exactSearchWorker((void*)&tps[i]);
1395 				}
1396 			}
1397 			else {
1398 				if(stateful) {
1399 					threads.push_back(new std::thread(exactSearchWorkerStateful, (void*)&tps[i]));
1400 				} else {
1401 					threads.push_back(new std::thread(exactSearchWorker, (void*)&tps[i]));
1402 				}
1403 				threads[i]->detach();
1404 				SLEEP(10);
1405 			}
1406 #else
1407 			if (i == nthreads - 1) {
1408 				if(stateful) {
1409 					exactSearchWorkerStateful((void*)(tids + i));
1410 				} else {
1411 					exactSearchWorker((void*)(tids + i));
1412 				}
1413 			}
1414 			else {
1415 				if(stateful) {
1416 					threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(exactSearchWorkerStateful, (void *)(tids + i)));
1417 				} else {
1418 					threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(exactSearchWorker, (void *)(tids + i)));
1419 				}
1420 			}
1421 #endif
1422 		}
1424 #ifndef _WIN32
1425 		if(thread_stealing) {
1426 			int orig_threads = nthreads, steal_ctr = 1;
1427 			for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1428 				sleep(1);
1429 			}
1430 			while(thread_counter > 0) {
1431 				if(steal_thread(pid, orig_threads)) {
1432 					nthreads++;
1433 					tids[nthreads-1] = nthreads;
1434 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1435 					tps[nthreads-1].tid = nthreads - 1;
1436 					tps[nthreads-1].done = &all_threads_done;
1437 					if(stateful) {
1438 						threads.push_back(new std::thread(exactSearchWorkerStateful, (void*)&tps[nthreads-1]));
1439 					} else {
1440 						threads.push_back(new std::thread(exactSearchWorker, (void*)&tps[nthreads-1]));
1441 					}
1442 					threads[nthreads-1]->detach();
1443 					SLEEP(10);
1444 #else
1445 					if(stateful) {
1446 						threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(exactSearchWorkerStateful, (void *)(tids + nthreads - 1)));
1447 					} else {
1448 						threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(exactSearchWorker, (void *)(tids + nthreads - 1)));
1449 					}
1450 #endif
1451 					cerr << "pid " << pid << " started new worker # " << nthreads << endl;
1452 				}
1453 				steal_ctr++;
1454 				for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1455 					sleep(1);
1456 				}
1457 			}
1458 		}
1459 #endif
1461 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1462 		while(all_threads_done < nthreads) {
1463 			SLEEP(10);
1464 		}
1465 #else
1466 		for (int i = 0; i < nthreads - 1; i++) {
1467 			threads[i]->join();
1468 		}
1469 #endif
1471 #ifndef _WIN32
1472 		if(thread_stealing) {
1473 			del_pid(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), pid);
1474 		}
1475 #endif
1476 	}
1477 	if(refs != NULL) delete refs;
1479 	for (int i = 0; i < nthreads - 1; i++) {
1480 		if (threads[i] != NULL) {
1481 			delete threads[i];
1482 		}
1483 	}
1484 }
1486 /**
1487  * Search through a pair of Ebwt indexes, one for the forward direction
1488  * and one for the backward direction, for exact end-to-end hits and 1-
1489  * mismatch end-to-end hits.  In my experience, this is slightly faster
1490  * than Maq (default) mode with the -n 1 option.
1491  *
1492  * Forward Ebwt (ebwtFw) is already loaded into memory and backward
1493  * Ebwt (ebwtBw) is not loaded into memory.
1494  */
1495 static PatternComposer*         mismatchSearch_patsrc;
1496 static HitSink*                 mismatchSearch_sink;
1497 static Ebwt*			mismatchSearch_ebwtFw;
1498 static Ebwt*			mismatchSearch_ebwtBw;
1499 static EList<BTRefString >*    mismatchSearch_os;
1500 static SyncBitset*              mismatchSearch_doneMask;
1501 static SyncBitset*              mismatchSearch_hitMask;
1502 static BitPairReference*        mismatchSearch_refs;
1504 /**
1505  * A statefulness-aware worker driver.  Uses Unpaired/Paired1mmAlignerV1.
1506  */
1507 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1508 //void mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful::operator()() const {
1509 static void mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful(void *vp) {
1510 	thread_tracking_pair *p = (thread_tracking_pair*) vp;
1511 	int tid = p->tid;
1512 #else
1513 static void mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful(void *vp) {
1514 	int tid = *((int*)vp);
1515 #endif
1516 	if(thread_stealing) {
1517 		increment_thread_counter();
1518 	}
1519 	PatternComposer&	_patsrc = *mismatchSearch_patsrc;
1520 	HitSink&		_sink   = *mismatchSearch_sink;
1521 	Ebwt&			ebwtFw  = *mismatchSearch_ebwtFw;
1522 	Ebwt&			ebwtBw  = *mismatchSearch_ebwtBw;
1523 	EList<BTRefString >& os      = *mismatchSearch_os;
1524 	BitPairReference*	refs    = mismatchSearch_refs;
1526 	// Global initialization
1527 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory* patsrcFact = createPatsrcFactory(_patsrc, tid, readsPerBatch);
1528 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory* sinkFact = createSinkFactory(_sink, tid);
1529 	ChunkPool *pool = new ChunkPool(chunkSz * 1024, chunkPoolMegabytes * 1024 * 1024, chunkVerbose);
1531 	Unpaired1mmAlignerV1Factory alSEfact(
1532 			ebwtFw,
1533 			&ebwtBw,
1534 			!nofw,
1535 			!norc,
1536 			_sink,
1537 			*sinkFact,
1538 			NULL, //&cacheFw,
1539 			NULL, //&cacheBw,
1540 			cacheLimit,
1541 			pool,
1542 			refs,
1543 			os,
1544 			!noMaqRound,
1545 			!better,
1546 			strandFix,
1547 			rangeMode,
1548 			verbose,
1549 			quiet,
1550 			seed);
1551 	Paired1mmAlignerV1Factory alPEfact(
1552 			ebwtFw,
1553 			&ebwtBw,
1554 			!nofw,
1555 			!norc,
1556 			useV1,
1557 			_sink,
1558 			*sinkFact,
1559 			mate1fw,
1560 			mate2fw,
1561 			minInsert,
1562 			maxInsert,
1563 			dontReconcileMates,
1564 			mhits,     // for symCeiling
1565 			mixedThresh,
1566 			mixedAttemptLim,
1567 			NULL, //&cacheFw,
1568 			NULL, //&cacheBw,
1569 			cacheLimit,
1570 			pool,
1571 			refs, os,
1572 			reportSe,
1573 			!noMaqRound,
1574 			!better,
1575 			strandFix,
1576 			rangeMode,
1577 			verbose,
1578 			quiet,
1579 			seed);
1580 	{
1581 		MixedMultiAligner multi(
1582 				prefetchWidth,
1583 				qUpto,
1584 				alSEfact,
1585 				alPEfact,
1586 				*patsrcFact);
1587 		// Run that mother
1588 		multi.run(false, tid);
1589 		// MultiAligner must be destroyed before patsrcFact
1590 	}
1592 	if(thread_stealing) {
1593 		decrement_thread_counter();
1594 	}
1595 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1596 	p->done->fetch_add(1);
1597 #endif
1599 	delete patsrcFact;
1600 	delete sinkFact;
1601 	delete pool;
1602 	return;
1603 }
1604 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1605 //void mismatchSearchWorkerFull::operator()() const {
1606 static void mismatchSearchWorkerFull(void *vp){
1607 	thread_tracking_pair *p = (thread_tracking_pair*) vp;
1608 	int tid = p->tid;
1609 #else
1610 static void mismatchSearchWorkerFull(void *vp){
1611 	int tid = *((int*)vp);
1612 #endif
1613 	if(thread_stealing) {
1614 		increment_thread_counter();
1615 	}
1616 	PatternComposer&	_patsrc = *mismatchSearch_patsrc;
1617 	HitSink&		_sink   = *mismatchSearch_sink;
1618 	Ebwt&			ebwtFw  = *mismatchSearch_ebwtFw;
1619 	Ebwt&			ebwtBw  = *mismatchSearch_ebwtBw;
1620 	EList<BTRefString >& os      = *mismatchSearch_os;
1622 	// Per-thread initialization
1623 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory* patsrcFact = createPatsrcFactory(_patsrc, tid, readsPerBatch);
1624 	PatternSourcePerThread* patsrc = patsrcFact->create();
1625 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory* sinkFact = createSinkFactory(_sink, tid);
1626 	HitSinkPerThread* sink = sinkFact->create();
1627 	EbwtSearchParams params(
1628 	        *sink,      // HitSinkPerThread
1629 	        os,         // reference sequences
1630 	        true,       // read is forward
1631 	        false);     // index is mirror index
1632 	GreedyDFSRangeSource bt(
1633 	        &ebwtFw, params,
1634 	        0xffffffff,     // qualThresh
1635 	        0xffffffff,     // max backtracks (no max)
1636 	        0,              // reportPartials (don't)
1637 	        true,           // reportExacts
1638 	        rangeMode,      // reportRanges
1639 	        NULL,           // seedlings
1640 	        NULL,           // mutations
1641 	        verbose,        // verbose
1642 	        &os,
1643 	        false);         // considerQuals
1644 	bool skipped = false;
1645 	pair<bool, bool> get_read_ret = make_pair(false, false);
1647 	uint64_t ncpu_changeovers = 0;
1648 	uint64_t nnuma_changeovers = 0;
1650 	int current_cpu = 0, current_node = 0;
1651 	get_cpu_and_node(current_cpu, current_node);
1653 	std::stringstream ss;
1654 	std::string msg;
1655 	ss << "thread: " << tid << " time: ";
1656 	msg = ss.str();
1657 	{
1658 		Timer timer(std::cout, msg.c_str());
1659 #endif
1660 		while(true) {
1662 			int cpu = 0, node = 0;
1663 			get_cpu_and_node(cpu, node);
1664 			if(cpu != current_cpu) {
1665 				ncpu_changeovers++;
1666 				current_cpu = cpu;
1667 			}
1668 			if(node != current_node) {
1669 				nnuma_changeovers++;
1670 				current_node = node;
1671 			}
1672 #endif
1673 			FINISH_READ(patsrc);
1674 			GET_READ(patsrc);
1675 			uint32_t plen = (uint32_t)patFw.length();
1676 			uint32_t s = plen;
1677 			uint32_t s3 = s >> 1; // length of 3' half of seed
1678 			uint32_t s5 = (s >> 1) + (s & 1); // length of 5' half of seed
1679 			#define DONEMASK_SET(p)
1680 			#include "search_1mm_phase1.c"
1681 			#include "search_1mm_phase2.c"
1682 			#undef DONEMASK_SET
1683 		} // End read loop
1684 		FINISH_READ(patsrc);
1686 		ss.str("");
1687 		ss.clear();
1688 		ss << "thread: " << tid << " cpu_changeovers: " << ncpu_changeovers << std::endl
1689 		   << "thread: " << tid << " node_changeovers: " << nnuma_changeovers << std::endl;
1690 		std::cout << ss.str();
1691 	}
1692 #endif
1693 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1694 	p->done->fetch_add(1);
1695 #endif
1696     	WORKER_EXIT();
1697 }
1699 /**
1700  * Search through a single (forward) Ebwt index for exact end-to-end
1701  * hits.  Assumes that index is already loaded into memory.
1702  */
1703 static void mismatchSearchFull(PatternComposer& _patsrc,
1704                                HitSink& _sink,
1705                                Ebwt& ebwtFw,
1706                                Ebwt& ebwtBw,
1707                                EList<BTRefString >& os)
1708 {
1709 	mismatchSearch_patsrc       = &_patsrc;
1710 	mismatchSearch_sink         = &_sink;
1711 	mismatchSearch_ebwtFw       = &ebwtFw;
1712 	mismatchSearch_ebwtBw       = &ebwtBw;
1713 	mismatchSearch_doneMask     = NULL;
1714 	mismatchSearch_hitMask      = NULL;
1715 	mismatchSearch_os           = &os;
1717 	assert(!ebwtFw.isInMemory());
1718 	assert(!ebwtBw.isInMemory());
1719 	{
1720 		// Load the other half of the index into memory
1721 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading forward index: ", timing);
1722 		ebwtFw.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose);
1723 	}
1724 	{
1725 		// Load the other half of the index into memory
1726 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading mirror index: ", timing);
1727 		ebwtBw.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose);
1728 	}
1729 	// Create range caches, which are shared among all aligners
1730 	BitPairReference *refs = NULL;
1731 	bool pair = mates1.size() > 0 || mates12.size() > 0;
1732 	if(pair && mixedThresh < 0xffffffff) {
1733 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading reference: ", timing);
1734 		refs = new BitPairReference(adjustedEbwtFileBase, sanityCheck, NULL, &os, false, true, useMm, useShmem, mmSweep, verbose, startVerbose);
1735 		if(!refs->loaded()) throw 1;
1736 	}
1737 	mismatchSearch_refs = refs;
1739 	int tids[max(nthreads, thread_ceiling)];
1740 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1741 	EList<std::thread*> threads;
1742 	EList<thread_tracking_pair> tps;
1743 	tps.resizeExact(max(nthreads, thread_ceiling));
1744 #else
1745 	EList<tthread::thread*> threads;
1746 #endif
1748 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1749 	std::atomic<int> all_threads_done;
1750 	all_threads_done = 0;
1751 #endif
1753 	CHUD_START();
1754 	{
1755 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time for 1-mismatch full-index search: ", timing);
1757 #ifndef _WIN32
1758 		int pid = 0;
1759 		if(thread_stealing) {
1760 			pid = getpid();
1761 			write_pid(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), pid);
1762 			thread_counter = 0;
1763 		}
1764 #endif
1766 		for(int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
1767 			tids[i] = i;
1768 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1769 			tps[i].tid = tids[i];
1770 			tps[i].done = &all_threads_done;
1771 			if (i == nthreads - 1) {
1772 				if(stateful) {
1773 					mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful((void*)&tps[i]);
1774 				} else {
1775 					mismatchSearchWorkerFull((void*)&tps[i]);
1776 				}
1777 			}
1778 			else {
1779 				if(stateful) {
1780 					threads.push_back(new std::thread(mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful, (void*)&tps[i]));
1781 				} else {
1782 					threads.push_back(new std::thread(mismatchSearchWorkerFull, (void*)&tps[i]));
1783 				}
1784 				threads[i]->detach();
1785 				SLEEP(10);
1786 			}
1787 #else
1788 			if (i == nthreads - 1) {
1789 				if(stateful) {
1790 					mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful((void*)(tids + i));
1791 				} else {
1792 					mismatchSearchWorkerFull((void*)(tids + i));
1793 				}
1794 			}
1795 			else {
1796 				if(stateful) {
1797 					threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful, (void *)(tids + i)));
1798 				} else {
1799 					threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(mismatchSearchWorkerFull, (void *)(tids + i)));
1800 				}
1801 			}
1802 #endif
1803 		}
1805 #ifndef _WIN32
1806 		if(thread_stealing) {
1807 			int orig_threads = nthreads, steal_ctr = 1;
1808 			for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1809 				sleep(1);
1810 			}
1811 			while(thread_counter > 0) {
1812 				if(steal_thread(pid, orig_threads)) {
1813 					nthreads++;
1814 					tids[nthreads-1] = nthreads;
1815 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1816 					tps[nthreads-1].tid = nthreads - 1;
1817 					tps[nthreads-1].done = &all_threads_done;
1818 					if(stateful) {
1819 						threads.push_back(new std::thread(mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful, (void*)&tps[nthreads-1]));
1820 					} else {
1821 						threads.push_back(new std::thread(mismatchSearchWorkerFull, (void*)&tps[nthreads-1]));
1822 					}
1823 					threads[nthreads - 1]->detach();
1824 					SLEEP(10);
1825 #else
1826 					if(stateful) {
1827 						threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(mismatchSearchWorkerFullStateful, (void *)(tids + nthreads - 1)));
1828 					} else {
1829 						threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(mismatchSearchWorkerFull, (void *)(tids + nthreads - 1)));
1830 					}
1831 #endif
1832 					cerr << "pid " << pid << " started new worker # " << nthreads << endl;
1833 				}
1834 				steal_ctr++;
1835 				for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1836 					sleep(1);
1837 				}
1838 			}
1839 		}
1840 #endif
1842 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1843 		while(all_threads_done < nthreads) {
1844 			SLEEP(10);
1845 		}
1846 #else
1847 		for (int i = 0; i < nthreads - 1; i++) {
1848 			threads[i]->join();
1849 		}
1850 #endif
1852 #ifndef _WIN32
1853 		if(thread_stealing) {
1854 			del_pid(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), pid);
1855 		}
1856 #endif
1857 	}
1858 	if(refs != NULL) delete refs;
1860 	for (int i = 0; i < nthreads - 1; i++) {
1861 		if (threads[i] != NULL) {
1862 			delete threads[i];
1863 		}
1864 	}
1865 }
1867 #define SWITCH_TO_FW_INDEX() { \
1868 	/* Evict the mirror index from memory if necessary */ \
1869 	if(ebwtBw.isInMemory()) ebwtBw.evictFromMemory(); \
1870 	assert(!ebwtBw.isInMemory()); \
1871 	/* Load the forward index into memory if necessary */ \
1872 	if(!ebwtFw.isInMemory()) { \
1873 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading forward index: ", timing); \
1874 		ebwtFw.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose); \
1875 	} \
1876 	assert(ebwtFw.isInMemory()); \
1877 	_patsrc.reset(); /* rewind pattern source to first pattern */ \
1878 }
1880 #define SWITCH_TO_BW_INDEX() { \
1881 	/* Evict the forward index from memory if necessary */ \
1882 	if(ebwtFw.isInMemory()) ebwtFw.evictFromMemory(); \
1883 	assert(!ebwtFw.isInMemory()); \
1884 	/* Load the forward index into memory if necessary */ \
1885 	if(!ebwtBw.isInMemory()) { \
1886 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading mirror index: ", timing); \
1887 		ebwtBw.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose);   \
1888 	} \
1889 	assert(ebwtBw.isInMemory()); \
1890 	_patsrc.reset(); /* rewind pattern source to first pattern */ \
1891 }
1893 #define ASSERT_NO_HITS_FW(ebwtfw) \
1894 	if(sanityCheck && os.size() > 0) { \
1895 		EList<Hit> hits; \
1896 		uint32_t threeRevOff = (seedMms <= 3) ? s : 0; \
1897 		uint32_t twoRevOff   = (seedMms <= 2) ? s : 0; \
1898 		uint32_t oneRevOff   = (seedMms <= 1) ? s : 0; \
1899 		uint32_t unrevOff    = (seedMms == 0) ? s : 0; \
1900 		if(hits.size() > 0) { \
1901 			/* Print offending hit obtained by oracle */ \
1902 			::printHit( \
1903 				os, \
1904 				hits[0], \
1905 				patFw, \
1906 				plen, \
1907 				unrevOff, \
1908 				oneRevOff, \
1909 				twoRevOff, \
1910 				threeRevOff, \
1911 				ebwtfw);  /* ebwtFw */ \
1912 		} \
1913 		assert_eq(0, hits.size()); \
1914 	}
1916 #define ASSERT_NO_HITS_RC(ebwtfw) \
1917 	if(sanityCheck && os.size() > 0) { \
1918 		EList<Hit> hits; \
1919 		uint32_t threeRevOff = (seedMms <= 3) ? s : 0; \
1920 		uint32_t twoRevOff   = (seedMms <= 2) ? s : 0; \
1921 		uint32_t oneRevOff   = (seedMms <= 1) ? s : 0; \
1922 		uint32_t unrevOff    = (seedMms == 0) ? s : 0; \
1923 		if(hits.size() > 0) { \
1924 			/* Print offending hit obtained by oracle */ \
1925 			::printHit( \
1926 				os, \
1927 				hits[0], \
1928 				patRc, \
1929 				plen, \
1930 				unrevOff, \
1931 				oneRevOff, \
1932 				twoRevOff, \
1933 				threeRevOff, \
1934 				ebwtfw);  /* ebwtFw */ \
1935 		} \
1936 		assert_eq(0, hits.size()); \
1937 	}
1939 static PatternComposer*         twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_patsrc;
1940 static HitSink*                 twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_sink;
1941 static Ebwt*			twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_ebwtFw;
1942 static Ebwt*			twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_ebwtBw;
1943 static EList<BTRefString >*  twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_os;
1944 static SyncBitset*              twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_doneMask;
1945 static SyncBitset*              twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_hitMask;
1946 static bool                     twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_two;
1947 static BitPairReference*        twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_refs;
1950 /**
1951  * A statefulness-aware worker driver.  Uses UnpairedExactAlignerV1.
1952  */
1953 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
1954 //void twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful::operator()() const {
1955 static void twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful(void *vp) {
1956 	thread_tracking_pair *p = (thread_tracking_pair*) vp;
1957 	int tid = p->tid;
1958 #else
1959 static void twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful(void *vp) {
1960 	int tid = *((int*)vp);
1961 #endif
1962 	if(thread_stealing) {
1963 		increment_thread_counter();
1964 	}
1965 	PatternComposer&	_patsrc = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_patsrc;
1966 	HitSink&		_sink   = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_sink;
1967 	Ebwt&			ebwtFw  = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_ebwtFw;
1968 	Ebwt&			ebwtBw  = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_ebwtBw;
1969 	EList<BTRefString >& os      = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_os;
1970 	BitPairReference*	refs    = twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_refs;
1971 	static bool		two     = twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_two;
1973 	// Global initialization
1974 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory* patsrcFact = createPatsrcFactory(_patsrc, tid, readsPerBatch);
1975 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory* sinkFact = createSinkFactory(_sink, tid);
1977 	ChunkPool *pool = new ChunkPool(chunkSz * 1024, chunkPoolMegabytes * 1024 * 1024, chunkVerbose);
1978 	Unpaired23mmAlignerV1Factory alSEfact(
1979 			ebwtFw,
1980 			&ebwtBw,
1981 			two,
1982 			!nofw,
1983 			!norc,
1984 			_sink,
1985 			*sinkFact,
1986 			NULL, //&cacheFw,
1987 			NULL, //&cacheBw,
1988 			cacheLimit,
1989 			pool,
1990 			refs,
1991 			os,
1992 			!noMaqRound,
1993 			!better,
1994 			strandFix,
1995 			rangeMode,
1996 			verbose,
1997 			quiet,
1998 			seed);
1999 	Paired23mmAlignerV1Factory alPEfact(
2000 			ebwtFw,
2001 			&ebwtBw,
2002 			!nofw,
2003 			!norc,
2004 			useV1,
2005 			two,
2006 			_sink,
2007 			*sinkFact,
2008 			mate1fw,
2009 			mate2fw,
2010 			minInsert,
2011 			maxInsert,
2012 			dontReconcileMates,
2013 			mhits,       // for symCeiling
2014 			mixedThresh,
2015 			mixedAttemptLim,
2016 			NULL, //&cacheFw,
2017 			NULL, //&cacheBw,
2018 			cacheLimit,
2019 			pool,
2020 			refs, os,
2021 			reportSe,
2022 			!noMaqRound,
2023 			!better,
2024 			strandFix,
2025 			rangeMode,
2026 			verbose,
2027 			quiet,
2028 			seed);
2029 	{
2030 		MixedMultiAligner multi(
2031 				prefetchWidth,
2032 				qUpto,
2033 				alSEfact,
2034 				alPEfact,
2035 				*patsrcFact);
2036 		// Run that mother
2037 		multi.run(false, tid);
2038 		// MultiAligner must be destroyed before patsrcFact
2039 	}
2041 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2042 	p->done->fetch_add(1);
2043 #endif
2044 	if(thread_stealing) {
2045 		decrement_thread_counter();
2046 	}
2048 	delete patsrcFact;
2049 	delete sinkFact;
2050 	delete pool;
2051 	return;
2052 }
2054 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2055 //void twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull::operator()() const {
2056 static void twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull(void *vp) {
2057 	thread_tracking_pair *p = (thread_tracking_pair*) vp;
2058 	int tid = p->tid;
2059 #else
2060 static void twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull(void *vp) {
2061 	int tid = *((int*)vp);
2062 #endif
2063 	if(thread_stealing) {
2064 		increment_thread_counter();
2065 	}
2066 	PatternComposer&		_patsrc	   = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_patsrc;
2067 	HitSink&			_sink	   = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_sink;
2068 	EList<BTRefString >&         os	   = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_os;
2069 	bool				two	   = twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_two;
2070 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory*	patsrcFact = createPatsrcFactory(_patsrc, tid, readsPerBatch);
2071 	PatternSourcePerThread*		patsrc	   = patsrcFact->create();
2072 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory*	sinkFact   = createSinkFactory(_sink, tid);
2073 	HitSinkPerThread*		sink	   = sinkFact->create();
2074 	/* Per-thread initialization */
2075 	EbwtSearchParams params(
2076 		*sink,       /* HitSink */
2077 	        os,          /* reference sequences */
2078 	        true,        /* read is forward */
2079 	        true);       /* index is forward */
2080 	Ebwt& ebwtFw = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_ebwtFw;
2081 	Ebwt& ebwtBw = *twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_ebwtBw;
2082 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btr1(
2083 	        &ebwtFw, params,
2084 	        0xffffffff,     // qualThresh
2085 	        // Do not impose maximums in 2/3-mismatch mode
2086 	        0xffffffff,     // max backtracks (no limit)
2087 	        0,              // reportPartials (don't)
2088 	        true,           // reportExacts
2089 	        rangeMode,      // reportRanges
2090 	        NULL,           // seedlings
2091 	        NULL,           // mutations
2092 	        verbose,        // verbose
2093 	        &os,
2094 	        false);         // considerQuals
2095 	GreedyDFSRangeSource bt2(
2096 	        &ebwtBw, params,
2097 	        0xffffffff,     // qualThresh
2098 	        // Do not impose maximums in 2/3-mismatch mode
2099 	        0xffffffff,     // max backtracks (no limit)
2100 	        0,              // reportPartials (no)
2101 	        true,           // reportExacts
2102 	        rangeMode,      // reportRanges
2103 	        NULL,           // seedlings
2104 	        NULL,           // mutations
2105 	        verbose,        // verbose
2106 	        &os,
2107 	        false);         // considerQuals
2108 	GreedyDFSRangeSource bt3(
2109 	        &ebwtFw, params,
2110 	        0xffffffff,     // qualThresh (none)
2111 	        // Do not impose maximums in 2/3-mismatch mode
2112 	        0xffffffff,     // max backtracks (no limit)
2113 	        0,              // reportPartials (don't)
2114 	        true,           // reportExacts
2115 	        rangeMode,      // reportRanges
2116 	        NULL,           // seedlings
2117 	        NULL,           // mutations
2118 	        verbose,        // verbose
2119 	        &os,
2120 	        false);         // considerQuals
2121 	GreedyDFSRangeSource bthh3(
2122 	        &ebwtFw, params,
2123 	        0xffffffff,     // qualThresh
2124 	        // Do not impose maximums in 2/3-mismatch mode
2125 	        0xffffffff,     // max backtracks (no limit)
2126 	        0,              // reportPartials (don't)
2127 	        true,           // reportExacts
2128 	        rangeMode,      // reportRanges
2129 	        NULL,           // seedlings
2130 	        NULL,           // mutations
2131 	        verbose,        // verbose
2132 	        &os,
2133 	        false,          // considerQuals
2134 	        true);          // halfAndHalf
2135 	bool skipped = false;
2136 	pair<bool, bool> get_read_ret = make_pair(false, false);
2138 	uint64_t ncpu_changeovers = 0;
2139 	uint64_t nnuma_changeovers = 0;
2141 	int current_cpu = 0, current_node = 0;
2142 	get_cpu_and_node(current_cpu, current_node);
2144 	std::stringstream ss;
2145 	std::string msg;
2146 	ss << "thread: " << tid << " time: ";
2147 	msg = ss.str();
2148 	{
2149 		Timer timer(std::cout, msg.c_str());
2150 #endif
2151 		while(true) { // Read read-in loop
2153 			int cpu = 0, node = 0;
2154 			get_cpu_and_node(cpu, node);
2155 			if(cpu != current_cpu) {
2156 				ncpu_changeovers++;
2157 				current_cpu = cpu;
2158 			}
2159 			if(node != current_node) {
2160 				nnuma_changeovers++;
2161 				current_node = node;
2162 			}
2163 #endif
2164 			FINISH_READ(patsrc);
2165 			GET_READ(patsrc);
2166 			patid += 0; // kill unused variable warning
2167 			uint32_t plen = (uint32_t)patFw.length();
2168 			uint32_t s = plen;
2169 			uint32_t s3 = s >> 1; // length of 3' half of seed
2170 			uint32_t s5 = (s >> 1) + (s & 1); // length of 5' half of seed
2171 			#define DONEMASK_SET(p)
2172 			#include "search_23mm_phase1.c"
2173 			#include "search_23mm_phase2.c"
2174 			#include "search_23mm_phase3.c"
2175 			#undef DONEMASK_SET
2176 		}
2177 		FINISH_READ(patsrc);
2178 		if(thread_stealing) {
2179 			decrement_thread_counter();
2180 		}
2182 		ss.str("");
2183 		ss.clear();
2184 		ss << "thread: " << tid << " cpu_changeovers: " << ncpu_changeovers << std::endl
2185 		   << "thread: " << tid << " node_changeovers: " << nnuma_changeovers << std::endl;
2186 		std::cout << ss.str();
2187 	}
2188 #endif
2189 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2190 	p->done->fetch_add(1);
2191 #endif
2192 	// Threads join at end of Phase 1
2193 	WORKER_EXIT();
2194 }
2196 static void twoOrThreeMismatchSearchFull(
2197 		PatternComposer& _patsrc,   /// pattern source
2198 		HitSink& _sink,                 /// hit sink
2199 		Ebwt& ebwtFw,             /// index of original text
2200 		Ebwt& ebwtBw,             /// index of mirror text
2201 		EList<BTRefString >& os,      /// text strings, if available (empty otherwise)
2202 		bool two = true)                /// true -> 2, false -> 3
2203 {
2204 	// Global initialization
2205 	assert(!ebwtFw.isInMemory());
2206 	assert(!ebwtBw.isInMemory());
2207 	{
2208 		// Load the other half of the index into memory
2209 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading forward index: ", timing);
2210 		ebwtFw.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose);
2211 	}
2212 	{
2213 		// Load the other half of the index into memory
2214 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading mirror index: ", timing);
2215 		ebwtBw.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose);
2216 	}
2217 	// Create range caches, which are shared among all aligners
2218 	BitPairReference *refs = NULL;
2219 	bool pair = mates1.size() > 0 || mates12.size() > 0;
2220 	if(pair && mixedThresh < 0xffffffff) {
2221 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading reference: ", timing);
2222 		refs = new BitPairReference(adjustedEbwtFileBase, sanityCheck, NULL, &os, false, true, useMm, useShmem, mmSweep, verbose, startVerbose);
2223 		if(!refs->loaded()) throw 1;
2224 	}
2225 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_refs     = refs;
2226 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_patsrc   = &_patsrc;
2227 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_sink     = &_sink;
2228 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_ebwtFw   = &ebwtFw;
2229 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_ebwtBw   = &ebwtBw;
2230 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_os       = &os;
2231 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_doneMask = NULL;
2232 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_hitMask  = NULL;
2233 	twoOrThreeMismatchSearch_two      = two;
2235 	int tids[max(nthreads, thread_ceiling)];
2236 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2237 	EList<std::thread*> threads;
2238 	EList<thread_tracking_pair> tps;
2239 	tps.resizeExact(max(nthreads, thread_ceiling));
2240 #else
2241 	EList<tthread::thread*> threads;
2242 #endif
2244 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2245 	std::atomic<int> all_threads_done;
2246 	all_threads_done = 0;
2247 #endif
2249 	CHUD_START();
2250 	{
2251 		Timer _t(cerr, "End-to-end 2/3-mismatch full-index search: ", timing);
2253 #ifndef _WIN32
2254 		int pid = 0;
2255 		if(thread_stealing) {
2256 			pid = getpid();
2257 			write_pid(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), pid);
2258 			thread_counter = 0;
2259 		}
2260 #endif
2262 		for(int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
2263 			tids[i] = i;
2264 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2265 			tps[i].tid = tids[i];
2266 			tps[i].done = &all_threads_done;
2267 			if (i == nthreads - 1) {
2268 				if(stateful) {
2269 					twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful((void*)&tps[i]);
2270 				} else {
2271 					twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull((void*)&tps[i]);
2272 				}
2273 			}
2274 			else {
2275 				if(stateful) {
2276 					threads.push_back(new std::thread(twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful, (void*)&tps[i]));
2277 				} else {
2278 					threads.push_back(new std::thread(twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull, (void*)&tps[i]));
2279 				}
2280 				threads[i]->detach();
2281 				SLEEP(10);
2282 			}
2283 #else
2284 			if (i == nthreads - 1) {
2285 				if(stateful) {
2286 					twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful((void*)(tids + i));
2287 				} else {
2288 					twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull((void*)(tids + i));
2289 				}
2290 			}
2291 			else {
2292 				if(stateful) {
2293 					threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful, (void *)(tids + i)));
2294 				} else {
2295 					threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull, (void *)(tids + i)));
2296 				}
2297 			}
2298 #endif
2299 		}
2301 #ifndef _WIN32
2302 		if(thread_stealing) {
2303 			int orig_threads = nthreads, steal_ctr = 1;
2304 			for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
2305 				sleep(1);
2306 			}
2307 			while(thread_counter > 0) {
2308 				if(steal_thread(pid, orig_threads)) {
2309 					nthreads++;
2310 					tids[nthreads-1] = nthreads;
2311 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2312 					tps[nthreads-1].tid = nthreads - 1;
2313 					tps[nthreads-1].done = &all_threads_done;
2314 					if(stateful) {
2315 						threads.push_back(new std::thread(twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful, (void*)&tps[nthreads-1]));
2316 					} else {
2317 						threads.push_back(new std::thread(twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull, (void*)&tps[nthreads-1]));
2318 					}
2319 					threads[nthreads-1]->detach();
2320 					SLEEP(10);
2321 #else
2322 					if(stateful) {
2323 						threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerStateful, (void *)(tids + nthreads - 1)));
2324 					} else {
2325 						threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(twoOrThreeMismatchSearchWorkerFull, (void *)(tids + nthreads - 1)));
2326 					}
2327 #endif
2328 					cerr << "pid " << pid << " started new worker # " << nthreads << endl;
2329 				}
2330 				steal_ctr++;
2331 				for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
2332 					sleep(1);
2333 				}
2334 			}
2335 		}
2336 #endif
2338 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2339 		while(all_threads_done < nthreads) {
2340 			SLEEP(10);
2341 		}
2342 #else
2343 		for (int i = 0; i < nthreads - 1; i++) {
2344 			threads[i]->join();
2345 		}
2346 #endif
2348 #ifndef _WIN32
2349 		if(thread_stealing) {
2350 			del_pid(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), pid);
2351 		}
2352 #endif
2353 	}
2354 	if(refs != NULL) delete refs;
2356 	for (int i = 0; i < nthreads - 1; i++) {
2357 		if (threads[i] != NULL) {
2358 			delete threads[i];
2359 		}
2360 	}
2361 	return;
2362 }
2364 static PatternComposer*		seededQualSearch_patsrc;
2365 static HitSink*                 seededQualSearch_sink;
2366 static Ebwt*			seededQualSearch_ebwtFw;
2367 static Ebwt*			seededQualSearch_ebwtBw;
2368 static EList<BTRefString >*  seededQualSearch_os;
2369 static SyncBitset*              seededQualSearch_doneMask;
2370 static SyncBitset*              seededQualSearch_hitMask;
2371 static PartialAlignmentManager* seededQualSearch_pamFw;
2372 static PartialAlignmentManager* seededQualSearch_pamRc;
2373 static int                      seededQualSearch_qualCutoff;
2374 static BitPairReference*        seededQualSearch_refs;
2376 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2377 //void seededQualSearchWorkerFull::operator()() const {
2378 static void seededQualSearchWorkerFull(void *vp) {
2379 	thread_tracking_pair *p = (thread_tracking_pair*) vp;
2380 	int tid = p->tid;
2381 #else
2382 static void seededQualSearchWorkerFull(void *vp) {
2383 	int tid = *((int*)vp);
2384 #endif
2385 	if(thread_stealing) {
2386 		increment_thread_counter();
2387 	}
2388 	PatternComposer&		_patsrc    = *seededQualSearch_patsrc;
2389 	HitSink&			_sink      = *seededQualSearch_sink;
2390 	EList<BTRefString >&		os         = *seededQualSearch_os;
2391 	int				qualCutoff = seededQualSearch_qualCutoff;
2392 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory*	patsrcFact = createPatsrcFactory(_patsrc, tid, readsPerBatch);
2393 	PatternSourcePerThread*		patsrc	   = patsrcFact->create();
2394 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory*	sinkFact   = createSinkFactory(_sink, tid);
2395 	HitSinkPerThread*		sink	   = sinkFact->create();
2396 	/* Per-thread initialization */
2397 	EbwtSearchParams params(
2398 	        *sink,       /* HitSink */
2399 	        os,          /* reference sequences */
2400 	        true,        /* read is forward */
2401 	        true);       /* index is forward */
2402 	Ebwt& ebwtFw = *seededQualSearch_ebwtFw;
2403 	Ebwt& ebwtBw = *seededQualSearch_ebwtBw;
2404 	PartialAlignmentManager * pamRc = NULL;
2405 	PartialAlignmentManager * pamFw = NULL;
2406 	if(seedMms > 0) {
2407 		pamRc = new PartialAlignmentManager(64);
2408 		pamFw = new PartialAlignmentManager(64);
2409 	}
2410 	EList<PartialAlignment> pals;
2411 	// GreedyDFSRangeSource for finding exact hits for the forward-
2412 	// oriented read
2413 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btf1(
2414 	        &ebwtFw, params,
2415 	        qualCutoff,            // qualThresh
2416 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2417 	        0,                     // reportPartials (don't)
2418 	        true,                  // reportExacts
2419 	        rangeMode,             // reportRanges
2420 	        NULL,                  // seedlings
2421 	        NULL,                  // mutations
2422 	        verbose,               // verbose
2423 	        &os,
2424 	        false);                // considerQuals
2425 	GreedyDFSRangeSource bt1(
2426 	        &ebwtFw, params,
2427 	        qualCutoff,            // qualThresh
2428 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2429 	        0,                     // reportPartials (don't)
2430 	        true,                  // reportExacts
2431 	        rangeMode,             // reportRanges
2432 	        NULL,                  // seedlings
2433 	        NULL,                  // mutations
2434 	        verbose,               // verbose
2435 	        &os,                   // reference sequences
2436 	        true,                  // considerQuals
2437 	        false, !noMaqRound);
2438 	// GreedyDFSRangeSource to search for hits for cases 1F, 2F, 3F
2439 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btf2(
2440 	        &ebwtBw, params,
2441 	        qualCutoff,            // qualThresh
2442 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2443 	        0,                     // reportPartials (no)
2444 	        true,                  // reportExacts
2445 	        rangeMode,             // reportRanges
2446 	        NULL,                  // partial alignment manager
2447 	        NULL,                  // mutations
2448 	        verbose,               // verbose
2449 	        &os,                   // reference sequences
2450 	        true,                  // considerQuals
2451 	        false, !noMaqRound);
2452 	// GreedyDFSRangeSource to search for partial alignments for case 4R
2453 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btr2(
2454 	        &ebwtBw, params,
2455 	        qualCutoff,            // qualThresh (none)
2456 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2457 	        seedMms,               // report partials (up to seedMms mms)
2458 	        true,                  // reportExacts
2459 	        rangeMode,             // reportRanges
2460 	        pamRc,                 // partial alignment manager
2461 	        NULL,                  // mutations
2462 	        verbose,               // verbose
2463 	        &os,                   // reference sequences
2464 	        true,                  // considerQuals
2465 	        false, !noMaqRound);
2466 	// GreedyDFSRangeSource to search for seedlings for case 4F
2467 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btf3(
2468 	        &ebwtFw, params,
2469 	        qualCutoff,            // qualThresh (none)
2470 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2471 	        seedMms,               // reportPartials (do)
2472 	        true,                  // reportExacts
2473 	        rangeMode,             // reportRanges
2474 	        pamFw,                 // seedlings
2475 	        NULL,                  // mutations
2476 	        verbose,               // verbose
2477 	        &os,                   // reference sequences
2478 	        true,                  // considerQuals
2479 	        false, !noMaqRound);
2480 	// GreedyDFSRangeSource to search for hits for case 4R by extending
2481 	// the partial alignments found in Phase 2
2482 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btr3(
2483 	        &ebwtFw, params,
2484 	        qualCutoff, // qualThresh
2485 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2486 	        0,       // reportPartials (don't)
2487 	        true,    // reportExacts
2488 	        rangeMode,// reportRanges
2489 	        NULL,    // seedlings
2490 	        NULL,    // mutations
2491 	        verbose, // verbose
2492 	        &os,     // reference sequences
2493 	        true,    // considerQuals
2494 	        false, !noMaqRound);
2495 	// The half-and-half GreedyDFSRangeSource
2496 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btr23(
2497 	        &ebwtFw, params,
2498 	        qualCutoff, // qualThresh
2499 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2500 	        0,       // reportPartials (don't)
2501 	        true,    // reportExacts
2502 	        rangeMode,// reportRanges
2503 	        NULL,    // seedlings
2504 	        NULL,    // mutations
2505 	        verbose, // verbose
2506 	        &os,
2507 	        true,    // considerQuals
2508 	        true,    // halfAndHalf
2509 	        !noMaqRound);
2510 	// GreedyDFSRangeSource to search for hits for case 4F by extending
2511 	// the partial alignments found in Phase 3
2512 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btf4(
2513 	        &ebwtBw, params,
2514 	        qualCutoff, // qualThresh
2515 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2516 	        0,       // reportPartials (don't)
2517 	        true,    // reportExacts
2518 	        rangeMode,// reportRanges
2519 	        NULL,    // seedlings
2520 	        NULL,    // mutations
2521 	        verbose, // verbose
2522 	        &os,     // reference sequences
2523 	        true,    // considerQuals
2524 	        false, !noMaqRound);
2525 	// Half-and-half GreedyDFSRangeSource for forward read
2526 	GreedyDFSRangeSource btf24(
2527 	        &ebwtBw, params,
2528 	        qualCutoff, // qualThresh
2529 	        maxBtsBetter,          // max backtracks
2530 	        0,       // reportPartials (don't)
2531 	        true,    // reportExacts
2532 	        rangeMode,// reportRanges
2533 	        NULL,    // seedlings
2534 	        NULL,    // mutations
2535 	        verbose, // verbose
2536 	        &os,
2537 	        true,    // considerQuals
2538 	        true,    // halfAndHalf
2539 	        !noMaqRound);
2540 	EList<QueryMutation> muts;
2541 	bool skipped = false;
2542 	pair<bool, bool> get_read_ret = make_pair(false, false);
2544 	uint64_t ncpu_changeovers = 0;
2545 	uint64_t nnuma_changeovers = 0;
2547 	int current_cpu = 0, current_node = 0;
2548 	get_cpu_and_node(current_cpu, current_node);
2550 	std::stringstream ss;
2551 	std::string msg;
2552 	ss << "thread: " << tid << " time: ";
2553 	msg = ss.str();
2554 	{
2555 		Timer timer(std::cout, msg.c_str());
2556 #endif
2557 		while(true) {
2559 			int cpu = 0, node = 0;
2560 			get_cpu_and_node(cpu, node);
2561 			if(cpu != current_cpu) {
2562 				ncpu_changeovers++;
2563 				current_cpu = cpu;
2564 			}
2565 			if(node != current_node) {
2566 				nnuma_changeovers++;
2567 				current_node = node;
2568 			}
2569 #endif
2570 			FINISH_READ(patsrc);
2571 			GET_READ(patsrc);
2572 			uint32_t plen = (uint32_t)patFw.length();
2573 			uint32_t s = seedLen;
2574 			uint32_t s3 = (s >> 1); /* length of 3' half of seed */
2575 			uint32_t s5 = (s >> 1) + (s & 1); /* length of 5' half of seed */
2576 			uint32_t qs = min<uint32_t>(plen, s);
2577 			uint32_t qs3 = qs >> 1;
2578 			uint32_t qs5 = (qs >> 1) + (qs & 1);
2579 			#define DONEMASK_SET(p)
2580 			#include "search_seeded_phase1.c"
2581 			#include "search_seeded_phase2.c"
2582 			#include "search_seeded_phase3.c"
2583 			#include "search_seeded_phase4.c"
2584 			#undef DONEMASK_SET
2585 		}
2586 		FINISH_READ(patsrc);
2587 		if(thread_stealing) {
2588 			decrement_thread_counter();
2589 		}
2590 		if(seedMms > 0) {
2591 			delete pamRc;
2592 			delete pamFw;
2593 		}
2595 		ss.str("");
2596 		ss.clear();
2597 		ss << "thread: " << tid << " cpu_changeovers: " << ncpu_changeovers << std::endl
2598 		   << "thread: " << tid << " node_changeovers: " << nnuma_changeovers << std::endl;
2599 		std::cout << ss.str();
2600 	}
2601 #endif
2602 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2603 	p->done->fetch_add(1);
2604 #endif
2605 	WORKER_EXIT();
2606 }
2607 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2608 //void seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful::operator()() const {
2609 static void seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful(void *vp) {
2610 	thread_tracking_pair *p = (thread_tracking_pair*) vp;
2611 	int tid = p->tid;
2612 #else
2613 static void seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful(void *vp) {
2614 	int tid = *((int*)vp);
2615 #endif
2616 	if(thread_stealing) {
2617 		increment_thread_counter();
2618 	}
2619 	PatternComposer&	_patsrc    = *seededQualSearch_patsrc;
2620 	HitSink&                _sink      = *seededQualSearch_sink;
2621 	Ebwt&			ebwtFw     = *seededQualSearch_ebwtFw;
2622 	Ebwt&			ebwtBw     = *seededQualSearch_ebwtBw;
2623 	EList<BTRefString >& os         = *seededQualSearch_os;
2624 	int                     qualCutoff = seededQualSearch_qualCutoff;
2625 	BitPairReference*       refs       = seededQualSearch_refs;
2627 	// Global initialization
2628 	PatternSourcePerThreadFactory* patsrcFact = createPatsrcFactory(_patsrc, tid, readsPerBatch);
2629 	HitSinkPerThreadFactory* sinkFact = createSinkFactory(_sink, tid);
2630 	ChunkPool *pool = new ChunkPool(chunkSz * 1024, chunkPoolMegabytes * 1024 * 1024, chunkVerbose);
2632 	AlignerMetrics *metrics = NULL;
2633 	if(stats) {
2634 		metrics = new AlignerMetrics();
2635 	}
2636 	UnpairedSeedAlignerFactory alSEfact(
2637 			ebwtFw,
2638 			&ebwtBw,
2639 			!nofw,
2640 			!norc,
2641 			seedMms,
2642 			seedLen,
2643 			qualCutoff,
2644 			maxBts,
2645 			_sink,
2646 			*sinkFact,
2647 			NULL, //&cacheFw,
2648 			NULL, //&cacheBw,
2649 			cacheLimit,
2650 			pool,
2651 			refs,
2652 			os,
2653 			!noMaqRound,
2654 			!better,
2655 			strandFix,
2656 			rangeMode,
2657 			verbose,
2658 			quiet,
2659 			seed,
2660 			metrics);
2661 	PairedSeedAlignerFactory alPEfact(
2662 			ebwtFw,
2663 			&ebwtBw,
2664 			useV1,
2665 			!nofw,
2666 			!norc,
2667 			seedMms,
2668 			seedLen,
2669 			qualCutoff,
2670 			maxBts,
2671 			_sink,
2672 			*sinkFact,
2673 			mate1fw,
2674 			mate2fw,
2675 			minInsert,
2676 			maxInsert,
2677 			dontReconcileMates,
2678 			mhits,       // for symCeiling
2679 			mixedThresh,
2680 			mixedAttemptLim,
2681 			NULL, //&cacheFw,
2682 			NULL, //&cacheBw,
2683 			cacheLimit,
2684 			pool,
2685 			refs,
2686 			os,
2687 			reportSe,
2688 			!noMaqRound,
2689 			!better,
2690 			strandFix,
2691 			rangeMode,
2692 			verbose,
2693 			quiet,
2694 			seed);
2695 	{
2696 		MixedMultiAligner multi(
2697 				prefetchWidth,
2698 				qUpto,
2699 				alSEfact,
2700 				alPEfact,
2701 				*patsrcFact);
2702 		// Run that mother
2703 		multi.run(false, tid);
2704 		// MultiAligner must be destroyed before patsrcFact
2705 	}
2706 	if(metrics != NULL) {
2707 		metrics->printSummary();
2708 		delete metrics;
2709 	}
2711 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2712 	p->done->fetch_add(1);
2713 #endif
2714 	if(thread_stealing) {
2715 		decrement_thread_counter();
2716 	}
2718 	delete patsrcFact;
2719 	delete sinkFact;
2720 	delete pool;
2721 	return;
2722 }
2724 /**
2725  * Search for a good alignments for each read using criteria that
2726  * correspond somewhat faithfully to Maq's.  Search is aided by a pair
2727  * of Ebwt indexes, one for the original references, and one for the
2728  * transpose of the references.  Neither index should be loaded upon
2729  * entry to this function.
2730  *
2731  * Like Maq, we treat the first 24 base pairs of the read (those
2732  * closest to the 5' end) differently from the remainder of the read.
2733  * We call the first 24 base pairs the "seed."
2734  */
2735 static void seededQualCutoffSearchFull(
2736         int seedLen,                    /// length of seed (not a maq option)
2737         int qualCutoff,                 /// maximum sum of mismatch qualities
2738                                         /// like maq map's -e option
2739                                         /// default: 70
2740         int seedMms,                    /// max # mismatches allowed in seed
2741                                         /// (like maq map's -n option)
2742                                         /// Can only be 1 or 2, default: 1
2743         PatternComposer& _patsrc,   /// pattern source
2744         HitSink& _sink,                 /// hit sink
2745         Ebwt& ebwtFw,             /// index of original text
2746         Ebwt& ebwtBw,             /// index of mirror text
2747         EList<BTRefString >& os)      /// text strings, if available (empty otherwise)
2748 {
2749 	// Global intialization
2750 	assert_leq(seedMms, 3);
2752 	seededQualSearch_patsrc   = &_patsrc;
2753 	seededQualSearch_sink     = &_sink;
2754 	seededQualSearch_ebwtFw   = &ebwtFw;
2755 	seededQualSearch_ebwtBw   = &ebwtBw;
2756 	seededQualSearch_os       = &os;
2757 	seededQualSearch_doneMask = NULL;
2758 	seededQualSearch_hitMask  = NULL;
2759 	seededQualSearch_pamFw    = NULL;
2760 	seededQualSearch_pamRc    = NULL;
2761 	seededQualSearch_qualCutoff = qualCutoff;
2763 	// Create range caches, which are shared among all aligners
2764 	BitPairReference *refs = NULL;
2765 	bool pair = mates1.size() > 0 || mates12.size() > 0;
2766 	if(pair && mixedThresh < 0xffffffff) {
2767 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading reference: ", timing);
2768 		refs = new BitPairReference(adjustedEbwtFileBase, sanityCheck, NULL, &os, false, true, useMm, useShmem, mmSweep, verbose, startVerbose);
2769 		if(!refs->loaded()) throw 1;
2770 	}
2771 	seededQualSearch_refs = refs;
2773 	int tids[max(nthreads, thread_ceiling)];
2774 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2775 	EList<std::thread*> threads;
2776 	EList<thread_tracking_pair> tps;
2777 	tps.resizeExact(max(nthreads, thread_ceiling));
2778 #else
2779 	EList<tthread::thread*> threads;
2780 #endif
2782 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2783 	std::atomic<int> all_threads_done;
2784 	all_threads_done = 0;
2785 #endif
2788 	assert(!ebwtBw.isInMemory());
2789 	{
2790 		// Load the other half of the index into memory
2791 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time loading mirror index: ", timing);
2792 		ebwtBw.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose);
2793 	}
2794 	CHUD_START();
2795 	{
2796 		// Phase 1: Consider cases 1R and 2R
2797 		Timer _t(cerr, "Seeded quality full-index search: ", timing);
2799 #ifndef _WIN32
2800 		int pid = 0;
2801 		if(thread_stealing) {
2802 			pid = getpid();
2803 			write_pid(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), pid);
2804 			thread_counter = 0;
2805 		}
2806 #endif
2808 		for(int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
2809 			tids[i] = i;
2810 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2811 			tps[i].tid = tids[i];
2812 			tps[i].done = &all_threads_done;
2813 			if (i == nthreads - 1) {
2814 				if(stateful) {
2815 					seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful((void*)&tps[i]);
2816 				} else {
2817 					seededQualSearchWorkerFull((void*)&tps[i]);
2818 				}
2819 			}
2820 			else {
2821 				if(stateful) {
2822 					threads.push_back(new std::thread(seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful, (void*)&tps[i]));
2823 				} else {
2824 					threads.push_back(new std::thread(seededQualSearchWorkerFull, (void*)&tps[i]));
2825 				}
2826 				threads[i]->detach();
2827 				SLEEP(10);
2828 		    }
2829 #else
2830 			if (i == nthreads - 1) {
2831 				if(stateful) {
2832 					seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful((void*)(tids + i));
2833 				} else {
2834 					seededQualSearchWorkerFull((void*)(tids + i));
2835 				}
2836 			}
2837 			else {
2838 				if(stateful) {
2839 					threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful, (void *)(tids + i)));
2840 				} else {
2841 					threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(seededQualSearchWorkerFull, (void *)(tids + i)));
2842 				}
2843 			}
2844 #endif
2845 		}
2847 #ifndef _WIN32
2848 		if(thread_stealing) {
2849 			int orig_threads = nthreads, steal_ctr = 1;
2850 			for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
2851 				sleep(1);
2852 			}
2853 			while(thread_counter > 0) {
2854 				if(steal_thread(pid, orig_threads)) {
2855 					nthreads++;
2856 					tids[nthreads-1] = nthreads - 1;
2857 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2858 					tps[nthreads-1].tid = nthreads - 1;
2859 					tps[nthreads-1].done = &all_threads_done;
2860 					if(stateful) {
2861 						threads.push_back(new std::thread(seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful, (void*)&tps[nthreads-1]));
2862 					} else {
2863 						threads.push_back(new std::thread(seededQualSearchWorkerFull, (void*)&tps[nthreads-1]));
2864 					}
2865 					threads[nthreads-1]->detach();
2866 					SLEEP(10);
2867 #else
2868 					if(stateful) {
2869 						threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(seededQualSearchWorkerFullStateful, (void *)(tids + nthreads - 1)));
2870 					} else {
2871 						threads.push_back(new tthread::thread(seededQualSearchWorkerFull, (void *)(tids + nthreads - 1)));
2872 					}
2873 #endif
2874 					cerr << "pid " << pid << " started new worker # " << nthreads << endl;
2875 				}
2876 				steal_ctr++;
2877 				for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
2878 					sleep(1);
2879 				}
2880 			}
2881 		}
2882 #endif
2884 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
2885 		while(all_threads_done < nthreads) {
2886 			SLEEP(10);
2887 		}
2888 #else
2889 		for (int i = 0; i < nthreads - 1; i++) {
2890 			threads[i]->join();
2891 		}
2892 #endif
2894 #ifndef _WIN32
2895 		if(thread_stealing) {
2896 			del_pid(thread_stealing_dir.c_str(), pid);
2897 		}
2898 #endif
2899 	}
2901 	if(refs != NULL) {
2902 		delete refs;
2903 	}
2905 	for (int i = 0; i < nthreads - 1; i++) {
2906 		if (threads[i] != NULL) {
2907 			delete threads[i];
2908 		}
2909 	}
2911 	ebwtBw.evictFromMemory();
2912 }
2914 /**
2915  * Return a new dynamically allocated PatternSource for the given
2916  * format, using the given list of strings as the filenames to read
2917  * from or as the sequences themselves (i.e. if -c was used).
2918  */
2919 static PatternSource*
2920 patsrcFromStrings(int format,
2921                   const EList<string>& reads,
2922                   const EList<string>* quals)
2923 {
2924 	switch(format) {
2925 		case FASTA:
2926 			return new FastaPatternSource (reads, quals,
2927 			                               trim3, trim5);
2928 		case FASTA_CONT:
2929 			return new FastaContinuousPatternSource (
2930 			                               reads, fastaContLen,
2931 			                               fastaContFreq);
2932 		case RAW:
2933 			return new RawPatternSource   (reads, trim3, trim5);
2934 		case FASTQ:
2935 			return new FastqPatternSource (reads, trim3, trim5,
2936 			                               solexaQuals, phred64Quals,
2937 			                               integerQuals);
2938 		case INTERLEAVED:
2939 			return new FastqPatternSource (reads, trim3, trim5,
2940 			                               solexaQuals, phred64Quals,
2941 			                               integerQuals, true /* is interleaved */);
2942 		case TAB_MATE:
2943 			return new TabbedPatternSource(reads, false, trim3, trim5);
2944 		case CMDLINE:
2945 			return new VectorPatternSource(reads, trim3, trim5);
2946 		default: {
2947 			cerr << "Internal error; bad patsrc format: " << format << endl;
2948 			throw 1;
2949 		}
2950 	}
2951 }
2953 static string argstr;
2955 static void driver(const char * type,
2956                    const string& ebwtFileBase,
2957                    const string& query,
2958                    const EList<string>& queries,
2959                    const EList<string>& qualities,
2960                    const string& outfile)
2961 {
2962 	if(verbose || startVerbose)  {
2963 		cerr << "Entered driver(): "; logTime(cerr, true);
2964 	}
2965 	// Vector of the reference sequences; used for sanity-checking
2966 	EList<BTRefString> os;
2967 	// Read reference sequences from the command-line or from a FASTA file
2968 	if(!origString.empty()) {
2969 		// Determine if it's a file by looking at whether it has a FASTA-like
2970 		// extension
2971 		size_t len = origString.length();
2972 		if((len >= 6 && origString.substr(len-6) == ".fasta") ||
2973 		   (len >= 4 && origString.substr(len-4) == ".mfa")   ||
2974 		   (len >= 4 && origString.substr(len-4) == ".fas")   ||
2975 		   (len >= 4 && origString.substr(len-4) == ".fna")   ||
2976 		   (len >= 3 && origString.substr(len-3) == ".fa"))
2977 		{
2978 			// Read fasta file
2979 			EList<string> origFiles;
2980 			tokenize(origString, ",", origFiles);
2981 			readSequenceFiles(origFiles, os);
2982 		} else {
2983 			// Read sequence
2984 			readSequenceString(origString, os);
2985 		}
2986 	}
2987 	// Adjust
2988 	adjustedEbwtFileBase = adjustEbwtBase(argv0, ebwtFileBase, verbose);
2989 	bool isBt2Index = false;
2990 	if (gEbwt_ext == "bt2" || gEbwt_ext == "bt2l") {
2991 		isBt2Index = true;
2992 	}
2995 	EList<PatternSource*> patsrcs_a;
2996 	EList<PatternSource*> patsrcs_b;
2997 	EList<PatternSource*> patsrcs_ab;
2999 	// If there were any first-mates specified, we will operate in
3000 	// stateful mode
3001 	bool paired = mates1.size() > 0 || mates12.size() > 0;
3002 	if(paired) stateful = true;
3004 	// Create list of pattern sources for paired reads appearing
3005 	// interleaved in a single file
3006 	if(verbose || startVerbose) {
3007 		cerr << "Creating paired-end patsrcs: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3008 	}
3009 	for(size_t i = 0; i < mates12.size(); i++) {
3010 		const EList<string>* qs = &mates12;
3011 		EList<string> tmp;
3012 		if(fileParallel) {
3013 			// Feed query files one to each PatternSource
3014 			qs = &tmp;
3015 			tmp.push_back(mates12[i]);
3016 			assert_eq(1, tmp.size());
3017 		}
3018 		patsrcs_ab.push_back(patsrcFromStrings(format, *qs, NULL));
3019 		if(!fileParallel) {
3020 			break;
3021 		}
3022 	}
3024 	// Create list of pattern sources for paired reads
3025 	for(size_t i = 0; i < mates1.size(); i++) {
3026 		const EList<string>* qs = &mates1;
3027 		const EList<string>* quals = &qualities1;
3028 		EList<string> tmpSeq;
3029 		EList<string> tmpQual;
3030 		if(fileParallel) {
3031 			// Feed query files one to each PatternSource
3032 			qs = &tmpSeq;
3033 			tmpSeq.push_back(mates1[i]);
3034 			quals = &tmpSeq;
3035 			tmpQual.push_back(qualities1[i]);
3036 			assert_eq(1, tmpSeq.size());
3037 		}
3038 		if(quals->empty()) quals = NULL;
3039 		patsrcs_a.push_back(patsrcFromStrings(format, *qs, quals));
3040 		if(!fileParallel) {
3041 			break;
3042 		}
3043 	}
3045 	// Create list of pattern sources for paired reads
3046 	for(size_t i = 0; i < mates2.size(); i++) {
3047 		const EList<string>* qs = &mates2;
3048 		const EList<string>* quals = &qualities2;
3049 		EList<string> tmpSeq;
3050 		EList<string> tmpQual;
3051 		if(fileParallel) {
3052 			// Feed query files one to each PatternSource
3053 			qs = &tmpSeq;
3054 			tmpSeq.push_back(mates2[i]);
3055 			quals = &tmpQual;
3056 			tmpQual.push_back(qualities2[i]);
3057 			assert_eq(1, tmpSeq.size());
3058 		}
3059 		if(quals->empty()) quals = NULL;
3060 		patsrcs_b.push_back(patsrcFromStrings(format, *qs, quals));
3061 		if(!fileParallel) {
3062 			break;
3063 		}
3064 	}
3065 	// All mates/mate files must be paired
3066 	assert_eq(patsrcs_a.size(), patsrcs_b.size());
3068 	// Create list of pattern sources for the unpaired reads
3069 	if(verbose || startVerbose) {
3070 		cerr << "Creating single-end patsrcs: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3071 	}
3072 	for(size_t i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
3073 		const EList<string>* qs = &queries;
3074 		const EList<string>* quals = &qualities;
3075 		PatternSource* patsrc = NULL;
3076 		EList<string> tmpSeq;
3077 		EList<string> tmpQual;
3078 		if(fileParallel) {
3079 			// Feed query files one to each PatternSource
3080 			qs = &tmpSeq;
3081 			tmpSeq.push_back(queries[i]);
3082 			quals = &tmpQual;
3083 			tmpQual.push_back(qualities[i]);
3084 			assert_eq(1, tmpSeq.size());
3085 		}
3086 		if(quals->empty()) quals = NULL;
3087 		patsrc = patsrcFromStrings(format, *qs, quals);
3088 		assert(patsrc != NULL);
3089 		patsrcs_a.push_back(patsrc);
3090 		patsrcs_b.push_back(NULL);
3091 		if(!fileParallel) {
3092 			break;
3093 		}
3094 	}
3096 	if(verbose || startVerbose) {
3097 		cerr << "Creating PatternSource: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3098 	}
3099 	PatternComposer *patsrc = NULL;
3100 	if(mates12.size() > 0) {
3101 		patsrc = new SoloPatternComposer(patsrcs_ab);
3102 	} else {
3103 		patsrc = new DualPatternComposer(patsrcs_a, patsrcs_b);
3104 	}
3106 	// Open hit output file
3107 	if(verbose || startVerbose) {
3108 		cerr << "Opening hit output file: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3109 	}
3110 	OutFileBuf *fout;
3111 	if(!outfile.empty()) {
3112 		fout = new OutFileBuf(outfile.c_str(), false);
3113 	} else {
3114 		fout = new OutFileBuf();
3115 	}
3116 	// Initialize Ebwt object and read in header
3117 	if(verbose || startVerbose) {
3118 		cerr << "About to initialize fw Ebwt: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3119 	}
3120 	Ebwt ebwt(adjustedEbwtFileBase,
3121 	                -1,     // don't care about entireReverse
3122 	                true,     // index is for the forward direction
3123 	                /* overriding: */ offRate,
3124 	                /* overriding: */ isaRate,
3125 	                useMm,    // whether to use memory-mapped files
3126 	                useShmem, // whether to use shared memory
3127 	                mmSweep,  // sweep memory-mapped files
3128 	                !noRefNames, // load names?
3129 	                verbose, // whether to be talkative
3130 	                startVerbose, // talkative during initialization
3131 	                false /*passMemExc*/,
3132 	                sanityCheck,
3133 	                isBt2Index);
3134 	Ebwt* ebwtBw = NULL;
3135 	// We need the mirror index if mismatches are allowed
3136 	if(mismatches > 0 || maqLike) {
3137 		if(verbose || startVerbose) {
3138 			cerr << "About to initialize rev Ebwt: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3139 		}
3140 		ebwtBw = new Ebwt(
3141 			adjustedEbwtFileBase + ".rev",
3142 			-1,     // don't care about entireReverse
3143 			false, // index is for the reverse direction
3144 			/* overriding: */ offRate,
3145 			/* overriding: */ isaRate,
3146 			useMm,    // whether to use memory-mapped files
3147 			useShmem, // whether to use shared memory
3148 			mmSweep,  // sweep memory-mapped files
3149 			!noRefNames, // load names?
3150 			verbose,  // whether to be talkative
3151 			startVerbose, // talkative during initialization
3152 			false /*passMemExc*/,
3153 			sanityCheck,
3154 	        isBt2Index);
3155 	}
3156 	if(!os.empty()) {
3157 		for(size_t i = 0; i < os.size(); i++) {
3158 			size_t olen = os[i].length();
3159 			int longestStretch = 0;
3160 			int curStretch = 0;
3161 			for(size_t j = 0; j < olen; j++) {
3162 				if((int)os[i][j] < 4) {
3163 					curStretch++;
3164 					if(curStretch > longestStretch) longestStretch = curStretch;
3165 				} else {
3166 					curStretch = 0;
3167 				}
3168 			}
3169 			if(longestStretch < 1) {
3170 				os.erase(i--);
3171 			}
3172 		}
3173 	}
3174 	if(sanityCheck && !os.empty()) {
3175 		// Sanity check number of patterns and pattern lengths in Ebwt
3176 		// against original strings
3177 		assert_eq(os.size(), ebwt.nPat());
3178 		for(size_t i = 0; i < os.size(); i++) {
3179 			assert_eq(os[i].length(), ebwt.plen()[i]);
3180 		}
3181 		ebwt.loadIntoMemory(-1, !noRefNames, startVerbose);
3182 		ebwt.checkOrigs(os, false);
3183 		ebwt.evictFromMemory();
3184 	}
3185 	{
3186 		Timer _t(cerr, "Time searching: ", timing);
3187 		if(verbose || startVerbose) {
3188 			cerr << "Creating HitSink: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3189 		}
3190 		// Set up hit sink; if sanityCheck && !os.empty() is true,
3191 		// then instruct the sink to "retain" hits in a vector in
3192 		// memory so that we can easily sanity check them later on
3193 		HitSink *sink;
3194 		EList<string>* refnames = &ebwt.refnames();
3195 		if(noRefNames) refnames = NULL;
3196 		if(outType == OUTPUT_FULL) {
3197 			sink = new VerboseHitSink(
3198 					*fout, offBase,
3199 					printCost,
3200 					suppressOuts,
3201 					fullRef,
3202 					dumpAlBase,
3203 					dumpUnalBase,
3204 					dumpMaxBase,
3205 					format == TAB_MATE, sampleMax,
3206 					refnames, nthreads,
3207 					outBatchSz, partitionSz);
3208 		} else if(outType == OUTPUT_SAM) {
3209 			SAMHitSink *sam = new SAMHitSink(
3210 				*fout,
3211 				fullRef, samNoQnameTrunc,
3212 				dumpAlBase,
3213 				dumpUnalBase,
3214 				dumpMaxBase,
3215 				format == TAB_MATE,
3216 				sampleMax,
3217 				refnames,
3218 				nthreads,
3219 				outBatchSz,
3220 				reorder);
3221 			if(!samNoHead) {
3222 				EList<string> refnames;
3223 				if(!samNoSQ) {
3224 					readEbwtRefnames(adjustedEbwtFileBase, refnames);
3225 				}
3226 				sam->appendHeaders(
3227 					sam->out(),
3228 					ebwt.nPat(),
3229 					refnames, samNoSQ,
3230 					ebwt.plen(), fullRef,
3231 					samNoQnameTrunc,
3232 					argstr.c_str(),
3233 					rgs.empty() ? NULL : rgs.c_str());
3234 			}
3235 			sink = sam;
3236 		} else {
3237 			cerr << "Invalid output type: " << outType << endl;
3238 			throw 1;
3239 		}
3240 		if(verbose || startVerbose) {
3241 			cerr << "Dispatching to search driver: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3242 		}
3243 		if(maqLike) {
3244 			seededQualCutoffSearchFull(seedLen,
3245 									   qualThresh,
3246 									   seedMms,
3247 									   *patsrc,
3248 									   *sink,
3249 									   ebwt,    // forward index
3250 									   *ebwtBw, // mirror index (not optional)
3251 									   os);     // references, if available
3252 		}
3253 		else if(mismatches > 0) {
3254 			if(mismatches == 1) {
3255 				assert(ebwtBw != NULL);
3256 				mismatchSearchFull(*patsrc, *sink, ebwt, *ebwtBw, os);
3257 			} else if(mismatches == 2 || mismatches == 3) {
3258 				twoOrThreeMismatchSearchFull(*patsrc, *sink, ebwt, *ebwtBw, os, mismatches == 2);
3259 			} else {
3260 				cerr << "Error: " << mismatches << " is not a supported number of mismatches" << endl;
3261 				throw 1;
3262 			}
3263 		} else {
3264 			// Search without mismatches
3265 			// Note that --fast doesn't make a difference here because
3266 			// we're only loading half of the index anyway
3267 			exactSearch(*patsrc, *sink, ebwt, os);
3268 		}
3269 		// Evict any loaded indexes from memory
3270 		if(ebwt.isInMemory()) {
3271 			ebwt.evictFromMemory();
3272 		}
3273 		if(ebwtBw != NULL) {
3274 			delete ebwtBw;
3275 		}
3276 		sink->finish(hadoopOut); // end the hits section of the hit file
3277 		for(size_t i = 0; i < patsrcs_a.size(); i++) {
3278 			assert(patsrcs_a[i] != NULL);
3279 			delete patsrcs_a[i];
3280 		}
3281 		for(size_t i = 0; i < patsrcs_b.size(); i++) {
3282 			if(patsrcs_b[i] != NULL) {
3283 				delete patsrcs_b[i];
3284 			}
3285 		}
3286 		for(size_t i = 0; i < patsrcs_ab.size(); i++) {
3287 			if(patsrcs_ab[i] != NULL) {
3288 				delete patsrcs_ab[i];
3289 			}
3290 		}
3291 		delete patsrc;
3292 		delete sink;
3293 		if(fout != NULL) delete fout;
3294 	}
3295 }
3297 // C++ name mangling is disabled for the bowtie() function to make it
3298 // easier to use Bowtie as a library.
3299 extern "C" {
3301 /**
3302  * Main bowtie entry function.  Parses argc/argv style command-line
3303  * options, sets global configuration variables, and calls the driver()
3304  * function.
3305  */
3306 int bowtie(int argc, const char **argv) {
3307 	try {
3308   #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
3309   #ifdef WITH_AFFINITY
3310     //CWILKS: adjust this depending on # of hyperthreads per core
3311     pinning_observer pinner( 2 /* the number of hyper threads on each core */ );
3312           pinner.observe( true );
3313   #endif
3314   #endif
3315 		// Reset all global state, including getopt state
3316 		opterr = optind = 1;
3317 		resetOptions();
3318 		for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
3319 			argstr += argv[i];
3320 			if(i < argc-1) argstr += " ";
3321 		}
3322 		string query;   // read query string(s) from this file
3323 		EList<string> queries;
3324 		string outfile; // write query results to this file
3325 		if(startVerbose) { cerr << "Entered main(): "; logTime(cerr, true); }
3326 		parseOptions(argc, argv);
3327 		argv0 = argv[0];
3328 		if(showVersion) {
3329 			cout << argv0 << " version " << BOWTIE_VERSION << endl;
3330 			if(sizeof(void*) == 4) {
3331 				cout << "32-bit" << endl;
3332 			} else if(sizeof(void*) == 8) {
3333 				cout << "64-bit" << endl;
3334 			} else {
3335 				cout << "Neither 32- nor 64-bit: sizeof(void*) = " << sizeof(void*) << endl;
3336 			}
3337 			cout << "Built on " << BUILD_HOST << endl;
3338 			cout << BUILD_TIME << endl;
3339 			cout << "Compiler: " << COMPILER_VERSION << endl;
3340 			cout << "Options: " << COMPILER_OPTIONS << endl;
3341 			cout << "Sizeof {int, long, long long, void*, size_t, off_t}: {"
3342 				 << sizeof(int)
3343 				 << ", " << sizeof(long) << ", " << sizeof(long long)
3344 				 << ", " << sizeof(void *) << ", " << sizeof(size_t)
3345 				 << ", " << sizeof(off_t) << "}" << endl;
3346 			return 0;
3347 		}
3348 	#ifdef CHUD_PROFILING
3349 		chudInitialize();
3350 		chudAcquireRemoteAccess();
3351 	#endif
3352 		{
3353 			Timer _t(cerr, "Overall time: ", timing);
3354 			if(startVerbose) {
3355 				cerr << "Parsing index and read arguments: "; logTime(cerr, true);
3356 			}
3358 			// Get index basename
3359 			if (ebwtFile.empty()) {
3360 				if(optind >= argc) {
3361 					cerr << "No index, query, or output file specified!" << endl;
3362 					printUsage(cerr);
3363 					return 1;
3364 				}
3365 				std::cerr << "Setting the index via positional argument"
3366 					  << " will be deprecated in a future release."
3367 					  << " Please use -x option instead." << std::endl;
3368 				ebwtFile = argv[optind++];
3369 			}
3371 			// Get query filename
3372 			if(optind >= argc) {
3373 				if(mates1.size() > 0 || mates12.size() > 0) {
3374 					query = "";
3375 				} else {
3376 					cerr << "No query or output file specified!" << endl;
3377 					printUsage(cerr);
3378 					return 1;
3379 				}
3380 			} else if (mates1.size() == 0 && mates12.size() == 0) {
3381 				query = argv[optind++];
3382 				// Tokenize the list of query files
3383 				tokenize(query, ",", queries);
3384 				if(queries.size() < 1) {
3385 					cerr << "Tokenized query file list was empty!" << endl;
3386 					printUsage(cerr);
3387 					return 1;
3388 				}
3389 			}
3391 			// Get output filename
3392 			if(optind < argc) {
3393 				outfile = argv[optind++];
3394 			}
3396 			// Extra parametesr?
3397 			if(optind < argc) {
3398 				cerr << "Extra parameter(s) specified: ";
3399 				for(int i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
3400 					cerr << "\"" << argv[i] << "\"";
3401 					if(i < argc-1) cerr << ", ";
3402 				}
3403 				cerr << endl;
3404 				if(mates1.size() > 0) {
3405 					cerr << "Note that if <mates> files are specified using -1/-2, a <singles> file cannot" << endl
3406 						 << "also be specified.  Please run bowtie separately for mates and singles." << endl;
3407 				}
3408 				throw 1;
3409 			}
3411 			// Optionally summarize
3412 			if(verbose) {
3413 				cout << "Input ebwt file: \"" << ebwtFile << "\"" << endl;
3414 				cout << "Query inputs (DNA, " << file_format_names[format] << "):" << endl;
3415 				for(size_t i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) {
3416 					cout << "  " << queries[i] << endl;
3417 				}
3418 				cout << "Quality inputs:" << endl;
3419 				for(size_t i = 0; i < qualities.size(); i++) {
3420 					cout << "  " << qualities[i] << endl;
3421 				}
3422 				cout << "Output file: \"" << outfile << "\"" << endl;
3423 				cout << "Local endianness: " << (currentlyBigEndian()? "big":"little") << endl;
3424 				cout << "Sanity checking: " << (sanityCheck? "enabled":"disabled") << endl;
3425 			#ifdef NDEBUG
3426 				cout << "Assertions: disabled" << endl;
3427 			#else
3428 				cout << "Assertions: enabled" << endl;
3429 			#endif
3430 			}
3431 			if(ipause) {
3432 				cout << "Press key to continue..." << endl;
3433 				getchar();
3434 			}
3435 			driver("DNA", ebwtFile, query, queries, qualities, outfile);
3436 			CHUD_STOP();
3437 		}
3438 #ifdef CHUD_PROFILING
3439 		chudReleaseRemoteAccess();
3440 #endif
3441   #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
3442   #ifdef WITH_AFFINITY
3443     // Always disable observation before observers destruction
3444         //tracker.observe( false );
3445         pinner.observe( false );
3446   #endif
3447   #endif
3448 		return 0;
3449 	} catch(exception& e) {
3450 		cerr << "Command: ";
3451 		for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) cerr << argv[i] << " ";
3452 		cerr << endl;
3453 		return 1;
3454 	} catch(int e) {
3455 		if(e != 0) {
3456 			cerr << "Command: ";
3457 			for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) cerr << argv[i] << " ";
3458 			cerr << endl;
3459 		}
3460 		return e;
3461 	}
3462 } // bowtie()
3463 } // extern "C"